Plugins - Leaflet - a JavaScript library for interactive maps an open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps Overview Tutorials Docs Download Plugins Blog Leaflet Plugins While Leaflet is meant to be as lightweight as possible, and focuses on a core set of features, an easy way to extend its functionality is to use third-party plugins. Thanks to the awesome community behind Leaflet, there are literally hundreds of nice plugins to choose from. Tile & image layers Basemap providers Basemap formats Non-map base layers Tile/image display Tile load Vector tiles Overlay data Overlay data formats Dynamic data loading Synthetic overlays Data providers Overlay Display Markers & renderers Overlay animations Clustering/decluttering Heatmaps DataViz Overlay interaction Edit geometries Time & elevation Search & popups Area/overlay selection Map interaction Layer switching controls Interactive pan/zoom Bookmarked pan/zoom Fullscreen Minimaps & synced maps Measurement Mouse coordinates Events User interface Print/export Geolocation Miscellaneous Geoprocessing Routing Geocoding Plugin collections Integration Frameworks & build systems 3rd party Develop your own Tile & image layers The following plugins allow loading different maps and provide functionality to tile and image layers. Basemap providers Basemap formats Non-map base layers Tile/image display Tile load Vector tiles Basemap providers Ready-to-go basemaps, with little or no configuration at all. Plugin Description Maintainer leaflet-providers Contains configurations for various free tile providers — OSM, OpenCycleMap, Stamen, Esri, etc. leaflet-extras members Leaflet.KoreanTmsProviders Contains configurations for various (South) Korean tile providers — Daum, Naver, VWorld, etc. Seong Choi Leaflet.ChineseTmsProviders Contains configurations for various Chinese tile providers — TianDiTu, MapABC, GaoDe, etc. Tao Huang Esri Leaflet A set of tools for using ArcGIS services with Leaflet. Support for map services, feature layers, ArcGIS Online tiles and more. Patrick Arlt Leaflet.GIBS NASA EOSDIS GIBS imagery integration. The plugin provides 96 daily updated layers with satellite imagery and science parameters. Demo. Alexander Parshin L.TileLayer.Kartverket Provides easy setup of the tile layers from Kartverket (The Norwegian Mapping Authority) Kultur og naturreise / Atle Frenvik Sveen Leaflet.Spain.WMS Provides easy setup for several Web Map Services (WMS) layers for Spain (PNOA, IGN base, Catastro, etc), from Spanish mapping agencies. Patricio Soriano PolarMap.js JavaScript library for displaying tiles from ArcticWebMap, a free tile provider with OSM data in multiple Arctic polar projections. Includes lower-level API for deeper integration with other Leaflet plugins. GeoSensorWeb Lab Bing Maps Layer Add Bing Maps tiles to your Leaflet Map. Requires Leaflet v1.0.0.beta.2 or later. Gregor MacLennan L.TileLayer.HERE Displays map tiles from HERE maps (demo). Iván Sánchez L.GridLayer.GoogleMutant Displays Google maps (with minimal artifacts thanks to a DOM mutation observer technique) (demo). Iván Sánchez L.MapkitMutant Displays Apple's MapkitJS basemaps. Iván Sánchez SuperMap Leaflet SuperMap Leaflet is a Leaflet plugins for working with SuperMap service types. Support for SuperMap services, tiles and more. SuperMap Leaflet.TileLayer.Mierune Displays tiles from Mierune map. (Demo) Mierune Leaflet.TileLayer.Swiss Displays national maps of Switzerland using map tiles from Swisstopo. Demo. Roman Karavia Basemap formats Plugins for loading basemaps or GIS raster layers in common (albeit non-default) formats. Plugin Description Maintainer leaflet.TileLayer.WMTS Add WMTS (IGN) layering for leaflet. Alexandre Melard azgs-leaflet A set of small plugins for Leaflet, including WFS-GeoJSON layer with filtering, a hover control for GeoJSON, and an Esri tile layer. AZGS leaflet.wms Enhanced WMS support for Leaflet, including single-tile/untiled layers, shared WMS sources, and layer identify via GetFeatureInfo. S. Andrew Sheppard (HEI Geo) Leaflet.NonTiledLayer.WCS Display raster data from Web Coverage Services. Rasters can be styled and queried in the client. See the demo. Stuart Matthews Leaflet.bpg TileLayer with .bpg image format decoding. Andrzej Zaborowski TileLayer.GeoJSON A TileLayer for GeoJSON tiles. Glen Robertson leaflet-tilejson Adds support for the TileJSON specification to Leaflet. Per Liedman, Kartena cartodb-leaflet Official CartoDB plugin for Leaflet. Vizzuality Leaflet-2gis Adds support for 2GIS tile layer Eugene Mikhalev Leaflet GeoJSON Encoded Extends the L.GeoJSON layer using Google polyline encoding algorithm, allowing an optimized data transfer. Geobricks Leaflet.TileLayer.MBTiles Loads .mbtiles tilesets. Iván Sánchez Leaflet.CanvasLayer.Field Loads and styles raster files (geotiff & asciigrid formats). It includes a ScalarField layer (for DTM, temperature...) and VectorFieldAnim (an animated layer for wind, currents...). See the examples Víctor Velarde leaflet-geotiff Display raster data from geoTIFF files as images or direction arrows. Rasters can be styled and queried in the client. An optional clipping mask can be applied, e.g. to restrict DEMs to land areas. See the demo. Stuart Matthews Leaflet.projwmts Adding WMTS services (GUGiK Poland). (demo). Geoportal Poland Non-map base layers Sometimes you don’t want to load a map, just big custom images. Really big ones. Plugin Description Maintainer TileLayer.Zoomify A TileLayer for Zoomify images. Bjørn Sandvik TileLayer.DeepZoom A TileLayer for DeepZoom images. Al Farisi, Indokreatif Teknologi TileLayer.Gigapan A TileLayer for Gigapan images. Dan Sherman Leaflet.TileLayer.IIP Add support for IIPImage layers in Leaflet. Emmanuel Bertin Leaflet-IIIF A IIIF (International Image Interoperability Framework) viewer for Leaflet. See the demo. Jack Reed leaflet-fractal Renders some fractals (Mandelbrot set, Julia set and some others) using 2D canvas (demo). Alexander Parshin leaflet-rastercoords Renders large tiled images generated with gdal2tiles-leaflet. Image raster coordinates can be used to set markers, etc. (demo). Commenthol Tile/image display The following plugins change the way that tile or image layers are displayed in the map. Plugin Description Maintainer TileLayer.BoundaryCanvas Allows you to draw tile layers with arbitrary polygonal boundary. HTML5 Canvas is used for rendering. Alexander Parshin TileLayer.Grayscale A regular TileLayer with grayscale makeover. Ilya Zverev Leaflet.ImageTransform Add support of image overlays with arbitrary perspective transformation. Alexander Parshin, Sergey Alekseev Leaflet.OpacityControls Simple Leaflet controls to adjust the opacity of a map layer. Jared Dominguez Leaflet.DistortableImage Enable users to scale, rotate, and distort images on Leaflet maps. Public Lab Leaflet.DistortableVideo Enable users to scale, rotate, and distort videos on Leaflet maps. (demo). Roni Karilkar Leaflet.ImageOverlay.Rotate Displays rotated, scaled and skewed (but not rubbersheeted) ImageOverlays, given three control points. (demo). Iván Sánchez Ortega Leaflet.TileLayer.ColorFilter A simple and lightweight Leaflet plugin to apply CSS filters on map tiles (demo). Cláudio Kawakani Leaflet.TileLayer.Mask A TileLayer with mask effect (demo) Yuzo Matsuzawa Leaflet.TileLayer.PixelFilter A TileLayer which can filter and replace pixels by RGB code. demo 1 • demo 2 GreenInfo Network Leaflet.Control.SideBySide A Leaflet control to add a split screen to compare two map overlays (demo). Digital Democracy Leaflet.TileLayer.GL Applies custom WebGL shaders to each tile in a tilelayer (demo). Iván Sánchez Leaflet.TileLayer.ColorPicker A Leaflet TileLayer with getColor(latLng). Demos: color picker, elevation picker with mapbox terrain-RGB Yuzo Matsuzawa Leaflet.TileLayer.Colorizr A Leaflet TileLayer which can modify colors by RGBA code. Demos: coming soon. Hinrich Riedel Leaflet.UTFGrid Provides UTF-8 Grid support for Leaflet >= 1.0. Includes basic mouseover support plus ability to highlight feature from UTFGrid on hover (demo). Brendan Ward Leaflet.Control.Opacity Make multiple tile layers transparent. (demo) Yasunori Kirimoto Leaflet.TileLayer.GLColorScale TileLayer that uses WebGL to colorize floating-point pixels