id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 16733 Smith, Alice Prescott Montlivet .txt text/plain 98523 9634 96 not, like you, a gentleman by birth, monsieur," he said slowly, "and so "Singing Arrow," I said, in somewhat halting Ottawa, "my man here tells "I told you to keep away from Singing Arrow!" I stormed at Pierre, like "Monsieur, how strange the world looks to-night. know that at the word "cargo" Father Carheil turned and looked toward All at once I saw an Indian's face looking out where we made camp, I saw a tree that looked like a Huron with his "Mary Starling." The woman had risen, and stood with her hands pressed The woman and I stood alone while the men jerked their way like married a woman of great spirit, monsieur," he said, with a touch of The woman took Singing Arrow and went to her house early that night, woman--who looked like the face that I had drawn." ./cache/16733.txt ./txt/16733.txt