Discogs API Documentation API Changelog API Forum Create an App API Terms of Use  Back to topHome Quickstart General Information Rate Limiting Pagination Versioning and Media Types FAQ Authentication Discogs Auth Flow OAuth Flow Request Token URL Access Token URL Database Release Release Rating By User Get Release Rating By User Update Release Rating By User Delete Release Rating By User Community Release Rating Release Stats Master Release Master Release Versions Artist Artist Releases Label All Label Releases Search Videos Images Marketplace Inventory Listing Get listing Edit A Listing Delete A Listing New Listing Order Get Order Edit An Order List Orders List Order Messages List Order Messages Add New Message Fee Fee with currency Price Suggestions Release Statistics Inventory Export Export your inventory Get recent exports Get an export Download an export Inventory Upload Add inventory Change inventory Delete inventory Get recent uploads Get an upload User Identity Identity Profile Get Profile Edit Profile User Submissions User Contributions User Collection Collection Get Collection Folders Create Folder Collection Folder Get Folders Edit Folder Delete Folder Collection Items By Release Collection Items By Folder Add To Collection Folder Change Rating Of Release Delete Instance From Folder List Custom Fields Edit Fields Instance Collection Value User Wantlist Wantlist Add To Wantlist Add To Wantlist Edit Release In Wantlist Delete Release From Wantlist User Lists User Lists List https://api.discogs.com Home  Here’s your place to code all things Discogs! The Discogs API lets developers build their own Discogs-powered applications for the web, desktop, and mobile devices. We hope the API will connect and empower a community of music lovers around the world! The Discogs API v2.0 is a RESTful interface to Discogs data. You can access JSON-formatted information about Database objects such as Artists, Releases, and Labels. Your application can also manage User Collections and Wantlists, create Marketplace Listings, and more. Some Discogs data is made available under the CC0 No Rights Reserved license, and some is restricted data, as defined in our API Terms of Use. Our monthly data dumps are available under the the CC0 No Rights Reserved license. If you utilize the Discogs API, you are subject to the API Terms of Use. Please also ensure that any application you develop follows the Discogs Application Name and Description Policy. Quickstart  If you just want to see some results right now, issue this curl command: curl https://api.discogs.com/releases/249504 --user-agent "FooBarApp/3.0" For community-maintained client libraries and example code, see the links below: Language Type Maintainer URL Node.js Client bartve https://github.com/bartve/disconnect PHP Client ricbra https://github.com/ricbra/php-discogs-api Python Client joalla https://github.com/joalla/discogs_client Python Example jesseward https://github.com/jesseward/discogs-oauth-example Ruby Client buntine https://github.com/buntine/discogs General Information  Your application must provide a User-Agent string that identifies itself – preferably something that follows RFC 1945. Some good examples include: AwesomeDiscogsBrowser/0.1 +http://adb.example.com LibraryMetadataEnhancer/0.3 +http://example.com/lime MyDiscogsClient/1.0 +http://mydiscogsclient.org Please don’t just copy one of those! Make it unique so we can let you know if your application starts to misbehave – the alternative is that we just silently block it, which will confuse and infuriate your users. Here are some bad examples that are unclear or obscure the nature of the application: curl/7.9.8 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl 7.9.8 (OpenSSL 0.9.6b) Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:6.0.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/6.0.2 my app JSONP ¶ When a callback query string parameter is supplied, the API can return responses in JSONP format. JSONP, by its nature, cannot access HTTP information like headers or the status code, so the API supplies that information in the response, like so: GET https://api.discogs.com/artists/1?callback=callbackname 200 OK Content-Type: text/javascript callbackname({ "meta": { "status": 200, }, "data": { "id": 1, "name": "Persuader, The" // ... and so on } }) Rate Limiting  Requests are throttled by the server by source IP to 60 per minute for authenticated requests, and 25 per minute for unauthenticated requests, with some exceptions. Your application should identify itself to our servers via a unique user agent string in order to achieve the maximum number of requests per minute. Our rate limiting tracks your requests using a moving average over a 60 second window. If no requests are made in 60 seconds, your window will reset. We attach the following headers to responses to help you track your rate limit use: X-Discogs-Ratelimit: The total number of requests you can make in a one minute window. X-Discogs-Ratelimit-Used : The number of requests you’ve made in your existing rate limit window. X-Discogs-Ratelimit-Remaining: The number of remaining requests you are able to make in the existing rate limit window. Your application should take our global limit into account and throttle its requests locally. In the future, we may update these rate limits at any time in order to provide service for all users. Pagination  Some resources represent collections of objects and may be paginated. By default, 50 items per page are shown. To browse different pages, or change the number of items per page (up to 100), use the page and per_page query string parameters: GET https://api.discogs.com/artists/1/releases?page=2&per_page=75 Responses include a Link header: Link: ; rel=next, ; rel=first, ; rel=last, ; rel=prev And a pagination object in the response body: { "pagination": { "page": 2, "pages": 30, "items": 2255, "per_page": 75, "urls": { "first": "https://api.discogs.com/artists/1/releases?page=1&per_page=75", "prev": "https://api.discogs.com/artists/1/releases?page=1&per_page=75", "next": "https://api.discogs.com/artists/1/releases?page=3&per_page=75", "last": "https://api.discogs.com/artists/1/releases?page=30&per_page=75" } }, "releases": [ ... ] } Versioning and Media Types  Currently, our API only supports one version: v2. However, you can specify a version in your requests to future-proof your application. By adding an Accept header with the version and media type, you can guarantee your requests will receive data from the correct version you develop your app on. A standard Accept header may look like this: application/vnd.discogs.v2.html+json If you are requesting information from an endpoint that may have text formatting in it, you can choose which kind of formatting you want to be returned by changing that section of the Accept header. We currently support 3 types: application/vnd.discogs.v2.html+json application/vnd.discogs.v2.plaintext+json application/vnd.discogs.v2.discogs+json If no Accept header is supplied, or if the Accept header differs from one of the three previous options, we default to application/vnd.discogs.v2.discogs+json. FAQ  1. Why am I getting an empty response from the server? This generally happens when you forget to add a User-Agent header to your requests. 2. How do I get updates about the API? Subscribe to our API Announcements forum thread. For larger, breaking changes, we will send out an email notice to all developers with a registered Discogs application. 3. Where can I register a Discogs application? You can register a Discogs application on the Developer Settings. 4. If I have a question/issue with the API, should I file a Support Request? It’s generally best to start out with a forum post on the API topic since other developers may have had similar issues and can point you in the right direction. If the issue requires privacy, then a support request is the best way to go. 5. I’m getting a 404 response when trying to fetch images; what gives? This may seem obvious, but make sure you aren’t doing anything to change the URL. The URLs returned are signed URLs, so trying to change one part of the URL (e.g., Release ID number) will generally not work. 6. What are the authentication requirements for requesting images? Please see the Images documentation page. 7. Why am I getting a particular HTTP response? 200 OK The request was successful, and the requested data is provided in the response body. 201 Continue You’ve sent a POST request to a list of resources to create a new one. The ID of the newly-created resource will be provided in the body of the response. 204 No Content The request was successful, and the server has no additional information to convey, so the response body is empty. 401 Unauthorized You’re attempting to access a resource that first requires authentication. See Authenticating with OAuth. 403 Forbidden You’re not allowed to access this resource. Even if you authenticated, or already have, you simply don’t have permission. Trying to modify another user’s profile, for example, will produce this error. 404 Not Found The resource you requested doesn’t exist. 405 Method Not Allowed You’re trying to use an HTTP verb that isn’t supported by the resource. Trying to PUT to /artists/1, for example, will fail because Artists are read-only. 422 Unprocessable Entity Your request was well-formed, but there’s something semantically wrong with the body of the request. This can be due to malformed JSON, a parameter that’s missing or the wrong type, or trying to perform an action that doesn’t make any sense. Check the response body for specific information about what went wrong. 500 Internal Server Error Something went wrong on our end while attempting to process your request. The response body’s message field will contain an error code that you can send to Discogs Support (which will help us track down your specific issue). Next  Previous Authentication  This section describes the various methods of authenticating with the Discogs API. Registration ¶ In order to access protected endpoints, you’ll need to register for either a consumer key and secret or user token, depending on your situation: To easily access your own user account information, use a User token. To get access to an endpoint that requires authentication and build 3rd party apps, use a Consumer Key and Secret. To get one of these, sign up for a Discogs account if you don’t have one already, and go to your Developer Settings. From there, you can create a new application/token or edit the metadata for an existing app. When you create a new application, you’ll be granted a Consumer Key and Consumer Secret, which you can plug into your application and start making authenticated requests. It’s important that you don’t disclose the Consumer Secret to anyone. Generating a user token is as easy as clicking the Generate token button on the developer settings. Keep this token private, as it allows users to access your information. OAuth Endpoints ¶ The OAuth 1.0a flow involves three server-side endpoints: Request token URL: https://api.discogs.com/oauth/request_token Authorize URL: https://www.discogs.com/oauth/authorize Access token URL: https://api.discogs.com/oauth/access_token For convenience, these are also listed on the Edit Application page. Once authenticated, you can test that everything’s working correctly by requesting the Identity resource. Discogs Auth Flow  If you do not plan on building an app which others can log into on their behalf, you should use this authentication method as it is much simpler and is still secure. Discogs Auth requires that requests be made over HTTPS, as you are sending your app’s key/secret or token in the request. To send requests with Discogs Auth, you have two options: sending your credentials in the query string with key and secret parameters or a token parameter, for example: curl "https://api.discogs.com/database/search?q=Nirvana&key=foo123&secret=bar456" or curl "https://api.discogs.com/database/search?q=Nirvana&token=abcxyz123456" Your other option is to send your credentials in the request as an Authorization header, as follows: curl "https://api.discogs.com/database/search?q=Nirvana" -H "Authorization: Discogs key=foo123, secret=bar456" or curl "https://api.discogs.com/database/search?q=Nirvana" -H "Authorization: Discogs token=abcxyz123456" What differentiates the key/secret pair option from the token option? Let’s look at this table: Credentials in request Rate limiting? Image URLs? Authenticated as user? None 🐢 Low tier ❌ No ❌ No Only Consumer key/secret 🐰 High tier ✔️ Yes ❌ No Full OAuth 1.0a with access token/secret (see below) 🐰 High tier ✔️ Yes ✔️ Yes, on behalf of any user 🌍 Personal access token 🐰 High tier ✔️ Yes ✔️ Yes, for token holder only 👩 In other words: Using the key and secret will get you image URLs. These are unavailable to unauthenticated requests. Using the key and secret will up your rate limit, unlike unauthenticated requests. BUT using the key and secret does not identify the requester as any particular user, and as such will not grant access to any resources users should be able to see on their own account (e.g. marketplace orders, private inventory fields, private collections). You will need to use either of the token options for these resources. That’s it! Continue sending the key/secret pair or user token with the rest of your requests. OAuth Flow  OAuth is a protocol that allows users to grant access to their data without having to share their password. This is an explanation of how a web application may work with Discogs using OAuth 1.0a. We highly suggest you use an OAuth library/wrapper to simplify the process of authenticating. 1. Obtain consumer key and consumer secret from Developer Settings ¶ Application registration can be found here: https://www.discogs.com/settings/developers You only need to register once per application you make. You should not share your consumer secret, as it acts as a sort of password for your requests. 2. Send a GET request to the Discogs request token URL ¶ GET https://api.discogs.com/oauth/request_token Include the following headers with your request: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key="your_consumer_key", oauth_nonce="random_string_or_timestamp", oauth_signature="your_consumer_secret&", oauth_signature_method="PLAINTEXT", oauth_timestamp="current_timestamp", oauth_callback="your_callback" User-Agent: some_user_agent Note: using an OAuth library instead of generating these requests manually will likely save you a headache if you are new to OAuth. Please refer to your OAuth library’s documentation if you choose to do so. As the example shows, we suggest sending requests with HTTPS and the PLAINTEXT signature method over HMAC-SHA1 due to its simple yet secure nature. This involves setting your oauth_signature_method to “PLAINTEXT” and your oauth_signature to be your consumer secret followed by an ampersand (&). If all goes well with the request, you should get an HTTP 200 OK response. If an invalid OAuth request is sent, you will receive an HTTP 400 Bad Request response. Be sure to include a unique User-Agent in the request headers. A successful request will return a response that contains the following content: OAuth request token (oauth_token), an OAuth request token secret (oauth_token_secret), and a callback confirmation (oauth_callback_confirmed). These will be used in the following steps. 