www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 303 16 JANUARY 2004 287 A P P L I E D P H Y S I C S Transistors Turn On the Light The field of optoelectronics usually requires the integration of separate devices with optical and electronic functionalities. The extra masking, patterning, and wiring processes involved in the integration add significantly to the fabrication time and therefore to the cost of the end product. Furthermore, as these “separates” need to talk to each other, there may also be a re- duction in the device perform- ance. Feng et al. have fabricated a heterojunction bipolar transis- tor based on an InGaP/GaAs structure that combines both functions—three-terminal elec- tronic control and optical func- tion—in one device. They demonstrate that as their tran- sistor is turned on, it also emits light as the injected carriers re- combine in the vicinity of the base layer contact. By modulat- ing the current of the base layer contact, they also demonstrate the ability to switch the light emission at rates up to 1 MHz. Although this modulation rate is rather slow, but perfectly suf- ficient for display purposes, present wide-bandgap hetero- junction transistors can now achieve switching rates of 450 GHz, indicating a possible use for these light-emitting transis- tors in optical communication networks. — ISO Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 151 (2004). M I C R O B I O L O G Y Vaccinating Cattle Contaminated food—hamburg- ers are a notorious exam- ple—is the primary source of dangerous enteric infec- tions by Escherichia coli O157:H7 (EHEC), which in humans can cause bloody diarrhea and, in some cas- es, hemolytic uremic syn- drome. Because EHEC has been found in almost 50% of beef carcasses in North America, an important commercial aim is to re- duce exposure to the bacteria by reducing the extent to which EHEC colonizes the cattle intestine. EHEC virulence is attributed to the ability to secrete deter- minants, via a type III secretion system, that include the ad- hesins Tir and EspA and the pore-forming protein EspB, which together promote bacte- rial attachment to host cells. Potter et al. have chosen these molecules as constituents of a trial vaccine for calves. The trial was carried out under commer- cial livestock-rearing conditions, and the trial animals were then exposed to the O157:H7 strain. Vaccination increased specific antibody titer 45-fold after a single booster and reduced the duration and quantity of EHEC shedding. As well as being eco- nomical to prepare, a livestock vaccine must be effective enough to minimize the num- ber of times an animal has to be handled, which would add to rearing cost. Plus, developing a livestock vaccine might be a useful route to a human vac- cine against EHEC. — CA Vaccine 22, 362 (2004). C H E M I S T R Y Super Switcher The extent to which water can wet a surface is dependent on a number of factors, including the chemistry and the roughness of the surface. Various methods have been used to change the extent of wetting dynamically, but they cover only a limited range of water contact angles. Sun et al. show that they can reversibly switch a surface from being superhydrophilic to being superhydrophobic with a very small change in temperature. On its own, poly(N-isopropy- lacrylamide) will switch from being hydrophilic to being mild- ly hydrophobic when the tem- perature is raised from 25° to 40°C. At the lower tempera- tures, the C=O and N-H groups are partnered by water mole- cules, and intermolecular hydro- gen bonding dominates; when the temperature is raised, in- tramolecular hydrogen bonding takes over, ejecting the water molecules, and the chains adopt a more compact form. The authors enhanced this transition by depositing the polymer onto patterned sili- con substrates. As the pat- tern size was decreased (fin- er grooves), they observed an increase in the range of contact angles achieved on switching. Detailed investi- EDITORS’ CHOICE C L I M A T E S C I E N C E Testing the Waters Iron fertilization of the surface ocean layer has been considered as a possible strategy for reduc- ing the burden of atmospheric CO2; this would mitigate green- house gas buildup and global warming. The idea is that CO2 would be removed from the at- mosphere by sequestering it as new ocean production in “high nutrient—low chlorophyll” re- gions, where biological produc- tion is limited by the scarcity of iron. This approach might have other consequences, however, including the increased production and atmospheric concentration of N2O, another powerful greenhouse gas. Using a suite of three-dimensional, coupled physical-biogeochemical models and an oceanic N2O cycle module, Jin and Gruber assess how excess production caused by iron fertilization would affect atmospheric N2O. They find that additional N2O production could offset 100% of the effect of CO2 removal when fertilization of limited duration and size is undertaken in the tropics, and that small- er but still substantial offsets can be expected when fertilization is undertaken elsewhere over longer periods. These results indicate that ocean fertilization with iron, in order to reduce atmos- pheric CO2, may be less efficacious than has been hoped. — HJS Geophys. Res. Lett. 30, 10.1029/2003GL018458 (2003). H I G H L I G H T S O F T H E R E C E N T L I T E R A T U R E edited by Gilbert Chin Fe Diatom Foraminifera CO2 N2O Fe Fe Compensatory greenhouse gas