id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 29366 Brown, Alice The Prisoner .txt text/plain 140240 12087 90 "She looked like Lydia," said Anne. colonel turned away from Esther's house, as Lydia knew he would. "He's got a lovely voice," said Anne, and Lydia answered chokingly: "And you want to write his life!" said Lydia's look. "Don't you know, Jeff," she said, "the working-man has been going on in "I saw Madame Beattie last night," said Lydia; and she went on to tell "Madame Beattie," he said, "tells you she believes that Esther--" his Lydia saw he called her Esther in his thoughts--"Madame Beattie tells So Anne had said: "Esther is a lady." For the moment Lydia felt more "Madame Beattie," said Jeff, "you've got to give away the game. "No," said Lydia, not looking at Jeff, though she answered him, "I "Esther," said Jeff, before Lydia could speak, "just why are you here?" "Lydia'll help me do it," said Jeff, "she and Anne. ./cache/29366.txt ./txt/29366.txt