id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 12671 Sanford, Arthur Benton An Easter Disciple: The Chronicle of Quintus, the Roman Knight .txt text/plain 8110 535 80 The Chronicle of Quintus, the Roman Knight Many voices had been speaking of eternal life, before the days of consecrated life and service in the days when the luxurious Roman Quintus," the other says; "you are feeling that sadness which comes "Not so," answers Quintus; "but I am remembering that I have come For the day draws near when the Roman Titus shall weep on Quintus himself shall see this Christus and hear his message? Now comes the opportunity for Quintus himself to hear this new Memorable words in answer does Quintus hear. "Is it true," asks Quintus in breathless words, "that your Master Roman camp on Scopus I have heard that he has come forth from the Shall men believe in a future life because of Christ's return from spoken of a future life for men; and he has now risen from the declare, "I heard great Paulus tell of the life immortal." ./cache/12671.txt ./txt/12671.txt