3. Redirect your user to the Discogs Authorize page ¶ Authorization page: https://discogs.com/oauth/authorize?oauth_token= This page will ask the user to authorize your app on behalf of their Discogs account. If they accept and authorize, they will receive a verifier key to use as verification. This key is used in the next phase of OAuth authentication. If you added a callback URL to your Discogs application registration, the user will be redirected to that URL, and you can capture their verifier from the response. The verifier will be used to generate the access token in the next step. You can always edit your application settings to include a callback URL (i.e., you don’t need to re-create a new application). 4. Send a POST request to the Discogs access token URL ¶ POST https://api.discogs.com/oauth/access_token Include the following headers in your request: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key="your_consumer_key", oauth_nonce="random_string_or_timestamp", oauth_token="oauth_token_received_from_step_2" oauth_signature="your_consumer_secret&", oauth_signature_method="PLAINTEXT", oauth_timestamp="current_timestamp", oauth_verifier="users_verifier" User-Agent: some_user_agent If the OAuth access token is not created within 15 minutes of when you receive the OAuth request token, your OAuth request token and verifier will expire, and you will need to re-create them. If you try to POST to the access token URL with an expired verifier or your request is malformed, you will receive an HTTP 400 Bad Request response. As the example shows, we suggest sending requests with HTTPS and the PLAINTEXT signature method over HMAC-SHA1 due to its simple yet secure nature. This involves setting your oauth_signature_method to “PLAINTEXT” and your oauth_signature to be your consumer secret followed by an ampersand (&). Be sure to include a unique User-Agent in the header. A successful request will return a response that contains an OAuth access token (oauth_token) and an OAuth access token secret (oauth_token_secret). These tokens do not expire (unless the user revokes access from your app), so you should store these tokens in a database or persistent storage to make future requests signed with OAuth. All requests that require OAuth will require these two tokens to be sent in the request. 5. Send authenticated requests to Discogs endpoints ¶ You are now ready to send authenticated requests with Discogs through OAuth. Be sure to attach the user’s OAuth access token and OAuth access token secret to each request. To test that you are ready to send authenticated requests, send a GET request to the identity URL. A successful request will yield a response that contains information about the authenticated user. GET https://api.discogs.com/oauth/identity OAuth Endpoints ¶ Request Token URL  Generate the request token Request token GET /oauth/request_token RequestToggle Headers Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key="your_consumer_key", oauth_nonce="random_string_or_timestamp", oauth_signature="your_consumer_secret&", oauth_signature_method="PLAINTEXT", oauth_timestamp="current_timestamp", oauth_callback="your_callback" User-Agent: some_user_agent Response  200Toggle Headers oauth_token: abc123 oauth_token_secret: xyz789 oauth_callback_confirmed: 'true' Access Token URL  Generate the access token Access token POST /oauth/access_token RequestToggle Headers Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key="your_consumer_key", oauth_nonce="random_string_or_timestamp", oauth_token="oauth_token_received_from_step_2" oauth_signature="your_consumer_secret&", oauth_signature_method="PLAINTEXT", oauth_timestamp="current_timestamp", oauth_verifier="users_verifier" User-Agent: some_user_agent Response  200Toggle Headers oauth_token: abc123 oauth_token_secret: xyz789 Next  Previous Database  Release  The Release resource represents a particular physical or digital object released by one or more Artists. Get Release GET /releases/{release_id}{?curr_abbr} Get a release Parameters release_id number (required) Example: 249504The Release ID curr_abbr string (optional) Example: USDCurrency for marketplace data. Defaults to the authenticated users currency. Must be one of the following: USD GBP EUR CAD AUD JPY CHF MXN BRL NZD SEK ZAR Response  200Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 6223 Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 00:59:34 GMT X-Varnish: 1465474310 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "title": "Never Gonna Give You Up", "id": 249504, "artists": [ { "anv": "", "id": 72872, "join": "", "name": "Rick Astley", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/artists/72872", "role": "", "tracks": "" } ], "data_quality": "Correct", "thumb": "https://api-img.discogs.com/kAXVhuZuh_uat5NNr50zMjN7lho=/fit-in/300x300/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/R-249504-1334592212.jpeg.jpg", "community": { "contributors": [ { "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/memory", "username": "memory" }, { "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/_80_", "username": "_80_" } ], "data_quality": "Correct", "have": 252, "rating": { "average": 3.42, "count": 45 }, "status": "Accepted", "submitter": { "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/memory", "username": "memory" }, "want": 42 }, "companies": [ { "catno": "", "entity_type": "13", "entity_type_name": "Phonographic Copyright (p)", "id": 82835, "name": "BMG Records (UK) Ltd.", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/labels/82835" }, { "catno": "", "entity_type": "29", "entity_type_name": "Mastered At", "id": 266218, "name": "Utopia Studios", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/labels/266218" } ], "country": "UK", "date_added": "2004-04-30T08:10:05-07:00", "date_changed": "2012-12-03T02:50:12-07:00", "estimated_weight": 60, "extraartists": [ { "anv": "Me Co", "id": 547352, "join": "", "name": "Me Company", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/artists/547352", "role": "Design", "tracks": "" }, { "anv": "Stock / Aitken / Waterman", "id": 20942, "join": "", "name": "Stock, Aitken & Waterman", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/artists/20942", "role": "Producer, Written-By", "tracks": "" } ], "format_quantity": 1, "formats": [ { "descriptions": [ "7\"", "Single", "45 RPM" ], "name": "Vinyl", "qty": "1" } ], "genres": [ "Electronic", "Pop" ], "identifiers": [ { "type": "Barcode", "value": "5012394144777" }, ], "images": [ { "height": 600, "resource_url": "https://api-img.discogs.com/z_u8yqxvDcwVnR4tX2HLNLaQO2Y=/fit-in/600x600/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(96)/discogs-images/R-249504-1334592212.jpeg.jpg", "type": "primary", "uri": "https://api-img.discogs.com/z_u8yqxvDcwVnR4tX2HLNLaQO2Y=/fit-in/600x600/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(96)/discogs-images/R-249504-1334592212.jpeg.jpg", "uri150": "https://api-img.discogs.com/0ZYgPR4X2HdUKA_jkhPJF4SN5mM=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/R-249504-1334592212.jpeg.jpg", "width": 600 }, { "height": 600, "resource_url": "https://api-img.discogs.com/EnQXaDOs5T6YI9zq-R5I_mT7hSk=/fit-in/600x600/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(96)/discogs-images/R-249504-1334592228.jpeg.jpg", "type": "secondary", "uri": "https://api-img.discogs.com/EnQXaDOs5T6YI9zq-R5I_mT7hSk=/fit-in/600x600/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(96)/discogs-images/R-249504-1334592228.jpeg.jpg", "uri150": "https://api-img.discogs.com/abk0FWgWsRDjU4bkCDwk0gyMKBo=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/R-249504-1334592228.jpeg.jpg", "width": 600 } ], "labels": [ { "catno": "PB 41447", "entity_type": "1", "id": 895, "name": "RCA", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/labels/895" } ], "lowest_price": 0.63, "master_id": 96559, "master_url": "https://api.discogs.com/masters/96559", "notes": "UK Release has a black label with the text \"Manufactured In England\" printed on it.\r\n\r\nSleeve:\r\n\u2117 1987 \u2022 BMG Records (UK) Ltd. \u00a9 1987 \u2022 BMG Records (UK) Ltd.\r\nDistributed in the UK by BMG Records \u2022 Distribu\u00e9 en Europe par BMG/Ariola \u2022 Vertrieb en Europa d\u00fcrch BMG/Ariola.\r\n\r\nCenter labels:\r\n\u2117 1987 Pete Waterman Ltd.\r\nOriginal Sound Recording made by PWL.\r\nBMG Records (UK) Ltd. are the exclusive licensees for the world.\r\n\r\nDurations do not appear on the release.\r\n", "num_for_sale": 58, "released": "1987", "released_formatted": "1987", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/releases/249504", "series": [], "status": "Accepted", "styles": [ "Synth-pop" ], "tracklist": [ { "duration": "3:32", "position": "A", "title": "Never Gonna Give You Up", "type_": "track" }, { "duration": "3:30", "position": "B", "title": "Never Gonna Give You Up (Instrumental)", "type_": "track" } ], "uri": "http://www.discogs.com/Rick-Astley-Never-Gonna-Give-You-Up/release/249504", "videos": [ { "description": "Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Extended Version)", "duration": 330, "embed": true, "title": "Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Extended Version)", "uri": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=te2jJncBVG4" }, ], "year": 1987 } Response  404Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 33 Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 01:03:20 GMT X-Varnish: 1465521729 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "message": "Release not found." } Release Rating By User  The Release Rating endpoint retrieves, updates, or deletes the rating of a release for a given user. Get Release Rating By User GET /releases/{release_id}/rating/{username} Retrieves the release’s rating for a given user. Parameters release_id number (required) Example: 249504The Release ID username string (required) Example: memoryThe username of the rating you are trying to request. Response  200Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 6223 Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 00:59:34 GMT X-Varnish: 1465474310 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "username": "memory", "release": 249504, "rating": 5 } Update Release Rating By User PUT /releases/{release_id}/rating/{username} Updates the release’s rating for a given user. Authentication as the user is required. Parameters release_id number (required) Example: 249504The Release ID username string (required) Example: memoryThe username of the rating you are trying to request. rating int (required) Example: 5The new rating for a release between 1 and 5. Response  200Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 6223 Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 00:59:34 GMT X-Varnish: 1465474310 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "username": "memory", "release": 249504, "rating": 5 } Delete Release Rating By User DELETE /releases/{release_id}/rating/{username} Deletes the release’s rating for a given user. Authentication as the user is required. Parameters release_id number (required) Example: 249504The Release ID username string (required) Example: memoryThe username of the rating you are trying to request. Community Release Rating  The Community Release Rating endpoint retrieves the average rating and the total number of user ratings for a given release. Get Community Release Rating GET /releases/{release_id}/rating Retrieves the community release rating average and count. Parameters release_id number (required) Example: 249504The Release ID Response  200Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 6223 Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 00:59:34 GMT X-Varnish: 1465474310 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "rating": { "count": 47 "average": 4.19 }, "release_id": 249504 } Release Stats  The Release Stats endpoint retrieves the total number of “haves” (in the community’s collections) and “wants” (in the community’s wantlists) for a given release. Get Release Stats GET /releases/{release_id}/stats Retrieves the release’s “have” and “want” counts. Parameters release_id number (required) Example: 249504The Release ID Response  200Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 35 Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2020 23:22:16 GMT X-Varnish: 1465474310 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "num_have": 2315, "num_want": 467 } Master Release  The Master resource represents a set of similar Releases. Masters (also known as “master releases”) have a “main release” which is often the chronologically earliest. Get Master GET /masters/{master_id} Get a master release Parameters master_id number (required) Example: 1000The Master ID Response  200Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 7083 Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 01:11:23 GMT X-Varnish: 1465622695 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "styles": [ "Goa Trance" ], "genres": [ "Electronic" ], "videos": [ { "duration": 421, "description": "Electric Universe - Alien Encounter Part 2 (Spirit Zone 97)", "embed": true, "uri": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1LGinzMDi8", "title": "Electric Universe - Alien Encounter Part 2 (Spirit Zone 97)" } ], "title": "Stardiver", "main_release": 66785, "main_release_url": "https://api.discogs.com/releases/66785", "uri": "http://www.discogs.com/Electric-Universe-Stardiver/master/1000", "artists": [ { "join": "", "name": "Electric Universe", "anv": "", "tracks": "", "role": "", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/artists/21849", "id": 21849 } ], "versions_url": "https://api.discogs.com/masters/1000/versions", "year": 1997, "images": [ { "height": 569, "resource_url": "https://api-img.discogs.com/_0K5t_iLs6CzLPKTB4mwHVI3Vy0=/fit-in/600x569/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(96)/discogs-images/R-66785-1213949871.jpeg.jpg", "type": "primary", "uri": "https://api-img.discogs.com/_0K5t_iLs6CzLPKTB4mwHVI3Vy0=/fit-in/600x569/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(96)/discogs-images/R-66785-1213949871.jpeg.jpg", "uri150": "https://api-img.discogs.com/sSWjXKczZseDjX2QohG1Lc77F-w=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/R-66785-1213949871.jpeg.jpg", "width": 600 }, { "height": 296, "resource_url": "https://api-img.discogs.com/1iD31iOWgfgb2DpROI4_MvmceFw=/fit-in/600x296/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(96)/discogs-images/R-66785-1213950065.jpeg.jpg", "type": "secondary", "uri": "https://api-img.discogs.com/1iD31iOWgfgb2DpROI4_MvmceFw=/fit-in/600x296/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(96)/discogs-images/R-66785-1213950065.jpeg.jpg", "uri150": "https://api-img.discogs.com/Cm4Q_1S784pQeRfwa0lN2jsj47Y=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/R-66785-1213950065.jpeg.jpg", "width": 600 } ], "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/masters/1000", "tracklist": [ { "duration": "7:00", "position": "1", "type_": "track", "title": "Alien Encounter (Part 2)" }, { "duration": "7:13", "position": "2", "type_": "track", "extraartists": [ { "join": "", "name": "DJ Sangeet", "anv": "", "tracks": "", "role": "Written-By, Producer", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/artists/25460", "id": 25460 } ], "title": "From The Heart" }, { "duration": "6:45", "position": "3", "type_": "track", "title": "Radio S.P.A.C.E." } ], "id": 1000, "num_for_sale": 9, "lowest_price": 9.36, "data_quality": "Correct" } Response  404Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 40 Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 01:11:21 GMT X-Varnish: 1465622316 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "message": "Master Release not found." } Master Release Versions  Get all Master versions GET /masters/{master_id}/versions{?page,per_page} Retrieves a list of all Releases that are versions