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named digitalHumanities-from-scholar Apr 05, 2021 9:32:09 PM org.apache.tika.config.InitializableProblemHandler$3 handleInitializableProblem WARNING: J2KImageReader not loaded. JPEG2000 files will not be processed. See for optional dependencies. Apr 05, 2021 9:32:09 PM org.apache.tika.config.InitializableProblemHandler$3 handleInitializableProblem WARNING: Tesseract OCR is installed and will be automatically applied to image files unless you've excluded the TesseractOCRParser from the default parser. Tesseract may dramatically slow down content extraction (TIKA-2359). As of Tika 1.15 (and prior versions), Tesseract is automatically called. In future versions of Tika, users may need to turn the TesseractOCRParser on via TikaConfig. Apr 05, 2021 9:32:09 PM org.apache.tika.config.InitializableProblemHandler$3 handleInitializableProblem WARNING: org.xerial's sqlite-jdbc is not loaded. Please provide the jar on your classpath to parse sqlite files. See tika-parsers/pom.xml for the correct version. 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in font F18 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for a72 (72) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a117 (117) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a103 (103) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a78 (78) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a40 (40) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a56 (56) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a41 (41) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a39 (39) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a73 (73) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a102 (102) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a121 (121) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a108 (108) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a104 (104) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a63 (63) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a76 (76) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a82 (82) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a58 (58) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a113 (113) in font F18 WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN Could not read embedded TTF for font Times-Roman Illegal seek position: 3556546779 at at org.apache.fontbox.ttf.TrueTypeFont.readTable( at org.apache.fontbox.ttf.TTFParser.parseTables( at org.apache.fontbox.ttf.TTFParser.parse( at org.apache.fontbox.ttf.TTFParser.parse( at org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDTrueTypeFont.( at org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFontFactory.createFont( at org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDResources.getFont( at org.apache.pdfbox.contentstream.operator.text.SetFontAndSize.process( at org.apache.pdfbox.contentstream.PDFStreamEngine.processOperator( at org.apache.pdfbox.contentstream.PDFStreamEngine.processStreamOperators( at org.apache.pdfbox.contentstream.PDFStreamEngine.processStream( at 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at org.apache.cxf.service.invoker.AbstractInvoker.performInvocation( at org.apache.cxf.service.invoker.AbstractInvoker.invoke( at org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.JAXRSInvoker.invoke( at org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.JAXRSInvoker.invoke( at org.apache.cxf.interceptor.ServiceInvokerInterceptor$ at org.apache.cxf.interceptor.ServiceInvokerInterceptor.handleMessage( at org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain.doIntercept( at org.apache.cxf.transport.ChainInitiationObserver.onMessage( at org.apache.cxf.transport.http.AbstractHTTPDestination.invoke( at org.apache.cxf.transport.http_jetty.JettyHTTPDestination.doService( at org.apache.cxf.transport.http_jetty.JettyHTTPHandler.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextHandle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doHandle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextScope( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doScope( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandlerCollection.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel.lambda$handle$1( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel.dispatch( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnection.onFillable( at$ReadCallback.succeeded( at at$ at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool.runJob( at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool$ at INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for a51 (51) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a53 (53) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a70 (70) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a39 (39) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a47 (47) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a120 (120) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a57 (57) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a80 (80) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a117 (117) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a98 (98) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a108 (108) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a105 (105) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a115 (115) in font F23 WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN No Unicode mapping for a104 (104) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a101 (101) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a114 (114) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a39 (39) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a99 (99) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a111 (111) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a112 (112) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a121 (121) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a103 (103) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a116 (116) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a97 (97) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a109 (109) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a110 (110) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a58 (58) in font F23 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for a84 (84) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a104 (104) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a105 (105) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for C211 (2) in font IBWKAN+AdvPSSym WARN No Unicode mapping for a115 (115) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a97 (97) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a112 (112) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a114 (114) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a101 (101) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a45 (45) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a99 (99) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a111 (111) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a121 (121) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a100 (100) in font F24 WARN Using fallback font LiberationSans for base font Symbol WARN No Unicode mapping for a116 (116) in font F24 WARN Using fallback font LiberationSans for base font ZapfDingbats WARN No Unicode mapping for a44 (44) in font F24 FILE: cache/work_ftbmk33innhhdebs3n535qcp6a.htm OUTPUT: txt/work_ftbmk33innhhdebs3n535qcp6a.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for a117 (117) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a80 (80) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a68 (68) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a70 (70) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a102 (102) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a110 (110) in font F24 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for a108 (108) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a98 (98) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a76 (76) in font F24 WARN Could not read embedded TTF for font Helvetica Illegal seek position: 3218781437 at at org.apache.fontbox.ttf.TrueTypeFont.readTable( at org.apache.fontbox.ttf.TTFParser.parseTables( at org.apache.fontbox.ttf.TTFParser.parse( at org.apache.fontbox.ttf.TTFParser.parse( at org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDTrueTypeFont.( at org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFontFactory.createFont( at org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDResources.getFont( at org.apache.pdfbox.contentstream.operator.text.SetFontAndSize.process( at org.apache.pdfbox.contentstream.PDFStreamEngine.processOperator( at org.apache.pdfbox.contentstream.PDFStreamEngine.processStreamOperators( at org.apache.pdfbox.contentstream.PDFStreamEngine.processStream( at org.apache.pdfbox.contentstream.PDFStreamEngine.processPage( at org.apache.pdfbox.text.LegacyPDFStreamEngine.processPage( at org.apache.pdfbox.text.PDFTextStripper.processPage( at org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDF2XHTML.processPage( at org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.AbstractPDF2XHTML.processPages( at org.apache.pdfbox.text.PDFTextStripper.writeText( at org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDF2XHTML.process( at org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser.parse( at org.apache.tika.parser.CompositeParser.parse( at org.apache.tika.parser.CompositeParser.parse( at org.apache.tika.parser.AutoDetectParser.parse( at org.apache.tika.parser.RecursiveParserWrapper.parse( at org.apache.tika.server.resource.TikaResource.parse( at org.apache.tika.server.resource.RecursiveMetadataResource.parseMetadata( at org.apache.tika.server.resource.RecursiveMetadataResource.getMetadata( at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor3.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at org.apache.cxf.service.invoker.AbstractInvoker.performInvocation( at org.apache.cxf.service.invoker.AbstractInvoker.invoke( at org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.JAXRSInvoker.invoke( at org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.JAXRSInvoker.invoke( at org.apache.cxf.interceptor.ServiceInvokerInterceptor$ at org.apache.cxf.interceptor.ServiceInvokerInterceptor.handleMessage( at org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain.doIntercept( at org.apache.cxf.transport.ChainInitiationObserver.onMessage( at org.apache.cxf.transport.http.AbstractHTTPDestination.invoke( at org.apache.cxf.transport.http_jetty.JettyHTTPDestination.doService( at org.apache.cxf.transport.http_jetty.JettyHTTPHandler.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextHandle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doHandle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextScope( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doScope( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandlerCollection.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel.lambda$handle$1( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel.dispatch( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnection.onFillable( at$ReadCallback.succeeded( at at$ at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool.runJob( at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool$ at WARN No Unicode mapping for a103 (103) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a67 (67) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a109 (109) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a119 (119) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a118 (118) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a46 (46) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a28 (28) in font F24 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for a87 (87) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a107 (107) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a77 (77) in font F24 WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for a72 (72) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a78 (78) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a40 (40) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a50 (50) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a48 (48) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a56 (56) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a41 (41) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a39 (39) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a73 (73) in font F24 FILE: cache/work_bi44b5urgrcc7bl5s7za7xg5wm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_bi44b5urgrcc7bl5s7za7xg5wm.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for a63 (63) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a65 (65) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a82 (82) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a58 (58) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a113 (113) in font F24 WARN Using fallback font LiberationSerif for TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for a51 (51) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a49 (49) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a53 (53) in font F24 WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN No Unicode mapping for a47 (47) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a120 (120) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a57 (57) in font F24 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for a52 (52) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a65 (65) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a100 (100) in font F23 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for a102 (102) in font F23 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for a83 (83) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a54 (54) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a21 (21) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a74 (74) in font F24 WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN No Unicode mapping for a85 (85) in font F25 WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN No Unicode mapping for a115 (115) in font F25 WARN No Unicode mapping for a101 (101) in font F25 WARN No Unicode mapping for a112 (112) in font F25 WARN No Unicode mapping for a111 (111) in font F25 WARN No Unicode mapping for a108 (108) in font F25 WARN No Unicode mapping for a105 (105) in font F25 WARN No Unicode mapping for a99 (99) in font F25 WARN No Unicode mapping for a121 (121) in font F25 WARN No Unicode mapping for a84 (84) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a104 (104) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a101 (101) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a102 (102) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a117 (117) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a108 (108) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a45 (45) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a116 (116) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a120 (120) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a109 (109) in font F26 WARN No 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a119 (119) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+66 (66) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+83 (83) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font LiberationSerif-Italic for TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT WARN No Unicode mapping for a28 (28) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for .notdef (9) in font Helvetica WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+70 (70) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for a58 (58) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3 (3) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+84 (84) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+81 (81) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+68 (68) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+74 (74) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+221 (221) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+71 (71) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+80 (80) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+69 (69) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+72 (72) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+85 (85) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+77 (77) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+86 (86) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+73 (73) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+87 (87) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+13 (13) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+78 (78) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+79 (79) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+90 (90) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for C211 (2) in font LAOOUK+AdvPSSym WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+28 (28) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+27 (27) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+82 (82) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for a107 (107) in font F26 FILE: cache/work_qh2zkmobpjgqzilpxnxazt4uku.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_qh2zkmobpjgqzilpxnxazt4uku.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for a68 (68) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a82 (82) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a79 (79) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a68 (68) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a117 (117) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a114 (114) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a104 (104) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a97 (97) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a109 (109) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a82 (82) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a101 (101) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a115 (115) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a99 (99) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a79 (79) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a110 (110) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a108 (108) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a105 (105) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a68 (68) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a101 (101) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a112 (112) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a111 (111) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a115 (115) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a105 (105) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a116 (116) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a100 (100) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a110 (110) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a82 (82) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a79 (79) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a58 (58) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a48 (48) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a55 (55) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a46 (46) in font F26 FILE: cache/work_ju52ryvefnhpngf2a3vvzbrpfu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ju52ryvefnhpngf2a3vvzbrpfu.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for a79 (79) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a80 (80) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a99 (99) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a116 (116) in font F18 WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN No Unicode mapping for a111 (111) in font F18 WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN No Unicode mapping for a98 (98) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a101 (101) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a114 (114) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a50 (50) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a49 (49) in font 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in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for a45 (45) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for a54 (54) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a99 (99) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+67 (67) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+88 (88) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for a119 (119) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for circlecopyrt (13) in font NHPBFZ+CMSY9 WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for a120 (120) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_idpb7pln4vdcvh4hhqifqmszea.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_idpb7pln4vdcvh4hhqifqmszea.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for a76 (76) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a65 (65) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a100 (100) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a65 (65) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a102 (102) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a82 (82) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+65 (65) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for a98 (98) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a121 (121) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a85 (85) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a115 (115) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a101 (101) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a112 (112) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+32 (32) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for a111 (111) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a108 (108) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a105 (105) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a99 (99) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a121 (121) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a83 (83) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a84 (84) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a71 (71) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a69 (69) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a104 (104) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a80 (80) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a101 (101) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a102 (102) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a117 (117) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a108 (108) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a45 (45) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a116 (116) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a120 (120) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a109 (109) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a65 (65) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a97 (97) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a100 (100) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a121 (121) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a98 (98) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a115 (115) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a100 (100) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a110 (110) in font F27 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for a47 (47) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a111 (111) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a114 (114) in font F27 WARN 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MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for a68 (68) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a82 (82) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a79 (79) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for a46 (46) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a80 (80) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a46 (46) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a80 (80) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a85 (85) in font F27 WARN Could not read embedded TTF for font Times-BoldItalic Illegal seek position: 3489580542 at at org.apache.fontbox.ttf.TrueTypeFont.readTable( at org.apache.fontbox.ttf.TTFParser.parseTables( at org.apache.fontbox.ttf.TTFParser.parse( at org.apache.fontbox.ttf.TTFParser.parse( at org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDTrueTypeFont.( at org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFontFactory.createFont( at org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDResources.getFont( at org.apache.pdfbox.contentstream.operator.text.SetFontAndSize.process( at org.apache.pdfbox.contentstream.PDFStreamEngine.processOperator( at org.apache.pdfbox.contentstream.PDFStreamEngine.processStreamOperators( at org.apache.pdfbox.contentstream.PDFStreamEngine.processStream( at org.apache.pdfbox.contentstream.PDFStreamEngine.processPage( at org.apache.pdfbox.text.LegacyPDFStreamEngine.processPage( at 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org.apache.cxf.service.invoker.AbstractInvoker.invoke( at org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.JAXRSInvoker.invoke( at org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.JAXRSInvoker.invoke( at org.apache.cxf.interceptor.ServiceInvokerInterceptor$ at org.apache.cxf.interceptor.ServiceInvokerInterceptor.handleMessage( at org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain.doIntercept( at org.apache.cxf.transport.ChainInitiationObserver.onMessage( at org.apache.cxf.transport.http.AbstractHTTPDestination.invoke( at org.apache.cxf.transport.http_jetty.JettyHTTPDestination.doService( at org.apache.cxf.transport.http_jetty.JettyHTTPHandler.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextHandle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doHandle( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextScope( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doScope( at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.handle( at 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rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_q5mcdbdde5d4fayz77f2ghyseu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_q5mcdbdde5d4fayz77f2ghyseu.txt FILE: cache/work_eegwbnm2wff7hb5di2ihomq3ki.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_eegwbnm2wff7hb5di2ihomq3ki.txt FILE: cache/work_m2ftkvfxyjcepitnjnmzhnjt7y.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_m2ftkvfxyjcepitnjnmzhnjt7y.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_626abalifzhrdnxq4ftwsiv7pm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_626abalifzhrdnxq4ftwsiv7pm.txt FILE: cache/work_qeqort2j2zgrtpf6drzvd7vhb4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_qeqort2j2zgrtpf6drzvd7vhb4.txt FILE: cache/work_nukeyhq6rvcihcvyt2lktwaw2m.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_nukeyhq6rvcihcvyt2lktwaw2m.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_i7bsjqds7nflvlnt37inqxludy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_i7bsjqds7nflvlnt37inqxludy.txt FILE: cache/work_xx32ydtleje55gcw5eri5yasgm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_xx32ydtleje55gcw5eri5yasgm.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+34 (34) in font InfoTextRegular-Roman-Identity-H INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_whyybejvljh5ddbzfuxffuvyai.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_whyybejvljh5ddbzfuxffuvyai.txt FILE: 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is not supported and will be ignored WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN No Unicode mapping for C20 (2) in font OIGLBA+AdvP4C4E59 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty FILE: cache/work_uc3y3xkdbzeinlmww2l63yqx5u.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_uc3y3xkdbzeinlmww2l63yqx5u.txt FILE: cache/work_hebtpqw3vffnpfo4wo7n5klapy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_hebtpqw3vffnpfo4wo7n5klapy.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for u1D70B (31) in font ORRQNR+STIXMath-Italic8 FILE: cache/work_66ihjngvive2dkurrqjf562gg4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_66ihjngvive2dkurrqjf562gg4.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for u1D6FF (31) in font ORRQNR+STIXMath-Italic9 WARN No Unicode mapping for u1D6FF (31) in font ORRQNR+STIXMath-Italic10 FILE: 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font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for vextenddouble (13) in font HIXTDM+CMEX10 WARN No Unicode mapping for u1D6FF (31) in font ORRQNR+STIXMath-Italic23 FILE: cache/work_m6jtxowewfggld3npw6jm6o2ki.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_m6jtxowewfggld3npw6jm6o2ki.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for u1D70B (31) in font ORRQNR+STIXMath-Italic24 WARN No Unicode mapping for C1 (4) in font MGBELJ+AdvMacMthSyN WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'Verdana-Bold' WARN No Unicode mapping for C2 (1) in font MGFPJF+AdvP4C4E46 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Italic' for 'Verdana-Italic' WARN No Unicode mapping for C3 (3) in font MGFPJF+AdvP4C4E46 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for u1D6FF (31) in font ORRQNR+STIXMath-Italic25 FILE: cache/work_gsarfotn5zdibdrpi2gq3nhpoq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_gsarfotn5zdibdrpi2gq3nhpoq.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for u1D6FF (31) in font ORRQNR+STIXMath-Italic26 WARN No 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'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for u1D6FF (31) in font ORRQNR+STIXMath-Italic41 WARN No Unicode mapping for u1D6FF (31) in font ORRQNR+STIXMath-Italic40 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_uxxl47cvw5h5ffwgo4ee5vxic4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_uxxl47cvw5h5ffwgo4ee5vxic4.txt FILE: cache/work_wmvkb7pnbngx3onvlzvyzpyiam.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_wmvkb7pnbngx3onvlzvyzpyiam.txt FILE: cache/work_wot2faeuujed5fkullft7wyewa.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_wot2faeuujed5fkullft7wyewa.txt FILE: cache/work_4fy445hx5rggbah7jix4adiqyq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_4fy445hx5rggbah7jix4adiqyq.txt FILE: cache/work_atos2ytygjdmbgkfeebe3jejr4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_atos2ytygjdmbgkfeebe3jejr4.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for u1D703 (31) in font ORRQNR+STIXMath-Italic47 WARN No Unicode mapping for u1D703 (31) in font ORRQNR+STIXMath-Italic51 WARN No Unicode mapping for u1D703 (31) in font ORRQNR+STIXMath-Italic55 WARN No Unicode mapping for u1D703 (31) in font ORRQNR+STIXMath-Italic42 FILE: cache/work_mhenjbm7ifdufgdkpgjchbuche.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_mhenjbm7ifdufgdkpgjchbuche.txt FILE: cache/work_fooxxved5zgsddcx7iawm44dhi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_fooxxved5zgsddcx7iawm44dhi.txt FILE: cache/work_otqnwzi5knbwhcepwmq56wy6ry.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_otqnwzi5knbwhcepwmq56wy6ry.txt FILE: cache/work_g2jcebslp5elfmzdsxwrfoxmh4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_g2jcebslp5elfmzdsxwrfoxmh4.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for C16 (6) in font MGFPJF+AdvP4C4E46 WARN No Unicode mapping for C17 (7) in font MGFPJF+AdvP4C4E46 FILE: cache/work_2xab3fqtfjh7dhk52oxbqchiay.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_2xab3fqtfjh7dhk52oxbqchiay.txt FILE: cache/work_v2e2rurnzncldp2ftmabytyxjy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_v2e2rurnzncldp2ftmabytyxjy.txt FILE: cache/work_6fe3wiohwvaknjow5afof3i6gi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6fe3wiohwvaknjow5afof3i6gi.txt FILE: cache/work_j673cn2byvd6tkb4hn5if5plky.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_j673cn2byvd6tkb4hn5if5plky.txt FILE: cache/work_5udx6sbgkrgo7o3xbnmwclfid4.pdf OUTPUT: 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in font ORRQNR+STIXMath-Italic75 WARN No Unicode mapping for u1D6FF (31) in font ORRQNR+STIXMath-Italic57 WARN No Unicode mapping for C2 (6) in font MGBELJ+AdvMacMthSyN WARN No Unicode mapping for u1D6FF (31) in font ORRQNR+STIXMath-Italic79 FILE: cache/work_vfo53ls3ebbqjegkts2752dvjq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_vfo53ls3ebbqjegkts2752dvjq.txt FILE: cache/work_dplcocllrbdozp4rl4pm7p4ssu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_dplcocllrbdozp4rl4pm7p4ssu.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_6tlfkx4zqrff7cr3mziuw6y4ka.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6tlfkx4zqrff7cr3mziuw6y4ka.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for .notdef (0) in font YQFEDT+MetaPlusBook-Roman FILE: cache/work_yhcrp5ma7rh4nltoxdzsabrzai.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_yhcrp5ma7rh4nltoxdzsabrzai.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for .notdef (0) in font AMSFAM+MetaPlusBook-Italic INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_rtr7j5vngrfnfk3d3pznkgw3hy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_rtr7j5vngrfnfk3d3pznkgw3hy.txt FILE: 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OUTPUT: txt/work_vk3og5ptq5fphod6kgz6rnkfce.txt FILE: cache/work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze.htm OUTPUT: txt/work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze.txt WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for a68 (68) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a117 (117) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a114 (114) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a104 (104) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a97 (97) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a109 (109) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a82 (82) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a101 (101) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a115 (115) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a99 (99) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a79 (79) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a110 (110) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a108 (108) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a105 (105) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a68 (68) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a101 (101) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a112 (112) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a111 (111) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a115 (115) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a105 (105) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a116 (116) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a100 (100) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a110 (110) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a82 (82) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a79 (79) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a58 (58) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a50 (50) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a83 (83) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a101 (101) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a112 (112) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a116 (116) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a109 (109) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a98 (98) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a114 (114) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a48 (48) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a49 (49) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a52 (52) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a86 (86) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a114 (114) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a102 (102) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a97 (97) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a99 (99) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a104 (104) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a28 (28) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a108 (108) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a65 (65) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a99 (99) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a100 (100) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a86 (86) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a115 (115) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a105 (105) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a111 (111) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a110 (110) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a80 (80) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a45 (45) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a118 (118) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a119 (119) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a117 (117) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a80 (80) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a45 (45) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a118 (118) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a119 (119) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a67 (67) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a98 (98) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a109 (109) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a87 (87) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a97 (97) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a107 (107) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a44 (44) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a67 (67) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a46 (46) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a40 (40) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a57 (57) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a41 (41) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a39 (39) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a82 (82) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a121 (121) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a117 (117) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a104 (104) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a84 (84) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a66 (66) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a108 (108) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a103 (103) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a102 (102) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a69 (69) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a54 (54) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a51 (51) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a53 (53) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a56 (56) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a70 (70) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a39 (39) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a58 (58) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a47 (47) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a120 (120) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a80 (80) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a117 (117) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a98 (98) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a108 (108) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a105 (105) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a115 (115) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a104 (104) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a101 (101) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a114 (114) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a39 (39) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a99 (99) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a111 (111) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a112 (112) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a121 (121) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a103 (103) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a116 (116) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a97 (97) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a109 (109) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a110 (110) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a58 (58) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a84 (84) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a104 (104) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a105 (105) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a115 (115) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a97 (97) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a112 (112) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a114 (114) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a101 (101) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a45 (45) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a99 (99) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a111 (111) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a121 (121) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a100 (100) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a116 (116) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a44 (44) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a117 (117) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a80 (80) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a68 (68) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a70 (70) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a102 (102) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a110 (110) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a108 (108) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a98 (98) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a82 (82) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a118 (118) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a119 (119) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a69 (69) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a103 (103) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a83 (83) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a46 (46) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a87 (87) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a107 (107) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a67 (67) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a40 (40) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a50 (50) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a48 (48) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a57 (57) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a41 (41) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a39 (39) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a109 (109) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a66 (66) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a54 (54) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a52 (52) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a58 (58) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a51 (51) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a53 (53) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a56 (56) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a47 (47) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a120 (120) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a49 (49) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a65 (65) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a100 (100) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a102 (102) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a76 (76) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a43 (43) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a79 (79) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a77 (77) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a65 (65) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a55 (55) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a85 (85) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a115 (115) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a101 (101) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a112 (112) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a111 (111) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a108 (108) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a105 (105) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a99 (99) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a121 (121) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a84 (84) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a104 (104) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a101 (101) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a102 (102) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a117 (117) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a108 (108) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a45 (45) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a116 (116) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a120 (120) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a109 (109) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a97 (97) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a121 (121) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a98 (98) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a115 (115) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a100 (100) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a110 (110) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a47 (47) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a111 (111) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a114 (114) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a112 (112) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a99 (99) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a44 (44) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a103 (103) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a105 (105) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a118 (118) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a119 (119) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a28 (28) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a58 (58) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a107 (107) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a68 (68) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a82 (82) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a79 (79) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a46 (46) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a80 (80) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a85 (85) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a76 (76) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a83 (83) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a72 (72) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a49 (49) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a51 (51) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a89 (89) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a75 (75) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a43 (43) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a52 (52) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a40 (40) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a48 (48) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a41 (41) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a57 (57) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a50 (50) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a124 (124) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a70 (70) in font F28 WARN No Unicode mapping for a55 (55) in font F28 FILE: cache/work_z6nsfwjjnfcbnja6c66ghjrdqa.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_z6nsfwjjnfcbnja6c66ghjrdqa.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' FILE: cache/work_2fjnabij65dknn6bwzrt2slb3m.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_2fjnabij65dknn6bwzrt2slb3m.txt FILE: cache/work_kcq2aejpl5dmlaeyqgeehvet4a.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_kcq2aejpl5dmlaeyqgeehvet4a.txt FILE: cache/work_msattweehje2vpvzk2cpmy2mji.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_msattweehje2vpvzk2cpmy2mji.txt FILE: cache/work_q4lfffmr5zcpxefhb7us2zg2j4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_q4lfffmr5zcpxefhb7us2zg2j4.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' FILE: cache/work_wh3b7ci2frbblf5hcbiitrqbwm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_wh3b7ci2frbblf5hcbiitrqbwm.txt FILE: cache/work_wig62yolerg4dluyewtciwpyhe.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_wig62yolerg4dluyewtciwpyhe.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_ihvf655cczajxnaz3rt6tel2la.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ihvf655cczajxnaz3rt6tel2la.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for vextenddouble (13) in font KMOAKJ+CMEX8 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' FILE: cache/work_te3eqqv545c7lkat7mdpnpa22m.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_te3eqqv545c7lkat7mdpnpa22m.txt WARN Format 14 cmap table is not supported and will be ignored FILE: cache/work_6nac5nltkbgqhllijnfzdmtg4i.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6nac5nltkbgqhllijnfzdmtg4i.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_jv42wvijvjgnrmizuitusjazk4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_jv42wvijvjgnrmizuitusjazk4.txt FILE: cache/work_esyo6plndnejhnptsxiuw3tahy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_esyo6plndnejhnptsxiuw3tahy.txt FILE: cache/work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknqu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknqu.txt FILE: cache/work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2y.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2y.txt FILE: cache/work_hf3rbisgfzaupmouglg6u4tjey.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_hf3rbisgfzaupmouglg6u4tjey.txt FILE: cache/work_ofey4ugl35gn7p34zxhrb75evm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ofey4ugl35gn7p34zxhrb75evm.txt FILE: cache/work_bp5h7fwmhra6lei67xdw27i6by.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_bp5h7fwmhra6lei67xdw27i6by.txt FILE: cache/work_eklg3piwvbdxdlxggels6ggrmm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_eklg3piwvbdxdlxggels6ggrmm.txt FILE: cache/work_fvlnsuuajzcchapn3qcudhpmh4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_fvlnsuuajzcchapn3qcudhpmh4.txt FILE: cache/work_2upg4spnnvcebki5mzn4y5git4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_2upg4spnnvcebki5mzn4y5git4.txt FILE: cache/work_n2arvyytuvbbbhixsqc2xkk5mi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_n2arvyytuvbbbhixsqc2xkk5mi.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_spoj7ejsojgznin7fgij5obsci.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_spoj7ejsojgznin7fgij5obsci.txt FILE: cache/work_wk4yvwi4e5dxfgx6yq57jf6fj4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_wk4yvwi4e5dxfgx6yq57jf6fj4.txt FILE: cache/work_3zytjanwqfhq7mfbrf6vdrtdxi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_3zytjanwqfhq7mfbrf6vdrtdxi.txt FILE: cache/work_ohnqifx7evd7vjpj67mcnsewwi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ohnqifx7evd7vjpj67mcnsewwi.txt FILE: cache/work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4.txt FILE: cache/work_wzkix64tdneo5lh5p255trksia.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_wzkix64tdneo5lh5p255trksia.txt FILE: cache/work_i7gd7yh33ffevjgixzmsfkj23i.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_i7gd7yh33ffevjgixzmsfkj23i.txt FILE: cache/work_tpoijndkebb6pn3xvtpj534e2e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_tpoijndkebb6pn3xvtpj534e2e.txt FILE: cache/work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayy.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for a73 (110) in font SHRVPT+Dingbats WARN No Unicode mapping for a71 (108) in font SHRVPT+Dingbats INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_v44lnrpmhbaidcugomvsfvurcm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_v44lnrpmhbaidcugomvsfvurcm.txt FILE: cache/work_7uefqbkdyzgupbodq53dlxecme.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_7uefqbkdyzgupbodq53dlxecme.txt FILE: cache/work_dbicdw24cnfdjclw345f6asqz4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_dbicdw24cnfdjclw345f6asqz4.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imue.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imue.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_n2m252d2fvhn5arupn5m5vsy4u.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_n2m252d2fvhn5arupn5m5vsy4u.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_dfpsdyuuwbdalmxgrfz26at2bm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_dfpsdyuuwbdalmxgrfz26at2bm.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for circlecopyrt (3) in font JHJIGC+txsy WARN No Unicode mapping for summationdisplay (2) in font JHJIOG+txex WARN No Unicode mapping for integraldisplay (3) in font JHJIOG+txex WARN No Unicode mapping for parenleftbigg (4) in font JHJIOG+txex WARN No Unicode mapping for parenrightbigg (5) in font JHJIOG+txex WARN No Unicode mapping for parenleftBigg (6) in font JHJIOG+txex WARN No Unicode mapping for parenrightBigg (7) in font JHJIOG+txex WARN Using fallback font LiberationSans for TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for bardbl (2) in font JHJMPP+mwa.cmbsy10 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'Verdana' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Italic' for 'Verdana-Italic' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'Verdana' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Italic' for 'Verdana-Italic' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'Verdana' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Italic' for 'Verdana-Italic' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'Verdana' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Italic' for 'Verdana-Italic' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'Verdana' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Italic' for 'Verdana-Italic' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'Verdana' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Italic' for 'Verdana-Italic' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'Verdana' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Italic' for 'Verdana-Italic' FILE: cache/work_ez62sq6rm5bixbwx6qakugt6f4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ez62sq6rm5bixbwx6qakugt6f4.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'Verdana' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'Verdana' FILE: cache/work_3dobvgv6hjcjzkwylztzizzpki.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_3dobvgv6hjcjzkwylztzizzpki.txt FILE: cache/work_uwnh7anupvgenjenhnovfopdiu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_uwnh7anupvgenjenhnovfopdiu.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'CourierNewPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'Verdana' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Italic' for 'Verdana-Italic' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'Verdana' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Italic' for 'Verdana-Italic' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'Verdana' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Italic' for 'Verdana-Italic' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'CourierNewPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'CourierNewPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'Verdana' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Italic' for 'Verdana-Italic' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'CourierNewPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'Verdana' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Italic' for 'Verdana-Italic' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'CourierNewPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'Verdana' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Italic' for 'Verdana-Italic' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'Verdana' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Italic' for 'Verdana-Italic' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'Verdana' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Italic' for 'Verdana-Italic' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'Verdana' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Italic' for 'Verdana-Italic' FILE: cache/work_xqj6bitz2rh7ffgsjx4no34mxu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_xqj6bitz2rh7ffgsjx4no34mxu.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'Verdana' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Italic' for 'Verdana-Italic' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'Verdana' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Italic' for 'Verdana-Italic' FILE: cache/work_mzjpgmigpbhwpol2vpbqogdtdi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_mzjpgmigpbhwpol2vpbqogdtdi.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgva.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgva.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy.txt WARN Using fallback font LiberationSerif-Bold for TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT WARN Using fallback font LiberationSerif for TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN Using fallback font LiberationSerif-Italic for TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+85 (85) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3 (3) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+36 (36) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+86 (86) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+72 (72) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+80 (80) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+69 (69) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+79 (79) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+92 (92) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3031 (3031) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+29 (29) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+54 (54) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+76 (76) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+88 (88) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+68 (68) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+87 (87) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+82 (82) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+81 (81) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+89 (89) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+53 (53) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+47 (47) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+73 (73) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+17 (17) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+43 (43) in font TimesNewRomanPSMT-Identity-H FILE: cache/work_tztwl73tizfdzgq7flel2uw2gm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_tztwl73tizfdzgq7flel2uw2gm.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'Tahoma-Bold' FILE: cache/work_m5tumtiecnd2xfgkvjflp4k63q.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_m5tumtiecnd2xfgkvjflp4k63q.txt FILE: cache/work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4.txt FILE: cache/work_hlfsrxlkmngjlbtwngyk2q2qjm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_hlfsrxlkmngjlbtwngyk2q2qjm.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold FILE: cache/work_zya4s6pigrbrdh5ha66unqp3hu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_zya4s6pigrbrdh5ha66unqp3hu.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_67cfmbnqgbaoxchoamuceizf3e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_67cfmbnqgbaoxchoamuceizf3e.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1 (1) in font MS-Mincho-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3 (3) in font MS-Mincho-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2 (2) in font MS-Mincho-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for circlecopyrt (2) in font NIDIEJ+CMSY8 WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1 (1) in font MS-Gothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3 (3) in font MS-Gothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2 (2) in font MS-Gothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+20 (20) in font NIDJGJ+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1 (1) in font NIDJGJ+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+21 (21) in font NIDJGJ+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+22 (22) in font NIDJGJ+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+23 (23) in font NIDJGJ+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+24 (24) in font NIDJGJ+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+25 (25) in font NIDJGJ+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+26 (26) in font NIDJGJ+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+27 (27) in font NIDJGJ+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3 (3) in font NIDJGJ+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+8 (8) in font NIDJGJ+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+7 (7) in font NIDJGJ+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+11 (11) in font NIDJGJ+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+9 (9) in font NIDJGJ+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+15 (15) in font NIDJGJ+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+14 (14) in font NIDJGJ+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+4 (4) in font NIDJGJ+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+6 (6) in font NIDJGJ+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2 (2) in font NIDJGJ+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+12 (12) in font NIDJGJ+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+13 (13) in font NIDJGJ+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+17 (17) in font NIDJGJ+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+5 (5) in font NIDJGJ+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+16 (16) in font NIDJGJ+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+10 (10) in font NIDJGJ+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+18 (18) in font NIDJGJ+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+19 (19) in font NIDJGJ+Cambria INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_asoxottesnejraao7uisnuotsy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_asoxottesnejraao7uisnuotsy.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty FILE: cache/work_5pp37f763jaxdfpobju6nolski.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_5pp37f763jaxdfpobju6nolski.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_wqplletz2jaw7afr3nbq3eiyjq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_wqplletz2jaw7afr3nbq3eiyjq.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+0 (0) in font Helvetica FILE: cache/work_dz6hv2rzkbhrvefe5gfu4v3yvu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_dz6hv2rzkbhrvefe5gfu4v3yvu.txt FILE: cache/work_szekl26svfhqlpsd4ynaotamm4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_szekl26svfhqlpsd4ynaotamm4.txt FILE: cache/work_y53s6vp2bzgldkjaflzv3gn5r4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_y53s6vp2bzgldkjaflzv3gn5r4.txt FILE: cache/work_e76ry4ouybginjc554eibya46u.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_e76ry4ouybginjc554eibya46u.txt FILE: cache/work_zbxq6b3girdfnoicrdb7wbqswe.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_zbxq6b3girdfnoicrdb7wbqswe.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_rpn56u2xgjc5dpogrqi5yr7bi4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_rpn56u2xgjc5dpogrqi5yr7bi4.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty FILE: cache/work_g6nalraddzc7df7eqmjqbnazm4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_g6nalraddzc7df7eqmjqbnazm4.txt WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty FILE: cache/work_jo75ux2s2fbezhakno22qcvgja.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_jo75ux2s2fbezhakno22qcvgja.txt FILE: cache/work_t2ivttbxvjfh5m7xoe5zpzje7i.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_t2ivttbxvjfh5m7xoe5zpzje7i.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationMono' for 'Verdana' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationMono-Bold' for 'TrebuchetMS-Bold' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationMono' for 'TrebuchetMS' FILE: cache/work_si56a7q3cbavvnjo5mf4vrq3ya.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_si56a7q3cbavvnjo5mf4vrq3ya.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asym.htm OUTPUT: txt/work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asym.txt FILE: cache/work_4ry2oq4ivzdcnnphnfbaamfpia.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_4ry2oq4ivzdcnnphnfbaamfpia.txt FILE: cache/work_tubak3jjmfhsxnhuwjt55itnzy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_tubak3jjmfhsxnhuwjt55itnzy.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+8380 (8380) in font CFJJLO+ArialUnicodeMS-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+10650 (10650) in font CFJJLO+ArialUnicodeMS-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+15878 (15878) in font CFJJLO+ArialUnicodeMS-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+9857 (9857) in font CFJJLO+ArialUnicodeMS-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+11783 (11783) in font CFJJLO+ArialUnicodeMS-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+9369 (9369) in font CFJJLO+ArialUnicodeMS-KSCpc-EUC-H FILE: cache/work_lkm3y3osqjhtrhvfpc2cmr6g7m.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_lkm3y3osqjhtrhvfpc2cmr6g7m.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2928 (2928) in font CFJJLP+MS-Gothic-90pv-RKSJ-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+4455 (4455) in font CFJJLP+MS-Gothic-90pv-RKSJ-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+7766 (7766) in font CFJJLP+MS-Gothic-90pv-RKSJ-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3984 (3984) in font CFJJLP+MS-Gothic-90pv-RKSJ-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+5093 (5093) in font CFJJLP+MS-Gothic-90pv-RKSJ-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3627 (3627) in font CFJJLP+MS-Gothic-90pv-RKSJ-H FILE: cache/work_kumed6nnxjhzrfehcnuwcu5icm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_kumed6nnxjhzrfehcnuwcu5icm.txt FILE: cache/work_y3mv4cuymjaatm6b2l762gukbe.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_y3mv4cuymjaatm6b2l762gukbe.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold FILE: cache/work_7tepdpob3nh2jch3vrij5th4n4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_7tepdpob3nh2jch3vrij5th4n4.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_ktncv3gvp5a4bp4olwv4y6lh3q.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ktncv3gvp5a4bp4olwv4y6lh3q.txt FILE: cache/work_ncnfs4bbibepxne76exswbvi7a.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ncnfs4bbibepxne76exswbvi7a.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_rsdxcdqkxfeh5ntzfvi2o52d74.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_rsdxcdqkxfeh5ntzfvi2o52d74.txt FILE: cache/work_3y22ufoqi5euja4cnjqg52t4aa.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_3y22ufoqi5euja4cnjqg52t4aa.txt FILE: cache/work_7dzwisbdcngbfiouw3fschciae.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_7dzwisbdcngbfiouw3fschciae.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_ghhuhx2om5grtncgc72zosmaz4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ghhuhx2om5grtncgc72zosmaz4.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_bsxvshzuhzg7xiuvucujnkig6m.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_bsxvshzuhzg7xiuvucujnkig6m.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_t6gam6jtgjeftjltju24geat7i.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_t6gam6jtgjeftjltju24geat7i.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_dgo3rarr6fgfjldjz472zd62uu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_dgo3rarr6fgfjldjz472zd62uu.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+120 (120) in font FGFCGN+Symbol INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_ra6kyidqljgznisz52owi57she.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ra6kyidqljgznisz52owi57she.txt FILE: cache/work_ej2okgjm65e5rirjm3rpfmetpe.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ej2okgjm65e5rirjm3rpfmetpe.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for C223 (2) in font EEMBLH+AdvT001 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for summationdisplay (88) in font IXYONR+CMEX10 WARN No Unicode mapping for precedesequal (22) in font NILAZA+CMSY10 WARN No Unicode mapping for bardbl (107) in font NILAZA+CMSY10 WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold FILE: cache/work_rvjijsckzzgdbc53336q2qbzge.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_rvjijsckzzgdbc53336q2qbzge.txt FILE: cache/work_ikoo5ul5azgazapb7c6x7oizd4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ikoo5ul5azgazapb7c6x7oizd4.txt FILE: cache/work_udykev3jpzes3hc7punmaml3gi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_udykev3jpzes3hc7punmaml3gi.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_ys7xnjpbzvayhhpgxecmjrelba.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ys7xnjpbzvayhhpgxecmjrelba.txt FILE: cache/work_6vcrgppij5eg5mm2vy2yjuhdee.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6vcrgppij5eg5mm2vy2yjuhdee.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_qdotulkyfnaodjb5wo4c7bgnvu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_qdotulkyfnaodjb5wo4c7bgnvu.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for bracketleftbig (2) in font IXYONR+CMEX10 WARN No Unicode mapping for bracketrightbig (3) in font IXYONR+CMEX10 FILE: cache/work_nldu26lmund67mxznm4o6uiw5y.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_nldu26lmund67mxznm4o6uiw5y.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nu.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Format 14 cmap table is not supported and will be ignored FILE: cache/work_uolzcec3xff3ra45tohoqbp2yu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_uolzcec3xff3ra45tohoqbp2yu.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_432zobppujgrfl5xfphnoyz4p4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_432zobppujgrfl5xfphnoyz4p4.txt FILE: cache/work_7tqfly2aurcuzfasapzyzdredy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_7tqfly2aurcuzfasapzyzdredy.txt FILE: cache/work_dzpx2hl4kvdblaufhkagfpeu3i.htm OUTPUT: txt/work_dzpx2hl4kvdblaufhkagfpeu3i.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_y3latjeqz5adxdtpqzaema4akm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_y3latjeqz5adxdtpqzaema4akm.txt FILE: cache/work_nvoyc3t4u5hr5eqz6qk5zcfdj4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_nvoyc3t4u5hr5eqz6qk5zcfdj4.txt FILE: cache/work_etoxniuo4nbctp6l3xefoqkff4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_etoxniuo4nbctp6l3xefoqkff4.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_6toa3a2mefhnvm2csn7b7435ca.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6toa3a2mefhnvm2csn7b7435ca.txt FILE: 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txt/work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_knszd744brbb3ki6jscn5plmka.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_knszd744brbb3ki6jscn5plmka.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for envelopeback (2) in font Wingdings-Regular FILE: cache/work_73gs7go455hizgbutvr325fr4e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_73gs7go455hizgbutvr325fr4e.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+415 (415) in font NEPAMC+Calibri WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+332 (332) in font NEPAMC+Calibri INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for circlecopyrt (13) in font WCJTWI+CMSY10 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'Helvetica,Bold' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'CourierNewPSMT' WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_xhcs6cscpbhipdegxjv7u3jpmq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_xhcs6cscpbhipdegxjv7u3jpmq.txt WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+13 (13) in font CLPLJJ+Wingdings-Regular FILE: cache/work_cnna6vnve5gspbow2jzuisxyni.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_cnna6vnve5gspbow2jzuisxyni.txt WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' FILE: cache/work_mlnmubhsxbe3haantprvffezpi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_mlnmubhsxbe3haantprvffezpi.txt FILE: cache/work_k5u7zjbuujdsfcjjamzbbxz7xu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_k5u7zjbuujdsfcjjamzbbxz7xu.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol FILE: cache/work_smhtqcialzdjxczmtge7epkb7m.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_smhtqcialzdjxczmtge7epkb7m.txt WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_zomqelblfnhhfo5ely527dp6cm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_zomqelblfnhhfo5ely527dp6cm.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_3hhqhd4a4fbvvj3rqix3qqobdi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_3hhqhd4a4fbvvj3rqix3qqobdi.txt FILE: cache/work_mawyuiswszef7e6udtelso53l4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_mawyuiswszef7e6udtelso53l4.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' FILE: cache/work_2pvrb5nxdjgufi5waihbgv3fmy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_2pvrb5nxdjgufi5waihbgv3fmy.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'Verdana' WARN No Unicode mapping for H11005 (1) in font DJIBHF+Universal-GreekwithMathPi FILE: cache/work_ro3etpjujndrnbotmnhsjynqn4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ro3etpjujndrnbotmnhsjynqn4.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for H11001 (2) in font DJIBHF+Universal-GreekwithMathPi FILE: cache/work_msbqd74rwnfwxbnj735qxjhqeq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_msbqd74rwnfwxbnj735qxjhqeq.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for .notdef (31) in font CFJONA+TimesNewRomanPSMT FILE: cache/work_x5e6ols5uza6hlmag4v7qa2jxy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_x5e6ols5uza6hlmag4v7qa2jxy.txt FILE: cache/work_cc6xdhl3jvafncpxfjdw5mjp7m.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_cc6xdhl3jvafncpxfjdw5mjp7m.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_x3cwidxhhvbzbo5z3qq7bjcb6y.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_x3cwidxhhvbzbo5z3qq7bjcb6y.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_jjqj3df6wjaejlzmo3ar7wcdl4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_jjqj3df6wjaejlzmo3ar7wcdl4.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_3horm3ctfzfelcnmozatqdozsa.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_3horm3ctfzfelcnmozatqdozsa.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+731 (731) in font SimSun-GBK-EUC-H-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for C21 (2) in font HCONEH+AdvP4C4E74 WARN No Unicode mapping for C2 (3) in font HCONEH+AdvP4C4E74 WARN No Unicode mapping for C131 (4) in font HCONJJ+AdvTT4ff65459 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for C0 (4) in font HCONEH+AdvP4C4E74 WARN Format 14 cmap table is not supported and will be ignored FILE: cache/work_xga75oisv5d2fnzsh6arqwo6wu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_xga75oisv5d2fnzsh6arqwo6wu.txt FILE: cache/work_leezbgnixfeulikazokuahgcji.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_leezbgnixfeulikazokuahgcji.txt FILE: cache/work_y3on6sm2wzbsff3smrvq7pha5e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_y3on6sm2wzbsff3smrvq7pha5e.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for a0 (0) in font F96 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for C211 (2) in font MECBIK+AdvPSSym WARN No Unicode mapping for C1 (2) in font FAFILT+AdvP4C4E74 FILE: cache/work_g267nfgkpjesdnlkfvfg4yqfwa.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_g267nfgkpjesdnlkfvfg4yqfwa.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for afii9851 (33) in font BKYHVH+MathPackTen FILE: cache/work_kivs52cuyvej5grydw5clsbgoi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_kivs52cuyvej5grydw5clsbgoi.txt FILE: cache/work_aw467ogqnvajnifcoh3uaqtjyy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_aw467ogqnvajnifcoh3uaqtjyy.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for C0 (3) in font FAFILT+AdvP4C4E74 WARN No Unicode mapping for C3 (4) in font FAFILT+AdvP4C4E74 FILE: cache/work_5lgvhggzxnhfvkvyq7hd263ofu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_5lgvhggzxnhfvkvyq7hd263ofu.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for C2 (5) in font FAFILT+AdvP4C4E74 FILE: cache/work_hqonytq3nbg6xcia22yu7ggkzy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_hqonytq3nbg6xcia22yu7ggkzy.txt FILE: cache/work_hqbi22efmvf2xpdtmeopsds2hm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_hqbi22efmvf2xpdtmeopsds2hm.txt FILE: cache/work_thnqyefrcjezfejmze7uwdqueq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_thnqyefrcjezfejmze7uwdqueq.txt FILE: cache/work_xfl63gzwyver7no3exeunxmubi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_xfl63gzwyver7no3exeunxmubi.txt FILE: cache/work_kib3vvczfrhgjcndinv5doj4mm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_kib3vvczfrhgjcndinv5doj4mm.txt FILE: cache/work_3ge2uucuafeonlhyw5hgv4p6ra.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_3ge2uucuafeonlhyw5hgv4p6ra.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_bodh2qxngbct3pgyhmg464vjwm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_bodh2qxngbct3pgyhmg464vjwm.txt FILE: cache/work_lchhe4hfbzgbvdj4pwmfw4riuq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_lchhe4hfbzgbvdj4pwmfw4riuq.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_woma4xa2yzaetbtidcbfgrjhdi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_woma4xa2yzaetbtidcbfgrjhdi.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1817 (1817) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3 (3) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3404 (3404) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+4670 (4670) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1869 (1869) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2869 (2869) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+4666 (4666) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3043 (3043) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+4667 (4667) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2870 (2870) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2871 (2871) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2872 (2872) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3045 (3045) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2873 (2873) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2874 (2874) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+485 (485) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2877 (2877) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+4671 (4671) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3021 (3021) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1878 (1878) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2868 (2868) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1876 (1876) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1877 (1877) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2009 (2009) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2010 (2010) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2011 (2011) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1846 (1846) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3114 (3114) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+481 (481) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3051 (3051) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3052 (3052) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3364 (3364) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3042 (3042) in font CBIHJM+CambriaMath-KSCpc-EUC-H FILE: cache/work_5yc2ryccx5dzjaoq5clgzpa6x4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_5yc2ryccx5dzjaoq5clgzpa6x4.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font LiberationSans for Symbol FILE: cache/work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_ajlebeewlbelvegajsgyamggoq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ajlebeewlbelvegajsgyamggoq.txt FILE: cache/work_4dj4z77x55bbdgfvnbthd7gmdy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_4dj4z77x55bbdgfvnbthd7gmdy.txt FILE: cache/work_exnpbfjwuzdrnogl2pkv3q6n7e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_exnpbfjwuzdrnogl2pkv3q6n7e.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for C223 (2) in font IBLMLI+AdvT001 WARN Format 14 cmap table is not supported and will be ignored WARN No Unicode mapping for C15 (2) in font IBLNDI+AdvMT_SY FILE: cache/work_m2u4yso2fza5vgyg7gma7ynbme.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_m2u4yso2fza5vgyg7gma7ynbme.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_757zcxixengdtjcvhbr7rxqoai.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_757zcxixengdtjcvhbr7rxqoai.txt FILE: cache/work_6xk5ftfpgfdoviacjhoxalslhq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6xk5ftfpgfdoviacjhoxalslhq.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_hslmqi4fi5dmlgmhf6b7537ugq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_hslmqi4fi5dmlgmhf6b7537ugq.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an 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WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap 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WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap 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WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index WARN Format 12 cmap contains an invalid glyph index FILE: cache/work_yafhkvdaerh5tcwppfpkrbnyni.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_yafhkvdaerh5tcwppfpkrbnyni.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_oeau7vrtqzeq7na53uavipyxou.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_oeau7vrtqzeq7na53uavipyxou.txt FILE: cache/work_4hmgvvbpnzh3zhhnaaqgqbb2m4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_4hmgvvbpnzh3zhhnaaqgqbb2m4.txt FILE: cache/work_alynjplhunbqnmppz32wm5fojm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_alynjplhunbqnmppz32wm5fojm.txt FILE: cache/work_wk5gdkhmunbxtgjjfiwymt5fmu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_wk5gdkhmunbxtgjjfiwymt5fmu.txt FILE: cache/work_nx6ifplg5zhapiwvb3u2q6okvi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_nx6ifplg5zhapiwvb3u2q6okvi.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN font 'F20' not found in resources WARN No current font, will use default WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN No current font, will use default WARN font 'F20' not found in resources WARN No current font, will use default WARN No current font, will use default WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' FILE: cache/work_a734rm3mxbf4pn5ghgxadmhjja.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_a734rm3mxbf4pn5ghgxadmhjja.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_noa7tyklx5dwblb7w6ge7y444a.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_noa7tyklx5dwblb7w6ge7y444a.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for circlecopyrt (3) in font BOIOPF+MTSY INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for circlecopyrt (2) in font BOIPAJ+mtsy10 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for a120 (172) in font LIIIAB+Dingbats WARN No Unicode mapping for a121 (173) in font LIIIAB+Dingbats WARN No Unicode mapping for a122 (174) in font LIIIAB+Dingbats WARN No Unicode mapping for a123 (175) in font LIIIAB+Dingbats FILE: cache/work_joxqrmexinaa5bjkwkuc5fyiam.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_joxqrmexinaa5bjkwkuc5fyiam.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'Verdana-Bold' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for a68 (68) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a117 (117) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a114 (114) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a104 (104) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a97 (97) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a109 (109) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a82 (82) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a101 (101) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a115 (115) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a99 (99) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a79 (79) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a110 (110) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a108 (108) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a105 (105) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a68 (68) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a101 (101) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a112 (112) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a111 (111) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a115 (115) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a105 (105) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a116 (116) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a100 (100) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a110 (110) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a82 (82) in font F22 WARN No 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Unicode mapping for a45 (45) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a99 (99) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for circlecopyrt (13) in font BKVEUJ+CMSY9 WARN No Unicode mapping for a65 (65) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a109 (109) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a102 (102) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a83 (83) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a71 (71) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a69 (69) in font F24 WARN No Unicode mapping for a65 (65) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a100 (100) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a102 (102) in font F23 WARN No Unicode mapping for a85 (85) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a115 (115) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a101 (101) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a112 (112) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a111 (111) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a108 (108) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a105 (105) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a99 (99) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a121 (121) in font F26 WARN No Unicode mapping for a84 (84) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a104 (104) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a101 (101) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a102 (102) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a117 (117) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a108 (108) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a45 (45) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a116 (116) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a120 (120) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a109 (109) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a97 (97) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a121 (121) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a98 (98) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a115 (115) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a100 (100) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a110 (110) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a47 (47) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a111 (111) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a114 (114) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a112 (112) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a99 (99) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a44 (44) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a103 (103) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a105 (105) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a118 (118) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a119 (119) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a28 (28) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a58 (58) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a107 (107) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a68 (68) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a82 (82) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a79 (79) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a46 (46) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a80 (80) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a85 (85) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a76 (76) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a83 (83) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a72 (72) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a49 (49) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a51 (51) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a89 (89) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a75 (75) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a43 (43) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a52 (52) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a40 (40) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a48 (48) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a41 (41) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a57 (57) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a50 (50) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a124 (124) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a70 (70) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a55 (55) in font F27 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Italic' for 'Verdana-Italic' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_qo4t6e4qrfajvh6wysr7pyo3mu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_qo4t6e4qrfajvh6wysr7pyo3mu.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_tnsui5sufzhc5bbyykz27o5ptu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_tnsui5sufzhc5bbyykz27o5ptu.txt FILE: cache/work_hknhv6sruzfkvebqoevkjlbc7a.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_hknhv6sruzfkvebqoevkjlbc7a.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_o6x5ewrkinhjra2zk55ftkx5jq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_o6x5ewrkinhjra2zk55ftkx5jq.txt FILE: cache/work_2ojqsvuzizdklmgcf5o7knkreu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_2ojqsvuzizdklmgcf5o7knkreu.txt FILE: cache/work_2m3ubeq33ncujnaa7gcfv62hwy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_2m3ubeq33ncujnaa7gcfv62hwy.txt FILE: cache/work_vogyigkauvf2nbsuix6d53krpe.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_vogyigkauvf2nbsuix6d53krpe.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_npij5ivj4ve6vjaqogstyfs7fa.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_npij5ivj4ve6vjaqogstyfs7fa.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_nrw3zefwznf7vitp6wboakr5am.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_nrw3zefwznf7vitp6wboakr5am.txt FILE: cache/work_ip2zk72tajb2tfejdhmoys6pqq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ip2zk72tajb2tfejdhmoys6pqq.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for trianglerightsld (73) in font BFLQCD+MSAM10 FILE: cache/work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_satvggs5ura2jp7fyu2dphbxx4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_satvggs5ura2jp7fyu2dphbxx4.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold FILE: cache/work_g2z6gcjdengm7ikpgxd3bxgsqu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_g2z6gcjdengm7ikpgxd3bxgsqu.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for check (26) in font NARKJQ+FontAwesome WARN No Unicode mapping for check_empty (27) in font NARKJQ+FontAwesome WARN No Unicode mapping for circlecopyrt (13) in font AQKOUH+CMSY8 FILE: cache/work_hx7uxdq4obarpkoubgihxbdala.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_hx7uxdq4obarpkoubgihxbdala.txt FILE: cache/work_kgyvp4ldrjhd5krpgezilgl2yi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_kgyvp4ldrjhd5krpgezilgl2yi.txt FILE: cache/work_s6yodfvne5aitj5qu4pbwdf2du.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_s6yodfvne5aitj5qu4pbwdf2du.txt FILE: cache/work_ebs62kxihzd2fnlqoaouq5ylii.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ebs62kxihzd2fnlqoaouq5ylii.txt FILE: cache/work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgty.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgty.txt FILE: cache/work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4.txt FILE: cache/work_xhooob3vmze7bnvtnptbpli4ey.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_xhooob3vmze7bnvtnptbpli4ey.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_kwkwckoi2ncjfnyhngveqhiwsa.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_kwkwckoi2ncjfnyhngveqhiwsa.txt FILE: cache/work_iqaq6cuvsnbelbljt7hpgn2j74.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_iqaq6cuvsnbelbljt7hpgn2j74.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_522o6sdt2jfpxejcre57oeradm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_522o6sdt2jfpxejcre57oeradm.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+39 (39) in font KXNHGR+mplus-2p-medium-90pv-RKSJ-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+36 (36) in font KXNHGR+mplus-2p-medium-90pv-RKSJ-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+55 (55) in font KXNHGR+mplus-2p-medium-90pv-RKSJ-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3 (3) in font KXNHGR+mplus-2p-medium-90pv-RKSJ-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+54 (54) in font KXNHGR+mplus-2p-medium-90pv-RKSJ-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+38 (38) in font KXNHGR+mplus-2p-medium-90pv-RKSJ-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+44 (44) in font KXNHGR+mplus-2p-medium-90pv-RKSJ-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+40 (40) in font KXNHGR+mplus-2p-medium-90pv-RKSJ-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+49 (49) in font KXNHGR+mplus-2p-medium-90pv-RKSJ-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+45 (45) in font KXNHGR+mplus-2p-medium-90pv-RKSJ-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+50 (50) in font KXNHGR+mplus-2p-medium-90pv-RKSJ-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+56 (56) in font KXNHGR+mplus-2p-medium-90pv-RKSJ-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+53 (53) in font KXNHGR+mplus-2p-medium-90pv-RKSJ-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+47 (47) in font KXNHGR+mplus-2p-medium-90pv-RKSJ-H INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for angbracketleft (104) in font AEUYVV+CMSY10 WARN No Unicode mapping for angbracketright (105) in font AEUYVV+CMSY10 WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1849 (1849) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3020 (3020) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1833 (1833) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3015 (3015) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3010 (3010) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1848 (1848) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1831 (1831) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1855 (1855) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2202 (2202) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1874 (1874) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3038 (3038) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1870 (1870) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3049 (3049) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1857 (1857) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3046 (3046) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1845 (1845) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3036 (3036) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1835 (1835) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3037 (3037) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1862 (1862) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1840 (1840) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1844 (1844) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3034 (3034) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2198 (2198) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2196 (2196) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1875 (1875) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3008 (3008) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3047 (3047) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3042 (3042) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3043 (3043) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3029 (3029) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3040 (3040) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1850 (1850) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font MUFUZY+TrebuchetMS-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for prime (48) in font AEUYVV+CMSY10 WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1844 (1844) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3034 (3034) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2198 (2198) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3047 (3047) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3042 (3042) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3043 (3043) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3029 (3029) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3040 (3040) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2196 (2196) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1875 (1875) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3008 (3008) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3010 (3010) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1846 (1846) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3041 (3041) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+4593 (4593) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1868 (1868) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1867 (1867) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1871 (1871) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1861 (1861) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1872 (1872) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1866 (1866) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1853 (1853) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1864 (1864) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1856 (1856) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1870 (1870) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1857 (1857) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1855 (1855) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1873 (1873) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1859 (1859) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1858 (1858) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1830 (1830) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1840 (1840) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3039 (3039) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath FILE: cache/work_cxgrjqjaergz3gbuaypp2wyhea.