id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt wu.89073385528 Scott, Walter, Sir Marmion; a tale of Flodden Field. By Walter Scott. 1808 .txt text/plain 57807 6101 95 They bore Lord Marmion's lance so strong, For, as Lord Marmion crossed the court, We saw Lord Marmion pierce his shield, Lord Marmion drank a fair good rest, High thanks were by Lord Marmion paid, * Sir Marmion, she shall be thy bride, The livelong day Lord Marmion rode: For soon Lord Marmion raised his head, Till finds King James meet time to see "Oh well, Lord-Lion, hast thou said, These, as Lord Marmion's train passed by, The King to greet Lord Marmion came, The good Lord Marmion tarries long, Lord Marmion said despiteously, Lord Marmion rode on his right hand, With kindling brow Lord Marmion said, The good Lord Marmion, by my life! * Knight Sir Launcelot, lay that sword from thee, or else thou fair pleasant words, till they laid hands on all the king's servants, and took them and hanged them before his eyes over ./cache/wu.89073385528.pdf ./txt/wu.89073385528.txt