mv: ‘./’ and ‘./’ are the same file Creating study carrel named china-from-gutenberg Initializing database Unzipping Archive: creating: ./tmp/input/input-file/ inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/2133.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/6624.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/41878.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/18674.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/2076.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/522.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/1675.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/19365.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/13940.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/15250.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/27861.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/523.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/26070.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/26744.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/26553.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/2330.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/11367.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/6708.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/13118.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/37376.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/29939.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/15125.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/26412.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/45188.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/16261.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/2156.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/10321.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/44261.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/14345.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/19665.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/4522.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/34199.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/42904.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/43669.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/889.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/26162.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/49121.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/60335.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/14492.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/19172.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/31571.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/24528.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/13420.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/3330.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/12818.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/44614.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/29683.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/4094.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/56089.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/16142.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/32752.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/17002.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/31674.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/63233.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/5173.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/57382.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/33359.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/12296.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/28780.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/27243.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/5350.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/40350.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/4244.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/44043.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/27021.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/22210.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/39163.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/47218.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/59972.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/60959.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/49637.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/43549.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/43497.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/31043.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/39735.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/48788.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/23451.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/27481.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/11754.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/39486.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/62121.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/58369.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/34167.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/39421.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/45167.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/12344.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/10056.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/28549.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/21661.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/609.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/42732.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/56985.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/3412.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/48882.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/42146.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/34860.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/3639.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/17003.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/23493.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/12086.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/33712.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/11469.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/42886.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/9603.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/39009.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/42551.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/34494.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/38253.txt inflating: ./tmp/input/input-file/metadata.csv caution: excluded filename not matched: *MACOSX* === updating bibliographic database Building study carrel named china-from-gutenberg FILE: cache/2133.txt OUTPUT: txt/2133.txt FILE: cache/1675.txt OUTPUT: txt/1675.txt FILE: cache/19365.txt OUTPUT: txt/19365.txt FILE: cache/41878.txt OUTPUT: txt/41878.txt FILE: cache/522.txt OUTPUT: txt/522.txt FILE: cache/6624.txt OUTPUT: txt/6624.txt FILE: cache/18674.txt OUTPUT: txt/18674.txt FILE: cache/26553.txt OUTPUT: txt/26553.txt FILE: cache/13940.txt OUTPUT: txt/13940.txt FILE: cache/26070.txt OUTPUT: txt/26070.txt FILE: cache/2076.txt OUTPUT: txt/2076.txt FILE: cache/27861.txt OUTPUT: txt/27861.txt FILE: cache/15250.txt OUTPUT: txt/15250.txt FILE: cache/523.txt OUTPUT: txt/523.txt FILE: cache/26744.txt OUTPUT: txt/26744.txt FILE: cache/2330.txt OUTPUT: txt/2330.txt FILE: cache/13118.txt OUTPUT: txt/13118.txt FILE: cache/37376.txt OUTPUT: txt/37376.txt FILE: cache/16261.txt OUTPUT: txt/16261.txt FILE: cache/29939.txt OUTPUT: txt/29939.txt FILE: cache/11367.txt OUTPUT: txt/11367.txt FILE: cache/44261.txt OUTPUT: txt/44261.txt FILE: cache/26412.txt OUTPUT: txt/26412.txt FILE: cache/2156.txt OUTPUT: txt/2156.txt FILE: cache/15125.txt OUTPUT: txt/15125.txt FILE: cache/10321.txt OUTPUT: txt/10321.txt FILE: cache/24528.txt OUTPUT: txt/24528.txt FILE: cache/42904.txt OUTPUT: txt/42904.txt FILE: cache/45188.txt OUTPUT: txt/45188.txt FILE: cache/19665.txt OUTPUT: txt/19665.txt FILE: cache/14345.txt OUTPUT: txt/14345.txt FILE: cache/4522.txt OUTPUT: txt/4522.txt FILE: cache/6708.txt OUTPUT: txt/6708.txt FILE: cache/34199.txt OUTPUT: txt/34199.txt FILE: cache/889.txt OUTPUT: txt/889.txt FILE: cache/26162.txt OUTPUT: txt/26162.txt FILE: cache/49121.txt OUTPUT: txt/49121.txt FILE: cache/60335.txt OUTPUT: txt/60335.txt FILE: cache/19172.txt OUTPUT: txt/19172.txt FILE: cache/31571.txt OUTPUT: txt/31571.txt FILE: cache/14492.txt OUTPUT: txt/14492.txt FILE: cache/13420.txt OUTPUT: txt/13420.txt FILE: cache/43669.txt OUTPUT: txt/43669.txt FILE: cache/3330.txt OUTPUT: txt/3330.txt FILE: cache/12818.txt OUTPUT: txt/12818.txt FILE: cache/44614.txt OUTPUT: txt/44614.txt FILE: cache/29683.txt OUTPUT: txt/29683.txt FILE: cache/4094.txt OUTPUT: txt/4094.txt FILE: cache/16142.txt OUTPUT: txt/16142.txt FILE: cache/17002.txt OUTPUT: txt/17002.txt FILE: cache/31674.txt OUTPUT: txt/31674.txt FILE: cache/63233.txt OUTPUT: txt/63233.txt FILE: cache/5173.txt OUTPUT: txt/5173.txt FILE: cache/57382.txt OUTPUT: txt/57382.txt FILE: cache/33359.txt OUTPUT: txt/33359.txt FILE: cache/32752.txt OUTPUT: txt/32752.txt FILE: cache/12296.txt OUTPUT: txt/12296.txt FILE: cache/28780.txt OUTPUT: txt/28780.txt FILE: cache/5350.txt OUTPUT: txt/5350.txt FILE: cache/23451.txt OUTPUT: txt/23451.txt FILE: cache/49637.txt OUTPUT: txt/49637.txt FILE: cache/47218.txt OUTPUT: txt/47218.txt FILE: cache/27243.txt OUTPUT: txt/27243.txt FILE: cache/4244.txt OUTPUT: txt/4244.txt FILE: cache/56089.txt OUTPUT: txt/56089.txt FILE: cache/39163.txt OUTPUT: txt/39163.txt FILE: cache/59972.txt OUTPUT: txt/59972.txt FILE: cache/44043.txt OUTPUT: txt/44043.txt FILE: cache/27021.txt OUTPUT: txt/27021.txt FILE: cache/22210.txt OUTPUT: txt/22210.txt FILE: cache/31043.txt OUTPUT: txt/31043.txt FILE: cache/39735.txt OUTPUT: txt/39735.txt FILE: cache/60959.txt OUTPUT: txt/60959.txt FILE: cache/62121.txt OUTPUT: txt/62121.txt FILE: cache/34860.txt OUTPUT: txt/34860.txt FILE: cache/58369.txt OUTPUT: txt/58369.txt FILE: cache/40350.txt OUTPUT: txt/40350.txt FILE: cache/48788.txt OUTPUT: txt/48788.txt FILE: cache/43549.txt OUTPUT: txt/43549.txt FILE: cache/12344.txt OUTPUT: txt/12344.txt FILE: cache/10056.txt OUTPUT: txt/10056.txt FILE: cache/3412.txt OUTPUT: txt/3412.txt FILE: cache/609.txt OUTPUT: txt/609.txt FILE: cache/28549.txt OUTPUT: txt/28549.txt FILE: cache/43497.txt OUTPUT: txt/43497.txt FILE: cache/21661.txt OUTPUT: txt/21661.txt FILE: cache/11754.txt OUTPUT: txt/11754.txt FILE: cache/34167.txt OUTPUT: txt/34167.txt FILE: cache/3639.txt OUTPUT: txt/3639.txt FILE: cache/39421.txt OUTPUT: txt/39421.txt FILE: cache/39486.txt OUTPUT: txt/39486.txt FILE: cache/56985.txt OUTPUT: txt/56985.txt FILE: cache/45167.txt OUTPUT: txt/45167.txt FILE: cache/27481.txt OUTPUT: txt/27481.txt FILE: cache/12086.txt OUTPUT: txt/12086.txt FILE: cache/42732.txt OUTPUT: txt/42732.txt FILE: cache/48882.txt OUTPUT: txt/48882.txt FILE: cache/23493.txt OUTPUT: txt/23493.txt FILE: cache/11469.txt OUTPUT: txt/11469.txt FILE: cache/42551.txt OUTPUT: txt/42551.txt FILE: cache/33712.txt OUTPUT: txt/33712.txt FILE: cache/39009.txt OUTPUT: txt/39009.txt FILE: cache/42146.txt OUTPUT: txt/42146.txt FILE: cache/17003.txt OUTPUT: txt/17003.txt FILE: cache/42886.txt OUTPUT: txt/42886.txt FILE: cache/34494.txt OUTPUT: txt/34494.txt FILE: cache/9603.txt OUTPUT: txt/9603.txt FILE: cache/38253.txt OUTPUT: txt/38253.txt === === id: 1675 author: Brown, Arthur Judson title: New Forces in Old China: An Inevitable Awakening date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/1675.txt cache: ./cache/1675.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 1 resourceName b'1675.txt' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 107, in text = textacy.preprocessing.normalize.normalize_quotation_marks( text ) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/preprocessing/", line 32, in normalize_quotation_marks return text.translate(QUOTE_TRANSLATION_TABLE) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'translate' === === id: 4522 author: Putnam Weale, B. L. (Bertram Lenox) title: The Fight for the Republic in China date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/4522.txt cache: ./cache/4522.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 1 resourceName b'4522.txt' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 107, in text = textacy.preprocessing.normalize.normalize_quotation_marks( text ) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/preprocessing/", line 32, in normalize_quotation_marks return text.translate(QUOTE_TRANSLATION_TABLE) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'translate' === === id: 3330 author: Confucius title: The Analects of Confucius (from the Chinese Classics) date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/3330.txt cache: ./cache/3330.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 1 resourceName b'3330.txt' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 107, in text = textacy.preprocessing.normalize.normalize_quotation_marks( text ) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/preprocessing/", line 32, in normalize_quotation_marks return text.translate(QUOTE_TRANSLATION_TABLE) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'translate' === === id: 4094 author: Legge, James title: The Chinese Classics — Volume 1: Confucian Analects date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/4094.txt cache: ./cache/4094.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 1 resourceName b'4094.txt' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 107, in text = textacy.preprocessing.normalize.normalize_quotation_marks( text ) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/preprocessing/", line 32, in normalize_quotation_marks return text.translate(QUOTE_TRANSLATION_TABLE) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'translate' === === id: 24528 author: Williamson, Mabel title: Have We No Rights? A frank discussion of the "rights" of missionaries date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/24528.txt cache: ./cache/24528.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 1 resourceName b'24528.txt' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 107, in text = textacy.preprocessing.normalize.normalize_quotation_marks( text ) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/preprocessing/", line 32, in normalize_quotation_marks return text.translate(QUOTE_TRANSLATION_TABLE) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'translate' === === id: 4244 author: Bird, Isabella L. (Isabella Lucy) title: Among the Tibetans date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/4244.txt cache: ./cache/4244.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 1 resourceName b'4244.txt' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 107, in text = textacy.preprocessing.normalize.normalize_quotation_marks( text ) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/preprocessing/", line 32, in normalize_quotation_marks return text.translate(QUOTE_TRANSLATION_TABLE) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'translate' 1675 txt/../ent/1675.ent === === id: 3412 author: Bird, Isabella L. (Isabella Lucy) title: The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/3412.txt cache: ./cache/3412.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 1 resourceName b'3412.txt' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 107, in text = textacy.preprocessing.normalize.normalize_quotation_marks( text ) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/preprocessing/", line 32, in normalize_quotation_marks return text.translate(QUOTE_TRANSLATION_TABLE) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'translate' 1675 txt/../pos/1675.pos 4522 txt/../ent/4522.ent 4094 txt/../pos/4094.pos 1675 txt/../wrd/1675.wrd Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 54, in for keyword, score in ( yake( doc, ngrams=NGRAMS, topn=TOPN ) ) : File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/ke/", line 96, in yake word_scores = _compute_word_scores(doc, word_occ_vals, word_freqs, stop_words) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/ke/", line 205, in _compute_word_scores freq_baseline = statistics.mean(freqs_nsw) + statistics.stdev(freqs_nsw) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/", line 315, in mean raise StatisticsError('mean requires at least one data point') statistics.StatisticsError: mean requires at least one data point 4522 txt/../pos/4522.pos 24528 txt/../ent/24528.ent 3330 txt/../ent/3330.ent 4094 txt/../ent/4094.ent 3330 txt/../pos/3330.pos 4244 txt/../ent/4244.ent 24528 txt/../pos/24528.pos 24528 txt/../wrd/24528.wrd Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 54, in for keyword, score in ( yake( doc, ngrams=NGRAMS, topn=TOPN ) ) : File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/ke/", line 96, in yake word_scores = _compute_word_scores(doc, word_occ_vals, word_freqs, stop_words) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/ke/", line 205, in _compute_word_scores freq_baseline = statistics.mean(freqs_nsw) + statistics.stdev(freqs_nsw) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/", line 315, in mean raise StatisticsError('mean requires at least one data point') statistics.StatisticsError: mean requires at least one data point 4522 txt/../wrd/4522.wrd Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 54, in for keyword, score in ( yake( doc, ngrams=NGRAMS, topn=TOPN ) ) : File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/ke/", line 96, in yake word_scores = _compute_word_scores(doc, word_occ_vals, word_freqs, stop_words) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/ke/", line 205, in _compute_word_scores freq_baseline = statistics.mean(freqs_nsw) + statistics.stdev(freqs_nsw) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/", line 315, in mean raise StatisticsError('mean requires at least one data point') statistics.StatisticsError: mean requires at least one data point 4094 txt/../wrd/4094.wrd Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 54, in for keyword, score in ( yake( doc, ngrams=NGRAMS, topn=TOPN ) ) : File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/ke/", line 96, in yake word_scores = _compute_word_scores(doc, word_occ_vals, word_freqs, stop_words) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/ke/", line 205, in _compute_word_scores freq_baseline = statistics.mean(freqs_nsw) + statistics.stdev(freqs_nsw) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/", line 315, in mean raise StatisticsError('mean requires at least one data point') statistics.StatisticsError: mean requires at least one data point 3330 txt/../wrd/3330.wrd Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 54, in for keyword, score in ( yake( doc, ngrams=NGRAMS, topn=TOPN ) ) : File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/ke/", line 96, in yake word_scores = _compute_word_scores(doc, word_occ_vals, word_freqs, stop_words) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/ke/", line 205, in _compute_word_scores freq_baseline = statistics.mean(freqs_nsw) + statistics.stdev(freqs_nsw) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/", line 315, in mean raise StatisticsError('mean requires at least one data point') statistics.StatisticsError: mean requires at least one data point 4244 txt/../pos/4244.pos 4244 txt/../wrd/4244.wrd Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 54, in for keyword, score in ( yake( doc, ngrams=NGRAMS, topn=TOPN ) ) : File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/ke/", line 96, in yake word_scores = _compute_word_scores(doc, word_occ_vals, word_freqs, stop_words) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/ke/", line 205, in _compute_word_scores freq_baseline = statistics.mean(freqs_nsw) + statistics.stdev(freqs_nsw) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/", line 315, in mean raise StatisticsError('mean requires at least one data point') statistics.StatisticsError: mean requires at least one data point 3412 txt/../ent/3412.ent 3412 txt/../pos/3412.pos 3412 txt/../wrd/3412.wrd Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 54, in for keyword, score in ( yake( doc, ngrams=NGRAMS, topn=TOPN ) ) : File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/ke/", line 96, in yake word_scores = _compute_word_scores(doc, word_occ_vals, word_freqs, stop_words) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/ke/", line 205, in _compute_word_scores freq_baseline = statistics.mean(freqs_nsw) + statistics.stdev(freqs_nsw) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/", line 315, in mean raise StatisticsError('mean requires at least one data point') statistics.StatisticsError: mean requires at least one data point === === id: 3639 author: Knight, W. H. (William Henry) title: Diary of a Pedestrian in Cashmere and Thibet date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/3639.txt cache: ./cache/3639.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 2 resourceName b'3639.txt' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 107, in text = textacy.preprocessing.normalize.normalize_quotation_marks( text ) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/preprocessing/", line 32, in normalize_quotation_marks return text.translate(QUOTE_TRANSLATION_TABLE) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'translate' 23451 txt/../pos/23451.pos 23451 txt/../wrd/23451.wrd 23451 txt/../ent/23451.ent 31674 txt/../wrd/31674.wrd 3639 txt/../ent/3639.ent 31674 txt/../pos/31674.pos 3639 txt/../pos/3639.pos 3639 txt/../wrd/3639.wrd Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 54, in for keyword, score in ( yake( doc, ngrams=NGRAMS, topn=TOPN ) ) : File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/ke/", line 96, in yake word_scores = _compute_word_scores(doc, word_occ_vals, word_freqs, stop_words) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/ke/", line 205, in _compute_word_scores freq_baseline = statistics.mean(freqs_nsw) + statistics.stdev(freqs_nsw) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/", line 315, in mean raise StatisticsError('mean requires at least one data point') statistics.StatisticsError: mean requires at least one data point 16142 txt/../pos/16142.pos === === id: 23451 author: Bell, M. C. title: Little Yellow Wang-lo date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/23451.txt cache: ./cache/23451.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 2 resourceName b'23451.txt' 16142 txt/../wrd/16142.wrd 31674 txt/../ent/31674.ent === === id: 31674 author: Jones, J. Knox title: Comments on the Taxonomic Status of Apodemus peninsulae, with Description of a New Subspecies from North China date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/31674.txt cache: ./cache/31674.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 2 resourceName b'31674.txt' 16142 txt/../ent/16142.ent 44614 txt/../pos/44614.pos 13118 txt/../pos/13118.pos === === id: 16142 author: Dulles, John Foster title: The Communist Threat in the Taiwan Area date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/16142.txt cache: ./cache/16142.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 1 resourceName b'16142.txt' 13118 txt/../wrd/13118.wrd 44614 txt/../wrd/44614.wrd 44614 txt/../ent/44614.ent 42551 txt/../pos/42551.pos === === id: 42551 author: González de Mendoza, Juan title: The History of the Great and Mighty Kingdom of China and the Situation Thereof, Volume 2 (of 2) date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/42551.txt cache: ./cache/42551.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 1 resourceName b'42551.txt' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 107, in text = textacy.preprocessing.normalize.normalize_quotation_marks( text ) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/preprocessing/", line 32, in normalize_quotation_marks return text.translate(QUOTE_TRANSLATION_TABLE) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'translate' 42551 txt/../wrd/42551.wrd Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 54, in for keyword, score in ( yake( doc, ngrams=NGRAMS, topn=TOPN ) ) : File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/ke/", line 96, in yake word_scores = _compute_word_scores(doc, word_occ_vals, word_freqs, stop_words) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/ke/", line 205, in _compute_word_scores freq_baseline = statistics.mean(freqs_nsw) + statistics.stdev(freqs_nsw) File "/data-disk/python/lib/python3.8/", line 315, in mean raise StatisticsError('mean requires at least one data point') statistics.StatisticsError: mean requires at least one data point === === id: 13118 author: Tietjens, Eunice title: Profiles from China Sketches in Free Verse of People and Things Seen in the Interior date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/13118.txt cache: ./cache/13118.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'13118.txt' 42551 txt/../ent/42551.ent === === id: 44614 author: nan title: Progress of Western Education in China and Siam date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/44614.txt cache: ./cache/44614.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'44614.txt' 13118 txt/../ent/13118.ent 26553 txt/../pos/26553.pos 2330 txt/../pos/2330.pos 2330 txt/../wrd/2330.wrd 26553 txt/../wrd/26553.wrd 2330 txt/../ent/2330.ent 29683 txt/../pos/29683.pos 60335 txt/../pos/60335.pos 29683 txt/../wrd/29683.wrd 16261 txt/../pos/16261.pos === === id: 26553 author: Schiller, Friedrich title: Turandot: The Chinese Sphinx date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/26553.txt cache: ./cache/26553.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'26553.txt' === === id: 2330 author: Giles, Herbert Allen title: Religions of Ancient China date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/2330.txt cache: ./cache/2330.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'2330.txt' 17002 txt/../pos/17002.pos 16261 txt/../wrd/16261.wrd 17002 txt/../wrd/17002.wrd 28549 txt/../pos/28549.pos 60335 txt/../wrd/60335.wrd 28549 txt/../wrd/28549.wrd 19365 txt/../pos/19365.pos 60959 txt/../wrd/60959.wrd 522 txt/../pos/522.pos 60335 txt/../ent/60335.ent 26553 txt/../ent/26553.ent 19365 txt/../wrd/19365.wrd 60959 txt/../pos/60959.pos 16261 txt/../ent/16261.ent 2156 txt/../pos/2156.pos 58369 txt/../wrd/58369.wrd 57382 txt/../pos/57382.pos 57382 txt/../wrd/57382.wrd 28549 txt/../ent/28549.ent 522 txt/../wrd/522.wrd 58369 txt/../pos/58369.pos 17002 txt/../ent/17002.ent 34167 txt/../wrd/34167.wrd 42904 txt/../wrd/42904.wrd 42904 txt/../pos/42904.pos 60959 txt/../ent/60959.ent 44261 txt/../pos/44261.pos 29683 txt/../ent/29683.ent 32752 txt/../pos/32752.pos 26744 txt/../pos/26744.pos 34167 txt/../pos/34167.pos 2156 txt/../ent/2156.ent 34199 txt/../pos/34199.pos 34860 txt/../wrd/34860.wrd 12086 txt/../wrd/12086.wrd 47218 txt/../pos/47218.pos 2156 txt/../wrd/2156.wrd 34199 txt/../wrd/34199.wrd === === id: 29683 author: Raper, Eleanor title: The Little Girl Lost A Tale for Little Girls date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/29683.txt cache: ./cache/29683.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'29683.txt' 32752 txt/../wrd/32752.wrd === === id: 60335 author: Scott, John Lee title: Narrative of a Recent Imprisonment in China after the Wreck of the Kite date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/60335.txt cache: ./cache/60335.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'60335.txt' 21661 txt/../wrd/21661.wrd === === id: 28549 author: Smith, Hugh title: A Treatise on Foreign Teas Abstracted From An Ingenious Work, Lately Published, Entitled An Essay On the Nerves date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/28549.txt cache: ./cache/28549.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'28549.txt' 522 txt/../ent/522.ent 12344 txt/../pos/12344.pos 19365 txt/../ent/19365.ent 26162 txt/../pos/26162.pos 44261 txt/../wrd/44261.wrd 47218 txt/../wrd/47218.wrd 42904 txt/../ent/42904.ent 2133 txt/../pos/2133.pos 57382 txt/../ent/57382.ent 12086 txt/../pos/12086.pos 58369 txt/../ent/58369.ent 12344 txt/../wrd/12344.wrd === === id: 16261 author: Hearn, Lafcadio title: Some Chinese Ghosts date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/16261.txt cache: ./cache/16261.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'16261.txt' 31043 txt/../pos/31043.pos 32752 txt/../ent/32752.ent 26744 txt/../wrd/26744.wrd 31043 txt/../wrd/31043.wrd 26162 txt/../wrd/26162.wrd 62121 txt/../wrd/62121.wrd 34860 txt/../pos/34860.pos 2133 txt/../wrd/2133.wrd 21661 txt/../pos/21661.pos 12344 txt/../ent/12344.ent 27243 txt/../pos/27243.pos 19665 txt/../wrd/19665.wrd 48788 txt/../pos/48788.pos === === id: 60959 author: Anonymous title: John Chinaman on the Rand date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/60959.txt cache: ./cache/60959.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'60959.txt' 37376 txt/../wrd/37376.wrd 26070 txt/../pos/26070.pos 26070 txt/../wrd/26070.wrd 18674 txt/../wrd/18674.wrd 26744 txt/../ent/26744.ent 2076 txt/../pos/2076.pos 37376 txt/../pos/37376.pos === === id: 17002 author: Talmage, John Van Nest title: History and Ecclesiastical Relations of the Churches of the Presbyterial Order at Amoy, China date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/17002.txt cache: ./cache/17002.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'17002.txt' 19665 txt/../pos/19665.pos 11469 txt/../pos/11469.pos === === id: 19365 author: Johannsen, Anna Magdalena title: Everlasting Pearl: One of China's Women date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/19365.txt cache: ./cache/19365.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 5 resourceName b'19365.txt' 18674 txt/../pos/18674.pos 62121 txt/../pos/62121.pos 44261 txt/../ent/44261.ent 26162 txt/../ent/26162.ent 27243 txt/../wrd/27243.wrd 34167 txt/../ent/34167.ent 27861 txt/../pos/27861.pos 2133 txt/../ent/2133.ent 11469 txt/../wrd/11469.wrd 26412 txt/../pos/26412.pos 45188 txt/../pos/45188.pos === === id: 57382 author: Franking, Mae M. title: My Chinese Marriage date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/57382.txt cache: ./cache/57382.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 2 resourceName b'57382.txt' === === id: 58369 author: Nelson, Kathleen Gray title: Tuen, Slave and Empress date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/58369.txt cache: ./cache/58369.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'58369.txt' 2076 txt/../wrd/2076.wrd 11754 txt/../wrd/11754.wrd 47218 txt/../ent/47218.ent 21661 txt/../ent/21661.ent 11754 txt/../pos/11754.pos 14492 txt/../pos/14492.pos 14492 txt/../wrd/14492.wrd 12086 txt/../ent/12086.ent 34199 txt/../ent/34199.ent === === id: 522 author: Headland, Isaac Taylor title: The Chinese Boy and Girl date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/522.txt cache: ./cache/522.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'522.txt' 45188 txt/../wrd/45188.wrd 49121 txt/../pos/49121.pos 48788 txt/../wrd/48788.wrd 26412 txt/../wrd/26412.wrd 609 txt/../wrd/609.wrd 26070 txt/../ent/26070.ent 10321 txt/../pos/10321.pos 31043 txt/../ent/31043.ent 609 txt/../pos/609.pos 62121 txt/../ent/62121.ent === === OMP: Error #34: System unable to allocate necessary resources for OMP thread: OMP: System error #11: Resource temporarily unavailable OMP: Hint Try decreasing the value of OMP_NUM_THREADS. /data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/ line 39: 37435 Aborted $FILE2BIB "$FILE" > "$OUTPUT" 26412 txt/../ent/26412.ent 2076 txt/../ent/2076.ent 27861 txt/../wrd/27861.wrd === === OMP: Error #34: System unable to allocate necessary resources for OMP thread: OMP: System error #11: Resource temporarily unavailable OMP: Hint Try decreasing the value of OMP_NUM_THREADS. /data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/ line 39: 46369 Aborted $FILE2BIB "$FILE" > "$OUTPUT" === === id: 32752 author: Millington, Powell title: To Lhassa at Last date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/32752.txt cache: ./cache/32752.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 5 resourceName b'32752.txt' 12818 txt/../wrd/12818.wrd 10321 txt/../wrd/10321.wrd 13940 txt/../pos/13940.pos === === id: 12086 author: nan title: Eastern Shame Girl date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/12086.txt cache: ./cache/12086.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'12086.txt' 523 txt/../pos/523.pos === === id: 42904 author: Blake, Henry Arthur, Sir title: China date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/42904.txt cache: ./cache/42904.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'42904.txt' 19665 txt/../ent/19665.ent 12818 txt/../pos/12818.pos === === id: 34167 author: Loviot, Fanny title: A Lady's Captivity among Chinese Pirates in the Chinese Seas date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/34167.txt cache: ./cache/34167.