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_cxgrjqjaergz3gbuaypp2wyhea.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2016 (2016) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3009 (3009) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3023 (3023) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2198 (2198) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3032 (3032) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3052 (3052) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1833 (1833) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3010 (3010) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3036 (3036) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1845 (1845) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3049 (3049) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3046 (3046) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3038 (3038) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2016 (2016) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3009 (3009) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3023 (3023) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2198 (2198) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3032 (3032) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3052 (3052) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1833 (1833) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3010 (3010) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3036 (3036) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1845 (1845) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3049 (3049) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3046 (3046) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3038 (3038) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath FILE: cache/work_vgs2bzh7q5dotcjtpixxb4oode.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_vgs2bzh7q5dotcjtpixxb4oode.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2198 (2198) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3032 (3032) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3052 (3052) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1839 (1839) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3046 (3046) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1865 (1865) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1876 (1876) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1877 (1877) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1866 (1866) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3036 (3036) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1845 (1845) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3049 (3049) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3051 (3051) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3017 (3017) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3284 (3284) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1842 (1842) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3020 (3020) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1833 (1833) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3047 (3047) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3033 (3033) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3042 (3042) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3048 (3048) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3041 (3041) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3031 (3031) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3038 (3038) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1835 (1835) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3037 (3037) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2186 (2186) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3010 (3010) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3034 (3034) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1830 (1830) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3405 (3405) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1846 (1846) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for negationslash (54) in font AEUYVV+CMSY10 FILE: cache/work_fanwgwngu5d65lyl2rdbpkfbze.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_fanwgwngu5d65lyl2rdbpkfbze.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1835 (1835) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3036 (3036) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3037 (3037) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2198 (2198) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3046 (3046) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3048 (3048) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3029 (3029) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1846 (1846) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3041 (3041) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1840 (1840) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3010 (3010) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1868 (1868) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1867 (1867) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1871 (1871) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1861 (1861) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1872 (1872) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1866 (1866) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1853 (1853) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1864 (1864) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1856 (1856) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1870 (1870) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1857 (1857) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1855 (1855) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1832 (1832) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3040 (3040) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1874 (1874) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3030 (3030) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1848 (1848) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3043 (3043) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1833 (1833) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3015 (3015) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3017 (3017) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+4593 (4593) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for bardbl (107) in font AEUYVV+CMSY10 WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2186 (2186) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3041 (3041) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1835 (1835) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3036 (3036) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3037 (3037) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1874 (1874) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3030 (3030) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3047 (3047) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3043 (3043) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1868 (1868) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3038 (3038) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3015 (3015) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3295 (3295) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2202 (2202) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3049 (3049) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3286 (3286) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2879 (2879) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1840 (1840) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1848 (1848) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3017 (3017) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+4593 (4593) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3405 (3405) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3410 (3410) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3435 (3435) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3439 (3439) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1832 (1832) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2198 (2198) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3046 (3046) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3048 (3048) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3029 (3029) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1846 (1846) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1870 (1870) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1867 (1867) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1873 (1873) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1872 (1872) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1861 (1861) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1866 (1866) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1859 (1859) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1842 (1842) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3010 (3010) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3028 (3028) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1833 (1833) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1845 (1845) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3034 (3034) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1871 (1871) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1853 (1853) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1864 (1864) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1856 (1856) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1857 (1857) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1855 (1855) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath FILE: cache/work_ebmpwo5ymjb2jnp6d7kgtlbkna.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ebmpwo5ymjb2jnp6d7kgtlbkna.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1848 (1848) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3017 (3017) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2198 (2198) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3038 (3038) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2878 (2878) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2869 (2869) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2996 (2996) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3263 (3263) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2880 (2880) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2868 (2868) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1842 (1842) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3015 (3015) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1840 (1840) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3010 (3010) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1835 (1835) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3036 (3036) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3037 (3037) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3021 (3021) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1839 (1839) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1845 (1845) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2870 (2870) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2871 (2871) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2872 (2872) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2873 (2873) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1833 (1833) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1849 (1849) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3020 (3020) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1833 (1833) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3010 (3010) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1849 (1849) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3020 (3020) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3015 (3015) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1839 (1839) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1834 (1834) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2016 (2016) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3009 (3009) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3023 (3023) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1866 (1866) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3047 (3047) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2198 (2198) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3046 (3046) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2186 (2186) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1830 (1830) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1846 (1846) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2175 (2175) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2778 (2778) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2779 (2779) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2780 (2780) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2781 (2781) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2782 (2782) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3041 (3041) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1840 (1840) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1856 (1856) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3039 (3039) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1845 (1845) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2869 (2869) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1835 (1835) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2198 (2198) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3041 (3041) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2870 (2870) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1848 (1848) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3017 (3017) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+4593 (4593) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1832 (1832) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2871 (2871) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3021 (3021) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2872 (2872) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1833 (1833) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3015 (3015) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3010 (3010) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1845 (1845) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2870 (2870) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2873 (2873) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2198 (2198) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3046 (3046) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1856 (1856) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3039 (3039) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1845 (1845) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2873 (2873) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2869 (2869) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2870 (2870) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2871 (2871) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2872 (2872) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath FILE: cache/work_h372vnzqpjh7zdvdjbzcwakgja.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_h372vnzqpjh7zdvdjbzcwakgja.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_ljeygzj53jbuvdbid7tnt6y2ie.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ljeygzj53jbuvdbid7tnt6y2ie.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' FILE: cache/work_56benodsq5auzdmyqtvffdu3i4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_56benodsq5auzdmyqtvffdu3i4.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+5 (5) in font IGMDEB+MTExtra FILE: cache/work_ge4v2fbe3naqpivqnw56pl3h4m.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ge4v2fbe3naqpivqnw56pl3h4m.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+74 (74) in font IGMDEB+MTExtra WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+71 (71) in font IGMDEB+MTExtra INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold FILE: cache/work_xy6uljcywva7xb3sww6zjj43mi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_xy6uljcywva7xb3sww6zjj43mi.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_g47ybedbfbcc3hyaxkzfxtrngi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_g47ybedbfbcc3hyaxkzfxtrngi.txt FILE: 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WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+980 (980) in font GKOMEB+Cambria-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+264 (264) in font GKOLEE+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+276 (276) in font GKOLEE+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+275 (275) in font GKOLEE+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+281 (281) in font GKOLEE+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+266 (266) in font GKOLEE+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+280 (280) in font GKOLEE+Cambria FILE: cache/work_qw6wjqfctngslgls2qca6fza5e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_qw6wjqfctngslgls2qca6fza5e.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+265 (265) in font GKOLEE+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+262 (262) in font GKOLEE+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+270 (270) in font GKOLEE+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+273 (273) in font GKOLEE+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+277 (277) in font GKOLEE+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+282 (282) in font GKOLEE+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+497 (497) in font GKOLEE+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+268 (268) in font GKOLEE+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+269 (269) in font GKOLEE+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+284 (284) in font GKOLEE+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+279 (279) in font GKOLEE+Cambria INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+285 (285) in font GKOLEE+Cambria WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+263 (263) in font GKOLEE+Cambria INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_d5w5brltajce3nflneehc65qvq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_d5w5brltajce3nflneehc65qvq.txt FILE: cache/work_xnrwiw3z55b67e4anzwsgop35a.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_xnrwiw3z55b67e4anzwsgop35a.txt FILE: cache/work_ke5acksbcngi7a5a2homkobk4i.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ke5acksbcngi7a5a2homkobk4i.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_toed6umk4rhkhdnwdnxyy4jitm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_toed6umk4rhkhdnwdnxyy4jitm.txt FILE: cache/work_tqrmsflourgttbhjwamhgiv25i.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_tqrmsflourgttbhjwamhgiv25i.txt FILE: cache/work_rakqdcyqxvdnzp7tgt5x4z36ka.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_rakqdcyqxvdnzp7tgt5x4z36ka.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_6le2npbvkveupkv3od5vq5edau.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6le2npbvkveupkv3od5vq5edau.txt FILE: cache/work_z3tmknt3lvavrfpx3ne66ftc24.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_z3tmknt3lvavrfpx3ne66ftc24.txt FILE: cache/work_gbwegerwnngtpd5va6ifmrlnnu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_gbwegerwnngtpd5va6ifmrlnnu.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_6miiym4nhbgt3pqu6fdqsbicxq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6miiym4nhbgt3pqu6fdqsbicxq.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_lsckj54szzbuhckl7ujzd22xse.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_lsckj54szzbuhckl7ujzd22xse.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25gra.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25gra.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_sezd4csqtrglxjlwsz6dhjpobe.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_sezd4csqtrglxjlwsz6dhjpobe.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_vlgk4b532jgcbpiyxi5s2b2t6m.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_vlgk4b532jgcbpiyxi5s2b2t6m.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_rp6edoblbzflvnbyuqhs3uwcoq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_rp6edoblbzflvnbyuqhs3uwcoq.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty FILE: cache/work_x4lhpka62jgj7l3bsavt7ii6yu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_x4lhpka62jgj7l3bsavt7ii6yu.txt WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_gzap5knjfzfb5lzgkyw43rmece.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_gzap5knjfzfb5lzgkyw43rmece.txt FILE: cache/work_iiyhyhj2kzeqzkoqjoe6ubxncq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_iiyhyhj2kzeqzkoqjoe6ubxncq.txt FILE: cache/work_6ogs3pzc4vbmvors2yk7ya2cie.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6ogs3pzc4vbmvors2yk7ya2cie.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_z6uxqphb3fhl3o5m7slidcln3q.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_z6uxqphb3fhl3o5m7slidcln3q.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_3pih7g5g3jalpf6ckdlifzsitu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_3pih7g5g3jalpf6ckdlifzsitu.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_dgqqsodngzbe3pkxr3s4zt73ty.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_dgqqsodngzbe3pkxr3s4zt73ty.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_cdtp5ymcijchdod7rq66hueqvq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_cdtp5ymcijchdod7rq66hueqvq.txt FILE: cache/work_3rdcathodvd3fkmrh367r5nskm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_3rdcathodvd3fkmrh367r5nskm.txt FILE: cache/work_ssdsysupwjgrhhl4fiplxfxdju.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ssdsysupwjgrhhl4fiplxfxdju.txt FILE: cache/work_iljyqb6kevfnrdl6nqmngihoay.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_iljyqb6kevfnrdl6nqmngihoay.txt FILE: cache/work_trry5x3umjczhmzrgbqtmf5fti.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_trry5x3umjczhmzrgbqtmf5fti.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_4eqp73och5hudeerggco4uknfy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_4eqp73och5hudeerggco4uknfy.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for C1 (2) in font AMEAFM+AdvP4C4E74 WARN No Unicode mapping for C0 (3) in font AMEAFM+AdvP4C4E74 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for C20 (4) in font AMEAFM+AdvP4C4E74 WARN No Unicode mapping for C2 (5) in font AMEAFM+AdvP4C4E74 FILE: cache/work_ecd7o5ue2bb4zgedpkoemhn5qe.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ecd7o5ue2bb4zgedpkoemhn5qe.txt FILE: cache/work_mxsw5kjumrft7hfohtrsyqdbgm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_mxsw5kjumrft7hfohtrsyqdbgm.txt FILE: cache/work_lew3voushncc3ctvr4wgv5jagq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_lew3voushncc3ctvr4wgv5jagq.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_dgpqd6codbg2xgxz7q6bcgdncq.htm OUTPUT: txt/work_dgpqd6codbg2xgxz7q6bcgdncq.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for star (63) in font ATOHRA+CMMIB10 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for star (63) in font LFTYVS+CMMI6 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_o2z7gldvknanpao5ofzcvdeptm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_o2z7gldvknanpao5ofzcvdeptm.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for 1019 (76) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 998 (78) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 995 (80) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 1010 (81) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 979 (82) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 910 (83) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 1008 (84) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 992 (85) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 971 (86) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 991 (87) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 994 (89) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 938 (90) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 983 (91) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 920 (95) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 931 (96) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 987 (97) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 986 (98) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 940 (101) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 923 (104) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 972 (105) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 913 (106) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 996 (107) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 1006 (108) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 1000 (110) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 1012 (111) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 946 (112) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 942 (113) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 975 (114) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 990 (115) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 970 (116) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 918 (117) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 999 (118) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 914 (119) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman WARN No Unicode mapping for 978 (120) in font KSRIUC+TimesNewRoman INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_uboh7ioqubeklgwkvenjn7gphi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_uboh7ioqubeklgwkvenjn7gphi.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' FILE: cache/work_q2bwxqj7izfspgplp7zo5t663u.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_q2bwxqj7izfspgplp7zo5t663u.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_r3py5ojsirb6pjnvglevsz22p4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_r3py5ojsirb6pjnvglevsz22p4.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_gtrr6eekknan3eo7i2anh4hjya.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_gtrr6eekknan3eo7i2anh4hjya.txt FILE: cache/work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3bu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3bu.txt FILE: cache/work_rckknat5mnd3xil77ajj5sgl54.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_rckknat5mnd3xil77ajj5sgl54.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_2r4jqloa6zg6jescqvapjpgamu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_2r4jqloa6zg6jescqvapjpgamu.txt FILE: cache/work_rdemphivhzfxjk2g3v3pzokjei.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_rdemphivhzfxjk2g3v3pzokjei.txt FILE: cache/work_2zsoxi6hfjby7gdvtrp4rtwf5y.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_2zsoxi6hfjby7gdvtrp4rtwf5y.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for diamondmath (166) in font CQZRVM+Fourier-Math-Symbols WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol FILE: cache/work_jyhd4cxm5bafbmx2e44rjg4lqy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_jyhd4cxm5bafbmx2e44rjg4lqy.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for bracketleftbigg (1) in font PBGAFF+AdvPS4DC51B WARN No Unicode mapping for bracketrightbigg (3) in font PBGAFF+AdvPS4DC51B INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_h7kgytdtjfbkbbljthnxgrln4q.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_h7kgytdtjfbkbbljthnxgrln4q.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for bardbl (2) in font PBGBFA+AdvPS4C9543 WARN No Unicode mapping for summationtext (4) in font PBGAFF+AdvPS4DC51B WARN No Unicode mapping for NameMe.129 (5) in font PBGAFF+AdvPS4DC51B FILE: cache/work_2tcncpfqmfcrrcx33e6z4msogi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_2tcncpfqmfcrrcx33e6z4msogi.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_icpchogjgzg2zget3pb56mglhm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_icpchogjgzg2zget3pb56mglhm.txt FILE: cache/work_7ce4zfpya5fz3hcextxq2pwwke.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_7ce4zfpya5fz3hcextxq2pwwke.txt FILE: cache/work_uj5qqewkfjeu5e2djsbhkiqzra.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_uj5qqewkfjeu5e2djsbhkiqzra.txt FILE: cache/work_6rnmxllsrjeuxlm4ytewedpzoi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6rnmxllsrjeuxlm4ytewedpzoi.txt FILE: cache/work_u3g2khk4wrfebdnwdea4wned5y.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_u3g2khk4wrfebdnwdea4wned5y.txt FILE: cache/work_krchekrcb5a4zezmuzdxahxyq4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_krchekrcb5a4zezmuzdxahxyq4.txt FILE: cache/work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfm.txt FILE: cache/work_4ojs2dcanfbc7dnknzsvb2hpmi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_4ojs2dcanfbc7dnknzsvb2hpmi.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN font 'F20' not found in resources WARN No current font, will use default WARN No current font, will use default WARN font 'F20' not found in resources WARN No current font, will use default WARN No current font, will use default WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_aeyo6w7szva7lgp53sg2u7jkma.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_aeyo6w7szva7lgp53sg2u7jkma.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+13 (13) in font BPECGD+Wingdings-Regular FILE: cache/work_5dmtdy72qfah3lh44wo2o44uo4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_5dmtdy72qfah3lh44wo2o44uo4.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+120 (120) in font FEHLAC+Symbol FILE: cache/work_ftnttjzrpnafjjgbra75tg323a.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ftnttjzrpnafjjgbra75tg323a.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_hnpz6ksevfbafby5h5rdw6mhdq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_hnpz6ksevfbafby5h5rdw6mhdq.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for lessmuch (28) in font UCJXOY+CMSY6 WARN No Unicode mapping for greatermuch (29) in font UCJXOY+CMSY6 FILE: cache/work_3mifxysn6jb35np3ddn5iatkue.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_3mifxysn6jb35np3ddn5iatkue.txt FILE: cache/work_xdgh7okmdzeu5boqryugpmuaxu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_xdgh7okmdzeu5boqryugpmuaxu.txt WARN Using fallback font LiberationSans for Symbol FILE: cache/work_7utnn5jkqbbbnka5is3wn3wrdm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_7utnn5jkqbbbnka5is3wn3wrdm.txt FILE: cache/work_vcukclz2sjcdbnkuxinl335p7m.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_vcukclz2sjcdbnkuxinl335p7m.txt WARN Using fallback DroidSansFallback for CID-keyed font AdobeHeitiStd-Regular FILE: cache/work_7jxf7vwbnfhojaz2jodkmyfmpq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_7jxf7vwbnfhojaz2jodkmyfmpq.txt FILE: cache/work_ci4peodnbbf4lgydwra4jxwwua.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ci4peodnbbf4lgydwra4jxwwua.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for integraltext (82) in font USOYWT+CMEX10 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_6seporrc6rafjcqugk5zpbfg3y.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6seporrc6rafjcqugk5zpbfg3y.txt FILE: cache/work_kerebhffungwhauffr7nopvmpu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_kerebhffungwhauffr7nopvmpu.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' FILE: cache/work_cdtzjkypkrhwvm65hjrapmg7ki.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_cdtzjkypkrhwvm65hjrapmg7ki.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' FILE: cache/work_modwn7uyprbx7ei5s7imir5xaa.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_modwn7uyprbx7ei5s7imir5xaa.txt FILE: cache/work_awm7ys2jurdglkgnbzs4sxlfgq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_awm7ys2jurdglkgnbzs4sxlfgq.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_3mandpkqi5gtxkwlowj2uubdy4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_3mandpkqi5gtxkwlowj2uubdy4.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_n33s2wnst5chph3srkqgskdxhe.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_n33s2wnst5chph3srkqgskdxhe.txt FILE: cache/work_kk3p6xficzbppks7gmpirllie4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_kk3p6xficzbppks7gmpirllie4.txt FILE: cache/work_yy33htla7jbxzmyryg273oizbq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_yy33htla7jbxzmyryg273oizbq.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for afii9849 (1) in font FKMMJH+MathPackTen WARN No Unicode mapping for prime (1) in font FKMMJI+MTSY FILE: cache/work_jfiqroorqfcc5nr45smesapquy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_jfiqroorqfcc5nr45smesapquy.txt FILE: cache/work_mf4oeadkdfaurcp2ahf55smmhe.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_mf4oeadkdfaurcp2ahf55smmhe.txt FILE: cache/work_rhaskpauvnakllsosmp6jwcboy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_rhaskpauvnakllsosmp6jwcboy.txt FILE: cache/work_yjjt2tluvnfi7gmclje6lhampi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_yjjt2tluvnfi7gmclje6lhampi.txt FILE: cache/work_sqqogcuqhjgfljok3caq7ovts4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_sqqogcuqhjgfljok3caq7ovts4.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_epd3m3kblbgdnohw24udk3giay.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_epd3m3kblbgdnohw24udk3giay.txt FILE: cache/work_ytz52hnlyzhjfjj4q6fcppsxla.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ytz52hnlyzhjfjj4q6fcppsxla.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback DroidSansFallback for CID-keyed font AdobeHeitiStd-Regular FILE: cache/work_eurrngme4rastj3rgbundxma5u.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_eurrngme4rastj3rgbundxma5u.txt FILE: cache/work_r2xqygg7wvamtpr6da22cpnmsm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_r2xqygg7wvamtpr6da22cpnmsm.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_l2lv5d6cdzbqnhpv3walinmbwu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_l2lv5d6cdzbqnhpv3walinmbwu.txt WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty FILE: cache/work_uixnvd3cjbcdddfpwkg3dr77wq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_uixnvd3cjbcdddfpwkg3dr77wq.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_o5bkjs5qsjhjhhl2xu6sb5gr74.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_o5bkjs5qsjhjhhl2xu6sb5gr74.txt FILE: cache/work_yyhr45slefdrxdbivgprue6hzq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_yyhr45slefdrxdbivgprue6hzq.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_trhxmq4idfhevgzqxra6glbq4i.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_trhxmq4idfhevgzqxra6glbq4i.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' FILE: cache/work_qcabkc2qcfhmhfduo6uoc6xs2i.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_qcabkc2qcfhmhfduo6uoc6xs2i.txt FILE: cache/work_yhsu6n2x25bvrkxnrys3cll2oq.htm OUTPUT: txt/work_yhsu6n2x25bvrkxnrys3cll2oq.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_srxrpv2yfnepzb4vkhjq26o4wq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_srxrpv2yfnepzb4vkhjq26o4wq.txt FILE: cache/work_4ubshnppnvhytfurhaxn6g3f3e.htm OUTPUT: txt/work_4ubshnppnvhytfurhaxn6g3f3e.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN Using fallback font LiberationSerif for TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN Using fallback font LiberationSans-Bold for TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_64vyo2k6avex7pwhrhwwluc6gy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_64vyo2k6avex7pwhrhwwluc6gy.txt WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkq.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+131 (131) in font MKBLOB+Wingdings WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol FILE: cache/work_ykadjighvrerxgisawafryswae.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ykadjighvrerxgisawafryswae.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+120 (120) in font MKBMPM+Symbol WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_vkxbjbmoyfa55i6h53jlvsibzm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_vkxbjbmoyfa55i6h53jlvsibzm.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_ysd6ifgec5annemdfm2rfbu3uq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ysd6ifgec5annemdfm2rfbu3uq.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_ljqki4bzffh7rpkgwzowusa5hu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ljqki4bzffh7rpkgwzowusa5hu.txt FILE: cache/work_53isusw3bzhjpk7xlatqqjuqy4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_53isusw3bzhjpk7xlatqqjuqy4.txt FILE: cache/work_cckcc7ya6vg4hgd2g6fej3lr6y.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_cckcc7ya6vg4hgd2g6fej3lr6y.txt FILE: cache/work_ayykq6wo5vh35eywdqi5mb77fm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ayykq6wo5vh35eywdqi5mb77fm.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_zob4nj6hdvdoda5bxtnuaf2e6e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_zob4nj6hdvdoda5bxtnuaf2e6e.txt FILE: cache/work_bdivlozw6fa7fnzin3ntuelr5m.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_bdivlozw6fa7fnzin3ntuelr5m.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_54dwrq365vesphbu5mqkx56u4m.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_54dwrq365vesphbu5mqkx56u4m.txt FILE: cache/work_xcjcrtz5ureidciyij4l4uvepq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_xcjcrtz5ureidciyij4l4uvepq.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Format 14 cmap table is not supported and will be ignored FILE: cache/work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euzi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euzi.txt FILE: cache/work_vhn4is6dfjghdawi3f3ib64waq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_vhn4is6dfjghdawi3f3ib64waq.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_igszpq4aarh3jfnrk7h4q4oaom.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_igszpq4aarh3jfnrk7h4q4oaom.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_smlvnn47bjbcfjzez7fzp4lrka.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_smlvnn47bjbcfjzez7fzp4lrka.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for 34 (43) in font LKZOXT+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for 35 (45) in font LKZOXT+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for 36 (47) in font LKZOXT+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+89 (89) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+37 (37) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+73 (73) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+15 (15) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+90 (90) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+69 (69) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+192 (192) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+48 (48) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+92 (92) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+83 (83) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT FILE: cache/work_bvl2s7smknapjip66quntvdmo4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_bvl2s7smknapjip66quntvdmo4.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+62 (62) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+171 (171) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+64 (64) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+17 (17) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+91 (91) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+39 (39) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+58 (58) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+36 (36) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+16 (16) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+60 (60) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+20 (20) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+26 (26) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+25 (25) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+43 (43) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+24 (24) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+27 (27) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+56 (56) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+129 (129) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+108 (108) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+46 (46) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+77 (77) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+41 (41) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT FILE: cache/work_afxycoctbrbcpkbkn7gub2qnpa.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_afxycoctbrbcpkbkn7gub2qnpa.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+40 (40) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+196 (196) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+179 (179) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+195 (195) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+181 (181) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+44 (44) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT FILE: cache/work_ogmd4khudnaf3lv6cszd243bvm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ogmd4khudnaf3lv6cszd243bvm.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+21 (21) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+22 (22) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+61 (61) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+47 (47) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+124 (124) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_up7ooykdqfan7js35v3ewsylja.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_up7ooykdqfan7js35v3ewsylja.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+18 (18) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+49 (49) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+19 (19) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+137 (137) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+191 (191) in font AEQMOV+TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+9 (9) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+38 (38) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+28 (28) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+182 (182) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30 (30) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+650 (650) in font LQCIJR+TimesNewRomanPSMT FILE: cache/work_5dgfdi4j3vba5b6ingyrf57jda.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_5dgfdi4j3vba5b6ingyrf57jda.txt FILE: cache/work_sm23ntcspzehvlmwokwde3lnxu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_sm23ntcspzehvlmwokwde3lnxu.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_wgoxcs463jdqfiya2dkxsgcik4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_wgoxcs463jdqfiya2dkxsgcik4.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for 3 (32) in font QKRTJM+Calibri INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_l4vkatqh3jexlltf3pcdldzpnu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_l4vkatqh3jexlltf3pcdldzpnu.txt FILE: cache/work_af7sa3spenctfit5v264bdayny.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_af7sa3spenctfit5v264bdayny.txt FILE: cache/work_fnntlamvnnhzfm53c6ydj4oeoa.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_fnntlamvnnhzfm53c6ydj4oeoa.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for 32 (61) in font STQSTO+Meiryo WARN No Unicode mapping for 3 (32) in font STQSTO+Meiryo WARN No Unicode mapping for 14 (43) in font STQSTO+Meiryo FILE: cache/work_yj27d7cj7rekhct7ychjf6vfam.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_yj27d7cj7rekhct7ychjf6vfam.txt FILE: cache/work_y6dr6tev4fhjppoqc2a7hfahzm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_y6dr6tev4fhjppoqc2a7hfahzm.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_lvzb35r5knhk7jelf2kqkesmiu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_lvzb35r5knhk7jelf2kqkesmiu.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for 44 (73) in font STQSTO+Meiryo FILE: cache/work_orvmzy7terdozewiaiivbuozfe.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_orvmzy7terdozewiaiivbuozfe.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_xmbsjcmo2bgblfiutbybef7n6m.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_xmbsjcmo2bgblfiutbybef7n6m.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_27yesv3dzbd3fkwljmlxvksexq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_27yesv3dzbd3fkwljmlxvksexq.txt FILE: cache/work_clxcyxc3zjc5bgw5iwhil6yzzi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_clxcyxc3zjc5bgw5iwhil6yzzi.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_g2vkzz5wvzfmreplmjszn7vqo4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_g2vkzz5wvzfmreplmjszn7vqo4.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for C1 (2) in font AdvBMa1 WARN No Unicode mapping for C30 (3) in font AdvBMa1 FILE: cache/work_3hxzu73yiva45pzyuwqvvxu5ki.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_3hxzu73yiva45pzyuwqvvxu5ki.txt FILE: cache/work_2seveqjymjgtpf7bowr6kyyiaa.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_2seveqjymjgtpf7bowr6kyyiaa.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for 101 (124) in font STQSTO+Meiryo FILE: cache/work_d2dvfrm6pngktajsnvoi5nawmm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_d2dvfrm6pngktajsnvoi5nawmm.txt FILE: cache/work_m2qjv7g355erzibki5imfqaaxy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_m2qjv7g355erzibki5imfqaaxy.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_2vlgw55jzrhj3dzmd4n4ngf7ui.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_2vlgw55jzrhj3dzmd4n4ngf7ui.txt FILE: 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INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_yuipfyaomja5fovtnshg476hgi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_yuipfyaomja5fovtnshg476hgi.txt FILE: cache/work_uglloq4xjbfhvcvy47osjaixvi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_uglloq4xjbfhvcvy47osjaixvi.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_l6rfzrauqjf2lnca7dkyrznolq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_l6rfzrauqjf2lnca7dkyrznolq.txt FILE: cache/work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxm.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_oa3s6uzp65fmpduwvwupqnseni.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_oa3s6uzp65fmpduwvwupqnseni.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_hm4ljhe2mnbtratt3c3gw756dm.htm OUTPUT: txt/work_hm4ljhe2mnbtratt3c3gw756dm.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_gnmc5jq4yvbsjj7l2xxzqpev2e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_gnmc5jq4yvbsjj7l2xxzqpev2e.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_yurxegssyfbaxiqcjpa5sx5qk4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_yurxegssyfbaxiqcjpa5sx5qk4.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' FILE: cache/work_6oploxdahfdunbtpt5dn4xsorm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6oploxdahfdunbtpt5dn4xsorm.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for C1 (2) in font AdvBMa1 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6q.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6q.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for C211 (2) in font IBWKAN+AdvPSSym WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty FILE: cache/work_r3gqn7chvzcndpaql2ttvdhwza.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_r3gqn7chvzcndpaql2ttvdhwza.txt FILE: cache/work_2d55kfkwzfh3dcbwvg7v5mj4wm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_2d55kfkwzfh3dcbwvg7v5mj4wm.txt FILE: cache/work_hfzicxtgw5bjdlonq4stxl2atu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_hfzicxtgw5bjdlonq4stxl2atu.txt FILE: 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FILE: cache/work_waw5cdqmxbe5vdfn2k3ddmdqfq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_waw5cdqmxbe5vdfn2k3ddmdqfq.txt FILE: cache/work_sr2z2fcg25f2dokho4nyhmjap4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_sr2z2fcg25f2dokho4nyhmjap4.txt /ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/ line 40: printf: `D': invalid format character INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_l5mbh4nylfgx7mlgixbycxdolm.pdf' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_6bfzseovxvc7xadhsheso6nubm.pdf' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_wh3b7ci2frbblf5hcbiitrqbwm.pdf' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_vegwecfidbfijjjj2atkld2acm.pdf' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_eegwbnm2wff7hb5di2ihomq3ki.pdf' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_lp6alomtw5datbylffudwmbvzu.pdf' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_i3mw2vvh5zfs3ivojaa7gp3dr4.pdf' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_ftbmk33innhhdebs3n535qcp6a.htm' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_wig62yolerg4dluyewtciwpyhe.pdf' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_7hx5xm4t6fh5vdizdql4poiudy.pdf' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_wzkix64tdneo5lh5p255trksia.pdf' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_fooxxved5zgsddcx7iawm44dhi.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for .notdef (9) in font Helvetica WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for a68 (68) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for 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mapping for a97 (97) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a99 (99) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a104 (104) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a28 (28) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a108 (108) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a65 (65) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a112 (112) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a100 (100) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a86 (86) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a115 (115) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a105 (105) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a110 (110) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a80 (80) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a45 (45) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a118 (118) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a119 (119) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a117 (117) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a80 (80) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a68 (68) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a45 (45) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a118 (118) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a119 (119) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a117 (117) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a114 (114) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a104 (104) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a97 (97) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a109 (109) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a82 (82) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a101 (101) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a115 (115) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a99 (99) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a79 (79) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a110 (110) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a108 (108) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a105 (105) in font F20 WARN No Unicode mapping for a67 (67) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a68 (68) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a98 (98) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a101 (101) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a112 (112) in font F22 WARN No 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No Unicode mapping for a49 (49) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a53 (53) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a67 (67) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a46 (46) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a97 (97) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a84 (84) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a86 (86) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a114 (114) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a77 (77) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a87 (87) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a102 (102) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a97 (97) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a99 (99) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a104 (104) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a28 (28) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a108 (108) in font F22 WARN No Unicode mapping for a107 (107) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a65 (65) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a99 (99) in font F18 WARN No Unicode mapping for a101 (101) in font F18 WARN No 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Unicode mapping for a48 (48) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a41 (41) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a57 (57) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a50 (50) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a124 (124) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a70 (70) in font F27 WARN No Unicode mapping for a55 (55) in font F27 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' WARN Format 14 cmap table is not supported and will be ignored WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_eegwbnm2wff7hb5di2ihomq3ki' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_eegwbnm2wff7hb5di2ihomq3ki' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_c5efogsiqvfwdjdkqde277cqvi.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_g6nalraddzc7df7eqmjqbnazm4 txt/../ent/work_g6nalraddzc7df7eqmjqbnazm4.ent work_mrj66svz25cqhnlecuw2eaeyzy txt/../wrd/work_mrj66svz25cqhnlecuw2eaeyzy.wrd work_n2m252d2fvhn5arupn5m5vsy4u txt/../pos/work_n2m252d2fvhn5arupn5m5vsy4u.pos 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ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 6 abstract This paper aims to provide a retrospective of the use of a digital human modelling tool (SAMMIE) that was perhaps the first usable tool and is still active today. Relationships between digital human modelling and inclusive design, engineering design and ergonomics practice are discussed using examples from design studies using SAMMIE and government-funded research. Important issues such as accuracy of representation and handling multivariate rather than univariate evaluations are discussed together with methods of use in terms of defining end product users and tasks. Consideration is given to the use of the digital human modelling approach by non-ergonomists particularly with respect to understanding of the impact of human variability, jurisdiction and communication issues. application-name figshare citation_abstract This paper aims to provide a retrospective of the use of a digital human modelling tool (SAMMIE) that was perhaps the first usable tool and is still active today. Relationships between digital human modelling and inclusive design, engineering design and ergonomics practice are discussed using examples from design studies using SAMMIE and government-funded research. Important issues such as accuracy of representation and handling multivariate rather than univariate evaluations are discussed together with methods of use in terms of defining end product users and tasks. Consideration is given to the use of the digital human modelling approach by non-ergonomists particularly with respect to understanding of the impact of human variability, jurisdiction and communication issues. citation_author ['Case, Keith', 'Marshall, Russell', 'Summerskill, Steve'] citation_doi citation_keywords Digital human modelling; SAMMIE; Inclusive design citation_online_date 2019/08/08 citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 2016/06/27 citation_publisher Loughborough University citation_title Digital human modelling over four decades dc:title Digital human modelling over four decades description Digital human modelling over four decades google notranslate msapplication-TileColor #FFFFFF msapplication-TileImage msapplication-square150x150logo msapplication-square310x310logo msapplication-square70x70logo msapplication-wide310x150logo og:description This paper aims to provide a retrospective of the use of a digital human modelling tool (SAMMIE) that was perhaps the first usable tool and is still active today. Relationships between digital human modelling and inclusive design, engineering design and ergonomics practice are discussed using examples from design studies using SAMMIE and government-funded research. Important issues such as accuracy of representation and handling multivariate rather than univariate evaluations are discussed together with methods of use in terms of defining end product users and tasks. Consideration is given to the use of the digital human modelling approach by non-ergonomists particularly with respect to understanding of the impact of human variability, jurisdiction and communication issues. og:image og:locale en_US og:site_name figshare og:title Digital human modelling over four decades og:type article og:url /articles/journal_contribution/Digital_human_modelling_over_four_decades/9347864/1 referrer origin resourceName b'work_bi44b5urgrcc7bl5s7za7xg5wm.pdf' title Digital human modelling over four decades twitter:card summary twitter:description This paper aims to provide a retrospective of the use of a digital human modelling tool (SAMMIE) that was perhaps the first usable tool and is still active today. Relationships between digital human modelling and inclusive design, engineering design and ergonomics practice are discussed using examples from design studies using SAMMIE and government-funded research. Important issues such as accuracy of representation and handling multivariate rather than univariate evaluations are discussed together with methods of use in terms of defining end product users and tasks. 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This paper reports on a pilot project that created a GIS of two textual accounts of tours of the Lake District: Thomas Gray's 1769 excursion and Samuel Taylor Coleridge's self-styled ‘circumcursion’ of 1802. It describes how these accounts were converted into a GIS and explores various methodologies that can then be used to explore the spatialities embedded within their respective tours. The resulting material has been placed on the Internet at The pilot demonstrates that it is both possible, and conceptually fruitful, to move GIS beyon... msapplication-TileColor #FFFFFF msapplication-TileImage msapplication-square150x150logo msapplication-square310x310logo msapplication-square70x70logo msapplication-wide310x150logo og:description There have been growing calls to develop the use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) across the humanities. 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accident analysis; body damage; bone modeling; finite element method Last-Modified 2020-04-28T06:16:23Z Last-Save-Date 2020-04-28T06:16:23Z PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 67 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Techniques to analyze damage to a human body provide an important foundation to investigate the human body’s dynamics during accidents. However, the systematic investigation and analysis of accidents’ causes are limited due to a lack of suitable technology, personnel, and equipment. Recently, 3-D technologies and engineering verification through the finite element method have become widespread in forensics to investigate accidents’ causes and dynamic environments. Bone fracture analyses can provide important information on how victims may have died and injured. In this study, 3-D images obtained from multi-detector computed tomography of personal injuries and closed-circuit television, as well as image analyses based on forensic investigations, are used in a finite element program to analyze how ribs are broken during an accident and the possibility of further body damage. Technologies that deduce stress states and mechanisms are also developed in this study using FE analyses of the reconstructed model. created 2020-04-28T06:16:23Z creator Eui Soo Kim date 2020-04-28T06:16:23Z dc:creator Eui Soo Kim dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject MDCT; accident analysis; body damage; bone modeling; finite element method dc:title Accident Reconstruction of Damaged Human Body Using MDCT and Computer Numerical Analysis dcterms:created 2020-04-28T06:16:23Z dcterms:modified 2020-04-28T06:16:23Z meta:author Eui Soo Kim meta:creation-date 2020-04-28T06:16:23Z meta:keyword MDCT; accident analysis; body damage; bone modeling; finite element method meta:save-date 2020-04-28T06:16:23Z modified 2020-04-28T06:16:23Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['3168', '3305', '408', '168', '1989', '2834', '455', '287', '264', '4844', '552', '2675'] pdf:docinfo:created 2020-04-28T06:16:23Z pdf:docinfo:creator Eui Soo Kim pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 pdf:docinfo:keywords MDCT; accident analysis; body damage; bone modeling; finite element method pdf:docinfo:modified 2020-04-28T06:16:23Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 pdf:docinfo:subject Techniques to analyze damage to a human body provide an important foundation to investigate the human body’s dynamics during accidents. However, the systematic investigation and analysis of accidents’ causes are limited due to a lack of suitable technology, personnel, and equipment. Recently, 3-D technologies and engineering verification through the finite element method have become widespread in forensics to investigate accidents’ causes and dynamic environments. Bone fracture analyses can provide important information on how victims may have died and injured. In this study, 3-D images obtained from multi-detector computed tomography of personal injuries and closed-circuit television, as well as image analyses based on forensic investigations, are used in a finite element program to analyze how ribs are broken during an accident and the possibility of further body damage. 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Bone fracture analyses can provide important information on how victims may have died and injured. In this study, 3-D images obtained from multi-detector computed tomography of personal injuries and closed-circuit television, as well as image analyses based on forensic investigations, are used in a finite element program to analyze how ribs are broken during an accident and the possibility of further body damage. Technologies that deduce stress states and mechanisms are also developed in this study using FE analyses of the reconstructed model. title Accident Reconstruction of Damaged Human Body Using MDCT and Computer Numerical Analysis trapped False xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 12 INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_66ihjngvive2dkurrqjf562gg4.pdf' === === id: work_g7k5s3mvk5bnvnyj6ygtd6gv4y author: Neil Dodgson title: What's Up Prof? 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'2015-05-21T18:42:43Z', '2015-05-21T18:56:32Z', '2015-05-21T19:05:00Z', '2015-05-21T19:07:04Z', '2015-05-21T19:07:23Z', '2015-05-21T19:07:42Z', '2015-05-22T11:07:54Z', '2015-05-22T11:10:24Z', '2015-05-22T11:12:54Z', '2015-05-22T11:17:50Z', '2015-05-22T11:27:23Z', '2015-05-22T11:29:14Z', '2015-05-22T11:38:35Z', '2015-05-22T11:43:37Z', '2015-05-22T12:17:11Z', '2015-05-22T12:32:26Z', '2015-05-22T12:56:55Z', '2015-05-22T13:08:47Z', '2015-05-22T13:17:38Z', '2015-05-22T13:42:07Z', '2015-05-22T13:59:38Z', '2015-05-22T14:02:49Z', '2015-05-22T14:13:04Z', '2015-05-22T14:31:37Z', '2015-05-22T14:36:10Z', '2015-05-22T14:36:34Z', '2015-05-22T14:37:04Z', '2015-05-22T15:15:00Z', '2015-05-22T15:17:36Z', '2015-05-22T15:18:49Z', '2015-05-22T15:19:13Z', '2015-05-22T15:21:54Z', '2015-05-22T15:35:47Z', '2015-05-22T15:39:33Z', '2015-05-22T15:40:30Z', '2015-05-22T17:01:24Z', '2015-05-22T17:08:16Z', '2015-05-22T17:54:40Z', '2015-05-22T17:57:09Z', '2015-05-22T18:15:25Z', '2015-05-22T18:16:44Z', '2015-05-22T18:37:33Z', '2015-05-22T18:49:31Z', '2015-05-22T18:50:12Z', '2015-05-22T19:19:04Z', '2015-05-22T19:19:41Z', '2015-05-22T19:20:21Z', '2015-05-22T19:27:00Z', '2015-05-26T14:29:48Z', '2015-05-26T14:37:46Z', '2015-05-26T15:22:14Z', '2015-05-26T15:24:40Z', '2015-05-26T15:25:36Z', '2015-05-26T15:26:13Z', '2015-05-26T15:27:09Z', '2015-05-26T15:27:50Z', '2015-05-26T15:30:44Z', '2015-05-26T15:32:07Z', '2015-05-26T15:32:45Z', '2015-05-26T15:34:53Z', '2015-05-26T15:36:10Z', '2015-05-26T16:29:12Z', '2015-05-26T16:30:16Z', '2015-05-26T17:08:28Z', '2015-05-26T17:08:28Z', '2015-05-26T17:09:13Z', '2015-05-26T17:11:17Z', '2015-05-26T17:21:41Z', '2015-05-26T17:46:13Z', '2015-05-26T17:57:27Z', '2015-05-26T18:18:42Z', '2015-05-26T18:21:35Z', '2015-05-26T18:23:01Z', '2015-05-26T18:45:02Z', '2015-05-26T18:52:53Z', '2015-05-26T18:54:44Z', '2015-05-26T19:11:40Z', '2015-05-26T19:12:10Z', '2015-05-26T19:17:40Z', '2015-05-26T19:19:47Z', '2015-05-26T19:20:23Z', '2015-05-26T20:14:11Z', '2015-05-27T16:33:48Z', '2015-05-27T16:42:11Z', '2015-05-27T16:51:01Z', '2015-05-27T16:52:53Z', '2015-05-27T17:01:57Z', '2015-05-27T17:31:50Z', '2015-05-27T17:37:18Z', '2015-05-27T17:46:01Z', '2015-05-27T17:50:59Z', '2015-05-27T17:51:40Z', '2015-05-27T19:13:20Z', '2015-05-27T19:14:54Z', '2015-05-27T19:15:22Z', '2015-05-27T19:18:49Z', '2015-05-29T17:21:26Z', '2015-05-29T17:22:08Z', '2015-06-02T18:04:35Z', '2015-06-02T18:08:58Z', '2015-06-02T18:16:49Z', '2015-06-02T18:23:05Z', '2015-06-02T18:24:15Z', '2015-06-03T18:58:58Z', '2015-06-03T18:58:58Z', '2015-06-03T19:06:59Z', '2015-06-03T19:08:01Z', '2015-06-03T19:14:00Z', '2015-06-03T19:18:16Z', '2015-06-04T10:54:13Z', '2015-06-04T11:00:52Z', '2015-06-04T11:03:27Z', '2015-06-04T11:09:26Z', '2015-06-04T11:09:50Z', '2015-06-04T11:11:09Z', '2015-06-04T11:24:14Z', '2015-06-04T11:38:37Z', '2015-06-04T11:42:46Z', '2015-06-04T11:43:51Z', '2015-06-04T11:56:01Z', '2015-06-04T12:00:26Z', '2015-06-04T12:06:40Z', '2015-06-04T12:08:08Z', '2015-06-04T18:17:58Z', '2015-06-04T18:19:43Z', '2015-06-04T18:26:15Z', '2015-06-04T18:30:43Z', '2015-06-04T18:41:12Z', '2015-06-04T18:47:24Z', '2015-06-04T19:06:05Z', '2015-06-04T19:06:38Z', '2015-06-06T13:25:16Z', '2015-06-06T13:25:40Z', '2015-06-06T14:34:41Z', '2015-06-06T14:37:03Z', '2015-06-06T14:39:34Z', '2015-06-06T14:40:05Z', '2015-06-27T11:39:33Z', '2015-06-27T11:39:33Z', '2015-06-27T11:49:20Z', '2015-06-27T11:52:30Z', '2015-06-27T12:02:14Z', '2015-06-27T12:04:24Z', '2015-06-27T12:07:12Z', '2015-06-27T12:08:13Z', '2015-06-27T12:11:50Z', '2015-06-27T12:17:13Z', '2015-06-27T12:21:30Z', '2015-06-27T12:23:01Z', '2015-06-27T12:27:16Z', '2015-06-27T12:27:49Z', '2015-06-27T12:28:52Z', '2015-06-27T12:29:22Z', '2015-06-27T12:29:44Z', '2015-06-27T12:30:44Z', '2015-06-27T12:32:11Z', '2015-06-27T12:33:24Z', '2015-06-27T12:34:55Z', '2015-06-27T12:35:40Z', '2015-06-27T12:36:44Z', '2015-06-27T12:38:10Z', '2015-06-27T12:47:32Z', '2015-06-27T12:47:59Z', '2015-06-28T17:16:51Z', '2015-06-28T17:17:27Z', '2015-06-28T17:28:55Z', '2015-06-28T17:56:08Z', '2015-06-28T17:58:46Z', '2015-06-28T17:59:06Z', '2015-06-29T18:18:30Z', '2015-06-29T18:21:59Z', '2015-06-30T13:19:15Z', '2015-06-30T13:22:00Z', '2015-07-02T18:26:40Z', '2015-07-02T18:26:40Z', '2015-07-02T18:37:00Z', '2015-07-02T18:45:30Z', '2015-07-02T18:53:35Z', '2015-07-02T19:05:30Z', '2015-07-02T19:11:32Z', '2015-07-02T19:15:02Z', '2015-07-02T19:15:14Z', '2015-07-02T19:20:00Z', '2015-07-03T19:12:37Z', '2015-07-03T19:15:05Z', '2015-07-03T19:23:03Z', '2015-07-03T19:30:53Z', '2015-07-03T19:31:46Z', '2015-07-03T19:37:20Z', '2015-07-03T19:41:39Z', '2015-07-03T19:52:48Z', '2015-07-03T19:54:07Z', '2015-07-03T20:06:51Z', '2015-07-03T20:13:48Z', '2015-07-03T20:21:22Z', '2015-07-03T20:24:21Z', '2015-07-03T20:29:19Z', '2015-07-03T20:29:43Z', '2015-07-03T20:30:36Z', '2015-07-03T20:31:32Z', '2015-07-03T20:36:43Z', '2015-07-03T20:37:15Z', '2015-07-03T20:38:35Z', '2015-07-03T20:38:49Z', '2015-07-03T20:39:13Z', '2015-07-04T11:01:49Z', '2015-07-04T11:06:09Z', '2015-07-04T11:06:32Z', '2015-07-04T11:18:22Z', '2015-07-04T11:19:40Z', '2015-07-04T11:25:52Z', '2015-07-04T11:28:20Z', '2015-07-04T11:28:59Z', '2015-07-04T11:32:22Z', '2015-07-04T11:35:46Z', '2015-07-04T11:39:28Z', '2015-07-04T11:39:47Z', '2015-07-04T11:40:46Z', '2015-07-04T11:42:00Z', '2015-07-04T11:46:15Z', '2015-07-04T11:47:39Z', '2015-07-05T13:40:55Z', '2015-07-05T13:41:37Z', '2015-07-05T14:31:28Z', '2015-07-05T14:32:26Z', '2015-07-10T11:11:16Z', '2015-07-10T11:19:36Z', '2015-07-10T11:36:59Z', '2015-07-10T11:41:36Z', '2015-07-10T11:43:34Z', '2015-07-10T11:46:53Z', '2015-11-27T17:39:18Z', '2015-11-27T17:39:51Z', '2015-11-27T17:40:18Z', '2015-11-27T17:45:45Z', '2015-11-27T17:46:15Z', '2015-11-27T18:18:36Z', '2015-11-27T18:18:46Z', '2015-11-27T18:19:15Z', '2015-11-27T18:20:35Z', '2015-11-27T19:17:55Z', '2015-11-27T19:18:27Z', '2015-11-27T19:18:38Z', '2015-11-28T10:40:47Z', '2015-11-28T10:42:50Z', '2015-11-28T10:46:26Z', '2015-11-28T10:47:21Z', '2015-11-28T10:49:23Z', '2015-11-28T11:04:51Z', '2015-11-28T11:05:15Z', '2015-11-28T11:06:00Z', '2015-11-28T11:06:20Z', '2015-11-28T11:06:44Z', '2015-11-28T11:07:59Z', '2015-11-28T11:08:29Z', '2015-11-28T11:09:00Z', '2015-11-28T11:15:33Z', '2015-11-28T11:20:40Z', '2015-11-28T11:22:27Z', '2015-11-28T11:23:22Z', '2015-11-28T11:23:27Z', '2015-11-28T11:28:06Z', '2015-11-28T11:29:04Z', '2015-11-28T11:48:33Z', '2015-11-28T11:49:13Z', '2015-11-28T11:50:05Z', '2015-11-28T11:50:20Z', '2015-11-28T11:52:15Z', '2015-11-28T17:24:54Z', '2015-11-28T17:27:14Z', '2015-11-28T17:27:33Z', '2015-11-28T17:57:07Z', '2015-11-28T17:59:43Z', '2015-11-28T18:01:27Z', '2015-11-28T18:23:56Z', '2015-11-28T18:25:19Z', '2015-11-28T18:32:49Z', '2015-11-28T18:36:44Z', '2015-11-28T19:49:55Z', '2015-11-28T20:10:25Z', '2015-11-28T20:15:08Z', '2015-11-28T20:23:46Z', '2015-12-01T17:46:46Z', '2015-12-01T17:47:20Z', '2015-12-07T14:14:59Z', '2015-12-07T16:02:23Z', '2015-12-07T16:02:50Z', '2015-12-07T16:03:09Z', '2015-12-07T16:16:33Z', '2015-12-24T08:26:16Z', '2015-12-24T08:26:16Z', '2015-12-24T08:28:44Z', '2015-12-24T08:30:51Z', '2015-12-24T08:38:33Z', '2015-12-24T09:16:31Z', '2015-12-24T09:18:04Z', '2015-12-24T09:21:48Z', '2015-12-24T09:23:05Z', '2015-12-24T09:23:43Z', '2015-12-24T09:26:31Z', '2015-12-24T09:35:47Z', '2015-12-24T09:37:27Z', '2015-12-24T09:39:33Z', '2015-12-24T09:55:14Z', '2015-12-24T10:20:56Z', '2015-12-24T10:25:07Z', '2015-12-24T10:32:35Z', '2015-12-24T10:36:32Z', '2015-12-24T10:45:15Z', '2015-12-24T11:04:47Z', '2015-12-24T11:06:25Z', '2015-12-24T11:09:02Z', '2015-12-24T11:10:22Z', '2015-12-24T11:11:42Z', '2015-12-24T11:16:02Z', '2015-12-24T11:17:27Z', '2015-12-24T11:17:53Z', '2015-12-24T11:20:08Z', '2015-12-24T11:21:53Z', '2015-12-24T11:27:08Z', '2015-12-24T11:29:44Z', '2015-12-24T11:30:37Z', '2015-12-24T11:35:12Z', '2015-12-24T11:36:35Z', '2015-12-26T12:30:25Z', '2015-12-26T12:31:11Z', '2015-12-26T12:31:47Z', '2015-12-26T12:33:47Z', '2015-12-26T12:34:15Z', '2015-12-26T12:34:30Z', '2015-12-26T12:35:10Z', '2015-12-26T12:35:22Z', '2015-12-26T12:36:06Z', '2015-12-26T12:36:11Z', '2015-12-26T12:37:12Z', '2015-12-26T12:37:31Z', '2015-12-26T12:38:05Z', '2015-12-26T12:39:15Z', '2015-12-26T12:40:34Z', '2015-12-26T12:41:05Z', '2015-12-26T12:42:15Z', '2015-12-26T12:42:29Z', '2015-12-26T12:43:07Z', '2015-12-26T12:43:20Z', '2015-12-26T12:43:34Z', '2015-12-26T12:43:51Z', '2015-12-26T12:44:04Z', '2015-12-26T12:49:00Z', '2015-12-26T12:49:23Z', '2015-12-26T12:49:28Z', '2015-12-26T12:51:25Z', '2015-12-26T12:57:13Z', '2015-12-26T12:58:17Z', '2015-12-26T12:58:47Z', '2015-12-26T12:59:03Z', '2015-12-26T14:20:39Z', '2015-12-26T17:17:05Z', '2015-12-26T17:32:25Z', '2016-01-04T13:14:01Z', '2016-06-24T18:59:25Z', '2016-06-27T18:59:28Z', '2016-06-28T10:13:51Z', '2016-06-28T11:36:39Z', '2016-06-28T11:52:15Z', '2016-06-28T12:11:47Z', '2016-06-28T12:31:15Z', '2016-06-28T12:33:56Z', '2016-06-28T12:34:08Z', '2016-06-28T12:34:46Z', '2016-06-28T12:35:00Z', '2016-06-28T12:35:27Z', '2016-06-28T12:35:53Z', '2016-06-28T12:45:10Z', '2016-06-28T12:45:24Z', '2016-06-28T12:50:43Z', '2016-06-28T13:08:45Z', '2016-06-28T13:15:46Z', '2016-06-28T13:17:09Z', '2016-06-28T13:17:48Z', '2016-06-28T13:18:18Z', '2016-06-28T13:18:56Z', '2016-06-28T13:21:26Z', '2016-06-28T13:21:51Z', '2016-06-28T13:58:49Z', '2016-06-28T13:59:16Z', '2016-06-28T13:59:38Z', '2016-06-28T14:00:03Z', '2016-06-28T14:00:16Z', '2016-06-28T14:00:28Z', '2016-06-28T14:00:56Z', '2016-06-28T14:01:45Z', '2016-06-28T14:01:50Z', '2016-06-28T14:03:38Z', '2016-06-28T14:03:49Z', '2016-06-28T14:03:54Z', '2016-06-28T14:04:08Z', '2016-06-28T14:04:19Z', '2016-06-28T14:04:37Z', '2016-06-28T14:05:12Z', '2016-06-28T14:05:26Z', '2016-06-28T14:05:33Z', '2016-06-28T14:06:00Z', '2016-06-28T14:06:09Z', '2016-06-28T14:08:37Z', '2016-06-28T14:14:24Z', '2016-06-28T14:14:38Z', '2016-06-28T14:18:17Z', '2016-06-28T14:25:51Z', '2016-06-28T14:26:53Z', '2016-06-28T14:28:07Z', '2016-06-28T14:30:58Z', '2016-06-28T14:31:12Z', '2016-06-28T14:31:27Z', '2016-06-28T14:31:38Z', '2016-06-28T14:32:08Z', '2016-06-28T14:50:00Z', '2016-06-28T14:50:28Z', '2016-06-28T14:52:41Z', '2016-06-28T14:52:46Z', '2016-06-28T14:54:23Z', '2016-06-28T14:54:29Z', '2016-06-28T14:54:52Z', '2016-06-28T14:55:40Z', '2016-06-28T14:56:09Z', '2016-06-28T14:56:59Z', '2016-06-28T14:58:28Z', '2016-06-28T15:07:47Z', '2016-06-28T15:09:00Z', '2016-06-28T15:09:38Z', '2016-06-28T15:12:01Z', '2016-06-28T15:18:10Z', '2016-06-28T15:19:15Z', '2016-06-28T15:20:21Z', '2016-06-28T15:53:43Z', '2016-06-28T15:56:52Z', '2016-06-28T15:57:21Z', '2016-06-28T15:57:52Z', '2016-06-28T15:58:02Z', '2016-06-28T15:58:38Z', '2016-06-28T15:59:08Z', '2016-06-28T16:00:09Z', '2016-06-28T16:00:44Z', '2016-06-28T16:04:40Z', '2016-06-28T16:08:40Z', '2016-06-28T16:14:55Z', '2016-06-28T16:40:11Z', '2016-06-28T17:11:56Z', '2016-06-28T17:13:51Z', '2016-07-04T19:22:42Z', '2016-07-05T11:49:25Z', '2016-07-05T17:04:15Z', '2016-07-05T17:59:17Z', '2016-07-06T10:54:18Z', '2016-07-06T15:12:40Z', '2016-07-06T16:47:22Z', '2016-07-06T16:49:55Z', '2016-07-06T16:54:37Z', '2016-07-06T16:58:06Z', '2016-07-06T17:12:27Z', '2016-07-06T17:22:21Z', '2016-07-06T17:28:39Z', '2016-07-06T17:29:02Z', '2016-07-06T17:54:40Z', '2016-07-06T18:22:11Z', '2016-07-06T18:26:24Z', '2016-07-06T18:34:01Z', '2016-07-06T18:51:42Z', '2016-07-06T19:00:26Z', '2016-07-06T19:03:54Z', '2016-07-06T19:05:49Z', '2016-07-06T19:17:41Z', '2016-07-06T20:38:03Z', '2016-07-06T20:38:57Z', '2016-07-06T20:40:37Z', '2016-07-06T20:40:52Z', '2016-07-06T20:43:28Z', '2016-07-06T20:44:02Z', '2016-07-06T20:46:21Z', '2016-07-06T20:47:15Z', '2016-07-06T20:47:51Z', '2016-07-06T20:49:01Z', '2016-07-06T20:50:32Z', '2016-07-06T20:53:42Z', '2016-07-06T20:55:11Z', '2016-07-06T20:55:49Z', '2016-07-06T20:59:29Z', '2016-07-06T21:01:53Z', '2016-07-06T21:10:27Z', '2016-07-06T21:11:00Z', '2016-07-06T21:11:24Z', '2016-07-06T21:11:50Z', '2016-07-06T21:12:21Z', '2016-07-07T12:56:33Z', '2016-07-07T12:58:50Z', '2016-07-07T13:09:47Z', '2016-07-07T13:10:46Z', '2016-07-07T13:12:30Z', '2016-07-07T13:30:00Z', '2016-07-07T16:48:49Z', '2016-07-07T17:02:45Z', '2016-07-07T17:03:40Z', '2016-07-07T17:18:41Z', '2016-07-07T18:06:44Z', '2016-07-07T18:07:42Z', '2016-07-07T18:08:58Z', '2016-07-07T18:17:43Z', '2016-07-07T18:18:24Z', '2016-07-07T18:21:30Z', '2016-07-07T18:26:05Z', '2016-07-07T22:41:26Z', '2016-07-07T22:42:15Z', '2016-07-07T22:43:29Z', '2016-07-07T22:43:53Z', '2016-07-07T22:45:29Z', '2016-07-07T23:29:56Z', '2016-07-07T23:32:34Z', '2016-07-07T23:34:22Z', '2016-07-07T23:38:17Z', '2016-07-07T23:48:47Z', '2016-07-08T16:13:58Z', '2016-07-08T16:15:12Z', '2016-07-08T16:15:16Z', '2016-07-08T16:15:52Z', '2016-07-08T16:16:18Z', '2016-07-08T16:17:21Z', '2016-07-08T16:17:50Z', '2016-07-08T16:18:13Z', '2016-07-08T16:18:56Z', '2016-07-08T16:19:40Z', '2016-07-08T16:20:43Z', '2016-07-08T16:20:57Z', '2016-07-08T16:21:29Z', '2016-07-08T16:22:51Z', '2016-07-08T16:23:57Z', '2016-07-08T16:24:14Z', '2016-07-08T16:26:31Z', '2016-07-08T16:27:17Z', '2016-10-31T12:58:03Z', '2016-10-31T12:58:17Z', '2016-10-31T12:59:09Z', '2016-10-31T12:59:32Z', '2016-10-31T12:59:49Z', '2016-10-31T13:29:02Z', '2016-10-31T13:31:34Z', '2016-10-31T13:39:51Z', '2016-10-31T14:35:19Z', '2016-10-31T14:52:13Z', '2016-10-31T14:59:34Z', '2016-10-31T15:00:37Z', '2016-10-31T15:31:19Z', '2016-10-31T15:46:00Z', '2016-10-31T15:46:51Z', '2016-10-31T15:51:24Z', '2016-10-31T15:58:58Z', '2016-10-31T16:01:15Z', '2016-10-31T16:03:00Z', '2016-10-31T16:09:04Z', '2016-10-31T16:10:20Z', '2016-10-31T16:11:03Z', '2016-10-31T16:12:56Z', '2016-10-31T16:16:31Z', '2016-10-31T16:21:24Z', '2016-10-31T16:22:18Z', '2016-10-31T16:22:38Z', '2016-10-31T16:23:55Z', '2016-10-31T16:24:52Z', '2016-10-31T16:27:46Z', '2016-10-31T16:28:26Z', '2016-10-31T16:29:31Z', '2016-10-31T16:35:02Z', '2016-10-31T16:38:21Z', '2016-10-31T16:41:31Z', '2016-10-31T16:45:44Z', '2016-10-31T16:47:51Z', '2016-10-31T16:54:20Z', '2016-10-31T16:55:30Z', '2016-10-31T16:56:14Z', '2016-10-31T16:56:36Z', '2016-10-31T16:57:17Z', '2016-10-31T16:57:42Z', '2016-10-31T16:58:35Z', '2016-10-31T16:58:54Z', '2016-10-31T16:59:42Z', '2016-10-31T17:00:28Z', '2016-10-31T17:01:14Z', '2016-10-31T17:02:37Z', '2016-10-31T17:04:32Z', '2016-10-31T17:09:44Z', '2016-10-31T17:10:47Z', '2016-10-31T17:13:48Z', '2016-10-31T17:14:50Z', '2016-10-31T17:16:15Z', '2016-10-31T17:47:06Z', '2016-10-31T17:49:47Z', '2016-10-31T17:49:57Z', '2016-10-31T17:50:12Z', '2016-10-31T17:52:45Z', '2016-10-31T18:01:14Z', '2016-10-31T18:03:45Z', '2016-10-31T18:04:27Z', '2016-10-31T18:14:04Z', '2016-10-31T18:17:02Z', '2016-10-31T18:21:06Z', '2016-10-31T18:21:39Z', '2016-10-31T18:22:47Z', '2016-10-31T18:25:15Z', '2016-10-31T18:25:48Z', '2016-10-31T18:27:13Z', '2016-10-31T18:27:34Z', '2016-10-31T18:30:11Z', '2016-10-31T18:54:23Z', '2016-10-31T18:54:50Z', '2016-10-31T18:55:48Z', '2016-10-31T18:58:12Z', '2016-10-31T19:06:47Z', '2016-11-01T10:08:55Z', '2016-11-01T10:29:02Z', '2016-11-01T11:23:28Z', '2016-11-01T11:26:12Z', '2016-11-01T11:42:45Z', '2016-11-01T11:49:50Z', '2016-11-01T11:57:30Z', '2016-11-01T12:33:46Z', '2016-11-01T12:49:08Z', '2016-11-01T12:49:52Z', '2016-11-01T12:50:51Z', '2016-11-01T12:55:10Z', '2016-11-01T12:57:06Z', '2016-11-01T13:01:18Z', '2016-11-01T13:17:32Z', '2016-11-01T13:20:43Z', '2016-11-01T13:28:47Z', '2016-11-01T13:29:56Z', '2016-11-01T14:20:40Z', '2016-11-01T14:20:55Z', '2016-11-01T14:26:45Z', '2016-11-01T14:27:37Z', '2016-11-01T14:29:42Z', '2016-11-01T14:31:31Z', '2016-11-01T14:37:47Z', '2016-11-01T14:38:42Z', '2016-11-01T14:43:20Z', '2016-11-01T14:44:11Z', '2016-11-01T14:45:41Z', '2016-11-01T14:50:42Z', '2016-11-01T14:51:46Z', '2016-11-01T14:52:38Z', '2016-11-01T14:53:08Z', '2016-11-01T14:54:12Z', '2016-11-01T14:54:41Z', '2016-11-01T14:55:25Z', '2016-11-01T14:56:21Z', '2016-11-01T14:56:54Z', '2016-11-01T14:57:14Z', '2016-11-01T14:57:25Z', '2016-11-01T14:58:43Z', '2016-11-01T14:59:28Z', '2016-11-01T15:00:33Z', '2016-11-01T15:00:51Z', '2016-11-01T15:01:20Z', '2016-11-01T15:01:53Z', '2016-11-01T15:02:57Z', '2016-11-01T15:03:05Z', '2016-11-01T15:03:46Z', '2016-11-01T15:05:05Z', '2016-11-01T15:06:09Z', '2016-11-01T15:09:18Z', '2016-11-01T15:11:11Z', '2016-11-01T15:19:08Z', '2016-11-01T15:19:32Z', '2016-11-01T15:19:57Z', '2016-11-01T15:20:20Z', '2016-11-01T15:21:27Z', '2016-11-01T15:21:54Z', '2016-11-01T15:23:20Z', '2016-11-01T15:24:21Z', '2016-11-01T15:25:01Z', '2016-11-01T15:27:29Z', '2016-11-01T15:28:28Z', '2016-11-01T15:30:27Z', '2016-11-01T15:32:34Z', '2016-11-01T15:34:19Z', '2016-11-01T15:36:15Z', '2016-11-01T15:37:41Z', '2016-11-01T15:38:46Z', '2016-11-01T15:39:35Z', '2016-11-01T15:52:14Z', '2016-11-01T15:54:16Z', '2016-11-01T15:58:39Z', '2016-11-01T15:59:02Z', '2016-11-01T15:59:48Z', '2016-11-01T16:11:15Z', '2016-11-01T16:12:03Z', '2016-11-01T16:13:40Z', '2016-11-01T16:15:15Z', '2016-11-01T16:25:58Z', '2016-11-01T16:27:12Z', '2016-11-01T16:28:37Z', '2016-11-01T16:29:17Z', '2016-11-01T16:32:16Z', '2016-11-01T16:33:23Z', '2016-11-01T16:53:04Z', '2016-11-01T16:54:02Z', '2016-11-02T10:24:27Z', '2016-11-28T11:12:49Z', '2016-11-28T12:27:23Z', '2016-11-28T12:46:11Z', '2016-11-28T12:46:53Z', '2016-11-28T12:47:36Z', '2016-11-28T12:47:59Z', '2016-11-28T12:58:43Z', '2016-11-28T12:59:56Z', '2016-11-28T13:01:06Z', '2016-11-28T13:02:33Z', '2016-11-28T13:04:13Z', '2016-11-28T13:05:18Z', '2016-11-28T13:09:58Z', '2016-11-28T13:10:14Z', '2016-11-28T13:11:39Z', '2016-11-28T13:12:15Z', '2016-11-28T13:16:43Z', '2016-11-28T13:17:08Z', '2016-11-28T13:18:28Z', '2016-11-28T13:19:07Z', '2016-11-28T13:19:25Z', '2016-11-28T13:22:29Z', '2016-11-28T13:23:00Z', '2016-11-28T13:25:14Z', '2016-11-28T13:30:15Z', '2016-11-28T13:38:48Z', '2016-11-28T13:39:43Z', '2016-11-28T14:23:34Z', '2016-11-28T14:25:36Z', '2016-11-28T14:31:51Z', '2016-11-28T14:32:48Z', '2016-11-28T14:32:59Z', '2016-11-28T14:34:37Z', '2016-11-28T14:35:28Z', '2016-11-28T14:38:14Z', '2016-11-28T14:41:55Z', '2016-11-28T14:45:20Z', '2016-11-28T14:45:25Z', '2016-11-28T14:45:30Z', '2016-11-28T14:45:35Z', '2016-11-28T14:45:39Z', '2016-11-28T14:45:46Z', '2016-11-28T14:46:05Z', '2016-11-28T14:47:30Z', '2016-11-28T14:49:39Z', '2016-11-28T14:49:58Z', '2016-11-28T14:50:31Z', '2016-11-28T14:50:53Z', '2016-11-28T14:56:09Z', '2016-11-28T14:56:33Z', '2016-11-28T14:56:55Z', '2016-11-28T14:58:27Z', '2016-11-28T15:01:22Z', '2016-11-28T15:02:46Z', '2016-11-28T15:10:14Z', '2016-11-28T15:15:11Z', '2016-11-28T15:17:22Z', '2016-11-28T15:17:44Z', '2016-11-28T15:18:03Z', '2016-11-28T15:18:14Z', '2016-11-28T15:19:06Z', '2016-11-28T15:19:56Z', '2016-11-28T15:23:45Z', '2016-11-28T15:25:13Z', '2016-11-28T15:25:32Z', '2016-11-28T15:26:21Z', '2016-11-28T15:26:29Z', '2016-11-28T15:27:34Z', '2016-11-28T15:28:11Z', '2016-11-28T15:28:49Z', '2016-11-28T15:28:58Z', '2016-11-28T15:29:13Z', '2016-11-28T15:29:30Z', '2016-11-28T15:29:42Z', '2016-11-28T15:29:56Z', '2016-11-28T15:30:14Z', '2016-11-28T15:32:13Z', '2016-11-28T15:32:25Z', '2016-11-28T15:33:04Z', '2016-11-28T15:33:14Z', '2016-11-28T15:33:21Z', '2016-11-28T15:33:42Z', '2016-11-28T15:34:16Z', '2016-11-28T15:34:26Z', '2016-11-28T15:35:30Z', '2016-11-28T15:35:39Z', '2016-11-28T15:36:33Z', '2016-11-28T15:37:19Z', '2016-11-28T15:37:29Z', '2016-11-28T15:37:42Z', '2016-11-28T15:38:06Z', '2016-11-28T15:38:17Z', '2016-11-28T15:38:47Z', '2016-11-28T15:39:24Z', '2016-11-28T15:39:34Z', '2016-11-28T15:40:07Z', '2016-11-28T15:41:02Z', '2016-11-28T15:41:13Z', '2016-11-28T15:41:21Z', '2016-11-28T15:41:39Z', '2016-11-28T15:42:11Z', '2016-11-28T15:42:51Z', '2016-11-28T15:44:28Z', '2016-11-28T15:45:13Z', '2016-11-28T15:45:52Z', '2016-11-28T15:46:48Z', '2016-11-28T15:47:04Z', '2016-11-28T15:47:35Z', '2016-11-28T15:47:52Z', '2016-11-28T15:48:21Z', '2016-11-28T15:49:19Z', '2016-11-28T15:50:11Z', '2016-11-28T15:50:32Z', '2016-11-28T15:50:48Z', '2016-11-28T15:51:25Z', '2016-11-28T15:51:31Z', '2016-11-28T15:51:41Z', '2016-11-28T15:52:27Z', '2016-11-28T15:52:48Z', '2016-11-28T15:53:04Z', '2016-11-28T15:54:23Z', '2016-11-28T15:54:48Z', '2016-11-28T15:55:46Z', '2016-11-28T15:55:58Z', '2016-11-28T15:59:14Z', '2016-11-28T16:00:19Z', '2016-11-28T16:02:19Z', '2016-11-28T16:04:53Z', '2016-11-28T16:05:28Z', '2016-11-28T16:06:55Z', '2016-11-28T16:08:23Z', '2016-11-28T16:08:48Z', '2016-11-28T16:13:44Z', '2016-11-28T16:22:40Z', '2016-11-28T16:26:09Z', '2016-11-28T16:27:23Z', '2016-11-28T16:27:56Z', '2016-11-28T16:29:56Z', '2016-11-28T16:30:03Z', '2016-11-28T16:30:31Z', '2016-11-28T16:30:41Z', '2016-11-28T16:31:55Z', '2016-11-28T16:32:32Z', '2016-11-28T16:32:56Z', '2016-11-28T16:33:19Z', '2016-11-28T16:33:33Z', '2016-11-28T16:34:00Z', '2016-11-28T16:35:02Z', '2016-11-28T16:37:20Z', '2016-11-28T16:38:18Z', '2016-11-28T16:38:36Z', '2016-11-28T16:39:46Z', '2016-11-28T16:40:42Z', '2016-11-28T16:40:58Z', '2016-11-28T16:42:29Z', '2016-11-28T16:45:11Z', '2016-11-28T16:47:53Z', '2016-11-28T16:48:31Z', '2016-11-28T16:48:49Z', '2016-11-28T16:50:52Z', '2016-11-28T16:51:49Z', '2016-11-28T16:53:25Z', '2016-11-28T16:54:30Z', '2016-11-28T16:55:56Z', '2016-11-28T17:01:04Z', '2016-11-28T17:02:08Z', '2016-11-28T17:04:35Z', '2016-11-28T17:10:00Z', '2016-11-28T17:10:30Z', '2016-11-28T17:10:40Z', '2016-11-28T17:10:57Z', '2016-11-28T17:11:09Z', '2016-11-28T17:11:59Z', '2016-11-28T17:14:05Z', '2016-11-28T17:15:22Z', '2016-11-28T17:15:57Z', '2016-11-28T17:17:43Z', '2016-11-28T17:21:44Z', '2016-11-28T17:22:34Z', '2016-11-28T17:23:50Z', '2016-11-28T17:27:33Z', '2016-11-28T17:28:50Z', '2016-11-28T17:29:21Z', '2016-11-28T17:30:00Z', '2016-11-28T17:33:01Z', '2016-11-28T17:33:17Z', '2016-11-28T17:34:21Z', '2016-11-28T17:35:12Z', '2016-11-28T17:35:45Z', '2016-11-28T17:36:08Z', '2016-11-28T17:37:48Z', '2016-11-28T18:45:25Z', '2016-11-28T18:46:11Z', '2016-11-28T18:46:33Z', '2016-11-28T18:46:41Z', '2016-11-28T18:47:11Z', '2016-11-28T18:50:57Z', '2016-11-28T18:56:30Z', 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'2011-02-19T20:36:04Z', '2011-02-19T20:37:56Z', '2011-02-19T20:42:30Z', '2011-02-19T20:43:36Z', '2011-02-19T20:43:39Z', '2011-02-19T20:43:53Z', '2011-02-19T20:44:01Z', '2011-02-19T20:45:39Z', '2011-02-19T20:47:27Z', '2011-02-19T20:49:58Z', '2011-02-19T20:51:10Z', '2011-02-19T21:54:42Z', '2011-02-20T20:22:56Z', '2011-02-20T20:26:17Z', '2011-02-20T21:13:51Z', '2011-02-20T22:22:51Z', '2011-02-20T22:23:35Z', '2011-02-23T19:54:32Z', '2011-02-24T23:36:09Z', '2011-02-24T23:36:33Z', '2011-02-24T23:37:42Z', '2011-02-24T23:38:24Z', '2011-02-24T23:38:28Z', '2011-02-24T23:40:12Z', '2011-02-24T23:41:11Z', '2011-02-24T23:41:58Z', '2011-02-24T23:43:49Z', '2011-02-24T23:44:35Z', '2011-02-24T23:45:32Z', '2011-02-24T23:46:10Z', '2011-02-24T23:46:30Z', '2011-02-24T23:47:13Z', '2011-02-25T00:08:03Z', '2011-02-25T00:14:38Z', '2011-02-25T00:19:33Z', '2011-02-25T20:44:41Z', '2011-02-25T20:47:13Z', '2011-02-25T20:50:36Z', '2011-02-25T20:51:16Z', '2011-02-25T20:52:52Z', '2011-02-25T20:54:29Z', '2011-02-25T20:55:48Z', '2011-02-25T20:56:18Z', '2011-02-25T21:00:46Z', '2011-02-27T15:13:02Z', '2011-02-27T15:13:12Z', '2011-02-27T15:14:56Z', '2011-02-27T15:26:07Z', '2011-02-27T15:26:48Z', '2011-02-27T15:27:06Z', '2011-02-27T15:28:47Z', '2011-02-27T15:41:50Z', '2011-02-27T15:43:45Z', '2011-02-27T15:44:15Z', '2011-02-27T15:47:15Z', '2011-02-27T15:48:23Z', '2011-02-27T15:49:58Z', '2011-03-01T16:17:19Z', '2011-03-05T15:31:27Z', '2011-03-05T16:21:09Z', '2011-06-19T20:33:49Z', '2011-06-19T20:33:59Z', '2011-06-19T20:36:50Z', '2011-06-19T20:37:42Z', '2011-06-19T20:51:19Z', '2011-06-19T20:51:28Z', '2011-06-19T20:57:18Z', '2011-06-19T20:59:33Z', '2011-06-19T21:04:23Z', '2011-06-19T21:12:12Z', '2011-06-19T21:14:52Z', '2011-06-19T21:15:08Z', '2011-06-19T21:17:53Z', '2011-06-19T21:36:22Z', '2011-06-19T21:37:28Z', '2011-06-19T21:41:07Z', '2011-06-19T21:41:31Z', '2011-06-19T21:41:50Z', '2011-06-19T21:58:52Z', '2011-06-19T21:59:31Z', '2011-06-19T22:04:10Z', '2011-06-19T22:05:44Z', '2011-06-19T22:09:19Z', '2011-06-19T22:13:43Z', '2011-06-19T22:14:03Z', '2011-06-19T22:14:22Z', '2011-06-19T22:15:04Z', '2011-06-19T22:16:45Z', '2011-06-19T22:17:28Z', '2011-06-19T22:20:33Z', '2011-06-19T22:23:42Z', '2011-06-19T22:29:12Z', '2011-06-19T22:34:48Z', '2011-06-19T22:39:14Z', '2011-06-19T22:44:26Z', '2011-06-19T22:45:50Z', '2011-06-19T22:46:45Z', '2011-06-20T18:26:49Z', '2011-06-26T15:09:01Z', '2011-06-26T15:16:09Z', '2011-06-26T15:18:15Z', '2011-06-26T15:18:47Z', '2011-06-26T15:20:59Z', '2011-06-26T15:48:37Z', '2011-06-26T17:00:03Z', '2011-06-26T17:09:03Z', '2011-06-26T17:19:30Z', '2011-06-26T17:25:47Z', '2011-06-26T17:37:30Z', '2011-06-26T17:37:55Z', '2011-07-15T21:20:27Z', '2011-07-15T21:22:50Z', '2011-07-15T21:23:11Z', '2011-07-26T00:19:41Z', '2011-07-26T00:19:41Z', '2011-07-26T00:30:12Z', '2011-07-26T00:37:26Z', '2011-07-26T00:37:59Z', '2011-07-26T00:40:59Z', '2011-07-26T00:42:01Z', '2011-07-26T00:42:25Z', '2011-07-26T00:48:16Z', '2011-07-26T00:49:06Z', '2011-07-26T00:49:17Z', '2011-07-26T00:50:33Z', '2011-07-26T00:50:37Z', '2011-07-26T00:51:01Z', '2011-07-26T00:51:22Z', '2011-07-26T00:53:56Z', '2011-07-26T00:54:57Z', '2011-07-26T00:55:18Z', '2011-07-26T00:56:54Z', '2011-07-26T00:58:24Z', '2011-07-26T01:01:04Z', '2011-07-26T01:02:07Z', '2011-07-26T01:03:28Z', '2011-07-26T01:03:55Z', '2011-07-26T01:08:54Z', '2011-07-26T01:09:02Z', '2011-07-26T01:09:17Z', '2011-07-26T01:10:58Z', '2011-07-26T01:20:10Z', '2011-07-26T01:21:30Z', '2011-07-26T01:28:52Z', '2011-08-10T11:22:26Z', '2011-08-10T11:23:01Z', '2011-08-10T11:25:28Z', '2011-08-10T11:31:23Z', '2011-08-10T11:34:05Z', '2011-08-10T11:34:22Z', '2011-08-10T11:35:09Z', '2011-08-10T11:36:58Z', '2011-08-10T11:37:24Z', '2011-08-10T11:41:45Z', '2011-08-10T11:42:13Z', '2011-08-10T11:42:32Z', '2011-08-13T23:05:19Z', '2011-08-29T16:46:16Z', '2011-08-29T16:53:35Z', '2011-08-29T16:57:03Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:20Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:39Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:59Z', '2011-08-29T17:00:22Z', '2011-08-29T17:10:08Z', '2011-08-29T17:28:57Z', '2011-08-29T17:31:27Z', '2011-08-29T17:31:39Z', '2011-08-31T21:57:13Z', '2011-08-31T21:57:28Z', '2011-08-31T22:06:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:12:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:13:53Z', '2011-08-31T22:17:10Z', '2011-08-31T22:17:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:22:51Z', '2011-08-31T22:23:36Z', '2011-08-31T22:27:58Z', '2011-08-31T22:28:33Z', '2011-08-31T22:30:14Z', '2011-08-31T22:31:42Z', '2011-08-31T22:32:03Z', '2011-08-31T22:42:54Z', '2011-11-10T21:36:57Z', '2011-11-10T21:53:48Z', '2011-11-10T21:54:57Z', '2011-11-10T22:09:19Z', '2011-11-10T22:11:16Z', '2011-11-10T22:14:49Z', '2011-11-10T22:19:49Z', '2011-11-10T22:39:16Z', '2011-11-10T22:41:34Z', '2011-11-10T22:50:58Z', '2011-11-10T22:55:08Z', '2011-11-10T23:01:37Z', '2011-11-10T23:04:03Z', '2011-11-10T23:06:56Z', '2011-11-10T23:07:06Z', '2011-11-10T23:51:29Z', '2011-11-10T23:54:28Z', '2012-02-16T13:31:11Z', '2012-02-16T13:32:39Z', '2012-02-16T13:36:16Z', '2012-02-16T13:37:10Z', '2012-02-16T13:38:17Z', '2012-02-16T13:38:35Z', '2012-02-16T13:39:36Z', '2012-02-16T13:47:08Z', '2012-02-16T13:47:44Z', '2012-02-16T13:48:03Z', '2012-02-16T13:54:37Z', '2012-02-16T13:54:51Z', '2012-02-16T13:55:14Z', '2012-02-16T13:57:19Z', '2012-02-16T13:59:53Z', '2012-02-16T14:02:18Z', '2012-02-16T14:05:47Z', '2012-02-16T14:06:38Z', '2012-02-16T14:11:27Z', '2012-02-16T14:12:10Z', '2012-02-16T14:13:02Z', '2012-02-16T14:15:17Z', '2012-02-16T14:15:35Z', '2012-02-16T14:16:21Z', '2012-02-16T14:17:25Z', '2012-02-16T14:18:00Z', '2012-02-16T14:25:17Z', '2012-02-16T14:29:07Z', '2012-02-16T14:34:20Z', '2012-02-16T14:39:28Z', '2012-02-16T14:44:36Z', '2012-02-16T14:44:55Z', '2012-02-16T14:51:33Z', '2012-02-16T14:55:35Z', '2012-02-16T14:56:08Z', '2012-02-16T14:56:53Z', '2012-02-16T14:57:40Z', '2012-02-16T15:03:50Z', '2012-02-16T15:07:02Z', '2012-02-16T19:30:14Z', '2012-02-16T19:33:37Z', '2012-02-16T19:34:16Z', '2012-02-16T19:35:03Z', '2012-02-16T19:39:02Z', '2012-02-16T19:39:19Z', '2012-02-16T19:41:58Z', '2012-02-16T19:44:36Z', '2012-02-16T19:45:28Z', '2012-02-16T19:51:19Z', '2012-02-16T22:18:30Z', '2012-02-16T22:19:05Z', '2012-02-16T22:23:14Z', '2012-02-16T22:26:46Z', '2012-02-16T22:27:07Z', '2012-02-16T22:28:01Z', '2012-02-16T22:29:35Z', '2012-02-16T22:30:23Z', '2012-02-16T22:32:32Z', '2012-02-16T22:38:37Z', '2012-02-16T22:48:57Z', '2012-02-16T22:49:12Z', '2012-02-16T22:53:40Z', '2012-02-16T22:55:21Z', '2012-02-16T22:56:44Z', '2012-02-16T22:57:42Z', '2012-02-16T22:59:48Z', '2012-02-16T23:00:50Z', '2012-02-16T23:57:20Z', '2012-02-16T23:57:42Z', '2012-02-17T00:00:20Z', '2012-02-17T00:03:27Z', '2012-02-18T11:25:53Z', '2012-02-19T17:00:50Z', '2012-02-19T17:01:38Z', '2012-02-19T17:06:27Z', '2012-03-03T19:13:44Z', '2012-03-03T19:17:44Z', '2012-03-03T19:18:26Z', '2012-03-03T19:19:19Z', '2012-03-03T19:22:56Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:28Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:41Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:50Z', '2012-03-03T19:24:04Z', '2012-03-03T19:30:55Z', '2012-03-03T19:37:06Z', '2012-04-01T15:43:40Z', '2012-04-01T15:45:15Z', '2012-04-01T15:51:20Z', '2012-04-01T15:56:42Z', '2012-04-01T16:35:08Z', '2012-04-01T16:41:27Z', '2012-04-01T16:50:44Z', '2012-04-01T17:02:45Z', '2012-04-01T17:05:47Z', '2012-04-01T17:08:44Z', '2012-04-01T17:15:27Z', '2012-04-01T17:17:16Z', '2012-04-01T17:19:38Z', '2012-04-01T17:20:30Z', '2012-04-01T17:24:46Z', '2012-04-01T17:30:13Z', '2012-04-01T17:30:29Z', '2012-04-01T17:31:01Z', '2012-04-01T17:31:31Z', '2012-04-01T17:34:59Z', '2012-04-01T18:12:25Z', '2012-04-01T18:13:23Z', '2012-04-01T18:19:41Z', '2012-04-03T12:31:27Z', '2012-04-03T12:36:13Z', '2012-04-03T12:36:51Z', '2012-05-06T11:58:51Z', '2012-05-29T22:24:44Z', '2012-05-29T22:25:00Z', '2012-05-29T22:25:16Z', '2012-05-29T22:32:44Z', '2012-05-29T22:34:51Z', '2012-05-29T22:35:55Z', '2012-05-29T22:44:49Z', '2012-06-18T21:51:16Z', '2012-06-23T19:02:40Z', '2012-06-23T19:21:09Z', '2012-06-23T19:31:43Z', '2012-06-23T19:34:22Z', '2012-06-23T19:34:37Z', '2012-07-14T14:36:29Z', '2012-07-14T14:45:11Z', '2012-07-14T14:45:26Z', '2012-08-08T22:24:12Z', '2012-08-08T22:24:12Z', '2012-08-09T21:36:14Z', '2012-08-09T21:36:24Z', '2012-08-09T22:00:24Z', '2012-08-09T22:05:44Z', '2012-08-19T19:25:32Z', '2012-08-19T21:24:42Z', '2012-08-19T21:46:28Z', '2012-09-10T12:16:46Z', '2012-09-10T12:18:34Z', '2012-09-10T12:19:55Z', '2012-09-10T12:23:14Z', '2012-09-10T12:23:25Z', '2012-09-10T12:35:23Z', '2012-09-10T12:36:36Z', '2012-09-10T12:40:43Z', '2012-09-10T12:41:40Z', '2012-09-10T12:45:20Z', '2012-09-10T12:53:57Z', '2012-09-10T18:03:16Z', '2012-09-10T18:05:04Z', '2012-09-10T18:07:34Z', '2012-09-17T22:32:22Z', '2012-09-17T22:33:52Z', '2012-09-17T22:38:07Z', '2012-10-18T19:33:17Z', '2012-10-18T19:34:52Z', '2012-10-18T20:12:16Z', '2012-10-18T21:24:59Z', '2012-10-18T22:24:28Z', '2012-10-18T22:25:55Z', '2012-10-18T22:30:16Z', '2012-10-18T22:30:26Z', '2012-10-18T23:05:47Z', '2012-10-18T23:13:53Z', '2012-10-18T23:16:22Z', '2012-10-18T23:18:29Z', '2012-10-18T23:20:07Z', '2012-10-31T19:49:08Z', '2012-10-31T19:49:58Z', '2012-10-31T19:50:10Z', '2012-10-31T19:52:46Z', '2012-10-31T19:54:00Z', '2012-10-31T19:55:44Z', '2012-10-31T19:56:13Z', '2012-10-31T19:57:36Z', '2012-10-31T19:57:49Z', '2012-10-31T19:58:33Z', '2012-10-31T20:07:55Z', '2012-10-31T20:08:05Z', '2012-11-16T13:10:57Z', '2012-11-16T14:04:50Z', '2012-11-17T13:52:53Z', '2012-11-17T13:53:46Z', '2012-11-17T13:57:01Z', '2012-11-17T14:03:12Z', '2012-11-17T14:04:52Z', '2012-11-17T14:09:39Z', '2012-11-17T14:11:34Z', '2012-11-17T14:13:59Z', '2012-11-17T14:16:47Z', '2012-11-17T14:16:58Z', '2012-11-17T14:17:11Z', '2012-11-17T14:25:17Z', '2012-11-17T14:25:52Z', '2012-11-17T14:26:08Z', '2012-11-17T14:26:33Z', '2012-11-19T13:45:18Z', '2012-12-18T16:08:06Z', '2012-12-18T16:08:06Z', '2012-12-18T16:10:26Z', '2012-12-18T16:46:14Z', '2012-12-18T17:49:15Z', '2012-12-19T10:41:05Z', '2012-12-19T14:29:29Z', '2012-12-19T14:29:29Z', '2012-12-19T14:33:19Z', '2012-12-19T14:33:19Z', '2012-12-20T11:39:16Z', '2012-12-20T13:06:16Z', '2012-12-20T13:15:15Z', '2012-12-20T13:25:38Z', '2012-12-20T13:27:00Z', '2012-12-20T15:06:37Z', '2012-12-20T15:25:35Z', '2012-12-20T15:28:45Z', '2012-12-20T15:37:27Z', '2012-12-20T15:56:45Z', '2012-12-20T16:10:35Z', '2012-12-20T16:18:25Z', '2012-12-20T16:35:21Z', '2012-12-20T16:45:26Z', '2012-12-20T16:46:52Z', '2013-01-04T16:10:08Z', '2013-01-04T16:10:08Z', '2013-01-04T17:11:03Z', '2013-01-04T17:26:30Z', '2013-01-04T17:47:08Z', '2013-01-07T11:23:43Z', '2013-01-07T11:26:39Z', '2013-01-07T11:34:07Z', '2013-01-07T11:57:45Z', '2013-01-07T12:00:01Z', '2013-01-07T12:22:45Z', '2013-01-07T13:15:38Z', '2013-01-07T13:31:23Z', '2013-01-07T13:33:32Z', '2013-01-07T13:36:44Z', '2013-01-07T13:51:56Z', '2013-01-07T13:51:56Z', '2013-01-09T16:39:14Z', '2013-01-10T10:11:19Z', '2013-01-10T10:12:19Z', '2013-01-10T10:12:19Z', '2013-01-10T12:15:24Z', '2013-01-10T12:16:32Z', '2013-01-11T17:45:13Z', '2013-01-14T17:13:31Z', '2013-01-14T17:15:15Z', '2013-01-14T17:58:04Z', '2013-01-14T18:30:15Z', '2013-01-14T18:31:01Z', '2013-01-14T18:50:18Z', '2013-01-15T09:47:44Z', '2013-01-15T12:40:07Z', '2013-01-15T12:40:38Z', '2013-01-15T12:45:29Z', '2013-01-15T13:14:00Z', '2013-01-17T13:11:01Z', '2013-01-17T13:11:01Z', '2013-01-17T13:12:13Z', '2013-01-17T13:23:03Z', '2013-01-17T13:24:25Z', '2013-01-17T13:27:51Z', '2013-01-17T13:28:03Z', '2013-01-17T13:51:20Z', '2013-01-17T14:00:00Z', '2013-01-17T14:02:21Z', '2013-01-17T14:27:49Z', '2013-01-17T14:30:01Z', '2013-01-17T14:38:55Z', '2013-01-17T14:41:12Z', '2013-01-17T12:29:59Z', '2013-01-17T12:29:59Z', '2013-01-17T12:44:39Z', '2013-01-17T12:44:39Z', '2013-01-28T11:28:34Z', '2013-01-28T11:28:34Z', '2013-01-28T11:50:31Z', '2013-01-28T11:50:31Z', '2013-01-28T12:58:43Z', '2013-01-28T13:07:27Z', '2013-01-28T13:22:09Z', '2013-01-28T13:49:27Z', '2013-01-28T13:49:27Z', '2013-01-29T13:37:52Z', '2013-01-29T13:37:52Z', '2013-01-29T13:48:48Z', '2013-01-29T13:51:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:25:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:25:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:28:40Z', '2013-01-29T17:54:15Z', '2013-01-30T12:43:49Z', '2013-01-30T12:43:49Z', '2013-01-30T12:50:39Z', '2013-01-30T13:16:55Z', '2013-01-30T13:16:55Z', '2013-02-04T10:39:46Z', '2013-02-04T10:39:46Z', '2013-02-04T11:10:53Z', '2013-02-04T11:10:53Z', '2013-02-04T11:22:40Z', '2013-02-04T11:22:40Z', '2013-02-04T11:23:24Z', '2013-02-04T11:26:03Z', '2013-02-04T11:26:03Z', '2013-02-04T12:41:28Z', '2013-02-04T12:41:28Z', '2013-02-04T12:43:17Z', '2013-02-04T12:46:51Z', '2013-02-04T12:59:49Z', '2013-02-04T12:59:49Z', '2013-02-04T13:58:42Z', '2013-02-04T13:58:42Z', '2013-02-04T14:05:08Z', '2013-02-22T11:14:40Z', '2013-02-22T11:14:40Z', '2013-02-22T15:17:36Z', '2013-02-22T15:17:36Z', '2013-02-22T15:39:54Z', '2013-02-22T15:41:37Z', '2013-02-22T15:42:13Z', '2013-02-22T15:43:31Z', '2013-02-22T17:17:33Z', '2013-02-22T17:19:38Z', '2013-02-22T17:22:15Z', '2013-03-06T12:21:50Z', '2013-03-06T12:21:50Z', '2013-05-20T15:10:04Z', '2013-05-20T15:10:04Z', '2013-09-27T15:39:26Z', '2013-09-27T15:39:26Z', '2013-09-27T15:42:03Z', '2013-09-27T15:42:03Z', '2013-09-27T16:04:30Z', '2013-09-27T16:04:30Z', '2013-11-21T17:33:25Z', '2013-11-21T17:33:25Z', '2013-11-22T17:11:41Z', '2013-11-22T17:11:41Z', '2013-11-22T17:18:00Z', '2013-11-22T17:33:56Z', '2013-11-22T17:45:45Z', '2013-11-25T13:31:36Z', '2013-11-25T13:31:36Z', '2013-11-25T13:52:12Z', '2013-11-25T14:28:49Z', '2013-11-25T14:37:21Z', '2013-11-25T14:50:48Z', '2013-11-25T17:35:34Z', '2014-02-05T18:05:35Z', '2014-02-05T18:05:35Z', '2014-02-05T18:15:44Z', '2014-02-06T12:34:12Z', '2014-02-06T12:34:12Z', '2014-02-06T13:26:09Z', '2014-02-07T09:57:07Z', '2014-02-07T09:57:07Z', '2014-02-07T09:59:22Z', '2014-02-07T10:06:29Z', '2014-02-10T13:15:30Z', '2014-02-10T13:15:30Z', '2014-02-10T14:39:09Z', '2014-02-10T14:39:09Z', '2014-02-10T14:52:21Z', '2014-02-10T15:50:27Z', '2014-02-10T15:51:39Z', '2014-02-10T16:51:18Z', '2014-02-10T16:51:18Z', '2014-02-10T17:05:27Z', '2014-02-10T17:17:23Z', '2014-02-11T11:07:40Z', '2014-02-11T11:07:40Z', '2014-02-11T15:25:23Z', '2014-02-11T15:25:23Z', '2014-02-11T15:38:50Z', '2014-02-11T17:22:21Z', '2014-02-11T17:24:34Z', '2014-02-12T11:32:27Z', '2014-02-12T11:32:28Z', '2014-02-12T11:38:31Z', '2014-02-12T12:46:29Z', '2014-02-12T12:46:29Z', '2014-02-12T12:51:05Z', '2014-02-12T12:51:59Z', '2014-02-12T13:45:40Z', '2014-02-12T13:47:43Z', '2014-02-12T14:52:40Z', '2014-02-12T14:54:54Z', '2014-02-13T14:56:23Z', '2014-02-13T14:56:23Z', '2014-02-13T14:58:48Z', '2014-02-13T15:19:42Z', '2014-02-13T15:24:06Z', '2014-02-17T13:21:27Z', '2014-02-17T13:21:27Z', '2014-02-17T13:26:25Z', '2014-02-17T13:31:16Z', '2014-02-17T14:44:23Z', '2014-02-17T14:44:23Z', '2014-02-18T10:17:03Z', '2014-02-18T10:17:03Z', '2014-02-18T10:20:45Z', '2014-02-18T10:25:26Z', '2014-02-19T10:29:19Z', '2014-02-19T10:29:19Z', '2014-03-07T16:34:06Z', '2014-03-07T16:34:06Z', '2014-03-07T12:13:06Z', '2014-03-07T12:13:06Z', '2014-10-29T17:28:30Z', '2014-10-29T17:28:30Z', '2015-04-02T17:15:14Z', '2015-04-02T17:15:14Z', '2015-04-02T17:41:57Z', '2015-04-02T17:43:09Z', '2015-07-20T18:39:32Z', '2015-07-20T18:39:33Z', '2015-07-20T20:04:28Z', '2015-07-21T17:31:42Z', '2015-07-21T17:31:42Z', '2015-08-17T20:44:44Z', '2015-08-17T20:45:06Z', '2015-08-17T20:45:06Z', '2015-08-17T20:47:31Z', '2015-08-19T11:43:28Z', '2015-08-19T11:43:28Z', '2015-08-20T10:11:45Z', '2015-08-20T10:11:45Z', '2015-08-20T10:21:22Z', '2015-08-20T10:29:33Z', '2015-08-20T10:31:18Z', '2015-08-20T10:31:47Z', '2015-08-20T10:41:01Z', '2015-08-20T10:44:41Z', '2015-08-20T10:48:14Z', '2015-08-20T10:49:36Z', '2015-08-20T10:50:24Z', '2015-08-20T10:58:12Z', '2015-08-20T10:58:44Z', '2015-08-20T11:07:56Z', '2015-08-20T11:07:56Z', '2015-08-20T11:27:48Z', '2015-08-20T12:06:18Z', '2015-08-20T12:26:23Z', '2015-08-20T12:33:37Z', '2015-08-20T12:52:15Z', '2015-08-20T12:58:11Z', '2015-08-20T13:10:27Z', '2015-08-20T13:10:57Z', '2015-08-20T13:23:01Z', '2015-08-20T13:24:35Z', '2015-08-20T13:30:33Z', '2015-08-20T13:36:55Z', '2015-08-20T13:38:14Z', '2015-08-20T13:42:30Z', '2015-08-28T14:17:18Z', '2015-08-28T14:22:24Z', '2015-08-28T14:23:44Z', '2015-08-28T14:25:44Z', '2015-08-28T14:35:57Z', '2015-08-28T14:37:49Z', '2015-08-31T10:54:51Z', '2015-08-31T10:55:39Z', '2015-08-31T10:55:53Z', '2015-08-31T11:07:34Z', '2015-08-31T11:08:29Z', '2015-08-31T11:09:41Z', '2015-09-07T10:53:16Z', '2015-09-07T11:00:12Z', '2015-09-07T11:01:31Z', '2015-09-07T11:03:04Z', '2015-09-07T11:03:55Z', '2015-09-07T11:04:49Z', '2015-09-07T11:05:48Z', '2015-09-07T11:09:56Z', '2015-09-07T11:11:28Z', '2015-09-07T11:13:44Z', '2015-09-07T11:15:04Z', '2015-09-07T11:15:20Z', '2015-09-07T14:52:15Z', '2015-09-14T16:35:28Z', '2015-09-21T18:32:57Z', '2015-09-21T18:41:30Z', '2015-09-21T19:05:13Z', '2015-09-21T19:06:25Z', '2015-09-22T15:37:35Z', '2016-01-22T11:35:16Z', '2016-01-22T11:37:40Z', '2016-01-22T11:38:31Z', '2016-01-22T11:38:40Z', '2016-01-22T12:54:30Z', '2016-01-22T12:58:02Z', '2016-01-22T12:58:34Z', '2016-01-22T13:11:02Z', '2016-01-22T13:15:21Z', '2016-01-22T13:16:02Z', '2016-01-22T13:17:34Z', '2016-01-22T13:17:45Z', '2016-01-22T13:21:51Z', '2016-01-27T15:03:51Z', '2016-01-27T15:06:31Z', '2016-01-27T15:07:16Z', '2016-01-27T15:08:04Z', '2016-01-27T15:24:39Z', '2016-01-27T15:50:03Z', '2016-01-27T18:43:36Z', '2016-01-28T16:08:58Z', '2016-01-28T16:11:10Z', '2016-01-28T19:44:41Z', '2016-01-28T19:50:51Z', '2016-01-28T19:51:02Z', '2016-01-28T19:51:25Z', '2016-01-28T20:02:19Z', '2016-02-03T20:04:43Z', '2016-02-03T20:04:43Z', '2016-02-03T20:08:10Z', '2016-02-03T20:15:57Z', '2016-02-03T20:17:45Z', '2016-02-03T20:18:55Z', '2016-02-03T20:21:30Z', '2016-02-03T20:24:21Z', '2016-02-03T20:40:05Z', '2016-02-04T11:00:28Z', '2016-02-04T11:16:07Z', '2016-02-04T11:18:02Z', '2016-02-04T11:26:51Z', '2016-02-04T11:32:38Z', '2016-02-04T11:37:23Z', '2016-02-04T11:38:38Z', '2016-02-04T11:49:33Z', '2016-02-04T11:52:43Z', '2016-02-04T11:56:31Z', '2016-02-04T11:58:36Z', '2016-02-04T12:00:20Z', '2016-02-04T12:00:52Z', '2016-02-04T12:05:29Z', '2016-02-04T12:08:58Z', '2016-02-04T12:10:25Z', '2016-02-04T12:10:45Z', '2016-02-04T12:33:11Z', '2016-02-04T12:33:47Z', '2016-02-04T12:34:45Z', '2016-02-04T12:36:47Z', '2016-02-04T17:29:21Z', '2016-02-04T17:33:58Z', '2016-02-04T17:35:10Z', '2016-02-04T17:36:02Z', '2016-02-04T17:38:10Z', '2016-02-05T09:24:30Z', '2016-02-05T09:39:38Z', '2016-02-05T10:01:25Z', '2016-02-05T11:10:54Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:32Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:47Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:58Z', '2016-02-05T11:35:02Z', '2016-02-05T11:38:15Z', '2016-02-05T12:21:57Z', '2016-02-05T12:22:43Z', '2016-02-05T12:27:07Z', '2016-02-05T12:28:39Z', '2016-02-05T12:29:05Z', '2016-02-05T12:44:54Z', '2016-02-06T14:59:53Z', '2016-02-06T15:05:35Z', '2016-02-06T15:06:08Z', '2016-02-06T15:06:28Z', '2016-02-06T15:10:00Z', '2016-02-06T15:11:56Z', '2016-02-06T15:13:27Z', '2016-02-06T15:14:36Z', '2016-02-06T15:14:44Z', '2016-02-06T15:25:29Z', '2016-02-08T15:35:24Z', '2016-02-09T16:55:58Z', '2016-02-09T16:56:18Z', '2016-02-09T17:28:36Z', '2016-02-09T17:30:00Z', '2016-02-09T17:31:21Z', '2016-02-09T17:31:38Z', '2016-02-10T15:25:38Z', '2016-02-10T15:26:00Z', '2016-02-10T15:26:24Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:28Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:47Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:52Z', '2016-02-10T15:28:12Z', '2016-02-10T15:28:31Z', '2016-02-10T15:29:21Z', '2016-02-10T15:29:50Z', '2016-02-10T15:30:25Z', '2016-02-10T15:31:04Z', '2016-02-10T15:32:04Z', '2016-02-10T15:32:26Z', '2016-02-10T15:34:23Z', '2016-02-10T15:36:01Z', '2016-02-15T20:06:02Z', '2016-02-15T20:08:57Z', '2016-02-15T20:24:47Z', '2016-02-16T12:15:14Z', '2016-02-16T12:17:51Z', '2016-02-16T12:27:58Z', '2016-02-16T12:32:44Z', '2016-02-16T12:34:05Z', '2016-02-16T12:36:37Z', '2016-02-16T12:38:31Z', '2016-02-16T12:49:25Z', '2016-02-16T12:55:00Z', '2016-02-16T12:57:06Z', '2016-02-16T16:15:23Z', '2016-02-18T11:00:45Z', '2016-02-18T11:03:27Z', '2016-02-19T13:14:21Z', '2016-02-19T13:16:17Z', '2016-02-19T14:41:47Z', '2016-02-19T14:42:19Z', '2016-02-19T14:47:18Z', '2016-02-19T14:52:42Z', '2016-02-19T14:55:26Z', '2016-02-19T15:00:21Z', '2016-02-19T15:06:37Z', '2016-02-19T15:10:56Z', '2016-02-19T15:11:20Z', '2016-02-19T15:12:04Z', '2016-02-19T15:12:33Z', '2016-02-19T15:12:56Z', '2016-02-19T15:13:04Z', '2016-02-19T15:13:19Z', '2016-02-19T15:13:48Z', '2016-02-19T15:14:49Z', '2016-02-19T15:16:20Z', '2016-02-19T15:16:52Z', '2016-02-19T15:22:53Z', '2016-02-19T15:32:57Z', '2016-02-19T15:33:11Z', '2016-02-19T15:34:47Z', '2016-02-19T15:37:29Z', '2016-02-19T15:38:25Z', '2016-02-19T15:38:38Z', '2016-02-19T15:39:20Z', '2016-02-19T15:40:59Z', '2016-02-19T15:47:14Z', '2016-02-19T15:49:40Z', '2016-02-19T15:50:12Z', '2016-02-19T15:50:55Z', '2016-02-19T15:58:47Z', '2016-02-19T16:00:52Z', '2016-02-19T16:01:39Z', '2016-02-19T16:02:13Z', '2016-02-19T16:02:24Z', '2016-02-19T16:08:01Z', '2016-02-19T16:08:21Z', '2016-02-19T16:13:06Z', '2016-02-19T16:13:19Z', '2016-02-19T16:13:34Z', '2016-02-19T16:15:14Z', '2016-02-19T16:15:59Z', '2016-02-19T16:16:23Z', '2016-02-19T16:17:44Z', '2016-02-19T16:18:16Z', '2016-02-19T16:19:49Z', '2016-02-19T16:21:27Z', '2016-02-19T16:22:53Z', '2016-02-19T16:23:06Z', '2016-02-19T16:23:29Z', '2016-02-19T16:28:59Z', '2016-02-19T16:30:13Z', '2016-02-19T16:31:27Z', '2016-02-19T16:32:45Z', '2016-02-19T17:27:40Z', '2016-02-19T17:27:55Z', '2016-02-19T17:32:36Z', '2016-02-20T14:03:58Z', '2016-02-20T14:04:50Z', '2016-02-20T14:05:35Z', '2016-02-20T14:07:01Z', '2016-02-20T14:08:13Z', '2016-02-20T14:09:50Z', '2016-02-20T14:10:14Z', '2016-02-20T14:49:24Z', '2016-02-20T14:49:33Z', '2016-02-20T17:19:02Z', '2016-02-20T17:33:52Z', '2016-02-22T11:25:22Z', '2016-02-22T11:27:08Z', '2016-02-22T11:27:38Z', '2016-02-26T17:26:01Z', '2016-02-26T17:26:12Z', '2016-02-26T17:26:23Z', '2016-02-26T17:40:15Z', '2016-02-26T17:40:25Z', '2016-02-26T17:43:16Z', '2016-02-26T17:44:12Z', '2016-02-26T17:44:38Z', '2016-02-26T17:45:11Z', '2016-02-26T17:45:34Z', '2016-02-26T17:46:08Z', '2016-02-26T17:46:38Z', '2016-02-26T17:48:11Z', '2016-02-26T19:07:36Z', '2016-02-27T15:15:28Z', '2016-02-27T17:35:31Z', '2016-02-29T13:32:43Z', '2016-03-08T19:12:25Z', '2016-03-08T19:14:37Z', '2016-03-09T11:25:32Z', '2016-04-13T16:23:53Z', '2016-04-13T16:24:45Z', '2016-04-13T16:25:20Z', '2016-04-13T16:25:27Z', '2016-04-13T16:33:58Z', '2016-04-13T17:33:33Z', '2016-04-13T17:40:58Z', '2016-04-13T17:48:01Z', '2016-04-13T17:49:24Z', '2016-04-13T17:55:34Z', '2016-04-13T17:59:54Z', '2016-04-13T18:01:41Z', '2016-04-13T18:04:38Z', '2016-04-13T18:05:23Z', '2016-04-13T18:05:45Z', '2016-04-13T18:05:58Z', '2016-04-13T18:06:54Z', '2016-04-13T18:07:41Z', '2016-04-13T18:08:00Z', '2016-04-13T18:10:38Z', '2016-04-13T18:11:39Z', '2016-04-13T18:12:27Z', '2016-04-13T18:14:39Z', '2016-04-13T18:15:30Z', '2016-04-13T18:15:47Z', '2016-04-13T18:41:30Z', '2016-04-13T18:42:53Z', '2016-04-13T18:44:03Z', '2016-04-15T17:34:02Z', '2016-04-15T18:02:57Z', '2016-04-15T19:33:26Z', '2016-04-19T14:35:52Z', '2016-04-19T14:46:34Z', '2016-04-19T14:47:07Z', '2016-04-19T14:47:26Z', 