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About 400 Choice Recipes Carefully Tested; TOGETHER WITH Plain Directions on Healthful Cookery; How to Can Fruit; A Week.s Menu; Proper Food Combinations; Rules for Dyspeptics; Food for Infants; Simple Dishes for the Sick; Wholesome Drinks; Useful Tables on Nutritive Values of Foods, Time re- quired to Digest Foods. Weights and Measures for the Kitchen. etc. BY MRS. ANNA L. COLCORD. "There is relzlgion in a good loaf of bread." “Bad Cooking diminishes happiness and shortens life." PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY, OAKLAND, CAL. San Francisco, New York, Kansas City. Preface. TI.IE object of this work is to furnish in an inexpensive and convenient form, plain directions on healthful cookery. Special attention has been given to the idea of presenting such recipes as will tend to make the living of the family what it should be,—simple, economical, wholesome, nutri- tious, palatable, and varied. The housewife is often perplexed to know just what to cook; but if she has at hand something which will suggest to her what she desires but cannot think of, she has that which is indeed a friend. The author has tried to make the worksufliciently comprehensive to answer the demands of an ordinary household. The recipes for the preparation of grains, fruits, and vegetables occupy a large portion of the work. Cream is mentioned in a number of the recipes,but while its use is to be preferred instead of butter, especially if sterilized, sub- stitutes have generally been suggested where it is not at hand or available. Pains have been taken to make the recipes plain and explicit, and yet as brief as possible consistent with these ends. The amount of the various ingredients required has generally been indicated by measure, rather than by weight, as this is usually more convenient and time- saving. It is hoped that this little work will be found to be a real friend in the kitchen. That it may be such, and that it may prove a blessing to thousands in many lands, is the sincere wish of— THE AUTHOR. [3] Contents. Importance of Good Cooking . Helpful Hints for the Housewife . Soups . . . . . . . Cereals . . . . . Toasts . Breads . Fruits . . Vegetables . . Substitutes for Meats , Eggs . . . Omelets . . . Puddings . . . Custards and Creams . Sauces . . . . Pies . . . Cakes . . . . . . . Wholesome Drinks . . . . Specially Prepared Health Foods . Simple Dishes for the Sick . . Food for Infants . Miscellaneous . , A Week’s Menu . Sabbath Dinners . . . . . Food Combinations . . . . Time Required to Digest Various Foods Nutritive Value of Foods . . . How to Become a Vegetarian . . Rules for Dyspeptics . . . . The Pulse in Health . . . . Vleights and Measures for the Kitchen Households Hints . . . . . Index . . . . . . . PAGE- -9 12 .13 19 .25 28 .41 53 67 - 74 76 - 77 84 . 87 9o - 97 102 . 105 no . 114 115 . 12o 121 . 122 I22 . 123 124 . 125 I26 . 126 126 . 127 [5] Illustrations. Frontispiece Double Boiler . Wall Rack . . . Ancient Flour-Making . Flour Sieve . . . Baking Pan . . Steamed Bread Pan . Gem Irons . Cake Cutter . Wafile Iron . Griddle . . Gathering Fruit . Fruit Dish . Large Spoon . . . Mason Can . . . Utensils for Canning Fruit A Wise Choice . . Some Staple Vegetables . Saucepan . . . Potato Masher . Colander . Can Opener Sweet Com . Patty Pan Pie Dish . Rolling Pin . Pie . . . . Dover Egg-Beater . Cake Pan . . Coffee Strainer . Cofl"ee Mill . Lemon Drill Bread Knife . i PAGE. 20 . 23 24 . 32 32 -33 34 -37 38 39 40 .42 46 . 48 49 .52 54 . 56 57 - 59 59 . 66 75 . 90 91 .91 97 .98 102 . I03 I03 1 18 [7] .>'.a$..>* PRACTICAL 'OLOGIES. Daughler.—“ Yes, I’ve graduated, but now I must inform my- self in psychology, phi1o1ogy,bib1i—” Pradical Molher.—“ Stopright where you are; I have arranged for you a thorough course in ‘roastology,’ ‘ boilology,’ ‘stitchology,’ ‘ damology,’ ‘ patchology,’ and general domestic ‘ hustleology.’ Now get on your working clothes.”—Detr0z.l Free Press. JJ-J ~,. ._ ;__,___ 1 ' 'll lllllllll p‘ l , iio W H l ll /’ i'‘‘iili..‘i’. ‘K: 5 I/1,‘ and l‘low -\ o it is * HVIPORTANCE or coop coomno. HEALTHF UL cookery is not receiving the attention which its importance demands. Although we are living at a time when eating and drinking are carried to excess, and when elaborate bills of fare are frequently placed before us, yet plain, simple, and healthful cookery occupies but a comparatively small place in the culinary world to-day. Good food is of primary importance. We live upon what we eat. It is not suflicient, however, merely to select good food. To be well digested and thoroughly assimilated the food must be properly prepared. The best food may be spoiled in cooking. The kind of food upon which we live, and the manner in which it is prepared, determines largely our physical well—being, and conse- quently much of our happiness or misery in this life. “ For love, nor honor, wealth nor power, Can give the heart a cheerful hour When health is lost. Be timely wise; With health all taste of pleasure flies.” Moreover, the mind is afifected by the condition of the body, and the morals by the state of the mind. As, therefore, cooking determines to a large degree the con- dition of the body, it must also affect to a considerable X E9] Io A FRIEND IN’ Tl-IE KITCHEN. extent our moral and spiritual welfare. It is not too much to say, therefore, that there is religion in good cooking. , It has been truly said that “the cook fills an impor- tant place in the household. She is preparing food to be taken into the stomach, to form brain, bone and muscle. The health of all the members of the family depends largely upon her skill and intelligence.” As the lives of those on a steamship are in the hands of the helmsman, so the lives and the health of the members of the family are, to a great degree, in the hands of the one who prepares their meals. Thousands are dying annually as the result ‘of poor cooking. Food poorly prepared is not nutritious, and cannot, therefore, make good blood. Some may say they have no natural ability to cook; but anyone having ordinary intelligence, with a little effort, care, and proper directions, can learn to cook well. And surely the health of the family ought to be of sufli- cient importance to inspire every mother with ambition to learn how to cook. _ Mothers should also teach their daughters the mysteries of good cooking. They should show them that this is an essential part of their education,—more essential than the study of music, fancy work, the dead languages, or the sciences. The knowledge of these latter without the knowledge of how to care for the body and provide it with suitable nourishment, is of little worth. Meredith hit upon a great truth when he said:— “ We may live without music, poetry, and art; We may live without conscience, and live without heart, VVe may live without friends; we may live without books; But civilized man cannot live without cooks.” A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. 1.1 No young woman should contemplate marriage until she has first acquired a practical knowledge of simple cookery, for this is essential whether she expects to do the cooking herself, or supervise the maid. Although bread is the staff of life, it is a sad fact that a large pro- portion of the daughters of the present generation do not know how to make a good loaf of bread. They have not been instructed in the useful art of cookery, so that when they_have families of their own they can provide for their tables a well-cooked dinner, prepared with nicety, so that they would not blush to place it before their most esteemed friends. There has never been an age so noted for dyspeptics as the present, and there was perhaps never before a time when there was a greater scarcity of good cooks. “ Though we boast of modern progress as aloft we proudly soar, Above untutored cannibals whose habits we deplore, Yet in our daily papers any day you chance to look You may find this advertisement: ‘ Wanted-—A Girl to Cook.’ ” Good cooking does not consist in the preparation of highly seasoned foods to pamper a perverted appetite, but in cooking with simplicity, variety, and skill natural foods in a palatable and wholesome manner. To assist in this direction is the object of this little work. But no workman can work without materials and tools. The necessary materials for cooking are indicated in the recipes given in this book. Illustrations of many of the most necessary and useful cooking utensils will be found scattered throughout the work. A very convenient and easily constructed wall rack, which may be placed over the kitchen work table, is shown on page 23. I2 A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. HELPFUL HINTS FOR TI-IE HOUSEWIFE. PLAIN and healthful living tends to long and happy li_ving.— Seleded. SIMPLE diet is best; for many dishes bring many diseases.- Pliny. THE foundation of a happy home is laid in the kitchen.- Marion Harland. TI-IE mother should study to set a simple yet nutritious diet before her family.—Mrs. E. G. White. A WRONG course of eating or drinking destroys health, and with it the sweetness of life.—C/zristian Temperance. THERE are some tombstones upon which the inscription might very properly be written, “ He died a victim to poor cooking."- Willard Allen Colcord. How many homes are cursed by discomfort and ill-health, hard thoughts and bitter words, simply because the wife does not know how to cook.— The Young I1Voman. A LITTLE girl who, when having her Scripture lesson, was asked by her sister Ruth, “Why did God make Eve?” replied, “ To cook for Adam, o’ course.”—C/zristian World. BAD cooking is waste—waste of money and loss of comfort. Whom God has joined in matrimony, ill-cooked joints and ill- boiled potatoes have very often put asunder.—.S.amuel Smiles. THE stomach is the kitchen of the soul; therefore it is very im- portant that the fuel which feeds the stomach should be of good quality, and prepared in the best manner.—Marlin Luther. IN giving your children lessons in physiology, and teaching them how to cook with simplicity and yet with skill, you are lay- ing the foundation for the most useful branches of education.—- Exercire and Air. WHAT does cookery mean ?--It means the knowledge of all fruits and herbs and balms and spices, it means carefulness, and inventiveness, and watchfulness, and willingness, and readiness of appliance; it means the economy of your grandmothers and the science of the modern chemist; it means much tasting and no wasting.—_]0/in 1€uskin. O hour of all hours, the most pleasant on earth, Happy hour of our dinners !—Meredz‘th. Soup rejoices the stomach, and disposes it to receive and digest other food.—-Brillat Savarin. It is important that we relish the food we eat.--Clzrislian Temperance. ..>‘.;‘$ SOUP is easily prepared, economical, and when made from healthful materials, is a very wholesome article of diet. It adds much to the elegance and relish of a dinner, and, if taken in small quantities, is a good means of preparing the whole system to assimilate a hearty meal. _ Soups afl.ord an excellent opportunity for using left-over foods which might otherwise be wasted. A combination of vegetables left over from the previous day, such as a cupful of mashed potatoes, some stewed peas, beans, or lentils, a few spoonfuls of boiled rice, stewed tomatoes, or other bits of vegetables or grains, if in good order, make a very palatable and nourishing soup. The vegetables should be put all together into a saucepan with enough water to cover them, let simmer for two or three hours, [Is] I4 A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. then rubbed through a colander, and returned to the saucepan with sufiicient water added to make the soup of proper consistency, reheated, seasoned, and served. Forseasoning soup, a few spoonfuls of cream, or a little butter or nut butter may be used, though if properly made is quite relishable without. We wish all our readers success with the following simple but delicious kinds. .>'-0'.} BEAN SOUP. For two quarts of soup soak one pint of beans overnight. In the morning drain, and put to cook in cold water, adding one-th_ird cup of well-washed rice if desired; boil slowly for about two hours. When done rub through a colander, thin with boiling water, and season with a little butter and salt. GREEN PEA SOUP. Put the peas in water enough to cover them, add a little pinch of salt, boil until tender, skim the peas out, and rub through a colander; then return to the water in which they were boiled; add milk, a little cream or butter, and salt to taste. Pour the soup over a few croutons(bits of toasted bread) in a hot soup tureen. Aquart of milk to a pint of peas is a good quantity. SPLIT PEA SOUP. For each quart of soup desired boil slowly a cupful of split peas in three pints of water until thoroughly dissolved. Rub through a colander, add salt, a small teaspoonful of butter if desired, and, for flavoring, a slice or two of onion or celery. Reheat, and when boiling stir into it two teaspoonfuls of browned flour rubbed smooth in a little cold water. Remove the onion or celery with a fork before serving. Add two or three crisp crackers rolled fine, or serve with croutons. SPLIT PEA AND VERMICELLI SOUP. Make the soup as above. Cook one-half cup of vermicelli in a cupful of boiling water for ten minutes and add to the soup. - / . _ ‘ A FRIEND IN THIC l\.ITCHi€N. I5 VEGETABLE PEA SOUP. Cook one quart of split peas until dissolved. When nearly done, add two or three medium-sized potatoes and one medium-sized onion, sliced thin. When these are done, rub all through a colander, add hot water to make of the consistency of thick cream, a little cream or butter, and salt to taste; reheat and serve. TOMATO SOUP. Take one quart of stewed tomatoes, rub through a colander, and put to boiling; add two tablespoonfuls of flour mixed smooth in a little cold water, stirring well that no lumps be formed. Season with salt, and just before serving add a few spoonfuls of cream or a small piece of butter. LENTIL SOUP. Cook a pint of lentils in a small quantity of boiling water. ‘When about half done, add, if desired, one medium-sized onion cut in halves or quarters. When the lentils are tender, remove the onion, and rub the lentils through a colander. Add suflicient boiling water to make three pints in all. Season with salt, a little cream or butter, reheat to boiling, and thicken with four table- spoonfuls of browned flour blended with a little cold water. The German, or dark lentils, are usually cheaper than the Egyptian, or red lentils. ' LENTIL AND TOMATO SOUP. Cook together one cup of lentils, one cup of stewed strained tomatoes, one cup of water, a teaspoonful of butter, and a stalk of celery. When done, add sufficient water to make the soup of proper consistency. Heat to boiling, remove the celery, and season with salt. Add one teaspoonful of browned flour rubbed to a paste with a little water. Boil for a few minutes, and serve. TOMATO AND MACARONI SOUP. Drop a cupful of macaroni broken into small pieces into three or four cupfuls of boiling water, and boil from twenty minutes to an hour, or until perfectly tender. The length of time required will depend upon whether the macaroni is fresh or stale. Stew one quart of fresh or canned tomatoes, and put through a strainer or colander to remove the coarse portions. Then add the macaroni, season with salt, and a little cream or butter if desired, boil to- gether for a few minutes, and serve. TOMATO AND VERMICELLI SOUP. Take two quarts of stewed tomatoes, strain, or pass through a I6 A FRIEND IN THE x1rcnErz. colander, and put to boil. Cook one cup of broken vermicelli in two cups of boiling water for ten minutes, and add to the tomatoes. Season with salt. If the soup is too thin a little cornstarch blended with a little cold water may be added, and the soup allowed to boil a few minutes longer. Just before serving, a few spoonfuls of sweet cream may be added if desired. RICE SOUP. Put to cook slowly one-third cup of well-washed rice in three cups of hot water, and cook one and a half hours. Then add a little salt and one quart of milk, reheat and serve. A little celery may be simmered in the soup for a short time, and removed before serving. SAGO PEA SOUP. Wash, soak, and cook one cupful of split peas in plenty of water until tender; rub through a colander, return to the fire, adding enough hot water to make three pints in all, and a few slices of onion. Wash three tablespoonfuls of sago in warm water, and stir gradually into the soup; simmer for a half hour, or until well dis- solved. Remove the onion, and season with salt. Add a few spoonfuls of thin cream or rich milk to the beaten yolk of an egg, and stir into the soup a few minutes before serving. SAGO FRUIT SOUP. Soak one-half cup of sago for an hour in a cup of cold water; then add a quart of water, and cook slowly until transparent. In the meantime cook together one cup of prunes and one-half cup of raisins in a small quantity of water. When the sago is transparent, add the fruit, together with one-half cup of currant, plum or some other tart fruit juice, and one-half cup of sugar. This will make three pints of soup. Serve hot with croutons. Instead of the above, rice with dried apricots, and prune or currant juice may be used. SAVORY SOUP. Take two cupfuls of cooked split eas which have been rubbed through a colander, one cupful of boiled mashed potatoes, and one-half cup of strained stewed tomatoes; add to this mixture enough hot water to make of proper consistency, a sliced onion, and salt as desired. Boil together for a few minutes until well flavored with the onion; remove the onion and serve. A half cup of broken vermicelli cooked for ten minutes in a cupful of boiling water, may be added if desired. A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. 1.] CELERY SOUP. Wash a bunch of well-bleached celery, cut fine, and with one or two sliced potatoes put to cook in a small quantity of boiling water. When done, add a quart of milk, and pass through a colander; let heat to boiling, season with salt, and thicken with a little flour rubbed smooth in cold water, or serve with rolled crackers. VEGETABLE SOUP. Cook together slowly for two hours, in two quarts of water, two cups of split peas, two or three slices each of carrot and turnip, one large potato sliced, one-half cup of canned tomatoes, and a small onion cut in pieces. If desired, a stalk of celery cut into small pieces may be used instead of the onion. When done, rub through a colander, add water to make of proper consistency, reheat, season with salt and a little cream or butter, and serve. POTATO SOUP. For each quart of soup required, take three medium-sized pota- toes, pare, cut in slices, and cook rapidly in sufiicient water to cover them. When tender, rub through a colander. Then return to the fire, add three cups of sweet milk, and season with salt, and a little cream or butter if desired. Let the soup come to a boil, add a teaspoonful of flour rubbed smooth in a little water, boil a few minutes, and serve. A slice of onion or a stalk of celery may be simmered in the soup for a few minutes to flavor it, and then removed. Instead of the flour two or three crisp crackers rolled fine may be added just before serving. POTATO AND BEAN SOUP. Look over and soak one cup of beans overnight; when ready to cook, drain, and put over the fire in cold water. When done, rub through a colander; pare and slice three or four medium-sized potatoes, and put to cook in a small quantity of hot water; when done, put through a colander, and add to the beans; add milk or water suflicient to make about three pints of soup; season with salt, and boil for a few minutes. A few slices of onion or a little celery may be simmered in the soup for a few minutes to flavor if desired, and remove before serving. _ ' BARLEY SOUP. Cook a cup of pearl barley in three pints of water for several hours, adding water as needed to keep the quantity good. When done, add salt and a little cream, or the beaten yolk of an egg. . 