id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-1848 Family - Wikipedia .html text/html 14627 1804 63 The term blended family or stepfamily describes families with mixed parents: one or both parents remarried, bringing children of the former family into the new family.[35] Also in sociology, particularly in the works of social psychologist Michael Lamb,[36] traditional family refers to "a middle-class family with a bread-winning father and a stay-at-home mother, married to each other and raising their biological children," and nontraditional to exceptions to this rule. Members of the nuclear family use highly descriptive kinship terms, identifying directly only the husband, wife, mother, father, son, daughter, brother, and sister. Patrilineality, also known as the male line or agnatic kinship, is a form of kinship system in which an individual's family membership derives from and is traced through his or her father's lineage.[55] It generally involves the inheritance of property, rights, names, or titles by persons related through male kin. ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-1848.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-1848.txt