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version=1.5 dc:subject dc:title The Endangered Languages Archive at SOAS is creating a new archiving system that takes advantage of developments in web-based dcterms:created 2009-12-13T21:35:42Z dcterms:modified 2009-12-13T21:35:50Z meta:author David Nathan meta:creation-date 2009-12-13T21:35:42Z meta:keyword meta:save-date 2009-12-13T21:35:50Z modified 2009-12-13T21:35:50Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['3322', '3162', '3507', '3479', '2708', '3007', '1421', '1371', '3538', '3432', '2282'] pdf:docinfo:created 2009-12-13T21:35:42Z pdf:docinfo:creator David Nathan pdf:docinfo:creator_tool Acrobat PDFMaker 9.1 for Word pdf:docinfo:custom:Comments pdf:docinfo:custom:Company nonstop pdf:docinfo:custom:SourceModified D:20091213213439 pdf:docinfo:keywords pdf:docinfo:modified 2009-12-13T21:35:50Z pdf:docinfo:producer Acrobat Distiller 9.2.0 (Windows) pdf:docinfo:subject pdf:docinfo:title The Endangered Languages Archive at SOAS is creating a new archiving system that takes advantage of developments in web-based pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent true pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP true pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer Acrobat Distiller 9.2.0 (Windows) resourceName b'work_qrr5tu5w4jcuzcfxoyd3nb6yca.pdf' subject title The Endangered Languages Archive at SOAS is creating a new archiving system that takes advantage of developments in web-based xmp:CreatorTool Acrobat PDFMaker 9.1 for Word xmpMM:DocumentID uuid:628a754f-d7dd-44df-b732-d2d143465f92 xmpTPg:NPages 11 work_3mifxysn6jb35np3ddn5iatkue txt/../ent/work_3mifxysn6jb35np3ddn5iatkue.ent INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_qeqort2j2zgrtpf6drzvd7vhb4.pdf' === === id: work_ntu3w4a2rjhldcswld5cwjtjki author: Tobias Blanke title: Big Humanities Data Workshop at IEEE Big Data 2013 date: 2014 pages: extension: .htm txt: ./txt/work_ntu3w4a2rjhldcswld5cwjtjki.txt cache: ./cache/work_ntu3w4a2rjhldcswld5cwjtjki.htm Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type application/xhtml+xml; 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charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.html.HtmlParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 9 application-name   citation_author ['Antonio Barbeito', 'M. Painho', 'Pedro Cabral', "J. O'Neill"] citation_journal_title undefined citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 2017 citation_title Beyond Digital Human Body Atlases: Segmenting an Integrated 3D Topological Model of the Human Body dc:title Beyond Digital Human Body Atlases: Segmenting an Integrated 3D Topological Model of the Human Body | Semantic Scholar description The use of integrated models of the human body in three-dimensional environments enables the study of the anatomic structures with a high degree of interactivity and detail. The geographical information systems approach in building topological models allows overcoming certain limitations found in anatomical atlases. In this study, an integrated vector-raster 3D model, which defines the external surface of the human body, is expanded by adding the corresponding anatomical structures. The reconstruction of the anatomical structures begins with their segmentation, performed on transverse RGB images of the body. The expanded model, built with explicit topological features, enhances the functionality of the input model by optimizing the identification function and developing an inclusion analysis in 3D. The features of the expanded model allow exploring more efficiently the human body information and representation. msapplication-TileColor #FFFFFF msapplication-TileImage msapplication-square150x150logo msapplication-square310x310logo msapplication-square70x70logo msapplication-wide310x150logo og:description The use of integrated models of the human body in three-dimensional environments enables the study of the anatomic structures with a high degree of interactivity and detail. The geographical information systems approach in building topological models allows overcoming certain limitations found in anatomical atlases. In this study, an integrated vector-raster 3D model, which defines the external surface of the human body, is expanded by adding the corresponding anatomical structures. The reconstruction of the anatomical structures begins with their segmentation, performed on transverse RGB images of the body. The expanded model, built with explicit topological features, enhances the functionality of the input model by optimizing the identification function and developing an inclusion analysis in 3D. The features of the expanded model allow exploring more efficiently the human body information and representation. og:image og:image:height 582 og:image:secure_url ['', ''] og:image:width 1110 og:locale ['en_US', 'en_US'] og:title Beyond Digital Human Body Atlases: Segmenting an Integrated 3D Topological Model of the Human Body | Semantic Scholar og:type website resourceName b'work_qh2zkmobpjgqzilpxnxazt4uku.pdf' robots noarchive,noindex s2-ui-version 0a1ee7b640e58bf005fa3cbd97e8cba83bff3dc9 title Beyond Digital Human Body Atlases: Segmenting an Integrated 3D Topological Model of the Human Body | Semantic Scholar twitter:card summary_large_image twitter:description The use of integrated models of the human body in three-dimensional environments enables the study of the anatomic structures with a high degree of interactivity and detail. The geographical information systems approach in building topological models allows overcoming certain limitations found in anatomical atlases. In this study, an integrated vector-raster 3D model, which defines the external surface of the human body, is expanded by adding the corresponding anatomical structures. The reconstruction of the anatomical structures begins with their segmentation, performed on transverse RGB images of the body. The expanded model, built with explicit topological features, enhances the functionality of the input model by optimizing the identification function and developing an inclusion analysis in 3D. The features of the expanded model allow exploring more efficiently the human body information and representation. twitter:image ['', ''] twitter:site @allenai_org twitter:title Beyond Digital Human Body Atlases: Segmenting an Integrated 3D Topological Model of the Human Body | Semantic Scholar viewport width=device-width,initial-scale=1 INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_zpgxehkmwzbutegbwc4aykzzmi.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_ys7xnjpbzvayhhpgxecmjrelba txt/../ent/work_ys7xnjpbzvayhhpgxecmjrelba.ent work_2upg4spnnvcebki5mzn4y5git4 txt/../ent/work_2upg4spnnvcebki5mzn4y5git4.ent === === id: work_5udx6sbgkrgo7o3xbnmwclfid4 author: Lai-Tze Fan title: On the Value of Narratives in a Reflexive Digital Humanities date: 2018 pages: 30 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_5udx6sbgkrgo7o3xbnmwclfid4.txt cache: ./cache/work_5udx6sbgkrgo7o3xbnmwclfid4.pdf Author Lai-Tze Fan Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2018-03-27T16:17:25Z Last-Modified 2018-03-27T16:17:28Z Last-Save-Date 2018-03-27T16:17:28Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 81 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject 2018. 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"pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_b5i2fwqh2fhn3h37t24yvpnvpy' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_b5i2fwqh2fhn3h37t24yvpnvpy' work_ctryenwgpfgqnon4dn6z4b2yvq txt/../ent/work_ctryenwgpfgqnon4dn6z4b2yvq.ent work_kh4ev75fezgrjkmt6rwf4623um txt/../wrd/work_kh4ev75fezgrjkmt6rwf4623um.wrd work_c7o5k3xulncj5fmwptihyw54ca txt/../pos/work_c7o5k3xulncj5fmwptihyw54ca.pos work_xfl63gzwyver7no3exeunxmubi txt/../wrd/work_xfl63gzwyver7no3exeunxmubi.wrd work_rpx2ykzfkbcglbaofawoh5irua txt/../pos/work_rpx2ykzfkbcglbaofawoh5irua.pos work_xfl63gzwyver7no3exeunxmubi 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It is actually difficult to gain access to the objects scattered in numerous collections or to achieve high-quality images, not to mention that there are only a few specialists capable of documenting the objects. Generally, that is why there are only very few online databases dedicated to decorative arts. The Art Research Centre, Ritsumeikan University (Kyoto, Japan), has developed databases of various Japanese cultural assets,... msapplication-TileColor #FFFFFF msapplication-TileImage msapplication-square150x150logo msapplication-square310x310logo msapplication-square70x70logo msapplication-wide310x150logo og:description In Europe, Japanese ceramic and lacquer objects have been collected and used as interior decoration since the early seventeenth century. In the nineteenth century, the worldwide fashion for Japonisme generated an extensive trade in various Japanese decorative arts. Consequently, museums and private collections all over the world have rich holdings of Japanese decorative arts. Despite their popularity and profound influence on Western applied arts, the systematic research of Japanese decorative arts in Western collections is backward compared to the investigation of other art forms. It is actually difficult to gain access to the objects scattered in numerous collections or to achieve high-quality images, not to mention that there are only a few specialists capable of documenting the objects. Generally, that is why there are only very few online databases dedicated to decorative arts. The Art Research Centre, Ritsumeikan University (Kyoto, Japan), has developed databases of various Japanese cultural assets,... og:image og:image:height 582 og:image:secure_url ['', ''] og:image:width 1110 og:locale ['en_US', 'en_US'] og:title Digital archive project to catalogue exported Japanese decorative arts | Semantic Scholar og:type website resourceName b'work_ru2cqjn52zhkbngvj2oggosmli.pdf' robots noarchive,noindex s2-ui-version 0a1ee7b640e58bf005fa3cbd97e8cba83bff3dc9 title Digital archive project to catalogue exported Japanese decorative arts | Semantic Scholar twitter:card summary_large_image twitter:description In Europe, Japanese ceramic and lacquer objects have been collected and used as interior decoration since the early seventeenth century. In the nineteenth century, the worldwide fashion for Japonisme generated an extensive trade in various Japanese decorative arts. Consequently, museums and private collections all over the world have rich holdings of Japanese decorative arts. Despite their popularity and profound influence on Western applied arts, the systematic research of Japanese decorative arts in Western collections is backward compared to the investigation of other art forms. It is actually difficult to gain access to the objects scattered in numerous collections or to achieve high-quality images, not to mention that there are only a few specialists capable of documenting the objects. Generally, that is why there are only very few online databases dedicated to decorative arts. The Art Research Centre, Ritsumeikan University (Kyoto, Japan), has developed databases of various Japanese cultural assets,... twitter:image ['', ''] twitter:site @allenai_org twitter:title Digital archive project to catalogue exported Japanese decorative arts | Semantic Scholar viewport width=device-width,initial-scale=1 work_2fjnabij65dknn6bwzrt2slb3m txt/../wrd/work_2fjnabij65dknn6bwzrt2slb3m.wrd work_dfpsdyuuwbdalmxgrfz26at2bm txt/../ent/work_dfpsdyuuwbdalmxgrfz26at2bm.ent === === id: work_v2e2rurnzncldp2ftmabytyxjy author: Beatrice Alex title: Adapting the Edinburgh Geoparser for Historical Georeferencing date: 2015 pages: 25 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_v2e2rurnzncldp2ftmabytyxjy.txt cache: ./cache/work_v2e2rurnzncldp2ftmabytyxjy.pdf Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2014-07-31T10:38:25Z Last-Modified 2015-07-08T15:11:19Z Last-Save-Date 2015-07-08T15:11:19Z PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.3-1.40.12 (TeX Live 2011) kpathsea version 6.0.1 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Travis citation_journal_title undefined citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 2010 citation_title Abstract Machine - Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for literary and cultural studies: 'Mapping Kavanagh' dc:title Abstract Machine - Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for literary and cultural studies: 'Mapping Kavanagh' | Semantic Scholar description Drawing upon previous theoretical and practical work in historical and qualitative applications of Geographical Information Systems (GIS), this paper, in Giles Deleuze and Felix Guattari's terminology, conceptualizes GIS as ‘an abstract machine’ which plays a ‘piloting role’ which does not ‘function to represent’ something real, but rather ‘constructs a real which is yet to come.’ To illustrate this digital humanities mapping methodology, the essay examines Irish writer Patrick Kavanagh's novel The Green Fool (1938) and epic poem The Great Hunger (1946) and their respective contrasting topophilic and topophobic renderings of landscape, identity and sense of place under the lens M.M. Bakhtin's ‘Historical Poetics’ (chronotope) to illuminate GIS's ability to engage in spatio-discursive visualization and analysis. The conceptualizations and practices discussed in this paper reconsider GIS software/hardware/techniques as a means to engage subjects of concern to literary and cultural studies commensurate with ... msapplication-TileColor #FFFFFF msapplication-TileImage msapplication-square150x150logo msapplication-square310x310logo msapplication-square70x70logo msapplication-wide310x150logo og:description Drawing upon previous theoretical and practical work in historical and qualitative applications of Geographical Information Systems (GIS), this paper, in Giles Deleuze and Felix Guattari's terminology, conceptualizes GIS as ‘an abstract machine’ which plays a ‘piloting role’ which does not ‘function to represent’ something real, but rather ‘constructs a real which is yet to come.’ To illustrate this digital humanities mapping methodology, the essay examines Irish writer Patrick Kavanagh's novel The Green Fool (1938) and epic poem The Great Hunger (1946) and their respective contrasting topophilic and topophobic renderings of landscape, identity and sense of place under the lens M.M. Bakhtin's ‘Historical Poetics’ (chronotope) to illuminate GIS's ability to engage in spatio-discursive visualization and analysis. The conceptualizations and practices discussed in this paper reconsider GIS software/hardware/techniques as a means to engage subjects of concern to literary and cultural studies commensurate with ... og:image og:image:height 582 og:image:secure_url ['', ''] og:image:width 1110 og:locale ['en_US', 'en_US'] og:title Abstract Machine - Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for literary and cultural studies: 'Mapping Kavanagh' | Semantic Scholar og:type website resourceName b'work_6ezeddlohnerzdeq7zfm6f2md4.pdf' robots noarchive,noindex s2-ui-version 0a1ee7b640e58bf005fa3cbd97e8cba83bff3dc9 title Abstract Machine - Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for literary and cultural studies: 'Mapping Kavanagh' | Semantic Scholar twitter:card summary_large_image twitter:description Drawing upon previous theoretical and practical work in historical and qualitative applications of Geographical Information Systems (GIS), this paper, in Giles Deleuze and Felix Guattari's terminology, conceptualizes GIS as ‘an abstract machine’ which plays a ‘piloting role’ which does not ‘function to represent’ something real, but rather ‘constructs a real which is yet to come.’ To illustrate this digital humanities mapping methodology, the essay examines Irish writer Patrick Kavanagh's novel The Green Fool (1938) and epic poem The Great Hunger (1946) and their respective contrasting topophilic and topophobic renderings of landscape, identity and sense of place under the lens M.M. Bakhtin's ‘Historical Poetics’ (chronotope) to illuminate GIS's ability to engage in spatio-discursive visualization and analysis. The conceptualizations and practices discussed in this paper reconsider GIS software/hardware/techniques as a means to engage subjects of concern to literary and cultural studies commensurate with ... twitter:image ['', ''] twitter:site @allenai_org twitter:title Abstract Machine - Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for literary and cultural studies: 'Mapping Kavanagh' | Semantic Scholar viewport width=device-width,initial-scale=1 work_wk4yvwi4e5dxfgx6yq57jf6fj4 txt/../wrd/work_wk4yvwi4e5dxfgx6yq57jf6fj4.wrd work_fanwgwngu5d65lyl2rdbpkfbze txt/../wrd/work_fanwgwngu5d65lyl2rdbpkfbze.wrd work_2x7eubduorbqbdrhgmyblfqr4y txt/../pos/work_2x7eubduorbqbdrhgmyblfqr4y.pos work_ra6kyidqljgznisz52owi57she txt/../ent/work_ra6kyidqljgznisz52owi57she.ent === === id: work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4 author: Anne McGrail title: Bringing digital humanities to the community college and vice versa date: 2017 pages: 41 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4.txt cache: ./cache/work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4.pdf Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2014-03-20T01:54:07Z Last-Modified 2014-03-20T01:54:07Z Last-Save-Date 2014-03-20T01:54:07Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 138 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2014-03-20T01:54:07Z date 2014-03-20T01:54:07Z dc:format application/pdf; version=1.4 dcterms:created 2014-03-20T01:54:07Z dcterms:modified 2014-03-20T01:54:07Z meta:creation-date 2014-03-20T01:54:07Z meta:save-date 2014-03-20T01:54:07Z modified 2014-03-20T01:54:07Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.4 pdf:charsPerPage ['234', '233', '2216', '1019', '1812', '3884', '3083', '4075', '1164', '1502', '3766', '3214', '3223', '3506', '3174', '2742', '1365', '160', '1990', '3012', '2749', '2509', '4092', '2567', '4150', '3235', '3981', '248', '2426', '2571', '870', '3949', '3998', '1465', '2876', '1242', '3675', '1173', '2311', '1636', '434'] pdf:docinfo:created 2014-03-20T01:54:07Z pdf:docinfo:modified 2014-03-20T01:54:07Z pdf:docinfo:producer DynamicPDF for .NET v7.0.1.40 (Build 21224) pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent true pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer DynamicPDF for .NET v7.0.1.40 (Build 21224) resourceName b'work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4.pdf' xmpTPg:NPages 41 work_wk4yvwi4e5dxfgx6yq57jf6fj4 txt/../pos/work_wk4yvwi4e5dxfgx6yq57jf6fj4.pos INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_bp5h7fwmhra6lei67xdw27i6by.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_2fjnabij65dknn6bwzrt2slb3m txt/../ent/work_2fjnabij65dknn6bwzrt2slb3m.ent work_fanwgwngu5d65lyl2rdbpkfbze txt/../pos/work_fanwgwngu5d65lyl2rdbpkfbze.pos work_wcns7ioekrcpdfr7fn3vrt6yka txt/../ent/work_wcns7ioekrcpdfr7fn3vrt6yka.ent === === id: work_ofey4ugl35gn7p34zxhrb75evm author: Alessandra Caggiano title: Sustainability Enhancement of a Turbine Vane Manufacturing Cell through Digital Simulation-Based Design date: 2016 pages: 17 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_ofey4ugl35gn7p34zxhrb75evm.txt cache: ./cache/work_ofey4ugl35gn7p34zxhrb75evm.pdf Author Alessandra Caggiano, Adelaide Marzano and Roberto Teti Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2016-09-29T02:01:07Z Keywords manufacturing systems; sustainable development; simulation; discrete event simulation; 3D digital human modelling; energy management; ergonomics Last-Modified 2016-09-29T02:01:07Z Last-Save-Date 2016-09-29T02:01:07Z PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.15 (TeX Live 2014/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.0 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 138 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Modern manufacturing systems should satisfy emerging needs related to sustainable development. The design of sustainable manufacturing systems can be valuably supported by simulation, traditionally employed mainly for time and cost reduction. In this paper, a multi-purpose digital simulation approach is proposed to deal with sustainable manufacturing systems design through Discrete Event Simulation (DES) and 3D digital human modelling. DES models integrated with data on power consumption of the manufacturing equipment are utilized to simulate different scenarios with the aim to improve productivity as well as energy efficiency, avoiding resource and energy waste. 3D simulation based on digital human modelling is employed to assess human factors issues related to ergonomics and safety of manufacturing systems. The approach is implemented for the sustainability enhancement of a real manufacturing cell of the aerospace industry, automated by robotic deburring. Alternative scenarios are proposed and simulated, obtaining a significant improvement in terms of energy efficiency (-87%) for the new deburring cell, and a reduction of energy consumption around -69% for the coordinate measuring machine, with high potential annual energy cost savings and increased energy efficiency. Moreover, the simulation-based ergonomic assessment of human operator postures allows 25% improvement of the workcell ergonomic index. created 2016-09-29T02:01:07Z creator Alessandra Caggiano, Adelaide Marzano and Roberto Teti date 2016-09-29T02:01:07Z dc:creator Alessandra Caggiano, Adelaide Marzano and Roberto Teti dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject manufacturing systems; sustainable development; simulation; discrete event simulation; 3D digital human modelling; energy management; ergonomics dc:title Sustainability Enhancement of a Turbine Vane Manufacturing Cell through Digital Simulation-Based Design dcterms:created 2016-09-29T02:01:07Z dcterms:modified 2016-09-29T02:01:07Z meta:author Alessandra Caggiano, Adelaide Marzano and Roberto Teti meta:creation-date 2016-09-29T02:01:07Z meta:keyword manufacturing systems; sustainable development; simulation; discrete event simulation; 3D digital human modelling; energy management; ergonomics meta:save-date 2016-09-29T02:01:07Z modified 2016-09-29T02:01:07Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['1614', '2975', '3849', '3526', '5134', '6425', '3657', '4856', '3687', '3529', '3505', '4807', '5726', '5811', '3786', '3853', '2387'] pdf:docinfo:created 2016-09-29T02:01:07Z pdf:docinfo:creator Alessandra Caggiano, Adelaide Marzano and Roberto Teti pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.15 (TeX Live 2014/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.0 pdf:docinfo:keywords manufacturing systems; sustainable development; simulation; discrete event simulation; 3D digital human modelling; energy management; ergonomics pdf:docinfo:modified 2016-09-29T02:01:07Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.15 pdf:docinfo:subject Modern manufacturing systems should satisfy emerging needs related to sustainable development. The design of sustainable manufacturing systems can be valuably supported by simulation, traditionally employed mainly for time and cost reduction. In this paper, a multi-purpose digital simulation approach is proposed to deal with sustainable manufacturing systems design through Discrete Event Simulation (DES) and 3D digital human modelling. DES models integrated with data on power consumption of the manufacturing equipment are utilized to simulate different scenarios with the aim to improve productivity as well as energy efficiency, avoiding resource and energy waste. 3D simulation based on digital human modelling is employed to assess human factors issues related to ergonomics and safety of manufacturing systems. The approach is implemented for the sustainability enhancement of a real manufacturing cell of the aerospace industry, automated by robotic deburring. Alternative scenarios are proposed and simulated, obtaining a significant improvement in terms of energy efficiency (-87%) for the new deburring cell, and a reduction of energy consumption around -69% for the coordinate measuring machine, with high potential annual energy cost savings and increased energy efficiency. Moreover, the simulation-based ergonomic assessment of human operator postures allows 25% improvement of the workcell ergonomic index. pdf:docinfo:title Sustainability Enhancement of a Turbine Vane Manufacturing Cell through Digital Simulation-Based Design pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '4', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.15 resourceName b'work_ofey4ugl35gn7p34zxhrb75evm.pdf' subject Modern manufacturing systems should satisfy emerging needs related to sustainable development. The design of sustainable manufacturing systems can be valuably supported by simulation, traditionally employed mainly for time and cost reduction. In this paper, a multi-purpose digital simulation approach is proposed to deal with sustainable manufacturing systems design through Discrete Event Simulation (DES) and 3D digital human modelling. DES models integrated with data on power consumption of the manufacturing equipment are utilized to simulate different scenarios with the aim to improve productivity as well as energy efficiency, avoiding resource and energy waste. 3D simulation based on digital human modelling is employed to assess human factors issues related to ergonomics and safety of manufacturing systems. The approach is implemented for the sustainability enhancement of a real manufacturing cell of the aerospace industry, automated by robotic deburring. Alternative scenarios are proposed and simulated, obtaining a significant improvement in terms of energy efficiency (-87%) for the new deburring cell, and a reduction of energy consumption around -69% for the coordinate measuring machine, with high potential annual energy cost savings and increased energy efficiency. Moreover, the simulation-based ergonomic assessment of human operator postures allows 25% improvement of the workcell ergonomic index. title Sustainability Enhancement of a Turbine Vane Manufacturing Cell through Digital Simulation-Based Design trapped False xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 17 work_yhcrp5ma7rh4nltoxdzsabrzai txt/../ent/work_yhcrp5ma7rh4nltoxdzsabrzai.ent INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_2shljhr72nftlgqf5gozy53zfi.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_c77a4gghk5b2jly5kuxb4ixufm.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_m2ftkvfxyjcepitnjnmzhnjt7y txt/../ent/work_m2ftkvfxyjcepitnjnmzhnjt7y.ent === === id: work_yuoolwn7svdxljk77bhmn37hni author: Akihiro Tsukamoto title: Unfolding the landscape drawing method ofRakuchū Rakugai Zuscreen paintings in a GIS environment date: 2009 pages: extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_yuoolwn7svdxljk77bhmn37hni.txt cache: ./cache/work_yuoolwn7svdxljk77bhmn37hni.pdf Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Language en Content-Type text/html; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.html.HtmlParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 6 application-name   citation_author Akihiro Tsukamoto citation_journal_title undefined citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 2009 citation_title Unfolding the landscape drawing method of Rakuchū Rakugai Zu screen paintings in a GIS environment dc:title [PDF] Unfolding the landscape drawing method of Rakuchū Rakugai Zu screen paintings in a GIS environment | Semantic Scholar description In this paper, I propose a new methodology for analysing landscape drawing methods using a GIS. The subject of my analysis is the genre of Japanese screen paintings known as rakuchū rakugai zu, created between the 16th and 18th centuries. Rakuchū rakugai zu provide bird's-eye views of the then-capital city of Kyoto, including buildings, natural features, and human activities. The methodology introduced here uses GIS spatial analysis functions to scan the painting surface onto a survey coordinate grid based on the relative positions of landmarks in the painting. The analytic sequence is as follows: (1) derive coordinate values for landmarks both on the painting and on a survey coordinate grid; (2) generate a link table from these two point-data sets; (3) use the projective transformation and rubber sheeting techniques to project the painting surface onto the survey coordinate grid; and (4) project the areas of the rubber sheet-derived polygons onto the painting. This process gives visual representation to ... msapplication-TileColor #FFFFFF msapplication-TileImage msapplication-square150x150logo msapplication-square310x310logo msapplication-square70x70logo msapplication-wide310x150logo og:description In this paper, I propose a new methodology for analysing landscape drawing methods using a GIS. The subject of my analysis is the genre of Japanese screen paintings known as rakuchū rakugai zu, created between the 16th and 18th centuries. Rakuchū rakugai zu provide bird's-eye views of the then-capital city of Kyoto, including buildings, natural features, and human activities. The methodology introduced here uses GIS spatial analysis functions to scan the painting surface onto a survey coordinate grid based on the relative positions of landmarks in the painting. The analytic sequence is as follows: (1) derive coordinate values for landmarks both on the painting and on a survey coordinate grid; (2) generate a link table from these two point-data sets; (3) use the projective transformation and rubber sheeting techniques to project the painting surface onto the survey coordinate grid; and (4) project the areas of the rubber sheet-derived polygons onto the painting. 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The methodology introduced here uses GIS spatial analysis functions to scan the painting surface onto a survey coordinate grid based on the relative positions of landmarks in the painting. The analytic sequence is as follows: (1) derive coordinate values for landmarks both on the painting and on a survey coordinate grid; (2) generate a link table from these two point-data sets; (3) use the projective transformation and rubber sheeting techniques to project the painting surface onto the survey coordinate grid; and (4) project the areas of the rubber sheet-derived polygons onto the painting. This process gives visual representation to ... twitter:image ['', ''] twitter:site @allenai_org twitter:title [PDF] Unfolding the landscape drawing method of Rakuchū Rakugai Zu screen paintings in a GIS environment | Semantic Scholar viewport width=device-width,initial-scale=1 === === id: work_2sfmwbbrdfflznayz2scykzqqq author: Charles H. 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"pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_q5mcdbdde5d4fayz77f2ghyseu' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_q5mcdbdde5d4fayz77f2ghyseu' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_6fe3wiohwvaknjow5afof3i6gi.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' work_x3cwidxhhvbzbo5z3qq7bjcb6y txt/../wrd/work_x3cwidxhhvbzbo5z3qq7bjcb6y.wrd work_sr2z2fcg25f2dokho4nyhmjap4 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Turin citation_journal_title undefined citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 2015 citation_title Devil in The Digital: Ambivalent Results in an Object‐Based Teaching Course dc:title [PDF] Devil in The Digital: Ambivalent Results in an Object‐Based Teaching Course | Semantic Scholar description In 2013, I piloted a course in which students used Web-based tools to explore underdocumented collections of Himalayan materials at Yale University. Through class-based research and contextualization, I set students the goal of augmenting existing metadata and designing media-rich, virtual tours of the collections that could be incorporated into the sparse catalogue holdings held within the library system. The process was experimental and had mixed results, as this article documents. The class provided an opportunity for undergraduate students from any discipline to work with objects and primary materials, requiring them to evaluate different sources of information, value, and legitimacy. Learning outcomes were nontraditional and intentionally underscripted. The collaborative and hands-on approaches toward digitization that de-emphasized the authority of the instructor were unsettling to some students. [digital humanities, mobile classroom, critical pedagogy, material culture, Himalaya] msapplication-TileColor #FFFFFF msapplication-TileImage msapplication-square150x150logo msapplication-square310x310logo msapplication-square70x70logo msapplication-wide310x150logo og:description In 2013, I piloted a course in which students used Web-based tools to explore underdocumented collections of Himalayan materials at Yale University. Through class-based research and contextualization, I set students the goal of augmenting existing metadata and designing media-rich, virtual tours of the collections that could be incorporated into the sparse catalogue holdings held within the library system. The process was experimental and had mixed results, as this article documents. The class provided an opportunity for undergraduate students from any discipline to work with objects and primary materials, requiring them to evaluate different sources of information, value, and legitimacy. Learning outcomes were nontraditional and intentionally underscripted. The collaborative and hands-on approaches toward digitization that de-emphasized the authority of the instructor were unsettling to some students. 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Through class-based research and contextualization, I set students the goal of augmenting existing metadata and designing media-rich, virtual tours of the collections that could be incorporated into the sparse catalogue holdings held within the library system. The process was experimental and had mixed results, as this article documents. The class provided an opportunity for undergraduate students from any discipline to work with objects and primary materials, requiring them to evaluate different sources of information, value, and legitimacy. Learning outcomes were nontraditional and intentionally underscripted. The collaborative and hands-on approaches toward digitization that de-emphasized the authority of the instructor were unsettling to some students. [digital humanities, mobile classroom, critical pedagogy, material culture, Himalaya] twitter:image ['', ''] twitter:site @allenai_org twitter:title [PDF] Devil in The Digital: Ambivalent Results in an Object‐Based Teaching Course | Semantic Scholar viewport width=device-width,initial-scale=1 work_vlgk4b532jgcbpiyxi5s2b2t6m txt/../pos/work_vlgk4b532jgcbpiyxi5s2b2t6m.pos INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_mrj66svz25cqhnlecuw2eaeyzy.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_dyvz74kqyjb6hnzcol4jrnqr6y txt/../ent/work_dyvz74kqyjb6hnzcol4jrnqr6y.ent work_27yesv3dzbd3fkwljmlxvksexq txt/../pos/work_27yesv3dzbd3fkwljmlxvksexq.pos work_eegwbnm2wff7hb5di2ihomq3ki txt/../ent/work_eegwbnm2wff7hb5di2ihomq3ki.ent work_toed6umk4rhkhdnwdnxyy4jitm txt/../ent/work_toed6umk4rhkhdnwdnxyy4jitm.ent work_clxcyxc3zjc5bgw5iwhil6yzzi txt/../ent/work_clxcyxc3zjc5bgw5iwhil6yzzi.ent === === id: work_bp5h7fwmhra6lei67xdw27i6by author: Shunfu Hu title: Web-based Multimedia Mapping for Spatial Analysis and Visualization in the Digital Humanities: a Case Study of Language Documentation in Nepal date: 2018 pages: 14 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_bp5h7fwmhra6lei67xdw27i6by.txt cache: ./cache/work_bp5h7fwmhra6lei67xdw27i6by.pdf Author ['Shunfu Hu', 'Brajesh Karna', 'Kristine Hildebrandt'] Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2018-06-05T07:04:12Z Keywords Multimedia mapping,Spatial analysis,Visualization,Digital humanities,Language documentation,WWW Last-Modified 2018-06-06T20:09:27Z Last-Save-Date 2018-06-06T20:09:27Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 221 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject J geovis spat anal, doi:10.1007/s41651-017-0012-4 created 2018-06-05T07:04:12Z creator ['Shunfu Hu', 'Brajesh Karna', 'Kristine Hildebrandt'] date 2018-06-06T20:09:27Z dc:creator ['Shunfu Hu', 'Brajesh Karna', 'Kristine Hildebrandt'] dc:description J geovis spat anal, doi:10.1007/s41651-017-0012-4 dc:format ['application/pdf; version="A-2b"', 'application/pdf; version=1.4'] dc:language EN dc:subject Multimedia mapping,Spatial analysis,Visualization,Digital humanities,Language documentation,WWW dc:title Web-based Multimedia Mapping for Spatial Analysis and Visualization in the Digital Humanities: a Case Study of Language Documentation in Nepal dcterms:created 2018-06-05T07:04:12Z dcterms:modified 2018-06-06T20:09:27Z description J geovis spat anal, doi:10.1007/s41651-017-0012-4 language EN meta:author ['Shunfu Hu', 'Brajesh Karna', 'Kristine Hildebrandt'] meta:creation-date 2018-06-05T07:04:12Z meta:keyword Multimedia mapping,Spatial analysis,Visualization,Digital humanities,Language documentation,WWW meta:save-date 2018-06-06T20:09:27Z modified 2018-06-06T20:09:27Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.4 pdf:charsPerPage ['3735', '5404', '5035', '1768', '1237', '1272', '452', '2189', '2240', '2217', '1145', '5024', '6033', '1199'] pdf:docinfo:created 2018-06-05T07:04:12Z pdf:docinfo:creator Shunfu Hu pdf:docinfo:creator_tool Arbortext Advanced Print Publisher 9.1.440/W Unicode pdf:docinfo:keywords Multimedia mapping,Spatial analysis,Visualization,Digital humanities,Language documentation,WWW pdf:docinfo:modified 2018-06-06T20:09:27Z pdf:docinfo:producer Acrobat Distiller 9.0.0 (Windows) pdf:docinfo:subject J geovis spat anal, doi:10.1007/s41651-017-0012-4 pdf:docinfo:title Web-based Multimedia Mapping for Spatial Analysis and Visualization in the Digital Humanities: a Case Study of Language Documentation in Nepal pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP true pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] pdfa:PDFVersion A-2b pdfaid:conformance B pdfaid:part 2 producer Acrobat Distiller 9.0.0 (Windows) resourceName b'work_bp5h7fwmhra6lei67xdw27i6by.pdf' subject J geovis spat anal, doi:10.1007/s41651-017-0012-4 title Web-based Multimedia Mapping for Spatial Analysis and Visualization in the Digital Humanities: a Case Study of Language Documentation in Nepal xmp:CreatorTool Arbortext Advanced Print Publisher 9.1.440/W Unicode xmpMM:DocumentID uuid:94a2941e-748d-494e-842e-b491e245638f xmpMM:History:Action converted xmpMM:History:InstanceID uuid:534af02b-6979-4a18-bc79-08eb89f0daad xmpMM:History:SoftwareAgent pdfToolbox xmpMM:History:When 2018-06-07T04:09:26Z xmpTPg:NPages 14 work_3ge2uucuafeonlhyw5hgv4p6ra txt/../ent/work_3ge2uucuafeonlhyw5hgv4p6ra.ent work_wig62yolerg4dluyewtciwpyhe txt/../pos/work_wig62yolerg4dluyewtciwpyhe.pos === === id: work_2shljhr72nftlgqf5gozy53zfi author: Ted Sicker title: Digital Humanities for Lifelong Learners date: 2017 pages: 41 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_2shljhr72nftlgqf5gozy53zfi.txt cache: ./cache/work_2shljhr72nftlgqf5gozy53zfi.pdf Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2016-03-23T20:48:30Z Last-Modified 2016-03-23T20:48:30Z Last-Save-Date 2016-03-23T20:48:30Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 134 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2016-03-23T20:48:30Z date 2016-03-23T20:48:30Z dc:format application/pdf; 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Thomas Ewing title: Will It Come Here? Using Digital Humanities Tools to Explore Medical Understanding during the Russian Flu Epidemic, 1889–90 date: 2017 pages: extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_ju52ryvefnhpngf2a3vvzbrpfu.txt cache: ./cache/work_ju52ryvefnhpngf2a3vvzbrpfu.pdf Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Language en Content-Type text/html; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.html.HtmlParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 6 application-name   citation_author E. Thomas Ewing citation_journal_title undefined citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 2017 citation_title Will It Come Here? Using Digital Humanities Tools to Explore Medical Understanding during the Russian Flu Epidemic, 1889–90 dc:title [PDF] Will It Come Here? Using Digital Humanities Tools to Explore Medical Understanding during the Russian Flu Epidemic, 1889–90 | Semantic Scholar description On December 18, 1889, the Detroit Free Press asked an intriguing question in the headline: ‘Will It Come Here?’1 The ‘It’ in the headline was the so-called ‘Russian Flu’, an outbreak of influenza that was first noticed on a global scale in St Petersburg, the capital of Russia.2 As this disease spread across Europe, American medical authorities as well as the popular press expressed increasing concern about whether the disease would cross the Atlantic and reach the United States.3 To answer this question, newspaper reporters all over the country, as in this Detroit Free Press article, turned to local authorities, doctors and physicians from their cities, who were asked to share their opinion about influenza. In this same period, many medical journals published editorials commenting on the spread of the disease, the likely course of further development and the means for preventing or treating outbreaks. This paper examines comments by local doctors published in the Detroit Free Press and one editorial published in Medical Age, a semi-monthly journal also published in Detroit, as a way to introduce a broader research project engaged in three innovative methods that link the digital humanities and medical history: comparing medical reporting in daily newspapers and medical journals to explore connections across local, regional, national and international levels; combining traditional historical methods of close reading with new tools available for large-scale textual analysis; and developing methods that engage undergraduate students as research collaborators at every stage of the process. A close reading of the Detroit Free Press article of December 18 cited above reveals the complex ways in which information about the Russian flu came to doctors, their processes for making sense of diverse information sources and their role in interpreting that information for public dissemination. The first doctor quoted in the article, Dr Donald Maclean, stated that the disease could be communicated from one person to another, and thus it might spread to Detroit, and that, while influenza was rarely fatal, it should not be disregarded. Dr T.A. McGraw was ‘somewhat skeptical’ about reports of influenza in New York City, because whenever many cases are reported in newspapers, people assume that all victims suffer from the same disease. McGraw challenged the theory that influenza microbes were blown from place to place on the grounds that ‘the general direction of the wind is from west to east, while the influenza comes here from the western world’. Instead of being carried by the wind, McGraw declared, ‘People bring it in their clothes.’ Regardless of how the disease was transmitted, according to McGraw, Detroiters should not ‘fear any epidemic of this sort’, but should ‘treat it carefully’, as even though it was ‘seldom fatal’, it was dangerous to ‘aged and sickly people’ and can even give ‘a strong man a pretty severe attack’. Finally, Detroit physician Dr B.P. Brodie had not heard of msapplication-TileColor #FFFFFF msapplication-TileImage msapplication-square150x150logo msapplication-square310x310logo msapplication-square70x70logo msapplication-wide310x150logo og:description On December 18, 1889, the Detroit Free Press asked an intriguing question in the headline: ‘Will It Come Here?’1 The ‘It’ in the headline was the so-called ‘Russian Flu’, an outbreak of influenza that was first noticed on a global scale in St Petersburg, the capital of Russia.2 As this disease spread across Europe, American medical authorities as well as the popular press expressed increasing concern about whether the disease would cross the Atlantic and reach the United States.3 To answer this question, newspaper reporters all over the country, as in this Detroit Free Press article, turned to local authorities, doctors and physicians from their cities, who were asked to share their opinion about influenza. In this same period, many medical journals published editorials commenting on the spread of the disease, the likely course of further development and the means for preventing or treating outbreaks. This paper examines comments by local doctors published in the Detroit Free Press and one editorial published in Medical Age, a semi-monthly journal also published in Detroit, as a way to introduce a broader research project engaged in three innovative methods that link the digital humanities and medical history: comparing medical reporting in daily newspapers and medical journals to explore connections across local, regional, national and international levels; combining traditional historical methods of close reading with new tools available for large-scale textual analysis; and developing methods that engage undergraduate students as research collaborators at every stage of the process. A close reading of the Detroit Free Press article of December 18 cited above reveals the complex ways in which information about the Russian flu came to doctors, their processes for making sense of diverse information sources and their role in interpreting that information for public dissemination. The first doctor quoted in the article, Dr Donald Maclean, stated that the disease could be communicated from one person to another, and thus it might spread to Detroit, and that, while influenza was rarely fatal, it should not be disregarded. Dr T.A. McGraw was ‘somewhat skeptical’ about reports of influenza in New York City, because whenever many cases are reported in newspapers, people assume that all victims suffer from the same disease. McGraw challenged the theory that influenza microbes were blown from place to place on the grounds that ‘the general direction of the wind is from west to east, while the influenza comes here from the western world’. Instead of being carried by the wind, McGraw declared, ‘People bring it in their clothes.’ Regardless of how the disease was transmitted, according to McGraw, Detroiters should not ‘fear any epidemic of this sort’, but should ‘treat it carefully’, as even though it was ‘seldom fatal’, it was dangerous to ‘aged and sickly people’ and can even give ‘a strong man a pretty severe attack’. Finally, Detroit physician Dr B.P. Brodie had not heard of og:image og:image:height 582 og:image:secure_url ['', ''] og:image:width 1110 og:locale ['en_US', 'en_US'] og:title [PDF] Will It Come Here? Using Digital Humanities Tools to Explore Medical Understanding during the Russian Flu Epidemic, 1889–90 | Semantic Scholar og:type website resourceName b'work_ju52ryvefnhpngf2a3vvzbrpfu.pdf' robots noarchive,noindex s2-ui-version 0a1ee7b640e58bf005fa3cbd97e8cba83bff3dc9 title [PDF] Will It Come Here? Using Digital Humanities Tools to Explore Medical Understanding during the Russian Flu Epidemic, 1889–90 | Semantic Scholar twitter:card summary_large_image twitter:description On December 18, 1889, the Detroit Free Press asked an intriguing question in the headline: ‘Will It Come Here?’1 The ‘It’ in the headline was the so-called ‘Russian Flu’, an outbreak of influenza that was first noticed on a global scale in St Petersburg, the capital of Russia.2 As this disease spread across Europe, American medical authorities as well as the popular press expressed increasing concern about whether the disease would cross the Atlantic and reach the United States.3 To answer this question, newspaper reporters all over the country, as in this Detroit Free Press article, turned to local authorities, doctors and physicians from their cities, who were asked to share their opinion about influenza. In this same period, many medical journals published editorials commenting on the spread of the disease, the likely course of further development and the means for preventing or treating outbreaks. This paper examines comments by local doctors published in the Detroit Free Press and one editorial published in Medical Age, a semi-monthly journal also published in Detroit, as a way to introduce a broader research project engaged in three innovative methods that link the digital humanities and medical history: comparing medical reporting in daily newspapers and medical journals to explore connections across local, regional, national and international levels; combining traditional historical methods of close reading with new tools available for large-scale textual analysis; and developing methods that engage undergraduate students as research collaborators at every stage of the process. A close reading of the Detroit Free Press article of December 18 cited above reveals the complex ways in which information about the Russian flu came to doctors, their processes for making sense of diverse information sources and their role in interpreting that information for public dissemination. The first doctor quoted in the article, Dr Donald Maclean, stated that the disease could be communicated from one person to another, and thus it might spread to Detroit, and that, while influenza was rarely fatal, it should not be disregarded. Dr T.A. McGraw was ‘somewhat skeptical’ about reports of influenza in New York City, because whenever many cases are reported in newspapers, people assume that all victims suffer from the same disease. McGraw challenged the theory that influenza microbes were blown from place to place on the grounds that ‘the general direction of the wind is from west to east, while the influenza comes here from the western world’. Instead of being carried by the wind, McGraw declared, ‘People bring it in their clothes.’ Regardless of how the disease was transmitted, according to McGraw, Detroiters should not ‘fear any epidemic of this sort’, but should ‘treat it carefully’, as even though it was ‘seldom fatal’, it was dangerous to ‘aged and sickly people’ and can even give ‘a strong man a pretty severe attack’. Finally, Detroit physician Dr B.P. Brodie had not heard of twitter:image ['', ''] twitter:site @allenai_org twitter:title [PDF] Will It Come Here? 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Murmann', 'E. Homburg', 'R. Geven', 'Y. S. Bermiss', 'A. Forgione'] citation_journal_title undefined citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 2007 citation_title Automatic Coding of Printed Materials dc:title [PDF] Automatic Coding of Printed Materials | Semantic Scholar description The paper presents a complete method for using automatic techniques to code printed text pages. It involves three automatic steps and one or two steps of manual corrections to obtain fully accurate results. We discovered that present-day consumer digital cameras are much better than high-end scanners to obtain pictures of printed pages quickly and without the wear and tear associated with scanners. We also found that high-end ($370) OCR software is much more cost-effective to achieve accurate text recognition and to process large amounts of data. We also describe how researchers can write a computer program for classifying automatically non-uniform data. We provide detailed instructions for each step in the automatic coding method so that other researchers can readily copy it. msapplication-TileColor #FFFFFF msapplication-TileImage msapplication-square150x150logo msapplication-square310x310logo msapplication-square70x70logo msapplication-wide310x150logo og:description The paper presents a complete method for using automatic techniques to code printed text pages. It involves three automatic steps and one or two steps of manual corrections to obtain fully accurate results. We discovered that present-day consumer digital cameras are much better than high-end scanners to obtain pictures of printed pages quickly and without the wear and tear associated with scanners. We also found that high-end ($370) OCR software is much more cost-effective to achieve accurate text recognition and to process large amounts of data. We also describe how researchers can write a computer program for classifying automatically non-uniform data. We provide detailed instructions for each step in the automatic coding method so that other researchers can readily copy it. og:image og:image:height 582 og:image:secure_url ['', ''] og:image:width 1110 og:locale ['en_US', 'en_US'] og:title [PDF] Automatic Coding of Printed Materials | Semantic Scholar og:type website resourceName b'work_mwkkyiu4vreejde5dar475xdmy.pdf' robots noarchive,noindex s2-ui-version 0a1ee7b640e58bf005fa3cbd97e8cba83bff3dc9 title [PDF] Automatic Coding of Printed Materials | Semantic Scholar twitter:card summary_large_image twitter:description The paper presents a complete method for using automatic techniques to code printed text pages. It involves three automatic steps and one or two steps of manual corrections to obtain fully accurate results. We discovered that present-day consumer digital cameras are much better than high-end scanners to obtain pictures of printed pages quickly and without the wear and tear associated with scanners. We also found that high-end ($370) OCR software is much more cost-effective to achieve accurate text recognition and to process large amounts of data. We also describe how researchers can write a computer program for classifying automatically non-uniform data. We provide detailed instructions for each step in the automatic coding method so that other researchers can readily copy it. twitter:image ['', ''] twitter:site @allenai_org twitter:title [PDF] Automatic Coding of Printed Materials | Semantic Scholar viewport width=device-width,initial-scale=1 work_rpn56u2xgjc5dpogrqi5yr7bi4 txt/../pos/work_rpn56u2xgjc5dpogrqi5yr7bi4.pos work_s6yodfvne5aitj5qu4pbwdf2du txt/../pos/work_s6yodfvne5aitj5qu4pbwdf2du.pos work_27yesv3dzbd3fkwljmlxvksexq txt/../ent/work_27yesv3dzbd3fkwljmlxvksexq.ent work_3y22ufoqi5euja4cnjqg52t4aa txt/../wrd/work_3y22ufoqi5euja4cnjqg52t4aa.wrd work_mhenjbm7ifdufgdkpgjchbuche txt/../pos/work_mhenjbm7ifdufgdkpgjchbuche.pos work_ke5acksbcngi7a5a2homkobk4i txt/../pos/work_ke5acksbcngi7a5a2homkobk4i.pos work_atos2ytygjdmbgkfeebe3jejr4 txt/../wrd/work_atos2ytygjdmbgkfeebe3jejr4.wrd === === id: work_ai7mlk2lq5htzcv2pmbhjhhgiu author: Dan Gläser title: Ergonomic Assessment for DHM Simulations Facilitated by Sensor Data date: 2016 pages: 4 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_ai7mlk2lq5htzcv2pmbhjhhgiu.txt cache: ./cache/work_ai7mlk2lq5htzcv2pmbhjhhgiu.pdf Author ['Dan Gläser', 'Lars Fritzsche', 'Sebastian Bauer', 'Vipin Jayan Sylaja'] Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2016-02-18T20:41:40Z ElsevierWebPDFSpecifications 6.5 Last-Modified 2016-02-18T20:49:26Z Last-Save-Date 2016-02-18T20:49:26Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 21 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Procedia CIRP, 41 (2016) 702-705. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2015.12.098 created 2016-02-18T20:41:40Z creator ['Dan Gläser', 'Lars Fritzsche', 'Sebastian Bauer', 'Vipin Jayan Sylaja'] date 2016-02-18T20:49:26Z dc:creator ['Dan Gläser', 'Lars Fritzsche', 'Sebastian Bauer', 'Vipin Jayan Sylaja'] dc:description Procedia CIRP, 41 (2016) 702-705. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2015.12.098 dc:format application/pdf; version=1.7 dc:title Ergonomic Assessment for DHM Simulations Facilitated by Sensor Data dcterms:created 2016-02-18T20:41:40Z dcterms:modified 2016-02-18T20:49:26Z description Procedia CIRP, 41 (2016) 702-705. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2015.12.098 doi 10.1016/j.procir.2015.12.098 meta:author ['Dan Gläser', 'Lars Fritzsche', 'Sebastian Bauer', 'Vipin Jayan Sylaja'] meta:creation-date 2016-02-18T20:41:40Z meta:save-date 2016-02-18T20:49:26Z modified 2016-02-18T20:49:26Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.7 pdf:charsPerPage ['3723', '3567', '3199', '2727'] pdf:docinfo:created 2016-02-18T20:41:40Z pdf:docinfo:creator Dan Gläser pdf:docinfo:creator_tool Elsevier pdf:docinfo:custom:ElsevierWebPDFSpecifications 6.5 pdf:docinfo:custom:doi 10.1016/j.procir.2015.12.098 pdf:docinfo:custom:robots noindex pdf:docinfo:modified 2016-02-18T20:49:26Z pdf:docinfo:producer Acrobat Distiller 10.1.16 (Windows) pdf:docinfo:subject Procedia CIRP, 41 (2016) 702-705. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2015.12.098 pdf:docinfo:title Ergonomic Assessment for DHM Simulations Facilitated by Sensor Data pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP true pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0', '0'] producer Acrobat Distiller 10.1.16 (Windows) resourceName b'work_ai7mlk2lq5htzcv2pmbhjhhgiu.pdf' robots noindex subject Procedia CIRP, 41 (2016) 702-705. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2015.12.098 title Ergonomic Assessment for DHM Simulations Facilitated by Sensor Data xmp:CreatorTool Elsevier xmpMM:DocumentID uuid:5d02ea82-0523-4833-be8b-06851f6bed34 xmpTPg:NPages 4 INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_wextl3iu3zcxvgjyihtajatt4a.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_3y22ufoqi5euja4cnjqg52t4aa txt/../pos/work_3y22ufoqi5euja4cnjqg52t4aa.pos work_7tqfly2aurcuzfasapzyzdredy txt/../wrd/work_7tqfly2aurcuzfasapzyzdredy.wrd === === id: work_mrj66svz25cqhnlecuw2eaeyzy author: Stephen Summerskill title: The use of volumetric projections in Digital Human Modelling software for the identification of Large Goods Vehicle blind spots date: 2016 pages: extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_mrj66svz25cqhnlecuw2eaeyzy.txt cache: ./cache/work_mrj66svz25cqhnlecuw2eaeyzy.pdf Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Language en Content-Type text/html; charset=UTF-8 DC.identifier [u''] DC.identifier.DOI [u''] DC.publisher Loughborough University DC.type journal contribution DataCite.contributor ['Summerskill, Steve', 'Marshall, Russell', 'Cook, Sharon', 'Lenard, James', 'Richardson, John H.'] DataCite.title The use of volumetric projections in Digital Human Modelling software for the identification of large goods vehicle blind spots X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.html.HtmlParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 7 abstract The aim of the study is to understand the nature of blind spots in the vision of drivers of Large Goods Vehicles caused by vehicle design variables such as the driver eye height, and mirror designs. The study was informed by the processing of UK national accident data using cluster analysis to establish if vehicle blind spots contribute to accidents. In order to establish the cause and nature of blind spots six top selling trucks in the UK, with a range of sizes were digitized and imported into the SAMMIE Digital Human Modelling (DHM) system. A novel CAD based vision projection technique, which has been validated in a laboratory study, allowed multiple mirror and window aperture projections to be created, resulting in the identification and quantification of a key blind spot. The identified blind spot was demonstrated to have the potential to be associated with the scenarios that were identified in the accident data. The project led to the revision of UNECE Regulation 46 that defines mirror coverage in the European Union, with new vehicle registrations in Europe being required to meet the amended standard after June of 2015. application-name figshare citation_abstract The aim of the study is to understand the nature of blind spots in the vision of drivers of Large Goods Vehicles caused by vehicle design variables such as the driver eye height, and mirror designs. The study was informed by the processing of UK national accident data using cluster analysis to establish if vehicle blind spots contribute to accidents. In order to establish the cause and nature of blind spots six top selling trucks in the UK, with a range of sizes were digitized and imported into the SAMMIE Digital Human Modelling (DHM) system. A novel CAD based vision projection technique, which has been validated in a laboratory study, allowed multiple mirror and window aperture projections to be created, resulting in the identification and quantification of a key blind spot. The identified blind spot was demonstrated to have the potential to be associated with the scenarios that were identified in the accident data. The project led to the revision of UNECE Regulation 46 that defines mirror coverage in the European Union, with new vehicle registrations in Europe being required to meet the amended standard after June of 2015. citation_author ['Summerskill, Steve', 'Marshall, Russell', 'Cook, Sharon', 'Lenard, James', 'Richardson, John H.'] citation_doi citation_keywords Digital Human Modelling; Trucks; Vehicles; Blind spot; Class V mirror; Heavy goods vehicle; Vulnerable road user; Field of vision; Vehicle ergonomics; Accident data; Cluster analysis citation_online_date 2019/08/08 citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 2015/11/14 citation_publisher Loughborough University citation_title The use of volumetric projections in Digital Human Modelling software for the identification of large goods vehicle blind spots dc:title The use of volumetric projections in Digital Human Modelling software for the identification of large goods vehicle blind spots description The use of volumetric projections in Digital Human Modelling software for the identification of large goods vehicle blind spots google notranslate msapplication-TileColor #FFFFFF msapplication-TileImage msapplication-square150x150logo msapplication-square310x310logo msapplication-square70x70logo msapplication-wide310x150logo og:description The aim of the study is to understand the nature of blind spots in the vision of drivers of Large Goods Vehicles caused by vehicle design variables such as the driver eye height, and mirror designs. The study was informed by the processing of UK national accident data using cluster analysis to establish if vehicle blind spots contribute to accidents. In order to establish the cause and nature of blind spots six top selling trucks in the UK, with a range of sizes were digitized and imported into the SAMMIE Digital Human Modelling (DHM) system. A novel CAD based vision projection technique, which has been validated in a laboratory study, allowed multiple mirror and window aperture projections to be created, resulting in the identification and quantification of a key blind spot. The identified blind spot was demonstrated to have the potential to be associated with the scenarios that were identified in the accident data. The project led to the revision of UNECE Regulation 46 that defines mirror coverage in the European Union, with new vehicle registrations in Europe being required to meet the amended standard after June of 2015. og:image og:locale en_US og:site_name figshare og:title The use of volumetric projections in Digital Human Modelling software for the identification of large goods vehicle blind spots og:type article og:url /articles/journal_contribution/The_use_of_volumetric_projections_in_Digital_Human_Modelling_software_for_the_identification_of_large_goods_vehicle_blind_spots/9349388/1 referrer origin resourceName b'work_mrj66svz25cqhnlecuw2eaeyzy.pdf' title The use of volumetric projections in Digital Human Modelling software for the identification of large goods vehicle blind spots twitter:card summary twitter:description The aim of the study is to understand the nature of blind spots in the vision of drivers of Large Goods Vehicles caused by vehicle design variables such as the driver eye height, and mirror designs. The study was informed by the processing of UK national accident data using cluster analysis to establish if vehicle blind spots contribute to accidents. In order to establish the cause and nature of blind spots six top selling trucks in the UK, with a range of sizes were digitized and imported into the SAMMIE Digital Human Modelling (DHM) system. A novel CAD based vision projection technique, which has been validated in a laboratory study, allowed multiple mirror and window aperture projections to be created, resulting in the identification and quantification of a key blind spot. The identified blind spot was demonstrated to have the potential to be associated with the scenarios that were identified in the accident data. The project led to the revision of UNECE Regulation 46 that defines mirror coverage in the European Union, with new vehicle registrations in Europe being required to meet the amended standard after June of 2015. twitter:image twitter:site @figshare twitter:title The use of volumetric projections in Digital Human Modelling software for the identification of large goods vehicle blind spots twitter:url /articles/journal_contribution/The_use_of_volumetric_projections_in_Digital_Human_Modelling_software_for_the_identification_of_large_goods_vehicle_blind_spots/9349388/1 viewport width=device-width, initial-scale=1 x-ua-compatible ie=edge work_atos2ytygjdmbgkfeebe3jejr4 txt/../pos/work_atos2ytygjdmbgkfeebe3jejr4.pos INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_sed4ulu2pfhfhbxwallx4lijza.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty === === id: 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70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_hucex7asuzhu5esayctslwqdm4' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_hucex7asuzhu5esayctslwqdm4' work_g267nfgkpjesdnlkfvfg4yqfwa txt/../pos/work_g267nfgkpjesdnlkfvfg4yqfwa.pos work_rpn56u2xgjc5dpogrqi5yr7bi4 txt/../ent/work_rpn56u2xgjc5dpogrqi5yr7bi4.ent INFO Detecting media type for 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in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_sbhx7f63fvddtkojjbeebxlyom' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_sbhx7f63fvddtkojjbeebxlyom' work_7tqfly2aurcuzfasapzyzdredy 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get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_rcboaqtovfh5tgra7huqgy5aty' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_rcboaqtovfh5tgra7huqgy5aty' === === id: 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self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_vmshneflxfauxkshyyyjdoyruu' 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Nakamura', 'C. Suzuki', 'Katsuya Masuda', 'Hideki Mima'] citation_journal_title undefined citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 2017 citation_title Designing Research for Monitoring Humanities-based Interdisciplinary Studies: A Case of Cultural Resources Studies (Bunkashigengaku 文化資源学) in Japan dc:title Designing Research for Monitoring Humanities-based Interdisciplinary Studies: A Case of Cultural Resources Studies (Bunkashigengaku 文化資源学) in Japan | Semantic Scholar description The present paper aims at designing a monitoring framework for a yet new interdisciplinary research and education program in Japan, “Cultural Resources Studies.”, "Bunkashigengaku" in Japanese. We analyze the linkage between a university, an academic association, and the practitioners’ institutions closely related with cultural resources through the mining of the principal texts produced by them. Our findings reveal the complicated relations among these stakeholder institutions, and attest to the importance of the revision cycle for the advance of interdisciplinary studies. msapplication-TileColor #FFFFFF msapplication-TileImage msapplication-square150x150logo msapplication-square310x310logo msapplication-square70x70logo msapplication-wide310x150logo og:description The present paper aims at designing a monitoring framework for a yet new interdisciplinary research and education program in Japan, “Cultural Resources Studies.”, "Bunkashigengaku" in Japanese. We analyze the linkage between a university, an academic association, and the practitioners’ institutions closely related with cultural resources through the mining of the principal texts produced by them. Our findings reveal the complicated relations among these stakeholder institutions, and attest to the importance of the revision cycle for the advance of interdisciplinary studies. og:image og:image:height 582 og:image:secure_url ['', ''] og:image:width 1110 og:locale ['en_US', 'en_US'] og:title Designing Research for Monitoring Humanities-based Interdisciplinary Studies: A Case of Cultural Resources Studies (Bunkashigengaku 文化資源学) in Japan | Semantic Scholar og:type website resourceName b'work_nukeyhq6rvcihcvyt2lktwaw2m.pdf' robots noarchive,noindex s2-ui-version 0a1ee7b640e58bf005fa3cbd97e8cba83bff3dc9 title Designing Research for Monitoring Humanities-based Interdisciplinary Studies: A Case of Cultural Resources Studies (Bunkashigengaku 文化資源学) in Japan | Semantic Scholar twitter:card summary_large_image twitter:description The present paper aims at designing a monitoring framework for a yet new interdisciplinary research and education program in Japan, “Cultural Resources Studies.”, "Bunkashigengaku" in Japanese. We analyze the linkage between a university, an academic association, and the practitioners’ institutions closely related with cultural resources through the mining of the principal texts produced by them. Our findings reveal the complicated relations among these stakeholder institutions, and attest to the importance of the revision cycle for the advance of interdisciplinary studies. twitter:image ['', ''] twitter:site @allenai_org twitter:title Designing Research for Monitoring Humanities-based Interdisciplinary Studies: A Case of Cultural Resources Studies (Bunkashigengaku 文化資源学) in Japan | Semantic Scholar viewport width=device-width,initial-scale=1 work_lew3voushncc3ctvr4wgv5jagq txt/../ent/work_lew3voushncc3ctvr4wgv5jagq.ent INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_sk7gnw3pqnavpepvdpzuf3wyti.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_bodh2qxngbct3pgyhmg464vjwm txt/../pos/work_bodh2qxngbct3pgyhmg464vjwm.pos === === id: work_usy6a63chfd2femdzmdumjmpby author: Luís Espinha da Silveira title: Geographic Information Systems and Historical Research: An Appraisal date: 2014 pages: 18 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_usy6a63chfd2femdzmdumjmpby.txt cache: 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"/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_sk7gnw3pqnavpepvdpzuf3wyti' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_sk7gnw3pqnavpepvdpzuf3wyti' work_af7sa3spenctfit5v264bdayny txt/../wrd/work_af7sa3spenctfit5v264bdayny.wrd work_l4vkatqh3jexlltf3pcdldzpnu txt/../pos/work_l4vkatqh3jexlltf3pcdldzpnu.pos INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_6q6s76vinzcprhoteoqw6vgn7a.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_6wd6eklalvevlfkfrjx63ouh3a.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_g2z6gcjdengm7ikpgxd3bxgsqu txt/../wrd/work_g2z6gcjdengm7ikpgxd3bxgsqu.wrd === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_6q6s76vinzcprhoteoqw6vgn7a' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_6q6s76vinzcprhoteoqw6vgn7a' work_af7sa3spenctfit5v264bdayny txt/../pos/work_af7sa3spenctfit5v264bdayny.pos work_6vcrgppij5eg5mm2vy2yjuhdee txt/../wrd/work_6vcrgppij5eg5mm2vy2yjuhdee.wrd work_ljeygzj53jbuvdbid7tnt6y2ie txt/../ent/work_ljeygzj53jbuvdbid7tnt6y2ie.ent INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_wot2faeuujed5fkullft7wyewa.pdf' === === id: work_2fjnabij65dknn6bwzrt2slb3m author: Peter Thorvald title: Applying cognitive science to digital human modelling for user centred design date: 2012 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Hu', 'C. Pallan', 'J. Odobez', 'D. Gatica-Perez'] citation_journal_title undefined citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 2017 citation_title Analyzing and visualizing ancient Maya hieroglyphics using shape: From computer vision to Digital Humanities dc:title [PDF] Analyzing and visualizing ancient Maya hieroglyphics using shape: From computer vision to Digital Humanities | Semantic Scholar description Maya hieroglyphic analysis requires epigraphers to spend a significant amount of time browsing existing catalogs to identify individual glyphs. Automatic Maya glyph analysis provides an efficient way to assist scholars’ daily work. We introduce the Histogram of Orientation Shape Context (HOOSC) shape descriptor to the Digital Humanities community. We discuss key issues for practitioners and study the effect that certain parameters have on the performance of the descriptor. Different HOOSC parameters are tested in an automatic ancient Maya hieroglyph retrieval system with two different settings, namely, when shape alone is considered and when glyph co-occurrence information is incorporated. Additionally, we developed a graph-based glyph visualization interface to facilitate efficient exploration and analysis of hieroglyphs. Specifically, a force-directed graph prototype is applied to visualize Maya glyphs based on their visual similarity. Each node in the graph represents a glyph image; the width of an edge indicates the visual similarity between the two according glyphs. The HOOSC descriptor is used to represent glyph shape, based on which pairwise glyph similarity scores are computed. To evaluate our tool, we designed evaluation tasks and questionnaires for two separate user groups, namely, a general public user group and an epigrapher scholar group. Evaluation results and feedback from both groups show that our tool provides intuitive access to explore and discover the Maya hieroglyphic writing, and could potentially facilitate epigraphy work. The positive evaluation results and feedback further hint the practical value of the HOOSC descriptor. msapplication-TileColor #FFFFFF msapplication-TileImage msapplication-square150x150logo msapplication-square310x310logo msapplication-square70x70logo msapplication-wide310x150logo og:description Maya hieroglyphic analysis requires epigraphers to spend a significant amount of time browsing existing catalogs to identify individual glyphs. Automatic Maya glyph analysis provides an efficient way to assist scholars’ daily work. We introduce the Histogram of Orientation Shape Context (HOOSC) shape descriptor to the Digital Humanities community. We discuss key issues for practitioners and study the effect that certain parameters have on the performance of the descriptor. Different HOOSC parameters are tested in an automatic ancient Maya hieroglyph retrieval system with two different settings, namely, when shape alone is considered and when glyph co-occurrence information is incorporated. Additionally, we developed a graph-based glyph visualization interface to facilitate efficient exploration and analysis of hieroglyphs. Specifically, a force-directed graph prototype is applied to visualize Maya glyphs based on their visual similarity. Each node in the graph represents a glyph image; the width of an edge indicates the visual similarity between the two according glyphs. The HOOSC descriptor is used to represent glyph shape, based on which pairwise glyph similarity scores are computed. To evaluate our tool, we designed evaluation tasks and questionnaires for two separate user groups, namely, a general public user group and an epigrapher scholar group. Evaluation results and feedback from both groups show that our tool provides intuitive access to explore and discover the Maya hieroglyphic writing, and could potentially facilitate epigraphy work. The positive evaluation results and feedback further hint the practical value of the HOOSC descriptor. og:image og:image:height 582 og:image:secure_url ['', ''] og:image:width 1110 og:locale ['en_US', 'en_US'] og:title [PDF] Analyzing and visualizing ancient Maya hieroglyphics using shape: From computer vision to Digital Humanities | Semantic Scholar og:type website resourceName b'work_7ebterjnvnahxgdvqdngzjp3de.pdf' robots noarchive,noindex s2-ui-version 0a1ee7b640e58bf005fa3cbd97e8cba83bff3dc9 title [PDF] Analyzing and visualizing ancient Maya hieroglyphics using shape: From computer vision to Digital Humanities | Semantic Scholar twitter:card summary_large_image twitter:description Maya hieroglyphic analysis requires epigraphers to spend a significant amount of time browsing existing catalogs to identify individual glyphs. Automatic Maya glyph analysis provides an efficient way to assist scholars’ daily work. We introduce the Histogram of Orientation Shape Context (HOOSC) shape descriptor to the Digital Humanities community. We discuss key issues for practitioners and study the effect that certain parameters have on the performance of the descriptor. Different HOOSC parameters are tested in an automatic ancient Maya hieroglyph retrieval system with two different settings, namely, when shape alone is considered and when glyph co-occurrence information is incorporated. Additionally, we developed a graph-based glyph visualization interface to facilitate efficient exploration and analysis of hieroglyphs. Specifically, a force-directed graph prototype is applied to visualize Maya glyphs based on their visual similarity. Each node in the graph represents a glyph image; the width of an edge indicates the visual similarity between the two according glyphs. The HOOSC descriptor is used to represent glyph shape, based on which pairwise glyph similarity scores are computed. To evaluate our tool, we designed evaluation tasks and questionnaires for two separate user groups, namely, a general public user group and an epigrapher scholar group. Evaluation results and feedback from both groups show that our tool provides intuitive access to explore and discover the Maya hieroglyphic writing, and could potentially facilitate epigraphy work. The positive evaluation results and feedback further hint the practical value of the HOOSC descriptor. twitter:image ['', ''] twitter:site @allenai_org twitter:title [PDF] Analyzing and visualizing ancient Maya hieroglyphics using shape: From computer vision to Digital Humanities | Semantic Scholar viewport width=device-width,initial-scale=1 work_hqbi22efmvf2xpdtmeopsds2hm txt/../ent/work_hqbi22efmvf2xpdtmeopsds2hm.ent work_2xab3fqtfjh7dhk52oxbqchiay txt/../wrd/work_2xab3fqtfjh7dhk52oxbqchiay.wrd work_iiyhyhj2kzeqzkoqjoe6ubxncq txt/../ent/work_iiyhyhj2kzeqzkoqjoe6ubxncq.ent work_o77rcvhcpferxphducvqkomcua txt/../wrd/work_o77rcvhcpferxphducvqkomcua.wrd work_xga75oisv5d2fnzsh6arqwo6wu txt/../wrd/work_xga75oisv5d2fnzsh6arqwo6wu.wrd INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_3zytjanwqfhq7mfbrf6vdrtdxi.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_v44lnrpmhbaidcugomvsfvurcm.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_whyybejvljh5ddbzfuxffuvyai txt/../pos/work_whyybejvljh5ddbzfuxffuvyai.pos work_te3eqqv545c7lkat7mdpnpa22m txt/../pos/work_te3eqqv545c7lkat7mdpnpa22m.pos === === id: work_bohtu2wrvzf3dg6g7k4mpjdh6m author: Rachel Di Cresce title: Developing collaborative best practices for digital humanities data collection: A case study date: 2017 pages: 23 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_bohtu2wrvzf3dg6g7k4mpjdh6m.txt cache: ./cache/work_bohtu2wrvzf3dg6g7k4mpjdh6m.pdf Author Rachel Di Cresce Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2018-03-02T19:08:51Z Last-Modified 2018-03-02T19:08:51Z Last-Save-Date 2018-03-02T19:08:51Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 58 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2018-03-02T19:08:51Z creator Rachel Di Cresce date 2018-03-02T19:08:51Z dc:creator Rachel Di Cresce dc:format application/pdf; 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D. Vriend', 'Charlotte Giesbers', 'R. Hout', 'Louis ten Bosch'] citation_journal_title undefined citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 2008 citation_title The Dutch-German Border: Relating Linguistic, Geographic and Social Distances dc:title The Dutch-German Border: Relating Linguistic, Geographic and Social Distances | Semantic Scholar description In this paper we relate linguistic, geographic and social distances to each other in order to get a better understanding of the impact the Dutch-German state border has had on the linguistic characteristics of a sub-area of the Kleverlandish dialect area. This area used to be a perfect dialect continuum. We test three models for explaining today's pattern of linguistic variation in the area. In each model another variable is used as the determinant of linguistic variation: geographic distance (continuum model), the state border (gap model) and social distance (social model). For the social model we use perceptual data for friends, relatives and shopping locations. Testing the three models reveals that nowadays the dialect variation in the research area is closely related to the existence of the state border and to the social structure of the area. The geographic spatial configuration hardly plays a role anymore. msapplication-TileColor #FFFFFF msapplication-TileImage msapplication-square150x150logo msapplication-square310x310logo msapplication-square70x70logo msapplication-wide310x150logo og:description In this paper we relate linguistic, geographic and social distances to each other in order to get a better understanding of the impact the Dutch-German state border has had on the linguistic characteristics of a sub-area of the Kleverlandish dialect area. This area used to be a perfect dialect continuum. We test three models for explaining today's pattern of linguistic variation in the area. In each model another variable is used as the determinant of linguistic variation: geographic distance (continuum model), the state border (gap model) and social distance (social model). For the social model we use perceptual data for friends, relatives and shopping locations. Testing the three models reveals that nowadays the dialect variation in the research area is closely related to the existence of the state border and to the social structure of the area. The geographic spatial configuration hardly plays a role anymore. og:image og:image:height 582 og:image:secure_url ['', ''] og:image:width 1110 og:locale ['en_US', 'en_US'] og:title The Dutch-German Border: Relating Linguistic, Geographic and Social Distances | Semantic Scholar og:type website resourceName b'work_6tlfkx4zqrff7cr3mziuw6y4ka.pdf' robots noarchive,noindex s2-ui-version 0a1ee7b640e58bf005fa3cbd97e8cba83bff3dc9 title The Dutch-German Border: Relating Linguistic, Geographic and Social Distances | Semantic Scholar twitter:card summary_large_image twitter:description In this paper we relate linguistic, geographic and social distances to each other in order to get a better understanding of the impact the Dutch-German state border has had on the linguistic characteristics of a sub-area of the Kleverlandish dialect area. This area used to be a perfect dialect continuum. We test three models for explaining today's pattern of linguistic variation in the area. In each model another variable is used as the determinant of linguistic variation: geographic distance (continuum model), the state border (gap model) and social distance (social model). For the social model we use perceptual data for friends, relatives and shopping locations. Testing the three models reveals that nowadays the dialect variation in the research area is closely related to the existence of the state border and to the social structure of the area. The geographic spatial configuration hardly plays a role anymore. twitter:image ['', ''] twitter:site @allenai_org twitter:title The Dutch-German Border: Relating Linguistic, Geographic and Social Distances | Semantic Scholar viewport width=device-width,initial-scale=1 work_6xk5ftfpgfdoviacjhoxalslhq txt/../wrd/work_6xk5ftfpgfdoviacjhoxalslhq.wrd === === id: work_ihvf655cczajxnaz3rt6tel2la author: Emma K Wilson title: Successfully transitioning the world's largest chemistry subscription journal to a gold open access publication date: 2017 pages: 7 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_ihvf655cczajxnaz3rt6tel2la.txt cache: ./cache/work_ihvf655cczajxnaz3rt6tel2la.pdf Author Jane Harvell and Joanna Ball Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2019-07-02T17:30:14Z Last-Modified 2017-11-13T13:17:12Z Last-Save-Date 2017-11-13T13:17:12Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 26 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Harvell J and Ball J, Why we need to find time for digital humanities: presenting a new partnership model at the University of Sussex, Insights, 2017, 30(3), 38–43; 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self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_kumed6nnxjhzrfehcnuwcu5icm' 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We propose an approach that, in conjunction with one of the classic WMSD risk assessment methods, allows one to simplify simulations in a three-dimensional digital environment. Two real-life workstations from a manufacturing industry were modelled in a 3D Studio Max environment by means of an Anthropos ErgoMax system. A number of simulations show that, for the examined cases, classic boundary mannequins’ approaches can be replaced by using 50th percentile of a population individual, with a minimal impact on the WMSD risk. Although, the finding might not be suitable in all situations, it should be considered, especially where compromise solutions are being sought due to other criteria. created 2020-11-22T12:01:28Z creator Jerzy Grobelny and Rafał Michalski date 2020-11-22T12:01:28Z dc:creator Jerzy Grobelny and Rafał Michalski dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject occupational safety and health; musculoskeletal disorders; digital human models; anthropometry; design dc:title Preventing Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders in Manufacturing by Digital Human Modeling dcterms:created 2020-11-22T12:01:28Z dcterms:modified 2020-11-22T12:01:28Z meta:author Jerzy Grobelny and Rafał Michalski meta:creation-date 2020-11-22T12:01:28Z meta:keyword occupational safety and health; musculoskeletal disorders; digital human models; anthropometry; design meta:save-date 2020-11-22T12:01:28Z modified 2020-11-22T12:01:28Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['3211', '4042', '3525', '3313', '3698', '3894', '2718', '3720', '4205', '4668', '3991', '2637', '3196', '7021', '6030', '3817', '3988', '3889', '2453'] pdf:docinfo:created 2020-11-22T12:01:28Z pdf:docinfo:creator Jerzy Grobelny and Rafał Michalski pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 pdf:docinfo:keywords occupational safety and health; musculoskeletal disorders; digital human models; anthropometry; design pdf:docinfo:modified 2020-11-22T12:01:28Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 pdf:docinfo:subject This research concerns the workplace design methodology, involving digital human models, that prevents work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). We propose an approach that, in conjunction with one of the classic WMSD risk assessment methods, allows one to simplify simulations in a three-dimensional digital environment. Two real-life workstations from a manufacturing industry were modelled in a 3D Studio Max environment by means of an Anthropos ErgoMax system. A number of simulations show that, for the examined cases, classic boundary mannequins’ approaches can be replaced by using 50th percentile of a population individual, with a minimal impact on the WMSD risk. Although, the finding might not be suitable in all situations, it should be considered, especially where compromise solutions are being sought due to other criteria. pdf:docinfo:title Preventing Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders in Manufacturing by Digital Human Modeling pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['17', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 resourceName b'work_3y22ufoqi5euja4cnjqg52t4aa.pdf' subject This research concerns the workplace design methodology, involving digital human models, that prevents work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). We propose an approach that, in conjunction with one of the classic WMSD risk assessment methods, allows one to simplify simulations in a three-dimensional digital environment. Two real-life workstations from a manufacturing industry were modelled in a 3D Studio Max environment by means of an Anthropos ErgoMax system. A number of simulations show that, for the examined cases, classic boundary mannequins’ approaches can be replaced by using 50th percentile of a population individual, with a minimal impact on the WMSD risk. 