id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-6797 Epistles (Horace) - Wikipedia .html text/html 2730 279 75 The Epistles (or Letters) of Horace were published in two books, in 20 BCE and 14 BCE, respectively. The Epistles were published about four years after the first three books of Odes, and were introduced by a special address to his patron Maecenas, as his Odes, Epodes and Satires had been.[2]:687–91 The form of composition may have been suggested by some of the satires of Lucilius, which were composed as letters to his personal friends...[2]:690 "From the Epistles... 1-19 – Horace excuses himself to Maecenas for giving up the composition of lyric poetry, but he is better suited to philosophy as he grows older. This epistle begins with Horace contrasting his own love of the country with his friend's fondness for the town; then follows the praise of Nature; and finally the poet dwells on the superior happiness that moderate means and contentment afford, compared with riches and ambition. (in Latin) Horace's Letters (Epistles). ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-6797.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-6797.txt