id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-6685 Vietnam War - Wikipedia .html text/html 43472 5018 71 In September 1969, Ho Chi Minh died at age seventy-nine.[173] The failure of Tet in sparking a popular uprising caused a shift in Hanoi's war strategy, and the Giáp-Chinh "Northern-First" faction regained control over military affairs from the Lê Duẩn-Hoàng Văn Thái "Southern-First" faction.[174]:272–4 An unconventional victory was sidelined in favor of a strategy built on conventional victory through conquest.[153]:196–205 Large-scale offensives were rolled back in favour of small-unit and sapper attacks as well as targeting the pacification and Vietnamization strategy.[174] In the two-year period following Tet, the PAVN had begun its transformation from a fine light-infantry, limited mobility force into a high-mobile and mechanised combined arms force.[174]:189 ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-6685.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-6685.txt