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'2011-02-19T20:23:24Z', '2011-02-19T20:29:45Z', '2011-02-19T20:36:04Z', '2011-02-19T20:37:56Z', '2011-02-19T20:42:30Z', '2011-02-19T20:43:36Z', '2011-02-19T20:43:39Z', '2011-02-19T20:43:53Z', '2011-02-19T20:44:01Z', '2011-02-19T20:45:39Z', '2011-02-19T20:47:27Z', '2011-02-19T20:49:58Z', '2011-02-19T20:51:10Z', '2011-02-19T21:54:42Z', '2011-02-20T20:22:56Z', '2011-02-20T20:26:17Z', '2011-02-20T21:13:51Z', '2011-02-20T22:22:51Z', '2011-02-20T22:23:35Z', '2011-02-23T19:54:32Z', '2011-02-24T23:36:09Z', '2011-02-24T23:36:33Z', '2011-02-24T23:37:42Z', '2011-02-24T23:38:24Z', '2011-02-24T23:38:28Z', '2011-02-24T23:40:12Z', '2011-02-24T23:41:11Z', '2011-02-24T23:41:58Z', '2011-02-24T23:43:49Z', '2011-02-24T23:44:35Z', '2011-02-24T23:45:32Z', '2011-02-24T23:46:10Z', '2011-02-24T23:46:30Z', '2011-02-24T23:47:13Z', '2011-02-25T00:08:03Z', '2011-02-25T00:14:38Z', '2011-02-25T00:19:33Z', '2011-02-25T20:44:41Z', '2011-02-25T20:47:13Z', '2011-02-25T20:50:36Z', '2011-02-25T20:51:16Z', '2011-02-25T20:52:52Z', '2011-02-25T20:54:29Z', '2011-02-25T20:55:48Z', '2011-02-25T20:56:18Z', '2011-02-25T21:00:46Z', '2011-02-27T15:13:02Z', '2011-02-27T15:13:12Z', '2011-02-27T15:14:56Z', '2011-02-27T15:26:07Z', '2011-02-27T15:26:48Z', '2011-02-27T15:27:06Z', '2011-02-27T15:28:47Z', '2011-02-27T15:41:50Z', '2011-02-27T15:43:45Z', '2011-02-27T15:44:15Z', '2011-02-27T15:47:15Z', '2011-02-27T15:48:23Z', '2011-02-27T15:49:58Z', '2011-03-01T16:17:19Z', '2011-03-05T15:31:27Z', '2011-03-05T16:21:09Z', '2011-06-19T20:33:49Z', '2011-06-19T20:33:59Z', '2011-06-19T20:36:50Z', '2011-06-19T20:37:42Z', '2011-06-19T20:51:19Z', '2011-06-19T20:51:28Z', '2011-06-19T20:57:18Z', '2011-06-19T20:59:33Z', '2011-06-19T21:04:23Z', '2011-06-19T21:12:12Z', '2011-06-19T21:14:52Z', '2011-06-19T21:15:08Z', '2011-06-19T21:17:53Z', '2011-06-19T21:36:22Z', '2011-06-19T21:37:28Z', '2011-06-19T21:41:07Z', '2011-06-19T21:41:31Z', '2011-06-19T21:41:50Z', '2011-06-19T21:58:52Z', '2011-06-19T21:59:31Z', '2011-06-19T22:04:10Z', '2011-06-19T22:05:44Z', '2011-06-19T22:09:19Z', '2011-06-19T22:13:43Z', '2011-06-19T22:14:03Z', '2011-06-19T22:14:22Z', '2011-06-19T22:15:04Z', '2011-06-19T22:16:45Z', '2011-06-19T22:17:28Z', '2011-06-19T22:20:33Z', '2011-06-19T22:23:42Z', '2011-06-19T22:29:12Z', '2011-06-19T22:34:48Z', '2011-06-19T22:39:14Z', '2011-06-19T22:44:26Z', '2011-06-19T22:45:50Z', '2011-06-19T22:46:45Z', '2011-06-20T18:26:49Z', '2011-06-26T15:09:01Z', '2011-06-26T15:16:09Z', '2011-06-26T15:18:15Z', '2011-06-26T15:18:47Z', '2011-06-26T15:20:59Z', '2011-06-26T15:48:37Z', '2011-06-26T17:00:03Z', '2011-06-26T17:09:03Z', '2011-06-26T17:19:30Z', '2011-06-26T17:25:47Z', '2011-06-26T17:37:30Z', '2011-06-26T17:37:55Z', '2011-07-15T21:20:27Z', '2011-07-15T21:22:50Z', '2011-07-15T21:23:11Z', '2011-07-26T00:19:41Z', '2011-07-26T00:19:41Z', '2011-07-26T00:30:12Z', '2011-07-26T00:37:26Z', '2011-07-26T00:37:59Z', '2011-07-26T00:40:59Z', '2011-07-26T00:42:01Z', '2011-07-26T00:42:25Z', '2011-07-26T00:48:16Z', '2011-07-26T00:49:06Z', '2011-07-26T00:49:17Z', '2011-07-26T00:50:33Z', '2011-07-26T00:50:37Z', '2011-07-26T00:51:01Z', '2011-07-26T00:51:22Z', '2011-07-26T00:53:56Z', '2011-07-26T00:54:57Z', '2011-07-26T00:55:18Z', '2011-07-26T00:56:54Z', '2011-07-26T00:58:24Z', '2011-07-26T01:01:04Z', '2011-07-26T01:02:07Z', '2011-07-26T01:03:28Z', '2011-07-26T01:03:55Z', '2011-07-26T01:08:54Z', '2011-07-26T01:09:02Z', '2011-07-26T01:09:17Z', '2011-07-26T01:10:58Z', '2011-07-26T01:20:10Z', '2011-07-26T01:21:30Z', '2011-07-26T01:28:52Z', '2011-08-10T11:22:26Z', '2011-08-10T11:23:01Z', '2011-08-10T11:25:28Z', '2011-08-10T11:31:23Z', '2011-08-10T11:34:05Z', '2011-08-10T11:34:22Z', '2011-08-10T11:35:09Z', '2011-08-10T11:36:58Z', '2011-08-10T11:37:24Z', '2011-08-10T11:41:45Z', '2011-08-10T11:42:13Z', '2011-08-10T11:42:32Z', '2011-08-13T23:05:19Z', '2011-08-29T16:46:16Z', '2011-08-29T16:53:35Z', '2011-08-29T16:57:03Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:20Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:39Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:59Z', '2011-08-29T17:00:22Z', '2011-08-29T17:10:08Z', '2011-08-29T17:28:57Z', '2011-08-29T17:31:27Z', '2011-08-29T17:31:39Z', '2011-08-31T21:57:13Z', '2011-08-31T21:57:28Z', '2011-08-31T22:06:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:12:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:13:53Z', '2011-08-31T22:17:10Z', '2011-08-31T22:17:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:22:51Z', '2011-08-31T22:23:36Z', '2011-08-31T22:27:58Z', '2011-08-31T22:28:33Z', '2011-08-31T22:30:14Z', '2011-08-31T22:31:42Z', '2011-08-31T22:32:03Z', '2011-08-31T22:42:54Z', '2011-11-10T21:36:57Z', '2011-11-10T21:53:48Z', '2011-11-10T21:54:57Z', '2011-11-10T22:09:19Z', '2011-11-10T22:11:16Z', '2011-11-10T22:14:49Z', '2011-11-10T22:19:49Z', '2011-11-10T22:39:16Z', '2011-11-10T22:41:34Z', '2011-11-10T22:50:58Z', '2011-11-10T22:55:08Z', '2011-11-10T23:01:37Z', '2011-11-10T23:04:03Z', '2011-11-10T23:06:56Z', '2011-11-10T23:07:06Z', '2011-11-10T23:51:29Z', '2011-11-10T23:54:28Z', '2012-02-16T13:31:11Z', '2012-02-16T13:32:39Z', '2012-02-16T13:36:16Z', '2012-02-16T13:37:10Z', '2012-02-16T13:38:17Z', '2012-02-16T13:38:35Z', '2012-02-16T13:39:36Z', '2012-02-16T13:47:08Z', '2012-02-16T13:47:44Z', '2012-02-16T13:48:03Z', '2012-02-16T13:54:37Z', '2012-02-16T13:54:51Z', '2012-02-16T13:55:14Z', '2012-02-16T13:57:19Z', '2012-02-16T13:59:53Z', '2012-02-16T14:02:18Z', '2012-02-16T14:05:47Z', '2012-02-16T14:06:38Z', '2012-02-16T14:11:27Z', '2012-02-16T14:12:10Z', '2012-02-16T14:13:02Z', '2012-02-16T14:15:17Z', '2012-02-16T14:15:35Z', '2012-02-16T14:16:21Z', '2012-02-16T14:17:25Z', '2012-02-16T14:18:00Z', '2012-02-16T14:25:17Z', '2012-02-16T14:29:07Z', '2012-02-16T14:34:20Z', '2012-02-16T14:39:28Z', '2012-02-16T14:44:36Z', '2012-02-16T14:44:55Z', '2012-02-16T14:51:33Z', '2012-02-16T14:55:35Z', '2012-02-16T14:56:08Z', '2012-02-16T14:56:53Z', '2012-02-16T14:57:40Z', '2012-02-16T15:03:50Z', '2012-02-16T15:07:02Z', '2012-02-16T19:30:14Z', '2012-02-16T19:33:37Z', '2012-02-16T19:34:16Z', '2012-02-16T19:35:03Z', '2012-02-16T19:39:02Z', '2012-02-16T19:39:19Z', '2012-02-16T19:41:58Z', '2012-02-16T19:44:36Z', '2012-02-16T19:45:28Z', '2012-02-16T19:51:19Z', '2012-02-16T22:18:30Z', '2012-02-16T22:19:05Z', '2012-02-16T22:23:14Z', '2012-02-16T22:26:46Z', '2012-02-16T22:27:07Z', '2012-02-16T22:28:01Z', '2012-02-16T22:29:35Z', '2012-02-16T22:30:23Z', '2012-02-16T22:32:32Z', '2012-02-16T22:38:37Z', '2012-02-16T22:48:57Z', '2012-02-16T22:49:12Z', '2012-02-16T22:53:40Z', '2012-02-16T22:55:21Z', '2012-02-16T22:56:44Z', '2012-02-16T22:57:42Z', '2012-02-16T22:59:48Z', '2012-02-16T23:00:50Z', '2012-02-16T23:57:20Z', '2012-02-16T23:57:42Z', '2012-02-17T00:00:20Z', '2012-02-17T00:03:27Z', '2012-02-18T11:25:53Z', '2012-02-19T17:00:50Z', '2012-02-19T17:01:38Z', '2012-02-19T17:06:27Z', '2012-03-03T19:13:44Z', '2012-03-03T19:17:44Z', '2012-03-03T19:18:26Z', '2012-03-03T19:19:19Z', '2012-03-03T19:22:56Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:28Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:41Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:50Z', '2012-03-03T19:24:04Z', '2012-03-03T19:30:55Z', '2012-03-03T19:37:06Z', '2012-04-01T15:43:40Z', '2012-04-01T15:45:15Z', '2012-04-01T15:51:20Z', '2012-04-01T15:56:42Z', '2012-04-01T16:35:08Z', '2012-04-01T16:41:27Z', '2012-04-01T16:50:44Z', '2012-04-01T17:02:45Z', '2012-04-01T17:05:47Z', '2012-04-01T17:08:44Z', '2012-04-01T17:15:27Z', '2012-04-01T17:17:16Z', '2012-04-01T17:19:38Z', '2012-04-01T17:20:30Z', '2012-04-01T17:24:46Z', '2012-04-01T17:30:13Z', '2012-04-01T17:30:29Z', '2012-04-01T17:31:01Z', '2012-04-01T17:31:31Z', '2012-04-01T17:34:59Z', '2012-04-01T18:12:25Z', '2012-04-01T18:13:23Z', '2012-04-01T18:19:41Z', '2012-04-03T12:31:27Z', '2012-04-03T12:36:13Z', '2012-04-03T12:36:51Z', '2012-05-06T11:58:51Z', '2012-05-29T22:24:44Z', '2012-05-29T22:25:00Z', '2012-05-29T22:25:16Z', '2012-05-29T22:32:44Z', '2012-05-29T22:34:51Z', '2012-05-29T22:35:55Z', '2012-05-29T22:44:49Z', '2012-06-18T21:51:16Z', '2012-06-23T19:02:40Z', '2012-06-23T19:21:09Z', '2012-06-23T19:31:43Z', '2012-06-23T19:34:22Z', '2012-06-23T19:34:37Z', '2012-07-14T14:36:29Z', '2012-07-14T14:45:11Z', '2012-07-14T14:45:26Z', '2012-08-08T22:24:12Z', '2012-08-08T22:24:12Z', '2012-08-09T21:36:14Z', '2012-08-09T21:36:24Z', '2012-08-09T22:00:24Z', '2012-08-09T22:05:44Z', '2012-08-19T19:25:32Z', '2012-08-19T21:24:42Z', '2012-08-19T21:46:28Z', '2012-09-10T12:16:46Z', '2012-09-10T12:18:34Z', '2012-09-10T12:19:55Z', '2012-09-10T12:23:14Z', '2012-09-10T12:23:25Z', '2012-09-10T12:35:23Z', '2012-09-10T12:36:36Z', '2012-09-10T12:40:43Z', '2012-09-10T12:41:40Z', '2012-09-10T12:45:20Z', '2012-09-10T12:53:57Z', '2012-09-10T18:03:16Z', '2012-09-10T18:05:04Z', '2012-09-10T18:07:34Z', '2012-09-17T22:32:22Z', '2012-09-17T22:33:52Z', '2012-09-17T22:38:07Z', '2012-10-18T19:33:17Z', '2012-10-18T19:34:52Z', '2012-10-18T20:12:16Z', '2012-10-18T21:24:59Z', '2012-10-18T22:24:28Z', '2012-10-18T22:25:55Z', '2012-10-18T22:30:16Z', '2012-10-18T22:30:26Z', '2012-10-18T23:05:47Z', '2012-10-18T23:13:53Z', '2012-10-18T23:16:22Z', '2012-10-18T23:18:29Z', '2012-10-18T23:20:07Z', '2012-10-31T19:49:08Z', '2012-10-31T19:49:58Z', '2012-10-31T19:50:10Z', '2012-10-31T19:52:46Z', '2012-10-31T19:54:00Z', '2012-10-31T19:55:44Z', '2012-10-31T19:56:13Z', '2012-10-31T19:57:36Z', '2012-10-31T19:57:49Z', '2012-10-31T19:58:33Z', '2012-10-31T20:07:55Z', '2012-10-31T20:08:05Z', '2012-11-16T13:10:57Z', '2012-11-16T14:04:50Z', '2012-11-17T13:52:53Z', '2012-11-17T13:53:46Z', '2012-11-17T13:57:01Z', '2012-11-17T14:03:12Z', '2012-11-17T14:04:52Z', '2012-11-17T14:09:39Z', '2012-11-17T14:11:34Z', '2012-11-17T14:13:59Z', '2012-11-17T14:16:47Z', '2012-11-17T14:16:58Z', '2012-11-17T14:17:11Z', '2012-11-17T14:25:17Z', '2012-11-17T14:25:52Z', '2012-11-17T14:26:08Z', '2012-11-17T14:26:33Z', '2012-11-19T13:45:18Z', '2012-12-18T16:08:06Z', '2012-12-18T16:08:06Z', '2012-12-18T16:10:26Z', '2012-12-18T16:46:14Z', '2012-12-18T17:49:15Z', '2012-12-19T10:41:05Z', '2012-12-19T14:29:29Z', '2012-12-19T14:29:29Z', '2012-12-19T14:33:19Z', '2012-12-19T14:33:19Z', '2012-12-20T11:39:16Z', '2012-12-20T13:06:16Z', '2012-12-20T13:15:15Z', '2012-12-20T13:25:38Z', '2012-12-20T13:27:00Z', '2012-12-20T15:06:37Z', '2012-12-20T15:25:35Z', '2012-12-20T15:28:45Z', '2012-12-20T15:37:27Z', '2012-12-20T15:56:45Z', '2012-12-20T16:10:35Z', '2012-12-20T16:18:25Z', '2012-12-20T16:35:21Z', '2012-12-20T16:45:26Z', '2012-12-20T16:46:52Z', '2013-01-04T16:10:08Z', '2013-01-04T16:10:08Z', '2013-01-04T17:11:03Z', '2013-01-04T17:26:30Z', '2013-01-04T17:47:08Z', '2013-01-07T11:23:43Z', '2013-01-07T11:26:39Z', '2013-01-07T11:34:07Z', '2013-01-07T11:57:45Z', '2013-01-07T12:00:01Z', '2013-01-07T12:22:45Z', '2013-01-07T13:15:38Z', '2013-01-07T13:31:23Z', '2013-01-07T13:33:32Z', '2013-01-07T13:36:44Z', '2013-01-07T13:51:56Z', '2013-01-07T13:51:56Z', '2013-01-09T16:39:14Z', '2013-01-10T10:11:19Z', '2013-01-10T10:12:19Z', '2013-01-10T10:12:19Z', '2013-01-10T12:15:24Z', '2013-01-10T12:16:32Z', '2013-01-11T17:45:13Z', '2013-01-14T17:13:31Z', '2013-01-14T17:15:15Z', '2013-01-14T17:58:04Z', '2013-01-14T18:30:15Z', '2013-01-14T18:31:01Z', '2013-01-14T18:50:18Z', '2013-01-15T09:47:44Z', '2013-01-15T12:40:07Z', '2013-01-15T12:40:38Z', '2013-01-15T12:45:29Z', '2013-01-15T13:14:00Z', '2013-01-17T13:11:01Z', '2013-01-17T13:11:01Z', '2013-01-17T13:12:13Z', '2013-01-17T13:23:03Z', '2013-01-17T13:24:25Z', '2013-01-17T13:27:51Z', '2013-01-17T13:28:03Z', '2013-01-17T13:51:20Z', '2013-01-17T14:00:00Z', '2013-01-17T14:02:21Z', '2013-01-17T14:27:49Z', '2013-01-17T14:30:01Z', '2013-01-17T14:38:55Z', '2013-01-17T14:41:12Z', '2013-01-17T12:29:59Z', '2013-01-17T12:29:59Z', '2013-01-17T12:44:39Z', '2013-01-17T12:44:39Z', '2013-01-28T11:28:34Z', '2013-01-28T11:28:34Z', '2013-01-28T11:50:31Z', '2013-01-28T11:50:31Z', '2013-01-28T12:58:43Z', '2013-01-28T13:07:27Z', '2013-01-28T13:22:09Z', '2013-01-28T13:49:27Z', '2013-01-28T13:49:27Z', '2013-01-29T13:37:52Z', '2013-01-29T13:37:52Z', '2013-01-29T13:48:48Z', '2013-01-29T13:51:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:25:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:25:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:28:40Z', '2013-01-29T17:54:15Z', '2013-01-30T12:43:49Z', '2013-01-30T12:43:49Z', '2013-01-30T12:50:39Z', '2013-01-30T13:16:55Z', '2013-01-30T13:16:55Z', '2013-02-04T10:39:46Z', '2013-02-04T10:39:46Z', '2013-02-04T11:10:53Z', '2013-02-04T11:10:53Z', '2013-02-04T11:22:40Z', '2013-02-04T11:22:40Z', '2013-02-04T11:23:24Z', '2013-02-04T11:26:03Z', '2013-02-04T11:26:03Z', '2013-02-04T12:41:28Z', '2013-02-04T12:41:28Z', '2013-02-04T12:43:17Z', '2013-02-04T12:46:51Z', '2013-02-04T12:59:49Z', '2013-02-04T12:59:49Z', '2013-02-04T13:58:42Z', '2013-02-04T13:58:42Z', '2013-02-04T14:05:08Z', '2013-02-22T11:14:40Z', '2013-02-22T11:14:40Z', '2013-02-22T15:17:36Z', '2013-02-22T15:17:36Z', '2013-02-22T15:39:54Z', '2013-02-22T15:41:37Z', '2013-02-22T15:42:13Z', '2013-02-22T15:43:31Z', '2013-02-22T17:17:33Z', '2013-02-22T17:19:38Z', '2013-02-22T17:22:15Z', '2013-03-06T12:21:50Z', '2013-03-06T12:21:50Z', '2013-05-20T15:10:04Z', '2013-05-20T15:10:04Z', '2013-09-27T15:39:26Z', '2013-09-27T15:39:26Z', '2013-09-27T15:42:03Z', '2013-09-27T15:42:03Z', '2013-09-27T16:04:30Z', '2013-09-27T16:04:30Z', '2013-11-21T17:33:25Z', '2013-11-21T17:33:25Z', '2013-11-22T17:11:41Z', '2013-11-22T17:11:41Z', '2013-11-22T17:18:00Z', '2013-11-22T17:33:56Z', '2013-11-22T17:45:45Z', '2013-11-25T13:31:36Z', '2013-11-25T13:31:36Z', '2013-11-25T13:52:12Z', '2013-11-25T14:28:49Z', '2013-11-25T14:37:21Z', '2013-11-25T14:50:48Z', '2013-11-25T17:35:34Z', '2014-02-05T18:05:35Z', '2014-02-05T18:05:35Z', '2014-02-05T18:15:44Z', '2014-02-06T12:34:12Z', '2014-02-06T12:34:12Z', '2014-02-06T13:26:09Z', '2014-02-07T09:57:07Z', '2014-02-07T09:57:07Z', '2014-02-07T09:59:22Z', '2014-02-07T10:06:29Z', '2014-02-10T13:15:30Z', '2014-02-10T13:15:30Z', '2014-02-10T14:39:09Z', '2014-02-10T14:39:09Z', '2014-02-10T14:52:21Z', '2014-02-10T15:50:27Z', '2014-02-10T15:51:39Z', '2014-02-10T16:51:18Z', '2014-02-10T16:51:18Z', '2014-02-10T17:05:27Z', '2014-02-10T17:17:23Z', '2014-02-11T11:07:40Z', '2014-02-11T11:07:40Z', '2014-02-11T15:25:23Z', '2014-02-11T15:25:23Z', '2014-02-11T15:38:50Z', '2014-02-11T17:22:21Z', '2014-02-11T17:24:34Z', '2014-02-12T11:32:27Z', '2014-02-12T11:32:28Z', '2014-02-12T11:38:31Z', '2014-02-12T12:46:29Z', '2014-02-12T12:46:29Z', '2014-02-12T12:51:05Z', '2014-02-12T12:51:59Z', '2014-02-12T13:45:40Z', '2014-02-12T13:47:43Z', '2014-02-12T14:52:40Z', '2014-02-12T14:54:54Z', '2014-02-13T14:56:23Z', '2014-02-13T14:56:23Z', '2014-02-13T14:58:48Z', '2014-02-13T15:19:42Z', '2014-02-13T15:24:06Z', '2014-02-17T13:21:27Z', '2014-02-17T13:21:27Z', '2014-02-17T13:26:25Z', '2014-02-17T13:31:16Z', '2014-02-17T14:44:23Z', '2014-02-17T14:44:23Z', '2014-02-18T10:17:03Z', '2014-02-18T10:17:03Z', '2014-02-18T10:20:45Z', '2014-02-18T10:25:26Z', '2014-02-19T10:29:19Z', '2014-02-19T10:29:19Z', '2014-03-07T16:34:06Z', '2014-03-07T16:34:06Z', '2014-03-07T12:13:06Z', '2014-03-07T12:13:06Z', '2014-10-29T17:28:30Z', '2014-10-29T17:28:30Z', '2015-04-02T17:15:14Z', '2015-04-02T17:15:14Z', '2015-04-02T17:41:57Z', '2015-04-02T17:43:09Z', '2015-07-20T18:39:32Z', '2015-07-20T18:39:33Z', '2015-07-20T20:04:28Z', '2015-07-21T17:31:42Z', '2015-07-21T17:31:42Z', '2015-08-17T20:44:44Z', '2015-08-17T20:45:06Z', '2015-08-17T20:45:06Z', '2015-08-17T20:47:31Z', '2015-08-19T11:43:28Z', '2015-08-19T11:43:28Z', '2015-08-20T10:11:45Z', '2015-08-20T10:11:45Z', '2015-08-20T10:21:22Z', '2015-08-20T10:29:33Z', '2015-08-20T10:31:18Z', '2015-08-20T10:31:47Z', '2015-08-20T10:41:01Z', '2015-08-20T10:44:41Z', '2015-08-20T10:48:14Z', '2015-08-20T10:49:36Z', '2015-08-20T10:50:24Z', '2015-08-20T10:58:12Z', '2015-08-20T10:58:44Z', '2015-08-20T11:07:56Z', '2015-08-20T11:07:56Z', '2015-08-20T11:27:48Z', '2015-08-20T12:06:18Z', '2015-08-20T12:26:23Z', '2015-08-20T12:33:37Z', '2015-08-20T12:52:15Z', '2015-08-20T12:58:11Z', '2015-08-20T13:10:27Z', '2015-08-20T13:10:57Z', '2015-08-20T13:23:01Z', '2015-08-20T13:24:35Z', '2015-08-20T13:30:33Z', '2015-08-20T13:36:55Z', '2015-08-20T13:38:14Z', '2015-08-20T13:42:30Z', '2015-08-28T14:17:18Z', '2015-08-28T14:22:24Z', '2015-08-28T14:23:44Z', '2015-08-28T14:25:44Z', '2015-08-28T14:35:57Z', '2015-08-28T14:37:49Z', '2015-08-31T10:54:51Z', '2015-08-31T10:55:39Z', '2015-08-31T10:55:53Z', '2015-08-31T11:07:34Z', '2015-08-31T11:08:29Z', '2015-08-31T11:09:41Z', '2015-09-07T10:53:16Z', '2015-09-07T11:00:12Z', '2015-09-07T11:01:31Z', '2015-09-07T11:03:04Z', '2015-09-07T11:03:55Z', '2015-09-07T11:04:49Z', '2015-09-07T11:05:48Z', '2015-09-07T11:09:56Z', '2015-09-07T11:11:28Z', '2015-09-07T11:13:44Z', '2015-09-07T11:15:04Z', '2015-09-07T11:15:20Z', '2015-09-07T14:52:15Z', '2015-09-14T16:35:28Z', '2015-09-21T18:32:57Z', '2015-09-21T18:41:30Z', '2015-09-21T19:05:13Z', '2015-09-21T19:06:25Z', '2015-09-22T15:37:35Z', '2016-01-22T11:35:16Z', '2016-01-22T11:37:40Z', '2016-01-22T11:38:31Z', '2016-01-22T11:38:40Z', '2016-01-22T12:54:30Z', '2016-01-22T12:58:02Z', '2016-01-22T12:58:34Z', '2016-01-22T13:11:02Z', '2016-01-22T13:15:21Z', '2016-01-22T13:16:02Z', '2016-01-22T13:17:34Z', '2016-01-22T13:17:45Z', '2016-01-22T13:21:51Z', '2016-01-27T15:03:51Z', '2016-01-27T15:06:31Z', '2016-01-27T15:07:16Z', '2016-01-27T15:08:04Z', '2016-01-27T15:24:39Z', '2016-01-27T15:50:03Z', '2016-01-27T18:43:36Z', '2016-01-28T16:08:58Z', '2016-01-28T16:11:10Z', '2016-01-28T19:44:41Z', '2016-01-28T19:50:51Z', '2016-01-28T19:51:02Z', '2016-01-28T19:51:25Z', '2016-01-28T20:02:19Z', '2016-02-03T20:04:43Z', '2016-02-03T20:04:43Z', '2016-02-03T20:08:10Z', '2016-02-03T20:15:57Z', '2016-02-03T20:17:45Z', '2016-02-03T20:18:55Z', '2016-02-03T20:21:30Z', '2016-02-03T20:24:21Z', '2016-02-03T20:40:05Z', '2016-02-04T11:00:28Z', '2016-02-04T11:16:07Z', '2016-02-04T11:18:02Z', '2016-02-04T11:26:51Z', '2016-02-04T11:32:38Z', '2016-02-04T11:37:23Z', '2016-02-04T11:38:38Z', '2016-02-04T11:49:33Z', '2016-02-04T11:52:43Z', '2016-02-04T11:56:31Z', '2016-02-04T11:58:36Z', '2016-02-04T12:00:20Z', '2016-02-04T12:00:52Z', '2016-02-04T12:05:29Z', '2016-02-04T12:08:58Z', '2016-02-04T12:10:25Z', '2016-02-04T12:10:45Z', '2016-02-04T12:33:11Z', '2016-02-04T12:33:47Z', '2016-02-04T12:34:45Z', '2016-02-04T12:36:47Z', '2016-02-04T17:29:21Z', '2016-02-04T17:33:58Z', '2016-02-04T17:35:10Z', '2016-02-04T17:36:02Z', '2016-02-04T17:38:10Z', '2016-02-05T09:24:30Z', '2016-02-05T09:39:38Z', '2016-02-05T10:01:25Z', '2016-02-05T11:10:54Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:32Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:47Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:58Z', '2016-02-05T11:35:02Z', '2016-02-05T11:38:15Z', '2016-02-05T12:21:57Z', '2016-02-05T12:22:43Z', '2016-02-05T12:27:07Z', '2016-02-05T12:28:39Z', '2016-02-05T12:29:05Z', '2016-02-05T12:44:54Z', '2016-02-06T14:59:53Z', '2016-02-06T15:05:35Z', '2016-02-06T15:06:08Z', '2016-02-06T15:06:28Z', '2016-02-06T15:10:00Z', '2016-02-06T15:11:56Z', '2016-02-06T15:13:27Z', '2016-02-06T15:14:36Z', '2016-02-06T15:14:44Z', '2016-02-06T15:25:29Z', '2016-02-08T15:35:24Z', '2016-02-09T16:55:58Z', '2016-02-09T16:56:18Z', '2016-02-09T17:28:36Z', '2016-02-09T17:30:00Z', '2016-02-09T17:31:21Z', '2016-02-09T17:31:38Z', '2016-02-10T15:25:38Z', '2016-02-10T15:26:00Z', '2016-02-10T15:26:24Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:28Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:47Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:52Z', '2016-02-10T15:28:12Z', '2016-02-10T15:28:31Z', '2016-02-10T15:29:21Z', '2016-02-10T15:29:50Z', '2016-02-10T15:30:25Z', '2016-02-10T15:31:04Z', '2016-02-10T15:32:04Z', '2016-02-10T15:32:26Z', '2016-02-10T15:34:23Z', '2016-02-10T15:36:01Z', '2016-02-15T20:06:02Z', '2016-02-15T20:08:57Z', '2016-02-15T20:24:47Z', '2016-02-16T12:15:14Z', '2016-02-16T12:17:51Z', '2016-02-16T12:27:58Z', '2016-02-16T12:32:44Z', '2016-02-16T12:34:05Z', '2016-02-16T12:36:37Z', '2016-02-16T12:38:31Z', '2016-02-16T12:49:25Z', '2016-02-16T12:55:00Z', '2016-02-16T12:57:06Z', '2016-02-16T16:15:23Z', '2016-02-18T11:00:45Z', '2016-02-18T11:03:27Z', '2016-02-19T13:14:21Z', '2016-02-19T13:16:17Z', '2016-02-19T14:41:47Z', '2016-02-19T14:42:19Z', '2016-02-19T14:47:18Z', '2016-02-19T14:52:42Z', '2016-02-19T14:55:26Z', '2016-02-19T15:00:21Z', '2016-02-19T15:06:37Z', '2016-02-19T15:10:56Z', '2016-02-19T15:11:20Z', '2016-02-19T15:12:04Z', '2016-02-19T15:12:33Z', '2016-02-19T15:12:56Z', '2016-02-19T15:13:04Z', '2016-02-19T15:13:19Z', '2016-02-19T15:13:48Z', '2016-02-19T15:14:49Z', '2016-02-19T15:16:20Z', '2016-02-19T15:16:52Z', '2016-02-19T15:22:53Z', '2016-02-19T15:32:57Z', '2016-02-19T15:33:11Z', '2016-02-19T15:34:47Z', '2016-02-19T15:37:29Z', '2016-02-19T15:38:25Z', '2016-02-19T15:38:38Z', '2016-02-19T15:39:20Z', '2016-02-19T15:40:59Z', '2016-02-19T15:47:14Z', '2016-02-19T15:49:40Z', '2016-02-19T15:50:12Z', '2016-02-19T15:50:55Z', '2016-02-19T15:58:47Z', '2016-02-19T16:00:52Z', '2016-02-19T16:01:39Z', '2016-02-19T16:02:13Z', '2016-02-19T16:02:24Z', '2016-02-19T16:08:01Z', '2016-02-19T16:08:21Z', '2016-02-19T16:13:06Z', '2016-02-19T16:13:19Z', '2016-02-19T16:13:34Z', '2016-02-19T16:15:14Z', '2016-02-19T16:15:59Z', '2016-02-19T16:16:23Z', '2016-02-19T16:17:44Z', '2016-02-19T16:18:16Z', '2016-02-19T16:19:49Z', '2016-02-19T16:21:27Z', '2016-02-19T16:22:53Z', '2016-02-19T16:23:06Z', '2016-02-19T16:23:29Z', '2016-02-19T16:28:59Z', '2016-02-19T16:30:13Z', '2016-02-19T16:31:27Z', '2016-02-19T16:32:45Z', '2016-02-19T17:27:40Z', '2016-02-19T17:27:55Z', '2016-02-19T17:32:36Z', '2016-02-20T14:03:58Z', '2016-02-20T14:04:50Z', '2016-02-20T14:05:35Z', '2016-02-20T14:07:01Z', '2016-02-20T14:08:13Z', '2016-02-20T14:09:50Z', '2016-02-20T14:10:14Z', '2016-02-20T14:49:24Z', '2016-02-20T14:49:33Z', '2016-02-20T17:19:02Z', '2016-02-20T17:33:52Z', '2016-02-22T11:25:22Z', '2016-02-22T11:27:08Z', '2016-02-22T11:27:38Z', '2016-02-26T17:26:01Z', '2016-02-26T17:26:12Z', '2016-02-26T17:26:23Z', '2016-02-26T17:40:15Z', '2016-02-26T17:40:25Z', '2016-02-26T17:43:16Z', '2016-02-26T17:44:12Z', '2016-02-26T17:44:38Z', '2016-02-26T17:45:11Z', '2016-02-26T17:45:34Z', '2016-02-26T17:46:08Z', '2016-02-26T17:46:38Z', '2016-02-26T17:48:11Z', '2016-02-26T19:07:36Z', '2016-02-27T15:15:28Z', '2016-02-27T17:35:31Z', '2016-02-29T13:32:43Z', '2016-03-08T19:12:25Z', '2016-03-08T19:14:37Z', '2016-03-09T11:25:32Z', '2016-04-13T16:23:53Z', '2016-04-13T16:24:45Z', '2016-04-13T16:25:20Z', '2016-04-13T16:25:27Z', '2016-04-13T16:33:58Z', '2016-04-13T17:33:33Z', '2016-04-13T17:40:58Z', '2016-04-13T17:48:01Z', '2016-04-13T17:49:24Z', '2016-04-13T17:55:34Z', '2016-04-13T17:59:54Z', '2016-04-13T18:01:41Z', '2016-04-13T18:04:38Z', '2016-04-13T18:05:23Z', '2016-04-13T18:05:45Z', '2016-04-13T18:05:58Z', '2016-04-13T18:06:54Z', '2016-04-13T18:07:41Z', '2016-04-13T18:08:00Z', '2016-04-13T18:10:38Z', '2016-04-13T18:11:39Z', '2016-04-13T18:12:27Z', '2016-04-13T18:14:39Z', '2016-04-13T18:15:30Z', '2016-04-13T18:15:47Z', '2016-04-13T18:41:30Z', '2016-04-13T18:42:53Z', '2016-04-13T18:44:03Z', '2016-04-15T17:34:02Z', '2016-04-15T18:02:57Z', '2016-04-15T19:33:26Z', '2016-04-19T14:35:52Z', '2016-04-19T14:46:34Z', 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Therefore, six digital humans and welding torch model were built and evaluated based on the Jack software in order to improve the ergonomics of welders’ standing postures. Three sets of standing welding actions were designed: walking, raising arm, and contracting arm. Through the Lower Back Analysis, Ovako Working Posture Analysis, Comfort Assessment, and Rapid Upper Limb Assessment, this paper evaluated the optimum range of the weight of the welding torch, the upper limb posture, and the neck posture of the welder. Firstly, the results show that Chinese welders should not use a welding torch with a weight of more than 6 kg when standing up. Secondly, for adult males in the 5th, 50th, 95th percentile of body size, the best operating distance is 321 mm, 371 mm, and 421 mm, respectively, and the best operating height is 1050 mm, 1100 mm, and 1150 mm, respectively; for females in the same percentiles, the optimal operating distance is 271 mm, 321 mm, and 371 mm, respectively, and the optimal operating height is 1000 mm, 1050 mm, and 1100 mm, respectively. Moreover, the horizontal and vertical rotation angle of the welder’s neck should not exceed 15 and 8.7. The adjustment strategy not only has a positive effect on improving welders’ operational posture and preventing fatigue and injury to the welder, but it also develops research ideas for promoting safety from the perspective of ergonomics. created 2019-11-07T16:08:59Z creator Yongbao Zhang, Xiang Wu, Jingqi Gao, Jianwu Chen and Xun Xv date 2019-11-07T16:08:59Z dc:creator Yongbao Zhang, Xiang Wu, Jingqi Gao, Jianwu Chen and Xun Xv dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject welders’ standing posture; ergonomics; Jack software; adjustment strategy dc:title Simulation and Ergonomic Evaluation of Welders’ Standing Posture Using Jack Software dcterms:created 2019-11-07T16:08:59Z dcterms:modified 2019-11-07T16:08:59Z meta:author Yongbao Zhang, Xiang Wu, Jingqi Gao, Jianwu Chen and Xun Xv meta:creation-date 2019-11-07T16:08:59Z meta:keyword welders’ standing posture; ergonomics; Jack software; adjustment strategy meta:save-date 2019-11-07T16:08:59Z modified 2019-11-07T16:08:59Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['3146', '3935', '2194', '4535', '2676', '4099', '3932', '3531', '3519', '3579', '5556', '3623', '3928', '1439'] pdf:docinfo:created 2019-11-07T16:08:59Z pdf:docinfo:creator Yongbao Zhang, Xiang Wu, Jingqi Gao, Jianwu Chen and Xun Xv pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.17 (TeX Live 2016/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.2 pdf:docinfo:keywords welders’ standing posture; ergonomics; Jack software; adjustment strategy pdf:docinfo:modified 2019-11-07T16:08:59Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.17 pdf:docinfo:subject Ergonomics research strives to make workers’ labor more efficient, safer, and more comfortable. Therefore, six digital humans and welding torch model were built and evaluated based on the Jack software in order to improve the ergonomics of welders’ standing postures. Three sets of standing welding actions were designed: walking, raising arm, and contracting arm. Through the Lower Back Analysis, Ovako Working Posture Analysis, Comfort Assessment, and Rapid Upper Limb Assessment, this paper evaluated the optimum range of the weight of the welding torch, the upper limb posture, and the neck posture of the welder. Firstly, the results show that Chinese welders should not use a welding torch with a weight of more than 6 kg when standing up. Secondly, for adult males in the 5th, 50th, 95th percentile of body size, the best operating distance is 321 mm, 371 mm, and 421 mm, respectively, and the best operating height is 1050 mm, 1100 mm, and 1150 mm, respectively; for females in the same percentiles, the optimal operating distance is 271 mm, 321 mm, and 371 mm, respectively, and the optimal operating height is 1000 mm, 1050 mm, and 1100 mm, respectively. Moreover, the horizontal and vertical rotation angle of the welder’s neck should not exceed 15 and 8.7. The adjustment strategy not only has a positive effect on improving welders’ operational posture and preventing fatigue and injury to the welder, but it also develops research ideas for promoting safety from the perspective of ergonomics. pdf:docinfo:title Simulation and Ergonomic Evaluation of Welders’ Standing Posture Using Jack Software pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['17', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.17 resourceName b'work_uolzcec3xff3ra45tohoqbp2yu.pdf' subject Ergonomics research strives to make workers’ labor more efficient, safer, and more comfortable. Therefore, six digital humans and welding torch model were built and evaluated based on the Jack software in order to improve the ergonomics of welders’ standing postures. Three sets of standing welding actions were designed: walking, raising arm, and contracting arm. Through the Lower Back Analysis, Ovako Working Posture Analysis, Comfort Assessment, and Rapid Upper Limb Assessment, this paper evaluated the optimum range of the weight of the welding torch, the upper limb posture, and the neck posture of the welder. Firstly, the results show that Chinese welders should not use a welding torch with a weight of more than 6 kg when standing up. Secondly, for adult males in the 5th, 50th, 95th percentile of body size, the best operating distance is 321 mm, 371 mm, and 421 mm, respectively, and the best operating height is 1050 mm, 1100 mm, and 1150 mm, respectively; for females in the same percentiles, the optimal operating distance is 271 mm, 321 mm, and 371 mm, respectively, and the optimal operating height is 1000 mm, 1050 mm, and 1100 mm, respectively. Moreover, the horizontal and vertical rotation angle of the welder’s neck should not exceed 15 and 8.7. The adjustment strategy not only has a positive effect on improving welders’ operational posture and preventing fatigue and injury to the welder, but it also develops research ideas for promoting safety from the perspective of ergonomics. title Simulation and Ergonomic Evaluation of Welders’ Standing Posture Using Jack Software trapped False xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 14 INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_etoxniuo4nbctp6l3xefoqkff4.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === id: work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgva author: Sarah Schulz title: The Taming of the Shrew - non-standard text processing in the Digital Humanities date: 2018 pages: 196 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgva.txt cache: ./cache/work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgva.pdf Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2018-02-22T07:43:30Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 496 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2018-02-22T07:43:30Z dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dcterms:created 2018-02-22T07:43:30Z meta:creation-date 2018-02-22T07:43:30Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['428', '0', '871', '0', '1853', '0', '1121', '2120', '1994', '0', '983', '674', '2915', '637', '2903', '1310', '1685', '2630', '1625', '0', '1757', '2080', '2258', '1428', '1776', '3040', '2952', '1615', '2916', '2500', '1880', '1410', '1513', '2610', '2600', '1859', '2566', '2443', '2535', '2526', '1423', '2913', '2543', '1794', '2798', '2974', '2754', '2419', '2794', '2809', '2254', '0', '1741', '2630', '2062', '141', '2080', '1861', '2510', '2346', '2592', '2710', '2794', '2528', '1166', '2856', '2689', '1889', '2402', '1230', '1716', '1867', '1901', '2921', '2274', '2403', '841', '2538', '2089', '1861', '1931', '2081', '2377', '2582', '2471', '2000', '1289', '2226', '1796', '2599', '2476', '2768', '2963', '2779', '2497', '1717', '2232', '2334', '2143', '1870', '1770', '2467', '1892', '2023', '2519', '2705', '2244', '2782', '2268', '2448', '2083', '2648', '1815', '2919', '1910', '1698', '2961', '1992', '2318', '2484', '2474', '1697', '2133', '1673', '2476', '1766', '1946', '1164', '2028', '1880', '2072', '2459', '2375', '1998', '2481', '2225', '1907', '2806', '641', '2529', '2720', '2355', '1841', '2196', '2222', '1881', '1624', '2912', '1990', '2103', '1737', '3011', '2196', '2410', '2002', '1778', '1877', '1791', '2299', '2784', '1841', '2102', '716', '1127', '1620', '2924', '2420', '2928', '2763', '2883', '1919', '2261', '2150', '2037', '2170', '2162', '2234', '2415', '2180', '2036', '2073', '2222', '2261', '2019', '2039', '2293', '2245', '2211', '2130', '2199', '2252', '2136', '2331', '2159', '1022', '0'] pdf:docinfo:created 2018-02-22T07:43:30Z pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:producer XeTeX 0.99996 pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '2', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer XeTeX 0.99996 resourceName b'work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgva.pdf' xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 196 work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imue txt/../wrd/work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imue.wrd work_afxycoctbrbcpkbkn7gub2qnpa txt/../pos/work_afxycoctbrbcpkbkn7gub2qnpa.pos work_3hhqhd4a4fbvvj3rqix3qqobdi txt/../ent/work_3hhqhd4a4fbvvj3rqix3qqobdi.ent work_q5mcdbdde5d4fayz77f2ghyseu txt/../wrd/work_q5mcdbdde5d4fayz77f2ghyseu.wrd === === id: work_6vcrgppij5eg5mm2vy2yjuhdee author: Niels C.C.M. 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'2011-02-25T20:55:48Z', '2011-02-25T20:56:18Z', '2011-02-25T21:00:46Z', '2011-02-27T15:13:02Z', '2011-02-27T15:13:12Z', '2011-02-27T15:14:56Z', '2011-02-27T15:26:07Z', '2011-02-27T15:26:48Z', '2011-02-27T15:27:06Z', '2011-02-27T15:28:47Z', '2011-02-27T15:41:50Z', '2011-02-27T15:43:45Z', '2011-02-27T15:44:15Z', '2011-02-27T15:47:15Z', '2011-02-27T15:48:23Z', '2011-02-27T15:49:58Z', '2011-03-01T16:17:19Z', '2011-03-05T15:31:27Z', '2011-03-05T16:21:09Z', '2011-06-19T20:33:49Z', '2011-06-19T20:33:59Z', '2011-06-19T20:36:50Z', '2011-06-19T20:37:42Z', '2011-06-19T20:51:19Z', '2011-06-19T20:51:28Z', '2011-06-19T20:57:18Z', '2011-06-19T20:59:33Z', '2011-06-19T21:04:23Z', '2011-06-19T21:12:12Z', '2011-06-19T21:14:52Z', '2011-06-19T21:15:08Z', '2011-06-19T21:17:53Z', '2011-06-19T21:36:22Z', '2011-06-19T21:37:28Z', '2011-06-19T21:41:07Z', '2011-06-19T21:41:31Z', '2011-06-19T21:41:50Z', '2011-06-19T21:58:52Z', '2011-06-19T21:59:31Z', '2011-06-19T22:04:10Z', '2011-06-19T22:05:44Z', '2011-06-19T22:09:19Z', '2011-06-19T22:13:43Z', '2011-06-19T22:14:03Z', '2011-06-19T22:14:22Z', '2011-06-19T22:15:04Z', '2011-06-19T22:16:45Z', '2011-06-19T22:17:28Z', '2011-06-19T22:20:33Z', '2011-06-19T22:23:42Z', '2011-06-19T22:29:12Z', '2011-06-19T22:34:48Z', '2011-06-19T22:39:14Z', '2011-06-19T22:44:26Z', '2011-06-19T22:45:50Z', '2011-06-19T22:46:45Z', '2011-06-20T18:26:49Z', '2011-06-26T15:09:01Z', '2011-06-26T15:16:09Z', '2011-06-26T15:18:15Z', '2011-06-26T15:18:47Z', '2011-06-26T15:20:59Z', '2011-06-26T15:48:37Z', '2011-06-26T17:00:03Z', '2011-06-26T17:09:03Z', '2011-06-26T17:19:30Z', '2011-06-26T17:25:47Z', '2011-06-26T17:37:30Z', '2011-06-26T17:37:55Z', '2011-07-15T21:20:27Z', '2011-07-15T21:22:50Z', '2011-07-15T21:23:11Z', '2011-07-26T00:19:41Z', '2011-07-26T00:19:41Z', '2011-07-26T00:30:12Z', '2011-07-26T00:37:26Z', '2011-07-26T00:37:59Z', '2011-07-26T00:40:59Z', '2011-07-26T00:42:01Z', '2011-07-26T00:42:25Z', '2011-07-26T00:48:16Z', '2011-07-26T00:49:06Z', '2011-07-26T00:49:17Z', '2011-07-26T00:50:33Z', '2011-07-26T00:50:37Z', '2011-07-26T00:51:01Z', '2011-07-26T00:51:22Z', '2011-07-26T00:53:56Z', '2011-07-26T00:54:57Z', '2011-07-26T00:55:18Z', '2011-07-26T00:56:54Z', '2011-07-26T00:58:24Z', '2011-07-26T01:01:04Z', '2011-07-26T01:02:07Z', '2011-07-26T01:03:28Z', '2011-07-26T01:03:55Z', '2011-07-26T01:08:54Z', '2011-07-26T01:09:02Z', '2011-07-26T01:09:17Z', '2011-07-26T01:10:58Z', '2011-07-26T01:20:10Z', '2011-07-26T01:21:30Z', '2011-07-26T01:28:52Z', '2011-08-10T11:22:26Z', '2011-08-10T11:23:01Z', '2011-08-10T11:25:28Z', '2011-08-10T11:31:23Z', '2011-08-10T11:34:05Z', '2011-08-10T11:34:22Z', '2011-08-10T11:35:09Z', '2011-08-10T11:36:58Z', '2011-08-10T11:37:24Z', '2011-08-10T11:41:45Z', '2011-08-10T11:42:13Z', '2011-08-10T11:42:32Z', '2011-08-13T23:05:19Z', '2011-08-29T16:46:16Z', '2011-08-29T16:53:35Z', '2011-08-29T16:57:03Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:20Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:39Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:59Z', '2011-08-29T17:00:22Z', '2011-08-29T17:10:08Z', '2011-08-29T17:28:57Z', '2011-08-29T17:31:27Z', '2011-08-29T17:31:39Z', '2011-08-31T21:57:13Z', '2011-08-31T21:57:28Z', '2011-08-31T22:06:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:12:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:13:53Z', '2011-08-31T22:17:10Z', '2011-08-31T22:17:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:22:51Z', '2011-08-31T22:23:36Z', '2011-08-31T22:27:58Z', '2011-08-31T22:28:33Z', '2011-08-31T22:30:14Z', '2011-08-31T22:31:42Z', '2011-08-31T22:32:03Z', '2011-08-31T22:42:54Z', '2011-11-10T21:36:57Z', '2011-11-10T21:53:48Z', '2011-11-10T21:54:57Z', '2011-11-10T22:09:19Z', '2011-11-10T22:11:16Z', '2011-11-10T22:14:49Z', '2011-11-10T22:19:49Z', '2011-11-10T22:39:16Z', '2011-11-10T22:41:34Z', '2011-11-10T22:50:58Z', '2011-11-10T22:55:08Z', '2011-11-10T23:01:37Z', '2011-11-10T23:04:03Z', '2011-11-10T23:06:56Z', '2011-11-10T23:07:06Z', '2011-11-10T23:51:29Z', '2011-11-10T23:54:28Z', '2012-02-16T13:31:11Z', '2012-02-16T13:32:39Z', '2012-02-16T13:36:16Z', '2012-02-16T13:37:10Z', '2012-02-16T13:38:17Z', '2012-02-16T13:38:35Z', '2012-02-16T13:39:36Z', '2012-02-16T13:47:08Z', '2012-02-16T13:47:44Z', '2012-02-16T13:48:03Z', '2012-02-16T13:54:37Z', '2012-02-16T13:54:51Z', '2012-02-16T13:55:14Z', '2012-02-16T13:57:19Z', '2012-02-16T13:59:53Z', '2012-02-16T14:02:18Z', '2012-02-16T14:05:47Z', '2012-02-16T14:06:38Z', '2012-02-16T14:11:27Z', '2012-02-16T14:12:10Z', '2012-02-16T14:13:02Z', '2012-02-16T14:15:17Z', '2012-02-16T14:15:35Z', '2012-02-16T14:16:21Z', '2012-02-16T14:17:25Z', '2012-02-16T14:18:00Z', '2012-02-16T14:25:17Z', '2012-02-16T14:29:07Z', '2012-02-16T14:34:20Z', '2012-02-16T14:39:28Z', '2012-02-16T14:44:36Z', '2012-02-16T14:44:55Z', '2012-02-16T14:51:33Z', '2012-02-16T14:55:35Z', '2012-02-16T14:56:08Z', '2012-02-16T14:56:53Z', '2012-02-16T14:57:40Z', '2012-02-16T15:03:50Z', '2012-02-16T15:07:02Z', '2012-02-16T19:30:14Z', '2012-02-16T19:33:37Z', '2012-02-16T19:34:16Z', '2012-02-16T19:35:03Z', '2012-02-16T19:39:02Z', '2012-02-16T19:39:19Z', '2012-02-16T19:41:58Z', '2012-02-16T19:44:36Z', '2012-02-16T19:45:28Z', '2012-02-16T19:51:19Z', '2012-02-16T22:18:30Z', '2012-02-16T22:19:05Z', '2012-02-16T22:23:14Z', '2012-02-16T22:26:46Z', '2012-02-16T22:27:07Z', '2012-02-16T22:28:01Z', '2012-02-16T22:29:35Z', '2012-02-16T22:30:23Z', '2012-02-16T22:32:32Z', '2012-02-16T22:38:37Z', '2012-02-16T22:48:57Z', '2012-02-16T22:49:12Z', '2012-02-16T22:53:40Z', '2012-02-16T22:55:21Z', '2012-02-16T22:56:44Z', '2012-02-16T22:57:42Z', '2012-02-16T22:59:48Z', '2012-02-16T23:00:50Z', '2012-02-16T23:57:20Z', '2012-02-16T23:57:42Z', '2012-02-17T00:00:20Z', '2012-02-17T00:03:27Z', '2012-02-18T11:25:53Z', '2012-02-19T17:00:50Z', '2012-02-19T17:01:38Z', '2012-02-19T17:06:27Z', '2012-03-03T19:13:44Z', '2012-03-03T19:17:44Z', '2012-03-03T19:18:26Z', '2012-03-03T19:19:19Z', '2012-03-03T19:22:56Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:28Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:41Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:50Z', '2012-03-03T19:24:04Z', '2012-03-03T19:30:55Z', '2012-03-03T19:37:06Z', '2012-04-01T15:43:40Z', '2012-04-01T15:45:15Z', '2012-04-01T15:51:20Z', '2012-04-01T15:56:42Z', '2012-04-01T16:35:08Z', '2012-04-01T16:41:27Z', '2012-04-01T16:50:44Z', '2012-04-01T17:02:45Z', '2012-04-01T17:05:47Z', '2012-04-01T17:08:44Z', '2012-04-01T17:15:27Z', '2012-04-01T17:17:16Z', '2012-04-01T17:19:38Z', '2012-04-01T17:20:30Z', '2012-04-01T17:24:46Z', '2012-04-01T17:30:13Z', '2012-04-01T17:30:29Z', '2012-04-01T17:31:01Z', '2012-04-01T17:31:31Z', '2012-04-01T17:34:59Z', '2012-04-01T18:12:25Z', '2012-04-01T18:13:23Z', '2012-04-01T18:19:41Z', '2012-04-03T12:31:27Z', '2012-04-03T12:36:13Z', '2012-04-03T12:36:51Z', '2012-05-06T11:58:51Z', '2012-05-29T22:24:44Z', '2012-05-29T22:25:00Z', '2012-05-29T22:25:16Z', '2012-05-29T22:32:44Z', '2012-05-29T22:34:51Z', '2012-05-29T22:35:55Z', '2012-05-29T22:44:49Z', '2012-06-18T21:51:16Z', '2012-06-23T19:02:40Z', '2012-06-23T19:21:09Z', '2012-06-23T19:31:43Z', '2012-06-23T19:34:22Z', '2012-06-23T19:34:37Z', '2012-07-14T14:36:29Z', '2012-07-14T14:45:11Z', '2012-07-14T14:45:26Z', '2012-08-08T22:24:12Z', '2012-08-08T22:24:12Z', '2012-08-09T21:36:14Z', '2012-08-09T21:36:24Z', '2012-08-09T22:00:24Z', '2012-08-09T22:05:44Z', '2012-08-19T19:25:32Z', '2012-08-19T21:24:42Z', '2012-08-19T21:46:28Z', '2012-09-10T12:16:46Z', '2012-09-10T12:18:34Z', '2012-09-10T12:19:55Z', '2012-09-10T12:23:14Z', '2012-09-10T12:23:25Z', '2012-09-10T12:35:23Z', '2012-09-10T12:36:36Z', '2012-09-10T12:40:43Z', '2012-09-10T12:41:40Z', '2012-09-10T12:45:20Z', '2012-09-10T12:53:57Z', '2012-09-10T18:03:16Z', '2012-09-10T18:05:04Z', '2012-09-10T18:07:34Z', '2012-09-17T22:32:22Z', '2012-09-17T22:33:52Z', '2012-09-17T22:38:07Z', '2012-10-18T19:33:17Z', '2012-10-18T19:34:52Z', '2012-10-18T20:12:16Z', '2012-10-18T21:24:59Z', '2012-10-18T22:24:28Z', '2012-10-18T22:25:55Z', '2012-10-18T22:30:16Z', '2012-10-18T22:30:26Z', '2012-10-18T23:05:47Z', '2012-10-18T23:13:53Z', '2012-10-18T23:16:22Z', '2012-10-18T23:18:29Z', '2012-10-18T23:20:07Z', '2012-10-31T19:49:08Z', '2012-10-31T19:49:58Z', '2012-10-31T19:50:10Z', '2012-10-31T19:52:46Z', '2012-10-31T19:54:00Z', '2012-10-31T19:55:44Z', '2012-10-31T19:56:13Z', '2012-10-31T19:57:36Z', '2012-10-31T19:57:49Z', '2012-10-31T19:58:33Z', '2012-10-31T20:07:55Z', '2012-10-31T20:08:05Z', '2012-11-16T13:10:57Z', '2012-11-16T14:04:50Z', '2012-11-17T13:52:53Z', '2012-11-17T13:53:46Z', '2012-11-17T13:57:01Z', '2012-11-17T14:03:12Z', '2012-11-17T14:04:52Z', '2012-11-17T14:09:39Z', '2012-11-17T14:11:34Z', '2012-11-17T14:13:59Z', '2012-11-17T14:16:47Z', '2012-11-17T14:16:58Z', '2012-11-17T14:17:11Z', '2012-11-17T14:25:17Z', '2012-11-17T14:25:52Z', '2012-11-17T14:26:08Z', '2012-11-17T14:26:33Z', '2012-11-19T13:45:18Z', '2012-12-18T16:08:06Z', '2012-12-18T16:08:06Z', '2012-12-18T16:10:26Z', '2012-12-18T16:46:14Z', '2012-12-18T17:49:15Z', '2012-12-19T10:41:05Z', '2012-12-19T14:29:29Z', '2012-12-19T14:29:29Z', '2012-12-19T14:33:19Z', '2012-12-19T14:33:19Z', '2012-12-20T11:39:16Z', '2012-12-20T13:06:16Z', '2012-12-20T13:15:15Z', '2012-12-20T13:25:38Z', '2012-12-20T13:27:00Z', '2012-12-20T15:06:37Z', '2012-12-20T15:25:35Z', '2012-12-20T15:28:45Z', '2012-12-20T15:37:27Z', '2012-12-20T15:56:45Z', '2012-12-20T16:10:35Z', '2012-12-20T16:18:25Z', '2012-12-20T16:35:21Z', '2012-12-20T16:45:26Z', '2012-12-20T16:46:52Z', '2013-01-04T16:10:08Z', '2013-01-04T16:10:08Z', '2013-01-04T17:11:03Z', '2013-01-04T17:26:30Z', '2013-01-04T17:47:08Z', '2013-01-07T11:23:43Z', '2013-01-07T11:26:39Z', '2013-01-07T11:34:07Z', '2013-01-07T11:57:45Z', '2013-01-07T12:00:01Z', '2013-01-07T12:22:45Z', '2013-01-07T13:15:38Z', '2013-01-07T13:31:23Z', '2013-01-07T13:33:32Z', '2013-01-07T13:36:44Z', '2013-01-07T13:51:56Z', '2013-01-07T13:51:56Z', '2013-01-09T16:39:14Z', '2013-01-10T10:11:19Z', '2013-01-10T10:12:19Z', '2013-01-10T10:12:19Z', '2013-01-10T12:15:24Z', '2013-01-10T12:16:32Z', '2013-01-11T17:45:13Z', '2013-01-14T17:13:31Z', '2013-01-14T17:15:15Z', '2013-01-14T17:58:04Z', '2013-01-14T18:30:15Z', '2013-01-14T18:31:01Z', '2013-01-14T18:50:18Z', '2013-01-15T09:47:44Z', '2013-01-15T12:40:07Z', '2013-01-15T12:40:38Z', '2013-01-15T12:45:29Z', '2013-01-15T13:14:00Z', '2013-01-17T13:11:01Z', '2013-01-17T13:11:01Z', '2013-01-17T13:12:13Z', '2013-01-17T13:23:03Z', '2013-01-17T13:24:25Z', '2013-01-17T13:27:51Z', '2013-01-17T13:28:03Z', '2013-01-17T13:51:20Z', '2013-01-17T14:00:00Z', '2013-01-17T14:02:21Z', '2013-01-17T14:27:49Z', '2013-01-17T14:30:01Z', '2013-01-17T14:38:55Z', '2013-01-17T14:41:12Z', '2013-01-17T12:29:59Z', '2013-01-17T12:29:59Z', '2013-01-17T12:44:39Z', '2013-01-17T12:44:39Z', '2013-01-28T11:28:34Z', '2013-01-28T11:28:34Z', '2013-01-28T11:50:31Z', '2013-01-28T11:50:31Z', '2013-01-28T12:58:43Z', '2013-01-28T13:07:27Z', '2013-01-28T13:22:09Z', '2013-01-28T13:49:27Z', '2013-01-28T13:49:27Z', '2013-01-29T13:37:52Z', '2013-01-29T13:37:52Z', '2013-01-29T13:48:48Z', '2013-01-29T13:51:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:25:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:25:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:28:40Z', '2013-01-29T17:54:15Z', '2013-01-30T12:43:49Z', '2013-01-30T12:43:49Z', '2013-01-30T12:50:39Z', '2013-01-30T13:16:55Z', '2013-01-30T13:16:55Z', '2013-02-04T10:39:46Z', '2013-02-04T10:39:46Z', '2013-02-04T11:10:53Z', '2013-02-04T11:10:53Z', '2013-02-04T11:22:40Z', '2013-02-04T11:22:40Z', '2013-02-04T11:23:24Z', '2013-02-04T11:26:03Z', '2013-02-04T11:26:03Z', '2013-02-04T12:41:28Z', '2013-02-04T12:41:28Z', '2013-02-04T12:43:17Z', '2013-02-04T12:46:51Z', '2013-02-04T12:59:49Z', '2013-02-04T12:59:49Z', '2013-02-04T13:58:42Z', '2013-02-04T13:58:42Z', '2013-02-04T14:05:08Z', '2013-02-22T11:14:40Z', '2013-02-22T11:14:40Z', '2013-02-22T15:17:36Z', '2013-02-22T15:17:36Z', '2013-02-22T15:39:54Z', '2013-02-22T15:41:37Z', '2013-02-22T15:42:13Z', '2013-02-22T15:43:31Z', '2013-02-22T17:17:33Z', '2013-02-22T17:19:38Z', '2013-02-22T17:22:15Z', '2013-03-06T12:21:50Z', '2013-03-06T12:21:50Z', '2013-05-20T15:10:04Z', '2013-05-20T15:10:04Z', '2013-09-27T15:39:26Z', '2013-09-27T15:39:26Z', '2013-09-27T15:42:03Z', '2013-09-27T15:42:03Z', '2013-09-27T16:04:30Z', '2013-09-27T16:04:30Z', '2013-11-21T17:33:25Z', '2013-11-21T17:33:25Z', '2013-11-22T17:11:41Z', '2013-11-22T17:11:41Z', '2013-11-22T17:18:00Z', '2013-11-22T17:33:56Z', '2013-11-22T17:45:45Z', '2013-11-25T13:31:36Z', '2013-11-25T13:31:36Z', '2013-11-25T13:52:12Z', '2013-11-25T14:28:49Z', '2013-11-25T14:37:21Z', '2013-11-25T14:50:48Z', '2013-11-25T17:35:34Z', '2014-02-05T18:05:35Z', '2014-02-05T18:05:35Z', '2014-02-05T18:15:44Z', '2014-02-06T12:34:12Z', '2014-02-06T12:34:12Z', '2014-02-06T13:26:09Z', '2014-02-07T09:57:07Z', '2014-02-07T09:57:07Z', '2014-02-07T09:59:22Z', '2014-02-07T10:06:29Z', '2014-02-10T13:15:30Z', '2014-02-10T13:15:30Z', '2014-02-10T14:39:09Z', '2014-02-10T14:39:09Z', '2014-02-10T14:52:21Z', '2014-02-10T15:50:27Z', '2014-02-10T15:51:39Z', '2014-02-10T16:51:18Z', '2014-02-10T16:51:18Z', '2014-02-10T17:05:27Z', '2014-02-10T17:17:23Z', '2014-02-11T11:07:40Z', '2014-02-11T11:07:40Z', '2014-02-11T15:25:23Z', '2014-02-11T15:25:23Z', '2014-02-11T15:38:50Z', '2014-02-11T17:22:21Z', '2014-02-11T17:24:34Z', '2014-02-12T11:32:27Z', '2014-02-12T11:32:28Z', '2014-02-12T11:38:31Z', '2014-02-12T12:46:29Z', '2014-02-12T12:46:29Z', '2014-02-12T12:51:05Z', '2014-02-12T12:51:59Z', '2014-02-12T13:45:40Z', '2014-02-12T13:47:43Z', '2014-02-12T14:52:40Z', '2014-02-12T14:54:54Z', '2014-02-13T14:56:23Z', '2014-02-13T14:56:23Z', '2014-02-13T14:58:48Z', '2014-02-13T15:19:42Z', '2014-02-13T15:24:06Z', '2014-02-17T13:21:27Z', '2014-02-17T13:21:27Z', '2014-02-17T13:26:25Z', '2014-02-17T13:31:16Z', '2014-02-17T14:44:23Z', '2014-02-17T14:44:23Z', '2014-02-18T10:17:03Z', '2014-02-18T10:17:03Z', '2014-02-18T10:20:45Z', '2014-02-18T10:25:26Z', '2014-02-19T10:29:19Z', '2014-02-19T10:29:19Z', '2014-03-07T16:34:06Z', '2014-03-07T16:34:06Z', '2014-03-07T12:13:06Z', '2014-03-07T12:13:06Z', '2014-10-29T17:28:30Z', '2014-10-29T17:28:30Z', '2015-04-02T17:15:14Z', '2015-04-02T17:15:14Z', '2015-04-02T17:41:57Z', '2015-04-02T17:43:09Z', '2015-07-20T18:39:32Z', '2015-07-20T18:39:33Z', '2015-07-20T20:04:28Z', '2015-07-21T17:31:42Z', '2015-07-21T17:31:42Z', '2015-08-17T20:44:44Z', '2015-08-17T20:45:06Z', '2015-08-17T20:45:06Z', '2015-08-17T20:47:31Z', '2015-08-19T11:43:28Z', '2015-08-19T11:43:28Z', '2015-08-20T10:11:45Z', '2015-08-20T10:11:45Z', '2015-08-20T10:21:22Z', '2015-08-20T10:29:33Z', '2015-08-20T10:31:18Z', '2015-08-20T10:31:47Z', '2015-08-20T10:41:01Z', '2015-08-20T10:44:41Z', '2015-08-20T10:48:14Z', '2015-08-20T10:49:36Z', '2015-08-20T10:50:24Z', '2015-08-20T10:58:12Z', '2015-08-20T10:58:44Z', '2015-08-20T11:07:56Z', '2015-08-20T11:07:56Z', '2015-08-20T11:27:48Z', '2015-08-20T12:06:18Z', '2015-08-20T12:26:23Z', '2015-08-20T12:33:37Z', '2015-08-20T12:52:15Z', '2015-08-20T12:58:11Z', '2015-08-20T13:10:27Z', '2015-08-20T13:10:57Z', '2015-08-20T13:23:01Z', '2015-08-20T13:24:35Z', '2015-08-20T13:30:33Z', '2015-08-20T13:36:55Z', '2015-08-20T13:38:14Z', '2015-08-20T13:42:30Z', '2015-08-28T14:17:18Z', '2015-08-28T14:22:24Z', '2015-08-28T14:23:44Z', '2015-08-28T14:25:44Z', '2015-08-28T14:35:57Z', '2015-08-28T14:37:49Z', '2015-08-31T10:54:51Z', '2015-08-31T10:55:39Z', '2015-08-31T10:55:53Z', '2015-08-31T11:07:34Z', '2015-08-31T11:08:29Z', '2015-08-31T11:09:41Z', '2015-09-07T10:53:16Z', '2015-09-07T11:00:12Z', '2015-09-07T11:01:31Z', '2015-09-07T11:03:04Z', '2015-09-07T11:03:55Z', '2015-09-07T11:04:49Z', '2015-09-07T11:05:48Z', '2015-09-07T11:09:56Z', '2015-09-07T11:11:28Z', '2015-09-07T11:13:44Z', '2015-09-07T11:15:04Z', '2015-09-07T11:15:20Z', '2015-09-07T14:52:15Z', '2015-09-14T16:35:28Z', '2015-09-21T18:32:57Z', '2015-09-21T18:41:30Z', '2015-09-21T19:05:13Z', '2015-09-21T19:06:25Z', '2015-09-22T15:37:35Z', '2016-01-22T11:35:16Z', '2016-01-22T11:37:40Z', '2016-01-22T11:38:31Z', '2016-01-22T11:38:40Z', '2016-01-22T12:54:30Z', '2016-01-22T12:58:02Z', '2016-01-22T12:58:34Z', '2016-01-22T13:11:02Z', '2016-01-22T13:15:21Z', '2016-01-22T13:16:02Z', '2016-01-22T13:17:34Z', '2016-01-22T13:17:45Z', '2016-01-22T13:21:51Z', '2016-01-27T15:03:51Z', '2016-01-27T15:06:31Z', '2016-01-27T15:07:16Z', '2016-01-27T15:08:04Z', '2016-01-27T15:24:39Z', '2016-01-27T15:50:03Z', '2016-01-27T18:43:36Z', '2016-01-28T16:08:58Z', '2016-01-28T16:11:10Z', '2016-01-28T19:44:41Z', '2016-01-28T19:50:51Z', '2016-01-28T19:51:02Z', '2016-01-28T19:51:25Z', '2016-01-28T20:02:19Z', '2016-02-03T20:04:43Z', '2016-02-03T20:04:43Z', '2016-02-03T20:08:10Z', '2016-02-03T20:15:57Z', '2016-02-03T20:17:45Z', '2016-02-03T20:18:55Z', '2016-02-03T20:21:30Z', '2016-02-03T20:24:21Z', '2016-02-03T20:40:05Z', '2016-02-04T11:00:28Z', '2016-02-04T11:16:07Z', '2016-02-04T11:18:02Z', '2016-02-04T11:26:51Z', '2016-02-04T11:32:38Z', '2016-02-04T11:37:23Z', '2016-02-04T11:38:38Z', '2016-02-04T11:49:33Z', '2016-02-04T11:52:43Z', '2016-02-04T11:56:31Z', '2016-02-04T11:58:36Z', '2016-02-04T12:00:20Z', '2016-02-04T12:00:52Z', '2016-02-04T12:05:29Z', '2016-02-04T12:08:58Z', '2016-02-04T12:10:25Z', '2016-02-04T12:10:45Z', '2016-02-04T12:33:11Z', '2016-02-04T12:33:47Z', '2016-02-04T12:34:45Z', '2016-02-04T12:36:47Z', '2016-02-04T17:29:21Z', '2016-02-04T17:33:58Z', '2016-02-04T17:35:10Z', '2016-02-04T17:36:02Z', '2016-02-04T17:38:10Z', '2016-02-05T09:24:30Z', '2016-02-05T09:39:38Z', '2016-02-05T10:01:25Z', '2016-02-05T11:10:54Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:32Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:47Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:58Z', '2016-02-05T11:35:02Z', '2016-02-05T11:38:15Z', '2016-02-05T12:21:57Z', '2016-02-05T12:22:43Z', '2016-02-05T12:27:07Z', '2016-02-05T12:28:39Z', '2016-02-05T12:29:05Z', '2016-02-05T12:44:54Z', '2016-02-06T14:59:53Z', '2016-02-06T15:05:35Z', '2016-02-06T15:06:08Z', '2016-02-06T15:06:28Z', '2016-02-06T15:10:00Z', '2016-02-06T15:11:56Z', '2016-02-06T15:13:27Z', '2016-02-06T15:14:36Z', '2016-02-06T15:14:44Z', '2016-02-06T15:25:29Z', '2016-02-08T15:35:24Z', '2016-02-09T16:55:58Z', '2016-02-09T16:56:18Z', '2016-02-09T17:28:36Z', '2016-02-09T17:30:00Z', '2016-02-09T17:31:21Z', '2016-02-09T17:31:38Z', '2016-02-10T15:25:38Z', '2016-02-10T15:26:00Z', '2016-02-10T15:26:24Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:28Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:47Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:52Z', '2016-02-10T15:28:12Z', '2016-02-10T15:28:31Z', '2016-02-10T15:29:21Z', '2016-02-10T15:29:50Z', '2016-02-10T15:30:25Z', '2016-02-10T15:31:04Z', '2016-02-10T15:32:04Z', '2016-02-10T15:32:26Z', '2016-02-10T15:34:23Z', '2016-02-10T15:36:01Z', '2016-02-15T20:06:02Z', '2016-02-15T20:08:57Z', '2016-02-15T20:24:47Z', '2016-02-16T12:15:14Z', '2016-02-16T12:17:51Z', '2016-02-16T12:27:58Z', '2016-02-16T12:32:44Z', '2016-02-16T12:34:05Z', '2016-02-16T12:36:37Z', '2016-02-16T12:38:31Z', '2016-02-16T12:49:25Z', '2016-02-16T12:55:00Z', '2016-02-16T12:57:06Z', '2016-02-16T16:15:23Z', '2016-02-18T11:00:45Z', '2016-02-18T11:03:27Z', '2016-02-19T13:14:21Z', '2016-02-19T13:16:17Z', '2016-02-19T14:41:47Z', '2016-02-19T14:42:19Z', '2016-02-19T14:47:18Z', '2016-02-19T14:52:42Z', '2016-02-19T14:55:26Z', '2016-02-19T15:00:21Z', '2016-02-19T15:06:37Z', '2016-02-19T15:10:56Z', '2016-02-19T15:11:20Z', '2016-02-19T15:12:04Z', '2016-02-19T15:12:33Z', '2016-02-19T15:12:56Z', '2016-02-19T15:13:04Z', '2016-02-19T15:13:19Z', '2016-02-19T15:13:48Z', '2016-02-19T15:14:49Z', '2016-02-19T15:16:20Z', '2016-02-19T15:16:52Z', '2016-02-19T15:22:53Z', '2016-02-19T15:32:57Z', '2016-02-19T15:33:11Z', '2016-02-19T15:34:47Z', '2016-02-19T15:37:29Z', '2016-02-19T15:38:25Z', '2016-02-19T15:38:38Z', '2016-02-19T15:39:20Z', '2016-02-19T15:40:59Z', '2016-02-19T15:47:14Z', '2016-02-19T15:49:40Z', '2016-02-19T15:50:12Z', '2016-02-19T15:50:55Z', '2016-02-19T15:58:47Z', '2016-02-19T16:00:52Z', '2016-02-19T16:01:39Z', '2016-02-19T16:02:13Z', '2016-02-19T16:02:24Z', '2016-02-19T16:08:01Z', '2016-02-19T16:08:21Z', '2016-02-19T16:13:06Z', '2016-02-19T16:13:19Z', '2016-02-19T16:13:34Z', '2016-02-19T16:15:14Z', '2016-02-19T16:15:59Z', '2016-02-19T16:16:23Z', '2016-02-19T16:17:44Z', '2016-02-19T16:18:16Z', '2016-02-19T16:19:49Z', '2016-02-19T16:21:27Z', '2016-02-19T16:22:53Z', '2016-02-19T16:23:06Z', '2016-02-19T16:23:29Z', '2016-02-19T16:28:59Z', '2016-02-19T16:30:13Z', '2016-02-19T16:31:27Z', '2016-02-19T16:32:45Z', '2016-02-19T17:27:40Z', '2016-02-19T17:27:55Z', '2016-02-19T17:32:36Z', '2016-02-20T14:03:58Z', '2016-02-20T14:04:50Z', '2016-02-20T14:05:35Z', '2016-02-20T14:07:01Z', '2016-02-20T14:08:13Z', '2016-02-20T14:09:50Z', '2016-02-20T14:10:14Z', '2016-02-20T14:49:24Z', '2016-02-20T14:49:33Z', '2016-02-20T17:19:02Z', '2016-02-20T17:33:52Z', '2016-02-22T11:25:22Z', '2016-02-22T11:27:08Z', '2016-02-22T11:27:38Z', '2016-02-26T17:26:01Z', '2016-02-26T17:26:12Z', '2016-02-26T17:26:23Z', '2016-02-26T17:40:15Z', '2016-02-26T17:40:25Z', '2016-02-26T17:43:16Z', '2016-02-26T17:44:12Z', '2016-02-26T17:44:38Z', '2016-02-26T17:45:11Z', '2016-02-26T17:45:34Z', '2016-02-26T17:46:08Z', '2016-02-26T17:46:38Z', '2016-02-26T17:48:11Z', '2016-02-26T19:07:36Z', '2016-02-27T15:15:28Z', '2016-02-27T17:35:31Z', '2016-02-29T13:32:43Z', '2016-03-08T19:12:25Z', '2016-03-08T19:14:37Z', '2016-03-09T11:25:32Z', '2016-04-13T16:23:53Z', '2016-04-13T16:24:45Z', '2016-04-13T16:25:20Z', '2016-04-13T16:25:27Z', '2016-04-13T16:33:58Z', '2016-04-13T17:33:33Z', '2016-04-13T17:40:58Z', '2016-04-13T17:48:01Z', '2016-04-13T17:49:24Z', '2016-04-13T17:55:34Z', '2016-04-13T17:59:54Z', '2016-04-13T18:01:41Z', '2016-04-13T18:04:38Z', '2016-04-13T18:05:23Z', '2016-04-13T18:05:45Z', '2016-04-13T18:05:58Z', '2016-04-13T18:06:54Z', '2016-04-13T18:07:41Z', '2016-04-13T18:08:00Z', '2016-04-13T18:10:38Z', '2016-04-13T18:11:39Z', '2016-04-13T18:12:27Z', '2016-04-13T18:14:39Z', '2016-04-13T18:15:30Z', '2016-04-13T18:15:47Z', '2016-04-13T18:41:30Z', '2016-04-13T18:42:53Z', '2016-04-13T18:44:03Z', '2016-04-15T17:34:02Z', '2016-04-15T18:02:57Z', '2016-04-15T19:33:26Z', '2016-04-19T14:35:52Z', '2016-04-19T14:46:34Z', '2016-04-19T14:47:07Z', '2016-04-19T14:47:26Z', '2016-04-19T14:47:42Z', '2016-04-19T15:09:05Z', '2016-04-19T15:11:20Z', '2016-04-19T15:11:46Z', '2016-04-19T15:12:19Z', '2016-04-19T15:16:11Z', '2016-04-19T15:16:32Z', '2016-04-19T15:16:48Z', '2016-04-19T15:17:49Z', '2016-04-19T15:18:39Z', '2016-04-19T15:20:13Z', '2016-04-19T15:22:33Z', '2016-04-19T15:27:20Z', '2016-04-19T15:27:37Z', '2016-04-19T15:28:44Z', '2016-04-19T15:29:18Z', '2016-04-19T15:29:37Z', '2016-04-19T15:35:28Z', '2016-04-19T15:35:49Z', '2016-04-19T15:36:08Z', '2016-04-19T15:37:33Z', '2016-04-19T15:38:34Z', '2016-04-19T15:39:35Z', '2016-04-19T15:40:21Z', '2016-04-19T15:40:31Z', '2016-04-19T15:42:59Z', '2016-04-19T15:43:46Z', '2016-04-19T15:44:30Z', '2016-04-19T15:44:59Z', '2016-04-19T15:45:53Z', '2016-04-19T17:53:23Z', '2016-04-19T18:00:08Z', '2016-04-19T18:00:41Z', '2016-04-19T18:00:51Z', '2016-04-19T18:02:08Z', '2016-04-19T18:02:16Z', '2016-04-19T18:02:23Z', '2016-04-19T18:03:15Z', '2016-04-19T18:05:13Z', '2016-04-19T18:05:20Z', '2016-04-19T18:06:30Z'] xmpTPg:NPages 19 INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_xs72i2hnkvbfnc5mfsar3nlyfq.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_6ezeddlohnerzdeq7zfm6f2md4 txt/../pos/work_6ezeddlohnerzdeq7zfm6f2md4.pos work_hfzicxtgw5bjdlonq4stxl2atu txt/../wrd/work_hfzicxtgw5bjdlonq4stxl2atu.wrd work_mf4oeadkdfaurcp2ahf55smmhe txt/../pos/work_mf4oeadkdfaurcp2ahf55smmhe.pos work_hqonytq3nbg6xcia22yu7ggkzy txt/../ent/work_hqonytq3nbg6xcia22yu7ggkzy.ent === === id: work_dzpx2hl4kvdblaufhkagfpeu3i author: Caro Pinto title: Creative Destruction in Libraries: Designing our Future date: 2013 pages: extension: .htm txt: ./txt/work_dzpx2hl4kvdblaufhkagfpeu3i.txt cache: ./cache/work_dzpx2hl4kvdblaufhkagfpeu3i.htm Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Language en-US Content-Type text/html; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.html.HtmlParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 dc:title Creative Destruction in Libraries: Designing our Future – In the Library with the Lead Pipe generator WordPress 5.5.1 msapplication-TileImage /wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/cropped-noun_87063_cc-270x270.png resourceName b'work_dzpx2hl4kvdblaufhkagfpeu3i.htm' title Creative Destruction in Libraries: Designing our Future – In the Library with the Lead Pipe viewport initial-scale=1.0 === === id: work_nvoyc3t4u5hr5eqz6qk5zcfdj4 author: Francis Rousseaux title: Exploring informed virtual sites through Michel Foucault's heterotopias date: 2009 pages: extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_nvoyc3t4u5hr5eqz6qk5zcfdj4.txt cache: ./cache/work_nvoyc3t4u5hr5eqz6qk5zcfdj4.pdf Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Language en Content-Type text/html; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.html.HtmlParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 9 application-name   citation_author ['F. Rousseaux', 'I. Thouvenin'] citation_journal_title undefined citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 2009 citation_title Exploring informed virtual sites through Michel Foucault's heterotopias dc:title [PDF] Exploring informed virtual sites through Michel Foucault's heterotopias | Semantic Scholar description This papers starts with some mysterious contribution by Michel Foucault (1967) about heterotopias as special epistemological sites. With a recent case-study – an immersive virtual reality art project dealing with some ancient abbey reconstruction and managed by a French engineering school – we analyse the successive attempts to satisfy the system users by extending Foucault's heterotopology, which appears to be useful and creative for the Virtual Reality research communities. msapplication-TileColor #FFFFFF msapplication-TileImage msapplication-square150x150logo msapplication-square310x310logo msapplication-square70x70logo msapplication-wide310x150logo og:description This papers starts with some mysterious contribution by Michel Foucault (1967) about heterotopias as special epistemological sites. With a recent case-study – an immersive virtual reality art project dealing with some ancient abbey reconstruction and managed by a French engineering school – we analyse the successive attempts to satisfy the system users by extending Foucault's heterotopology, which appears to be useful and creative for the Virtual Reality research communities. og:image og:image:height 582 og:image:secure_url ['', ''] og:image:width 1110 og:locale ['en_US', 'en_US'] og:title [PDF] Exploring informed virtual sites through Michel Foucault's heterotopias | Semantic Scholar og:type website resourceName b'work_nvoyc3t4u5hr5eqz6qk5zcfdj4.pdf' robots noarchive,noindex s2-ui-version 0a1ee7b640e58bf005fa3cbd97e8cba83bff3dc9 title [PDF] Exploring informed virtual sites through Michel Foucault's heterotopias | Semantic Scholar twitter:card summary_large_image twitter:description This papers starts with some mysterious contribution by Michel Foucault (1967) about heterotopias as special epistemological sites. With a recent case-study – an immersive virtual reality art project dealing with some ancient abbey reconstruction and managed by a French engineering school – we analyse the successive attempts to satisfy the system users by extending Foucault's heterotopology, which appears to be useful and creative for the Virtual Reality research communities. twitter:image ['', ''] twitter:site @allenai_org twitter:title [PDF] Exploring informed virtual sites through Michel Foucault's heterotopias | Semantic Scholar viewport width=device-width,initial-scale=1 === === id: work_qw6wjqfctngslgls2qca6fza5e author: Chris Houghton title: From provider to partner: how digital humanities sparked a change in Gale's relationship with universities date: 2019 pages: 9 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_qw6wjqfctngslgls2qca6fza5e.txt cache: ./cache/work_qw6wjqfctngslgls2qca6fza5e.pdf Author Chris Houghton and Sarah Ketchley Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2019-10-14T08:59:57Z Last-Modified 2019-10-14T08:59:59Z Last-Save-Date 2019-10-14T08:59:59Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 2626 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Houghton C and Ketchley S, “From provider to partner: how digital humanities sparked a change in Gale’s relationship with universities”, Insights, 2019, 32: 30, 1–10; DOI: created 2019-10-14T08:59:57Z creator Chris Houghton and Sarah Ketchley date 2019-10-14T08:59:59Z dc:creator Chris Houghton and Sarah Ketchley dc:description Houghton C and Ketchley S, “From provider to partner: how digital humanities sparked a change in 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'2012-02-16T13:39:32Z', '2012-02-16T13:39:55Z', '2012-02-16T13:40:38Z', '2012-02-20T13:46:34Z', '2012-02-27T14:36:26Z', '2012-02-27T14:37:27Z', '2012-02-27T14:37:50Z', '2012-02-27T14:38:29Z', '2012-02-27T16:00:38Z', '2012-02-27T16:01:13Z', '2012-02-27T16:20:31Z', '2012-02-27T16:21:01Z', '2012-02-28T10:19:05Z', '2012-02-28T10:19:13Z', '2012-02-28T10:19:53Z', '2012-05-03T09:17:12Z', '2012-05-03T09:24:55Z', '2012-05-14T15:00:54Z', '2012-05-14T16:16:24Z', '2012-08-16T14:58:53Z', '2012-08-16T14:58:53Z', '2012-08-16T15:03:27Z', '2012-08-16T15:03:53Z', '2012-08-16T15:07:43Z', '2012-08-16T15:08:39Z', '2012-08-16T15:12:39Z', '2013-01-07T13:22:51Z', '2013-05-21T15:04:03Z', '2013-08-22T09:18:47Z', '2013-09-01T10:21:37Z', '2013-09-01T10:21:37Z', '2014-01-06T13:22:18Z', '2014-05-20T10:58:14Z', '2014-09-03T13:48:26Z', '2014-10-02T16:49:40Z', '2014-10-02T16:53:05Z', '2014-10-02T16:58:04Z', '2014-10-02T16:59:47Z', '2014-10-02T17:00:41Z', '2014-10-02T17:02:21Z', '2014-10-02T17:04:05Z', '2014-10-02T17:15:22Z', '2014-10-02T17:16:07Z', '2014-10-02T17:18:40Z', '2014-10-15T11:16:05Z', '2014-10-15T11:16:20Z', '2014-10-17T15:19:47Z', '2014-10-20T09:55:28Z', '2014-10-27T11:34:11Z', '2014-10-27T11:34:31Z', '2014-10-27T11:35:13Z', '2014-10-27T11:35:39Z', '2014-10-27T11:35:49Z', '2014-10-27T11:36:51Z', '2014-11-04T10:49:01Z', '2014-11-04T10:50:35Z', '2014-11-04T10:51:47Z', '2014-11-04T10:53:02Z', '2014-11-05T11:34:02Z', '2014-11-05T11:34:42Z', '2014-11-05T11:50:09Z', '2014-11-05T11:50:31Z', '2014-11-05T11:50:31Z', '2015-02-13T12:07:54Z', '2015-02-13T12:07:54Z', '2015-02-13T12:47:36Z', '2015-02-13T12:47:47Z', '2015-02-13T12:49:50Z', '2015-02-13T12:51:38Z', '2015-02-13T12:57:27Z', '2015-02-13T13:00:35Z', '2015-02-13T17:01:51Z', '2015-02-13T17:03:21Z', '2015-02-13T17:15:18Z', '2015-02-13T17:31:32Z', '2015-02-13T18:31:26Z', '2015-02-13T19:11:08Z', '2015-02-20T17:22:35Z', '2015-02-20T17:46:22Z', '2015-02-20T17:46:22Z', '2015-02-24T10:26:26Z', '2015-02-24T10:26:26Z', '2015-02-24T10:27:02Z', '2015-02-24T10:27:28Z', '2015-02-24T10:30:46Z', '2015-02-24T10:32:08Z', '2015-02-24T10:34:09Z', '2015-03-05T13:59:50Z', '2015-03-05T13:59:50Z', '2015-03-05T14:15:45Z', '2015-05-18T15:09:34Z', '2015-06-04T13:03:41Z', '2015-06-04T13:03:41Z', '2015-06-04T13:12:49Z', '2015-06-04T13:18:48Z', '2015-06-04T13:19:16Z', '2015-06-04T13:33:45Z', '2015-06-04T13:57:58Z', '2015-06-04T13:58:58Z', '2015-06-04T14:01:56Z', '2015-06-04T14:06:09Z', '2015-06-04T14:34:28Z', '2015-06-04T14:35:03Z', '2015-06-04T18:55:34Z', '2015-06-04T18:59:25Z', '2015-06-04T19:01:02Z', '2015-06-04T19:02:05Z', '2015-06-04T19:19:06Z', '2015-06-04T19:19:55Z', '2015-06-09T19:08:03Z', '2015-06-09T19:08:03Z', '2015-06-09T19:39:16Z', '2015-06-09T19:48:08Z', '2015-06-09T19:51:01Z', '2015-06-09T19:51:21Z', '2015-06-09T19:58:17Z', '2015-06-09T20:02:14Z', '2015-06-09T20:04:07Z', '2015-06-09T20:06:42Z', '2015-06-11T07:39:42Z', '2015-06-11T07:52:01Z', '2015-06-11T07:54:19Z', '2015-06-11T08:08:19Z', '2015-06-11T08:13:24Z', '2015-06-11T08:14:50Z', '2015-06-11T08:15:18Z', '2015-06-11T15:07:06Z', '2015-06-11T15:08:52Z', '2015-06-11T15:09:43Z', '2015-06-11T15:44:14Z', '2015-06-11T15:44:41Z', '2015-06-11T15:45:07Z', '2015-06-22T12:47:58Z', '2015-06-22T12:49:13Z', '2015-06-22T12:49:43Z', '2015-06-22T12:50:00Z', '2015-06-23T12:32:02Z', '2015-06-23T12:35:23Z', '2015-06-23T12:37:46Z', '2016-02-01T13:28:49Z', '2016-02-01T13:30:52Z', '2016-02-02T16:58:53Z', '2016-02-02T17:26:21Z', '2016-02-04T12:11:06Z', '2016-02-04T12:59:07Z', '2016-02-04T13:00:02Z', '2016-02-04T13:00:45Z', '2016-02-04T13:01:53Z', '2016-02-04T16:08:30Z', '2016-02-04T16:09:04Z', '2016-02-04T16:09:46Z', '2016-02-04T16:34:03Z', '2016-02-06T12:39:42Z', '2016-02-06T12:39:42Z', '2016-02-06T12:46:41Z', '2016-02-06T12:49:40Z', '2016-02-06T13:22:19Z', '2016-02-06T13:26:03Z', '2016-02-06T13:31:26Z', '2016-02-06T13:38:55Z', '2016-02-06T13:39:30Z', '2016-02-06T13:41:19Z', '2016-02-06T13:41:39Z', '2016-02-06T13:43:04Z', '2016-02-06T13:44:47Z', '2016-02-06T13:45:50Z', '2016-02-06T13:56:41Z', '2016-02-06T13:58:07Z', '2016-02-06T14:01:01Z', '2016-02-06T14:01:41Z', '2016-02-06T14:03:08Z', '2016-02-06T14:05:26Z', '2016-02-06T14:06:53Z', '2016-02-06T14:08:30Z', '2016-02-06T14:08:48Z', '2016-02-06T14:09:37Z', '2016-02-08T15:29:27Z', '2016-02-08T15:31:19Z', '2016-02-08T15:55:58Z', '2016-02-09T16:55:32Z', '2016-02-09T16:58:24Z', '2016-02-09T17:00:34Z', '2016-02-17T18:28:14Z', '2016-02-17T18:40:11Z', '2016-02-17T18:42:03Z', '2016-02-17T18:51:48Z', '2016-02-17T18:56:34Z', '2016-02-22T17:46:49Z', '2016-02-22T17:57:07Z', '2016-05-30T11:13:10Z', '2016-05-30T11:14:26Z', '2016-05-30T11:22:29Z', '2016-05-30T11:23:20Z', '2016-05-30T11:23:36Z', '2016-05-30T11:24:55Z', '2016-05-30T11:26:38Z', '2016-05-30T11:28:43Z', '2016-05-30T11:29:45Z', '2016-05-30T11:31:03Z', '2016-05-30T11:31:21Z', '2016-05-30T11:33:38Z', '2016-05-30T11:35:55Z', '2016-05-30T11:36:20Z', '2016-05-30T11:46:54Z', '2016-05-30T11:47:14Z', '2016-05-30T11:48:12Z', '2016-05-30T11:48:18Z', '2016-05-30T11:48:48Z', '2016-05-30T11:49:05Z', '2016-05-30T11:49:39Z', '2016-05-30T11:50:20Z', '2016-05-30T11:52:23Z', '2016-05-30T11:52:41Z', '2016-05-30T11:54:38Z', '2016-05-30T11:55:26Z', '2016-05-30T11:55:59Z', '2016-05-30T11:56:42Z', '2016-05-30T11:56:57Z', '2016-05-30T11:57:32Z', '2016-05-30T12:00:55Z', '2016-05-30T12:01:58Z', '2016-05-30T12:02:03Z', '2016-05-30T12:02:17Z', '2016-05-30T12:30:41Z', '2016-05-30T12:30:58Z', '2016-05-30T12:31:22Z', '2016-05-30T12:31:34Z', '2016-05-30T12:32:00Z', '2016-05-30T12:40:22Z', '2016-05-30T12:42:29Z', '2016-05-30T12:44:12Z', '2016-05-30T12:44:43Z', '2016-05-30T12:45:00Z', '2016-05-30T12:45:26Z', '2016-05-30T12:51:59Z', '2016-05-30T12:53:42Z', '2016-05-30T12:55:17Z', '2016-05-30T12:56:36Z', '2016-05-30T12:57:16Z', '2016-05-30T12:57:54Z', '2016-05-30T12:59:25Z', '2016-05-30T12:59:54Z', '2016-05-30T13:00:55Z', '2016-05-30T13:01:26Z', '2016-05-30T13:03:00Z', '2016-05-30T13:03:56Z', '2016-05-30T13:07:29Z', '2016-05-30T13:08:48Z', '2016-05-30T13:09:03Z', '2016-05-30T13:09:10Z', '2016-05-30T13:09:50Z', '2016-05-30T13:10:28Z', '2016-05-30T13:10:48Z', '2016-05-30T13:11:20Z', '2016-05-30T13:12:40Z', '2016-05-30T13:12:59Z', '2016-05-30T13:13:41Z', '2016-05-30T13:14:37Z', '2016-05-30T13:16:27Z', '2016-05-30T13:17:02Z', '2016-05-30T13:17:13Z', '2016-05-30T13:17:32Z', '2016-05-30T13:17:47Z', '2016-05-30T13:18:29Z', '2016-05-30T13:18:40Z', '2016-05-30T13:18:56Z', '2016-05-30T13:20:03Z', '2016-05-30T13:20:29Z', '2016-05-30T13:20:52Z', '2016-05-30T13:21:28Z', '2016-05-30T13:22:02Z', '2016-05-30T13:22:19Z', '2016-05-30T13:23:25Z', '2016-05-30T13:23:44Z', '2016-05-30T13:24:04Z', '2016-05-30T13:24:50Z', '2016-05-30T13:25:20Z', '2016-05-30T13:25:55Z', '2016-05-30T13:26:10Z', '2016-05-30T13:28:01Z', '2016-05-30T13:28:11Z', '2016-05-30T13:29:07Z', '2016-05-30T13:30:22Z', '2016-05-30T13:31:39Z', '2016-05-30T13:32:18Z', '2016-05-30T13:35:47Z', '2016-05-30T13:37:39Z', '2016-05-30T13:39:12Z', '2016-05-30T13:45:34Z', '2016-05-30T16:11:47Z', '2016-05-30T16:12:21Z', '2016-06-02T19:10:18Z', '2016-06-02T19:17:13Z', '2016-06-14T10:38:56Z', '2016-06-14T11:24:58Z', '2016-06-14T11:53:19Z', '2016-06-14T12:15:59Z', '2016-06-14T12:30:39Z', '2016-06-14T12:53:03Z', '2016-06-14T13:08:16Z', '2016-06-14T13:10:17Z', '2016-06-14T13:12:24Z', '2016-06-14T13:12:40Z', '2016-06-14T13:14:40Z', '2016-06-14T13:20:37Z', '2016-06-14T13:32:45Z', '2016-06-22T10:40:54Z', '2016-06-22T10:41:08Z', '2016-06-22T10:41:24Z', '2016-06-22T10:41:51Z', '2016-06-22T10:42:22Z', '2016-06-22T10:42:45Z', '2016-06-22T10:43:01Z', '2016-06-22T10:47:24Z', '2016-06-22T10:48:23Z', '2016-06-22T10:48:37Z', '2016-06-22T10:49:16Z', '2016-06-22T10:51:45Z', '2016-06-22T10:52:02Z', '2016-06-22T10:52:33Z', '2016-06-22T10:52:48Z', '2016-06-22T10:53:40Z', '2016-06-22T10:53:46Z', '2016-06-22T11:03:26Z', '2016-06-22T11:03:42Z', '2016-06-22T11:04:10Z', '2016-06-22T11:06:21Z', '2016-06-22T11:06:55Z', '2016-06-22T11:08:07Z', '2016-06-22T11:08:11Z', '2016-06-22T11:08:44Z', '2016-06-22T11:09:49Z', '2016-06-22T11:10:05Z', '2016-06-22T11:12:06Z', '2016-06-22T11:13:28Z', '2016-06-22T12:26:56Z', '2016-06-22T12:27:09Z', '2016-06-22T12:27:55Z', '2016-06-22T12:28:58Z', '2016-06-22T12:29:59Z', '2016-06-22T12:30:05Z', '2016-06-22T12:30:28Z', '2016-06-22T12:30:38Z', '2016-06-22T12:30:49Z', '2016-06-22T12:31:08Z', '2016-06-22T12:31:44Z', '2016-06-22T12:32:48Z', '2016-06-22T12:33:25Z', '2016-06-22T12:35:10Z', '2016-06-22T12:35:20Z', '2016-06-22T12:36:09Z', '2016-06-22T12:36:41Z', '2016-06-22T12:37:08Z', '2016-06-22T12:37:29Z', '2016-06-22T12:38:21Z', '2016-06-22T12:38:40Z', '2016-06-22T12:38:48Z', '2016-06-22T12:39:28Z', '2016-06-22T12:40:00Z', '2016-06-22T12:40:30Z', '2016-06-22T12:41:43Z', '2016-06-22T12:41:56Z', '2016-06-22T12:42:25Z', '2016-06-22T12:42:35Z', '2016-06-22T12:42:48Z', '2016-06-22T12:43:21Z', '2016-06-22T12:44:37Z', '2016-06-22T12:46:24Z', '2016-06-22T12:47:43Z', '2016-06-22T12:49:01Z', '2016-06-22T12:52:08Z', '2016-06-22T12:52:33Z', '2016-06-22T12:52:55Z', '2016-06-22T12:53:47Z', '2016-06-22T12:54:22Z', '2016-06-22T12:54:36Z', '2016-06-22T12:54:55Z', '2016-06-22T12:55:33Z', '2016-06-22T12:55:46Z', '2016-06-22T12:56:05Z', '2016-06-22T12:57:09Z', '2016-06-22T12:57:33Z', '2016-06-22T12:59:37Z', '2016-06-22T13:00:16Z', '2016-06-22T13:06:27Z', '2016-06-22T13:06:41Z', '2016-06-22T13:06:57Z', '2016-06-22T13:11:31Z', '2016-06-22T13:14:09Z', '2016-06-22T13:14:43Z', '2016-06-22T13:14:59Z', '2016-06-22T13:16:33Z', '2016-06-22T13:17:20Z', '2016-06-22T13:25:23Z', '2016-06-22T13:25:59Z', '2016-06-22T13:27:11Z', '2016-06-22T13:28:34Z', '2016-06-22T13:33:24Z', '2016-06-22T16:27:36Z', '2016-06-22T16:53:07Z', '2016-06-22T17:32:26Z', '2016-06-22T18:00:32Z', '2016-06-22T18:12:36Z', '2016-06-22T18:32:07Z', '2016-06-22T18:45:47Z', '2016-06-22T19:04:01Z', '2016-06-23T10:27:07Z', '2016-06-23T10:39:06Z', '2016-06-23T10:40:28Z', '2016-06-23T10:48:46Z', '2016-06-23T11:02:08Z', '2016-06-23T11:03:29Z', '2016-06-23T13:12:37Z', '2016-06-23T13:15:04Z', '2016-06-23T13:16:46Z', '2016-06-29T17:19:51Z', '2016-06-29T17:20:53Z', '2016-06-29T17:21:37Z', '2016-06-29T17:22:06Z', '2016-06-29T17:22:42Z', '2016-06-29T17:43:08Z', '2016-06-29T17:43:16Z', '2016-06-29T17:43:50Z', '2016-06-29T17:46:16Z', '2016-06-29T18:02:58Z', '2016-06-29T18:12:17Z', '2016-06-29T18:18:04Z', '2016-06-29T18:18:36Z', '2016-06-29T18:18:56Z', '2016-06-29T18:21:23Z', '2017-02-22T10:25:38Z', '2017-02-22T10:27:00Z', '2017-02-22T10:28:29Z', '2017-02-22T10:31:13Z', '2017-02-22T10:37:27Z', '2017-02-22T10:38:37Z', '2017-02-22T10:42:02Z', '2017-02-22T10:42:28Z', '2017-02-22T10:43:30Z', '2017-02-22T10:44:06Z', '2017-02-22T10:45:21Z', '2017-02-22T10:46:39Z', '2017-02-22T10:46:51Z', '2017-02-22T10:47:34Z', '2017-02-22T10:49:57Z', '2017-02-22T10:50:22Z', '2017-02-22T10:50:29Z', '2017-02-22T10:52:20Z', '2017-02-22T10:53:04Z', '2017-02-22T10:54:24Z', '2017-02-22T10:56:24Z', '2017-02-22T10:56:56Z', '2017-02-22T10:57:35Z', '2017-02-22T10:59:56Z', '2017-02-22T11:00:09Z', '2017-02-22T11:00:14Z', '2017-02-22T11:01:30Z', '2017-02-22T11:01:35Z', '2017-02-22T11:01:55Z', '2017-02-22T11:06:29Z', '2017-02-22T11:06:34Z', '2017-02-22T11:06:46Z', '2017-02-22T11:08:11Z', '2017-02-22T11:08:17Z', '2017-02-22T11:08:35Z', '2017-02-22T11:08:39Z', '2017-02-22T11:17:56Z', '2017-02-22T11:19:49Z', '2017-02-22T11:20:40Z', '2017-02-22T11:21:37Z', '2017-02-22T11:25:38Z', '2017-02-22T11:26:28Z', '2017-02-22T11:27:01Z', '2017-02-22T11:27:40Z', '2017-02-22T11:28:22Z', '2017-02-22T11:28:36Z', '2017-02-22T11:29:13Z', '2017-02-22T11:29:35Z', '2017-02-22T11:30:12Z', '2017-02-22T11:30:23Z', '2017-02-22T11:30:44Z', '2017-02-22T11:31:13Z', '2017-02-22T11:32:38Z', '2017-02-22T11:35:12Z', '2017-02-22T11:35:28Z', '2017-02-22T11:38:27Z', '2017-02-22T11:51:37Z', '2017-02-22T11:53:13Z', '2017-02-22T11:53:58Z', '2017-02-22T11:54:23Z', '2017-02-22T11:55:05Z', '2017-02-22T11:55:26Z', '2017-02-22T11:55:35Z', '2017-02-22T11:56:05Z', '2017-02-22T11:57:28Z', '2017-02-22T11:57:38Z', '2017-02-22T11:57:43Z', '2017-02-22T11:58:27Z', '2017-02-22T11:58:39Z', '2017-02-22T11:59:17Z', '2017-02-22T11:59:45Z', '2017-02-22T12:00:24Z', '2017-02-22T12:00:41Z', '2017-02-22T12:01:10Z', '2017-02-22T12:02:17Z', '2017-02-22T12:03:07Z', '2017-02-22T12:03:28Z', '2017-02-22T12:03:46Z', '2017-02-22T12:04:01Z', '2017-02-22T12:04:52Z', '2017-02-22T12:05:20Z', '2017-02-22T12:05:35Z', '2017-02-22T12:06:29Z', '2017-02-22T12:08:40Z', '2017-02-22T12:09:21Z', '2017-02-22T12:09:51Z', '2017-02-22T12:10:04Z', '2017-02-22T12:10:31Z', '2017-02-22T12:12:44Z', '2017-02-22T12:16:03Z', '2017-02-22T12:20:08Z', '2017-02-22T12:21:01Z', '2017-02-22T12:21:12Z', '2017-02-22T12:22:07Z', '2017-02-22T12:23:31Z', '2017-02-22T12:23:43Z', '2017-02-22T12:24:50Z', '2017-02-22T12:25:30Z', '2017-02-22T12:26:03Z', '2017-02-22T12:26:55Z', '2017-02-22T12:27:30Z', '2017-02-22T12:27:52Z', '2017-02-22T12:28:13Z', '2017-02-22T12:28:42Z', '2017-02-22T12:28:52Z', '2017-02-22T12:29:09Z', '2017-02-22T12:29:19Z', '2017-02-22T12:30:31Z', '2017-02-22T12:31:21Z', '2017-02-22T12:31:38Z', '2017-02-22T12:32:07Z', '2017-02-22T12:32:28Z', '2017-02-22T12:32:40Z', '2017-02-22T12:33:15Z', '2017-02-22T12:33:41Z', '2017-02-22T12:34:14Z', '2017-02-22T12:35:01Z', '2017-02-22T12:35:30Z', '2017-02-22T12:35:46Z', '2017-02-22T12:35:54Z', '2017-02-22T12:36:49Z', '2017-02-22T12:37:16Z', '2017-02-22T12:38:08Z', '2017-02-22T12:38:19Z', '2017-02-22T12:38:48Z', '2017-02-22T12:39:28Z', '2017-02-22T12:40:00Z', '2017-02-22T12:40:10Z', '2017-02-22T12:40:50Z', '2017-02-22T12:41:26Z', '2017-02-22T12:42:09Z', '2017-02-22T12:42:56Z', '2017-02-22T12:43:16Z', '2017-02-22T12:44:29Z', '2017-02-22T12:44:46Z', '2017-02-22T12:44:58Z', '2017-02-22T12:45:31Z', '2017-02-22T12:46:14Z', '2017-02-22T12:46:39Z', '2017-02-22T12:47:10Z', '2017-02-22T12:47:52Z', '2017-02-22T12:48:05Z', '2017-02-22T12:48:39Z', '2017-02-22T12:49:03Z', '2017-02-22T12:49:42Z', '2017-02-22T12:50:11Z', '2017-02-22T12:50:37Z', '2017-02-22T12:50:47Z', '2017-02-22T12:51:22Z', '2017-02-22T12:53:19Z', '2017-02-22T12:53:56Z', '2017-02-22T12:57:05Z', '2017-02-22T12:59:43Z', '2017-02-22T13:08:48Z', '2017-02-22T13:11:11Z', '2017-02-22T13:17:07Z', '2017-02-22T13:17:14Z', '2017-02-22T13:20:01Z', '2017-02-22T13:20:31Z', '2017-02-22T13:23:12Z', '2017-02-22T13:25:56Z', '2017-02-22T13:26:42Z', '2017-02-22T13:27:12Z', '2017-02-22T13:32:07Z', '2017-02-22T13:35:42Z', '2017-02-22T13:35:50Z', '2017-02-22T13:40:23Z', '2017-02-22T13:41:22Z', '2017-02-22T13:43:35Z', '2017-02-22T14:25:33Z', '2017-02-22T14:27:04Z', '2017-02-22T14:27:13Z', '2017-02-22T14:27:34Z', '2017-02-22T14:30:59Z', '2017-02-22T14:31:45Z', '2017-02-22T14:33:45Z', '2017-02-22T14:35:48Z', '2017-02-22T14:36:19Z', '2017-02-22T14:36:35Z', '2017-02-22T14:37:54Z', '2017-02-22T14:42:10Z', '2017-02-22T14:43:33Z', '2017-02-22T14:43:50Z', '2017-02-22T14:44:16Z', '2017-02-22T14:44:37Z', '2017-02-22T14:44:51Z', '2017-02-22T14:45:08Z', '2017-02-22T14:46:01Z', '2017-02-22T14:46:14Z', '2017-02-22T14:46:28Z', '2017-02-22T14:49:13Z', '2017-02-22T14:49:30Z', '2017-02-22T14:57:48Z', '2017-02-22T15:02:55Z', '2017-02-22T15:05:55Z', '2017-02-22T15:07:32Z', '2017-02-22T15:08:10Z', '2017-02-22T15:08:26Z', '2017-02-22T15:15:16Z', '2017-02-22T15:20:27Z', '2017-02-22T15:24:05Z', '2017-02-22T15:29:46Z', '2017-02-22T15:34:40Z', '2017-02-22T15:35:41Z', '2017-02-22T15:37:33Z', '2017-02-22T15:38:23Z', '2017-02-22T15:44:35Z', '2017-02-22T15:46:48Z', '2017-02-22T15:47:52Z', '2017-02-22T15:50:09Z', '2017-02-22T15:51:16Z', '2017-03-01T11:08:01Z', '2017-03-01T11:09:06Z', '2017-03-01T11:11:29Z', '2017-03-01T11:11:47Z', '2017-03-01T11:13:14Z', '2017-03-01T11:13:19Z', '2017-03-01T11:14:45Z', '2017-03-01T11:15:10Z', '2017-03-01T11:15:29Z', '2017-03-01T11:15:52Z', '2017-03-01T11:16:23Z', '2017-03-01T11:18:42Z', '2017-03-01T11:19:16Z', '2017-03-01T11:20:02Z', '2017-03-01T11:29:55Z', '2017-03-01T11:34:00Z', '2017-03-01T11:38:15Z', '2017-03-01T11:39:19Z', '2017-03-01T11:39:32Z', '2017-03-01T11:43:26Z', '2017-03-01T11:45:49Z', '2017-03-01T11:48:00Z', '2017-03-01T11:48:19Z', '2017-03-01T11:49:02Z', '2017-03-01T11:49:11Z', '2017-03-01T11:49:39Z', '2017-03-01T11:49:53Z', '2017-03-01T11:51:04Z', '2017-03-01T11:54:28Z', '2017-03-01T11:55:18Z', '2017-03-01T11:56:19Z', '2017-03-01T11:56:44Z', '2017-03-01T11:58:16Z', '2017-03-01T11:59:08Z', '2017-03-01T12:10:52Z', '2017-03-01T12:13:08Z', '2017-03-01T12:13:30Z', '2017-03-01T12:14:18Z', '2017-03-01T12:15:33Z', '2017-03-01T12:16:04Z', '2017-03-01T12:16:17Z', '2017-03-01T12:16:29Z', '2017-03-01T12:17:16Z', '2017-03-01T12:17:49Z', '2017-03-01T12:18:05Z', '2017-03-01T12:18:38Z', '2017-03-01T12:19:23Z', '2017-03-01T12:20:01Z', '2017-03-01T12:20:30Z', '2017-03-01T12:21:17Z', '2017-03-01T12:21:39Z', '2017-03-01T12:23:02Z', '2017-03-01T12:23:18Z', '2017-03-01T12:23:51Z', '2017-03-01T12:24:43Z', '2017-03-01T12:26:15Z', '2017-03-01T12:26:35Z', '2017-03-01T12:26:48Z', '2017-03-01T12:29:09Z', '2017-03-01T12:30:17Z', '2017-03-01T12:32:43Z', '2017-03-01T12:33:01Z', '2017-03-01T12:37:10Z', '2017-03-01T12:40:13Z', '2017-03-01T12:40:35Z', '2017-03-01T12:41:18Z', '2017-03-01T12:41:42Z', '2017-03-01T12:41:59Z', '2017-03-01T12:45:04Z', '2017-03-01T12:46:01Z', '2017-03-01T12:48:52Z', '2017-03-01T12:51:45Z', '2017-03-01T12:52:35Z', '2017-03-01T12:56:03Z', '2017-03-01T12:56:22Z', '2017-03-01T13:01:57Z', '2017-03-01T13:04:32Z', '2017-03-01T13:06:28Z', '2017-03-01T13:08:21Z', '2017-03-01T13:09:28Z', '2017-03-01T13:20:57Z', '2017-03-01T13:28:11Z', '2017-03-01T13:30:33Z', '2017-03-01T13:31:46Z', '2017-03-01T13:35:48Z', '2017-03-01T13:38:00Z', '2017-03-01T13:44:07Z', '2017-03-01T13:44:46Z', '2017-03-01T14:20:37Z', '2017-03-01T14:20:48Z', '2017-03-01T14:38:33Z', '2017-03-01T14:40:19Z', '2017-03-01T14:40:34Z', '2017-03-01T15:25:31Z', '2017-03-01T15:26:04Z', '2017-03-01T15:29:44Z', '2017-03-02T12:37:57Z', '2017-03-02T12:38:13Z', '2017-03-07T16:59:54Z', '2017-03-07T17:00:13Z', '2017-03-07T17:00:36Z', '2017-03-07T17:01:38Z', '2017-06-02T14:50:26Z', '2017-06-02T14:51:57Z', '2017-06-02T14:53:06Z', '2017-06-02T16:32:19Z', '2017-06-02T16:33:08Z', '2017-06-02T16:33:22Z', '2017-06-02T16:35:24Z', '2017-06-02T16:37:12Z', '2017-06-02T16:39:24Z', '2017-06-02T16:41:20Z', '2017-06-02T16:42:07Z', '2017-06-02T16:42:26Z', '2017-06-02T16:42:39Z', '2017-06-02T16:44:30Z', '2017-06-02T16:45:54Z', '2017-06-02T16:46:58Z', '2017-06-02T16:47:10Z', '2017-06-02T16:49:08Z', '2017-06-02T16:49:33Z', '2017-06-02T16:49:53Z', '2017-06-02T16:50:46Z', '2017-06-02T16:51:24Z', '2017-06-02T16:51:55Z', '2017-06-02T16:52:39Z', '2017-06-02T16:53:32Z', '2017-06-02T16:53:39Z', '2017-06-02T17:05:01Z', '2017-06-02T17:05:29Z', '2017-06-02T17:05:46Z', '2017-06-02T17:05:47Z', '2017-06-02T17:12:25Z', '2017-06-02T17:19:41Z', '2017-06-02T17:20:05Z', '2017-06-02T17:21:08Z', '2017-06-02T17:22:31Z', '2017-06-02T17:23:48Z', '2017-06-02T17:24:21Z', '2017-06-02T17:25:19Z', '2017-06-02T17:26:25Z', '2017-06-02T17:26:45Z', '2017-06-02T17:27:50Z', '2017-06-02T17:28:29Z', '2017-06-02T17:35:39Z', '2017-06-02T17:36:25Z', '2017-06-02T17:38:23Z', '2017-06-02T17:38:28Z', '2017-06-02T17:39:38Z', '2017-06-02T17:39:57Z', '2017-06-02T17:40:46Z', '2017-06-02T17:40:58Z', '2017-06-02T17:41:21Z', '2017-06-02T17:42:58Z', '2017-06-02T17:44:37Z', '2017-06-02T17:46:24Z', '2017-06-02T17:47:02Z', '2017-06-02T17:47:18Z', '2017-06-02T17:49:09Z', '2017-06-02T17:49:19Z', '2017-06-02T17:49:33Z', '2017-06-02T17:50:03Z', '2017-06-02T17:50:48Z', '2017-06-02T17:51:05Z', '2017-06-02T17:51:12Z', '2017-06-02T17:51:20Z', '2017-06-02T17:52:16Z', '2017-06-02T17:52:52Z', '2017-06-02T17:53:55Z', '2017-06-02T17:55:37Z', '2017-06-02T17:55:46Z', '2017-06-02T17:56:08Z', '2017-06-02T17:56:31Z', '2017-06-02T17:58:01Z', '2017-06-02T17:58:36Z', '2017-06-02T17:58:49Z', '2017-06-02T17:59:04Z', '2017-06-02T18:00:34Z', '2017-06-02T18:00:41Z', '2017-06-02T18:01:05Z', '2017-06-02T18:02:47Z', '2017-06-02T18:04:34Z', '2017-06-02T18:06:46Z', '2017-06-02T18:09:35Z', '2017-06-02T18:10:27Z', '2017-06-02T18:10:37Z', '2017-06-02T18:14:09Z', '2017-06-02T18:53:45Z', '2017-06-02T18:55:06Z', '2017-06-02T18:55:53Z', '2017-06-02T18:56:15Z', '2017-06-02T18:58:32Z', '2017-06-02T18:59:16Z', '2017-06-02T18:59:51Z', '2017-06-02T19:00:15Z', '2017-06-02T19:03:53Z', '2017-06-02T19:11:38Z', '2017-06-02T19:12:07Z', '2017-06-02T19:13:43Z', '2017-06-02T19:16:19Z', '2017-06-02T19:19:29Z', '2017-06-02T19:22:24Z', '2017-06-02T19:23:37Z', '2017-06-02T19:25:25Z', '2017-06-02T19:25:54Z', '2017-06-02T19:28:13Z', '2017-09-21T16:34:44Z', '2017-09-21T16:35:22Z', '2017-09-21T16:36:07Z', '2017-09-21T16:38:48Z', '2017-09-21T16:39:02Z', '2017-09-21T16:42:06Z', '2017-09-21T16:42:57Z', '2017-09-21T16:44:54Z', '2017-09-21T16:45:57Z', '2017-09-21T16:47:13Z', '2017-09-21T16:47:37Z', '2017-09-21T16:48:19Z', '2017-09-21T17:06:39Z', '2017-09-21T17:07:10Z', '2017-09-21T17:07:33Z', '2017-09-21T17:08:25Z', '2017-09-21T17:08:32Z', '2017-09-21T17:27:38Z', '2017-09-21T17:29:21Z', '2017-09-21T17:30:45Z', '2017-09-21T17:30:59Z', '2017-09-21T17:31:36Z', '2017-09-21T17:32:41Z', '2017-09-21T17:48:50Z', '2017-09-21T17:50:17Z', '2017-09-21T17:50:51Z', '2017-09-21T17:58:27Z', '2017-09-21T18:01:17Z', '2017-09-21T18:03:18Z', '2017-09-21T18:04:06Z', '2017-09-21T18:05:42Z', '2017-09-21T18:07:45Z', '2017-09-21T18:08:16Z', '2017-09-21T18:08:55Z', '2017-09-21T18:09:21Z', '2017-09-21T18:09:38Z', '2017-09-21T18:10:25Z', '2017-09-21T18:11:07Z', '2017-09-21T18:12:03Z', '2017-09-21T18:12:11Z', '2017-09-21T18:12:52Z', '2017-09-21T18:13:19Z', '2017-09-21T18:14:14Z', '2017-09-21T18:14:20Z', '2017-09-21T18:14:46Z', '2017-09-21T18:14:56Z', '2017-09-21T18:15:25Z', '2017-09-21T18:15:35Z', '2017-09-21T18:15:48Z', '2017-09-21T18:16:21Z', '2017-09-21T18:18:24Z', '2017-09-21T18:18:57Z', '2017-09-21T18:19:08Z', '2017-09-21T18:19:16Z', '2017-09-21T18:19:46Z', '2017-09-21T18:20:10Z', '2017-09-21T18:21:18Z', '2017-09-21T18:21:35Z', '2017-09-21T18:22:26Z', '2017-09-21T18:22:32Z', '2017-09-21T18:22:52Z', '2017-09-21T18:23:46Z', '2017-09-21T18:24:30Z', '2017-09-21T18:25:17Z', '2017-09-21T18:26:17Z', '2017-09-21T18:27:46Z', '2017-09-21T18:28:43Z', '2017-09-21T18:28:50Z', '2017-09-21T18:29:02Z', '2017-09-21T18:30:00Z', '2017-09-21T18:32:12Z', '2017-09-21T18:33:32Z', '2017-09-21T18:33:54Z', '2017-09-21T18:35:09Z', '2017-09-21T18:35:32Z', '2017-09-21T18:36:25Z', '2017-09-21T18:37:10Z', '2017-09-21T18:37:40Z', '2017-09-21T18:38:48Z', '2017-09-21T18:39:18Z', '2017-09-21T18:39:59Z', '2017-09-21T18:40:54Z', '2017-09-21T18:50:34Z', '2017-09-21T18:58:16Z', '2017-09-21T18:59:23Z', '2017-09-21T18:59:40Z', '2017-09-22T15:12:31Z', '2017-09-22T15:13:29Z', '2017-09-22T15:17:40Z', '2017-09-22T15:18:05Z', '2017-09-22T15:18:16Z', '2017-09-22T15:19:14Z', '2017-09-22T15:21:57Z', '2017-10-04T11:08:19Z', '2017-10-04T11:13:22Z', '2017-10-04T11:14:14Z', '2017-10-04T11:20:40Z', '2017-10-04T11:21:23Z', '2017-10-04T11:21:42Z', '2017-10-04T11:22:27Z', '2017-10-04T13:53:33Z', '2017-10-04T13:53:52Z', '2017-10-04T13:54:15Z', '2017-10-04T13:55:01Z', '2017-10-04T13:56:55Z', '2017-10-04T13:57:58Z', '2017-10-04T13:58:15Z', '2017-10-04T13:58:34Z', '2017-10-04T14:00:17Z', '2017-10-04T14:00:32Z', '2017-10-04T14:01:27Z', '2017-10-04T14:01:46Z', '2017-10-04T14:04:31Z', '2017-10-04T14:33:59Z', '2017-10-04T14:35:06Z', '2017-10-04T14:36:14Z', '2017-10-04T14:36:31Z', '2017-10-04T14:38:58Z', '2017-10-04T14:43:10Z', '2017-10-04T14:46:44Z', '2017-10-04T14:49:08Z', '2017-10-04T15:01:38Z', '2017-10-04T15:01:49Z', '2017-10-04T15:03:52Z', '2017-10-04T15:04:00Z', '2017-10-04T15:05:12Z', '2017-10-04T15:06:25Z', '2017-10-04T15:07:50Z', '2017-10-04T15:11:00Z', '2017-10-04T15:11:18Z', '2017-10-04T15:11:44Z', '2017-10-04T15:12:33Z', '2017-10-04T15:13:21Z', '2017-10-04T15:15:15Z', '2017-10-04T18:18:33Z', '2017-10-04T18:30:37Z', '2017-10-04T18:33:20Z', 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'2013-02-04T13:00:42Z', '2013-02-04T13:53:42Z', '2013-02-04T13:53:42Z', '2013-02-04T13:58:26Z', '2013-02-04T14:05:24Z', '2013-02-22T11:15:26Z', '2013-02-22T11:15:26Z', '2013-02-22T15:19:05Z', '2013-02-22T15:19:05Z', '2013-02-22T15:19:58Z', '2013-02-22T15:32:12Z', '2013-02-22T15:38:28Z', '2013-02-22T16:42:08Z', '2013-02-22T17:08:43Z', '2013-02-22T17:11:15Z', '2013-02-22T17:13:56Z', '2013-03-06T12:17:11Z', '2013-03-06T12:17:11Z', '2013-05-20T15:04:29Z', '2013-05-20T15:04:29Z', '2013-05-20T15:05:34Z', '2013-09-27T15:33:00Z', '2013-09-27T15:33:00Z', '2013-09-27T15:36:04Z', '2013-09-27T15:36:04Z', '2013-11-21T17:33:37Z', '2013-11-21T17:33:37Z', '2013-11-22T12:24:59Z', '2013-11-22T12:24:59Z', '2013-12-16T17:24:47Z', '2013-12-16T17:24:47Z', '2013-12-16T17:32:07Z', '2013-12-16T17:36:51Z', '2013-12-17T16:18:22Z', '2013-12-17T16:18:22Z', '2013-12-17T17:31:20Z', '2013-12-17T17:31:20Z', '2014-01-29T22:20:43Z', '2014-01-29T22:20:43Z', '2014-01-29T22:40:14Z', '2014-01-29T22:44:27Z', '2014-01-29T22:49:27Z', '2014-01-29T22:54:51Z', '2014-02-05T17:48:28Z', '2014-02-05T17:48:28Z', '2014-02-06T12:34:51Z', '2014-02-06T12:34:51Z', '2014-02-06T13:26:45Z', '2014-02-07T09:59:56Z', '2014-02-07T09:59:56Z', '2014-02-07T10:02:25Z', '2014-02-07T10:05:01Z', '2014-02-14T16:13:37Z', '2014-02-14T16:13:37Z', '2014-02-14T17:23:47Z', '2014-02-14T17:33:03Z', '2014-02-17T13:33:28Z', '2014-02-17T13:33:28Z', '2014-02-17T13:46:36Z', '2014-02-17T13:51:28Z', '2014-02-17T13:51:28Z', '2014-02-17T13:56:42Z', '2014-03-07T16:31:23Z', '2014-03-07T16:31:23Z', '2014-03-07T12:18:20Z', '2014-03-07T12:18:20Z', '2014-03-07T17:44:53Z', '2014-03-28T12:53:51Z', '2014-03-28T12:53:51Z', '2014-03-28T13:13:00Z', '2014-03-28T13:15:42Z', '2014-07-29T17:07:23Z', '2014-07-29T17:07:23Z', '2014-10-29T17:32:05Z', '2014-10-29T17:32:05Z', '2015-02-03T10:56:41Z', '2015-02-03T10:56:41Z', '2015-02-03T11:13:49Z', '2015-02-03T11:13:49Z', '2015-05-21T14:56:59Z', '2015-05-21T14:56:59Z', '2015-05-21T15:01:10Z', '2015-05-21T18:28:44Z', '2015-05-21T18:28:44Z', '2015-05-21T18:42:43Z', '2015-05-21T18:56:32Z', '2015-05-21T19:05:00Z', '2015-05-21T19:07:04Z', '2015-05-21T19:07:23Z', '2015-05-21T19:07:42Z', '2015-05-22T11:07:54Z', '2015-05-22T11:10:24Z', '2015-05-22T11:12:54Z', '2015-05-22T11:17:50Z', '2015-05-22T11:27:23Z', '2015-05-22T11:29:14Z', '2015-05-22T11:38:35Z', '2015-05-22T11:43:37Z', '2015-05-22T12:17:11Z', '2015-05-22T12:32:26Z', '2015-05-22T12:56:55Z', '2015-05-22T13:08:47Z', '2015-05-22T13:17:38Z', '2015-05-22T13:42:07Z', '2015-05-22T13:59:38Z', '2015-05-22T14:02:49Z', '2015-05-22T14:13:04Z', '2015-05-22T14:31:37Z', '2015-05-22T14:36:10Z', '2015-05-22T14:36:34Z', '2015-05-22T14:37:04Z', '2015-05-22T15:15:00Z', '2015-05-22T15:17:36Z', '2015-05-22T15:18:49Z', '2015-05-22T15:19:13Z', '2015-05-22T15:21:54Z', '2015-05-22T15:35:47Z', '2015-05-22T15:39:33Z', '2015-05-22T15:40:30Z', '2015-05-22T17:01:24Z', '2015-05-22T17:08:16Z', '2015-05-22T17:54:40Z', '2015-05-22T17:57:09Z', '2015-05-22T18:15:25Z', '2015-05-22T18:16:44Z', '2015-05-22T18:37:33Z', '2015-05-22T18:49:31Z', '2015-05-22T18:50:12Z', '2015-05-22T19:19:04Z', '2015-05-22T19:19:41Z', '2015-05-22T19:20:21Z', '2015-05-22T19:27:00Z', '2015-05-26T14:29:48Z', '2015-05-26T14:37:46Z', '2015-05-26T15:22:14Z', '2015-05-26T15:24:40Z', '2015-05-26T15:25:36Z', '2015-05-26T15:26:13Z', '2015-05-26T15:27:09Z', '2015-05-26T15:27:50Z', '2015-05-26T15:30:44Z', '2015-05-26T15:32:07Z', '2015-05-26T15:32:45Z', '2015-05-26T15:34:53Z', '2015-05-26T15:36:10Z', '2015-05-26T16:29:12Z', '2015-05-26T16:30:16Z', '2015-05-26T17:08:28Z', '2015-05-26T17:08:28Z', '2015-05-26T17:09:13Z', '2015-05-26T17:11:17Z', '2015-05-26T17:21:41Z', '2015-05-26T17:46:13Z', '2015-05-26T17:57:27Z', '2015-05-26T18:18:42Z', '2015-05-26T18:21:35Z', '2015-05-26T18:23:01Z', '2015-05-26T18:45:02Z', '2015-05-26T18:52:53Z', '2015-05-26T18:54:44Z', '2015-05-26T19:11:40Z', '2015-05-26T19:12:10Z', '2015-05-26T19:17:40Z', '2015-05-26T19:19:47Z', '2015-05-26T19:20:23Z', '2015-05-26T20:14:11Z', '2015-05-27T16:33:48Z', '2015-05-27T16:42:11Z', '2015-05-27T16:51:01Z', '2015-05-27T16:52:53Z', '2015-05-27T17:01:57Z', '2015-05-27T17:31:50Z', '2015-05-27T17:37:18Z', '2015-05-27T17:46:01Z', '2015-05-27T17:50:59Z', '2015-05-27T17:51:40Z', '2015-05-27T19:13:20Z', '2015-05-27T19:14:54Z', '2015-05-27T19:15:22Z', '2015-05-27T19:18:49Z', '2015-05-29T17:21:26Z', '2015-05-29T17:22:08Z', '2015-06-02T18:04:35Z', '2015-06-02T18:08:58Z', '2015-06-02T18:16:49Z', '2015-06-02T18:23:05Z', '2015-06-02T18:24:15Z', '2015-06-03T18:58:58Z', '2015-06-03T18:58:58Z', '2015-06-03T19:06:59Z', '2015-06-03T19:08:01Z', '2015-06-03T19:14:00Z', '2015-06-03T19:18:16Z', '2015-06-04T10:54:13Z', '2015-06-04T11:00:52Z', '2015-06-04T11:03:27Z', '2015-06-04T11:09:26Z', '2015-06-04T11:09:50Z', '2015-06-04T11:11:09Z', '2015-06-04T11:24:14Z', '2015-06-04T11:38:37Z', '2015-06-04T11:42:46Z', '2015-06-04T11:43:51Z', '2015-06-04T11:56:01Z', '2015-06-04T12:00:26Z', '2015-06-04T12:06:40Z', '2015-06-04T12:08:08Z', '2015-06-04T18:17:58Z', '2015-06-04T18:19:43Z', '2015-06-04T18:26:15Z', '2015-06-04T18:30:43Z', '2015-06-04T18:41:12Z', '2015-06-04T18:47:24Z', '2015-06-04T19:06:05Z', '2015-06-04T19:06:38Z', '2015-06-06T13:25:16Z', '2015-06-06T13:25:40Z', '2015-06-06T14:34:41Z', '2015-06-06T14:37:03Z', '2015-06-06T14:39:34Z', '2015-06-06T14:40:05Z', '2015-06-27T11:39:33Z', '2015-06-27T11:39:33Z', '2015-06-27T11:49:20Z', '2015-06-27T11:52:30Z', '2015-06-27T12:02:14Z', '2015-06-27T12:04:24Z', '2015-06-27T12:07:12Z', '2015-06-27T12:08:13Z', '2015-06-27T12:11:50Z', '2015-06-27T12:17:13Z', '2015-06-27T12:21:30Z', '2015-06-27T12:23:01Z', '2015-06-27T12:27:16Z', '2015-06-27T12:27:49Z', '2015-06-27T12:28:52Z', '2015-06-27T12:29:22Z', '2015-06-27T12:29:44Z', '2015-06-27T12:30:44Z', '2015-06-27T12:32:11Z', '2015-06-27T12:33:24Z', '2015-06-27T12:34:55Z', '2015-06-27T12:35:40Z', '2015-06-27T12:36:44Z', '2015-06-27T12:38:10Z', '2015-06-27T12:47:32Z', '2015-06-27T12:47:59Z', '2015-06-28T17:16:51Z', '2015-06-28T17:17:27Z', '2015-06-28T17:28:55Z', '2015-06-28T17:56:08Z', '2015-06-28T17:58:46Z', '2015-06-28T17:59:06Z', '2015-06-29T18:18:30Z', '2015-06-29T18:21:59Z', '2015-06-30T13:19:15Z', '2015-06-30T13:22:00Z', '2015-07-02T18:26:40Z', '2015-07-02T18:26:40Z', '2015-07-02T18:37:00Z', '2015-07-02T18:45:30Z', '2015-07-02T18:53:35Z', '2015-07-02T19:05:30Z', '2015-07-02T19:11:32Z', '2015-07-02T19:15:02Z', '2015-07-02T19:15:14Z', '2015-07-02T19:20:00Z', '2015-07-03T19:12:37Z', '2015-07-03T19:15:05Z', '2015-07-03T19:23:03Z', '2015-07-03T19:30:53Z', '2015-07-03T19:31:46Z', '2015-07-03T19:37:20Z', '2015-07-03T19:41:39Z', '2015-07-03T19:52:48Z', '2015-07-03T19:54:07Z', '2015-07-03T20:06:51Z', '2015-07-03T20:13:48Z', '2015-07-03T20:21:22Z', '2015-07-03T20:24:21Z', '2015-07-03T20:29:19Z', '2015-07-03T20:29:43Z', '2015-07-03T20:30:36Z', '2015-07-03T20:31:32Z', '2015-07-03T20:36:43Z', '2015-07-03T20:37:15Z', '2015-07-03T20:38:35Z', '2015-07-03T20:38:49Z', '2015-07-03T20:39:13Z', '2015-07-04T11:01:49Z', '2015-07-04T11:06:09Z', '2015-07-04T11:06:32Z', '2015-07-04T11:18:22Z', '2015-07-04T11:19:40Z', '2015-07-04T11:25:52Z', '2015-07-04T11:28:20Z', '2015-07-04T11:28:59Z', '2015-07-04T11:32:22Z', '2015-07-04T11:35:46Z', '2015-07-04T11:39:28Z', '2015-07-04T11:39:47Z', '2015-07-04T11:40:46Z', '2015-07-04T11:42:00Z', '2015-07-04T11:46:15Z', '2015-07-04T11:47:39Z', '2015-07-05T13:40:55Z', '2015-07-05T13:41:37Z', '2015-07-05T14:31:28Z', '2015-07-05T14:32:26Z', '2015-07-10T11:11:16Z', '2015-07-10T11:19:36Z', '2015-07-10T11:36:59Z', '2015-07-10T11:41:36Z', '2015-07-10T11:43:34Z', '2015-07-10T11:46:53Z', '2015-11-27T17:39:18Z', '2015-11-27T17:39:51Z', '2015-11-27T17:40:18Z', '2015-11-27T17:45:45Z', '2015-11-27T17:46:15Z', '2015-11-27T18:18:36Z', '2015-11-27T18:18:46Z', '2015-11-27T18:19:15Z', '2015-11-27T18:20:35Z', '2015-11-27T19:17:55Z', '2015-11-27T19:18:27Z', '2015-11-27T19:18:38Z', '2015-11-28T10:40:47Z', '2015-11-28T10:42:50Z', '2015-11-28T10:46:26Z', '2015-11-28T10:47:21Z', '2015-11-28T10:49:23Z', '2015-11-28T11:04:51Z', '2015-11-28T11:05:15Z', '2015-11-28T11:06:00Z', '2015-11-28T11:06:20Z', '2015-11-28T11:06:44Z', '2015-11-28T11:07:59Z', '2015-11-28T11:08:29Z', '2015-11-28T11:09:00Z', '2015-11-28T11:15:33Z', '2015-11-28T11:20:40Z', '2015-11-28T11:22:27Z', '2015-11-28T11:23:22Z', '2015-11-28T11:23:27Z', '2015-11-28T11:28:06Z', '2015-11-28T11:29:04Z', '2015-11-28T11:48:33Z', '2015-11-28T11:49:13Z', '2015-11-28T11:50:05Z', '2015-11-28T11:50:20Z', '2015-11-28T11:52:15Z', '2015-11-28T17:24:54Z', '2015-11-28T17:27:14Z', '2015-11-28T17:27:33Z', '2015-11-28T17:57:07Z', '2015-11-28T17:59:43Z', '2015-11-28T18:01:27Z', '2015-11-28T18:23:56Z', '2015-11-28T18:25:19Z', '2015-11-28T18:32:49Z', '2015-11-28T18:36:44Z', '2015-11-28T19:49:55Z', '2015-11-28T20:10:25Z', '2015-11-28T20:15:08Z', '2015-11-28T20:23:46Z', '2015-12-01T17:46:46Z', '2015-12-01T17:47:20Z', '2015-12-07T14:14:59Z', '2015-12-07T16:02:23Z', '2015-12-07T16:02:50Z', '2015-12-07T16:03:09Z', '2015-12-07T16:16:33Z', '2015-12-24T08:26:16Z', '2015-12-24T08:26:16Z', '2015-12-24T08:28:44Z', '2015-12-24T08:30:51Z', '2015-12-24T08:38:33Z', '2015-12-24T09:16:31Z', '2015-12-24T09:18:04Z', '2015-12-24T09:21:48Z', '2015-12-24T09:23:05Z', '2015-12-24T09:23:43Z', '2015-12-24T09:26:31Z', '2015-12-24T09:35:47Z', '2015-12-24T09:37:27Z', '2015-12-24T09:39:33Z', '2015-12-24T09:55:14Z', '2015-12-24T10:20:56Z', '2015-12-24T10:25:07Z', '2015-12-24T10:32:35Z', '2015-12-24T10:36:32Z', '2015-12-24T10:45:15Z', '2015-12-24T11:04:47Z', '2015-12-24T11:06:25Z', '2015-12-24T11:09:02Z', '2015-12-24T11:10:22Z', '2015-12-24T11:11:42Z', '2015-12-24T11:16:02Z', '2015-12-24T11:17:27Z', '2015-12-24T11:17:53Z', '2015-12-24T11:20:08Z', '2015-12-24T11:21:53Z', '2015-12-24T11:27:08Z', '2015-12-24T11:29:44Z', '2015-12-24T11:30:37Z', '2015-12-24T11:35:12Z', '2015-12-24T11:36:35Z', '2015-12-26T12:30:25Z', '2015-12-26T12:31:11Z', '2015-12-26T12:31:47Z', '2015-12-26T12:33:47Z', '2015-12-26T12:34:15Z', '2015-12-26T12:34:30Z', '2015-12-26T12:35:10Z', '2015-12-26T12:35:22Z', '2015-12-26T12:36:06Z', '2015-12-26T12:36:11Z', '2015-12-26T12:37:12Z', '2015-12-26T12:37:31Z', '2015-12-26T12:38:05Z', '2015-12-26T12:39:15Z', '2015-12-26T12:40:34Z', '2015-12-26T12:41:05Z', '2015-12-26T12:42:15Z', '2015-12-26T12:42:29Z', '2015-12-26T12:43:07Z', '2015-12-26T12:43:20Z', '2015-12-26T12:43:34Z', '2015-12-26T12:43:51Z', '2015-12-26T12:44:04Z', '2015-12-26T12:49:00Z', '2015-12-26T12:49:23Z', '2015-12-26T12:49:28Z', '2015-12-26T12:51:25Z', '2015-12-26T12:57:13Z', '2015-12-26T12:58:17Z', '2015-12-26T12:58:47Z', '2015-12-26T12:59:03Z', '2015-12-26T14:20:39Z', '2015-12-26T17:17:05Z', '2015-12-26T17:32:25Z', '2016-01-04T13:14:01Z', '2016-06-24T18:59:25Z', '2016-06-27T18:59:28Z', '2016-06-28T10:13:51Z', '2016-06-28T11:36:39Z', '2016-06-28T11:52:15Z', '2016-06-28T12:11:47Z', '2016-06-28T12:31:15Z', '2016-06-28T12:33:56Z', '2016-06-28T12:34:08Z', '2016-06-28T12:34:46Z', '2016-06-28T12:35:00Z', '2016-06-28T12:35:27Z', '2016-06-28T12:35:53Z', '2016-06-28T12:45:10Z', '2016-06-28T12:45:24Z', '2016-06-28T12:50:43Z', '2016-06-28T13:08:45Z', '2016-06-28T13:15:46Z', '2016-06-28T13:17:09Z', '2016-06-28T13:17:48Z', '2016-06-28T13:18:18Z', '2016-06-28T13:18:56Z', '2016-06-28T13:21:26Z', '2016-06-28T13:21:51Z', '2016-06-28T13:58:49Z', '2016-06-28T13:59:16Z', '2016-06-28T13:59:38Z', '2016-06-28T14:00:03Z', '2016-06-28T14:00:16Z', '2016-06-28T14:00:28Z', '2016-06-28T14:00:56Z', '2016-06-28T14:01:45Z', '2016-06-28T14:01:50Z', '2016-06-28T14:03:38Z', '2016-06-28T14:03:49Z', '2016-06-28T14:03:54Z', '2016-06-28T14:04:08Z', '2016-06-28T14:04:19Z', '2016-06-28T14:04:37Z', '2016-06-28T14:05:12Z', '2016-06-28T14:05:26Z', '2016-06-28T14:05:33Z', '2016-06-28T14:06:00Z', '2016-06-28T14:06:09Z', '2016-06-28T14:08:37Z', '2016-06-28T14:14:24Z', '2016-06-28T14:14:38Z', '2016-06-28T14:18:17Z', '2016-06-28T14:25:51Z', '2016-06-28T14:26:53Z', '2016-06-28T14:28:07Z', '2016-06-28T14:30:58Z', '2016-06-28T14:31:12Z', '2016-06-28T14:31:27Z', '2016-06-28T14:31:38Z', '2016-06-28T14:32:08Z', '2016-06-28T14:50:00Z', '2016-06-28T14:50:28Z', '2016-06-28T14:52:41Z', '2016-06-28T14:52:46Z', '2016-06-28T14:54:23Z', '2016-06-28T14:54:29Z', '2016-06-28T14:54:52Z', '2016-06-28T14:55:40Z', '2016-06-28T14:56:09Z', '2016-06-28T14:56:59Z', '2016-06-28T14:58:28Z', '2016-06-28T15:07:47Z', '2016-06-28T15:09:00Z', '2016-06-28T15:09:38Z', '2016-06-28T15:12:01Z', '2016-06-28T15:18:10Z', '2016-06-28T15:19:15Z', '2016-06-28T15:20:21Z', '2016-06-28T15:53:43Z', '2016-06-28T15:56:52Z', '2016-06-28T15:57:21Z', '2016-06-28T15:57:52Z', '2016-06-28T15:58:02Z', '2016-06-28T15:58:38Z', '2016-06-28T15:59:08Z', '2016-06-28T16:00:09Z', '2016-06-28T16:00:44Z', '2016-06-28T16:04:40Z', '2016-06-28T16:08:40Z', '2016-06-28T16:14:55Z', '2016-06-28T16:40:11Z', '2016-06-28T17:11:56Z', '2016-06-28T17:13:51Z', '2016-07-04T19:22:42Z', '2016-07-05T11:49:25Z', '2016-07-05T17:04:15Z', '2016-07-05T17:59:17Z', '2016-07-06T10:54:18Z', '2016-07-06T15:12:40Z', '2016-07-06T16:47:22Z', '2016-07-06T16:49:55Z', '2016-07-06T16:54:37Z', '2016-07-06T16:58:06Z', '2016-07-06T17:12:27Z', '2016-07-06T17:22:21Z', '2016-07-06T17:28:39Z', '2016-07-06T17:29:02Z', '2016-07-06T17:54:40Z', '2016-07-06T18:22:11Z', '2016-07-06T18:26:24Z', '2016-07-06T18:34:01Z', '2016-07-06T18:51:42Z', '2016-07-06T19:00:26Z', '2016-07-06T19:03:54Z', '2016-07-06T19:05:49Z', '2016-07-06T19:17:41Z', '2016-07-06T20:38:03Z', '2016-07-06T20:38:57Z', '2016-07-06T20:40:37Z', '2016-07-06T20:40:52Z', '2016-07-06T20:43:28Z', '2016-07-06T20:44:02Z', '2016-07-06T20:46:21Z', '2016-07-06T20:47:15Z', '2016-07-06T20:47:51Z', '2016-07-06T20:49:01Z', '2016-07-06T20:50:32Z', '2016-07-06T20:53:42Z', '2016-07-06T20:55:11Z', '2016-07-06T20:55:49Z', '2016-07-06T20:59:29Z', '2016-07-06T21:01:53Z', '2016-07-06T21:10:27Z', '2016-07-06T21:11:00Z', '2016-07-06T21:11:24Z', '2016-07-06T21:11:50Z', '2016-07-06T21:12:21Z', '2016-07-07T12:56:33Z', '2016-07-07T12:58:50Z', '2016-07-07T13:09:47Z', '2016-07-07T13:10:46Z', '2016-07-07T13:12:30Z', '2016-07-07T13:30:00Z', '2016-07-07T16:48:49Z', '2016-07-07T17:02:45Z', '2016-07-07T17:03:40Z', '2016-07-07T17:18:41Z', '2016-07-07T18:06:44Z', '2016-07-07T18:07:42Z', '2016-07-07T18:08:58Z', '2016-07-07T18:17:43Z', '2016-07-07T18:18:24Z', '2016-07-07T18:21:30Z', '2016-07-07T18:26:05Z', '2016-07-07T22:41:26Z', '2016-07-07T22:42:15Z', '2016-07-07T22:43:29Z', '2016-07-07T22:43:53Z', '2016-07-07T22:45:29Z', '2016-07-07T23:29:56Z', '2016-07-07T23:32:34Z', '2016-07-07T23:34:22Z', '2016-07-07T23:38:17Z', '2016-07-07T23:48:47Z', '2016-07-08T16:13:58Z', '2016-07-08T16:15:12Z', '2016-07-08T16:15:16Z', '2016-07-08T16:15:52Z', '2016-07-08T16:16:18Z', '2016-07-08T16:17:21Z', '2016-07-08T16:17:50Z', '2016-07-08T16:18:13Z', '2016-07-08T16:18:56Z', '2016-07-08T16:19:40Z', '2016-07-08T16:20:43Z', '2016-07-08T16:20:57Z', '2016-07-08T16:21:29Z', '2016-07-08T16:22:51Z', '2016-07-08T16:23:57Z', '2016-07-08T16:24:14Z', '2016-07-08T16:26:31Z', '2016-07-08T16:27:17Z', '2016-10-31T12:58:03Z', '2016-10-31T12:58:17Z', '2016-10-31T12:59:09Z', '2016-10-31T12:59:32Z', '2016-10-31T12:59:49Z', '2016-10-31T13:29:02Z', '2016-10-31T13:31:34Z', '2016-10-31T13:39:51Z', '2016-10-31T14:35:19Z', '2016-10-31T14:52:13Z', '2016-10-31T14:59:34Z', '2016-10-31T15:00:37Z', '2016-10-31T15:31:19Z', '2016-10-31T15:46:00Z', '2016-10-31T15:46:51Z', '2016-10-31T15:51:24Z', '2016-10-31T15:58:58Z', '2016-10-31T16:01:15Z', '2016-10-31T16:03:00Z', '2016-10-31T16:09:04Z', '2016-10-31T16:10:20Z', '2016-10-31T16:11:03Z', '2016-10-31T16:12:56Z', '2016-10-31T16:16:31Z', '2016-10-31T16:21:24Z', '2016-10-31T16:22:18Z', '2016-10-31T16:22:38Z', '2016-10-31T16:23:55Z', '2016-10-31T16:24:52Z', '2016-10-31T16:27:46Z', '2016-10-31T16:28:26Z', '2016-10-31T16:29:31Z', '2016-10-31T16:35:02Z', '2016-10-31T16:38:21Z', '2016-10-31T16:41:31Z', '2016-10-31T16:45:44Z', '2016-10-31T16:47:51Z', '2016-10-31T16:54:20Z', '2016-10-31T16:55:30Z', '2016-10-31T16:56:14Z', '2016-10-31T16:56:36Z', '2016-10-31T16:57:17Z', '2016-10-31T16:57:42Z', '2016-10-31T16:58:35Z', '2016-10-31T16:58:54Z', '2016-10-31T16:59:42Z', '2016-10-31T17:00:28Z', '2016-10-31T17:01:14Z', '2016-10-31T17:02:37Z', '2016-10-31T17:04:32Z', '2016-10-31T17:09:44Z', '2016-10-31T17:10:47Z', '2016-10-31T17:13:48Z', '2016-10-31T17:14:50Z', '2016-10-31T17:16:15Z', '2016-10-31T17:47:06Z', '2016-10-31T17:49:47Z', '2016-10-31T17:49:57Z', '2016-10-31T17:50:12Z', '2016-10-31T17:52:45Z', '2016-10-31T18:01:14Z', '2016-10-31T18:03:45Z', '2016-10-31T18:04:27Z', '2016-10-31T18:14:04Z', '2016-10-31T18:17:02Z', '2016-10-31T18:21:06Z', '2016-10-31T18:21:39Z', '2016-10-31T18:22:47Z', '2016-10-31T18:25:15Z', '2016-10-31T18:25:48Z', '2016-10-31T18:27:13Z', '2016-10-31T18:27:34Z', '2016-10-31T18:30:11Z', '2016-10-31T18:54:23Z', '2016-10-31T18:54:50Z', '2016-10-31T18:55:48Z', '2016-10-31T18:58:12Z', '2016-10-31T19:06:47Z', '2016-11-01T10:08:55Z', '2016-11-01T10:29:02Z', '2016-11-01T11:23:28Z', '2016-11-01T11:26:12Z', '2016-11-01T11:42:45Z', '2016-11-01T11:49:50Z', '2016-11-01T11:57:30Z', '2016-11-01T12:33:46Z', '2016-11-01T12:49:08Z', '2016-11-01T12:49:52Z', '2016-11-01T12:50:51Z', '2016-11-01T12:55:10Z', '2016-11-01T12:57:06Z', '2016-11-01T13:01:18Z', '2016-11-01T13:17:32Z', '2016-11-01T13:20:43Z', '2016-11-01T13:28:47Z', '2016-11-01T13:29:56Z', '2016-11-01T14:20:40Z', '2016-11-01T14:20:55Z', '2016-11-01T14:26:45Z', '2016-11-01T14:27:37Z', '2016-11-01T14:29:42Z', '2016-11-01T14:31:31Z', '2016-11-01T14:37:47Z', '2016-11-01T14:38:42Z', '2016-11-01T14:43:20Z', '2016-11-01T14:44:11Z', '2016-11-01T14:45:41Z', '2016-11-01T14:50:42Z', '2016-11-01T14:51:46Z', '2016-11-01T14:52:38Z', '2016-11-01T14:53:08Z', '2016-11-01T14:54:12Z', '2016-11-01T14:54:41Z', '2016-11-01T14:55:25Z', '2016-11-01T14:56:21Z', '2016-11-01T14:56:54Z', '2016-11-01T14:57:14Z', '2016-11-01T14:57:25Z', '2016-11-01T14:58:43Z', '2016-11-01T14:59:28Z', '2016-11-01T15:00:33Z', '2016-11-01T15:00:51Z', '2016-11-01T15:01:20Z', '2016-11-01T15:01:53Z', '2016-11-01T15:02:57Z', '2016-11-01T15:03:05Z', '2016-11-01T15:03:46Z', '2016-11-01T15:05:05Z', '2016-11-01T15:06:09Z', '2016-11-01T15:09:18Z', '2016-11-01T15:11:11Z', '2016-11-01T15:19:08Z', '2016-11-01T15:19:32Z', '2016-11-01T15:19:57Z', '2016-11-01T15:20:20Z', '2016-11-01T15:21:27Z', '2016-11-01T15:21:54Z', '2016-11-01T15:23:20Z', '2016-11-01T15:24:21Z', '2016-11-01T15:25:01Z', '2016-11-01T15:27:29Z', '2016-11-01T15:28:28Z', '2016-11-01T15:30:27Z', '2016-11-01T15:32:34Z', '2016-11-01T15:34:19Z', '2016-11-01T15:36:15Z', '2016-11-01T15:37:41Z', '2016-11-01T15:38:46Z', '2016-11-01T15:39:35Z', '2016-11-01T15:52:14Z', '2016-11-01T15:54:16Z', '2016-11-01T15:58:39Z', '2016-11-01T15:59:02Z', '2016-11-01T15:59:48Z', '2016-11-01T16:11:15Z', '2016-11-01T16:12:03Z', '2016-11-01T16:13:40Z', '2016-11-01T16:15:15Z', '2016-11-01T16:25:58Z', '2016-11-01T16:27:12Z', '2016-11-01T16:28:37Z', '2016-11-01T16:29:17Z', '2016-11-01T16:32:16Z', '2016-11-01T16:33:23Z', '2016-11-01T16:53:04Z', '2016-11-01T16:54:02Z', '2016-11-02T10:24:27Z', '2016-11-28T11:12:49Z', '2016-11-28T12:27:23Z', '2016-11-28T12:46:11Z', '2016-11-28T12:46:53Z', '2016-11-28T12:47:36Z', '2016-11-28T12:47:59Z', '2016-11-28T12:58:43Z', '2016-11-28T12:59:56Z', '2016-11-28T13:01:06Z', '2016-11-28T13:02:33Z', '2016-11-28T13:04:13Z', '2016-11-28T13:05:18Z', '2016-11-28T13:09:58Z', '2016-11-28T13:10:14Z', '2016-11-28T13:11:39Z', '2016-11-28T13:12:15Z', '2016-11-28T13:16:43Z', '2016-11-28T13:17:08Z', '2016-11-28T13:18:28Z', '2016-11-28T13:19:07Z', '2016-11-28T13:19:25Z', '2016-11-28T13:22:29Z', '2016-11-28T13:23:00Z', '2016-11-28T13:25:14Z', '2016-11-28T13:30:15Z', '2016-11-28T13:38:48Z', '2016-11-28T13:39:43Z', '2016-11-28T14:23:34Z', '2016-11-28T14:25:36Z', '2016-11-28T14:31:51Z', '2016-11-28T14:32:48Z', '2016-11-28T14:32:59Z', '2016-11-28T14:34:37Z', '2016-11-28T14:35:28Z', '2016-11-28T14:38:14Z', '2016-11-28T14:41:55Z', '2016-11-28T14:45:20Z', '2016-11-28T14:45:25Z', '2016-11-28T14:45:30Z', '2016-11-28T14:45:35Z', '2016-11-28T14:45:39Z', '2016-11-28T14:45:46Z', '2016-11-28T14:46:05Z', '2016-11-28T14:47:30Z', '2016-11-28T14:49:39Z', '2016-11-28T14:49:58Z', '2016-11-28T14:50:31Z', '2016-11-28T14:50:53Z', '2016-11-28T14:56:09Z', '2016-11-28T14:56:33Z', '2016-11-28T14:56:55Z', '2016-11-28T14:58:27Z', '2016-11-28T15:01:22Z', '2016-11-28T15:02:46Z', '2016-11-28T15:10:14Z', '2016-11-28T15:15:11Z', '2016-11-28T15:17:22Z', '2016-11-28T15:17:44Z', '2016-11-28T15:18:03Z', '2016-11-28T15:18:14Z', '2016-11-28T15:19:06Z', '2016-11-28T15:19:56Z', '2016-11-28T15:23:45Z', '2016-11-28T15:25:13Z', '2016-11-28T15:25:32Z', '2016-11-28T15:26:21Z', '2016-11-28T15:26:29Z', '2016-11-28T15:27:34Z', '2016-11-28T15:28:11Z', '2016-11-28T15:28:49Z', '2016-11-28T15:28:58Z', '2016-11-28T15:29:13Z', '2016-11-28T15:29:30Z', '2016-11-28T15:29:42Z', '2016-11-28T15:29:56Z', '2016-11-28T15:30:14Z', '2016-11-28T15:32:13Z', '2016-11-28T15:32:25Z', '2016-11-28T15:33:04Z', '2016-11-28T15:33:14Z', '2016-11-28T15:33:21Z', '2016-11-28T15:33:42Z', '2016-11-28T15:34:16Z', '2016-11-28T15:34:26Z', '2016-11-28T15:35:30Z', '2016-11-28T15:35:39Z', '2016-11-28T15:36:33Z', '2016-11-28T15:37:19Z', '2016-11-28T15:37:29Z', '2016-11-28T15:37:42Z', '2016-11-28T15:38:06Z', '2016-11-28T15:38:17Z', '2016-11-28T15:38:47Z', '2016-11-28T15:39:24Z', '2016-11-28T15:39:34Z', '2016-11-28T15:40:07Z', '2016-11-28T15:41:02Z', '2016-11-28T15:41:13Z', '2016-11-28T15:41:21Z', '2016-11-28T15:41:39Z', '2016-11-28T15:42:11Z', '2016-11-28T15:42:51Z', '2016-11-28T15:44:28Z', '2016-11-28T15:45:13Z', '2016-11-28T15:45:52Z', '2016-11-28T15:46:48Z', '2016-11-28T15:47:04Z', '2016-11-28T15:47:35Z', '2016-11-28T15:47:52Z', '2016-11-28T15:48:21Z', '2016-11-28T15:49:19Z', '2016-11-28T15:50:11Z', '2016-11-28T15:50:32Z', '2016-11-28T15:50:48Z', '2016-11-28T15:51:25Z', '2016-11-28T15:51:31Z', '2016-11-28T15:51:41Z', '2016-11-28T15:52:27Z', '2016-11-28T15:52:48Z', '2016-11-28T15:53:04Z', '2016-11-28T15:54:23Z', '2016-11-28T15:54:48Z', '2016-11-28T15:55:46Z', '2016-11-28T15:55:58Z', '2016-11-28T15:59:14Z', '2016-11-28T16:00:19Z', '2016-11-28T16:02:19Z', '2016-11-28T16:04:53Z', '2016-11-28T16:05:28Z', '2016-11-28T16:06:55Z', '2016-11-28T16:08:23Z', '2016-11-28T16:08:48Z', '2016-11-28T16:13:44Z', '2016-11-28T16:22:40Z', '2016-11-28T16:26:09Z', '2016-11-28T16:27:23Z', '2016-11-28T16:27:56Z', '2016-11-28T16:29:56Z', '2016-11-28T16:30:03Z', '2016-11-28T16:30:31Z', '2016-11-28T16:30:41Z', '2016-11-28T16:31:55Z', '2016-11-28T16:32:32Z', '2016-11-28T16:32:56Z', '2016-11-28T16:33:19Z', '2016-11-28T16:33:33Z', '2016-11-28T16:34:00Z', '2016-11-28T16:35:02Z', '2016-11-28T16:37:20Z', '2016-11-28T16:38:18Z', '2016-11-28T16:38:36Z', '2016-11-28T16:39:46Z', '2016-11-28T16:40:42Z', '2016-11-28T16:40:58Z', '2016-11-28T16:42:29Z', '2016-11-28T16:45:11Z', '2016-11-28T16:47:53Z', '2016-11-28T16:48:31Z', '2016-11-28T16:48:49Z', '2016-11-28T16:50:52Z', '2016-11-28T16:51:49Z', '2016-11-28T16:53:25Z', '2016-11-28T16:54:30Z', '2016-11-28T16:55:56Z', '2016-11-28T17:01:04Z', '2016-11-28T17:02:08Z', '2016-11-28T17:04:35Z', '2016-11-28T17:10:00Z', '2016-11-28T17:10:30Z', '2016-11-28T17:10:40Z', '2016-11-28T17:10:57Z', '2016-11-28T17:11:09Z', '2016-11-28T17:11:59Z', '2016-11-28T17:14:05Z', '2016-11-28T17:15:22Z', '2016-11-28T17:15:57Z', '2016-11-28T17:17:43Z', '2016-11-28T17:21:44Z', '2016-11-28T17:22:34Z', '2016-11-28T17:23:50Z', '2016-11-28T17:27:33Z', '2016-11-28T17:28:50Z', '2016-11-28T17:29:21Z', '2016-11-28T17:30:00Z', '2016-11-28T17:33:01Z', '2016-11-28T17:33:17Z', '2016-11-28T17:34:21Z', '2016-11-28T17:35:12Z', '2016-11-28T17:35:45Z', '2016-11-28T17:36:08Z', '2016-11-28T17:37:48Z', '2016-11-28T18:45:25Z', '2016-11-28T18:46:11Z', '2016-11-28T18:46:33Z', '2016-11-28T18:46:41Z', '2016-11-28T18:47:11Z', '2016-11-28T18:50:57Z', '2016-11-28T18:56:30Z', '2016-11-28T19:02:42Z', '2016-11-28T19:04:08Z', '2016-11-28T19:04:51Z', '2016-11-28T19:05:22Z', '2016-11-28T19:05:31Z', '2016-11-29T09:58:38Z', '2016-11-29T09:59:54Z', '2016-11-29T10:06:06Z', '2016-11-29T10:06:32Z', '2016-11-29T10:06:43Z', '2016-11-29T10:07:42Z', '2016-11-29T10:07:55Z', '2016-11-29T10:08:59Z', '2016-11-29T10:09:12Z', '2016-11-29T10:22:39Z', '2016-11-29T10:23:39Z', '2016-11-29T10:24:08Z', '2016-11-29T10:26:21Z', '2016-11-29T10:27:18Z', '2016-11-29T10:29:33Z', '2016-11-29T10:29:46Z', '2016-11-29T10:31:51Z'] xmpTPg:NPages 9 work_t6gam6jtgjeftjltju24geat7i txt/../pos/work_t6gam6jtgjeftjltju24geat7i.pos work_cckcc7ya6vg4hgd2g6fej3lr6y txt/../pos/work_cckcc7ya6vg4hgd2g6fej3lr6y.pos INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_jjqj3df6wjaejlzmo3ar7wcdl4.