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Extract tweet ids Extract tweet language Extract user information Extract tweet text Extract tweet times Extract tweet sources Extract hashtags Extract urls Extract animated gif urls Extract image urls Extract media urls Extract video urls Remove sensitive tweets Remove retweets Remove non-verified user tweets Work with DataFrame Results Extract Tweet IDs Single-column DataFrame containing Tweet IDs. Scala DF import io.archivesunleashed._ val tweets = "src/test/resources/10-sample.jsonl" val tweetsDF = ids(tweetsDF).show(2, false) Output: +-------------------+ |id_str | +-------------------+ |1201505319257403392| |1201505319282565121| +-------------------+ Python DF from twut import * path = "src/test/resources/500-sample.jsonl" df = SelectTweet.ids(df).show(2, False) Output: +-------------------+ |id_str | +-------------------+ |1201505319257403392| |1201505319282565121| +-------------------+ Extract Tweet Language Single-column DataFrame containing the BCP 47 language identifier corresponding to the machine-detected language. Scala DF import io.archivesunleashed._ val tweets = "src/test/resources/10-sample.jsonl" val tweetsDF = language(tweetsDF).show(5, false) Output: +----+ |lang| +----+ |tl | |ja | |ar | |ja | |ja | +----+ Python DF from twut import * path = "src/test/resources/500-sample.jsonl" df = SelectTweet.language(df).show(5, False) Output: +----+ |lang| +----+ |tl | |ja | |ar | |ja | |ja | +----+ Extract User Information Multi-column DataFrame containing the following columns: favourites_count, followers_count, friends_count, id_str, location, name, screen_name, statuses_count, and verified. Scala DF import io.archivesunleashed._ val tweets = "src/test/resources/10-sample.jsonl" val tweetsDF = userInfo(tweetsDF).show(2, false) Output: +----------------+---------------+-------------+-------------------+--------+-------------------+------------+--------------+--------+ |favourites_count|followers_count|friends_count|id_str |location|name |screen_name |statuses_count|verified| +----------------+---------------+-------------+-------------------+--------+-------------------+------------+--------------+--------+ |8302 |101 |133 |1027887558032732161|nct🌱 |车美 |M_chemei |3720 |false | |2552 |73 |218 |2548066344 |null |ひーこ☆禿げても愛せ|heeko_gr_029|15830 |false | +----------------+---------------+-------------+-------------------+--------+-------------------+------------+--------------+--------+ only showing top 2 rows Python DF from twut import * path = "src/test/resources/500-sample.jsonl" df = SelectTweet.userInfo(df).show(2, False) Output: +----------------+---------------+-------------+-------------------+--------+-------------------+------------+--------------+--------+ |favourites_count|followers_count|friends_count|id_str |location|name |screen_name |statuses_count|verified| +----------------+---------------+-------------+-------------------+--------+-------------------+------------+--------------+--------+ |8302 |101 |133 |1027887558032732161|nct🌱 |车美 |M_chemei |3720 |false | |2552 |73 |218 |2548066344 |null |ひーこ☆禿げても愛せ|heeko_gr_029|15830 |false | +----------------+---------------+-------------+-------------------+--------+-------------------+------------+--------------+--------+ Extract Tweet Text Single-column or two columns (text, and full-text) containing Tweet text. Scala DF import io.archivesunleashed._ val tweets = "src/test/resources/10-sample.jsonl" val tweetsDF = text(tweetsDF).show(2, false) Output: +---------------------------------+ |text | +---------------------------------+ |Baket ang pogi mo??? | |今日すげぇな!#安元江口と夜あそび| +---------------------------------+ Python DF from twut import * path = "src/test/resources/500-sample.jsonl" df = SelectTweet.text(df).show(2, False) Output: +---------------------------------+ |text | +---------------------------------+ |Baket ang pogi mo??? | |今日すげぇな!#安元江口と夜あそび| +---------------------------------+ Extract Tweet Times Single-column DataFrame containing the tweet time. Scala DF import io.archivesunleashed._ val tweets = "src/test/resources/10-sample.jsonl" val tweetsDF = times(tweetsDF).show(2, false) Output: +------------------------------+ |created_at | +------------------------------+ |Mon Dec 02 14:16:05 +0000 2019| |Mon Dec 02 14:16:05 +0000 2019| +------------------------------+ only showing top 2 rows Python DF from twut import * path = "src/test/resources/500-sample.jsonl" df = SelectTweet.times(df).show(2, False) Output: +------------------------------+ |created_at | +------------------------------+ |Mon Dec 02 14:16:05 +0000 2019| |Mon Dec 02 14:16:05 +0000 2019| +------------------------------+ Extract Tweet Sources Single-column DataFrame containing the source of the tweet. Scala DF import io.archivesunleashed._ val tweets = "src/test/resources/10-sample.jsonl" val tweetsDF = sources(tweetsDF).show(10, false) Output: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |source | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Twitter for Android| |Twitter for Android| |Twitter for iPhone | |Twitter for iPhone | |Twitter for iPhone | |Twitter Web App | |Twitter for iPhone | |Twitter for iPhone | |Twitter for Android| |Twitter for iPhone | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Python DF from twut import * path = "src/test/resources/500-sample.jsonl" df = SelectTweet.sources(df).show(10, False) Output: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |source | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Twitter for Android| |Twitter for Android| |Twitter for iPhone | |Twitter for iPhone | |Twitter for iPhone | |Twitter Web App | |Twitter for iPhone | |Twitter for iPhone | |Twitter for Android| |Twitter for iPhone | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Extract Hashtags Single-column DataFrame containg Hashtags. Scala DF import io.archivesunleashed._ val tweets = "src/test/resources/10-sample.jsonl" val tweetsDF = hashtags(tweetsDF).show Output: +------------------+ | hashtags| +------------------+ |安元江口と夜あそび| +------------------+ Python DF from twut import * path = "src/test/resources/500-sample.jsonl" df = SelectTweet.hashtags(df).show() Output: +------------------+ | hashtags| +------------------+ |安元江口と夜あそび| +------------------+ Extract Urls Single-column DataFrame containing urls. Scala DF import io.archivesunleashed._ val tweets = "src/test/resources/10-sample.jsonl" val tweetsDF = urls(tweetsDF).show(10, false) Output: +-----------------------------------------------------------+ |url | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | | || +-----------------------------------------------------------+ Python DF from twut import * path = "src/test/resources/500-sample.jsonl" df = SelectTweet.urls(df).show(10, False) Output: +-----------------------+ |url | +-----------------------+ || || || || || || || || || || +-----------------------+ Extract Animated Gif Urls Single-column DataFrame containing animated gif urls. Scala DF import io.archivesunleashed._ val tweets = "src/test/resources/500-sample.jsonl" val tweetsDF = animatedGifUrls(tweetsDF).show(10, false) Output: +-----------------------------------------------------------+ |animated_gif_url | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ || || || +-----------------------------------------------------------+ Python DF from twut import * path = "src/test/resources/500-sample.jsonl" df = SelectTweet.animatedGifUrls(df).show(10, False) Output: +-----------------------------------------------------------+ |animated_gif_url | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ || || || +-----------------------------------------------------------+ Extract Image Urls Single-column DataFrame containing image urls. Scala DF import io.archivesunleashed._ val tweets = "src/test/resources/500-sample.jsonl" val tweetsDF = imageUrls(tweetsDF).show(5, false) Output: +-----------------------------------------------+ |image_url | +-----------------------------------------------+ || || || || || +-----------------------------------------------+ Python DF from twut import * path = "src/test/resources/500-sample.jsonl" df = SelectTweet.imageUrls(df).show(5, False) Output: +-----------------------------------------------+ |image_url | +-----------------------------------------------+ || || || || || +-----------------------------------------------+ Extract Media Urls Single-column DataFrame containing animated gif urls, image urls, and video urls. Scala DF import io.archivesunleashed._ val tweets = "src/test/resources/500-sample.jsonl" val tweetsDF = mediaUrls(tweetsDF).show(5, false) Output: +-----------------------------------------------+ |image_url | +-----------------------------------------------+ || || || || || +-----------------------------------------------+ Python DF from twut import * path = "src/test/resources/500-sample.jsonl" df = SelectTweet.mediaUrls(df).show(5, False) Output: +-----------------------------------------------+ |image_url | +-----------------------------------------------+ || || || || || +-----------------------------------------------+ Extract Video Urls Single-column DataFrame containing video urls. Scala DF import io.archivesunleashed._ val tweets = "src/test/resources/500-sample.jsonl" val tweetsDF = videoUrls(tweetsDF).show(5, false) Output: +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |video_url | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | || | | || || +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Python DF from twut import * path = "src/test/resources/500-sample.jsonl" df = SelectTweet.videoUrls(df).show(5, False) Output: +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |video_url | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | || | | || || +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Remove Sensitive Tweets Filters outs tweets labeled as sensisitive. Scala DF import io.archivesunleashed._ val tweets = "src/test/resources/500-sample.jsonl" val tweetsDF = removeSensitive(tweetsDF).count Output: res0: Long = 246 Python DF from twut import * path = "src/test/resources/500-sample.jsonl" df = FilterTweet.removeSensitive(df).count() Output: 246 Remove Retweets Filters out retweets. Scala DF import io.archivesunleashed._ val tweets = "src/test/resources/500-sample.jsonl" val tweetsDF = removeRetweets(tweetsDF).count Output: res0: Long = 230 Python DF from twut import * path = "src/test/resources/500-sample.jsonl" df = FilterTweet.removeRetweets(df).count() Output: 230 Remove Non-verified User Tweets Filters out tweets from non-verified users. Scala DF import io.archivesunleashed._ val tweets = "src/test/resources/500-sample.jsonl" val tweetsDF = removeNonVerified(tweetsDF).count Output: res0: Long = 5 Python DF from twut import * path = "src/test/resources/500-sample.jsonl" df = FilterTweet.removeNonVerified(df).count() Output: 5 Work with DataFrame Results Most script snippets in the documentation end with .show(20, false) (in Scala) and .show(20, False) (in Python). This prints a table of results with 20 rows and doesn't truncate the columns (the false or False). You can change the second parameter to true (Scala) or True (Python) if the columns get too wide for better display. If you want more or fewer results, change the first number. Scala If you want to return a set of results, the counterpart of .take(10) with RDDs is .head(10). So, something like (in Scala): ids(tweetDF) // more transformations here... .head(10) In the Scala console, the results are automatically assigned to a variable, like the following: res1: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array(...) Scala automatically numbers the variables, starting at 0, so that the number will increment with each statement. You can then manipulate the variable, for example res0(0) to access the first element in the array. Don't like the variable name Scala gives you? You can do something like this: val r = ids(tweetDF) // more transformations here... .head(10) Scala assigns the results to r is this case, which you can then subsequently manipulate, like r(0) to access the first element. If you want all results, replace .take(10) with .collect(). This will return all results to the console. WARNING: Be careful with .collect()! If your results contain ten million records, TWUT will try to return all of them to your console (on your physical machine). Most likely, your machine won't have enough memory! Alternatively, if you want to save the results to disk, replace .show(20, false) with the following: .write.csv("/path/to/export/directory/") Replace /path/to/export/directory/ with your desired location. Note that this is a directory, not a file. Depending on your intended use of the output, you may want to include headers in the CSV file, in which case: .write.option("header","true").csv("/path/to/export/directory/") If you want to store the results with the intention to read the results back later for further processing, then use Parquet format: .write.parquet("/path/to/export/directory/") Replace /path/to/export/directory/ with your desired location. Note that this is a directory, not a file. Later, as in a completely separate session, you can read the results back in and continuing processing, as follows: val results ="/path/to/export/directory/"), false) Parquet encodes metadata such as the schema and column types, so you can pick up exactly where you left off. Note that this works even across languages (e.g., export to Parquet from Scala, read back in Python) or any system that supports Parquet. Python If you want to return a set of results, the counterpart of .take(10) with RDDs is .head(10). So, something like (in Python): SelectTweet.ids(df) # more transformations here... .head(10) In the PySpark console, the results are returned as a List of rows, like the following: [Row(id_str='1201505319257403392'), Row(id_str='1201505319282565121'), Row(id_str='1201505319257608197'), Row(id_str='1201505319261655041'), Row(id_str='1201505319261597696'), Row(id_str='1201505319274332165'), Row(id_str='1201505319261745152'), Row(id_str='1201505319270146049'), Row(id_str='1201505319286755328'), Row(id_str='1201505319286984705')] You can assign the tranformations to a variable, like this: tweet_ids = SelectTweet.ids(df) # more transformations here... .head(10) If you want all results, replace .head(10) with .collect(). This will return all results to the console. WARNING: Be careful with .collect()! If your results contain ten million records, TWUT will try to return all of them to your console (on your physical machine). Most likely, your machine won't have enough memory! Alternatively, if you want to save the results to disk, replace .show(20, false) with the following: tweet_ids.write.csv("/path/to/export/directory/") Replace /path/to/export/directory/ with your desired location. Note that this is a directory, not a file. Depending on your intended use of the output, you may want to include headers in the CSV file, in which case: tweet_ids.write.csv("/path/to/export/directory/", header='true') If you want to store the results with the intention to read the results back later for further processing, then use Parquet format: tweet_ids.write.parquet("/path/to/export/directory/") Replace /path/to/export/directory/ with your desired location. Note that this is a directory, not a file. Later, as in a completely separate session, you can read the results back in and continuing processing, as follows: tweet_ids ="/path/to/export/directory/"), false) Parquet encodes metadata such as the schema and column types, so you can pick up exactly where you left off. Note that this works even across languages (e.g., export to Parquet from Scala, read back in Python) or any system that supports Parquet. Go © 2021 GitHub, Inc. Terms Privacy Security Status Docs Contact GitHub Pricing API Training Blog About You can’t perform that action at this time. You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.