JOURNAL OF SOCIAL, HUMANITIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES Open Access Refereed E-Journal & Refereed & Indexed ISSN 2630-6417 Article Arrival Date: 05.06.2018 Published Date: 24.08.2018 Vol 4/ Issue 10 / pp: 129-133 The Beauty Of Novel “Shakan-Sheri” Bibigul Mynbaikyzy SULTANOVA Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University, 99, Aiteke Bistr., Almaty, Kazakhstan Shodankyzy TOIGANBEKOVA Kazakh National University of a name of al-Farabi, Almaty Kazakhstan Gulfayrus Kazybayevna IBRAYEVA Kazakh National Academy of arts named after T. K.Zhurgenova (boarding-school and college) Almaty, Kazakhstan Gulmira Kalibayevna ABDIRASILOVA Candidate’s (Ph.D.) degree in Philological sciences, an academic title of Associate Professor of Linguistics Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University, 050000, 99 str. Aiteke Bi, Almaty, Kazakhstan ABSTRACT Mukhtar Magauin is a Kazakh writer and publicist. He was born in the district of Chubar-Tau in Semey region (now East Kazakhstan Province) of Kazakhstan on 2 February 1940. He graduated at the Kazakh state university (1962) and the doctorate (1965) there. He was head of the literary criticism department at the “Kazakh literature” newspaper in Almaty. He publishes several scholarly articles and books and novels. When he was mentioned by the Soviet study experts in the West in the book edited by Edward Allworth as one of the nationalist Kazakh writers (1973), the local Communist rulers put his name to the “black list”. Most of his renowned uncensored novels were published only after the collapse of the Soviet Union. He published the novels “The Yellow Kazakh” (1991), “ABC of the Kazakh History” (1993), “Dreams of Kypchaks” (2004), “The Half” (2007), Shakan-sheri” (1993) etc. In 1997, he became the winner of the International Prize for the Turkic speaking writers and culture workers and he received the prize from Suleiman Demirel, the Turkish President at that time. He is also a holder of the title of the People’s Writer of Kazakhstan. Magauin translated several short stories and novels of the prominent foreign writers (William Somerset Maugham, Henry Rider Haggard, etc.) into Kazakh. Nowadays he lives in Prague, the Czech Republic. Mukhtar Magauin - one of the most talented writers, whose work has attracted special attention from literary critics. Creativity Mukhtar Magauin characterized by a rich palette of genre and style, is the subject of a detailed analysis of literary theorists. M.Magauin's creativity of the Soviet time more or is less investigated. M.Magauin’s novel “Shakan-Sheri” the most interesting products and from the point of view of subject movement, and from the point of view of construction of products, style have appeared since 1990. In this connection in the given work the new novel of the writer is considered, and products of the Soviet time are anew reinterpreted. In connection with that during independence Republic of Kazakhstan there was a necessity rereading and reconsiderations of the literature of the Soviet period, and also research of a modern condition of the literature from new positions. Key Words: Image, poetry, lyrics, genre, style, genre and style palette, analyzes, literary critic, a cycle of poems. The great, truely, national writer of Kazakhstan Mukhtar Magauin was born in 1940 in Chubartau district of the Semey region. In 1962 he has graduated from the philological faculty of the Kazakh State University of Kirov, and in 1965 - a postgraduate study. M. Magauin has begun to write since 1964. In the beginning, he becomes widely known for his interesting researches on history of medieval Kazakh poetry. Only later he released several collections of stories: “Kobyz saryny”, “Kazakh akyn-zhyraulary” - monograph 1969; “Kok munar” – 1972; “Bir Refereed & Index & Open Access Journal 2018 August JOURNAL OF SOCIAL, HUMANITIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES 2018 4(10):129-133 130 atanyn balalary” - Novels and Stories 1974; “Kok kepter” - Novels and Stories 1979; “Alasapyran” (“Distemper”) novel - film series 1981-1983; “Shakan Sheri” – 1993; “Gasyrlar bederi” – 1994; “Men” novel - film series; “Gaukhar” – 1998; “Taska zhazylgan kolzhazbalar” – 1999, “Shyngys khannyn sharapaty” – 2003; “On ush tomdyk shygarmalar zhinagy” 2002-2003. These collections reflect the post-war peaceful life in city and village, the modern life of the intelligence and students. A novel - film series "Alasapyran" ("Distemper ") (Book 1-I -1981, 2nd - 1983, in Russian - 1985, 1989) reflects the historical relationship between Kazakhstan and Russia, the Kazakh-Russian diplomatic relations in late HҮІ - HҮІІ the beginning of the century. M.Magauin is known about fifty years as a scholar, literary critic, historian and translator among literary circles and readers. M.Magauin not only a great writer, but also a great translator. M.Magauin - author of literary translation into Kazakh language collection of selected S. Maugham short stories (1968), the play "The Kremlin chimes" I.Pogodina, D.Haggardta novel "King Solomon's Mines" (1975). M.Magauin from the beginning of his career has his own