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_si56a7q3cbavvnjo5mf4vrq3ya txt/../pos/work_si56a7q3cbavvnjo5mf4vrq3ya.pos work_fvlnsuuajzcchapn3qcudhpmh4 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Maiwald title: PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ANALYSIS OF HISTORICAL IMAGE REPOSITORIES FOR VIRTUAL RECONSTRUCTION IN THE FIELD OF DIGITAL HUMANITIES date: 2017 pages: 6 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_xs72i2hnkvbfnc5mfsar3nlyfq.txt cache: ./cache/work_xs72i2hnkvbfnc5mfsar3nlyfq.pdf Author Lawrence W. Fritz Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2017-01-24T23:01:17Z Last-Modified 2017-02-16T07:30:48Z Last-Save-Date 2017-02-16T07:30:48Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 53 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2017-01-24T23:01:17Z creator Lawrence W. 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bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_mawyuiswszef7e6udtelso53l4' === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_cc6xdhl3jvafncpxfjdw5mjp7m' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File 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'2011-02-19T20:36:04Z', '2011-02-19T20:37:56Z', '2011-02-19T20:42:30Z', '2011-02-19T20:43:36Z', '2011-02-19T20:43:39Z', '2011-02-19T20:43:53Z', '2011-02-19T20:44:01Z', '2011-02-19T20:45:39Z', '2011-02-19T20:47:27Z', '2011-02-19T20:49:58Z', '2011-02-19T20:51:10Z', '2011-02-19T21:54:42Z', '2011-02-20T20:22:56Z', '2011-02-20T20:26:17Z', '2011-02-20T21:13:51Z', '2011-02-20T22:22:51Z', '2011-02-20T22:23:35Z', '2011-02-23T19:54:32Z', '2011-02-24T23:36:09Z', '2011-02-24T23:36:33Z', '2011-02-24T23:37:42Z', '2011-02-24T23:38:24Z', '2011-02-24T23:38:28Z', '2011-02-24T23:40:12Z', '2011-02-24T23:41:11Z', '2011-02-24T23:41:58Z', '2011-02-24T23:43:49Z', '2011-02-24T23:44:35Z', '2011-02-24T23:45:32Z', '2011-02-24T23:46:10Z', '2011-02-24T23:46:30Z', '2011-02-24T23:47:13Z', '2011-02-25T00:08:03Z', '2011-02-25T00:14:38Z', '2011-02-25T00:19:33Z', '2011-02-25T20:44:41Z', '2011-02-25T20:47:13Z', '2011-02-25T20:50:36Z', '2011-02-25T20:51:16Z', '2011-02-25T20:52:52Z', '2011-02-25T20:54:29Z', '2011-02-25T20:55:48Z', '2011-02-25T20:56:18Z', '2011-02-25T21:00:46Z', '2011-02-27T15:13:02Z', '2011-02-27T15:13:12Z', '2011-02-27T15:14:56Z', '2011-02-27T15:26:07Z', '2011-02-27T15:26:48Z', '2011-02-27T15:27:06Z', '2011-02-27T15:28:47Z', '2011-02-27T15:41:50Z', '2011-02-27T15:43:45Z', '2011-02-27T15:44:15Z', '2011-02-27T15:47:15Z', '2011-02-27T15:48:23Z', '2011-02-27T15:49:58Z', '2011-03-01T16:17:19Z', '2011-03-05T15:31:27Z', '2011-03-05T16:21:09Z', '2011-06-19T20:33:49Z', '2011-06-19T20:33:59Z', '2011-06-19T20:36:50Z', '2011-06-19T20:37:42Z', '2011-06-19T20:51:19Z', '2011-06-19T20:51:28Z', '2011-06-19T20:57:18Z', '2011-06-19T20:59:33Z', '2011-06-19T21:04:23Z', '2011-06-19T21:12:12Z', '2011-06-19T21:14:52Z', '2011-06-19T21:15:08Z', '2011-06-19T21:17:53Z', '2011-06-19T21:36:22Z', '2011-06-19T21:37:28Z', '2011-06-19T21:41:07Z', '2011-06-19T21:41:31Z', '2011-06-19T21:41:50Z', '2011-06-19T21:58:52Z', '2011-06-19T21:59:31Z', '2011-06-19T22:04:10Z', '2011-06-19T22:05:44Z', '2011-06-19T22:09:19Z', '2011-06-19T22:13:43Z', '2011-06-19T22:14:03Z', '2011-06-19T22:14:22Z', '2011-06-19T22:15:04Z', '2011-06-19T22:16:45Z', '2011-06-19T22:17:28Z', '2011-06-19T22:20:33Z', '2011-06-19T22:23:42Z', '2011-06-19T22:29:12Z', '2011-06-19T22:34:48Z', '2011-06-19T22:39:14Z', '2011-06-19T22:44:26Z', '2011-06-19T22:45:50Z', '2011-06-19T22:46:45Z', '2011-06-20T18:26:49Z', '2011-06-26T15:09:01Z', '2011-06-26T15:16:09Z', '2011-06-26T15:18:15Z', '2011-06-26T15:18:47Z', '2011-06-26T15:20:59Z', '2011-06-26T15:48:37Z', '2011-06-26T17:00:03Z', '2011-06-26T17:09:03Z', '2011-06-26T17:19:30Z', '2011-06-26T17:25:47Z', '2011-06-26T17:37:30Z', '2011-06-26T17:37:55Z', '2011-07-15T21:20:27Z', '2011-07-15T21:22:50Z', '2011-07-15T21:23:11Z', '2011-07-26T00:19:41Z', '2011-07-26T00:19:41Z', '2011-07-26T00:30:12Z', '2011-07-26T00:37:26Z', '2011-07-26T00:37:59Z', '2011-07-26T00:40:59Z', '2011-07-26T00:42:01Z', '2011-07-26T00:42:25Z', '2011-07-26T00:48:16Z', '2011-07-26T00:49:06Z', '2011-07-26T00:49:17Z', '2011-07-26T00:50:33Z', '2011-07-26T00:50:37Z', '2011-07-26T00:51:01Z', '2011-07-26T00:51:22Z', '2011-07-26T00:53:56Z', '2011-07-26T00:54:57Z', '2011-07-26T00:55:18Z', '2011-07-26T00:56:54Z', '2011-07-26T00:58:24Z', '2011-07-26T01:01:04Z', '2011-07-26T01:02:07Z', '2011-07-26T01:03:28Z', '2011-07-26T01:03:55Z', '2011-07-26T01:08:54Z', '2011-07-26T01:09:02Z', '2011-07-26T01:09:17Z', '2011-07-26T01:10:58Z', '2011-07-26T01:20:10Z', '2011-07-26T01:21:30Z', '2011-07-26T01:28:52Z', '2011-08-10T11:22:26Z', '2011-08-10T11:23:01Z', '2011-08-10T11:25:28Z', '2011-08-10T11:31:23Z', '2011-08-10T11:34:05Z', '2011-08-10T11:34:22Z', '2011-08-10T11:35:09Z', '2011-08-10T11:36:58Z', '2011-08-10T11:37:24Z', '2011-08-10T11:41:45Z', '2011-08-10T11:42:13Z', '2011-08-10T11:42:32Z', '2011-08-13T23:05:19Z', '2011-08-29T16:46:16Z', '2011-08-29T16:53:35Z', '2011-08-29T16:57:03Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:20Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:39Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:59Z', '2011-08-29T17:00:22Z', '2011-08-29T17:10:08Z', '2011-08-29T17:28:57Z', '2011-08-29T17:31:27Z', '2011-08-29T17:31:39Z', '2011-08-31T21:57:13Z', '2011-08-31T21:57:28Z', '2011-08-31T22:06:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:12:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:13:53Z', '2011-08-31T22:17:10Z', '2011-08-31T22:17:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:22:51Z', '2011-08-31T22:23:36Z', '2011-08-31T22:27:58Z', '2011-08-31T22:28:33Z', '2011-08-31T22:30:14Z', '2011-08-31T22:31:42Z', '2011-08-31T22:32:03Z', '2011-08-31T22:42:54Z', '2011-11-10T21:36:57Z', '2011-11-10T21:53:48Z', '2011-11-10T21:54:57Z', '2011-11-10T22:09:19Z', '2011-11-10T22:11:16Z', '2011-11-10T22:14:49Z', '2011-11-10T22:19:49Z', '2011-11-10T22:39:16Z', '2011-11-10T22:41:34Z', '2011-11-10T22:50:58Z', '2011-11-10T22:55:08Z', '2011-11-10T23:01:37Z', '2011-11-10T23:04:03Z', '2011-11-10T23:06:56Z', '2011-11-10T23:07:06Z', '2011-11-10T23:51:29Z', '2011-11-10T23:54:28Z', '2012-02-16T13:31:11Z', '2012-02-16T13:32:39Z', '2012-02-16T13:36:16Z', '2012-02-16T13:37:10Z', '2012-02-16T13:38:17Z', '2012-02-16T13:38:35Z', '2012-02-16T13:39:36Z', '2012-02-16T13:47:08Z', '2012-02-16T13:47:44Z', '2012-02-16T13:48:03Z', '2012-02-16T13:54:37Z', '2012-02-16T13:54:51Z', '2012-02-16T13:55:14Z', '2012-02-16T13:57:19Z', '2012-02-16T13:59:53Z', '2012-02-16T14:02:18Z', '2012-02-16T14:05:47Z', '2012-02-16T14:06:38Z', '2012-02-16T14:11:27Z', '2012-02-16T14:12:10Z', '2012-02-16T14:13:02Z', '2012-02-16T14:15:17Z', '2012-02-16T14:15:35Z', '2012-02-16T14:16:21Z', '2012-02-16T14:17:25Z', '2012-02-16T14:18:00Z', '2012-02-16T14:25:17Z', '2012-02-16T14:29:07Z', '2012-02-16T14:34:20Z', '2012-02-16T14:39:28Z', '2012-02-16T14:44:36Z', '2012-02-16T14:44:55Z', '2012-02-16T14:51:33Z', '2012-02-16T14:55:35Z', '2012-02-16T14:56:08Z', '2012-02-16T14:56:53Z', '2012-02-16T14:57:40Z', '2012-02-16T15:03:50Z', '2012-02-16T15:07:02Z', '2012-02-16T19:30:14Z', '2012-02-16T19:33:37Z', '2012-02-16T19:34:16Z', '2012-02-16T19:35:03Z', '2012-02-16T19:39:02Z', '2012-02-16T19:39:19Z', '2012-02-16T19:41:58Z', '2012-02-16T19:44:36Z', '2012-02-16T19:45:28Z', '2012-02-16T19:51:19Z', '2012-02-16T22:18:30Z', '2012-02-16T22:19:05Z', '2012-02-16T22:23:14Z', '2012-02-16T22:26:46Z', '2012-02-16T22:27:07Z', '2012-02-16T22:28:01Z', '2012-02-16T22:29:35Z', '2012-02-16T22:30:23Z', '2012-02-16T22:32:32Z', '2012-02-16T22:38:37Z', '2012-02-16T22:48:57Z', '2012-02-16T22:49:12Z', '2012-02-16T22:53:40Z', '2012-02-16T22:55:21Z', '2012-02-16T22:56:44Z', '2012-02-16T22:57:42Z', '2012-02-16T22:59:48Z', '2012-02-16T23:00:50Z', '2012-02-16T23:57:20Z', '2012-02-16T23:57:42Z', '2012-02-17T00:00:20Z', '2012-02-17T00:03:27Z', '2012-02-18T11:25:53Z', '2012-02-19T17:00:50Z', '2012-02-19T17:01:38Z', '2012-02-19T17:06:27Z', '2012-03-03T19:13:44Z', '2012-03-03T19:17:44Z', '2012-03-03T19:18:26Z', '2012-03-03T19:19:19Z', '2012-03-03T19:22:56Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:28Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:41Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:50Z', '2012-03-03T19:24:04Z', '2012-03-03T19:30:55Z', '2012-03-03T19:37:06Z', '2012-04-01T15:43:40Z', '2012-04-01T15:45:15Z', '2012-04-01T15:51:20Z', '2012-04-01T15:56:42Z', '2012-04-01T16:35:08Z', '2012-04-01T16:41:27Z', '2012-04-01T16:50:44Z', '2012-04-01T17:02:45Z', '2012-04-01T17:05:47Z', '2012-04-01T17:08:44Z', '2012-04-01T17:15:27Z', '2012-04-01T17:17:16Z', '2012-04-01T17:19:38Z', '2012-04-01T17:20:30Z', '2012-04-01T17:24:46Z', '2012-04-01T17:30:13Z', '2012-04-01T17:30:29Z', '2012-04-01T17:31:01Z', '2012-04-01T17:31:31Z', '2012-04-01T17:34:59Z', '2012-04-01T18:12:25Z', '2012-04-01T18:13:23Z', '2012-04-01T18:19:41Z', '2012-04-03T12:31:27Z', '2012-04-03T12:36:13Z', '2012-04-03T12:36:51Z', '2012-05-06T11:58:51Z', '2012-05-29T22:24:44Z', '2012-05-29T22:25:00Z', '2012-05-29T22:25:16Z', '2012-05-29T22:32:44Z', '2012-05-29T22:34:51Z', '2012-05-29T22:35:55Z', '2012-05-29T22:44:49Z', '2012-06-18T21:51:16Z', '2012-06-23T19:02:40Z', '2012-06-23T19:21:09Z', '2012-06-23T19:31:43Z', '2012-06-23T19:34:22Z', '2012-06-23T19:34:37Z', '2012-07-14T14:36:29Z', '2012-07-14T14:45:11Z', '2012-07-14T14:45:26Z', '2012-08-08T22:24:12Z', '2012-08-08T22:24:12Z', '2012-08-09T21:36:14Z', '2012-08-09T21:36:24Z', '2012-08-09T22:00:24Z', '2012-08-09T22:05:44Z', '2012-08-19T19:25:32Z', '2012-08-19T21:24:42Z', '2012-08-19T21:46:28Z', '2012-09-10T12:16:46Z', '2012-09-10T12:18:34Z', '2012-09-10T12:19:55Z', '2012-09-10T12:23:14Z', '2012-09-10T12:23:25Z', '2012-09-10T12:35:23Z', '2012-09-10T12:36:36Z', '2012-09-10T12:40:43Z', '2012-09-10T12:41:40Z', '2012-09-10T12:45:20Z', '2012-09-10T12:53:57Z', '2012-09-10T18:03:16Z', '2012-09-10T18:05:04Z', '2012-09-10T18:07:34Z', '2012-09-17T22:32:22Z', '2012-09-17T22:33:52Z', '2012-09-17T22:38:07Z', '2012-10-18T19:33:17Z', '2012-10-18T19:34:52Z', '2012-10-18T20:12:16Z', '2012-10-18T21:24:59Z', '2012-10-18T22:24:28Z', '2012-10-18T22:25:55Z', '2012-10-18T22:30:16Z', '2012-10-18T22:30:26Z', '2012-10-18T23:05:47Z', '2012-10-18T23:13:53Z', '2012-10-18T23:16:22Z', '2012-10-18T23:18:29Z', '2012-10-18T23:20:07Z', '2012-10-31T19:49:08Z', '2012-10-31T19:49:58Z', '2012-10-31T19:50:10Z', '2012-10-31T19:52:46Z', '2012-10-31T19:54:00Z', '2012-10-31T19:55:44Z', '2012-10-31T19:56:13Z', '2012-10-31T19:57:36Z', '2012-10-31T19:57:49Z', '2012-10-31T19:58:33Z', '2012-10-31T20:07:55Z', '2012-10-31T20:08:05Z', '2012-11-16T13:10:57Z', '2012-11-16T14:04:50Z', '2012-11-17T13:52:53Z', '2012-11-17T13:53:46Z', '2012-11-17T13:57:01Z', '2012-11-17T14:03:12Z', '2012-11-17T14:04:52Z', '2012-11-17T14:09:39Z', '2012-11-17T14:11:34Z', '2012-11-17T14:13:59Z', '2012-11-17T14:16:47Z', '2012-11-17T14:16:58Z', '2012-11-17T14:17:11Z', '2012-11-17T14:25:17Z', '2012-11-17T14:25:52Z', '2012-11-17T14:26:08Z', '2012-11-17T14:26:33Z', '2012-11-19T13:45:18Z', '2012-12-18T16:08:06Z', '2012-12-18T16:08:06Z', '2012-12-18T16:10:26Z', '2012-12-18T16:46:14Z', '2012-12-18T17:49:15Z', '2012-12-19T10:41:05Z', '2012-12-19T14:29:29Z', '2012-12-19T14:29:29Z', '2012-12-19T14:33:19Z', '2012-12-19T14:33:19Z', '2012-12-20T11:39:16Z', '2012-12-20T13:06:16Z', '2012-12-20T13:15:15Z', '2012-12-20T13:25:38Z', '2012-12-20T13:27:00Z', '2012-12-20T15:06:37Z', '2012-12-20T15:25:35Z', '2012-12-20T15:28:45Z', '2012-12-20T15:37:27Z', '2012-12-20T15:56:45Z', '2012-12-20T16:10:35Z', '2012-12-20T16:18:25Z', '2012-12-20T16:35:21Z', '2012-12-20T16:45:26Z', '2012-12-20T16:46:52Z', '2013-01-04T16:10:08Z', '2013-01-04T16:10:08Z', '2013-01-04T17:11:03Z', '2013-01-04T17:26:30Z', '2013-01-04T17:47:08Z', '2013-01-07T11:23:43Z', '2013-01-07T11:26:39Z', '2013-01-07T11:34:07Z', '2013-01-07T11:57:45Z', '2013-01-07T12:00:01Z', '2013-01-07T12:22:45Z', '2013-01-07T13:15:38Z', '2013-01-07T13:31:23Z', '2013-01-07T13:33:32Z', '2013-01-07T13:36:44Z', '2013-01-07T13:51:56Z', '2013-01-07T13:51:56Z', '2013-01-09T16:39:14Z', '2013-01-10T10:11:19Z', '2013-01-10T10:12:19Z', '2013-01-10T10:12:19Z', '2013-01-10T12:15:24Z', '2013-01-10T12:16:32Z', '2013-01-11T17:45:13Z', '2013-01-14T17:13:31Z', '2013-01-14T17:15:15Z', '2013-01-14T17:58:04Z', '2013-01-14T18:30:15Z', '2013-01-14T18:31:01Z', '2013-01-14T18:50:18Z', '2013-01-15T09:47:44Z', '2013-01-15T12:40:07Z', '2013-01-15T12:40:38Z', '2013-01-15T12:45:29Z', '2013-01-15T13:14:00Z', '2013-01-17T13:11:01Z', '2013-01-17T13:11:01Z', '2013-01-17T13:12:13Z', '2013-01-17T13:23:03Z', '2013-01-17T13:24:25Z', '2013-01-17T13:27:51Z', '2013-01-17T13:28:03Z', '2013-01-17T13:51:20Z', '2013-01-17T14:00:00Z', '2013-01-17T14:02:21Z', '2013-01-17T14:27:49Z', '2013-01-17T14:30:01Z', '2013-01-17T14:38:55Z', '2013-01-17T14:41:12Z', '2013-01-17T12:29:59Z', '2013-01-17T12:29:59Z', '2013-01-17T12:44:39Z', '2013-01-17T12:44:39Z', '2013-01-28T11:28:34Z', '2013-01-28T11:28:34Z', '2013-01-28T11:50:31Z', '2013-01-28T11:50:31Z', '2013-01-28T12:58:43Z', '2013-01-28T13:07:27Z', '2013-01-28T13:22:09Z', '2013-01-28T13:49:27Z', '2013-01-28T13:49:27Z', '2013-01-29T13:37:52Z', '2013-01-29T13:37:52Z', '2013-01-29T13:48:48Z', '2013-01-29T13:51:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:25:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:25:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:28:40Z', '2013-01-29T17:54:15Z', '2013-01-30T12:43:49Z', '2013-01-30T12:43:49Z', '2013-01-30T12:50:39Z', '2013-01-30T13:16:55Z', '2013-01-30T13:16:55Z', '2013-02-04T10:39:46Z', '2013-02-04T10:39:46Z', '2013-02-04T11:10:53Z', '2013-02-04T11:10:53Z', '2013-02-04T11:22:40Z', '2013-02-04T11:22:40Z', '2013-02-04T11:23:24Z', '2013-02-04T11:26:03Z', '2013-02-04T11:26:03Z', '2013-02-04T12:41:28Z', '2013-02-04T12:41:28Z', '2013-02-04T12:43:17Z', '2013-02-04T12:46:51Z', '2013-02-04T12:59:49Z', '2013-02-04T12:59:49Z', '2013-02-04T13:58:42Z', '2013-02-04T13:58:42Z', '2013-02-04T14:05:08Z', '2013-02-22T11:14:40Z', '2013-02-22T11:14:40Z', '2013-02-22T15:17:36Z', '2013-02-22T15:17:36Z', '2013-02-22T15:39:54Z', '2013-02-22T15:41:37Z', '2013-02-22T15:42:13Z', '2013-02-22T15:43:31Z', '2013-02-22T17:17:33Z', '2013-02-22T17:19:38Z', '2013-02-22T17:22:15Z', '2013-03-06T12:21:50Z', '2013-03-06T12:21:50Z', '2013-05-20T15:10:04Z', '2013-05-20T15:10:04Z', '2013-09-27T15:39:26Z', '2013-09-27T15:39:26Z', '2013-09-27T15:42:03Z', '2013-09-27T15:42:03Z', '2013-09-27T16:04:30Z', '2013-09-27T16:04:30Z', '2013-11-21T17:33:25Z', '2013-11-21T17:33:25Z', '2013-11-22T17:11:41Z', '2013-11-22T17:11:41Z', '2013-11-22T17:18:00Z', '2013-11-22T17:33:56Z', '2013-11-22T17:45:45Z', '2013-11-25T13:31:36Z', '2013-11-25T13:31:36Z', '2013-11-25T13:52:12Z', '2013-11-25T14:28:49Z', '2013-11-25T14:37:21Z', '2013-11-25T14:50:48Z', '2013-11-25T17:35:34Z', '2014-02-05T18:05:35Z', '2014-02-05T18:05:35Z', '2014-02-05T18:15:44Z', '2014-02-06T12:34:12Z', '2014-02-06T12:34:12Z', '2014-02-06T13:26:09Z', '2014-02-07T09:57:07Z', '2014-02-07T09:57:07Z', '2014-02-07T09:59:22Z', '2014-02-07T10:06:29Z', '2014-02-10T13:15:30Z', '2014-02-10T13:15:30Z', '2014-02-10T14:39:09Z', '2014-02-10T14:39:09Z', '2014-02-10T14:52:21Z', '2014-02-10T15:50:27Z', '2014-02-10T15:51:39Z', '2014-02-10T16:51:18Z', '2014-02-10T16:51:18Z', '2014-02-10T17:05:27Z', '2014-02-10T17:17:23Z', '2014-02-11T11:07:40Z', '2014-02-11T11:07:40Z', '2014-02-11T15:25:23Z', '2014-02-11T15:25:23Z', '2014-02-11T15:38:50Z', '2014-02-11T17:22:21Z', '2014-02-11T17:24:34Z', '2014-02-12T11:32:27Z', '2014-02-12T11:32:28Z', '2014-02-12T11:38:31Z', '2014-02-12T12:46:29Z', '2014-02-12T12:46:29Z', '2014-02-12T12:51:05Z', '2014-02-12T12:51:59Z', '2014-02-12T13:45:40Z', '2014-02-12T13:47:43Z', '2014-02-12T14:52:40Z', '2014-02-12T14:54:54Z', '2014-02-13T14:56:23Z', '2014-02-13T14:56:23Z', '2014-02-13T14:58:48Z', '2014-02-13T15:19:42Z', '2014-02-13T15:24:06Z', '2014-02-17T13:21:27Z', '2014-02-17T13:21:27Z', '2014-02-17T13:26:25Z', '2014-02-17T13:31:16Z', '2014-02-17T14:44:23Z', '2014-02-17T14:44:23Z', '2014-02-18T10:17:03Z', '2014-02-18T10:17:03Z', '2014-02-18T10:20:45Z', '2014-02-18T10:25:26Z', '2014-02-19T10:29:19Z', '2014-02-19T10:29:19Z', '2014-03-07T16:34:06Z', '2014-03-07T16:34:06Z', '2014-03-07T12:13:06Z', '2014-03-07T12:13:06Z', '2014-10-29T17:28:30Z', '2014-10-29T17:28:30Z', '2015-04-02T17:15:14Z', '2015-04-02T17:15:14Z', '2015-04-02T17:41:57Z', '2015-04-02T17:43:09Z', '2015-07-20T18:39:32Z', '2015-07-20T18:39:33Z', '2015-07-20T20:04:28Z', '2015-07-21T17:31:42Z', '2015-07-21T17:31:42Z', '2015-08-17T20:44:44Z', '2015-08-17T20:45:06Z', '2015-08-17T20:45:06Z', '2015-08-17T20:47:31Z', '2015-08-19T11:43:28Z', '2015-08-19T11:43:28Z', '2015-08-20T10:11:45Z', '2015-08-20T10:11:45Z', '2015-08-20T10:21:22Z', '2015-08-20T10:29:33Z', '2015-08-20T10:31:18Z', '2015-08-20T10:31:47Z', '2015-08-20T10:41:01Z', '2015-08-20T10:44:41Z', '2015-08-20T10:48:14Z', '2015-08-20T10:49:36Z', '2015-08-20T10:50:24Z', '2015-08-20T10:58:12Z', '2015-08-20T10:58:44Z', '2015-08-20T11:07:56Z', '2015-08-20T11:07:56Z', '2015-08-20T11:27:48Z', '2015-08-20T12:06:18Z', '2015-08-20T12:26:23Z', '2015-08-20T12:33:37Z', '2015-08-20T12:52:15Z', '2015-08-20T12:58:11Z', '2015-08-20T13:10:27Z', '2015-08-20T13:10:57Z', '2015-08-20T13:23:01Z', '2015-08-20T13:24:35Z', '2015-08-20T13:30:33Z', '2015-08-20T13:36:55Z', '2015-08-20T13:38:14Z', '2015-08-20T13:42:30Z', '2015-08-28T14:17:18Z', '2015-08-28T14:22:24Z', '2015-08-28T14:23:44Z', '2015-08-28T14:25:44Z', '2015-08-28T14:35:57Z', '2015-08-28T14:37:49Z', '2015-08-31T10:54:51Z', '2015-08-31T10:55:39Z', '2015-08-31T10:55:53Z', '2015-08-31T11:07:34Z', '2015-08-31T11:08:29Z', '2015-08-31T11:09:41Z', '2015-09-07T10:53:16Z', '2015-09-07T11:00:12Z', '2015-09-07T11:01:31Z', '2015-09-07T11:03:04Z', '2015-09-07T11:03:55Z', '2015-09-07T11:04:49Z', '2015-09-07T11:05:48Z', '2015-09-07T11:09:56Z', '2015-09-07T11:11:28Z', '2015-09-07T11:13:44Z', '2015-09-07T11:15:04Z', '2015-09-07T11:15:20Z', '2015-09-07T14:52:15Z', '2015-09-14T16:35:28Z', '2015-09-21T18:32:57Z', '2015-09-21T18:41:30Z', '2015-09-21T19:05:13Z', '2015-09-21T19:06:25Z', '2015-09-22T15:37:35Z', '2016-01-22T11:35:16Z', '2016-01-22T11:37:40Z', '2016-01-22T11:38:31Z', '2016-01-22T11:38:40Z', '2016-01-22T12:54:30Z', '2016-01-22T12:58:02Z', '2016-01-22T12:58:34Z', '2016-01-22T13:11:02Z', '2016-01-22T13:15:21Z', '2016-01-22T13:16:02Z', '2016-01-22T13:17:34Z', '2016-01-22T13:17:45Z', '2016-01-22T13:21:51Z', '2016-01-27T15:03:51Z', '2016-01-27T15:06:31Z', '2016-01-27T15:07:16Z', '2016-01-27T15:08:04Z', '2016-01-27T15:24:39Z', '2016-01-27T15:50:03Z', '2016-01-27T18:43:36Z', '2016-01-28T16:08:58Z', '2016-01-28T16:11:10Z', '2016-01-28T19:44:41Z', '2016-01-28T19:50:51Z', '2016-01-28T19:51:02Z', '2016-01-28T19:51:25Z', '2016-01-28T20:02:19Z', '2016-02-03T20:04:43Z', '2016-02-03T20:04:43Z', '2016-02-03T20:08:10Z', '2016-02-03T20:15:57Z', '2016-02-03T20:17:45Z', '2016-02-03T20:18:55Z', '2016-02-03T20:21:30Z', '2016-02-03T20:24:21Z', '2016-02-03T20:40:05Z', '2016-02-04T11:00:28Z', '2016-02-04T11:16:07Z', '2016-02-04T11:18:02Z', '2016-02-04T11:26:51Z', '2016-02-04T11:32:38Z', '2016-02-04T11:37:23Z', '2016-02-04T11:38:38Z', '2016-02-04T11:49:33Z', '2016-02-04T11:52:43Z', '2016-02-04T11:56:31Z', '2016-02-04T11:58:36Z', '2016-02-04T12:00:20Z', '2016-02-04T12:00:52Z', '2016-02-04T12:05:29Z', '2016-02-04T12:08:58Z', '2016-02-04T12:10:25Z', '2016-02-04T12:10:45Z', '2016-02-04T12:33:11Z', '2016-02-04T12:33:47Z', '2016-02-04T12:34:45Z', '2016-02-04T12:36:47Z', '2016-02-04T17:29:21Z', '2016-02-04T17:33:58Z', '2016-02-04T17:35:10Z', '2016-02-04T17:36:02Z', '2016-02-04T17:38:10Z', '2016-02-05T09:24:30Z', '2016-02-05T09:39:38Z', '2016-02-05T10:01:25Z', '2016-02-05T11:10:54Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:32Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:47Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:58Z', '2016-02-05T11:35:02Z', '2016-02-05T11:38:15Z', '2016-02-05T12:21:57Z', '2016-02-05T12:22:43Z', '2016-02-05T12:27:07Z', '2016-02-05T12:28:39Z', '2016-02-05T12:29:05Z', '2016-02-05T12:44:54Z', '2016-02-06T14:59:53Z', '2016-02-06T15:05:35Z', '2016-02-06T15:06:08Z', '2016-02-06T15:06:28Z', '2016-02-06T15:10:00Z', '2016-02-06T15:11:56Z', '2016-02-06T15:13:27Z', '2016-02-06T15:14:36Z', '2016-02-06T15:14:44Z', '2016-02-06T15:25:29Z', '2016-02-08T15:35:24Z', '2016-02-09T16:55:58Z', '2016-02-09T16:56:18Z', '2016-02-09T17:28:36Z', '2016-02-09T17:30:00Z', '2016-02-09T17:31:21Z', '2016-02-09T17:31:38Z', '2016-02-10T15:25:38Z', '2016-02-10T15:26:00Z', '2016-02-10T15:26:24Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:28Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:47Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:52Z', '2016-02-10T15:28:12Z', '2016-02-10T15:28:31Z', '2016-02-10T15:29:21Z', '2016-02-10T15:29:50Z', '2016-02-10T15:30:25Z', '2016-02-10T15:31:04Z', '2016-02-10T15:32:04Z', '2016-02-10T15:32:26Z', '2016-02-10T15:34:23Z', '2016-02-10T15:36:01Z', '2016-02-15T20:06:02Z', '2016-02-15T20:08:57Z', '2016-02-15T20:24:47Z', '2016-02-16T12:15:14Z', '2016-02-16T12:17:51Z', '2016-02-16T12:27:58Z', '2016-02-16T12:32:44Z', '2016-02-16T12:34:05Z', '2016-02-16T12:36:37Z', '2016-02-16T12:38:31Z', '2016-02-16T12:49:25Z', '2016-02-16T12:55:00Z', '2016-02-16T12:57:06Z', '2016-02-16T16:15:23Z', '2016-02-18T11:00:45Z', '2016-02-18T11:03:27Z', '2016-02-19T13:14:21Z', '2016-02-19T13:16:17Z', '2016-02-19T14:41:47Z', '2016-02-19T14:42:19Z', '2016-02-19T14:47:18Z', '2016-02-19T14:52:42Z', '2016-02-19T14:55:26Z', '2016-02-19T15:00:21Z', '2016-02-19T15:06:37Z', '2016-02-19T15:10:56Z', '2016-02-19T15:11:20Z', '2016-02-19T15:12:04Z', '2016-02-19T15:12:33Z', '2016-02-19T15:12:56Z', '2016-02-19T15:13:04Z', '2016-02-19T15:13:19Z', '2016-02-19T15:13:48Z', '2016-02-19T15:14:49Z', '2016-02-19T15:16:20Z', '2016-02-19T15:16:52Z', '2016-02-19T15:22:53Z', '2016-02-19T15:32:57Z', '2016-02-19T15:33:11Z', '2016-02-19T15:34:47Z', '2016-02-19T15:37:29Z', '2016-02-19T15:38:25Z', '2016-02-19T15:38:38Z', '2016-02-19T15:39:20Z', '2016-02-19T15:40:59Z', '2016-02-19T15:47:14Z', '2016-02-19T15:49:40Z', '2016-02-19T15:50:12Z', '2016-02-19T15:50:55Z', '2016-02-19T15:58:47Z', '2016-02-19T16:00:52Z', '2016-02-19T16:01:39Z', '2016-02-19T16:02:13Z', '2016-02-19T16:02:24Z', '2016-02-19T16:08:01Z', '2016-02-19T16:08:21Z', '2016-02-19T16:13:06Z', '2016-02-19T16:13:19Z', '2016-02-19T16:13:34Z', '2016-02-19T16:15:14Z', '2016-02-19T16:15:59Z', '2016-02-19T16:16:23Z', '2016-02-19T16:17:44Z', '2016-02-19T16:18:16Z', '2016-02-19T16:19:49Z', '2016-02-19T16:21:27Z', '2016-02-19T16:22:53Z', '2016-02-19T16:23:06Z', '2016-02-19T16:23:29Z', '2016-02-19T16:28:59Z', '2016-02-19T16:30:13Z', '2016-02-19T16:31:27Z', '2016-02-19T16:32:45Z', '2016-02-19T17:27:40Z', '2016-02-19T17:27:55Z', '2016-02-19T17:32:36Z', '2016-02-20T14:03:58Z', '2016-02-20T14:04:50Z', '2016-02-20T14:05:35Z', '2016-02-20T14:07:01Z', '2016-02-20T14:08:13Z', '2016-02-20T14:09:50Z', '2016-02-20T14:10:14Z', '2016-02-20T14:49:24Z', '2016-02-20T14:49:33Z', '2016-02-20T17:19:02Z', '2016-02-20T17:33:52Z', '2016-02-22T11:25:22Z', '2016-02-22T11:27:08Z', '2016-02-22T11:27:38Z', '2016-02-26T17:26:01Z', '2016-02-26T17:26:12Z', '2016-02-26T17:26:23Z', '2016-02-26T17:40:15Z', '2016-02-26T17:40:25Z', '2016-02-26T17:43:16Z', '2016-02-26T17:44:12Z', '2016-02-26T17:44:38Z', '2016-02-26T17:45:11Z', '2016-02-26T17:45:34Z', '2016-02-26T17:46:08Z', '2016-02-26T17:46:38Z', '2016-02-26T17:48:11Z', '2016-02-26T19:07:36Z', '2016-02-27T15:15:28Z', '2016-02-27T17:35:31Z', '2016-02-29T13:32:43Z', '2016-03-08T19:12:25Z', '2016-03-08T19:14:37Z', '2016-03-09T11:25:32Z', '2016-04-13T16:23:53Z', '2016-04-13T16:24:45Z', '2016-04-13T16:25:20Z', '2016-04-13T16:25:27Z', '2016-04-13T16:33:58Z', '2016-04-13T17:33:33Z', '2016-04-13T17:40:58Z', '2016-04-13T17:48:01Z', '2016-04-13T17:49:24Z', '2016-04-13T17:55:34Z', '2016-04-13T17:59:54Z', '2016-04-13T18:01:41Z', '2016-04-13T18:04:38Z', '2016-04-13T18:05:23Z', '2016-04-13T18:05:45Z', '2016-04-13T18:05:58Z', '2016-04-13T18:06:54Z', '2016-04-13T18:07:41Z', '2016-04-13T18:08:00Z', '2016-04-13T18:10:38Z', '2016-04-13T18:11:39Z', '2016-04-13T18:12:27Z', '2016-04-13T18:14:39Z', '2016-04-13T18:15:30Z', '2016-04-13T18:15:47Z', '2016-04-13T18:41:30Z', '2016-04-13T18:42:53Z', '2016-04-13T18:44:03Z', '2016-04-15T17:34:02Z', '2016-04-15T18:02:57Z', '2016-04-15T19:33:26Z', '2016-04-19T14:35:52Z', '2016-04-19T14:46:34Z', '2016-04-19T14:47:07Z', '2016-04-19T14:47:26Z', 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'2012-02-16T19:44:36Z', '2012-02-16T19:45:28Z', '2012-02-16T19:51:19Z', '2012-02-16T22:18:30Z', '2012-02-16T22:19:05Z', '2012-02-16T22:23:14Z', '2012-02-16T22:26:46Z', '2012-02-16T22:27:07Z', '2012-02-16T22:28:01Z', '2012-02-16T22:29:35Z', '2012-02-16T22:30:23Z', '2012-02-16T22:32:32Z', '2012-02-16T22:38:37Z', '2012-02-16T22:48:57Z', '2012-02-16T22:49:12Z', '2012-02-16T22:53:40Z', '2012-02-16T22:55:21Z', '2012-02-16T22:56:44Z', '2012-02-16T22:57:42Z', '2012-02-16T22:59:48Z', '2012-02-16T23:00:50Z', '2012-02-16T23:57:20Z', '2012-02-16T23:57:42Z', '2012-02-17T00:00:20Z', '2012-02-17T00:03:27Z', '2012-02-18T11:25:53Z', '2012-02-19T17:00:50Z', '2012-02-19T17:01:38Z', '2012-02-19T17:06:27Z', '2012-03-03T19:13:44Z', '2012-03-03T19:17:44Z', '2012-03-03T19:18:26Z', '2012-03-03T19:19:19Z', '2012-03-03T19:22:56Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:28Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:41Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:50Z', '2012-03-03T19:24:04Z', '2012-03-03T19:30:55Z', '2012-03-03T19:37:06Z', '2012-04-01T15:43:40Z', '2012-04-01T15:45:15Z', '2012-04-01T15:51:20Z', '2012-04-01T15:56:42Z', '2012-04-01T16:35:08Z', '2012-04-01T16:41:27Z', '2012-04-01T16:50:44Z', '2012-04-01T17:02:45Z', '2012-04-01T17:05:47Z', '2012-04-01T17:08:44Z', '2012-04-01T17:15:27Z', '2012-04-01T17:17:16Z', '2012-04-01T17:19:38Z', '2012-04-01T17:20:30Z', '2012-04-01T17:24:46Z', '2012-04-01T17:30:13Z', '2012-04-01T17:30:29Z', '2012-04-01T17:31:01Z', '2012-04-01T17:31:31Z', '2012-04-01T17:34:59Z', '2012-04-01T18:12:25Z', '2012-04-01T18:13:23Z', '2012-04-01T18:19:41Z', '2012-04-03T12:31:27Z', '2012-04-03T12:36:13Z', '2012-04-03T12:36:51Z', '2012-05-06T11:58:51Z', '2012-05-29T22:24:44Z', '2012-05-29T22:25:00Z', '2012-05-29T22:25:16Z', '2012-05-29T22:32:44Z', '2012-05-29T22:34:51Z', '2012-05-29T22:35:55Z', '2012-05-29T22:44:49Z', '2012-06-18T21:51:16Z', '2012-06-23T19:02:40Z', '2012-06-23T19:21:09Z', '2012-06-23T19:31:43Z', '2012-06-23T19:34:22Z', '2012-06-23T19:34:37Z', '2012-07-14T14:36:29Z', '2012-07-14T14:45:11Z', '2012-07-14T14:45:26Z', '2012-08-08T22:24:12Z', '2012-08-08T22:24:12Z', '2012-08-09T21:36:14Z', '2012-08-09T21:36:24Z', '2012-08-09T22:00:24Z', '2012-08-09T22:05:44Z', '2012-08-19T19:25:32Z', '2012-08-19T21:24:42Z', '2012-08-19T21:46:28Z', '2012-09-10T12:16:46Z', '2012-09-10T12:18:34Z', '2012-09-10T12:19:55Z', '2012-09-10T12:23:14Z', '2012-09-10T12:23:25Z', '2012-09-10T12:35:23Z', '2012-09-10T12:36:36Z', '2012-09-10T12:40:43Z', '2012-09-10T12:41:40Z', '2012-09-10T12:45:20Z', '2012-09-10T12:53:57Z', '2012-09-10T18:03:16Z', '2012-09-10T18:05:04Z', '2012-09-10T18:07:34Z', '2012-09-17T22:32:22Z', '2012-09-17T22:33:52Z', '2012-09-17T22:38:07Z', '2012-10-18T19:33:17Z', '2012-10-18T19:34:52Z', '2012-10-18T20:12:16Z', '2012-10-18T21:24:59Z', '2012-10-18T22:24:28Z', '2012-10-18T22:25:55Z', '2012-10-18T22:30:16Z', '2012-10-18T22:30:26Z', '2012-10-18T23:05:47Z', '2012-10-18T23:13:53Z', '2012-10-18T23:16:22Z', '2012-10-18T23:18:29Z', '2012-10-18T23:20:07Z', '2012-10-31T19:49:08Z', '2012-10-31T19:49:58Z', '2012-10-31T19:50:10Z', '2012-10-31T19:52:46Z', '2012-10-31T19:54:00Z', '2012-10-31T19:55:44Z', '2012-10-31T19:56:13Z', '2012-10-31T19:57:36Z', '2012-10-31T19:57:49Z', '2012-10-31T19:58:33Z', '2012-10-31T20:07:55Z', '2012-10-31T20:08:05Z', '2012-11-16T13:10:57Z', '2012-11-16T14:04:50Z', '2012-11-17T13:52:53Z', '2012-11-17T13:53:46Z', '2012-11-17T13:57:01Z', '2012-11-17T14:03:12Z', '2012-11-17T14:04:52Z', '2012-11-17T14:09:39Z', '2012-11-17T14:11:34Z', '2012-11-17T14:13:59Z', '2012-11-17T14:16:47Z', '2012-11-17T14:16:58Z', '2012-11-17T14:17:11Z', '2012-11-17T14:25:17Z', '2012-11-17T14:25:52Z', '2012-11-17T14:26:08Z', '2012-11-17T14:26:33Z', '2012-11-19T13:45:18Z', '2012-12-18T16:08:06Z', '2012-12-18T16:08:06Z', '2012-12-18T16:10:26Z', '2012-12-18T16:46:14Z', '2012-12-18T17:49:15Z', '2012-12-19T10:41:05Z', '2012-12-19T14:29:29Z', '2012-12-19T14:29:29Z', '2012-12-19T14:33:19Z', '2012-12-19T14:33:19Z', '2012-12-20T11:39:16Z', '2012-12-20T13:06:16Z', '2012-12-20T13:15:15Z', '2012-12-20T13:25:38Z', '2012-12-20T13:27:00Z', '2012-12-20T15:06:37Z', '2012-12-20T15:25:35Z', '2012-12-20T15:28:45Z', '2012-12-20T15:37:27Z', '2012-12-20T15:56:45Z', '2012-12-20T16:10:35Z', '2012-12-20T16:18:25Z', '2012-12-20T16:35:21Z', '2012-12-20T16:45:26Z', '2012-12-20T16:46:52Z', '2013-01-04T16:10:08Z', '2013-01-04T16:10:08Z', '2013-01-04T17:11:03Z', '2013-01-04T17:26:30Z', '2013-01-04T17:47:08Z', '2013-01-07T11:23:43Z', '2013-01-07T11:26:39Z', '2013-01-07T11:34:07Z', '2013-01-07T11:57:45Z', '2013-01-07T12:00:01Z', '2013-01-07T12:22:45Z', '2013-01-07T13:15:38Z', '2013-01-07T13:31:23Z', '2013-01-07T13:33:32Z', '2013-01-07T13:36:44Z', '2013-01-07T13:51:56Z', '2013-01-07T13:51:56Z', '2013-01-09T16:39:14Z', '2013-01-10T10:11:19Z', '2013-01-10T10:12:19Z', '2013-01-10T10:12:19Z', '2013-01-10T12:15:24Z', '2013-01-10T12:16:32Z', '2013-01-11T17:45:13Z', '2013-01-14T17:13:31Z', '2013-01-14T17:15:15Z', '2013-01-14T17:58:04Z', '2013-01-14T18:30:15Z', '2013-01-14T18:31:01Z', '2013-01-14T18:50:18Z', '2013-01-15T09:47:44Z', '2013-01-15T12:40:07Z', '2013-01-15T12:40:38Z', '2013-01-15T12:45:29Z', '2013-01-15T13:14:00Z', '2013-01-17T13:11:01Z', '2013-01-17T13:11:01Z', '2013-01-17T13:12:13Z', '2013-01-17T13:23:03Z', '2013-01-17T13:24:25Z', '2013-01-17T13:27:51Z', '2013-01-17T13:28:03Z', '2013-01-17T13:51:20Z', '2013-01-17T14:00:00Z', '2013-01-17T14:02:21Z', '2013-01-17T14:27:49Z', '2013-01-17T14:30:01Z', '2013-01-17T14:38:55Z', '2013-01-17T14:41:12Z', '2013-01-17T12:29:59Z', '2013-01-17T12:29:59Z', '2013-01-17T12:44:39Z', '2013-01-17T12:44:39Z', '2013-01-28T11:28:34Z', '2013-01-28T11:28:34Z', '2013-01-28T11:50:31Z', '2013-01-28T11:50:31Z', '2013-01-28T12:58:43Z', '2013-01-28T13:07:27Z', '2013-01-28T13:22:09Z', '2013-01-28T13:49:27Z', '2013-01-28T13:49:27Z', '2013-01-29T13:37:52Z', '2013-01-29T13:37:52Z', '2013-01-29T13:48:48Z', '2013-01-29T13:51:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:25:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:25:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:28:40Z', '2013-01-29T17:54:15Z', '2013-01-30T12:43:49Z', '2013-01-30T12:43:49Z', '2013-01-30T12:50:39Z', '2013-01-30T13:16:55Z', '2013-01-30T13:16:55Z', '2013-02-04T10:39:46Z', '2013-02-04T10:39:46Z', '2013-02-04T11:10:53Z', '2013-02-04T11:10:53Z', '2013-02-04T11:22:40Z', '2013-02-04T11:22:40Z', '2013-02-04T11:23:24Z', '2013-02-04T11:26:03Z', '2013-02-04T11:26:03Z', '2013-02-04T12:41:28Z', '2013-02-04T12:41:28Z', '2013-02-04T12:43:17Z', '2013-02-04T12:46:51Z', '2013-02-04T12:59:49Z', '2013-02-04T12:59:49Z', '2013-02-04T13:58:42Z', '2013-02-04T13:58:42Z', '2013-02-04T14:05:08Z', '2013-02-22T11:14:40Z', '2013-02-22T11:14:40Z', '2013-02-22T15:17:36Z', '2013-02-22T15:17:36Z', '2013-02-22T15:39:54Z', '2013-02-22T15:41:37Z', '2013-02-22T15:42:13Z', '2013-02-22T15:43:31Z', '2013-02-22T17:17:33Z', '2013-02-22T17:19:38Z', '2013-02-22T17:22:15Z', '2013-03-06T12:21:50Z', '2013-03-06T12:21:50Z', '2013-05-20T15:10:04Z', '2013-05-20T15:10:04Z', '2013-09-27T15:39:26Z', '2013-09-27T15:39:26Z', '2013-09-27T15:42:03Z', '2013-09-27T15:42:03Z', '2013-09-27T16:04:30Z', '2013-09-27T16:04:30Z', '2013-11-21T17:33:25Z', '2013-11-21T17:33:25Z', '2013-11-22T17:11:41Z', '2013-11-22T17:11:41Z', '2013-11-22T17:18:00Z', '2013-11-22T17:33:56Z', '2013-11-22T17:45:45Z', '2013-11-25T13:31:36Z', '2013-11-25T13:31:36Z', '2013-11-25T13:52:12Z', '2013-11-25T14:28:49Z', '2013-11-25T14:37:21Z', '2013-11-25T14:50:48Z', '2013-11-25T17:35:34Z', '2014-02-05T18:05:35Z', '2014-02-05T18:05:35Z', '2014-02-05T18:15:44Z', '2014-02-06T12:34:12Z', '2014-02-06T12:34:12Z', '2014-02-06T13:26:09Z', '2014-02-07T09:57:07Z', '2014-02-07T09:57:07Z', '2014-02-07T09:59:22Z', '2014-02-07T10:06:29Z', '2014-02-10T13:15:30Z', '2014-02-10T13:15:30Z', '2014-02-10T14:39:09Z', '2014-02-10T14:39:09Z', '2014-02-10T14:52:21Z', '2014-02-10T15:50:27Z', '2014-02-10T15:51:39Z', '2014-02-10T16:51:18Z', '2014-02-10T16:51:18Z', '2014-02-10T17:05:27Z', '2014-02-10T17:17:23Z', '2014-02-11T11:07:40Z', '2014-02-11T11:07:40Z', '2014-02-11T15:25:23Z', '2014-02-11T15:25:23Z', '2014-02-11T15:38:50Z', '2014-02-11T17:22:21Z', '2014-02-11T17:24:34Z', '2014-02-12T11:32:27Z', '2014-02-12T11:32:28Z', '2014-02-12T11:38:31Z', '2014-02-12T12:46:29Z', '2014-02-12T12:46:29Z', '2014-02-12T12:51:05Z', '2014-02-12T12:51:59Z', '2014-02-12T13:45:40Z', '2014-02-12T13:47:43Z', '2014-02-12T14:52:40Z', '2014-02-12T14:54:54Z', '2014-02-13T14:56:23Z', '2014-02-13T14:56:23Z', '2014-02-13T14:58:48Z', '2014-02-13T15:19:42Z', '2014-02-13T15:24:06Z', '2014-02-17T13:21:27Z', '2014-02-17T13:21:27Z', '2014-02-17T13:26:25Z', '2014-02-17T13:31:16Z', '2014-02-17T14:44:23Z', '2014-02-17T14:44:23Z', '2014-02-18T10:17:03Z', '2014-02-18T10:17:03Z', '2014-02-18T10:20:45Z', '2014-02-18T10:25:26Z', '2014-02-19T10:29:19Z', '2014-02-19T10:29:19Z', '2014-03-07T16:34:06Z', '2014-03-07T16:34:06Z', '2014-03-07T12:13:06Z', '2014-03-07T12:13:06Z', '2014-10-29T17:28:30Z', '2014-10-29T17:28:30Z', '2015-04-02T17:15:14Z', '2015-04-02T17:15:14Z', '2015-04-02T17:41:57Z', '2015-04-02T17:43:09Z', '2015-07-20T18:39:32Z', '2015-07-20T18:39:33Z', '2015-07-20T20:04:28Z', '2015-07-21T17:31:42Z', '2015-07-21T17:31:42Z', '2015-08-17T20:44:44Z', '2015-08-17T20:45:06Z', '2015-08-17T20:45:06Z', '2015-08-17T20:47:31Z', '2015-08-19T11:43:28Z', '2015-08-19T11:43:28Z', '2015-08-20T10:11:45Z', '2015-08-20T10:11:45Z', '2015-08-20T10:21:22Z', '2015-08-20T10:29:33Z', '2015-08-20T10:31:18Z', '2015-08-20T10:31:47Z', '2015-08-20T10:41:01Z', '2015-08-20T10:44:41Z', '2015-08-20T10:48:14Z', '2015-08-20T10:49:36Z', '2015-08-20T10:50:24Z', '2015-08-20T10:58:12Z', '2015-08-20T10:58:44Z', '2015-08-20T11:07:56Z', '2015-08-20T11:07:56Z', '2015-08-20T11:27:48Z', '2015-08-20T12:06:18Z', '2015-08-20T12:26:23Z', '2015-08-20T12:33:37Z', '2015-08-20T12:52:15Z', '2015-08-20T12:58:11Z', '2015-08-20T13:10:27Z', '2015-08-20T13:10:57Z', '2015-08-20T13:23:01Z', '2015-08-20T13:24:35Z', '2015-08-20T13:30:33Z', '2015-08-20T13:36:55Z', '2015-08-20T13:38:14Z', '2015-08-20T13:42:30Z', '2015-08-28T14:17:18Z', '2015-08-28T14:22:24Z', '2015-08-28T14:23:44Z', '2015-08-28T14:25:44Z', '2015-08-28T14:35:57Z', '2015-08-28T14:37:49Z', '2015-08-31T10:54:51Z', '2015-08-31T10:55:39Z', '2015-08-31T10:55:53Z', '2015-08-31T11:07:34Z', '2015-08-31T11:08:29Z', '2015-08-31T11:09:41Z', '2015-09-07T10:53:16Z', '2015-09-07T11:00:12Z', '2015-09-07T11:01:31Z', '2015-09-07T11:03:04Z', '2015-09-07T11:03:55Z', '2015-09-07T11:04:49Z', '2015-09-07T11:05:48Z', '2015-09-07T11:09:56Z', '2015-09-07T11:11:28Z', '2015-09-07T11:13:44Z', '2015-09-07T11:15:04Z', '2015-09-07T11:15:20Z', '2015-09-07T14:52:15Z', '2015-09-14T16:35:28Z', '2015-09-21T18:32:57Z', '2015-09-21T18:41:30Z', '2015-09-21T19:05:13Z', '2015-09-21T19:06:25Z', '2015-09-22T15:37:35Z', '2016-01-22T11:35:16Z', '2016-01-22T11:37:40Z', '2016-01-22T11:38:31Z', '2016-01-22T11:38:40Z', '2016-01-22T12:54:30Z', '2016-01-22T12:58:02Z', '2016-01-22T12:58:34Z', '2016-01-22T13:11:02Z', '2016-01-22T13:15:21Z', '2016-01-22T13:16:02Z', '2016-01-22T13:17:34Z', '2016-01-22T13:17:45Z', '2016-01-22T13:21:51Z', '2016-01-27T15:03:51Z', '2016-01-27T15:06:31Z', '2016-01-27T15:07:16Z', '2016-01-27T15:08:04Z', '2016-01-27T15:24:39Z', '2016-01-27T15:50:03Z', '2016-01-27T18:43:36Z', '2016-01-28T16:08:58Z', '2016-01-28T16:11:10Z', '2016-01-28T19:44:41Z', '2016-01-28T19:50:51Z', '2016-01-28T19:51:02Z', '2016-01-28T19:51:25Z', '2016-01-28T20:02:19Z', '2016-02-03T20:04:43Z', '2016-02-03T20:04:43Z', '2016-02-03T20:08:10Z', '2016-02-03T20:15:57Z', '2016-02-03T20:17:45Z', '2016-02-03T20:18:55Z', '2016-02-03T20:21:30Z', '2016-02-03T20:24:21Z', '2016-02-03T20:40:05Z', '2016-02-04T11:00:28Z', '2016-02-04T11:16:07Z', '2016-02-04T11:18:02Z', '2016-02-04T11:26:51Z', '2016-02-04T11:32:38Z', '2016-02-04T11:37:23Z', '2016-02-04T11:38:38Z', '2016-02-04T11:49:33Z', '2016-02-04T11:52:43Z', '2016-02-04T11:56:31Z', '2016-02-04T11:58:36Z', '2016-02-04T12:00:20Z', '2016-02-04T12:00:52Z', '2016-02-04T12:05:29Z', '2016-02-04T12:08:58Z', '2016-02-04T12:10:25Z', '2016-02-04T12:10:45Z', '2016-02-04T12:33:11Z', '2016-02-04T12:33:47Z', '2016-02-04T12:34:45Z', '2016-02-04T12:36:47Z', '2016-02-04T17:29:21Z', '2016-02-04T17:33:58Z', '2016-02-04T17:35:10Z', '2016-02-04T17:36:02Z', '2016-02-04T17:38:10Z', '2016-02-05T09:24:30Z', '2016-02-05T09:39:38Z', '2016-02-05T10:01:25Z', '2016-02-05T11:10:54Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:32Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:47Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:58Z', '2016-02-05T11:35:02Z', '2016-02-05T11:38:15Z', '2016-02-05T12:21:57Z', '2016-02-05T12:22:43Z', '2016-02-05T12:27:07Z', '2016-02-05T12:28:39Z', '2016-02-05T12:29:05Z', '2016-02-05T12:44:54Z', '2016-02-06T14:59:53Z', '2016-02-06T15:05:35Z', '2016-02-06T15:06:08Z', '2016-02-06T15:06:28Z', '2016-02-06T15:10:00Z', '2016-02-06T15:11:56Z', '2016-02-06T15:13:27Z', '2016-02-06T15:14:36Z', '2016-02-06T15:14:44Z', '2016-02-06T15:25:29Z', '2016-02-08T15:35:24Z', '2016-02-09T16:55:58Z', '2016-02-09T16:56:18Z', '2016-02-09T17:28:36Z', '2016-02-09T17:30:00Z', '2016-02-09T17:31:21Z', '2016-02-09T17:31:38Z', '2016-02-10T15:25:38Z', '2016-02-10T15:26:00Z', '2016-02-10T15:26:24Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:28Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:47Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:52Z', '2016-02-10T15:28:12Z', '2016-02-10T15:28:31Z', '2016-02-10T15:29:21Z', '2016-02-10T15:29:50Z', '2016-02-10T15:30:25Z', '2016-02-10T15:31:04Z', '2016-02-10T15:32:04Z', '2016-02-10T15:32:26Z', '2016-02-10T15:34:23Z', '2016-02-10T15:36:01Z', '2016-02-15T20:06:02Z', '2016-02-15T20:08:57Z', '2016-02-15T20:24:47Z', '2016-02-16T12:15:14Z', '2016-02-16T12:17:51Z', '2016-02-16T12:27:58Z', '2016-02-16T12:32:44Z', '2016-02-16T12:34:05Z', '2016-02-16T12:36:37Z', '2016-02-16T12:38:31Z', '2016-02-16T12:49:25Z', '2016-02-16T12:55:00Z', '2016-02-16T12:57:06Z', '2016-02-16T16:15:23Z', '2016-02-18T11:00:45Z', '2016-02-18T11:03:27Z', '2016-02-19T13:14:21Z', '2016-02-19T13:16:17Z', '2016-02-19T14:41:47Z', '2016-02-19T14:42:19Z', '2016-02-19T14:47:18Z', '2016-02-19T14:52:42Z', 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txt/../wrd/work_bdivlozw6fa7fnzin3ntuelr5m.wrd work_fooxxved5zgsddcx7iawm44dhi txt/../pos/work_fooxxved5zgsddcx7iawm44dhi.pos INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_iqaq6cuvsnbelbljt7hpgn2j74.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_dgpqd6codbg2xgxz7q6bcgdncq txt/../wrd/work_dgpqd6codbg2xgxz7q6bcgdncq.wrd work_4cq3f23fdfhdzpyexkis4bms2a txt/../ent/work_4cq3f23fdfhdzpyexkis4bms2a.ent work_qh2zkmobpjgqzilpxnxazt4uku txt/../wrd/work_qh2zkmobpjgqzilpxnxazt4uku.wrd === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_iqaq6cuvsnbelbljt7hpgn2j74' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_iqaq6cuvsnbelbljt7hpgn2j74' work_kerebhffungwhauffr7nopvmpu txt/../ent/work_kerebhffungwhauffr7nopvmpu.ent work_tpoijndkebb6pn3xvtpj534e2e txt/../wrd/work_tpoijndkebb6pn3xvtpj534e2e.wrd work_vegwecfidbfijjjj2atkld2acm txt/../pos/work_vegwecfidbfijjjj2atkld2acm.pos work_dgpqd6codbg2xgxz7q6bcgdncq txt/../pos/work_dgpqd6codbg2xgxz7q6bcgdncq.pos work_3rdcathodvd3fkmrh367r5nskm txt/../pos/work_3rdcathodvd3fkmrh367r5nskm.pos work_tpoijndkebb6pn3xvtpj534e2e txt/../pos/work_tpoijndkebb6pn3xvtpj534e2e.pos INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_h372vnzqpjh7zdvdjbzcwakgja.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for angbracketleft (104) in font AEUYVV+CMSY10 WARN No Unicode mapping for angbracketright (105) in font AEUYVV+CMSY10 WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1849 (1849) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3020 (3020) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1833 (1833) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3015 (3015) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3010 (3010) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1848 (1848) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1831 (1831) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1855 (1855) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2202 (2202) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1874 (1874) in font 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HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3038 (3038) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2016 (2016) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3009 (3009) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3023 (3023) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2198 (2198) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3032 (3032) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3052 (3052) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1833 (1833) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3010 (3010) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3036 (3036) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1845 (1845) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3049 (3049) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3046 (3046) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3038 (3038) in font 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HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1857 (1857) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1855 (1855) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1832 (1832) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3040 (3040) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1874 (1874) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3030 (3030) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1848 (1848) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3043 (3043) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1833 (1833) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3015 (3015) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3017 (3017) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+4593 (4593) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for bardbl (107) in font AEUYVV+CMSY10 WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2186 (2186) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3041 (3041) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1835 (1835) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3036 (3036) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3037 (3037) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1874 (1874) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3030 (3030) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3047 (3047) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3043 (3043) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1868 (1868) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3038 (3038) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3015 (3015) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3295 (3295) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2202 (2202) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3049 (3049) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3286 (3286) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2879 (2879) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1840 (1840) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1848 (1848) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3017 (3017) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+4593 (4593) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3405 (3405) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3410 (3410) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3435 (3435) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3439 (3439) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1832 (1832) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2198 (2198) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3046 (3046) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3048 (3048) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3029 (3029) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1846 (1846) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1870 (1870) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1867 (1867) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1873 (1873) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1872 (1872) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1861 (1861) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1866 (1866) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1859 (1859) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1842 (1842) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3010 (3010) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3028 (3028) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1833 (1833) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1845 (1845) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3034 (3034) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1871 (1871) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1853 (1853) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1864 (1864) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1856 (1856) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1857 (1857) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1855 (1855) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1848 (1848) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3017 (3017) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2198 (2198) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3038 (3038) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2878 (2878) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2869 (2869) in font HBGPFC+CambriaMath WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+2996 (2996) in font 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digital human model; signage; laser-scanning; structure-from-motion; accessibility evaluation Last-Modified 2017-08-31T08:53:03Z Last-Save-Date 2017-08-31T08:53:03Z PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.17 (TeX Live 2016/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.2 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 151 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject As recommended by the international standards, ISO 21542, ease of wayfinding must be ensured by installing signage at all key decision points on walkways such as forks because signage greatly influences the way in which people unfamiliar with an environment navigate through it. Therefore, we aimed to develop a new system for evaluating the ease of wayfinding, which could detect spots that cause disorientation, i.e., “disorientation spots”, based on simulated three-dimensional (3D) interactions between wayfinding behaviors and signage location, visibility, legibility, noticeability, and continuity. First, an environment model reflecting detailed 3D geometry and textures of the environment, i.e., “as-is environment model”, is generated automatically using 3D laser-scanning and structure-from-motion (SfM). Then, a set of signage entities is created by the user. Thereafter, a 3D wayfinding simulation is performed in the as-is environment model using a digital human model (DHM), and disorientation spots are detected. The proposed system was tested in a virtual maze and a real two-story indoor environment. It was further validated through a comparison of the disorientation spots detected by the simulation with those of six young subjects. The comparison results revealed that the proposed system could detect disorientation spots, where the subjects lost their way, in the test environment. created 2017-08-31T08:53:03Z creator Tsubasa Maruyama, Satoshi Kanai, Hiroaki Date and Mitsunori Tada date 2017-08-31T08:53:03Z dc:creator Tsubasa Maruyama, Satoshi Kanai, Hiroaki Date and Mitsunori Tada dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject wayfinding; digital human model; signage; laser-scanning; structure-from-motion; accessibility evaluation dc:title Simulation-Based Evaluation of Ease of Wayfinding Using Digital Human and As-Is Environment Models dcterms:created 2017-08-31T08:53:03Z dcterms:modified 2017-08-31T08:53:03Z meta:author Tsubasa Maruyama, Satoshi Kanai, Hiroaki Date and Mitsunori Tada meta:creation-date 2017-08-31T08:53:03Z meta:keyword wayfinding; digital human model; signage; laser-scanning; structure-from-motion; accessibility evaluation meta:save-date 2017-08-31T08:53:03Z modified 2017-08-31T08:53:03Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['3273', '3735', '3014', '3760', '5786', '2303', '2105', '4200', '6082', '3305', '4524', '4507', '2704', '2765', '3497', '805', '1011', '2913', '3507', '3564', '3587', '3839'] pdf:docinfo:created 2017-08-31T08:53:03Z pdf:docinfo:creator Tsubasa Maruyama, Satoshi Kanai, Hiroaki Date and Mitsunori Tada pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.17 (TeX Live 2016/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.2 pdf:docinfo:keywords wayfinding; digital human model; signage; laser-scanning; structure-from-motion; accessibility evaluation pdf:docinfo:modified 2017-08-31T08:53:03Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.17 pdf:docinfo:subject As recommended by the international standards, ISO 21542, ease of wayfinding must be ensured by installing signage at all key decision points on walkways such as forks because signage greatly influences the way in which people unfamiliar with an environment navigate through it. Therefore, we aimed to develop a new system for evaluating the ease of wayfinding, which could detect spots that cause disorientation, i.e., “disorientation spots”, based on simulated three-dimensional (3D) interactions between wayfinding behaviors and signage location, visibility, legibility, noticeability, and continuity. First, an environment model reflecting detailed 3D geometry and textures of the environment, i.e., “as-is environment model”, is generated automatically using 3D laser-scanning and structure-from-motion (SfM). Then, a set of signage entities is created by the user. Thereafter, a 3D wayfinding simulation is performed in the as-is environment model using a digital human model (DHM), and disorientation spots are detected. The proposed system was tested in a virtual maze and a real two-story indoor environment. It was further validated through a comparison of the disorientation spots detected by the simulation with those of six young subjects. The comparison results revealed that the proposed system could detect disorientation spots, where the subjects lost their way, in the test environment. pdf:docinfo:title Simulation-Based Evaluation of Ease of Wayfinding Using Digital Human and As-Is Environment Models pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0', '0', '154', '103', '0', '82', '158', '81', '247', '67', '50', '75', '0', '4', '8', '0', '22', '0', '0', '0'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.17 resourceName b'work_h372vnzqpjh7zdvdjbzcwakgja.pdf' subject As recommended by the international standards, ISO 21542, ease of wayfinding must be ensured by installing signage at all key decision points on walkways such as forks because signage greatly influences the way in which people unfamiliar with an environment navigate through it. Therefore, we aimed to develop a new system for evaluating the ease of wayfinding, which could detect spots that cause disorientation, i.e., “disorientation spots”, based on simulated three-dimensional (3D) interactions between wayfinding behaviors and signage location, visibility, legibility, noticeability, and continuity. First, an environment model reflecting detailed 3D geometry and textures of the environment, i.e., “as-is environment model”, is generated automatically using 3D laser-scanning and structure-from-motion (SfM). Then, a set of signage entities is created by the user. Thereafter, a 3D wayfinding simulation is performed in the as-is environment model using a digital human model (DHM), and disorientation spots are detected. The proposed system was tested in a virtual maze and a real two-story indoor environment. It was further validated through a comparison of the disorientation spots detected by the simulation with those of six young subjects. 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East Asian calendars encode both astronomical and political cycles. As a result, date conversion must in practice rely on complex look-up tables and cannot be done merely algorithmically. We provide a detailed overview of the history of such conversion tables and find that the modelling of these tables into the digital follows a trend of increasingly detailed computation of chronological time. The Buddhist Studies Time Authority Database was designed to allow computational conversion of the Chinese, the Japanese and the Korean Calendar, between each other, as well as with the Gregorian, proleptic Gregorian and Julian calendar. It relies on the Julian Day Number (JDN) as common referent for all conversions. msapplication-TileColor #FFFFFF msapplication-TileImage msapplication-square150x150logo msapplication-square310x310logo msapplication-square70x70logo msapplication-wide310x150logo og:description This paper discusses issues concerning the creation of conversion tables for East Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) and European calendars and describes the development of an open source calendar database as part of the history of converting East Asian calendars. East Asian calendars encode both astronomical and political cycles. As a result, date conversion must in practice rely on complex look-up tables and cannot be done merely algorithmically. We provide a detailed overview of the history of such conversion tables and find that the modelling of these tables into the digital follows a trend of increasingly detailed computation of chronological time. The Buddhist Studies Time Authority Database was designed to allow computational conversion of the Chinese, the Japanese and the Korean Calendar, between each other, as well as with the Gregorian, proleptic Gregorian and Julian calendar. 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As a result, date conversion must in practice rely on complex look-up tables and cannot be done merely algorithmically. We provide a detailed overview of the history of such conversion tables and find that the modelling of these tables into the digital follows a trend of increasingly detailed computation of chronological time. The Buddhist Studies Time Authority Database was designed to allow computational conversion of the Chinese, the Japanese and the Korean Calendar, between each other, as well as with the Gregorian, proleptic Gregorian and Julian calendar. It relies on the Julian Day Number (JDN) as common referent for all conversions. twitter:image ['', ''] twitter:site @allenai_org twitter:title Modelling East Asian Calendars in an Open Source Authority Database | Semantic Scholar viewport width=device-width,initial-scale=1 work_fooxxved5zgsddcx7iawm44dhi txt/../ent/work_fooxxved5zgsddcx7iawm44dhi.ent work_bsxvshzuhzg7xiuvucujnkig6m txt/../wrd/work_bsxvshzuhzg7xiuvucujnkig6m.wrd INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_6fuex7f7o5fknbvjrtuvimvsvy.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_sm23ntcspzehvlmwokwde3lnxu txt/../pos/work_sm23ntcspzehvlmwokwde3lnxu.pos work_lvzb35r5knhk7jelf2kqkesmiu txt/../wrd/work_lvzb35r5knhk7jelf2kqkesmiu.wrd === === id: work_ge4v2fbe3naqpivqnw56pl3h4m author: Penesta Dika title: Review of Oliver Grau, Janina Hoth, & Eveline Wandl-Vogt (Eds.) (2019). Digital Art through the Looking Glass: New strategies for archiving, collecting and preserving in digital humanities date: 2020 pages: extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_ge4v2fbe3naqpivqnw56pl3h4m.txt cache: ./cache/work_ge4v2fbe3naqpivqnw56pl3h4m.pdf Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Language en Content-Type ['text/html; charset=UTF-8', 'image/svg+xml'] DOI 10.1007/s42438-020-00100-z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.html.HtmlParser', ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.xml.DcXMLParser']] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth ['0', '1'] X-TIKA:embedded_resource_path /embedded-1 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis ['7', '1'] X-UA-Compatible IE=edge access No applicable-device pc,mobile citation_article_type Reviews citation_author Penesta Dika citation_author_email citation_author_institution ['Kunstuniversität Linz, Linz, Austria', 'University of Business and Technology in Prishtina, Prishtina, Kosovo'] citation_cover_date 2020/04/01 citation_doi 10.1007/s42438-020-00100-z citation_firstpage 506 citation_fulltext_html_url citation_issn 2524-4868 citation_issue 2 citation_journal_abbrev Postdigit Sci Educ citation_journal_title Postdigital Science and Education citation_language en citation_lastpage 510 citation_online_date 2020/01/17 citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 2020/04 citation_publisher Springer International Publishing citation_reference ['citation_title=Possible futures. art, museums and digital archives; citation_publication_date=2014; citation_id=CR1; citation_publisher=Editora Peiropolis', 'citation_title=Museum and archive on the move. 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(1998). Beyond digital. Wired, (12 January) .'] citation_springer_api_url citation_title Review of Oliver Grau, Janina Hoth, & Eveline Wandl-Vogt (Eds.) (2019). Digital Art through the Looking Glass: New strategies for archiving, collecting and preserving in digital humanities citation_volume 2 dc.copyright 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland AG dc.creator Penesta Dika 2020-01-17 dc.description dc.format text/html dc.identifier doi:10.1007/s42438-020-00100-z dc.language En dc.publisher Springer dc.rightsAgent dc.source Postdigital Science and Education 2020 2:2 dc.subject ['Technology and Digital Education', 'Educational Technology', 'Educational Philosophy'] dc.title Review of Oliver Grau, Janina Hoth, & Eveline Wandl-Vogt (Eds.) (2019). Digital Art through the Looking Glass: New strategies for archiving, collecting and preserving in digital humanities dc.type ReviewPaper dc:title Review of Oliver Grau, Janina Hoth, & Eveline Wandl-Vogt (Eds.) (2019). 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"pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_d5w5brltajce3nflneehc65qvq' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", 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'org.apache.tika.parser.html.HtmlParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 4 abstract Human movement in a crowd can be considered as complex and unpredictable, and accordingly large scale video observation studies based on a conceptual behaviour framework were used to characterise individual movements and behaviours. The conceptual behaviours were Free Movement (Moving Through and Move-Stop-Move), Same Direction Movement (Queuing and Competitive) and Opposite Direction Movement (Avoiding and Passing Through). Movement in crowds was modelled and simulated using an agent-based method using the gaming software Dark BASIC Professional. The agents (individuals) were given parameters of personal objective, visual perception, speed of movement, personal space and avoidance angle or distance within different crowd densities. Two case studies including a multi-mode transportation system layout and a bottleneck / non-bottleneck evacuation are presented. application-name figshare citation_abstract Human movement in a crowd can be considered as complex and unpredictable, and accordingly large scale video observation studies based on a conceptual behaviour framework were used to characterise individual movements and behaviours. The conceptual behaviours were Free Movement (Moving Through and Move-Stop-Move), Same Direction Movement (Queuing and Competitive) and Opposite Direction Movement (Avoiding and Passing Through). Movement in crowds was modelled and simulated using an agent-based method using the gaming software Dark BASIC Professional. The agents (individuals) were given parameters of personal objective, visual perception, speed of movement, personal space and avoidance angle or distance within different crowd densities. Two case studies including a multi-mode transportation system layout and a bottleneck / non-bottleneck evacuation are presented. citation_author ['Mohamaddan, Shahrol', 'Case, Keith'] citation_doi citation_keywords Agent-based modelling; Crowd simulation; Observational study citation_online_date 2019/08/13 citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 2016/10/18 citation_publisher Loughborough University citation_title Crowd simulation: A video observation and agent-based modelling approach dc:title Crowd simulation: A video observation and agent-based modelling approach description Crowd simulation: A video observation and agent-based modelling approach google notranslate msapplication-TileColor #FFFFFF msapplication-TileImage msapplication-square150x150logo msapplication-square310x310logo msapplication-square70x70logo msapplication-wide310x150logo og:description Human movement in a crowd can be considered as complex and unpredictable, and accordingly large scale video observation studies based on a conceptual behaviour framework were used to characterise individual movements and behaviours. The conceptual behaviours were Free Movement (Moving Through and Move-Stop-Move), Same Direction Movement (Queuing and Competitive) and Opposite Direction Movement (Avoiding and Passing Through). Movement in crowds was modelled and simulated using an agent-based method using the gaming software Dark BASIC Professional. The agents (individuals) were given parameters of personal objective, visual perception, speed of movement, personal space and avoidance angle or distance within different crowd densities. Two case studies including a multi-mode transportation system layout and a bottleneck / non-bottleneck evacuation are presented. og:image og:locale en_US og:site_name figshare og:title Crowd simulation: A video observation and agent-based modelling approach og:type article og:url /articles/journal_contribution/Crowd_simulation_A_video_observation_and_agent-based_modelling_approach/9565760/1 referrer origin resourceName b'work_43xudc3jafc3zdkihf3w2jfpca.pdf' title Crowd simulation: A video observation and agent-based modelling approach twitter:card summary twitter:description Human movement in a crowd can be considered as complex and unpredictable, and accordingly large scale video observation studies based on a conceptual behaviour framework were used to characterise individual movements and behaviours. The conceptual behaviours were Free Movement (Moving Through and Move-Stop-Move), Same Direction Movement (Queuing and Competitive) and Opposite Direction Movement (Avoiding and Passing Through). Movement in crowds was modelled and simulated using an agent-based method using the gaming software Dark BASIC Professional. The agents (individuals) were given parameters of personal objective, visual perception, speed of movement, personal space and avoidance angle or distance within different crowd densities. Two case studies including a multi-mode transportation system layout and a bottleneck / non-bottleneck evacuation are presented. twitter:image twitter:site @figshare twitter:title Crowd simulation: A video observation and agent-based modelling approach twitter:url /articles/journal_contribution/Crowd_simulation_A_video_observation_and_agent-based_modelling_approach/9565760/1 viewport width=device-width, initial-scale=1 x-ua-compatible ie=edge work_nldu26lmund67mxznm4o6uiw5y txt/../wrd/work_nldu26lmund67mxznm4o6uiw5y.wrd work_7ce4zfpya5fz3hcextxq2pwwke txt/../ent/work_7ce4zfpya5fz3hcextxq2pwwke.ent work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfe txt/../wrd/work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfe.wrd INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_gbwegerwnngtpd5va6ifmrlnnu.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_2seveqjymjgtpf7bowr6kyyiaa txt/../pos/work_2seveqjymjgtpf7bowr6kyyiaa.pos work_uxxl47cvw5h5ffwgo4ee5vxic4 txt/../wrd/work_uxxl47cvw5h5ffwgo4ee5vxic4.wrd work_nldu26lmund67mxznm4o6uiw5y txt/../pos/work_nldu26lmund67mxznm4o6uiw5y.pos === === id: work_6fuex7f7o5fknbvjrtuvimvsvy author: Klaus Thoden title: User-Centered Design Practices in Digital Humanities date: 2020 pages: 10 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_6fuex7f7o5fknbvjrtuvimvsvy.txt cache: ./cache/work_6fuex7f7o5fknbvjrtuvimvsvy.pdf Author Klaus Thoden, Juliane Stiller, Natasa Bulatovic, Hanna-Lena Meiners, Nadia Boukhelifa Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2017-04-04T11:06:03Z GTS_PDFXConformance PDF/X-1a:2003 GTS_PDFXVersion PDF/X-1a:2003 Keywords Last-Modified 2020-09-08T13:52:08Z Last-Save-Date 2020-09-08T13:52:08Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 54 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2017-04-04T11:06:03Z creator Klaus Thoden, Juliane Stiller, Natasa Bulatovic, Hanna-Lena Meiners, Nadia Boukhelifa date 2020-09-08T13:52:08Z dc:creator Klaus Thoden, Juliane Stiller, Natasa Bulatovic, Hanna-Lena Meiners, Nadia Boukhelifa dc:format application/pdf; 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'2011-06-19T21:58:52Z', '2011-06-19T21:59:31Z', '2011-06-19T22:04:10Z', '2011-06-19T22:05:44Z', '2011-06-19T22:09:19Z', '2011-06-19T22:13:43Z', '2011-06-19T22:14:03Z', '2011-06-19T22:14:22Z', '2011-06-19T22:15:04Z', '2011-06-19T22:16:45Z', '2011-06-19T22:17:28Z', '2011-06-19T22:20:33Z', '2011-06-19T22:23:42Z', '2011-06-19T22:29:12Z', '2011-06-19T22:34:48Z', '2011-06-19T22:39:14Z', '2011-06-19T22:44:26Z', '2011-06-19T22:45:50Z', '2011-06-19T22:46:45Z', '2011-06-20T18:26:49Z', '2011-06-26T15:09:01Z', '2011-06-26T15:16:09Z', '2011-06-26T15:18:15Z', '2011-06-26T15:18:47Z', '2011-06-26T15:20:59Z', '2011-06-26T15:48:37Z', '2011-06-26T17:00:03Z', '2011-06-26T17:09:03Z', '2011-06-26T17:19:30Z', '2011-06-26T17:25:47Z', '2011-06-26T17:37:30Z', '2011-06-26T17:37:55Z', '2011-07-15T21:20:27Z', '2011-07-15T21:22:50Z', '2011-07-15T21:23:11Z', '2011-07-26T00:19:41Z', '2011-07-26T00:19:41Z', '2011-07-26T00:30:12Z', '2011-07-26T00:37:26Z', '2011-07-26T00:37:59Z', '2011-07-26T00:40:59Z', '2011-07-26T00:42:01Z', '2011-07-26T00:42:25Z', '2011-07-26T00:48:16Z', '2011-07-26T00:49:06Z', '2011-07-26T00:49:17Z', '2011-07-26T00:50:33Z', '2011-07-26T00:50:37Z', '2011-07-26T00:51:01Z', '2011-07-26T00:51:22Z', '2011-07-26T00:53:56Z', '2011-07-26T00:54:57Z', '2011-07-26T00:55:18Z', '2011-07-26T00:56:54Z', '2011-07-26T00:58:24Z', '2011-07-26T01:01:04Z', '2011-07-26T01:02:07Z', '2011-07-26T01:03:28Z', '2011-07-26T01:03:55Z', '2011-07-26T01:08:54Z', '2011-07-26T01:09:02Z', '2011-07-26T01:09:17Z', '2011-07-26T01:10:58Z', '2011-07-26T01:20:10Z', '2011-07-26T01:21:30Z', '2011-07-26T01:28:52Z', '2011-08-10T11:22:26Z', '2011-08-10T11:23:01Z', '2011-08-10T11:25:28Z', '2011-08-10T11:31:23Z', '2011-08-10T11:34:05Z', '2011-08-10T11:34:22Z', '2011-08-10T11:35:09Z', '2011-08-10T11:36:58Z', '2011-08-10T11:37:24Z', '2011-08-10T11:41:45Z', '2011-08-10T11:42:13Z', '2011-08-10T11:42:32Z', '2011-08-13T23:05:19Z', '2011-08-29T16:46:16Z', '2011-08-29T16:53:35Z', '2011-08-29T16:57:03Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:20Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:39Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:59Z', '2011-08-29T17:00:22Z', '2011-08-29T17:10:08Z', '2011-08-29T17:28:57Z', '2011-08-29T17:31:27Z', '2011-08-29T17:31:39Z', '2011-08-31T21:57:13Z', '2011-08-31T21:57:28Z', '2011-08-31T22:06:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:12:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:13:53Z', '2011-08-31T22:17:10Z', '2011-08-31T22:17:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:22:51Z', '2011-08-31T22:23:36Z', '2011-08-31T22:27:58Z', '2011-08-31T22:28:33Z', '2011-08-31T22:30:14Z', '2011-08-31T22:31:42Z', '2011-08-31T22:32:03Z', '2011-08-31T22:42:54Z', '2011-11-10T21:36:57Z', '2011-11-10T21:53:48Z', '2011-11-10T21:54:57Z', '2011-11-10T22:09:19Z', '2011-11-10T22:11:16Z', '2011-11-10T22:14:49Z', '2011-11-10T22:19:49Z', '2011-11-10T22:39:16Z', '2011-11-10T22:41:34Z', '2011-11-10T22:50:58Z', '2011-11-10T22:55:08Z', '2011-11-10T23:01:37Z', '2011-11-10T23:04:03Z', '2011-11-10T23:06:56Z', '2011-11-10T23:07:06Z', '2011-11-10T23:51:29Z', '2011-11-10T23:54:28Z', '2012-02-16T13:31:11Z', '2012-02-16T13:32:39Z', '2012-02-16T13:36:16Z', '2012-02-16T13:37:10Z', '2012-02-16T13:38:17Z', '2012-02-16T13:38:35Z', '2012-02-16T13:39:36Z', '2012-02-16T13:47:08Z', '2012-02-16T13:47:44Z', '2012-02-16T13:48:03Z', '2012-02-16T13:54:37Z', '2012-02-16T13:54:51Z', '2012-02-16T13:55:14Z', '2012-02-16T13:57:19Z', '2012-02-16T13:59:53Z', '2012-02-16T14:02:18Z', '2012-02-16T14:05:47Z', '2012-02-16T14:06:38Z', '2012-02-16T14:11:27Z', '2012-02-16T14:12:10Z', '2012-02-16T14:13:02Z', '2012-02-16T14:15:17Z', '2012-02-16T14:15:35Z', '2012-02-16T14:16:21Z', '2012-02-16T14:17:25Z', '2012-02-16T14:18:00Z', '2012-02-16T14:25:17Z', '2012-02-16T14:29:07Z', '2012-02-16T14:34:20Z', '2012-02-16T14:39:28Z', '2012-02-16T14:44:36Z', '2012-02-16T14:44:55Z', '2012-02-16T14:51:33Z', '2012-02-16T14:55:35Z', '2012-02-16T14:56:08Z', '2012-02-16T14:56:53Z', '2012-02-16T14:57:40Z', '2012-02-16T15:03:50Z', '2012-02-16T15:07:02Z', '2012-02-16T19:30:14Z', '2012-02-16T19:33:37Z', '2012-02-16T19:34:16Z', '2012-02-16T19:35:03Z', '2012-02-16T19:39:02Z', '2012-02-16T19:39:19Z', '2012-02-16T19:41:58Z', '2012-02-16T19:44:36Z', '2012-02-16T19:45:28Z', '2012-02-16T19:51:19Z', '2012-02-16T22:18:30Z', '2012-02-16T22:19:05Z', '2012-02-16T22:23:14Z', '2012-02-16T22:26:46Z', '2012-02-16T22:27:07Z', '2012-02-16T22:28:01Z', '2012-02-16T22:29:35Z', '2012-02-16T22:30:23Z', '2012-02-16T22:32:32Z', '2012-02-16T22:38:37Z', '2012-02-16T22:48:57Z', '2012-02-16T22:49:12Z', '2012-02-16T22:53:40Z', '2012-02-16T22:55:21Z', '2012-02-16T22:56:44Z', '2012-02-16T22:57:42Z', '2012-02-16T22:59:48Z', '2012-02-16T23:00:50Z', '2012-02-16T23:57:20Z', '2012-02-16T23:57:42Z', '2012-02-17T00:00:20Z', '2012-02-17T00:03:27Z', '2012-02-18T11:25:53Z', '2012-02-19T17:00:50Z', '2012-02-19T17:01:38Z', '2012-02-19T17:06:27Z', '2012-03-03T19:13:44Z', '2012-03-03T19:17:44Z', '2012-03-03T19:18:26Z', '2012-03-03T19:19:19Z', '2012-03-03T19:22:56Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:28Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:41Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:50Z', '2012-03-03T19:24:04Z', '2012-03-03T19:30:55Z', '2012-03-03T19:37:06Z', '2012-04-01T15:43:40Z', '2012-04-01T15:45:15Z', '2012-04-01T15:51:20Z', '2012-04-01T15:56:42Z', '2012-04-01T16:35:08Z', '2012-04-01T16:41:27Z', '2012-04-01T16:50:44Z', '2012-04-01T17:02:45Z', '2012-04-01T17:05:47Z', '2012-04-01T17:08:44Z', '2012-04-01T17:15:27Z', '2012-04-01T17:17:16Z', '2012-04-01T17:19:38Z', '2012-04-01T17:20:30Z', '2012-04-01T17:24:46Z', '2012-04-01T17:30:13Z', '2012-04-01T17:30:29Z', '2012-04-01T17:31:01Z', '2012-04-01T17:31:31Z', '2012-04-01T17:34:59Z', '2012-04-01T18:12:25Z', '2012-04-01T18:13:23Z', '2012-04-01T18:19:41Z', '2012-04-03T12:31:27Z', '2012-04-03T12:36:13Z', '2012-04-03T12:36:51Z', '2012-05-06T11:58:51Z', '2012-05-29T22:24:44Z', '2012-05-29T22:25:00Z', '2012-05-29T22:25:16Z', '2012-05-29T22:32:44Z', '2012-05-29T22:34:51Z', '2012-05-29T22:35:55Z', '2012-05-29T22:44:49Z', '2012-06-18T21:51:16Z', '2012-06-23T19:02:40Z', '2012-06-23T19:21:09Z', '2012-06-23T19:31:43Z', '2012-06-23T19:34:22Z', '2012-06-23T19:34:37Z', '2012-07-14T14:36:29Z', '2012-07-14T14:45:11Z', '2012-07-14T14:45:26Z', '2012-08-08T22:24:12Z', '2012-08-08T22:24:12Z', '2012-08-09T21:36:14Z', '2012-08-09T21:36:24Z', '2012-08-09T22:00:24Z', '2012-08-09T22:05:44Z', '2012-08-19T19:25:32Z', '2012-08-19T21:24:42Z', '2012-08-19T21:46:28Z', '2012-09-10T12:16:46Z', '2012-09-10T12:18:34Z', '2012-09-10T12:19:55Z', '2012-09-10T12:23:14Z', '2012-09-10T12:23:25Z', '2012-09-10T12:35:23Z', '2012-09-10T12:36:36Z', '2012-09-10T12:40:43Z', '2012-09-10T12:41:40Z', '2012-09-10T12:45:20Z', '2012-09-10T12:53:57Z', '2012-09-10T18:03:16Z', '2012-09-10T18:05:04Z', '2012-09-10T18:07:34Z', '2012-09-17T22:32:22Z', '2012-09-17T22:33:52Z', '2012-09-17T22:38:07Z', '2012-10-18T19:33:17Z', '2012-10-18T19:34:52Z', '2012-10-18T20:12:16Z', '2012-10-18T21:24:59Z', '2012-10-18T22:24:28Z', '2012-10-18T22:25:55Z', '2012-10-18T22:30:16Z', '2012-10-18T22:30:26Z', '2012-10-18T23:05:47Z', '2012-10-18T23:13:53Z', '2012-10-18T23:16:22Z', '2012-10-18T23:18:29Z', '2012-10-18T23:20:07Z', '2012-10-31T19:49:08Z', '2012-10-31T19:49:58Z', '2012-10-31T19:50:10Z', '2012-10-31T19:52:46Z', '2012-10-31T19:54:00Z', '2012-10-31T19:55:44Z', '2012-10-31T19:56:13Z', '2012-10-31T19:57:36Z', '2012-10-31T19:57:49Z', '2012-10-31T19:58:33Z', '2012-10-31T20:07:55Z', '2012-10-31T20:08:05Z', '2012-11-16T13:10:57Z', '2012-11-16T14:04:50Z', '2012-11-17T13:52:53Z', '2012-11-17T13:53:46Z', '2012-11-17T13:57:01Z', '2012-11-17T14:03:12Z', '2012-11-17T14:04:52Z', '2012-11-17T14:09:39Z', '2012-11-17T14:11:34Z', '2012-11-17T14:13:59Z', '2012-11-17T14:16:47Z', '2012-11-17T14:16:58Z', '2012-11-17T14:17:11Z', '2012-11-17T14:25:17Z', '2012-11-17T14:25:52Z', '2012-11-17T14:26:08Z', '2012-11-17T14:26:33Z', '2012-11-19T13:45:18Z', '2012-12-18T16:08:06Z', '2012-12-18T16:08:06Z', '2012-12-18T16:10:26Z', '2012-12-18T16:46:14Z', '2012-12-18T17:49:15Z', '2012-12-19T10:41:05Z', '2012-12-19T14:29:29Z', '2012-12-19T14:29:29Z', '2012-12-19T14:33:19Z', '2012-12-19T14:33:19Z', '2012-12-20T11:39:16Z', '2012-12-20T13:06:16Z', '2012-12-20T13:15:15Z', '2012-12-20T13:25:38Z', '2012-12-20T13:27:00Z', '2012-12-20T15:06:37Z', '2012-12-20T15:25:35Z', '2012-12-20T15:28:45Z', '2012-12-20T15:37:27Z', '2012-12-20T15:56:45Z', '2012-12-20T16:10:35Z', '2012-12-20T16:18:25Z', '2012-12-20T16:35:21Z', '2012-12-20T16:45:26Z', '2012-12-20T16:46:52Z', '2013-01-04T16:10:08Z', '2013-01-04T16:10:08Z', '2013-01-04T17:11:03Z', '2013-01-04T17:26:30Z', '2013-01-04T17:47:08Z', '2013-01-07T11:23:43Z', '2013-01-07T11:26:39Z', '2013-01-07T11:34:07Z', '2013-01-07T11:57:45Z', '2013-01-07T12:00:01Z', '2013-01-07T12:22:45Z', '2013-01-07T13:15:38Z', '2013-01-07T13:31:23Z', '2013-01-07T13:33:32Z', '2013-01-07T13:36:44Z', '2013-01-07T13:51:56Z', '2013-01-07T13:51:56Z', '2013-01-09T16:39:14Z', '2013-01-10T10:11:19Z', '2013-01-10T10:12:19Z', '2013-01-10T10:12:19Z', '2013-01-10T12:15:24Z', '2013-01-10T12:16:32Z', '2013-01-11T17:45:13Z', '2013-01-14T17:13:31Z', '2013-01-14T17:15:15Z', '2013-01-14T17:58:04Z', '2013-01-14T18:30:15Z', '2013-01-14T18:31:01Z', '2013-01-14T18:50:18Z', '2013-01-15T09:47:44Z', '2013-01-15T12:40:07Z', '2013-01-15T12:40:38Z', '2013-01-15T12:45:29Z', '2013-01-15T13:14:00Z', '2013-01-17T13:11:01Z', '2013-01-17T13:11:01Z', '2013-01-17T13:12:13Z', '2013-01-17T13:23:03Z', '2013-01-17T13:24:25Z', '2013-01-17T13:27:51Z', '2013-01-17T13:28:03Z', '2013-01-17T13:51:20Z', '2013-01-17T14:00:00Z', '2013-01-17T14:02:21Z', '2013-01-17T14:27:49Z', '2013-01-17T14:30:01Z', '2013-01-17T14:38:55Z', '2013-01-17T14:41:12Z', '2013-01-17T12:29:59Z', '2013-01-17T12:29:59Z', '2013-01-17T12:44:39Z', '2013-01-17T12:44:39Z', '2013-01-28T11:28:34Z', '2013-01-28T11:28:34Z', '2013-01-28T11:50:31Z', '2013-01-28T11:50:31Z', '2013-01-28T12:58:43Z', '2013-01-28T13:07:27Z', '2013-01-28T13:22:09Z', '2013-01-28T13:49:27Z', '2013-01-28T13:49:27Z', '2013-01-29T13:37:52Z', '2013-01-29T13:37:52Z', '2013-01-29T13:48:48Z', '2013-01-29T13:51:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:25:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:25:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:28:40Z', '2013-01-29T17:54:15Z', '2013-01-30T12:43:49Z', '2013-01-30T12:43:49Z', '2013-01-30T12:50:39Z', '2013-01-30T13:16:55Z', '2013-01-30T13:16:55Z', '2013-02-04T10:39:46Z', '2013-02-04T10:39:46Z', '2013-02-04T11:10:53Z', '2013-02-04T11:10:53Z', '2013-02-04T11:22:40Z', '2013-02-04T11:22:40Z', '2013-02-04T11:23:24Z', '2013-02-04T11:26:03Z', '2013-02-04T11:26:03Z', '2013-02-04T12:41:28Z', '2013-02-04T12:41:28Z', '2013-02-04T12:43:17Z', '2013-02-04T12:46:51Z', '2013-02-04T12:59:49Z', '2013-02-04T12:59:49Z', '2013-02-04T13:58:42Z', '2013-02-04T13:58:42Z', '2013-02-04T14:05:08Z', '2013-02-22T11:14:40Z', '2013-02-22T11:14:40Z', '2013-02-22T15:17:36Z', '2013-02-22T15:17:36Z', '2013-02-22T15:39:54Z', '2013-02-22T15:41:37Z', '2013-02-22T15:42:13Z', '2013-02-22T15:43:31Z', '2013-02-22T17:17:33Z', '2013-02-22T17:19:38Z', '2013-02-22T17:22:15Z', '2013-03-06T12:21:50Z', '2013-03-06T12:21:50Z', '2013-05-20T15:10:04Z', '2013-05-20T15:10:04Z', '2013-09-27T15:39:26Z', '2013-09-27T15:39:26Z', '2013-09-27T15:42:03Z', '2013-09-27T15:42:03Z', '2013-09-27T16:04:30Z', '2013-09-27T16:04:30Z', '2013-11-21T17:33:25Z', '2013-11-21T17:33:25Z', '2013-11-22T17:11:41Z', '2013-11-22T17:11:41Z', '2013-11-22T17:18:00Z', '2013-11-22T17:33:56Z', '2013-11-22T17:45:45Z', '2013-11-25T13:31:36Z', '2013-11-25T13:31:36Z', '2013-11-25T13:52:12Z', '2013-11-25T14:28:49Z', '2013-11-25T14:37:21Z', '2013-11-25T14:50:48Z', '2013-11-25T17:35:34Z', '2014-02-05T18:05:35Z', '2014-02-05T18:05:35Z', '2014-02-05T18:15:44Z', '2014-02-06T12:34:12Z', '2014-02-06T12:34:12Z', '2014-02-06T13:26:09Z', '2014-02-07T09:57:07Z', '2014-02-07T09:57:07Z', '2014-02-07T09:59:22Z', '2014-02-07T10:06:29Z', '2014-02-10T13:15:30Z', '2014-02-10T13:15:30Z', '2014-02-10T14:39:09Z', '2014-02-10T14:39:09Z', '2014-02-10T14:52:21Z', '2014-02-10T15:50:27Z', '2014-02-10T15:51:39Z', '2014-02-10T16:51:18Z', '2014-02-10T16:51:18Z', '2014-02-10T17:05:27Z', '2014-02-10T17:17:23Z', '2014-02-11T11:07:40Z', '2014-02-11T11:07:40Z', '2014-02-11T15:25:23Z', '2014-02-11T15:25:23Z', '2014-02-11T15:38:50Z', '2014-02-11T17:22:21Z', '2014-02-11T17:24:34Z', '2014-02-12T11:32:27Z', '2014-02-12T11:32:28Z', '2014-02-12T11:38:31Z', '2014-02-12T12:46:29Z', '2014-02-12T12:46:29Z', '2014-02-12T12:51:05Z', '2014-02-12T12:51:59Z', '2014-02-12T13:45:40Z', '2014-02-12T13:47:43Z', '2014-02-12T14:52:40Z', '2014-02-12T14:54:54Z', '2014-02-13T14:56:23Z', '2014-02-13T14:56:23Z', '2014-02-13T14:58:48Z', '2014-02-13T15:19:42Z', '2014-02-13T15:24:06Z', '2014-02-17T13:21:27Z', '2014-02-17T13:21:27Z', '2014-02-17T13:26:25Z', '2014-02-17T13:31:16Z', '2014-02-17T14:44:23Z', '2014-02-17T14:44:23Z', '2014-02-18T10:17:03Z', '2014-02-18T10:17:03Z', '2014-02-18T10:20:45Z', '2014-02-18T10:25:26Z', '2014-02-19T10:29:19Z', '2014-02-19T10:29:19Z', '2014-03-07T16:34:06Z', '2014-03-07T16:34:06Z', '2014-03-07T12:13:06Z', '2014-03-07T12:13:06Z', '2014-10-29T17:28:30Z', '2014-10-29T17:28:30Z', '2015-04-02T17:15:14Z', '2015-04-02T17:15:14Z', '2015-04-02T17:41:57Z', '2015-04-02T17:43:09Z', '2015-07-20T18:39:32Z', '2015-07-20T18:39:33Z', '2015-07-20T20:04:28Z', '2015-07-21T17:31:42Z', '2015-07-21T17:31:42Z', '2015-08-17T20:44:44Z', '2015-08-17T20:45:06Z', '2015-08-17T20:45:06Z', '2015-08-17T20:47:31Z', '2015-08-19T11:43:28Z', '2015-08-19T11:43:28Z', '2015-08-20T10:11:45Z', '2015-08-20T10:11:45Z', '2015-08-20T10:21:22Z', '2015-08-20T10:29:33Z', '2015-08-20T10:31:18Z', '2015-08-20T10:31:47Z', '2015-08-20T10:41:01Z', '2015-08-20T10:44:41Z', '2015-08-20T10:48:14Z', '2015-08-20T10:49:36Z', '2015-08-20T10:50:24Z', '2015-08-20T10:58:12Z', '2015-08-20T10:58:44Z', '2015-08-20T11:07:56Z', '2015-08-20T11:07:56Z', '2015-08-20T11:27:48Z', '2015-08-20T12:06:18Z', '2015-08-20T12:26:23Z', '2015-08-20T12:33:37Z', '2015-08-20T12:52:15Z', '2015-08-20T12:58:11Z', '2015-08-20T13:10:27Z', '2015-08-20T13:10:57Z', '2015-08-20T13:23:01Z', '2015-08-20T13:24:35Z', '2015-08-20T13:30:33Z', '2015-08-20T13:36:55Z', '2015-08-20T13:38:14Z', '2015-08-20T13:42:30Z', '2015-08-28T14:17:18Z', '2015-08-28T14:22:24Z', '2015-08-28T14:23:44Z', '2015-08-28T14:25:44Z', '2015-08-28T14:35:57Z', '2015-08-28T14:37:49Z', '2015-08-31T10:54:51Z', '2015-08-31T10:55:39Z', '2015-08-31T10:55:53Z', '2015-08-31T11:07:34Z', '2015-08-31T11:08:29Z', '2015-08-31T11:09:41Z', '2015-09-07T10:53:16Z', '2015-09-07T11:00:12Z', '2015-09-07T11:01:31Z', '2015-09-07T11:03:04Z', '2015-09-07T11:03:55Z', '2015-09-07T11:04:49Z', '2015-09-07T11:05:48Z', '2015-09-07T11:09:56Z', '2015-09-07T11:11:28Z', '2015-09-07T11:13:44Z', '2015-09-07T11:15:04Z', '2015-09-07T11:15:20Z', '2015-09-07T14:52:15Z', '2015-09-14T16:35:28Z', '2015-09-21T18:32:57Z', '2015-09-21T18:41:30Z', '2015-09-21T19:05:13Z', '2015-09-21T19:06:25Z', '2015-09-22T15:37:35Z', '2016-01-22T11:35:16Z', '2016-01-22T11:37:40Z', '2016-01-22T11:38:31Z', '2016-01-22T11:38:40Z', '2016-01-22T12:54:30Z', '2016-01-22T12:58:02Z', '2016-01-22T12:58:34Z', '2016-01-22T13:11:02Z', '2016-01-22T13:15:21Z', '2016-01-22T13:16:02Z', '2016-01-22T13:17:34Z', '2016-01-22T13:17:45Z', '2016-01-22T13:21:51Z', '2016-01-27T15:03:51Z', '2016-01-27T15:06:31Z', '2016-01-27T15:07:16Z', '2016-01-27T15:08:04Z', '2016-01-27T15:24:39Z', '2016-01-27T15:50:03Z', '2016-01-27T18:43:36Z', '2016-01-28T16:08:58Z', '2016-01-28T16:11:10Z', '2016-01-28T19:44:41Z', '2016-01-28T19:50:51Z', '2016-01-28T19:51:02Z', '2016-01-28T19:51:25Z', '2016-01-28T20:02:19Z', '2016-02-03T20:04:43Z', '2016-02-03T20:04:43Z', '2016-02-03T20:08:10Z', '2016-02-03T20:15:57Z', '2016-02-03T20:17:45Z', '2016-02-03T20:18:55Z', '2016-02-03T20:21:30Z', '2016-02-03T20:24:21Z', '2016-02-03T20:40:05Z', '2016-02-04T11:00:28Z', '2016-02-04T11:16:07Z', '2016-02-04T11:18:02Z', '2016-02-04T11:26:51Z', '2016-02-04T11:32:38Z', '2016-02-04T11:37:23Z', '2016-02-04T11:38:38Z', '2016-02-04T11:49:33Z', '2016-02-04T11:52:43Z', '2016-02-04T11:56:31Z', '2016-02-04T11:58:36Z', '2016-02-04T12:00:20Z', '2016-02-04T12:00:52Z', '2016-02-04T12:05:29Z', '2016-02-04T12:08:58Z', '2016-02-04T12:10:25Z', '2016-02-04T12:10:45Z', '2016-02-04T12:33:11Z', '2016-02-04T12:33:47Z', '2016-02-04T12:34:45Z', '2016-02-04T12:36:47Z', '2016-02-04T17:29:21Z', '2016-02-04T17:33:58Z', '2016-02-04T17:35:10Z', '2016-02-04T17:36:02Z', '2016-02-04T17:38:10Z', '2016-02-05T09:24:30Z', '2016-02-05T09:39:38Z', '2016-02-05T10:01:25Z', '2016-02-05T11:10:54Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:32Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:47Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:58Z', '2016-02-05T11:35:02Z', '2016-02-05T11:38:15Z', '2016-02-05T12:21:57Z', '2016-02-05T12:22:43Z', '2016-02-05T12:27:07Z', '2016-02-05T12:28:39Z', '2016-02-05T12:29:05Z', '2016-02-05T12:44:54Z', '2016-02-06T14:59:53Z', '2016-02-06T15:05:35Z', '2016-02-06T15:06:08Z', '2016-02-06T15:06:28Z', '2016-02-06T15:10:00Z', '2016-02-06T15:11:56Z', '2016-02-06T15:13:27Z', '2016-02-06T15:14:36Z', '2016-02-06T15:14:44Z', '2016-02-06T15:25:29Z', '2016-02-08T15:35:24Z', '2016-02-09T16:55:58Z', '2016-02-09T16:56:18Z', '2016-02-09T17:28:36Z', '2016-02-09T17:30:00Z', '2016-02-09T17:31:21Z', '2016-02-09T17:31:38Z', '2016-02-10T15:25:38Z', '2016-02-10T15:26:00Z', '2016-02-10T15:26:24Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:28Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:47Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:52Z', '2016-02-10T15:28:12Z', '2016-02-10T15:28:31Z', '2016-02-10T15:29:21Z', '2016-02-10T15:29:50Z', '2016-02-10T15:30:25Z', '2016-02-10T15:31:04Z', '2016-02-10T15:32:04Z', '2016-02-10T15:32:26Z', '2016-02-10T15:34:23Z', '2016-02-10T15:36:01Z', '2016-02-15T20:06:02Z', '2016-02-15T20:08:57Z', '2016-02-15T20:24:47Z', '2016-02-16T12:15:14Z', '2016-02-16T12:17:51Z', '2016-02-16T12:27:58Z', '2016-02-16T12:32:44Z', '2016-02-16T12:34:05Z', '2016-02-16T12:36:37Z', '2016-02-16T12:38:31Z', '2016-02-16T12:49:25Z', '2016-02-16T12:55:00Z', '2016-02-16T12:57:06Z', '2016-02-16T16:15:23Z', '2016-02-18T11:00:45Z', '2016-02-18T11:03:27Z', '2016-02-19T13:14:21Z', '2016-02-19T13:16:17Z', '2016-02-19T14:41:47Z', '2016-02-19T14:42:19Z', '2016-02-19T14:47:18Z', '2016-02-19T14:52:42Z', '2016-02-19T14:55:26Z', '2016-02-19T15:00:21Z', '2016-02-19T15:06:37Z', '2016-02-19T15:10:56Z', '2016-02-19T15:11:20Z', '2016-02-19T15:12:04Z', '2016-02-19T15:12:33Z', '2016-02-19T15:12:56Z', '2016-02-19T15:13:04Z', '2016-02-19T15:13:19Z', '2016-02-19T15:13:48Z', '2016-02-19T15:14:49Z', '2016-02-19T15:16:20Z', '2016-02-19T15:16:52Z', '2016-02-19T15:22:53Z', '2016-02-19T15:32:57Z', '2016-02-19T15:33:11Z', '2016-02-19T15:34:47Z', '2016-02-19T15:37:29Z', '2016-02-19T15:38:25Z', '2016-02-19T15:38:38Z', '2016-02-19T15:39:20Z', '2016-02-19T15:40:59Z', '2016-02-19T15:47:14Z', '2016-02-19T15:49:40Z', '2016-02-19T15:50:12Z', '2016-02-19T15:50:55Z', '2016-02-19T15:58:47Z', '2016-02-19T16:00:52Z', '2016-02-19T16:01:39Z', '2016-02-19T16:02:13Z', '2016-02-19T16:02:24Z', '2016-02-19T16:08:01Z', '2016-02-19T16:08:21Z', '2016-02-19T16:13:06Z', '2016-02-19T16:13:19Z', '2016-02-19T16:13:34Z', '2016-02-19T16:15:14Z', '2016-02-19T16:15:59Z', '2016-02-19T16:16:23Z', '2016-02-19T16:17:44Z', '2016-02-19T16:18:16Z', '2016-02-19T16:19:49Z', '2016-02-19T16:21:27Z', '2016-02-19T16:22:53Z', '2016-02-19T16:23:06Z', '2016-02-19T16:23:29Z', '2016-02-19T16:28:59Z', '2016-02-19T16:30:13Z', '2016-02-19T16:31:27Z', '2016-02-19T16:32:45Z', '2016-02-19T17:27:40Z', '2016-02-19T17:27:55Z', '2016-02-19T17:32:36Z', '2016-02-20T14:03:58Z', '2016-02-20T14:04:50Z', '2016-02-20T14:05:35Z', '2016-02-20T14:07:01Z', '2016-02-20T14:08:13Z', '2016-02-20T14:09:50Z', '2016-02-20T14:10:14Z', '2016-02-20T14:49:24Z', '2016-02-20T14:49:33Z', '2016-02-20T17:19:02Z', '2016-02-20T17:33:52Z', '2016-02-22T11:25:22Z', '2016-02-22T11:27:08Z', '2016-02-22T11:27:38Z', '2016-02-26T17:26:01Z', '2016-02-26T17:26:12Z', '2016-02-26T17:26:23Z', '2016-02-26T17:40:15Z', '2016-02-26T17:40:25Z', '2016-02-26T17:43:16Z', '2016-02-26T17:44:12Z', '2016-02-26T17:44:38Z', '2016-02-26T17:45:11Z', '2016-02-26T17:45:34Z', '2016-02-26T17:46:08Z', '2016-02-26T17:46:38Z', '2016-02-26T17:48:11Z', '2016-02-26T19:07:36Z', '2016-02-27T15:15:28Z', '2016-02-27T17:35:31Z', '2016-02-29T13:32:43Z', '2016-03-08T19:12:25Z', '2016-03-08T19:14:37Z', '2016-03-09T11:25:32Z', '2016-04-13T16:23:53Z', '2016-04-13T16:24:45Z', '2016-04-13T16:25:20Z', '2016-04-13T16:25:27Z', '2016-04-13T16:33:58Z', '2016-04-13T17:33:33Z', '2016-04-13T17:40:58Z', '2016-04-13T17:48:01Z', '2016-04-13T17:49:24Z', '2016-04-13T17:55:34Z', '2016-04-13T17:59:54Z', '2016-04-13T18:01:41Z', '2016-04-13T18:04:38Z', '2016-04-13T18:05:23Z', '2016-04-13T18:05:45Z', '2016-04-13T18:05:58Z', '2016-04-13T18:06:54Z', '2016-04-13T18:07:41Z', '2016-04-13T18:08:00Z', '2016-04-13T18:10:38Z', '2016-04-13T18:11:39Z', '2016-04-13T18:12:27Z', '2016-04-13T18:14:39Z', '2016-04-13T18:15:30Z', '2016-04-13T18:15:47Z', '2016-04-13T18:41:30Z', '2016-04-13T18:42:53Z', '2016-04-13T18:44:03Z', '2016-04-15T17:34:02Z', '2016-04-15T18:02:57Z', '2016-04-15T19:33:26Z', '2016-04-19T14:35:52Z', '2016-04-19T14:46:34Z', '2016-04-19T14:47:07Z', '2016-04-19T14:47:26Z', '2016-04-19T14:47:42Z', '2016-04-19T15:09:05Z', '2016-04-19T15:11:20Z', '2016-04-19T15:11:46Z', '2016-04-19T15:12:19Z', '2016-04-19T15:16:11Z', '2016-04-19T15:16:32Z', '2016-04-19T15:16:48Z', '2016-04-19T15:17:49Z', '2016-04-19T15:18:39Z', '2016-04-19T15:20:13Z', '2016-04-19T15:22:33Z', '2016-04-19T15:27:20Z', '2016-04-19T15:27:37Z', '2016-04-19T15:28:44Z', '2016-04-19T15:29:18Z', '2016-04-19T15:29:37Z', '2016-04-19T15:35:28Z', '2016-04-19T15:35:49Z', '2016-04-19T15:36:08Z', '2016-04-19T15:37:33Z', '2016-04-19T15:38:34Z', '2016-04-19T15:39:35Z', '2016-04-19T15:40:21Z', '2016-04-19T15:40:31Z', '2016-04-19T15:42:59Z', '2016-04-19T15:43:46Z', '2016-04-19T15:44:30Z', '2016-04-19T15:44:59Z', '2016-04-19T15:45:53Z', '2016-04-19T17:53:23Z', '2016-04-19T18:00:08Z', '2016-04-19T18:00:41Z', '2016-04-19T18:00:51Z', '2016-04-19T18:02:08Z', '2016-04-19T18:02:16Z', '2016-04-19T18:02:23Z', 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charset=UTF-8', 'image/svg+xml'] DOI 10.1007/s42803-019-00018-4 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.html.HtmlParser', ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.xml.DcXMLParser']] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth ['0', '1'] X-TIKA:embedded_resource_path /embedded-1 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis ['7', '1'] X-UA-Compatible IE=edge access No applicable-device pc,mobile citation_article_type Research Article citation_author Wout Dillen citation_author_email citation_author_institution Centre for Manuscript Genetics, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium citation_cover_date 2019/07/01 citation_doi 10.1007/s42803-019-00018-4 citation_firstpage 263 citation_fulltext_html_url citation_issn 2524-7840 citation_issue 2 citation_journal_abbrev Int J Digit Humanities citation_journal_title International Journal of Digital Humanities citation_language en citation_lastpage 277 citation_online_date 2019/04/29 citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 2019/07 citation_publisher Springer International Publishing citation_reference [' Beckett Digital Manuscript Project. 