according to a specified color scale (demo). David Schneider Leaflet.Control.DetailLevel Display tiles at higher-than-retina (hdpi) resolutions, by real-time modification of the zoomOffset. Useful for mapping sources which drastically change map style between different zoom levels. Increasing the zoomOffset by too much does slow down the browser, as the number of displayed tiles grows exponentially with the zoomOffset. (demo). Wessel Valkenburg Leaflet.Multispectral Provides multispectral channel manipulation and processing tools (such as NDVI or other remote sensing methods) for Leaflet image layers using pure client-side JavaScript. It uses `image-sequencer` via an ImageOverlay `filter()` function. (demo). Public Lab Leaflet.TileLayer.GLOperations WebGL TileLayer: Colorize floating-point pixels, mouse event handlers for pixel values, hillshading, contours, transitions, filter and do calculations on multiple layers. (Demo). Thorbjørn Horgen Tile Load The following plugins change the way that tile layers are loaded into the map. Plugin Description Maintainer Leaflet.MultiTileLayer Allows to compose a TileLayer from several tile sources. Each source is active only on a defined set of zoomlevels. Mattias Bengtsson Leaflet.FunctionalTileLayer Allows you to define tile layer URLs using a function. Even works with asynchronous sources, using promises. Ishmael Smyrnow TileLayer.Cordova For use with Cordova/Phonegap, adds tile caching onto local device storage, switching between offline and online mode. Greg Allensworth TileLayer.PouchDBCached Allows all Leaflet TileLayers to cache into PouchDB for offline use. Iván Sánchez Ortega, MazeMap Leaflet.loading A simple control that adds a loading indicator as tiles and other data are loaded. Eric Brelsford Leaflet.EdgeBuffer Buffer tiles beyond the edge of the viewport, for Leaflet 1.0. Demo. Alex Paterson Leaflet.TileLayer.Fallback Replaces missing Tiles (HTTP 404 Not Found Error) by scaled up equivalent Tiles from lower zooms. ghybs Leaflet.FeatureGroup.LoadEvents `FeatureGroup` that supports the `"loading"` and `"load"` events (for v0.7.*). G. Lathoud, Outdooractive. Leaflet.GridLayer.FadeOut Fades out grid layers and tilelayers when they are removed, making basemap changes smoother (for 1.0.0). Demo. Iván Sánchez leaflet-offline Allows the use of offline tiles in a customizable way while falling back to the normal TileLayer when necessary. Demo. Roberto Soares leaflet.offline Allow tiles to be stored in an database for offline access. Original plugin.Demo. Allart Kooiman Vector tiles Plugins to display vector tiles. Plugin Description Maintainer Leaflet.MapboxVectorTile A Leaflet Plugin that renders Mapbox Vector Tiles on canvas. See demo. Compatible with Leaflet 0.7.x only. SpatialDev Hoverboard Render vector tiles on canvas with leaflet (geojson, topojson, and protobuf). See demo. Compatible with Leaflet 0.7.x only. Tristan Davies geojson-vt Efficient library for slicing GeoJSON data into vector tiles on the fly. Mapbox Leaflet.VectorGrid Display gridded vector data (GeoJSON or TopoJSON sliced with geojson-vt, or protobuf vector tiles) in Leaflet 1.0.0. See demos. Not compatible with 0.7.x. Iván Sánchez Leaflet.VectorTileLayer A Leaflet layer for displaying vector tiles. Very similar to Leaflet.VectorGrid except for styling: a single style can be specified for all layers while VectorGrid requires knowing layer names in advance. For Leaflet 1.0.0. Joachim Kuebart Overlay data The following plugins provide new ways of loading overlay data (GIS vector data): points, lines and polygons. Overlay data formats Dynamic data loading Synthetic overlays Data providers Overlay data formats Load your own data from various GIS formats. Plugin Description Maintainer leaflet-kml Loads & displays KML Windyx leaflet-omnivore Loads & converts CSV, KML, GPX, TopoJSON, WKT formats for Leaflet. Mapbox Leaflet.FileLayer Loads files (GeoJSON, GPX, KML) into the map using the HTML5 FileReader API (i.e. locally without server). Mathieu Leplatre Leaflet.geoCSV Leaflet plugin for loading a CSV file as geoJSON layer. Iván Eixarch Leaflet.Shapefile Put a shapefile onto your map as a layer. Calvin Metcalf Leaflet.FileGDB Put an ESRI File GeoDatabase onto your map as a layer. Calvin Metcalf Leaflet.encoded Use encoded polylines in Leaflet. Jieter Leaflet GPX GPX layer, targeted at sporting activities by providing access to information such as distance, moving time, pace, elevation, heart rate, etc. Maxime Petazzoni Wicket A modest library for translating between Well-Known Text (WKT) and Leaflet geometry objects (e.g. between L.marker() instances and "POINT()" strings). K. Arthur Endsley qgis2web A QGIS plugin to make webmaps without coding. Tom Chadwin Leaflet-WFST WFS client layer with transaction support Flexberry Leaflet-BetterScale A new, more GIS-like scalebar with alternating black/white bars. Dan Brown Leaflet-GeoPackage Load GeoPackage Tile and Feature Layers. Daniel Barela, NGA Leaflet-CsvTiles Load points from tiled csv files, using the amazing PapaParse library. Demo. Gherardo Varando Dynamic/custom data loading Load dynamic data which is updated in the map, or load GIS vector data in non-standard ways. Plugin Description Maintainer Leaflet Realtime Put realtime data on a Leaflet map: live tracking GPS units, sensor data or just about anything. Per Liedman Leaflet Ajax Add GeoJSON data via ajax or jsonp. Calvin Metcalf Leaflet.Liveupdate Periodically ('live') update something on a map (Demo) Martijn Grendelman Leaflet.Pouch Use PouchDB to sync CouchDB data to local storage (indexedDB), to just add couchDB data or as just a less confusing implementation of indexedDB. Calvin Metcalf Leaflet.Indoor Create indoor maps. Christopher Baines Leaflet uGeoJSON Add an auto updating GeoJSON data Layer via ajax post requests. Benjamin VADANT Leaflet.mytrack Track my way on a map and download it. Demo DJ Synthetic overlays These plugins create useful overlays from scratch, no loading required. Plugin Description Maintainer Leaflet.Graticule Draws a grid of latitude and longitude lines. Bjørn Sandvik Leaflet.SimpleGraticule Draws a grid lines for L.CRS.Simple coordinate system. Andrew Blakey L.OS.Graticule Overlays UK Ordinance Survey (OS) 1km grid squares and labels. Jon Shutt Leaflet.MetricGrid A general purpose Metric Grid overlay for Leaflet with ready defined UTM, British and Irish Grids. Bill Chadwick Leaflet.Terminator Overlay day and night regions on a map. Jörg Dietrich Leaflet.Sun Get sunset or sunrise at map click. Demo DJ Leaflet.timezones Overlay timezones on a Leaflet Earth map. Demo DJ leaflet.latlng-graticule Create a Canvas as ImageOverlay to draw the Lat/Lon Graticule, and show the grid tick label at the edges of the map.Demo. CloudyBay Leaflet.EdgeScaleBar Creates scale bars along top and right edge of a map in the Web Mercator projection..Demo. Dražen Tutić, Ana Kuveždić Divjak Leaflet.Maidenhead An implementation of the Maidenhead Locator System grid ((demo)). Iván Sánchez Ortega Data providers Load overlay data from third-party-services. See also basemap providers and plugin collections. Plugin Description Maintainer Leaflet Vector Layers Allows to easily create vector layers from a number of geo web services, such as ArcGIS Server, Arc2Earth, GeoIQ, CartoDB and GIS Cloud. Jason Sanford Leaflet Overpass Layer Easily include data from the overpass api. Guillaume AMAT Leaflet.dbpediaLayer A layer with Points of interest from Wikipedia - loaded via ajax from DBpedia's SPARQL endpoint. Kr1 Leaflet-Wikipedia A leaflet plugin to display Wikipedia API entries on a map layer. Matthew Barker Windy-Leaflet-plugin Displays animated weather map on your page using Windy's free API. Leaflet.GeographPhotos Display Geographical-Photos from Geograph Britain and Ireland in an interactive overlay, using their API. Barry Hunter leaflet-radar Animated satellite weather radar overlays for Leaflet. rwev leaflet-environmental-layers Collection of different environmental map layers in an easy to use Leaflet library Demo. Public Lab Leaflet.Rainviewer Plugin for RainViewer radar data API Demo. Marcin Wasilewski Overlay display The following plugins provide new ways of displaying overlay data information. Markers & renderers Overlay