id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 35613 Pickering, Edward C. (Edward Charles) A Plan for Securing Observations of the Variable Stars .txt text/plain 4563 242 67 other work or at times unsuitable for the observations to which he Short period variables, or stars whose light is continually many of them need observation, especially to determine their light determinations of the light of a constant star by the method given in light is usually so great in these stars that the change will 2. To observe the stars whose variability is suspected and prove A useful exercise for an observer is to select two stars of known star he is observing at the moment, and never try to compare two of the two stars, each observation lasting for a few seconds, will time, the condition of the air, and the brightness of the stars. On the other hand, especially when observing stars not very skilled observers would be a work of no less value than the results anticipated from the observation of the variable stars. ./cache/35613.txt ./txt/35613.txt