Eleonora a panegyrical poem dedicated to the memory of the late Countess of Abingdon / written by Mr. Dryden. Dryden, John, 1631-1700. 1692 Approx. 30 KB of XML-encoded text transcribed from 17 1-bit group-IV TIFF page images. Text Creation Partnership, Ann Arbor, MI ; Oxford (UK) : 2003-01 (EEBO-TCP Phase 1). A36620 Wing D2270 ESTC R1595 12265160 ocm 12265160 58015 This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal . The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. Early English books online. (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A36620) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 58015) Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 181:20 or 208:11h) Eleonora a panegyrical poem dedicated to the memory of the late Countess of Abingdon / written by Mr. Dryden. Dryden, John, 1631-1700. [8], 24 p. Printed for Jacob Tonson ..., London : 1692. Reproduction of original in Newberry Library and Worcester College Library, Oxford. Created by converting TCP files to TEI P5 using tcp2tei.xsl, TEI @ Oxford. Re-processed by University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Northwestern, with changes to facilitate morpho-syntactic tagging. Gap elements of known extent have been transformed into placeholder characters or elements to simplify the filling in of gaps by user contributors. 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Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Keying and markup guidelines are available at the Text Creation Partnership web site . eng Abingdon, Eleanor Bertie, -- Countess of, -- Poetry. 2002-07 TCP Assigned for keying and markup 2002-07 Apex CoVantage Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images 2002-08 Judith Siefring Sampled and proofread 2002-08 Judith Siefring Text and markup reviewed and edited 2002-10 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion Eleonora : A PANEGYRICAL POEM : Dedicated to the MEMORY Of the Late COUNTESS OF ABINGDON . Written by Mr. DRYDEN . — Superas evadere ad auras , Hoc opus , hic labor est . Pauci , quos aequus amavit Juppiter , aut ardens evexit ad oethera virtus ; Diis geniti potuere . Virgil Aeneid . l. 6. LONDON : Printed for Jacob Tonson , at the Judges Head in Chancery-Lane , near Fleetstreet . 1692. Where compleat Sets of Mr. Dryden's Works are Sold : The Plays being put TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE Earl of Abingdon , &c. MY LORD , THE Commands , with which You honour'd me some Months ago , are now perform'd : They had been sooner ; but betwixt ill health , some business , and many troubles , I was forc'd to deferr them till this time . Ovid , going to his Banishment , and Writing from on Shipbord to his Friends , excus'd the Faults of his Poetry by his Misfortunes ; and told them , that good Verses never flow , but from a serene and compos'd Spirit . Wit , which is a kind of Mercury , with Wings fasten'd to his Head and Heels , can slye but slowly , in a damp air . I therefore chose rather to Obey You late , than ill : if at least I am capable of writing any thing , at any time , which is worthy Your Perusal and Your Patronage . I cannot say that I have escap'd from a Shipwreck ; but have only gain'd a Rock by hard swimming ; where I may pant a while and gather breath : For the Doctors give me a sad assurance , that my Disease never took its leave of any man , but with a purpose to return . However , my Lord , I have laid hold on the Interval , and menag'd the small Stock which Age has left me , to the best advantage , in performing this inconsiderable service to my Ladies Memory . We , who are Priests of Apollo , have not the Inspiration when we please ; but must wait till the God comes rushing on us , and invades us with a fury , which we are not able to resist : which gives us double strength while the Fit continues , and leaves us languishing and spent , at its departure . Let me not seem to boast , my Lord ; for I have really felt it on this Occasion ; and prophecy'd beyond my natural power . Let me add , and hope to be believ'd , that the Excellency of the Subject contributed much to the Happiness of the Execution : And that the weight of thirty Years was taken off me , while I was writing . I swom with the Tyde , and the Water under me was buoyant . The Reader will easily observe , that I was transported , by the multitude and variety of my Similitudes ; which are generally the product of a luxuriant Fancy ; and the wantonness of Wit. Had I call'd in my Judgment to my assistance , I had certainly retrench'd many of them . But I defend them not ; let them pass for beautiful faults amongst the better sort of Critiques : For the whole Poem , though written in that which they call Heroique Verse , is of the Pindarique