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'34167.txt' === === id: 34199 author: Phillips, E. C. (Edith Caroline) title: Peeps Into China; Or, The Missionary's Children date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/34199.txt cache: ./cache/34199.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'34199.txt' 49121 txt/../wrd/49121.wrd === === id: 2156 author: Giles, Herbert Allen title: China and the Manchus date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/2156.txt cache: ./cache/2156.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 5 resourceName b'2156.txt' === === id: 34860 author: Maugham, W. Somerset (William Somerset) title: East of Suez: A Play in Seven Scenes date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/34860.txt cache: ./cache/34860.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'34860.txt' 27243 txt/../ent/27243.ent 41878 txt/../pos/41878.pos 42886 txt/../wrd/42886.wrd 49121 txt/../ent/49121.ent 40350 txt/../wrd/40350.wrd 42886 txt/../pos/42886.pos 523 txt/../wrd/523.wrd === === id: 12344 author: Bredon, Juliet title: Sir Robert Hart The Romance of a Great Career, 2nd Edition date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/12344.txt cache: ./cache/12344.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'12344.txt' 14492 txt/../ent/14492.ent === === id: 44261 author: Yüan, Yung-lun title: History of the Pirates Who Infested the China Sea From 1807 to 1810 date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/44261.txt cache: ./cache/44261.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 5 resourceName b'44261.txt' 18674 txt/../ent/18674.ent 27861 txt/../ent/27861.ent 13940 txt/../wrd/13940.wrd 33359 txt/../pos/33359.pos 11469 txt/../ent/11469.ent 39163 txt/../pos/39163.pos 609 txt/../ent/609.ent === === id: 26744 author: Taylor, James Hudson title: A Retrospect date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/26744.txt cache: ./cache/26744.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'26744.txt' 40350 txt/../pos/40350.pos 37376 txt/../ent/37376.ent 31571 txt/../pos/31571.pos 48788 txt/../ent/48788.ent 49637 txt/../pos/49637.pos === === OMP: Error #34: System unable to allocate necessary resources for OMP thread: OMP: System error #11: Resource temporarily unavailable OMP: Hint Try decreasing the value of OMP_NUM_THREADS. /data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/ line 39: 38838 Aborted $FILE2BIB "$FILE" > "$OUTPUT" === === id: 47218 author: Gautier, Judith title: The Daughter of Heaven date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/47218.txt cache: ./cache/47218.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 5 resourceName b'47218.txt' 39009 txt/../pos/39009.pos 44043 txt/../pos/44043.pos 27021 txt/../pos/27021.pos 12296 txt/../pos/12296.pos 5173 txt/../wrd/5173.wrd === === OMP: Error #34: System unable to allocate necessary resources for OMP thread: OMP: System error #11: Resource temporarily unavailable OMP: Hint Try decreasing the value of OMP_NUM_THREADS. /data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/ line 39: 37247 Aborted $FILE2BIB "$FILE" > "$OUTPUT" 889 txt/../pos/889.pos 33359 txt/../wrd/33359.wrd 27021 txt/../wrd/27021.wrd 45188 txt/../ent/45188.ent 19172 txt/../wrd/19172.wrd 44043 txt/../wrd/44043.wrd 48882 txt/../wrd/48882.wrd 15125 txt/../pos/15125.pos === === OMP: Error #34: System unable to allocate necessary resources for OMP thread: OMP: System error #11: Resource temporarily unavailable OMP: Hint Try decreasing the value of OMP_NUM_THREADS. /data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/ line 39: 39692 Aborted $FILE2BIB "$FILE" > "$OUTPUT" 44043 txt/../ent/44043.ent 11754 txt/../ent/11754.ent 27481 txt/../pos/27481.pos 41878 txt/../wrd/41878.wrd 38253 txt/../pos/38253.pos 10056 txt/../wrd/10056.wrd 5350 txt/../pos/5350.pos 889 txt/../wrd/889.wrd 31571 txt/../wrd/31571.wrd 27481 txt/../wrd/27481.wrd 523 txt/../ent/523.ent 5173 txt/../pos/5173.pos 23493 txt/../pos/23493.pos 39163 txt/../wrd/39163.wrd 19172 txt/../pos/19172.pos === === id: 21661 author: Lynch, George title: Impressions of a War Correspondent date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/21661.txt cache: ./cache/21661.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'21661.txt' 34860 txt/../ent/34860.ent 42886 txt/../ent/42886.ent 12818 txt/../ent/12818.ent 41878 txt/../ent/41878.ent 10056 txt/../pos/10056.pos 15125 txt/../wrd/15125.wrd 13940 txt/../ent/13940.ent 49637 txt/../wrd/49637.wrd 48882 txt/../pos/48882.pos === === id: 31043 author: Dewey, Harriet Alice Chipman title: Letters from China and Japan date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/31043.txt cache: ./cache/31043.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'31043.txt' 39163 txt/../ent/39163.ent === === id: 19665 author: Cooper, Elizabeth title: My Lady of the Chinese Courtyard date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/19665.txt cache: ./cache/19665.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'19665.txt' === === id: 26162 author: La Motte, Ellen N. (Ellen Newbold) title: Peking Dust date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/26162.txt cache: ./cache/26162.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'26162.txt' 29939 txt/../wrd/29939.wrd 39009 txt/../wrd/39009.wrd 5350 txt/../ent/5350.ent 5350 txt/../wrd/5350.wrd 29939 txt/../pos/29939.pos 63233 txt/../pos/63233.pos === === id: 18674 author: Pitman, Norman Hinsdale title: A Chinese Wonder Book date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/18674.txt cache: ./cache/18674.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'18674.txt' 28780 txt/../wrd/28780.wrd 39009 txt/../ent/39009.ent 63233 txt/../wrd/63233.wrd 12296 txt/../wrd/12296.wrd 10321 txt/../ent/10321.ent 33712 txt/../wrd/33712.wrd 33359 txt/../ent/33359.ent 40350 txt/../ent/40350.ent 27021 txt/../ent/27021.ent 28780 txt/../pos/28780.pos 23493 txt/../wrd/23493.wrd 6624 txt/../pos/6624.pos 56089 txt/../pos/56089.pos 15250 txt/../pos/15250.pos 38253 txt/../wrd/38253.wrd 59972 txt/../pos/59972.pos 34494 txt/../pos/34494.pos === === id: 2076 author: Giles, Herbert Allen title: The Civilization of China date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/2076.txt cache: ./cache/2076.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'2076.txt' 17003 txt/../pos/17003.pos 39421 txt/../pos/39421.pos === === id: 62121 author: Stoddard, John L. (John Lawson) title: John L. Stoddard's Lectures, Vol. 03 (of 10) Japan I, Japan II, China date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/62121.txt cache: ./cache/62121.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'62121.txt' 15125 txt/../ent/15125.ent 19172 txt/../ent/19172.ent === === id: 26070 author: Macgowan, J. (John) title: Chinese Folk-Lore Tales date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/26070.txt cache: ./cache/26070.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'26070.txt' 6624 txt/../wrd/6624.wrd 39421 txt/../wrd/39421.wrd === === id: 37376 author: Putnam Weale, B. L. (Bertram Lenox) title: Wang the Ninth: The Story of a Chinese Boy date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/37376.txt cache: ./cache/37376.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3 resourceName b'37376.txt' === === id: 2133 author: Giles, Herbert Allen title: Historic China, and Other Sketches date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/2133.txt cache: ./cache/2133.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'2133.txt' 33712 txt/../pos/33712.pos 27481 txt/../ent/27481.ent 13420 txt/../pos/13420.pos 31571 txt/../ent/31571.ent 39486 txt/../pos/39486.pos 63233 txt/../ent/63233.ent 34494 txt/../wrd/34494.wrd 12296 txt/../ent/12296.ent 42732 txt/../pos/42732.pos 45167 txt/../wrd/45167.wrd 56985 txt/../pos/56985.pos 38253 txt/../ent/38253.ent 13420 txt/../wrd/13420.wrd === === OMP: Error #34: System unable to allocate necessary resources for OMP thread: OMP: System error #11: Resource temporarily unavailable OMP: Hint Try decreasing the value of OMP_NUM_THREADS. /data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/ line 39: 37269 Aborted $FILE2BIB "$FILE" > "$OUTPUT" 39486 txt/../wrd/39486.wrd 15250 txt/../wrd/15250.wrd 14345 txt/../pos/14345.pos 6624 txt/../ent/6624.ent 889 txt/../ent/889.ent === === id: 48788 author: Maugham, W. Somerset (William Somerset) title: On a Chinese Screen date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/48788.txt cache: ./cache/48788.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'48788.txt' 49637 txt/../ent/49637.ent 56089 txt/../wrd/56089.wrd === === id: 14492 author: Burton, Margaret E. (Margaret Ernestine) title: Notable Women of Modern China date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/14492.txt cache: ./cache/14492.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 5 resourceName b'14492.txt' 5173 txt/../ent/5173.ent === === id: 609 author: Wu, Tingfang title: America, Through the Spectacles of an Oriental Diplomat date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/609.txt cache: ./cache/609.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'609.txt' 56985 txt/../wrd/56985.wrd 45167 txt/../pos/45167.pos 14345 txt/../wrd/14345.wrd 33712 txt/../ent/33712.ent 42146 txt/../pos/42146.pos 17003 txt/../wrd/17003.wrd 10056 txt/../ent/10056.ent 59972 txt/../wrd/59972.wrd 42732 txt/../wrd/42732.wrd 23493 txt/../ent/23493.ent === === id: 10321 author: Rideout, Henry Milner title: Dragon's blood date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/10321.txt cache: ./cache/10321.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'10321.txt' 39486 txt/../ent/39486.ent 39735 txt/../pos/39735.pos 39421 txt/../ent/39421.ent 15250 txt/../ent/15250.ent 43497 txt/../pos/43497.pos === === OMP: Error #34: System unable to allocate necessary resources for OMP thread: OMP: System error #11: Resource temporarily unavailable OMP: Hint Try decreasing the value of OMP_NUM_THREADS. /data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/ line 39: 38694 Aborted $FILE2BIB "$FILE" > "$OUTPUT" 13420 txt/../ent/13420.ent 42732 txt/../ent/42732.ent 29939 txt/../ent/29939.ent 11367 txt/../pos/11367.pos 6708 txt/../pos/6708.pos === === id: 45188 author: Sun, Yat-sen title: The International Development of China date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/45188.txt cache: ./cache/45188.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 6 resourceName b'45188.txt' 43549 txt/../wrd/43549.wrd === === OMP: Error #34: System unable to allocate necessary resources for OMP thread: OMP: System error #11: Resource temporarily unavailable OMP: Hint Try decreasing the value of OMP_NUM_THREADS. /data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/ line 39: 47657 Aborted $FILE2BIB "$FILE" > "$OUTPUT" 48882 txt/../ent/48882.ent 11367 txt/../wrd/11367.wrd 22210 txt/../pos/22210.pos 39735 txt/../wrd/39735.wrd 6708 txt/../wrd/6708.wrd 56985 txt/../ent/56985.ent 56089 txt/../ent/56089.ent 42146 txt/../wrd/42146.wrd 22210 txt/../wrd/22210.wrd 17003 txt/../ent/17003.ent 9603 txt/../pos/9603.pos 28780 txt/../ent/28780.ent 14345 txt/../ent/14345.ent 45167 txt/../ent/45167.ent 43549 txt/../pos/43549.pos 43497 txt/../wrd/43497.wrd 59972 txt/../ent/59972.ent === === id: 42886 author: Munroe, Kirk title: The Blue Dragon: A Tale of Recent Adventure in China date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/42886.txt cache: ./cache/42886.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 5 resourceName b'42886.txt' 34494 txt/../ent/34494.ent 43669 txt/../pos/43669.pos === === id: 49121 author: Loti, Pierre title: The Last Days of Pekin date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/49121.txt cache: ./cache/49121.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 5 resourceName b'49121.txt' 39735 txt/../ent/39735.ent === === id: 13940 author: Russell, Bertrand title: The Problem of China date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/13940.txt cache: ./cache/13940.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 6 resourceName b'13940.txt' 6708 txt/../ent/6708.ent 42146 txt/../ent/42146.ent 9603 txt/../wrd/9603.wrd === === id: 27021 author: Landor, Arnold Henry Savage title: An Explorer's Adventures in Tibet date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/27021.txt cache: ./cache/27021.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'27021.txt' === === OMP: Error #34: System unable to allocate necessary resources for OMP thread: OMP: System error #11: Resource temporarily unavailable OMP: Hint Try decreasing the value of OMP_NUM_THREADS. /data-disk/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/ line 39: 37794 Aborted $FILE2BIB "$FILE" > "$OUTPUT" 11367 txt/../ent/11367.ent === === id: 12818 author: Bushnell, Katharine C. (Katharine Caroline) title: Heathen Slaves and Christian Rulers date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/12818.txt cache: ./cache/12818.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 5 resourceName b'12818.txt' === === id: 44043 author: Brereton, William H. title: The Truth about Opium Being a Refutation of the Fallacies of the Anti-Opium Society and a Defence of the Indo-China Opium Trade date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/44043.txt cache: ./cache/44043.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 5 resourceName b'44043.txt' 43669 txt/../wrd/43669.wrd 22210 txt/../ent/22210.ent 43497 txt/../ent/43497.ent 9603 txt/../ent/9603.ent 43669 txt/../ent/43669.ent === === id: 39163 author: Dalton, William title: The War Tiger Or, Adventures and Wonderful Fortunes of the Young Sea Chief and His Lad Chow: A Tale of the Conquest of China date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/39163.txt cache: ./cache/39163.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 5 resourceName b'39163.txt' 43549 txt/../ent/43549.ent === === id: 49637 author: Coxe, William title: Account of the Russian Discoveries between Asia and America To which are added, the conquest of Siberia, and the history of the transactions and commerce between Russia and China date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/49637.txt cache: ./cache/49637.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 7 resourceName b'49637.txt' === === id: 27481 author: Kendall, Elizabeth Kimball title: A Wayfarer in China Impressions of a trip across West China and Mongolia date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/27481.txt cache: ./cache/27481.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 7 resourceName b'27481.txt' === === id: 19172 author: Morrison, George Ernest title: An Australian in China Being the Narrative of a Quiet Journey Across China to Burma date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/19172.txt cache: ./cache/19172.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 7 resourceName b'19172.txt' === === id: 40350 author: Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony title: Government in Republican China date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/40350.txt cache: ./cache/40350.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 8 resourceName b'40350.txt' === === id: 5350 author: King, F. H. (Franklin Hiram) title: Farmers of Forty Centuries; Or, Permanent Agriculture in China, Korea, and Japan date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/5350.txt cache: ./cache/5350.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 5 resourceName b'5350.txt' === === id: 5173 author: Nukariya, Kaiten title: The Religion of the Samurai A Study of Zen Philosophy and Discipline in China and Japan date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/5173.txt cache: ./cache/5173.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 6 resourceName b'5173.txt' === === id: 15125 author: Martin, W. A. P. (William Alexander Parsons) title: The Awakening of China date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/15125.txt cache: ./cache/15125.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 8 resourceName b'15125.txt' === === id: 38253 author: nan title: A Description of the Coasts of East Africa and Malabar in the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/38253.txt cache: ./cache/38253.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 5 resourceName b'38253.txt' === === id: 41878 author: Gascoyne-Cecil, William title: Changing China date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/41878.txt cache: ./cache/41878.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 6 resourceName b'41878.txt' === === id: 31571 author: Morris, Charles title: Historic Tales: The Romance of Reality. Vol. 12 (of 15), Japanese and Chinese date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/31571.txt cache: ./cache/31571.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 5 resourceName b'31571.txt' === === id: 10056 author: Faxian title: Chinese Literature Comprising the Analects of Confucius, the Sayings of Mencius, the Shi-King, the Travels of Fâ-Hien, and the Sorrows of Han date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/10056.txt cache: ./cache/10056.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 9 resourceName b'10056.txt' === === id: 63233 author: Dingle, Edwin John title: China's Revolution, 1911-1912: A Historical and Political Record of the Civil War date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/63233.txt cache: ./cache/63233.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 6 resourceName b'63233.txt' === === id: 23493 author: Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael) title: Under the Waves: Diving in Deep Waters date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/23493.txt cache: ./cache/23493.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 6 resourceName b'23493.txt' === === id: 12296 author: Andrews, Yvette Borup title: Camps and Trails in China A Narrative of Exploration, Adventure, and Sport in Little-Known China date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/12296.txt cache: ./cache/12296.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 31 resourceName b'12296.txt' === === id: 28780 author: Worts, George F. (George Frank) title: Peter the Brazen: A Mystery Story of Modern China date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/28780.txt cache: ./cache/28780.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 resourceName b'28780.txt' === === id: 48882 author: White, Fred M. (Fred Merrick) title: The Mystery of the Ravenspurs A Romance and Detective Story of Thibet and England date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/48882.txt cache: ./cache/48882.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 6 resourceName b'48882.txt' === === id: 29939 author: nan title: The Chinese Fairy Book date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/29939.txt cache: ./cache/29939.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 5 resourceName b'29939.txt' === === id: 34494 author: Fenn, George Manville title: Stan Lynn: A Boy's Adventures in China date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/34494.txt cache: ./cache/34494.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 5 resourceName b'34494.txt' === === id: 33712 author: Boulger, Demetrius Charles title: The Life of Yakoob Beg; Athalik Ghazi, and Badaulet; Ameer of Kashgar date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/33712.txt cache: ./cache/33712.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 7 resourceName b'33712.txt' === === id: 39486 author: Macgowan, J. (John) title: Sidelights on Chinese Life date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/39486.txt cache: ./cache/39486.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 6 resourceName b'39486.txt' === === id: 56985 author: Knox, Thomas Wallace title: The Boy Travellers in the Far East [Part First] Adventures of Two Youths in a Journey to Japan and China date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/56985.txt cache: ./cache/56985.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 5 resourceName b'56985.txt' === === id: 13420 author: Dingle, Edwin John title: Across China on Foot date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/13420.txt cache: ./cache/13420.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 10 resourceName b'13420.txt' === === id: 59972 author: Nozhin, E. K. (Evgenii Konstantinovich) title: The Truth About Port Arthur date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/59972.txt cache: ./cache/59972.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 24 resourceName b'59972.txt' === === id: 6624 author: Parker, Edward Harper title: Ancient China Simplified date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/6624.txt cache: ./cache/6624.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 9 resourceName b'6624.txt' === === id: 17003 author: nan title: Indiscreet Letters From Peking Being the Notes of an Eye-Witness, Which Set Forth in Some Detail, from Day to Day, the Real Story of the Siege and Sack of a Distressed Capital in 1900—The Year of Great Tribulation date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/17003.txt cache: ./cache/17003.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 7 resourceName b'17003.txt' === === id: 15250 author: Werner, E. T. C. (Edward Theodore Chalmers) title: Myths and Legends of China date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/15250.txt cache: ./cache/15250.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 11 resourceName b'15250.txt' === === id: 39421 author: Wollaston, A. F. R. (Alexander Frederick Richmond) title: Mount Everest, the Reconnaissance, 1921 date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/39421.txt cache: ./cache/39421.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 10 resourceName b'39421.txt' === === id: 42732 author: Michie, Alexander title: The Englishman in China During the Victorian Era, Vol. 1 (of 2) As Illustrated in the Career of Sir Rutherford Alcock, K.C.B., D.C.L., Many Years Consul and Minister in China and Japan date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/42732.txt cache: ./cache/42732.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 8 resourceName b'42732.txt' === === id: 56089 author: Reinsch, Paul S. (Paul Samuel) title: An American Diplomat in China date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/56089.txt cache: ./cache/56089.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 10 resourceName b'56089.txt' === === id: 39735 author: Lindley, Augustus F. title: Ti-Ping Tien-Kwoh: The History of the Ti-Ping Revolution (Volume II) date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/39735.txt cache: ./cache/39735.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 8 resourceName b'39735.txt' === === id: 45167 author: Michie, Alexander title: The Siberian Overland Route from Peking to Petersburg, Through the Deserts and Steppes of Mongolia, Tartary, &c. date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/45167.txt cache: ./cache/45167.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 9 resourceName b'45167.txt' === === id: 14345 author: Putnam Weale, B. L. (Bertram Lenox) title: The Fight for the Republic in China date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/14345.txt cache: ./cache/14345.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 11 resourceName b'14345.txt' === === id: 43497 author: Hedin, Sven Anders title: Trans-Himalaya: Discoveries and Adventurers in Tibet. Vol. 1 (of 2) date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/43497.txt cache: ./cache/43497.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 12 resourceName b'43497.txt' === === id: 22210 author: Landor, Arnold Henry Savage title: In the Forbidden Land An account of a journey in Tibet, capture by the Tibetan authorities, imprisonment, torture and ultimate release date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/22210.txt cache: ./cache/22210.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 11 resourceName b'22210.txt' === === id: 42146 author: Thomson, Thomas title: Western Himalaya and Tibet A Narrative of a Journey Through the Mountains of Northern India During the Years 1847-8 date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/42146.txt cache: ./cache/42146.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 24 resourceName b'42146.txt' === === id: 43549 author: Hedin, Sven Anders title: Trans-Himalaya: Discoveries and Adventurers in Tibet. Vol. 2 (of 2) date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/43549.txt cache: ./cache/43549.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 11 resourceName b'43549.txt' === === id: 11367 author: Eberhard, Wolfram title: A History of China date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/11367.txt cache: ./cache/11367.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 30 resourceName b'11367.txt' === === id: 9603 author: Cao, Xueqin title: Hung Lou Meng, or, the Dream of the Red Chamber, a Chinese Novel, Book I date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/9603.txt cache: ./cache/9603.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 30 resourceName b'9603.txt' === === id: 6708 author: Boulger, Demetrius Charles title: China date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/6708.txt cache: ./cache/6708.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 9 resourceName b'6708.txt' === === id: 43669 author: Hall, W. H. (William Hutcheon), Sir title: Narrative of the Voyages and Services of the Nemesis from 1840 to 1843 And of the Combined Naval and Military Operations in China: Comprising a Complete Account of the Colony of Hong-Kong and Remarks on the Character & Habits of the Chinese. Second Edition date: pages: extension: .txt txt: ./txt/43669.txt cache: ./cache/43669.txt Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.csv.TextAndCSVParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 23 resourceName b'43669.txt' Done mapping. Reducing china-from-gutenberg === bib === id = 6624 author = Parker, Edward Harper title = Ancient China Simplified date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 111132 sentences = 4735 flesch = 66 summary = Central Chinese orthodox stales--Fighting instincts all with semiChinese states--Struggle for life becoming keener throughout China Tartar-born rulers of Tsin, and war with T&n--Second Protector prince to Confucius' state--Lu's "powerful" family plague--Lu's Titles of the Emperors of the Chou dynasty--The word "King" in modern times--Posthumous names--The title "Emperor" and the word moon--Celestial observations in different states--Chinese year is Chinese history, and in this year the Emperor had to flee from his This Wei Valley (including the subvalleys of its north-bank tributaries) was also in 842 B.C. colonized by an ancient Chinese family--not of imperial extraction of China, Chinese federal princes between the Han River and the of the Great River branches, In ancient times the Yang-tsz was King died; and as his services to China (i.e. to orthodox Tsin colonists of the imperial Chou family in 1200 B.C. So far as purely Chinese traditions and history go, the cumulative comparatively modern China, 1500 years later, the third emperor of the cache = ./cache/6624.txt txt = ./txt/6624.txt === bib === id = 2133 author = Giles, Herbert Allen title = Historic China, and Other Sketches date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 49222 sentences = 1944 flesch = 67 summary = Chinese custom, may not be completed until death has actually taken treatises, is little studied by Chinese at the present day. state of education in China at the present day, the remedy for which doctor in China, so any man may be a fortune-teller who likes to start cases are rare in China, such questions as arise in the way of trade As regards the evidence of Chinese taken in a foreign court of State religion in China, and it has always been open to every man to by man's natural enemy in China--the cook, for once in his life clean, New Year's Day is the one great annual event in Chinese social and Chinese town, the contented, peaceful look of China's villagers, and Europeans who have lived in China, that the Chinese are a nation of It is well known that all old and even middle-aged people in China cache = ./cache/2133.txt txt = ./txt/2133.txt === bib === id = 41878 author = Gascoyne-Cecil, William title = Changing China date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 86557 sentences = 3617 flesch = 67 summary = these two bodies reach, I am told, to every educated man in China. ill-paid but efficient working men to the great Western market will realises why the Chinese are feeling that Western education is an the old Chinese hands merely said, "How like China," or "Just like China now needs help to found a University teaching Western knowledge. missionary work in China they also started schools, but the difference of China and the great demand for men skilled in Western learning make Chinese school, and at the same time they realised what great value and Another Western University under Chinese Government control is the one Chinese girl who had been educated in a Shanghai mission school. Christian or missionary to a Chinese official and it would have the The great Chinese race has need of the wealth of Western {328} China for the Chinese, 216, 296 cache = ./cache/41878.txt txt = ./txt/41878.txt === bib === id = 2076 author = Giles, Herbert Allen title = The Civilization of China date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 51666 sentences = 1875 flesch = 63 summary = Chinese customs which, as presented, refer to a part of China only, and second century B.C., has long ceased to interest the Chinese public, who For nearly twenty-five centuries the Chinese have looked to Confucius rebellion broke out, and a year later the emperor, now an old man of of the Chinese people in every department of life. Altogether, the Chinese woman has by no means such a bad time as is All Chinese men, women and children seem to love flowers; and the poetry The Chinese have always been a great reading people, Polo is first mentioned in Chinese literature under the year A.D. 710, divided by the Chinese into twelve such periods; but now-a-days and sincere observance of the Chinese rules of life would result in a is that the Chinese were a remarkably civilized nation a thousand years This work contains 2579 short lives of Chinese Emperors, statesmen, cache = ./cache/2076.txt txt = ./txt/2076.txt === bib === id = 18674 author = Pitman, Norman Hinsdale title = A Chinese Wonder Book date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 49189 sentences = 3302 flesch = 91 summary = "Bless his good heart!" said the poor widow after he had gone. "First tell me what good fairy of a rich man has been filling our hands For many days, try as he would, Chow-sin, the great Son of Heaven, could would rather have the love of one good man like her father, than share "I beg your honour to have a look at my catch," said old Chang to Sing. sleeping villages and little streams of water that looked like silver All day long the three friends chatted, feasted, and had a good time good man would shake his head, saying, 'Take care, my boy, or you will very happy, for the young man loved his mother dearly, and the old woman looking the great cat straight in the eye, "you have come to eat me, So, on this day when his father left him alone, the boy stood looking at cache = ./cache/18674.txt txt = ./txt/18674.txt === bib === id = 522 author = Headland, Isaac Taylor title = The Chinese Boy and Girl date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 30324 sentences = 1571 flesch = 82 summary = Chinese rhymes, stories and games into the foreigner's home for the Boy and Girl as real little folk, human like themselves, and thus think All of these have called forth rhymes among Chinese children similar to little boy's queue instead of his hand when walking with him on the The Chinese boys and girls are little men and women. children playing their sober little games." Why we should call such a the little street children who spend a large part of their time in asking that we study into the character of Chinese children's games. "Chi," we asked, "what kind of games do boys play?" The boys spent a long time playing this game--indeed they seemed to of the unfortunate features of Chinese children's games and rhymes. children that look like the little folks who play with them. passed by a boy and girl were born to them, little star children, cache = ./cache/522.txt txt = ./txt/522.txt === bib === id = 19365 author = Johannsen, Anna Magdalena title = Everlasting Pearl: One of China's Women date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 28013 sentences = 1569 flesch = 85 summary = One day, when Everlasting Pearl was about six years old, she saw her heard of the true and living God. The ugly idol she saw carried brother's son, remained, and Mrs. Lü took him to her loving heart. her return she said that Mrs. Lü had stopped coming to the meetings, as At that time the Lord began to prepare Mrs. Lü's heart through dreams Thus the people reasoned, and it need hardly be said that Mr. and Mrs. Lü, through their steady and careful walk with God, gained a respect The next year the people threatened them worse than ever, and then Mr. and Mrs. Lü, with some other Christians, almost lost heart. the day when the old lady stepped out into the light of God, and began Mrs. Lü is still living and working for God. But her name is no more When the day's work is done, the three who love God in cache = ./cache/19365.txt txt = ./txt/19365.txt === bib === id = 13940 author = Russell, Bertrand title = The Problem of China date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 73240 sentences = 3600 flesch = 65 summary = relations of the Western Powers with China, beginning with our war of abandoned free trade by the Safeguarding of Industries Act. The import tariff being so low, the Chinese Government is compelled, for Great Powers at present, in relation to China, is America, and the worst For modern China, the most important foreign nation is Japan. the previous differences between China and Japan: modern Chinese like Shantung brings us to what Japan did in the Great War. In 1914, China Powers in China and of the independence and integrity of the Chinese war, and had sold China to Japan in return for Japanese neutrality--for the interests and desires of America, Japan, Russia and China, with an save China from themselves as it were, if the Chinese Government surplus to educating Chinese students, both in China and at American to China, the Chinese now have control of all their more important cache = ./cache/13940.txt txt = ./txt/13940.txt === bib === === bib === === bib === id = 15250 author = Werner, E. T. C. (Edward Theodore Chalmers) title = Myths and Legends of China date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 121670 sentences = 6502 flesch = 77 summary = when it is said that the Chinese worship Shang Ti. As regards sacrifices to Shang Ti, these could be offered officially the emperor performed his worship of Heaven officially at the great beings: the emperor worshipped Heaven and earth, the feudal princes the generally placed at the head of the Taoist triad, is said never A few days later a young man named Ch'u Wang-sun arrived with the he could fight when only three days old, and killed the Dragon-king In years gone by, a dragon living in the great sea saw that his wife's King Miao Chuang, where in three years' time they would be changed The following night the King saw in a dream an old man who said to Gods of the Heavens and their chief generals to bring Sun to him. times," they said, "when our King ordered the Buddhists to pray for cache = ./cache/15250.txt txt = ./txt/15250.txt === bib === id = 26744 author = Taylor, James Hudson title = A Retrospect date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 41278 sentences = 2066 flesch = 78 summary = J. HUDSON TAYLOR, M.R.C.S., F.R.G.S. _Thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee._ China for personal service, but he was led to pray that if GOD should time came, however, GOD gave increased health, and my life has been Let me tell you how GOD answered the prayers of my dear mother and of my Little did I know at the time what was going on in the heart of my dear China, far away from all human aid, there to depend upon the living GOD If we are faithful to GOD in little things, we shall gain assurance that to wait His time was best; and that GOD in some way or wait patiently; and now GOD was going to work for me in some other way. I was spared in answer to prayer to work for GOD in China. cache = ./cache/26744.txt txt = ./txt/26744.txt === bib === === bib === id = 26553 author = Schiller, Friedrich title = Turandot: The Chinese Sphinx date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 11546 sentences = 1882 flesch = 97 summary = ADELMA, Princess of Keicobad, slave to Turandot. Yet, sure 'tis he--his eyes--his legs--his head,-But tell me, Barak, shall I in divan So thou but force me not to take thy life; He ne'er shall wed the hateful Turandot. Turandot, on the following conditions:--The Princess shall With honour canst thou quit this high divan, Sweet prince, our son-in-law thou'lt be to-morrow, (_to_ TURANDOT.) I see thou crav'st my head--then be content. To-morrow's high divan shall seal her fate; TURANDOT, ADELMA, SKIRINA, TRUFFALDIN, _and slaves, exeunt_ R.) If not, my slaves shall pierce thy heart. By Fo-hi's face, no harm shall touch thy friend His life be thy reward, thou faithful slave. Prince Kalaf, heir to Tartary's high throne, Thou'rt right, Brighella; go to thy repose. 