2’ - 18 A FRIEND IN Tun KITCHEN. NOODLE SOUP. Beat the yolks of two eggs thoroughly, then add one cup of sifted flour, and knead well for five or ten minutes; divide into four parts, roll each part nearly as thin as u knife blade, and place on a clean cloth near the fire to dry. When dried sufliciently so that they will not stick together when rolled up, or be so dry as to be brittle, roll each piece up into a roll, and with a sharp knife cut or shave crosswise into very narrow slices, about one-twelfth of an inch in width. Shake out well, and let dry thoroughly. Then drop into hot salted water, and boil twenty minutes; drain off the water well, add a quart of milk, salt to taste, reheat, and serve. Noodles may be added to other soups instead of macaroni. ASPARAGUS SOUP. Take two bunches of fresh, tender asparagus, wash, cut into short lengths, and put to cook in a quart of hot water. Let cook slowly till tender, and the water reduced one-half; rub through a colander, add three cups of milk, a spoonful or two of cream, and salt to taste. Let heat to boiling, and serve with croutons. A half- cup of well-cooked rice may be stirred into the soup before serving if desired. SALSIFY OR VEGETABLE OYSTER SOUP. Wash, scrape,and place the salsify in cold water to prevent dis- coloring. When enough is prepared, cut into slices, and put to cook in an equal quantity of water, and cook slowly. When tender, add two or three cups of milk, a few spoonfuls of cream or a small piece of butter, heat to boiling, and slightly thicken with a table- spoonful or two of flour rubbed smooth in a little cold milk. Let boil a few minutes, season with salt, and serve. CROUTONS FOR SOUP. Cut stale bread into small cubes from one-half inch to an inch square, and brown in a moderate over. A spoonful or two of the croutons may be placed in each plate, and the hot soup turned over them, or placed in a dish on the table for use as desired. BROWNED FLOUR FOR SOUPS. Spread a small quantity of flour on shallow tins, and brown lightly in a moderately hot over; stir often enough to prevent any part from scorching. A quantity may be prepared and put away in covered jars for use. -»v~ -__n--- 20 A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. allowed to boil fast until they “ set,” or thicken, and cease sinking to the bottom; till then they should be stirred fre- quently, but gently, to prevent burning. After the grain has thickened, it should be stirred very little or none at all. Much stirring then breaks up the particles, and frees the starchy portion, thus rendering the food pasty. Enough grain or meal should be used to make the mush quite thick and glutinous when done. Watery or sloppy mush is neither palatable nor strengthening to the digestive organs when used constantly. In fact, it should not be considered necessary to have mush every morning. A change occasionally to drier foods is better for the digestion. An excellent utensil for cooking grains is a milk or mush boiler, generally called a double boiler. This consists of one vessel set inside of another, the inner one containing the grain to be cooked, the outer one filled iwvith boiling water only. An ordinary saucepan, however, will do D°“b1° B°“"~ very well, if smooth, and by greasing the inside with a little butter before putting in the water, the tendency of the grain to adhere to the saucepan will be greatly obviated. If the double boiler is used, allow the grain to boil in the inner vessel standing directly over the range until it ‘ ‘ sets,’ ’ then cover and place in the outer vessel, the water in which must also be boiling in order that the cooking process be not checked; then leave to cook slowly until done. From three to four hours is not too long when the double boiler is used. Grain prepared in this way may A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. 21 be cooked on the previous day and simply warmed up again the next morning for breakfast. What is left over from any meal may be used in the next preparation. If a hastily prepared mush is required, perhaps nothing better than the rolled oats can be employed, these requiring not more than half an hour's cooking, as they are already partially cooked in their manufacture, but even these are improved by longer cooking in a double boiler. ' .z‘ al J- OATMEAL MUSH. Heat a quart of water to boiling, add a little salt, sprinkle into it a cupful of oatmeal, and boil rapidly, stirring frequently until it sets; then place on some part of the range where it will only sim- mer if an ordinary saucepan is used, and cook for about two hours, or until thoroughly done. ROLLED OATS. This is much preferred by some, as it requires only a short time to cook. Make as above, only using two cupfuls of the meal to one quart of water. An ordinary saucepan does very well for this, but the double boiler is better. ROLLED OATS AND SAGO MUSH. Wash and soak one-third cup of sago in a little cold water. Stir one and one-half cups of rolled oats into one quart of salted, boiling water. Cook for fifteen minutes, then stir in the sago, and cook as much longer. Serve with cream, stewed fruit, or fruit juice. GRAHAM MUSH. Into one quart of boiling water, properly salted, stir dry, sifted graham flour, until a rather thick porridge is obtained. Cook slowly for one hour on the back of the range, stirring but little after the first few minutes. Serve with milk or cream, and a very little sugar if desired. GRAHAM MUSH WITH DATFS. Cook as above. Take a cupful of dates, cut in two, removing A FRIEND IN THE xurcnEn. 23 much stirring. Season with salt, and serve hot or cold with milk, cream, fruit, or fruit juice. A very simple and wholesome dish. DRESSINGS FOR PUDDING OR MUSH. _ _Heat to boiling, grape, blueberry, raspberry, or strawberry 3u1ce,_add sugar to sweeten, and slightly thicken with cornstarch, allowing a tablespoonful to each pint of fruit juice. A good sub- stitute for milk or cream. BROWNED RICE. Place a small quantity on shallow tins, and brown in the oven till a golden yellow, stirring frequently so that it may brown evenly; then steam for about an hour in a steamer over boiling water or in a steam cooker, allowing two parts of hot water to one part of rice. When done it should be quite dry and mealy. It may be eaten dry, or served with brown or lentil sauce. BAKED MUSH. Cook any of the foregoing mushes as directed, turn into a pan, let cool; then cut into slices from half to three-fourths of an mch in thickness, place in a dripping-pan, or in shallow tins, and bake in the oven till a nice brown, oiling the tins or not as preferred. The slices may first be rolled in Granola before baking if desired. Baked mushes are more healthful, and in cases of indigestion especially are to be recommended as far preferable to those cooked and served in the ordinary way, as the starch in them is better cooked, and, being drier, they require more thorough mastication, and hence are more thoroughly mixed with the saliva, and remain longer in the mouth, where starch is principally digested. WALL RACK. l l \\ ‘ ~,/;\>/>,_'\7_ 26 A FRIEND IN THE x1rcnEn. ZWEBACK, OR DRY TOAST. Cut fresh or stale, light bread, either white or brown, into slices half an inch thick, divide in halves, place on tins, and bake slowly in a moderate oven until baked evenly throughout. Care should be taken not to scorch the bread. It should not be put into an oven that is merely warm. It should be baked, not simply dried. The common method of toasting merely the outside of the bread by holding it over a fire is not the most wholesome way of prepar- ing toast. When properly made it will be crisp throughout. Zwieback may be prepared in quantity and kept on hand tor use. It furnishes a good article of diet, especially for dyspeptics, eaten dry, or with milk or cream. MILK TOAST. Take a. half dozen slices of zwieback (or more if required), place each slice on a saucer or small plate, soften by pouring a few spoonfuls of hot water over each slice and draining, or dipping the slices quickly in hot water or milk; sprinkle lightly with salt, pour over a small quantity of rich milk heated to boiling, and serve. TOAST WITH MILK SAUCE. Prepare a milk sauce by heating a pint of milk to boiling, thicken with a little flour rubbed smooth in a little cold milk, add a pinch of salt, and let boil for a few minutes. Moisten six or eight pieces of zwieback by dipping them quickly into hot water or milk; place half of these in a dish, put a few spoonfuls of the milk sauce over each slice, then add the remaining moistened slices, pour over all the rest of the milk sauce, and serve hot. ASPARAGUS TOAST. Prepare asparagus by washing each stalk free from sand; remove the tough portions, cut the stalks into small pieces, and stew in a little hot salted water; drain ofl' the water as soon as done, add a cup of milk, and season with a little butter and salt. Cream may be used instead of the milk and butter. Moisten the zwieback with hot milk, and place in a dish. Pour over the stewed asparagus, and serve hot. BERRY TOAST. Prepare zwieback as above. Take fresh or canned strawberries, raspberries, mulberries, or other fruit, mash well with a spoon, add sugar to sweeten, and serve as a dressing on the slices of zwieback previously moistened. A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. 29 Where little bread is used, serious defects may fre- quently be observed. For instance, in some of the islands of the Pacific Ocean, where no wheat has been grown, and little could be obtained, the inhabitants almost uni- versally have poor teeth. The early decay of the teeth so prevalent among the rising generation to-day, may generally be attributed to four causes: (1) A lack of suffi- cient lime in the water; (2) too free indulgence in sweets, such as rich cakes, jams, and candies; (3) too large an amount of ‘flesh foods; and (4) an insufiicient supply of good, simple, wholesome bread, especially whole wheat bread. Home-made bread, when properly prepared, is gen- erally to be preferred to baker’s bread. Chemicals and adulterations, as well as a lack of cleanliness and proper care in preparation, not infrequently characterize the latter, and thus give rise to serious stomach disorders. Moreover, baker’s bread is not always obtainable, and is always necessarily more expensive than that which is home-made. The baker cannot aflbrd to work for noth- ing. For these reasons, every woman, and especially every wife and mother, ought to know how to make good bread. The temptation to patronize the bake shop should not outweigh the interests of the health of the family, and the duty to practise economy. The essentials to good bread-making are three:— I. Good flour. 2. Good yeast. 3. Proper attention. When either of these is lacking, good results cannot be obtained. Poor flour will not produce good bread; good flour and poor yeast will not make good bread; and A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. 31 frequently on the molding board, that all portions may be thoroughly worked. It should then be put back into the pan and set in a warm place and allowed to rise to twice the bulk it was when kneaded. If the dough is then pushed down in the pan and let rise again before making into loaves, the bread will be still lighter and more tender. Much depends on thorough kneading. The loaves should rise to twice their size when first made out and then be placed in a hot oven to bake. The oven should be hot when the bread is put in. By no means have the bread, when ready to bake, wait for the oven to be heated, as it may then become too light, run over in the oven, and possibly be sour. Medium-sized loaves should generally be baked about three-quarters of an hour. When taken from the oven the loaves should be turned out of the pans, placed on their sides, so that the crust will not soften by the steam, and covered with a thin cloth. When cold, roll each loaf in a cloth and keep in a tin box. . As to their healthfulness, the most wholesome breads are unleavened breads, or those made without either yeast, baking powder, soda, or cream of tartar, such as gems, rolls, and crackers. Next come those made with good yeast; then those with baking powder, if compara- tively pure; and lastly those made with soda and sour milk, or soda and cream of tartar. Baking powder is preferable to soda. The latter should seldom if ever be used, as it is injurious to the health, being an active dys- pepsia-producing article. Very few recipes in this work make use even of baking powder, and only two or three of soda. A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. _ 33 : slightly buttered to prevent the dough from sticking, and let rise again. When very light form into a loaf, put into the baking pan, allow to become light again, and bake. The dough should be very soft. If the hands are oiled with a little butter, it can be handled more easily. If very lively yeast is used, the sponge may be set in the morning; otherwise set in the evening. STEAMED BROWN BREAD. Stir together one cup of corn-meal, three-fourths cup of sifted graham flour, one-fourth cup of molasses, one cup of sour milk, one-half teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a little hot water and added to the milk, and one~ third teaspoonful of salt. Beat hard, then turn into a small, round, deep, buttered baking-pan, place in a saucepan of hot water, and steam one hour and fifteen steamed minutes, then bake about ten minutes. An enameled Bread Tim quart cup will answer if the round baking~pan is not at hand. Good warm or cold. JOHNNY CAKE. Take one quart of sour milk, three eggs, three tablespoonfuls of melted butter, one of sugar, a teaspoonful of salt, one cupful of white flour, and enough corn-meal to make a rather thin batter, and one teaspoonful of soda. Beat the whites and yolks of the eggs separately. Dissolve the soda in a little hot water and add to the milk, stirring gently; then add the sugar, beaten yolks, and melted butter, stirring all well together; then add the flour and meal, and .beat thoroughly; lastly, add the beaten whites; a little more meal may be used if the batter is found to be too thin. Bake in a long pan or gem irons in a hot oven, and serve hot. FRUIT BREAD. Beat well together two cups of rich milk, one-fourth cup of good yeast, and two cups of white flour; let stand overnight. In the morning, add two cups of dried currants well washed and dried, one cup of sugar, and three cups of flour, or suflicient to make a good dough. Knead thoroughly,and set to rise; when light, form into loaves, let rise again and bake. SALT RISING BREAD. Take a small pitcher and put into it a half pint of warm water, a teaspoonful each of salt and sugar; and stir in flour enough to make a medium thick batter. Set the pitcher in a kettle of warm water to rise. It should be kept warm all the time, not hot, for if it is scalded it will never rise. When light, stir in a pint of 3 34 A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. warm milk or water and enough warm flour to make a soft dough. Knead it, forni into a loaf, place in the pan, set to rise in a warm place, and bake as soon as light. RAISED BISCUITS. Make from dough prepared for white, graham, or graham fruit bread. The biscuits will be improved if made from dough that has been prepared with milk. After kneading thoroughly the last time, divi e the dough into small, equal portions, shape into smooth, round biscuits, place closely in a shallow baking pan, and let rise till considerably lighter than bread. Bake in a rather quick oven. just before removing from the oven the tops may be brushed with the beaten white of an egg. GEMS. General Directions. Beating in an abundance of cold air is very essential in the making of good gems, as it is this that makes them light. Cold air is preferable to warm air, as it ex- pands more when heating. gi 2 g Gems are also better when baked in gg iron pans than in tin, as the iron retains g % the heat better, and bakes the gems more evenly. The irons should be heated Ggfn Ipong, hot before the batter is dropped into them. Having the oven hot from the first is also essential, as a crust will then be formed immediately, and the air which has been beaten into the batter will thus be prevented from escaping. They should be placed in the oven so as to bake on the top first, and afterwards on the bottom. These points should be carefully observed. Gems are best served hot. They should be broken open, and never cut with a knife, as this makes them heavy. GRAHAM GEMS, No. 1. Place the gem irons in the oven or on the range to heat. Mix salted graham flour with cold milk or water to a batter thick enough to drop, beating vigorously for ten minutes to beat in the air. Butter the gem irons, and fill each cup nearly full of the batter. Put in a hot oven, and bake until done. GRAHAM GEMS No. 2. Beat separately the yolk and white of an eg . Add to the beaten yolk two cupfuls of sweet, rich milk, a halfgteaspoonful of salt, and stir well together; then add one and one-half cupfuls A FRIEND IN THE x1rcnen. 35 of sifted graham flour, and a scant cup of white flour, which have been stirred well together, sprinkling it with the hand, and beating vigorously meanwhile. Continue to beat until the mix- ture is light and foamy throughout, and full of air bubbles; then stir in gently the stiffly-beaten white of the egg. Have the gem irons thoroughly heated, slightly butter them, drop in the batter with a spoon, and bake in a quick oven. OATMEAL GEMS. Beat separately the yolk and white of an egg. Beat the white to a stifl" froth. To the beaten yolk add a cupful of well-cooked oatmeal mush, and a half cup of milk or thin cream. Beat together thoroughly. Continue to beat while adding a cupful of white flour and a pinch of salt, then fold in lightly the beaten white of the egg. Have the gem irons heated hot, slightly butter, drop in the batter, filling the little cups nearly full, and bake in a quick oven until a light brown. CORN-MEAL GEMS. Stir well together one and one-half cupfuls of milk, and the yolks of two eggs previously beaten. To this add two cupfuls of corn-meal, one-half teaspoonful of salt, and one cupful of white flour. Beat thoroughly, then stir in lightly the whites of the eggs previously beaten to a stiff froth, and bake as above. RICE GEMS. Moisten one cup of well cooked rice with two tablespoonfuls of cream or rich milk; add two cups of sifted graham flour, a little salt, and moisten the whole with three-fourths cup of sweet milk. Beat thoroughly and bake in heated gem irons until well done. POP OVERS. To one well-beaten egg add one cup of milk, a pinch of salt, and sift in, a little at a time, one heaping cup of flour; beat well for ten minutes, and bake in heated gem irons. BREAKFAST ROLLS. To three slightly heaping cups of sifted graham flour add a little salt, and one cup of milk or thin cream, cream is better. Stir the milk or cream into the flour, mixing it well with the flour as fast as poured in. Knead well for from twenty to thirty minutes. Divide the dough into three portions, and with the hands roll each portion over and over on the molding board until a long roll from an inch to an inch and ‘<1 half in thickness is A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. 