id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-896 Mos maiorum - Wikipedia .html text/html 2569 446 57 If the familia was the discrete unit underlying society, these interlocking networks countered that autonomy and created the bonds that made a complex society possible.[5] Although one of the major spheres of activity within patron-client relations was the law courts, patronage was not itself a legal contract; the pressures to uphold one's obligations were moral, founded on the quality of fides, "trust" (see Values below), and the mos.[6] Patronage served as a model[7] when conquerors or governors abroad established personal ties as patron to whole communities, ties which then might be perpetuated as a family obligation. Roman conservatism finds succinct expression in an edict of the censors from 92 BC, as preserved by the 2nd-century historian Suetonius: "All new that is done contrary to the usage and customs of our ancestors, seems not to be right."[9] However, because the mos maiorum was a matter of custom, not written law, the complex norms that it embodied evolved over time. ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-896.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-896.txt