'Tis time to join divan, Prince, if you please. Shall I by thy hand fall? slaves in black veils: then_ TURANDOT, ADELMA, _and_ SKIRINA, _all cache = ./cache/26553.txt txt = ./txt/26553.txt === bib === id = 26070 author = Macgowan, J. (John) title = Chinese Folk-Lore Tales date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 52274 sentences = 1930 flesch = 72 summary = there lived in very early times a man of the name of Chan. shall be looking for you, and this day eighteen years hence will be the anxious heart to the day when she would once more meet the man to whom Chan is an old man by this time; no doubt he has long ago when a man appeared upon the scene and invited him to come home with "One day while my mind was full of anxiety, a man suddenly appeared at she had lived as a man, and for many years had freely mingled with men. "May I ask," said Sam-Chung, "what was the reason for the great looks, he would one day turn out to be a man of great power, for he had Next day, in readiness for the coming of the old man, they this time to save the life of the only son of the man whose fame for cache = ./cache/26070.txt txt = ./txt/26070.txt === bib === id = 6708 author = Boulger, Demetrius Charles title = China date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 191507 sentences = 6845 flesch = 60 summary = three Chinese princes to carry out the arrangement, but the day must come the Chinese army, that ruler sent to demand the reason of the attack on scene and took the command of the Chinese forces in person, the Mongols Chinese people in their authority no doubt induced the Manchu leaders to from the rich and powerful Chinese emperor in his poor State would be object in sending Chinese troops into that state, and Kanghi's generals sent express messengers to Pekin entreating the Chinese emperor to send an the Chinese had by this time taken the measure of the English commander, from China in the previous eleven years, and, as the Chinese of course Chinese officials had been both consistent and successful, the new English possession of a Chinese army, and a strong force of Tartar cavalry, alone The successes of the Chinese gave their generals and army the confidence cache = ./cache/6708.txt txt = ./txt/6708.txt === bib === id = 13118 author = Tietjens, Eunice title = Profiles from China Sketches in Free Verse of People and Things Seen in the Interior date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 6867 sentences = 691 flesch = 94 summary = As you sit so, in the firelight, your hand is the color of You are a large man, yet it is small and narrow, like the In a corner of the market-place he sits, his face the target their faces no lamp burns; only their eyes glow In the cold darkness of eternity he sits, this god who His rounded eyes are open on the whir of time, but to hide from deity the living face of man, with the rat-like face twists the long broken-backed At the feast she sits like her own effigy. squirrel, and like the eyes of a squirrel they have a bamboo cage, wherein a small brown bird sits Over the mountain passes; through the Great Wall; to Over the mountain passes; through the Great Wall; to And jade is there, dark green and milky white, with A woman, she of the little tortured feet and sullen face, cache = ./cache/13118.txt txt = ./txt/13118.txt === bib === id = 11367 author = Eberhard, Wolfram title = A History of China date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 158327 sentences = 8276 flesch = 69 summary = a new name, "Chinese", for the peoples of China. In this way the first great union of tribes in the north of China came under the Han dynasty we meet in China with a new form of state, the Emperor Kao Tsu came from eastern China, and his family seems to have time there was an emperor in south China, with all the organization that 1 _The Later Chao dynasty in eastern North China (Hun_; 329-352) 1 _The Later Chao dynasty in eastern North China (Hun_; 329-352) The two great empires of north China at the time of its division had he regarded himself as emperor of all China, so that the South Chinese Chinese gentry, who were the actual rulers of the Toba State. After the end of the Toba state in North China in 550, some tribes of years of war against the Sung dynasty in South China the Mongols already cache = ./cache/11367.txt txt = ./txt/11367.txt === bib === id = 2330 author = Giles, Herbert Allen title = Religions of Ancient China date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 13641 sentences = 742 flesch = 73 summary = God the Father, Earth the Mother.--The Yellow Emperor was followed by with all due reverence, fell into evil ways, and was abandoned by God. This was the beginning of the end. dynasty, offered sacrifices to Almighty God, and also to Mother Earth. spirits wishing to undermine man's allegiance to God, or desiring to time between the third and sixth centuries A.D. Chinese Terms for God.--Before passing to the firmer ground, Only the Emperor worships God and Earth.--From the records of this who had personally received the Imperial mandate from God. This same Minister is said to be responsible for the following First of all, there were the great sacrifices to God and to their great sacrificial ceremonies the ancients served God; by their The great sacrifices to God and to Earth, as performed by the early attention of the Chinese people from the simple worship of God and of cache = ./cache/2330.txt txt = ./txt/2330.txt === bib === id = 29939 author = nan title = The Chinese Fairy Book date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 99606 sentences = 6825 flesch = 91 summary = One day his friend said to him: "My father is sure to want to reward And one day the mother said to her daughters: "Take good care of Mother has come home!" But they looked out through a crack and said: the Heavens on the Dragon-Tiger Mountain meets the gods at all times. The ancient man said: "How much money would you need in order to live The spirits of the Yellow River are called Dai Wang--Great King. Once upon a time, in the old days, there lived a young man by the name the old man and he said: "Little one, something may be made of you! One day his mother was angry and said: "My son has a wife, and yet I Said they: "It is well that you have come back again, great king! Said the Dragon-King: "But that is the rod which the Great Yu used cache = ./cache/29939.txt txt = ./txt/29939.txt === bib === id = 37376 author = Putnam Weale, B. L. (Bertram Lenox) title = Wang the Ninth: The Story of a Chinese Boy date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 52320 sentences = 3402 flesch = 86 summary = There was food in plenty, too; the boy could eat all day long, and he huge foreign-devil, with a yellow beard and a great whip in his hand two days' time the Court would come out of the city. he went far afield, running all the way home so as to have ample time to The boy held out his hands but the old man did not consult the palms: he "From the west city gate," said the boy. caught each one unfailingly--finally coming to rest on the boy's hand. hard the boy ran on until he came upon a large crowd of foreigners. like the foreigners walked; and the strangers would ask who was this boy boy saw that the soldiers stopped and interrogated each man leading his The boy's eyes never moved from the man's face. one extra day to make your way through the city to the foreign quarter." cache = ./cache/37376.txt txt = ./txt/37376.txt === bib === id = 45188 author = Sun, Yat-sen title = The International Development of China date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 62053 sentences = 3569 flesch = 73 summary = The locality of our projected port is nearest to deep water line, Our projected Railway will start at the Great Northern Port and follow The Peking-Hankow Railway is a line of over eight hundred miles running railway construction, city building, harbor works, and various kinds international development of Canton as a world port in South China. for line (c), and following the left bank of the West River enters the Kolan, there crossing the Great Eastern Port-Urga line. it crosses the Great Eastern Port Urga and Uliassutai lines. b. The Great Eastern Port-Canton Line b. The Great Eastern Port-Canton Line This line starts from Foochow, crosses the Min River and proceeds by This line starts from the Great Southern Port--Canton--proceeds in crosses the Great Northern Port-Urumochi line. line proceeds northward to a quite new country by first crossing the China with the great "Northern Port," and the development of coal and cache = ./cache/45188.txt txt = ./txt/45188.txt === bib === id = 15125 author = Martin, W. A. P. (William Alexander Parsons) title = The Awakening of China date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 85065 sentences = 4561 flesch = 72 summary = Passing from the Chinese city through the Great Central Gate we China, a tripod of empire, the hub of the universe, as the Chinese overlooking the Great River, I spent three years as aid to the viceroy conquests in China to the south of the "Great River" is still wanting, China; and its first act was the so-called Opium War (1839-42). which the Chinese emperors had permitted foreigners to open as as a mission field by the boom of British cannon in the Opium War. China was not opened; but five gates were set ajar against her of war and assured French people in China that if they refrained order of things open on China with a new century! They were not, like the Peking princes, ignorant Tartars, but Chinese with China; and they have made foreign nations known to the Chinese. to have the first place in the making of a New China. cache = ./cache/15125.txt txt = ./txt/15125.txt === bib === id = 14345 author = Putnam Weale, B. L. (Bertram Lenox) title = The Fight for the Republic in China date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 153801 sentences = 7295 flesch = 61 summary = China agrees that Japanese subjects shall have the right Japanese subjects shall be tried entirely by Chinese law courts. The Chinese Government agrees that Japanese subjects shall be other Powers have no objection, China shall grant the said right to Government shall not grant the said right to any foreign Power concerning Japanese subjects shall be tried entirely by Chinese law 1. The Chinese Government declare that China will not in future 2. The Chinese Government declare that China will herself provide 2. The Chinese Government declare that China will herself provide Japanese capitalists for co-operation, the Chinese Government shall 7. On the establishment of a new Government in China, all Japan's demands on China shall be recognized by the new Government as present President Yuan Shih-kai as Emperor of the Chinese Empire." The power of Government of the Republic of China shall be The administrative power of the Republic of China shall be cache = ./cache/14345.txt txt = ./txt/14345.txt === bib === === bib === id = 2156 author = Giles, Herbert Allen title = China and the Manchus date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 32804 sentences = 1309 flesch = 63 summary = K'ai-fêng as the Chinese capital, and Peking, now for the first time victorious Nü-chêns, the Chinese Emperor discovered that the Emperor, for reasons shortly to be stated; but the Manchu terms were A brief review of Chinese history during the later years of Manchu recovering Chinese territory already occupied by the Manchus. Emperor of China nine days after his capture of Peking, was now hotly defeat of Li by the combined forces of Chinese and Manchus, it had Mings; (4) Chinese women were not to adopt the Manchu dress, nor to reign of K'ang Hsi. After the capture of Peking in 1644, the Manchus Manchus came into power, as conquerors by force of arms, at a time old native chiefs, formerly recognized by the Manchu Emperors, but seemed to all Chinese officials--no Manchu would have been sent--to to Chinese and not to Manchus. Emperor, Chinese, carried off, 6 cache = ./cache/2156.txt txt = ./txt/2156.txt === bib === id = 16261 author = Hearn, Lafcadio title = Some Chinese Ghosts date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 22403 sentences = 1191 flesch = 78 summary = many-colored ways of the old Chinese city who does not know the story thee; if thou fail a third time in fulfilling our command, thy head "_By a beautiful face the world is filled with love; but Heaven may Hundred Flowers," a longing came upon Ming-Y to see his parents; and he That morning, on returning to the house of Lord Tchang, Ming-Y told the the legend was Tong-yong, and that he lived in the years of the great there came upon Tong the same strange fear that he knew when Tchi's eyes good Tchin-King; for it was in the period of the greatness of Thang that "_The words of the Celestial and August, the Son of Heaven, the Divine words to him, saying: "O Tchin-King, I see thou art indeed a brave man presence of Tchin-King had passed away before the answer came. Porcelain itself,--the City of King-te-chin, that of old shone like a cache = ./cache/16261.txt txt = ./txt/16261.txt === bib === id = 10321 author = Rideout, Henry Milner title = Dragon's blood date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 55492 sentences = 4844 flesch = 90 summary = red and white eyes staring fish-like from her black prow: a silly "My compradore, Ah Pat," said Heywood to Rudolph. like a man caught in a fault, his wrinkled face eloquent of fear, his "There," he said, bringing Rudolph to an inner chamber, or dark little The face and the voice came to Rudolph like another trouble across a The relief, after dragging days of uncertainty, came to Rudolph like a "Oh!" said Heywood, with his gray eyes fastened on Rudolph, "no shadow, Heywood's pony came sidling against Rudolph's, till legging Rudolph shook his head, like a man caught in some stupid blunder. Rudolph started, turned, but now sat quiet under Heywood's grasp. Rudolph leaned back, like a man refreshed and comforted, but his laugh "Come away from the window," said Heywood; and then to the white-haired He caught Rudolph by the arm; and standing for a moment like close cache = ./cache/10321.txt txt = ./txt/10321.txt === bib === id = 19665 author = Cooper, Elizabeth title = My Lady of the Chinese Courtyard date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 50240 sentences = 2635 flesch = 85 summary = Thy brothers tell me his sons made great boast that no man has been He must be a man like thee, strong, noble, kindly, bearing thy great I hold my son and say, "Look, thy father will come to us from this child?" She said-and thou would'st not know thy Mother's voice, I write thee this because I know thy mother-heart will rejoice that our Need I tell thee, Mother mine, that I am a stranger in this great city, us, thy children, in this new and foreign life. The foreign woman comes and sits upon the edge of her chair in great I have such great news to tell thee that I hardly know where to begin. things of life, men like my father, must pass away. I took my son apart the other night and said, "I am thy mother and I We are coming home to thee, Mother of my husband, and I have cache = ./cache/19665.txt txt = ./txt/19665.txt === bib === id = 44261 author = Yüan, Yung-lun title = History of the Pirates Who Infested the China Sea From 1807 to 1810 date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 36572 sentences = 2133 flesch = 78 summary = watchful Chang paou was on every side, the pirates took great care to pirates visited this place whenever they passed it with their vessels, killed about ten hands in attacking this vessel, and the pirates retired Chang paou ordered his vessels to remove to Shaou ting, and his men till he saw the Chang lung, or government vessels come on. Chang paou following and attacking them, the foreign vessels sustained a vessels, and joined the foreigners to attack the pirates. he met the pirates near Nan gaou, and prepared his vessels[86] to attack pirate vessels, our commander attacked them. vessel of the pirate, and cried out: "I Chang paou am come," and at the Governor-general ordered one of his officers to kill[104] the pirate [1] The Chinese have particular histories of the robbers and pirates [112] We know by the "History of the Chinese Pirates," that these cache = ./cache/44261.txt txt = ./txt/44261.txt === bib === id = 34199 author = Phillips, E. C. (Edith Caroline) title = Peeps Into China; Or, The Missionary's Children date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 37163 sentences = 2071 flesch = 83 summary = "I don't think I care to go to China now, father," Sybil then said. "I shall like to see Chinese soldiers," Leonard said. "What Chinese shops are like, I think," said Sybil. "I remember," Sybil said, "a girl at school having a Chinese "I thought the Chinese were clever people," Sybil said; "if so, how can "You were saying the other day, father, that Chinese people smoke "I wonder what made people first think of doing this?" Sybil said. "There is one thing I cannot understand the Chinese doing," Leonard said It seemed strange to Sybil and Leonard to think that boat-children never "I do think, do you know, Leonard," Sybil said, as she wished her "How little," Sybil and Leonard said to one another, "we ever thought, Sybil and Leonard were told, were to be seen on almost all Chinese And Sybil, who had said "_I like my father to be a missionary very cache = ./cache/34199.txt txt = ./txt/34199.txt === bib === id = 42904 author = Blake, Henry Arthur, Sir title = China date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 32659 sentences = 1334 flesch = 67 summary = Chinese Soldiers; Family Life; Power of Parents; Foot-Binding 1 Life; Chinese Cities; Peking; Temple of Agriculture; Official Reception by Viceroy; Chinese Writing; Life of Year Customs; Hong Kong Races; Curious Forms of known as the Yu people, in whose territory no Chinese officials are old Chinese proverb frequently heard at the present day, "Long united reciting that a wealthy young Chinese, whose mother controlled a large The most incomprehensible custom among Chinese women of family is that Chinese, like all Easterns, have a great respect for men of letters, The men who work the nets live in a hut built upon long poles Hong Kong--a practically Chinese city where every man was free to day of the Chinese New Year offers a sacrifice on the great white have seen in Hong Kong two women gravely carrying a small house, Here the shops are purely Chinese, and every trade may be seen cache = ./cache/42904.txt txt = ./txt/42904.txt === bib === === bib === id = 43669 author = Hall, W. H. (William Hutcheon), Sir title = Narrative of the Voyages and Services of the Nemesis from 1840 to 1843 And of the Combined Naval and Military Operations in China: Comprising a Complete Account of the Colony of Hong-Kong and Remarks on the Character & Habits of the Chinese. Second Edition date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 226264 sentences = 7890 flesch = 63 summary = the Land's End. At daylight, the little island of Porto Santo having been passed, the this time the only British man-of-war in the Chinese waters was the Scarcely had this taken place, when down came to Macao a new Chinese Chinese batteries and the war-junks, immediately the boat reached the the arrival of Major-General Sir Hugh Gough, from Madras, in H.M.S. Cruizer, to assume the command in chief of all the land-forces, by the As soon as our vessels and boats approached, the Chinese opened a vessels, Chinese junks, boats of all kinds, and the long line of On the Chinese side, the river batteries opened upon the Nemesis and In the mean time, the boats of the Nemesis, under Captain Hall, having island without landing a body of men to attack the Chinese soldiers, the little party again returned to the steamer, the Chinese having cache = ./cache/43669.txt txt = ./txt/43669.txt === bib === === bib === id = 26162 author = La Motte, Ellen N. (Ellen Newbold) title = Peking Dust date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 42002 sentences = 2297 flesch = 75 summary = "Ask the Chinese Government?" repeated the young man, scornfully. with many foreigners who have lived in China for a long time, who have China has suffered at the hands of the great powers, "China in Fetters"--a significant term for a Chinese newspaper to use. realize that the foreign governments have given China no assistance in already talking of the great day, only six months distant, when China As I told you the other day, the opium traffic in China is to come pressure upon the Chinese Government to extend the time by nine months. foreigner in China knows it, and the Chinese know it themselves only too Foreign Office, warning the Chinese Government against allowing the China, you wish Chinese interests to have the right of way. Chinese press referred to as "a glorious day for China and her various British officials in China, and to the Foreign Office in cache = ./cache/26162.txt txt = ./txt/26162.txt === bib === id = 19172 author = Morrison, George Ernest title = An Australian in China Being the Narrative of a Quiet Journey Across China to Burma date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 90637 sentences = 4362 flesch = 74 summary = then, dressed as a Chinese, to cross quietly over Western China, the During the time I was in China, I met large numbers of missionaries of the Chinese cities, especially of Western China, and the flaunting a grateful Chinese patient to the first medical missionary in China. THE CITY OF CHUNGKING--THE CHINESE CUSTOMS--THE FAMOUS MONSIEUR HAAS, the traveller in China to believe that the Chinese are sincere in their THE CITY OF SUIFU--THE CHINA INLAND MISSION, WITH SOME GENERAL REMARKS The China Inland Mission has pleasant quarters close under the city officials, and there is not a Chinese home within ten miles of the city Chinese) were carried through the town on their way from Chaotong to the traveller in Western China, was in Yunnan City in 1882. In the course of his many journeys through China, Mr. Jensen has been invariably well treated by the Chinese, and it is cache = ./cache/19172.txt txt = ./txt/19172.txt === bib === id = 31571 author = Morris, Charles title = Historic Tales: The Romance of Reality. Vol. 12 (of 15), Japanese and Chinese date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 89595 sentences = 4050 flesch = 72 summary = This imperial Amazon was the wife of the mikado Chinai, who in 193 A.D. set out at the head of his army for Kiushiu, a rebellion having broken ten thousand men was sent to Japan, but was soon driven from the country Kublai Khan, the Mongol emperor of China, now sent nine armies of China, when word came from Japan (in 1598) that Hideyoshi was Nobunaga's great generals, as the rising power in Japan. This took place five thousand years or more ago, and for a long time the Fortunately for the young emperor, the great princes, having no fear of The long reign of the great emperor had not been confined to wars with The war that followed continued for twelve years, the armies of The "sublime" emperor, the supreme head of the great realm of China and War between China and Japan was at hand. cache = ./cache/31571.txt txt = ./txt/31571.txt === bib === id = 14492 author = Burton, Margaret E. (Margaret Ernestine) title = Notable Women of Modern China date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 55564 sentences = 2574 flesch = 75 summary = the work in China, that a Chinese girl would come to this country and be doing the regular class work, and making her home with her friend Mrs. Keen. Christian in the hospital, went home with the hope of coming back to study doctors in the city here, so their coming to us helps our work a good hospital work; the nurses and students gave the young physician Mrs. Ahok soon began again the work among the upper class women which had visiting Chinese homes, especially after New Year when people are is given by an article in _Woman's Work in the Far East_, written by Dr. Stone at about this time: doubled the hospital work, and Miss Hughes wrote that Dr. Stone was in "the Dr. Stone's own mother has done such work for years, morning worked there for many years; another city was that in which the Stone's old cache = ./cache/14492.txt txt = ./txt/14492.txt === bib === id = 49121 author = Loti, Pierre title = The Last Days of Pekin date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 66078 sentences = 2764 flesch = 73 summary = small boats--little steam tugs--hurry like busy people among the big cannot count on seeing the great walls of Pekin for six or seven days. THE GREAT WALL SURROUNDING THE OUTER CITY OF PEKIN] As we come through the separating wall and see the Chinese City framed the wood, great Pekin in its dust, which the sun is beginning to gild And every time each gate in the red walls with the yellow faience permit himself to be seen, to act in the light of day like other men, I shall come to a fresh opening in an old wall, which will be my crossed the wall of the Chinese City by this southern gate, first The place is paved with marble, and straight ahead, rising like a wall, walls the vests of Chinese soldiers are fastened up and arranged like and the "yellow wind" before reaching Y-Tchou, another old walled city cache = ./cache/49121.txt txt = ./txt/49121.txt === bib === === bib === id = 13420 author = Dingle, Edwin John title = Across China on Foot date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 114046 sentences = 5887 flesch = 77 summary = Whilst traveling I lived on Chinese food, and in the Miao country, where hotel-runners, hard-worked coolies, rickshaw men, professional Chinese methods into an active, trade-loving people like the Chinese, China The other day some men passed through several towns, on the way to the people in Europe to-day who know no more about China than what the troops were twelve days away, and in China--in backward Yün-nan Men who came through Yün-nan twenty years ago wrote of its doctors and even to-day, there are tribes of people, essentially non-Chinese, who they probably in former times extended far into Hu-nan, the Chinese of Yün-nan people, at the time of the dual decease in recent Chinese But as one who has traveled in China, living among the Chinese There is something in traveling in Yün-nan, where the people away from These men were prepared to work a very long time for very little cache = ./cache/13420.txt txt = ./txt/13420.txt === bib === === bib === id = 12818 author = Bushnell, Katharine C. (Katharine Caroline) title = Heathen Slaves and Christian Rulers date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 72659 sentences = 3047 flesch = 68 summary = The conditions that surround the Hong Kong slave girl in Sir Charles Elliott, Governor of Hong Kong, wishing to attract Chinese "Can Chinese slavery, as it _de facto_ exists in Hong Kong, be Chinese women at Hong Kong, the most direct cause being the irregular the girl Chan Tsoi Lin and placed her in a brothel in Hong Kong'; for Chinese ladies in Hong Kong to purchase one or more girls to "inveigle virtuous women or girls to come to Hong Kong, at first girls for the Hong Kong brothels, which, they alleged, Government day the Chinese prostitutes of Hong Kong have but very little to Hong Kong brothels where Chinese women have to meet foreigners less than 621 women entered brothels from China and Hong Kong, in Hong Kong, in reporting on a case of suicide of a slave girl to the enforcement of brothel slavery upon Chinese women. cache = ./cache/12818.txt txt = ./txt/12818.txt === bib === id = 60335 author = Scott, John Lee title = Narrative of a Recent Imprisonment in China after the Wreck of the Kite date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 23134 sentences = 926 flesch = 75 summary = rights--Jolly-boat returns--Chinese--Leave the wreck. questions--Chinese music--Jolly-boat party arrive--Privations-the mandarin--Letters and clothing from Chusan--Chinese After standing here some time, a man came and took me away to another proceeded on, till we came to the head mandarin's house. In a short time some officers came in, and opening the lid of my cage, had finished, some mandarin officers arrived, one carrying a small I did not remain long in this place, for I was soon walked out into the The day passed on, and supper-time came; this meal was the same as mandarin--Letters