of this master. Accepts Pagination parameters. Parameters master_id number (required) Example: 1000The Master ID page number (optional) Example: 3The page you want to request per_page number (optional) Example: 25The number of items per page format string (optional) Example: VinylThe format to filter label string (optional) Example: Scorpio MusicThe label to filter released string (optional) Example: 1992The release year to filter country string (optional) Example: BelgiumThe country to filter sort string (optional) Example: releasedSort items by this field: released (i.e. year of the release) title (i.e. title of the release) format label catno (i.e. catalog number of the release) country sort_order string (optional) Example: ascSort items in a particular order (one of asc, desc) Response  200Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 2834 Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 01:16:01 GMT X-Varnish: 1465678820 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "pagination": { "per_page": 50, "items": 4, "page": 1, "urls": {}, "pages": 1 }, "versions": [ { "status": "Accepted", "stats": { "user": { "in_collection": 0, "in_wantlist": 0 }, "community": { "in_collection": 1067, "in_wantlist": 765 } }, "thumb": "https://img.discogs.com/wV56xo0Ak0M2bTCC6B_heD7Dx_o=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/R-18926-1381225536-8716.jpeg.jpg", "format": "12\", 33 ⅓ RPM", "country": "US", "title": "Plastic Dreams", "label": "Epic", "released": "1993", "major_formats": [ "Vinyl" ], "catno": "49 74992", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/releases/18926", "id": 18926 }, { "status": "Accepted", "stats": { "user": { "in_collection": 0, "in_wantlist": 0 }, "community": { "in_collection": 842, "in_wantlist": 762 } }, "thumb": "https://img.discogs.com/KAm38-Op5VlkvuJOaTGZieKwRVg=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/R-34228-1215760312.jpeg.jpg", "format": "12\", 33 ⅓ RPM", "country": "UK", "title": "Plastic Dreams (Mixes)", "label": "R & S Records", "released": "1993", "major_formats": [ "Vinyl" ], "catno": "RSGB 101T", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/releases/34228", "id": 34228 }, { "status": "Accepted", "stats": { "user": { "in_collection": 0, "in_wantlist": 0 }, "community": { "in_collection": 20, "in_wantlist": 285 } }, "thumb": "https://img.discogs.com/CnovcvhAYIle0tYTTZHo42wPz88=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/R-1873038-1249267784.jpeg.jpg", "format": "12\", White Label, 33 ⅓ RPM, Promo", "country": "UK", "title": "Plastic Dreams Mixes", "label": "R & S Records", "released": "1993", "major_formats": [ "Vinyl" ], "catno": "RSGB 101 T", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/releases/1873038", "id": 1873038 } ] } Response  404Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 40 Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 01:20:23 GMT X-Varnish: 1465732620 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "message": "Master Release not found." } Artist  The Artist resource represents a person in the Discogs database who contributed to a Release in some capacity. Get Artist GET /artists/{artist_id} Get an artist Parameters artist_id number (required) Example: 108713The Artist ID Response  200Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 1258 Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 01:06:53 GMT X-Varnish: 1465566651 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "namevariations": [ "Nickleback" ], "profile": "Nickelback is a Canadian rock band from Hanna, Alberta formed in 1995. Nickelback's music is classed as hard rock and alternative metal. Nickelback is one of the most commercially successful Canadian groups, having sold almost 50 million albums worldwide, ranking as the 11th best selling music act of the 2000s, and is the 2nd best selling foreign act in the U.S. behind The Beatles for the 2000's.", "releases_url": "https://api.discogs.com/artists/108713/releases", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/artists/108713", "uri": "http://www.discogs.com/artist/108713-Nickelback", "urls": [ "http://www.nickelback.com/", "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nickelback" ], "data_quality": "Needs Vote", "id": 108713, "images": [ { "height": 260, "resource_url": "https://api-img.discogs.com/9xJ5T7IBn23DDMpg1USsDJ7IGm4=/330x260/smart/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(96)/discogs-images/A-108713-1110576087.jpg.jpg", "type": "primary", "uri": "https://api-img.discogs.com/9xJ5T7IBn23DDMpg1USsDJ7IGm4=/330x260/smart/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(96)/discogs-images/A-108713-1110576087.jpg.jpg", "uri150": "https://api-img.discogs.com/--xqi8cBtaBZz3qOjVcvzGvNRmU=/150x150/smart/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/A-108713-1110576087.jpg.jpg", "width": 330 }, { "height": 500, "resource_url": "https://api-img.discogs.com/r1jRG8b9-nlqTHPlJ-t8JR5ugoA=/493x500/smart/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(96)/discogs-images/A-108713-1264273865.jpeg.jpg", "type": "secondary", "uri": "https://api-img.discogs.com/r1jRG8b9-nlqTHPlJ-t8JR5ugoA=/493x500/smart/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(96)/discogs-images/A-108713-1264273865.jpeg.jpg", "uri150": "https://api-img.discogs.com/6K-cI5xDgsurmc-2OX6uCygzDgw=/150x150/smart/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/A-108713-1264273865.jpeg.jpg", "width": 493 } ], "members": [ { "active": true, "id": 270222, "name": "Chad Kroeger", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/artists/270222" }, { "active": true, "id": 685755, "name": "Daniel Adair", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/artists/685755" }, { "active": true, "id": 685754, "name": "Mike Kroeger", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/artists/685754" }, { "active": true, "id": 685756, "name": "Ryan \"Vik\" Vikedal", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/artists/685756" }, { "active": true, "id": 685757, "name": "Ryan Peake", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/artists/685757" } ], } Response  404Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 32 Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 01:08:31 GMT X-Varnish: 1465587583 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "message": "Artist not found." } Artist Releases  Returns a list of Releases and Masters associated with the Artist. Accepts Pagination. Get an Artist's Releases GET /artists/{artist_id}/releases{?sort,sort_order} Get an artist’s releases Parameters artist_id number (required) Example: 108713The Artist ID sort string (optional) Example: yearSort items by this field: year (i.e. year of the release) title (i.e. title of the release) format sort_order string (optional) Example: ascSort items in a particular order (one of asc, desc) Response  200Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 1258 Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 01:06:53 GMT X-Varnish: 1465566651 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "pagination": { "per_page": 50, "items": 9, "page": 1, "urls": {}, "pages": 1 }, "releases": [ { "artist": "Nickelback", "id": 173765, "main_release": 3128432, "resource_url": "http://api.discogs.com/masters/173765", "role": "Main", "thumb": "https://api-img.discogs.com/lb0zp7--FLaRP0LmJ4W6DhfweNc=/fit-in/90x90/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/R-5557864-1396493975-7618.jpeg.jpg", "title": "Curb", "type": "master", "year": 1996 }, { "artist": "Nickelback", "format": "CD, EP", "id": 4299404, "label": "Not On Label (Nickelback Self-released)", "resource_url": "http://api.discogs.com/releases/4299404", "role": "Main", "status": "Accepted", "thumb": "https://api-img.discogs.com/eFRGD78N7UhtvRjhdLZYXs2QJXk=/fit-in/90x90/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/R-4299404-1361106117-3632.jpeg.jpg", "title": "Hesher", "type": "release", "year": 1996 }, { "artist": "Nickelback", "id": 173767, "main_release": 1905922, "resource_url": "http://api.discogs.com/masters/173767", "role": "Main", "thumb": "https://api-img.discogs.com/12LXbUV44IHjyb6drFZOTQxgCqs=/fit-in/90x90/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/R-1905922-1251540516.jpeg.jpg", "title": "Leader Of Men", "type": "master", "year": 1999 } ] } Response  404Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 32 Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 01:08:31 GMT X-Varnish: 1465587583 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "message": "Artist not found." } Label  The Label resource represents a label, company, recording studio, location, or other entity involved with Artists and Releases. Labels were recently expanded in scope to include things that aren’t labels – the name is an artifact of this history. Get Label GET /labels/{label_id} Get a label Parameters label_id number (required) Example: 1The Label ID Response  200Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 2834 Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 01:16:01 GMT X-Varnish: 1465678820 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "profile": "Classic Techno label from Detroit, USA.\r\n[b]Label owner:[/b] [a=Carl Craig].\r\n", "releases_url": "https://api.discogs.com/labels/1/releases", "name": "Planet E", "contact_info": "Planet E Communications\r\nP.O. 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Accepts Pagination parameters. Parameters label_id number (required) Example: 1The Label ID page number (optional) Example: 3The page you want to request per_page number (optional) Example: 25The number of items per page Response  200Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 2834 Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 01:16:01 GMT X-Varnish: 1465678820 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "pagination": { "per_page": 5, "pages": 68, "page": 1, "urls": { "last": "https://api.discogs.com/labels/1/releases?per_page=5&page=68", "next": "https://api.discogs.com/labels/1/releases?per_page=5&page=2" }, "items": 338 }, "releases": [ { "artist": "Andrea Parker", "catno": "!K7071CD", "format": "CD, Mixed", "id": 2801, "resource_url": "http://api.discogs.com/releases/2801", "status": "Accepted", "thumb": "https://api-img.discogs.com/cYmCut4Yh99FaLFHyoqkFo-Md1E=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/L-1-1111053865.png.jpg", "title": "DJ-Kicks", "year": 1998 }, { "artist": "Naomi Daniel", "catno": "2INZ 00140", "format": "12\"", "id": 65040, "resource_url": "http://api.discogs.com/releases/65040", "status": "Accepted", "thumb": "https://api-img.discogs.com/cYmCut4Yh99FaLFHyoqkFo-Md1E=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/L-1-1111053865.png.jpg", "title": "Stars", "year": 1993 }, { "artist": "Innerzone Orchestra", "catno": "546 137-2", "format": "CD, Album, P/Mixed", "id": 9922, "resource_url": "http://api.discogs.com/releases/9922", "status": "Accepted", "thumb": "https://api-img.discogs.com/cYmCut4Yh99FaLFHyoqkFo-Md1E=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/L-1-1111053865.png.jpg", "title": "Programmed", "year": 1999 } ] } Response  404Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 30 Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 01:17:27 GMT X-Varnish: 1465696276 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "message": "Label not found." } Search  Issue a search query to our database. This endpoint accepts pagination parameters Authentication (as any user) is required. Search GET /database/search?q={query}&{?type,title,release_title,credit,artist,anv,label,genre,style,country,year,format,catno,barcode,track,submitter,contributor} Issue a search query Parameters query string (optional) Example: nirvanaYour search query type string (optional) Example: releaseString. One of release, master, artist, label title string (optional) Example: nirvana - nevermindSearch by combined “Artist Name - Release Title” title field. release_title string (optional) Example: nevermindSearch release titles. credit string (optional) Example: kurtSearch release credits. artist string (optional) Example: nirvanaSearch artist names. anv string (optional) Example: nirvanaSearch artist ANV. label string (optional) Example: dgcSearch label names. genre string (optional) Example: rockSearch genres. style string (optional) Example: grungeSearch styles. country string (optional) Example: canadaSearch release country. year string (optional) Example: 1991Search release year. format string (optional) Example: albumSearch formats. catno string (optional) Example: DGCD-24425Search catalog number. barcode string (optional) Example: 7 2064-24425-2 4Search barcodes. track string (optional) Example: smells like teen spiritSearch track titles. submitter string (optional) Example: milKtSearch submitter username. contributor string (optional) Example: jerome99Search contributor usernames. RequestToggle Body GET https://api.discogs.com/database/search?release_title=nevermind&artist=nirvana&per_page=3&page=1 Response  200Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate Content-Type: application/json Content-Encoding: gzip Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 623 Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 18:44:17 GMT X-Varnish: 1701844380 1701819611 Age: 101 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "pagination": { "per_page": 3, "pages": 66, "page": 1, "urls": { "last": "http://api.discogs.com/database/search?per_page=3&artist=nirvana&release_title=nevermind&page=66", "next": "http://api.discogs.com/database/search?per_page=3&artist=nirvana&release_title=nevermind&page=2" }, "items": 198 }, "results": [ { "style": [ "Interview", "Grunge" ], "thumb": "", "title": "Nirvana - Nevermind", "country": "Australia", "format": [ "DVD", "PAL" ], "uri": "/Nirvana-Nevermind-Classic-Albums/release/2028757", "community": { "want": 1, "have": 5 }, "label": [ "Eagle Vision", "Rajon Vision", "Classic Albums" ], "catno": "RV0296", "year": "2005", "genre": [ "Non-Music", "Rock" ], "resource_url": "http://api.discogs.com/releases/2028757", "type": "release", "id": 2028757 }, { "style": [ "Interview", "Grunge" ], "thumb": "", "title": "Nirvana - Nevermind", "country": "France", "format": [ "DVD", "PAL" ], "uri": "/Nirvana-Nevermind-Classic-Albums/release/1852962", "community": { "want": 4, "have": 21 }, "label": [ "Eagle Vision", "Classic Albums" ], "catno": "EV 426200", "year": "2005", "genre": [ "Non-Music", "Rock" ], "resource_url": "http://api.discogs.com/releases/1852962", "type": "release", "id": 1852962 }, { "style": [ "Hard Rock", "Classic Rock" ], "thumb": "", "format": [ "UMD" ], "country": "Europe", "barcode": [ "5 034504 843646" ], "uri": "/Nirvana-Nevermind/release/3058947", "community": { "want": 10, "have": 3 }, "label": [ "Eagle Vision" ], "catno": "ERUMD436", "genre": [ "Rock" ], "title": "Nirvana - Nevermind", "resource_url": "http://api.discogs.com/releases/3058947", "type": "release", "id": 3058947 } ] } Response  500Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 32 Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 01:08:31 GMT X-Varnish: 1465587583 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "message": "Query time exceeded. Please try a simpler query." } Response  500Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 32 Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 01:08:31 GMT X-Varnish: 1465587583 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "message": "An internal server error occurred. (Malformed query?)" } Videos  If your application integrates YouTube videos, then third party cookies may be used. You can view YouTube and