id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_m5qvybmzcbgwpowylk3zyoqbdq Piotr Jaroszyński Beauty in The Universal Encyclopedia of Philosophy 2018 17 .pdf application/pdf 5208 512 66 Beauty (Greek: καλός, Latin: pulchritudo, pulchrum) is an analogically understood property of reality, of human products (including Beauty as music and harmony refers to the universe, to nature, to the Because of the shaky status and conception of beauty in aesthetics, there were even proposals (especially in analytic philosophy) to The aesthetic conceptions of beauty refer to acts of knowledge, beauty, reality, morality, art, human being, Western culture, harmony, perfection, splendor, complacency, pleasure, metaphysics, aesthetics, ugliness, Universal Encyclopedia of Philosophy. "Plotinus's Refutation of Beauty." The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Eseje o pięknie: Problemy estetyki i teorii sztuki [Essays on Beauty: Problems of Aesthetics and of the Theory of Art], edited by Krystyna Wilkoszewska. "The Concept of Beauty in the Philosophy of Naturalism." Revue The Sense of Beauty: Being the Outline of Aesthetic Theory. ./cache/work_m5qvybmzcbgwpowylk3zyoqbdq.pdf ./txt/work_m5qvybmzcbgwpowylk3zyoqbdq.txt