39 ‘CORN-MEAL BATTER CAKES. To two cups of cold corn-meal mush, add Om: cup of sifted flour, and a pinch of salt; beat well the yolks of two eggs, to which add two-thirds of a cup of milk, and stir into he mush; beat thoroughly until light and smooth, adding a little more milk if neces- sary, to make the batter of proper consistency. Then gently stir in the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth, and bake in small cakes on both sides on a hot frying-pan or on a griddle, slightly but- tered. Serve hot. Very nice. Try them. LENTIL FRITTERS. To a pint of lentil soup (left-over soup will do), add the well- beaten yolks of two eggs, and sift in enough flour, a little at a time, beating thoroughly, to make a good batter. Then add the stiflly-beaten whites of the eggs, and drop by spoonfuls on a hot buttered griddle, and brown on both sides. BUCKWHEAT PANCAKES. In the evening take two quarts of warm- water, add one-fourth cup of good yeast, a small teaspoonful of salt, and buckwheat flour enough to make a good batter; beat well and set to rise. In the morning thin the batter with a little warm water, if neces- sary, and bake on a hot griddle. If cakes are desired for several mornings, the batter may be kept going by leaving at least a cup- ful after each baking, and adding the necessary warm water and buckwheat flour, each evening as at first. A little soda dissolved in warm water may be added just before baking if they seem a little sour. DESSERT GEMS. Stir together the beaten yolk of one egg, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, one teaspoonful of butter, a little salt, three-fourths cup of milk, and one-half cup of corn-meal; then sift in one cup of flour with one teaspoonful baking powder, beat well, fold in beaten white of egg, and turn into hot gem irons. Drop a stoned date filled with dessicated cocoanut on each gem, and bake. G riddle. / 44 A FRIEND IN run KITCHEN. stew to a pulp ; cook slowly for about an hour, stirring but little. When cool, add sugar to sweeten. BAKED SWEET APPLES. Select good, sweet apples. Wash, but do not pare or core them ; put into a baking pan with a little water, and bake in a hot oven. Baste occasionally with the juice in the bottom of the pan. When done, if desired, each apple may be dipped in the beaten white of an egg, then in powdered sugar, and returned to the oven until the icing is set. Baked apples, pears or quinces prepared in this way are delicious, besides being very ornamental. Plain sweet baked apples are very nice served with cream. APPLE SCALLOP. Pare, core, and slice a half dozen good cooking apples. Spread a layer in the bottom of a deep pudding dish, then over these a layer of bread crumbs mixed with a little sugar, and thus alternating till the dish is filled, having a layer of apples on top. Add a half cup of cold water, and bake in a rather quick oven till done. Serve with rich milk or cream. BOILED APPLE. Remove the cores and cook whole, or in halves, in enough boiling water to cover them. Cook slowly. When tender, remove the apples to a dish with a spoon or fork, sweeten the juice with sugar, add a little lemon flavoring extract, and thicken slightly witha very little cornstarch blended with a little cold water. pour over the apples and serve when cool. APPLE COBBLER. Pare, core, and slice six large, tart apples; add a little water, the juice and grated peel of a lemon, and sugar to sweeten. Stew slowly until a pulp, then turn into a mold. Serve with plain or whipped cream. BAKED PEARS. Take (good, sound pears, cut in halves, pare, and fill an enam- eled pud ing dish, sprinkling sugar through them; pour in a cupful of hot water, cover tightly, and bake slowly till tender. Serve cold. Or, wash, wipe, and bake whole in a shallow dish, putting in a very little water. STEWED PEARS. Pare, quarter, and core nice ripe pears, and drop into cold water to keep from discoloring. Make a syrup, allowing two cups of i i i 46 A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. PINEAPPLE. Pare, cut into thin slices into a dish, and sprinkle lightly with sugar; let stand in a cool place for an hour, and serve. FRUIT MOLD. Stew a quart of berries in a small quantity of water for fifteen or twenty minutes; then add sugar to taste, and two tablespoonfuls of cornstarch dissolved in a little cold water; cook until thickened, then turn into molds first wet with cold water; serve cold with milk or cream. Heat fruit juices and treat similarly. BANANAS WITH WHIPPED CREAM. Remove the (peel, cut into thin slices, and sprinkle with a very little sugar an a few drops of orange juice. Serve in small dishes, placing a tablespoonful of whipped cream on each dish. APPLE BUTTER. Pare, quarter, and core good, sweet apples; put them into an enameled saucepan with enough sweet cider, just from the press, to cover them; cook until clear and tender; then mash smooth with a wooden spoon, and boil until thick like marma- lade, which will require a considerable length of time. Cook very slowly, stir- Large spoon. ring frequently to keep from burning. Put into small jars and cover closely. This is a simple and pala- table dish, and when properly made will keep indefinitely. PLUM MARMALADE. Wash the plums, cut them in halves, removing the stones, and cook for about fifteen minutes, allowing a scant cu of water to each quart of fruit. Then rub through a colander, agd one cup of sugar to each quart of pulp, and boil slowly one hour, stirring often to prevent burning. GRAPE MARMALADE. Make the same as plum marmalade, only allowing half a cup of water to a quart of fruit for cooking. APPLE JELLY. Take the fruit when just ripe, remove the stems and blossom ends, wash, quarter, but do not pare or core unless wormy, and put to cook in a porcelain preserving pan with one cup of water for A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. 47 each six pounds of fruit. Cook slowly and only until tender, then strain through a jelly bag made of thin, white cloth; return the juice to a clean saucepan, boil for fifteen or twenty minutes, then add sugar, three-fourths of a pound to each pint of juice. Boil a few minutes longer, then test by dropping a little into cold water; if it sinks to the bottom, remove from the fire at once and pour into molds. The jelly may be flavored with lemon. , QUINCE JELLY. ' Wash, wipe, and remove any imperfect spots, but do not pare or core them. Cut into small pieces, and place in the preserving pan with water enough to half cover them. Cook until tender, stirring frequently. Remove from the fire, and strain through a jelly bag, measure the (juice, return to a clean saucepan, let boil fifteen minutes, then a d sugar, three-fourths of a pound to each pint of juice. Boil up and skim; be careful not to boil too long as the color and quality will be affected by too much boiling. Test as in apple jelly. If found to be not quite thick enough, boil a little longer. When done, turn into the jelly cups at once. CURRANTJAM. Remove the stems, weigh the fruit, and wash. Put the currants into a kettle with half a pound of sugar for each pound of fruit, boil for about half an hour, removing any scum that may arise. Put into glass cans, and keep in a cool, dark place. HOW TO CAN FRUIT. GENERAL REMARKS. Bottling or canning fruit consists in sealing up in air-tight bottles or jars, fruit which has previously been cooked. Many do not appreciate the value of canning fruit because they have never tried it. But the process is so simple, and the result so satisfactory, that those who have ever given it a trial usually feel well repaid for the little effort put forth. Canning fruit practically lengthens the fruit season until it is perennial. Fruit, if properly canned, can be preserved, even for years, in a very natural and wholesome state. While it is true that in semitropical countries some kind of fruit can be obtained from the markets at most seasons of the year, it is both a matter of providence and economy to lay by, at a time when fruit is cheap and in season, for those times when it is scarce, high-priced, or unobtainable. A lesson can here be learned from the bee. During the summer, when the flowers are in bloom, it culls the sweet, that it may have a store of honey to eat in the winter hours. 48 A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. It is very desirable to have the fruit fresh, as picked from the tree or vine; but many of the nicest and most juicy and delicately flavored fruits, such as strawberries, raspberries, currants, goose- berries, plums, blueberries, cherries, peaches, and apricots, are in season for only a comparatively short time. It is therefore of value to know how to preserve these for the unseasonable portions of the year. It is a matter of no little convenience for the housewife to have these delicious fruits in her house, ready for use at a moment.s notice. But this can be the case only by having on hand a supply of canned fruit. Some may think that this supply of canned fruit can readily be substituted by the same kinds of fruit put up in jams, marmalades, etc., and that these can be purchased at reasonable prices at the stores all ready for use, and the trouble of preserving fruit oneself saved. While this may be true, the friiit prepared thus is not to be compared to fruit in its more natural state. The amount of sugar generally used in making jams and marmalades causes them to be too rich in saccharine matter, and consequently more liable, if freely used, to injure the teeth, cause acidity of the stomach, dyspepsia, and liver trouble, while nearly all, even dyspeptics, can eat simple stewed fruit of one kind or another without injury. SELECTING CANS. In canning fruit care should be taken to provide good cans and perfectly fitting covers. This is a matter of much importance. The Mason glass cans or jars, with the white porcelain lined covers and white rubber bands, are perhaps the best. It may seem a little expensive on the start to purchase these, but there is practically no further expense con- nected with them, aside from providing new rubbers or covers occasionally, as the jars can be used year after year, or until broken. Either the pint, quart, or two-quartijars may be used, as best suits the needs of the amily. If a Mason can opener is not at hand, the process of opening the jars may be made easier by first running the edge of a thin knife blade around under the rubbers, care being taken not, by‘; prying or otherwise, to injure the rubbers or li s. U mom I i Mason Can. After the fruit has been used from the jars, wash and dry them, place the rubbers inside, screw on the covers, and set away for future use. PROCESS. Select good, sound, fresh fruit, but not overripe, or it will be mushy and insipid when cooked. The larger fruits should not be quite as soft for canning as for eating. I 1 4 / —~-O “Q? A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. 49 Cook in a granite-ware or enameled saucepan or preserving kettle. Iron, tin, copper, or brass should not be used. Always cook slowly, as rapid boiling breaks up the fruit. and causes it to lose much of its nice flavor. Cook thoroughly and evenly, in small quantities, and in as little water as possible, fruit being better cooked in its own juice, which soon boils out. The length of time required for cooking will depend upon the kind and quality of fruit, hard and less ripe fruit requiring more time. 1l|‘~1l Utensils for Canning Fruit. From two or three tablespoonfuls of sugar to a quart of fruit will generally be found suflicient for the milder fruits, the more tart, such as plums, currants, gooseberries, etc., will require from four to eight tablespoonfuls. While the fruit is cooking, place the rubbers on the jars, and immerse two or three in a large pan of scalding (not boiling) water, laying them down if there is room. If the jars are new, put them in cold water, and gradually raise the temperature to prevent them from breaking. Likewise put the covers in a basin of hot water. Much depends on keeping everything hot. - 4 50 A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. Have ready an enameled dipper or cup, a cloth for wiping the outside of the jars, a spoon, fork, and a small pan in which to set the jars while being filled. . When the fruit is well cooked, roll one of the jars over in the hot water, empty it, place it in the small pan, and quickly fill with the boiling fruit, putting in a little of the juice first. Fill to over- flowing. Skim off all foam or bubbles of air that come to the top. If any bubbles are seen in the fruit, pass a fork or spoon-handle, first dipped in hot water, down into the jar, slightly stirring, when they will come to the top and can be skimmed off. Wipe the juice from the top of the jar, and screw down the cover quickly and tightly. See that the rubber extends beyond the cover all around. Turn the jars upside down. As the fruit cools retighten the covers. Keep the jars upside down, and watch for a few days. If there is any leakage or sign of fermentation, the work is a failure, and the fruit should be opened at once, a little more sugar added, boiled, and used as soon as possible. If all is right, store in a cool, dark place for fut.ure use. If a proper place is not convenient, wrap the jars in brown paper to keep out the light. If the foregoing directions are carefully followed, there is no reason why the work should not be a perfect success. The author has put up from fifty to one hundred and fifty quarts each year for many years, and has rarely lost a quart. CANNED PLUMS. For each quart of fruit, allow a half cup of sugar, and a cup of water for the syrup. Wipe the plums with a cloth, prick with a fork, drop them into the hot syrup, and cook until done. Or, pare the plums, and boil the skins in the water of which the syrup is to be made, straining them out by turning into a colander before puéting in the sugar; then put in the plums, cook until done, an can. CANNED CHERRIES. Wash, and cook whole until tender, or remove the pits, and treat the same as canned berries (page 51), allowing nearly two cups of water and a half cup of sugar to a quart of cherries, if tart, and less sugar if of the sweeter kind. CANNED PEACHES. Select ripe, firm peaches, nearly soft enough to eat, avoiding the clingstones. The Crawford’s are perhaps the best. Pare, divide in halves, removing the stones, and drop into cold water to prevent discoloring. For each quart of fruit pour a cupful of water into a saucepan, add two tableilpoonfuls of sugar, and let boil up; drain the peaches from the col water, and put them into 52 A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. should be used. To extract the juice from berries, crush, heat in a double boiler, strain through a jelly bag, let drain slowly, squeez- ing but little least the pulp be forced through. Reheat, and can the same as fruit, adding sugar or not, as preferred. Mixed juices often give a fine flavor, as currant and raspberry, or blackberry and mulberry. A E JUICE‘ GR P Take fresh, well-ripened, dark, juicy grapes, such as the Black Prince or Concord, pick from the stems, rejecting all that are imperfect; wash well, and put to cook in an enameled saucepan with a pint of water for each three quarts of grapes. Cook slowly for half an hour, or until the grapes burst open; then drain ofl" the juice through a jelly bag, filtering the skins and seeds through a separate bag. Reheat, add one-half cup of sugar to a quart of juice if desired to sweeten, and can in jars the same as fruit; or, put in sterilized bottles, filling within an inch of the top, and cork at once with good, solid corks; cut off the corks close to the bottle, and seal over with sealing wax. Bottle the juice from the skins separately, as it will be less clear. Keep in a cool, dark place, and do not move about unnecessarily. .$.2',.>‘ ¢t.I%.\_ 7— A WISE CHOICE. 1 .-.—-.,1-“H tilt 1‘ _ ll ~ F The first wealth is hea1th.—Emerson. Vegetarians suffer little from thirst.—Hygienic Review. Let them give us pulse to eat, and water to drink.—Daniel. Sir Isaac Newton, when writing his great work, “Principia,” lived wholly upon a vegetable diet. Body and mind are much influenced by the kind of food habitually depended upon.—0. W. Holmes. J->'.;' WHILE not furnishing the most nutritious diet, vege- tables contain many nutritive elements in moderate degree, are rich in mineral substances, and being com- posed largely of water, perfectly supply many of the needs of the human system. Such vegetables, however, as peas, beans, and lentils, properly termed legumes, are highly nutritious. They are commonly understood to be of the nature of the “pulse” upon which Daniel the prophet subsisted in preference to the king’s meat. While an exclusive diet of ordinary vegetables might fail to give suflicient nourishment to meet the demands of the [53] A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. 55 entire system, their use is valuable in furnishing it with a large quantity of organic fluids, and in giving bulk to the food. It is best to combine their use with other foods, such as grains, which supply the qualities lacking in the vegetables. Only fresh vegetables should be used. Those which are stale cannot be made wholesome and palatable by cooking. Their use imperils the health of the family, and is liable to cause serious illness. Herein lies an ad- vantage in having one’s own garden. Care should be taken not to cook vegetables too much nor too little. They should be neither overdone nor underdone, but “just right.” Cooking vegetables, grains, and fruits is advantageous, as it bursts the par- ticles of starch, and thus renders them more easy of digestion. While cooking vegetables, a good, steady fire should be kept up, and the kettle kept full of hot water for replenishing. Never replenish with cold water, but always with hot. A good rule to follow in cooking vegetables is to put to cook in hot water all vegetables that require to have the water drained oif when done, and in cold water those that are to retain it. All green vegetables, such as onions, spinach, cab- bage, etc., should be put to cook in boiling, salted water; the dry vegetables, such as potatoes, carrots, beans, split peas, and lentils should be cooked in unsalted water. About a tablespoonful of salt should generally be allowed to a gallon of water, or one-third of a teaspoonful to every pint of cooked vegetables. In washing potatoes, a coarse cloth or brush may be A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. 