Google’s cookie policy here. Next  Previous Images  The Image resource represents a user-contributed image of a database object, such as Artists or Releases. Image requests require authentication and are subject to rate limiting. It’s unlikely that you’ll ever have to construct an image URL; images keys on other resources use fully-qualified URLs, including hostname and protocol. To retrieve images, authenticate via OAuth or Discogs Auth and fetch the object that contains the image of interest (e.g., the release, user profile, etc.). The image URL will be in the response using the HTTPS protocol, and requesting that URL should succeed. Next  Previous Marketplace  Inventory  Returns the list of listings in a user’s inventory. Accepts Pagination parameters. Basic information about each listing and the corresponding release is provided, suitable for display in a list. For detailed information about the release, make another API call to fetch the corresponding Release. If you are not authenticated as the inventory owner, only items that have a status of For Sale will be visible. If you are authenticated as the inventory owner you will get additional weight, format_quantity, external_id, and location keys. If the user is authorized, the listing will contain a in_cart boolean field indicating whether or not this listing is in their cart. Get inventory GET /users/{username}/inventory{?status,sort,sort_order} Get a seller’s inventory Parameters username string (required) Example: 360vinylThe username for whose inventory you are fetching status string (optional) Example: for saleOnly show items with this status. sort string (optional) Example: priceSort items by this field: listed price item (i.e. the title of the release) artist label catno audio status (when authenticated as the inventory owner) location (when authenticated as the inventory owner) sort_order string (optional) Example: ascSort items in a particular order (one of asc, desc) Response  200Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate Content-Type: application/json Link: ; rel="last", ; rel="next" Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 36813 Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 18:53:23 GMT X-Varnish: 1701983958 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "pagination": { "per_page": 50, "items": 4, "page": 1, "urls": {}, "pages": 1 }, "listings": [ { "status": "For Sale", "price": { "currency": "USD", "value": 149.99 }, "allow_offers": true, "sleeve_condition": "Near Mint (NM or M-)", "id": 150899904, "condition": "Near Mint (NM or M-)", "posted": "2014-07-01T10:20:17-07:00", "ships_from": "United States", "uri": "http://www.discogs.com/sell/item/150899904", "comments": "Includes promotional booklet from original purchase!", "seller": { "username": "rappcats", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/rappcats", "id": 2098225 }, "release": { "catalog_number": "509990292346, TMR092", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/releases/2992668", "year": 2011, "id": 2992668, "description": "Danger Mouse & Daniele Luppi - Rome (LP, Ora + LP, Whi + Album, Ltd, Tip)", "artist": "Danger Mouse & Daniele Luppi", "title": "Rome", "format": "(LP, Ora + LP, Whi + Album, Ltd, Tip)", "thumbnail": "https://api-img.discogs.com/CFEw018vfc3LvUQDFtsvkh9FTyA=/fit-in/322x320/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/R-2992668-1310811542.jpeg.jpg" }, "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/marketplace/listings/150899904", "audio": false }, { "status": "For Sale", "price": { "currency": "USD", "value": 49.99 }, "allow_offers": false, "sleeve_condition": "Very Good Plus (VG+)", "id": 155473349, "condition": "Very Good Plus (VG+)", "posted": "2014-07-01T10:20:17-07:00", "ships_from": "United States", "uri": "http://www.discogs.com/sell/item/155473349", "comments": "Includes slipmats", "seller": { "username": "rappcats", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/rappcats", "id": 2098225 }, "release": { "catalog_number": "STH 2222", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/releases/1900152", "year": 2009, "id": 1900152, "description": "Various - Stones Throw X Serato (2x12\", Ltd, Cle)", "thumbnail": "https://api-img.discogs.com/BfviIBw5nZOA2BHd0xn8Vfu1X_g=/fit-in/600x600/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/R-1900152-1315429257.jpeg.jpg" }, "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/marketplace/listings/155473349", "audio": false }, { "status": "For Sale", "price": { "currency": "USD", "value": 39.99 }, "allow_offers": true, "sleeve_condition": "Near Mint (NM or M-)", "id": 150899171, "condition": "Very Good Plus (VG+)", "posted": "2014-07-07T11:40:08-07:00", "ships_from": "United States", "uri": "http://www.discogs.com/sell/item/150899171", "comments": "", "seller": { "username": "rappcats", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/rappcats", "id": 2098225 }, "release": { "catalog_number": "STH 2172", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/releases/1842118", "year": 2009, "id": 1842118, "description": "Last Electro-Acoustic Space Jazz & Percussion Ensemble, The - Summer Suite (CD, MiniAlbum, Ltd)", "thumbnail": "https://api-img.discogs.com/pm6PIqf4vEK8S8rCkySA9eKNFgk=/fit-in/455x455/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/R-1842118-1247162514.jpeg.jpg" }, "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/marketplace/listings/150899171", "audio": false }, { "status": "For Sale", "price": { "currency": "USD", "value": 229.99 }, "allow_offers": false, "sleeve_condition": "Near Mint (NM or M-)", "id": 171931719, "condition": "Near Mint (NM or M-)", "posted": "2014-07-12T16:23:14-07:00", "ships_from": "United States", "uri": "http://www.discogs.com/sell/item/171931719", "comments": "Includes poster, includes download card, includes 7\", in original bag w/ hype sticker. Complete set!", "seller": { "username": "rappcats", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/rappcats", "id": 2098225 }, "release": { "catalog_number": "NSD-120", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/releases/2791275", "year": 2011, "id": 2791275, "description": "Metal Fingers - Presents Special Herbs The Box Set Vol. 0-9 (Box, Comp, Ltd + 10xLP + 7\")", "thumbnail": "https://api-img.discogs.com/wyy8_nChnz_ergzK9gd4wxqr-K0=/fit-in/600x600/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/R-2791275-1301188174.jpeg.jpg" }, "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/marketplace/listings/171931719", "audio": false } ] } Response  404Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 33 Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 01:03:20 GMT X-Varnish: 1465521729 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "message": "The request resource was not found." } Response  422Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 114 Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 19:16:59 GMT X-Varnish: 1702310957 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "message": "Invalid status: expected one of All, Deleted, Draft, Expired, For Sale, Sold, Suspended, Violation." } Listing  View the data associated with a listing. If the authorized user is the listing owner the listing will include the weight, format_quantity, external_id, and location keys. If the user is authorized, the listing will contain a in_cart boolean field indicating whether or not this listing is in their cart. Get listing GET /marketplace/listings/{listing_id}{?curr_abbr} The Listing resource allows you to view Marketplace listings. Parameters listing_id number (required) Example: 172723812The ID of the listing you are fetching curr_abbr string (optional) Example: USDCurrency for marketplace data. Defaults to the authenticated users currency. Must be one of the following: USD GBP EUR CAD AUD JPY CHF MXN BRL NZD SEK ZAR Response  200Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 780 Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 19:59:59 GMT X-Varnish: 1702965334 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "status": "For Sale", "price": { "currency": "USD", "value": 120 }, "original_price": { "curr_abbr": "USD", "curr_id": 1, "formatted": "$120.00", "value": 120.0 }, "allow_offers": false, "sleeve_condition": "Mint (M)", "id": 172723812, "condition": "Mint (M)", "posted": "2014-07-15T12:55:01-07:00", "ships_from": "United States", "uri": "http://www.discogs.com/sell/item/172723812", "comments": "Brand new... Still sealed!", "seller": { "username": "Booms528", "avatar_url": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/8aa676fcfa2be14266d0ccad88da2cc4?s=500&r=pg&d=mm", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/Booms528", "url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/Booms528", "id": 1369620 "shipping": "Buyer responsible for shipping. Price depends on distance but is usually $5-10.", "payment": "PayPal", "stats": { "rating": "100", "stars": 5.0, "total": 15 } }, "shipping_price": { "currency": "USD", "value": 2.50 }, "original_shipping_price": { "curr_abbr": "USD", "curr_id": 1, "formatted": "$2.50", "value": 2.5 }, "release": { "catalog_number": "541125-1, 1-541125 (K1)", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/releases/5610049", "year": 2014, "id": 5610049, "description": "LCD Soundsystem - The Long Goodbye: LCD Soundsystem Live At Madison Square Garden (5xLP + Box)", "thumbnail": "https://api-img.discogs.com/UsvcarhmrXb0km4QH_dRP8gEf3E=/fit-in/600x600/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/R-5610049-1399500556-9283.jpeg.jpg" }, "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/marketplace/listings/172723812", "audio": false } Response  404Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 33 Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 01:03:20 GMT X-Varnish: 1465521729 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "message": "The request resource was not found." } Edit A Listing POST /marketplace/listings/{listing_id}{?curr_abbr} Edit the data associated with a listing. If the listing’s status is not For Sale, Draft, or Expired, it cannot be modified – only deleted. To re-list a Sold listing, a new listing must be created. Authentication as the listing owner is required. Parameters listing_id number (required) Example: 172723812The ID of the listing you are fetching release_id number (required) Example: 1The ID of the release you are posting condition string (required) Example: MintThe condition of the release you are posting. Must be one of the following: Mint (M) Near Mint (NM or M-) Very Good Plus (VG+) Very Good (VG) Good Plus (G+) Good (G) Fair (F) Poor (P) sleeve_condition string (optional) Example: FairThe condition of the sleeve of the item you are posting. Must be one of the following: Mint (M) Near Mint (NM or M-) Very Good Plus (VG+) Very Good (VG) Good Plus (G+) Good (G) Fair (F) Poor (P) Generic Not Graded No Cover price number (required) Example: 10.00The price of the item (in the seller’s currency). comments string (optional) Example: This item is wonderfulAny remarks about the item that will be displayed to buyers. allow_offers boolean (optional) Example: trueWhether or not to allow buyers to make offers on the item. Defaults to false. status string (required) Example: DraftThe status of the listing. Defaults to For Sale. Options are For Sale (the listing is ready to be shown on the Marketplace) and Draft (the listing is not ready for public display). external_id string (optional) Example: 10.00A freeform field that can be used for the seller’s own reference. Information stored here will not be displayed to anyone other than the seller. This field is called “Private Comments” on the Discogs website. location string (optional) Example: 10.00A freeform field that is intended to help identify an item’s physical storage location. Information stored here will not be displayed to anyone other than the seller. This field will be visible on the inventory management page and will be available in inventory exports via the website. weight number (optional) Example: 10.00The weight, in grams, of this listing, for the purpose of calculating shipping. Set this field to auto to have the weight automatically estimated for you. format_quantity number (optional) Example: 10.00The number of items this listing counts as, for the purpose of calculating shipping. This field is called “Counts As” on the Discogs website. Set this field to auto to have the quantity automatically estimated for you. RequestToggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Response  204 Delete A Listing DELETE /marketplace/listings/{listing_id}{?curr_abbr} Permanently remove a listing from the Marketplace. Authentication as the listing owner is required. Parameters listing_id number (required) Example: 172723812The ID of the listing you are fetching RequestToggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Response  204 New Listing  Create New Listing POST /marketplace/listings{?release_id,condition,sleeve_condition,price,comments,allow_offers,status,external_id,location,weight,format_quantity} Create a Marketplace listing. Authentication is required; the listing will be added to the authenticated user’s Inventory. Parameters release_id number (required) Example: 1The ID of the release you are posting condition string (required) Example: MintThe condition of the release you are posting. Must be one of the following: Mint (M) Near Mint (NM or M-) Very Good Plus (VG+) Very Good (VG) Good Plus (G+) Good (G) Fair (F) Poor (P) sleeve_condition string (optional) Example: FairThe condition of the sleeve of the item you are posting. Must be one of the following: Mint (M) Near Mint (NM or M-) Very Good Plus (VG+) Very Good (VG) Good Plus (G+) Good (G) Fair (F) Poor (P) Generic Not Graded No Cover price number (required) Example: 10.00The price of the item (in the seller’s currency). comments string (optional) Example: This item is wonderfulAny remarks about the item that will be displayed to buyers. allow_offers boolean (optional) Example: trueWhether or not to allow buyers to make offers on the item. Defaults to false. status string (required) Example: DraftThe status of the listing. Defaults to For Sale. Options are For Sale (the listing is ready to be shown on the Marketplace) and Draft (the listing is not ready for public display). external_id string (optional) Example: 10.00A freeform field that can be used for the seller’s own reference. Information stored here will not be displayed to anyone other than the seller. This field is called “Private Comments” on the Discogs website. location string (optional) Example: 10.00A freeform field that is intended to help identify an item’s physical storage location. Information stored here will not be displayed to anyone other than the seller. This field will be visible on the inventory management page and will be available in inventory exports via the website. weight number (optional) Example: 10.00The weight, in grams, of this listing, for the purpose of calculating shipping. Set this field to auto to have the weight automatically estimated for you. format_quantity number (optional) Example: 10.00The number of items this listing counts as, for the purpose of calculating shipping. This field is called “Counts As” on the Discogs website. Set this field to auto to have the quantity automatically estimated for you. RequestToggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Response  201Toggle Body { "listing_id": 41578241, "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/marketplace/listings/41578241" } Response  403Toggle Body { "message": "You don't have permission to access this resource." } Order  The Order resource allows you to manage a seller’s Marketplace orders. Get Order GET /marketplace/orders/{order_id} View the data associated with an order. Authentication as the seller is required. Parameters order_id number (required) Example: 1-1The ID of the order you are fetching Response  200Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 780 Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 19:59:59 GMT X-Varnish: 1702965334 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "id": "1-1", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/marketplace/orders/1-1", "messages_url": "https://api.discogs.com/marketplace/orders/1-1/messages", "uri": "http://www.discogs.com/sell/order/1-1", "status": "New Order", "next_status": [ "New Order", "Buyer Contacted", "Invoice Sent", "Payment Pending", "Payment Received", "Shipped", "Refund Sent", "Cancelled (Non-Paying Buyer)", "Cancelled (Item Unavailable)", "Cancelled (Per Buyer's Request)" ], "fee": { "currency": "USD", "value": 2.52 }, "created": "2011-10-21T09:25:17-07:00", "items": [ { "release": { "id": 1, "description": "Persuader, The - Stockholm (2x12\")" }, "price": { "currency": "USD", "value": 42 }, "media_condition": "Mint (M)", "sleeve_condition": "Mint (M)", "id": 41578242 } ], "shipping": { "currency": "USD", "method": "Standard", "value": 0 }, "shipping_address": "Asdf Exampleton\n234 NE Asdf St.