id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 14697 Johnston, Mary Lewis Rand .txt text/plain 157914 13312 93 "Yes, my head," said Jacqueline, and went into the house. Lewis Rand sat at ease, a tall and personable man, with the head of a "Good-evening to you, Major Churchill," said Rand. "I asked you to come with me," said Rand, "because I wanted to talk to had a thought of old Gideon Rand, but, remembering in time Mr. Jefferson's high opinion of the man now occupying his chair, sat down time to play or to learn--he worked all day in the fields like a hand. blue room, is Mr. Lewis Rand, and I heard Mr. Fairfax Cary say that "Mr. Rand is our guest," said Jacqueline, in a clear voice, from her "I shall have," said Ludwell Cary, "the vines at Greenwood trained like Fairfax Cary asked after Lewis Rand and his broken arm, and Colonel Dick "We would all like to know his name," said Rand. "You are an old man," said Rand. ./cache/14697.txt ./txt/14697.txt