57 vigorous shake, cover with a coarse cloth, and set on the back of the range to dry. Large quantities of potatoes are best cooked by steaming over boiling water. BOILED POTATOFS (with skins). Select potatoes of even size; wash clean with a cloth or brush, and remove the eyes and specks with a knife; put to cook in a small quantity of boiling water; drain when tender, and place the saucepan on the back of the range to dry; remove the skins and serve. Potatoes are best cooked this way. BAKED POTATOES. Choose smooth potatoes of uniform size, wash well, being care- ful to clean the eyes. Dry with a cloth, and bake in a /wt oven; in a slow oven the skins become thick and hard. Serve, as soon as done, in an open dish; if covered they will become soggy. Baked potatoes are very wholesome, and make a good breakfast dish. IVIASHED POTATOFS. Wash, pare, and boil the same as boiled potatoes. When they can be readily pierced with a fork, drain thoroughly; return to the range and mash, using the potato masher vigorously for five or ten ,‘ _ ‘ , - minutes, until they are light, smooth, and cream in a earance. A wire potato mas)l1er dgg the work most Potato Mam" satisfactorily. Have warmed in a saucepan a half cupful of cream or milk, adding a small piece of butter if milk is used, a teaspoonful of salt, and the well-beaten white of one egg; beat this into the potatoes until they are very light. Put into a warm dish and serve at once. If desired, the egg may be omitted, Very nice served with mi1.k sauce or brown sauce. STEAMED SLICED POTATOES. Wash, pare, and slice several medium-sized potatoes very thin. Have in a frying-pan a small piece of butter and a half-cup of hot water, put in the potatoes, season with salt, cover closely, and set on the back of the range to cook slowly. Stir up a little occa- sionally. A few thinly sliced onions may be used with the pota- toes if desired. VVARMIED-UP POTATOES. Cut cold boiled potatoes into thin slices; heat a little milk to boiling in a saucepan; put in the potatoes and season with salt to taste. Let boil a few minutes and serve. If desired, the milk 58 A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. may be slightly thickened with a little flour blended in a little cold milk. POTATO CAKES. To two cups of well-mashed cold potatoes, add the well-beaten yolk of one egg; work well together, and form into small, round cakes about half an inch thick; place on buttered tins, brush over with the beaten white of an egg, and brown in a hot oven. NEW POTATOES. If pew and fresh, the skins may be easily scraped off with a knife or rubbed off with a coarse cloth. Cook in a little water, drain, and serve; or, when done, drain, pour some nice, sweet milk over them, let it heat to boiling, then thicken with a little flour rubbed smooth in a little cold milk, allowing a tablespoonful of flour to a pint of milk, and season with salt. A few green peas cooked with new potatoes and thus dressed make a very accept- able dish. POTATOES WITH CREAM. Pare, and cut as many as desired into small cubes, put into boil- ing water and cook from fifteen to twenty minutes; when done, drain off all the water, let dry a few minutes over the fire, then add a little salt, a cup of thin cream and a little chopped parsley; simmer for two or three minutes, and serve at once. BAKED SWEET POTATOES. Choose those of uniform size, wash thoroughly, removing any imperfect spots, wipe dry, and place in a moderately hot oven; bake for about an hour if the potatoes are rather large. Small potatoes are better steamed than baked. Send to the table as soon as done, without removing the skins. Serve with cream, butter, milk sauce, or nut butter gravy. BOILED SWEET POTATOB. Wash well, put into cold water with the skins 0n, and boil until easily pierced with a fork; drain, remove the skins and place in the oven to dry for five or ten minutes; serve in a hot dish. BROWNED SWEET POTATOES. Take cold, boiled sweet potatoes, peel, cut into slices, place on buttered shallow tins, and brown in a hot oven. ROASTED SWEET POTATOB. Wash, wipe dry, wrap with thin paper, and cover first with hot A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. 59 ashes, then with live coals. Turn occasionally. The coals may need renewing several times. When done, remove the ashes with a brush, wipe with a dry cloth, and serve. Sweet potatoes are nicer and more mealy when prepared in this way. YAMS. Prepare the same as roasted sweet potatoes or baked sweet potatoes. Boiling them is thought to quite spoil their flavor. STEWED TOMATOB. Take nice, fresh tomatoes, peel, and slice into a saucepan, and cook slowly for half an hour. Then add salt, a little butter or sweet cream, and a half cup of bread or cracker crumbs. Sugar may be added if desired. BAKED TOMATOES. ' Select smooth, even-sized, ripe ‘tomatoes. Peel, remove the stems, and place in an earthen pudding dish; season with a little salt and butter or cream and bake in a rather hot oven for half an hour. TOMATOB AND MACARONL Put to cook one-half cup of macaroni broken into inch pieces into three cups of boiling water; b01l for about an hour, or until perfectly tender, adding more water if necessary. When done, put into a pudding dish, and pour over two cups of stewed toma- toes previously rubbed throu h a colander. Colander- Add a little salt, a few bits 0? butter, a half cup of sweet milk, and bake in the oven till done. If the tomatoes are quite juicy a teaspoonful of flour may be used for thickening. SCALLOPED TOMATOES. Take two cupfuls of stewed fresh or canned ~ tomatoes, rub through a colander, and thicken with a cupful of bread or cracker crumbs; add a can open" little salt, a few spoonfuls of cream, or half a cup . of sweet milk and a few bits of butter, and bake for twenty or thirty minutes. TOMATO SALAD No. 1. Peel smooth, ripe tomatoes, cut into thin slices, and arrange in layers in a dish, sprinkling each layer with sugar. Turn over the whole a half cup of lemon juice before serving. 60 A FRIEND IN ran x1rcnux. TOMATO SALAD No. 2. Peel, slice, and place in a dish, and sprinkle lightly with salt. To the beaten yolk of one egg add the juice of one or two lemons, a teaspoonful of sugar, and pour all together over the tomatoes. BOILED BEANS. Wash and soak two cupfuls of beans overnight in cold water. In the morning drain, and put to cook in fresh water. After fif- teen minutes, if the water is very hard, add a pinch of soda, and boil for five minutes longer; then drain thoroughly, replenish with hot water, and cook slowly for about two hours, or until per- fectly tender. Add more hot water if they become dry, as they should be quite moist and soupy when done. Avoid much stir- ring. Season with a little salt, and butter or cream. BOILED BEANS WITH RICE. Wash and soak two cupfuls of beans in cold water overnight; in the morning put to cook, and after about an hour add one-half cup of well-washed rice. Cook slowly until done, season as above, and serve. BAKED BEANS. Take two cupfuls of beans, pick over, wash, soak overnight, and cook the same as boiled beans. When done, add a little butter and salt, and two tablespoonfuls of molasses; turn into a pudding dish, and bake for two hours, or until nicely browned. A little hot water should be added occasionally to prevent their becoming too dry. _ MASHED BEANS. Soak overnight two cupfuls of beans, and cook the same as boiled beans. When very tender, and the water nearly absorbed, rub through a colander to remove the skins; add a half a cup of cream or of rich, sweet milk and a little butter; put into a shallow dish, smooth the top with a knife or spoon, and place in the oven to brown. STRING BEANS. Wash, break off each end, stripping the strong fibres from end toend. Cut or break into inch lengths, and put to cook in enough boiling, slightly salted water to cover. Cook from one to two hours, or until very tender, the length of time required depending upon the age and variety of the beans. The water should be nearly absorbed when done. Add a iittle milk and butter if cream is not available. Let come to a boil, and serve. A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. 61 SPLIT PEAS. Look over carefully, wash, and put to cook in a good quantity of cold water. Let come to a boil, then simmer until tender and the water quite absorbed. Press through a colander if desired to remove the skins, season with salt, and cream or butter, and serve. GREEN PEAS. Shell, and put to cook in boiling, slightly salted water, allowing one cupful of water to every four cups of peas. If they are old and need longer cooking, add more water if necessary. Cover, and cook rather slowly till tender. About thirty minutes’ cooking for fresh, young peas will be found suflicient. When done, pour over a cupful of sweet milk, heat to boiling, and thicken with a little flour. Season with a little salt, and a spoonful of cream or a small piece of butter. LENTILS. Cook, season, and serve the same as split peas, only less water and less time for cooking will be require . BAKED RICE. Take one cupful of rice, wash well by turning into a colander and dipping in and out of warm water, put into a pudding dish, and pour over four cupfuls of milk, or two each of milk and water, adding a little salt. Bake about an hour, stirring once or twice before the top becomes hard. Serve as a vegetable with lentil sauce. PLAIN BOILED RICE. Wash one cupful of rice as above, and put to cook in a sauce- pan with a quart of boiling water, adding a half teaspoonful of salt; stir up once or twice as it begins to boil, then cover, and cook without stirring until the water is all absorbed; remove the cover, and let dry a little on the back of the range, and serve as baked rice, or with nut butter gravy. STEAMED RICE. Wash, and soak a cup of rice in a cup of water for an hour, then add a cup and a half of milk or water, a little salt, and steam over boiling water or in a steam cooker for one hour, stir- ring occasionally during the first ten minutes. STEWED CAULIFLOWER. Carefully separate into small portions;examine closely to make sure there are no insects on it; let stand a short time in cold 62 A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. water, then put into boiling, salted water, and cook from twenty to forty minutes, or until tender. Drain, season with a little but- ter or cream, or serve with milk gravy poured over it. CAULIFLOWER WITH TOMATO SAUCE. Prepare and cook as above. Take two cupfuls of stewed tomatoes, rub through a colander, heat to boiling, and thicken with a tablespoonful of flour blended in a little cold water; season with salt and butter or cream. Drain, and turn the stewed cauli- flower into a dish, and pour over it the hot tomato sauce. STEWED CABBAGE. Remove the outer leaves, divide into halves, cut very fine with a sharp knife, omitting the heart. Put into a saucepan with a half cup of boiling water, add a little salt, cover closely, and cook until tender, adding a little more hot water, if it becomes too dry before it is done. When done, add a few spoonfuls of cream, allow to heat, and serve. BOILED CABBAGE. Remove the outer leaves, place in cold water for half an hour, then quarter, and put to cook in boiling water, adding a little salt. Boil vigorously for about thirty minutes; turn into a colander, remove the heart and coarse portions, press out all the water, return to the saucepan, and season with butter or cream; allow to heat, and serve on a hot dish at once. BAKED CABBAGE. Cut a firm, crisp head up fine; cook in a little boiling, salted water until tender; drain, turn into a pudding dish, add two eggs well beaten, a half a cup of milk, and a little salt; stir together and place in the oven to brown. CABBAGE SALAD. Chop very fine half a 5n13.11 head of crisp cabbage and put into a dish. Mix together two tablespoonfuls of sugar and the juice of two lemons, and pour over the cabbage; add a spoonful or two of thick cream, stir together, and serve. The cream may be omitted if preferred. CABBAGE AND TOMATO SALAD. Cut the cabbage as above, and put into a dish. Peel, and slice two or three large, ripe tomatoes, and place on the cabbage. Toss up lightly in the dish, sprinkle wit sugar, and pour aver the juice of two .emons. A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. 63 STE_WED ASPARAGUS. Wash, break into small pieces, and cook from twenty to thirty minutes in just enough water to cover; when tender, drain, add a little butter and salt and a cup of milk; let come to a boil and thicken with a teaspoonful of flour. Boil up and serve. BOILED CARROTS. Wash, scrape, and drop into boiling water, and cook until tender. Drain, cut lengthwise or slice crosswise, and season with a spoonful of cream and a little salt. STEWED CARROTS. Wash, scrape, slice into a saucepan with a little boiling water, and cook until tender; add salt to taste, and a little chopped parsley if desired. Serve with or without milk gravy. BOILED PARSNIPS. Wash, scrape, drop into a little boiling water, and ,cook until tender; drain, mash fine, add a little salt and cream or butter to season, or cut the parsnips into thin slices, and serve with milk gravy BAKED PARSNIPS. Wash, and bake the same as potatoes; remove the skins when done, and serve with milk gravy. Or, wash, scrape, divide in halves, add a little more than enough boiling water to cook them, and boil slowly until tender; place in a shallow dish, pour over the juice that remains, add a little salt, a spoonful or two of cream, and place in the oven until nicely browned, basting occasionally. STEWED TURNIPS. ' Pare the turnips, cut into slices and cook until perfectly tender; then drain, mash fine with a spoon or potato masher, season with salt, a little butter or cream if desired, and serve. STEWED TURNIPS WITH MILK SAUCE. Pare, and wash; cut into thin slices or small cubes into a saucepan; cook for about twenty minutes in boiling water; then drain, add a cupful of milk, and season with salt. Allow the milk to heat to boiling, then thicken with a little flour. BOILED ONIONS. Cut off the tops and bottoms, remove the outer skins, and put 64 _ .\ FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. . to cook in cold water; boil fifteen minutes; then drain, and cook in boiling, salted water until tender; turn into a pudding dish, and cut into small pieces; pour over a cupful of hot milk gravy, add a few bits of butter, sprinkle the top with bread crumbs, and bake until brown. BAKED VEGETABLE MARROW. Pare, and cut in halves, remove the seeds and fibres, rub inside and out with salt, and let stand for an hour; mix together a turnip or potato and a few onions slightly boiled and chopped fine, season with a little powdered sage, add a little butter, a few bread crumbs, and salt to taste; then fill up the halves with this mixture, close the marrow, and tie together with twine; place in a dish, and bake until brown. Serve with brown sauce. BAKED SQUASH. Cut into sections, and place shell downwards on the top shelf of the oven. Bake until tender, and serve hot in the shell; or, scrape out the inside, mash, add a few spoonfuls of cream or a little butter, and serve. STEWED SQUASH. Peel, remove seeds, cut into small pieces, and stew until tender in a little boiling water; drain, mash smooth, and season with butter and salt. Vegetable marrows may be prepared in the same manner. SUCCOT ASH. Soak one cupful of beans overnight. \Vhen ready to cook, add water and one cupful of dried sweet corn, and cook until tender. Season with salt, a little cream or butter, and serve. If green sweet corn is used, do not add it to the beans until they are nearly done. BOILED SWEET CORN. Select full-grown ears, not old and hard, but full of milk; remove the husks and silks, and put to cook in enough boiling, salted water to cover. Boil from thirty to forty minutes; when done, drain, and serve on the cob hot, with a little butter if de- sired . STEWED SWEET CORN. Remove husks and silks, stand the ears in a dish, and with a sharp knife cut off the corn from the top downwards, taking a little more than half of the kernel in depth; then scrape gently downwards to get the remainder of the milk and meat o each kernel. Place in a saucepan, add half a cup of water for each quartof corn, and cook for fifteen or twentv minutes. When done. A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. _ 6Q add a little salt, a half cup of cream or a cup of milk and a little butter, boil up and serve. The milk may be slightly thickened with flour, if desired. BAKED BEETS. Take young, tender beets, wash clean, place in a baking dish with a little water, and bake from one to two hours, or until tender; add a little hot water occasionally if they become dry. When done, remove the skins, slice, and serve with lemon juice. BOILED BEETS. Cut off the tops, but avoid cutting the beets; put to cook in boiling water. When tender, remove to a pan of cold water; rub off the skins with the hands, slice thin, and serve with lemon juice. BEET GREENS. Take the tops from young, tender beets, look over, put to cook in boiling, slightly salted water, and cook until tender; then drain in a colander; chop rather fine, and serve with lemon juice. SPINACH. ' Look over carefully a good quantity of spinach, rejecting all wilted and decayed leaves. Wash thoroughly in several waters, and put to cook in slightly salted, boiling water, and boil from twenty to thirty minutes. When tender, drain in a colander, cut into coarse pieces, and put into a warm dish; add a few bits of butter, and garnish with slices of hard-boiled eggs. Serve with lemon juice. CELERY. l Remove all the green and decayed parts from the stalks, and put into cold water. When ready to serve place in a celery glass with the small ends downward. Curl the tops by cutting into narrow strips a little way down. SLICED CUCUMBERS. Pare the cucumbers, slice them very thin into a dish, sprinkle with salt, cover closely, and shake briskly to well distribute the salt; let stand for about half an hour; then drain off all the water, and shortly before serving pour over the juice of one or two lemons. A spoonful or two of cream may be added if desired. Cucumbers should be thoroughly masticated. Their reputed indigestibilitv is largely due to a failure in this particular. 5 66 A rRIExn IX THE KITCHEN. RADISI-IFS . Wash, cut off the tops, small ends, and rootlets, and place in cold water before serving. Arrange in a glass dish with the large ends downwards. LETTUCE SALAD No. 1. Separate the leaves, look over, wash, and put into cold water a while before using. When ready to serve, place on a dish and pour over a dressing made of equal quantities of lemon juice, sugar, and water. LETTUCE SALAD No. 2. Vi/ash and shred two heads of lettuce. Boil two eggs until hard, remove the shells, and mash the yolks fine; mix well together the juice of one or two lemons, two or three tablespoon- fuls of water, one dessertspoonful of sugar, one-half teaspoonful of salt, one tablespoonful of sweet cream, adding this last to pre- vent curdling, and the yolks of the eggs, and pour over the lettuce. Cut the whites of the eggs into rings and arrange on the top. A few onions sliced fine may also be added. 1 . ~ tr/;@,_ 0‘ "_ ‘I u 90;‘ _ "-\:,.. 5~osrurojresm age "/1 2/ 1" MM _As a man eateth, so is he.—German Proverb. Lord Byron refused to eat meat because, as he said, “It makes me ferocious." The flesh of animals tends to cause grossness of body, and to benumb the finer sensibilities of the mind.—Bible Hygiene. The eating of much flesh fills us with a multitude of evil (lis- eases, and a multitude of evil desires.—P0rphyrises, 233 A. 1). Animal food is one of the greatest means by which the pure sentiment of the race is depressed.—/llcott. The candidates for ancient athletic games were dieted 0n boiled grain with warm water, cheese, and dried figs, but no meat. Modern athletes are not allowed meat while in training. I have known men who prayed for a good temper in vain, until their physician proscribed eating so much meat; for they could not endure such stimulation.