nature , as well in the Thought as the Expression ; and as such , requires the same grains of allowance for it . It was intended , as Your Lordship sees in the Title , not for an Elegie ; but a Panegyrique . A kind of Apotheosis , indeed ; if a Heathen Word may be applyed to a Christian use . And on all Occasions of Praise , if we take the Ancients for our Patterns , we are bound by Prescription to employ the magnificence of Words , and the force of Figures , to adorn the sublimity of Thoughts . Isocrates amongst the Grecian Orators ; and Cicero , and the younger Pliny , amongst the Romans , have left us their Precedents for our security : For I think I need not mention the inimitable Pindar , who stretches on these Pinnions out of sight , and is carried upward , as it were , into another World. This at least , my Lord , I may justly plead , that if I have not perform'd so well as I think I have , yet I have us'd my best endeavours to excel my self . One Disadvantage I have had , which is , never to have known , or seen my Lady : And to draw the Lineaments of her Mind , from the Description which I have receiv'd from others , is for a Painter to set himself at work without the living Original before him . Which the more beautiful it is , will be so much the more difficult for him to conceive ; when he has only a relation given him , of such and such Features by an Acquaintance or a Friend ; without the Nice Touches which give the best Resemblance , and make the Graces of the Picture . Every Artist is apt enough to flatter himself , ( and I amongst the rest ) that their own ocular Observations , would have discover'd more perfections , at least others , than have been deliver'd to them : Though I have receiv'd mine from the best hands , that is , from Persons who neither want a just Vnderstanding of my Lady's Worth , nor a due Veneration for her Memory . Doctor Donn the greatest Wit , though not the best Poet of our Nation , acknowledges , that he had never seen Mrs. Drury , whom he has made immortal in his admirable Anniversaries ; I have had the same fortune ; though I have not succeeded to the same Genius . However , I have follow'd his footsteps in the Design of his Panegyrick , which was to raise an Emulation in the living , to Copy out the Example of the dead . And therefore it was , that I once intended to have call'd this Poem , the Pattern : And though on a second consideration , I chang'd the Title into the Name of that Illustrious Person , yet the Design continues , and Eleonora is still the Pattern of Charity , Devotion , and Humility ; of the best Wife , the best Mother , and the best of Friends . And now , my Lord , though I have endeavour'd to answer Your Commands , yet I cou'd not answer it to the World , nor to my Conscience , if I gave not Your Lordship my Testimony of being the best Husband now living : I say my Testimony only : For the praise of it , is given You by Your self . They who despise the Rules of Virtue both in their Practice and their Morals , will think this a very trivial Commendation . But I think it the peculiar happiness of the Countess of Abingdon , to have been so truly lov'd by you , while she was living , and so greatefully honour'd , after she was dead . Few there are who have either had , or cou'd have such a loss ; and yet fewer who carried their Love and Constancy beyond the Grave . The exteriours of Mourning , a decent Funeral , and black Habits , are the usual stints of Common Husbands : and perhaps their Wives deserve no better than to be mourn'd with Hypocrisie , and forgot with ease . But You have distinguish'd Your self from ordinary Lovers , by a real , and lasting grief for the Deceas'd . And by endeavouring to raise for her , the most durable Monument , which is that of Verse . And so it wou'd have prov'd if the Workman had been equal to the Work ; and Your Choice of the Artificer , as happy as Your Design . Yet , as Phidias when he had made the Statue of Minerva , cou'd not forbear to ingrave his own Name , as Author of the Piece ; so give me leave to hope , that by Subscr●ving mine to this Poem , I may live by the Goddess , and transmit my Name to Posterity by the memory of Hers. 