\nAsdf Town, Oregon, 14423\nUnited States\n\nPhone: 555-555-2733\nPaypal address: asdf@example.com", "additional_instructions": "please use sturdy packaging.", "archived": false, "seller": { "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example_seller", "username": "example_seller", "id": 1 }, "last_activity": "2011-10-21T09:25:17-07:00", "buyer": { "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example_buyer", "username": "example_buyer", "id": 2 }, "total": { "currency": "USD", "value": 42 } } Response  401Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate Content-Type: application/json WWW-Authenticate: OAuth realm="https://api.discogs.com" Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 61 Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 20:37:49 GMT X-Varnish: 1703540564 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "message": "You must authenticate to access this resource." } Edit An Order POST /marketplace/orders/{order_id} Edit the data associated with an order. Authentication as the seller is required. The response contains a next_status key – an array of valid next statuses for this order, which you can display to the user in (for example) a dropdown control. This also renders your application more resilient to any future changes in the order status logic. Changing the order status using this resource will always message the buyer with: Seller changed status from Old Status to New Status and does not provide a facility for including a custom message along with the change. For more fine-grained control, use the Add a new message resource, which allows you to simultaneously add a message and change the order status. If the order status is neither cancelled, Payment Received, nor Shipped, you can change the shipping. Doing so will send an invoice to the buyer and set the order status to Invoice Sent. (For that reason, you cannot set the shipping and the order status in the same request.) Parameters order_id number (required) Example: 1-1The ID of the order you are fetching status string (optional) Example: New OrderThe status of the Order you are updating. Must be one of the following: New Order Buyer Contacted Invoice Sent Payment Pending Payment Received Shipped Refund Sent Cancelled (Non-Paying Buyer) Cancelled (Item Unavailable) Cancelled (Per Buyer's Request) the order’s current status Furthermore, the new status must be present in the order’s next_status list. For more information about order statuses, see Edit an order. shipping number (optional) Example: 5.00The order shipping amount. As a side-effect of setting this value, the buyer is invoiced and the order status is set to Invoice Sent. RequestToggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Response  200Toggle Body { "id": "1-1", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/marketplace/orders/1-1", "messages_url": "https://api.discogs.com/marketplace/orders/1-1/messages", "uri": "http://www.discogs.com/sell/order/1-1", "status": "Invoice Sent", "next_status": [ "New Order", "Buyer Contacted", "Invoice Sent", "Payment Pending", "Payment Received", "Shipped", "Refund Sent", "Cancelled (Non-Paying Buyer)", "Cancelled (Item Unavailable)", "Cancelled (Per Buyer's Request)" ], "fee": { "currency": "USD", "value": 2.52 }, "created": "2011-10-21T09:25:17-07:00", "items": [ { "release": { "id": 1, "description": "Persuader, The - Stockholm (2x12\")" }, "price": { "currency": "USD", "value": 42 }, "id": 41578242 } ], "shipping": { "currency": "USD", "method": "Standard", "value": 5 }, "shipping_address": "Asdf Exampleton\n234 NE Asdf St.\nAsdf Town, Oregon, 14423\nUnited States\n\nPhone: 555-555-2733\nPaypal address: asdf@example.com", "additional_instructions": "please use sturdy packaging.", "archived": false, "seller": { "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example_seller", "username": "example_seller", "id": 1 }, "last_activity": "2011-10-22T19:18:53-07:00", "buyer": { "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example_buyer", "username": "example_buyer", "id": 2 }, "total": { "currency": "USD", "value": 47 } } List Orders  Returns a list of the authenticated user’s orders. Accepts Pagination parameters. List Orders GET /marketplace/orders{?status,created_after,created_before,sort,sort_order} Returns a list of the authenticated user’s orders. Accepts Pagination parameters. Parameters status string (optional) Example: 1-1Only show orders with this status. Valid status keys are: All New Order Buyer Contacted Invoice Sent Payment Pending Payment Received Shipped Merged Order Changed Refund Sent Cancelled Cancelled (Non-Paying Buyer) Cancelled (Item Unavailable) Cancelled (Per Buyer's Request) Cancelled (Refund Received) created_after string (optional) Example: 2019-06-24T20:58:58ZOnly show orders created after this ISO 8601 timestamp. created_before string (optional) Example: 2019-06-24T20:58:58ZOnly show orders created before this ISO 8601 timestamp. archived boolean (optional) Example: trueOnly show orders with a specific archived status. If no key is provided, both statuses are returned. Valid archived keys are: true false sort string (optional) Example: 1-1Sort items by this field (see below). Valid sort keys are: id buyer created status last_activity sort_order string (optional) Example: 1-1Sort items in a particular order (one of asc, desc) Response  200Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 780 Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 19:59:59 GMT X-Varnish: 1702965334 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "pagination": { "per_page": 50, "pages": 1, "page": 1, "items": 1, "urls": {} }, "orders": [ { "status": "New Order", "fee": { "currency": "USD", "value": 2.52 }, "created": "2011-10-21T09:25:17-07:00", "items": [ { "release": { "id": 1, "description": "Persuader, The - Stockholm (2x12\")", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/releases/1", "thumbnail": "http://api-img.discogs.com/souG2t4I8ZFVK3kHVtD3zjGvd_Y=/fit-in/300x300/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/R-1-1193812031.jpeg.jpg" }, "price": { "currency": "USD", "value": 42.0 }, "id": 41578242 } ], "shipping": { "currency": "USD", "method": "Standard", "value": 0.0 }, "shipping_address": "Asdf Exampleton\n234 NE Asdf St.\nAsdf Town, Oregon, 14423\nUnited States\n\nPhone: 555-555-2733\nPaypal address: asdf@example.com", "additional_instructions": "please use sturdy packaging.", "archived": false, "seller": { "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example_seller", "username": "example_seller", "id": 1 }, "last_activity": "2011-10-21T09:25:17-07:00", "buyer": { "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example_buyer", "username": "example_buyer", "id": 2 }, "total": { "currency": "USD", "value": 42.0 }, "id": "1-1" "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/marketplace/orders/1-1", "messages_url": "https://api.discogs.com/marketplace/orders/1-1/messages", "uri": "http://www.discogs.com/sell/order/1-1", "next_status": [ "New Order", "Buyer Contacted", "Invoice Sent", "Payment Pending", "Payment Received", "Shipped", "Refund Sent", "Cancelled (Non-Paying Buyer)", "Cancelled (Item Unavailable)", "Cancelled (Per Buyer's Request)" ] } ] } List Order Messages  List Order Messages GET /marketplace/orders/{order_id}/messages Returns a list of the order’s messages with the most recent first. Accepts Pagination parameters. Authentication as the seller is required. Parameters order_id string (required) Example: 1-1The ID of the order you are fetching Response  200Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 780 Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 19:59:59 GMT X-Varnish: 1702965334 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "pagination": { "per_page": 50, "items": 8, "page": 1, "urls": {}, "pages": 1 }, "messages": [ { "refund": { "amount": 5, "order": { "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/marketplace/orders/845236-9", "id": "845236-9" } }, "timestamp": "2015-06-02T13:17:54-07:00", "message": "example_buyer received refund of $5.00.", "type": "refund_received", "order": { "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/marketplace/orders/845236-9", "id": "845236-9" }, "subject": "" }, { "refund": { "amount": 5, "order": { "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/marketplace/orders/845236-9", "id": "845236-9" } }, "timestamp": "2015-06-02T13:17:44-07:00", "message": "example_seller sent refund of $5.00.", "type": "refund_sent", "order": { "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/marketplace/orders/845236-9", "id": "845236-9" }, "subject": "" }, { "from": { "id": 1001, "username": "example_seller", "avatar_url": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/1ddcc19fb43551fb86c143465f773282?s=300&r=pg&d=mm", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example_seller" }, "timestamp": "2015-06-02T13:17:07-07:00", "message": "Thank you for your order!", "type": "message", "order": { "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/marketplace/orders/845236-9", "id": "845236-9" }, "subject": "New Message - Order #845236-9 - TZ Goes Beyond 10! + 1 more item" }, { "status_id": 6, "timestamp": "2015-06-02T13:16:57-07:00", "actor": { "username": "example_seller", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example_seller" }, "message": "example_buyer changed the order status to Shipped.", "type": "status", "order": { "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/marketplace/orders/845236-9", "id": "845236-9" }, "subject": "" }, { "status_id": 5, "timestamp": "2015-06-02T13:16:51-07:00", "actor": { "username": "example_seller", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example_seller" }, "message": "example_buyer changed the order status to Payment Received.", "type": "status", "order": { "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/marketplace/orders/845236-9", "id": "845236-9" }, "subject": "" }, { "status_id": 3, "timestamp": "2015-06-02T13:16:27-07:00", "actor": { "username": "example_seller", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example_seller" }, "message": "example_buyer changed the order status to Invoice Sent.", "type": "status", "order": { "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/marketplace/orders/845236-9", "id": "845236-9" }, "subject": "" }, { "timestamp": "2015-06-02T13:16:27-07:00", "original": 0, "new": 5, "message": "example_seller set the shipping price to $5.00.", "type": "shipping", "order": { "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/marketplace/orders/845236-9", "id": "845236-9" }, "subject": "" }, { "status_id": 1, "timestamp": "2015-06-02T13:16:12-07:00", "actor": { "username": "example_seller", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example_seller" }, "message": "example_seller created the order by merging orders #845236-7, #845236-8.", "type": "status", "order": { "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/marketplace/orders/845236-9", "id": "845236-9" }, "subject": "" } ] } Add New Message POST /marketplace/orders/{order_id}/messages Adds a new message to the order’s message log. When posting a new message, you can simultaneously change the order status. If you do, the message will automatically be prepended with: Seller changed status from Old Status to New Status While message and status are each optional, one or both must be present. Parameters order_id string (required) Example: 1-1The ID of the order you are fetching message string (optional) Example: hello world status string (optional) Example: New Order RequestToggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Response  201Toggle Body { "from": { "username": "example_seller", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example_seller" }, "message": "Seller changed status from Payment Received to Shipped\n\nYour order is on its way, tracking number #foobarbaz!", "order": { "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/marketplace/orders/1-1", "id": "1-1" }, "timestamp": "2011-11-18T15:32:42-07:00", "subject": "Discogs Order #1-1, Stockholm" } Response  403Toggle Body { "message": "You don't have permission to access this resource." } Fee  Calculate Fee GET /marketplace/fee/{price} The Fee resource allows you to quickly calculate the fee for selling an item on the Marketplace. Parameters price number (optional) Example: 10.00The price to calculate a fee from Response  200Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 780 Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 19:59:59 GMT X-Varnish: 1702965334 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "value": 0.42, "currency": "USD", } Fee with currency  Calculate Fee GET /marketplace/fee/{price}/{currency} The Fee resource allows you to quickly calculate the fee for selling an item on the Marketplace given a particular currency. Parameters price number (optional) Example: 10.00The price to calculate a fee from currency string (optional) Example: USDDefaults to USD. Must be one of the following: USD GBP EUR CAD AUD JPY CHF MXN BRL NZD SEK ZAR Response  200Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 780 Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 19:59:59 GMT X-Varnish: 1702965334 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "value": 0.42, "currency": "USD", } Price Suggestions  Get Price Suggestions GET /marketplace/price_suggestions/{release_id} Retrieve price suggestions for the provided Release ID. If no suggestions are available, an empty object will be returned. Authentication is required, and the user needs to have filled out their seller settings. Suggested prices will be denominated in the user’s selling currency. Parameters release_id number (required) Example: 1The release ID to calculate a price from. Response  200Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 780 Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 19:59:59 GMT X-Varnish: 1702965334 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "Very Good (VG)": { "currency": "USD", "value": 6.7827501 }, "Good Plus (G+)": { "currency": "USD", "value": 3.7681945000000003 }, "Near Mint (NM or M-)": { "currency": "USD", "value": 12.8118613 }, "Good (G)": { "currency": "USD", "value": 2.2609167 }, "Very Good Plus (VG+)": { "currency": "USD", "value": 9.7973057 }, "Mint (M)": { "currency": "USD", "value": 14.319139100000001 }, "Fair (F)": { "currency": "USD", "value": 1.5072778000000002 }, "Poor (P)": { "currency": "USD", "value": 0.7536389000000001 } } Release Statistics  Get Marketplace Stats GET /marketplace/stats/{release_id}{?curr_abbr} Retrieve marketplace statistics for the provided Release ID. These statistics reflect the state of the release in the marketplace currently, and include the number of items currently for sale, lowest listed price of any item for sale, and whether the item is blocked for sale in the marketplace. Authentication is optional. Authenticated users will by default have the lowest currency expressed in their own buyer currency, configurable in buyer settings, in the absence of the curr_abbr query parameter to specify the currency. Unauthenticated users will have the price expressed in US Dollars, if no curr_abbr is provided. Releases that have no items for sale in the marketplace will return a body with null data in the lowest_price and num_for_sale keys. Releases that are blocked for sale will also have null data for these keys. Parameters release_id number (required) Example: 1The release ID whose stats are desired curr_abbr string (optional) Example: USDCurrency for marketplace data. Defaults to the authenticated users currency. Must be one of the following: USD GBP EUR CAD AUD JPY CHF MXN BRL NZD SEK ZAR Response  200Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 780 Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 19:59:59 GMT X-Varnish: 1702965334 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "lowest_price": { "currency": "USD", "value": 2.09 }, "num_for_sale": 26, "blocked_from_sale": false } Next  Previous Inventory Export  Export your inventory  Export your inventory POST /inventory/export Request an export of your inventory as a CSV. Response  200Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Location: https://api.discogs.com/inventory/export/599632 Response  401Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Response  409Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Get recent exports  Get recent exports GET /inventory/export Get a list of all recent exports of your inventory. Accepts Pagination parameters. Response  200Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Body { "items": [ { "status": "success", "created_ts": "2018-09-27T12:59:02", "url": "https://api.discogs.com/inventory/export/599632", "finished_ts": "2018-09-27T12:59:02", "download_url": "https://api.discogs.com/inventory/export/599632/download", "filename": "cburmeister-inventory-20180927-1259.csv", "id": 599632 } ], "pagination": { "per_page": 50, "items": 15, "page": 1, "urls": {}, "pages": 1 } } Response  401Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Get an export  Get an export GET /inventory/export/{id} Get details about the status of an inventory export. Parameters id number (required) Id of the export. RequestToggle Headers Content-Type: multipart/form-data If-Modified-Since: Thu, 27 Sep 2018 12:50:39 GMT Response  200Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Last-Modified: Thu, 27 Sep 2018 12:59:02 GMT Body { "status": "success", "created_ts": "2018-09-27T12:50:39", "url": "https://api.discogs.com/inventory/export/599632", "finished_ts": "2018-09-27T12:59:02", "download_url": "https://api.discogs.com/inventory/export/599632/download", "filename": "cburmeister-inventory-20180927-1259.csv", "id": 599632 } Response  304 Response  401Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Response  404Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Download an export  Download an export GET /inventory/export/{id}/download Download the results of an inventory export. Parameters id number (required) Id of the export. Response  200Toggle Headers Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=cburmeister-inventory-20180927-1259.csv Response  401Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Response  404Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Next  Previous Inventory Upload  Add inventory  Add inventory POST /inventory/upload/add Upload a CSV of listings to add to your inventory. File structure ¶ The file you upload must be a comma-separated CSV. The first row must be a header with lower case field names. Here’s an example: release_id,price,media_condition,comments 123,1.50,Mint (M),Comments about this release for sale 456,2.50,Near Mint (NM or M-),More comments 7890,3.50,Good (G),Signed vinyl copy Things to note: ¶ These listings will be marked “For Sale” immediately. Currency information will be pulled from your marketplace settings. Any fields that aren’t optional or required will be ignored. Required fields ¶ release_id - Must be a number. This value corresponds with the Discogs database Release ID. price - Must be a number. media_condition - Must be a valid condition (see below). Optional fields ¶ sleeve_condition - Must be a valid condition (see below). comments accept_offer - Must be Y or N. location - Private free-text field to help identify an item’s physical location. external_id - Private notes or IDs for your own reference. weight - In grams. Must be a non-negative integer. format_quantity - Number of items that this item counts as (for shipping). Conditions ¶ When you specify a media condition, it must exactly match one of these: Mint (M) Near Mint (NM or M-) Very Good Plus (VG+) Very Good (VG) Good Plus (G+) Good (G) Fair (F) Poor (P) Sleeve condition may be any of the above, or: Not Graded Generic No Cover Parameters upload file (required) The CSV file of items to add to your inventory. Response  200Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Location: https://api.discogs.com/inventory/upload/599632 Response  401Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Response  409Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Response  415Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Response  422Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Change inventory  Change inventory POST /inventory/upload/change Upload a CSV of listings to change in your inventory. File structure ¶ The file you upload must be a comma-separated CSV. The first row must be a header with lower case field names. Here’s an example: release_id,price,media_condition,comments 123,1.50,Mint (M),Comments about this release for sale 456,2.50,Near Mint (NM or M-),More comments 7890,3.50,Good (G),Signed vinyl copy Things to note: ¶ These listings will be marked “For Sale” immediately. Currency information will be pulled from your marketplace settings. Any fields that aren’t optional or required will be ignored. Required fields ¶ release_id - Must be a number. This value corresponds with the Discogs database Release ID. Optional fields (at least one required) ¶ price - media_condition - Must be a valid condition (see below). sleeve_condition - Must be a valid condition (see below). comments accept_offer - Must be Y or N. external_id - Private notes or IDs for your own reference. location - Private free-text field to help identify an item’s physical location. weight - In grams. Must be a non-negative integer. format_quantity - Number of items that this item counts as (for shipping). Conditions ¶ When you specify a media condition, it must exactly match one of these: Mint (M) Near Mint (NM or M-) Very Good Plus (VG+) Very Good (VG) Good Plus (G+) Good (G) Fair (F) Poor (P) Sleeve condition may be any of the above, or: Not Graded Generic No Cover Parameters upload file (required) The CSV file of items to alter in your inventory. Response  200Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Location: https://api.discogs.com/inventory/upload/599632 Response  401Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Response  409Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Response  415Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Response  422Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Delete inventory  Delete inventory POST /inventory/upload/delete Upload a CSV of listings to delete from your inventory. File structure ¶ The file you upload must be a comma-separated CSV. The first row must be a header with lower case field names. Here’s an example: listing_id 12345678 98765432 31415926 Required fields ¶ listing_id - Must be a number. This is the ID of the listing you wish to delete. Parameters upload file (required) The CSV file listing items to remove from your inventory. Response  200Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Location: https://api.discogs.com/inventory/upload/599632 Response  401Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Response  409Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Response  415Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Response  422Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Get recent uploads  Get recent uploads GET /inventory/upload Get a list of all recent inventory uploads. Accepts Pagination parameters. Response  200Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Body { "items": [ { "status": "success", "results": "CSV file contains 1 records.

Processed 1 records.", "created_ts": "2017-12-18T09:20:28", "finished_ts": "2017-12-18T09:20:29", "filename": "add.csv", "type": "change", "id": 119615 } ], "pagination": { "per_page": 50, "items": 1, "page": 1, "urls": {}, "pages": 1 } } Response  401Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Get an upload  Get an upload GET /inventory/upload/{id} Get details about the status of an inventory upload. Parameters id number (required) Id of the export. RequestToggle Headers Content-Type: multipart/form-data If-Modified-Since: Thu, 27 Sep 2018 09:20:28 GMT Response  200Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Body { "status": "success", "results": "CSV file contains 1 records.

Processed 1 records.", "created_ts": "2017-12-18T09:20:28", "finished_ts": "2017-12-18T09:20:29", "filename": "add.csv", "type": "change", "id": 119615 } Response  304 Response  401Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Response  404Toggle Headers Content-Type: application/json Next  Previous User Identity  Identity  Get Identity GET /oauth/identity Retrieve basic information about the authenticated user. You can use this resource to find out who you’re authenticated as, and it also doubles as a good sanity check to ensure that you’re using OAuth correctly. For more detailed information, make another request for the user’s Profile. RequestToggle Body GET https://api.discogs.com/oauth/identity Response  200Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate Content-Type: application/json Content-Encoding: gzip Content-Location: https://api.discogs.com/oauth/identity?oauth_body_hash=some_hash&oauth_nonce=... Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 127 Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 18:44:17 GMT X-Varnish: 1718276369 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "id": 1, "username": "example", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example", "consumer_name": "Your Application Name" } Response  401Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate Content-Type: application/json WWW-Authenticate: OAuth realm="https://api.discogs.com" Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 61 Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 18:42:38 GMT X-Varnish: 1718433436 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "message": "You must authenticate to access this resource." } Profile  Get Profile GET /users/{username} Retrieve a user by username. If authenticated as the requested user, the email key will be visible, and the num_list count will include the user’s private lists. If authenticated as the requested user or the user’s collection/wantlist is public, the num_collection / num_wantlist keys will be visible. Parameters username string (required) Example: rodneyfoolThe username of whose profile you are requesting. Response  200Toggle Headers Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 858 Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 18:46:21 GMT X-Varnish: 1718492795 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "profile": "I am a software developer for Discogs.\r\n\r\n[img=http://i.imgur.com/IAk3Ukk.gif]", "wantlist_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/rodneyfool/wants", "rank": 149, "num_pending": 61, "id": 1578108, "num_for_sale": 0, "home_page": "", "location": "I live in the good ol' Pacific NW", "collection_folders_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/rodneyfool/collection/folders", "username": "rodneyfool", "collection_fields_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/rodneyfool/collection/fields", "releases_contributed": 5, "registered": "2012-08-15T21:13:36-07:00", "rating_avg": 3.47, "num_collection": 78, "releases_rated": 116, "num_lists": 0, "name": "Rodney", "num_wantlist": 160, "inventory_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/rodneyfool/inventory", "avatar_url": "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/55502f40dc8b7c769880b10874abc9d0?s=52&r=pg&d=mm", "banner_url": "https://img.discogs.com/dhuJe-pRJmod7hN3cdVi2PugEh4=/1600x400/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg)/discogs-banners/B-1578108-user-1436314164-9231.jpg.jpg", "uri": "http://www.discogs.com/user/rodneyfool", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/rodneyfool", "buyer_rating": 100.00, "buyer_rating_stars": 5, "buyer_num_ratings": 144, "seller_rating": 100.00, "seller_rating_stars": 5, "seller_num_ratings": 21, "curr_abbr": "USD", } Edit Profile POST /users/{username} Edit a user’s profile data. Authentication as the user is required. Parameters username string (required) Example: vreonThe username of the user. name string (optional) Example: Nicolas CageThe real name of the user. home_page string (optional) Example: www.discogs.comThe user’s website. location string (optional) Example: PortlandThe geographical location of the user. profile string (optional) Example: I am a Discogs user!Biographical information about the user. curr_abbr string (optional) Example: USDCurrency for marketplace data. Must be one of the following: USD GBP EUR CAD AUD JPY CHF MXN BRL NZD SEK ZAR Response  200Toggle Body { "id": 1, "username": "example", "name": "Example Sampleman", "email": "sampleman@example.com", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example", "inventory_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example/inventory", "collection_folders_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example/collection/folders", "collection_fields_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example/collection/fields", "wantlist_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example/wants", "uri": "http://www.discogs.com/user/example", "profile": "This is some [b]different sample[/b] data!", "home_page": "http://www.example.com", "location": "Australia", "registered": "2011-08-30 14:21:45-07:00", "num_lists": 0, "num_for_sale": 6, "num_collection": 4, "num_wantlist": 5, "num_pending": 10, "releases_contributed": 15, "rank": 30, "releases_rated": 4, "rating_avg": 2.5 } Response  403Toggle Body { "message": "You don't have permission to access this resource." } User Submissions  The Submissions resource represents all edits that a user makes to releases, labels, and artist. Get Submissions GET /users/{username}/submissions Retrieve a user’s submissions by username. Accepts Pagination parameters. Parameters username string (required) Example: shooezgirlThe username of the submissions