—Henry Ward Bceclzer. The liability to disease is increased by flesh eating. Where plenty of good milk and fruit can be obtained, there is rarely any ‘excuse for eating animal food.—C/zristian T emperame. .;¥.;‘.;‘ FROM the instruction given at the beginning respecting foods, it is evident the Creator did not design that either man or beast should subsist on flesh foods. To Adam and Eve He said: “ Behold, I have given you every kerb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and [67] 68 A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat.” Gen. 1 : 29, 30. But sin brought many changes into , our world, and because of the changed circumstances, customs and prac- tises were instituted and allowed which were not in har- mony with the primeval order of things. Among other things meat-eating was permitted. Just after the flood, when the face of the earth had been desolated, God said to Noah: “ Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.” Gen. 9 : 3. But the blood was not to be eaten with the flesh,——a very wise provision, for if there is any disease in the system it is sure to be found in the blood. A little later, as a further precaution in the interests of health, instruction was given that only the flesh of “clean beasts ” was to be eaten, such as that of the ox, the sheep, the goat, the deer, etc. See Lev. II and Dent. 14. But for all this it must be admitted that the flesh of animals is not a natural diet for man, nor does it consti- tute the most healthful food. Of this it may truly be said as Christ said of the granting of awriting of divorcement, it was suffered because of the “ hardness ” of their hearts, “ bulfro/n t/ze beginning 2.z ‘ was not so.” Matt. I9 :8. It was never intended that man should take the life of any innocent, living creature. Meat-eating tends to excite the passions. This is seen in the animal kingdom. The animals that are mild, patient, and docile are generally herbivorous, such as the cow, the sheep, the horse; while the excitable, quick- A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. 69 tempered, and ferocious animals are meat-eaters, such as the lion, the tiger, the leopard. A meat diet also tends to constipation, the great scourge of the race. i One object of this work, therefore, is in_ the interests of health and morality, to educate people out of meat- eating rather than into it; and to supply such a variety of recipes for good, wholesome, palatable, and nutritious dishes, prepared from natural food elements, that meat- eating will,be practically unnecessary. Moreover, so many animals at the present time are becoming so greatly diseased that it is not a little danger- ous to eat largely of their flesh. As a matter of safety the use of flesh meats might very consistently be dispensed with altogether. The fact, therefore, that meat may be cheap, or that it may be easily or quickly prepared, should count for little with those who have their best interests in view. From every standpoint from which the subject may be viewed, the reasons for discontinuing the use of flesh meats are more imperative now than ever before. 1. This is an age of disease. Animals are coming to be greatly diseased. The use of their flesh, therefore, tends to increase disease in mankind, and thus to shorten life. 2. This is an age of intemperance. Flesh meats are all more or less stimulating. Their use, therefore, tends to increase this evil. 3. This is an age of surfeiting. Meat-eating is, to a large degree, responsible for this. A well-known English writer on cookery says: “ No one will deny that the foods we are apt to eat too much of are those absent from a purely vegetarian fare, such as meat, game, fish, eggs, etc., upon which materials the culinary art seems exer- cised to tempt us beyond the satisfying of the appetite.” 70 A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. 4. This is an age of vice and immorality. A meat diet tends greatly to increase this terrible evil. 5. This is an age of violence and murder. The prac- tise of killing and eating animals tends to harden men’s hearts, to destroy their finer sensibilities, and thus to increase violence and crime. In the beginning God gave man no flesh foods to eat. And after the exode, when He had His own way with His own people, He gave them no flesh to eat. Before taking them into the promised land, for forty years He fed them on “ manna,’ ’a purely vegetarian food. Ex. 16 :31; Num. II :7, 8. And when they “fell a lusting,” and said, “Who shall give us flesh to eat ?” He was displeased with them, and, with the giving of the quails, brought a great plague upon them. Num. II; Ps. 78 :18-31. In the New Testament, the apostle, referring to this experience, warns Christians against falling into the same error. “ Now these things,” he says, “ were our exam- ples, to the intent that we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted. . . . And they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.” I Cor. 10:5-II. Evidently, therefore, meat-eating is not in harmony with God’s original plan. And it must be that the nearer we bring ourselves into harmony with that plan, the better it will be for us. To some it may seem difficult to give up the use of meat. But in this, as in all reformatory work, much depends upon the mind. Let the correct principle be first assented to; then, step by step, let the practise be brought into conformity to the principle,making changes gradually, if necessarv, leaving off the meat dishes as others more ‘iii A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. in boiling water, and cook slowly. When very tender, and quite dry, mash smooth, season with salt and a little nice sweet cream, and serve hot. STEWED SALSIFY OR VEGETABLE OYSTERS. Wash, scrape, cut into slices about one-fourth of an inch in thickness, and drop at once into cold water to prevent discoloring. Then put to cook in an enameled saucepan, in a small quantity of boiling water, about equal parts water and salsif y, adding a little salt. Cook from twenty to fifty minutes, according to a e, and when tender add a little more water if at all dry, a cupful otgcream or rich milk, and simrner for a few minutes. Have ready in a dish some slices of toasted bread cut in halves, pour over the salsify, and serve. OTHER TASTY DISHES. In addition to the foregoing recipes, baked beans, ve etable pie, savory soup, nut butter sandwiches, and other nut foog prep- arations, found elsewhere in this work, are all excellent substi- tutes for meats, are tasty, and afford actually more nourishment to the system when in a normal. condition than do meats, as may be seen by examining the table “ Nutritive Value of Foods,” on page I23. \ V 1 ,. 6% 0"’ #01__- , - ”¢1;, , “‘ ¢ I l ' v‘\‘\ 1/, I ;:17// I 7¢/ 4/‘I:,, 0'/J \ \ ' \ lull I’, ll, I14 W Food should be prepared with simplicity, yet with a nicety which will invite the appetite. There should not be many kinds at ang one meal, but all meals should not be composed of the same kin s of food without varia- tion. .2‘$$ BOILED EGGS. If desired to have the white set, but the yolk a liquid, boil three minutes; if preferred to have the outer edges of the yolks a little hardened, boil four minutes. The water should be boiling when the eggs are dropped in. If desired to have the yolks dry and mealy, and at the same time the whites not hard, tough, and leathery, cook for twenty minutes in water a little below the boiling point, or at a tempera- ture not above 165° Fahrenheit. Eggs are best cooked thus. For garnishing salads, etc., boil about ten minutes, then place a moment in cold water to prevent the whites becoming dis- colored. POACHED EGGS. Put into a shallow pan as much scalding, not boiling, water as will cover the eggs well; break the eggs one at a time into a saucer, being careful not to break the yolks, and slip them into the hot water, which should be kept below the boiling point. Let stand for about five minutes, or until the white is firm, but not hard, and the yolk enveloped in a film of white. Remove one at a time with a skimmer or large spoon, sprinkle with salt, and serve in egg saucers, on toast, or with the ollowing sauce: Pour a half cup of water into a saucepan, add a teaspoonful each of lemon juice and butter, a little minced parsley, and salt to taste; let boil a few minutes, then stir in a well-beaten egg, being care- flulhnot to allow to curdle, and pour at once over the eggs in a ( IS . [74] 78 A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. into an earthen dish, and flavor with a teaspoonful of vanilla; cover with a meringue made of the whites of the four eggs beaten stiff, and four tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar, and place in a slow oven to brown slightly. Serve cold. RICE PUDDING. Take a cupful of boiled rice, and a half cup of washed raisins, and mix together in a pudding dish. Beat well together two eggs, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, and two cupfuls of milk, and pour over the raisins and rice. Bake in a moderate oven until the custard is just set. If left in too long the milk becomes watery. This is a good way to use up left-over rice. CORNSTARCH PUDDING. Take three tablespoonfuls of cornstarch and stir smooth in a little cold water; over this pour one pint of boiling water; then stir in the whites of three eggs beaten stifl, one tablespoonful of sugar, and a pinch of salt. Steam fifteen minutes, or cook slowly until thickened. Serve cold with a sauce prepared as follows: Heat one cup of milk to boiling; beat together the yolks of the three eggs and one-half cup of sugar until creamy, and stir into the milk; boil until smooth, and remove from the fire at once. Flavor with lemon or vanilla, and allow to cool. BREAD PUDDING Nu. 1. Take one pint of bread crumbs, and pour over them one quart of milk; then add the yolks of four eggs well beaten, and four tablespoonfuls of sugar, and bake in the oven. When done, sprea the top with jelly or marmalade, and cover this with a meringue made of the four whites of the eggs beaten stiff, and two tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar. Brown slightly, and serve warm or cold, with or without sauce or cream, as preferred. BREAD PUDDING No. 2. Cut stale bread into cubes, and moisten with milk or water; then pour over a mixture of eggs, sugar, and milk, allowing one egg and one tablespoonful of sugar to each cup of milk. Steam or bake. Currants or raisins may be added. MACARONI PUDDING. Take a cupful of macaroni broken into inch lengths, put into a double boiler, turn over it three cups of milk, and cook slowly until tender. Then turn into a pudding dish, add a cup of cold milk, a half cup of sugar, and the yolks of two eggs well beaten. A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. 79 Bake for about twenty minutes. When done, let cool, then spread over the top some mashed fresh berries, or bits of jelly, and cover this with a meringue made of the whites of the eggs and a tablespoonful of sugar beaten to a froth. Return to a slow oven to brown slightly. APPLE SAGO PUDDING. Soak a good half cup of sago in three cups of water for one hour. Pare, quarter, and core a half dozen good cooking apples. and put them into a pudding dish. Pour the sago over the apples, add a little sugar, and bake in a moderate oven for from thirty to forty minutes. Serve warm or cold with a little milk or cream. The apples may be pared, cored, and left whole, if preferred. BANANA PUDDING. Peel and slice two or three bananas into one pint of milk. Heat to boiling, add two tablespoonfuls of cornstarch stirred smooth in a little cold milk, one tablespoonful of sugar, and the yolks of two eggs well beaten. When thickened, turn into a pudding dish; beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, add a little sugar and spread over the top; put into the oven for a few minutes to brown slightly, and serve. PRUNE PUDDING. Cook three cupfuls of prunes, drain off the juice, remove the stones, and sprinkle the prunes with lemon juice. Take two cups of fine bread crumbs, two cups of milk, one-half cup of sugar, one teaspoonful of butter, one-half teaspoonful of grated lemon rind, and one beaten egg; mix all together, and our into a pudding dish. Then drop the prunes in evenly, and) bake until set. Serve hot or cold, with or without sauce. The juice from the prunes may be heated, and slightly thickened with cornstarch, and used as a sauce. ‘ COLD PEACH PUDDING. . Cut slices of stale bread into strips, and line a pudding basin or round mold as neatly as possible. Then fill the center of the mold with stewed fresh, or canned peaches, slightly warmed, add sugar to sweeten, and place a slice of bread over the fruit. Pour over enough of the sirup or fruit juice to soak all the bread. Take a saucer or plate about the size of the mold, and place it upside down on top, over the pudding, and put a heavy weight on the plate. Let stand overnight, and in the morning turn into a glass dish for the table. Cut into slices, and serve with milk or cream. Raspberries or strawberries may be used instead of peaches. 50 A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. FIG PUDDING. Take half a pound of finely-chopped figs, one cupful of bread crumbs, three tablespoonfuls of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of melted butter, one cupful of milk, two eggs well beaten, and a pinch of salt. Stir all well together, turn into a double boiler, slightly buttered, or into a saucepan placed in boiling water, and boil about an hour. Serve with lemon sauce. RICE LEMON PUDDING. To three-fourths of a cu ful of well-washed rice, add three cupfuls of boiling water, and) a half teaspoonful of salt, and cook in a double boiler until tender. When done, allow to cool, then add the yolks of three eggs well beaten, a teaspoonful of butter, three tablespoonfuls of sugar, the grated rind of a lemon, and one cup of milk; stir together, and bake in the oven until set. When done, cover the top with a meringue made with the whites of the eggs beaten stiff, two-thirds of a cup of sugar, and the juice of one lemon; place in the oven to brown slightly, and serve either warm or cold. RICE APPLE PUDDING No. 1. Boil one cup of rice in one quart of salted water until nearly done; peel and slice four large, good cooking apples, or six small ones, stir them into the rice, and cook for about twenty minutes, or until the apples are soft. Serve with cream, fruit juice, or milk. RICE APPLE PUDDING No. 2. Boil two tablespoonfuls of well-washed rice in half a pint of milk until soft; then stir in the beaten yolks of two eggs and sugar to sweeten. Make a wall with the rice around a dish; fill the center of the dish with stewed apples, and cover the whole with the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth; sprinkle with powdered sugar, and brown lightly in the oven; serve with cream or milk. BAKED APPLE DUMPLINGS. Take ordinary bread dough, add enough butter to make tender, let rise, then roll out to about one-third of an inch in thickness, and cut into four-inch squares. Place a small quantity of sliced tart apples in the center of each square, gather up the edges‘ and pinch them together, then place or! a shallow pan a little distance apart, and let rise; when light, rub over them a cloth dipped in milk to make them crisp and glossy, and bake. Serve with cream and sugar, fruit sauce, or the juice of some fruit. Fresh rasp- berries, blackberries, cherries, or other fruit may be used instead of apples. A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. 81 BOILED APPLE DUMPLINGS. Proceed as for baked apple dumplings, only after letting rise, tie up loosely in a cloth, drop into boiling water, and boil until the apples are tender. Dough made as for milk biscuits may be used instead of bread dough. CORN STARCH BLANC-MAN GE. To one quart of milk add two tablespoonfuls of sugar, and heat just to boiling; then stir in five tablespoonfuls of cornstarch mixed thoroughly with two well-beaten eggs; flavor with lemon or vanilla, and pour out into cups, previously wet in cold water, to mold. Place a mold of jelly in the center of a platter, and arrange the molds of blanc-mange around it. A portion of the blanc-mange may be colored and flavored with chocolate, so that each alternate mold on the platter will be brown. Serve with cream. APPLE BATTER PUDDING. Pare and slice six medium-sized cooking apples into a buttered pudding dish, adding sugar to sweeten. Make a batter as follows: Beat three eggs to a foam; then add five tablespoonfuls of sifted flour, sprinkling it in while beating vigorously, and half a tea- spoonful of salt. Stir in gradually enough milk to make of the consistency of thick cream, beat well, and pour over the apples, and bake until done. Serve with cream or milk. APPLE TRIFLE. Pare, quarter, core, and stew six or eight apples to a pulrp, adding the juice and grated rind of a lemon. When done, a d sugar to sweeten, and turn into a deep glass dish. Heat a pint of milk to boiling, stir in three well-beaten eggs, saving out the white of one, and two tablespoonfuls of sugar, and cook until thickened. When cold pour over the apples in the dish. Beat the white of the egg to a stiff froth and drop by spoonfuls into a pan of boiling water for a moment, turn, then remove, and use to ornament the pudding. APPLES WITH TAPIOCA. Soak acupful of tapioca in two cupfuls of cold water for an hour; then spread on a clean white cloth, and place some pared and sliced apples, sugar, and grated lemon peel in the center; tie up the cloth loosely so that the tapioca will surround the apples, and put into boiling water; boil half an hour or until done; then turn out the whole into a dish and serve with boiled custard, whipped cream, or fruit jelly. m__ 7 . 6 82 A FRIEND IN TIIE KITCHEN. FRUIT TAPIOCA. Cook three-fourths of a cup of tapioca in four cups of water until smooth and transparent. Stir into it lightly a pint of fresh or canned strawberries, raspberries, or blackberries, adding sugar as required. Serve cold with cream, or a pint of fruit sauce. PEACHES AND RICE. Soak a cup of rice in one and one-fourth cups of water for an hour; then add a cup of milk and a little salt, turn into a double boiler, cover, and steam for an hour, stirring occasionally for the first ten or fifteen minutes. When done, pour into a mold to cool, then turn out into a glass dish. Stew fresh or dried peaches in halves, and arrange them around the rice; pour the sirup or juice over the whole. RICE WITH RAISINS. \Vash and put to cook rice as directed above; after the rice has begun to swell, add a cupful of well-washed raisins. When done, serve with fruit juice, milk, or cream. RICE WITH FIGS. Soak and cook the rice as directed for peaches and rice. Wash a small quantity of figs and stew with a little sugar until thoroughly done; serve a spoonful of the figs with each dish of rice. The fig sauce should be so thick that it will not run over the rice. APPLES» WITH RAISINS. Pare, quarter, and core half a dozen good cooking apples. Wash a small cup of raisins, and put to cook in a quart of boiling water. When they have begun to swell, add the apples, a little sugar to sweeten, and cook until tender. ‘ _ COCONUT PUDDING. To one pint of milk, add two tablespoonfuls of desiccated coconut, and heat to boiling; remove the coconut by turning through a strainer; then add to the milk one-half cup of sugar and one-half cup of fine cracker or bread crumbs, cool a few minutes, then add the beaten yolks of two eggs. Turn into a pudding dish, set it inside a pan of hot water, and bake in the oven until set but not watery. Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, add two teaspoonfuls of sugar, and spread on the top of the pudding; return to the oven to brown slightly. A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. 83 CHERRY PUDDING. Soak a half cup of tapioca, and cook in a pint of water until transparent. Have ready in a pudding dish a pint of fresh, pitted cherries; sprinkle them with sugar, then pour over them the cooked tapioca, and bake for half an hour in a moderate oven. Serve with or without cream. RICE AND FRUIT PUDDING. Cook one small cup of well-washed rice in a quart of boiling, slightly salted water until tender. Then add one teaspoonful of butter, one beaten egg, and one-fourth cup of sugar. Grease a pudding mold, and sprinkle with fine bread crumbs. Put in a layer of rice one-half inch thick, then a layer of drained canned or stewed fruit, then rice again, and so on till the mold is full. ]ust before serving, turn out of the mold onto a warm dish. Serve with a sauce made out of the sirup drained from the fruit; heat it to boiling, and thicken with a little cornstarch. Or serve with a vanilla custard sauce made of one cup of milk heated to boiling, one egg, one tablespoonful of sugar, and vanilla to flavor. IVIINUTE PUDDING. Put one quart of milk into the inner vessel of a double boiler, or into an ordinary saucepan greased with a little butter, and heat to boiling; then stir in two small cups of flour, sifting it in a little at a time, and stirring briskly, that no lumps may be formed. just before removing from the fire add two well-beaten eggs, stir a moment, and serve at once with cream, and a little sugar if desired. If preferred, the eggs may be omitted. ARROWROOT BLANC-IVIANGE. Heat a pint of milk to boiling; then stir in two heaping table- spoonfuls of arrowroot rubbed smooth in a half cup of cold milk, and a half cup of sugar; cook for a few minutes until thickened, stirring well, and pour into cups or molds previously wet in cold water, to cool. Serve with stewed fruit or fruit juice. C/, ta as .§s@1\lM><§> fl Simplicity is the highest art Many dishes have induced many dis- eases.—Senem. Study simplicity in the number of dishes, and variety in the character of the meals. It is not the chief end of man to gratify his appetite.—Clzristian Temperance. .;'-.;'.a‘ CREAM MOLD. . Heat two cups of milk to boiling; then add one-half cup of sugar, and three tablespoonfuls of ground rice, wet in a little cold milk; flavor with vanilla, and stir well until it thickens; pour into cups or molds previously wet in cold water, until set, then turn out on a large plate or into little dishes. Have ready a cup of whipped cream, and put some over each mold with a bit of jelly in the center of each, 0r_ serve with fruit sauce. BOILED CUSTARD. Put one quart of milk and one-half cup of sugar into the inner vessel of a double boiler, let heat to boiling, then stir in slowly three eggs well beaten, and one tablespoonful of cornstarch rubbed smooth in a little cold milk; add any flavoring desired. Stir well, and when well set, turn into a dish to cool. FLOATING ISLAND. Put a pint of milk into a double boiler; let heat to boiling, then add the well-beaten yolks of three eggs mixed with three tablespoonfuls of sugar. Stir well, and when done turn into the dish from which it is to be served. Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, and drop by spoonfuls for a few seconds into a pan of hot water; let them stand for a moment, then turn over, but do not allow them to harden. Remove with a skimmer or spoon, [34] A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. 85~ 3.l1(1 put as islands on the top of the custard; let cool, then place bits of jelly on top of the islands. APPLE FLOAT. To one pint of nice stewed apples, add the whites of three eggs beaten to a stiff froth, and four tablespoonfuls of white sugar; beat all together until very stiff. Have a glass dish filled with boiled custard made with two cups of milk, the yolks of the eggs, one teaspoonful of cornstarch, a tablespoonful of sugar, and flavoring if desired. Pile the apples on top, and serve. BANANA CUSTARD. Slice six bananas into a deep dish. Heat one pint of milk to boiling; beat together one egg, one tablespoonful of sugar, and one dessertspoonful of cornstarch blended with a little milk, and stir into the hot milk; let boil up once or twice, then pour over the bananas, stirring them in. ORANGE CUSTARD. ~ Remove the peel from three large oranges, cut in halves, and rub through a colander. Heat one pint of milk to boiling, then add a tablespoonful of cornstarch dissolved in a little cold milk, and the beaten yolks of three eggs. When thickened, allow to cool, then stir in the oranges. Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, add two-thirds of a cup of sugar, and spread on the top of the custard; place in the oven till slightly brown; serve cold. PINEAPPLE CUSTARD. Make a custard of one quart of milk, two-thirds of a cup of sugar, and four eggs: heat the milk to boiling in a double boiler; then add the eggs and sugar beaten together. Stir well, and when done set aside to cool. Have a nice, ripe pineapple picked to pieces with a fork, and sprinkled with sugar. just before serving the custard stir in the pineapple. CORNSTARCH IVIERINGUE. Heat three cups of milk to boiling, then stir in gradually two tablespoonfuls of cornstarch rubbed smooth in a little cold milk. When thickened, allow to cool a little, and then add, stirring con- tinuously meanwhile, the yolks of two well-beaten eggs mixed with three tablespoonfuls of sugar; Simmer for a minute or two longer, turn into a dish, meringue the top with the whites of the eggs beaten stiff, place in a slow oven to brown slightly, and when cold, dot with bits of jelly. 86 A FRIEND IN .I‘l{F§ KITCHEN. TAPIOCA CREAM. Wash, and soak four even tablespoonfuls of tapioca in a cup of water until soft; then add a little salt and a pint of milk, and heat just to boiling in a double boiler, or a saucepan set in hot water, when add the yolks of three eggs well beaten, and one-half cup of sugar; cook for a few minutes, then turn into an earthen dish; when cool, spread over the top the whites of the eggs beaten stiff with two tablespoonfuls of sugar, adding vanilla or lemon flavor- ing, if desired; place in the oven to brown slightly. RICE CUSTARD. Wash one-half cup of rice, and cook in a double boiler in three cups of water or milk, or equal parts of each, until tender, adding a little salt; then add, while still on the range, one pint of milk, the yolks of three eggs well beaten, and five tablespoonfuls of sugar; stir gently, and cook only until thickened. Then turn into a pudding dish. Beat well the whites of three eggs, add three tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar, flavor with lemon or vanilla, and spread over the top of the custard; place in a slow oven to brown slightly, and serve warm or cold. RICE MOLD CUSTARD. Wash one-half cup of rice, and cook as above. When done, mold in cups, filling about half full, and serve with a boiled custard made of one pint of milk, three tablespoonfuls of sugar, a tea- spoonful of cornstarch, and one egg. CUSTARD WITH FRUIT SAUCE. Make a boiled custard of a pint of milk, three tablespoonfuls of sugar, and the yolks of three eggs; turn into a dish to cool. Heat a pint of strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, currant, or plum juice to boiling, then stir in two tablespoonfuls of cornstarch mixed smooth in a little cold water; stir until thickened, when add sugar to sweeten; take from the fire, stir in the stifliy-beaten whites of the eggs, and when cool, place by spoonfuls on top oi the custard. and serve. Ml. Rich sauces and highly-seasoned dishes provoke thirst.—Sel. Rich sauces are even worse than heaping several meats upon each other.—PZm_y. ai ei J3 Sauces for Vegetables. TOMATO SAUCE No. 1. AKE two cups of strained, stewed tomatoes, heat to boiling, stir in a tablespoonful of flour or cornstarch blended with a little cold water, add a little cream, or a small piece of butter, and salt to taste. TOMATO SAUCE No. 2. Boil one pint of fresh or canned tomatoes with a little onion, salt, and herb-flavor, then strain through a colander, and add one tablespoonful of flour browned with a teaspoonful of butter. ' MILK SAUCE. Brown a teaspoonful of butter in a f rying-pan, then pour in a pint of milk, and heat to boiling; thicken with two tablespoonfuls of flour blended with a little cold milk, and cook a few minutes longer, stirring well. Season with salt. This is nice served on toast or mashed potatoes. A little celery may be siinniered in the milk a little while before thickening, to flavor, if desired. LENTIL SAUCE. Rub a cupful of cooked lentils through a colander into a saucepan; ad a cup of milk and a little sauce. When come to boiling, stir in a tablespoonful of browned flour rubbed smooth in a little cold milk. Add a little chopped parsley, if desired. For browned flour see page I8. . [87] 88 A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. BROWN SAUCE No. I. Put a teaspoonful of butter into a frying-pan, and brown slightly; then pour in a pint of‘ milk, and heat to boiling; stir in two tablespoon uls of browned flour rubbed to a paste in a little cold water or milk; season with salt, boil until thickened, and serve. BROWN SAUCE No. 2. Put a tablespoonful of butter into a frying-pan; when melted, sprinkle in a tablespoonful of flour, stirring until nicely browned; then add enough boiling water to maké of the consistency of cream, stirring constantly to prevent lumps from forming. Add salt to taste. EGG AND MILK SAUCE. To a {pint of milk add a tablespoonful or two of cream, or a teaspoon ul of butter, and heat to boiling; then stir in one even tablespoonful of flour rubbed smooth in a little cold water or milk; let boil a few minutes, stirring constantly; then stir in rapidly the well-beaten yolk of one egg; season with salt, boil up, and serve. MINT SAUCE. _ Take fresh, green mint, wash, and chop very fine. Put into a glass, and for each two tablespoonfuls of mint allow one table- spoonful of sugar, and the juice of one lemon diluted with an equal amount of water. JJJ Sauces for Desserts. _ ARROWROOT SAUCE. Heat one cup of water to boiling; then add one teaspoonful of sugar, and one small tablespoonful of arrowroot mixed smooth in a little cold water, stirring briskly. In a few minutes remove from the fire, and flavor with lemon or almond. Nice for pud- dings. BOILED CUSTARD SAUCE. Beat together in a saucepan, two eggs, one tablespoonful of sugar, and one-half teaspoonful of cornstarch. Place over the fire one cupful of milk, and as soon as it begins to boil pour it over the eggs in the saucepan; stir well, place over the fire to boil until it thickens, then pour into a pitcher, and flavor if desired. A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. 89 CHOCOLATE SAUCE. Mix two tablespoonfuls of shaved chocolate with two cupfuls of sweet milk and heat to boiling; then add the well-beaten yolks of two eggs, stirring briskly; boil a few minutes until thickened, and remove from the fire; add the whites of the eggs, which have been beaten to a stiff froth, and two tablespoonfuls of white sugar. Nice with cornstarch blanc~mange. ORANGE SAUCE. Heat a pint of water fin boiling, and thicken with a tablespoon- ful of cornstarch; add a cupful of orange juice extracted from nice, sour oranges, a small piece of the yellow rind for flavoring, and sugar to sweeten; the beaten yolk of an egg may be added if desired; remove the orange rind before serving. LEMON SAUCE. To a pint of boiling water add a slice or two of lemon, and thicken with a small tablespoonful of cornstarch; remove the lemon, cook a few minutes until clear, then add two-thirds of a cup of sugar, the juice of one lemon, and a beaten egg if desired; boil up, cool, and serve. _ FRUIT SAUCE. Obtain the juice of raspberries, strawberries, grapes, currants, or any larger fruit, by simmering for a short time with a little water, and straining through a thin cloth; heat the juice to scald- ing, then slightly thicken with cornstarch rubbed smooth in a little cold water, allowing a tablespoonful of cornstarch for each pint of juice; cook a few minutes till thickened, and sweeten to taste. Three or four tablespoonfuls of fruit jelly dissolved in a pint of hot water makes a good substitute for fruit juice if the latter is not available. WHIPPED CREAM SAUCE. Beat separately one cup of cold sweet cream, and the whites of two eggs, beating each to a stiff froth. Mix one-half cup of powdered white sugar with the eggs, a teaspoonful of vanilla or lemon extract, then add the cream, beating all well together. Have the cream cool, or the beating will turn it to butter. <_/‘iv /,// Z“ e/:14 ”’ /.// s 3 <> " To keep in health this rule is wise: Eat only when you need and relish food, Chew thoroughly. that it may do you good, ~" Have it well cooked, unspiced, and undisguised." Food for repentance—mince pie eaten late at night.—Sel. He who eats till he is sick must fast till he is well.—-Sal. ‘ ea‘ .2‘ J QNE of the greatest objections to pies is that they are generally made too rich. When a large amount of grease is employed in making the crust, and the filling is seasoned heavily with spices and various condiments, they can hardly fail to be unwholesome. But pies need not be made in this way. If proper in- gredients are used, and simplicity is studied in making them, there is no reason why they should be seriously objectionable. _ There are two styles of pie in general use, one baked in a deep dish, fre- ‘ quently with only a top crust, the other Pi» Dish in a shallow dish, usually with two crusts, an upper and an under. Custard, cream, lemon, and pumpkins pies, however, have only an under crust. Most of the recipes here given are for the shallow pies with two crusts. Custard, pumpkin, and other pies in which milk and eggs are used, should be baked in a slow oven. They fool A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. 91 will also be improved if the milk used be hot. To stir beaten eggs into the hot milk, add a few spoonfuls of cold milk to the eggs, then pour into the hot milk, a little at a time, stirring well. The filling for pies should always be prepared before making the crust, unless the crust is to be baked first. All the material should be cold, except for custard and pumpkin pies, and should be put together quickly, han- dling as little as possible, and without kneading the dough. ‘ When the paste is ready, take suflicient for one crust, and roll out on a floured board quickly and lightly until about an eighth of an inch in thickness, and a little larger than the pie Rollins-Pin . dish, as it will shrink when lifted from the board. When rolled thin, flour the pie dish, cover smoothly with the crust, and fill, adding wliat sugar is required to sweeten. If there is to be a top crust, roll it out in the same manner, and make a few ornamental cuts in the center to allow the steam to escape. Wet the edge of the lower crust, and lift on the upper crust, press- ing the edges together so that the juice may not escape. Trim away the over- hanging portions, and with the thumb and fingers press the edge into a scalloped or ornamental wall, as shown in the accompanying cut. Especially should this be done when only an under crust is used, that the pie may be handled with greater ease. It also adds to the appearance of the pie. Pies are generally better eaten the same day they are baked. 92 A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. PLAIN PIE CRUST. For each pie withtwo crusts take two small cups of sifted flour, and work thoroughly into it three tablespoonfuls of butter, adding a little salt; wet with just sutficient cold water to make a rather stiff dough; mix quickly, roll out thin, and bake as soon as the pie can be made. A good crust may be made with olive oil, or fresh coconut oil, instead of butter, using about the same quantity. CREAM PIE CRUST. ' Take two scant cups of fine, sifted flour, or equal parts of fine flour and graham flour, add a little salt, and moisten with enough cold, thin sweet cream to make a rather stifl" dough; roll out thin, place in the pie dish, fill, and bake quickly. CORN-MEAL PIE CRUST. For a medium-sized pie with two crusts take a cupful each of white flour and corn-meal, a little salt, the yolk of one egg well beaten, and about one-third cup of cold, thin sweet cream or rich milk; sift the flour and meal together, add the salt, then, with a spoon, stir together lightly' and quickly with the egg and milk; gather up .the fragments, and without kneading, roll out thin, place in a floured pie dish, fill, and bake at once. This makes a good, wholesome crust. APPLE PIE. Pare, core, and slice thin, tart ripe apples; line the pie dish with a crust, and fill with the apples; sprinkle with sugar, and add two or three tablespoonfuls of cold water. Roll out the upper crust, make a few cuts in the center for the steam to escape, wet the edge of the lower crust, and cover with the upper crust; press together, and cut away overhanging portions; place in the oven, and bake until a light brown. Apples that do not cook quickly may be stewed before making into pies. Apple pie when cold is very nice served with sweet cream. PEACH PIE. Pare, remove stones, and make the same as apple pie. GOOSEBERRY PIE. Remove the stems and blossom ends, wash, and fill a pie dish lined with a crust. Add a half cup of sugar, and sprinkle with flour. Prepare the upper crust the same as for apple pie, cover, and bake. To prevent the juice from running out while baking, make a paste of a teaspoonful of flour and a little water, and brush over the edge of the under crust before putting on the top crust. A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. 95 CUSTARD PIE. Line a pie dish with a crust, prick well with a fork, bake, and fill with the following: Three eggs, three tablespoonfuls of sugar, and one teaspoonful of flour; beat thoroughly together, and add milk enough to fill the dish. Bake slowly until set, but do not allow to boil. To be eaten cold, but on the same day it is baked. PUMPKIN PE. Cut the pumpkin in halves, remove the seeds, cut in slices, and stew until dry and soft. Mash smooth, and for each pie take one cup of stewed pumpkin, one-third cup of sugar, two eggs, and about a pint of milk. Beat the eggs and sugar together, stir in the pumpkin, and, lastly, add the milk; mix well, and bake with an under crust only, until the custard is set. Squash may be used instead of pumpkin. If more convenient, two tablespoonfuls of flour may be used in place of the eggs. A tablespoonful or two of molasses may also be added if desire . What moistens the lip, and What brightens the eve, What brings back the past, Like a good pumpkin pie? —Whz.llicr. PE WITH UPPER CRUST ONLY. Take a deep pie dish, place a small cup upside down in the middle of it, and fill the dish with fruit, adding sugar as desired. Place a border of crust around the edge of the dish, put on the top crust, ornament the edges, and bake. TARTS. Line shallow pie dishes or patty-pans with good crusts, fill with the fruit, and bake. When done, remove from the oven,and sprinkle with fine sugar. Small tarts may be made by rolling crust out thin, and cutting in shapes with a cake cutter, using half of them for the under crust, and the other half for tops; ornament by cutting small holes in the center with a thimble or small fancy mold. Bake quickly, and when done put together with fruit jelly. VEGETABLE PE. Boil for a short time several potatoes and onions, after which slice them into a deep, buttered pie dish in layers; add to each layer a little sage and well-steeped tapioca, and season with salt. Cover with a crust and bake. A very economical and wholesome pie. . £v/ ‘ - //// / ////////1////////////0////////////////// /4/////////////N /////aw////////////////////////////////uv // // // Feed sparingly, and defy the physician.