id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 16866 Rogers, Henry The Eclipse of Faith; Or, A Visit to a Religious Sceptic .txt text/plain 141408 5789 64 "Forgive me," he said, "that, like you Christians and believers "Mr. Newman says in a like case, 'The natural man "Why, no man doubts his own consciousness," said Harrington, laughing. of your universal spiritual revelation,--which all men 'naturally' "You may be sure," said Harrington, "I shall leave the Christian to of my old beliefs; my early Christian faith has given way to doubt; that a book-revelation of moral and spiritual truth is impossible; denies, that a book-revelation of moral and spiritual truth is very "Pardon me," said Fellowes, "it is Mr. Newman's spiritual theory alone of man's nature as the supposed "spiritual faculty," only that this said he could not believe in the truth of Christianity. revelation "of spiritual and moral truth" presupposes in man certain supposing you one who, like the Christian, believes miracles possible, "Mr. Newman," said Fellowes, "thinks very differently: but then his ./cache/16866.txt ./txt/16866.txt