id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt blog-vlib-mpg-de-1575 Max Planck vLib News | .html text/html 1495 176 68 To fulfill the content needs of Max Planck researchers when Elsevier shuts off access to recent content at the beginning of January, the Max Planck libraries and MPDL have coordinated the setup of a common document order service. Step 1: Search in ScienceDirect, start in any other database or enter the article details into the MPG/SFX citation linker. Since then, the vLib project partners from the Max Planck libraries, information retrieval services groups, the GWDG and the MPDL invested much time and effort to integrate various library catalogs, reference databases, full-text collections and other information resources into MetaLib, a federated search system developed by Ex Libris. As you know, there are many alternatives to the former vLib services: MPG.ReNa will remain available for browsing and discovering electronic resources available to Max Planck users. In this blog you'll find updates on information resources, vendor platform and access systems provided by the Max Planck Digital Library. ./cache/blog-vlib-mpg-de-1575.html ./txt/blog-vlib-mpg-de-1575.txt