'T is no flat●ery , to assure Your Lordship , that she is remember'd in the pre●ent Age , by all who have had the Honour of her Conversation and Acquaintance . And that I have never been in any Company since the news of her death was first brought me , where they have not extoll'd her Virtues ; and even spoken the same things of her in Prose , which I have done in Verse . I therefore think my self oblig'd to thank Your Lordship for the Commission which You have given me : How I have acquitted my self of it , must be left to the Opinion of the World , in spight of any Protestation , which I can enter against the present Age , as Incompetent , or Corrupt Judges . For my Comfort they are but Englishmen , and as such , if they Think Ill of me to Day , they are inconstant enough , to Think Well of me to Morrow . And , after all , I have not much to thank my Fortune that I was born amongst them . The Good of both Sexes are so few , in England , that they stand like Exceptions against General Rules : And though one of them has deserv'd a greater Commendation , than I cou'd give her , they have taken care , that I shou'd not tire my Pen , with frequent exercise on the like Subjects ; that Praises , like Taxes , shou'd be appropriated ; and left almost as Individual as the Person . They say my Talent is Satyre ; if it be so , 't is a Fruitful Age ; and there is an extraordinary Crop to gather . But a single hand is insufficient for such a Harvest : They have sown the Dragons Teeth themselves ; and 't is but just they shou'd reap each other in Lampoons . You , my Lord , who have the Character of Honour , though 't is not my Happiness to know You , may stand aside , with the small Remainders of the English Nobility , truly such , and unhurt your selves , your Selves mad Combat . If I have pleas'd You , and some few others , I have obtain'd my end . You see , I have disabled my self , like an Elected Speaker of the House ; yet like him I have undertaken the Charge ; and find the Burden sufficiently recompenc'd by the Honour . Be pleas'd to accept of these my Vnworthy Labours ; this Paper Monument ; and let her Pious Memory , which I am sure is Sacred to You , not only plead the Pardon of my many Faults , but gain me Your Protection , which is ambitiously sought by , MY LORD , Your Lordship 's Most Obedient Servant , John Dryden . Eleonora : A PANEGYRICAL POEM Dedicated to the MEMORY OF THE Late Countess of ABINGDON . AS , when some Great and Gracious Monarch dies , Soft whispers , first , and mournful Murmurs rise Among the sad Attendants ; then , the sound Soon gathers voice , and spreads the news around , Through Town and Country , till the dreadful blast Is blown to distant Colonies at last ; Who , then perhaps , were off'ring Vows in vain , For his long life , and for his happy Reign : So slowly , by degrees , unwilling Fame Did Matchless Eleonora's fate proclaim , Till publick as the loss , the news became . The Nation felt it , in th' extremest parts ; With eyes o'reflowing , and with bleeding hearts : But most the Poor , whom daily she supply'd ; Beginning to be such , but when she dy'd . For , while she liv'd , they slept in peace , by night ; Secure of bread , as of returning light ; And , with such firm dependance on the Day , That need grew pamper'd ; and forgot to pray : So sure the Dole , so ready at their call , They stood prepar'd to see the Manna fall . Such Multitudes she fed , she cloath'd , she nurst That she , her self , might fear her wanting first . Of her Five Talents , other five she made ; Heav'n , that had largely giv'n , was largely pay'd : And , in few lives , in wondrous few , we find A Fortune , better fitted to the Mind . Nor did her Alms from Ostentation fall , Or proud desire of Praise ; the Soul gave all : Unbrib'd it gave ; or , if a bribe appear , No less than Heav'n ; to heap huge treasures , there . Want pass'd for Merit , at her open door , Heav'n saw , he safely might increase his Poor . And trust their Sustenance with her so well , As not to be at charge of Miracle . None cou'd be needy , whom she saw , or knew ; All , in the Compass of her Sphear , she drew : He who cou'd touch her Garment , was as sure , As the first Christians of th' Apostles cure . The distant heard , by Fame , her pious deeds ; And laid her up , for their extremest needs ; A future Cordial , for a fainting Mind ; For , what was ne're refus'd , all hop'd to find ; Each in his turn : The Rich might freely come , As to a Friend ; but to the Poor , 't was Home . As to some Holy House th' Afflicted came ; The Hunger-starv'd , the Naked , and the Lame ; Want and Diseases fled before her Name . For zeal like hers , her Servants were too slow ; She was the first where need requir'd , to go ; Her self the Foundress , and Attendant too . Sure she had Guests sometimes to entertain ; Guests in disguise , of her Great Master's Train : Her Lord himself might come , for ought we know ; Since in a Servant's form he liv'd below : Beneath her Roof , he might be pleas'd to stay : Or some benighted Angel , in his way Might case his Wings ; and seeing Heav'n appear In its best work of Mercy , think it there , Where all the deeds of Charity and Love Were in as constant Method , as above : All carry'd on ; all of a piece with theirs ; As free her Alms , as diligent her cares ; As loud her Praises , and as warm her Pray'rs . Yet was she not profuse ; but fear'd to wast , And wisely manag'd , that the stock might last ; That all might be supply'd ; and she not grieve When Crouds appear'd , she had not to relieve . Which to prevent , she still increas'd her store ; Laid up , and spar'd , that she might give the more : So Pharaoh , or some Greater King than he , Provided for the sev'nth Necessity : Taught from above , his Magazines to frame ; That Famine was prevented e're it came . Thus Heav'n , though All-sufficient , shows a thrift In his Oeconomy , and bounds his gift : Creating for our Day , one single Light ; And his Reflection too supplies the Night : Perhaps a thousand other Worlds , that lye Remote from us , and latent in the Sky , Are lighten'd by his Beams , and kindly nurst ; Of which our Earthly Dunghil is the worst . Now , as all Vertues keep the middle line , Yet somewhat more to one extreme incline , Such was her Soul ; abhorring Avarice , Bounteous , but , almost bounteous to a Vice : Had she giv'n more , it had Profusion been , And turn'd th' excess of Goodness , into Sin. These Vertues rais'd her Fabrick to the Sky ; For that which is next Heav'n , is Charity . But , as high Turrets , for their Ay'ry steep Require Foundations , in proportion deep : And lofty Cedars , as far , upward shoot , As to the neather Heav'ns they drive the root ; So low did her secure Foundation lye , She was not Humble , but Humility . Scarcely she knew that she was great , or fair , Or wise , beyond what other Women are , Or , which is better , knew ; but never durst compare . For to be consc'ious of what all admire , And not be vain , advances Vertue high'r : But still she found , or rather thought she found , Her own worth wanting , others to abound : Ascrib'd above their due to ev'ry one , Unjust and scanty to her self alone . Such her Devotion was , as might give rules Of Speculation , to disputing Schools ; And teach us equally the Scales to hold Betwixt the two Extremes of hot and cold ; That pious heat may mod'rately prevail , And we be warm'd , but not be scorch'd with zeal . Business might shorten , not disturb her Pray'r ; Heav'n had the best , if not the greater share . An Active life , long Oraisons forbids ; Yet still she pray'd , for still she p●ay'd by deeds . Her ev'ry day was Sabbath : Only free From hours of Pray'r , for hours of Charity . Such as the Jews from servile toil releast ; Where works of Mercy were a part of rest : Such as blest Angels exercise above , Vary'd with Sacred Hymns , and Acts of Love ; Such Sabbaths as that one she now enjoys ; Ev'n that perpetual one , which she employs , ( For such vicissitudes in Heav'n there are ) In Praise alternate , and alternate Pray'r . All this she practis'd here ; that when she sprung Amidst the Quires , at the first sight she sung . Sung , and was sung her self , in Angels Lays ; For praising her , they did her Maker praise . All Offices of Heav'n so well she knew , Before she came , that nothing there was new . And she was so familiarly receiv'd , As one returning , not as one arriv'd . Muse , down again precipitate thy flight ; For how can Mortal Eyes sustain Immortal Light ! But as the Sun in Water we can bear , Yet not the Sun , but his Reflection there , So let us view her here , in what she was ; And take her Image , in this watry Glass : Yet look not ev'ry Lineament to see ; Some will be cast in shades ; and some will be So lamely drawn , you scarcely know , 't is she . For where such various Vertues we recite , 'T is like the Milky-Way , all over bright , But sown so thick with Stars , 't is undistinguish'd Light. Her Vertue , not her Vertues let us call , For one Heroick comprehends 'em all : One , as a Constellation is but one ; Though 't is a Train of Stars , that , rolling on , Rise in their turn , and in the Zodiack run . Ever in Motion ; now 't is Faith ascends , Now Hope , now Charity , that upward tends , And downvvards vvith diffusive Good , descends . As in Perfumes compos'd with Art and Cost , 'T is hard to say what Scent is uppermost ; Nor this part Musk or Civet can we call , Or Amber , but a rich Result of all ; So , she was all a Sweet ; whose ev'ry part , In due proportion mix'd , proclaim'd the Maker's Art. No single Virtue we cou'd most commend ; Whether the Wife , the Mother , or the Friend ; For she was all , in that supreme degree , That , as no one prevail'd , so all was she . The sev'ral parts lay hidden in the Piece ; Th' Occasion but exerted that , or this . A Wife as tender , and as true withall , As the first Woman was , before her fall : Made for the Man , of whom she was a part ; Made , to attract his Eyes , and keep his Heart . A second Eve , but by no Crime accurst ; As beautcous , not as