id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 31999 King, W. James (William James) The Natural Philosophy of William Gilbert and His Predecessors .txt text/plain 14070 1382 72 Due to its generic form, the loadstone is subject to natural motion Forma enim elementi non habet aliquam operationem nisi quae St. Thomas placed the form of the magnet and its powers in the magnetic attraction, the nature of the iron is altered by having a new nature of the iron and the magnet, and this in turn is analogous to Gilbert described the nature of the loadstone in the terms of being Gilbert began his _De magnete_ by expounding the natural history of Gilbert: his place in the medical world," _Nature_, vol. natures of electric and magnetic substances had to differ. bodies that can attract: electric and magnetic.[125] Gilbert refined Although one does not normally find iron to be magnetized, a loadstone loadstone or iron so that it can not be magnetized.[186] Bodies mixed the earth's magnetic force and the animate form of the Kepler[211] found in Gilbert's explanation of the loadstone-earth a ./cache/31999.txt ./txt/31999.txt