id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt cord-003018-qrt07zmz Miyakawa, Kei Development of a cell-based assay to identify hepatitis B virus entry inhibitors targeting the sodium taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide 2018-05-04 .txt text/plain 5439 280 41 Using a flow cytometer-based screening assay with Dox-treated and untreated iNTCP cells, we identified a hybridoma clone producing anti-NTCP mAb, clone 9A8 ( Figure 2B ). To test whether the 9A8 antibody can inhibit HBV infection, we pretreated iNTCP cells and primary human hepatocytes with 9A8 mAb and subsequently infected cells with wild type HBV and HBV encoding a luciferase reporter gene (HBV-NL) [21] . iNTCP cells (G) and primary human hepatocytes (H) were infected with HBV or its reporter virus (HBV-NL) respectively, in the presence of 9A8 mAb. Anti-HBs mAb (clone 33A4, which recognizes the PreS1 domain) was used as a control. In this study, we generated iNTCP cells, which have high NTCP expression and high susceptibility to HBV infection, and also developed a monoclonal antibody (mAb) that recognizes cell-surface NTCP. Although primary hepatocytes express NTCP at low levels for the uptake of bile acids, endogenous NTCP in hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines is not sufficient to achieve successful infection with HBV in vitro. ./cache/cord-003018-qrt07zmz.txt ./txt/cord-003018-qrt07zmz.txt