animations Clustering/decluttering Heatmaps DataViz Markers & renderers These plugins provide new markers or news ways of converting abstract data into images in your screen. Leaflet users versed in GIS also know these as symbolizers. Plugin Description Maintainer Leaflet.RoughCanvas Leaflet.RoughCanvas renders hand-drawn, sketch style vector map (polyline, polygon, geojson). haoming Leaflet.ellipse Leaflet.ellipse place ellipses on map by specifying center point, semi-major axis, semi-minor axis, and tilt degrees from west. JD Fergason Leaflet.label Adds text labels to map markers and vector layers. Jacob Toye Leaflet-semicircle Adds functionality to L.Circle to draw semicircles. Jieter Leaflet.PolylineDecorator Allows you to draw patterns (like dashes, arrows or evenly spaced Markers) along Polylines or coordinate paths. Benjamin Becquet Leaflet-arrowheads Allows user to quickly draw arrowheads on polylines for vector visualization. Slutske22 Leaflet.Sprite Use sprite based icons in your markers. Calvin Metcalf Leaflet.TextPath Allows you to draw text along Polylines. Mathieu Leplatre Leaflet-SVGIcon A simple and customizable SVG icon with no external dependencies. Also included is a convenience Marker class and two example subclasses. Customizable demo with example subclasses Ilya Atkin Leaflet.BeautifyMarkers Lightweight plugin that adds colorful iconic markers without image and gives full control of style to end user (i.e. Unlimited colors and CSS styling). Muhammad Arslan Sajid Leaflet.Awesome-Markers Colorful, iconic & retina-proof markers based on the Font Awesome icons/Twitter Bootstrap icons Lennard Voogdt Leaflet.Extra-Markers Shameless copy of Awesome-Markers with more shapes, colors and semantic-ui support Cory Silva Leaflet.MakiMarkers Create markers using Maki Icons from MapBox. James Seppi Leaflet.Icon.Glyph Use icon font glyphs in your markers (from Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Glyphicons, Metro UI icons, Elusive, and other icon fonts). (demo) Iván Sánchez Ortega Leaflet.LineExtremities Show symbols at the extremities of polylines, using SVG markers. Frédéric Bonifas Leaflet.VectorMarkers Vector SVG markers for Leaflet, with an option for Font Awesome/Twitter Bootstrap icons. Mathias Schneider Leaflet.SvgShapeMarkers Adds support for additional SVG marker types such as triangles, diamonds and squares. Rowan Winsemius Leaflet.pattern Add support for pattern fills on Paths. Tyler Eastman Leaflet.BoatMarker A boat marker using HTML Canvas for displaying yachts and sailboats with heading and optional wind information. Demo. Thomas Brüggemann leaflet-usermarker Plugin for plotting a marker representing a user - or multiple users - on a map, with support for drawing an accuraccy circle. Can be seen in action on Jonatan Heyman Leaflet.geojsonCSS Geojson CSS implementation for Leaflet. Alexander Burtsev leaflet-simplestyle Extends L.geoJSON to support the simple style spec. Rowan Winsemius OSM Buildings Amazing JS library for visualizing 3D OSM building geometry on top of Leaflet. Jan Marsch Leaflet.EdgeMarker Plugin to indicate the existence of Features outside of the current view. Gerald Pape Leaflet.orientedMarker Allows to manage orientation of markers dynamically. Gismartwaredev leaflet-icon-pulse Renders pulsing icon using CSS3. It can be used for location marker. mapshakers/ Filip Zavadil leaflet-mapkey-icon Set of cartographic font icons based on mapkeyicons. mapshakers/ Filip Zavadil Leaflet.Photo Plugin to show geotagged photos on a Leaflet map. Demo. Bjørn Sandvik Leaflet.curve A Leaflet plugin for drawing Bézier curves and other complex shapes. Demo. elfalem Leaflet.bezier Draws a Bézier line between two points with an animated flight object. Supun Praneeth Leaflet.Arc This plugin adds L.Polyline.Arc function which wraps arc.js functionality for creation of Great Cirlce arcs. Alexey Gusev leaflet-choropleth Extends L.geoJson to add a choropleth visualization (color scale based on value). Demo. Tim Wisniewski Leaflet.Canvas-Markers Displays markers on canvas instead of DOM. Evgeniy Voynov leaflet-tracksymbol This marker provides a tracksymbol with orientation, velocity-vector and configurable shape. Tim Leerhoff leaflet-ais-tracksymbol AIS Extension for leaflet-tracksymbol It displays AIS Contacts on the Map. Johannes Rudolph leaflet-ais-tracksymbol-search Adds a Search Box for your Leaflet Map and Your [leaflet-ais-trackymbol]( Johannes Rudolph leaflet.TravelNotes Editable markers and routing engine for leaflet. The routing engine have plugins for Mapbox, GraphHopper and OSRM and can be used for car, bike or pedestrian route. Demo. Christian Guyette Leaflet.Marker.Stack A pure Leaflet implementation of CartoDB's "stacked chips" symbolizer. Demo. Iván Sánchez leaflet-polygon.fillPattern Extend the Polygon Object to fill SVG Path element with an image pattern.Demo. CloudyBay Leaflet Polyline Offset Adds to L.Polyline the ability to be shifted with a relative pixel offset, without modifying its actual LatLngs. The offset value can be either negative or positive, for left- or right-side offset, and remains constant across zoom levels (basic demo). Benjamin Becquet leaflet-labeled-circle Special type of SVG marker with a label inside and draggable around the anchor point (demo). Alexander Milevski Leaflet.ParallaxMarker Add markers that moves with a parallax-effect relative to the map when panning (demos / examples). Dag Jomar Mersland leaflet-distance-markers Allows displaying markers along a route (L.Polyline) at equivalent distances (eg. one per mile) (demo). Doroszlai, Attila leaflet-corridor Renders a polyline with width fixed in meters, not in pixels; adjusts width depending on zoom level (demo). Mikhail Shilkov Leaflet.LabelTextCollision Displays labels on paths (polylines, polygons, circles) avoiding label collision. (demo). Kenta Hakoishi Leaflet.streetlabels A Leaflet plugin to show labels following the paths of polylines. An extension of yakitoritabetai Leaflet.LabelTextCollision (demo). Triede TI Leaflet.Viewpoint Displays circleMarker with multiple directions. Useful to show photos taken from one point. (demo). Grigory Golikov Leaflet.magicMarker Adding magical animation effect to a marker while loading.(Demo). Sylvenas Leaflet.Marker.Highlight Adding highlight performance for L.marker.(Demo). Brandon Xiang Leaflet.GeotagPhoto Plugin for photo geotagging, with two modes: camera and crosshair (Demo). Bert Spaan Leaflet.GLMarkers Display thousands of markers with custom WebGL shaders, optionally animated. (demo) Iván Sánchez Ortega Leaflet.River Draw lines with different width (like rivers) on a map. Useful when you want to show how rivers 'flow' on the map (demo). Grigory Golikov Leaflet.SpeechBubble Popup a speech bubble with the arrow that follow points, layer, markers ... (demo). Sylvain BRISSY Leaflet Swoopy A plugin for creating customizable swoopy arrow annotations. webkid leaflet-polycolor Color each polyline segment. (demo) Olivier Gasc leaflet-marker-direction display the path and the direction of the marker. (demo) Jack Zou Leaflet Rotated Marker Enables rotation of marker icons in Leaflet. (Demo) Benjamin Becquet Leaflet Truesize A plugin for creating projection aware draggable polygons and polylines. webkid Leaflet.RepeatedMarkers Displays markers when wrapping around the globe, once every 360 degrees of longitude (demo). Iván Sánchez Leaflet.Geodesic Draw geodesic lines and circles. A geodesic line is the shortest path between two given points on the earth surface. It uses Vincenty's formulae for highest precision and distance calculation. Written in Typescript and available via CDN. Demo Henry Thasler Leaflet.greatCircle A wrapper class for the Leaflet.js Polygon object that draws true "great circles" (showing true geodesic, spherical paths) that wrap around the Earth (demo). Alex Wellerstein Leaflet.CustomLayer A Leaflet plugin L.CustomLayer - fully custom Layer. Derek Li Leaflet.ArrowCircle A Marker extension to display circles with directional arrows. R.A. Porter Overlay animations These plugins animate markers or some geometries. See also geometries with time or elevation. Plugin Description Maintainer Leaflet.AnimatedMarker Animate a marker along a polyline. Aaron Ogle