id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 14761 nan Caxton's Book of Curtesye .txt text/plain 17617 2736 96 [Sidenote: Learn good manners.] Kembe your_e_ hede and loke ye kepe hit clene, And wayte, my childe, whan ye stond at the table, [Sidenote: When you speak to men, look 'em in the face.] [Sidenote: Don't absent yourself from table,] Howe ye shall speke, and whan, taketh good hede, Amonishith wyth besy cure, Howe at the table men shull them assure, That how ye shall[e] speke, & wha_n_, take good hede: _tha_t _ther_ escape the_m_ no suche langage 160 kepe you so cloos _tha_t men haue no co_n_ceyte When men se A childe of suche gouernaunce, [Sidenote: Practice reading of eloquent books.] Sentence or langage, or both, fynde ye shall 346 [Sidenote: whose language seems not only words, but truly things.] [Sidenote: Read _all_ his books; refuse none:] In goodly langage and sentence passing wyse, ΒΆ This mene I, my child, _tha_t ye shall[e] havnte Take hede, my childe, to suche as ben cu_n_nyng, ./cache/14761.txt ./txt/14761.txt