id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_hjazlkhc3zfnjfhz6iakdscd7e Bill Pascoe Mapping Meaning: learnings from indigenous mapping technology for Australia's digital humanities mapping infrastructure 2020 9 .pdf application/pdf 3788 369 52 projects in TLCMap are focused on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and both as collaborations with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and indigenous Australians are Islander languages and peoples in Australia, but this one illustrates many points well.  Having learned the meaning of a place through a map (painting, sand, words, etc), the to intervene in the 'authoritative' government naming of places, including indigenous people, or There are some indigenous place names with meanings that have become have a specific focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and history. being about the history of violence towards Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander country and culture based quantitative indigenous research, and elsewhere.7 The following TLCMap projects from across This project maps colonial frontier massacres in Australia from 1780 to 1930. This project provides a web interface and map into a research collection of Aboriginal Time Layered Cultural Map ./cache/work_hjazlkhc3zfnjfhz6iakdscd7e.pdf ./txt/work_hjazlkhc3zfnjfhz6iakdscd7e.txt