Leaflet.BounceMarker Make a marker bounce when you add it to a map. Maxime Hadjinlian Leaflet.SmoothMarkerBouncing Smooth animation of marker bouncing for Leaflet. Alexei KLENIN Leaflet.MovingMarker Allow to move markers along a polyline with custom durations. Ewoken Leaflet.TransitionedIcon Transition in/out markers with CSS3 transitions. It supports jitter for staggering markers into view to prevent visual overload. See the demo. Brian Reavis Leaflet.Polyline.SnakeAnim Animates (poly)lines into existence, as if they were being slowly drawn from start to end. Iván Sánchez Ortega, MazeMap Leaflet.Path.DashFlow Animates the dashArray of lines and circles, creating a basic flow effect. (Demo. Iván Sánchez Ortega Leaflet.AntPath Leaflet.AntPath put a flux animation (like ants walking) into a Polyline. (demo) Rubens Pinheiro Leaflet.Marker.SlideTo Smoothly move (slide) markers to a new location. (demo) Iván Sánchez Ortega, MazeMap leaflet.motion Adds simple motion to your polyline with marker in a head on line (demo) Igor Vladyka, Leaflet.Rain Customizable WebGL rain animation for Leaflet. Useful for weather maps. (demo) Grigory Golikov Leaflet.Snow Customizable WebGL snow animation for Leaflet. Useful for weather maps. (demo) Grigory Golikov leaflet-point-animator Animate a large number of GeoJSON points. (demo) danwild, onaci leaflet-temporal-geojson Flexible animation of GeoJSON features. (demo) danwild, onaci Clustering/Decluttering When you are displaying a lot of data, these plugins will make your map look cleaner. Plugin Description Maintainer Leaflet.markercluster Beautiful, sophisticated, high performance marker clustering solution with smooth animations and lots of great features. Recommended! Dave Leaver Leaflet.LayerGroup.Collision Provides collision detection for groups of markers. Unlike clustering, this takes into account the shape & size of the markers. Iván Sánchez Ortega, MazeMap Overlapping Marker Spiderfier Deals with overlapping markers in a Google Earth-inspired way by gracefully springing them apart on click. George MacKerron PruneCluster Fast and realtime marker clustering library. Antoine Pultier Leaflet.Deflate Deflates lines and polygons to a marker when their screen size becomes too small in lower zoom levels. Oliver Roick Leaflet.GridCluster Create grid-based clusters in realtime. Andreas Kiefer q-cluster Quick point clustering library with D3 categorization. Nicholas Hallahan Leaflet.ConditionalLayer A FeatureGroup that does not show any more than a certain amount of markers visible in the viewport. (Demo) EPP Leaflet.FeatureGroup.SubGroup A simple plugin to create Feature Groups that add their child layers into a parent group. Typical usage is to switch them through L.Control.Layers to dynamically add/remove groups of markers from Leaflet.markercluster. Demo. ghybs leaflet-tooltip-layout A plugin to avoid tooltips overlapping and make it easier to find out the relationship between each tooltip and marker. Demo. Zijing Peng Heatmaps These plugins create heatmaps and heatmap-like visualizations from vector data. Plugin Description Maintainer MaskCanvas Canvas layer that can be used to visualize coverage. Dominik Moritz HeatCanvas Simple heatmap api based on HTML5 canvas. Sun Ning heatmap.js JavaScript Library for HTML5 canvas based heatmaps. Its Leaflet layer implementation supports large datasets because it is tile based and uses a quadtree index to store the data. Patrick Wied Leaflet divHeatmap Lightweight and versatile heatmap layer based on CSS3 and divIcons Daniele Piccone WebGL Heatmap High performance Javascript heatmap plugin using WebGL. Benjamin J DeLong Leaflet.heat A tiny, simple and fast Leaflet heatmap plugin. Uses simpleheat under the hood, additionally clustering points into a grid for performance. (Demo) Vladimir Agafonkin Leaflet-Solr-Heatmap A Leaflet plugin for rendering heatmaps and clusters from Solr's Heatmap Faceting. High performance for millions of points or polygons. Jack Reed / Steve McDonald DataViz Powerful multi-purpose libraries for data visualization. Plugin Description Maintainer geogrid.js Displays data aggregated by the ISEA3H discrete global grid system. The data can, e.g., be delivered by using Measures REST (a framework to deliver data aggregated by the grid) or geogrid (a library for handling the grid in case that you want to aggregate data manually). F.-B. Mocnik, GIScience Research Group, Heidelberg University RaphaelLayer Allows you to use Raphael as a layer on a Leaflet map for advanced animations and visualizations. Dynamic Methods Leaflet Data Visualization Framework New markers, layers, and utility classes for easy thematic mapping and data visualization. Scott Fairgrieve Leaflet.D3SvgOverlay SVG overlay class for using with D3 library. Supports zoom animation and scaling without need to redraw the layer. Kirill Zhuravlev mapbox-gl-leaflet Binding from Mapbox GL JS to the Leaflet API Tom MacWright leaflet-echarts A plugin for Leaflet to load echarts map and make big data visualization easier. wandergis jquery-storymap A jQuery plugin to display several map locations as the user scrolls through paragraphs. Atle Frenvik Sveen Leaflet for R Allows using Leaflet from within R programs, a programming language popular for statistical analysis and data mining. RStudio team leaflet.migrationLayer leaflet.migrationLayer is used to show migration data such as population, flight, vehicle, traffic and so on. Data visualization on map.demo Sylvenas Leaflet.Quadtree Leaflet.Quadtree is used to retrieve visible data inside given bounds ibesora Leaflet.Canvas-Flowmap-Layer A LeafletJS custom map layer for mapping the flow of objects, ideas, people, etc. with Bezier curves rendered on the HTML canvas. Jacob Wasilkowski, Sarah Bell Leaflet.PixiOverlay A Leaflet overlay class for drawing and animating with Pixi.js. (demo) Manuel Baclet leaflet-velocity Visualise velocity layers with leaflet. Demo here. Dan Wild leaflet-partition Divide the area into parts in different ways such as voronoi(triangulation) and hexagonal tiling. Basic demo locknono Interaction with geometries/features The following plugins enable users to interact with overlay data: edit geometries, select areas or features, interact with the time dimension, search features and display information about them. Edit geometries Time & elevation Search & popups Area/overlay selection Edit geometries Allows users to create, draw, edit and/or delete points, lines and polygons. Plugin Description Maintainer Leaflet-Geoman Geometry Management for Leaflet 1.0 and higher. Draw, Edit, Cut, Drag and Snap Layers like Markers, Circles, Rectangles, Polylines, Polygons, LayerGroups, geoJSON, MultiPolygons, MultiLineStrings. Supports holes in polygons, snapping, canvas mode and more. (Demo) Sumit Kumar Leaflet.FreeDraw Zoopla inspired freehand polygon creation using Leaflet.js and D3. Wildhoney Leaflet.plotter leaflet-plotter allows you to create routes using a leaflet powered map. You can click on the mid-points to create a new, draggable point. Nathan Mahdavi Leaflet.Editable.Polyline Editable polylines: move existing points, add new points and split polylines. Tomo Krajina Leaflet.draw Enables drawing features like polylines, polygons, rectangles, circles and markers through a very nice user-friendly interface with icons and hints. Recommended! Jacob Toye Leaflet.EditableHandlers A set of plugins that includes circle editing, measuring tool, and label for polygon sides. Kartena Leaflet.StyleEditor Enables editing the styles of features (lines, polygons, etc) and markers with a GUI. Dennis Wilhelm Leaflet.SimpleMarkers A light-weight Leaflet plugin for adding and deleting markers. Jared Dominguez Leaflet.Editable Lightweight fully customisable and controllable drawing/editing plugin. Yohan Boniface Leaflet.Path.Drag Drag handler and interaction for polygons and polylines (Demo) Alexander Milevski Leaflet.Path.Transform Scale & rotate handler and interaction for polygons and polylines (Demo) Alexander Milevski Leaflet.Snap Enables snapping of draggable markers to polylines and other layers. Mathieu Leplatre Leaflet.Clipper Allows Union, Difference, Xor, and Intersection operations on two polygons. (Demo) will Farrell Leaflet.MapPaint Bitmap