id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt www-hughrundle-net-8196 Automation workflows with GitHub Actions and Webhooks .html text/html 3647 331 77 There are a zillion things you can use GitHub Actions for — auto-closing "stale" Issues, adding labels automatically, running code linters on pull requests, and so on. I'm in a reasonably consistent habit of always creating a new git branch rather than committing directly to the default branch, and there's less chance of something going wrong and the TopoJSON file being corrupted if the merge is done at the Pull Request stage and then manually pulled in — if there can't be a clean merge, GitHub will tell me before I break everything. Step 2 will use an Action created by Christian Vuerings, and automatically adds labels to an Issue or Pull Request, based on whatever criteria triggered the workflow. I want this workflow to happen whenever someone creates a pull request that includes changes to the website/data/library_services_information.csv file: Here we enter the Payload URL (the url we will set up on our server, to receive the webhook:, the Content type (application/json), and a secret. ./cache/www-hughrundle-net-8196.html ./txt/www-hughrundle-net-8196.txt