LorcanDempsey.net LorcanDempsey.net Lorcan Dempsey on libraries, services and networks Presentation: Two Metadata Directions Here are some materials from my recent presentation on Two Metadata Directions, including slides, video and a link to a fuller discussion. Two metadata directions Metadata practice is evolving. I discuss two important trends here: entification and pluralization. Working with Ghost: a review This site is built with Ghost and the Krabi template. I use it for blogging and as a professional home on the web. Why Ghost? Here are some initial thoughts. Ask me again in a year's time ... A new web presence: transitions and towers This is a new web presence for Lorcan Dempsey! My goal is to provide a contact point and to bring together various elements of my work, writing and career. In part I am influenced by the decentralizing impulse to control your own archive. Presentation: College, consortium, collaboration, collective collection Constance Malpas and I gave a presentation to the Boston Library Consortium Board of Directors about the dynamics of library collaboration in consortia. It talks about collective collections as an example. Presentation: The RLUK Digital Shift Forum I was pleased to inaugurate the RLUK Digital Shift Forum, with a presentation on Pandemic effects and collection directions. I was especially pleased to be kindly introduced by my longstanding colleague Robin Green, University Librarian at Warwick University, and current chair of RLUK. Collection directions accelerated? Pandemic effects. Over the past few years I have been talking about three systemic ways in which collections, broadly understood, are evolving in a network environment. They are: the collective collection, the facilitated collection, and the inside-out collection. Calgary Central Library: combining intimacy and civic statement The Calgary central library was on first impression the finest public building I have been in for years. The (Digital) Library Environment: 10 years after Lorcan Dempsey considers how the digital library environment has changed in the ten years since Ariadne was first published. Book Review: The Cambridge History of Libraries in Britain and Ireland Lorcan Dempsey reviews Volume III of a landmark collection on the history of libraries in 'Britain and Ireland' from 1850 to 2000.