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Accessed 23 April 2019.', 'citation_journal_title=Verslagen en Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde; citation_title=Editie en/of Archief: modern manuscripten in een digitale architectuur; citation_author=D Hulle; citation_volume=119; citation_issue=2; citation_publication_date=2009; citation_pages=163-178; citation_id=CR29'] citation_springer_api_url citation_title On edited archives and archived editions citation_volume 1 dc.copyright 2019 Springer Nature Switzerland AG dc.creator Wout Dillen 2019-04-29 dc.description Building on a longstanding terminological discussion in the field of textual scholarship, this essay explores the archival and editorial potential of the digital scholarly edition. Following Van Hulle and Eggert, the author argues that in the digital medium these traditionally distinct activities now find the space they need to complement and reinforce one another. By critically examining some of the early and more recent theorists and adaptors of this relatively new medium, the essay aims to shed a clearer light on some of its strengths and pitfalls. To conclude, the essay takes the discussion further by offering a broader reflection on the difficulties of providing a ‘definitive’ archival base transcription of especially handwritten materials, questioning if this should be something to aspire to for the edition in the first place. dc.format text/html dc.identifier doi:10.1007/s42803-019-00018-4 dc.language En dc.publisher Springer dc.rightsAgent dc.source International Journal of Digital Humanities 2019 1:2 dc.subject ['Applied Statistics', 'Cultural Studies', 'Computational Linguistics', 'Digital/New Media', 'Natural Language Processing (NLP)'] dc.title On edited archives and archived editions dc.type OriginalPaper dc:title On edited archives and archived editions | SpringerLink description Building on a longstanding terminological discussion in the field of textual scholarship, this essay explores the archival and editorial potential of the d embeddedResourceType INLINE format-detection telephone=no journal_id 42803 og:description Building on a longstanding terminological discussion in the field of textual scholarship, this essay explores the archival and editorial potential of the digital scholarly edition. Following Van Hulle and Eggert, the author argues that in the digital medium these traditionally distinct activities now find the space they need to complement and reinforce one another. By critically examining some of the early and more recent theorists and adaptors of this relatively new medium, the essay aims to shed a clearer light on some of its strengths and pitfalls. To conclude, the essay takes the discussion further by offering a broader reflection on the difficulties of providing a ‘definitive’ archival base transcription of especially handwritten materials, questioning if this should be something to aspire to for the edition in the first place. og:image og:site_name International Journal of Digital Humanities og:title On edited archives and archived editions og:type article og:url prism.copyright 2019 Springer Nature Switzerland AG prism.doi doi:10.1007/s42803-019-00018-4 prism.endingPage 277 prism.issn 2524-7840 prism.number 2 prism.publicationDate 2019-04-29 prism.publicationName International Journal of Digital Humanities prism.rightsAgent prism.section OriginalPaper prism.startingPage 263 prism.url prism.volume 1 resourceName b'work_gbwegerwnngtpd5va6ifmrlnnu.pdf' title On edited archives and archived editions | SpringerLink twitter:card summary twitter:image:alt Content cover image twitter:site @SpringerLink viewport width=device-width, initial-scale=1 work_sm23ntcspzehvlmwokwde3lnxu txt/../ent/work_sm23ntcspzehvlmwokwde3lnxu.ent INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_x4lhpka62jgj7l3bsavt7ii6yu.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_trry5x3umjczhmzrgbqtmf5fti.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_3pih7g5g3jalpf6ckdlifzsitu.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_ygmpjkhitradbhrqvzfntyegay txt/../wrd/work_ygmpjkhitradbhrqvzfntyegay.wrd work_ihvf655cczajxnaz3rt6tel2la txt/../pos/work_ihvf655cczajxnaz3rt6tel2la.pos work_73gs7go455hizgbutvr325fr4e txt/../wrd/work_73gs7go455hizgbutvr325fr4e.wrd work_qw6wjqfctngslgls2qca6fza5e txt/../wrd/work_qw6wjqfctngslgls2qca6fza5e.wrd work_ez62sq6rm5bixbwx6qakugt6f4 txt/../pos/work_ez62sq6rm5bixbwx6qakugt6f4.pos INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_vlgk4b532jgcbpiyxi5s2b2t6m.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_vmshneflxfauxkshyyyjdoyruu txt/../wrd/work_vmshneflxfauxkshyyyjdoyruu.wrd === === id: work_z3tmknt3lvavrfpx3ne66ftc24 author: S. 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More specifically, I suggest that Bornstein's work should be considered in the context of the textual and literary constructs of the digital age. I begin with an account of those elements from Bornstein's argument that I consider to be of most relevance to this particular discourse, giving particular consideration to what he refers to as the ‘bibliographic code.’ I argue that this notion has gathered fresh momentum now that its potential has been enhanced through new forms of computer-based media. What the material modernists of the modernist movement sought to achieve with the material elements of their works, contemporary scholars and critics can seek to replicate and explore with greater clarity and creativity. The bibliographic code has gained new importance, as the degree by which it can be manipulated, I argue, has been extended significantly. msapplication-TileColor #FFFFFF msapplication-TileImage msapplication-square150x150logo msapplication-square310x310logo msapplication-square70x70logo msapplication-wide310x150logo og:description Throughout this paper, I argue for a reapplication of those theories set out by George Bornstein in Material Modernism. More specifically, I suggest that Bornstein's work should be considered in the context of the textual and literary constructs of the digital age. I begin with an account of those elements from Bornstein's argument that I consider to be of most relevance to this particular discourse, giving particular consideration to what he refers to as the ‘bibliographic code.’ I argue that this notion has gathered fresh momentum now that its potential has been enhanced through new forms of computer-based media. What the material modernists of the modernist movement sought to achieve with the material elements of their works, contemporary scholars and critics can seek to replicate and explore with greater clarity and creativity. The bibliographic code has gained new importance, as the degree by which it can be manipulated, I argue, has been extended significantly. og:image og:image:height 582 og:image:secure_url ['', ''] og:image:width 1110 og:locale ['en_US', 'en_US'] og:title [PDF] The New Apparatus of Influence: Material Modernism in the Digital Age | Semantic Scholar og:type website resourceName b'work_vlgk4b532jgcbpiyxi5s2b2t6m.pdf' robots noarchive,noindex s2-ui-version 0a1ee7b640e58bf005fa3cbd97e8cba83bff3dc9 title [PDF] The New Apparatus of Influence: Material Modernism in the Digital Age | Semantic Scholar twitter:card summary_large_image twitter:description Throughout this paper, I argue for a reapplication of those theories set out by George Bornstein in Material Modernism. More specifically, I suggest that Bornstein's work should be considered in the context of the textual and literary constructs of the digital age. I begin with an account of those elements from Bornstein's argument that I consider to be of most relevance to this particular discourse, giving particular consideration to what he refers to as the ‘bibliographic code.’ I argue that this notion has gathered fresh momentum now that its potential has been enhanced through new forms of computer-based media. What the material modernists of the modernist movement sought to achieve with the material elements of their works, contemporary scholars and critics can seek to replicate and explore with greater clarity and creativity. 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Three-dimensional data capture using laser scanning provides the potential to generate 3D virtual objects that can be used for a much greater interactive experience. This paper presents the results of a JISC-funded project aimed at the generation of a 3D online museum of an internationally important collection of Egyptological artefacts that have not previously been publicly available. The results from the project demonstrate the value of 3D museums, in addition to highlighting some of the future possibilities for interaction with objects and the ways in which such virtual museums can revolutionise access to collections for education and public interest. It also stresses ways in which such collections can benefit scholars in terms of reference collections, object analysis and interpretation. 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The results from the project demonstrate the value of 3D museums, in addition to highlighting some of the future possibilities for interaction with objects and the ways in which such virtual museums can revolutionise access to collections for education and public interest. It also stresses ways in which such collections can benefit scholars in terms of reference collections, object analysis and interpretation. The question o... og:image og:image:height 582 og:image:secure_url ['', ''] og:image:width 1110 og:locale ['en_US', 'en_US'] og:title [PDF] The Eton Myers collection virtual museum | Semantic Scholar og:type website resourceName b'work_q2bwxqj7izfspgplp7zo5t663u.pdf' robots noarchive,noindex s2-ui-version 0a1ee7b640e58bf005fa3cbd97e8cba83bff3dc9 title [PDF] The Eton Myers collection virtual museum | Semantic Scholar twitter:card summary_large_image twitter:description The digitisation of museum collections provides great opportunities for broad communication and access. However, currently the majority of online ‘virtual’ museums present information two-dimensionally. Three-dimensional data capture using laser scanning provides the potential to generate 3D virtual objects that can be used for a much greater interactive experience. This paper presents the results of a JISC-funded project aimed at the generation of a 3D online museum of an internationally important collection of Egyptological artefacts that have not previously been publicly available. The results from the project demonstrate the value of 3D museums, in addition to highlighting some of the future possibilities for interaction with objects and the ways in which such virtual museums can revolutionise access to collections for education and public interest. It also stresses ways in which such collections can benefit scholars in terms of reference collections, object analysis and interpretation. 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Nérot', 'W. Skalli', 'X. Wang'] citation_journal_title undefined citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 2015 citation_title An assessment of the realism of digital human manikins used for simulation in ergonomics dc:title [PDF] An assessment of the realism of digital human manikins used for simulation in ergonomics | Semantic Scholar description In this study, the accuracy of the joint centres of the manikins generated by RAMSIS and Human Builder (HB), two digital human modelling (DHM) systems widely used in industry for virtual ergonomics simulation, was investigated. Eighteen variously sized females and males were generated from external anthropometric dimensions and six joint centres (knee, hip and four spine joints) were compared with their anatomic locations obtained from the three-dimensional reconstructed bones from a low-dose X-ray system. Both RAMSIS and HB could correctly reproduce external anthropometric dimensions, while the estimation of internal joint centres location presented an average error of 27.6 mm for HB and 38.3 mm for RAMSIS. Differences between both manikins showed that a more realistic kinematic linkage led to better accuracy in joint location. This study opens the way to further research on the relationship between the external body geometry and internal skeleton in order to improve the realism of the internal skeleton of DHMs, especially for a biomechanical analysis requiring information of joint load and muscle force estimation. Practitioner summary: This study assessed two digital human modelling (DHM) systems widely used in industry for virtual ergonomics. Results support the need of a more realistic human modelling, especially for a biomechanical analysis and a standardisation of DHMs. msapplication-TileColor #FFFFFF msapplication-TileImage msapplication-square150x150logo msapplication-square310x310logo msapplication-square70x70logo msapplication-wide310x150logo og:description In this study, the accuracy of the joint centres of the manikins generated by RAMSIS and Human Builder (HB), two digital human modelling (DHM) systems widely used in industry for virtual ergonomics simulation, was investigated. Eighteen variously sized females and males were generated from external anthropometric dimensions and six joint centres (knee, hip and four spine joints) were compared with their anatomic locations obtained from the three-dimensional reconstructed bones from a low-dose X-ray system. Both RAMSIS and HB could correctly reproduce external anthropometric dimensions, while the estimation of internal joint centres location presented an average error of 27.6 mm for HB and 38.3 mm for RAMSIS. Differences between both manikins showed that a more realistic kinematic linkage led to better accuracy in joint location. This study opens the way to further research on the relationship between the external body geometry and internal skeleton in order to improve the realism of the internal skeleton of DHMs, especially for a biomechanical analysis requiring information of joint load and muscle force estimation. Practitioner summary: This study assessed two digital human modelling (DHM) systems widely used in industry for virtual ergonomics. Results support the need of a more realistic human modelling, especially for a biomechanical analysis and a standardisation of DHMs. og:image og:image:height 582 og:image:secure_url ['', ''] og:image:width 1110 og:locale ['en_US', 'en_US'] og:title [PDF] An assessment of the realism of digital human manikins used for simulation in ergonomics | Semantic Scholar og:type website resourceName b'work_6rnmxllsrjeuxlm4ytewedpzoi.pdf' robots noarchive,noindex s2-ui-version 0a1ee7b640e58bf005fa3cbd97e8cba83bff3dc9 title [PDF] An assessment of the realism of digital human manikins used for simulation in ergonomics | Semantic Scholar twitter:card summary_large_image twitter:description In this study, the accuracy of the joint centres of the manikins generated by RAMSIS and Human Builder (HB), two digital human modelling (DHM) systems widely used in industry for virtual ergonomics simulation, was investigated. Eighteen variously sized females and males were generated from external anthropometric dimensions and six joint centres (knee, hip and four spine joints) were compared with their anatomic locations obtained from the three-dimensional reconstructed bones from a low-dose X-ray system. Both RAMSIS and HB could correctly reproduce external anthropometric dimensions, while the estimation of internal joint centres location presented an average error of 27.6 mm for HB and 38.3 mm for RAMSIS. Differences between both manikins showed that a more realistic kinematic linkage led to better accuracy in joint location. This study opens the way to further research on the relationship between the external body geometry and internal skeleton in order to improve the realism of the internal skeleton of DHMs, especially for a biomechanical analysis requiring information of joint load and muscle force estimation. Practitioner summary: This study assessed two digital human modelling (DHM) systems widely used in industry for virtual ergonomics. Results support the need of a more realistic human modelling, especially for a biomechanical analysis and a standardisation of DHMs. twitter:image ['', ''] twitter:site @allenai_org twitter:title [PDF] An assessment of the realism of digital human manikins used for simulation in ergonomics | Semantic Scholar viewport width=device-width,initial-scale=1 === === id: work_7jxf7vwbnfhojaz2jodkmyfmpq author: James Cummings title: Opening the book: data models and distractions in digital scholarly editing date: 2019 pages: 15 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_7jxf7vwbnfhojaz2jodkmyfmpq.txt cache: ./cache/work_7jxf7vwbnfhojaz2jodkmyfmpq.pdf Author James Cummings Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2019-05-16T01:48:46Z Keywords Scholarly digital editions,Digital infrastructure,Textual editing,TEI XML,Markup and data models Last-Modified 2019-05-16T01:49:49Z Last-Save-Date 2019-05-16T01:49:49Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] 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following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_7utnn5jkqbbbnka5is3wn3wrdm' work_bp5h7fwmhra6lei67xdw27i6by txt/../wrd/work_bp5h7fwmhra6lei67xdw27i6by.wrd work_rckknat5mnd3xil77ajj5sgl54 txt/../ent/work_rckknat5mnd3xil77ajj5sgl54.ent INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_cdtzjkypkrhwvm65hjrapmg7ki.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font LiberationSans for Symbol work_xhcs6cscpbhipdegxjv7u3jpmq txt/../ent/work_xhcs6cscpbhipdegxjv7u3jpmq.ent WARN No Unicode mapping for integraltext (82) in font USOYWT+CMEX10 INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_awm7ys2jurdglkgnbzs4sxlfgq.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for Filename: 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"pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_o5bkjs5qsjhjhhl2xu6sb5gr74' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File 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Through explorations of a series of born digital and digitized sources, we identify and discuss key issues relating to humanities scholars ability to develop claims and arguments grounded in digital sources and digital archives. In exploring these issues in digital source criticism, we work to provide practical guidance for scholars on key issues and questions to consider when working with born digital and digitized primary sources. dc.format text/html dc.identifier doi:10.1007/s42803-020-00028-7 dc.language En dc.publisher Springer dc.rightsAgent dc.source International Journal of Digital Humanities 2020 dc.subject ['Applied Statistics', 'Cultural Studies', 'Computational Linguistics', 'Digital/New Media', 'Natural Language Processing (NLP)'] dc.title Digital sources and digital archives: historical evidence in the digital age dc.type OriginalPaper dc:title Digital sources and digital archives: historical evidence in the digital age | SpringerLink description As the cultural record becomes increasingly digital the evidentiary basis of history expands and shifts. How must historical scholarship change when the ev embeddedResourceType INLINE format-detection telephone=no journal_id 42803 og:description As the cultural record becomes increasingly digital the evidentiary basis of history expands and shifts. How must historical scholarship change when the evidentiary basis shifts toward the digital? Through explorations of a series of born digital and digitized sources, we identify and discuss key issues relating to humanities scholars ability to develop claims and arguments grounded in digital sources and digital archives. In exploring these issues in digital source criticism, we work to provide practical guidance for scholars on key issues and questions to consider when working with born digital and digitized primary sources. og:image og:site_name International Journal of Digital Humanities og:title Digital sources and digital archives: historical evidence in the digital age og:type article og:url prism.copyright 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland AG prism.doi doi:10.1007/s42803-020-00028-7 prism.endingPage 17 prism.issn 2524-7840 prism.publicationDate 2020-05-04 prism.publicationName International Journal of Digital Humanities prism.rightsAgent prism.section OriginalPaper prism.startingPage 1 prism.url resourceName b'work_yy33htla7jbxzmyryg273oizbq.pdf' title Digital sources and digital archives: historical evidence in the digital age | SpringerLink twitter:card summary twitter:image:alt Content cover image twitter:site @SpringerLink viewport width=device-width, initial-scale=1 work_kib3vvczfrhgjcndinv5doj4mm txt/../ent/work_kib3vvczfrhgjcndinv5doj4mm.ent work_spoj7ejsojgznin7fgij5obsci txt/../ent/work_spoj7ejsojgznin7fgij5obsci.ent === === id: work_rhaskpauvnakllsosmp6jwcboy author: Maurizio Toscano title: Digital Humanities in Spain: evolution and current scenario date: 2020 pages: 2 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_rhaskpauvnakllsosmp6jwcboy.txt cache: ./cache/work_rhaskpauvnakllsosmp6jwcboy.pdf Author Maurizio Toscano Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2020-03-13T11:51:31Z Keywords Last-Modified 2020-03-13T11:51:31Z Last-Save-Date 2020-03-13T11:51:31Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 16 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject created 2020-03-13T11:51:31Z creator Maurizio Toscano date 2020-03-13T11:51:31Z dc:creator Maurizio Toscano dc:format application/pdf; 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charset=UTF-8', 'image/svg+xml'] DOI 10.1007/s42803-019-00013-9 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.html.HtmlParser', ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.xml.DcXMLParser']] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth ['0', '1'] X-TIKA:embedded_resource_path /embedded-1 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis ['7', '1'] X-UA-Compatible IE=edge access No applicable-device pc,mobile citation_article_type Research Article citation_author Gioele Barabucci citation_author_email citation_author_institution Cologne Center for eHumanities, Universität zu Köln, Köln, Germany citation_cover_date 2019/07/01 citation_doi 10.1007/s42803-019-00013-9 citation_firstpage 235 citation_fulltext_html_url citation_issn 2524-7840 citation_issue 2 citation_journal_abbrev Int J Digit Humanities citation_journal_title International Journal of Digital Humanities citation_language en citation_lastpage 250 citation_online_date 2019/06/28 citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 2019/07 citation_publisher Springer International Publishing citation_reference ['Barabucci, G. (2013). A universal delta model. PhD thesis. Università di Bologna. .', 'Barabucci, G. (2016). CATview (review). Digital Medievalist, 10. .', 'Barabucci, G. (2017). Not a single bit in common: Issues in collating digital transcriptions of Ibn Rusd’s writings in multiple languages (Arabic, Hebrew and Latin). Presented at Digital Humanities Abu Dhabi 2017 Conference. New York University Abu Dhabi.', 'Barabucci, G. (2019). The CMV+P document model, linear version. In R. Bleier and V. Das Gupta (Eds.), Versioning cultural objects. IDE. 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ISBN: 9780804740166.', 'citation_journal_title=Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice; citation_title=Translation and the EU: Conditions and consequences; citation_author=C Schäffner; citation_volume=9; citation_issue=4; citation_publication_date=2001; citation_pages=247-261; citation_doi=10.1080/0907676X.2001.9961422; citation_id=CR9'] citation_springer_api_url citation_title Tracking the evolution of translated documents: revisions, languages and contaminations citation_volume 1 dc.copyright 2019 Springer Nature Switzerland AG dc.creator Gioele Barabucci 2019-06-28 dc.description Dealing with documents that have changed through time requires keeping track of additional metadata, for example the order of the revisions. This small issue explodes in complexity when these documents are translated. Even more complicate is keeping track of the parallel evolution of a document and its translations. The fact that this extra metadata has to be encoded in formal terms in order to be processed by computers has forced us to reflect on issues that are usually overlooked or, at least, not actively discussed and documented: How do I record which document is a translation of which? How do I record that this document is a translation of that specific revision of another document? And what if a certain translation has been created using one or more intermediate translations with no access to the original document? In this paper we addresses all these issues, starting from first principles and incrementally building towards a comprehensive solution. This solution is then distilled in terms of formal concepts (e.g., translation, abstraction levels, comparability, division in parts, addressability) and abstract data structures (e.g., derivation graphs, revisions-alignment tables, source-document tables, source-part tables). The proposed data structures can be seen as a generalization of the classical evolutionary trees (e.g., stemma codicum), extended to take into account the concepts of translation and contamination (i.e., multiple sources). The presented abstract data structures can easily be implemented in any programming language and customized to fit the specific needs of a research project. dc.format text/html dc.identifier doi:10.1007/s42803-019-00013-9 dc.language En dc.publisher Springer dc.rightsAgent dc.source International Journal of Digital Humanities 2019 1:2 dc.subject ['Applied Statistics', 'Cultural Studies', 'Computational Linguistics', 'Digital/New Media', 'Natural Language Processing (NLP)'] dc.title Tracking the evolution of translated documents: revisions, languages and contaminations dc.type OriginalPaper dc:title Tracking the evolution of translated documents: revisions, languages and contaminations | SpringerLink description Dealing with documents that have changed through time requires keeping track of additional metadata, for example the order of the revisions. This small iss embeddedResourceType INLINE format-detection telephone=no journal_id 42803 og:description Dealing with documents that have changed through time requires keeping track of additional metadata, for example the order of the revisions. This small issue explodes in complexity when these documents are translated. Even more complicate is keeping track of the parallel evolution of a document and its translations. The fact that this extra metadata has to be encoded in formal terms in order to be processed by computers has forced us to reflect on issues that are usually overlooked or, at least, not actively discussed and documented: How do I record which document is a translation of which? How do I record that this document is a translation of that specific revision of another document? And what if a certain translation has been created using one or more intermediate translations with no access to the original document? In this paper we addresses all these issues, starting from first principles and incrementally building towards a comprehensive solution. This solution is then distilled in terms of formal concepts (e.g., translation, abstraction levels, comparability, division in parts, addressability) and abstract data structures (e.g., derivation graphs, revisions-alignment tables, source-document tables, source-part tables). The proposed data structures can be seen as a generalization of the classical evolutionary trees (e.g., stemma codicum), extended to take into account the concepts of translation and contamination (i.e., multiple sources). The presented abstract data structures can easily be implemented in any programming language and customized to fit the specific needs of a research project. og:image og:site_name International Journal of Digital Humanities og:title Tracking the evolution of translated documents: revisions, languages and contaminations og:type article og:url prism.copyright 2019 Springer Nature Switzerland AG prism.doi doi:10.1007/s42803-019-00013-9 prism.endingPage 250 prism.issn 2524-7840 prism.number 2 prism.publicationDate 2019-06-28 prism.publicationName International Journal of Digital Humanities prism.rightsAgent prism.section OriginalPaper prism.startingPage 235 prism.url prism.volume 1 resourceName b'work_r2xqygg7wvamtpr6da22cpnmsm.pdf' title Tracking the evolution of translated documents: revisions, languages and contaminations | SpringerLink twitter:card summary twitter:image:alt Content cover image twitter:site @SpringerLink viewport width=device-width, initial-scale=1 work_ogmd4khudnaf3lv6cszd243bvm txt/../pos/work_ogmd4khudnaf3lv6cszd243bvm.pos work_bp5h7fwmhra6lei67xdw27i6by txt/../ent/work_bp5h7fwmhra6lei67xdw27i6by.ent INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_ykadjighvrerxgisawafryswae.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_6g5fvv6mtnfuvogiz3otmgdzum txt/../ent/work_6g5fvv6mtnfuvogiz3otmgdzum.ent === === id: work_l2lv5d6cdzbqnhpv3walinmbwu author: Mauro Guerrini title: ACOLIT: Un Progetto in Corso date: 1997 pages: 7 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_l2lv5d6cdzbqnhpv3walinmbwu.txt cache: ./cache/work_l2lv5d6cdzbqnhpv3walinmbwu.pdf Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2017-01-04T14:13:57Z Last-Modified 2017-01-04T14:18:13Z Last-Save-Date 2017-01-04T14:18:13Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 49 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2017-01-04T14:13:57Z date 2017-01-04T14:18:13Z dc:format application/pdf; version=1.6 dcterms:created 2017-01-04T14:13:57Z dcterms:modified 2017-01-04T14:18:13Z meta:creation-date 2017-01-04T14:13:57Z meta:save-date 2017-01-04T14:18:13Z modified 2017-01-04T14:18:13Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.6 pdf:charsPerPage ['3939', '5798', '6267', '5220', '5845', '5420', '2211'] pdf:docinfo:created 2017-01-04T14:13:57Z pdf:docinfo:creator_tool Adobe InDesign CC 2014 (Windows) pdf:docinfo:modified 2017-01-04T14:18:13Z pdf:docinfo:producer Adobe PDF Library 11.0 pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent true pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP true pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer Adobe PDF Library 11.0 resourceName b'work_l2lv5d6cdzbqnhpv3walinmbwu.pdf' xmp:CreatorTool Adobe InDesign CC 2014 (Windows) xmpMM:DocumentID uuid:9b8cc2bb-9748-47cb-908f-ea91ea9e1288 xmpTPg:NPages 7 work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgva txt/../wrd/work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgva.wrd work_jyhd4cxm5bafbmx2e44rjg4lqy txt/../ent/work_jyhd4cxm5bafbmx2e44rjg4lqy.ent INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_53isusw3bzhjpk7xlatqqjuqy4.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgva txt/../pos/work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgva.pos work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze txt/../ent/work_dtqpmklv3fgkhlutvc4a3ukmze.ent INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_yhsu6n2x25bvrkxnrys3cll2oq.htm' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === id: work_sr2z2fcg25f2dokho4nyhmjap4 author: Kaylin Land title: Predicting Author Gender Using Machine Learning Algorithms: Looking Beyond the Binary date: 2020 pages: 13 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_sr2z2fcg25f2dokho4nyhmjap4.txt cache: ./cache/work_sr2z2fcg25f2dokho4nyhmjap4.pdf Author Kaylin Land Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2020-10-09T17:35:38Z Last-Modified 2020-10-09T17:35:46Z Last-Save-Date 2020-10-09T17:35:46Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 3646 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject 2020. 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'2011-02-25T20:52:52Z', '2011-02-25T20:54:29Z', '2011-02-25T20:55:48Z', '2011-02-25T20:56:18Z', '2011-02-25T21:00:46Z', '2011-02-27T15:13:02Z', '2011-02-27T15:13:12Z', '2011-02-27T15:14:56Z', '2011-02-27T15:26:07Z', '2011-02-27T15:26:48Z', '2011-02-27T15:27:06Z', '2011-02-27T15:28:47Z', '2011-02-27T15:41:50Z', '2011-02-27T15:43:45Z', '2011-02-27T15:44:15Z', '2011-02-27T15:47:15Z', '2011-02-27T15:48:23Z', '2011-02-27T15:49:58Z', '2011-03-01T16:17:19Z', '2011-03-05T15:31:27Z', '2011-03-05T16:21:09Z', '2011-06-19T20:33:49Z', '2011-06-19T20:33:59Z', '2011-06-19T20:36:50Z', '2011-06-19T20:37:42Z', '2011-06-19T20:51:19Z', '2011-06-19T20:51:28Z', '2011-06-19T20:57:18Z', '2011-06-19T20:59:33Z', '2011-06-19T21:04:23Z', '2011-06-19T21:12:12Z', '2011-06-19T21:14:52Z', '2011-06-19T21:15:08Z', '2011-06-19T21:17:53Z', '2011-06-19T21:36:22Z', '2011-06-19T21:37:28Z', '2011-06-19T21:41:07Z', '2011-06-19T21:41:31Z', '2011-06-19T21:41:50Z', '2011-06-19T21:58:52Z', '2011-06-19T21:59:31Z', '2011-06-19T22:04:10Z', '2011-06-19T22:05:44Z', '2011-06-19T22:09:19Z', '2011-06-19T22:13:43Z', '2011-06-19T22:14:03Z', '2011-06-19T22:14:22Z', '2011-06-19T22:15:04Z', '2011-06-19T22:16:45Z', '2011-06-19T22:17:28Z', '2011-06-19T22:20:33Z', '2011-06-19T22:23:42Z', '2011-06-19T22:29:12Z', '2011-06-19T22:34:48Z', '2011-06-19T22:39:14Z', '2011-06-19T22:44:26Z', '2011-06-19T22:45:50Z', '2011-06-19T22:46:45Z', '2011-06-20T18:26:49Z', '2011-06-26T15:09:01Z', '2011-06-26T15:16:09Z', '2011-06-26T15:18:15Z', '2011-06-26T15:18:47Z', '2011-06-26T15:20:59Z', '2011-06-26T15:48:37Z', '2011-06-26T17:00:03Z', '2011-06-26T17:09:03Z', '2011-06-26T17:19:30Z', '2011-06-26T17:25:47Z', '2011-06-26T17:37:30Z', '2011-06-26T17:37:55Z', '2011-07-15T21:20:27Z', '2011-07-15T21:22:50Z', '2011-07-15T21:23:11Z', '2011-07-26T00:19:41Z', '2011-07-26T00:19:41Z', '2011-07-26T00:30:12Z', '2011-07-26T00:37:26Z', '2011-07-26T00:37:59Z', '2011-07-26T00:40:59Z', '2011-07-26T00:42:01Z', '2011-07-26T00:42:25Z', '2011-07-26T00:48:16Z', '2011-07-26T00:49:06Z', '2011-07-26T00:49:17Z', '2011-07-26T00:50:33Z', '2011-07-26T00:50:37Z', '2011-07-26T00:51:01Z', '2011-07-26T00:51:22Z', '2011-07-26T00:53:56Z', '2011-07-26T00:54:57Z', '2011-07-26T00:55:18Z', '2011-07-26T00:56:54Z', '2011-07-26T00:58:24Z', '2011-07-26T01:01:04Z', '2011-07-26T01:02:07Z', '2011-07-26T01:03:28Z', '2011-07-26T01:03:55Z', '2011-07-26T01:08:54Z', '2011-07-26T01:09:02Z', '2011-07-26T01:09:17Z', '2011-07-26T01:10:58Z', '2011-07-26T01:20:10Z', '2011-07-26T01:21:30Z', '2011-07-26T01:28:52Z', '2011-08-10T11:22:26Z', '2011-08-10T11:23:01Z', '2011-08-10T11:25:28Z', '2011-08-10T11:31:23Z', '2011-08-10T11:34:05Z', '2011-08-10T11:34:22Z', '2011-08-10T11:35:09Z', '2011-08-10T11:36:58Z', '2011-08-10T11:37:24Z', '2011-08-10T11:41:45Z', '2011-08-10T11:42:13Z', '2011-08-10T11:42:32Z', '2011-08-13T23:05:19Z', '2011-08-29T16:46:16Z', '2011-08-29T16:53:35Z', '2011-08-29T16:57:03Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:20Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:39Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:59Z', '2011-08-29T17:00:22Z', '2011-08-29T17:10:08Z', '2011-08-29T17:28:57Z', '2011-08-29T17:31:27Z', '2011-08-29T17:31:39Z', '2011-08-31T21:57:13Z', '2011-08-31T21:57:28Z', '2011-08-31T22:06:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:12:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:13:53Z', '2011-08-31T22:17:10Z', '2011-08-31T22:17:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:22:51Z', '2011-08-31T22:23:36Z', '2011-08-31T22:27:58Z', '2011-08-31T22:28:33Z', '2011-08-31T22:30:14Z', '2011-08-31T22:31:42Z', '2011-08-31T22:32:03Z', '2011-08-31T22:42:54Z', '2011-11-10T21:36:57Z', '2011-11-10T21:53:48Z', '2011-11-10T21:54:57Z', '2011-11-10T22:09:19Z', '2011-11-10T22:11:16Z', '2011-11-10T22:14:49Z', '2011-11-10T22:19:49Z', '2011-11-10T22:39:16Z', '2011-11-10T22:41:34Z', '2011-11-10T22:50:58Z', '2011-11-10T22:55:08Z', '2011-11-10T23:01:37Z', '2011-11-10T23:04:03Z', '2011-11-10T23:06:56Z', '2011-11-10T23:07:06Z', '2011-11-10T23:51:29Z', '2011-11-10T23:54:28Z', '2012-02-16T13:31:11Z', '2012-02-16T13:32:39Z', '2012-02-16T13:36:16Z', '2012-02-16T13:37:10Z', '2012-02-16T13:38:17Z', '2012-02-16T13:38:35Z', '2012-02-16T13:39:36Z', '2012-02-16T13:47:08Z', '2012-02-16T13:47:44Z', '2012-02-16T13:48:03Z', '2012-02-16T13:54:37Z', '2012-02-16T13:54:51Z', '2012-02-16T13:55:14Z', '2012-02-16T13:57:19Z', '2012-02-16T13:59:53Z', '2012-02-16T14:02:18Z', '2012-02-16T14:05:47Z', '2012-02-16T14:06:38Z', '2012-02-16T14:11:27Z', '2012-02-16T14:12:10Z', '2012-02-16T14:13:02Z', '2012-02-16T14:15:17Z', '2012-02-16T14:15:35Z', '2012-02-16T14:16:21Z', '2012-02-16T14:17:25Z', '2012-02-16T14:18:00Z', '2012-02-16T14:25:17Z', '2012-02-16T14:29:07Z', '2012-02-16T14:34:20Z', '2012-02-16T14:39:28Z', '2012-02-16T14:44:36Z', '2012-02-16T14:44:55Z', '2012-02-16T14:51:33Z', '2012-02-16T14:55:35Z', '2012-02-16T14:56:08Z', '2012-02-16T14:56:53Z', '2012-02-16T14:57:40Z', '2012-02-16T15:03:50Z', '2012-02-16T15:07:02Z', '2012-02-16T19:30:14Z', '2012-02-16T19:33:37Z', '2012-02-16T19:34:16Z', '2012-02-16T19:35:03Z', '2012-02-16T19:39:02Z', '2012-02-16T19:39:19Z', '2012-02-16T19:41:58Z', '2012-02-16T19:44:36Z', '2012-02-16T19:45:28Z', '2012-02-16T19:51:19Z', '2012-02-16T22:18:30Z', '2012-02-16T22:19:05Z', '2012-02-16T22:23:14Z', '2012-02-16T22:26:46Z', '2012-02-16T22:27:07Z', '2012-02-16T22:28:01Z', '2012-02-16T22:29:35Z', '2012-02-16T22:30:23Z', '2012-02-16T22:32:32Z', '2012-02-16T22:38:37Z', '2012-02-16T22:48:57Z', '2012-02-16T22:49:12Z', '2012-02-16T22:53:40Z', '2012-02-16T22:55:21Z', '2012-02-16T22:56:44Z', '2012-02-16T22:57:42Z', '2012-02-16T22:59:48Z', '2012-02-16T23:00:50Z', '2012-02-16T23:57:20Z', '2012-02-16T23:57:42Z', '2012-02-17T00:00:20Z', '2012-02-17T00:03:27Z', '2012-02-18T11:25:53Z', '2012-02-19T17:00:50Z', '2012-02-19T17:01:38Z', '2012-02-19T17:06:27Z', '2012-03-03T19:13:44Z', '2012-03-03T19:17:44Z', '2012-03-03T19:18:26Z', '2012-03-03T19:19:19Z', '2012-03-03T19:22:56Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:28Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:41Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:50Z', '2012-03-03T19:24:04Z', '2012-03-03T19:30:55Z', '2012-03-03T19:37:06Z', '2012-04-01T15:43:40Z', '2012-04-01T15:45:15Z', '2012-04-01T15:51:20Z', '2012-04-01T15:56:42Z', '2012-04-01T16:35:08Z', '2012-04-01T16:41:27Z', '2012-04-01T16:50:44Z', '2012-04-01T17:02:45Z', '2012-04-01T17:05:47Z', '2012-04-01T17:08:44Z', '2012-04-01T17:15:27Z', '2012-04-01T17:17:16Z', '2012-04-01T17:19:38Z', '2012-04-01T17:20:30Z', '2012-04-01T17:24:46Z', '2012-04-01T17:30:13Z', '2012-04-01T17:30:29Z', '2012-04-01T17:31:01Z', '2012-04-01T17:31:31Z', '2012-04-01T17:34:59Z', '2012-04-01T18:12:25Z', '2012-04-01T18:13:23Z', '2012-04-01T18:19:41Z', '2012-04-03T12:31:27Z', '2012-04-03T12:36:13Z', '2012-04-03T12:36:51Z', '2012-05-06T11:58:51Z', '2012-05-29T22:24:44Z', '2012-05-29T22:25:00Z', '2012-05-29T22:25:16Z', '2012-05-29T22:32:44Z', '2012-05-29T22:34:51Z', '2012-05-29T22:35:55Z', '2012-05-29T22:44:49Z', '2012-06-18T21:51:16Z', '2012-06-23T19:02:40Z', '2012-06-23T19:21:09Z', '2012-06-23T19:31:43Z', '2012-06-23T19:34:22Z', '2012-06-23T19:34:37Z', '2012-07-14T14:36:29Z', '2012-07-14T14:45:11Z', '2012-07-14T14:45:26Z', '2012-08-08T22:24:12Z', '2012-08-08T22:24:12Z', '2012-08-09T21:36:14Z', '2012-08-09T21:36:24Z', '2012-08-09T22:00:24Z', '2012-08-09T22:05:44Z', '2012-08-19T19:25:32Z', '2012-08-19T21:24:42Z', '2012-08-19T21:46:28Z', '2012-09-10T12:16:46Z', '2012-09-10T12:18:34Z', '2012-09-10T12:19:55Z', '2012-09-10T12:23:14Z', '2012-09-10T12:23:25Z', '2012-09-10T12:35:23Z', '2012-09-10T12:36:36Z', '2012-09-10T12:40:43Z', '2012-09-10T12:41:40Z', '2012-09-10T12:45:20Z', '2012-09-10T12:53:57Z', '2012-09-10T18:03:16Z', '2012-09-10T18:05:04Z', '2012-09-10T18:07:34Z', '2012-09-17T22:32:22Z', '2012-09-17T22:33:52Z', '2012-09-17T22:38:07Z', '2012-10-18T19:33:17Z', '2012-10-18T19:34:52Z', '2012-10-18T20:12:16Z', '2012-10-18T21:24:59Z', '2012-10-18T22:24:28Z', '2012-10-18T22:25:55Z', '2012-10-18T22:30:16Z', '2012-10-18T22:30:26Z', '2012-10-18T23:05:47Z', '2012-10-18T23:13:53Z', '2012-10-18T23:16:22Z', '2012-10-18T23:18:29Z', '2012-10-18T23:20:07Z', '2012-10-31T19:49:08Z', '2012-10-31T19:49:58Z', '2012-10-31T19:50:10Z', '2012-10-31T19:52:46Z', '2012-10-31T19:54:00Z', '2012-10-31T19:55:44Z', '2012-10-31T19:56:13Z', '2012-10-31T19:57:36Z', '2012-10-31T19:57:49Z', '2012-10-31T19:58:33Z', '2012-10-31T20:07:55Z', '2012-10-31T20:08:05Z', '2012-11-16T13:10:57Z', '2012-11-16T14:04:50Z', '2012-11-17T13:52:53Z', '2012-11-17T13:53:46Z', '2012-11-17T13:57:01Z', '2012-11-17T14:03:12Z', '2012-11-17T14:04:52Z', '2012-11-17T14:09:39Z', '2012-11-17T14:11:34Z', '2012-11-17T14:13:59Z', '2012-11-17T14:16:47Z', '2012-11-17T14:16:58Z', '2012-11-17T14:17:11Z', '2012-11-17T14:25:17Z', '2012-11-17T14:25:52Z', '2012-11-17T14:26:08Z', '2012-11-17T14:26:33Z', '2012-11-19T13:45:18Z', '2012-12-18T16:08:06Z', '2012-12-18T16:08:06Z', '2012-12-18T16:10:26Z', '2012-12-18T16:46:14Z', '2012-12-18T17:49:15Z', '2012-12-19T10:41:05Z', '2012-12-19T14:29:29Z', '2012-12-19T14:29:29Z', '2012-12-19T14:33:19Z', '2012-12-19T14:33:19Z', '2012-12-20T11:39:16Z', '2012-12-20T13:06:16Z', '2012-12-20T13:15:15Z', '2012-12-20T13:25:38Z', '2012-12-20T13:27:00Z', '2012-12-20T15:06:37Z', '2012-12-20T15:25:35Z', '2012-12-20T15:28:45Z', '2012-12-20T15:37:27Z', '2012-12-20T15:56:45Z', '2012-12-20T16:10:35Z', '2012-12-20T16:18:25Z', '2012-12-20T16:35:21Z', '2012-12-20T16:45:26Z', '2012-12-20T16:46:52Z', '2013-01-04T16:10:08Z', '2013-01-04T16:10:08Z', '2013-01-04T17:11:03Z', '2013-01-04T17:26:30Z', '2013-01-04T17:47:08Z', '2013-01-07T11:23:43Z', '2013-01-07T11:26:39Z', '2013-01-07T11:34:07Z', '2013-01-07T11:57:45Z', '2013-01-07T12:00:01Z', '2013-01-07T12:22:45Z', '2013-01-07T13:15:38Z', '2013-01-07T13:31:23Z', '2013-01-07T13:33:32Z', '2013-01-07T13:36:44Z', '2013-01-07T13:51:56Z', '2013-01-07T13:51:56Z', '2013-01-09T16:39:14Z', '2013-01-10T10:11:19Z', '2013-01-10T10:12:19Z', '2013-01-10T10:12:19Z', '2013-01-10T12:15:24Z', '2013-01-10T12:16:32Z', '2013-01-11T17:45:13Z', '2013-01-14T17:13:31Z', '2013-01-14T17:15:15Z', '2013-01-14T17:58:04Z', '2013-01-14T18:30:15Z', '2013-01-14T18:31:01Z', '2013-01-14T18:50:18Z', '2013-01-15T09:47:44Z', '2013-01-15T12:40:07Z', '2013-01-15T12:40:38Z', '2013-01-15T12:45:29Z', '2013-01-15T13:14:00Z', '2013-01-17T13:11:01Z', '2013-01-17T13:11:01Z', '2013-01-17T13:12:13Z', '2013-01-17T13:23:03Z', '2013-01-17T13:24:25Z', '2013-01-17T13:27:51Z', '2013-01-17T13:28:03Z', '2013-01-17T13:51:20Z', '2013-01-17T14:00:00Z', '2013-01-17T14:02:21Z', '2013-01-17T14:27:49Z', '2013-01-17T14:30:01Z', '2013-01-17T14:38:55Z', '2013-01-17T14:41:12Z', '2013-01-17T12:29:59Z', '2013-01-17T12:29:59Z', '2013-01-17T12:44:39Z', '2013-01-17T12:44:39Z', '2013-01-28T11:28:34Z', '2013-01-28T11:28:34Z', '2013-01-28T11:50:31Z', '2013-01-28T11:50:31Z', '2013-01-28T12:58:43Z', '2013-01-28T13:07:27Z', '2013-01-28T13:22:09Z', '2013-01-28T13:49:27Z', '2013-01-28T13:49:27Z', '2013-01-29T13:37:52Z', '2013-01-29T13:37:52Z', '2013-01-29T13:48:48Z', '2013-01-29T13:51:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:25:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:25:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:28:40Z', '2013-01-29T17:54:15Z', '2013-01-30T12:43:49Z', '2013-01-30T12:43:49Z', '2013-01-30T12:50:39Z', '2013-01-30T13:16:55Z', '2013-01-30T13:16:55Z', '2013-02-04T10:39:46Z', '2013-02-04T10:39:46Z', '2013-02-04T11:10:53Z', '2013-02-04T11:10:53Z', '2013-02-04T11:22:40Z', '2013-02-04T11:22:40Z', '2013-02-04T11:23:24Z', '2013-02-04T11:26:03Z', '2013-02-04T11:26:03Z', '2013-02-04T12:41:28Z', '2013-02-04T12:41:28Z', '2013-02-04T12:43:17Z', '2013-02-04T12:46:51Z', '2013-02-04T12:59:49Z', '2013-02-04T12:59:49Z', '2013-02-04T13:58:42Z', '2013-02-04T13:58:42Z', '2013-02-04T14:05:08Z', '2013-02-22T11:14:40Z', '2013-02-22T11:14:40Z', '2013-02-22T15:17:36Z', '2013-02-22T15:17:36Z', '2013-02-22T15:39:54Z', '2013-02-22T15:41:37Z', '2013-02-22T15:42:13Z', '2013-02-22T15:43:31Z', '2013-02-22T17:17:33Z', '2013-02-22T17:19:38Z', '2013-02-22T17:22:15Z', '2013-03-06T12:21:50Z', '2013-03-06T12:21:50Z', '2013-05-20T15:10:04Z', '2013-05-20T15:10:04Z', '2013-09-27T15:39:26Z', '2013-09-27T15:39:26Z', '2013-09-27T15:42:03Z', '2013-09-27T15:42:03Z', '2013-09-27T16:04:30Z', '2013-09-27T16:04:30Z', '2013-11-21T17:33:25Z', '2013-11-21T17:33:25Z', '2013-11-22T17:11:41Z', '2013-11-22T17:11:41Z', '2013-11-22T17:18:00Z', '2013-11-22T17:33:56Z', '2013-11-22T17:45:45Z', '2013-11-25T13:31:36Z', '2013-11-25T13:31:36Z', '2013-11-25T13:52:12Z', '2013-11-25T14:28:49Z', '2013-11-25T14:37:21Z', '2013-11-25T14:50:48Z', '2013-11-25T17:35:34Z', '2014-02-05T18:05:35Z', '2014-02-05T18:05:35Z', '2014-02-05T18:15:44Z', '2014-02-06T12:34:12Z', '2014-02-06T12:34:12Z', '2014-02-06T13:26:09Z', '2014-02-07T09:57:07Z', '2014-02-07T09:57:07Z', '2014-02-07T09:59:22Z', '2014-02-07T10:06:29Z', '2014-02-10T13:15:30Z', '2014-02-10T13:15:30Z', '2014-02-10T14:39:09Z', '2014-02-10T14:39:09Z', '2014-02-10T14:52:21Z', '2014-02-10T15:50:27Z', '2014-02-10T15:51:39Z', '2014-02-10T16:51:18Z', '2014-02-10T16:51:18Z', '2014-02-10T17:05:27Z', '2014-02-10T17:17:23Z', '2014-02-11T11:07:40Z', '2014-02-11T11:07:40Z', '2014-02-11T15:25:23Z', '2014-02-11T15:25:23Z', '2014-02-11T15:38:50Z', '2014-02-11T17:22:21Z', '2014-02-11T17:24:34Z', '2014-02-12T11:32:27Z', '2014-02-12T11:32:28Z', '2014-02-12T11:38:31Z', '2014-02-12T12:46:29Z', '2014-02-12T12:46:29Z', '2014-02-12T12:51:05Z', '2014-02-12T12:51:59Z', '2014-02-12T13:45:40Z', '2014-02-12T13:47:43Z', '2014-02-12T14:52:40Z', '2014-02-12T14:54:54Z', '2014-02-13T14:56:23Z', '2014-02-13T14:56:23Z', '2014-02-13T14:58:48Z', '2014-02-13T15:19:42Z', '2014-02-13T15:24:06Z', '2014-02-17T13:21:27Z', '2014-02-17T13:21:27Z', '2014-02-17T13:26:25Z', '2014-02-17T13:31:16Z', '2014-02-17T14:44:23Z', '2014-02-17T14:44:23Z', '2014-02-18T10:17:03Z', '2014-02-18T10:17:03Z', '2014-02-18T10:20:45Z', '2014-02-18T10:25:26Z', '2014-02-19T10:29:19Z', '2014-02-19T10:29:19Z', '2014-03-07T16:34:06Z', '2014-03-07T16:34:06Z', '2014-03-07T12:13:06Z', '2014-03-07T12:13:06Z', '2014-10-29T17:28:30Z', '2014-10-29T17:28:30Z', 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'2015-08-20T13:36:55Z', '2015-08-20T13:38:14Z', '2015-08-20T13:42:30Z', '2015-08-28T14:17:18Z', '2015-08-28T14:22:24Z', '2015-08-28T14:23:44Z', '2015-08-28T14:25:44Z', '2015-08-28T14:35:57Z', '2015-08-28T14:37:49Z', '2015-08-31T10:54:51Z', '2015-08-31T10:55:39Z', '2015-08-31T10:55:53Z', '2015-08-31T11:07:34Z', '2015-08-31T11:08:29Z', '2015-08-31T11:09:41Z', '2015-09-07T10:53:16Z', '2015-09-07T11:00:12Z', '2015-09-07T11:01:31Z', '2015-09-07T11:03:04Z', '2015-09-07T11:03:55Z', '2015-09-07T11:04:49Z', '2015-09-07T11:05:48Z', '2015-09-07T11:09:56Z', '2015-09-07T11:11:28Z', '2015-09-07T11:13:44Z', '2015-09-07T11:15:04Z', '2015-09-07T11:15:20Z', '2015-09-07T14:52:15Z', '2015-09-14T16:35:28Z', '2015-09-21T18:32:57Z', '2015-09-21T18:41:30Z', '2015-09-21T19:05:13Z', '2015-09-21T19:06:25Z', '2015-09-22T15:37:35Z', '2016-01-22T11:35:16Z', '2016-01-22T11:37:40Z', '2016-01-22T11:38:31Z', '2016-01-22T11:38:40Z', '2016-01-22T12:54:30Z', '2016-01-22T12:58:02Z', '2016-01-22T12:58:34Z', '2016-01-22T13:11:02Z', '2016-01-22T13:15:21Z', '2016-01-22T13:16:02Z', '2016-01-22T13:17:34Z', '2016-01-22T13:17:45Z', '2016-01-22T13:21:51Z', '2016-01-27T15:03:51Z', '2016-01-27T15:06:31Z', '2016-01-27T15:07:16Z', '2016-01-27T15:08:04Z', '2016-01-27T15:24:39Z', '2016-01-27T15:50:03Z', '2016-01-27T18:43:36Z', '2016-01-28T16:08:58Z', '2016-01-28T16:11:10Z', '2016-01-28T19:44:41Z', '2016-01-28T19:50:51Z', '2016-01-28T19:51:02Z', '2016-01-28T19:51:25Z', '2016-01-28T20:02:19Z', '2016-02-03T20:04:43Z', '2016-02-03T20:04:43Z', '2016-02-03T20:08:10Z', '2016-02-03T20:15:57Z', '2016-02-03T20:17:45Z', '2016-02-03T20:18:55Z', '2016-02-03T20:21:30Z', '2016-02-03T20:24:21Z', '2016-02-03T20:40:05Z', '2016-02-04T11:00:28Z', '2016-02-04T11:16:07Z', '2016-02-04T11:18:02Z', '2016-02-04T11:26:51Z', '2016-02-04T11:32:38Z', '2016-02-04T11:37:23Z', '2016-02-04T11:38:38Z', '2016-02-04T11:49:33Z', '2016-02-04T11:52:43Z', '2016-02-04T11:56:31Z', '2016-02-04T11:58:36Z', '2016-02-04T12:00:20Z', '2016-02-04T12:00:52Z', '2016-02-04T12:05:29Z', '2016-02-04T12:08:58Z', '2016-02-04T12:10:25Z', '2016-02-04T12:10:45Z', '2016-02-04T12:33:11Z', '2016-02-04T12:33:47Z', '2016-02-04T12:34:45Z', '2016-02-04T12:36:47Z', '2016-02-04T17:29:21Z', '2016-02-04T17:33:58Z', '2016-02-04T17:35:10Z', '2016-02-04T17:36:02Z', '2016-02-04T17:38:10Z', '2016-02-05T09:24:30Z', '2016-02-05T09:39:38Z', '2016-02-05T10:01:25Z', '2016-02-05T11:10:54Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:32Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:47Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:58Z', '2016-02-05T11:35:02Z', '2016-02-05T11:38:15Z', '2016-02-05T12:21:57Z', '2016-02-05T12:22:43Z', '2016-02-05T12:27:07Z', '2016-02-05T12:28:39Z', '2016-02-05T12:29:05Z', '2016-02-05T12:44:54Z', '2016-02-06T14:59:53Z', '2016-02-06T15:05:35Z', '2016-02-06T15:06:08Z', '2016-02-06T15:06:28Z', '2016-02-06T15:10:00Z', '2016-02-06T15:11:56Z', '2016-02-06T15:13:27Z', '2016-02-06T15:14:36Z', '2016-02-06T15:14:44Z', '2016-02-06T15:25:29Z', '2016-02-08T15:35:24Z', '2016-02-09T16:55:58Z', '2016-02-09T16:56:18Z', '2016-02-09T17:28:36Z', '2016-02-09T17:30:00Z', '2016-02-09T17:31:21Z', '2016-02-09T17:31:38Z', '2016-02-10T15:25:38Z', '2016-02-10T15:26:00Z', '2016-02-10T15:26:24Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:28Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:47Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:52Z', '2016-02-10T15:28:12Z', '2016-02-10T15:28:31Z', '2016-02-10T15:29:21Z', '2016-02-10T15:29:50Z', '2016-02-10T15:30:25Z', '2016-02-10T15:31:04Z', '2016-02-10T15:32:04Z', '2016-02-10T15:32:26Z', '2016-02-10T15:34:23Z', '2016-02-10T15:36:01Z', '2016-02-15T20:06:02Z', '2016-02-15T20:08:57Z', '2016-02-15T20:24:47Z', '2016-02-16T12:15:14Z', '2016-02-16T12:17:51Z', '2016-02-16T12:27:58Z', '2016-02-16T12:32:44Z', '2016-02-16T12:34:05Z', '2016-02-16T12:36:37Z', '2016-02-16T12:38:31Z', '2016-02-16T12:49:25Z', '2016-02-16T12:55:00Z', '2016-02-16T12:57:06Z', '2016-02-16T16:15:23Z', '2016-02-18T11:00:45Z', '2016-02-18T11:03:27Z', '2016-02-19T13:14:21Z', '2016-02-19T13:16:17Z', '2016-02-19T14:41:47Z', '2016-02-19T14:42:19Z', '2016-02-19T14:47:18Z', '2016-02-19T14:52:42Z', '2016-02-19T14:55:26Z', '2016-02-19T15:00:21Z', '2016-02-19T15:06:37Z', '2016-02-19T15:10:56Z', '2016-02-19T15:11:20Z', '2016-02-19T15:12:04Z', '2016-02-19T15:12:33Z', '2016-02-19T15:12:56Z', '2016-02-19T15:13:04Z', '2016-02-19T15:13:19Z', '2016-02-19T15:13:48Z', '2016-02-19T15:14:49Z', '2016-02-19T15:16:20Z', '2016-02-19T15:16:52Z', '2016-02-19T15:22:53Z', '2016-02-19T15:32:57Z', '2016-02-19T15:33:11Z', '2016-02-19T15:34:47Z', '2016-02-19T15:37:29Z', '2016-02-19T15:38:25Z', '2016-02-19T15:38:38Z', '2016-02-19T15:39:20Z', '2016-02-19T15:40:59Z', '2016-02-19T15:47:14Z', '2016-02-19T15:49:40Z', '2016-02-19T15:50:12Z', '2016-02-19T15:50:55Z', '2016-02-19T15:58:47Z', '2016-02-19T16:00:52Z', '2016-02-19T16:01:39Z', '2016-02-19T16:02:13Z', '2016-02-19T16:02:24Z', '2016-02-19T16:08:01Z', '2016-02-19T16:08:21Z', '2016-02-19T16:13:06Z', '2016-02-19T16:13:19Z', '2016-02-19T16:13:34Z', '2016-02-19T16:15:14Z', '2016-02-19T16:15:59Z', '2016-02-19T16:16:23Z', '2016-02-19T16:17:44Z', '2016-02-19T16:18:16Z', '2016-02-19T16:19:49Z', '2016-02-19T16:21:27Z', '2016-02-19T16:22:53Z', '2016-02-19T16:23:06Z', '2016-02-19T16:23:29Z', '2016-02-19T16:28:59Z', '2016-02-19T16:30:13Z', '2016-02-19T16:31:27Z', '2016-02-19T16:32:45Z', '2016-02-19T17:27:40Z', '2016-02-19T17:27:55Z', '2016-02-19T17:32:36Z', '2016-02-20T14:03:58Z', '2016-02-20T14:04:50Z', '2016-02-20T14:05:35Z', '2016-02-20T14:07:01Z', '2016-02-20T14:08:13Z', '2016-02-20T14:09:50Z', '2016-02-20T14:10:14Z', '2016-02-20T14:49:24Z', '2016-02-20T14:49:33Z', '2016-02-20T17:19:02Z', '2016-02-20T17:33:52Z', '2016-02-22T11:25:22Z', '2016-02-22T11:27:08Z', '2016-02-22T11:27:38Z', '2016-02-26T17:26:01Z', '2016-02-26T17:26:12Z', '2016-02-26T17:26:23Z', '2016-02-26T17:40:15Z', '2016-02-26T17:40:25Z', '2016-02-26T17:43:16Z', '2016-02-26T17:44:12Z', '2016-02-26T17:44:38Z', '2016-02-26T17:45:11Z', '2016-02-26T17:45:34Z', '2016-02-26T17:46:08Z', '2016-02-26T17:46:38Z', '2016-02-26T17:48:11Z', '2016-02-26T19:07:36Z', '2016-02-27T15:15:28Z', '2016-02-27T17:35:31Z', '2016-02-29T13:32:43Z', '2016-03-08T19:12:25Z', '2016-03-08T19:14:37Z', '2016-03-09T11:25:32Z', '2016-04-13T16:23:53Z', '2016-04-13T16:24:45Z', '2016-04-13T16:25:20Z', '2016-04-13T16:25:27Z', '2016-04-13T16:33:58Z', '2016-04-13T17:33:33Z', '2016-04-13T17:40:58Z', '2016-04-13T17:48:01Z', '2016-04-13T17:49:24Z', '2016-04-13T17:55:34Z', '2016-04-13T17:59:54Z', '2016-04-13T18:01:41Z', '2016-04-13T18:04:38Z', '2016-04-13T18:05:23Z', '2016-04-13T18:05:45Z', '2016-04-13T18:05:58Z', '2016-04-13T18:06:54Z', '2016-04-13T18:07:41Z', '2016-04-13T18:08:00Z', '2016-04-13T18:10:38Z', '2016-04-13T18:11:39Z', '2016-04-13T18:12:27Z', '2016-04-13T18:14:39Z', '2016-04-13T18:15:30Z', '2016-04-13T18:15:47Z', '2016-04-13T18:41:30Z', '2016-04-13T18:42:53Z', '2016-04-13T18:44:03Z', '2016-04-15T17:34:02Z', '2016-04-15T18:02:57Z', '2016-04-15T19:33:26Z', '2016-04-19T14:35:52Z', '2016-04-19T14:46:34Z', 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'2011-02-25T20:52:52Z', '2011-02-25T20:54:29Z', '2011-02-25T20:55:48Z', '2011-02-25T20:56:18Z', '2011-02-25T21:00:46Z', '2011-02-27T15:13:02Z', '2011-02-27T15:13:12Z', '2011-02-27T15:14:56Z', '2011-02-27T15:26:07Z', '2011-02-27T15:26:48Z', '2011-02-27T15:27:06Z', '2011-02-27T15:28:47Z', '2011-02-27T15:41:50Z', '2011-02-27T15:43:45Z', '2011-02-27T15:44:15Z', '2011-02-27T15:47:15Z', '2011-02-27T15:48:23Z', '2011-02-27T15:49:58Z', '2011-03-01T16:17:19Z', '2011-03-05T15:31:27Z', '2011-03-05T16:21:09Z', '2011-06-19T20:33:49Z', '2011-06-19T20:33:59Z', '2011-06-19T20:36:50Z', '2011-06-19T20:37:42Z', '2011-06-19T20:51:19Z', '2011-06-19T20:51:28Z', '2011-06-19T20:57:18Z', '2011-06-19T20:59:33Z', '2011-06-19T21:04:23Z', '2011-06-19T21:12:12Z', '2011-06-19T21:14:52Z', '2011-06-19T21:15:08Z', '2011-06-19T21:17:53Z', '2011-06-19T21:36:22Z', '2011-06-19T21:37:28Z', '2011-06-19T21:41:07Z', '2011-06-19T21:41:31Z', '2011-06-19T21:41:50Z', '2011-06-19T21:58:52Z', '2011-06-19T21:59:31Z', '2011-06-19T22:04:10Z', '2011-06-19T22:05:44Z', '2011-06-19T22:09:19Z', '2011-06-19T22:13:43Z', '2011-06-19T22:14:03Z', '2011-06-19T22:14:22Z', '2011-06-19T22:15:04Z', '2011-06-19T22:16:45Z', '2011-06-19T22:17:28Z', '2011-06-19T22:20:33Z', '2011-06-19T22:23:42Z', '2011-06-19T22:29:12Z', '2011-06-19T22:34:48Z', '2011-06-19T22:39:14Z', '2011-06-19T22:44:26Z', '2011-06-19T22:45:50Z', '2011-06-19T22:46:45Z', '2011-06-20T18:26:49Z', '2011-06-26T15:09:01Z', '2011-06-26T15:16:09Z', '2011-06-26T15:18:15Z', '2011-06-26T15:18:47Z', '2011-06-26T15:20:59Z', '2011-06-26T15:48:37Z', '2011-06-26T17:00:03Z', '2011-06-26T17:09:03Z', '2011-06-26T17:19:30Z', '2011-06-26T17:25:47Z', '2011-06-26T17:37:30Z', '2011-06-26T17:37:55Z', '2011-07-15T21:20:27Z', '2011-07-15T21:22:50Z', '2011-07-15T21:23:11Z', '2011-07-26T00:19:41Z', '2011-07-26T00:19:41Z', '2011-07-26T00:30:12Z', '2011-07-26T00:37:26Z', '2011-07-26T00:37:59Z', '2011-07-26T00:40:59Z', '2011-07-26T00:42:01Z', '2011-07-26T00:42:25Z', '2011-07-26T00:48:16Z', '2011-07-26T00:49:06Z', '2011-07-26T00:49:17Z', '2011-07-26T00:50:33Z', '2011-07-26T00:50:37Z', '2011-07-26T00:51:01Z', '2011-07-26T00:51:22Z', '2011-07-26T00:53:56Z', '2011-07-26T00:54:57Z', '2011-07-26T00:55:18Z', '2011-07-26T00:56:54Z', '2011-07-26T00:58:24Z', '2011-07-26T01:01:04Z', '2011-07-26T01:02:07Z', '2011-07-26T01:03:28Z', '2011-07-26T01:03:55Z', '2011-07-26T01:08:54Z', '2011-07-26T01:09:02Z', '2011-07-26T01:09:17Z', '2011-07-26T01:10:58Z', '2011-07-26T01:20:10Z', '2011-07-26T01:21:30Z', '2011-07-26T01:28:52Z', '2011-08-10T11:22:26Z', '2011-08-10T11:23:01Z', '2011-08-10T11:25:28Z', '2011-08-10T11:31:23Z', '2011-08-10T11:34:05Z', '2011-08-10T11:34:22Z', '2011-08-10T11:35:09Z', '2011-08-10T11:36:58Z', '2011-08-10T11:37:24Z', '2011-08-10T11:41:45Z', '2011-08-10T11:42:13Z', '2011-08-10T11:42:32Z', '2011-08-13T23:05:19Z', '2011-08-29T16:46:16Z', '2011-08-29T16:53:35Z', '2011-08-29T16:57:03Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:20Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:39Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:59Z', '2011-08-29T17:00:22Z', '2011-08-29T17:10:08Z', '2011-08-29T17:28:57Z', '2011-08-29T17:31:27Z', '2011-08-29T17:31:39Z', '2011-08-31T21:57:13Z', '2011-08-31T21:57:28Z', '2011-08-31T22:06:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:12:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:13:53Z', '2011-08-31T22:17:10Z', '2011-08-31T22:17:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:22:51Z', '2011-08-31T22:23:36Z', '2011-08-31T22:27:58Z', '2011-08-31T22:28:33Z', '2011-08-31T22:30:14Z', '2011-08-31T22:31:42Z', '2011-08-31T22:32:03Z', '2011-08-31T22:42:54Z', '2011-11-10T21:36:57Z', '2011-11-10T21:53:48Z', '2011-11-10T21:54:57Z', '2011-11-10T22:09:19Z', '2011-11-10T22:11:16Z', '2011-11-10T22:14:49Z', '2011-11-10T22:19:49Z', '2011-11-10T22:39:16Z', '2011-11-10T22:41:34Z', '2011-11-10T22:50:58Z', '2011-11-10T22:55:08Z', '2011-11-10T23:01:37Z', '2011-11-10T23:04:03Z', '2011-11-10T23:06:56Z', '2011-11-10T23:07:06Z', '2011-11-10T23:51:29Z', '2011-11-10T23:54:28Z', '2012-02-16T13:31:11Z', '2012-02-16T13:32:39Z', '2012-02-16T13:36:16Z', '2012-02-16T13:37:10Z', '2012-02-16T13:38:17Z', '2012-02-16T13:38:35Z', '2012-02-16T13:39:36Z', '2012-02-16T13:47:08Z', '2012-02-16T13:47:44Z', '2012-02-16T13:48:03Z', '2012-02-16T13:54:37Z', '2012-02-16T13:54:51Z', '2012-02-16T13:55:14Z', '2012-02-16T13:57:19Z', '2012-02-16T13:59:53Z', '2012-02-16T14:02:18Z', '2012-02-16T14:05:47Z', '2012-02-16T14:06:38Z', '2012-02-16T14:11:27Z', '2012-02-16T14:12:10Z', '2012-02-16T14:13:02Z', '2012-02-16T14:15:17Z', '2012-02-16T14:15:35Z', '2012-02-16T14:16:21Z', '2012-02-16T14:17:25Z', '2012-02-16T14:18:00Z', '2012-02-16T14:25:17Z', '2012-02-16T14:29:07Z', '2012-02-16T14:34:20Z', '2012-02-16T14:39:28Z', '2012-02-16T14:44:36Z', '2012-02-16T14:44:55Z', '2012-02-16T14:51:33Z', '2012-02-16T14:55:35Z', '2012-02-16T14:56:08Z', '2012-02-16T14:56:53Z', '2012-02-16T14:57:40Z', '2012-02-16T15:03:50Z', '2012-02-16T15:07:02Z', '2012-02-16T19:30:14Z', '2012-02-16T19:33:37Z', '2012-02-16T19:34:16Z', '2012-02-16T19:35:03Z', '2012-02-16T19:39:02Z', '2012-02-16T19:39:19Z', '2012-02-16T19:41:58Z', '2012-02-16T19:44:36Z', '2012-02-16T19:45:28Z', '2012-02-16T19:51:19Z', '2012-02-16T22:18:30Z', '2012-02-16T22:19:05Z', '2012-02-16T22:23:14Z', '2012-02-16T22:26:46Z', '2012-02-16T22:27:07Z', '2012-02-16T22:28:01Z', '2012-02-16T22:29:35Z', '2012-02-16T22:30:23Z', '2012-02-16T22:32:32Z', '2012-02-16T22:38:37Z', '2012-02-16T22:48:57Z', '2012-02-16T22:49:12Z', '2012-02-16T22:53:40Z', '2012-02-16T22:55:21Z', '2012-02-16T22:56:44Z', '2012-02-16T22:57:42Z', '2012-02-16T22:59:48Z', '2012-02-16T23:00:50Z', '2012-02-16T23:57:20Z', '2012-02-16T23:57:42Z', '2012-02-17T00:00:20Z', '2012-02-17T00:03:27Z', '2012-02-18T11:25:53Z', '2012-02-19T17:00:50Z', '2012-02-19T17:01:38Z', '2012-02-19T17:06:27Z', '2012-03-03T19:13:44Z', '2012-03-03T19:17:44Z', '2012-03-03T19:18:26Z', '2012-03-03T19:19:19Z', '2012-03-03T19:22:56Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:28Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:41Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:50Z', '2012-03-03T19:24:04Z', '2012-03-03T19:30:55Z', '2012-03-03T19:37:06Z', '2012-04-01T15:43:40Z', '2012-04-01T15:45:15Z', '2012-04-01T15:51:20Z', '2012-04-01T15:56:42Z', '2012-04-01T16:35:08Z', '2012-04-01T16:41:27Z', '2012-04-01T16:50:44Z', '2012-04-01T17:02:45Z', '2012-04-01T17:05:47Z', '2012-04-01T17:08:44Z', '2012-04-01T17:15:27Z', '2012-04-01T17:17:16Z', '2012-04-01T17:19:38Z', '2012-04-01T17:20:30Z', '2012-04-01T17:24:46Z', '2012-04-01T17:30:13Z', '2012-04-01T17:30:29Z', '2012-04-01T17:31:01Z', '2012-04-01T17:31:31Z', '2012-04-01T17:34:59Z', '2012-04-01T18:12:25Z', '2012-04-01T18:13:23Z', '2012-04-01T18:19:41Z', '2012-04-03T12:31:27Z', '2012-04-03T12:36:13Z', '2012-04-03T12:36:51Z', '2012-05-06T11:58:51Z', '2012-05-29T22:24:44Z', '2012-05-29T22:25:00Z', '2012-05-29T22:25:16Z', '2012-05-29T22:32:44Z', '2012-05-29T22:34:51Z', '2012-05-29T22:35:55Z', '2012-05-29T22:44:49Z', '2012-06-18T21:51:16Z', '2012-06-23T19:02:40Z', '2012-06-23T19:21:09Z', '2012-06-23T19:31:43Z', '2012-06-23T19:34:22Z', '2012-06-23T19:34:37Z', '2012-07-14T14:36:29Z', '2012-07-14T14:45:11Z', '2012-07-14T14:45:26Z', '2012-08-08T22:24:12Z', '2012-08-08T22:24:12Z', '2012-08-09T21:36:14Z', '2012-08-09T21:36:24Z', '2012-08-09T22:00:24Z', '2012-08-09T22:05:44Z', '2012-08-19T19:25:32Z', '2012-08-19T21:24:42Z', '2012-08-19T21:46:28Z', '2012-09-10T12:16:46Z', '2012-09-10T12:18:34Z', '2012-09-10T12:19:55Z', '2012-09-10T12:23:14Z', '2012-09-10T12:23:25Z', '2012-09-10T12:35:23Z', '2012-09-10T12:36:36Z', '2012-09-10T12:40:43Z', '2012-09-10T12:41:40Z', '2012-09-10T12:45:20Z', '2012-09-10T12:53:57Z', '2012-09-10T18:03:16Z', '2012-09-10T18:05:04Z', '2012-09-10T18:07:34Z', '2012-09-17T22:32:22Z', '2012-09-17T22:33:52Z', '2012-09-17T22:38:07Z', '2012-10-18T19:33:17Z', '2012-10-18T19:34:52Z', '2012-10-18T20:12:16Z', '2012-10-18T21:24:59Z', '2012-10-18T22:24:28Z', '2012-10-18T22:25:55Z', '2012-10-18T22:30:16Z', '2012-10-18T22:30:26Z', '2012-10-18T23:05:47Z', '2012-10-18T23:13:53Z', '2012-10-18T23:16:22Z', '2012-10-18T23:18:29Z', '2012-10-18T23:20:07Z', '2012-10-31T19:49:08Z', '2012-10-31T19:49:58Z', '2012-10-31T19:50:10Z', '2012-10-31T19:52:46Z', '2012-10-31T19:54:00Z', '2012-10-31T19:55:44Z', '2012-10-31T19:56:13Z', '2012-10-31T19:57:36Z', '2012-10-31T19:57:49Z', '2012-10-31T19:58:33Z', '2012-10-31T20:07:55Z', '2012-10-31T20:08:05Z', '2012-11-16T13:10:57Z', '2012-11-16T14:04:50Z', '2012-11-17T13:52:53Z', '2012-11-17T13:53:46Z', '2012-11-17T13:57:01Z', '2012-11-17T14:03:12Z', '2012-11-17T14:04:52Z', '2012-11-17T14:09:39Z', '2012-11-17T14:11:34Z', '2012-11-17T14:13:59Z', '2012-11-17T14:16:47Z', '2012-11-17T14:16:58Z', '2012-11-17T14:17:11Z', '2012-11-17T14:25:17Z', '2012-11-17T14:25:52Z', '2012-11-17T14:26:08Z', '2012-11-17T14:26:33Z', '2012-11-19T13:45:18Z', '2012-12-18T16:08:06Z', '2012-12-18T16:08:06Z', '2012-12-18T16:10:26Z', '2012-12-18T16:46:14Z', '2012-12-18T17:49:15Z', '2012-12-19T10:41:05Z', '2012-12-19T14:29:29Z', '2012-12-19T14:29:29Z', '2012-12-19T14:33:19Z', '2012-12-19T14:33:19Z', '2012-12-20T11:39:16Z', '2012-12-20T13:06:16Z', '2012-12-20T13:15:15Z', '2012-12-20T13:25:38Z', '2012-12-20T13:27:00Z', '2012-12-20T15:06:37Z', '2012-12-20T15:25:35Z', '2012-12-20T15:28:45Z', '2012-12-20T15:37:27Z', '2012-12-20T15:56:45Z', '2012-12-20T16:10:35Z', '2012-12-20T16:18:25Z', '2012-12-20T16:35:21Z', '2012-12-20T16:45:26Z', '2012-12-20T16:46:52Z', '2013-01-04T16:10:08Z', '2013-01-04T16:10:08Z', '2013-01-04T17:11:03Z', '2013-01-04T17:26:30Z', '2013-01-04T17:47:08Z', '2013-01-07T11:23:43Z', '2013-01-07T11:26:39Z', '2013-01-07T11:34:07Z', '2013-01-07T11:57:45Z', '2013-01-07T12:00:01Z', '2013-01-07T12:22:45Z', '2013-01-07T13:15:38Z', '2013-01-07T13:31:23Z', '2013-01-07T13:33:32Z', '2013-01-07T13:36:44Z', '2013-01-07T13:51:56Z', '2013-01-07T13:51:56Z', '2013-01-09T16:39:14Z', '2013-01-10T10:11:19Z', '2013-01-10T10:12:19Z', '2013-01-10T10:12:19Z', '2013-01-10T12:15:24Z', '2013-01-10T12:16:32Z', '2013-01-11T17:45:13Z', '2013-01-14T17:13:31Z', '2013-01-14T17:15:15Z', '2013-01-14T17:58:04Z', '2013-01-14T18:30:15Z', '2013-01-14T18:31:01Z', '2013-01-14T18:50:18Z', '2013-01-15T09:47:44Z', '2013-01-15T12:40:07Z', '2013-01-15T12:40:38Z', '2013-01-15T12:45:29Z', '2013-01-15T13:14:00Z', '2013-01-17T13:11:01Z', '2013-01-17T13:11:01Z', '2013-01-17T13:12:13Z', '2013-01-17T13:23:03Z', '2013-01-17T13:24:25Z', '2013-01-17T13:27:51Z', '2013-01-17T13:28:03Z', '2013-01-17T13:51:20Z', '2013-01-17T14:00:00Z', '2013-01-17T14:02:21Z', '2013-01-17T14:27:49Z', '2013-01-17T14:30:01Z', '2013-01-17T14:38:55Z', '2013-01-17T14:41:12Z', '2013-01-17T12:29:59Z', '2013-01-17T12:29:59Z', '2013-01-17T12:44:39Z', '2013-01-17T12:44:39Z', '2013-01-28T11:28:34Z', '2013-01-28T11:28:34Z', '2013-01-28T11:50:31Z', '2013-01-28T11:50:31Z', '2013-01-28T12:58:43Z', '2013-01-28T13:07:27Z', '2013-01-28T13:22:09Z', '2013-01-28T13:49:27Z', '2013-01-28T13:49:27Z', '2013-01-29T13:37:52Z', '2013-01-29T13:37:52Z', '2013-01-29T13:48:48Z', '2013-01-29T13:51:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:25:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:25:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:28:40Z', '2013-01-29T17:54:15Z', '2013-01-30T12:43:49Z', '2013-01-30T12:43:49Z', '2013-01-30T12:50:39Z', '2013-01-30T13:16:55Z', '2013-01-30T13:16:55Z', '2013-02-04T10:39:46Z', '2013-02-04T10:39:46Z', '2013-02-04T11:10:53Z', '2013-02-04T11:10:53Z', '2013-02-04T11:22:40Z', '2013-02-04T11:22:40Z', '2013-02-04T11:23:24Z', '2013-02-04T11:26:03Z', '2013-02-04T11:26:03Z', '2013-02-04T12:41:28Z', '2013-02-04T12:41:28Z', '2013-02-04T12:43:17Z', '2013-02-04T12:46:51Z', '2013-02-04T12:59:49Z', '2013-02-04T12:59:49Z', '2013-02-04T13:58:42Z', '2013-02-04T13:58:42Z', '2013-02-04T14:05:08Z', '2013-02-22T11:14:40Z', '2013-02-22T11:14:40Z', '2013-02-22T15:17:36Z', '2013-02-22T15:17:36Z', '2013-02-22T15:39:54Z', '2013-02-22T15:41:37Z', '2013-02-22T15:42:13Z', '2013-02-22T15:43:31Z', '2013-02-22T17:17:33Z', '2013-02-22T17:19:38Z', '2013-02-22T17:22:15Z', '2013-03-06T12:21:50Z', '2013-03-06T12:21:50Z', '2013-05-20T15:10:04Z', '2013-05-20T15:10:04Z', '2013-09-27T15:39:26Z', '2013-09-27T15:39:26Z', '2013-09-27T15:42:03Z', '2013-09-27T15:42:03Z', '2013-09-27T16:04:30Z', '2013-09-27T16:04:30Z', '2013-11-21T17:33:25Z', '2013-11-21T17:33:25Z', '2013-11-22T17:11:41Z', '2013-11-22T17:11:41Z', '2013-11-22T17:18:00Z', '2013-11-22T17:33:56Z', '2013-11-22T17:45:45Z', '2013-11-25T13:31:36Z', '2013-11-25T13:31:36Z', '2013-11-25T13:52:12Z', '2013-11-25T14:28:49Z', '2013-11-25T14:37:21Z', '2013-11-25T14:50:48Z', '2013-11-25T17:35:34Z', '2014-02-05T18:05:35Z', '2014-02-05T18:05:35Z', '2014-02-05T18:15:44Z', '2014-02-06T12:34:12Z', '2014-02-06T12:34:12Z', '2014-02-06T13:26:09Z', '2014-02-07T09:57:07Z', '2014-02-07T09:57:07Z', '2014-02-07T09:59:22Z', '2014-02-07T10:06:29Z', '2014-02-10T13:15:30Z', '2014-02-10T13:15:30Z', '2014-02-10T14:39:09Z', '2014-02-10T14:39:09Z', '2014-02-10T14:52:21Z', '2014-02-10T15:50:27Z', '2014-02-10T15:51:39Z', '2014-02-10T16:51:18Z', '2014-02-10T16:51:18Z', '2014-02-10T17:05:27Z', '2014-02-10T17:17:23Z', '2014-02-11T11:07:40Z', '2014-02-11T11:07:40Z', '2014-02-11T15:25:23Z', '2014-02-11T15:25:23Z', '2014-02-11T15:38:50Z', '2014-02-11T17:22:21Z', '2014-02-11T17:24:34Z', '2014-02-12T11:32:27Z', '2014-02-12T11:32:28Z', '2014-02-12T11:38:31Z', '2014-02-12T12:46:29Z', '2014-02-12T12:46:29Z', '2014-02-12T12:51:05Z', '2014-02-12T12:51:59Z', '2014-02-12T13:45:40Z', '2014-02-12T13:47:43Z', '2014-02-12T14:52:40Z', '2014-02-12T14:54:54Z', '2014-02-13T14:56:23Z', '2014-02-13T14:56:23Z', '2014-02-13T14:58:48Z', '2014-02-13T15:19:42Z', '2014-02-13T15:24:06Z', '2014-02-17T13:21:27Z', '2014-02-17T13:21:27Z', '2014-02-17T13:26:25Z', '2014-02-17T13:31:16Z', '2014-02-17T14:44:23Z', '2014-02-17T14:44:23Z', '2014-02-18T10:17:03Z', '2014-02-18T10:17:03Z', '2014-02-18T10:20:45Z', '2014-02-18T10:25:26Z', '2014-02-19T10:29:19Z', '2014-02-19T10:29:19Z', '2014-03-07T16:34:06Z', '2014-03-07T16:34:06Z', '2014-03-07T12:13:06Z', '2014-03-07T12:13:06Z', '2014-10-29T17:28:30Z', '2014-10-29T17:28:30Z', '2015-04-02T17:15:14Z', '2015-04-02T17:15:14Z', '2015-04-02T17:41:57Z', '2015-04-02T17:43:09Z', '2015-07-20T18:39:32Z', '2015-07-20T18:39:33Z', '2015-07-20T20:04:28Z', '2015-07-21T17:31:42Z', '2015-07-21T17:31:42Z', '2015-08-17T20:44:44Z', '2015-08-17T20:45:06Z', '2015-08-17T20:45:06Z', '2015-08-17T20:47:31Z', '2015-08-19T11:43:28Z', '2015-08-19T11:43:28Z', '2015-08-20T10:11:45Z', '2015-08-20T10:11:45Z', '2015-08-20T10:21:22Z', '2015-08-20T10:29:33Z', '2015-08-20T10:31:18Z', '2015-08-20T10:31:47Z', '2015-08-20T10:41:01Z', '2015-08-20T10:44:41Z', '2015-08-20T10:48:14Z', '2015-08-20T10:49:36Z', '2015-08-20T10:50:24Z', '2015-08-20T10:58:12Z', '2015-08-20T10:58:44Z', '2015-08-20T11:07:56Z', '2015-08-20T11:07:56Z', '2015-08-20T11:27:48Z', '2015-08-20T12:06:18Z', '2015-08-20T12:26:23Z', '2015-08-20T12:33:37Z', '2015-08-20T12:52:15Z', '2015-08-20T12:58:11Z', '2015-08-20T13:10:27Z', '2015-08-20T13:10:57Z', '2015-08-20T13:23:01Z', '2015-08-20T13:24:35Z', '2015-08-20T13:30:33Z', '2015-08-20T13:36:55Z', '2015-08-20T13:38:14Z', '2015-08-20T13:42:30Z', '2015-08-28T14:17:18Z', '2015-08-28T14:22:24Z', '2015-08-28T14:23:44Z', '2015-08-28T14:25:44Z', '2015-08-28T14:35:57Z', '2015-08-28T14:37:49Z', '2015-08-31T10:54:51Z', '2015-08-31T10:55:39Z', '2015-08-31T10:55:53Z', '2015-08-31T11:07:34Z', '2015-08-31T11:08:29Z', '2015-08-31T11:09:41Z', '2015-09-07T10:53:16Z', '2015-09-07T11:00:12Z', '2015-09-07T11:01:31Z', '2015-09-07T11:03:04Z', '2015-09-07T11:03:55Z', '2015-09-07T11:04:49Z', '2015-09-07T11:05:48Z', '2015-09-07T11:09:56Z', '2015-09-07T11:11:28Z', '2015-09-07T11:13:44Z', '2015-09-07T11:15:04Z', '2015-09-07T11:15:20Z', '2015-09-07T14:52:15Z', '2015-09-14T16:35:28Z', '2015-09-21T18:32:57Z', '2015-09-21T18:41:30Z', '2015-09-21T19:05:13Z', '2015-09-21T19:06:25Z', '2015-09-22T15:37:35Z', '2016-01-22T11:35:16Z', '2016-01-22T11:37:40Z', '2016-01-22T11:38:31Z', '2016-01-22T11:38:40Z', '2016-01-22T12:54:30Z', '2016-01-22T12:58:02Z', '2016-01-22T12:58:34Z', '2016-01-22T13:11:02Z', '2016-01-22T13:15:21Z', '2016-01-22T13:16:02Z', '2016-01-22T13:17:34Z', '2016-01-22T13:17:45Z', '2016-01-22T13:21:51Z', '2016-01-27T15:03:51Z', '2016-01-27T15:06:31Z', '2016-01-27T15:07:16Z', '2016-01-27T15:08:04Z', '2016-01-27T15:24:39Z', '2016-01-27T15:50:03Z', '2016-01-27T18:43:36Z', '2016-01-28T16:08:58Z', '2016-01-28T16:11:10Z', '2016-01-28T19:44:41Z', '2016-01-28T19:50:51Z', '2016-01-28T19:51:02Z', '2016-01-28T19:51:25Z', '2016-01-28T20:02:19Z', '2016-02-03T20:04:43Z', '2016-02-03T20:04:43Z', '2016-02-03T20:08:10Z', '2016-02-03T20:15:57Z', '2016-02-03T20:17:45Z', '2016-02-03T20:18:55Z', '2016-02-03T20:21:30Z', '2016-02-03T20:24:21Z', '2016-02-03T20:40:05Z', '2016-02-04T11:00:28Z', '2016-02-04T11:16:07Z', '2016-02-04T11:18:02Z', '2016-02-04T11:26:51Z', '2016-02-04T11:32:38Z', '2016-02-04T11:37:23Z', '2016-02-04T11:38:38Z', '2016-02-04T11:49:33Z', '2016-02-04T11:52:43Z', '2016-02-04T11:56:31Z', '2016-02-04T11:58:36Z', '2016-02-04T12:00:20Z', '2016-02-04T12:00:52Z', '2016-02-04T12:05:29Z', '2016-02-04T12:08:58Z', '2016-02-04T12:10:25Z', '2016-02-04T12:10:45Z', '2016-02-04T12:33:11Z', '2016-02-04T12:33:47Z', '2016-02-04T12:34:45Z', '2016-02-04T12:36:47Z', '2016-02-04T17:29:21Z', '2016-02-04T17:33:58Z', '2016-02-04T17:35:10Z', '2016-02-04T17:36:02Z', '2016-02-04T17:38:10Z', '2016-02-05T09:24:30Z', '2016-02-05T09:39:38Z', '2016-02-05T10:01:25Z', '2016-02-05T11:10:54Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:32Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:47Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:58Z', '2016-02-05T11:35:02Z', '2016-02-05T11:38:15Z', '2016-02-05T12:21:57Z', '2016-02-05T12:22:43Z', '2016-02-05T12:27:07Z', '2016-02-05T12:28:39Z', '2016-02-05T12:29:05Z', '2016-02-05T12:44:54Z', '2016-02-06T14:59:53Z', '2016-02-06T15:05:35Z', '2016-02-06T15:06:08Z', '2016-02-06T15:06:28Z', '2016-02-06T15:10:00Z', '2016-02-06T15:11:56Z', '2016-02-06T15:13:27Z', '2016-02-06T15:14:36Z', '2016-02-06T15:14:44Z', '2016-02-06T15:25:29Z', '2016-02-08T15:35:24Z', '2016-02-09T16:55:58Z', '2016-02-09T16:56:18Z', '2016-02-09T17:28:36Z', '2016-02-09T17:30:00Z', '2016-02-09T17:31:21Z', '2016-02-09T17:31:38Z', '2016-02-10T15:25:38Z', '2016-02-10T15:26:00Z', '2016-02-10T15:26:24Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:28Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:47Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:52Z', '2016-02-10T15:28:12Z', '2016-02-10T15:28:31Z', '2016-02-10T15:29:21Z', '2016-02-10T15:29:50Z', '2016-02-10T15:30:25Z', '2016-02-10T15:31:04Z', '2016-02-10T15:32:04Z', '2016-02-10T15:32:26Z', '2016-02-10T15:34:23Z', '2016-02-10T15:36:01Z', '2016-02-15T20:06:02Z', '2016-02-15T20:08:57Z', '2016-02-15T20:24:47Z', '2016-02-16T12:15:14Z', '2016-02-16T12:17:51Z', '2016-02-16T12:27:58Z', '2016-02-16T12:32:44Z', '2016-02-16T12:34:05Z', '2016-02-16T12:36:37Z', '2016-02-16T12:38:31Z', '2016-02-16T12:49:25Z', '2016-02-16T12:55:00Z', '2016-02-16T12:57:06Z', '2016-02-16T16:15:23Z', '2016-02-18T11:00:45Z', '2016-02-18T11:03:27Z', '2016-02-19T13:14:21Z', '2016-02-19T13:16:17Z', '2016-02-19T14:41:47Z', '2016-02-19T14:42:19Z', '2016-02-19T14:47:18Z', '2016-02-19T14:52:42Z', '2016-02-19T14:55:26Z', '2016-02-19T15:00:21Z', '2016-02-19T15:06:37Z', '2016-02-19T15:10:56Z', '2016-02-19T15:11:20Z', '2016-02-19T15:12:04Z', '2016-02-19T15:12:33Z', '2016-02-19T15:12:56Z', '2016-02-19T15:13:04Z', '2016-02-19T15:13:19Z', '2016-02-19T15:13:48Z', '2016-02-19T15:14:49Z', '2016-02-19T15:16:20Z', '2016-02-19T15:16:52Z', '2016-02-19T15:22:53Z', '2016-02-19T15:32:57Z', '2016-02-19T15:33:11Z', '2016-02-19T15:34:47Z', '2016-02-19T15:37:29Z', '2016-02-19T15:38:25Z', '2016-02-19T15:38:38Z', '2016-02-19T15:39:20Z', '2016-02-19T15:40:59Z', '2016-02-19T15:47:14Z', '2016-02-19T15:49:40Z', '2016-02-19T15:50:12Z', '2016-02-19T15:50:55Z', '2016-02-19T15:58:47Z', '2016-02-19T16:00:52Z', '2016-02-19T16:01:39Z', '2016-02-19T16:02:13Z', '2016-02-19T16:02:24Z', '2016-02-19T16:08:01Z', '2016-02-19T16:08:21Z', '2016-02-19T16:13:06Z', '2016-02-19T16:13:19Z', '2016-02-19T16:13:34Z', '2016-02-19T16:15:14Z', '2016-02-19T16:15:59Z', '2016-02-19T16:16:23Z', '2016-02-19T16:17:44Z', '2016-02-19T16:18:16Z', '2016-02-19T16:19:49Z', '2016-02-19T16:21:27Z', '2016-02-19T16:22:53Z', '2016-02-19T16:23:06Z', '2016-02-19T16:23:29Z', '2016-02-19T16:28:59Z', '2016-02-19T16:30:13Z', '2016-02-19T16:31:27Z', '2016-02-19T16:32:45Z', '2016-02-19T17:27:40Z', '2016-02-19T17:27:55Z', '2016-02-19T17:32:36Z', '2016-02-20T14:03:58Z', '2016-02-20T14:04:50Z', '2016-02-20T14:05:35Z', '2016-02-20T14:07:01Z', '2016-02-20T14:08:13Z', '2016-02-20T14:09:50Z', '2016-02-20T14:10:14Z', '2016-02-20T14:49:24Z', '2016-02-20T14:49:33Z', '2016-02-20T17:19:02Z', '2016-02-20T17:33:52Z', '2016-02-22T11:25:22Z', '2016-02-22T11:27:08Z', '2016-02-22T11:27:38Z', '2016-02-26T17:26:01Z', '2016-02-26T17:26:12Z', '2016-02-26T17:26:23Z', '2016-02-26T17:40:15Z', '2016-02-26T17:40:25Z', '2016-02-26T17:43:16Z', '2016-02-26T17:44:12Z', '2016-02-26T17:44:38Z', '2016-02-26T17:45:11Z', '2016-02-26T17:45:34Z', '2016-02-26T17:46:08Z', '2016-02-26T17:46:38Z', '2016-02-26T17:48:11Z', '2016-02-26T19:07:36Z', '2016-02-27T15:15:28Z', '2016-02-27T17:35:31Z', '2016-02-29T13:32:43Z', '2016-03-08T19:12:25Z', '2016-03-08T19:14:37Z', '2016-03-09T11:25:32Z', '2016-04-13T16:23:53Z', '2016-04-13T16:24:45Z', '2016-04-13T16:25:20Z', '2016-04-13T16:25:27Z', '2016-04-13T16:33:58Z', '2016-04-13T17:33:33Z', '2016-04-13T17:40:58Z', '2016-04-13T17:48:01Z', '2016-04-13T17:49:24Z', '2016-04-13T17:55:34Z', '2016-04-13T17:59:54Z', '2016-04-13T18:01:41Z', '2016-04-13T18:04:38Z', '2016-04-13T18:05:23Z', '2016-04-13T18:05:45Z', '2016-04-13T18:05:58Z', '2016-04-13T18:06:54Z', '2016-04-13T18:07:41Z', '2016-04-13T18:08:00Z', '2016-04-13T18:10:38Z', '2016-04-13T18:11:39Z', '2016-04-13T18:12:27Z', '2016-04-13T18:14:39Z', '2016-04-13T18:15:30Z', '2016-04-13T18:15:47Z', '2016-04-13T18:41:30Z', '2016-04-13T18:42:53Z', '2016-04-13T18:44:03Z', '2016-04-15T17:34:02Z', '2016-04-15T18:02:57Z', '2016-04-15T19:33:26Z', '2016-04-19T14:35:52Z', '2016-04-19T14:46:34Z', '2016-04-19T14:47:07Z', '2016-04-19T14:47:26Z', '2016-04-19T14:47:42Z', '2016-04-19T15:09:05Z', '2016-04-19T15:11:20Z', '2016-04-19T15:11:46Z', '2016-04-19T15:12:19Z', '2016-04-19T15:16:11Z', '2016-04-19T15:16:32Z', '2016-04-19T15:16:48Z', '2016-04-19T15:17:49Z', '2016-04-19T15:18:39Z', '2016-04-19T15:20:13Z', '2016-04-19T15:22:33Z', '2016-04-19T15:27:20Z', '2016-04-19T15:27:37Z', '2016-04-19T15:28:44Z', '2016-04-19T15:29:18Z', '2016-04-19T15:29:37Z', '2016-04-19T15:35:28Z', '2016-04-19T15:35:49Z', '2016-04-19T15:36:08Z', '2016-04-19T15:37:33Z', '2016-04-19T15:38:34Z', '2016-04-19T15:39:35Z', '2016-04-19T15:40:21Z', '2016-04-19T15:40:31Z', '2016-04-19T15:42:59Z', '2016-04-19T15:43:46Z', '2016-04-19T15:44:30Z', '2016-04-19T15:44:59Z', '2016-04-19T15:45:53Z', '2016-04-19T17:53:23Z', '2016-04-19T18:00:08Z', '2016-04-19T18:00:41Z', '2016-04-19T18:00:51Z', '2016-04-19T18:02:08Z', '2016-04-19T18:02:16Z', '2016-04-19T18:02:23Z', '2016-04-19T18:03:15Z', '2016-04-19T18:05:13Z', 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Siemens', 'A. Arbuckle', 'Lindsey Seatter', 'Randa El Khatib', 'Tracey El Hajj'] citation_journal_title undefined citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 2017 citation_title The Value of Plurality in 'The Network with a Thousand Entrances' dc:title The Value of Plurality in 'The Network with a Thousand Entrances' | Semantic Scholar description This contribution reflects on the value of plurality in the ‘network with a thousand entrances’ suggested by McCarty (, and others, in association with approaching time-honoured annotative and commentary practices of much-engaged texts. The question is how this approach aligns with tensions, today, surrounding the multiplicity of endeavour associated with modeling practices of annotation by practitioners of the digital humanities. Our work, hence, surveys annotative practice across its reflection in contemporary praxis, from the MIT annotation studio whitepaper ( through the work of the Open Annotation Collaboration (, and manifest in multiple tools facilitating annotation across the web up to and including widespread application in social knowledge creation suites like Wikipedia annotation) msapplication-TileColor #FFFFFF msapplication-TileImage msapplication-square150x150logo msapplication-square310x310logo msapplication-square70x70logo msapplication-wide310x150logo og:description This contribution reflects on the value of plurality in the ‘network with a thousand entrances’ suggested by McCarty (, and others, in association with approaching time-honoured annotative and commentary practices of much-engaged texts. The question is how this approach aligns with tensions, today, surrounding the multiplicity of endeavour associated with modeling practices of annotation by practitioners of the digital humanities. Our work, hence, surveys annotative practice across its reflection in contemporary praxis, from the MIT annotation studio whitepaper ( through the work of the Open Annotation Collaboration (, and manifest in multiple tools facilitating annotation across the web up to and including widespread application in social knowledge creation suites like Wikipedia annotation) og:image og:image:height 582 og:image:secure_url ['', ''] og:image:width 1110 og:locale ['en_US', 'en_US'] og:title The Value of Plurality in 'The Network with a Thousand Entrances' | Semantic Scholar og:type website resourceName b'work_5dgfdi4j3vba5b6ingyrf57jda.pdf' robots noarchive,noindex s2-ui-version 0a1ee7b640e58bf005fa3cbd97e8cba83bff3dc9 title The Value of Plurality in 'The Network with a Thousand Entrances' | Semantic Scholar twitter:card summary_large_image twitter:description This contribution reflects on the value of plurality in the ‘network with a thousand entrances’ suggested by McCarty (, and others, in association with approaching time-honoured annotative and commentary practices of much-engaged texts. The question is how this approach aligns with tensions, today, surrounding the multiplicity of endeavour associated with modeling practices of annotation by practitioners of the digital humanities. Our work, hence, surveys annotative practice across its reflection in contemporary praxis, from the MIT annotation studio whitepaper ( through the work of the Open Annotation Collaboration (, and manifest in multiple tools facilitating annotation across the web up to and including widespread application in social knowledge creation suites like Wikipedia annotation) twitter:image ['', ''] twitter:site @allenai_org twitter:title The Value of Plurality in 'The Network with a Thousand Entrances' | Semantic Scholar viewport width=device-width,initial-scale=1 INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxm.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === id: work_orvmzy7terdozewiaiivbuozfe author: Nerea Fernández Cadenas title: Digital Humanities: New Approaches to Research and Teaching of the Medieval Mediterranean (5th to 15th centuries). 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Hsiang', 'Shih-Pei Chen', 'Hou Ieong Ho', 'H. Tu'] citation_journal_title undefined citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 2012 citation_title Discovering relationships from imperial court documents of Qing China dc:title [PDF] Discovering relationships from imperial court documents of Qing China | Semantic Scholar description The Qing Imperial Court documents are a major source of primary research material for studying the Qing era China since they provide the most direct and first-hand details of how national affairs were handled. However, the way Qing archived these documents has made it cumbersome to collect documents covering the same event and rebuild their original contexts. In this paper, we describe some information technology that we have developed to discover two important and useful relations among these documents. The first is the citation relation among the Imperial Edicts and the Memorials. We discovered 6,801 pairs from the 37,831 Taiwan-related Imperial Court documents in the Taiwan History Digital Library (THDL) and produced 1,101 graphs of successive citations, which we call IE-M diagrams. The second relation is a template relation, which indicates groups of documents that were created following a specific format. Numerical data can also be tabulated from these documents and be used for further analysis. Our ... msapplication-TileColor #FFFFFF msapplication-TileImage msapplication-square150x150logo msapplication-square310x310logo msapplication-square70x70logo msapplication-wide310x150logo og:description The Qing Imperial Court documents are a major source of primary research material for studying the Qing era China since they provide the most direct and first-hand details of how national affairs were handled. However, the way Qing archived these documents has made it cumbersome to collect documents covering the same event and rebuild their original contexts. In this paper, we describe some information technology that we have developed to discover two important and useful relations among these documents. The first is the citation relation among the Imperial Edicts and the Memorials. We discovered 6,801 pairs from the 37,831 Taiwan-related Imperial Court documents in the Taiwan History Digital Library (THDL) and produced 1,101 graphs of successive citations, which we call IE-M diagrams. The second relation is a template relation, which indicates groups of documents that were created following a specific format. Numerical data can also be tabulated from these documents and be used for further analysis. Our ... og:image og:image:height 582 og:image:secure_url ['', ''] og:image:width 1110 og:locale ['en_US', 'en_US'] og:title [PDF] Discovering relationships from imperial court documents of Qing China | Semantic Scholar og:type website resourceName b'work_fnntlamvnnhzfm53c6ydj4oeoa.pdf' robots noarchive,noindex s2-ui-version 0a1ee7b640e58bf005fa3cbd97e8cba83bff3dc9 title [PDF] Discovering relationships from imperial court documents of Qing China | Semantic Scholar twitter:card summary_large_image twitter:description The Qing Imperial Court documents are a major source of primary research material for studying the Qing era China since they provide the most direct and first-hand details of how national affairs were handled. However, the way Qing archived these documents has made it cumbersome to collect documents covering the same event and rebuild their original contexts. In this paper, we describe some information technology that we have developed to discover two important and useful relations among these documents. The first is the citation relation among the Imperial Edicts and the Memorials. We discovered 6,801 pairs from the 37,831 Taiwan-related Imperial Court documents in the Taiwan History Digital Library (THDL) and produced 1,101 graphs of successive citations, which we call IE-M diagrams. The second relation is a template relation, which indicates groups of documents that were created following a specific format. Numerical data can also be tabulated from these documents and be used for further analysis. Our ... twitter:image ['', ''] twitter:site @allenai_org twitter:title [PDF] Discovering relationships from imperial court documents of Qing China | Semantic Scholar viewport width=device-width,initial-scale=1 === === id: work_27yesv3dzbd3fkwljmlxvksexq author: Claire Clivaz title: Digitized and Digitalized Humanities: Words and Identity date: 2020 pages: 17 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_27yesv3dzbd3fkwljmlxvksexq.txt cache: ./cache/work_27yesv3dzbd3fkwljmlxvksexq.pdf Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2020-01-15T14:00:20Z Last-Modified 2020-01-15T14:00:20Z Last-Save-Date 2020-01-15T14:00:20Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 105 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true 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"pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_ivo7qczhinh2xj7qeoerlb4gey' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_ivo7qczhinh2xj7qeoerlb4gey' === === id: work_lvzb35r5knhk7jelf2kqkesmiu author: Chris Alen Sula title: Digital Humanities and Libraries: A Conceptual Model date: 2013 pages: 17 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_lvzb35r5knhk7jelf2kqkesmiu.txt cache: ./cache/work_lvzb35r5knhk7jelf2kqkesmiu.pdf Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2013-01-16T01:58:27Z Last-Modified 2013-01-16T01:58:54Z Last-Save-Date 2013-01-16T01:58:54Z X-Parsed-By 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'2018-04-22T23:05:30Z', '2018-04-22T23:11:37Z', '2018-04-22T23:22:26Z', '2018-04-22T23:49:58Z', '2018-04-23T00:22:48Z', '2018-04-23T00:33:47Z', '2018-04-23T00:41:12Z', '2018-04-23T00:41:45Z', '2018-04-24T11:05:00Z', '2018-04-24T11:05:28Z', '2018-04-24T11:06:56Z', '2018-04-24T11:12:04Z', '2018-04-24T11:14:57Z', '2018-04-24T11:16:19Z', '2018-04-24T11:17:19Z', '2018-04-24T11:19:17Z', '2018-04-24T11:20:14Z', '2018-04-24T11:30:06Z', '2018-04-24T11:31:03Z', '2018-04-24T11:35:13Z', '2018-04-24T11:40:31Z', '2018-04-24T11:51:21Z', '2018-04-24T12:02:41Z', '2018-04-24T12:04:21Z', '2018-04-24T12:07:22Z', '2018-04-24T12:14:13Z', '2018-05-01T08:36:09Z', '2018-05-01T08:36:09Z', '2018-05-01T08:44:22Z', '2018-05-01T08:51:30Z', '2018-05-01T08:58:28Z', '2018-05-01T08:58:57Z', '2018-05-01T09:00:59Z', '2018-05-01T09:02:19Z', '2018-05-01T09:02:43Z', '2018-05-01T09:10:09Z', '2018-05-01T09:11:49Z', '2018-05-01T09:13:25Z', '2018-05-01T09:16:04Z', '2018-05-01T09:30:04Z', '2018-05-01T09:37:51Z', '2018-05-01T09:39:31Z', '2018-05-01T09:51:42Z', '2018-05-01T10:03:05Z', '2018-05-01T10:03:50Z', '2018-05-01T10:20:06Z', '2018-05-01T10:26:31Z', '2018-05-01T10:38:00Z', '2018-05-01T10:42:14Z', '2018-05-01T10:58:25Z', '2018-05-01T11:00:10Z', '2018-05-01T11:09:53Z', '2018-05-01T11:14:39Z', '2018-05-01T11:16:46Z', '2018-05-01T11:20:51Z', '2018-05-01T11:26:49Z', '2018-05-01T11:27:35Z', '2018-05-01T11:29:21Z', '2018-05-01T11:30:24Z', '2018-05-01T11:34:14Z', '2018-05-01T11:41:37Z', '2018-05-01T11:42:04Z', '2018-05-01T11:44:11Z', '2018-05-01T11:48:21Z', '2018-05-01T13:01:20Z', '2018-05-01T15:43:55Z', '2018-05-01T15:47:20Z', '2018-05-01T15:57:40Z', '2018-05-01T15:58:25Z', '2018-05-02T10:17:44Z', '2018-05-02T17:16:12Z', '2018-05-02T17:16:12Z', '2018-05-02T17:24:27Z', '2018-05-02T17:27:47Z', '2018-05-02T17:29:08Z', '2018-05-02T17:30:12Z', '2018-05-02T17:31:50Z', '2018-05-02T17:32:11Z', '2018-05-02T17:38:55Z', '2018-05-02T17:40:11Z', '2018-05-02T17:46:15Z', '2018-05-02T17:49:23Z', '2018-05-02T17:50:43Z', '2018-05-02T17:56:32Z', '2018-05-02T18:05:29Z', '2018-05-02T18:06:42Z', '2018-05-02T18:10:02Z', '2018-05-02T18:11:48Z', '2018-05-02T18:15:01Z', '2018-05-02T18:21:41Z', '2018-05-02T18:27:08Z', '2018-05-02T18:29:34Z', '2018-05-02T19:08:55Z', '2018-05-02T19:25:00Z', '2018-05-02T19:25:11Z', '2018-05-02T19:29:05Z', '2018-05-02T19:38:36Z', '2018-05-02T19:56:34Z', '2018-05-02T20:03:42Z', '2018-05-02T20:05:11Z', '2018-05-02T20:06:48Z', '2018-05-02T20:07:52Z', '2018-05-03T08:44:05Z', '2018-05-03T08:45:28Z', '2018-05-03T08:46:50Z', '2018-05-03T08:47:54Z', '2018-05-03T08:48:57Z', '2018-05-03T08:50:12Z', '2018-05-03T08:51:50Z', '2018-05-03T08:52:46Z', '2018-05-03T08:53:23Z', '2018-05-03T08:54:18Z', '2018-05-03T08:55:15Z', '2018-05-03T08:56:38Z', '2018-05-03T08:57:42Z', '2018-05-03T08:59:48Z', '2018-05-03T09:00:51Z', '2018-05-03T09:02:28Z', '2018-05-03T09:04:39Z', '2018-05-03T09:05:34Z', '2018-05-03T09:08:14Z', '2018-05-03T09:09:06Z', '2018-05-03T09:10:15Z', 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INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_2d55kfkwzfh3dcbwvg7v5mj4wm' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_2d55kfkwzfh3dcbwvg7v5mj4wm' === === id: work_ankxmqrvibhnznbna2irncou5q author: Stuart Dunn title: Crowd-sourcing as a Component of Humanities Research Infrastructures date: 2013 pages: 34 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_ankxmqrvibhnznbna2irncou5q.txt cache: ./cache/work_ankxmqrvibhnznbna2irncou5q.pdf Author markh Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2013-03-19T07:57:02Z Last-Modified 2013-03-27T15:58:15Z Last-Save-Date 2013-03-27T15:58:15Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 87 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true 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Reducing digitalHumanities-from-scholar === bib === id = work_m2qjv7g355erzibki5imfqaaxy author = Tim Causer title = Crowdsourcing Bentham: Beyond the Traditional Boundaries of Academic History date = 2014 pages = 23 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6650 sentences = 453 flesch = 57 summary = Keywords: collaborative transcription; crowdsourcing; TEI; Jeremy Bentham; animal material, and encoded transcripts allows the Bentham Project to electronically publish materials across a volunteer pool: Transcribe Bentham is only one of a range of projects such Bentham, the Panopticon prison, convict transportation, and early New South We are grateful to those who have worked on Transcribe Bentham for their contribution to the project upon, last accessed 24 May 2012. For a discussion of the development of Transcribe Bentham, see Causer, Tonra and Wallace, 'Transcription See, last accessed 7 May 2013. make merry work": Transcribe Bentham and crowdsourcing manuscript transcription', in Mia Ridge, ed., UCL Bentham Papers collection (hereafter UC), JB/027/026/004,, transcribed by Diane Folan, revision of 8 September 2011. Box 116,, last accessed 24 May 2012. Box 116,, last accessed 24 May 2012. cache = ./cache/work_m2qjv7g355erzibki5imfqaaxy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_m2qjv7g355erzibki5imfqaaxy.txt === bib === id = work_clxcyxc3zjc5bgw5iwhil6yzzi author = David J. Bodenhamer title = Deep Mapping and the Spatial Humanities date = 2013 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2864 sentences = 103 flesch = 33 summary = Bodenhamer, David J., John Corrigan, and Trevor M. Bodenhamer, David J., John Corrigan, and Trevor M. technologies of spatialization to serve the needs of humanities research more completely. Rather than asking humanists to adopt unabridged geo-spatial technologies, such as GIS, that deepen scholarly understanding of complex humanities data and geospatial technologies spatial and other digital technologies to the intellectual traditions of humanists, thereby humanities and GISci that promises reciprocal advances in both fields as spatial science shapes In a similar way, the development of spatial humanities requires both an understanding of information science and spatial theory into scaled narratives about human lives and culture. other spatial technologies as they are applied to the humanities. The analogue between a deep map and advanced spatial technologies seems evident. technology to develop structured approaches to deep mapping and spatial narratives that Deep Mapping and the Spatial Humanities Deep Mapping and the Spatial Humanities Deep Mapping and the Spatial Humanities cache = ./cache/work_clxcyxc3zjc5bgw5iwhil6yzzi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_clxcyxc3zjc5bgw5iwhil6yzzi.txt === bib === id = work_ucnz4tbnvjhclahi5fqfcfpugu author = Fabio Ciotti title = Digital Humanities. Progetti italiani ed esperienze di convergenza multidisciplinare date = 2014 pages = 34 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10745 sentences = 1070 flesch = 64 summary = Keywords: textual layers; encoding levels; table of signs; collation; characters; graphemes; alphabemes; manuscripts; XML/TEI. 1. the encoding of each witness's text at different textual layers, base includes a medieval manuscript with no distinction between alphabemes 'u' and 'v', and a modern print edition which between the graphic and alphabetic layers when encoding a text to provide means to encode a witness's grapheme/alphabeme distinction general concept of 'character' in TEI P5 assumes a triple correspondence one grapheme in the document, one alphabetic letter in the abstract text, one digital code point in the XML file16. Encoding of graphemes from documents with different graphic systems by use grapheme 'c_' at the graphic layer (identifying a systematic abbreviation for 'con') is mapped to three alphabemes ('c', 'o' and, 'n') at the It includes a sequence of TEI P5 elements which, in this file, represent alphabemes. proposed encoding of graphemes, alphabemes and inflected words: cache = ./cache/work_ucnz4tbnvjhclahi5fqfcfpugu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ucnz4tbnvjhclahi5fqfcfpugu.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_ej2okgjm65e5rirjm3rpfmetpe author = Daniel Rodrigo-Cano title = The role of the teacher degree and his involvement with the digital humanities date = 2018 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7701 sentences = 1102 flesch = 61 summary = investigación trata de analizar una doble vertiente: por un lado, identificar las habilidades del docente universitario ante las humanidades digitales para el aprendizaje que los alumnos universitarios obtengan, al alcance de su mano, las principales herramientas seleccionadas para el aprendizaje como por ejemplo, YouTube, el buscador de Google, Google Drive o Twitter (Hart, 2017). Por otro lado, es importante valorar la evolución de las TIC, ya que permiten la participación social y democrática, así como el empoderamiento del La presente investigación trata de analizar una doble vertiente: por un lado, identificar las habilidades del docente universitario ante las humanidades digitales para el aprendizaje social y, por otro lado, reconocer las buenas prácticas universitarias, que permitan identificar las herramientas más utilizadas, así como las de acuerdo con el uso de las redes sociales por parte del profesorado como cache = ./cache/work_ej2okgjm65e5rirjm3rpfmetpe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ej2okgjm65e5rirjm3rpfmetpe.txt === bib === id = work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxm author = (:Unkn) Unknown title = A shared task for the digital humanities: annotating narrative levels date = 2020 pages = 186 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 59338 sentences = 4961 flesch = 63 summary = The second shared task aims at automatizing the detection of narrative levels and will employ the annotated corpus in of the project, describe basic assumptions on (this kind of) annotation, give background on narratological theory and on the role of narrative levels in text analysis and introduce our shared task procedure. Please note that this shared task (called SANTA, for "Systematic Analysis of Narrative levels Through Annotation") will be followed by a second one, with the This project addresses two issues prevalent in digital humanities and computational literary studies: The distribution of labor, competences, and tasks in the interdisciplinary research field of digital humanities and the inter-subjective manual and reliable automatic recognition of narrative levels in narrative texts. For example, it would be appropriate to use the narrator tag to annotate Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, for the first-level narrative is told cache = ./cache/work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxm.txt === bib === id = work_x5e6ols5uza6hlmag4v7qa2jxy author = Maria Papadopoulou title = Digital Humanities Doctoral Seminar (online): 3-4 August / 3-4 September, 2020 date = 2020 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1004 sentences = 91 flesch = 44 summary = This doctoral seminar is an introduction to Digital Humanities defined as the application of Digital Humanities in the era of Linked Open Data. 1. Understand the relationship between Ontology and Digital Humanities 2. Understand and use ontologies in the context of Digital Humanities of research at the intersections of Ontology and Digital Humanities. 