id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_klrccoddkzbvzjca755p4bgtme Brent J. Steele When Good Enough is Good Enough: Department Chairing During Covid-19 2020 2 .pdf application/pdf 1850 147 62 department chair during this pandemic then and even now the same for our department, courses, and students. form to name who would assume chair duties if I became incapacitated by or died of COVID-19. also includes instructors who are adept at online teaching. of the pandemic; others had administrative questions regarding early May, faculty, students, and administrators were turning their For department chairs who are handling this emergency situation going forward, I suggest the following six "good-enough" department instructors, teaching assistants, and staff. will be long-term drawbacks to the good-enough approach; adjusted formats of online teaching during the pandemic I am a parent first, a department chair Some of us, however, do not need to be a perfect department ways that political science and international relations experienced the emergency e-learning transition in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The university has increasingly expanded the criteria for instructors who want to teach ./cache/work_klrccoddkzbvzjca755p4bgtme.pdf ./txt/work_klrccoddkzbvzjca755p4bgtme.txt