id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt web-archive-org-3582 web-archive-org-3582 .html text/html 403 30 74 Formed in 2009, the Archive Team (not to be confused with the Archive-It Team) is a rogue archivist collective dedicated to saving copies of rapidly dying or deleted websites for the sake of history and digital heritage. Our projects have ranged in size from a single volunteer downloading the data to a small-but-critical site, to over 100 volunteers stepping forward to acquire terabytes of user-created data to save for future generations. The main site for Archive Team is at and contains up to the date information on various projects, manifestos, plans and walkthroughs. This collection contains the output of many Archive Team projects, both ongoing and completed. Thanks to the generous providing of disk space by the Internet Archive, multi-terabyte datasets can be made available, as well as in use by the Wayback Machine, providing a path back to lost websites and work. Collection: Archive Team: URLs ./cache/web-archive-org-3582.html ./txt/web-archive-org-3582.txt