painting plugin designed for touch devices. Antoine Pultier Leaflet.Storage Create/update/delete Map, Marker, Polygon, Polyline... and expose them for backend storage with an API. Yohan Boniface Leaflet.Pather L.Pather is a freehand polyline creator that simplifies the polyline for mutability. Requires D3 support. Wildhoney Leaflet.Illustrate Extension for Leaflet.draw enabling users to type annotations directly on maps. Justin Manley Leaflet.Pin Enable attaching of markers to other layers during draw or edit features with Leaflet.Draw. Konrad Klimczak L.Control.PaintPolygon Draw yours polygons with a circle brush like Paint[brush]. Includes turf.js dependencies. Thibault Coupin Leaflet-Craft Extends Leaflet.FreeDraw and gives extended features like Undo-Redo, deleting markers,dynamic area calculation of polygons ,various hooks/events and in-build control bars, etc. Sagarpreet Chadha Leaflet.SegmentEdit An extension to Leaflet.draw to allow editing large polylines one chunk at the time. Lemaf Time & elevation Most data is two-dimensional (latitude and longitude), but some data has more dimensions (altitude and/or time). The following plugins help users navigate these extra dimensions. Plugin Description Maintainer Leaflet Topography A set of tools for calculating and visualizing topographic data (elevation, slope, aspect) at lightning speed. Based on Mapbox RGB Encoded DEM tiles. Seth Lutske Leaflet.timelineSlider Leaflet plugin that creates a customizable timeline slider with user designed functionality. Original implementation of timeline at Sol Vitkin Leaflet.TimeDimension Add time dimension capabilities on a Leaflet map. Demos ICTS SOCIB Leaflet Time-Slider The Leaflet Time-Slider enables you to dynamically add and remove Markers on a map by using a JQuery UI slider Dennis Wilhelm LeafletPlayback Play back time-stamped GPS Tracks synchronized to a clock. Nicholas Hallahan Leaflet.timeline Display arbitrary GeoJSON on a map with a timeline slider and play button. Jonathan Skeate Leaflet.Elevation A Leaflet plugin to view interactive height profiles of GeoJSON lines using d3. Felix Bache Leaflet.Heightgraph Inspired by Leaflet.Elevation this Leaflet plugin allows you to view interactive height profiles stored as GeoJSON featuring the handy ability to visualize arbitrary segments (e.g. surface types or steepness categories) with customized colors stored as properties within the GeoJSON itself. Robin Boldt Leaflet.hotline A Leaflet plugin for drawing gradients along polylines. iosphere leaflet.TrackPlayBack A leaflet track-playback plugin, can display and dynamically play tracks. Demo. linghuam Leaflet Timeline Control Unopinionated timeline control that helps you display time series data. Demo. Michal Zimmermann Search & popups Plugins that search for overlays and enhance how to display information about them. Plugin Description Maintainer leaflet-fusesearch A control that provides a panel to search features in a GeoJSON layer using the lightweight fuzzy search Fuse.js Antoine Riche Leaflet Search A control for search Markers/Features location by custom property in LayerGroup/GeoJSON. Support AJAX/JSONP, Autocompletion and 3rd party service Stefano Cudini leaflet-custom-searchbox A google map style search box which includes a side panel slider control. A.D Leaflet.Rrose A Leaflet Plugin for Edge Cases. For use when you want popups on mouseover, not click, and you need popup tips to reorient as you get close to the edges of your map. Eric Theise Leaflet.utfgrid Provides a utfgrid interaction handler for leaflet a very small footprint. Dave Leaver Leaflet.RevealOSM Very simple but extendable Leaflet plugin to display OSM POIs data on map click. Yohan Boniface Leaflet Underneath Find interesting features near a location using Mapbox Vector Tiles data, to add interactive functionality to a tile layer with speed and limited bandwidth. Per Liedman Leaflet.GeoJSONAutocomplete Leaflet Autocomplete For Remote Searching with GeoJSON Services. Yunus Emre Özkaya L.tagFilterButton LeafLet marker filtering by tags Mehmet Aydemir Leaflet-gplaces-autocomplete Add google places search into map Michal Haták leaflet-responsive-popup Removes the need to move the map to be able to see the content of the popup. YaFred leaflet-popup-modifier Allows user to edit the contents of a popup, or use the popup to remove its source marker. Slutske22 Area/overlay selection These plugins help users select either overlays or areas in the map. Plugin Description Maintainer Leaflet.AreaSelect A fixed positioned, resizable rectangle for selecting an area on the map. Jonatan Heyman leaflet-locationfilter A draggable/resizable rectangle for selecting an area on the map. Robert Kajic L.Control.LineStringSelect Fast LineString(polyline) partial selection tool: select a stretch between two points in a complex path. Demo Alexander Milevski Leaflet.FeatureSelect Use a configurable centerpoint marker to select any geometry type from a GeoJSON layer. Aaron Ogle Leaflet GeoJSON Selector Leaflet Control for selection from GeoJSON feature in an interactive list and map (Demo). Stefano Cudini Leaflet.CheapLayerAt Allows querying which layer is under a screen coordinate (Demo). Iván Sánchez Ortega, MazeMap Leaflet.SelectAreaFeature Selecting feature layers on a map by drawing an area. Sandro Pibia Leaflet-Shades A draggable and resizable rectangle for selecting an area on a map and creating a gray overlay in unselected areas (Demo) Mandy Kong leaflet-lasso Lasso selection plugin (Demo) Jan Zak Leaflet-Select-Polygons Leaflet-Select-Polygons allows the selection of several polygons and also adjusts the base map view (demo) Erick S Escalante Olano Map interaction New ways to interact with the map itself. Layer switching controls Interactive pan/zoom Bookmarked pan/zoom Fullscreen Minimaps & synced maps Measurement Mouse coordinates Events User interface Print/export Geolocation Layer switching controls The following plugins enhance or extend L.Control.Layers. Plugin Description Maintainer Leaflet.AutoLayers Automatically pull layers from multiple mapservers and organize/search them with user controlled overlay zIndex management. Alex Ebadirad Leaflet.SelectLayers a Leaflet plugin which adds new control to switch between different layers on the map. New control replaces L.Control.Layers radio button panel with select tag. vogdb Leaflet.StyledLayerControl A Leaflet plugin that implements the management and control of layers by organization into categories or groups. Davi Custodio Leaflet.GroupedLayerControl Leaflet layer control with support for grouping overlays together. Ishmael Smyrnow Leaflet Control Order Layers Adds the ability to change overlay order in the layers control. Michael Salgado Leaflet Categorized Layers Leaflet Control Layers extended for groups of categorized layers Robbie Trencheny Leaflet Panel Layers Leaflet Control Layers extended for group of layers and icons legend Stefano Cudini Leaflet.UniformControl Leaflet layer control with stylable checkboxes and radio buttons. Chris Calip Leaflet-IconLayers Leaflet control that displays base layers as small icons (demo). Alexander Zverev Leaflet.LayerTreePlugin Leaflet control allows to switch layers on and off, display them in a tree-like way (demo). Alexander Arakelyan Leaflet.Basemaps A basemap chooser with a preview image from the tile stack. Example Brendan Ward Leaflet.Control.Layers.Tree L.Control.Layers extension that supports a Tree structure, both for base and overlay layers. Simple and highly configurable. See demos Javier Jimenez Shaw Leaflet.ActiveLayers Adds new L.Control.ActiveLayers with functionality to get currently active layers on the map. vogdb Leaflet.Control.Appearance Extend of Control.Layers, can control Appearances of Layers - color, opacity and able to remove a overlay layer. Example Kanahiro Iguchi Interactive pan/zoom Change the way the user can interactively move around the map. Plugin Description Maintainer Leaflet.Pancontrol A simple panning control. Kartena Leaflet.BoxZoom A visible, clickable control to perform a box zoom. Greg Allensworth L.Control.ZoomBar An extended version of Leaflet's native Zoom control with Home and Zoom-to-Area buttons. Demo Elijah Robison Leaflet.zoomslider A zoom slider