brittle as the first . Had she been first , still Paradise had bin , And Death had found no entrance by her sin . So she not only had preserv'd from ill Her Sex and ours , but liv'd their Pattern still . Love and Obedience to her Lord she bore , She much obey'd him , but she lov'd him more . Not aw'd to Duty by superior sway ; But taught by his Indulgence to obey . Thus we love God as Author of our good ; So Subjects love just Kings , or so they shou'd . Nor was it with Ingratitude return'd ; In equal Fires the blissful Couple burn'd : One Joy possess'd 'em both , and in one Grief they mourn'd . His Passion still improv'd : he lov'd so fast As if he fear'd each day wou'd be her last . Too true a Propher to foresee the Fate That shou'd so soon divide their happy State : When he to Heav'n entirely must restore That Love , that Heart , where he went halves before . Yet as the Soul is all in ev'ry part , So God and He , might each have all her Heart . So had her Children too ; for Charity Was not more fruitful , or more kind than she : Each under other by degrees they grew ; A goodly Perspective of distant view : Anchises look'd not with so pleas'd a Face In numb'ring o'er his future Roman Race , And Marshalling the Heroes of his name As , in their Order , next to light they came ; Nor Cybele with half so kind an Eye , Survey'd her Sons and Daughters of the Skie . Proud , shall I say , of her immortal Fruit , As far as Pride with Heav'enly Minds may suit . Her pious love excell'd to all she bore ; New Objects only multiply'd it more . And as the Chosen found the perly Grain As much as ev'ry Vessel cou'd contain ; As in the Blissfull Vision each shall share , As much of Glory , as his Soul can bear ; So did she love , and so dispence her Care. Her eldest thus , by consequence , was best ; As longer cultivated than the rest : The Babe had all that Infant care beguiles , And early knew his Mother in her smiles : But when dilated Organs let in day To the young Soul , and gave it room to play , At his first aptness , the Maternal Love Those Rudiments of Reason did improve : The tender Age was pliant to command ; Like Wax it yielded to the forming hand : True to th' Artificer , the labour'd Mind With ease was pious , generous , just and kind ; Soft for Impression from the first , prepar'd , Till Vertue , with long exercise , grew hard ; With ev'ry Act confirm'd ; and made , at last So durable , as not to be effac'd , It turn'd to Habit ; and , from Vices free , Goodness resolv'd into Necessity . Thus fix'd she Virtue 's Image , that 's her own , Till the whole Mother in the Children shone ; For that was their Perfection : she was such , They never cou'd express her Mind too much . So unexhausted her Perfections were , That , for more Children , she had more to spare : For Souls unborn , whom her untimely death Depriv'd of Bodies , and of mortal breath : And ( cou'd they take th'Impressions of her Mind ) Enough still left to sanctifie her Kind . Then wonder not to see this Soul extend The bounds , and seek some other self , a Friend : As swelling Seas to gentle Rivers glide , To seek repose , and empty out the Tyde ; So this full Soul , in narrow limits pent , Unable to contain her , sought a vent , To issue out , and in some friendly breast Discharge her Treasures , and securely rest . T'unbosom all the secrets of her Heart , Take good advice , but better to impart . For 't is the bliss of Friendship 's holy state To mix their Minds , and to communicate ; Though Bodies cannot , Souls can penetrate . Fixt to her choice ; inviolably true ; And wisely chusing , for she chose but few . Some she must have ; but in no one cou'd find A Tally fitted for so large a Mind . The Souls of Friends , like Kings in Progress are ; Still in their own , though from the Pallace far : Thus her Friend's Heart her Country Dwelling was , A sweet Retirement to a courser place : Where Pomp and Ceremonies enter'd not ; Where Greatness was shut out , and Buis'ness well forgot . This is th' imperfect draught ; but short as far As the true height and bigness of a Star Exceeds the Measures of th' Astronomer . She shines above we know , but in what place , How near the Throne , and Heav'ns Imperial Face , By our weak Opticks is but vainly ghest ; Distance and Altitude conceal the rest . Tho all these rare Endowments of the Mind Were in a narrow space of life confin'd ; The Figure was with full Perfection crown'd ; Though not so large an Orb , as truly round . As when in glory , through the publick place , The Spoils of conquer'd Nations were to pass , And but one Day for Tiumph was allow'd , The Consul was constrain'd his Pomp to crowd ; And so the swift Procession hurry'd on , That all , though not distinctly , might be shown ; So , in the