id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_hhuoevuoijayfhjlvpdrj4bjdu Jo Lashly Not all Dead White Men. Classics and Misogyny in the Digital Age. (D.) Zuckerberg. Pp.270. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2018. Cased, £22.99, US$27.95, €25 (Paper, £13.95, US$16.95, €15.15). ISBN: 978-0-674-97555-2 2020 1 .pdf application/pdf 1067 64 70 reports of women calling for one-vote households where the man of of the book is that the Alt-Right, the TRP (The Red Pill, named for other groups that seem to be united by a resentment against women, founder, Mark Zuckerberg, is a classicist and well-read in the the case for western societies these days; but it is a USA-centric western societies but it seems to be less desperate). which these groups focus on classical texts, particularly Stoic in some respects; but it is also typical of a society which was heavily see being widely read in schools. and a knowledge of how some of these groups work is a useful tool. Aristotle's Poetics is perhaps the most influential work of literary Downloaded from Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 00:52:57, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at ./cache/work_hhuoevuoijayfhjlvpdrj4bjdu.pdf ./txt/work_hhuoevuoijayfhjlvpdrj4bjdu.txt