you are trying to fetch. Response  200Toggle Body { "pagination": { "items": 3, "page": 1, "pages": 1, "per_page": 50, "urls": {} }, "submissions": { "artists": [ { "data_quality": "Needs Vote", "id": 240177, "name": "Grimy", "namevariations": [ "Grimmy" ], "releases_url": "https://api.discogs.com/artists/240177/releases", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/artists/240177", "uri": "http://www.discogs.com/artist/240177-Grimy" } ], "labels": [], "releases": [ { "artists": [ { "anv": "", "id": 17035, "join": "", "name": "Chaka Khan", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/artists/17035", "role": "", "tracks": "" } ], "community": { "contributors": [ { "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/shooezgirl", "username": "shooezgirl" }, { "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/Diognes_The_Fox", "username": "Diognes_The_Fox" } ], "data_quality": "Needs Vote", "have": 0, "rating": { "average": 0, "count": 0 }, "status": "Accepted", "submitter": { "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/shooezgirl", "username": "shooezgirl" }, "want": 0 }, "companies": [], "country": "US", "data_quality": "Needs Vote", "date_added": "2014-03-25T14:52:18-07:00", "date_changed": "2014-05-14T13:28:21-07:00", "estimated_weight": 60, "format_quantity": 1, "formats": [ { "descriptions": [ "7\"", "45 RPM", "Promo" ], "name": "Vinyl", "qty": "1" } ], "genres": [ "Funk / Soul" ], "id": 5531861, "images": [ { "height": 594, "resource_url": "https://api-img.discogs.com/i3jf6S4S7LMNBuWxstCxAQs2Rw0=/fit-in/600x594/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(96)/discogs-images/R-5531861-1400099290-9223.jpeg.jpg", "type": "primary", "uri": "https://api-img.discogs.com/i3jf6S4S7LMNBuWxstCxAQs2Rw0=/fit-in/600x594/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(96)/discogs-images/R-5531861-1400099290-9223.jpeg.jpg", "uri150": "https://api-img.discogs.com/xMSwaqP2T8SNwDUTO-gXmHXWt6s=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/R-5531861-1400099290-9223.jpeg.jpg", "width": 600 }, { "height": 600, "resource_url": "https://api-img.discogs.com/sT0plDMoOcfJz-1JEui8XQr69kw=/fit-in/600x600/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(96)/discogs-images/R-5531861-1400099290-9749.jpeg.jpg", "type": "secondary", "uri": "https://api-img.discogs.com/sT0plDMoOcfJz-1JEui8XQr69kw=/fit-in/600x600/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(96)/discogs-images/R-5531861-1400099290-9749.jpeg.jpg", "uri150": "https://api-img.discogs.com/f2QfdjBjpuP-Eht4DVSlCfPtTe8=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/R-5531861-1400099290-9749.jpeg.jpg", "width": 600 } ], "labels": [ { "catno": "7-28671", "entity_type": "1", "id": 1000, "name": "Warner Bros. Records", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/labels/1000" } ], "master_id": 174698, "master_url": "https://api.discogs.com/masters/174698", "notes": "Promotion Not for Sale", "released": "1986", "released_formatted": "1986", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/releases/5531861", "series": [], "status": "Accepted", "styles": [ "Rhythm & Blues" ], "thumb": "https://api-img.discogs.com/xMSwaqP2T8SNwDUTO-gXmHXWt6s=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/R-5531861-1400099290-9223.jpeg.jpg", "title": "Love Of A Lifetime", "uri": "http://www.discogs.com/Chaka-Khan-Love-Of-A-Lifetime/release/5531861", "videos": [ { "description": "Chaka Khan - Love you all my lifetime (live)", "duration": 285, "embed": true, "title": "Chaka Khan - Love you all my lifetime (live)", "uri": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOrCYzfchTI" }, { "description": "Chaka Khan - Love Of A Lifetime [Official Video]", "duration": 257, "embed": true, "title": "Chaka Khan - Love Of A Lifetime [Official Video]", "uri": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5K6-q2VqJdE" }, { "description": "CHAKA KHAN - COLTRANE DREAMS ~{The 45 VERSION}~", "duration": 151, "embed": true, "title": "CHAKA KHAN - COLTRANE DREAMS ~{The 45 VERSION}~", "uri": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11eaG7KdS9g" } ], "year": 1986 } ] } } User Contributions  The Contributions resource represents releases, labels, and artists submitted by a user. Get Contributions GET /users/{username}/contributions{?sort,sort_order} Retrieve a user’s contributions by username. Accepts Pagination parameters. Valid sort keys are: label artist title catno format rating year added Valid sort_order keys are: asc desc Parameters username string (required) Example: shooezgirlThe username of the submissions you are trying to fetch. sort string (optional) Example: artistSort items by this field (see below for all valid sort keys. sort_order string (optional) Example: descSort items in a particular order (asc or desc) Response  200Toggle Body { "contributions": [ { "artists": [ { "anv": "", "id": 17961, "join": "And", "name": "Cher", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/artists/17961", "role": "", "tracks": "" } ], "community": { "contributors": [ { "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/shooezgirl", "username": "shooezgirl" }, { "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/Aquacrash_Dj", "username": "Aquacrash_Dj" } ], "data_quality": "Needs Vote", "have": 0, "rating": { "average": 0, "count": 0 }, "status": "Accepted", "submitter": { "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/shooezgirl", "username": "shooezgirl" }, "want": 0 }, "companies": [], "country": "US", "data_quality": "Needs Vote", "date_added": "2014-03-25T15:16:13-07:00", "date_changed": "2014-05-14T13:36:00-07:00", "estimated_weight": 60, "format_quantity": 1, "formats": [ { "descriptions": [ "7\"", "45 RPM", "Single", "Promo" ], "name": "Vinyl", "qty": "1" } ], "genres": [ "Rock", "Pop" ], "id": 5531933, "images": [ { "height": 605, "resource_url": "https://api-img.discogs.com/e0X1tNZv6nkdOOTPJAn-dtCbFa0=/fit-in/600x605/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(96)/discogs-images/R-5531933-1400099758-6444.jpeg.jpg", "type": "primary", "uri": "https://api-img.discogs.com/e0X1tNZv6nkdOOTPJAn-dtCbFa0=/fit-in/600x605/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(96)/discogs-images/R-5531933-1400099758-6444.jpeg.jpg", "uri150": "https://api-img.discogs.com/8et0xtf9REFloKoqi6NSJ6AJvFI=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/R-5531933-1400099758-6444.jpeg.jpg", "width": 600 } ], "labels": [ { "catno": "7-27529-DJ", "entity_type": "1", "id": 821, "name": "Geffen Records", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/labels/821" } ], "master_id": 223379, "master_url": "https://api.discogs.com/masters/223379", "notes": "Promotion Not For Sale", "released": "1989", "released_formatted": "1989", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/releases/5531933", "series": [], "status": "Accepted", "styles": [ "Ballad" ], "thumb": "https://api-img.discogs.com/8et0xtf9REFloKoqi6NSJ6AJvFI=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/R-5531933-1400099758-6444.jpeg.jpg", "title": "After All", "uri": "http://www.discogs.com/Cher-And-Peter-Cetera-After-All/release/5531933", "videos": [ { "description": "Cher & Peter Cetera - After All [On-Screen Lyrics]", "duration": 247, "embed": true, "title": "Cher & Peter Cetera - After All [On-Screen Lyrics]", "uri": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy717J3Iscw" } ], "year": 1989 } ], "pagination": { "items": 2, "page": 1, "pages": 1, "per_page": 50, "urls": {} } } Next  Previous User Collection  Collection  The Collection resource allows you to view and manage a user’s collection. A collection is arranged into folders. Every user has two permanent folders already: ID 0, the “All” folder, which cannot have releases added to it, and ID 1, the “Uncategorized” folder. Because it’s possible to own more than one copy of a release, each with its own notes, grading, and so on, each instance of a release in a folder has an instance ID. Through the Discogs website, users can create custom notes fields. There is not yet an API method for creating and deleting these fields, but they can be listed, and the values of the fields on any instance can be modified. Get Collection Folders GET /users/{username}/collection/folders Retrieve a list of folders in a user’s collection. If the collection has been made private by its owner, authentication as the collection owner is required. If you are not authenticated as the collection owner, only folder ID 0 (the “All” folder) will be visible (if the requested user’s collection is public). Parameters username string (required) Example: rodneyfoolThe username of the collection you are trying to retrieve. Response  200Toggle Headers Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 132 Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 23:20:21 GMT X-Varnish: 1722533701 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "folders": [ { "id": 0, "count": 23, "name": "All", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example/collection/folders/0" }, { "id": 1, "count": 20, "name": "Uncategorized", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example/collection/folders/1" } ] } Create Folder POST /users/{username}/collection/folders Create a new folder in a user’s collection. Authentication as the collection owner is required. Parameters username string (required) Example: rodneyfoolThe username of the collection you are trying to retrieve. name string (optional) Example: My favoritesThe name of the newly-created folder. Response  201Toggle Body { "id": 232842, "name": "My Music", "count": 0, "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example/collection/folders/232842" } Collection Folder  Get Folders GET /users/{username}/collection/folders/{folder_id} Retrieve metadata about a folder in a user’s collection. If folder_id is not 0, authentication as the collection owner is required. Parameters username string (required) Example: rodneyfoolThe username of the collection you are trying to request. folder_id number (required) Example: 3The ID of the folder to request. Response  200Toggle Headers Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 132 Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 23:20:21 GMT X-Varnish: 1722533701 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "id": 1, "count": 20, "name": "Uncategorized", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example/collection/folders/1" } Edit Folder POST /users/{username}/collection/folders/{folder_id} Edit a folder’s metadata. Folders 0 and 1 cannot be renamed. Authentication as the collection owner is required. Parameters username string (required) Example: rodneyfoolThe username of the collection you are trying to modify. folder_id number (required) Example: 3The ID of the folder to modify. Response  200Toggle Body { "id": 392, "count": 3, "name": "An Example Folder", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example/collection/folders/392" } Delete Folder DELETE /users/{username}/collection/folders/{folder_id} Delete a folder from a user’s collection. A folder must be empty before it can be deleted. Authentication as the collection owner is required. Parameters username string (required) Example: rodneyfoolThe username of the collection you are trying to modify. folder_id number (required) Example: 3The ID of the folder to delete. Response  204 Collection Items By Release  Get Items By Release GET /users/{username}/collection/releases/{release_id} View the user’s collection folders which contain a specified release. This will also show information about each release instance. The release_id must be non-zero. Authentication as the collection owner is required if the owner’s collection is private. Parameters username string (required) Example: susan.salkeldThe username of the collection you are trying to view. release_id number (required) Example: 7781525The ID of the release to request. Response  200Toggle Body { "pagination": { "per_page": 50, "items": 28, "page": 1, "urls": {}, "pages": 1 }, "releases": [ { "instance_id": 148842233, "rating": 4, "basic_information": { "labels": [ { "name": "Varèse Vintage", "entity_type": "1", "catno": "302 067 361 1", "resource_url": "http://api.discogs.com/labels/151979", "id": 151979, "entity_type_name": "Label" } ], "formats": [ { "descriptions": [ "LP", "Album", "Compilation", "Limited Edition", "Mono" ], "name": "Vinyl", "qty": "2" } ], "thumb": "http://api-img.discogs.com/FGmDbZ6M9wNPwEAsn0yWz1jzQuI=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(90)/discogs-images/R-7781525-1449187274-5587.jpeg.jpg", "title": "The BBC Radio Sessions", "artists": [ { "join": ",", "name": "The Zombies", "anv": "", "tracks": "", "role": "", "resource_url": "http://api.discogs.com/artists/262221", "id": 262221 } ], "resource_url": "http://api.discogs.com/releases/7781525", "year": 2015, "id": 7781525 }, "folder_id": 688739, "date_added": "2015-11-30T10:54:13-08:00", "id": 7781525 }, { "instance_id": 181301430, "rating": 4, "basic_information": { "labels": [ { "name": "Varèse Vintage", "entity_type": "1", "catno": "302 067 361 1", "resource_url": "http://api.discogs.com/labels/151979", "id": 151979, "entity_type_name": "Label" } ], "formats": [ { "descriptions": [ "LP", "Album", "Compilation", "Limited Edition", "Mono" ], "name": "Vinyl", "qty": "2" } ], "thumb": "http://api-img.discogs.com/FGmDbZ6M9wNPwEAsn0yWz1jzQuI=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(90)/discogs-images/R-7781525-1449187274-5587.jpeg.jpg", "title": "The BBC Radio Sessions", "artists": [ { "join": ",", "name": "The Zombies", "anv": "", "tracks": "", "role": "", "resource_url": "http://api.discogs.com/artists/262221", "id": 262221 } ], "resource_url": "http://api.discogs.com/releases/7781525", "year": 2015, "id": 7781525 }, "folder_id": 1, "date_added": "2016-07-27T08:11:29-07:00", "id": 7781525 }, { "instance_id": 181301442, "rating": 4, "basic_information": { "labels": [ { "name": "Varèse Vintage", "entity_type": "1", "catno": "302 067 361 1", "resource_url": "http://api.discogs.com/labels/151979", "id": 151979, "entity_type_name": "Label" } ], "formats": [ { "descriptions": [ "LP", "Album", "Compilation", "Limited Edition", "Mono" ], "name": "Vinyl", "qty": "2" } ], "thumb": "http://api-img.discogs.com/FGmDbZ6M9wNPwEAsn0yWz1jzQuI=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(90)/discogs-images/R-7781525-1449187274-5587.jpeg.jpg", "title": "The BBC Radio Sessions", "artists": [ { "join": ",", "name": "The Zombies", "anv": "", "tracks": "", "role": "", "resource_url": "http://api.discogs.com/artists/262221", "id": 262221 } ], "resource_url": "http://api.discogs.com/releases/7781525", "year": 2015, "id": 7781525 }, "folder_id": 688739, "date_added": "2016-07-27T08:11:35-07:00", "id": 7781525 } ] } Collection Items By Folder  Get Items GET /users/{username}/collection/folders/{folder_id}/releases Returns the list of item in a folder in a user’s collection. Accepts Pagination parameters. Basic information about each release is provided, suitable for display in a list. For detailed information, make another API call to fetch the corresponding release. If folder_id is not 0, or the collection has been made private by its owner, authentication as the collection owner is required. If you are not authenticated as the collection owner, only public notes fields will be visible. Valid sort keys are: label artist title catno format rating added year Parameters username string (required) Example: rodneyfoolThe username of the collection you are trying to request. folder_id number (required) Example: 3The ID of the folder to request. sort string (optional) Example: artistSort