5. Explain the possibilities of digital tools for ontological modelling in the areas of the all interested in digital tools for Humanities and Cultural Heritage, A very easy to use open source tool developed at the For RDFS and OWL ontologies, we will use Protégé 5.5.0, an open source tool 1st day: Digital Humanities & Knowledge Graphs The first half-day is an introduction to Digital Humanities, Linked and Open Data, and the basic notions of Linked Open Data and the Semantic Web. We will end this first half-day with for the construction of knowledge graphs within the framework of Digital Humanities. cache = ./cache/work_x5e6ols5uza6hlmag4v7qa2jxy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_x5e6ols5uza6hlmag4v7qa2jxy.txt === bib === id = work_gsarfotn5zdibdrpi2gq3nhpoq author = Antonella Fresa title = A Data Infrastructure for Digital Cultural Heritage: Characteristics, Requirements and Priority Services date = 2013 pages = 32 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1600 sentences = 265 flesch = 45 summary = A data infrastructure for digital cultural heritage: • The Digital Cultural Heritage sector: characteristics and • The vision towards a DCH data infrastructure • National, regional and European programmes support • Digital cultural heritage content are complex and will search into the DCH e-Infrastructure for their research repositories and of cultural heritage data with research The adoption of the e-Infrastructures by the digital cultural heritage community infrastructures can offer to their work: storage, preservation, access services A better integration of the cultural sector with the e-Infrastructures will enable channel for digital cultural heritage data among two sectors (the research and the cultural heritage) 1. DC-NET: joint activities plan for DCH e-infrastructure 2. INDICATE: international cooperation, use case studies, Priorities for the Digital Cultural Heritage sector have been 4. Digital Cultural Heritage: the need for a research e-Infrastructure 5. Research and innovation in the digital cultural heritage: an Infrastructure for Digital Cultural Heritage in 2020 cache = ./cache/work_gsarfotn5zdibdrpi2gq3nhpoq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_gsarfotn5zdibdrpi2gq3nhpoq.txt === bib === id = work_n33s2wnst5chph3srkqgskdxhe author = DAVID ROBEY title = E-SCIENCE IN THE ARTS AND HUMANITIES date = 2007 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 819 sentences = 149 flesch = 48 summary = Für Patienten und Psychotherapeuten ist die Verabschiedung des Psychotherapeutengesetzes durch Bundestag und Busdesrat eine gute Nachricht. ist aber auch ein Beweis für die Handlungsfähigkeit der vielgescholtenen deutschen Politik. zeigt, dass auch das Bohren sicker Bretter möglich ist, wenn der Bundesrat in eine Die CDU/CSU hat bei den Beratungen zum Psychotherapeutengesetz drei Ziele verfolgt: 2. Die Begründung des Erstzugangsrechts zum Psychologischen Psychotherapeuten für die Versicherten der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung (GKV), und damit verbunden die gleichberechtigte Integration der Psychologischen Psychotherapeuten in das System Qualitätsstandards, die das Psychotherapeutengesetz setzt, ebenso wie der Schutz der Für Psychotherapeuten und psychotherapeutisch tätige Ärzte wird es Behandlungsverfahren übernommen, die eine ausreichende, zweckmäßige und wirtschaftliche entsprechenden Entscheidungen auf der Fachebene und nicht von Politikern getroffen werden. Nur auf diese Weise ist eine offene und wissenschaftliche Entwicklung der Psychotherapie zu October 2019 Volume 6, Issue 10 October 2019 Volume 6, Issue 10 October 2019 Volume 6, Issue 10 Die Versicherten werden eine Selbstbeteiligung von 10 cache = ./cache/work_n33s2wnst5chph3srkqgskdxhe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_n33s2wnst5chph3srkqgskdxhe.txt === bib === id = work_w7pqlmbmyvhlxmkklvkuousvhu author = Mikko Ojanen title = Tutkimusdatan määrittelyn ja aineistonhallinnan ongelmat ihmistieteissä date = 2016 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 585 sentences = 115 flesch = 19 summary = Tutkimusdatan määrittelyn ja aineistonhallinnan ongelmat ihmistieteissä tulee esiin usein toistuvina kysymyksinä esimerkiksi Helsingin yliopiston kirjaston järjestämissä aineistojen käsittelyyn liittyvissä tutkijatyöpajoissa. seuraavat yksityiskohdat: mitä data on, onko minun tutkimusprojektissani dataa, miten data eroaa tutkimusaineistosta, mitä tarkoittaa metadata, entä sen standardit. Esimerkkinä käytän Helsingin yliopiston elektroakustisen musiikin studion äänitearkiston Konkretisoin käytännön työhön liittyviä ongelmia käyttäen hyväksi Mikko Ojanen,, Helsingin yliopiston kirjasto, 58 Ojanen: Tutkimusdatan määrittelyn... epistemologisia ongelmia. Alan käsitteistöä ja erityisesti oman aineistokokonaisuuteni ymmärtämistä kehitän suunnitteluasteella olevassa FinEARS (Finnish Ojanen 2016) verkkoliite, jota päivitän Helsingin yliopiston ylläpitämässä blogipalvelussa1. kuin erityisesti ihmistieteiden aineistonhallinnassa tai esimerkiksi Digital Humanities -projektissa on kohdattu. -projekteissa painotetaan digitaalisten menetelmien soveltamista erityisesti laajoihin tietoaineistokokonaisuuksiin, voivat ihmistieteiden Sinnemäki & Tolonen 2015; Haverinen & Suominen 2015; Tolonen & Lahti 2015.) lopulta tarjota mahdollisimman avoin tietoarkisto elektroakustisen musiikin tutkimuksen (10.10.2016) (11.9.2016) Ojanen, M. Ojanen, M. (11.9.2016) Aatehistoria ja digitaalisten aineistojen mahdollisuudet. 1. 2. cache = ./cache/work_w7pqlmbmyvhlxmkklvkuousvhu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_w7pqlmbmyvhlxmkklvkuousvhu.txt === bib === id = work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgty author = Adelheid Heftberger title = Materiality and Montage: Film Studies, Digital Humanities and the Visualization of Moving Images date = 2018 pages = 24 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11000 sentences = 683 flesch = 56 summary = Materiality and Montage: Film Studies, Digital Humanities and the In this paper, I will highlight some recent initiatives in the study of film within the digital humanities, in wide degree compensated by a human viewer are highly disturbing in automatic film analysis (e.g. shaking and flicker)." Lev Manovich (2012, 473) describes the typical model in place as a dependence Two of the pioneers when it comes to combining film studies and digital humanities are Lev 4 Some scholars try to provide information on film studies and digital humanities, such as Catherine Grant in her and a collection of film-related projects in the digital humanities available on the website of the Transformations about applying methods from text analysis like topic modeling to film historical research, he by which to monitor the trajectories of visual images throughout film history and analyze their different Figure 1: One frame per shot from "The Eleventh Year" (Dziga Vertov, 1928) (Lev Manovich/Software Studies cache = ./cache/work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgty.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgty.txt === bib === id = work_7tepdpob3nh2jch3vrij5th4n4 author = Jeffrey T. Schnapp title = Guest Column—On Disciplinary Finitude date = 2017 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4841 sentences = 325 flesch = 52 summary = of manual labor (Digital Humanities Manifesto 2.0). merge and assume the sorts of secular institutional forms that proliferated in nineteenthand twentiethcentury universities, knowledge forms pulsating with learned reference works that could be marshaled to defend this or that position, a universe made up design and development of experimental history museums like the Trento Tunnels, or an professional language, altered research protocols, new models of teaching and training, Design and the Literary Lab, at Stanford University; McGill's .txtLAB; Maryland Institute disciplines in question and the cultural and and humanities; between the academy, industry, and the cultural sphere."9 his copy, composed in 2000 for the lab's home page with the ashes of the Stanford Humanities Laboratory but as a second cross-, inter-, or transdisciplinarity chapter. Stanford Humanities Laboratory, metaLAB Unlike the Stanford Humanities Laboratory, metaLAB does PDF (Digital Humanities Manifesto 2.0). he Digital Humanities Manifesto 2.0. Digital Humanities. Digital Humanities. Digital Humanities. Digital Humanities. cache = ./cache/work_7tepdpob3nh2jch3vrij5th4n4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7tepdpob3nh2jch3vrij5th4n4.txt === bib === id = work_vegwecfidbfijjjj2atkld2acm author = Mike Crang title = The promises and perils of a digital geohumanities date = 2015 pages = 23 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5555 sentences = 417 flesch = 58 summary = (2015) 'The promises and perils of a digital geohumanities.', Cultural geographies., 22 (2). (2015) 'The promises and perils of a digital geohumanities.', Cultural geographies., 22 (2). This intervention asks to what extent to developments of digital media offer new might be applied to older cultural fields creating a digital humanities. digital cultures, such as gaming and new converging media, and new methods, be they analysing the data exhaust of digitally mediated social lives, or using new software in permutations where new digital techniques may form affective technologies conveying Keywords: Methods, Digital Humanities, New media, literary geography There are new cultural forms and practices created through digital media that would Fourth, digital media affect all our research not just by creating Mays, Literary Digital Humanities and the Politics of the Infinite, New journal of media geography 3 (2008), 84-96; Spatial Regimes of the Digital Playground: Cultural cache = ./cache/work_vegwecfidbfijjjj2atkld2acm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_vegwecfidbfijjjj2atkld2acm.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_64vyo2k6avex7pwhrhwwluc6gy author = Amir Moghaddass title = No text – no mining. And what about dirty OCR? date = 2019 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 409 sentences = 160 flesch = 91 summary = Failures And Good Practices In DH Projects With Non-latin non-latin script And what about dirty OCR? And what about dirty OCR? And what about dirty OCR? And what about dirty OCR? And what about dirty OCR? And what about dirty OCR? And what about dirty OCR? And what about dirty OCR? And what about dirty OCR? And what about dirty OCR? ADHO 08.07.2019 Amir Moghaddass Esfehani ADHO 08.07.2019 Amir Moghaddass Esfehani ADHO 08.07.2019 Amir Moghaddass Esfehani ADHO 08.07.2019 Amir Moghaddass Esfehani ADHO 08.07.2019 Amir Moghaddass Esfehani ADHO 08.07.2019 Amir Moghaddass Esfehani ADHO 08.07.2019 Amir Moghaddass Esfehani ADHO 08.07.2019 Amir Moghaddass Esfehani AMIR MOGHADDASS ESFEHANI AMIR MOGHADDASS ESFEHANI �And what about dirty OCR? �And what about dirty OCR? Dirty OCR: Layout & Text Dirty OCR: Layout & Text Chinese Text Project: OCR Chinese Text Project: OCR Chinese Text Project / MARKUS: Tools & APIs Chinese Text Project / MARKUS: Tools & APIs cache = ./cache/work_64vyo2k6avex7pwhrhwwluc6gy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_64vyo2k6avex7pwhrhwwluc6gy.txt === bib === id = work_ski3uzabpff47pewvxocuo27de author = Richard Hetherington title = Make-Believing Animated Films Featuring Digital Humans: A Qualitative Inquiry Using Online Sources date = 2017 pages = 29 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10767 sentences = 798 flesch = 52 summary = Richard Hetherington and Rachel McRae. Make-Believing Animated Films A qualitative inquiry of reviews of films featuring digital humanlike characters was distinguish between real and CGI-Human actors, observations of characters transiently the CGI-Human character, with some reviewers describing difficulties in categorising the application to our understanding of the viewing experience of animated films featuring Make-believe, digital humanlike characters, CGI, Rotoshop, uncanny valley, viewer humans in animated movies: In the first, characters were created using 3D computergenerated imagery (CGI) and animation techniques including motion or performance actor connected with the animated character's performance (Hetherington, 2015). article we use openly available online film review aggregator sites as a source of relation to the characters' believability a recognised objective of many animated films Fantasy: The Spirits Within, The Polar Express and Beowulf) and a film animated by were viewed, reviewer expectations, individual differences, character perceptions and Scanner Darkly, the presence of recognisable actors playing CGI-Human characters in cache = ./cache/work_ski3uzabpff47pewvxocuo27de.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ski3uzabpff47pewvxocuo27de.txt === bib === id = work_slf56v6zgnezzi3cayi4weg36y author = Linnea Frangen title = Digital Humanities Project: Comparing Language Complexity in Fact-Checked Fake and Real News date = 2020 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1799 sentences = 149 flesch = 72 summary = My research question is how language complexity differs between fact-checked fake although the result may be less distinct since both the real and fake news come from fact-checking The fact-checked news data come from a MisInfoText GitHub repository that contains Fake news dataset contains 33,712 total words and 6,526 unique word forms. Real news dataset contains 54,997 total words and 8,987 unique word forms. Average Words Per Sentence: fake news 21.8, real news 19.5. The normed rate of the 14 conjunctions in total is 5.76 per 100 words for real news The same code is repeated twice on different datasets (first for the real news data and then The analysis shows that the differences in language complexity between the real news dataset and of articles included in the data, the fake news dataset included, for example, an article from cache = ./cache/work_slf56v6zgnezzi3cayi4weg36y.pdf txt = ./txt/work_slf56v6zgnezzi3cayi4weg36y.txt === bib === id = work_qh2zkmobpjgqzilpxnxazt4uku author = Antonio Barbeito title = Beyond Digital Human Body Atlases date = 2017 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 801 sentences = 158 flesch = 59 summary = Beyond Digital Human Body Atlases: Segmenting an Integrated 3D Topological Model of the Human Body | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 3619293Beyond Digital Human Body Atlases: Segmenting an Integrated 3D Topological Model of the Human Body title={Beyond Digital Human Body Atlases: Segmenting an Integrated 3D Topological Model of the Human Body}, The use of integrated models of the human body in three-dimensional environments enables the study of the anatomic structures with a high degree of interactivity and detail. The geographical information systems approach in building topological models allows overcoming certain limitations found in anatomical atlases. In this study, an integrated vector-raster 3D model, which defines the external surface of the human body, is expanded by adding the corresponding anatomical structures. Sort by Most Influenced Papers View 1 excerpt, cites methods An Integrated Model of the Human Body 3D Interactive Topological Modeling using Visible Human Dataset View 1 excerpt, references methods cache = ./cache/work_qh2zkmobpjgqzilpxnxazt4uku.pdf txt = ./txt/work_qh2zkmobpjgqzilpxnxazt4uku.txt === bib === id = work_o2z7gldvknanpao5ofzcvdeptm author = Stewart Arneil title = Sustainability Strategies for Digital Humanities Systems date = 2020 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3039 sentences = 211 flesch = 43 summary = Sustainability Strategies for Digital Humanities Systems for long-term archiving (LTA), when it comes to primary research data, the fact that the DH is needed to successfully sustain and archive DH projects and the software they use. the DFG-funded project "SustainLife Sustaining Living Digital Systems in the Humanities" Recognizing the problems inherent in conducting digital humanities research based on maintained, and enriched GAMS--a modular, standards-based, community-used software- available for other projects, thus enriching GAMS as well as the digital research King's Digital Lab's (KDL) (King's College London) contribution to archiving and sustainability practices in Digital Humanities (DH) will be presented along the following From Our Recent Survey On Project Longevity In DH." Digital Humanities 2019 Digitales A.C. 'Archiving and Sustainability | King's Digital Lab'. Systems in Digital Humanities'. Application Preservation in the Digital Humanities. 'Managing 100 Digital Humanities Projects: Digital Scholarship & Archiving in cache = ./cache/work_o2z7gldvknanpao5ofzcvdeptm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_o2z7gldvknanpao5ofzcvdeptm.txt === bib === id = work_wcns7ioekrcpdfr7fn3vrt6yka author = Arianna Ciula title = Modelling in digital humanities: Signs in context date = 2016 pages = 27 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7523 sentences = 550 flesch = 47 summary = In this paper we focus on modelling as a creative process to gain new knowledge Fig. 1: The model relation includes the following components: a set of objects Oi=1,...,n icons act as signs based on how the relation of similarity is enacted: via simple Different shades of iconic similarity between sign and object as theorised by ● image-like models, for example real life sketches where single qualities such externally determined (it relies on the similarity between the model and the object) The use of models as external representations to reason with has important points the object is the apple and the models (icons) are the three different examples. object changes when the model changes; the meaning of the apple in the metaphorical icons to examples of digital modelling in DH research dealing with historical nature of the representational relation between objects and models through practical Dynamic Relation Models/Objects/Interpretations Dynamic Relation Models/Objects/Interpretations cache = ./cache/work_wcns7ioekrcpdfr7fn3vrt6yka.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wcns7ioekrcpdfr7fn3vrt6yka.txt === bib === id = work_bdivlozw6fa7fnzin3ntuelr5m author = Marie-Claire Beaulieu title = Digital Humanities in the Classroom: Bridging the Gap between Teaching and Research date = 2017 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5908 sentences = 519 flesch = 50 summary = students are currently editing and translating Greek funerary inscriptions which will be published along on publishing the students' work online as annotations to the texts at the end of the semester. To see all images of this manuscript currently available, visit: which we use to document workflows available on the Perseids platform, news and updates concerning our work, as well as recent presentations and papers related to the Perseids project. "Developing Perseids: Enhancements to a Collaborative Editing Platform for Source Documents in Classics" commentaries produced by students in Marie-Claire Beaulieu's Fall 2013 Classical Mythology class have publishing student work produced in 2014 in Marie-Claire Beaulieu's Medieval Latin, Intermediary See project announcement: Working demo available: Marie-Claire Beaulieu, "The Perseids Platform", Institute for Advanced Topics in Digital Humanities, Marie-Claire Beaulieu, "Teaching with the Perseids Platform: Tools and Methods", Digital Classicist cache = ./cache/work_bdivlozw6fa7fnzin3ntuelr5m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_bdivlozw6fa7fnzin3ntuelr5m.txt === bib === id = work_x7i3ruspibhlvbaiifhqtmrpnq author = Nada Ammagui title = Using Google Sheets to Create, Organize & Explore Your Humanities Data Workshop - Winter Institute in Digital Humanities @ NYCDH2021 date = 2021 pages = 28 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1121 sentences = 164 flesch = 81 summary = ➢ Create column/row headers to distinguish categories of information. ○ Use option/alt + enter to create a new line in a cell. ○ Hide columns by highlighting them, right-clicking, and selecting "Hide ➢ Create a table of codes to pull from (with recurring data) to be used for ➢ Using the Data Validation tool will create a dropdown selection list in 1. Highlight the column or cells to which you'd like to apply this tool. 1. Highlight the columns or cells you'd like to format. ➢ Use a VLookup formula to automatically populate your table with ○ Highlight your desired column and click on "Data" in the menu 1. Highlight the data (rows and columns) that you'd like to analyze. 2. In the menu, select Data → Pivot table to create one in a new sheet. 3. Select the data category to analyze and format it into rows or columns. cache = ./cache/work_x7i3ruspibhlvbaiifhqtmrpnq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_x7i3ruspibhlvbaiifhqtmrpnq.txt === bib === id = work_ecd7o5ue2bb4zgedpkoemhn5qe author = Eveline Vlassenroot title = Web archives as a data resource for digital scholars date = 2019 pages = 27 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 14410 sentences = 2205 flesch = 62 summary = this article can nevertheless offer some useful insights into the technical, legal, curatorial and policy-related aspects of web archiving. 5. Legally delimiting the national scope of competence in a web archiving context – Web archiving initiatives in countries where both the national library and the legal provision allowing the heritage institution responsible for web archiving to require libraries, the scope of collection is broader as web archiving is seen as part of the legal When digital scholars use web archives for their research, it is important that they in Portugal or the web archive developed by the National Library of 15 In the case of the National Library of Ireland, this only counts for the web archive collections that were – National Library of The Netherlands: Kees Teszelszky (Researcher web archiving, Retrieved from Retrieved from Retrieved from Retrieved from cache = ./cache/work_ecd7o5ue2bb4zgedpkoemhn5qe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ecd7o5ue2bb4zgedpkoemhn5qe.txt === bib === id = work_ytz52hnlyzhjfjj4q6fcppsxla author = Sinn-Cheng Lin title = Applying Public History to Co-build the Digital Humanities Collaboration System of Tamsui's Memory date = 2016 pages = 32 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4317 sentences = 1165 flesch = 65 summary = 索於2015年10月25日,;Mozilla Taiwan, "Mozilla Taiwan Community," MozTW Wiki, last modified December 25, 2013, accessed October 25, 2015, http:// Keywords: Digital Humanities, Public History, Tamsui Study, Wiki collaboration study is based on concepts of Public History and features of digital archives and This study is based on the Wiki collaborative system to develop participative 1. Vincent Shen, Confucianism, Taoism and Constructive Realism (Wien: WUVUniversitätsverlag, 1994), accessed October 21, 2015, Vincent Shen, Confucianism, Taoism and Constructive Realism (Wien: WUVUniversitätsverlag, 1994), accessed October 21, 2015, accessed October 20, 2015,; The Library accessed October 20, 2015,; The Library 133Lin and Chen: Applying Public History to Co-build the Digital Humanities Collaboration System of Tamsui's Memory 133Lin and Chen: Applying Public History to Co-build the Digital Humanities Collaboration System of Tamsui's Memory 133Lin and Chen: Applying Public History to Co-build the Digital Humanities Collaboration System of Tamsui's Memory cache = ./cache/work_ytz52hnlyzhjfjj4q6fcppsxla.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ytz52hnlyzhjfjj4q6fcppsxla.txt === bib === id = work_5udx6sbgkrgo7o3xbnmwclfid4 author = Lai-Tze Fan title = On the Value of Narratives in a Reflexive Digital Humanities date = 2018 pages = 30 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10019 sentences = 623 flesch = 45 summary = On the Value of Narratives in a Reflexive Digital Humanities digital humanities: the difficulty of representing the figurative meaning Keywords: Narrative; database; reflexive; figurative meaning; paradigmatic; projects can utilize NoSQL or non-relational database models—an approach to content databases in addition to its ability to edit content, the question of narrative versus databases encourage us to interpret data is not how human language works, how The limits of the relational database for representing paradigmatic meaning in interest, digital humanists and literary scholars have expanded methods of database digital tools (a narrative of quantified text analysis). and represent on-screen: literary weight, figurative meaning, narrative forms, and digital tools that can represent the indeterminate in figurative meaning. A digital text analysis project on House of Leaves through a non-relational digital, the narrative and the database? Representing Paradigmatic Meaning in Non-Relational Databases Applying Non-Relational Databases to Narratives: Towards Representing Figurative Meaning cache = ./cache/work_5udx6sbgkrgo7o3xbnmwclfid4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_5udx6sbgkrgo7o3xbnmwclfid4.txt === bib === id = work_lchhe4hfbzgbvdj4pwmfw4riuq author = Gregory C. Smith title = Digital human models date = 2015 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 6871 sentences = 234 flesch = 0 summary = Research published in the International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics considers the data retrieval problems for investigators faced with a hard drive that has been submerged in water. cache = ./cache/work_lchhe4hfbzgbvdj4pwmfw4riuq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_lchhe4hfbzgbvdj4pwmfw4riuq.txt === bib === id = work_xte6bkd55jb7nn5jvoiynglfi4 author = Antonio Rojas Castro title = Big Data in the Digital Humanities. New Conversations in the Global Academic Context date = 2017 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5095 sentences = 569 flesch = 53 summary = BIG DATA IN THE DIGITAL in charge of communicatiosn at the European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH) humanities is usually texts and analogue images access to European Digital Humanities projects access to European Digital Humanities projects projects for making digital texts available online projects for making digital texts available online with Big Data and the social sciences. "Big Data", this article highlights the cultural 70 BIG DATA IN THE DIGITAL HUMANITIES · ANTONIO ROJAS 70 BIG DATA IN THE DIGITAL HUMANITIES · ANTONIO ROJAS 70 BIG DATA IN THE DIGITAL HUMANITIES · ANTONIO ROJAS 70 BIG DATA IN THE DIGITAL HUMANITIES · ANTONIO ROJAS 70 BIG DATA IN THE DIGITAL HUMANITIES · ANTONIO ROJAS 1. Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations: 3. European Association for Digital Humanities: "Visual Text Analysis in Digital Humanities". Big Data in the Digital Humanities. cache = ./cache/work_xte6bkd55jb7nn5jvoiynglfi4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xte6bkd55jb7nn5jvoiynglfi4.txt === bib === id = work_dgqqsodngzbe3pkxr3s4zt73ty author = Sümeyye Akça title = The Report of Digital Humanities 2016 Conference date = 2016 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 962 sentences = 168 flesch = 51 summary = Anahtar Sözcükler: Dijital İnsanî Bilimler Konferansı; DH2016; Polonya. In this paper, impressions from Digital Humanities 2016 held in Krakow, Poland in July (McCarty, 1998), dijital teknolojilerin yaratılması, uygulanması ve yorumlanması için geniş bir Dijital insanî bilimler alanında çalışmalar yapan kurumları bir çatı altında toplayan Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) ana sponsorluğunda her yıl bu alanda konferans Konferans Polonya'nın Krakow şehrinde Jagiellonian (Jagiellonian University in eXist db ( uygulaması üzerinden dijital ortamda arşiv geliştirme ve hikaye anlatma (storytelling) uygulamalı olarak gösterildi. dijital insanî bilimler için bir model olabileceğini belirtti. 13 Temmuzda aynı anda on bir salonda yapılan paralel oturumlara geçildi. Aynı gün olan poster sunumları ise iki farklı veri tabanları gibi konular varken, dijital insanî bilimler alanının gelişmesiyle birlikte daha çok projelerden örnekler verdi (TEI, Unicode gibi). Unsolved Problems in (digital) Information Design başlıklı konuşmasında Warwick, dijital Digital Humanities 2016 (DH2016), Krakow, Poland, 12-16 July, 2016. http://www.steiner cache = ./cache/work_dgqqsodngzbe3pkxr3s4zt73ty.pdf txt = ./txt/work_dgqqsodngzbe3pkxr3s4zt73ty.txt === bib === id = work_ip2zk72tajb2tfejdhmoys6pqq author = Susan Aasman title = Tales of a Tool Encounter: Exploring Video Annotation for Doing Media History date = 2018 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9497 sentences = 650 flesch = 50 summary = infrastructure – and the integrated video annotation tool – for doing media historical research with digitised research infrastructures for the humanities (in the Netherlands), and the use of video annotation in media Keywords: digital humanities, research infrastructures, digital tool criticism, video annotation, documentary 2 Huub Wijfjes, 'Digital Humanities and Media History: A Challenge for Historical Newspaper Research,' Tijdschrift voor Mediageschiedenis, 20, 1, annotation tool in connection to its use in a research project that addresses a more or less traditional media historical Media historians who use digital humanities research methods should be aware that tools – like texts – make In the Digital Formalism project (2007-2010), headed by film historian Adelheid Heftberger, the video annotation tool doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam, 2017; Rob Wegter, 'Exploring Digital Methods for Media History: A Tool Criticism of Video Annotation,' MAthesis, University of Groningen, 2018. The Media Suite annotation tool offers a combination of functionalities, and was originally developed for other projects cache = ./cache/work_ip2zk72tajb2tfejdhmoys6pqq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ip2zk72tajb2tfejdhmoys6pqq.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_dz6hv2rzkbhrvefe5gfu4v3yvu author = Rita Marquilhas title = Manuscripts and Machines: The Automatic Replacement of Spelling Variants in a Portuguese Historical Corpus date = 2014 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6783 sentences = 645 flesch = 69 summary = Keywords: historical linguistics, spelling variation, automatic normalization, The VARiant Detector (VARD) tools aimed to detect spelling variation in For the corpus of Early Modern German, a spelling variation detection tool is a rule-based method to automatically cluster spelling variants together. These letters were manually normalised to the modern spelling by a linguist. tool that creates a list of edit rules on the basis of a corpus labelled with To rewrite a spelling variant to its modern form may need multiple different modern Portuguese orthography, tells us that a total of 718 edit rules were needed DICER to further improve the VARD2 tool for automatic spelling normalisation VARD2 uses a set of rewrite rules to generate the modern word form to build a Brazilian Portuguese spelling variants dictionary', in Proceedings of the corpus Rayson, 'VARD 2: A tool for dealing with spelling variation in historical Giusti, et al., 'Automatic detection of spelling variation in historical corpus', sec 9. cache = ./cache/work_dz6hv2rzkbhrvefe5gfu4v3yvu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_dz6hv2rzkbhrvefe5gfu4v3yvu.txt === bib === id = work_2wrmmvxfdbggtgz4fx6f2c2sjm author = Dirk Van Hulle title = Artificial imagination, imagine: new developments in digital scholarly editing date = 2019 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1771 sentences = 109 flesch = 53 summary = in digital scholarly editing This special issue on Digital Scholarly Editing introduces several new developments, scholarly editing could be useful to the broader field of digital humanities. Developments in AI and computational linguistics enable us to create writing bots already producing in digital scholarly editions today. Project ( – including all the tagged deletions, additions and discussed in the present volume do suggest new ways in which digital scholarly So far, distant reading is usually applied to one version of a text. scholarly editing can offer is a way to enable distant reading across versions, which digital scholarly editing by raising questions such as: How should we frame concepts I believe that in digital scholarly editing we may not have reached that tipping point yet, Artificial imagination, imagine: new developments in digital scholarly editing Artificial imagination, imagine: new developments in digital scholarly editing Artificial imagination, imagine: new developments in digital scholarly editing cache = ./cache/work_2wrmmvxfdbggtgz4fx6f2c2sjm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2wrmmvxfdbggtgz4fx6f2c2sjm.txt === bib === id = work_icpchogjgzg2zget3pb56mglhm author = Liang Ma title = A new muscle fatigue and recovery model and its ergonomics application in human simulation date = 2010 pages = 28 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7656 sentences = 830 flesch = 65 summary = A new muscle fatigue and recovery model and its ergonomics application in human simulation A new muscle fatigue and recovery model and its ergonomics extended to evaluate joint fatigue level in manual handling jobs. Key words: digital human modelling, human simulation, muscle fatigue and recovery model, physical fatigue evaluation, objective work evaluation, ergonomics analysis modelling and simulation tools to predict human motion with consideration of muscle then integrate it into the virtual human software to evaluate muscle fatigue and during a manual handling operation, a new muscle fatigue and recovery model was Table 1: Parameters in muscle fatigue and recovery model then with the new fatigue model, the reduction of the joint strength can be evaluated. With the new fatigue model, a continuous work procedure is evaluated under a Evaluation of Muscle Fatigue in Manual Handling Work. M. Modeling Muscle fatigue in digital humans. cache = ./cache/work_icpchogjgzg2zget3pb56mglhm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_icpchogjgzg2zget3pb56mglhm.txt === bib === id = work_smhtqcialzdjxczmtge7epkb7m author = Timothy Lutz title = Determining Underground Mining Work Postures Using Motion Capture and Digital Human Modeling date = 2016 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4141 sentences = 381 flesch = 60 summary = and according to MSHA (Mine Safety and Health Administration) data, during 2008 2012 in the U.S., there were, on average, 65 lost-time accidents per year during routine mining and and calculated joint angles of the back, hips, and knees from various postures on 12 Underground Mining Work Postures Using Motion Capture and Digital Human The Jack® software enabled analysis of the data for determining accurate body joint angles of interest on each subject The subjects were asked to assume eight different postures: walking, standing, sitting with bent knees, sitting with legs A set of data for each subject in each posture was constructed by merging the static portions from the 24 tests of the given Hip joint angles for standing posture (right-173°, leftvalues to knee joints in the standing posture and their interquartile range (IQR) is high, sitting with legs extended (29.6, 25.9) The hip and knee joint values for kneeling on the left cache = ./cache/work_smhtqcialzdjxczmtge7epkb7m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_smhtqcialzdjxczmtge7epkb7m.txt === bib === id = work_vigbahkcwzg4bhu6jn5i7qmfye author = Maurizio Toscano title = Insights on scholarly primitives from Digital Humanities research in Spain date = 2020 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 588 sentences = 22 flesch = 36 summary = Insights on scholarly primitives from Digital Humanities research in Digital Humanities are experiencing a growing interest in Spain, especially in the last In order to provide the global community of scholars working in this field with a research on the evolution of Digital Humanities in Spain in the last 25 years, a timeframe of the study were to identify researchers in the field of Digital Humanities and to explore their financing, institutional affiliations, research projects and developed resources. research has been very much data oriented and quantitative at its core, in order to quantify and describe initiatives, researchers, projects, digital resources, educational courses and literature produced by researchers affiliated with Spanish institutions and a quantifiable measure of the impact and interest in DH within the Spanish research community in the improve the basic of day-to-day research in the Humanities. Among the types of records collected, we believe that digital resources in cache = ./cache/work_vigbahkcwzg4bhu6jn5i7qmfye.pdf txt = ./txt/work_vigbahkcwzg4bhu6jn5i7qmfye.txt === bib === id = work_3ge2uucuafeonlhyw5hgv4p6ra author = Noh,Sung-Hwan title = A Study on Taiwan's Chung Yuan Festival date = 2013 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5610 sentences = 579 flesch = 58 summary = Study on the Digitalization of Festival Culture in Taiwan's Aboriginal Literature The rituals that are part of Taiwan's Atayal and Thao culture in Taiwan's aboriginal literature. incorporated the Atayal ritual culture into the aboriginal The Diversified Festival Culture of Taiwan Aboriginal aboriginal culture reflects a dialogue between the ethnic groups Taiwan's aboriginal culture, with each group having its own cultural significance of the rituals of all the ethnic groups. The Atayal Festival Culture in Taiwan's Aboriginal The Atayal Festival Culture in Taiwan's Aboriginal Hualien Sugar Factory, Taiwan through interviews with elders, Historical and Cultural Stories of Hualien Sugar Factory, KJ culture in Taiwan's aboriginal literature comprise eight narratives and literature on the culture of the aboriginal rituals, ritual culture, and analyzing the digital information collected aboriginal culture of the actual text teaching, the digital information collected by the tribal ritual field research practice teaching research results, such as the aboriginal festival cache = ./cache/work_3ge2uucuafeonlhyw5hgv4p6ra.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3ge2uucuafeonlhyw5hgv4p6ra.txt === bib === id = work_noa7tyklx5dwblb7w6ge7y444a author = Linda M. Rodriquez title = Collaborating with Aponte: Digital Humanities, Art, and the Archive date = 2019 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7878 sentences = 541 flesch = 64 summary = that Aponte had shown the book to his coconspirators, explaining some of its images 56–85; Jorge Pavez Ojeda, "Painting of Black History: The Afro-Cuban Codex of José Antonio Aponte (Havana, Cuba, transcript of the part of Aponte's trial devoted to his book of paintings. of the judicial officials questioning Aponte as to the contents of his book of paintings. Thus the glorious black history pictured in Aponte's book and so visible to the eyes of all who saw its production before presenting Aponte's actual descriptions of his book ("Láminas"). archival record in conversation with Aponte as an intellectual and artist. Aponte's book of paintings was a visual artifact, one we cannot see. In the absence of Aponte's book, fifteen artists have used the Collaborating with Aponte: Digital Humanities, Art, and the Archive Collaborating with Aponte: Digital Humanities, Art, and the Archive Collaborating with Aponte: Digital Humanities, Art, and the Archive cache = ./cache/work_noa7tyklx5dwblb7w6ge7y444a.pdf txt = ./txt/work_noa7tyklx5dwblb7w6ge7y444a.txt === bib === id = work_ffhzfogh2vc6bpes4zeewwyv4m author = Patricia Martin-Rodilla title = Conceptualization and Non-Relational Implementation of Ontological and Epistemic Vagueness of Information in Digital Humanities date = 2019 pages = 23 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 14362 sentences = 1024 flesch = 50 summary = implemented using non-relational approaches) to handle the vague aspects of information. Keywords: vagueness; non-relational databases; conceptual modelling; imprecision; uncertainty; an implementation of a non-relational environment and some examples of data queries involving Figure 3 shows the non-relational node and the key-value structures defined for null and unknown information about a specific value of an attribute defined in the conceptual model (i.e., in information about a specific value of an attribute defined in the conceptual model (i.e., in information about a specific value of an attribute defined in the conceptual model (i.e., in applicable as possible for non-relational contexts with expression of informational vagueness needs, applicable as possible for non-relational contexts with expression of informational vagueness needs, conceptual model and the vagueness mechanisms created represent both the research needs of the model and the vagueness mechanisms created represent both the research needs of the project and the cache = ./cache/work_ffhzfogh2vc6bpes4zeewwyv4m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ffhzfogh2vc6bpes4zeewwyv4m.txt === bib === id = work_kgyvp4ldrjhd5krpgezilgl2yi author = Meredith J. C. Warren title = Teaching with Technology: Using Digital Humanities to Engage Student Learning date = 2016 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5748 sentences = 319 flesch = 55 summary = with Technology: Using Digital Humanities to Engage Student Learning. Teaching with Technology: Using Digital Humanities to Engage Student Learning Teaching with Technology: Using Digital Humanities to Engage Student Learning Keywords: technology, digital humanities, early Christianity, church history, student encourage student engagement with ancient and modern sources, which also promoted active See also, for example, Johnson, Johnson & Smith 1991; Thousand, Villa & Nevin 1994; Mazur 1997; King 1993; Crouch & Mazur 2001; Lage & Platt 2000; Bergmann & Sams 2012; Rosenberg 2013; Bonwell & Eison My goals for the class were that students would gain skills in engaging with ancient sources in a exercises to draw students into the ancient world through the texts they studied, using digital designed to provide students with the tools to interrogate ancient texts critically and to think In my experience promoting student engagement with the material in The Ancient Christian cache = ./cache/work_kgyvp4ldrjhd5krpgezilgl2yi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kgyvp4ldrjhd5krpgezilgl2yi.txt === bib === id = work_up7ooykdqfan7js35v3ewsylja author = Paul Longley Arthur title = Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage date = 2018 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5599 sentences = 457 flesch = 51 summary = Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage cache = ./cache/work_up7ooykdqfan7js35v3ewsylja.pdf txt = ./txt/work_up7ooykdqfan7js35v3ewsylja.txt === bib === id = work_z6uxqphb3fhl3o5m7slidcln3q author = R. Picone title = THE SUBURBAN BATHS IN POMPEII: INNOVATIVE STRATEGIES OF CONSERVATION AND DIGITAL HUMANITIES FOR AN IMPROVED USE AND PERCEPTION date = 2020 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4990 sentences = 446 flesch = 59 summary = KEY WORDS: Pompeii, Conservation, Suburban Baths, Archaeological heritage, Digital humanities, Improvement of fruition The paper aims to examine the results of an experimental research on the enlarged fruition and "communication" of Pompeii archeological The main focus of the research were the Suburban Thermal baths in Pompeii, the ancient Roman city buried during the Vesiuvus volcano eruption in 79 a.C. The Suburban Thermal baths are located within the Insula Occidentalis, a wide area at West of the old city of technologies and storytelling may be the key to understand the material and immaterial traces of the Suburban Thermal baths. important, archeological evidence like Suburban Thermal Baths. The Suburban Thermal Baths in Pompeii. The Suburban Thermal Baths are located within the Insula Internal sections of the project for an improved fruition of the Suburban Thermal Baths in Pompeii, with the study of the accessibility to Pompeii archeological site through the entrance of the suburban Thermal Baths and the connection cache = ./cache/work_z6uxqphb3fhl3o5m7slidcln3q.pdf txt = ./txt/work_z6uxqphb3fhl3o5m7slidcln3q.txt === bib === id = work_6xk5ftfpgfdoviacjhoxalslhq author = S. Münster title = Future Research Challenges for a Computer-Based Interpretative 3D Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage - A German Community's View date = 2015 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5709 sentences = 582 flesch = 48 summary = 3D RECONSTRUCTION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE A GERMAN COMMUNITY'S KEY WORDS: Virtual 3D reconstruction, Perspectives, Survey, Research agenda reconstruction of cultural heritage and currently involves more than 40 German researchers. contribution to the so-called agenda development process initiated by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in 2014 and has been amended during a joint meeting of the digital reconstruction workgroup in November 2014. In practice, concerning establishment, digital reconstructions A German research environment on digital humanities to which also belongs digital reconstruction of cultural heritage is work and research focus on the field of digital reconstructions, Digital reconstructions do not just use technologies available in 2.2 Digital reconstruction between research and practical digital reconstruction (Münster et al., in print). 2.8 Establishing digital reconstruction in the German of digital reconstruction technologies have to be established and Digital Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage – Questions of cache = ./cache/work_6xk5ftfpgfdoviacjhoxalslhq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6xk5ftfpgfdoviacjhoxalslhq.txt === bib === id = work_6yqixqlsprc6rlhte7z2c3duy4 author = Huub Wijfjes title = Digital Humanities and Media History date = 2017 pages = 22 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11284 sentences = 800 flesch = 47 summary = Digital Humanities and Media History: A Challenge for Historical Newspaper Research. This article makes use of extensive digital collections of historical newspapers itself within previous approaches to historical research, but the digitization of sources presents Using digital newspaper collections in historical research is quite new, but some of the closer look is dedicated to a specific example of digital newspaper research in historical context. Digital newspaper research raises new types of questions and offers new ways to digital newspaper research, the lack of digital historical sources can be a real problem, that history.' This concept is researched in a set of digital historical sources like newspapers, creating a of digital media historical research) practical problems call for solutions. Before starting such a historical research in digital newspapers some consideration context knowledge needed when performing this kind of digital historical newspaper research. Historical research in digital newspapers needs well-equipped heritage institutions that cache = ./cache/work_6yqixqlsprc6rlhte7z2c3duy4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6yqixqlsprc6rlhte7z2c3duy4.txt === bib === id = work_x6vi2hupuzfgdkptjwyulzo5zm author = Justin Parrott title = Indianapolis Imam Warith Deen Muhammad Community Collection date = 2020 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1561 sentences = 113 flesch = 60 summary = Indianapolis Imam Warith Deen Muhammad Community Collection Indianapolis Imam Warith Deen Muhammad Community Collection The Indianapolis Imam Warith Deen Muhammad Community collection documents the life of an The project is the result of a partnership between IUPUI and the Nur Allah Islamic Center. IUPUI's digital librarians made clear from the beginning that this was the community's project, not The newly digitized Indianapolis Imam Warith Deen Muhammad Community collection is a significant Digital Scholarship f acilitated collecting, scanning, labeling, and providing access for 1,334 items (at Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 1, No. 3 Indianapolis Imam Warith Deen Muhammad Community Collection Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 1, No. 3 Indianapolis Imam Warith Deen Muhammad Community Collection Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 1, No. 3 Indianapolis Imam Warith Deen Muhammad Community Collection Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 1, No. 3 Indianapolis Imam Warith Deen Muhammad Community Collection cache = ./cache/work_x6vi2hupuzfgdkptjwyulzo5zm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_x6vi2hupuzfgdkptjwyulzo5zm.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_icd5limvtjawjpkryokhjf6rbm author = P.K. Paul title = MCA (Information Science and Management) The Next Generation Interdisciplinary specialization for Social, Business, Health and Mathematical SciencesA Step for promoting Digital Humanities date = 2017 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3629 sentences = 614 flesch = 44 summary = MCA (Information Science and Management): The Next Generation Abstract— Information Science is an important domain for building healthy information infrastructure for almost all kind of interdisciplinary domain combines with so many subjects related to information and processing of data and similar facet. This paper talks about MCA in respect of possibilities of Information Science specialization in Information Science including its need and characteristics, educational situation in India and globally in brief manner and way MCA [Information Science] programme. Science, Information Studies, Knowledge Management, achievable to build Information Science/IST focused MCA Table: 4/ASpecialization-1 of MCA with Medical Information Science Table: 4/B-Specialization-2 of MCA with Geo Information Science Table: 4/C-Specialization-3 of MCA with Chemo Information Science Building MCA [Information Science] may come with so  MCA [Information Science] needs the core of  Still, Information Science programmes are very Information Science then it may be offered as MCA development of Information Science and the related domain cache = ./cache/work_icd5limvtjawjpkryokhjf6rbm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_icd5limvtjawjpkryokhjf6rbm.txt === bib === id = work_atos2ytygjdmbgkfeebe3jejr4 author = M. Terras title = Teaching TEI: The Need for TEI by Example date = 2009 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5719 sentences = 395 flesch = 56 summary = expand the user base of TEI, it is important that tutorial materials are made available teaching materials available which support beginner's level learning of TEI. freely available software provided to allow users to undertake TEI based markup online tutorials in the TEI, and why it is important to incorporate example material of Writers Project "offers periodic hands-on workshops on text encoding and the TEI learning a computing language, where is TEI by Example? course by example which will introduce novice users to text encoding within the TEI The "TEI by Example" project is currently developing a range of freely available The deliverables of the project are: online "TEI by example" tutorials, a printable PDF version of the "TEI by example" tutorials, an online software toolkit for text Example project aims to expand the user community of TEI by providing teaching Text Encoding and Interchange" Text Encoding and Interchange" cache = ./cache/work_atos2ytygjdmbgkfeebe3jejr4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_atos2ytygjdmbgkfeebe3jejr4.txt === bib === id = work_tc3b5q2lbrdb7bxcujcvkjbl44 author = Kim Holmberg title = Disciplinary differences in Twitter scholarly communication date = 2014 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8144 sentences = 705 flesch = 61 summary = This paper investigates disciplinary differences in how researchers use the microblogging site Twitter. from selected researchers in ten disciplines (astrophysics, biochemistry, digital humanities, economics, history of retweet more than the average Twitter users in earlier research and there were clear disciplinary differences in researchers in different disciplines use Twitter. 2. How are researchers in different disciplines using Twitter for scholarly established Twitter-using researchers and an analysis of their tweets should give an indication Twitter users, while researchers in cognitive science (964 tweets), biochemistry (892 tweets), of science 27% of the tweets were shared links, but in digital humanities only 15.5% of the only 5% of the tweets were for scholarly communication or discipline-relevant, while the An informal content analysis of the tweets from the Scholarly communication category why researchers are using social media sites like Twitter in scholarly communication. unclear tweets in every discipline suggest that Twitter is found more useful by the researchers cache = ./cache/work_tc3b5q2lbrdb7bxcujcvkjbl44.pdf txt = ./txt/work_tc3b5q2lbrdb7bxcujcvkjbl44.txt === bib === id = work_satvggs5ura2jp7fyu2dphbxx4 author = Thomas Palfinger title = Food cultures: co-creation and evaluation of a thesaurus as a cultural infrastructure date = 2018 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 255 sentences = 20 flesch = 46 summary = Food cultures: co-creation and evaluation of a thesaurus as a cultural infrastructure Close collaboration with societal actors is a central part of the Digital Humanities project exploreAT! Digital tools have increasingly enabled the cooperates with the Topothek, a citizen driven digital infrastructure which collects local historical multimedia items from private sources. as it contains a variety of cultural and local historical information, which can only be To initiate such collaboration, both scientists and citizens need to learn how to interact with each other We introduce the community group "Topothek", a citizen driven archival platform to archive, We present our first co-created result, a food cultures thesaurus, interlinking food terms with cultural The added value for Topothek is increased discoverability, while for exploreAT! is the scientific exploitation for cultural lexicography of the multimedia archive. The processes along The co-created thesaurus is co-funded by the DARIAH-theme 2017 "public humanities" in collaboration cache = ./cache/work_satvggs5ura2jp7fyu2dphbxx4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_satvggs5ura2jp7fyu2dphbxx4.txt === bib === id = work_k4o3765kcze5ng3csakwkh2i2q author = Stephanie Meece title = Editor's Note date = 2015 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 269 sentences = 13 flesch = 49 summary = This special issue of Art Libraries Journal is about Open Access to research in arts and design, and how arts librarians can and do contribute to Open Access As Open Access becomes part of the landscape of research and scholarly communications, librarians involved supporting researchers and in providing access to primary research in arts (whether text or this important change in scholarly communications. to arts research and arts librarians supporting The issue is opened with Watkins' article, an introduction to the principles of Open Access, and why arts librarians should participate, from a licensing for open access resources from Tate; other articles provide specifi c instances of arts librarians contribution from a digital humanities researcher attempting to access open arts resources. Working for Open Access within a paradigm of scholarly communications devised by and for the of us working in this area, and support future Guest Editor, Art Libraries Journal cache = ./cache/work_k4o3765kcze5ng3csakwkh2i2q.pdf txt = ./txt/work_k4o3765kcze5ng3csakwkh2i2q.txt === bib === id = work_66ihjngvive2dkurrqjf562gg4 author = AnAn Li title = Construction and visualization of high-resolution three-dimensional anatomical structure datasets for Chinese digital human date = 2008 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4628 sentences = 599 flesch = 60 summary = The objective of the China Digital Human Project (CDH) is to digitize and visualize the anatomical organs and tissues of human beings, and reconstructed into three-dimensional (3D) models in parallel Some visualization software for 2D atlas and 3D models are developed based on the new dataset with high resolution (0.1 mm × 0.1 mm × 0.2 mm). Chinese Digital Human, anatomical atlas, extremely large data processing, three-dimensional modeling, visualization achievements in image processing, 3D modeling, visualization software development, physical simulation, and Image processing and organ modeling based on the 2D datasets have been carried out in some research institutions[7―9]. visualization techniques of using CDH dataset were studied, and a high-resolution 3D anatomy dataset of the goal is to improve the performance of the image processing and parallel computation, to construct more models, and to develop more practical visual software. Establish high resolution image dataset of Chinese digital human male. cache = ./cache/work_66ihjngvive2dkurrqjf562gg4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_66ihjngvive2dkurrqjf562gg4.txt === bib === id = work_whyybejvljh5ddbzfuxffuvyai author = Yang Cai title = Visual Analysis of Human Dynamics: An Introduction to the Special Issue date = 2006 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1431 sentences = 122 flesch = 48 summary = Visual analysis of human dynamics: an For thousands of years, visual expression of human dynamics has been a Unfortunately, our understanding of the natural or social human systems Computational visualization of human dynamics has been rapidly Stochastic process-based geographical profiling models have been developed to investigate serial killer's spatio-temporal patterns from the collected field data.5 Furthermore, the cellular automata-based panic model networks has been lifted from merely visual data rendering to model-based At the physiological level, computational visualization of human Functional MRI (fMRI) systems visualize human This special issue 'Visual Analysis of Human Dynamics' ICCS workshop on Digital Human Modeling (DHM-06), gesture recognition to multi-scale human modeling. in the growing area with focus on visual analysis of human dynamics, including models, tools and applications visual analysis of social networks with the context of humans and multi-scale physiological models within context of visible soldier project for counterterrorism.16 cache = ./cache/work_whyybejvljh5ddbzfuxffuvyai.pdf txt = ./txt/work_whyybejvljh5ddbzfuxffuvyai.txt === bib === id = work_53isusw3bzhjpk7xlatqqjuqy4 author = Federico Meschini title = Documenti, medialità e racconto. Di cosa parliamo quando parliamo di Digital Scholarship date = 2019 pages = 19 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10888 sentences = 1496 flesch = 55 summary = sugli elementi costitutivi della digital scholarship e le loro possibili combinazioni e sul rapporto tra nel mondo classico e medievale, come non esisteva parimenti una netta separazione tra ricerca Digital Scholarship è perciò, come frequentemente accade nella ridefinizione digitale delle cui i centri di ricerca nelle humanities o i visual studies9, delle nove relazioni prodotte dallo SCI, ultime possono essere perciò una preziosa risorsa per ciò che riguarda sia i rapporti tra i diversi aspetto qualitativo da un lato, come la codifica dei testi, e quello quantitativo dall'altro, tra cui scienze umane e digital humanities a causa di una mancata integrazione tra di loro (Hayles 2012). Companion to Media Studies and Digital Humanities (Sayers 2018), anche in questo caso a scholarship e digital humanities, da cui eravamo partiti, acquista ora una maggiore nitidezza: se motivo la riflessione conclusiva è come, ancora più che nelle digital humanities a causa del cache = ./cache/work_53isusw3bzhjpk7xlatqqjuqy4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_53isusw3bzhjpk7xlatqqjuqy4.txt === bib === id = work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpm author = Rachel Arteaga title = Introductory Digital Humanities Curriculum for the High School English Classroom date = 2015 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3619 sentences = 357 flesch = 76 summary =  Use the story maps as new objects for reading and discussion The digital humanities tool used in this lesson plan is a demo page on the Stanford Natural Language  Use the sentiment analysis charts as new objects for reading and discussion Digital Humanities Tool: Sentiment Analysis by Stanford Natural Language Processing (NLP) Group Sentiment analysis is a tool that asks the computer to read words and tell us Digital Humanities Tool: Ngrams: Originally designed for: 9th Grade · Chromebooks · Short Stories · Wordle Word Clouds  Introduce students to the term "digital humanities," and to word clouds  Use the word clouds as new objects for analysis and discussion  Learn the term "digital humanities" and understand word clouds as part of the field To make a word cloud for a different story, copy and paste it into another Wordle "create" page. cache = ./cache/work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpm.txt === bib === id = work_df5kwu25qfgu5gapgitc4odrwu author = Ulrike Wuttke title = Here be dragons: Open Access to Research Data in the Humanities date = 2019 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 327 sentences = 66 flesch = 53 summary = Wuttke_2019_PosterDARIAH2019_Zenodo Here be Dragons: Open Access to Research Data in the Humanities Based on the winning blogpost of the Open Humanities Tools and Methods Blog Competition Kiepenheuerallee 5, 14469 Potsdam | @UWuttke Open Access to Research Data in the Humanities FAIR data sharing in the • Look what we can learn from the Digital Humanities Picture: open by velkr0 CC BY 2.0, • Key concepts and recommendations, e.g. FAIR • Publication of research data only as afterthought structures for humanities research data support Vision for Humanities Data • Support system for the quest for FAIR humanities • Incentives for FAIR data publications, e.g. DORA • Training & Education of (digital) humanities • "Data infrastructure literacy" • Added value of Research Data Management • Active research data management (e.g. RDMO = Research Data Management Organiser) When it comes to Open and FAIR research data in the Humani?es, cache = ./cache/work_df5kwu25qfgu5gapgitc4odrwu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_df5kwu25qfgu5gapgitc4odrwu.txt === bib === id = work_7dzwisbdcngbfiouw3fschciae author = Cameron Buckner title = From encyclopedia to ontology: toward dynamic representation of the discipline of philosophy date = 2010 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3081 sentences = 242 flesch = 45 summary = Philosophy Ontology (InPhO) Project highlights these benefits. scientists in digital humanities projects highlights the collaborative opportunities such research scientists in digital humanities projects highlights the collaborative opportunities such research The Indiana Philosophy Ontology Project (InPhO)5 aims to overcome barriers to broader At the InPhO project, we have a vision of seamless integration among digital philosophy (URI) which is accessed using the HTTP methods, providing a consistent interface for data retrieval services, pioneered by HTTP inventor Roy Fielding.14 The InPhO data can be explored via humanJournal of the Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science Page 3 The design of the API also satisfies Crane's rubric for digital humanities infrastructure:16 1) By web portals," in Proceedings of the WWW2004 workshop on Application Design, Development and Implementation Issues in the To our knowledge, we are the first project to have developed an API for access to cache = ./cache/work_7dzwisbdcngbfiouw3fschciae.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7dzwisbdcngbfiouw3fschciae.txt === bib === id = work_aw467ogqnvajnifcoh3uaqtjyy author = C. Warwick title = The master builders: LAIRAH research on good practice in the construction of digital humanities projects date = 2008 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1822 sentences = 137 flesch = 52 summary = T his paper describes the results of research carried outduring the LAIRAH (Log analysis of Internet Resources in the Arts and Humanities) project ( Semantic Scholar's Logo Search Corpus ID: 37530796Teaching and Researching the History of Medicine in the Era of (Big) Data: Reflections title={Teaching and Researching the History of Medicine in the Era of (Big) Data: Reflections}, author={Frederick W. Frederick W. Medicine, History View on Cambridge Press Share This Paper NNLM SEA Digest News – October 27, 2017 SEA Currents Paper Mentions Paper Mentions Related Papers Related Papers About Semantic Scholar Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. Blog posts, news articles and tweet counts and IDs sourced by By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License ACCEPT & CONTINUE cache = ./cache/work_oa3s6uzp65fmpduwvwupqnseni.pdf txt = ./txt/work_oa3s6uzp65fmpduwvwupqnseni.txt === bib === id = work_757zcxixengdtjcvhbr7rxqoai author = Giambattista Vico title = Le "Carte Villarosa". Sei fascicoli di carte vichiane non rilegate(Ms XIX, 42). Fascicoli I-VI date = 2016 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 542 sentences = 144 flesch = 61 summary = Laboratorio dell'Ispf. Laboratorio dell'Ispf. Rivista elettronica di testi, saggi e strumenti Rivista elettronica di testi, saggi e strumenti email: Gli articoli della rivista, accettati dopo un processo di peer review, si conformano agli tutti i diritti d'uso del proprio lavoro, col solo vincolo alla menzione della prima Gli articoli approvati prima della chiusura di ciascun numero sono pubblicati con Sei fascicoli di carte vichiane non rilegate (Ms. XIX, 42) Atti del Convegno "Giambattista Vicos De universi juris uno principio, et fine uno im Kontext der europäischen Naturrechtstradition und Vicos Bedeutung GIAMBATTISTA VICOS UMGANG MIT DEM BEGRIFF DES VICO, DAS NATURRECHT, UND DER BEGRIFF OBLIGATIO "GENESE" UND "KOMPOSITION" IN VICOS DE UNO VICO E IL PROBLEMA DEL METODO TRA SPERIMENTALISMO E IL DE UNO ALLA LUCE DELL'EXEMPLUM TRACTATUS DE OSSERVAZIONE SULLA "LETTERATURA" SECONDO VICO TRA MANIFESTAZIONE DEL NESSO TRA UNIVERSALITÀ DELLA • David Armando ISTITUTO DI RICERCA DEL CNR cache = ./cache/work_757zcxixengdtjcvhbr7rxqoai.pdf txt = ./txt/work_757zcxixengdtjcvhbr7rxqoai.txt === bib === id = work_wmvkb7pnbngx3onvlzvyzpyiam author = Simon Mahony title = Cultural Diversity and the Digital Humanities date = 2018 pages = 18 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7609 sentences = 625 flesch = 49 summary = Keywords Digital humanities · Cultural diversity · Multi-lingualism · Community · Department of Information Studies, UCL Centre for Digital Humanities, University College Colleagues at the UCL Centre for Digital Humanities (UCLDH), Julianne see the new journal of the Italian Association of Digital Humanities, Umanistica Fig. 2 Languages of the primary sources presented in the Catalogue of Digital Editions. Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) Chinese Text Project new publication in the journal Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, examining text Building a global Digital Humanities community', Galina raises many of the leading centre of linguistic expertise, teaching and researching more than 80 languages' http://www.ucl. The field of digital humanities has arguably been built on openness and a sense of among researchers and students of the Digital Arts, Humanities, and Cultural 'Crowdsourcing a digital library of pre-modern Chinese' http://www. Digital Humanities at the Department of Information Studies, University College London (UCL). cache = ./cache/work_wmvkb7pnbngx3onvlzvyzpyiam.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wmvkb7pnbngx3onvlzvyzpyiam.txt === bib === id = work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknqu author = Lynne Siemens title = Digital Humanities Summer Institute: Large-Project Planning, Funding, and Management date = 2020 pages = 84 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9065 sentences = 1352 flesch = 58 summary = • A carelessly planned project will take three times longer to complete than you expected; a carefully • what is needed given the project and team members' deliverables, milestone dates, and specific roles and responsibilities of the project team.  Project faculty leads are responsible for ensuring that work performed conforms to standards within E. Project Team Roles and Responsibilities All team members are credited as authors of all project products. Project members may use any of our work as examples in • As the project progresses to new phases, each team member • As the project progresses to new phases, each team member 1) Has the project scope of work changed? • The project has been planned to a manageable level of detail. project control, reporting and managing change.pdf Large Project Planning, Funding and Management Large Project Planning, Funding and Management Large Project Planning, Funding and Management cache = ./cache/work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknqu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknqu.txt === bib === id = work_3hxrsoea2bdiln2bg76j552qdi author = Stefano Calzati title = Digital Autoethnography & Connected Intelligence: Two Qualitative Practice-Based Teaching Methods for the Digital Humanities date = 2019 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8627 sentences = 559 flesch = 54 summary = our daily use of digital technologies, as well as in today's techno-society as a whole. digital technologies are having on today's teachers and students. be useful to promote a debate intersecting teaching, learning and digital technologies which technologies the subject of attention, highlighting the importance of developing new digital need, at all levels of education, to foster collaboratively shaped (teacher-students) new digital experiences was to enhance students and teachers awareness about the impact that digital The first experience was a course in new digital literacies – titled "Facebook and techno-society and provide students with new critical insights and tools for consciously course was to make students conceive and design a technologically sustainable village, intended design/use of technology (as it was the case with the ethics macro-group, whose work remained discussed in light of the debate on the use of digital technologies in/for today's techno-society, cache = ./cache/work_3hxrsoea2bdiln2bg76j552qdi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3hxrsoea2bdiln2bg76j552qdi.txt === bib === id = work_epd3m3kblbgdnohw24udk3giay author = Roberto MAZZOLA title = Il futuro degli studi umanistici al tempo dei Big Data date = 2018 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4860 sentences = 722 flesch = 64 summary = In particolare, il dilagare dell'acritica accettazione sociale della presunta asetticità euristica dei dati, che in realtà non sono neutri perché estratti da modelli nel suo sviluppo storico, la collaborazione tra linguisti computazionali e umanisti in molti casi non ha superato il livello dell'analisi automatica dei dati linguistici, nella sostanziale autoreferenzialità delle rispettive competenze; chiusura Per quanti operano nel nuovo ambiente digitale non è difficile riconoscere il collegamento esistente tra gli attuali metadati, che utilizzano non solo abbiamo assistito alla costante migrazione in rete delle forme tradizionali della circolazione del sapere umanistico, ma anche all'emergenza di una i cosiddetti contenuti spendibili sul mercato delle applicazioni degli ultimi ritrovati tecnologici di realtà aumentata o virtuale, dove cultura e svago si fondono e si confondono o che, nel peggiore dei casi, sono miseramente destinati Nel prossimo futuro, possiamo esserne certi, le possibilità di finanziamento aumenteranno ulteriormente se alla parola chiave Digital si aggiungerà quella di Big Data, indispensabile alle Big Humanities, che come cache = ./cache/work_epd3m3kblbgdnohw24udk3giay.pdf txt = ./txt/work_epd3m3kblbgdnohw24udk3giay.txt === bib === id = work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 author = John Taormina title = A Digital Humanities Bibliography date = 2020 pages = 149 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 40351 sentences = 8952 flesch = 51 summary = "Peer Review and Evaluation of Digital Resources for the Arts and Humanities." Institute of Historical Research – Digital Resources, n.d. Bodenhamer, David J., John Corrigan, and Trevor Harris, eds. Eds. by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth. Eds. by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth. Eds. by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth. Eds. by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth. Eds. by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth. Eds. by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth. Eds. by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth. Eds. by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth. Eds. by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth. Eds. by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth. Eds. by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth. Eds. by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth. Eds. by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth. cache = ./cache/work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4.txt === bib === id = work_xv3bcc6z7ncyhfmhzfmi2viuui author = Leon van Wissen title = Unlocking the archives: A pipeline for scanning, transcribing, and modelling entities of archival documents into Linked Open Data date = 2020 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 976 sentences = 176 flesch = 36 summary = Unlocking the Archives: A pipeline for scanning, indexing, transcribing, and modelling entities of archival documents into Linked Open Data A pipeline for scanning, indexing, transcribing, and modelling entities of archival Huygens Institute / Amsterdam City Archives Entity Extraction from Archival Documents, GLAM, Linked Open Data, Dutch collection of the notarial deeds in the Amsterdam City Archives will provide data on Amsterdam during the Dutch Golden Age. This archive currently plays a pioneering In the Golden Agents project, novel ways are explored to extract all entities of objects get insight into the cultural goods of Amsterdamers in the Dutch Golden Age. aggregating, and modelling the entities of archival documents into RDF as Linked These two examples show how references to objects in archival documents can be within the Amsterdam City Archives dataset can also be a next step. van den Heuvel, (2018) "Amsterdamers from the Golden Age to the Information Age cache = ./cache/work_xv3bcc6z7ncyhfmhzfmi2viuui.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xv3bcc6z7ncyhfmhzfmi2viuui.txt === bib === id = work_v2e2rurnzncldp2ftmabytyxjy author = Beatrice Alex title = Adapting the Edinburgh Geoparser for Historical Georeferencing date = 2015 pages = 25 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8176 sentences = 587 flesch = 60 summary = developed the Edinburgh Geoparser, a system that can automatically recognise place name mentions in text and disambiguate them with respect to a gazetteer. The latter looks up the location names in a gazetteer and resolves ambiguities to suggest the most likely interpretation (i.e. latitude/longitude, country and type) for each location given its context in the text being processed. In this section, we report on adjustments made to the Edinburgh Geoparser for Trading Consequences, GAP and DEEP, three research projects all processing historical text of different kinds. In the experiments presented next we evaluate the georesolution step of the Edinburgh Geoparser for adjustments we made to its feature set specifically gold standard dataset containing manually annotated location mentions georeferenced to GeoNames. (3) The DEEP Project: Georeferencing Historical English Place-names use we have made of the Edinburgh Geoparser to assign georeferences to DEEP place-names A version of the Geoparser adapted to use DEEP is accessible in Unlock Text. cache = ./cache/work_v2e2rurnzncldp2ftmabytyxjy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_v2e2rurnzncldp2ftmabytyxjy.txt === bib === id = work_tnsui5sufzhc5bbyykz27o5ptu author = Qinping ZHAO title = Data modeling and interactive virtual surgery of digital human organs date = 2016 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1320 sentences = 205 flesch = 81 summary = 中国科学: 信息科学, 2016, 46: 1769–1773, doi: Coupling time-varying modal analysis and FEM for real-time cutting simulation of objects Haptics-equiped interactive PCI simulation for patient-specific surgery training and Robust multi-modal medical image fusion via anisotropic heat diffusion guided low-rank Multi-scale local features based on anisotropic heat diffusion and global eigen-structure. In: Proceedings of the 19th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, Real-time physical deformation and cutting of heterogeneous objects via hybrid coupling In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, Melbourne, 2013. Novel, robust, and efficient guidewire modeling for pci surgery simulator based In: Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, Beijing, 2015. 16 Hou F, Qin H, Hao A M. Metaballs-based physical modeling and deformation of organs for virtual surgery. Real-time and robust object tracking in video via low-rank coherency analysis in feature Multi-scale mesh saliency based on low-rank and sparse analysis in shape feature space. cache = ./cache/work_tnsui5sufzhc5bbyykz27o5ptu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_tnsui5sufzhc5bbyykz27o5ptu.txt === bib === id = work_q4lfffmr5zcpxefhb7us2zg2j4 author = Tsubasa Maruyama title = Motion-capture-based walking simulation of digital human adapted to laser-scanned 3D as-is environments for accessibility evaluation date = 2016 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10488 sentences = 1266 flesch = 64 summary = Motion-capture-based walking simulation of digital human adapted to laser-scanned 3D as-is environments for accessibility evaluation developed an algorithm for generating human-like DHM walking motions, adapting its strides, turning angles, and footprints to laser-scanned 3D The DHM motion was generated based only on a motion-capture (MoCap) data for flat walking. Our implementation constructed as-is 3D environment models from laser-scanned point clouds of real environments and enabled a DHM to walk of our environment modeling and walking simulation in indoor and outdoor environments including corridors, slopes, and stairs are illustrated in Keywords: Digital human model; Walking simulation; Laser-scanning; Accessibility evaluation; Motion-capture; Human behavior simulation simulation algorithm used only single reference motioncapture (MoCap) data for flat walking and enabled a DHM behavior simulation, 3D environment modeling from laserscanned point clouds, and digital human modeling for walking enables kinematics-based walking simulation in a 3D environment model was proposed by Kakizaki et al. cache = ./cache/work_q4lfffmr5zcpxefhb7us2zg2j4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_q4lfffmr5zcpxefhb7us2zg2j4.txt === bib === id = work_uj5qqewkfjeu5e2djsbhkiqzra author = Alexandra Ortolja-Baird title = Digital Humanities in the Memory Institution: The Challenges of Encoding Sir Hans Sloane's Early Modern Catalogues of His Collections date = 2019 pages = 41 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 13241 sentences = 1307 flesch = 52 summary = Digital Humanities in the Memory Institution: The Challenges of Encoding Sir Hans Sloane's Early Modern Catalogues of His Collections highlight the approaches to encoding Sloane's catalogues in TEI that Sir Hans Sloane's (1660–1753) manuscript catalogues of his collection were written, encoding, or marking up, Sloane's catalogues in line with the Guidelines of the Text modelling the catalogues and encoding them in TEI in order to study this. This article discusses the specific example of Sloane's early modern catalogues the benefits and complexities of applying TEI to early modern catalogues like that use TEI to encode the catalogues of Sir Hans Sloane, along with our current working objects that are printed books means that these catalogue entries only rarely include encoding the objects that are described in Sloane's catalogues. challenge of encoding object names in Sloane's catalogues to be a question of how to Sloane's Early Modern Catalogues of His Collections. cache = ./cache/work_uj5qqewkfjeu5e2djsbhkiqzra.pdf txt = ./txt/work_uj5qqewkfjeu5e2djsbhkiqzra.txt === bib === id = work_6rnmxllsrjeuxlm4ytewedpzoi author = Agathe Nérot title = An assessment of the realism of digital human manikins used for simulation in ergonomics date = 2015 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 894 sentences = 147 flesch = 59 summary = [PDF] An assessment of the realism of digital human manikins used for simulation in ergonomics | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 21973707An assessment of the realism of digital human manikins used for simulation in ergonomics title={An assessment of the realism of digital human manikins used for simulation in ergonomics}, In this study, the accuracy of the joint centres of the manikins generated by RAMSIS and Human Builder (HB), two digital human modelling (DHM) systems widely used in industry for virtual ergonomics simulation, was investigated. Sort by Most Influenced Papers A Markerless Method for Personalizing a Digital Human Model from a 3D Body Surface Scan In-Vehicle Driving Posture Reconstruction from 3D Scanning Data Using a 3D Digital Human Modeling Tool View 5 excerpts, references methods and background View 5 excerpts, references methods and background View 1 excerpt, references methods View 1 excerpt, references methods View 1 excerpt, references methods View 1 excerpt, references methods cache = ./cache/work_6rnmxllsrjeuxlm4ytewedpzoi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6rnmxllsrjeuxlm4ytewedpzoi.txt === bib === id = work_2r4jqloa6zg6jescqvapjpgamu author = Amanda Starling Gould title = Evaluating Digital Humanities Projects: Collaborative Course Assessment date = 2020 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 587 sentences = 125 flesch = 20 summary = Shannon Mattern's criteria for evaluating Multimodal Student Work and the peer evaluate selected digital humanities projects. grading) criteria for our own final transmedia projects. Here I've posted my annotated copy of her list. These criteria are now posted to add at least four annotations to that Rap Genius page expressing your ideas Evaluating Digital Humanities Projects: The criteria I feel most important to our project are highlighted and A consideration of Digital Preservation: Let's think about how we might best become compromised, you'll want to have a backup copy of your hard work. Technoscience / Ecomateriality / Literature is powered by WordPress at Duke WordPress Sites. Please read the Duke Wordpress Policies. cache = ./cache/work_2r4jqloa6zg6jescqvapjpgamu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2r4jqloa6zg6jescqvapjpgamu.txt === bib === id = work_juxsfkiulzgpll2kvvh7x73zw4 author = Ian Goodale title = The Prague Spring Archive at the University of Texas at Austin date = 2017 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4613 sentences = 277 flesch = 49 summary = To cite this article: Ian Goodale (2017) The Prague Spring Archive at the University of Texas at The metadata allows researchers working with the materials within Texas ScholarWorks to easily search the documents, and can be downloaded by anyone through the repository. digitize relevant archival materials for the project team as a way to supplement the Prague Spring Archive's online collection of documents. Furthermore, the team hopes to develop its own educational materials for use by public school educators in the future, which will be made available freely on the project's online portal and similarly increase its reach. students contribute text for incorporation into the online portal, visiting multiple class sessions to teach about the project and serve as a contact for digital Students will use the archive's materials for assignments in future classes, working with professors and librarians to contribute content to the site and identify cache = ./cache/work_juxsfkiulzgpll2kvvh7x73zw4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_juxsfkiulzgpll2kvvh7x73zw4.txt === bib === id = work_woma4xa2yzaetbtidcbfgrjhdi author = Henkjan Honing title = THE ROLE OF ICT IN MUSIC RESEARCH: A BRIDGE TOO FAR? date = 2007 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3207 sentences = 245 flesch = 52 summary = The role of ICT in music research: a bridge too far? The role of ICT in music research: a bridge too far? archeology, linguistics, media studies and music, ICT has allowed new research role of ICT in music research, especially the influence it had on the development the 1980s, giving a new boost to music performance studies. An example of this line of research is a study on the use of timing and tempo methods from experimental and cognitive psychology aiming to answer questions on the commonalities and diversities as found in music performance: what predicts that a tempo-transformed performance will sound equally musical or inspired music research in which the role of ICT, measurement, and experiment Honing, 'Evidence for tempo-specific timing in music using a 'Is expressive timing relational invariant under tempo transformation?' Psychology of Music in music performance: An exploratory study.' Psychological Research 56 (1994) pp. cache = ./cache/work_woma4xa2yzaetbtidcbfgrjhdi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_woma4xa2yzaetbtidcbfgrjhdi.txt === bib === id = work_3y22ufoqi5euja4cnjqg52t4aa author = Jerzy Grobelny title = Preventing Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders in Manufacturing by Digital Human Modeling date = 2020 pages = 19 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 13184 sentences = 1453 flesch = 60 summary = Preventing Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders in Manufacturing by Digital Human Modeling The use of any DHM system for the ergonomic analysis of tools, workstations, or human work Various types of digital human models were applied for the ergonomic assessment and design REBA WMSD risk assessment results for extreme human models on the modified REBA WMSD risk assessment results for extreme human models on the modified workstation REBA WMSD risk assessment results for extreme human models on the modified workstation Body posture simulation of the 95th percentile male on workstation (a) designed to be Body posture simulation of the 95th percentile male on workstation (a) designed to be Body posture simulation of the 95th percentile male on workstation (a) designed to be Body posture simulation of the 95th percentile male on workstation (a) designed to be Body posture simulation of the 95th percentile male on workstation (a) designed to be cache = ./cache/work_3y22ufoqi5euja4cnjqg52t4aa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3y22ufoqi5euja4cnjqg52t4aa.txt === bib === id = work_wzwni26n65dz3plppcpwfk4lne author = Guy De Pauw title = Introduction to the special issue on African Language Technology date = 2011 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2007 sentences = 140 flesch = 46 summary = The use of digital resources and tools across humanities disciplines is steadily humanities extends well beyond language-based research, textual resources and In order to showcase the use of language tools and resources in digital humanities research, the LT4DH (Language Technology for Digital Humanities) workshop was tools in order to be able to address research questions in digital humanities. spoken and written language, showcasing their use in digital humanities language processing tools in digital humanities research. – Showcasing the use of language processing tools in humanities disciplines such The articles can be grouped into three thematic clusters: text analysis, corpus Data-driven analysis of literary text is also the topic of the article contributed by about a spoken-language corpus, followed by two articles presenting text corpora Language technology for digital humanities: introduction to the special issue Language technology for digital humanities: introduction to the special issue cache = ./cache/work_wzwni26n65dz3plppcpwfk4lne.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wzwni26n65dz3plppcpwfk4lne.txt === bib === id = work_yiv557rayra65mipdgbqjltg7q author = Claas Lattmann title = Iconizing the Digital Humanities. Models and Modeling from a Semiotic Perspective date = 2019 pages = 26 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 12233 sentences = 1194 flesch = 61 summary = Iconizing the Digital Humanities: Models and Modeling from a Semiotic Perspective. it is argued that models are icons, i.e. signs that represent their specific objects research.1 Scholars use models for creating an ever-growing number of computational tools that expand the breadth and depth of humanities research. What, for example, does a digital map have in common with a treebank; or what does a bibliographical model have in common with a 3D reconstruction of an ancient temple relate to modeling in the digital humanities. In effect, models can be as complex as their original objects and maybe even more complex; for example, an exact replica of a human being 28 That an icon (model) is defined as having a similarity relation to its object does not imply model itself, because the relation between sign and object is by definition neiModelling in digital humanities: Signs in cache = ./cache/work_yiv557rayra65mipdgbqjltg7q.pdf txt = ./txt/work_yiv557rayra65mipdgbqjltg7q.txt === bib === id = work_3pih7g5g3jalpf6ckdlifzsitu author = Stefan Bornhofen title = Exploring dynamic multilayer graphs for digital humanities date = 2020 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6649 sentences = 557 flesch = 54 summary = The paper presents Intergraph, a graph-based visual analytics technical demonstrator one of the first interactive tools to visualize dynamic multilayer graphs for collections of specifically, it helps to answer the following questions: How is a given named entity (person, institution or location) represented in a collection? project, a French-Luxembourgish research project dedicated to develop novel visualizations of dynamic multilayer graphs ( the nature of links between entities, the data was not considered usable for the reconstruction and quantitative analysis of a historical social network without significant manual Interactive network visualizations have been used in and around the digital humanities sphere to make datasets accessible for exploration and research (Jänicke et al. a matter of fact, recent research suggests that multilayer graphs allow for more complexity in the exploration of historical data (McGee et al. designed to demonstrate concepts and to illustrate universal approaches to dynamic multilayer graph visualizations. cache = ./cache/work_3pih7g5g3jalpf6ckdlifzsitu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3pih7g5g3jalpf6ckdlifzsitu.txt === bib === id = work_iiyhyhj2kzeqzkoqjoe6ubxncq author = Ashley Palmer title = Review: Marianne Moore Digital Archive date = 2020 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1384 sentences = 114 flesch = 53 summary = Review: Marianne Moore Digital Archive Review: Marianne Moore Digital Archive The Marianne Moore Digital Archive (MMDA) aims to publish all 120 of Moore's working notebooks, in linked dual-page facsimile and textual editions, to its free public The meticulous and visually appealing Marianne Moore Digital Archive (MMDA) has a lot to offer scholars of Moore's work, teachers of modernism and American literature, the MMDA presents digital editions of Moore's working notebooks, annotated and more forthcoming, and they aim to eventually feature all 120 of Moore's notebooks. transcriptions and annotations across the notebooks would support even more Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 1, No. 10 Review: Marianne Moore Digital Archive Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 1, No. 10 Review: Marianne Moore Digital Archive Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 1, No. 10 Review: Marianne Moore Digital Archive Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 1, No. 10 Review: Marianne Moore Digital Archive cache = ./cache/work_iiyhyhj2kzeqzkoqjoe6ubxncq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_iiyhyhj2kzeqzkoqjoe6ubxncq.txt === bib === id = work_4eqp73och5hudeerggco4uknfy author = Bénédicte Vauthier title = The .txtual condition, .txtual criticism and .txtual scholarly editing in Spanish philology date = 2019 pages = 18 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10102 sentences = 726 flesch = 58 summary = writing process, scholarly editions (of born-digital material) and (born-digital) archives.5 In this area, the landscape of European research, especially for Spanish studies, In textual criticism and scholarly editing of modern English literature texts––the theory and practice of modern scholarly editing, textual criticism and analytical History, Nutt-Kofoth 2006)––the simplicity of the title should be noted as meaningful––a German literary scholar and specialist for scholarly editions invites his colleagues to stop focusing solely on the "linguistic" dimension of the text and instead turn is what the Anglo-Americans question with the idea of "versioning" (Reiman 1987), "fluid text" (Bryant work (2013) on the typology of digital scholarly editions and on the definition of the textual criticism and scholarly editing of modern texts both in European traditions and donate the digital working documents of my books to a library or to any other type of cache = ./cache/work_4eqp73och5hudeerggco4uknfy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4eqp73och5hudeerggco4uknfy.txt === bib === id = work_aeyo6w7szva7lgp53sg2u7jkma author = Baekhee Lee title = Ergonomic Design of a Main Control Room of Radioactive Waste Facility Using Digital Human Simulation date = 2012 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3328 sentences = 332 flesch = 62 summary = Ergonomic Design of a Main Control Room of Radioactive Waste Facility Using Digital Human Simulation Ergonomic Design of a Main Control Room of Radioactive Waste Facility The present study evaluated a preliminary main control room (MCR) design of radioactive waste facility using the in-depth ergonomic analysis with a digital prototype of the MCR design and the digital humanoids in terms of postural A revised MCR design suggested in the present study would contribute to effective and evaluations using DHS and analyzed design improvements of Ergonomic evaluation using digital human simulation The present study evaluated preliminary designs of the MCR of the RWF and analyzed design improvements. body sizes of generated representative human models as shown workstation postures for DHS evaluation as shown in Figure 4. three major design components (console, LDP, and LCD) of MCR of the RWF through ergonomic evaluation considered Ergonomic Design and Evaluation Technology for cache = ./cache/work_aeyo6w7szva7lgp53sg2u7jkma.pdf txt = ./txt/work_aeyo6w7szva7lgp53sg2u7jkma.txt === bib === id = work_rhaskpauvnakllsosmp6jwcboy author = Maurizio Toscano title = Digital Humanities in Spain: evolution and current scenario date = 2020 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 567 sentences = 27 flesch = 44 summary = Digital Humanities in Spain: evolution and current scenario become a leading trend in research, either as a field of study and as a preferential financing topic. in this field with a greater understanding of the current Spanish scenario, LINHD (Laboratorio de Innovación de Humanidades Digitales UNED) promoted a research on the of the study was to identify researchers in the field of DH and to explore their financing, institutional affiliations, research topics and developed resources. approach, focused on identifying the most relevant steps in the evolution and consolidation of this research topic in the Iberian country2, still largely in place. This contribution describes the results of the findings after mapping and analyzing five main entities, specifically: researchers, projects, was 1,347, distributed as follow: 576 researchers, 367 projects, 309 bibliographical records, 80 resources, 8 post-graduate courses and 7 journals. Interesting results come from the analyses of research fields evolution over time, cache = ./cache/work_rhaskpauvnakllsosmp6jwcboy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rhaskpauvnakllsosmp6jwcboy.txt === bib === id = work_rp4ngzluyjaxtpazacjngvlura author = Allison Carruth title = Ecological Media Studies and the Matter of Digital Technologies date = 2016 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5018 sentences = 581 flesch = 51 summary = grantfunded projects (like the Saw yer Seminar on the Environmental Humanities at the University of California, Los Angeles, by ofering a supplemental framework for connecting the environmental and digital humanities, which this essay terms ecological media studies. to the material ecologies of new media and digital computing with environmental humanities and media studies, a number of projects have recently begun 372 Ecological Media Studies and the Matter of Digital Technologies [ P M L A 372 Ecological Media Studies and the Matter of Digital Technologies [ P M L A 372 Ecological Media Studies and the Matter of Digital Technologies [ P M L A 372 Ecological Media Studies and the Matter of Digital Technologies [ P M L A 372 Ecological Media Studies and the Matter of Digital Technologies [ P M L A 372 Ecological Media Studies and the Matter of Digital Technologies [ P M L A cache = ./cache/work_rp4ngzluyjaxtpazacjngvlura.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rp4ngzluyjaxtpazacjngvlura.txt === bib === id = work_si56a7q3cbavvnjo5mf4vrq3ya author = Matthew Flisfeder title = Ideology Critique and Film Criticism in the New Media Ecology date = 2015 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 942 sentences = 48 flesch = 50 summary = Ideology Critique and Film Criticism in the Cultural criticism in neoliberal times has shifted away from the critical investigation of the arts (including cinema), and has geared the with the critical distinctions between different media in the digital age, since it is all too film criticism must all the more forcefully be tied to the critique of ideology.*?rgn=main;view=fulltext*?rgn=main;view=fulltext 1/21/2016 Ideology Critique and Film Criticism in the New Media Ecology 1/21/2016 Ideology Critique and Film Criticism in the New Media Ecology;rgn=main;rgn=main symptoms, and the aim is to deconstruct the film text to locate the ideology present The cinematic critique of ideology, a practice engaged by critics like "Cinema/Ideology/Criticism." The films in this category, they point out, are those which If film criticism is going to have any relevance for the twenty-first century, it's going to criticism can be part of the congealing of the "digital humanities" and contemporary cache = ./cache/work_si56a7q3cbavvnjo5mf4vrq3ya.pdf txt = ./txt/work_si56a7q3cbavvnjo5mf4vrq3ya.txt === bib === id = work_gtrr6eekknan3eo7i2anh4hjya author = Valiur Rahaman title = Neurocognitive Literary Studies and Digital Humanities date = 2020 pages = 11 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2947 sentences = 319 flesch = 42 summary = Neurocognitive Literary Studies and Digital Humanities Neurocognitive Literary Studies and Digital Humanities The paper demonstrates how neurocognitive social psychology can be applied to study human studies in terms of neurocognitive psychology may help develop new models for technology sub-branch of Digital Humanities and its application to the two major research studies: to Neurocriticism, Autism, Literary Studies, Literary data Modeling, Digital Narrative, Social Neurocriticism, Autism, Literary Studies, Literary data Modeling, Digital Narrative, Social Digital Humanities strengthens literary studies when its scholarship paper establishes a networked rapport of literary arts with neurocognitive science and digital 2. HITS as Sub-branch of DH: A Study in Digital Humanities to Technological developing models based on digital studies in philosophy of language and literary studies in terms studies the behavior patterns of such personalities in Literature in terms of neuro-cognitive psychology and social psychology and may develop behavior semiotic model based on the studies cache = ./cache/work_gtrr6eekknan3eo7i2anh4hjya.pdf txt = ./txt/work_gtrr6eekknan3eo7i2anh4hjya.