id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 5034 Wilson, Woodrow State of the Union Addresses .txt text/plain 35048 1285 59 of that great House need no urging in this service to the country. obtain the services of spirited and competent men such as every ship needs The United States, this great people for whom we speak and act, not only to the people of that great western country for whose free and peace and hope and liberty among the peoples of the world, and that, There was a time in the early days of our own great nation and of the Bill of Rights, which in the great days in which our government was set up common men for self-government, industry, justice, liberty and peace. operate the railways when necessary in time of war or other like public powerful bodies of men shall not be permitted to stop the industrial of the great and powerful nations and of our present enemies as well as our recuperative force of a great government of the people. ./cache/5034.txt ./txt/5034.txt