id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_oeau7vrtqzeq7na53uavipyxou Priscila Carvalho The Lusophony Digital Humanities and what they (we) are doing from the South: textual corpus analysis and FAIR principles to tackle hegemony 2020 2 .pdf application/pdf 759 65 52 The Lusophony Digital Humanities and what they (we) are doing from the South: GOMES, IBICT-UFRJ, Brazil, orcid: Digital Humanities in Brazil, however, without producing for this international community. the Digital Humanities are beginning to gain greater public interest in Brazil and other countries in South Digital Humanities in South America. Humanities academic papers, thesis, and books written in the Portuguese language from Google Scholar. The result of the similitude analysis, based on the graph theory, unveiled possible thematic convergences of the Portuguese language production in the Digital Humanities. On the top right, the cluster novo has two subclusters, social and nao. shows that scraping Google Scholar data could bring a broader result if you want to analyse Portuguese In addition, the use of Zenodo allowed the research result to have a visibility to the public outside Brazil allowing that South America production could integrate Lusophone Digital "Digital Humanities of the South and GAFAM. ./cache/work_oeau7vrtqzeq7na53uavipyxou.pdf ./txt/work_oeau7vrtqzeq7na53uavipyxou.txt