importance, importance in the literature. Its different from other styles of works. The high artistic level, subtle psychological analysis, deep philosophical thought, figurative language distinguishes his work. Based on historical documents writer recreated a wide panorama of artistic life of the Kazakh steppe and Russia late XVI and early XVII centuries. From the first steps in literature Mukhtar Magauin proved us that he is able to use the enormous wealth of the native language, its flexibility, with rare, capacious, and at the same time gentle and radiant colors as well as shades. Magauin is a master of plot construction works. He has lack of "reception" forcible introduction of the text superfluous plot conflicts. If we consider separately each human character, they are all in some way are familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. All works of M.Magauin fully meet the requirements and demands of time. M. Magauin with his weighty books answers to modern problems. Feels that he explored deeply to the end a selected topic. Amazing to learn how many archives "dug", visited cities the author of "Shakhan-Sherі" to create the novel. Yes, Muhtar Magauin undoubtedly a huge talent. M.Magauin’s prose is expensive and close to every reader and Kazakh nature paintings embodied in it with tangible clarity, with the utmost melody and melodiousness. MukhtarMagauin came to the Kazakh literature in the sixties of the twentieth century - the Khrushchev "thaw", as it was at this time in the literature comes a new galaxy, a new generation - the young people, uncompromising, well-educated and have not looked up from his folk roots finally, how it will happen later in the period of general mankurt. M.Magauin's creativity of the Soviet time more or is less investigated. M.Magauin’s novel “Shakan- Sheri” the most interesting products and from the point of view of subject movement, and from the point of view of construction of products, style have appeared since 1990. In this connection in the given work the new novel of the writer is considered, and products of the Soviet time are anew reinterpreted. In connection with that during independence Republic of Kazakhstan there was a necessity rereading and reconsiderations of the literature of the Soviet period, and also research of a modern condition of the literature from new positions. The novel of MukhtarMagauin attracts rigorous, detailed knowledge is not so much the history of the Kazakh people, many details of ethnographic way of his life. This includes knowledge of folk crafts, crafts, hunting, veterinary, breeding and birds of prey, hunting dogs, racehorses. This includes music, art song. Even this simple transfer of knowledge of the writer can conclude that the basis of the author's conception of the world and man is the idea of knowledge. Hunting was counted as an art, from old time it was main topic of literature. In this case, Malik Gabdullin, who did a huge works on Kazakh literature once said: “Hunting have been a profession Refereed & Index & Open Access Journal 2018 August JOURNAL OF SOCIAL, HUMANITIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES 2018 4(10):129-133 131 from long time in Kazakh nation and as well as complex topic in Kazakh literature. About hunting we can find out many stories, tales, epithets, metaphors in literature. In literature, when people image heroes, they talk how heroes were strong, powerful. Later on, in aitys, every single poet compares himself to birds of prey, eagle”. In truth, despite from stories, tales in Kazakh literature about hunting, we know heritages which are “Ogyznama”, “Korkyt epos” and many creations of mostly writers of Kazakh nation. Lately, one of the product about hunting that become popular in world literature not only in Kazakh was novel “Shakan-Sheri”. In the novel “Shakan-Sheri” which written by great writer of Kazakh literature, describes by character Shakan the cultures of Kazakh nation that kept until Soviet Union from long times. The novel discusses the problems of life like loneliness and person heartbreaks. «Қоңыр түндік ауыр ысырылып, əрең ашылғанда жез құрсаулы қара шаңырақтан ұйыған сүттей қою жарықпен қоса ақтарыла төгілген салқын, таза ауа жиһазы шамалы, жасауы шағын, бірақ кең, əрі еңселі төрт қанат киіз үй ішіне серпінді леп əкелген. Аязды, тымық таң. Бозғылт- сары аспан шексіз биік, кіршіксіз таза көрінеді. ✓ Шашадан қар жауыпты, - деді киіз есікті серпе ашып, сырттан құшағын толтыра қамыс сүйрей кірген Ажар. ✓ Жер-дүние аппақ» деген үзіндіден қамыс арасындағы жайбарақат өмір кешіп жатқан қыс мезгіліндегі аязды тымық таңды қарсы алған жалғыз үй иелері Шақан, Ажар баласы Сəлменді суреттейді. «Жер-дүние аппақ» деген сөйлем арқылы автор таңдағы жауған қармен бірге аталған үшеуінің де қаннен қаперсіздігін бейнелесе керек. Баласы Сəлменнің қан сонарға шығамыз деп қуануы, «Қандай жақсы!.. Қоқаңдаған, дікіңдеген ешкім жоқ. Тып-тыныш. Дұрыс болды, өңшең шуылдақтан бөліне көшкенім. Рахат. Иен қамыс, кең дала...» деп автор айнала қоршаған ортадан, туған-туыстан ауылын алысқа көшіріп алған, жалғыздықты таңдап, тағдыр- талайының қандай боларынан еш болжамы жоқ Шақанның аузына сөз сала