control. Kartena Leaflet.zoominfo A zoom control which displays the current zoom level. Flávio Carmo Leaflet.BorderPan A Leaflet plugin to pan by clicking on map borders. Sebastián Lara Leaflet GameController Interaction handler providing support for gamepads. Antoine Pultier Leaflet.twofingerZoom Interaction handler for touch devices enabling zooming out with a two finger tap. Adam Ratcliffe Leaflet.ZoomBox A lightweight zoom box control: draw a box around the area you want to zoom to. Demo Brendan Ward Leaflet LimitZoom Plugins to limit available zoom levels to a given list, either by restricting zooming or by interpolating tiles. Ilya Zverev Leaflet.DoubleRightClickZoom Interaction handler enabling zooming out with double right click. Mike O'Toole Leaflet.ZoomLabel A simple zoom label control. Masashi Takeshita Leaflet.ZoomPanel A Zoom Control Panel Of Leaflet. Demo Shuhua Huang Bookmarked pan/zoom Change the way the user is moved around the map, by jumping to predefined/stored places. Plugin Description Maintainer Leaflet.viewcenter A simple control that adds a button to change view and zoom to predefined values in options. Dariusz Pawlak leaflet-zoom-min Adds a button to the zoom control that allows you to zoom to the map minimum zoom level in a single click. Alan Shaw Leaflet Navigation Toolbar Leaflet control for simple back, forward and home navigation. David C Leaflet Locationlist A control to jump between predefined locations and zooms. Ivan Ignatyev Leaflet.defaultextent A control that returns to the original start extent of the map. Similar to the HomeButton widget. Alex Nguyen Leaflet.Bookmarks Control for adding and navigating between user-created bookmarks on the map. Alexander Milevski Leaflet.ShowAll A control that can show a predefined extent while saving the current one so it can be jumped back to. Mor Yariv Leaflet.zoomhome Zoom control with a home button for resetting the view (Demo) Florian Brucker Leaflet-History Track history of map movements and zoom locations similar to a browser. Chris Scott Leaflet.RestoreView Stores and restores map view using localStorage. Mathieu Leplatre leaflet-hash Plugin for persisting map state and browsing history through the URL hash. Michael Lawrence Evans leaflet-view-meta Plugin control that displays and persists map view meta-data, center and boundary coordinates to URL for precise sharing and view reconstruction. rwev Fullscreen controls Allows display of the map in full-screen mode. Plugin Description Maintainer Leaflet.fullscreen A fullscreen button control by Mapbox Mapbox leaflet.fullscreen Another fullscreen button control but for modern browsers, using HTML5 Fullscreen API. Bruno B leaflet.zoomfs A fullscreen button control. Eli Dupuis Minimaps & synced maps Display two maps at once. One of them might be a different size and zoom level, usable as a minimap to aid with navigation. Plugin Description Maintainer Leaflet.Sync Synchronized view of two maps. Bjørn Sandvik Leaflet.MiniMap A small minimap showing the map at a different scale to aid navigation. Robert Nordan Leaflet.MagnifyingGlass Allows you to display a small portion of the map at another zoom level, either at a fixed position or linked to the mouse movement, for a magnifying glass effect. Benjamin Becquet Leaflet.layerscontrol-minimap Extends the default Leaflet layers control with synced minimaps. Jieter Leaflet.GlobeMiniMap Simple minimap control that places a 3D Globe in the corner of your map, centered on the same location as the main map (demo). Chris Whong leaflet-clonelayer Clone Leaflet layers to allow reuse across different maps in the same runtime. Jieter Measurement Allow the user to measure distances or areas. Plugin Description Maintainer Leaflet.PolylineMeasure Measure great-circle distances of simple lines as well as of complex polylines. (Demo 1), (Demo 2), (Demo 3) PPete Leaflet.MeasureControl A simple tool to measure distances on maps (*relies on Leaflet.Draw*). Makina Corpus Leaflet.MeasureAreaControl Control for measuring element's area. Ondrej Zvara leaflet-measure Coordinate, linear, and area measure control for Leaflet maps LJA GIS leaflet-graphicscale Animated graphic scale control (demo). Erik Escoffier Leaflet.ScaleFactor Display a Scale Factor (e.g. 1:50,000) for Leaflet maps (Demo) Marc Chasse Leaflet.nauticscale Display a Nauticscale on Leaflet maps Johannes Rudolph Leaflet Measure Path Show measurements on paths; polylines, polygons and circles currently supported (demo) Per Liedman / Prominent Edge Leaflet.LinearMeasurement Leaflet Linear Measurement plugin that creates polylines with incremental measures along the path. (demo) New Light Technologies leaflet-ruler A simple leaflet plugin to measure true bearing and distance between clicked points. (Demo) Goker Tanrisever leaflet-reticle Leaflet control adding a centering reticle consisting of independently calculated latitude and longitude scales. rwev Mouse coordinates Show the geographical coordinates under the mouse cursor in different ways. Plugin Description Maintainer Leaflet.MousePosition A simple MousePosition control that displays geographic coordinates of the mouse pointer, as it is moved about the map Ardhi Lukianto Leaflet.Coordinates A simple Leaflet plugin viewing the mouse LatLng-coordinates. Also views a marker with coordinate popup on userinput. Felix Bache Leaflet Coordinates Control Captures mouseclick and displays its coordinates with easy way to copy them. Michal Zimmermann Leaflet Copy Coordinates Control Works with Leaflet to capture mouseclicks on a map and display the associated coordinates with an easy way to copy them. (Derived from original work by zimmicz. Forked mainly to provide npm functionality.) Chaim Krause Leaflet.NACCoordinates Displays NAC coordinate of the mouse pointer on mouse move (Demo) Mahmood Dehghan Leaflet.mouseCoordinates Displays the Mouse Coordinate in a Box. Multiple Formats Are Possible GPS UTM UTMREF / MGRS QTH Johannes Rudolph Leaflet Location Picker Simple location picker with mini Leaflet map (Demo) Stefano Cudini Leaflet.MapCenterCoord A Leaflet control to display the coordinates of the map center, especially useful on touch/mobile devices. (Doc & demos) Xisco Guaita Leaflet.Mapcodes Displays the Mapcode of the mouse pointer on mouse move (Demo) Martin Atukunda Events These plugins extend Leaflet event handling. Plugin Description Maintainer Leaflet.GestureHandling Brings the basic functionality of Google Maps Gesture Handling into Leaflet. Prevents users from getting trapped on the map when scrolling a long page. Demo Andy Marquis L.Sleep Avoid unwanted scroll capturing. Demo atstp Leaflet.OverIntent Adds a new event ``mouseintent``, that differs from ``mouseover`` since it reflects user intentions to aim a particular layer. Mathieu Leplatre Leaflet.AlmostOver Trigger mouse events when cursor is "almost" over a layer. Mathieu Leplatre Leaflet-active-area This plugin allows you to use a smaller portion of the map as an active area. All positioning methods (setView, fitBounds, setZoom) will be applied on this portion instead of the all map. Mappy Leaflet.ControlledBounds Inspired by Leaflet-active-area, automatically detects the largest area of the map not covered by any map controls and applies setView, fitBounds, setZoom, getBounds to that area. Iván Sánchez Ortega, MazeMap singleclick Extend L.Map to fire a singleclick event (demo). Compatible with Leaflet 0.7.x only. Guillaume Lathoud singleclick Extend L.Evented to fire a singleclick event (demo). Compatible with Leaflet 1.0.0-beta1 and greater only. Iván Sánchez Ortega, MazeMap Leaflet.VisualClick Adds visual feedback when user clicks/taps the map (demo). Useful when further action is delayed by server requests, or implementation of Leaflet.singleclick. Or just because it looks cool :) Only tested with Leaflet 1.0.0-beta1. Dag Jomar Mersland, Iván Sánchez Ortega, MazeMap Leaflet Touch Helper Makes it easy to touch vector overlays with thick fingers on a small display by adding a transparent, larger touch surface Per Liedman / Prominent Edge Leaflet.ClickTolerance This plugin allows you to increase the click tolerance of canvas powered layers, making it possible to increase the clickable area of vector layers beyond their