and clothing from Chusan--Chinese clothes--Irons room, and, after waiting a short time in the yard, sedans having been Douglas and Captain Anstruther, clothes of all sorts for Mrs. Noble, and a quantity for the child which was drowned; but nothing told them that the mandarins said we were going to Chusan in six days, taken; and each sedan being placed in a separate boat, we were soon cache = ./cache/60335.txt txt = ./txt/60335.txt === bib === === bib === id = 29683 author = Raper, Eleanor title = The Little Girl Lost A Tale for Little Girls date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 21392 sentences = 1372 flesch = 93 summary = Nelly Grey was a little English girl who had never been in England. When Nelly said that she was going to meet her father, Little Yi offered road outside Peking, Hung Li stopped the carts and said every one was to 'I should not like to have a Chinese mother,' said Nelly. Nelly and Little Yi were given a small room adjoining Ku Nai-nai's in By the time that Nelly and Little Yi had been at Yung Ching a month, An Ching, Nelly, and Little An Ching did not reply, but next day, when Nelly told her that she had And Nelly at once began to give English lessons to An Ching, and Little One morning the two children and An Ching had been singing and Nelly the children were together in Peking, Little Yi gave way to Nelly in Ching, Nelly, and Little Yi were sitting on the bench in the small cache = ./cache/29683.txt txt = ./txt/29683.txt === bib === id = 44614 author = nan title = Progress of Western Education in China and Siam date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 6568 sentences = 381 flesch = 68 summary = Shanghai Courier, in regard to foreign education for the Chinese, and educated, and, unless they can receive foreign instruction in China, Chinese in foreign branches of knowledge, either by the government of made to educate the Chinese in foreign branches of knowledge, either in regard to the education of Chinese in foreign languages within this government schools in Hong Kong are too great to enable private English or any other foreign language to their Chinese pupils now, nor education of Chinese in foreign knowledge in this consular district. I know of no schools founded by private enterprise in which foreign course of (4) reading books used in the government schools at Hong girls' school, which numbers 14 scholars, has any foreign secular to the education of Chinese in foreign knowledge within this consular or sustain schools in which foreign knowledge has been taught. been taught in schools elsewhere, either at other ports or in foreign cache = ./cache/44614.txt txt = ./txt/44614.txt === bib === id = 56089 author = Reinsch, Paul S. (Paul Samuel) title = An American Diplomat in China date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 124392 sentences = 5735 flesch = 60 summary = Others whose knowledge of Chinese was exceptional were Mr. Sidney Mayers, representative of the British China Corporation, who had attack on me personally, and on American action in China generally. visited China in 1913, Chinese officials expressed to him the wish in China unless the Chinese Government shall give some positive proof At this time I informed the Chinese Minister for Foreign Affairs that American Government did not object to any arrangement whereby China The Chinese Government gave to the American concern the right to build The Japanese Government was still trying to get China into the war, The American Government had held to its view that China should not be the Chinese to feel that the American Government, desiring them to But the Japanese minister had already informed the Chinese Foreign The Americans in China, as well as the British and the Chinese, were cache = ./cache/56089.txt txt = ./txt/56089.txt === bib === id = 32752 author = Millington, Powell title = To Lhassa at Last date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 35078 sentences = 1884 flesch = 77 summary = When the Sikkim-Tibet Mission Force marched to Lhassa, it carried along About two or three days' marching takes you out of India into Sikkim, men of the British working class whom one has known in old days. very long train of pack-mule transport in our column, and the checks up As we foraged on the days following these fights our way was strewn with hundred mule loads, and so could not start our march with many days' course, before our five-mile-long column had reached the top. the value set by a Tibetan on a 'chit' written by a British officer. exciting climax to our march, such as a good fight in the Lhassa plain, place with the post, prepared to proceed to Lhassa the next day; but it miles up the river, and the following day I was able to reach Lhassa Sixteen days later the column left Lhassa. cache = ./cache/32752.txt txt = ./txt/32752.txt === bib === id = 16142 author = Dulles, John Foster title = The Communist Threat in the Taiwan Area date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 4754 sentences = 251 flesch = 68 summary = which has resulted from aggressive Chinese Communist military actions 2. The United States is bound by treaty to help to defend Taiwan resolution of the Congress to employ the Armed Forces of the United authorizes the President to employ the Armed Forces of the United free-world positions, and the security of the United States. representatives of the United States and Chinese Communist regime bombardment of Quemoy, an island in the Formosa Straits off the China would be hostile to the United States and the free world. United States and to the free world. commit the United States to the defense of the treaty areas. of the United States for the defense not only of Formosa but of between the United States and the Chinese Communists that an In 1955 the hostilities of the Chinese Communists in the Formosa area the peace in the Formosa area, the Chinese Communist leaders can be cache = ./cache/16142.txt txt = ./txt/16142.txt === bib === id = 31674 author = Jones, J. Knox title = Comments on the Taxonomic Status of Apodemus peninsulae, with Description of a New Subspecies from North China date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 3278 sentences = 277 flesch = 69 summary = Apodemus peninsulae, with Description Comments on the Taxonomic Status of Apodemus peninsulae, with Description of a New Subspecies from North China (1951:566) have arranged _peninsulae_ as a subspecies of _Apodemus specimens of _peninsulae_ available to me from central and southern The type specimens of _Apodemus praetor_ Miller (type from Sungari _nigritalus_, like _peninsulae_, as a subspecies of _flavicollis_. _peninsulae_, especially in summer pelage when _praetor_ lacks the subspecies of _Apodemus sylvaticus_. In China the extent of the distribution of _Apodemus peninsulae_ is also The western limits of the geographic range of _Apodemus peninsulae_ are Apodemus peninsulae sowerbyi, new subspecies _Apodemus peninsulae nigritalus_, Tapucha, Altai Mts., Siberia _Apodemus peninsulae praetor_, Sungari River, 60 mi. _Apodemus peninsulae sowerbyi_, Kuei-hau-cheng, Shansi From _Apodemus peninsulae From _Apodemus peninsulae From _Apodemus peninsulae _Apodemus peninsulae_, then, is known or suspected to occur over much of _Apodemus peninsulae nigritalus_ Hollister, 1913 _Apodemus peninsulae praetor_ Miller, 1914 _Apodemus peninsulae sowerbyi_ Jones, 1956 cache = ./cache/31674.txt txt = ./txt/31674.txt === bib === id = 17002 author = Talmage, John Van Nest title = History and Ecclesiastical Relations of the Churches of the Presbyterial Order at Amoy, China date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 24991 sentences = 1405 flesch = 70 summary = Church, concerning the views and course of your missionaries of the last Synod on the Mission at Amoy, and see what course the Church Amoy, viz.: the Missions of the American Reformed Dutch Church, of the London Missionary Society, and of the English Presbyterian Church. The first Missionary of the English Presbyterian Church at Amoy was Dr. Jas. The first ordained Missionary of the English Presbyterian Church, at their Missionaries in uniting with us in organizing the native churches information of our Church at home, and addressed to General Synod. church was organized at Amoy according to our order. us, there will be but one Church at Amoy of the Presbyterian order. organization of the Church at Amoy, after our order, therefore, this Missionaries of the English Presbyterian Church. Missionaries of the English Presbyterian Church. the churches at Amoy, and show that the Missionaries have acted cache = ./cache/17002.txt txt = ./txt/17002.txt === bib === id = 57382 author = Franking, Mae M. title = My Chinese Marriage date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 27470 sentences = 1625 flesch = 79 summary = I saw Chan-King Liang for the first time on a certain Monday morning in that Chan-King told us about his father, typical Chinese product of his remembered that, fine as Chan-King was, he belonged to the Chinese race. Chan-King looked at him a long time, a quizzical, happy On the way home Chan-King said, "Will this be difficult for you, would see Chan-King's eyes turned upon me with the look I best loved to Chan-King expressed our views thus: "The Chinese idea is that the family "When I told them of you," said Chan-King, "my mother was visibly related, Chan-King's mother had been looking forward for years to the Chan-King, his mother and I went to Chinese cafés together and Madame When her visit was ended, our mother said to Chan-King, "This is a grown, we must have them all marry Chinese." Chan-King looked at me long cache = ./cache/57382.txt txt = ./txt/57382.txt === bib === id = 63233 author = Dingle, Edwin John title = China's Revolution, 1911-1912: A Historical and Political Record of the Civil War date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 101033 sentences = 4992 flesch = 72 summary = GENERAL LI YUAN HUNG'S AMBITIONS FOR THE NEW CHINA foreign imports which for years have come into China, there is not a on China, the publisher said: "What people want to know is how to gaze out upon a great country like China and a people who go to make Continuing, the General said his idea was that China's {41} foreign China--some even got to know that it could not take a very great time Yet surely three years was not too long a time for China to prepare Yuan Shih K'ai, cutest of all Chinese in China, probably foresaw With the fall of Hanyang, millions of people, Chinese and foreigners, was generally agreed that the Government of China wanted reforming, form of government is suited to the Chinese nation and people. "My love for China and the Chinese people is certainly as great men of China in regard to foreign nations, it was believed that they cache = ./cache/63233.txt txt = ./txt/63233.txt === bib === id = 5173 author = Nukariya, Kaiten title = The Religion of the Samurai A Study of Zen Philosophy and Discipline in China and Japan date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 86985 sentences = 5524 flesch = 77 summary = To-day Zen as a living faith can be found in its pure form only among Mahayana Zen, and calls the last by the name of the Buddha's Holy gives a short life, in Dirghagama-sutra, of each of the six Buddhas, Bodhidharma as the best explanation of Zen, by Gunabhadra in A.D. 433; Saddharma-pundarika-sutra, in its complete form, by Kumarajiva Shan said that some practise Zen in order to attain Enlightenment, founder of the Japanese Ten Dai Sect, known as Den Gyo Dai Shi. After visiting holy places and great monasteries, he came home, This Universal Life, according to Zen, pillars the heaven, Therefore man, according to Zen, is not good-natured nor bad-natured For these reasons Zen proposes to call man Buddha-natured or [FN#190] Zen is often called the Sect of Buddha-mind, as it lays Buddha, or Universal Life conceived by Zen, 'What is life and death?' 'What is the real nature of mind?' and so cache = ./cache/5173.txt txt = ./txt/5173.txt === bib === === bib === === bib === id = 5350 author = King, F. H. (Franklin Hiram) title = Farmers of Forty Centuries; Or, Permanent Agriculture in China, Korea, and Japan date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 93824 sentences = 3720 flesch = 70 summary = Japan 56 per cent of the cultivated fields, 11,000 square miles, is The average area of the rice field in Japan is less than five square grave lands had become nearly naked soil, as seen in Fig. 27 where a Fields which had matured two crops of rice during the long summer, applied to rice, Fig. 45 showing a field as seen in Japan. lands is largely used upon the rice fields, more than sixteen inches inches of water applied to the rice fields of the three main islands a closer view than Fig. 27 of the farmer watering his little field The basal food crop of the people of China, Korea and Japan is rice, of water rice on the plains land at 44 bushels per acre, and that of cultivated land produces a crop of water rice each year and 7.96 per cache = ./cache/5350.txt txt = ./txt/5350.txt === bib === id = 28780 author = Worts, George F. (George Frank) title = Peter the Brazen: A Mystery Story of Modern China date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 93106 sentences = 7915 flesch = 89 summary = When Peter Moore entered the static-room, picked his way swiftly and "Sh!" warned Peter Moore, conscious that in China the walls, doors, "Miss Vost is why I'm drunk, Peter," said Bobbie MacLaurin sadly. nonsense," declared Miss Vost, looking away from Peter. "You don't know Bobbie, the way I do," said Peter stubbornly. into unhealthy-looking foam, Peter Moore and Miss Vost leaned upon the Miss Vost dropped her eyes to Peter's hand which was resting on the "The young man," said Peter gravely, "desires neither wealth nor Quite suddenly the light gave way, and Peter was aware that the night Peter caught Miss Vost by one hand and raced down the steps. Miss Vost lifted both of Peter's hands, and one was still blue from the red-faced man, and his look sent a curdle of fear into Peter's brave "Where?" demanded Peter, staring over the red-faced man's shoulder for cache = ./cache/28780.txt txt = ./txt/28780.txt === bib === id = 12296 author = Andrews, Yvette Borup title = Camps and Trails in China A Narrative of Exploration, Adventure, and Sport in Little-Known China date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 95662 sentences = 4633 flesch = 76 summary = tigers--Experiences with the Great Invisible--Killing a man eater--Chinese Our caravan--The Yün-nan pack saddle--Temple camps--Chinese Hsia-kuan--Summer temperature--Lake--Graves--Pagodas--Mr. H.G. Evans--Foreigners of Ta-li Fu--Chinese mandarins--Mammals at Ta-li--Caravan rivers of all China with its velvet green mountains rising a thousand feet distance down the river in twenty-four hours and had breakfast with Mr. Kellogg at his house the morning after we left Yen-Ping. It is seven days since we left Yün-nan Fu and each night we have come but one white person in a year and a half, was living entirely upon Chinese were climbing a long mountain trail to a pass over eight thousand feet high The following day Heller went out with the hunters and saw two gorals but resident of Chu-hsuing Fu, a large Chinese city six days from Yün-nan Fu. In Ta-li Fu, Reverend William J. Just before camping the next day we passed through a large village where we cache = ./cache/12296.txt txt = ./txt/12296.txt === bib === === bib === id = 40350 author = Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony title = Government in Republican China date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 76496 sentences = 4098 flesch = 57 summary = the old Chinese society lay not in the power of an organized body of National Government of China and of the Nationalist armies under Chiang nationalism required of China in the new Westernized world--this was a the pivot of modern Chinese government and politics. possessed the power, under the legal sanction of the Chinese government, military power of the Nationalist armies led by Chiang K'ai-shek. China the background of a Chinese-dominated world society in the Far Chinese government appearing in quasi-military form. Undoubtedly China was and is too large to be governed by mere military provincial military commanders; many Chinese expected a new Yüan to making the Chinese government independent of Japanese and Western Western government and makes no attempt to transpose Chinese politics include much material on Chinese politics and government. How can modern government be made Chinese, Chinese political and military development may well cache = ./cache/40350.txt txt = ./txt/40350.txt === bib === id = 27021 author = Landor, Arnold Henry Savage title = An Explorer's Adventures in Tibet date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 75411 sentences = 4796 flesch = 83 summary = High mountain ranges bound the Tibetan plateau on all sides. way with great caution, particularly as by the time we reached that spot We arrived at Lama Chokten, a pass protected by a Tibetan guard. and louder, and then we saw coming our way a stream of limpid snow-water Tibetan officers, followed by their men, came trembling to meet us. When darkness came I placed a guard a little distance off our camp. pass and on the other side, a number of Tibetans following the yaks we (the name the Tibetans had given me) had taken a large army of men into then allowed to remain in his tent, guarded by Tibetan soldiers. bank of the stream, was a large Tibetan camping-ground with a high wall Next morning, the 20th idem, a number of Tibetans came to Mr. Landor's tent, bringing food and ponies. cache = ./cache/27021.txt txt = ./txt/27021.txt === bib === id = 44043 author = Brereton, William H. title = The Truth about Opium Being a Refutation of the Fallacies of the Anti-Opium Society and a Defence of the Indo-China Opium Trade date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 82881 sentences = 3149 flesch = 63 summary = years' residence in Hong Kong.--Opium smoking as practised by the Chinese the Anti-Opium Society.--British and other foreign residents in China hold Anti-Opium Society that British trade with China has suffered from the Indo-China Opium trade, Chinese residing there have better means of iniquity of the Indo-China Opium trade.--Character of the Chinese as Opium smoking in China.--Although the Chinese are a spirit-drinking trade.--Missionaries detested in China.--Indian Opium welcomed.--Saying of the Indo-Chinese opium trade interlard their case with political matters and ruining the people of China, as is alleged by the Anti-Opium Society, hold of the public mind, with respect to opium smoking in China, arose, Calcutta, and Hong Kong, by which all Indian opium for the China trade is Chinese Government, and on the effect of opium smoking on the people of nor the subject of these lectures, which is opium smoking in China. missionaries and the Anti-Opium Society allege, China would not be the cache = ./cache/44043.txt txt = ./txt/44043.txt === bib === id = 22210 author = Landor, Arnold Henry Savage title = In the Forbidden Land An account of a journey in Tibet, capture by the Tibetan authorities, imprisonment, torture and ultimate release date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 151816 sentences = 10078 flesch = 81 summary = Lama Chokden--A Tibetan guard--The sacred Kelas--Reverence of my men I was provided with a very light mountain _tente-d'abri_ seven feet long, pass for the first time Shokas invariably cut a strip of cloth and place a large Tibetan tent manufactured to shelter my future followers--if enter Tibet by the Lippu Pass, was surrounded by Tibetan soldiers, and he wonder, a great human hand (as the Tibetans and Shokas call it), which is fear of being surprised by the Tibetan soldiers, and we passed hour after Tibetans had given me--had taken a large army of men into Tibet, and that remain in his tent, guarded by Tibetan soldiers. of Tibetan men, women and children, who seemed very good-natured and Tibetans pray to their god by means of water, wind and hand-power, are Travelling Tibetans--Over a high pass--A friendly meeting--A [Illustration: A SHOKA-TIBETAN HALF-CASTE] with a handful of men, escaped from the Tibetan soldiers watching cache = ./cache/22210.txt txt = ./txt/22210.txt === bib === id = 39163 author = Dalton, William title = The War Tiger Or, Adventures and Wonderful Fortunes of the Young Sea Chief and His Lad Chow: A Tale of the Conquest of China date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 81035 sentences = 2839 flesch = 70 summary = who became the Emperor Tait-sou, a little great man-boy," said Chow. "Surely thy dogs of servants must have been accomplices," said Chow. "What words are these, O Chow?" said Nicholas, placing his hand to his "Truly, O Chow, thou wert born in an unfortunate hour," said Nicholas. "These are wild words and foolish fancies, Chow," said Nicholas; adding, parents, will prove thy destruction, my poor Chow," said Nicholas, as "Noble Ki, I am thy servant for life," said Nicholas, kneeling and Nicholas, she said, "Haste youth, for thy life;" but knowing the attempt "Thou art a coward, Chow, draw thy sword, and follow," said Nicholas, "All is prepared, O noble Nicholas, according to thy order," said Chow. We dare not, O noble Nicholas," said Chow! "Silence, thou dog," said Nicholas; adding in a whisper to Chow, "Let us "Then," said Nicholas, "let thy servant seek the young Emperor, and upon cache = ./cache/39163.txt txt = ./txt/39163.txt === bib === id = 59972 author = Nozhin, E. K. (Evgenii Konstantinovich) title = The Truth About Port Arthur date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 124158 sentences = 7263 flesch = 75 summary = the Fortress Commandant, Lieutenant-General Smirnoff, had two enemies Fortress, numbers of officers of the Japanese General Staff, disguised for it to be fortified with the utmost rapidity, and in his order No. 228, of March 23, he authorized the Fortress Commanding Engineer to commanding officer, can give me general orders relating to the defence Next day Order 285 was issued by the Officer Commanding the District, officers, began to get the position on Green Hills into some order; General Fock's command--the left flank--fared during these days. General Stössel published the following order this day: officer commanding, General Smirnoff went to look at the destruction to persuaded General Stössel to lay mines under our forts in order that and General Smirnoff asked the Officer Commanding the District, through orders direct from General Stössel that the fort was to be abandoned. _Lieutenant-General Smirnoff_, Commandant of the Fortress. Fortress of Port Arthur to its Commandant, Lieutenant-General Smirnoff, cache = ./cache/59972.txt txt = ./txt/59972.txt === bib === id = 47218 author = Gautier, Judith title = The Daughter of Heaven date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 31935 sentences = 4076 flesch = 91 summary = report addressed by the Tartar general Tsen-Konan-Wei, to the Emperor THE EMPEROR OF PEKING, a Tartar of the Tsing (Pure) Dynasty (aged 30) FOUNT-IN-THE-FOREST, Councillor to the Tartar Emperor THE SON OF SPRINGTIME, the little Chinese Emperor at Nanking THE DAUGHTER OF HEAVEN, Chinese Empress of the Ming (Bright) Dynasty SECOND NURSE [_Respectfully approaching the_ TARTAR EMPEROR] the Tartar Emperor----But this torch which shall illumine The EMPRESS [_Making a sign to the_ TARTAR EMPEROR, _to be Ah, how ardently I wish I were the Tartar Emperor reigning FAITHFUL PRINCE, _who gives it to the_ EMPRESS. The day will come when I shall throw away the mask, THE EMPRESS, _the_ FAITHFUL PRINCE, ARROW-BEARER, _the_ _The_ TARTAR EMPEROR _and The_ EMPRESS _The_ TARTAR EMPEROR _and The_ EMPRESS [FAITHFUL PRINCE _approaches the_ EMPRESS.] _The_ EMPRESS, FAITHFUL PRINCE, TRANQUIL BEAUTY, _The_ The_ EMPRESS, FAITHFUL PRINCE, VEILED-LIGHT, TRANQUIL interview of an Emperor and an Empress, power speaking to cache = ./cache/47218.txt txt = ./txt/47218.txt === bib === id = 43549 author = Hedin, Sven Anders title = Trans-Himalaya: Discoveries and Adventurers in Tibet. Vol. 2 (of 2) date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 173054 sentences = 9430 flesch = 83 summary = east of the mountain the flat open valley of the Targo-tsangpo comes seven short days' journey; the pilgrim road closely follows the lake great river drink of the water, because it comes from the holy mountain On the same day a large white-and-blue tent was set up by our camp, but Tabie-tsaka, how far they marched each day, and where they passed lakes, gain our camp on the bank of the Tsangpo; the river looks like a lake, After a while we passed the valley junction and the unlucky camp No. 283, and were again on the great caravan route, the road of dead horses. Mountain north-east of Camp 310; the freshwater Lake white limits of the valley was seen to the south-east the large lake Three tents stood in a side valley and some men came out to look passed two tents, where four Tibetans came out to look at us. cache = ./cache/43549.txt txt = ./txt/43549.txt === bib === id = 60959 author = Anonymous title = John Chinaman on the Rand date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 26846 sentences = 1522 flesch = 73 summary = white labour for surface work on the mines, I have consulted the large number of white men employed on the Rand in the position of to labour on the mines, for that work was only fit for Chinamen; Even if white labour was economically possible the Rand lords of indentured Chinese labourers into the Transvaal Colony until the stated that if a colony desired Chinese labour it was not for the to every Chinese labourer recruited from his native land the Ordinance mines, the Rand lords have urged on the white overseers to force the principle of importing Chinese labour into the Transvaal it would be The British Government wanted Chinese labour to be introduced into the Government in sanctioning the Chinese Labour Ordinance. working of the mines by the Chinese in South Africa was slavery; but The introduction of Chinese labour into the Rand on the top of all cache = ./cache/60959.txt txt = ./txt/60959.txt === bib === id = 43497 author = Hedin, Sven Anders title = Trans-Himalaya: Discoveries and Adventurers in Tibet. Vol. 1 (of 2) date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 168656 sentences = 8719 flesch = 80 summary = During the following days Muhamed Isa was always on his feet, looking Muhamed Isa set up for the caravan men a large Tibetan tent with a broad We needed a day's rest in this camp, for before us was the high pass however, little water, ran to the lake, and all day long we fell in with We have not seen a drop of water all day long, and the caravan is small pass we came to a new longitudinal valley, where the country was men for several days, but after that should pass black tents daily. Our day's march ran round the lake and into a broad valley extending in slowly marching over passes and through winding valleys, over small long day's journey and a difficult pass, and therefore it was still dark This time Muhamed Isa accompanied me, and the Tashi Lama received me in cache = ./cache/43497.txt txt = ./txt/43497.txt === bib === id = 49637 author = Coxe, William title = Account of the Russian Discoveries between Asia and America To which are added, the conquest of Siberia, and the history of the transactions and commerce between Russia and China date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 84767 sentences = 5320 flesch = 75 summary = Kamtchatka and the New Discovered Islands are sea-otters, foxes, sables, to the Aleutian and Fox Islands: they are called by the Russians Bobry The Russians remained until June, 1754, upon this island: at that time [Sidenote: The Crew reach Beering's Island in two Baidars.] In spring tribute, calls in his account the first island by the Russian name of sea the spring following--The vessel is stranded in a bay of the island islanders, that a Russian ship, under the command of Ivan Solovioff[53], [Sidenote: Sails to the Fox Islands.] Every preparation for continuing [Sidenote: The Russians winter at Kadyak.] The islanders now appearing [Sidenote: Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants.] The Fox-islands are [Sidenote: Account of the Inhabitants of the Fox Islands.] The any Russian vessels have hitherto sailed, a chain of islands has been An island without a name, called by the Russians [Sidenote: Islands called by different Names in the Russian Journals.] cache = ./cache/49637.txt txt = ./txt/49637.txt === bib === id = 39735 author = Lindley, Augustus F. title = Ti-Ping Tien-Kwoh: The History of the Ti-Ping Revolution (Volume II) date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 149383 sentences = 6552 flesch = 66 summary = The Kan-wang, the missionaries' friend, having left the city while Mr. Muirhead was there, that event was mentioned in the following different offices of Ti-ping Government in Hang-chow, and completing his French aiding by six vessels only, a fact suppressed by Captain Dew. The final expulsion of the Ti-pings from Ningpo was thus effected:-placed directly between the British and French men-of-war and the guns the foreign men-of-war, as stated by Captain Dew. The Ti-pings fought their battery against the overwhelming fire from the A march of five days brought our forces to the city of Soo-chow, when Nankin and Soo-chow, the Chung-wang's immediate command, and other The British men-of-war, the Manchoo gunboats, the French vessels, the China having just reached Shanghae, Major Gordon, R.E., took command of British army_; while General Brown sent a force of 550 men (including Ti-ping stockades outside Soo-chow; consequently, the Chung-wang cache = ./cache/39735.txt txt = ./txt/39735.txt === bib === id = 31043 author = Dewey, Harriet Alice Chipman title = Letters from China and Japan date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 49158 sentences = 2409 flesch = 78 summary = Nice old blue Canton plates and other things Japanese. Kabuki, where we sit on the floor and see real old Japanese acting, We liked the old Japanese theater better than the said it was the only place in Tokyo where Japanese men and women really met in a free sociable way, and the president said that when Japanese after dinner, and, like several of the little girls of the new to-day another young lady called, and said she wanted to go back to After a little I said: "I did not know the Emperor went to The Geisha girls are all the way from eleven years old to something like little things went back and danced for more men. has in Japan, Japanese officered Chinese, and her possession of Maybe you would like to know a little about how we look this morning and cache = ./cache/31043.txt txt = ./txt/31043.txt === bib === id = 27481 author = Kendall, Elizabeth Kimball title = A Wayfarer in China Impressions of a trip across West China and Mongolia date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 85762 sentences = 4091 flesch = 78 summary = cross the great rivers and ranges of western Yunnan, a weary month-long Our day's stage usually ended in a good-sized town. friendly way, generally stopping after I had passed to ask my coolies and a century ago the Chinese frontier stopped at Tachienlu, but to-day Later in the day we left the river, and crossing a head ridge or pass While in Chia-ting I crossed the river one day to see the great Buddha Kalgan stands hard-by the Great Wall; here China and Mongolia meet, and wild-looking men on sturdy little ponies told of an open country. these people, however, looked like Western men, and one simply could not a few Chinese, with a little group of frightened-looking Mongols. Or put it in another way: with Chinese and man of the West alike, that has lived a long time, the Chinese have found out a great many cache = ./cache/27481.txt txt = ./txt/27481.txt === bib === === bib === id = 48788 author = Maugham, W. Somerset (William Somerset) title = On a Chinese Screen date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 52013 sentences = 3202 flesch = 85 summary = Chinese gentlemen, smiling, look at them with soft eyes. "Of course it doesn't look like a room in London," she said, "but it the head of the pass till he came to the old river bed which was the in Chinese things tends a little to the grotesque, I think." looked with distrust upon any man who studied the Chinese language. He sought to look as little like "Mr. Wingrove thinks it's bad for the work to go away for a year like "Mr. Wingrove won't hear a word against the Chinese," said his wife, little intimate beer-houses of Berlin where the tired working man could "That's what I looked like when I first came out to China," he said. He has lived in China for five years, but he knows no Chinese and takes He knows more Chinese than any man in China. cache = ./cache/48788.txt txt = ./txt/48788.txt === bib === id = 39486 author = Macgowan, J. (John) title = Sidelights on Chinese Life date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 129017 sentences = 4554 flesch = 70 summary = two thousand years ago, that a man that did not know how to rule his home After a careful study of the family life of this great people, one the yellow face sooner than to ask a man if the idols love men. comparatively of whom have ever come back to look upon the land of great here come the people from the great city below, slowly winding could come to life to-day he would see that the old clumsy thing that he Chinese life and scenes afford to the Westerner, there comes a sense of mysteries of Chinese life and see how men and women can lead what seems to the remote times of Chinese history was a man who was taken direct from whilst men who had passed their lives in the commission of great wrongs, cognizance of men's lives--Heaven looks after great moral cache = ./cache/39486.txt txt = ./txt/39486.txt === bib === id = 23451 author = Bell, M. C. title = Little Yellow Wang-lo date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 1653 sentences = 150 flesch = 97 summary = called Little Yellow Wang-lo. Little Yellow Wang-lo had to get up very Little Yellow Wang-lo had to get up very Little Yellow Wang-lo had to get up very Little Yellow Wang-lo had to get up very Little Yellow Wang-lo had to get up very little black pig that had white feet; he Wang-lo got a stick and beat the pig, little Yellow Wang-lo tripped over a fat old mother pig and seven little When it was bed-time all the little pigs and catching up little Yellow Wang-lo in he suddenly let little Yellow Wang-lo saw little Yellow Wang-lo returning the little black Pig. He soon found the gate, and knocked and So little Yellow Wang-lo gathered a lot When the mother pig and all the little Now little Yellow Wang-lo had no pockets pig said: "Take off your shirt, little little Yellow Wang-lo had brought back, Little Yellow Wang-lo lived on in the cache = ./cache/23451.txt txt = ./txt/23451.txt === bib === id = 58369 author = Nelson, Kathleen Gray title = Tuen, Slave and Empress date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 28668 sentences = 1474 flesch = 82 summary = "He is the god of barbarians and devils, Tuen," her father said sternly. Tuen said nothing more, but that night from her bed in the open court chuckled and said nothing, and poor Tuen had a new thought to torment "The Viceroy sent her to you," the servant who was with Tuen said to the On the day that Tuen arrived at the yâmen, the wife of the Viceroy came "Just look what long ones Tuen has and be consoled," another said "I don't want little feet," Tuen answered, for the first time taking A year had passed since Tuen came to live at the Viceroy's yâmen, and in that Tuen should make a tunic for the Viceroy as a present on the coming "I didn't want anything in the world but to be learned like a man," Tuen "I would like to be wise and great," Tuen said, with a sigh. cache = ./cache/58369.txt txt = ./txt/58369.txt === bib === id = 62121 author = Stoddard, John L. (John Lawson) title = John L. Stoddard's Lectures, Vol. 03 (of 10) Japan I, Japan II, China date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 43149 sentences = 2379 flesch = 73 summary = appear, the traveler soon comes to like these little vehicles. [Illustration: A JAPANESE TEMPLE.] The Japanese are usually small their women seem like girls; their [Illustration: A JAPANESE BRIDGE.] [Illustration: A JAPANESE LADY EN ROUTE.] [Illustration: A JAPANESE DOCTOR OF THE OLD STYLE.] [Illustration: A JAPANESE LADY.] [Illustration: A JAPANESE BEAUTY.] [Illustration: A JAPANESE SHOP.] [Illustration: A JAPANESE FAMILY MOVING.] [Illustration: A JAPANESE AT PRAYER.] [Illustration: A JAPANESE BED.] [Illustration: JAPANESE TEA-HOUSE.] [Illustration: TWO MODES OF TRAVEL IN JAPAN.] [Illustration: ENTRANCE TO A JAPANESE TEMPLE.] [Illustration: INTERIOR OF A JAPANESE TEMPLE.] The streets in Kioto, like those of most Japanese cities, are usually [Illustration: A HONG-KONG STREET--IN THE CHINESE QUARTER.] [Illustration: AN OLD CHINESE FORT, CANTON RIVER.] [Illustration: CHINESE BOATS, CANTON.] [Illustration: HALL IN A CHINESE HOUSE.] once said to me: "The more you see of the Japanese the less you will like [Illustration: THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA.] cache = ./cache/62121.txt txt = ./txt/62121.txt === bib === id = 34167 author = Loviot, Fanny title = A Lady's Captivity among Chinese Pirates in the Chinese Seas date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 34131 sentences = 1927 flesch = 80 summary = Consul--Visit of Than-Sing--Good-bye to Captain Rooney _page_ 122 That same night the sailors bore her body upon deck, and the captain three days, said the captain, we should probably arrive at the end of Chinese shores for more than twenty days, the captain informed us that "Caldera"--Chinese Pirates--Scene between Decks--A Crew in "Caldera"--Chinese Pirates--Scene between Decks--A Crew in Soon after this, Than-Sing and the captain came in search of me. The pirates of the Chinese seas make their junks their homes, and Once at sea, it is scarcely likely that the pirates, busy as they Captain Rooney then came up, and Than-Sing, Having boarded and pillaged the merchant-junk, the pirates, it seemed, with any pirate-junks, the captain of the "Lady Mary Wood" prepared to pirates in the Chinese seas, has just returned to France in pirates in the Chinese seas, has just returned to France in cache = ./cache/34167.txt txt = ./txt/34167.txt === bib === id = 39421 author = Wollaston, A. F. R. (Alexander Frederick Richmond) title = Mount Everest, the Reconnaissance, 1921 date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 130208 sentences = 6112 flesch = 76 summary = Summit of Mount Everest and North Peak from the Island, West Rongbuk Mount Everest from the Rongbuk Glacier, nine miles north-west 214 Mount Everest from the 20,000-foot camp--wind blowing snow off the Mount Everest at sunset from the 20,000-foot camp, Kharta Valley 316 descended nearly 5,000 feet by the time that we reached the P.W.D. bungalow at Peshoke, which was situated in a clearing in the forest. glacier that swept down from below the rock walls of Cho-Uyo. On arriving at the end of the moraine, the boots that my coolie was lovely views of Mount Everest and that great group of snow peaks of Mount Everest and its great ridges filled up the head of the valley. way I climbed 1,000 feet up among the rocks opposite to the big glacier possible way up Mount Everest from this valley, but at present the snow-covered hill to the West of the camp, about 21,000 feet, I had some cache = ./cache/39421.txt txt = ./txt/39421.txt === bib === id = 45167 author = Michie, Alexander title = The Siberian Overland Route from Peking to Petersburg, Through the Deserts and Steppes of Mongolia, Tartary, &c. date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 134916 sentences = 6268 flesch = 71 summary = Wealth--Mongols--Russians--Name of Kalgan--Chinese Leave China--Mishap in the pass--Steep ascent--Chinese Marshes--Camels dislike water--Chinese caravan--Travellers' Custom-house delay--Fine country--Good roads--Hotels Amoor that time extended as far south as the Great River, and included a non-military nation like the Chinese, as they were in the days person, and a man of great authority among Mongols, whether lamas or mission to the great lamasery at Dolonor, a Mongol town a few days' fellow, who speaks Mongol like a native, to a Lama convent, called a halting-place, the Mongols generally contrive to combine a good the Chinese government sought to divert the Mongols from forming any in the pastoral peoples, the great race of the Mongols has in the for as we intended to travel as the Russians do, night and day, it The Russians lose a great deal of time the country been as great as it is now, China might have become a cache = ./cache/45167.txt txt = ./txt/45167.txt === bib === id = 10056 author = Faxian title = Chinese Literature Comprising the Analects of Confucius, the Sayings of Mencius, the Shi-King, the Travels of Fâ-Hien, and the Sorrows of Han date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 88809 sentences = 6076 flesch = 85 summary = The Master once said of Kwan Chung, [9] "A small-minded man indeed!" Confucius, and said, "When great men have come here, I have never yet "High station," said the Master, "occupied by men who have no large and Tsz-lu then said, "I should like, sir, to hear what your heart is set disciples, cannot by any learning manage to be," said Kung-si Hwa. Once when the Master was seriously ill, Tsz-lu requested to be allowed A high State official, after questioning Tsz-kung, said, "Your Master is "You are spoiling a good man's son," said the Master. "In hearing causes, I am like other men," said the Master. Tsz-chang having raised some question about government, the Master said "A man of little mind, that!" said the Master, when Fan Ch'i had gone "Let good and able men discipline the people for seven years," said the When the music-master had left, Tsz-chang said to him, "Is that the way cache = ./cache/10056.txt txt = ./txt/10056.txt === bib === id = 12344 author = Bredon, Juliet title = Sir Robert Hart The Romance of a Great Career, 2nd Edition date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 38997 sentences = 1933 flesch = 74 summary = THE CANAL: THE ROUTE BY WHICH SIR ROBERT HART FIRST CAME TO PEKING SIR ROBERT HART'S CHINESE BAND TING'RH, OR CHINESE PAVILION, IN SIR ROBERT HART'S GARDEN, PEKING SIR ROBERT HART AND HIS STAFF (FOREIGN AND CHINESE), PEKING, 1903 FRONT DOOR OF SIR ROBERT HART'S HOUSE, PEKING Hart, then Inspector-General of the Chinese Customs, had occasion to of the new Custom House at Shanghai, and presently asked young Hart if When Robert Hart joined the Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs, the the Chinese Government--Robert Hart felt a very natural desire to see all the other events of the time in China--Robert Hart had much to do. Robert Hart therefore went quietly on with his work in the Customs This man, when Robert Hart met him in Canton, said [Illustration: SIR ROBERT HART'S CHINESE BAND.] [Illustration: SIR ROBERT HART AND HIS STAFF (FOREIGN AND CHINESE) [Illustration: FRONT DOOR OF SIR ROBERT HART'S HOUSE, PEKING] cache = ./cache/12344.txt txt = ./txt/12344.txt === bib === id = 21661 author = Lynch, George title = Impressions of a War Correspondent date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 40982 sentences = 1955 flesch = 76 summary = and the men who _do_ things, and shove these life-wheels round, warms stayed just a little too long, and had not time to get to his horse, rending sound of the shells in the air like the tearing of a great in a long snake-like column of men that winds along the road through at what looks like a man but may be a tree-trunk, and then stops again I looked forward to seeing great things from the Germans. I wonder what that other city looked like from the of Coal Hill, I have looked down on at night, but none of them is like people who were men in their day and did things, palatial buildings, the increase, and for young business men who have little time for The general rule that the men are at work all day has its effect in cache = ./cache/21661.txt txt = ./txt/21661.txt === bib === id = 28549 author = Smith, Hugh title = A Treatise on Foreign Teas Abstracted From An Ingenious Work, Lately Published, Entitled An Essay On the Nerves date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 22688 sentences = 1209 flesch = 64 summary = frequently the consequence of drinking India teas, its injurious nature especially nervous disorders, in proportion as the use of India tea receive, from the use of the sanative tea, the most beneficial effects, From this the medicinal effects of the tea upon the solids are of your Sanative Tea, to all persons afflicted with nervous and other and spirits, by the use of this celebrated Tea. CASE III. drinking the Sanative English Tea is now enjoying a good state of effects your excellent Tea had done in nervous disorders, in various benefit, till an acquaintance recommended me to use the Sanative Tea. I SOME time ago being recommended to drink your Sanative Tea for a recommended to drink your Sanative Tea, which after a little time did YOUR Sanative Tea being recommended to me for a nervous disorder and a Sanative Tea, which she continued to drink for some time, and I am cache = ./cache/28549.txt txt = ./txt/28549.txt === bib === id = 609 author = Wu, Tingfang title = America, Through the Spectacles of an Oriental Diplomat date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 58054 sentences = 2505 flesch = 65 summary = Late Chinese Minister to the United States of America, Spain, Peru, American people would like to see Canada incorporated with the United people of the United States, and though subjects, they enjoy as much The general desire of the American people to travel abroad is one of against China by the United States of America. people of China have good reasons to be grateful to America and her America, the Governments of China and the United States, concluded a coming of Chinese laborers to the United States, or their residence the United States from embarrassment, the Chinese Government, contrary States Government to negotiate a new treaty regarding Chinese laborers, Chinese subjects, visiting or residing in the United States, should country the better it is for the State and for the people? Since the United States of America is rich, well governed, says, "is that of 'America for the Americans' or 'China for the cache = ./cache/609.txt txt = ./txt/609.txt === bib === id = 42732 author = Michie, Alexander title = The Englishman in China During the Victorian Era, Vol. 1 (of 2) As Illustrated in the Career of Sir Rutherford Alcock, K.C.B., D.C.L., Many Years Consul and Minister in China and Japan date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 129655 sentences = 5126 flesch = 59 summary = by British Government -To conciliate Chinese as in days commodity by a British agent on the mere demand of a Chinese official, case, that the Chinese Government regarded the treaty of Nanking as a As regards the attitude of the Chinese Government towards foreigners places, or at Canton, generally with the Chinese natives; port limits, a trade which was invisible alike to Chinese and British prevailed between British and Chinese officials and people in Shanghai treaty consuls acted as trustees for the Chinese Government, there was which marked the opening of China to foreign trade. the successful establishment of trade at the new ports in China, Lord [20] The annual value of the whole foreign trade with China, imports characteristics of the two trading communities, foreign and Chinese. Trading facilities -Relations with Chinese Government -To trade as such the Chinese Government never seem to have cache = ./cache/42732.txt txt = ./txt/42732.txt === bib === id = 56985 author = Knox, Thomas Wallace title = The Boy Travellers in the Far East [Part First] Adventures of Two Youths in a Journey to Japan and China date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 122937 sentences = 5851 flesch = 78 summary = At breakfast the day before the time fixed for Frank's departure, Mr. Bassett told his son that he must make the most of his journey, enjoy it "She's a nice girl," said Fred to the Doctor as they made their way to after day, and on a great ocean like the Pacific there is little to Fred said the best thing to prevent a horse running away was to sell him and looked at a great variety of Japanese goods, but followed the advice "We think we want to write home now, Doctor," said Frank, "and wish to great cities of Japan, but they are far less frequent than in New York "I know what that is," said Fred, who came along at the moment Frank "That is one point," said Frank, "in which I think the Japanese have [Illustration: A JAPANESE WAR-JUNK OF THE OLDEN TIME.] cache = ./cache/56985.txt txt = ./txt/56985.txt === bib === === bib === id = 48882 author = White, Fred M. (Fred Merrick) title = The Mystery of the Ravenspurs A Romance and Detective Story of Thibet and England date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 91554 sentences = 8750 flesch = 92 summary = "We must save Vera and Geoffrey," he said. "It was Uncle Ralph," said Marion. "Come and let us walk," said Geoffrey. At the same time Abell passed the little brass case into Ralph's hand. Geoffrey and Vera and Marion kept them going. Before Marion could reply, Mrs. Gordon Ravenspur came into the room. Was it possible, Geoffrey wondered, that Ralph Ravenspur had "It was Marion!" said Geoffrey in a thrilling whisper. "You may be certain," Geoffrey said carelessly, "that I shall come if To him Ralph repeated all that Geoffrey had said. "Did not care to leave Uncle Ralph," Geoffrey said. "It sounds like a woman," said Geoffrey. Ralph Ravenspur, with Tchigorsky and Geoffrey, sat smoking in the "There is one thing I am curious to know," said Geoffrey. To the impatient Geoffrey came Ralph Ravenspur with a Tchigorsky, Ralph Ravenspur, and Geoffrey sat smoking in the blind man's cache = ./cache/48882.txt txt = ./txt/48882.txt === bib === id = 42146 author = Thomson, Thomas title = Western Himalaya and Tibet A Narrative of a Journey Through the Mountains of Northern India During the Years 1847-8 date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 152803 sentences = 7785 flesch = 72 summary = valley is traversed by a little stream descending from the mountains, Sutlej valley; but the lofty ranges north of that river, covered with immediately above the valley of the river Giri, a large mountain tree at 4-5000 feet in the north-western Himalaya, always in valleys precipitous rocks, to the valley of the Sildang river, a large stream few hundred feet, the road continued nearly level for some miles, with few other species, all common mountain-plants at low elevations, which mountain range north of the Sutlej, at the great bend of that river feet, into a wide steeply-sloping valley, descending from the north to Kuru -Great contraction of valley -Mountain pass of Waris the river and near a village, a considerable tree perhaps forty feet Chenab valley -Chishot -Snow-beds -Camp at 10,500 feet -Chenab valley -Chishot -Snow-beds -Camp at 10,500 feet -- cache = ./cache/42146.txt txt = ./txt/42146.txt === bib === id = 34860 author = Maugham, W. Somerset (William Somerset) title = East of Suez: A Play in Seven Scenes date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 34303 sentences = 6476 flesch = 104 summary = [WU _comes back and hands_ HARRY _a dollar, and then goes out_. [GEORGE _looks at_ DAISY _for a moment_. [DAISY _gives a deep sigh of relief_, HARRY _comes in_. missy Daisy old amah--yes? Old amah got velly good eyes in her What would my little Daisy do without old amah, hi, hi? You think old amah no got eyes? He no likee Daisy's old amah. Lee Tai velly clever man, Daisy. makes up his mind the best thing is to leave_ DAISY _with the_ AMAH. Don't kneel, Harry; that isn't the way a woman wants to be loved. [DAISY _gives_ HARRY _the glass and he helps_ GEORGE _to drink_. [_There is a pause._ HARRY _looks from_ DAISY _to the_ AMAH. Daisy, you know I love you. [_Sombrely looking away from her._] Daisy, I think you can never [DAISY _takes the_ AMAH'S _long pipe in her hands._] Who Daisy, Harry come soon. cache = ./cache/34860.txt txt = ./txt/34860.txt === bib === === bib === id = 17003 author = nan title = Indiscreet Letters From Peking Being the Notes of an Eye-Witness, Which Set Forth in Some Detail, from Day to Day, the Real Story of the Siege and Sack of a Distressed Capital in 1900—The Year of Great Tribulation date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 124345 sentences = 6102 flesch = 76 summary = Peking--shows clearly how the lust for loot gains all men, and hand in point was that men had been allowed to come through--that the Chinese great Ch'ien Men Gate--the Legations run as follows: Dutch, American, little too far away; but for the time being a triple line of this little affair, we pushed on, and came upon other men working able bodied men, armed with rifles, are hiding away in corners so that will allow of an inrush of Chinese troops and Boxers makes men fight their men along the Tartar Wall, and command the Legations that crouch That work on the British Legation lines confined me for some time to four thousand feet away--the men said it was like an earthquake. coming a Chinese barricade gave way; our men emptied their magazines the loss of a Chinese general and a great number of his men at the cache = ./cache/17003.txt txt = ./txt/17003.txt === bib === id = 23493 author = Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael) title = Under the Waves: Diving in Deep Waters date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 94255 sentences = 5275 flesch = 82 summary = "All right, sir," said Baldwin, returning the letter without looking at "Just so," said the diver, looking about him with a thoughtful air. "Come, old fellow," said Edgar, with a laugh, "mind what you say about "Come, cut it short and look alive," said Maxwell gruffly, as he stood "Pump away," said the man, holding the round glass in front of Maxwell's "Good-evening, Miss Hazlit," said Edgar, recovering himself, and holding "All right," said Baldwin, turning gravely to his men, while a little "I mean, sir," said Maxwell, turning to Edgar with a look of unwonted gun-boat was steaming out to sea with Edgar, Baldwin, Rooney, Maxwell, "Gentlemen," said the captain of the gun-boat to Mr Hazlit and Edgar as "It feels quite like old times, sir, don't it?" said Joe Baldwin to "It is sent down by means of an air-pump," said Edgar, who took on cache = ./cache/23493.txt txt = ./txt/23493.txt === bib === id = 12086 author = nan title = Eastern Shame Girl date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 33267 sentences = 2521 flesch = 90 summary = days went quickly, and the months too; and a year had passed. "We who keep open doors must eat our visitors three times a day, and who refuses riches, opens wide the door, and makes my old body bear So Shih-niang said; "I have stayed in your house for a long time, and Next day they thanked Yuch-lang again, and went to the house of "Since earliest time," said Sun, "the hearts of women have been as As the girl did not answer, this wise old visitor turned to the mother So the old woman went up into the sick man's room, and he said to her the evening, said to his mother: "An excellent day's work! At this moment the door of the house opened below, and a man came As soon as the mother had left the room, the woman took a slight cache = ./cache/12086.txt txt = ./txt/12086.txt === bib === id = 33712 author = Boulger, Demetrius Charles title = The Life of Yakoob Beg; Athalik Ghazi, and Badaulet; Ameer of Kashgar date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 112966 sentences = 4653 flesch = 65 summary = five miles south of Kashgar, Yakoob Beg constructed a strong fort, where introduced by Yakoob Beg. Ush Turfan, New Turfan, is a small town on the road from Kashgar to followed by the Chinese caravans, and Yakoob Beg converted it into a by Yakoob Beg, offered to assert his claims on Kashgar, Alim Kuli have placed the fact before the peoples of Asia, and required Yakoob Beg THE INVASION OF KASHGAR BY BUZURG KHAN AND YAKOOB BEG. Sending Buzurg Khan back to Kashgar, Yakoob Beg resolved to the new Khoja dynasty located at Kashgar; and when Yakoob Beg advanced Kashgar had been unvisited by a Russian merchant, another, a Mr. Morozof, came to put Yakoob Beg's assertions to the test. Chinese had been driven out of Kashgar, and that Yakoob Beg was ruling 1877, or to a time after the first defeat of Yakoob Beg by the Chinese, cache = ./cache/33712.txt txt = ./txt/33712.txt === bib === id = 42886 author = Munroe, Kirk title = The Blue Dragon: A Tale of Recent Adventure in China date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 66183 sentences = 3202 flesch = 78 summary = Rob also was pleased with the foreign lad, whose appearance recalled a "I'd call it 'white-handed,'" replied Rob, with a grin, at the same time "Yes," said Rob, speaking in fragmentary but intelligible Chinese, "the "Yes, of course," replied Rob; "but in this case it happens that only So determined was the Chinese lad upon this course that even when Mr. Hinckley had arranged the bond business with some of his friends, and "The big boy scrambled to his feet, and just then Rob Hinckley came did, they would punish them instead of Rob Hinckley, and the Chinese "Yes, sir," replied poor Rob, who, longing for sympathy in this moment summer of 1900, the young American, Rob Hinckley, on a peaceful mission Chinese army with twenty American cow-boys," boasted Rob, as he reined 1900 when Rob Hinckley, accompanied by his stanch friend, Chinese Jo, cache = ./cache/42886.txt txt = ./txt/42886.txt === bib === === bib === id = 9603 author = Cao, Xueqin title = Hung Lou Meng, or, the Dream of the Red Chamber, a Chinese Novel, Book I date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 189427 sentences = 8241 flesch = 78 summary = Madame Wang likewise took a seat at old lady Chia's instance; and the Dowager lady Chia, having inquired of Tai-yü what books she was reading, with them, when dowager lady Chia also sent some one to say that, "Mrs. Hsüeh should be asked to put up in the mansion in order that a greater Chou Jui's wife thereupon came over to dowager lady Chia's room on this dowager lady Chia; but when Pao-yü heard where she was going, he also sight of Chia Jung come in to pay his respects, which prompted Pao-yü to Lady Feng also got up, said good-bye, and hand in hand with Pao-yü, they A waiting-maid sent by dowager lady Chia came in, meanwhile, to ask what Mrs. Yu, having asked Chia Jung to come round, told him to direct Lai Pao-yü would not agree to this, and dowager lady Chia gave orders to get cache = ./cache/9603.txt txt = ./txt/9603.txt === bib === === bib === === bib === id = 34494 author = Fenn, George Manville title = Stan Lynn: A Boy's Adventures in China date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 104432 sentences = 6937 flesch = 91 summary = "Yes, uncle," said Stan, who had more ears for the sounds below than for "Bravo, Stan!" cried Uncle Jeff.--"Now, Oliver, old lad, let's get the "Let me do the throwing, Stan," said Uncle Jeff calmly, as he set one "Yes," said Uncle Jeff; "but mind this, my fine fellow: if you come back "We shall be all right, Stan," said Uncle Jeff heartily; "it is we who "Yes, he is quite right, Stan, my boy," said the lad's father, grasping "Yes; I'm ready," said Stan, smiling, and having hard work to keep from "No," said Stan promptly; "I don't feel--Yes, I do," he cried. "Yes; I made a mistake there," said Blunt bitterly; and as Stan watched "The enemy do not come, Lynn," said Blunt a short time later, when they "Yes, that is most likely, uncle," said Stan. "Then we can't be ready for them this time, Stan," said Uncle Jeff. cache = ./cache/34494.txt txt = ./txt/34494.txt === bib === id = 38253 author = nan title = A Description of the Coasts of East Africa and Malabar in the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century date = pages = extension = .txt mime = text/plain words = 85403 sentences = 4250 flesch = 80 summary = time ago on account of the great trade in gold which they carry on country saw such great destruction of their people and ships, The King of Guzarat is a great lord, both in revenue and people, and This King possesses great cities in his kingdom, and especially the river, with a large town called Baticala,[167] of very great trade very large town, peopled by Moors and Gentiles, of the kingdom of said that many men come from all the other kingdoms to this king's has a Moorish king, a great lord; and in former times this kingdom women relations of the kings and great lords come also to see the king lives, towards the south is a very good town called Cananor.] country-born Moors, and much shipping and a great trade of exporting The king and people of this kingdom are Gentiles. kingdom of Gentiles which has a king who resides in a very great and cache = ./cache/38253.txt txt = ./txt/38253.txt Building ./etc/reader.txt 43669 6708 11367 56089 14345 609 number of items: 108 sum of words: 6,801,316 average size in words: 75,570 average readability score: 76 nouns: time; men; day; man; people; way; country; years; place; life; feet; water; river; part; side; city; one; days; work; night; nothing; head; hand; world; order; government; house; miles; course; things; war; power; eyes; end; year; others; state; women; hands; name; death; morning; face; fact; number; fire; land; family; illustration; ground verbs: was; is; had; be; were; are; have; been; has; said; do; made; being; did; came; see; come; found; go; make; take; went; having; know; called; seen; say; took; left; taken; get; brought; give; seemed; put; saw; sent; told; am; given; asked; gave; find; became; done; going; passed; think; let; heard adjectives: chinese; other; great; many; little; good; more; such; first; same; own; old; few; large; small; long; last; new; much; whole; foreign; several; high; young; full; white; able; next; present; certain; japanese; possible; different; open; short; western; only; general; second; british; most; poor; military; best; strong; necessary; important; black; true; ready adverbs: not; so; up; very; then; now; only; out; as; more; down; also; even; here; most; well; again; still; there; never; away; too; far; on; however; n''t; just; much; once; off; back; soon; all; about; always; quite; ever; thus; almost; in; long; over; first; yet; therefore; already; together; often; no; perhaps pronouns: it; he; his; i; they; their; we; you; them; her; him; my; our; she; me; its; us; your; himself; themselves; itself; one; myself; herself; ourselves; thy; yourself; thee; ours; mine; yours; theirs; ''s; ''em; hers; oneself; em; ye; ya; talkee; thyself; yourselves; yt; vp; i''m; there; zo; vnto; pelf; hsü proper nouns: _; china; chinese; mr.; emperor; government; japan; peking; li; god; general; canton; majesty; wang; heaven; king; east; japanese; chang; dr.; river; yü; sir; tibet; west; captain; english; india; mrs.; america; ti; chia; lord; peter; shanghai; great; president; pao; england; shih; wu; kong; hong; empress; prince; south; yuan; chapter; tibetans; shan keywords: chinese; china; mr.; emperor; man; peking; great; government; chapter; english; shanghai; illustration; time; day; canton; british; japanese; japan; india; god; england; king; good; western; wang; mrs.; kong; general; west; river; like; hong; heaven; empress; east; dr.; new; lord; european; chang; captain; american; sir; shih; prince; life; imperial; french; europe; confucius one topic; one dimension: chinese file(s): ./cache/2133.txt titles(s): Historic China, and Other Sketches three topics; one dimension: said; chinese; feet file(s): ./cache/9603.txt, ./cache/6708.txt, ./cache/42146.txt titles(s): Hung Lou Meng, or, the Dream of the Red Chamber, a Chinese Novel, Book I | China | Western Himalaya and Tibet A Narrative of a Journey Through the Mountains of Northern India During the Years 1847-8 five topics; three dimensions: said time man; chinese china government; chinese china great; feet valley river; great king chinese file(s): ./cache/34494.txt, ./cache/14345.txt, ./cache/44261.txt, ./cache/42146.txt, ./cache/38253.txt titles(s): Stan Lynn: A Boy''s Adventures in China | The Fight for the Republic in China | History of the Pirates Who Infested the China Sea From 1807 to 1810 | Western Himalaya and Tibet A Narrative of a Journey Through the Mountains of Northern India During the Years 1847-8 | A Description of the Coasts of East Africa and Malabar in the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century Type: gutenberg title: china-from-gutenberg date: 2021-01-16 time: 03:03 username: emorgan patron: Eric Morgan email: input: subject:"China" ==== htm files ==== complex files ==== named enities ==== making bibliographics id: 12296 author: Andrews, Yvette Borup title: Camps and Trails in China A Narrative of Exploration, Adventure, and Sport in Little-Known China date: words: 95662.0 sentences: 4633.0 pages: flesch: 76.0 cache: ./cache/12296.txt txt: ./txt/12296.txt summary: tigers--Experiences with the Great Invisible--Killing a man eater--Chinese Our caravan--The Yün-nan pack saddle--Temple camps--Chinese Hsia-kuan--Summer temperature--Lake--Graves--Pagodas--Mr. H.G. Evans--Foreigners of Ta-li Fu--Chinese mandarins--Mammals at Ta-li--Caravan rivers of all China with its velvet green mountains rising a thousand feet distance down the river in twenty-four hours and had breakfast with Mr. Kellogg at his house the morning after we left Yen-Ping. It is seven days since we left Yün-nan Fu and each night we have come but one white person in a year and a half, was living entirely upon Chinese were climbing a long