бейнелейді. By comparing history of nation and events that happening in these days, the writer tried to describe about his native land, the environment that he grow up. The novel “Shakan-Sheri” by MuhtarMagauin is special creation that describes human psychology. Based from that, we can see that writer achieved a good result on beautiful describing in most situations. Particularly, “Shakan-Sheri” has different level on artistry of it is content. In the novel beautifully describes how strong hunter Shakan had a fight with angry tiger that attempted to commit to people. The relatives, after being victims of tiger, in Shakan appeared a revenge to tiger, so Shakan’s boldness and bravery were expanded chapters of novel. The novel describes comparison of glibness of hero with severe tiger. In general, in most creations about animals, we can see brave nature that belongs to people, especially individual nature in Kazakh people. In the novel "Shakan-Sheri" artistic language of M.Magauin has bright ornament and imagery. Philosophic, seeking thoughts determine the presence of his literary personality. He is a master craftsman shaped feed their own thoughts, desire to give different living reality any picture. This is perhaps largely contributes to the skillful combination of magic phrases, phrases of the national language with many turns of speech artistic language, the ability to convincingly convey thought and word. The excellent combination of thought and word is the writer's work: proposals harmonious, clear, easy to understand, penetration, do not leave indifferent and awaken consciousness. M.Magauin beautifully described the feeling of Shakan when he saw first time the tiger, who lately cleaned Ile, Shelek, CharynConion, and all Zhetisu from angry, brave tigers. Truly. Special character trait is confidently. «Жалт бұрылған Шақанды қақ маңдайдан жасын ұрған. Маңдайдан ұрған жасын өне бойын көктей тесіп өткен. Төбе шашын үйтіп, қолқа жүрегін суырып, іші-бауырын талқандап, қара табанға темір қазық болып қағылған. Айқайлауға даусы шықпады, ұмтылуға, əлденендей қимыл жасауға аяқ, қолы ырық бермеді, Дем тартуға да дəрмені жетпей, Refereed & Index & Open Access Journal 2018 August JOURNAL OF SOCIAL, HUMANITIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES 2018 4(10):129-133 132 бақырайып қатқан да қалған. Есіктен тайдай сары тарғыл мысық сұғынып тұр екен. «Жолбарыс!..» [2, 14 б.]. (“When Shakan saw tiger first time, he even could not breathe. What he saw was a big yellow cat that coming into house and at that moment Shakan could not move at all. “Tiger!..” [2, page 14].) The writer did not show Shakan’s only heroism, also writer covered hero’s cowardice, weakness. Worldly wisdom is not easy. In novel, written in very simple way how the men could fight back against twist of fate. We can see how writer tried to show each detail of the novel in such a good way. There are few characters only in novel, but it has very rich content with its interesting stories. There is vexation in fearless Shakan who saw twist of fate. The distinguishing feature of talent MukhtarMagauin is not only deeply desire to know the history of his people, but truthfully be reflected in literary works. In the historical, artistic works of the writer plays a unique flavor of a particular historical period, people's lives, their customs and rituals, dreams and aspirations. M.Magauin products which are written about past and present of Kazakh people need to give a realistic assessment. M.Magauin's creativity represents the significant contribution to the Kazakh literature here already during more than forty years. The novel by the writer "Shakan-Sheri", published in 1993 and dedicated to the theme of hunting, heroism, intellectuals, moral and ethical issues of the time, striking his talented approach to topical theme, figurative and expressive language and accusatory motives against time. It would probably be unfair to consider novel "Shakan-Sheri" only to the topic of animals, since it touches on many issues such as morality, humanity. Subjects creativity of M.Magauin wide. In an effort to put into an art form the truth of life, the writer looks into deep social and spiritual aspects of life hero. Writer, by the desire a deeper understanding of modern society from the perspective of world-knowledge by relations between society and human psychology penetrates into the inner world of the hero. Literature - the spiritual world with limitless possibilities. To sculpt a comprehensive image of the hero, penetrate deeply into the spiritual manifestations of man, it is widely and artistic skill uses in his work all the possibilities: artistic techniques, methods, artistically-shaped tools. REFERENCES 1. Gabdullin M. Kazakh khalkynynauyzadebieti. – Almaty, 339 6. 2. Magauin M. Shakan-Sheri. – Almaty, Atamura, 2005. -288 6. 3. Nurgaliyev R.Telagys. – Almaty, Zhazushy, 1986. -4406. 4. Maitanov B. Lirism – stildikkubylys. – Almaty, Gylym, 1985. –page 348. 5. Piraliyeva G. Zh. Kazakhtyn korkem prozasyndagy psihologism tabigaty zhane onyn beineleu kuraly. –Almaty, 359. 6. 7. 8. Salkynbai A.B. 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