id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 29400 Dawson, Coningsby Murder Point: A Tale of Keewatin .txt text/plain 103703 5465 84 turned his head to look at Granger, then thought better of it, and When the man at the back of the room said nothing, Spurling asked in a Granger's hand dropped to his side; this wolf-dog looked so far from together recalling old times in the store, Spurling had come back. brutally dead by Spurling's hand on some God-forsaken Yukon River, Spurling_." So Granger had agreed with God that day that he would first time that Granger knew what the Indians meant when they said There had been a time when Granger had desired to kill Spurling, and, Granger, having watched them out of sight, turned to Spurling with a Breaking the long silence, Spurling said, "Thank God, he can come no While Granger had been looking, Spurling also had seen and had back the hands of time, and so restoring the murdered man to life. ./cache/29400.txt ./txt/29400.txt