id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 15322 Various The American Architect and Building News, Vol. 27, No. 733, January 11, 1890 .txt text/plain 28352 1199 64 THE AMERICAN ARCHITECT AND BUILDING NEWS. and plans, elevations, sections and perspectives of all new buildings of the tax on mere works of art, remains to be seen. existing monument is not likely to be a very inspiring work of art, and imported plumbers under contract from London to do work on public state of civilization, when cities were forming and peoples were The cities are generally laid out on a square plan with the angles These works, in a general way, prove an average aptitude burial-ground connected with Trinity Church, New York, forty years construction of a manufacturing building for the purpose of increasing buildings, and covered with a house which should also contain hose, also to be included in the total cost of said building, but we are not were to do the work for C on the building for A. what is the best self-instructing work on architectural water-coloring, ./cache/15322.txt ./txt/15322.txt