id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 28307 Trumbull, Annie Eliot A Christmas Accident and Other Stories .txt text/plain 38497 2408 83 "Never mind," said Mrs. Gilton, quickly; "the other one came later, the "Come, ma," said Mellony, impatiently; but she waited a moment and let though you said you hadn't seen the old place for a long time." "That's thirty-five years ago, Mary," said Lucy Eastman, thoughtfully. "But you know I just won't," said Mary Leonard, her eyes sparkling, and "No," said Mary Leonard, "he isn't here this time." "Mary," said Lucy Eastman, in a low tone, laying her hand on her "Look here, Lucy Eastman," said Mary Leonard at last, stopping "Lucy Eastman," said Mary Leonard, suddenly, "this is the street that "Why, girls," said old Miss Pinsett again, clasping both their hands, "I remember you like my cake," said old Miss Pinsett, smiling; "take a "You know, Lucy," said Mary Leonard, as the train pulled out, "Tom She would like to know what people said of them; for a moment it seemed ./cache/28307.txt ./txt/28307.txt