straiten'd bounds of life confin'd , She gave but glimpses of her glorious Mind : And multitudes of Vertues pass'd along ; Each pressing foremost in the mighty throng ; Ambitious to be seen , and then make room , For greater Multitudes that were to come . Yet unemploy'd no Minute slipt away ; Moments were precious in so short a stay . The haste of Heav'n to have her was so great , That some were single Acts , though each compleat ; But ev'ry Act stood ready to repeat . Her fellow Saints with busie care , will look For her blest Name , in Fate 's eternal Book ; And , pleas'd to be outdone , with joy will see Numberless Vertues , endless Charity ; But more will wonder at so short an Age ; To find a Blank beyond the thirti'th Page ; And with a pious fear begin to doubt The Piece imperfect , and the rest torn out . But 't was her Saviour's time ; and , cou'd there be A Copy near th' Original , 't was she . As precious Gums are not for lasting fire , They but perfume the Temple , and expire , So was she soon exhal'd ; and vanish'd hence ; A short sweet Odour , of a vast expence . She vanish'd , we can scarcely say she dy'd ; For but a Now , did Heav'n and Earth divide : She pass'd serenely with a single breath , This Moment perfect health , the next was death . One sigh , did her eternal Bliss assure ; So little Penance needs , when Souls are almost pure . As gentle Dreams our waking Thoughts pursue ; Or , one Dream pass'd , we slide into a new ; ( So close they follow , such wild Order keep , We think our selves awake , and are asleep : ) So softly death succeeded life , in her ; She did but dream of Heav'n , and she was there . No Pains she suffer'd , nor expir'd with Noise ; Her Soul was whisper'd out , with God's still Voice : As an old Friend is beckon'd to a Feast , And treated like a long familiar Guest ; He took her as he found ; but found her so , As one in hourly readiness to go . Ev'n on that day , in all her Trim prepar'd ; As early notice she from Heav'n had heard , And some descending Courtier , from above Had giv'n her timely warning to remove : Or counsell'd her to dress the nuptial Room ; For on that Night the Bridegroom was to come . He kept his hour , and found her where she lay Cloath'd all in white , the Liv'ry of the Day : Scarce had she sinn'd , in thought , or word , or act ; Unless Omissions were to pass for fact : That hardly Death a Consequence cou'd draw , To make her liable to Nature's Law. And that she dy'd , we only have to show , The mortal part of her she left below : The rest ( so smooth , so suddenly she went ) Look'd like Translation , through the Firmament ; Or like the fiery Carr , on the third Errand sent . O happy Soul ! if thou canst view from high , Where thou art all Intelligence , all Eye , If looking up to God , or down to us , Thou find'st , that any way be pervious , Survey the ruines of thy House , and see Thy widow'd , and thy Orphan Family ; Look on thy tender Pledges left behind : And , if thou canst a vacant Minute find From Heav'nly Joys , that Interval afford To thy sad Children , and thy mourning Lord. See how they grieve , mistaken in their love , And shed a beam of Comfort from above ; Give 'em , as much as mortal Eyes can bear , A transient view of thy full glories there ; That they with mod'rate sorrow may sustain And mollifie their Losses , in thy Gain . Or else divide the grief , for such thou wert , That shou'd not all Relations bear a part , It were enough to break a single heart . Let this suffice : Nor thou , great Saint , refuse This humble Tribute of no vulgar Muse : Who , not by Cares , or Wants , or Age deprest , Stems a wild Deluge with a dauntless brest : And dares to sing thy Praises , in a Clime Where Vice triumphs , and Vertue is a Crime : Where ev'n to draw the Picture of thy Mind , Is Satyr on the most of Humane Kind : Take it , while yet 't is Praise ; before my rage Unsafely just , break loose on this bad Age ; So bad , that thou thy self had'st no defence , From Vice , but barely by departing hence . Be what , and where thou art : To wish thy place , Were in the best , Presumption , more than grace . Thy Reliques ( such thy Works of Mercy are ) Have , in this Poem , been my holy care . As Earth thy Body keeps , thy Soul the Sky , So shall this Verse preserve thy Memory ; For thou shalt make it live , because it sings of thee . FINIS . Notes, typically marginal, from the original text Notes for div A36620-e540 The ducti 〈…〉 〈…〉 Of her prudent Management . Of her 〈…〉 ility . Of her Piety . Of her various Vertues . Of her C●●jugal Vi●tues . Of her 〈◊〉 to her C●●●dren . 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 Her prepa-redness to dye . She dy'd on Whitsunday night . Apostrophe to her Soul. Epiphonema : or close of the Poem .