id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-2588 Cardano (blockchain platform) - Wikipedia .html text/html 1884 328 66 After leaving he co-founded IOHK, a blockchain engineering company, whose primary business is the development of Cardano, alongside the Cardano Foundation and Emurgo.[9] The platform is named after Gerolamo Cardano and the cryptocurrency after Ada Lovelace.[10] Cardano uses a proof-of-stake protocol named Ouroboros[12] in contrast to Bitcoin and Ethereum which use proof-of-work protocols.[13] Proof-of-stake blockchains use significantly less energy than proof-of-work chains.[13] In February 2021, Hoskinson estimated the Cardano network used 6 GWh annually, less than 0.01% of the 110.53 TWh used by the Bitcoin network as estimated by the University of Cambridge.[14][15] Cardano reached a "market cap" of $77 billion in May 2021 and was considered the biggest proof of stake cryptocurrency.[16] [17] IOHK's key project: Cardano, a public blockchain and smart-contract platform which hosts the Ada cryptocurrency. What distinguishes Cardano from Ethereum, and from many other cryptocurrencies, is that it is (one of the first) blockchain projects to be developed and designed from a scientific philosophy by a team of leading academics and engineers ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-2588.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-2588.txt