visible extent. Useful when your features are difficult to click otherwise. Geoloep L.DraggableEnhancer Modify the default L.Draggable handler (responsible for map panning, ...) to make it work properly if one of the map container's parents has predefined handlers like "event.stopPropagation()' attached to a "mousemove" event for example. Vincent Dechandon L.Spotlight Dynamically highlight features near the mouse cursor with a customizable shape Isaac Boates User interface Buttons, sliders, toolbars, sidebars, and panels. Plugin Description Maintainer Leaflet.Control.Custom Fully customizable Leaflet control panel with HTML element. Demo Yiğit Yüce L.EasyButton In one line, add a Font Awesome control button with attached click events. Demo atstp Leaflet.contextmenu A context menu for Leaflet. Adam Ratcliffe Leaflet.CountrySelect Control with menu of all countries, and an event listener that returns the selected country as a GeoJSON feature (demo) Anika Halota Leaflet.GeojsonLayerSwitcher Allows to navigate between GeoJSON layers, select some, and return selection. Easy-Mountain leaflet-sidebar-v2 A responsive, tabbed sidebar with HTML & JS API. Compatible with old (0.7) and current leaflet. Norwin Roosen leaflet-sidebar A responsive sidebar plugin. Tobias Bieniek sidebar-v2 Another responsive sidebar plugin. This time with tabs! Tobias Bieniek Leaflet.Messagebox Display a temporary text message on a map (Demo) Martijn Grendelman Leaflet.TileLegend Create illustrated and interactive legends for your background layers. Yohan Boniface Leaflet.toolbar Flexible, extensible toolbars for Leaflet maps. View an example here. Justin Manley L.Credits A simple, attractive, interactive control to put your logo and link in the corner of your map. Greg Allensworth Leaflet.Spin Shows a nice spinner on the map using Spin.js, for asynchronous data load, like with Leaflet Ajax. Mathieu Leplatre Leaflet Weather A Leaflet plugin for adding a weather widget to the map using OpenWeatherMap API (Demo). Osk Leaflet ResizableControl A Leaflet plugin to add a resizable and scrollable control to the map (Demo). David Albrecht Leaflet.Slider Adds a slider that calls a function every time its input is changed (Demo) EPP leaflet-control-window Creates modal/modeless, draggable, responsive, customisable window in your map. mapshakers/ Filip Zavadil Leaflet.CoordinatedImagePreview Displays coordinated images in map bounds. Yunus Emre Özkaya Leaflet.SlideMenu A simple slide menu for Leaflet. Masashi Takeshita Leaflet.Dialog A simple resizable, movable, customizable dialog box. (Demo) NBT Solutions Leaflet.BootstrapZoom Overrides default zoom control buttons with Twitter Bootstrap styled ones Alexey Gusev Leaflet.CondensedAttribution An attribution plugin that makes long attributes visible on hover Motion Intelligence GmbH Leaflet.HtmlLegend A simple Leaflet plugin for creating legends using HTML elements. Demo. Kaveh Karimi leaflet-blurred-location A Leaflet-based interface for selecting a "blurred" or low-resolution location, to preserve privacy. Demo. Public Lab Leaflet.Control.Resizer Control to resize your map on the right or bottom side. See demo Javier Jimenez Shaw leaflet-blurred-location-display Cleverly dispays "blurred" locations using color-coded heatmap and color-coded markers while fetching data from remote API Demo. Public Lab Leaflet.Legend Display legend symbols and toggle overlays(Demo). JJ Jin Print/export Print or export your map. Plugin Description Maintainer Leaflet.print Implements the Mapfish print protocol allowing a Leaflet map to be printed using either the Mapfish or GeoServer print module. Adam Ratcliffe Leaflet-image Export images out of Leaflet maps without a server component, by using Canvas and CORS. Tom MacWright Leaflet-easyPrint A simple plugin which adds an icon to print your Leaflet map. Rowan Winsemius leaflet.browser.print Allows users to print full page map directly from the browser. Igor Vladyka Leaflet.BigImage Allows users to download an image with a scaled-up version of the visible map. Vasyl Pasichnyk (Oswald) Geolocation Plugins that extend Leaflet’s geolocation capabilities. Plugin Description Maintainer L.LocationShare Allow users to send and receive a marker with a message. Demo atstp Leaflet.Locate A customizable locate control. Dominik Moritz Leaflet Control Compass A leaflet control plugin to build a simple rotating compass Stefano Cudini Leaflet.AccuratePosition Leaflet.AccuratePosition aims to provide a desired device location accuracy. Michael Schmidt-Voigt Miscellaneous Geoprocessing The following plugins perform several sorts of geoprocessing (mathematical and topological operations on points, lines and polygons). Plugin Description Maintainer Proj4Leaflet Proj4js integration plugin, allowing you to use all kinds of weird projections in Leaflet. Kartena arc.js A JS library for drawing great circle routes that can be used with Leaflet. Dane Springmeyer Leaflet-pip Simple point in polygon calculation using point-in-polygon. Tom MacWright Leaflet.GeometryUtil A collection of utilities for Leaflet geometries (linear referencing, etc.) Benjamin Becquet, Mathieu Leplatre Greiner-Hormann Greiner-Hormann algorithm for polygon clipping and binary operations, adapted for use with Leaflet. Alexander Milevski Leaflet.buffer Enables buffering of shapes drawn with Leaflet.draw. Jonathan Skeate Leaflet.LayerIndex An efficient spatial index for features and layers, using RTree.js. Mathieu Leplatre leaflet-spatial-prefix-tree Leaflet plugin for visualizing spatial prefix trees, quadtree and geohash. See demo Mapzen Leaflet.UTM A simple way to convert L.LatLng into UTM (WGS84) and vice versa. UTM string format easily configurable. It does not depend on any other plugin or 3rd party. See demo Javier Jimenez Shaw Leaflet.Antimeridian A plugin to allow polygons and polylines to naturally draw across the Antimeridian (or the Internation Date Line) instead of always wrapping across the Greenwich meridian. (Demo) Brianna Landon Routing The following plugins use external services to calculate driving or walking routes. Plugin Description Maintainer Leaflet Routing Machine Control for route search with via points, displaying itinerary and alternative routes. Uses OSRM by default, but also supports GraphHopper, Mapbox Directions API and more. Per Liedman Leaflet.Routing Leaflet controller and interface for routing paths between waypoints using any user provided routing service. Norwegian Trekking Association Route360° Route360° visualizes the area which is reachable from a set of starting points in a given time and gives detailed routing information (walk, bike, car and public transportation) to targets. Motion Intelligence GmbH Leaflet RouteBoxer This is a Leaflet implementation of the RouteBoxer Class from Google. The Leaflet RouteBoxer class generates a set of L.LatLngBounds objects that are guaranteed to cover every point within a specified distance of a path. Nearest! Leaflet.Routing.Amap Control for route search using AMap(高德地图) as a backend. Supports the Chinese BD09 and GCJ02 coordinate systems, colourful lines, and turn-by-turn popups. Jack Good Leaflet TripGo routing The TripGo mobility platform lets you create apps providing seamless and personalised door-to-door trips using any public, private or commercial mode of transport. TripGo Leaflet's plugin motivation is to provide an easy way to include its functionality in an external platform. SkedGo leaflet.TravelNotes Editable markers and routing engine for leaflet. The routing engine have plugins for Mapbox, GraphHopper and OSRM and can be used for car, bike or pedestrian route. Demo. Christian Guyette Leaflet.Reachability Show areas of reachability based on time or distance for different modes of travel using the openrouteservice isochrones API. Trafford Data Lab Geocoding External services that transform an address or the name of a place into latitude and longitude (or vice versa). Plugin Description Maintainer Leaflet GeoSearch Small geocoding plugin that brings address searching/lookup (aka geosearching) to Leaflet. Comes with support for Google, OpenStreetMap Nominatim, Bing, Esri and Nokia. Easily extensible. Stephan Meijer Leaflet Control OSM Geocoder A simple geocoder that