mountain trail to a pass over eight thousand feet high The following day Heller went out with the hunters and saw two gorals but resident of Chu-hsuing Fu, a large Chinese city six days from Yün-nan Fu. In Ta-li Fu, Reverend William J. Just before camping the next day we passed through a large village where we id: 60959 author: Anonymous title: John Chinaman on the Rand date: words: 26846.0 sentences: 1522.0 pages: flesch: 73.0 cache: ./cache/60959.txt txt: ./txt/60959.txt summary: white labour for surface work on the mines, I have consulted the large number of white men employed on the Rand in the position of to labour on the mines, for that work was only fit for Chinamen; Even if white labour was economically possible the Rand lords of indentured Chinese labourers into the Transvaal Colony until the stated that if a colony desired Chinese labour it was not for the to every Chinese labourer recruited from his native land the Ordinance mines, the Rand lords have urged on the white overseers to force the principle of importing Chinese labour into the Transvaal it would be The British Government wanted Chinese labour to be introduced into the Government in sanctioning the Chinese Labour Ordinance. working of the mines by the Chinese in South Africa was slavery; but The introduction of Chinese labour into the Rand on the top of all id: 23493 author: Ballantyne, R. M. (Robert Michael) title: Under the Waves: Diving in Deep Waters date: words: 94255.0 sentences: 5275.0 pages: flesch: 82.0 cache: ./cache/23493.txt txt: ./txt/23493.txt summary: "All right, sir," said Baldwin, returning the letter without looking at "Just so," said the diver, looking about him with a thoughtful air. "Come, old fellow," said Edgar, with a laugh, "mind what you say about "Come, cut it short and look alive," said Maxwell gruffly, as he stood "Pump away," said the man, holding the round glass in front of Maxwell''s "Good-evening, Miss Hazlit," said Edgar, recovering himself, and holding "All right," said Baldwin, turning gravely to his men, while a little "I mean, sir," said Maxwell, turning to Edgar with a look of unwonted gun-boat was steaming out to sea with Edgar, Baldwin, Rooney, Maxwell, "Gentlemen," said the captain of the gun-boat to Mr Hazlit and Edgar as "It feels quite like old times, sir, don''t it?" said Joe Baldwin to "It is sent down by means of an air-pump," said Edgar, who took on id: 23451 author: Bell, M. C. title: Little Yellow Wang-lo date: words: 1653.0 sentences: 150.0 pages: flesch: 97.0 cache: ./cache/23451.txt txt: ./txt/23451.txt summary: called Little Yellow Wang-lo. Little Yellow Wang-lo had to get up very Little Yellow Wang-lo had to get up very Little Yellow Wang-lo had to get up very Little Yellow Wang-lo had to get up very Little Yellow Wang-lo had to get up very little black pig that had white feet; he Wang-lo got a stick and beat the pig, little Yellow Wang-lo tripped over a fat old mother pig and seven little When it was bed-time all the little pigs and catching up little Yellow Wang-lo in he suddenly let little Yellow Wang-lo saw little Yellow Wang-lo returning the little black Pig. He soon found the gate, and knocked and So little Yellow Wang-lo gathered a lot When the mother pig and all the little Now little Yellow Wang-lo had no pockets pig said: "Take off your shirt, little little Yellow Wang-lo had brought back, Little Yellow Wang-lo lived on in the id: 4244 author: Bird, Isabella L. (Isabella Lucy) title: Among the Tibetans date: words: nan sentences: nan pages: flesch: nan cache: txt: summary: id: 3412 author: Bird, Isabella L. (Isabella Lucy) title: The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither date: words: nan sentences: nan pages: flesch: nan cache: txt: summary: id: 42904 author: Blake, Henry Arthur, Sir title: China date: words: 32659.0 sentences: 1334.0 pages: flesch: 67.0 cache: ./cache/42904.txt txt: ./txt/42904.txt summary: Chinese Soldiers; Family Life; Power of Parents; Foot-Binding 1 Life; Chinese Cities; Peking; Temple of Agriculture; Official Reception by Viceroy; Chinese Writing; Life of Year Customs; Hong Kong Races; Curious Forms of known as the Yu people, in whose territory no Chinese officials are old Chinese proverb frequently heard at the present day, "Long united reciting that a wealthy young Chinese, whose mother controlled a large The most incomprehensible custom among Chinese women of family is that Chinese, like all Easterns, have a great respect for men of letters, The men who work the nets live in a hut built upon long poles Hong Kong--a practically Chinese city where every man was free to day of the Chinese New Year offers a sacrifice on the great white have seen in Hong Kong two women gravely carrying a small house, Here the shops are purely Chinese, and every trade may be seen id: 6708 author: Boulger, Demetrius Charles title: China date: words: 191507.0 sentences: 6845.0 pages: flesch: 60.0 cache: ./cache/6708.txt txt: ./txt/6708.txt summary: three Chinese princes to carry out the arrangement, but the day must come the Chinese army, that ruler sent to demand the reason of the attack on scene and took the command of the Chinese forces in person, the Mongols Chinese people in their authority no doubt induced the Manchu leaders to from the rich and powerful Chinese emperor in his poor State would be object in sending Chinese troops into that state, and Kanghi''s generals sent express messengers to Pekin entreating the Chinese emperor to send an the Chinese had by this time taken the measure of the English commander, from China in the previous eleven years, and, as the Chinese of course Chinese officials had been both consistent and successful, the new English possession of a Chinese army, and a strong force of Tartar cavalry, alone The successes of the Chinese gave their generals and army the confidence id: 33712 author: Boulger, Demetrius Charles title: The Life of Yakoob Beg; Athalik Ghazi, and Badaulet; Ameer of Kashgar date: words: 112966.0 sentences: 4653.0 pages: flesch: 65.0 cache: ./cache/33712.txt txt: ./txt/33712.txt summary: five miles south of Kashgar, Yakoob Beg constructed a strong fort, where introduced by Yakoob Beg. Ush Turfan, New Turfan, is a small town on the road from Kashgar to followed by the Chinese caravans, and Yakoob Beg converted it into a by Yakoob Beg, offered to assert his claims on Kashgar, Alim Kuli have placed the fact before the peoples of Asia, and required Yakoob Beg THE INVASION OF KASHGAR BY BUZURG KHAN AND YAKOOB BEG. Sending Buzurg Khan back to Kashgar, Yakoob Beg resolved to the new Khoja dynasty located at Kashgar; and when Yakoob Beg advanced Kashgar had been unvisited by a Russian merchant, another, a Mr. Morozof, came to put Yakoob Beg''s assertions to the test. Chinese had been driven out of Kashgar, and that Yakoob Beg was ruling 1877, or to a time after the first defeat of Yakoob Beg by the Chinese, id: 12344 author: Bredon, Juliet title: Sir Robert Hart The Romance of a Great Career, 2nd Edition date: words: 38997.0 sentences: 1933.0 pages: flesch: 74.0 cache: ./cache/12344.txt txt: ./txt/12344.txt summary: THE CANAL: THE ROUTE BY WHICH SIR ROBERT HART FIRST CAME TO PEKING SIR ROBERT HART''S CHINESE BAND TING''RH, OR CHINESE PAVILION, IN SIR ROBERT HART''S GARDEN, PEKING SIR ROBERT HART AND HIS STAFF (FOREIGN AND CHINESE), PEKING, 1903 FRONT DOOR OF SIR ROBERT HART''S HOUSE, PEKING Hart, then Inspector-General of the Chinese Customs, had occasion to of the new Custom House at Shanghai, and presently asked young Hart if When Robert Hart joined the Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs, the the Chinese Government--Robert Hart felt a very natural desire to see all the other events of the time in China--Robert Hart had much to do. Robert Hart therefore went quietly on with his work in the Customs This man, when Robert Hart met him in Canton, said [Illustration: SIR ROBERT HART''S CHINESE BAND.] [Illustration: SIR ROBERT HART AND HIS STAFF (FOREIGN AND CHINESE) [Illustration: FRONT DOOR OF SIR ROBERT HART''S HOUSE, PEKING] id: 44043 author: Brereton, William H. title: The Truth about Opium Being a Refutation of the Fallacies of the Anti-Opium Society and a Defence of the Indo-China Opium Trade date: words: 82881.0 sentences: 3149.0 pages: flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/44043.txt txt: ./txt/44043.txt summary: years'' residence in Hong Kong.--Opium smoking as practised by the Chinese the Anti-Opium Society.--British and other foreign residents in China hold Anti-Opium Society that British trade with China has suffered from the Indo-China Opium trade, Chinese residing there have better means of iniquity of the Indo-China Opium trade.--Character of the Chinese as Opium smoking in China.--Although the Chinese are a spirit-drinking trade.--Missionaries detested in China.--Indian Opium welcomed.--Saying of the Indo-Chinese opium trade interlard their case with political matters and ruining the people of China, as is alleged by the Anti-Opium Society, hold of the public mind, with respect to opium smoking in China, arose, Calcutta, and Hong Kong, by which all Indian opium for the China trade is Chinese Government, and on the effect of opium smoking on the people of nor the subject of these lectures, which is opium smoking in China. missionaries and the Anti-Opium Society allege, China would not be the id: 1675 author: Brown, Arthur Judson title: New Forces in Old China: An Inevitable Awakening date: words: nan sentences: nan pages: flesch: nan cache: txt: summary: id: 14492 author: Burton, Margaret E. (Margaret Ernestine) title: Notable Women of Modern China date: words: 55564.0 sentences: 2574.0 pages: flesch: 75.0 cache: ./cache/14492.txt txt: ./txt/14492.txt summary: the work in China, that a Chinese girl would come to this country and be doing the regular class work, and making her home with her friend Mrs. Keen. Christian in the hospital, went home with the hope of coming back to study doctors in the city here, so their coming to us helps our work a good hospital work; the nurses and students gave the young physician Mrs. Ahok soon began again the work among the upper class women which had visiting Chinese homes, especially after New Year when people are is given by an article in _Woman''s Work in the Far East_, written by Dr. Stone at about this time: doubled the hospital work, and Miss Hughes wrote that Dr. Stone was in "the Dr. Stone''s own mother has done such work for years, morning worked there for many years; another city was that in which the Stone''s old id: 12818 author: Bushnell, Katharine C. (Katharine Caroline) title: Heathen Slaves and Christian Rulers date: words: 72659.0 sentences: 3047.0 pages: flesch: 68.0 cache: ./cache/12818.txt txt: ./txt/12818.txt summary: The conditions that surround the Hong Kong slave girl in Sir Charles Elliott, Governor of Hong Kong, wishing to attract Chinese "Can Chinese slavery, as it _de facto_ exists in Hong Kong, be Chinese women at Hong Kong, the most direct cause being the irregular the girl Chan Tsoi Lin and placed her in a brothel in Hong Kong''; for Chinese ladies in Hong Kong to purchase one or more girls to "inveigle virtuous women or girls to come to Hong Kong, at first girls for the Hong Kong brothels, which, they alleged, Government day the Chinese prostitutes of Hong Kong have but very little to Hong Kong brothels where Chinese women have to meet foreigners less than 621 women entered brothels from China and Hong Kong, in Hong Kong, in reporting on a case of suicide of a slave girl to the enforcement of brothel slavery upon Chinese women. id: 27243 author: Cable, Mildred title: The Fulfilment of a Dream of Pastor Hsi's The Story of the Work in Hwochow date: words: nan sentences: nan pages: flesch: nan cache: txt: summary: id: 33359 author: Candler, Edmund title: The Unveiling of Lhasa date: words: nan sentences: nan pages: flesch: nan cache: txt: summary: id: 9603 author: Cao, Xueqin title: Hung Lou Meng, or, the Dream of the Red Chamber, a Chinese Novel, Book I date: words: 189427.0 sentences: 8241.0 pages: flesch: 78.0 cache: ./cache/9603.txt txt: ./txt/9603.txt summary: Madame Wang likewise took a seat at old lady Chia''s instance; and the Dowager lady Chia, having inquired of Tai-yü what books she was reading, with them, when dowager lady Chia also sent some one to say that, "Mrs. Hsüeh should be asked to put up in the mansion in order that a greater Chou Jui''s wife thereupon came over to dowager lady Chia''s room on this dowager lady Chia; but when Pao-yü heard where she was going, he also sight of Chia Jung come in to pay his respects, which prompted Pao-yü to Lady Feng also got up, said good-bye, and hand in hand with Pao-yü, they A waiting-maid sent by dowager lady Chia came in, meanwhile, to ask what Mrs. Yu, having asked Chia Jung to come round, told him to direct Lai Pao-yü would not agree to this, and dowager lady Chia gave orders to get id: 3330 author: Confucius title: The Analects of Confucius (from the Chinese Classics) date: words: nan sentences: nan pages: flesch: nan cache: txt: summary: id: 19665 author: Cooper, Elizabeth title: My Lady of the Chinese Courtyard date: words: 50240.0 sentences: 2635.0 pages: flesch: 85.0 cache: ./cache/19665.txt txt: ./txt/19665.txt summary: Thy brothers tell me his sons made great boast that no man has been He must be a man like thee, strong, noble, kindly, bearing thy great I hold my son and say, "Look, thy father will come to us from this child?" She said-and thou would''st not know thy Mother''s voice, I write thee this because I know thy mother-heart will rejoice that our Need I tell thee, Mother mine, that I am a stranger in this great city, us, thy children, in this new and foreign life. The foreign woman comes and sits upon the edge of her chair in great I have such great news to tell thee that I hardly know where to begin. things of life, men like my father, must pass away. I took my son apart the other night and said, "I am thy mother and I We are coming home to thee, Mother of my husband, and I have id: 49637 author: Coxe, William title: Account of the Russian Discoveries between Asia and America To which are added, the conquest of Siberia, and the history of the transactions and commerce between Russia and China date: words: 84767.0 sentences: 5320.0 pages: flesch: 75.0 cache: ./cache/49637.txt txt: ./txt/49637.txt summary: Kamtchatka and the New Discovered Islands are sea-otters, foxes, sables, to the Aleutian and Fox Islands: they are called by the Russians Bobry The Russians remained until June, 1754, upon this island: at that time [Sidenote: The Crew reach Beering''s Island in two Baidars.] In spring tribute, calls in his account the first island by the Russian name of sea the spring following--The vessel is stranded in a bay of the island islanders, that a Russian ship, under the command of Ivan Solovioff[53], [Sidenote: Sails to the Fox Islands.] Every preparation for continuing [Sidenote: The Russians winter at Kadyak.] The islanders now appearing [Sidenote: Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants.] The Fox-islands are [Sidenote: Account of the Inhabitants of the Fox Islands.] The any Russian vessels have hitherto sailed, a chain of islands has been An island without a name, called by the Russians [Sidenote: Islands called by different Names in the Russian Journals.] id: 39163 author: Dalton, William title: The War Tiger Or, Adventures and Wonderful Fortunes of the Young Sea Chief and His Lad Chow: A Tale of the Conquest of China date: words: 81035.0 sentences: 2839.0 pages: flesch: 70.0 cache: ./cache/39163.txt txt: ./txt/39163.txt summary: who became the Emperor Tait-sou, a little great man-boy," said Chow. "Surely thy dogs of servants must have been accomplices," said Chow. "What words are these, O Chow?" said Nicholas, placing his hand to his "Truly, O Chow, thou wert born in an unfortunate hour," said Nicholas. "These are wild words and foolish fancies, Chow," said Nicholas; adding, parents, will prove thy destruction, my poor Chow," said Nicholas, as "Noble Ki, I am thy servant for life," said Nicholas, kneeling and Nicholas, she said, "Haste youth, for thy life;" but knowing the attempt "Thou art a coward, Chow, draw thy sword, and follow," said Nicholas, "All is prepared, O noble Nicholas, according to thy order," said Chow. We dare not, O noble Nicholas," said Chow! "Silence, thou dog," said Nicholas; adding in a whisper to Chow, "Let us "Then," said Nicholas, "let thy servant seek the young Emperor, and upon id: 889 author: Der Ling, Princess title: Two Years in the Forbidden City date: words: nan sentences: nan pages: flesch: nan cache: txt: summary: id: 31043 author: Dewey, Harriet Alice Chipman title: Letters from China and Japan date: words: 49158.0 sentences: 2409.0 pages: flesch: 78.0 cache: ./cache/31043.txt txt: ./txt/31043.txt summary: Nice old blue Canton plates and other things Japanese. Kabuki, where we sit on the floor and see real old Japanese acting, We liked the old Japanese theater better than the said it was the only place in Tokyo where Japanese men and women really met in a free sociable way, and the president said that when Japanese after dinner, and, like several of the little girls of the new to-day another young lady called, and said she wanted to go back to After a little I said: "I did not know the Emperor went to The Geisha girls are all the way from eleven years old to something like little things went back and danced for more men. has in Japan, Japanese officered Chinese, and her possession of Maybe you would like to know a little about how we look this morning and id: 13420 author: Dingle, Edwin John title: Across China on Foot date: words: 114046.0 sentences: 5887.0 pages: flesch: 77.0 cache: ./cache/13420.txt txt: ./txt/13420.txt summary: Whilst traveling I lived on Chinese food, and in the Miao country, where hotel-runners, hard-worked coolies, rickshaw men, professional Chinese methods into an active, trade-loving people like the Chinese, China The other day some men passed through several towns, on the way to the people in Europe to-day who know no more about China than what the troops were twelve days away, and in China--in backward Yün-nan Men who came through Yün-nan twenty years ago wrote of its doctors and even to-day, there are tribes of people, essentially non-Chinese, who they probably in former times extended far into Hu-nan, the Chinese of Yün-nan people, at the time of the dual decease in recent Chinese But as one who has traveled in China, living among the Chinese There is something in traveling in Yün-nan, where the people away from These men were prepared to work a very long time for very little id: 63233 author: Dingle, Edwin John title: China''s Revolution, 1911-1912: A Historical and Political Record of the Civil War date: words: 101033.0 sentences: 4992.0 pages: flesch: 72.0 cache: ./cache/63233.txt txt: ./txt/63233.txt summary: GENERAL LI YUAN HUNG''S AMBITIONS FOR THE NEW CHINA foreign imports which for years have come into China, there is not a on China, the publisher said: "What people want to know is how to gaze out upon a great country like China and a people who go to make Continuing, the General said his idea was that China''s {41} foreign China--some even got to know that it could not take a very great time Yet surely three years was not too long a time for China to prepare Yuan Shih K''ai, cutest of all Chinese in China, probably foresaw With the fall of Hanyang, millions of people, Chinese and foreigners, was generally agreed that the Government of China wanted reforming, form of government is suited to the Chinese nation and people. "My love for China and the Chinese people is certainly as great men of China in regard to foreign nations, it was believed that they id: 16142 author: Dulles, John Foster title: The Communist Threat in the Taiwan Area date: words: 4754.0 sentences: 251.0 pages: flesch: 68.0 cache: ./cache/16142.txt txt: ./txt/16142.txt summary: which has resulted from aggressive Chinese Communist military actions 2. The United States is bound by treaty to help to defend Taiwan resolution of the Congress to employ the Armed Forces of the United authorizes the President to employ the Armed Forces of the United free-world positions, and the security of the United States. representatives of the United States and Chinese Communist regime bombardment of Quemoy, an island in the Formosa Straits off the China would be hostile to the United States and the free world. United States and to the free world. commit the United States to the defense of the treaty areas. of the United States for the defense not only of Formosa but of between the United States and the Chinese Communists that an In 1955 the hostilities of the Chinese Communists in the Formosa area the peace in the Formosa area, the Chinese Communist leaders can be id: 11367 author: Eberhard, Wolfram title: A History of China date: words: 158327.0 sentences: 8276.0 pages: flesch: 69.0 cache: ./cache/11367.txt txt: ./txt/11367.txt summary: a new name, "Chinese", for the peoples of China. In this way the first great union of tribes in the north of China came under the Han dynasty we meet in China with a new form of state, the Emperor Kao Tsu came from eastern China, and his family seems to have time there was an emperor in south China, with all the organization that 1 _The Later Chao dynasty in eastern North China (Hun_; 329-352) 1 _The Later Chao dynasty in eastern North China (Hun_; 329-352) The two great empires of north China at the time of its division had he regarded himself as emperor of all China, so that the South Chinese Chinese gentry, who were the actual rulers of the Toba State. After the end of the Toba state in North China in 550, some tribes of years of war against the Sung dynasty in South China the Mongols already id: 11754 author: Fagg, John Gerardus title: Forty Years in South China: The Life of Rev. John Van Nest Talmage, D.D. date: words: nan sentences: nan pages: flesch: nan cache: txt: summary: id: 10056 author: Faxian title: Chinese Literature Comprising the Analects of Confucius, the Sayings of Mencius, the Shi-King, the Travels of Fâ-Hien, and the Sorrows of Han date: words: 88809.0 sentences: 6076.0 pages: flesch: 85.0 cache: ./cache/10056.txt txt: ./txt/10056.txt summary: The Master once said of Kwan Chung, [9] "A small-minded man indeed!" Confucius, and said, "When great men have come here, I have never yet "High station," said the Master, "occupied by men who have no large and Tsz-lu then said, "I should like, sir, to hear what your heart is set disciples, cannot by any learning manage to be," said Kung-si Hwa. Once when the Master was seriously ill, Tsz-lu requested to be allowed A high State official, after questioning Tsz-kung, said, "Your Master is "You are spoiling a good man''s son," said the Master. "In hearing causes, I am like other men," said the Master. Tsz-chang having raised some question about government, the Master said "A man of little mind, that!" said the Master, when Fan Ch''i had gone "Let good and able men discipline the people for seven years," said the When the music-master had left, Tsz-chang said to him, "Is that the way id: 34494 author: Fenn, George Manville title: Stan Lynn: A Boy''s Adventures in China date: words: 104432.0 sentences: 6937.0 pages: flesch: 91.0 cache: ./cache/34494.txt txt: ./txt/34494.txt summary: "Yes, uncle," said Stan, who had more ears for the sounds below than for "Bravo, Stan!" cried Uncle Jeff.--"Now, Oliver, old lad, let''s get the "Let me do the throwing, Stan," said Uncle Jeff calmly, as he set one "Yes," said Uncle Jeff; "but mind this, my fine fellow: if you come back "We shall be all right, Stan," said Uncle Jeff heartily; "it is we who "Yes, he is quite right, Stan, my boy," said the lad''s father, grasping "Yes; I''m ready," said Stan, smiling, and having hard work to keep from "No," said Stan promptly; "I don''t feel--Yes, I do," he cried. "Yes; I made a mistake there," said Blunt bitterly; and as Stan watched "The enemy do not come, Lynn," said Blunt a short time later, when they "Yes, that is most likely, uncle," said Stan. "Then we can''t be ready for them this time, Stan," said Uncle Jeff. id: 57382 author: Franking, Mae M. title: My Chinese Marriage date: words: 27470.0 sentences: 1625.0 pages: flesch: 79.0 cache: ./cache/57382.txt txt: ./txt/57382.txt summary: I saw Chan-King Liang for the first time on a certain Monday morning in that Chan-King told us about his father, typical Chinese product of his remembered that, fine as Chan-King was, he belonged to the Chinese race. Chan-King looked at him a long time, a quizzical, happy On the way home Chan-King said, "Will this be difficult for you, would see Chan-King''s eyes turned upon me with the look I best loved to Chan-King expressed our views thus: "The Chinese idea is that the family "When I told them of you," said Chan-King, "my mother was visibly related, Chan-King''s mother had been looking forward for years to the Chan-King, his mother and I went to Chinese cafés together and Madame When her visit was ended, our mother said to Chan-King, "This is a grown, we must have them all marry Chinese." Chan-King looked at me long id: 41878 author: Gascoyne-Cecil, William title: Changing China date: words: 86557.0 sentences: 3617.0 pages: flesch: 67.0 cache: ./cache/41878.txt txt: ./txt/41878.txt summary: these two bodies reach, I am told, to every educated man in China. ill-paid but efficient working men to the great Western market will realises why the Chinese are feeling that Western education is an the old Chinese hands merely said, "How like China," or "Just like China now needs help to found a University teaching Western knowledge. missionary work in China they also started schools, but the difference of China and the great demand for men skilled in Western learning make Chinese school, and at the same time they realised what great value and Another Western University under Chinese Government control is the one Chinese girl who had been educated in a Shanghai mission school. Christian or missionary to a Chinese official and it would have the The great Chinese race has need of the wealth of Western {328} China for the Chinese, 216, 296 id: 47218 author: Gautier, Judith title: The Daughter of Heaven date: words: 31935.0 sentences: 4076.0 pages: flesch: 91.0 cache: ./cache/47218.txt txt: ./txt/47218.txt summary: report addressed by the Tartar general Tsen-Konan-Wei, to the Emperor THE EMPEROR OF PEKING, a Tartar of the Tsing (Pure) Dynasty (aged 30) FOUNT-IN-THE-FOREST, Councillor to the Tartar Emperor THE SON OF SPRINGTIME, the little Chinese Emperor at Nanking THE DAUGHTER OF HEAVEN, Chinese Empress of the Ming (Bright) Dynasty SECOND NURSE [_Respectfully approaching the_ TARTAR EMPEROR] the Tartar Emperor----But this torch which shall illumine The EMPRESS [_Making a sign to the_ TARTAR EMPEROR, _to be Ah, how ardently I wish I were the Tartar Emperor reigning FAITHFUL PRINCE, _who gives it to the_ EMPRESS. The day will come when I shall throw away the mask, THE EMPRESS, _the_ FAITHFUL PRINCE, ARROW-BEARER, _the_ _The_ TARTAR EMPEROR _and The_ EMPRESS _The_ TARTAR EMPEROR _and The_ EMPRESS [FAITHFUL PRINCE _approaches the_ EMPRESS.] _The_ EMPRESS, FAITHFUL PRINCE, TRANQUIL BEAUTY, _The_ The_ EMPRESS, FAITHFUL PRINCE, VEILED-LIGHT, TRANQUIL interview of an Emperor and an Empress, power speaking to id: 2133 author: Giles, Herbert Allen title: Historic China, and Other Sketches date: words: 49222.0 sentences: 1944.0 pages: flesch: 67.0 cache: ./cache/2133.txt txt: ./txt/2133.txt summary: Chinese custom, may not be completed until death has actually taken treatises, is little studied by Chinese at the present day. state of education in China at the present day, the remedy for which doctor in China, so any man may be a fortune-teller who likes to start cases are rare in China, such questions as arise in the way of trade As regards the evidence of Chinese taken in a foreign court of State religion in China, and it has always been open to every man to by man''s natural enemy in China--the cook, for once in his life clean, New Year''s Day is the one great annual event in Chinese social and Chinese town, the contented, peaceful look of China''s villagers, and Europeans who have lived in China, that the Chinese are a nation of It is well known that all old and even middle-aged people in China id: 2076 author: Giles, Herbert Allen title: The Civilization of China date: words: 51666.0 sentences: 1875.0 pages: flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/2076.txt txt: ./txt/2076.txt summary: Chinese customs which, as presented, refer to a part of China only, and second century B.C., has long ceased to interest the Chinese public, who For nearly twenty-five centuries the Chinese have looked to Confucius rebellion broke out, and a year later the emperor, now an old man of of the Chinese people in every department of life. Altogether, the Chinese woman has by no means such a bad time as is All Chinese men, women and children seem to love flowers; and the poetry The Chinese have always been a great reading people, Polo is first mentioned in Chinese literature under the year A.D. 710, divided by the Chinese into twelve such periods; but now-a-days and sincere observance of the Chinese rules of life would result in a is that the Chinese were a remarkably civilized nation a thousand years This work contains 2579 short lives of Chinese Emperors, statesmen, id: 2330 author: Giles, Herbert Allen title: Religions of Ancient China date: words: 13641.0 sentences: 742.0 pages: flesch: 73.0 cache: ./cache/2330.txt txt: ./txt/2330.txt summary: God the Father, Earth the Mother.--The Yellow Emperor was followed by with all due reverence, fell into evil ways, and was abandoned by God. This was the beginning of the end. dynasty, offered sacrifices to Almighty God, and also to Mother Earth. spirits wishing to undermine man''s allegiance to God, or desiring to time between the third and sixth centuries A.D. Chinese Terms for God.--Before passing to the firmer ground, Only the Emperor worships God and Earth.