fluxes. C R E D IT S : (L E F T ) D E B R A J . M O R G E N E G G /S C IE N C E ; (R IG H T ) S . G R U E N H E ID , C . R O S E N B E R G E R ,A N D B . B . F IN L A Y CONTINUED ON PAGE 289 EHEC adhering to human intestinal cells. EHEC adhering to human intestinal cells. o n A p ril 5 , 2 0 2 1 h ttp ://scie n ce .scie n ce m a g .o rg / D o w n lo a d e d fro m http://science.sciencemag.org/ gation of the substrate showed a large frac- tion of irregular nanoparticles produced by sputtering from neighboring regions and thus a very large surface area. — MSL Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 43, 357 (2004). B I O P H Y S I C S Small is Beautiful Although many biologists are interested in phenome- na operating on micro- meter-to-nanometer scales, they often rely on their physical science colleagues in adapting existing technology to new us- es: for example, x- ray crystallography for structure deter- mination of macromolecules and atomic force microscopy for probing single bio- molecules. Alivisatos reviews the recent crossover of quantum dots— clusters of roughly a few thousand inor- ganic atoms with favorable properties for biological imaging (intense stable fluores- cence in the visible region). Lidke et al. illustrate their use with epidermal growth fac- tor—quantum dot (EGF-QD) conjugates. EGF binds to members of the erbB family of receptor tyrosine kinases, and inappro- priate expression of these receptors is im- plicated in some types of cancer. Fortunately, EGF-QDs also bind to these receptors, making it feasible to monitor endocytosis and intracellular trafficking of the growth factor. Coupling the use of these ligands to expression of various fluo- rescent pairs of erbB receptors suggested that heterodimerization of erbB1 and B2 (but not erbB1 and B3) is triggered by the interaction with EGF. — GJC Nature Biotechnol. 22, 47; 10.1038/nbt929 (2004). G E O C H E M I S T R Y Selenospheres Selenium is an important biological trace element: an essential part of some metallo- enzymes and a nutrient at low concentrations, but a pollutant and a toxic species at high lev- els. Elemental selenium is used in many electronics applica- tions, and recent efforts have focused on growing microscopic selenium wires and crystals with advantageous characteris- tics and optical properties for use in devices. Oremland et al. show that phylogenetically distinct groups of bacteria that live in a range of environments process selenium in ways that may bear on these aspects of selenium chemistry. These bacte- ria reduce selenium oxyanions in order to grow and deposit elemental selenium exter- nally. Imaging and spectroscopy show that the selenium is precipitated as uniform crystalline nanospheres about 300 nm in diameter. Surprisingly, different bacteria produce spheres with different arrange- ments of the selenium atoms and hence different optical properties. — BH Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 70, 52 (2004). B I O M E D I C I N E The LO Road to Atherosclerosis Lipoxygenases (LOs) are a family of en- zymes that are attracting attention be- cause of their role in the biosynthesis of lipids that mediate inflammatory and aller- gic reactions. Inhibitors of these enzymes are already in clinical use for treatment of asthma. Because lipid-mediated inflamma- tory circuits are also etiologic factors in atherosclerosis, Dwyer et al. investigated whether genetically determined variation in LOs might contribute to vascular dis- ease. In a pilot study of 470 healthy indi- viduals, they found that two variant alleles of the gene encoding 5-LO were associated with an increase in carotid artery intima- media thickness, an established indicator of systemic atherosclerosis. Notably, the ef- fects of these variant alleles appeared to be modified by dietary intake of certain types of fatty acids, such as those in ma- rine fish. This study and a recent mouse analysis linking a different LO gene to os- teoporosis (see Reports, 9 January 2004, p. 229) broaden the scope of disorders that are potentially treatable with drugs targeting these enzymes. — PAK N. Engl. J. Med. 350, 29 (2004). www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 303 16 JANUARY 2004 CONTINUED FROM 287 EDITORS’ CHOICE Retrograde transport of EGF-QDs (red) in a filopodium (green). C R E D IT S : L ID K E E T A L. , N A T U R E B IO T E C H N O L. 1 0 .1 0 3 8 /N B T 9 2 9 ( 2 0 0 4 ) o n A p ril 5 , 2 0 2 1 h ttp ://scie n ce .scie n ce m a g .o rg / D o w n lo a d e d fro m http://science.sciencemag.org/ Small is Beautiful Gilbert J. Chin DOI: 10.1126/science.303.5656.289a (5656), 289.303Science ARTICLE TOOLS http://science.sciencemag.org/content/303/5656/289.1 CONTENT RELATED file:/content/sci/303/5656/twil.full PERMISSIONS http://www.sciencemag.org/help/reprints-and-permissions Terms of ServiceUse of this article is subject to the is a registered trademark of AAAS.ScienceScience, 1200 New York Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20005. The title (print ISSN 0036-8075; online ISSN 1095-9203) is published by the American Association for the Advancement ofScience © 2004 American Association for the Advancement of Science o n A p ril 5 , 2 0 2 1 h ttp ://scie n ce .scie n ce m a g .o rg / D o w n lo a d e d fro m http://science.sciencemag.org/content/303/5656/289.1 http://www.sciencemag.org/help/reprints-and-permissions http://www.sciencemag.org/about/terms-service http://science.sciencemag.org/