- Tim Ribaric Tim Ribaric Librarian CV Posts RSS Tim Ribaric > echo README.md Tim Ribaric has been a Librarian at Brock University since 2006. His research interests include: - Digital Scholarship - Teaching Technology - Labour Issues Tim is a dog person. > cat tim.ribaric.yml name: Tim Ribaric title: Acting Head unit: Digital Scholarship Lab institution: Brock University education: - degree: MLIS - school: UWO - year: 2006 - degree: MSc. Computer Science - school: Brock U - year: 2017 skills: Python Linux TwitterAPI social: twitter: @elibtronic instagram: @elibtronic Access 2020 Survey Follow up Surprising Results For my Access conference presentation last week I included a survey for attendees to completed while I was speaking. The results of that survey are summarized here. Read more Licensed under CC - BY