items by this field (see below for all valid sort keys. sort_order string (optional) Example: descSort items in a particular order (asc or desc) Response  200Toggle Headers Reproxy-Status: yes Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate Content-Type: application/json Server: lighttpd Content-Length: 132 Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 23:20:21 GMT X-Varnish: 1722533701 Age: 0 Via: 1.1 varnish Connection: keep-alive Body { "pagination": { "per_page": 1, "pages": 14, "page": 1, "items": 14, "urls": { "next": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example/collection/folders/1/releases?page=2&per_page=1", "last": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example/collection/folders/1/releases?page=2&per_page=14", } }, "releases": [ { "id": 2464521, "instance_id": 1, "folder_id": 1, "rating": 0, "basic_information": { "id": 2464521, "title": "Information Chase", "year": 2006, "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/releases/2464521", "thumb": "https://api-img.discogs.com/vzpYq4_kc52GZFs14c0SCJ0ZE84=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/R-2464521-1285519861.jpeg.jpg", "cover_image": "https://api-img.discogs.com/vzpYq4_kc52GZFs14c0SCJ0ZE84/fit-in/500x500/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(90)/discogs-images/R-2464521-1285519861.jpeg.jpg", "formats": [ { "qty": "1", "descriptions": [ "Mini", "EP" ], "name": "CDr" } ], "labels": [ { "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/labels/11647", "entity_type": "", "catno": "8BP059", "id": 11647, "name": "8bitpeoples" } ], "artists": [ { "id": 103906, "name": "Bit Shifter", "join": "", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/artists/103906", "anv": "", "tracks": "", "role": "" } ], "genres": [ "Electronic", "Pop" ], "styles": [ "Chiptune" ] }, "notes": [ { "field_id": 3, "value": "bleep bloop blorp." } ] } ] } Add To Collection Folder  Add Release POST /users/{username}/collection/folders/{folder_id}/releases/{release_id} Add a release to a folder in a user’s collection. The folder_id must be non-zero – you can use 1 for “Uncategorized”. Authentication as the collection owner is required. Parameters username string (required) Example: rodneyfoolThe username of the collection you are trying to modify. folder_id number (required) Example: 3The ID of the folder to modify. release_id number (required) Example: 130076The ID of the release you are adding. Response  201Toggle Body { "instance_id": 3, "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example/collection/folders/1/release/1/instance/3" } Change Rating Of Release  Change Rating POST /users/{username}/collection/folders/{folder_id}/releases/{release_id}/instances/{instance_id} Change the rating on a release and/or move the instance to another folder. This endpoint potentially takes 2 folder_id parameters: one in the URL (which is the folder you are requesting, and is required), and one in the request body (representing the folder you want to move the instance to, which is optional) Authentication as the collection owner is required. Parameters username string (required) Example: rodneyfoolThe username of the collection you are trying to modify. folder_id number (optional) Example: 4The ID of the folder to modify (this parameter is set in the request body and is set if you want to move the instance to this folder). release_id number (required) Example: 130076The ID of the release you are modifying. instance_id number (required) Example: 1The ID of the instance. rating number (optional) Example: 5The rating of the instance you are supplying. Response  204 Delete Instance From Folder  Delete Instance DELETE /users/{username}/collection/folders/{folder_id}/releases/{release_id}/instances/{instance_id} Remove an instance of a release from a user’s collection folder. To move the release to the “Uncategorized” folder instead, use the POST method. Authentication as the collection owner is required. Parameters username string (required) Example: rodneyfoolThe username of the collection you are trying to modify. folder_id number (required) Example: 3The ID of the folder to modify. release_id number (required) Example: 130076The ID of the release you are modifying. instance_id number (required) Example: 1The ID of the instance. Response  204 Response  403Toggle Body { "message": "You don't have permission to access this resource." } List Custom Fields  List Fields GET /users/{username}/collection/fields Retrieve a list of user-defined collection notes fields. These fields are available on every release in the collection. If the collection has been made private by its owner, authentication as the collection owner is required. If you are not authenticated as the collection owner, only fields with public set to true will be visible. Parameters username string (required) Example: rodneyfoolThe username of the collection you are trying to modify. Response  200Toggle Body { "fields": [ { "name": "Media", "options": [ "Mint (M)", "Near Mint (NM or M-)", "Very Good Plus (VG+)", "Very Good (VG)", "Good Plus (G+)", "Good (G)", "Fair (F)", "Poor (P)" ], "id": 1, "position": 1, "type": "dropdown", "public": true }, { "name": "Sleeve", "options": [ "Generic", "No Cover", "Mint (M)", "Near Mint (NM or M-)", "Very Good Plus (VG+)", "Very Good (VG)", "Good Plus (G+)", "Good (G)", "Fair (F)", "Poor (P)" ], "id": 2, "position": 2, "type": "dropdown", "public": true }, { "name": "Notes", "lines": 3, "id": 3, "position": 3, "type": "textarea", "public": true } ] } Edit Fields Instance  Edit Fields POST /users/{username}/collection/folders/{folder_id}/releases/{release_id}/instances/{instance_id}/fields/{field_id}{?value} Change the value of a notes field on a particular instance. Parameters username string (required) Example: rodneyfoolThe username of the collection you are trying to modify. value string (required) Example: fooThe new value of the field. If the field’s type is dropdown, the value must match one of the values in the field’s list of options. folder_id number (required) Example: 3The ID of the folder to modify. release_id number (required) Example: 130076The ID of the release you are modifying. instance_id number (required) Example: 1The ID of the instance. field_id number (required) Example: 8The ID of the field. Response  204 Collection Value  Get Collection Value GET /users/{username}/collection/value Returns the minimum, median, and maximum value of a user’s collection. Authentication as the collection owner is required. Parameters username string (required) Example: rodneyfoolThe username of the collection you are trying to modify. Response  200Toggle Body { "maximum": "$250.00", "median": "$100.25", "minimum": "$75.50" } Next  Previous User Wantlist  Wantlist  The Wantlist resource allows you to view and manage a user’s wantlist. Get Wantlist GET /users/{username}/wants Returns the list of releases in a user’s wantlist. Accepts Pagination parameters. Basic information about each release is provided, suitable for display in a list. For detailed information, make another API call to fetch the corresponding release. If the wantlist has been made private by its owner, you must be authenticated as the owner to view it. The notes field will be visible if you are authenticated as the wantlist owner. Parameters username string (required) Example: rodneyfoolThe username of the wantlist you are trying to fetch. Response  200Toggle Body { "pagination": { "per_page": 50, "pages": 1, "page": 1, "items": 2, "urls": {} }, "wants": [ { "rating": 4, "basic_information": { "formats": [ { "text": "Digipak", "qty": "1", "descriptions": [ "Album" ], "name": "CD" } ], "thumb": "https://api-img.discogs.com/PsLAcp_I0-EPPkSBaHx2t7dmXTg=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/R-1867708-1248886216.jpeg.jpg", "cover_image": "https://api-img.discogs.com/PsLAcp_I0-EPPkSBaHx2t7dmXTg=/fit-in/500x500/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/R-1867708-1248886216.jpeg.jpg", "title": "Year Zero", "labels": [ { "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/labels/2311", "entity_type": "", "catno": "B0008764-02", "id": 2311, "name": "Interscope Records" } ], "year": 2007, "artists": [ { "join": "", "name": "Nine Inch Nails", "anv": "", "tracks": "", "role": "", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/artists/3857", "id": 3857 } ], "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/releases/1867708", "id": 1867708 }, "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example/wants/1867708", "id": 1867708 }, { "rating": 0, "basic_information": { "formats": [ { "qty": "1", "descriptions": [ "Album" ], "name": "CDr" } ], "thumb": "https://api-img.discogs.com/w1cVy7ppMYEDlqY9sjoAojC3MhQ=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/R-1675174-1236118359.jpeg.jpg", "cover_image": "https://api-img.discogs.com/w1cVy7ppMYEDlqY9sjoAojC3MhQ=/fit-in/347x352/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/R-1675174-1236118359.jpeg.jpg", "title": "Dawn Metropolis", "labels": [ { "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/labels/141550", "entity_type": "", "catno": "NORM007", "id": 141550, "name": "Normative" } ], "year": 2009, "artists": [ { "join": "", "name": "Anamanaguchi", "anv": "", "tracks": "", "role": "", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/artists/667233", "id": 667233 } ], "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/releases/1675174", "id": 1675174 }, "notes": "Sample notes.", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example/wants/1675174", "id": 1675174 } ] } Add To Wantlist  Add a release to a user’s wantlist. Authentication as the wantlist owner is required. Add To Wantlist PUT /users/{username}/wants/{release_id}{?notes,rating} Parameters username string (required) Example: rodneyfoolThe username of the wantlist you are trying to fetch. release_id number (required) Example: 130076The ID of the release you are adding. notes string (optional) Example: My favorite releaseUser notes to associate with this release. rating number (optional) Example: 5User’s rating of this release, from 0 (unrated) to 5 (best). Defaults to 0. Response  201Toggle Body { "id": 1, "rating": 0, "notes": "", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example/wants/1", "basic_information": { "id": 1, "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/releases/1", "thumb": "https://api-img.discogs.com/7HGTQzTb7os1duruukQElELEapk=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/R-1-1193812031.jpeg.jpg", "cover_image": "https://api-img.discogs.com/7HGTQzTb7os1duruukQElELEapk=/fit-in/347x352/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/R-1-1193812031.jpeg.jpg", "title": "Stockholm", "year": 1999, "formats": [ { "qty": "2", "descriptions": [ "12\"" ], "name": "Vinyl" } ], "labels": [ { "name": "Svek", "entity_type": "1", "catno": "SK032", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/labels/5", "id": 5, "entity_type_name": "Label" } ], "artists": [ { "join": "", "name": "Persuader, The", "anv": "", "tracks": "", "role": "", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/artists/1", "id": 1 } ] } } Edit Release In Wantlist POST /users/{username}/wants/{release_id}{?notes,rating} Parameters username string (required) Example: rodneyfoolThe username of the wantlist you are trying to fetch. notes string (optional) Example: My favorite releaseUser notes to associate with this release. rating number (optional) Example: 5User’s rating of this release, from 0 (unrated) to 5 (best). Defaults to 0. Response  200Toggle Body { "id": 1, "rating": 0, "notes": "I've added some notes!", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/users/example/wants/1", "basic_information": { "id": 1, "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/releases/1", "thumb": "https://api-img.discogs.com/7HGTQzTb7os1duruukQElELEapk=/fit-in/150x150/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/R-1-1193812031.jpeg.jpg", "cover_image": "https://api-img.discogs.com/7HGTQzTb7os1duruukQElELEapk=/fit-in/500x500/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/R-1-1193812031.jpeg.jpg", "title": "Stockholm", "year": 1999, "formats": [ { "qty": "2", "descriptions": [ "12\"" ], "name": "Vinyl" } ], "labels": [ { "name": "Svek", "entity_type": "1", "catno": "SK032", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/labels/5", "id": 5, "entity_type_name": "Label" } ], "artists": [ { "join": "", "name": "Persuader, The", "anv": "", "tracks": "", "role": "", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/artists/1", "id": 1 } ] } } Delete Release From Wantlist DELETE /users/{username}/wants/{release_id}{?notes,rating} Parameters username string (required) Example: rodneyfoolThe username of the wantlist you are trying to fetch. Response  204 Next  Previous User Lists  User Lists  The List resource allows you to view a User’s Lists. Get Lists GET /users/{username}/lists Returns a User’s Lists. Private Lists will only display when authenticated as the owner. Accepts Pagination parameters. Parameters username string (required) Example: rodneyfoolThe username of the Lists you are trying to fetch. Response  200Toggle Body { "pagination": { "per_page": 1, "items": 2, "page": 2, "urls": { "prev": "https://api.discogs.com/users/rodneyfool/lists?per_page=1&page=1", "first": "https://api.discogs.com/users/rodneyfool/lists?per_page=1&page=1" }, "pages": 2 }, "lists": [ { "date_added": "2016-05-31T10:30:51-07:00", "date_changed": "2016-05-31T10:30:51-07:00", "name": "rodneyfool", "id": 1, "uri": "https://www.discogs.com/lists/rodneyfool/1", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/lists/1", "public": false, "description": "foo test description" } ] } List  Get List Items GET /lists/{list_id} Returns items from a specified List. Private Lists will only display when authenticated as the owner. Parameters list_id string (required) Example: 123The ID of the List you are trying to fetch. Response  200Toggle Body { "created_ts": "2016-05-31T10:36:30-07:00", "modified_ts": "2016-05-31T13:46:12-07:00", "name": "new list", "list_id": 2, "url": "https://www.discogs.com/lists/new-list/2", "items": [ { "comment": "My list comment", "display_title": "Silent Phase - The Rewired Mixes", "uri": "https://www.discogs.com/Silent-Phase-The-Rewired-Mixes/release/4674", "image_url": "https://api-img.discogs.com/-06gF81ykx-Ok1PCpNR7B7Rt_Dc=/300x300/smart/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/A-3227-1132807172.jpeg.jpg", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/releases/4674", "type": "release", "id": 4674 }, { "comment": "item comment", "display_title": "Various - Artificial Intelligence II", "uri": "https://www.discogs.com/Various-Artificial-Intelligence-II/release/2964", "image_url": "http://api-img.discogs.com/euixsynJwQxJelre_kQNV-ZtX0Y=/fit-in/300x300/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/R-2964-1215444984.jpeg.jpg", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/releases/2964", "type": "release", "id": 2964 }, { "comment": "This is an artist", "display_title": "Silent Phase", "uri": "https://www.discogs.com/artist/3227-Silent-Phase", "image_url": "http://api-img.discogs.com/-06gF81ykx-Ok1PCpNR7B7Rt_Dc=/300x300/smart/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/A-3227-1132807172.jpeg.jpg", "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/artists/3227", "type": "artist", "id": 3227 } ], "resource_url": "https://api.discogs.com/lists/2", "public": false, "description": "What a cool list!" } Previous © 2018 Discogs® This page may not display correctly when opened as a local file. Instead, view it from a web server.