id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 48491 Sparrow-Simpson, W. J. (William John) Views of St. Paul's Cathedral, London .txt text/plain 3801 199 74 Paul's Cathedral was laid by Sir Christopher Wren fine Nave, the broad Transepts, the lofty Reredos, more than 400 feet some great festival, the vast spaces of Choir, Transepts, Dome area, At the western end of the North Aisle of the Nave is a spacious Chapel, [Illustration: THE NORTH-WEST CHAPEL.] Paul's Cathedral_: "This is the most important work of The actual tomb of the great Duke is in the Crypt of the Cathedral, On the right and left are seen the Choir Stalls, Grinling Cathedral opened wide her doors to receive the remains of the great THE NAVE SEEN FROM THE WESTERN END OF THE CHOIR. [Illustration: THE NAVE SEEN FROM THE WESTERN END OF THE CHOIR.] [Illustration: THE NORTH AISLE OF THE CHOIR, LOOKING WEST.] Cathedral, immediately beneath the centre of the Dome, stands the tomb [Illustration: THE CRYPT: WITH THE TOMB OF SIR CHRISTOPHER WREN.] ./cache/48491.txt ./txt/48491.txt