uses OpenstreetMap Nominatim to locate places by address. Karsten Hinz Leaflet Control Bing Geocoder A simple geocoder control that uses Bing to locate places. Samuel Piquet Leaflet Control Geocoder A clean and extensible control for both geocoding and reverse geocoding. Builtin support for Nominatim, Bing, MapQuest, Mapbox, What3Words, Google and Photon. Easy to extend to other providers. Per Liedman Leaflet GeoIP Locator A simple plugin that allows finding the approximate location of IP addresses and map centering on said location. Jakub Dostal Esri Leaflet Geocoder A geocoding control with suggestions powered by the ArcGIS Online geocoder. Patrick Arlt Leaflet.OpenCage.Search A search plugin plugin that uses OpenCage Data's geocoding API. The OpenCage team Leaflet.Geonames A lightweight geocoding control powered by GeoNames. Demo Brendan Ward Pelias Leaflet Plugin A geocoding control using Geocode Earth or any hosted service powered by the Pelias Geocoder API. Demo Lou Huang Leaflet LocationIQ Geocoder A plugin that adds the ability to search (geocode) a Leaflet-powered map using LocationIQ. LocationIQ L.Highlight A plugin that adds the ability to quick highlighting streets and areas using Nominatim. Maciej Kowalski Plugin collections Sets of plugins that span several categories. Plugin developers: please keep future plugins in individual repositories. Plugin Description Maintainer Plugins by Pavel Shramov A set of plugins for: GPX, KML, TOPOJSON layers; Bing tile layer; Yandex layers (implemented with their APIs), and permalink control. Pavel Shramov, Bruno B Spectrum4Leaflet Tools for using Spectrum Spatial Server services with leaflet. This plugin supports: map service, tile service, feature service. It has layers, legend and feature controls. SVoyt, ESTI MAP MapBBCode-related leaflet plugins Seven plugins for various features, independent of the MapBBCode library. From circular and popup icons to buttons, layer switcher, better search and attribution. Ilya Zverev Integration Frameworks & build systems Ease your development integrating Leaflet into a development framework or automating some of the javascript/CSS work for complex applications. Plugin Description Maintainer leaflet-defaulticon-compatibility Retrieve all Leaflet Default Icon options from CSS, in particular all icon images URL's, to improve compatibility with bundlers and frameworks that modify URL's in CSS. In particular for webpack (with style-, css-, file- and url-loader's), Rails Asset Pipeline and Django pipeline. Should solve all use cases linked to issue Leaflet/Leaflet #4968. Demo with webpack (and without this plugin). ghybs Leaflet Yeoman Generator Yeoman generator that scaffolds out a basic Leaflet map application. Moritz Klack react-leaflet React components for Leaflet maps. Paul Le Cam Leaflet.CSS Add the main Leaflet CSS files (or any css) from within JavaScript, be gone conditional comments. Calvin Metcalf Leaflet LayerConfig Provide a json file or service response with a configuration of layers and markers to automatically set up a Leaflet client. Alexander Nossum Leaflet.i18n Internationalization for Leaflet plugins. Yohan Boniface Leaflet ZoomLevel CSS Class Add zoom level css class to map element for easy style updates based on zoom levels Dag Jomar Mersland famous-map Integrate Leaflet in applications made with the web framework. Hein Rutjes ngx-leaflet Leaflet components and extensions for Asymmetrik, Ltd. Angular Leaflet directive Integrate Leaflet in applications made with the AngularJS web framework. David Rubert Tiny Leaflet Directive Tiny LeafletJS map directive for your AngularJS apps. Martin Tesař Leaflet Popup Angular Use AngularJS in your Leaflet popups. Extends the built-in L.popup. Grant Harris Leaflet Control Angular Insert and use Angularized HTML code in your Leaflet map as a Leaflet control. Grant Harris YAGA leaflet-ng2 Granular integration into Angular2/4. demo . YAGA Development Team Integrate Leaflet in applications made with the Polymer >= 1.0 web component framework. Hendrik Brummermann, Prateek Saxena Leaflet map component Integrate Leaflet in applications made with the Polymer 0.5 web framework. Prateek Saxena Leaflet.jsf Comprehensive Java Server Faces(JSF) Component/Wrapper for Leaflet. Terra SI LLC. M.Çağrı Tepebaşılı JSF2Leaf A JavaServer Faces wrapper for Leaflet. Leonardo Ciocari ember-leaflet Easy and declarative mapping for Ember.js using Leaflet. Miguel Andrade meteor-leaflet Provides a Meteor package to quickly build real-time cross-platform map apps. Bevan Hunt L.Control.BootstrapModal Trigger a Bootstrap modal using an on-map control. Greg Allensworth L.Control.jQueryDialog Trigger a jQuery UI dialog/modal using an on-map control. Greg Allensworth V-Leaflet Use Leaflet as a component for the Vaadin Java/HTML framework. Matti Tahvonen gwty-leaflet A Java/GWT JsInterop wrapper for Leaflet. It allows using Leaflet in Java the same way as from a javascript script. Zakaria Amine Leaflet Map Builder It populates a leaflet map from a configuration object, can also creates zoom, layers, attribution and draw controls. demo . Gherardo Varando Vue2Leaflet Vue2Leaflet is a JavaScript library for the Vue.js framework that wraps Leaflet, making it easy to create reactive maps. Mickaël KoRiGaN 3rd party integration The following plugins integrate Leaflet into third party services or websites. Plugin Description Maintainer Leaflet.EditInOSM Add a control with links to open the current map view on main OSM editors. Yohan Boniface Maps Marker Pro A WordPress plugin that enables users to pin, organize and share their favorite places and tracks through their WordPress powered site. Robert Harm WordPress Leaflet Map Interactive and flexible shortcode to create multiple maps in posts and pages, and to add multiple markers on those maps. Benjamin J DeLong Maptiks Analytics platform for web maps. Track map activities, layer load times, marker clicks, and more! Sparkgeo Leaflet for Drupal A Drupal (7.x and 8.x) module to integrate Leaflet maps in your Drupal site. Contains a field formatter to show a map for fields containing geospatial data, Views integration to plot data on a map, and a lightweight and easy to use API. Currently used by over 10.000 sites. Marzee Labs, and more maintainers listed at Leaflet Easymap Include a map in your HTML page without one line of programming. A data-driven Javascript module. Klaus Stein WP MapIt Easy to use, WordPress Map plugin based on Open Street Map and Leaflet with custom markers images, descriptions and links. Chandni Patel Map Block Leaflet A Block for the New WordPress Block Editor based on Leaflet, it allow add and custom maps from a visual interface. Jesús Olazagoitia ABP Usermap MyBB A plugin for MyBB creating a map of users based on Open Street Map and Leaflet, with customisable popup and markers CrazyCat Leaflet Extensions for Joomla! (3.x) Agosm: Joomla Module not only for showing Markers on a OpenStreetMap Map. Gibhub Joomla Extension Directory Aggpxtrack: Joomla Custom Field for dispaying a GPX Track on a Map - you can choose an OpenStreetMap or GoogleMaps. With much options. For example: One option is an elevation profil. Gibhub Joomla Extension Directory Agosmmapwithmarker: Custom field for show a map with a marker in frond end - always the right card for the content. You can enter the address in backend. Gibhub Joomla Extension Directory Astrid Günther Leaflet.Facebook Simple plugin for adding Facebook like button as a control. Marcin Wasilewski WP-Trip-Summary A WordPress trip summary plugin to help travel bloggers manage and display structured information about their train rides and biking or hiking trips. Alexandru Boia Develop your own Leaflet keeps it simple. If you can think of a feature that is not required by all Leaflet users, and you can write the JavaScript code in a reusable way, you’ve got yourself a Leaflet plugin already. There are no hard requirements on how to create your own plugin, but all developers are encouraged to read the recommendations in the plugin guide. Once your plugin is ready, you can submit it to this list: just send a pull request with the addition to /docs/ to our GitHub repository. © 2010–2021 Vladimir Agafonkin. Maps © OpenStreetMap contributors.