—Sel. Who lives to eat, will die by eating.—Sel. Whoever eats too much, or of food which is not healthful, is weakening his powers to resist the clamors of other appetites and passions.— Christian Temperance. The best seasoning for food is hunger.—S0£rales. Reason should direct, and appetite obey.-Cicero. Men should be temperate in eating as well as drinking.—Dr. Brandreili. .a‘..>'-.2‘ TO make cake, get everything in readiness before be- ginning. Mix the ingredients in a granite-ware, enameled, or earthen basin. Sift the flour before using. If baking-powder is used, sift together with the flour two or three times. Use white sugar unless brown is called for. Beat the whites and yolks of the eggs separately; the yolks until they cease to foam, and the whites to a stifi froth. Eggs will beat to ,a stiffer froth if cold, and beaten in a cold dish, and in a cool room. Use Dover E-lZ8-Beater. earthen or china bowls or plates to 7 [97] I00 A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. of sugar, and three tablespoonfuls of good lively yeast. Beat well together, and let rise until light; then add another half cup of sugar and a half cup of flour. When risen the second time, add two eggs well beaten, one-half cup of currants, one cup of seeded raisins, and one~half cup of flour. Place in a bread pan‘ until very light, and bake. CREAM CAKE. One cupful each of sugar and sweet milk, one egg, one table- spoonful of butter, two cupfuls of flour, and two teaspoonfuls of baking-powder. Bake in three shallow tins. Make a filling to put between the layers as follows: Heat one cupful of milk to boiling, then add one-fourth of a cup of sugar, one dessertspoonful of flour rubbed smooth in a little of the cold milk, and one beaten egg. Boil until thickened, and place between the layers. CORNSTARCH CAKE. ‘Take the whites of three eggs, one-half cup of cornstarch, one- half cup of butter, one cup of sugar, one-half cup of sweet milk, one cup of flour, and one teaspoonful of baking-powder. Mix the butter and sugar to a cream; dissolve the cornstarch with the milk, and add to the butter and sugar; sift the baking-powder into the flour, and stir into the mixture, and lastly fold in the whites of the eggs which have been beaten stiff. Bake at once in a moderate oven. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE. Into two quarts of sifted flour rub thoroughly one and a half teaspoonfuls of baking-powder, half a teaspoonful of salt, and two tablespoonfuls of butter; add enough sweet milk to make a soft dough; roll out slightly, and bake in a shallow pan. When done, split open with a sharp, heated knife, and cover the lower half with a generous layer of ripe, crushed, sweetened strawberries; then place the other half of the shortcake on the top of this, cover it with a few of the crushed berries, and serve with cream. Peaches or raspberries may be used in the same manner. FIG CAKE. Take one cupful of sugar, two-thirds of a cupful of sweet milk, two tablespoonfuls of butter, two cupfuls of flour, two teaspoonfuls of baking-powder, and the whites of four eggs. Sift the flour before measuring. Rub the sugar and butter to a cream, add the milk, the flour, and baking-powder, and, lastly, the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Add any flavoring desired, and bake in three layers. Cook together for ten minutes one-half pound of figs chopped fine, one small cupful of water and one-half cupful of sugar, and spread between the layers. “Um saw» 'A\ Ar’ Write it underneath your feet, Up and down the busy street; VVrite it for the great and small, In the palace, cottage, hall,- Where there.s drink there.s danger. —SeIected. Water is best.-Pindar. Tea is a stimulant; sale coffee is a hurtful indulgence. \/Vine is a mocker, strong drink is raging; and whosoever is de- ceived thereby is not wise.—Solomon. If you wish to keep mind clear and body healthy, abstain from all fermented liquors.—S3/dney Smith. Many who never touch alcohol ruin their health by tea.- Hygiene Review. Temperance is the parent of health, cheerfulness, and old age. -George Mogridge. JJJ CEREALCOFFEE. l Take three cups of bran, one cup of corn-meal, oatmeal, or grits, one-third cup of molasses, and one egg; beat the egg and molasses together, and mix thoroughly with the bran and meal. Place on shallow tins, bake in a moderate oven until a dark brown, stirring frequently, taking care not to burn. If inclined to be lumpy, take out, roll out fine with a rolling-pin, and return to the oven until thoroughly browned. It may then be ground through a coffee-mill before putting away for use. For every cup of coffee require allow one heaping tablespoonful; pour boiling water over gaff“ 5m;m,. it, and steep, not boil, for fifteen or twenty minutes. More may be used for greater strength If desired. Strain through a wire coffee strainer. Serve with plenty of cream [I02] ‘ l 0,; _ l A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. I03 or milk, warmed is better, and a little sugar if desired. When properly prepared this will be found to be a very smooth and pal- atable drink. The egg may be omitted, and a little more molasses used if preferred. CRUST COFFEE. Brown slices of stale bread, either white or brown, in the oven slowly until a dark brown; when done, break into small pieces or roll fine with a rolling-pin. Allow one cupful of boiling water to a tablespoonful of the browned crumbs; let steep a few minutes, strain, and serve with cream and sugar. CORN COFFEE. Brown common field corn as brown as possible without burning; then pound, or grind coarsely in a coffee-mill, and place in a covered can ready for use. In making the coffee, mix the white of an egg with three tablespoonfuls of the ground grain, pour over three or four cups of boiling water, and steep for ten or fifteen minutes. Serve with cream and Sugai-_ Coffzz-Min. . Peas, wheat, barley, or rice may be prepared in the same way. HOT MILK. Heat the milk in a double boiler until the surface becomes wrinkled. It should be drunk a few sips at a time. A bowl of hot milk and brown bread forms a nourishing meal. Many who feel that they need a stimulant would find in a glass of this simple beverage a substitute far more satisfying and enduring in its effects. CAMBRIC TEA. Take two parts boiling water and one part milk, adding a little sugar to sweeten. This makes a very simple but pleasant and wholesome drink. LEMONADE NO. 1. For each glass of lemonade take one-half lemon and two tea- spoonfuls of sugar. Extract the juice with a lemon drill, or squeeze it into the glass on the sugar, being careful to remove all seeds and white portions. Fill the glass with cold water. More or less sugar may be used according to the size of the lemon and the acidity of the juice. The juice will be extracted more easily if the lemon Lemon 13,51, is first rolled or squeezed till soft. The beverage will also be improved if a tin cup is placed tightly over the glass, and all well shaken. A glass fruit jar will answer the purpose. I64 A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. . LEMONADE NO. 2. For each quart desired, take the juice of three or four lemons, and the rind of one. Peel the rind very thin, getting just the yellow; place_it in a pitcher with the juice of the lemons and from four to six tablespoonfuls of white sugar. Pour over enough hot water to make a quart in all; cover at once, and let stand until cold; or pour over a spoonful or two of boiling water to dissolve the sugar, and add the necessary quantity of cold water. - HOT LEMON ADE. Pare a few thin bits of rind from a lemon, and place in a pitcher; pour over a pint of boiling water, cover, and let stand for a few moments. Pour enough boiling water over a tablespoonful of sugar in another vessel to dissolve it; cut the lemon in halves, extract the juice, and add to the dissolved sugar; remove the peel from the water, stir in the lemon juice and sugar, and serve. ORANGEADE. Choose nice, juicy, ripe oranges, and make the same as lemon- ade Nos. I and 2, only using less sugar. This will be found a much nicer drink than many may imagine. Try 1t. FRUIT JUICE LEMONADE. To a pint of lemonade prepared according to foregoing recipes, add a half cup of strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, or currant juice. This gives a nice color to the lemonade, besides improving its flavor. PINEAPPLE LEMONADE. ' Make the lemonade as indicated above, and flavor with a few spoonfuls of pineapple juice. GRAPEADE. _ Take two pounds of thoroughly ripe purple grapes, crush, and strain the juice through a coarse cloth or jelly bag. Add to the juice three tablespoonfuls of white sugar,-and dilute with sufficient cold water to suit the taste. FRUIT JUICE DRINKS. Take a small quantity of the juice of any stewed fresh, or canned fruit. Dilute with water, and add sugar according to the acidity of the juice. When fruit juice is not available, similar drinks may be made by dissolving fruit jelly in warm water and allowing to cool. Such drinks are especially refreshing for the sick. A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. 107 GRANOSE PUDDING. Stir well together one pint of milk, one and one-half cups of granose, three tablespoonfuls of sugar, and one egg well beaten. Turn into a pudding dish, which place in a pan 0 hot water, and bake slowly in the oven for about an hour. GRANOSE FRUIT-CAKE. Take a shallow pudding dish, cover the bottom with rasp- berries, strawberries, or other small fruits, then add a la er of granose, thus altemating until the dish is full. Let stand, in a cool place for an hour, then cut into slices, and serve with milk or cream. GRANOSE BISCUIT. Take the prepared granose biscuit, and treat the same as toast, serving with milk or cream, poached eggs, asparagus, stewed fruits, or fruit juices, or with soups. .>¥.>¢.>¢ Nut Butter. Nut butter is a preparation from nuts, and is a sub- stitute for butter and cream. It may be used in all dishes in which the latter are used, from one to two tablespoonfuls of it being used where one cup of cream or one tablespoonful of ordinary butter is used. A small quantity mixed to a cream with a little hot water is a nice addition to soups, is excellent used with caramel cereal, and the cereal drinks in the preceding depart- ment, and with vegetables and grains generally. NUT BUTTER CREAM. Into the nut butter stir in with a spoon cold water until of the consistency of cream, and use the same as ordinary cream. Only the quantity needed for each meal should be prepared at a time. NUT BUTTER GRAVY. Take one tablespoonful of nut butter rubbed smooth in a little I08 A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. hot water, and stir into one pint of boiling water; to this add two even tablespoonfuls of browned flour mixed smooth in a little cold water. Salt to taste, boil a few minutes, and serve the same as milk gravy NUT BUTTER PIE CRUST. For each cup of flour take one tablespoonful of nut butter, and proceed as with ordinary shortening, adding a little salt, and suffi- cient cold water to make a rather stifl‘ dough. A little corn-meal or grits used with the flour will make the crust more tender with less shortening. NUT BUTTER SANDWICHES. Take thinly-cut slices of graham or white bread, spread with nut butter, adding a few finely-chopped dates, figs, or raisins, and press the slices together: =99 09 U9‘ ' Protose. This is also a nut product, and is intended as a sub- stitute for meat. It may be prepared and served in much the same way as flesh foods, which it resembles somewhat in both appearance and flavor. While it possesses nearly twice their nutritive value, it is free from their objectionable features. Protose makes a good flavoring for soups, and is excellent cooked with vege- tables . STEWED PROTOSE. Into a pint of boiling water put an equal quantity of protose cut into half-inch squares, and cook in a double boiler for two hours. A sliced onion, a little parsley, or a few bits of celery may be added for flavoring a little before it is done. Season with salt, and serve hot. ROAST PROTOSE. Take one pint of granola or toasted bread crumbs, one pint of water, one cup of stewed, strained tomatoes, and one-halt‘ pound of protose cut fine; add a little finely-powdered sage, and salt to taste; mix all well together, and bake in shallow pans until brown. A FRIEND IN TIIE KITCHEN. I09 PROTOSE SANDWICHES. Spread thin slices of brown or white bread or milk biscuits with nut butter, and place between them thin slices of protose. 0 .>¢.;9.$ Caramel Cereal. This is a harmless and nutritious substitute for tea and coffee, both of which are now generally recognized by the best physicians as harmful beverages, and the cause of many nervous disorders. It is made wholly from grain products, and is coming to be recognized as an excellent drink the world over. 9 CARAMEL CEREAL. Allow one dessertspoonful of the caramel cereal for each cup of the beverage required, and steep from ten to twenty minutes; serve with milk or cream, or with nut-butter cream, prepared according to a preceding recipe. 1 A 0 .\ k II2 A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. RICE WATER. Put into a saucepan one-half cup of well-washed rice; add three cups of cold water, and boil for thirty minutes. Strain, season with salt, and serve. BARLEY WATER. Put two tablespoonfuls of pearl barley into a cupful of boiling water, and let simmer a few minutes; drain, and add two quarts of boiling water with a few figs and seeded raisins chopped fine. Cook slowly until reduced one-half; strain; add sugar to taste, and a little of the juice and rind of a lemon, if desired. BAKED APPLE. Take a good tart apple, pare, cut in halves, remove the core, place in a small pan with a spoonful or two of water and a sprinkle of sugar, and bake until tender. Serve in a small dish with a little cream, or cover the apple with the white of an egg beaten stiff with a teaspoonful of powdered sugar, and brown lightly in a very slow oven. Sweet apples are also nice baked, but are best baked whole, and without being pared. CUP CUSTARD. To one well-beaten egg add a tablespoonful of sugar, turn into a cup, and fill up the cup with milk, stirring all together. Set the cup in a basin- full of hot water, and bake in the oven until just set. Serve from the cup in which it was baked. The custard may be flavored with lemon or vanilla, if desired. BEAN BROTH. Look over and wash one cupful of beans, and put to cook in plenty of water, replenishing with hot water occasionally, if necessary. ‘Cook slowly until tender, when there should be but little more -than a cupful of broth remaining, which drain off, season with a spoonful of cream, a little salt, and serve hot. WHITE OF EGG AND MILK. Beat the white of an egg to a stiff froth, and stir briskly into a .glass of cold milk. Good for persons with weak digestion. STEAMED EGG. Break an egg into an egg cup or patty-pan, sprinkle lightly with salt, and steam over boiling water until the white is set. A IFRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. 1I3 BOILED EGG. Heat two tablespoonfuls_of water in a basin, break into it a fresh egg, and stir well until set, but not stiff. Season with salt, and serve on toast. EGG-NOG. Beat one egtg and a teaspoonful of powdered sugar to a foam; add the juice o half a lemon, pour into a glass, and fill up with cold water. EGG-NOG HOT. Beat well together the yolk of one egg and a tablespoonful of sugar; add one-half cup of hot milk or water, and the white of the egg beaten to a stiff froth; stir lightly, and serve. TAPIOCA MILK. Into two cups of sweet milk stir one dessertspoonful of tapioca, and simmer for about an hour, stirring occasionally. Add sugar if desired. ARROWROOT CUSTARD. Take two cups of boiling milk, three tablespoonfuls of arrow- root moistened with a little cold milk, one tablespoonful of white sugar, and one egg; mix the arrowroot paste with the boiling milk, stir for three minutes, or until clear; then take from the fire, and add the egg and sugar beaten together; return to the fire, boil two minutes longer, and flavor with vanilla. APPLES AND RICE. Stew two or three ripe apples to a pulp; add sugar to sweeten. Boil a half cup of rice in milk until quite soft; place the rice around a plate with the apples in the center, and serve. TAPIOCA CUP PUDDING. ' Soak one tablespoonful of tapioca in a small cup of milk for two hours; then stir in the beaten yolk of a fresh egg, a teaspoon- ful of sugar, and a very little salt; turn into a cup, and bake in the oven for twelve or fifteen minutes. Will fortune never come with both hands full, And write her fair words still in foulest letters? She either gives a stomach, and no iood,— Such are the poor, in health, or else a feast, And takes away the stomach,—such are the rich, That have abundance, and enjoy it not. 8 —Slzakz.rpeare, ‘ OATMEAL WATER AND MILK. For an infant under three months, put one tablespoonful of fine oatmeal into a pint of boiling water, boil for an hour, replenishing with boiling water to keep the quantity good; strain, and add one cup of sterilized milk. Feed in bottle. For infants from three to six months, use equal portions of milk and oatmeal water, and after six months, two-thirds milk. SUBSTITUTE FOR MOTHER'S MILK No. I. _Take one ounce cow’s milk, two ounces cream, three drams milk sugar, one grain bicarbonate of soda, and one ounce of water. Increase the quantity of Illllk and cream as the child gets older. SUBSTITUTE FOR MOTHER'S MILK No. 2. Take one tablespoonful of cream, four tablespoonfuls of milk, two tablespoonfuls of lime water, and four tablespoonfuls of sweet- ened water. Sugar of milk, two ounces to a pint of water, is pref- erable to ordinary sugar for preparing the sweetened water. This will generally agree with the most delicate stomach. WHITE OF EGG AND WATER. Stir well the white of an egg into a cupful of as warm water as can be used without coagulating the egg. Good for infants suffer- ing with extremely weak digestion, an unable to take milk. PROPER CLOTHING FOR CHILDREN. In providing clothing for children two things should be spe- cially considered—comfort and modesty. A child’s limbs should be thoroughly protected from the cold by good warm underclothes and full-length stockings; otherwise the blood passing through the unprotected parts becomes chilled, and colds and other complaints result. A child is not modestly clothed if left to go about without suitable underclothing or none at all. Better to use the extra time and means expended on needless trimmings in dressing the