--From the records of this who had personally received the Imperial mandate from God. This same Minister is said to be responsible for the following First of all, there were the great sacrifices to God and to their great sacrificial ceremonies the ancients served God; by their The great sacrifices to God and to Earth, as performed by the early attention of the Chinese people from the simple worship of God and of id: 2156 author: Giles, Herbert Allen title: China and the Manchus date: words: 32804.0 sentences: 1309.0 pages: flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/2156.txt txt: ./txt/2156.txt summary: K''ai-fêng as the Chinese capital, and Peking, now for the first time victorious Nü-chêns, the Chinese Emperor discovered that the Emperor, for reasons shortly to be stated; but the Manchu terms were A brief review of Chinese history during the later years of Manchu recovering Chinese territory already occupied by the Manchus. Emperor of China nine days after his capture of Peking, was now hotly defeat of Li by the combined forces of Chinese and Manchus, it had Mings; (4) Chinese women were not to adopt the Manchu dress, nor to reign of K''ang Hsi. After the capture of Peking in 1644, the Manchus Manchus came into power, as conquerors by force of arms, at a time old native chiefs, formerly recognized by the Manchu Emperors, but seemed to all Chinese officials--no Manchu would have been sent--to to Chinese and not to Manchus. Emperor, Chinese, carried off, 6 id: 39009 author: González de Mendoza, Juan title: The History of the Great and Mighty Kingdom of China and the Situation Thereof, Volume 1 (of 2) date: words: nan sentences: nan pages: flesch: nan cache: txt: summary: id: 42551 author: González de Mendoza, Juan title: The History of the Great and Mighty Kingdom of China and the Situation Thereof, Volume 2 (of 2) date: words: nan sentences: nan pages: flesch: nan cache: txt: summary: id: 43669 author: Hall, W. H. (William Hutcheon), Sir title: Narrative of the Voyages and Services of the Nemesis from 1840 to 1843 And of the Combined Naval and Military Operations in China: Comprising a Complete Account of the Colony of Hong-Kong and Remarks on the Character & Habits of the Chinese. Second Edition date: words: 226264.0 sentences: 7890.0 pages: flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/43669.txt txt: ./txt/43669.txt summary: the Land''s End. At daylight, the little island of Porto Santo having been passed, the this time the only British man-of-war in the Chinese waters was the Scarcely had this taken place, when down came to Macao a new Chinese Chinese batteries and the war-junks, immediately the boat reached the the arrival of Major-General Sir Hugh Gough, from Madras, in H.M.S. Cruizer, to assume the command in chief of all the land-forces, by the As soon as our vessels and boats approached, the Chinese opened a vessels, Chinese junks, boats of all kinds, and the long line of On the Chinese side, the river batteries opened upon the Nemesis and In the mean time, the boats of the Nemesis, under Captain Hall, having island without landing a body of men to attack the Chinese soldiers, the little party again returned to the steamer, the Chinese having id: 522 author: Headland, Isaac Taylor title: The Chinese Boy and Girl date: words: 30324.0 sentences: 1571.0 pages: flesch: 82.0 cache: ./cache/522.txt txt: ./txt/522.txt summary: Chinese rhymes, stories and games into the foreigner''s home for the Boy and Girl as real little folk, human like themselves, and thus think All of these have called forth rhymes among Chinese children similar to little boy''s queue instead of his hand when walking with him on the The Chinese boys and girls are little men and women. children playing their sober little games." Why we should call such a the little street children who spend a large part of their time in asking that we study into the character of Chinese children''s games. "Chi," we asked, "what kind of games do boys play?" The boys spent a long time playing this game--indeed they seemed to of the unfortunate features of Chinese children''s games and rhymes. children that look like the little folks who play with them. passed by a boy and girl were born to them, little star children, id: 523 author: Headland, Isaac Taylor title: Court Life in China: The Capital, Its Officials and People date: words: nan sentences: nan pages: flesch: nan cache: txt: summary: id: 16261 author: Hearn, Lafcadio title: Some Chinese Ghosts date: words: 22403.0 sentences: 1191.0 pages: flesch: 78.0 cache: ./cache/16261.txt txt: ./txt/16261.txt summary: many-colored ways of the old Chinese city who does not know the story thee; if thou fail a third time in fulfilling our command, thy head "_By a beautiful face the world is filled with love; but Heaven may Hundred Flowers," a longing came upon Ming-Y to see his parents; and he That morning, on returning to the house of Lord Tchang, Ming-Y told the the legend was Tong-yong, and that he lived in the years of the great there came upon Tong the same strange fear that he knew when Tchi''s eyes good Tchin-King; for it was in the period of the greatness of Thang that "_The words of the Celestial and August, the Son of Heaven, the Divine words to him, saying: "O Tchin-King, I see thou art indeed a brave man presence of Tchin-King had passed away before the answer came. Porcelain itself,--the City of King-te-chin, that of old shone like a id: 43549 author: Hedin, Sven Anders title: Trans-Himalaya: Discoveries and Adventurers in Tibet. Vol. 2 (of 2) date: words: 173054.0 sentences: 9430.0 pages: flesch: 83.0 cache: ./cache/43549.txt txt: ./txt/43549.txt summary: east of the mountain the flat open valley of the Targo-tsangpo comes seven short days'' journey; the pilgrim road closely follows the lake great river drink of the water, because it comes from the holy mountain On the same day a large white-and-blue tent was set up by our camp, but Tabie-tsaka, how far they marched each day, and where they passed lakes, gain our camp on the bank of the Tsangpo; the river looks like a lake, After a while we passed the valley junction and the unlucky camp No. 283, and were again on the great caravan route, the road of dead horses. Mountain north-east of Camp 310; the freshwater Lake white limits of the valley was seen to the south-east the large lake Three tents stood in a side valley and some men came out to look passed two tents, where four Tibetans came out to look at us. id: 43497 author: Hedin, Sven Anders title: Trans-Himalaya: Discoveries and Adventurers in Tibet. Vol. 1 (of 2) date: words: 168656.0 sentences: 8719.0 pages: flesch: 80.0 cache: ./cache/43497.txt txt: ./txt/43497.txt summary: During the following days Muhamed Isa was always on his feet, looking Muhamed Isa set up for the caravan men a large Tibetan tent with a broad We needed a day''s rest in this camp, for before us was the high pass however, little water, ran to the lake, and all day long we fell in with We have not seen a drop of water all day long, and the caravan is small pass we came to a new longitudinal valley, where the country was men for several days, but after that should pass black tents daily. Our day''s march ran round the lake and into a broad valley extending in slowly marching over passes and through winding valleys, over small long day''s journey and a difficult pass, and therefore it was still dark This time Muhamed Isa accompanied me, and the Tashi Lama received me in id: 19365 author: Johannsen, Anna Magdalena title: Everlasting Pearl: One of China''s Women date: words: 28013.0 sentences: 1569.0 pages: flesch: 85.0 cache: ./cache/19365.txt txt: ./txt/19365.txt summary: One day, when Everlasting Pearl was about six years old, she saw her heard of the true and living God. The ugly idol she saw carried brother''s son, remained, and Mrs. Lü took him to her loving heart. her return she said that Mrs. Lü had stopped coming to the meetings, as At that time the Lord began to prepare Mrs. Lü''s heart through dreams Thus the people reasoned, and it need hardly be said that Mr. and Mrs. Lü, through their steady and careful walk with God, gained a respect The next year the people threatened them worse than ever, and then Mr. and Mrs. Lü, with some other Christians, almost lost heart. the day when the old lady stepped out into the light of God, and began Mrs. Lü is still living and working for God. But her name is no more When the day''s work is done, the three who love God in id: 31674 author: Jones, J. Knox title: Comments on the Taxonomic Status of Apodemus peninsulae, with Description of a New Subspecies from North China date: words: 3278.0 sentences: 277.0 pages: flesch: 69.0 cache: ./cache/31674.txt txt: ./txt/31674.txt summary: Apodemus peninsulae, with Description Comments on the Taxonomic Status of Apodemus peninsulae, with Description of a New Subspecies from North China (1951:566) have arranged _peninsulae_ as a subspecies of _Apodemus specimens of _peninsulae_ available to me from central and southern The type specimens of _Apodemus praetor_ Miller (type from Sungari _nigritalus_, like _peninsulae_, as a subspecies of _flavicollis_. _peninsulae_, especially in summer pelage when _praetor_ lacks the subspecies of _Apodemus sylvaticus_. In China the extent of the distribution of _Apodemus peninsulae_ is also The western limits of the geographic range of _Apodemus peninsulae_ are Apodemus peninsulae sowerbyi, new subspecies _Apodemus peninsulae nigritalus_, Tapucha, Altai Mts., Siberia _Apodemus peninsulae praetor_, Sungari River, 60 mi. _Apodemus peninsulae sowerbyi_, Kuei-hau-cheng, Shansi From _Apodemus peninsulae From _Apodemus peninsulae From _Apodemus peninsulae _Apodemus peninsulae_, then, is known or suspected to occur over much of _Apodemus peninsulae nigritalus_ Hollister, 1913 _Apodemus peninsulae praetor_ Miller, 1914 _Apodemus peninsulae sowerbyi_ Jones, 1956 id: 27481 author: Kendall, Elizabeth Kimball title: A Wayfarer in China Impressions of a trip across West China and Mongolia date: words: 85762.0 sentences: 4091.0 pages: flesch: 78.0 cache: ./cache/27481.txt txt: ./txt/27481.txt summary: cross the great rivers and ranges of western Yunnan, a weary month-long Our day''s stage usually ended in a good-sized town. friendly way, generally stopping after I had passed to ask my coolies and a century ago the Chinese frontier stopped at Tachienlu, but to-day Later in the day we left the river, and crossing a head ridge or pass While in Chia-ting I crossed the river one day to see the great Buddha Kalgan stands hard-by the Great Wall; here China and Mongolia meet, and wild-looking men on sturdy little ponies told of an open country. these people, however, looked like Western men, and one simply could not a few Chinese, with a little group of frightened-looking Mongols. Or put it in another way: with Chinese and man of the West alike, that has lived a long time, the Chinese have found out a great many id: 5350 author: King, F. H. (Franklin Hiram) title: Farmers of Forty Centuries; Or, Permanent Agriculture in China, Korea, and Japan date: words: 93824.0 sentences: 3720.0 pages: flesch: 70.0 cache: ./cache/5350.txt txt: ./txt/5350.txt summary: Japan 56 per cent of the cultivated fields, 11,000 square miles, is The average area of the rice field in Japan is less than five square grave lands had become nearly naked soil, as seen in Fig. 27 where a Fields which had matured two crops of rice during the long summer, applied to rice, Fig. 45 showing a field as seen in Japan. lands is largely used upon the rice fields, more than sixteen inches inches of water applied to the rice fields of the three main islands a closer view than Fig. 27 of the farmer watering his little field The basal food crop of the people of China, Korea and Japan is rice, of water rice on the plains land at 44 bushels per acre, and that of cultivated land produces a crop of water rice each year and 7.96 per id: 3639 author: Knight, W. H. (William Henry) title: Diary of a Pedestrian in Cashmere and Thibet date: words: nan sentences: nan pages: flesch: nan cache: txt: summary: id: 56985 author: Knox, Thomas Wallace title: The Boy Travellers in the Far East [Part First] Adventures of Two Youths in a Journey to Japan and China date: words: 122937.0 sentences: 5851.0 pages: flesch: 78.0 cache: ./cache/56985.txt txt: ./txt/56985.txt summary: At breakfast the day before the time fixed for Frank''s departure, Mr. Bassett told his son that he must make the most of his journey, enjoy it "She''s a nice girl," said Fred to the Doctor as they made their way to after day, and on a great ocean like the Pacific there is little to Fred said the best thing to prevent a horse running away was to sell him and looked at a great variety of Japanese goods, but followed the advice "We think we want to write home now, Doctor," said Frank, "and wish to great cities of Japan, but they are far less frequent than in New York "I know what that is," said Fred, who came along at the moment Frank "That is one point," said Frank, "in which I think the Japanese have [Illustration: A JAPANESE WAR-JUNK OF THE OLDEN TIME.] id: 26162 author: La Motte, Ellen N. (Ellen Newbold) title: Peking Dust date: words: 42002.0 sentences: 2297.0 pages: flesch: 75.0 cache: ./cache/26162.txt txt: ./txt/26162.txt summary: "Ask the Chinese Government?" repeated the young man, scornfully. with many foreigners who have lived in China for a long time, who have China has suffered at the hands of the great powers, "China in Fetters"--a significant term for a Chinese newspaper to use. realize that the foreign governments have given China no assistance in already talking of the great day, only six months distant, when China As I told you the other day, the opium traffic in China is to come pressure upon the Chinese Government to extend the time by nine months. foreigner in China knows it, and the Chinese know it themselves only too Foreign Office, warning the Chinese Government against allowing the China, you wish Chinese interests to have the right of way. Chinese press referred to as "a glorious day for China and her various British officials in China, and to the Foreign Office in id: 27021 author: Landor, Arnold Henry Savage title: An Explorer''s Adventures in Tibet date: words: 75411.0 sentences: 4796.0 pages: flesch: 83.0 cache: ./cache/27021.txt txt: ./txt/27021.txt summary: High mountain ranges bound the Tibetan plateau on all sides. way with great caution, particularly as by the time we reached that spot We arrived at Lama Chokten, a pass protected by a Tibetan guard. and louder, and then we saw coming our way a stream of limpid snow-water Tibetan officers, followed by their men, came trembling to meet us. When darkness came I placed a guard a little distance off our camp. pass and on the other side, a number of Tibetans following the yaks we (the name the Tibetans had given me) had taken a large army of men into then allowed to remain in his tent, guarded by Tibetan soldiers. bank of the stream, was a large Tibetan camping-ground with a high wall Next morning, the 20th idem, a number of Tibetans came to Mr. Landor''s tent, bringing food and ponies. id: 22210 author: Landor, Arnold Henry Savage title: In the Forbidden Land An account of a journey in Tibet, capture by the Tibetan authorities, imprisonment, torture and ultimate release date: words: 151816.0 sentences: 10078.0 pages: flesch: 81.0 cache: ./cache/22210.txt txt: ./txt/22210.txt summary: Lama Chokden--A Tibetan guard--The sacred Kelas--Reverence of my men I was provided with a very light mountain _tente-d''abri_ seven feet long, pass for the first time Shokas invariably cut a strip of cloth and place a large Tibetan tent manufactured to shelter my future followers--if enter Tibet by the Lippu Pass, was surrounded by Tibetan soldiers, and he wonder, a great human hand (as the Tibetans and Shokas call it), which is fear of being surprised by the Tibetan soldiers, and we passed hour after Tibetans had given me--had taken a large army of men into Tibet, and that remain in his tent, guarded by Tibetan soldiers. of Tibetan men, women and children, who seemed very good-natured and Tibetans pray to their god by means of water, wind and hand-power, are Travelling Tibetans--Over a high pass--A friendly meeting--A [Illustration: A SHOKA-TIBETAN HALF-CASTE] with a handful of men, escaped from the Tibetan soldiers watching id: 4094 author: Legge, James title: The Chinese Classics — Volume 1: Confucian Analects date: words: nan sentences: nan pages: flesch: nan cache: txt: summary: id: 39735 author: Lindley, Augustus F. title: Ti-Ping Tien-Kwoh: The History of the Ti-Ping Revolution (Volume II) date: words: 149383.0 sentences: 6552.0 pages: flesch: 66.0 cache: ./cache/39735.txt txt: ./txt/39735.txt summary: The Kan-wang, the missionaries'' friend, having left the city while Mr. Muirhead was there, that event was mentioned in the following different offices of Ti-ping Government in Hang-chow, and completing his French aiding by six vessels only, a fact suppressed by Captain Dew. The final expulsion of the Ti-pings from Ningpo was thus effected:-placed directly between the British and French men-of-war and the guns the foreign men-of-war, as stated by Captain Dew. The Ti-pings fought their battery against the overwhelming fire from the A march of five days brought our forces to the city of Soo-chow, when Nankin and Soo-chow, the Chung-wang''s immediate command, and other The British men-of-war, the Manchoo gunboats, the French vessels, the China having just reached Shanghae, Major Gordon, R.E., took command of British army_; while General Brown sent a force of 550 men (including Ti-ping stockades outside Soo-chow; consequently, the Chung-wang id: 40350 author: Linebarger, Paul Myron Anthony title: Government in Republican China date: words: 76496.0 sentences: 4098.0 pages: flesch: 57.0 cache: ./cache/40350.txt txt: ./txt/40350.txt summary: the old Chinese society lay not in the power of an organized body of National Government of China and of the Nationalist armies under Chiang nationalism required of China in the new Westernized world--this was a the pivot of modern Chinese government and politics. possessed the power, under the legal sanction of the Chinese government, military power of the Nationalist armies led by Chiang K''ai-shek. China the background of a Chinese-dominated world society in the Far Chinese government appearing in quasi-military form. Undoubtedly China was and is too large to be governed by mere military provincial military commanders; many Chinese expected a new Yüan to making the Chinese government independent of Japanese and Western Western government and makes no attempt to transpose Chinese politics include much material on Chinese politics and government. How can modern government be made Chinese, Chinese political and military development may well id: 49121 author: Loti, Pierre title: The Last Days of Pekin date: words: 66078.0 sentences: 2764.0 pages: flesch: 73.0 cache: ./cache/49121.txt txt: ./txt/49121.txt summary: small boats--little steam tugs--hurry like busy people among the big cannot count on seeing the great walls of Pekin for six or seven days. THE GREAT WALL SURROUNDING THE OUTER CITY OF PEKIN] As we come through the separating wall and see the Chinese City framed the wood, great Pekin in its dust, which the sun is beginning to gild And every time each gate in the red walls with the yellow faience permit himself to be seen, to act in the light of day like other men, I shall come to a fresh opening in an old wall, which will be my crossed the wall of the Chinese City by this southern gate, first The place is paved with marble, and straight ahead, rising like a wall, walls the vests of Chinese soldiers are fastened up and arranged like and the "yellow wind" before reaching Y-Tchou, another old walled city id: 34167 author: Loviot, Fanny title: A Lady''s Captivity among Chinese Pirates in the Chinese Seas date: words: 34131.0 sentences: 1927.0 pages: flesch: 80.0 cache: ./cache/34167.txt txt: ./txt/34167.txt summary: Consul--Visit of Than-Sing--Good-bye to Captain Rooney _page_ 122 That same night the sailors bore her body upon deck, and the captain three days, said the captain, we should probably arrive at the end of Chinese shores for more than twenty days, the captain informed us that "Caldera"--Chinese Pirates--Scene between Decks--A Crew in "Caldera"--Chinese Pirates--Scene between Decks--A Crew in Soon after this, Than-Sing and the captain came in search of me. The pirates of the Chinese seas make their junks their homes, and Once at sea, it is scarcely likely that the pirates, busy as they Captain Rooney then came up, and Than-Sing, Having boarded and pillaged the merchant-junk, the pirates, it seemed, with any pirate-junks, the captain of the "Lady Mary Wood" prepared to pirates in the Chinese seas, has just returned to France in pirates in the Chinese seas, has just returned to France in id: 21661 author: Lynch, George title: Impressions of a War Correspondent date: words: 40982.0 sentences: 1955.0 pages: flesch: 76.0 cache: ./cache/21661.txt txt: ./txt/21661.txt summary: and the men who _do_ things, and shove these life-wheels round, warms stayed just a little too long, and had not time to get to his horse, rending sound of the shells in the air like the tearing of a great in a long snake-like column of men that winds along the road through at what looks like a man but may be a tree-trunk, and then stops again I looked forward to seeing great things from the Germans. I wonder what that other city looked like from the of Coal Hill, I have looked down on at night, but none of them is like people who were men in their day and did things, palatial buildings, the increase, and for young business men who have little time for The general rule that the men are at work all day has its effect in id: 27861 author: Macaulay, W. Hastings title: Kathay: A Cruise in the China Seas date: words: nan sentences: nan pages: flesch: nan cache: txt: summary: id: 26070 author: Macgowan, J. (John) title: Chinese Folk-Lore Tales date: words: 52274.0 sentences: 1930.0 pages: flesch: 72.0 cache: ./cache/26070.txt txt: ./txt/26070.txt summary: there lived in very early times a man of the name of Chan. shall be looking for you, and this day eighteen years hence will be the anxious heart to the day when she would once more meet the man to whom Chan is an old man by this time; no doubt he has long ago when a man appeared upon the scene and invited him to come home with "One day while my mind was full of anxiety, a man suddenly appeared at she had lived as a man, and for many years had freely mingled with men. "May I ask," said Sam-Chung, "what was the reason for the great looks, he would one day turn out to be a man of great power, for he had Next day, in readiness for the coming of the old man, they this time to save the life of the only son of the man whose fame for id: 39486 author: Macgowan, J. (John) title: Sidelights on Chinese Life date: words: 129017.0 sentences: 4554.0 pages: flesch: 70.0 cache: ./cache/39486.txt txt: ./txt/39486.txt summary: two thousand years ago, that a man that did not know how to rule his home After a careful study of the family life of this great people, one the yellow face sooner than to ask a man if the idols love men. comparatively of whom have ever come back to look upon the land of great here come the people from the great city below, slowly winding could come to life to-day he would see that the old clumsy thing that he Chinese life and scenes afford to the Westerner, there comes a sense of mysteries of Chinese life and see how men and women can lead what seems to the remote times of Chinese history was a man who was taken direct from whilst men who had passed their lives in the commission of great wrongs, cognizance of men''s lives--Heaven looks after great moral id: 15125 author: Martin, W. A. P. (William Alexander Parsons) title: The Awakening of China date: words: 85065.0 sentences: 4561.0 pages: flesch: 72.0 cache: ./cache/15125.txt txt: ./txt/15125.txt summary: Passing from the Chinese city through the Great Central Gate we China, a tripod of empire, the hub of the universe, as the Chinese overlooking the Great River, I spent three years as aid to the viceroy conquests in China to the south of the "Great River" is still wanting, China; and its first act was the so-called Opium War (1839-42). which the Chinese emperors had permitted foreigners to open as as a mission field by the boom of British cannon in the Opium War. China was not opened; but five gates were set ajar against her of war and assured French people in China that if they refrained order of things open on China with a new century! They were not, like the Peking princes, ignorant Tartars, but Chinese with China; and they have made foreign nations known to the Chinese. to have the first place in the making of a New China. id: 48788 author: Maugham, W. Somerset (William Somerset) title: On a Chinese Screen date: words: 52013.0 sentences: 3202.0 pages: flesch: 85.0 cache: ./cache/48788.txt txt: ./txt/48788.txt summary: Chinese gentlemen, smiling, look at them with soft eyes. "Of course it doesn''t look like a room in London," she said, "but it the head of the pass till he came to the old river bed which was the in Chinese things tends a little to the grotesque, I think." looked with distrust upon any man who studied the Chinese language. He sought to look as little like "Mr. Wingrove thinks it''s bad for the work to go away for a year like "Mr. Wingrove won''t hear a word against the Chinese," said his wife, little intimate beer-houses of Berlin where the tired working man could "That''s what I looked like when I first came out to China," he said. He has lived in China for five years, but he knows no Chinese and takes He knows more Chinese than any man in China. id: 34860 author: Maugham, W. Somerset (William Somerset) title: East of Suez: A Play in Seven Scenes date: words: 34303.0 sentences: 6476.0 pages: flesch: 104.0 cache: ./cache/34860.txt txt: ./txt/34860.txt summary: [WU _comes back and hands_ HARRY _a dollar, and then goes out_. [GEORGE _looks at_ DAISY _for a moment_. [DAISY _gives a deep sigh of relief_, HARRY _comes in_. missy Daisy old amah--yes? Old amah got velly good eyes in her What would my little Daisy do without old amah, hi, hi? You think old amah no got eyes? He no likee Daisy''s old amah. Lee Tai velly clever man, Daisy. makes up his mind the best thing is to leave_ DAISY _with the_ AMAH. Don''t kneel, Harry; that isn''t the way a woman wants to be loved. [DAISY _gives_ HARRY _the glass and he helps_ GEORGE _to drink_. [_There is a pause._ HARRY _looks from_ DAISY _to the_ AMAH. Daisy, you know I love you. [_Sombrely looking away from her._] Daisy, I think you can never [DAISY _takes the_ AMAH''S _long pipe in her hands._] Who Daisy, Harry come soon. id: 45167 author: Michie, Alexander title: The Siberian Overland Route from Peking to Petersburg, Through the Deserts and Steppes of Mongolia, Tartary, &c. date: words: 134916.0 sentences: 6268.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/45167.txt txt: ./txt/45167.txt summary: Wealth--Mongols--Russians--Name of Kalgan--Chinese Leave China--Mishap in the pass--Steep ascent--Chinese Marshes--Camels dislike water--Chinese caravan--Travellers'' Custom-house delay--Fine country--Good roads--Hotels Amoor that time extended as far south as the Great River, and included a non-military nation like the Chinese, as they were in the days person, and a man of great authority among Mongols, whether lamas or mission to the great lamasery at Dolonor, a Mongol town a few days'' fellow, who speaks Mongol like a native, to a Lama convent, called a halting-place, the Mongols generally contrive to combine a good the Chinese government sought to divert the Mongols from forming any in the pastoral peoples, the great race of the Mongols has in the for as we intended to travel as the Russians do, night and day, it The Russians lose a great deal of time the country been as great as it is now, China might have become a id: 42732 author: Michie, Alexander title: The Englishman in China During the Victorian Era, Vol. 1 (of 2) As Illustrated in the Career of Sir Rutherford Alcock, K.C.B., D.C.L., Many Years Consul and Minister in China and Japan date: words: 129655.0 sentences: 5126.0 pages: flesch: 59.0 cache: ./cache/42732.txt txt: ./txt/42732.txt summary: by British Government -To conciliate Chinese as in days commodity by a British agent on the mere demand of a Chinese official, case, that the Chinese Government regarded the treaty of Nanking as a As regards the attitude of the Chinese Government towards foreigners places, or at Canton, generally with the Chinese natives; port limits, a trade which was invisible alike to Chinese and British prevailed between British and Chinese officials and people in Shanghai treaty consuls acted as trustees for the Chinese Government, there was which marked the opening of China to foreign trade. the successful establishment of trade at the new ports in China, Lord [20] The annual value of the whole foreign trade with China, imports characteristics of the two trading communities, foreign and Chinese. Trading facilities -Relations with Chinese Government -To trade as such the Chinese Government never seem to have id: 32752 author: Millington, Powell title: To Lhassa at Last date: words: 35078.0 sentences: 1884.0 pages: flesch: 77.0 cache: ./cache/32752.txt txt: ./txt/32752.txt summary: When the Sikkim-Tibet Mission Force marched to Lhassa, it carried along About two or three days'' marching takes you out of India into Sikkim, men of the British working class whom one has known in old days. very long train of pack-mule transport in our column, and the checks up As we foraged on the days following these fights our way was strewn with hundred mule loads, and so could not start our march with many days'' course, before our five-mile-long column had reached the top. the value set by a Tibetan on a ''chit'' written by a British officer. exciting climax to our march, such as a good fight in the Lhassa plain, place with the post, prepared to proceed to Lhassa the next day; but it miles up the river, and the following day I was able to reach Lhassa Sixteen days later the column left Lhassa. id: 31571 author: Morris, Charles title: Historic Tales: The Romance of Reality. Vol. 12 (of 15), Japanese and Chinese date: words: 89595.0 sentences: 4050.0 pages: flesch: 72.0 cache: ./cache/31571.txt txt: ./txt/31571.txt summary: This imperial Amazon was the wife of the mikado Chinai, who in 193 A.D. set out at the head of his army for Kiushiu, a rebellion having broken ten thousand men was sent to Japan, but was soon driven from the country Kublai Khan, the Mongol emperor of China, now sent nine armies of China, when word came from Japan (in 1598) that Hideyoshi was Nobunaga''s great generals, as the rising power in Japan. This took place five thousand years or more ago, and for a long time the Fortunately for the young emperor, the great princes, having no fear of The long reign of the great emperor had not been confined to wars with The war that followed continued for twelve years, the armies of The "sublime" emperor, the supreme head of the great realm of China and War between China and Japan was at hand. id: 19172 author: Morrison, George Ernest title: An Australian in China Being the Narrative of a Quiet Journey Across China to Burma date: words: 90637.0 sentences: 4362.0 pages: flesch: 74.0 cache: ./cache/19172.txt txt: ./txt/19172.txt summary: then, dressed as a Chinese, to cross quietly over Western China, the During the time I was in China, I met large numbers of missionaries of the Chinese cities, especially of Western China, and the flaunting a grateful Chinese patient to the first medical missionary in China. THE CITY OF CHUNGKING--THE CHINESE CUSTOMS--THE FAMOUS MONSIEUR HAAS, the traveller in China to believe that the Chinese are sincere in their THE CITY OF SUIFU--THE CHINA INLAND MISSION, WITH SOME GENERAL REMARKS The China Inland Mission has pleasant quarters close under the city officials, and there is not a Chinese home within ten miles of the city Chinese) were carried through the town on their way from Chaotong to the traveller in Western China, was in Yunnan City in 1882. In the course of his many journeys through China, Mr. Jensen has been invariably well treated by the Chinese, and it is id: 42886 author: Munroe, Kirk title: The Blue Dragon: A Tale of Recent Adventure in China date: words: 66183.0 sentences: 3202.0 pages: flesch: 78.0 cache: ./cache/42886.txt txt: ./txt/42886.txt summary: Rob also was pleased with the foreign lad, whose appearance recalled a "I''d call it ''white-handed,''" replied Rob, with a grin, at the same time "Yes," said Rob, speaking in fragmentary but intelligible Chinese, "the "Yes, of course," replied Rob; "but in this case it happens that only So determined was the Chinese lad upon this course that even when Mr. Hinckley had arranged the bond business with some of his friends, and "The big boy scrambled to his feet, and just then Rob Hinckley came did, they would punish them instead of Rob Hinckley, and the Chinese "Yes, sir," replied poor Rob, who, longing for sympathy in this moment summer of 1900, the young American, Rob Hinckley, on a peaceful mission Chinese army with twenty American cow-boys," boasted Rob, as he reined 1900 when Rob Hinckley, accompanied by his stanch friend, Chinese Jo, id: 58369 author: Nelson, Kathleen Gray title: Tuen, Slave and Empress date: words: 28668.0 sentences: 1474.0 pages: flesch: 82.0 cache: ./cache/58369.txt txt: ./txt/58369.txt summary: "He is the god of barbarians and devils, Tuen," her father said sternly. Tuen said nothing more, but that night from her bed in the open court chuckled and said nothing, and poor Tuen had a new thought to torment "The Viceroy sent her to you," the servant who was with Tuen said to the On the day that Tuen arrived at the yâmen, the wife of the Viceroy came "Just look what long ones Tuen has and be consoled," another said "I don''t want little feet," Tuen answered, for the first time taking A year had passed since Tuen came to live at the Viceroy''s yâmen, and in that Tuen should make a tunic for the Viceroy as a present on the coming "I didn''t want anything in the world but to be learned like a man," Tuen "I would like to be wise and great," Tuen said, with a sigh. id: 59972 author: Nozhin, E. K. (Evgenii Konstantinovich) title: The Truth About Port Arthur date: words: 124158.0 sentences: 7263.0 pages: flesch: 75.0 cache: ./cache/59972.txt txt: ./txt/59972.txt summary: the Fortress Commandant, Lieutenant-General Smirnoff, had two enemies Fortress, numbers of officers of the Japanese General Staff, disguised for it to be fortified with the utmost rapidity, and in his order No. 228, of March 23, he authorized the Fortress Commanding Engineer to commanding officer, can give me general orders relating to the defence Next day Order 285 was issued by the Officer Commanding the District, officers, began to get the position on Green Hills into some order; General Fock''s command--the left flank--fared during these days. General Stössel published the following order this day: officer commanding, General Smirnoff went to look at the destruction to persuaded General Stössel to lay mines under our forts in order that and General Smirnoff asked the Officer Commanding the District, through orders direct from General Stössel that the fort was to be abandoned. _Lieutenant-General Smirnoff_, Commandant of the Fortress. Fortress of Port Arthur to its Commandant, Lieutenant-General Smirnoff, id: 5173 author: Nukariya, Kaiten title: The Religion of the Samurai A Study of Zen Philosophy and Discipline in China and Japan date: words: 86985.0 sentences: 5524.0 pages: flesch: 77.0 cache: ./cache/5173.txt txt: ./txt/5173.txt summary: To-day Zen as a living faith can be found