Information Flaneur Information Flaneur A blog about libraries, computer programming, and the impending end of humanity. Ephemera - how to automatically delete your old tweets and toots using your own computer You can make your social media posts ephemeral with a couple of Python scripts and your own computer Internet Time A blog about libraries, computer programming, and the impending end of humanity. Shiny - maintenance and memory The push for worker-free libraries is another front in the culture wars Empathy Daleks Sarah Lambert's talk at CRIG 2020 flips the usual framing of "student success". For what we will The only "COVID Recovery" worth pursuing is one that rejects "jobs" and centres care. Recursive How do you search Stack Overflow for tips on fixing your stack overflow? 2020 rear vision My year in review with some thoughts on the future Library Map Part 1 - Why I recently created a map of libraries in Australia. Here's why I did it and why I did it that way. Library Map Part 2 - How A technical overview of how I create Automation workflows with GitHub Actions and Webhooks - Library Map part 3 The third in my Library Map series