child modestly and comfortably. [II4j ~ / , TO STERILIZE MILK. As soon as received, heat rapidly in a double boiler to nearly the boiling point; keep at this temperature for half an hour; then remove from the fire, and cool as quickly as possible, by pouring it into clean pans, previously scalded, and placing these in cold water. It is safest to use milk and cream which have been steril- ized, as otherwise they are frequently a means of communicating diseases, such as tuberculosis, diptheria, and typhoid fever. The heat destroys the germs. COTTAGE CHEESE. Set a pan of thick sour milk in hot water, or in a warm oven where it will heat gradually; scald until the whey separates from the curd, but do not allow to boil, as it will make the curd tough. Line a colander with a coarse cloth, dip the scalded curd into it, then tie the corners of the cloth together, and hang up to drain. When quite dry turn into a dish, and rub fine with a spoon; add a little salt, a few spoonfuls of cream or rich milk, and beat together until light and smooth. If desired, it may be formed into balls with the hands. Put in a cool place. Very nice for lunch or tea, and is best when freshly made. HOIVIINY OR HULLED CORN. To hull four quarts of corn, use one heaping tablespoonful of soda, and water enough to cover the corn. Boil for four hours, or until the hull is well loosened and can be readily removed. Then wash in cold water thoroughly, stirring, rubbing, and rinsing until the hulls have all been turned off. Soak in clear water overnight to remove all traces of soda, and cook in a. kettle or large saucepan all day in clear water, stirring occasionally to prevent burning on the bottom, and replenishing with hot water as needed. Season with salt, put into a jar, and keep in a cool place. Warm in small quantities as needed, with a little cream, or milk and butter, and serve hot. A little sugar may be added if desired. This will be found an excellent addition to the winter’s bill of fare. [115] i A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. I17 When dry, wrap separately in paper, and pack in sawdust, bran, or salt. TO PRFSERVE LEMON JUICE. When lemons are cheap, purchase several dozen at once. With the hand press each lemon on the table, rolling it back and forth briskly a few times; cut into halves, and extract the juice with a lemon drill into a bowl or tumbler,—never into a tin; strain the juice through a wire strainer, colander, or coarse cloth to remove the seeds and pulp; add a pint of water and a pound of white sugar to the juice of each dozen lemons, and boil in an enameled saucepan for about ten minutes; then bottle and set in a cool place, and it is ready for use. A tablespoonful or two of the sirup in a glass of water makes a cooling, healthful drink. COOKED PINEAPPLE. Pare with a sharp knife, cut into thin slices, divide the slices into quarters, put into a saucepan with one-half cup of water, and a very little sugar for each pineapple; cover with a china plate or enameled lid, and cook slowly for about two hours. PINEAPPLE TRIFLE. Take one can of preserved pineapple, or one pineapple cooked as above, drain off all the juice, divide the slices, put into a pud- ding dish, and cover with slices of cake, or arrange in alternate layers of cake and pineapple, having the top layer of cake. Heat one and one-half cups of milk to boiling, stir in one tablespoonful of flour rubbed smooth in a little cold milk, let cool, add the beaten yolk of one egg, and pour over the above. Cover with a meringue made of the stifiiy beaten whites of two eggs and two tablespoonfuls of sugar. Nice for dessert. TO FROST FRUITS. Secure nice bunches of cherries, currants, grapes, or berries with the stems on; dip them into the beaten white of an egg, then into powdered sugar, and place on a plate or clean white paper so as not to touch each other, to dry. Peaches, plums, and oranges, first pared and divided into sections, may be treated likewise. Fruits prepared thus are sometimes nice for ornament. ROLLED CRACKERS. Heat a few crackers in the oven to make them crisp, being care- ful not to scorch; remove from the oven, allow to cool, and roll fine with a rolling-pin. Nice for soups. A FRIEND IN THE KITCHEN. I25 RULFS FOR DYSPEPTICS. DYSPEPSIA, or indigestion, is coming to be so general as to demand serious attention. The following rules will be found valuable to all persons suflering with this com- p1aint:— I. Eat slowly, masticating the food very thoroughly, even more so, if possible, than is required in health. The more time the food spends in the mouth, the less it will spend in the stomach. 2. Avoid drinking at meals; at most, take a few sips of warm drink at the close of the meal, if the food is very dry in character. 3. In general, dyspeptic stomachs manage dry food better than that containing much fluid. 4. Eat neither very hot nor very cold food. The best tempera- ture is about that of the body. Avoid exposure to cold after eating. 5. Be careful to avoid excess in eating. Eat no more than the wants of the system require. Sometimes less than is really needed must be taken when the digestion is very weak. Strength depends not on what is eaten, but on what is digested. 6. Never take violent exercise of any sort, either mental or physical, just before or just after a meal. It is not good to sleep immediately after eating, or within four hours of a meal. 7. Never eat more than three times a day, and make the last meal very light. For many dyspeptics two meals are better than more. 8. Never eat a morsel of any sort between meals. 9. Never eat when very tired, whether exhausted from mental or physical labor. IO. Never eat when the mind is worried, or the temper is ruffled if possible to avoid doing so. 11. Eat only food that is easy of digestion, avoiding complicated and indigestible dishes, and taking from but one to three kinds at a meal. 12. Most persons will be benefited by the use of oatmeal, graham flour, cracked wheat, and other whole-grain preparations, though many will find it necessary to avoid vegetables, especially when fruits are taken.—1V[0m.t0r of Healt/1. 126 A FRIEND IN rm: KITCHEN. THE PULSE IN HEALTH. PER MIN. At birth - - - I50-130 One month - - - 140-120 Six months - - 130 One year - - - 120-108 Two years - - IIO-I00 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES FORTHE Three years - - Seven years - Fourteen years - - Adult age - Old age - KITCHEN. I cupful - - - - 2 cupfuls - - - - 4 cupfuls - -- - - 2 cupfuls of sugar - - 2 cupfuls of butter - - - 2 cupfuls of flour or oatmeal 4 cupfuls of sifted flour - - 1 pint of liquid - - - to eggs - - - - 1 egg - - - - ‘ 1 heaping tablespoonful of sugar I tablespoonful of butter - - 2 rounding tablespoonfuls of flour 7 heaping tablespoonfuls of sugar 5 heaping tablespoonfuls of flour .9‘ -)9 -A9 HOUSEHOLD HINTS. EVERY housewife should take pride in keeping her home neat and tidy. “ Order is heaven's first law.” Sinks and drains should be frequently cleaned and disinfected. Dish-cloths should always be washed out after using; otherwise they are liable to become foul and full of germs. After washing the dishes, pour over them scalding water, and wipe quickly with a clean dry cloth. This insures cleanliness and gives a nice polish. Scour steel knives after each meal. Sweep out the corners, and under the tables and chairs as well as the middle of the room. “ Dirt may be hated, but should never be hidden.” about I I II II I‘ ll I‘ IK I‘ ll II H U II ll PER MIN.‘ 100-90 - 80 85-80 - 75-70 65-60 Z pint I pint I quart 1 pound I pound 1 pound 1 pound I pound I pound 2 ounces 1 ounce I ounce I ounce I cupful I cupful Pare vegetables and fruits thin; study how to use left-over foods; save the bread crumbs for puddings and scalloped vegetables. “ Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost.” I ii. INDEX. PAGE. PAGE. Celery soup . . 17 Fruit sauce......... .. . . ........ .. 89 Cereal cofiee...... ....... ........... .. 102 Fruit tapioca........ ............... .. 82 Cherry pie... . .... .............. 93 Fruit toast ............. ......... .. 27 Cherry pudding ...... ............. .. 83 Frosting for cake ..... .. - ............... .. 101 Chocolate sauce ....... .. .. .............. .. 89 Gem cakes ................... .......... .. 101 Coconut pudding ....................... .. 82 Gems, general directions for..... 34 Cold Peach pudding... ................ .. 79 Graham bread ......... .. 32 Cooked pineapple . ............... .. 117 Graham fruit bread..... 32 Cookies ............... ... ................... .. 101 Graham crackers....... .. .. 37 Cornstarch blanc-mange ............. .. 81 Graham gems No. . 34 Cornstarch cake ......................... .. 100 Graham gems No. ......... .. 34 Cornstarch meringue .. . ...... .. 85 Graham gruel .. ..... .. ...... . 111 Cornstarch pudding ...... 78 Graham mush ..... 21 Corn coffee .... .. . ............ .. .... I03 Graham mush with dates....... 21 Corn-meal batter cakes....... . .. . 39 Granola fruit mush 106 Corn-meal mush ................ ...... .. 22 Granola geins.. ..... .. . ...... .. .. . 106 Corn-meal gems ................ .... .. 35 Granola mush . . . I06 Corn-meal pie crust ..................... .. 92 Granose biscuit........... .. 107 Corn-meal squares ...................... .. 22 Granose fruit-cake... ......... 107 Cottage cheese.......... 115 Granose pudding...... . 107 Cream mold ............................... .. 84 Grapeade.. ........... .... .. . 104 Cream cake ................ 100 Grape juice.............. ............ .. .. 52 Cream pie ........... .. . ............. .. 94 Grape marmalade ..... 46 Cream pic crust..... .............. 92 Green peas........... . . . . . 61 Cream toast...... ............ 27 Green pea soup... .... .. ..... 14 Croutons for soup... .... .. . . .. I8 Grits.. ..... .... .. ......... 22 Crushed toast .... .. . ..................... .. 27 Gooseberry pie..... ........ .. 92 Crust coflee......... . . . . . 103 Hop yeast ......... ......... .. 118 Cup custard .... .. ... ......... ..... .. 112 Hominy, or hulled corn 115 Currant jam......... . 47 Hot lemonade . 104 Custard pie .... .. . ...... .. ....... .. 95 Hot milk.... ............. .. . ....... 103 Custard with fruit sauce ............ .. 86 How to become a vegc-tarian..... 124 Dessert gems .............................. .. 39 How to can fruit ......... .. 47 Dressings ior pudding or niush..... 23 How to cut bread.... .. . 118 Dried apples ............................... .. 116 Household hints. ...... .... .. 126 Dried apple pie ......................... .. 94 Johnny cake . ....... .. ........... .. 33 Dried currant pie. ..................... .. 93 Lemonade No. i... .... .......... .. 103 Dried peach pie ......................... .. 94 Lemonade No. 2 ...... .. . ...... .. 104 Dried sweet corn ............. .. . ...... .. no Lemon honey ......... .. . .......... .. II8 Eggs and macaroni .............. .. 75 Lemonade, hot and cold...... 111 Egg and milk sauce ................... .. 88 Lemon layer cake 99 Egg-nog..... ............................... .. I13 Lemon pie.,... ............. 93 Egg-nog hot .............................. .. 113 Lemon raisin pie........ ..... 94 Egg sandwiches ........................ .. 75 Lemon sauce ....... .. ... .... 89 Egg toast......... . 27 Lemon sponge cake .. . 99 Floating Island .......................... .. 84 Lentils.................... . .. . 61 Fig cake .................................... .. I00 Lentil fritters .................. 39 Fig pudding ............................. .. 80 Lentil sauce ................ 87 Food combinations ..................... .. 122 Lentil soup.. ..... .. . .................. .. I5 Forcemeat fritters ...................... .. 72 Lentil and tomato soup ..... .. 15 French rolls ............................... .. 36 Lettuce salad No. I .......... . 66 Fruit crackers ............................ .. 37 Lettuce salad No. .. .... .. 66 Fruit bread ................................ .. 33 Macaroni omelet ....................... .. 76 Fruit buns .................................. .. 37 Macaroni pudding ..................... .. 78 Fruit juices.......... . 51 Mashed beans .................. 60 Fruit juice drinks ...................... .. 104 Mashed potatoes .... .. . ............... .. 57 Fruit {nice lemonade .................. .. 104 Meringue for pies .... .. . ............... .. 96 Fruit oai No. 1 ......................... .. 38 Milk gruel ................................ .. 111 Fruit loaf No. 2 ......................... .. 38 Milk sauce, ................................. .. 87 Fruit mold ................................ .. 46 Milk b1sciiits..... .. ..... .. 38 Fruit omelet ............................. .. 76 Milk toast ....................... ...... .. 26 Fruit rolls.... .............................. .. 36 Mint sauce ................................. .. 88 mm‘tx. iii. PAGE. Minute pudding....... . .. .. . 83 New potatoes. .......................... .. 58 Noodle soup ........ .................... .. 18 Nut butter cream ....................... .. 107 Nut butter gravy. ...................... .. 107 Nut butter pie crust ................... .. 108 Nut butter sandwiches 108 Nut cake. . 101 Nutritive value oi foods .... .. 123 Oatmeal crackers No. 1 .. 36 Oatmeal crackers No. 2 .. .. 36 Oatmeal gems ............................ .. 35 Oatmeal gruel. ............. ..... 1 11 Oatmeal mush ......... .. , ............... .. 21 Oatmeal, water and milk ............ .. 1 14 Onion g1.uel.......... .... .. 111 Onion pie. ......... . . 96 Orangeade ................................. .. 104 Orange custard ............. .......... .. 85 Orange sauce ........................... .. 89 Other tasty dishes......... ............ 73 Peaches and rice...... .................. .. 82 Peach pie ........... . . . . . . .......... .. 92 Peas puree............... . . . 72 Pineapple......... .. . 46 Pineapple custard .. .. . 85 Pineapple lemonade .................. 104 Pineapple trifle....... I17 Pie with upper crust only ...... 95 Plain boiled rice 61 Plain buns...... 37 Plain omelet . . 76 Plain pie crust . . 92 Plum marmalade ....................... .. 46 Poached eggs......... . 74 Pop corn 116 Pop overs .......... .. . .............. .. 35 Potato and bean soup ....... ....... .. 17 Potato cakes .. . . . . . 58 Potato rolls......... , .. 71 Potato soup..... .......... 17 Potatoes with cream ........... .......... 58 Potato yeast ............................. 119 “ Prairie” fish...... ...... ...... ..... .. 72 Protose sandwiches .. .............. .. . 109 Prune . 93 Prune pudding. . . . . . .. 79 Pufis .......................................... .. 38 Pulse in health ......................... .. 124 Pumpkin pie ............................ 95 Quince jelly .............................. 47 Radishes........... .. 66 Raised biscuits ......................... .. 34 Raisin pie ...... ... ......................... .. 94 Raised iruit-cake ..................... .. 99 Raspberry pie ........................... .. 93 Rhubarb pie ........... ................ .. 93 Rice and fruitgiudding. .. 83 Rice apple pu ding No. 1 ........... .. 80 Rice apple pudding No. 2 .......... .. 80 Rice custard..... .. . 86 Rice gems....... .. 35 IO PAGE. Rice gruel ...................... ....... .. 111 Rice lemon pudding...... . . 80 Rice mold custard ...... .... .. 86 Rice pudding ............................. .. 78 Rice soufg .............. .. .......... .. 16 Rice wa es......... .. ............. .. 38 Rice water................ .................. .. 1 12 Rice with figs............... ............. .. 82 Rice with raisins ....... ............. .. 82 Roast nuttose ............................ .. 108 Roasted peanuts.................. . 72 Roasted sweet potatoes . .... .. 58 Rolled crackers .............. ......... .. 117 Rolled oats ................................ .. 21 Rolled oats and sago mush . 21 Royai sponge (.ake.................. . 99 Rules for dyspeptics ........ 125 Rusks .................. .................. 37 Sabbath dinners ........................ 121 Sago fruit soup....... .. 16 Sago pea soup...._ ..................... .... 16 Sago plum puddmg......... . 77 Sago pudding 77 Salsify or vegetable oyster soup.... 13 Salt rising bread.................. 33 Savory pie .................................. .. 96 Savory soup.........- . . 16 Scalloped eggs.......... . 75 Scalloped tomatoes ........... ...... .. 59 Scrambled eggs......... .. 75 Sliced cucumbers. . 65 Spinach............... .. . . . 65 Split peas .................................. .. 61 Split pea soup . . 14 Split pea and vermicelli soup ..... .. 14 Sponge cake 99 Sponge layer cake...... .. 99 Steamed brown bread ................ .. 33 Steamed eggs . 75 Steamed egg......... . .... II2 Steamed rice ............................ .. 61 Steamed sliced potatoes ............. .. 57 Stewed apples ...... .................. 43 Stewed asparagus ...... ............. .. 63 Stewed berries .. . 45 Stewed cabbage ...... ..... ....... .. 62' Stewed carrots ......................... .... 63 Stewed cauliflower .................... .. 61 Stewed nuttose ..... ........ ...... I08 Stewed peaches . . . 45 Stewed pears ............................ 44 Stewed prunes ........................... 45 Stewed quinces ...................... 51 Stewed salsify or vegetable oyster 73 stewed sweet corn ............ 64 Stewed tomatoes ....... 59 Stewed squash ................... .. .. 64 Stewed turnips .......................... .. 63 Stewed turnips with milk sauce 63 Sticks......... 36 Strawberry shortcake ................ .. 100 String beans .............. .............. .. 60 ..‘.lIpin|‘;,vu-:un~v~;y:,;,n,- —.- . _ ,.. ,.~.,~,, _.... :_._ , _ ~_; I"- mnsx. PAGE. PAGE. Substitute for mother's milk N o. 1 114 Tomato sauce No. 1 .................... .. ~87 Substitute for mother’s milk No. 2 1 14 Tomato sauce No. 2 ................... .. 87 Succotash ...... .................... .. 64 To preserve lemon juice ............. .. 117 Tapioca Cream....... 86 To sterilize milk.......... ............... .. 115 Tapioca cup pudding ......... ....... .. 113 Uniermented wine for sacramental Tapioca milk.................... .... 113 purposes .......... ................. .. 118 Tapioca pudding ........................ .. 77 Unleavened bread for sacramental Tarts .... .. . ............ .. ........... .. 95 pu oses ............................. .. 118 Time required to digest foods .... .. 122 Vegetaible and lentil stew ............ .. 71 To cut lemons for garnishiiig .... 118 Vegetable hash ............ ............ .. 71 Toast with milk sauce ............... 26 Vegetable pea soup ............. .. 15 To frost truits ....... .. ......... .. 117 Vegetable pie ....................... 95 To keep apples, oranges, and Vegetable soup .................... 17 116 Warmed-up gotatoes....... 57 To keep eggs ................ .......... .. 116 Weights an measures for the Tomatoes and macaroni ...... 59 kitchen ............... ........ I26 Tomato and macaroni soup.......... 15 Whipped cream sauce .... ........ .. 89 Tomato and vermicelli soup ....... .. 15 White bread ............ .. . .............. .. 32 Tomato salad No. 59 White of egg and milk........ 112 Tomato salad No. 60 White of egg and water ..... 114 SOUP.00.ooan ooooo0oooooooooo00000 Y3mS............. 0000000 ¢ ¢ 0 0 0 ~ 0 ¢ ¢ 0 ¢ ¢ - - ¢ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 Tomato toast......... ................. ..... 27 Zwieback, or dry toast .... ........ .. 26