in its pure form only among Mahayana Zen, and calls the last by the name of the Buddha''s Holy gives a short life, in Dirghagama-sutra, of each of the six Buddhas, Bodhidharma as the best explanation of Zen, by Gunabhadra in A.D. 433; Saddharma-pundarika-sutra, in its complete form, by Kumarajiva Shan said that some practise Zen in order to attain Enlightenment, founder of the Japanese Ten Dai Sect, known as Den Gyo Dai Shi. After visiting holy places and great monasteries, he came home, This Universal Life, according to Zen, pillars the heaven, Therefore man, according to Zen, is not good-natured nor bad-natured For these reasons Zen proposes to call man Buddha-natured or [FN#190] Zen is often called the Sect of Buddha-mind, as it lays Buddha, or Universal Life conceived by Zen, ''What is life and death?'' ''What is the real nature of mind?'' and so id: 6624 author: Parker, Edward Harper title: Ancient China Simplified date: words: 111132.0 sentences: 4735.0 pages: flesch: 66.0 cache: ./cache/6624.txt txt: ./txt/6624.txt summary: Central Chinese orthodox stales--Fighting instincts all with semiChinese states--Struggle for life becoming keener throughout China Tartar-born rulers of Tsin, and war with T&n--Second Protector prince to Confucius'' state--Lu''s "powerful" family plague--Lu''s Titles of the Emperors of the Chou dynasty--The word "King" in modern times--Posthumous names--The title "Emperor" and the word moon--Celestial observations in different states--Chinese year is Chinese history, and in this year the Emperor had to flee from his This Wei Valley (including the subvalleys of its north-bank tributaries) was also in 842 B.C. colonized by an ancient Chinese family--not of imperial extraction of China, Chinese federal princes between the Han River and the of the Great River branches, In ancient times the Yang-tsz was King died; and as his services to China (i.e. to orthodox Tsin colonists of the imperial Chou family in 1200 B.C. So far as purely Chinese traditions and history go, the cumulative comparatively modern China, 1500 years later, the third emperor of the id: 34199 author: Phillips, E. C. (Edith Caroline) title: Peeps Into China; Or, The Missionary''s Children date: words: 37163.0 sentences: 2071.0 pages: flesch: 83.0 cache: ./cache/34199.txt txt: ./txt/34199.txt summary: "I don''t think I care to go to China now, father," Sybil then said. "I shall like to see Chinese soldiers," Leonard said. "What Chinese shops are like, I think," said Sybil. "I remember," Sybil said, "a girl at school having a Chinese "I thought the Chinese were clever people," Sybil said; "if so, how can "You were saying the other day, father, that Chinese people smoke "I wonder what made people first think of doing this?" Sybil said. "There is one thing I cannot understand the Chinese doing," Leonard said It seemed strange to Sybil and Leonard to think that boat-children never "I do think, do you know, Leonard," Sybil said, as she wished her "How little," Sybil and Leonard said to one another, "we ever thought, Sybil and Leonard were told, were to be seen on almost all Chinese And Sybil, who had said "_I like my father to be a missionary very id: 18674 author: Pitman, Norman Hinsdale title: A Chinese Wonder Book date: words: 49189.0 sentences: 3302.0 pages: flesch: 91.0 cache: ./cache/18674.txt txt: ./txt/18674.txt summary: "Bless his good heart!" said the poor widow after he had gone. "First tell me what good fairy of a rich man has been filling our hands For many days, try as he would, Chow-sin, the great Son of Heaven, could would rather have the love of one good man like her father, than share "I beg your honour to have a look at my catch," said old Chang to Sing. sleeping villages and little streams of water that looked like silver All day long the three friends chatted, feasted, and had a good time good man would shake his head, saying, ''Take care, my boy, or you will very happy, for the young man loved his mother dearly, and the old woman looking the great cat straight in the eye, "you have come to eat me, So, on this day when his father left him alone, the boy stood looking at id: 37376 author: Putnam Weale, B. L. (Bertram Lenox) title: Wang the Ninth: The Story of a Chinese Boy date: words: 52320.0 sentences: 3402.0 pages: flesch: 86.0 cache: ./cache/37376.txt txt: ./txt/37376.txt summary: There was food in plenty, too; the boy could eat all day long, and he huge foreign-devil, with a yellow beard and a great whip in his hand two days'' time the Court would come out of the city. he went far afield, running all the way home so as to have ample time to The boy held out his hands but the old man did not consult the palms: he "From the west city gate," said the boy. caught each one unfailingly--finally coming to rest on the boy''s hand. hard the boy ran on until he came upon a large crowd of foreigners. like the foreigners walked; and the strangers would ask who was this boy boy saw that the soldiers stopped and interrogated each man leading his The boy''s eyes never moved from the man''s face. one extra day to make your way through the city to the foreign quarter." id: 14345 author: Putnam Weale, B. L. (Bertram Lenox) title: The Fight for the Republic in China date: words: 153801.0 sentences: 7295.0 pages: flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/14345.txt txt: ./txt/14345.txt summary: China agrees that Japanese subjects shall have the right Japanese subjects shall be tried entirely by Chinese law courts. The Chinese Government agrees that Japanese subjects shall be other Powers have no objection, China shall grant the said right to Government shall not grant the said right to any foreign Power concerning Japanese subjects shall be tried entirely by Chinese law 1. The Chinese Government declare that China will not in future 2. The Chinese Government declare that China will herself provide 2. The Chinese Government declare that China will herself provide Japanese capitalists for co-operation, the Chinese Government shall 7. On the establishment of a new Government in China, all Japan''s demands on China shall be recognized by the new Government as present President Yuan Shih-kai as Emperor of the Chinese Empire." The power of Government of the Republic of China shall be The administrative power of the Republic of China shall be id: 4522 author: Putnam Weale, B. L. (Bertram Lenox) title: The Fight for the Republic in China date: words: nan sentences: nan pages: flesch: nan cache: txt: summary: id: 11469 author: Ralphson, G. Harvey (George Harvey) title: Boy Scouts on Motorcycles; Or, With the Flying Squadron date: words: nan sentences: nan pages: flesch: nan cache: txt: summary: id: 29683 author: Raper, Eleanor title: The Little Girl Lost A Tale for Little Girls date: words: 21392.0 sentences: 1372.0 pages: flesch: 93.0 cache: ./cache/29683.txt txt: ./txt/29683.txt summary: Nelly Grey was a little English girl who had never been in England. When Nelly said that she was going to meet her father, Little Yi offered road outside Peking, Hung Li stopped the carts and said every one was to ''I should not like to have a Chinese mother,'' said Nelly. Nelly and Little Yi were given a small room adjoining Ku Nai-nai''s in By the time that Nelly and Little Yi had been at Yung Ching a month, An Ching, Nelly, and Little An Ching did not reply, but next day, when Nelly told her that she had And Nelly at once began to give English lessons to An Ching, and Little One morning the two children and An Ching had been singing and Nelly the children were together in Peking, Little Yi gave way to Nelly in Ching, Nelly, and Little Yi were sitting on the bench in the small id: 26412 author: Ready, Oliver George title: Life and sport in China Second Edition date: words: nan sentences: nan pages: flesch: nan cache: txt: summary: id: 56089 author: Reinsch, Paul S. (Paul Samuel) title: An American Diplomat in China date: words: 124392.0 sentences: 5735.0 pages: flesch: 60.0 cache: ./cache/56089.txt txt: ./txt/56089.txt summary: Others whose knowledge of Chinese was exceptional were Mr. Sidney Mayers, representative of the British China Corporation, who had attack on me personally, and on American action in China generally. visited China in 1913, Chinese officials expressed to him the wish in China unless the Chinese Government shall give some positive proof At this time I informed the Chinese Minister for Foreign Affairs that American Government did not object to any arrangement whereby China The Chinese Government gave to the American concern the right to build The Japanese Government was still trying to get China into the war, The American Government had held to its view that China should not be the Chinese to feel that the American Government, desiring them to But the Japanese minister had already informed the Chinese Foreign The Americans in China, as well as the British and the Chinese, were id: 10321 author: Rideout, Henry Milner title: Dragon''s blood date: words: 55492.0 sentences: 4844.0 pages: flesch: 90.0 cache: ./cache/10321.txt txt: ./txt/10321.txt summary: red and white eyes staring fish-like from her black prow: a silly "My compradore, Ah Pat," said Heywood to Rudolph. like a man caught in a fault, his wrinkled face eloquent of fear, his "There," he said, bringing Rudolph to an inner chamber, or dark little The face and the voice came to Rudolph like another trouble across a The relief, after dragging days of uncertainty, came to Rudolph like a "Oh!" said Heywood, with his gray eyes fastened on Rudolph, "no shadow, Heywood''s pony came sidling against Rudolph''s, till legging Rudolph shook his head, like a man caught in some stupid blunder. Rudolph started, turned, but now sat quiet under Heywood''s grasp. Rudolph leaned back, like a man refreshed and comforted, but his laugh "Come away from the window," said Heywood; and then to the white-haired He caught Rudolph by the arm; and standing for a moment like close id: 13940 author: Russell, Bertrand title: The Problem of China date: words: 73240.0 sentences: 3600.0 pages: flesch: 65.0 cache: ./cache/13940.txt txt: ./txt/13940.txt summary: relations of the Western Powers with China, beginning with our war of abandoned free trade by the Safeguarding of Industries Act. The import tariff being so low, the Chinese Government is compelled, for Great Powers at present, in relation to China, is America, and the worst For modern China, the most important foreign nation is Japan. the previous differences between China and Japan: modern Chinese like Shantung brings us to what Japan did in the Great War. In 1914, China Powers in China and of the independence and integrity of the Chinese war, and had sold China to Japan in return for Japanese neutrality--for the interests and desires of America, Japan, Russia and China, with an save China from themselves as it were, if the Chinese Government surplus to educating Chinese students, both in China and at American to China, the Chinese now have control of all their more important id: 26553 author: Schiller, Friedrich title: Turandot: The Chinese Sphinx date: words: 11546.0 sentences: 1882.0 pages: flesch: 97.0 cache: ./cache/26553.txt txt: ./txt/26553.txt summary: ADELMA, Princess of Keicobad, slave to Turandot. Yet, sure ''tis he--his eyes--his legs--his head,-But tell me, Barak, shall I in divan So thou but force me not to take thy life; He ne''er shall wed the hateful Turandot. Turandot, on the following conditions:--The Princess shall With honour canst thou quit this high divan, Sweet prince, our son-in-law thou''lt be to-morrow, (_to_ TURANDOT.) I see thou crav''st my head--then be content. To-morrow''s high divan shall seal her fate; TURANDOT, ADELMA, SKIRINA, TRUFFALDIN, _and slaves, exeunt_ R.) If not, my slaves shall pierce thy heart. By Fo-hi''s face, no harm shall touch thy friend His life be thy reward, thou faithful slave. Prince Kalaf, heir to Tartary''s high throne, Thou''rt right, Brighella; go to thy repose. ''Tis time to join divan, Prince, if you please. Shall I by thy hand fall? slaves in black veils: then_ TURANDOT, ADELMA, _and_ SKIRINA, _all id: 60335 author: Scott, John Lee title: Narrative of a Recent Imprisonment in China after the Wreck of the Kite date: words: 23134.0 sentences: 926.0 pages: flesch: 75.0 cache: ./cache/60335.txt txt: ./txt/60335.txt summary: rights--Jolly-boat returns--Chinese--Leave the wreck. questions--Chinese music--Jolly-boat party arrive--Privations-the mandarin--Letters and clothing from Chusan--Chinese After standing here some time, a man came and took me away to another proceeded on, till we came to the head mandarin''s house. In a short time some officers came in, and opening the lid of my cage, had finished, some mandarin officers arrived, one carrying a small I did not remain long in this place, for I was soon walked out into the The day passed on, and supper-time came; this meal was the same as mandarin--Letters and clothing from Chusan--Chinese clothes--Irons room, and, after waiting a short time in the yard, sedans having been Douglas and Captain Anstruther, clothes of all sorts for Mrs. Noble, and a quantity for the child which was drowned; but nothing told them that the mandarins said we were going to Chusan in six days, taken; and each sedan being placed in a separate boat, we were soon id: 28549 author: Smith, Hugh title: A Treatise on Foreign Teas Abstracted From An Ingenious Work, Lately Published, Entitled An Essay On the Nerves date: words: 22688.0 sentences: 1209.0 pages: flesch: 64.0 cache: ./cache/28549.txt txt: ./txt/28549.txt summary: frequently the consequence of drinking India teas, its injurious nature especially nervous disorders, in proportion as the use of India tea receive, from the use of the sanative tea, the most beneficial effects, From this the medicinal effects of the tea upon the solids are of your Sanative Tea, to all persons afflicted with nervous and other and spirits, by the use of this celebrated Tea. CASE III. drinking the Sanative English Tea is now enjoying a good state of effects your excellent Tea had done in nervous disorders, in various benefit, till an acquaintance recommended me to use the Sanative Tea. I SOME time ago being recommended to drink your Sanative Tea for a recommended to drink your Sanative Tea, which after a little time did YOUR Sanative Tea being recommended to me for a nervous disorder and a Sanative Tea, which she continued to drink for some time, and I am id: 62121 author: Stoddard, John L. (John Lawson) title: John L. Stoddard''s Lectures, Vol. 03 (of 10) Japan I, Japan II, China date: words: 43149.0 sentences: 2379.0 pages: flesch: 73.0 cache: ./cache/62121.txt txt: ./txt/62121.txt summary: appear, the traveler soon comes to like these little vehicles. [Illustration: A JAPANESE TEMPLE.] The Japanese are usually small their women seem like girls; their [Illustration: A JAPANESE BRIDGE.] [Illustration: A JAPANESE LADY EN ROUTE.] [Illustration: A JAPANESE DOCTOR OF THE OLD STYLE.] [Illustration: A JAPANESE LADY.] [Illustration: A JAPANESE BEAUTY.] [Illustration: A JAPANESE SHOP.] [Illustration: A JAPANESE FAMILY MOVING.] [Illustration: A JAPANESE AT PRAYER.] [Illustration: A JAPANESE BED.] [Illustration: JAPANESE TEA-HOUSE.] [Illustration: TWO MODES OF TRAVEL IN JAPAN.] [Illustration: ENTRANCE TO A JAPANESE TEMPLE.] [Illustration: INTERIOR OF A JAPANESE TEMPLE.] The streets in Kioto, like those of most Japanese cities, are usually [Illustration: A HONG-KONG STREET--IN THE CHINESE QUARTER.] [Illustration: AN OLD CHINESE FORT, CANTON RIVER.] [Illustration: CHINESE BOATS, CANTON.] [Illustration: HALL IN A CHINESE HOUSE.] once said to me: "The more you see of the Japanese the less you will like [Illustration: THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA.] id: 45188 author: Sun, Yat-sen title: The International Development of China date: words: 62053.0 sentences: 3569.0 pages: flesch: 73.0 cache: ./cache/45188.txt txt: ./txt/45188.txt summary: The locality of our projected port is nearest to deep water line, Our projected Railway will start at the Great Northern Port and follow The Peking-Hankow Railway is a line of over eight hundred miles running railway construction, city building, harbor works, and various kinds international development of Canton as a world port in South China. for line (c), and following the left bank of the West River enters the Kolan, there crossing the Great Eastern Port-Urga line. it crosses the Great Eastern Port Urga and Uliassutai lines. b. The Great Eastern Port-Canton Line b. The Great Eastern Port-Canton Line This line starts from Foochow, crosses the Min River and proceeds by This line starts from the Great Southern Port--Canton--proceeds in crosses the Great Northern Port-Urumochi line. line proceeds northward to a quite new country by first crossing the China with the great "Northern Port," and the development of coal and id: 17002 author: Talmage, John Van Nest title: History and Ecclesiastical Relations of the Churches of the Presbyterial Order at Amoy, China date: words: 24991.0 sentences: 1405.0 pages: flesch: 70.0 cache: ./cache/17002.txt txt: ./txt/17002.txt summary: Church, concerning the views and course of your missionaries of the last Synod on the Mission at Amoy, and see what course the Church Amoy, viz.: the Missions of the American Reformed Dutch Church, of the London Missionary Society, and of the English Presbyterian Church. The first Missionary of the English Presbyterian Church at Amoy was Dr. Jas. The first ordained Missionary of the English Presbyterian Church, at their Missionaries in uniting with us in organizing the native churches information of our Church at home, and addressed to General Synod. church was organized at Amoy according to our order. us, there will be but one Church at Amoy of the Presbyterian order. organization of the Church at Amoy, after our order, therefore, this Missionaries of the English Presbyterian Church. Missionaries of the English Presbyterian Church. the churches at Amoy, and show that the Missionaries have acted id: 26744 author: Taylor, James Hudson title: A Retrospect date: words: 41278.0 sentences: 2066.0 pages: flesch: 78.0 cache: ./cache/26744.txt txt: ./txt/26744.txt summary: J. HUDSON TAYLOR, M.R.C.S., F.R.G.S. _Thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee._ China for personal service, but he was led to pray that if GOD should time came, however, GOD gave increased health, and my life has been Let me tell you how GOD answered the prayers of my dear mother and of my Little did I know at the time what was going on in the heart of my dear China, far away from all human aid, there to depend upon the living GOD If we are faithful to GOD in little things, we shall gain assurance that to wait His time was best; and that GOD in some way or wait patiently; and now GOD was going to work for me in some other way. I was spared in answer to prayer to work for GOD in China. id: 42146 author: Thomson, Thomas title: Western Himalaya and Tibet A Narrative of a Journey Through the Mountains of Northern India During the Years 1847-8 date: words: 152803.0 sentences: 7785.0 pages: flesch: 72.0 cache: ./cache/42146.txt txt: ./txt/42146.txt summary: valley is traversed by a little stream descending from the mountains, Sutlej valley; but the lofty ranges north of that river, covered with immediately above the valley of the river Giri, a large mountain tree at 4-5000 feet in the north-western Himalaya, always in valleys precipitous rocks, to the valley of the Sildang river, a large stream few hundred feet, the road continued nearly level for some miles, with few other species, all common mountain-plants at low elevations, which mountain range north of the Sutlej, at the great bend of that river feet, into a wide steeply-sloping valley, descending from the north to Kuru -Great contraction of valley -Mountain pass of Waris the river and near a village, a considerable tree perhaps forty feet Chenab valley -Chishot -Snow-beds -Camp at 10,500 feet -Chenab valley -Chishot -Snow-beds -Camp at 10,500 feet -- id: 13118 author: Tietjens, Eunice title: Profiles from China Sketches in Free Verse of People and Things Seen in the Interior date: words: 6867.0 sentences: 691.0 pages: flesch: 94.0 cache: ./cache/13118.txt txt: ./txt/13118.txt summary: As you sit so, in the firelight, your hand is the color of You are a large man, yet it is small and narrow, like the In a corner of the market-place he sits, his face the target their faces no lamp burns; only their eyes glow In the cold darkness of eternity he sits, this god who His rounded eyes are open on the whir of time, but to hide from deity the living face of man, with the rat-like face twists the long broken-backed At the feast she sits like her own effigy. squirrel, and like the eyes of a squirrel they have a bamboo cage, wherein a small brown bird sits Over the mountain passes; through the Great Wall; to Over the mountain passes; through the Great Wall; to And jade is there, dark green and milky white, with A woman, she of the little tortured feet and sullen face, id: 15250 author: Werner, E. T. C. (Edward Theodore Chalmers) title: Myths and Legends of China date: words: 121670.0 sentences: 6502.0 pages: flesch: 77.0 cache: ./cache/15250.txt txt: ./txt/15250.txt summary: when it is said that the Chinese worship Shang Ti. As regards sacrifices to Shang Ti, these could be offered officially the emperor performed his worship of Heaven officially at the great beings: the emperor worshipped Heaven and earth, the feudal princes the generally placed at the head of the Taoist triad, is said never A few days later a young man named Ch''u Wang-sun arrived with the he could fight when only three days old, and killed the Dragon-king In years gone by, a dragon living in the great sea saw that his wife''s King Miao Chuang, where in three years'' time they would be changed The following night the King saw in a dream an old man who said to Gods of the Heavens and their chief generals to bring Sun to him. times," they said, "when our King ordered the Buddhists to pray for id: 48882 author: White, Fred M. (Fred Merrick) title: The Mystery of the Ravenspurs A Romance and Detective Story of Thibet and England date: words: 91554.0 sentences: 8750.0 pages: flesch: 92.0 cache: ./cache/48882.txt txt: ./txt/48882.txt summary: "We must save Vera and Geoffrey," he said. "It was Uncle Ralph," said Marion. "Come and let us walk," said Geoffrey. At the same time Abell passed the little brass case into Ralph''s hand. Geoffrey and Vera and Marion kept them going. Before Marion could reply, Mrs. Gordon Ravenspur came into the room. Was it possible, Geoffrey wondered, that Ralph Ravenspur had "It was Marion!" said Geoffrey in a thrilling whisper. "You may be certain," Geoffrey said carelessly, "that I shall come if To him Ralph repeated all that Geoffrey had said. "Did not care to leave Uncle Ralph," Geoffrey said. "It sounds like a woman," said Geoffrey. Ralph Ravenspur, with Tchigorsky and Geoffrey, sat smoking in the "There is one thing I am curious to know," said Geoffrey. To the impatient Geoffrey came Ralph Ravenspur with a Tchigorsky, Ralph Ravenspur, and Geoffrey sat smoking in the blind man''s id: 24528 author: Williamson, Mabel title: Have We No Rights? A frank discussion of the "rights" of missionaries date: words: nan sentences: nan pages: flesch: nan cache: txt: summary: id: 39421 author: Wollaston, A. F. R. (Alexander Frederick Richmond) title: Mount Everest, the Reconnaissance, 1921 date: words: 130208.0 sentences: 6112.0 pages: flesch: 76.0 cache: ./cache/39421.txt txt: ./txt/39421.txt summary: Summit of Mount Everest and North Peak from the Island, West Rongbuk Mount Everest from the Rongbuk Glacier, nine miles north-west 214 Mount Everest from the 20,000-foot camp--wind blowing snow off the Mount Everest at sunset from the 20,000-foot camp, Kharta Valley 316 descended nearly 5,000 feet by the time that we reached the P.W.D. bungalow at Peshoke, which was situated in a clearing in the forest. glacier that swept down from below the rock walls of Cho-Uyo. On arriving at the end of the moraine, the boots that my coolie was lovely views of Mount Everest and that great group of snow peaks of Mount Everest and its great ridges filled up the head of the valley. way I climbed 1,000 feet up among the rocks opposite to the big glacier possible way up Mount Everest from this valley, but at present the snow-covered hill to the West of the camp, about 21,000 feet, I had some id: 28780 author: Worts, George F. (George Frank) title: Peter the Brazen: A Mystery Story of Modern China date: words: 93106.0 sentences: 7915.0 pages: flesch: 89.0 cache: ./cache/28780.txt txt: ./txt/28780.txt summary: When Peter Moore entered the static-room, picked his way swiftly and "Sh!" warned Peter Moore, conscious that in China the walls, doors, "Miss Vost is why I''m drunk, Peter," said Bobbie MacLaurin sadly. nonsense," declared Miss Vost, looking away from Peter. "You don''t know Bobbie, the way I do," said Peter stubbornly. into unhealthy-looking foam, Peter Moore and Miss Vost leaned upon the Miss Vost dropped her eyes to Peter''s hand which was resting on the "The young man," said Peter gravely, "desires neither wealth nor Quite suddenly the light gave way, and Peter was aware that the night Peter caught Miss Vost by one hand and raced down the steps. Miss Vost lifted both of Peter''s hands, and one was still blue from the red-faced man, and his look sent a curdle of fear into Peter''s brave "Where?" demanded Peter, staring over the red-faced man''s shoulder for id: 609 author: Wu, Tingfang title: America, Through the Spectacles of an Oriental Diplomat date: words: 58054.0 sentences: 2505.0 pages: flesch: 65.0 cache: ./cache/609.txt txt: ./txt/609.txt summary: Late Chinese Minister to the United States of America, Spain, Peru, American people would like to see Canada incorporated with the United people of the United States, and though subjects, they enjoy as much The general desire of the American people to travel abroad is one of against China by the United States of America. people of China have good reasons to be grateful to America and her America, the Governments of China and the United States, concluded a coming of Chinese laborers to the United States, or their residence the United States from embarrassment, the Chinese Government, contrary States Government to negotiate a new treaty regarding Chinese laborers, Chinese subjects, visiting or residing in the United States, should country the better it is for the State and for the people? Since the United States of America is rich, well governed, says, "is that of ''America for the Americans'' or ''China for the id: 44261 author: Yüan, Yung-lun title: History of the Pirates Who Infested the China Sea From 1807 to 1810 date: words: 36572.0 sentences: 2133.0 pages: flesch: 78.0 cache: ./cache/44261.txt txt: ./txt/44261.txt summary: watchful Chang paou was on every side, the pirates took great care to pirates visited this place whenever they passed it with their vessels, killed about ten hands in attacking this vessel, and the pirates retired Chang paou ordered his vessels to remove to Shaou ting, and his men till he saw the Chang lung, or government vessels come on. Chang paou following and attacking them, the foreign vessels sustained a vessels, and joined the foreigners to attack the pirates. he met the pirates near Nan gaou, and prepared his vessels[86] to attack pirate vessels, our commander attacked them. vessel of the pirate, and cried out: "I Chang paou am come," and at the Governor-general ordered one of his officers to kill[104] the pirate [1] The Chinese have particular histories of the robbers and pirates [112] We know by the "History of the Chinese Pirates," that these id: 29939 author: nan title: The Chinese Fairy Book date: words: 99606.0 sentences: 6825.0 pages: flesch: 91.0 cache: ./cache/29939.txt txt: ./txt/29939.txt summary: One day his friend said to him: "My father is sure to want to reward And one day the mother said to her daughters: "Take good care of Mother has come home!" But they looked out through a crack and said: the Heavens on the Dragon-Tiger Mountain meets the gods at all times. The ancient man said: "How much money would you need in order to live The spirits of the Yellow River are called Dai Wang--Great King. Once upon a time, in the old days, there lived a young man by the name the old man and he said: "Little one, something may be made of you! One day his mother was angry and said: "My son has a wife, and yet I Said they: "It is well that you have come back again, great king! Said the Dragon-King: "But that is the rod which the Great Yu used id: 44614 author: nan title: Progress of Western Education in China and Siam date: words: 6568.0 sentences: 381.0 pages: flesch: 68.0 cache: ./cache/44614.txt txt: ./txt/44614.txt summary: Shanghai Courier, in regard to foreign education for the Chinese, and educated, and, unless they can receive foreign instruction in China, Chinese in foreign branches of knowledge, either by the government of made to educate the Chinese in foreign branches of knowledge, either in regard to the education of Chinese in foreign languages within this government schools in Hong Kong are too great to enable private English or any other foreign language to their Chinese pupils now, nor education of Chinese in foreign knowledge in this consular district. I know of no schools founded by private enterprise in which foreign course of (4) reading books used in the government schools at Hong girls'' school, which numbers 14 scholars, has any foreign secular to the education of Chinese in foreign knowledge within this consular or sustain schools in which foreign knowledge has been taught. been taught in schools elsewhere, either at other ports or in foreign id: 17003 author: nan title: Indiscreet Letters From Peking Being the Notes of an Eye-Witness, Which Set Forth in Some Detail, from Day to Day, the Real Story of the Siege and Sack of a Distressed Capital in 1900—The Year of Great Tribulation date: words: 124345.0 sentences: 6102.0 pages: flesch: 76.0 cache: ./cache/17003.txt txt: ./txt/17003.txt summary: Peking--shows clearly how the lust for loot gains all men, and hand in point was that men had been allowed to come through--that the Chinese great Ch''ien Men Gate--the Legations run as follows: Dutch, American, little too far away; but for the time being a triple line of this little affair, we pushed on, and came upon other men working able bodied men, armed with rifles, are hiding away in corners so that will allow of an inrush of Chinese troops and Boxers makes men fight their men along the Tartar Wall, and command the Legations that crouch That work on the British Legation lines confined me for some time to four thousand feet away--the men said it was like an earthquake. coming a Chinese barricade gave way; our men emptied their magazines the loss of a Chinese general and a great number of his men at the id: 12086 author: nan title: Eastern Shame Girl date: words: 33267.0 sentences: 2521.0 pages: flesch: 90.0 cache: ./cache/12086.txt txt: ./txt/12086.txt summary: days went quickly, and the months too; and a year had passed. "We who keep open doors must eat our visitors three times a day, and who refuses riches, opens wide the door, and makes my old body bear So Shih-niang said; "I have stayed in your house for a long time, and Next day they thanked Yuch-lang again, and went to the house of "Since earliest time," said Sun, "the hearts of women have been as As the girl did not answer, this wise old visitor turned to the mother So the old woman went up into the sick man''s room, and he said to her the evening, said to his mother: "An excellent day''s work! At this moment the door of the house opened below, and a man came As soon as the mother had left the room, the woman took a slight id: 38253 author: nan title: A Description of the Coasts of East Africa and Malabar in the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century date: words: 85403.0 sentences: 4250.0 pages: flesch: 80.0 cache: ./cache/38253.txt txt: ./txt/38253.txt summary: time ago on account of the great trade in gold which they carry on country saw such great destruction of their people and ships, The King of Guzarat is a great lord, both in revenue and people, and This King possesses great cities in his kingdom, and especially the river, with a large town called Baticala,[167] of very great trade very large town, peopled by Moors and Gentiles, of the kingdom of said that many men come from all the other kingdoms to this king''s has a Moorish king, a great lord; and in former times this kingdom women relations of the kings and great lords come also to see the king lives, towards the south is a very good town called Cananor.] country-born Moors, and much shipping and a great trade of exporting The king and people of this kingdom are Gentiles. kingdom of Gentiles which has a king who resides in a very great and ==== questions ==== search ==== topic modeling corpus Zipping study carrel