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_becbdobjdjamjgxuo64hj77n7i author = W.-W. Chen title = BODY AS ECHOES: CYBER ARCHIVING OF DAZU ROCK CARVINGS date = 2017 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2416 sentences = 279 flesch = 55 summary = Keywords: Digital Heritage, Digital Sculpting, STEM Education, Interactive Info-Motion Design, Dazu Rock Carvings "Body As Echoes: Cyber Archiving of Dazu Rock Carvings (BAE project in short)" strives to explore the tangible/intangible aspects Aiming at Dazu Rock Carvings World Heritage Site of Sichuan Province, BAE project utilizes photogrammetry and digital sculpting technique to investigate digital narrative of cultural heritage conservation. and making sustainable of the tangible cultural heritage at Dazu Rock Carvings, BAE project cyber-archives the selected niches and making the digital resources available to broader audiences, BAE project will further develop interactive info-motion interface and apply the knowledge of digital heritage from BAE project to STEM education. Figure 2/2.1: Photogrammetry documentation of Gandhārastyle carved grey schist Shakyamuni, Bodhisattva (gilt), Figure 3: Digital documentations of the Esoteric deities at Dazu Rock Carving in Sichuan Province, China. 3. Digital humanity in cultural heritage conservation selects digital heritage as the form to study Dazu Rock Carvings cache = ./cache/work_becbdobjdjamjgxuo64hj77n7i.pdf txt = ./txt/work_becbdobjdjamjgxuo64hj77n7i.txt === bib === id = work_cxgrjqjaergz3gbuaypp2wyhea author = Monica Berti title = Gli studi classici e i Linked Ancient World Data date = 2021 pages = 38 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 629 sentences = 306 flesch = -47 summary = Open Data of Ancient Greek and Latin Sources Open Data of Ancient Greek and Latin Sources The Linked Open Data Cloud Linked Open Data Linked Ancient World Data Linked Ancient World Data Digital Classical Philology Sustaining Linked Ancient World Data Open Data? Open Data? {{cite web |url= |title=Places: 727070 * urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0032.tlg001.perseus-grc2:1.1.1@Ἀγησανδρίδου[1] Data Entry and Analysis for Classical Philology Data Entry and Analysis for Classical Philology Semantic Annotations cache = ./cache/work_cxgrjqjaergz3gbuaypp2wyhea.pdf txt = ./txt/work_cxgrjqjaergz3gbuaypp2wyhea.txt === bib === id = work_nvoyc3t4u5hr5eqz6qk5zcfdj4 author = Francis Rousseaux title = Exploring informed virtual sites through Michel Foucault's heterotopias date = 2009 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 884 sentences = 179 flesch = 59 summary = [PDF] Exploring informed virtual sites through Michel Foucault's heterotopias | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 26284328Exploring informed virtual sites through Michel Foucault's heterotopias title={Exploring informed virtual sites through Michel Foucault's heterotopias}, This papers starts with some mysterious contribution by Michel Foucault (1967) about heterotopias as special epistemological sites. With a recent case-study – an immersive virtual reality art project dealing with some ancient abbey reconstruction and managed by a French engineering school – we analyse the successive attempts to satisfy the system users by extending Foucault's heterotopology, which appears to be useful and creative for the Virtual Reality research communities. Archaeology of the voice : exploring oral history, locative media, audio walks, and sound art as site-specific displacement activities View 1 excerpt, cites background View 1 excerpt, cites background View 1 excerpt, cites background View 1 excerpt, cites background Introduction to Virtual Reality cache = ./cache/work_nvoyc3t4u5hr5eqz6qk5zcfdj4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_nvoyc3t4u5hr5eqz6qk5zcfdj4.txt === bib === id = work_g2vkzz5wvzfmreplmjszn7vqo4 author = Joseph Scheinfeldt title = Another Week | Another Tool - A Digital Humanities Barnraising date = 2017 pages = 11 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2775 sentences = 425 flesch = 44 summary = development work about Serendip-o-matic and the experience of One Week | One Tool. "Mia Ridge Leads Developement at One Week|One Tool." Digital "One Week | One Tool: Introducing Serendip-O-Matic." The Chronicle of Higher "Metaphorical Learning Moments at One Week One Tool, Day 3," August 1, 2013. "Europeana API Used in One Week | One Tool's Serendip-O-Matic!" Europeana, August 5, "One Week, One Tool, Many Lessons." ACRL TechConnect Blog, August 7, Serendip-O-Matic." One Week One Tool, August 2, 2013. "One Week | One Tool Team Launches Serendip-O-Matic." Roy Rosenzweig Center for "Professor Kleinman Helps Develop Search Tool Serendip-O-Matic." Department of English, "RECOMMENDED: Serendip-O-Matic, From the One Week | One Tool Team." Dh+lib, August Announcing Serendip-O-Matic at One Week, One Tool." Open "Serendip-O-Matic Results Using 2012 SPU Library Annual Report." Keeping Time, August 3, "#OWOT a Week: Introducing Serendip-O-Matic, a Tool for Digital Humanities cache = ./cache/work_g2vkzz5wvzfmreplmjszn7vqo4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_g2vkzz5wvzfmreplmjszn7vqo4.txt === bib === id = work_i7gd7yh33ffevjgixzmsfkj23i author = Colette Colligan title = Notes from the Field: Student Perspectives on Digital Pedagogy date = 2020 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4139 sentences = 320 flesch = 43 summary = Notes from the Field: Student Perspectives on Digital Pedagogy This special collection on digital pedagogy features essays by student This special collection on digital pedagogy features essays by student researchers student perspectives on current pedagogical practices in Digital Humanities, both with GLAM institutions; 2) Digital Doctorates; 3) Major Research Projects; and 4) changing student roles over the lifespan of a collaborative digital project, as well as DH collaborations between student researchers and cultural institutions potentially how Digital Humanities projects might be accounted for in graduate programs, these graduate students to develop digital skills, explore different modes of research, and Humanities projects, research assistant work has taken on a new form for graduate addresses student labour on "Major Research Projects," consists of two essays by exploring the benefits for students for working on projects that collaborate across "Student Labour and Training in Digital Humanities." cache = ./cache/work_i7gd7yh33ffevjgixzmsfkj23i.pdf txt = ./txt/work_i7gd7yh33ffevjgixzmsfkj23i.txt === bib === id = work_fanwgwngu5d65lyl2rdbpkfbze author = Taofeek Dalamu title = Illuminating Systemic Functional Grammatics (Theory) as a Viable Tool of Digital Humanities date = 2019 pages = 51 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 14961 sentences = 1737 flesch = 61 summary = Illuminating Systemic Functional Grammatics (Theory) as a Viable Tool of Digital Humanities Boy' operates in declarative clauses with heavy utilization of Subject and Keywords: 'Area Boy'; Digital Humanities; Mood System; Systemic Functional approach "Area Boy" in order to generate systemic meaning, SFL (identified as B) Its application processes "Area Boy" structures into countable the application turn the whole exercises on "Area Boy" to semiotic slots of SFL, structural organs of the clauses of "Area Boy." The system networks in Figures 3, 4, technology (Laurence Anthony's Software), to account for the processes in "Area Boy." transitivity systems to the poem, "Area Boy." of "Area Boy", based on SFL's applications in Figures 8, 9, and 10, below, in tables Figure 8: "Area Boy" mood analysis. Figure 9: "Area Boy" thematic analysis. Figure 10: "Area Boy" transitivity analysis. of the "Area Boy." Besides, Theme 1 recurs in almost all the clauses. cache = ./cache/work_fanwgwngu5d65lyl2rdbpkfbze.pdf txt = ./txt/work_fanwgwngu5d65lyl2rdbpkfbze.txt === bib === id = work_3zytjanwqfhq7mfbrf6vdrtdxi author = Vierros, Marja title = Preprocessing Greek Papyri for Linguistic Annotation date = 2017 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8387 sentences = 665 flesch = 63 summary = syntactically annotated (treebanked), and where the user can add new metadata concerning the text Greek; papyri; linguistic annotation; treebank; dependency grammar; TEI EpiDoc XML; MySQL; research project of author 1 ("SEMATIA: Linguistic Annotation of the Greek Documentary project it is highly important that the edited text contains the assumed standard forms, too. treebanks for historical linguistic research as well as dependency grammar for Ancient Greek abbreviated words, for example, only the part that was written is taken into the original layer decided to add a third layer, where a new variation mark-up is added to the treebank XML. In this case, we take the whole word in expanded form into the standard layer (στερεοῦ) and The whole word in expanded form, ἔτους, is chosen for the standard layer and for the original creating, managing and querying the original and standard layers of Epidoc XML texts. The treebank XML of the original layer would be cache = ./cache/work_3zytjanwqfhq7mfbrf6vdrtdxi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3zytjanwqfhq7mfbrf6vdrtdxi.txt === bib === id = work_wtjmtkr4ybbnhl7qzutpww6c5e author = Massimo Lollini title = Pierre Lévy and the Future of Internet date = 2019 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1889 sentences = 81 flesch = 38 summary = Semantic Metadata, Humanist Computing and Digital Humanities, opens with an important interview collective categorization power and developing new symbolic systems suitable for the digital medium. reconstructs accurately the history of this idea starting from the seminal works of scholars like JeanClaude Gardin, who underlined the need for an awareness that computation applied to the humanities Buzzetti argues that this awareness has been lost with the advent of Digital Humanities that have In this perspective, the Digital Humanities, with proposals like the Textual Encoding cognitive value of Humanities Computing and the new design dimension of culture within the socalled Semantic Web. Common to the two scholars, albeit from different perspectives, is also the Digital Humanities and only partially to that of Humanist Computing. "Dialogues" of Pope Gregory I, this digital humanities project explores continuities and and Digital Humanities, I would like to invite the authors of this issue and the other authors who over cache = ./cache/work_wtjmtkr4ybbnhl7qzutpww6c5e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wtjmtkr4ybbnhl7qzutpww6c5e.txt === bib === id = work_mzjpgmigpbhwpol2vpbqogdtdi author = Talia Schaffer title = Introduction date = 2018 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 704 sentences = 54 flesch = 56 summary = IN May 2017, the annual City University of New York (CUNY) VictorianConference addressed the history of Victorian feminist criticism. their struggles to establish and maintain Victorian feminist work in the issues in twenty-first-century Victorian feminist practice: Alison Booth spoke about digital-humanities codification of Victorian women's lives, to canonize Victorian women writers spoke to the continuous work required to make Victorian women's writing familiar to the field. When VLC offered us a chance to publish some of this work in a feminist cluster, three pieces stood out as already connected. critical protocols we already use, too often assumed rather than examined, and help the practitioners of a new generation of feminist criticism. The future of feminist criticism, as we see it, will have to cope with vast Victorian feminist criticism, and we claimed the present, asserting our own participation in the robust continuing tradition of feminist work. guide us toward the feminist criticism of the future. cache = ./cache/work_mzjpgmigpbhwpol2vpbqogdtdi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mzjpgmigpbhwpol2vpbqogdtdi.txt === bib === id = work_hm4ljhe2mnbtratt3c3gw756dm author = Drew E. VandeCreek title = Text Mining at an Institution with Limited Financial Resources date = 2016 pages = extension = .htm mime = text/html words = 3204 sentences = 151 flesch = 52 summary = Should these individuals seek to explore text mining, one of the digital humanities core activities, they are likely to confront the fact that their library cannot afford the typical expensive database products that contain large volumes of materials suitable for analysis. Another potential problem to be faced by this new group of practitioners at non-elite institutions with limited resources will arise when they undertake text mining, one of the digital humanities' core activities, and confront the expense of acquiring a corpus of data to mine. I noticed that a significant number of scholars employed at institutions well outside the vendors' target audience of university libraries with budgets allowing them to purchase or subscribe to high-cost digital resources in the humanities attended the "Beyond Ctrl+F" event. cache = ./cache/work_hm4ljhe2mnbtratt3c3gw756dm.htm txt = ./txt/work_hm4ljhe2mnbtratt3c3gw756dm.txt === bib === id = work_xs72i2hnkvbfnc5mfsar3nlyfq author = F. Maiwald title = PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ANALYSIS OF HISTORICAL IMAGE REPOSITORIES FOR VIRTUAL RECONSTRUCTION IN THE FIELD OF DIGITAL HUMANITIES date = 2017 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3685 sentences = 286 flesch = 57 summary = KEY WORDS: Historical images, structure-from-motion, image configuration, point cloud, virtual 3D reconstruction Historical photographs contain high density of information and are of great importance as sources in humanities research. to the semantic indexing of historical images based on metadata, it is also possible to reconstruct geometric information about the photogrammetric point of view, these images are mostly digitized photographs. repository containing historical images of the Kronentor ('crown gate') of the Dresden Zwinger. quality and condition of available images determining their appropriateness for generating three-dimensional point clouds from clouds can be created from historical images with SfM (Lowe, Thus, the current images distort the historical point cloud. 3.3 Generation of a point cloud from historical images with 3.3 Generation of a point cloud from historical images with Point cloud based on 13 historical images The point cloud generated from historical images (Fig. 10) is the quality of point clouds generated by these images cache = ./cache/work_xs72i2hnkvbfnc5mfsar3nlyfq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xs72i2hnkvbfnc5mfsar3nlyfq.txt === bib === id = work_7uefqbkdyzgupbodq53dlxecme author = Elisabeth Burr title = Inaugural Address CDH 2020 by ADHO COB President date = 2020 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1433 sentences = 79 flesch = 53 summary = Chinese Digital Humanities Conference from your colleague, Dr Jing Chen, on behalf of the conference with the wonderful theme "Benevolence and Excellence: Digital Humanities and 1988 onward, these two Associations celebrated joint conferences, which took place one year These discussions led to the foundation of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations, The first ADHO Digital Humanities Conference Over the years, more and more Digital Humanities Associations applied to become the Japanese Association for Digital Humanities (JADH) became a constituent organisation digital scholarly journals, which are published by ADHO Constituent Organisations and Every year ADHO organises the Digital Humanities Conference. ADHO's next Digital Humanities conference scheduled for 2021 in Japan had to be can meet the global Digital Humanities community again in person. As president of the Board, which represents all the Digital Humanities organisations which ADHO's greetings in person and to get to know the Digital Humanities Community which cache = ./cache/work_7uefqbkdyzgupbodq53dlxecme.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7uefqbkdyzgupbodq53dlxecme.txt === bib === id = work_npij5ivj4ve6vjaqogstyfs7fa author = Brandon Walsh title = Collaborative Writing to Build Digital Humanities Praxis date = 2018 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2040 sentences = 127 flesch = 51 summary = Collaborative Writing to Build Digital Humanities Praxis Collaborative Writing to Build Digital Humanities Praxis be talking a bit today about "Collaborative Writing to Build Digital Humanities particular, I want to explore the potential for collaborative writing projects to course on digital text analysis (Walsh and Horowitz, 2016). Humanities Fellow working in the University Library, I was asked to support building the capacity of the University's digital humanities resources. the collaboration is that, after co-writing the materials and teaching the course Writing collaborations such as these can fit the professional needs of people new courses, skills, and students into the major as a result of Professor Horowitz's Writing projects like this one provide spaces for shared learning experiences Collaborative writing projects can thus serve as training in digital humanities people into the rewards of public digital work is by sharing the burdens and risks and the materials with which we work." By framing digital humanities praxis first cache = ./cache/work_npij5ivj4ve6vjaqogstyfs7fa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_npij5ivj4ve6vjaqogstyfs7fa.txt === bib === id = work_scsuwb43sbgxdk7pbuddywep3m author = Floriana Sciumbata title = Students of humanities and digital skills: a survey on Italian university students date = 2019 pages = 21 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5979 sentences = 514 flesch = 58 summary = This paper presents a study carried out to survey the digital skills of Italian students belonging Italian humanities students, this study points out digital skills that should be strengthened, • outlining the digital skills profile of Italian university students of humanities; F. Sciumbata – Students of humanities and digital skills: a survey on Italian university students F. Sciumbata – Students of humanities and digital skills: a survey on Italian university students F. Sciumbata – Students of humanities and digital skills: a survey on Italian university students F. Sciumbata – Students of humanities and digital skills: a survey on Italian university students F. Sciumbata – Students of humanities and digital skills: a survey on Italian university students F. Sciumbata – Students of humanities and digital skills: a survey on Italian university students F. Sciumbata – Students of humanities and digital skills: a survey on Italian university students cache = ./cache/work_scsuwb43sbgxdk7pbuddywep3m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_scsuwb43sbgxdk7pbuddywep3m.txt === bib === id = work_jjqj3df6wjaejlzmo3ar7wcdl4 author = Karlheinz G. Schaub title = Ergonomic assessment of automotive assembly tasks with digital human modelling and the 'ergonomics assessment worksheet' (EAWS) date = 2012 pages = 29 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 12111 sentences = 878 flesch = 52 summary = MTMergonomics is an ergonomic risk assessment tool for industrial engineers for manual work activities; EMA; ergonomics assessment worksheet; EAWS; automotive assembly tasks with digital human modelling and the 'ergonomics preventive ergonomic work design, particularly during pre-production planning (Duffy, for manual work activities (EMA) that helps to speed up and optimise human movement 2012) and planning tools like EMA and MTMergonomics (Schaub et al., 2009a) EAWS include task analysis toolkit for ergonomic work place design and motion capture toolkit automotive which integrates production ergonomics and process planning based on MTM EMA utilises a modular approach for simulating human work activities that is based on EMA has therefore included a standard tool for ergonomic risk assessment called EMA is a new tool for simulating and editing manual work activities in digital production and work task design', Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual (2010) 'Ergonomics risk assessment with digital human models in car assembly: cache = ./cache/work_jjqj3df6wjaejlzmo3ar7wcdl4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_jjqj3df6wjaejlzmo3ar7wcdl4.txt === bib === id = work_wextl3iu3zcxvgjyihtajatt4a author = Claire Warwick title = Framing the experience: a study of the history of interfaces to digital humanities projects date = 2020 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1357 sentences = 103 flesch = 53 summary = Framing the experience: a study of the history of interfaces to digital humanities projects aspect of digital humanities resource design. study of interfaces to long-lived DH resources to determine what information we may gain • What can we learn from a study of interfaces to digital humanities material? • How have interfaces to digital humanities materials changed over the course of their to digital humanities resources, analysing a sample of projects and their progress over time, Archive's Wayback Machine to investigate the design history of the Perseus Project. A great deal of valuable information may be derived from studying the interfaces of longlived projects. Original interface to the Brown Women Writers Project However, the sample projects have preserved visual links to their original Interface to the WW1 Digital Archive, successor project to Virtual Seminars the development of the early web and the status of digital humanities resources. cache = ./cache/work_wextl3iu3zcxvgjyihtajatt4a.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wextl3iu3zcxvgjyihtajatt4a.txt === bib === id = work_hx7uxdq4obarpkoubgihxbdala author = Chiara Palladino title = Spazi antichi e futuri possibili: la geografia classica nelle Digital Humanities date = 2018 pages = 29 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8665 sentences = 1222 flesch = 57 summary = Il curatissimo sito Ancient World Online (AWOL) fornisce una panoramica certamente più ampia e completa di tutte le iniziative riguardanti la geografia antica e moderna nella ricerca digitale: http://ancientworldonline. non sulla carta, è essenziale che tali riferimenti siano puntualmente riscontrabili online: questo comporta la necessità di rendere gli atlanti a stampa utilizzabili nel contesto digitale. 17 Non mi soffermerò sul tema vasto e complesso degli atlanti e dei database di orientamento archeologico, che sono stati progetti pionieri del settore dall'Ancient World Mapping Center dell'Università Chapel Hill del North Carolina (, che li adopera per ulteriori applicazioni, come alacarte/), che consente di combinare diverse tipologie di informazioni geografiche, come il reticolo di strade del periodo imperiale, gli acquedotti, i limiti provinciali, e naturalmente le coordinate delle principali aree urbane. impostare una serie di condizioni, scelte fra i fattori che più notoriamente determinano le modalità di viaggio nell'antichità (periodo dell'anno, modalità del percorso, mezzo di trasporto etc.), e cache = ./cache/work_hx7uxdq4obarpkoubgihxbdala.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hx7uxdq4obarpkoubgihxbdala.txt === bib === id = work_2pvrb5nxdjgufi5waihbgv3fmy author = Gunther Paul title = Standardisation of digital human models date = 2012 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2675 sentences = 215 flesch = 45 summary = Standardization of Digital Human Models Standardization of Digital Human Models Digital human models (DHM) have evolved as useful tools for ergonomic user need and lack of model data related standards, users are confined to one specific Keywords: Digital Human Model, standardization, computer manikin, body for digital human models, which has been addressed at the International Ergonomics practice digital human models help to improve design and usability of products and work sys‐ sium on Digital Human Modeling of the International Ergonomics Association, held in Lyon July framework for standardizing digital human models is necessary to overcome current obstruc‐ ous work, existing standards and guidelines, further requirements towards DHM standardiza‐ committee had difficulty defining standards for digital human models, as they concluded that model of linking anthropometric databases (ISO 15535) to a defined DHM human structure, in A DHM standard data model should encompass an input section, containing International Organization for Standardization, ISO 7250: Basic human body measurements cache = ./cache/work_2pvrb5nxdjgufi5waihbgv3fmy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2pvrb5nxdjgufi5waihbgv3fmy.txt === bib === id = work_s6yodfvne5aitj5qu4pbwdf2du author = Elizabeth Toon title = Text-Mining and the History of Medicine: Big Data, Big Questions? date = 2016 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2059 sentences = 227 flesch = 24 summary = Text-Mining and the History of Medicine: Big Data, Big Questions? motivated our involvement in a collaborative project using text mining tools with medical National Centre for Text Mining (NaCTeM) to work on a project funded by the UK Arts name suggests, NaCTeM2 develops text mining tools, mostly for academic use.3 Our team to explore how such a search could provide new ways of working with series of medical Text mining (TM) uses digital tools to detect the structure of textual information, then data as representing entities of different types, such as place names, medical conditions, customised approach to correcting OCR errors in medical historical texts,8 which means We then worked with NaCTeM colleagues to analyse sample text, identifying entities medical texts proved much more difficult than teaching it to identify simpler entities like Ananiadou, 'Customised OCR Correction for Historical Medical Text', cache = ./cache/work_s6yodfvne5aitj5qu4pbwdf2du.pdf txt = ./txt/work_s6yodfvne5aitj5qu4pbwdf2du.txt === bib === id = work_tu3ct2olcndznii4yncd3yve5y author = Irene Mamprin title = Scholarly digital editions: an (un)known land date = 2020 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1515 sentences = 120 flesch = 47 summary = URL: URL (Humanities for Change Hypotheses): The concept of "scholarly digital edition" is investigated and the reader is provided with a series of tools to understand its limits and potential, also in Che cos'è un'edizione scientifica digitale is the new book by Tiziana Mancinelli, a spe-cialist in the modeling and production of digital editions, and Elena Pierazzo, Pro-fessor at the University of Tours and expert in theory and methodology of digital in stages, until the scientific community understood the importance of digital technology in providing standardized methods and principles that overcome any national and Subsequently, a series of examples of critical digital editions is proposed, such as the Electronic Beowulf ( and the various projects Elena Pierazzo, Tiziana Mancinelli, Che cos'è un'edizione scientifica digitale, Roma, Carocci, Shillingsburg, by publishing the General Principles for Electronic Scholarly Editions ( in Toronto during the MLA congress (Modern cache = ./cache/work_tu3ct2olcndznii4yncd3yve5y.pdf txt = ./txt/work_tu3ct2olcndznii4yncd3yve5y.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_ktncv3gvp5a4bp4olwv4y6lh3q author = M. J. Griffin title = Handbook of Human Vibration date = 1991 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 741 sentences = 99 flesch = 56 summary = that is 1 g-force Griffin JJ 2001 Handbook of human vibration. London: Aca. Ebook Download Handbook of Human Vibration. more public because 101, Handbook of Human Vibrations Griffin 1990 (Show Context). handbook on whole-body vibration exposure in mining. carried out in many Griffin M.J., 1990, Handbook of Human Vibration, Academic Press, London. Handbook of Human Vibration, London : Elsevier Academic Press. involving human exposure to whole-body vibration motion sickness under vibrations at various (1) Griffin, M.J., "Handbook of Human Vibration". Griffin, M.J., 1990,Handbook of Human Vibration, London: Academic Press. Handbook of Human Factors. Ebook Download Handbook of Human Vibration. 2015 Handbook of Human Vibration. 2015 Handbook of Human Vibration. 2015 Handbook of Human Vibration. 2015 Handbook of Human Vibration. 2015 Handbook of Human Vibration. 2015 Handbook of Human Vibration. 2015 Handbook of Human Vibration. 2015 Handbook of Human Vibration. 2015 Handbook of Human Vibration. 2015 Handbook of Human Vibration. cache = ./cache/work_ktncv3gvp5a4bp4olwv4y6lh3q.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ktncv3gvp5a4bp4olwv4y6lh3q.txt === bib === id = work_y53s6vp2bzgldkjaflzv3gn5r4 author = Alison Langmead title = Towards Interoperable Network Ontologies for the Digital Humanities date = 2016 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6046 sentences = 382 flesch = 45 summary = At the heart of these digital projects are 'network ontologies' — ontologies necessarily focus on different types of content, if these networks are ontological standard for all possible digital humanities projects; flexibility is shared practices to structure these network ontologies on an ongoing basis in Keywords: networks; ontologies; data modeling; historical studies; early humanists have turned to network data to analyze complex historical processes Digital networks projects have yet to reach shared standards at any of that different scholars have modeled similar data within their projects, creating an open, shared data structure standard for historical networks will effectively types of data-in-common (in addition to an URI for the overall network project). complete solution, for the mapping of data from one network ontology to data values used by digital historical networks. Actually performing the work of creating a network of early modern projects Ontologies lie at the heart of digital network projects cache = ./cache/work_y53s6vp2bzgldkjaflzv3gn5r4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_y53s6vp2bzgldkjaflzv3gn5r4.txt === bib === id = work_mrj66svz25cqhnlecuw2eaeyzy author = Stephen Summerskill title = The use of volumetric projections in Digital Human Modelling software for the identification of Large Goods Vehicle blind spots date = 2016 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 552 sentences = 64 flesch = 45 summary = The use of volumetric projections in Digital Human Modelling software for the identification of large goods vehicle blind spots IR_version.pdf (2.05 MB) Full details of this licence are available at: This paper was accepted for publication in the journal Applied Ergonomics and the definitive published version is available at Publisher version The use of volumetric projections in Digital Human Modelling software for the identification of large goods vehicle blind spots The use of volumetric projections in Digital Human Modelling software for the identification of large goods vehicle blind spots The use of volumetric projections in Digital Human Modelling software for the identification of large goods vehicle blind spots The use of volumetric projections in Digital Human Modelling software for the identification of large goods vehicle blind spots The use of volumetric projections in Digital Human Modelling software for the identification of large goods vehicle blind spots cache = ./cache/work_mrj66svz25cqhnlecuw2eaeyzy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mrj66svz25cqhnlecuw2eaeyzy.txt === bib === id = work_etoxniuo4nbctp6l3xefoqkff4 author = Jouni Tuominen title = Bio Crm: A Data Model For Representing Biographical Data For Prosopographical Research date = 2017 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 419 sentences = 38 flesch = 41 summary = Bio CRM: A Data Model for Representing 1 Semantic Computing Research Group (SeCo), Aalto University, Finland, and Biographies make a promising application case of Linked Data: they can be used, e.g., as a basis for Digital Humanities research in prosopography and as a key data and linking In both use cases, a semantic data model for present such a data model, Bio CRM [1], with the following key ideas: 1) The model is a domain specific extension of CIDOC CRM, making it applicable to not only biographical data enriched data conforming to Bio CRM is targeted to be used by SPARQL queries in flexible Bio CRM provides the general data model for biographical datasets. Use cases for data represented using Bio CRM include prosopographical information printed register of over 10 000 alumni of the Finnish Norssi high school as Linked Data [3]. cache = ./cache/work_etoxniuo4nbctp6l3xefoqkff4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_etoxniuo4nbctp6l3xefoqkff4.txt === bib === id = work_nrw3zefwznf7vitp6wboakr5am author = Peter Phillips title = The pixelated text: Reading the Bible within digital culture date = 2018 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4925 sentences = 466 flesch = 69 summary = Phillips, Peter (2018) 'The pixelated text : reading the Bible within digital culture.', Theology., 121 (6). The Pixelated Text: Reading the Bible within Digital Culture1 The Pixelated Text: Reading the Bible within Digital Culture1 This paper looks at Bible engagement in a digital age, focussing both on multimedia Bible, biblical literacy, digital, digital humanities, media biblical literacy.2 He focuses not so much on reading the bible, but rather on the explore more embedded, material, creative ways to engage in both Bible research pixelated) Bible has its place at the very heart of the Digital Humanities project. Bible in digital culture, a world-first MA in Digital Theology, as well as engagement as fitting that there are panels exploring the Bible and Digital Humanities at the But how might we study the Bible within the Digital Humanities?  Wave 2: Born-Digital Tools/Data Analysis/Distant-Close Reading read more of the Bible, but also to engage actively in highlighting texts and sharing cache = ./cache/work_nrw3zefwznf7vitp6wboakr5am.pdf txt = ./txt/work_nrw3zefwznf7vitp6wboakr5am.txt === bib === id = work_73gs7go455hizgbutvr325fr4e author = Tommaso Spinelli title = Creating the First Digital Handbook of Latin Phonetics: Between Linguistics, Digital Humanities and Language Teaching date = 2020 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9683 sentences = 744 flesch = 37 summary = com/latineloquamur?tab=repositories; last access 17.10.2020) and can be found in the folder titled Latineloquamur-toolkit-IPA-transcriber-and-App. In the same repository users can find also the Dictionary of Latin Synonyms, which is not This toolkit, which is available as both a RUST program (referred to as Latineloquamur-toolkit-IPA-transcriber-and-App in GitHub) and an Android mobile app (titled Handbook of Latin Phonetics), faced significant methodological and practical issues during its creation and development, such as the choice of The online program is available at (last access 02.09.2020). 29 The online Python transcriber can be accessed at (last access 33 The original source code is available at (last access 02.09.2020). 41 (last access 02.09.2020). is available at 54 To run the lemmatizer use (last access 02.09.2020). 64 (last access 02.09.2020). 65 (last access 02.09.2020). 65 (last access 02.09.2020). cache = ./cache/work_73gs7go455hizgbutvr325fr4e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_73gs7go455hizgbutvr325fr4e.txt === bib === id = work_rp6edoblbzflvnbyuqhs3uwcoq author = Anthony Mandal title = 15Digital Humanities date = 2016 pages = 34 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10589 sentences = 550 flesch = 42 summary = humanitatis; in the form of a new 'digital rhetoric' that brings production and usage ever term 'digital humanities', suggesting a wider cultural relevance beyond tools development Digital Humanities is not a unified field but an array of convergent practices that and Katherine Bode's Advancing the Digital Humanities: Research, Methods, Theories Todd Presner's 'Critical Theory and the Mangle of Digital Humanities' notes that traditional and digital approaches turn back to 'the core function of the humanities, which has 'The connotation of a new paradigm appears in Digital Humanities in arguments that "the relationship between digital media/technologies and human actors) and it focuses the which requires closer imbrications between digital practice and theory in a new collaborative Margins of the Digital Humanities' suggests an alternative approach to new media artefacts: whose examination of race, digital practice and social media argues that 'the other of the Digital Rhetoric: Theory, Method, Practice. cache = ./cache/work_rp6edoblbzflvnbyuqhs3uwcoq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rp6edoblbzflvnbyuqhs3uwcoq.txt === bib === id = work_7ce4zfpya5fz3hcextxq2pwwke author = Lorenza Mondada title = Understanding as an embodied, situated and sequential achievement in interaction date = 2011 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 884 sentences = 157 flesch = 35 summary = Baskurs inom forskarutbildningen vid Forskarskolan Språk och kultur i Europa och begreppsbildningar inom det vetenskapsteoretiska området syftar kursen till att humaniora samt kritiskt granska den vetenskapshistoriska uppdelningen av litterärt och 1. – visa brett kunnande inom och en systematisk förståelse av forskningsområdet samt 3. – visa förmåga till vetenskaplig analys och syntes samt till självständig kritisk 4. – visa förmåga att kritiskt, självständigt, kreativt och med vetenskaplig noggrannhet identifiera och formulera frågeställningar samt att planera och med adekvata metoder 9. – visa intellektuell självständighet och vetenskaplig redlighet samt förmåga att göra vetenskapsteoretisk frågeställning diskuteras och problematiseras i förhållande till det Var placerar sig lingvistik och litteraturvetenskap i förhållande till övriga vetenskaper? Benveniste, Émile, "Subjectivity in Language", Critical Theory since 1965, red. Humanities (New York 2012), Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge, (New York cache = ./cache/work_7ce4zfpya5fz3hcextxq2pwwke.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7ce4zfpya5fz3hcextxq2pwwke.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2y author = Colette R. Brunschwig title = Perspektiven einer digitalen Rechtswissenschaft: Visualisierung, Audiovisualisierung und Multisensorisierung (Perspectives of Digital Law: Visualization, Audiovisualization, and Multisensorization) date = 2018 pages = 33 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 12408 sentences = 2419 flesch = 49 summary = nahm ich die dargebotenen Informationen aus der Perspektive einer Rechtswissenschaftlerin auf, die sich vorrangig mit den Themen „Visualisierung", „Audiovisualisierung" und 2 Vgl. Brunschwig, Visualisierung von Rechtsnormen (2001); Id., „Multisensory Law and Therapeutic Jurisprudence" (2012); Id., „Law Is Not or Must Not Be Just Verbal and Visual in the 21st Century" (2013), und Werden sich die Fragen der digitalen Rechtshistoriker von jenen der analogen Rechtshistoriker unterscheiden, zumal was die Visualisierung, Audiovisualisierung und Multisensorisierung vergangener rechtlicher Inhalte betrifft? Sich auf McPherson berufend, präsentiert Svensson eine Typologie von DH, zu der man die multimodal humanities zählt: „The wurden die besagten Texte für die Zeit von 1925 bis 2009 daraufhin untersucht, welche zentralen Themen darin diskutiert, welche sprachlichen Kenntnisse bei der Leserschaft vorausgesetzt worden sind, und inwiefern die Satzkomplexität sich verändert hat. Eine solche Fragestellung wird vielleicht Rechtswissenschaftler anno 2117 zum Nachdenken darüber anregen, wie sich die Forschung zur Visualisierung, Audiovisualisierung und Grundlagenfächer, die sich mit der Visualisierung, Audiovisualisierung und/oder Multisensorisierung rechtlicher Inhalte bereits befassen oder dies zu tun gedenken. cache = ./cache/work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2y.pdf txt = ./txt/work_5vjwfih7szgbplasjgajnmvn2y.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_xfl63gzwyver7no3exeunxmubi author = LIBER Digital Humanities Working Group title = A Digital Humanities Reading List: Part 3, Skill Building date = 2018 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 795 sentences = 55 flesch = 45 summary = A Digital Humanities Reading List: Part 3, Skill Building skills are needed for providing DH services in libraries and how library staff we've highlighted a few skills tutorials that provide practical instruction in specifically related to skill building within libraries, offers a surfeit of additional This issue of Library Technology Reports examines the contexts librarian in the creation of the digital library. Many of us working in DH or digital library projects that involve any This blog post from the British Library's Digital Library Technology Reports issue noted above. Historian provides 68 lessons in a wide range of open skills, The tools detailed in Library Carpentry's lessons 6. British Library Digital Scholarship Training Programme This collection of courses provided by the British Library is aimed at librarians to provide them with an understanding of Digital The Skill-building team of the Working Group will be providing additional posts cache = ./cache/work_xfl63gzwyver7no3exeunxmubi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xfl63gzwyver7no3exeunxmubi.txt === bib === id = work_zomqelblfnhhfo5ely527dp6cm author = Renato Rocha Souza title = Uncertain spaces, uncertain places dealing with geographic information in Digital Humanities on the example of a language legacy data set date = 2020 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 793 sentences = 155 flesch = 50 summary = Renato Rocha Souza, Barbara Piringer & Eveline Wandl-Vogt the example of a language legacy data set the example of a language legacy data set 1Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities (ACDH-OeAW) Uncertainty and complex/post normal science Uncertainty and complex/post normal science ● Nowotny et al (2013; 2015) science and uncertainty ○ "science thrives on the cusp of uncertainty" time and space when to engage with uncertainty" based on "Uncertainty." New World Encyclopedia, 6 Jan 2016, 21:11 UTC. Taxonomy of (spatial) uncertainties Uncertainty in Digital Humanities Uncertainty in Digital Humanities element of data transformation & analysis source: Benito et al, 2016; Prototypical LOD modelling of DBÖ spatial data Geospatial uncertainties in the DBÖ collection Geospatial uncertainties in the DBÖ collection of data sources Geospatial uncertainties in the DBÖ Examples of spatial uncertainties on the ● Future explorations of uncertainties & geolocation amelie.dorn I renato.souza I barbara.piringer I cache = ./cache/work_zomqelblfnhhfo5ely527dp6cm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_zomqelblfnhhfo5ely527dp6cm.txt === bib === id = work_ru2cqjn52zhkbngvj2oggosmli author = Monika Bincsik title = Digital archive project to catalogue exported Japanese decorative arts date = 2012 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 425 sentences = 76 flesch = 59 summary = Digital archive project to catalogue exported Japanese decorative arts | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 27790806Digital archive project to catalogue exported Japanese decorative arts title={Digital archive project to catalogue exported Japanese decorative arts}, author={Monika Bincsik and Shinya Maezaki and K. Consequently, museums and private collections all over the world have rich holdings of Japanese decorative arts. Despite their popularity and profound influence on Western applied arts, the systematic research of Japanese decorative… Expand View via Publisher Topics from this paper Citation Type Citation Type Cites Background Sort by Most Influenced Papers Sort by Citation Count View 1 excerpt, cites background Computer Science About Semantic Scholar Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License ACCEPT & CONTINUE cache = ./cache/work_ru2cqjn52zhkbngvj2oggosmli.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ru2cqjn52zhkbngvj2oggosmli.txt === bib === id = work_jo75ux2s2fbezhakno22qcvgja author = Ethan Warren title = Review: Slave Revolt in Jamaica, 1760-1761: A Cartographic Narrative date = 2021 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1326 sentences = 95 flesch = 49 summary = Review: Slave Revolt in Jamaica, 1760-1761: A Cartographic Narrative Slave Revolt in Jamaica, 1760-1761: A Cartographic Narrative Slave Revolt in Jamaica, 1760-1761: A Cartographic Narrative is dedicated to examining the "spatial history of the greatest slave insurrection in the eighteenth-century British Empire" (Brown 176). "Narrative Interf ace for New Media History: Slave Revolt in Jamaica, 1760-1761." The "Reading the Rebels and Mining the Maps: Digital Humanities and Cartographic Developed by historian Vincent Brown, Slave Revolt in Jamaica, 1760-1761: A Cartographic Narrative As a "cartographic narrative," Slave Revolt in Jamaica, 1760-1761 explores fundamental Reviews in Digital Humanities Review: Slave Revolt in Jamaica, 1760-1761: A Cartographic Narrative Reviews in Digital Humanities Review: Slave Revolt in Jamaica, 1760-1761: A Cartographic Narrative Reviews in Digital Humanities Review: Slave Revolt in Jamaica, 1760-1761: A Cartographic Narrative humanists working on revolts, insurrections, and other uprisings in the same period. cache = ./cache/work_jo75ux2s2fbezhakno22qcvgja.pdf txt = ./txt/work_jo75ux2s2fbezhakno22qcvgja.txt === bib === id = work_xhcs6cscpbhipdegxjv7u3jpmq author = Andreas Henrich title = Editorial date = 2015 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3812 sentences = 806 flesch = 43 summary = Mit dem vorliegenden Themenheft wollen wir ein Feld beleuchten, dessen Wurzeln bis in die Anfänge der Informatik haben sich die sogenannten Digital Humanities in den letzten Jahren durch verschiedene Entwicklungen (Leistungssteigerungen bei Hardund Software, Fortschritte in Methoden und Algorithmen und nicht zuletzt der Aufbau von Aus der Sicht der Datenbanktechnologie und des Information Retrieval stellt sich nun die Frage, welche neuen Hieraus ergibt sich für die Digital Humanities ein Methodenrepertoire, das von digitalen Texteditionen in der Mediävistik über soziale Netzwerkanalysen in informatische Lösungsansätze eröffnet, von denen zwei stellvertretend erwähnt werden sollen, weil sie auch für Tendenzen der Erweiterung des Betätigungsfelds der Digital Humanities stehen: die semantische Integration von verschieden Das Papier führt damit in ein zentrales Anwendungsfeld aus dem Bereich der Digital Humanities ein und zeigt Die Digital Humanities als wichtiges und herausforderndes Abb. 1 DH an der Schnittfläche von Geisteswissenschaften und Informatik cache = ./cache/work_xhcs6cscpbhipdegxjv7u3jpmq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xhcs6cscpbhipdegxjv7u3jpmq.txt === bib === id = work_4fy445hx5rggbah7jix4adiqyq author = Paolo Clini title = Umanesimo Digitale e Bene Comune? Linee guida e riflessioni per una salvezza possibile / Digital humanities and Commons: guidelines and recflections for a possible salvation date = 2020 pages = 22 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6115 sentences = 971 flesch = 59 summary = forme di interazione virtuale, misurazione del gradimento dei pubblici, formazione di nuove Oggi la chiamiamo digitale: sicuramente una delle chiavi che ci possono aiutare uno spettacolo che non si esaurisce nel breve spazio della sua espressione. la cultura virtuale o digitale, come la vogliamo chiamare, non è una pezza che che non sappiamo usare i mezzi più attuali per la fruizione del patrimonio luoghi della cultura e di ingaggio digitale reale del nostro patrimonio. del Palazzo Ducale di Urbino e della Galleria Nazionale delle Marche13, che conoscenza e valorizzazione del Patrimonio Culturale, che non vanno viste come delle università e dei laboratori di ricerca in DH si concretizza come una azione di ponte, utile allo sviluppo di una digital literacy più che mai necessaria, come una cesura nelle modalità di accesso e fruizione del Cultural Heritage (CH), da che, a partire da una corretta digitalizzazione del patrimonio quale nuova forma cache = ./cache/work_4fy445hx5rggbah7jix4adiqyq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4fy445hx5rggbah7jix4adiqyq.txt === bib === id = work_bohtu2wrvzf3dg6g7k4mpjdh6m author = Rachel Di Cresce title = Developing collaborative best practices for digital humanities data collection: A case study date = 2017 pages = 23 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6170 sentences = 405 flesch = 50 summary = This case study explores the data management practices of medieval manuscript scholars Keywords: Data Management, Digital Humanities, Manuscripts, Scholarly Needs, Best humanities research is only part of the complex puzzle of how to organize data management. here, we are better placed to understand the data management needs of digital humanist scholars. Managing data created during the course of (digital) humanities research requires that the Humanities research data management is, as Awre et al. Best Practices for Digital Humanities Data Collection 23 Best Practices for Digital Humanities Data Collection 23 Best Practices for Digital Humanities Data Collection 23 Best Practices for Digital Humanities Data Collection 23 Best Practices for Digital Humanities Data Collection 23 Best Practices for Digital Humanities Data Collection 23 Best Practices for Digital Humanities Data Collection 23 Best Practices for Digital Humanities Data Collection 23 Best Practices for Digital Humanities Data Collection 23 Best Practices for Digital Humanities Data Collection 23 cache = ./cache/work_bohtu2wrvzf3dg6g7k4mpjdh6m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_bohtu2wrvzf3dg6g7k4mpjdh6m.txt === bib === id = work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y author = HC User title = Summary Findings of NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants (2007-2010) date = 2020 pages = 42 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 13078 sentences = 1426 flesch = 46 summary = collaborators on digital humanities start-up projects and produce exemplary work. NEH Digital Humanities Start-up Grants program. Summary Findings of NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants (2007 2010) 42 Summary Findings of NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants (2007 2010) 42 Summary Findings of NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants (2007 2010) 42 Summary Findings of NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants (2007 2010) 42 Summary Findings of NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants (2007 2010) 42 Summary Findings of NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants (2007 2010) 42 Summary Findings of NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants (2007 2010) 42 Summary Findings of NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants (2007 2010) 42 Summary Findings of NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants (2007 2010) 42 Summary Findings of NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants (2007 2010) 42 Summary Findings of NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants (2007 2010) 42 cache = ./cache/work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y.txt === bib === id = work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia author = Henry M. Gladney title = Long-Term Digital Preservation: A Digital Humanities Topic? date = 2012 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6507 sentences = 530 flesch = 48 summary = The increasing number of digital humanities articles suggests … "Digital Humanities" (DH)3 is the name chosen by an interest group that is promoting their activities for funding and for inclusion in university faculties. 2 Excerpted from; emphasis added. academic discipline by discussing research into long-term digital preservation 6 these data … The Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities program seeks to world-wide digital preservation practice to be judged socially satisfactory? The current article, therefore, limits 'digital preservation' to extensions beyond digital document management suggested by Gladney (1993). preservation of digital data is arguably a "grand challenge" of the information age. preserving digital content by extending the role of repository institutions, and An LDP solution will not be a prescription for repository management, but instead a method for making digital objects durably useful, readily "Long-term Preservation of Digital Records: Trustworthy "Principles for Digital Preservation." Communications of the cache = ./cache/work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia.txt === bib === id = work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3bu author = Rachel A. Mandell title = Researchers' Attitudes towards Data Discovery: Implications for a UCLA Data Registry date = 2012 pages = 59 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 15108 sentences = 909 flesch = 54 summary = and digital research output being produced in all fields, information professionals and scholars and research output, as well as the methods and tools they use and need to disseminate, manage, Given the amount of data and digital research output being produced across all academic research (science, social science and humanities) define, disseminate, and use data in their Data collected by researchers in the social sciences include qualitative interview or ethnographic campus researcher, faculty member or graduate student whom generates data or collects any as other kinds of tools that UCLA researchers need to support their data and their current of data or digital research output in each of the three areas of research—science, social science, Data Registry to provide service for the many different kinds of research being conducted on The output of digital humanities research can include data in addition to disseminating their work, the UCLA Data Registry might be a useful method of providing access cache = ./cache/work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3bu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3bu.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_i7bsjqds7nflvlnt37inqxludy author = Katherine L. Walter title = centerNet: Cyberinfrastructure for the Digital Humanities date = 2017 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 762 sentences = 50 flesch = 39 summary = centerNet: cyberinfrastructure for the digital humanities white paper expand the idea of centerNet worldwide, to create a formal structure, and to develop a business plan Activity: Through the 2009 funding provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities, centerNet has developed into an international network of digital humanities centers. serve on an international executive council. membership and business plans, to form partnerships with other organizations, and to plan for As of 2012, centerNet is a constituent organization of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations organization, centerNet is unlike any of the others in ADHO. While developing centerNet's governance structure and financial planning has taken a long time, the programs and membership benefits of centerNet. In addition to the work of the regional affiliates and the international executive council, centerNet has an annual general membership meeting at the ADHO Digital Humanities conferences. being developed for graduate education in digital humanities. cache = ./cache/work_i7bsjqds7nflvlnt37inqxludy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_i7bsjqds7nflvlnt37inqxludy.txt === bib === id = work_r3py5ojsirb6pjnvglevsz22p4 author = Simonetta Montemagni title = The Space of Tuscan Dialectal Variation: A Correlation Study date = 2008 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6669 sentences = 366 flesch = 47 summary = multi-level representation scheme of dialectal data, the study analyses attested patterns of phonetic and morpho-lexical variation with Achieved results demonstrate that phonetic and morpho-lexical variations in Tuscany seem to follow a different pattern than Yet, the correlation between different feature types in defining patterns of dialectal variation represents an area of dialectometric studies, where it is possible to measure dialectal distances with respect to distinct linguistic levels and to a) patterns of dialectal variation computed with respect to different linguistic levels correlate in the language varieties spoken First, patterns of phonetic and lexical variation could be studied with respect to different representation levels, providing study of lexical variation words are to be considered as the linguistic units with respect to which the distance computation is By focussing on Tuscan dialects only, the global correlation between phonetic and morpho-lexical distances turns out to be cache = ./cache/work_r3py5ojsirb6pjnvglevsz22p4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_r3py5ojsirb6pjnvglevsz22p4.txt === bib === id = work_wan4znz7q5eytdh2qj2g7hjd7u author = Wolfgang Reisig title = The 10th advanced summer school on service-oriented computing date = 2017 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 326 sentences = 27 flesch = 43 summary = DOI 10.1007/s00450-017-0341-z The 10th Advanced Summer School on Service Oriented of summer schools that started in 2007, regularly attracting state-of-the-art research during a week-long program organized in several thematic tracks: patterns, formal methods for SOC, computing in the clouds, data science, e-health and The advanced summer school is regularly to presentations of original research contributions in these 1 Institut für Informatik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter been extensively discussed during a poster session. The first set of articles discuss issues from cloud computing and service development like detecting patterns for technologies to discover (costume) patterns, and an overall method to discover patterns in musicology. of articles discuss how to use situation models, how to use utility functions in transportation systems, and to properly select NoSQL database systems. The 10th advanced summer school on service-oriented computing The 10th advanced summer school on service-oriented computing The 10th advanced summer school on service-oriented computing cache = ./cache/work_wan4znz7q5eytdh2qj2g7hjd7u.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wan4znz7q5eytdh2qj2g7hjd7u.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_6g5fvv6mtnfuvogiz3otmgdzum author = Jelena Prokić title = Recognising Groups among Dialects date = 2008 pages = 24 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6532 sentences = 514 flesch = 67 summary = such as hierarchical clustering algorithms used to detect groups within certain dialect Without proper evaluation, it is very hard to determine if the results of the applied clustering technique are an artifact of the algorithm or the detection of real groups The aim of this paper is to evaluate algorithms used to detect groups among language dialect varieties measured at the aggregate level. In order to evaluate the performance of different clustering algorithms, all sites present in our data set were manually put by an expert in one of the two, Noisy clustering, that was applied with the seven hierarchical algorithms, has confirmed that there are two relatively stable groups in the data: Eastern and Western. Different clustering validation methods have shown that three algorithms are not suitable at all for the data we are working with, namely single link, UPGMC and WPGMC. cache = ./cache/work_6g5fvv6mtnfuvogiz3otmgdzum.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6g5fvv6mtnfuvogiz3otmgdzum.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_qrr5tu5w4jcuzcfxoyd3nb6yca author = David Nathan title = Archives 2.0 for endangered languages: From disk space to MySpace date = 2010 pages = 11 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4709 sentences = 303 flesch = 53 summary = The Endangered Languages Archive at SOAS is creating a new archiving system that takes advantage of developments in web-based The Endangered Languages Archive (ELAR) at SOAS1 has been set up to preserve sensitivities and access restrictions because endangered language communities and 1 ELAR is one component of the Hans Rausing Endangered Languages Project (HRELP), hosted at the 2 Another component of the HRELP project, Endangered Languages Documentation Programme. 5 Digital Endangered Languages and Musics Archive Network. Deposited materials come mainly from individual language documenters, whose goals, The audience of users served by documenters' data includes language community Figure 1: Main part of ELAR depositors' form, protocol (access conditions) section language speakers who provided the data; and such depositors look for a selection that depositor as a member of the deposit's language community (or other specific those working in endangered languages, by illustrating how archive access Endangered Languages Archive (ELAR). cache = ./cache/work_qrr5tu5w4jcuzcfxoyd3nb6yca.pdf txt = ./txt/work_qrr5tu5w4jcuzcfxoyd3nb6yca.txt === bib === id = work_zob4nj6hdvdoda5bxtnuaf2e6e author = Kuan-Chih Chen title = Who Was the Key Figure? A Social Network Analysis of Suzhou Book Collector Groups in Ming Dynasty through a Digital Humanities Approach date = 2018 pages = 53 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9107 sentences = 3621 flesch = 95 summary = Network Relationships of Suzhou Book Collectors in Ming Dynasty. Suzhou book collectors in Ming Dynasty, aims to depict the four major social the core social groups among the Suzhou book collector communities in Ming Keywords: Ming Dynasty, Suzhou, Book collector communities, Digital characteristics of Suzhou book collectors in Ming Dynasty, and identified the developments of Suzhou book collectors during the whole Ming Dynasty, and In terms of network density, among the four periods in Ming Dynasty of Suzhou the book collector groups of the Tianqi-early Qing Dynasty period. of Suzhou book collector groups in Ming Dynasty can be quantified, for comparison development of Suzhou book collector groups in Ming Dynasty. the whole Ming Dynasty, there were 79 Suzhou book collector groups, among which the whole Ming Dynasty, there were 79 Suzhou book collector groups, among which book collector groups during different periods in Ming Dynasty has been revealed. cache = ./cache/work_zob4nj6hdvdoda5bxtnuaf2e6e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_zob4nj6hdvdoda5bxtnuaf2e6e.txt === bib === id = work_626abalifzhrdnxq4ftwsiv7pm author = Courtney Paddick title = Assessing the Impact of an Undergraduate Digital Humanities Summer Research Program date = 2020 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 494 sentences = 30 flesch = 56 summary = scholarship research program. We created the Digital Scholarship Summer Research Fellows (DSSRF) program to broaden research opportunities for students and introduce convey their research findings.Here, we examine the lasting impacts of DSSRF on the the program influenced their thinking about scholarship. Assessing the Impact of a Digital Humanities Summer Research Program We asked students to assess their confidence levels, before and after DSSRF, with a variety of research and soft skills. One student leveraged his newly developed data visualization skills and showcased his project One student, who is pursuing a career in market research, credited DSSRF with both confirming Two undeclared students indicated participation in DSSRF helped confirm their choice of major Several students reported the program influenced their choice of majors, minors, and/or career "I think that the biggest impact that the program had was about how presentation of survey, we have also identified the tools students most frequently gravitate towards for their own cache = ./cache/work_626abalifzhrdnxq4ftwsiv7pm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_626abalifzhrdnxq4ftwsiv7pm.txt === bib === id = work_csszuck3crfqdloyyuxdux4dei author = J.R. Hotchkiss title = The Language of Caring: Digital Human Modeling, Practice Patterns, and Performance Assessment date = 2015 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3657 sentences = 357 flesch = 45 summary = The Language of Caring: Digital Human Modeling, Practice Patterns, and Performance Assessment Digital human modeling offers unique potential in educating providers to apply complex, titratable forms of medical care and We constructed a comprehensive digital model of patients undergoing mechanical ventilation that was populated Keywords: Mechanical ventilation; Virtual patients; Practice patterns; Performance assessment practice patterns or competence in the context of a potentially harmful intervention for which any patient problem provider subset comparing performance on standardized patients 1-5 and 96-100 the corresponding corrected p Providers adopt more sophisticated practice patterns following simulation-based training. Simulation based training leads to providers adopting higher performance practice languages. Following simulation based training, the practice patterns of the remaining subjects converged toward those of comparing practice patterns on standardized patients 1-5 vs 96-100 and 6-27 vs 73-95 the corresponding corrected Users of this micro-simulation based training tool for mechanical ventilation increased their solution efficiency, cache = ./cache/work_csszuck3crfqdloyyuxdux4dei.pdf txt = ./txt/work_csszuck3crfqdloyyuxdux4dei.txt === bib === id = work_uolzcec3xff3ra45tohoqbp2yu author = Yongbao Zhang title = Simulation and Ergonomic Evaluation of Welders' Standing Posture Using Jack Software date = 2019 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9534 sentences = 890 flesch = 68 summary = Simulation and Ergonomic Evaluation of Welders' Standing Posture Using Jack Software Lower Back Analysis, Ovako Working Posture Analysis, Comfort Assessment, and Rapid Upper Limb and upper limbs in order to study the comfortable operation space of the digital human with different lower back, comfort value, and Ovako Working Posture Analysis of different percentiles of the lower back, comfort value, and Ovako Working Posture Analysis of different percentiles of the figure. Right body comfort value results (hand-held 6kg welding torch). Right body comfort value results (hand-held 6kg welding torch). calculation results in the above table, in the right hand-held welding torch posture, some joints have an calculation results in the above table, in the right hand-held welding torch posture, some joints have an Lower back pressure at different operating distances for the standing raising arm action. Lower back pressure at different operating distances for the standing raising arm action. cache = ./cache/work_uolzcec3xff3ra45tohoqbp2yu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_uolzcec3xff3ra45tohoqbp2yu.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_gnmc5jq4yvbsjj7l2xxzqpev2e author = Ian Gregory title = Geoparsing, GIS, and Textual Analysis: Current Developments in Spatial Humanities Research date = 2015 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6106 sentences = 335 flesch = 46 summary = The spatial humanities constitute a rapidly developing research field that has the potential to technologies to develop new knowledge about the geographies of human cultures past and challenges in implementing GIS and other geospatial technologies in humanities research.9 spatial technologies to investigate text corpora relevant to archaeological research. potential of GIS, and related technologies, for the discipline of literary studies. digital-text collections' available on the World Wide Web and, in the process, to launch literary the spatial humanities researcher to link their distant reading back to close analysis of the Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant 'Spatial Humanities: Texts, GIS, Places' (agreement Geddes, 'Introduction: From Historical GIS to Spatial Humanities: Deeping Humanities: Historical GIS and Spatial History (Bloomington, IN, 2014), ix-xix. 13 I.N. Gregory, 'Further reading: From historical GIS to spatial humanities: An evolving literature' in Hillier, eds., Placing history: how maps, spatial data, and GIS are changing 1 (2011), 89-108; see also Spatial Humanities: Texts, GIS, cache = ./cache/work_gnmc5jq4yvbsjj7l2xxzqpev2e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_gnmc5jq4yvbsjj7l2xxzqpev2e.txt === bib === id = work_vhn4is6dfjghdawi3f3ib64waq author = Adeline Koh title = Wendy Hui Kyong Chun in Conversation with Adeline Koh date = 2013 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2133 sentences = 152 flesch = 65 summary = Wendy Hui Kyong Chun in Conversation with Adeline Koh I didn't actually start my English literature courses until the Montreal Massacre—where a Koh: Why did the Montreal Massacre prompt you to start taking English literature think that the humanities needs to seriously rethink its commitment to interdisciplinarity, I think the most important thing is to develop theories and practices that can engage many Koh: How do you think the two fields that you're immersed in—English literature and Chun: I'd say that I'm no longer fully immersed in English literature and engineering. Koh: The issue of critical thinking is interesting. who is an engineer, and who has learned a different type of critical thinking in his Chun: Yes. There are definitely different types of critical thinking involved in both fields. seems to think that the sciences are as "useless" as the humanities. language lies." At the level of digital humanities, this means examining what needs to be cache = ./cache/work_vhn4is6dfjghdawi3f3ib64waq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_vhn4is6dfjghdawi3f3ib64waq.txt === bib === id = work_y3mv4cuymjaatm6b2l762gukbe author = F. J. García-Peñalvo title = Presenting GRIAL Group in OPENGAME project consortium date = 2019 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 400 sentences = 89 flesch = 37 summary = Research group recognized by the Ibero-American Network for Innovation and Research in International Research Network Openergy – México Ibero-American Network of Research on the Quality of Doctoral Education in Social Sciences • Research projects: local (4), regional (6), national (10), European (21) and internacional (4) • Customised training plans (specialised in eLearning, ICT, social networks) • Development of technological solutions for learning and knowledge • Support and collaboration in project management • On-demand training (specialisation in eLearning, ICT, etc.) GRIAL University of Salamanca GRIAL University of Salamanca GRIAL University of Salamanca GRIAL University of Salamanca GRIAL University of Salamanca GRIAL University of Salamanca GRIAL University of Salamanca GRIAL University of Salamanca GRIAL University of Salamanca GRIAL University of Salamanca GRIAL Research Group GRIAL Research Group Research Institute for Educational Sciences Research Institute for Educational Sciences cache = ./cache/work_y3mv4cuymjaatm6b2l762gukbe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_y3mv4cuymjaatm6b2l762gukbe.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_oeau7vrtqzeq7na53uavipyxou author = Priscila Carvalho title = The Lusophony Digital Humanities and what they (we) are doing from the South: textual corpus analysis and FAIR principles to tackle hegemony date = 2020 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 759 sentences = 65 flesch = 52 summary = The Lusophony Digital Humanities and what they (we) are doing from the South: GOMES, IBICT-UFRJ, Brazil, orcid: Digital Humanities in Brazil, however, without producing for this international community. the Digital Humanities are beginning to gain greater public interest in Brazil and other countries in South Digital Humanities in South America. Humanities academic papers, thesis, and books written in the Portuguese language from Google Scholar. The result of the similitude analysis, based on the graph theory, unveiled possible thematic convergences of the Portuguese language production in the Digital Humanities. On the top right, the cluster novo has two subclusters, social and nao. shows that scraping Google Scholar data could bring a broader result if you want to analyse Portuguese In addition, the use of Zenodo allowed the research result to have a visibility to the public outside Brazil allowing that South America production could integrate Lusophone Digital "Digital Humanities of the South and GAFAM. cache = ./cache/work_oeau7vrtqzeq7na53uavipyxou.pdf txt = ./txt/work_oeau7vrtqzeq7na53uavipyxou.txt === bib === id = work_2zsoxi6hfjby7gdvtrp4rtwf5y author = Laura Brazzo title = Data Sharing, Holocaust Documentation and the Digital Humanities: Best Practices, Case Studies and Benefits date = 2019 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1875 sentences = 201 flesch = 53 summary = Holocaust Documentation and the Digital Humanities: Best Practices, Case Studies and between the EHRI project and other research infrastructures and digital humanities Il presente numero prende il titolo dal workshop "Data Sharing Holocaust The workshop "Data Sharing, Holocaust Documentation and the Digital Humanities: Best The aim of the workshop was to present the state of the art of data sharing practices and EHRI Project (Veerle Vanden Daelen) as well as a presentation of the recent State Archive of The four sessions progressed from presentations of projects based on data integration (with In Session IV the scheduled presentations showed five advanced cases of data sharing and use of Data Sharing, Holocaust Documentation and the Digital Humanities: Introducing the European Digital Testimonies and Research Access: USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive Discussion: Holocaust Research Questions and Use Cases Enabled by Data Sharing 12.45 Light Veerle Vanden Daelen, Data Sharing, Holocaust Documentation and the Digital Humanities: cache = ./cache/work_2zsoxi6hfjby7gdvtrp4rtwf5y.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2zsoxi6hfjby7gdvtrp4rtwf5y.txt === bib === id = work_5pp37f763jaxdfpobju6nolski author = Mark D. LeBlanc title = DNA and 普通話 (Mandarin): Bringing introductory programming to the Life Sciences and Digital Humanities date = 2015 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4850 sentences = 331 flesch = 53 summary = DNA and 普通話 (Mandarin): Bringing introductory programming to the Life Sciences and Digital Humanities While programming is not computational thinking, introductory courses that teach problem solving via scripting are important course offerings that "teach programming to enhance computational students in the life sciences and a course called "Computing for Poets" (hereafter Poets) for Intro programming for Life Sciences and Digital Humanities Mark LeBlanc and Michael Drout Intro programming for Life Sciences and Digital Humanities Mark LeBlanc and Michael Drout Intro programming for Life Sciences and Digital Humanities Mark LeBlanc and Michael Drout Intro programming for Life Sciences and Digital Humanities Mark LeBlanc and Michael Drout Intro programming for Life Sciences and Digital Humanities Mark LeBlanc and Michael Drout Intro programming for Life Sciences and Digital Humanities Mark LeBlanc and Michael Drout Intro programming for Life Sciences and Digital Humanities Mark LeBlanc and Michael Drout cache = ./cache/work_5pp37f763jaxdfpobju6nolski.pdf txt = ./txt/work_5pp37f763jaxdfpobju6nolski.txt === bib === id = work_u3g2khk4wrfebdnwdea4wned5y author = Ulrike Henny title = The life cycle of the Book of the Dead as a Digital Humanities resource date = 2017 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9399 sentences = 797 flesch = 58 summary = Data about the BoD had already been gathered in digital form within the long-term research update of the database underlying the digital archive which is hosted at The following figure gives a basic, non-comprehensive overview of the data model for a BoD object: data is organised into different collections that are interrelated: objects, knowledge, bibliography and project information. included in eXist, the Google Chart API16 and the Pelagios API17 were used to support visualisations, linkage to project-external data and the use of third-party widgets in the web presentation. in particular object descriptions, bibliography entries, user registration and administration data. example of such a stable URI for a BoD object description is At the time of initial development, BetterFORM was a solid choice as a user interface framework that tightly integrates with XML technologies and eXist in particular. As regards the application and user interface, a digital resource for the BoD, and cache = ./cache/work_u3g2khk4wrfebdnwdea4wned5y.pdf txt = ./txt/work_u3g2khk4wrfebdnwdea4wned5y.txt === bib === id = work_igdlnq3j3jf35khvy7uxdpydvi author = Nuria Rodríguez-Ortega title = Cinco ejes para pensar las humanidades digitales como proyecto de un nuevo humanismo digital date = 2018 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 559 sentences = 115 flesch = 57 summary = ##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.accessible_menu.main_navigation## Editorial Policies Artnodes is an e-journal promoted by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya which analyses the intersections between Art, Science and Technology. No 27 (2021): Node 27 «Arts in the Time of Pandemic» (Guest Editors: Laura Benítez & Erich Berger) Arts in the Time of Pandemic (Guest Editors: L. Laura Benítez Valero, Erich Berger Staying in Touch: case study of artistic research during the COVID-19 lock-down A Case Study of Artistic Research during the COVID-19 Lockdown Imaginations of the evolution of bodies: Notes on the relationships between plants and humans PDF (Castellano) PDF (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) Discourses on artistic research in Flanders: non-scholarly perspectives on re-search in the arts By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. cache = ./cache/work_igdlnq3j3jf35khvy7uxdpydvi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_igdlnq3j3jf35khvy7uxdpydvi.txt === bib === id = work_m5tumtiecnd2xfgkvjflp4k63q author = Keith Case title = Digital Human Modelling and the Ageing Workforce date = 2015 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5010 sentences = 340 flesch = 52 summary = validation of this concept, older workers' capabilities (joint mobility) data are used to assess assembly related tasks. in the real assembly working environment have been replicated virtually by these 31 older workers where their joint Digital human modelling tools are capable of predicting risk involved during work, with an acceptable level of differences in joint mobility capabilities means it is unlikely that all older workers can adopt all these working human model) and older workers (with limited and varying levels of joint mobility). the assembly activity for three different methods have been replicated by a SAMMIE human model, and joint utilized to assess the acceptability of any working strategy for older workers at the individual level. joint constraints of an older worker of HADRIAN database) was tested against the three different working methods proposed method has been validated through SAMMIE, where older worker's joint mobility data has been used cache = ./cache/work_m5tumtiecnd2xfgkvjflp4k63q.pdf txt = ./txt/work_m5tumtiecnd2xfgkvjflp4k63q.txt === bib === id = work_4cq3f23fdfhdzpyexkis4bms2a author = Peter Bibby title = Reconstructing Urbanization of a Pennine Fringe Township Through Computational Chaining of Land Tax Records: Mottram in Longdendale 1784–1830 date = 2014 pages = 63 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 26386 sentences = 1881 flesch = 63 summary = Reconstructing Urbanization of a Pennine Fringe Township through Computational Chaining of Land Tax Records: Mottram in Longdendale 1784-1830 repopulation, but also the character of new property development, of subdivision and amalgamation of holdings and the changing control of housing. to chain together individual Land Tax records for successive years to identify to chain together individual Land Tax records for successive years to identify reconstructing the entire Land Tax graph for the township as a set of chains, each cottage rentals for the Tollemache estate in 1785 with Land Tax entries for the Land Tax liability as another set of bundles the following year. Mottram-in-Longdendale Land Tax Graph 1784–1829; Tollemache Estate; larger properties extant in 1784. Mottram in Longdendale Land Tax Graph 1784-1829; Tollemache Estate; smaller properties and holdings created after 1784. Warrington; 61 Church; 1863 Shaw Chains 11 (Shaw 1784) and 26 (Hill 1784) are included in Figure 2a (as in some years Land Tax liability for a cache = ./cache/work_4cq3f23fdfhdzpyexkis4bms2a.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4cq3f23fdfhdzpyexkis4bms2a.txt === bib === id = work_c5efogsiqvfwdjdkqde277cqvi author = Shao-Xiang Zhang title = The Chinese Visible Human (CVH) datasets incorporate technical and imaging advances on earlier digital humans date = 2004 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3848 sentences = 337 flesch = 66 summary = The Chinese Visible Human (CVH) datasets incorporate Department of Imaging Diagnosis, Research Institute of Field Surgery, Daping Hospital, Third Military Medical University, Embalmed cadavers were embedded in gelatin and cryosectioned whole so as to avoid section loss male and female datasets are available at http:// Fig. 1 CT and MR images of the CVH male (a) and female 90.65 Gb. The axial anatomical images of the CVH Fig. 4 Transverse section image of head Fig. 4 Transverse section image of head After data acquisition of the CVH male and female the image data of the volume cross-sectional plane The CVH male and female datasets are held at http:// volume rendering of the Chinese Visible Human datasets All digital images of milled surfaces had Project', in which intervals between adjacent sections of the visible male and female are 1.0 mm and sectioned images ( Visible Korean Human). cache = ./cache/work_c5efogsiqvfwdjdkqde277cqvi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_c5efogsiqvfwdjdkqde277cqvi.txt === bib === id = work_twttk6mrojc3heixwgwr32fdmu author = Ann Marie Blackmon title = Review: On the Books: Jim Crow and Algorithms of Resistance date = 2021 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1200 sentences = 78 flesch = 44 summary = Review: On the Books: Jim Crow and Algorithms of Resistance On the Books: Jim Crow and Algorithms of Resistance On the Books: Jim Crow and Algorithms of Resistance is a Collections as Data and machine learning The project created text corpora of North Carolina session laws and used machine learning techniques On the Books: Jim Crow and Algorithms of Resistance identifies and offers access to Jim Crow era laws learning technologies used to analyze the Jim Crow law corpus express bias and racism in their On the Books uses Python and open source software to identify and transform digitized images of laws Reviews in Digital Humanities Review: On the Books: Jim Crow and Algorithms of Resistance Reviews in Digital Humanities Review: On the Books: Jim Crow and Algorithms of Resistance Reviews in Digital Humanities Review: On the Books: Jim Crow and Algorithms of Resistance others interested in exploring Jim Crow laws passed in North Carolina. cache = ./cache/work_twttk6mrojc3heixwgwr32fdmu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_twttk6mrojc3heixwgwr32fdmu.txt === bib === id = work_lp6alomtw5datbylffudwmbvzu author = Bin Li title = From History Book to Digital Humanities Database: The Basic Annals of the Shiji - ERRATUM date = 2020 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 328 sentences = 150 flesch = 89 summary = Doi:, Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 August 2020 Bin Li, Yaxin Li, Qian Yang, Yaqi Wang and Rui Chen Bin Li, Yaxin Li, Qian Yang, Yaqi Wang and Rui Chen (1) Li, B., Li, Y., Yang, Q., Wang, Y., & Chen, R. Database: The Basic Annals of the Shiji. Database: The Basic Annals of the Shiji. Cambridge University Press. J. Kim, V. Kim (n.d.) MRS Advances, 1-8, doi: 10.1557/adv.2020.24 (2020). © Cambridge University Press 2020 Cite this article: Li B, Li Y, Yang Q, Wang Y, Chen R (2021). From History Book to Digital Humanities From History Book to Digital Humanities From History Book to Digital Humanities Database: The Basic Annals of the Shiji ERRATUM. 10.1017/jch.2020.44 Journal of Chinese History (2021), 5, 169 doi:10.1017/jch.2020.44 From History Book to Digital Humanities Database: The Basic Annals of the Shiji ERRATUM cache = ./cache/work_lp6alomtw5datbylffudwmbvzu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_lp6alomtw5datbylffudwmbvzu.txt === bib === id = work_k5u7zjbuujdsfcjjamzbbxz7xu author = Chia-Wen Tsai title = The Application of Augmented Reality in Online Education date = 2014 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3898 sentences = 477 flesch = 44 summary = Cultural Education in Aboriginal Literature in Taiwan", as based on indigenous peoples after postwar Han Cultural writings, such as Zhao-Zheng Zhong, Qiao Li, Tian-Jun Hong, Meng-Ren Gu, Jin-Fa Wu, Li-Han Zhong, Tai-Li Hu, Huan-Yue Liu, Zhi-Zhong Ye, Sheng A, Qi-Nan Chen, Li-Guo Ming, Lie Chen, Combined with the augmented reality of digital technology, the culture of aboriginal literature is promoted This paper explores the cultural and educational developments of Taiwan's indigenous peoples, which literature, many indigenous peoples can present their cultural and educational developments. 2. Aboriginal Cultural Education and Augmented Reality Applications This digital humanities analysis of the "Augmented reality development of Taiwanese aboriginal culture In addition, augmented reality e-books are an interesting reading experience in the application of cultural "Aboriginal Augmented Reality Application" will allow teachers to actually inspect tribal culture, while the Aboriginal culture augmented reality applications. 4. The Development of Aboriginal Cultural and Augmented Reality cache = ./cache/work_k5u7zjbuujdsfcjjamzbbxz7xu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_k5u7zjbuujdsfcjjamzbbxz7xu.txt === bib === id = work_v44lnrpmhbaidcugomvsfvurcm author = James Smithies title = Open Principles, Open Data: The Design Principles and Architecture of the UC CEISMIC Canterbury Earthquakes Digital Archive date = 2015 pages = 32 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9650 sentences = 593 flesch = 51 summary = Digital Humanists are developing a tradition of disaster archiving. taken by digital humanists at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, to the series of CEISMIC Canterbury Earthquakes Digital Archive in an attempt to record an approach to DH One issue with the development of a generic cultural-­‐heritage disaster archive system would The new University of Canterbury Digital Humanities Programme led the development of the federated archive (and additional University of Canterbury research federated archive: repositories, and contributing content to a federated archive via metadata aggregation. of the National Library of New Zealand, the service uses SOLR to aggregate metadata from threefold: rely on New Zealand's National Digital Heritage Archive (NDHA) domain developing a flexible national system capable of archiving a significant snapshot of the digital archived, the UC CEISMIC system holds great promise as a model for post-­‐disaster digital CEISMIC Canterbury Earthquakes Digital Archive'. CEISMIC Canterbury Earthquakes Digital Archive'. cache = ./cache/work_v44lnrpmhbaidcugomvsfvurcm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_v44lnrpmhbaidcugomvsfvurcm.txt === bib === id = work_te3eqqv545c7lkat7mdpnpa22m author = James O'Sullivan title = The emergence of the Digital Humanities in Ireland date = 2015 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5918 sentences = 441 flesch = 39 summary = Communication Technology (ICT) researchers in Ireland was Donnchadh Ó Corráin's Corpus of Electronic Texts [link:]] —that is, the Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities, a European-wide project seeking to assist development of three strands of focused Digital Humanities scholarship: Texts, Contexts, Cultures [link:] (TCC), Central to this consortium was the creation of the Digital Humanities Observatory [link:] (DHO) under the out of the DHO include Digital Research and Projects in Ireland [link:] (DRAPier), and DHO: Discovery [link: Institute [link:] at the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG), and An Foras Feasa at Maynooth directly to initiatives in the Digital Repository of Ireland [link:] (DRI) and that also looks to the European aggregation of Irish 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 cache = ./cache/work_te3eqqv545c7lkat7mdpnpa22m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_te3eqqv545c7lkat7mdpnpa22m.txt === bib === id = work_bvl2s7smknapjip66quntvdmo4 author = Pauline Maurice title = Experimental assessment of the quality of ergonomic indicators for dynamic systems computed using a digital human model date = 2016 pages = 11 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8181 sentences = 907 flesch = 64 summary = Experimental assessment of the quality of ergonomic indicators for dynamic systems computed using a digital human model quality of ergonomic indicators for dynamic systems computed using a digital human model. performances of dynamic systems, it is proposed to use a dynamic digital human model (DHM) for the evaluation, Human subjects perform a manual task in various conditions while their movements and external forces subject's seat and the work plane orientation (neutral task). the subject's seat and the kind of task: neutral, force or Comparison within a same task: The torque indicator is highly affected by the position of the subject relative to the work area, because of the effect of gravity the torque indicator of the force task is significantly for all three tasks velocity, neutral and force (vertical work • Speed of motion: The torque indicator of the artificial velocity task is significantly higher (p=0.019) cache = ./cache/work_bvl2s7smknapjip66quntvdmo4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_bvl2s7smknapjip66quntvdmo4.txt === bib === id = work_2x7eubduorbqbdrhgmyblfqr4y author = Michael Iantorno title = GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the Digital Humanities date = 2020 pages = 19 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5239 sentences = 380 flesch = 52 summary = GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the Digital Humanities Keywords: game studies; ludomusicology; digital humanities; quantitative We describe GameSound as a tool for enabling new types of quantitative videogame of Digital Audio, could use GameSound to analyze how both data compression and audio compression have been applied to videogame sound. will also provide scholars from all across the game studies and digital humanities Iantorno: GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the Iantorno: GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the Iantorno: GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the Iantorno: GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the Iantorno: GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the Iantorno: GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the Iantorno: GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the Iantorno: GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the Iantorno: GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the Iantorno: GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the Iantorno: GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the Iantorno: GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the Iantorno: GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the cache = ./cache/work_2x7eubduorbqbdrhgmyblfqr4y.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2x7eubduorbqbdrhgmyblfqr4y.txt === bib === id = work_2ojqsvuzizdklmgcf5o7knkreu author = #EWA Conference Organisers title = Book of Abstracts: #EWAVirtual 2020 date = 2020 pages = 82 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 24354 sentences = 1735 flesch = 53 summary = The variety of European web archives — potential effects for future humanities research University): Platform and app histories: Assessing source availability in web archives Keywords: Collection development, national domains, web archives, research, datasets in research on web archiving and born digital sources since 2012. The Public record of Northern Ireland web archive has been building its collection of websites for presentation is to discuss how the PROMISE team approached piloting access to the Belgian webarchive for scientific research, including: a) reviewing how existing web-archives provide access Keywords: GDELT Project; realtime; research-first web archive; news homepages Keywords: Digital Humanities; Media Events; Web Archives; Discourse Analysis to ethically research young people's historical web content in digital archives that accounts for the Keywords: national web archives, researcher engagement, infrastructure studies Her research focus is on web archiving, including approaches and methods for working with web archives data and research collections, and capturing diverse perspectives of the internet cache = ./cache/work_2ojqsvuzizdklmgcf5o7knkreu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2ojqsvuzizdklmgcf5o7knkreu.txt === bib === id = work_l2lv5d6cdzbqnhpv3walinmbwu author = Mauro Guerrini title = ACOLIT: Un Progetto in Corso date = 1997 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5052 sentences = 729 flesch = 61 summary = Università di Trento, 2000; gian FranCo gianotti, Amedeo Peyron, in I Maestri dell'ateneo torinese dal Settecento al Novecento cit., p. stato individuato sulla base del coinvolgimento nel progetto dei dipartimenti di Studi umanistici e di Filosofia e scienze dell'educazione, mentre della filosofia (così come, del resto, alla storia del pensiero scientifico) sia destinata nei prossimi anni ad accrescere la sua influenza13: questo tipo di innovazione più sofisticate, che in futuro potranno essere impiegate anche nella storia della cultura: si pensi ad esempio alla sentiment analysis (l'analisi automatica delle storia della filosofia e degli studi classici che difficilmente emergono con i metodi più tradizionali18: grazie agli strumenti computazionali delle digital humanities si potrebbe considerare la storia della ricezione ad esempio, il caso di Amedeo Peyron (uno dei Maestri dell'ateneo torinese) il quale, convinto che «rien Abbiamo descritto il progetto torinese I Maestri dell'Università degli Studi di Torino: l'opera e il cache = ./cache/work_l2lv5d6cdzbqnhpv3walinmbwu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_l2lv5d6cdzbqnhpv3walinmbwu.txt === bib === id = work_msbqd74rwnfwxbnj735qxjhqeq author = Qiuling Zou title = MOTION SYNTHESIS FOR A DIGITAL PREGNANT WOMAN MULTIBODY SYSTEM date = 2013 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2985 sentences = 396 flesch = 31 summary = Optimization-based posture reconstruction for digital human models Hybrid method for driver accommodation using optimization-based digital human models Optimization-based seated posture prediction considering contact with environment Effect of Obesity on Seated Posture Inside a Vehicle Based on Digital Human Models Multi-objective optimization-based method for kinematic posture prediction: Development and validation Xiang, Y., Chung, H.-J., Kim, J.H., Bhatt, R., Rahmatalla, S., Yang, J., Marler, T., Arora, J.S., Abdel-Malek, K. Predictive dynamics: An optimization-based novel approach for human motion simulation Kim, J.H., Xiang, Y., Bhatt, R.M., Yang, J., Chung, H.-J., Arora, J.S., Abdel-Malek, K. Use of multi-objective optimization for digital human posture prediction Optimization-based posture prediction for human upper body Kim, J.H., Xiang, Y., Bhatt, R., Yang, J., Chung, H.-J., Patrick, A., Arora, J.S., Abdel-Malek, K. Kim, J.H., Xiang, Y., Bhatt, R., Yang, J., Chung, H.-J., Patrick, A., Arora, J.S., Abdel-Malek, K. Kim, J.H., Xiang, Y., Bhatt, R., Yang, J., Arora, J.S., Abdel-Malek, K. cache = ./cache/work_msbqd74rwnfwxbnj735qxjhqeq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_msbqd74rwnfwxbnj735qxjhqeq.txt === bib === id = work_dzpx2hl4kvdblaufhkagfpeu3i author = Caro Pinto title = Creative Destruction in Libraries: Designing our Future date = 2013 pages = extension = .htm mime = text/html words = 3463 sentences = 225 flesch = 55 summary = In Brief: Joseph Schumpeter defines creative destruction as a "process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one." As libraries struggle with how to position themselves to thrive in the digital age, how can we balance the traditional elements of librarianship like collecting and reference with the demands of the present, all without sacrificing staffing and support for collections, space, and community? Through the course of my reading, I came across these words from Saarinen: "Each age must create its own architecture out of its own technology and one which is expressive of its own Zeitgeist-the spirit of the time." (Serraino, 2009) Within our own libraries and within the field of librarianship at large, creative destruction is the idea that in order to create new ways of knowing and thinking, we must break with the past to plan and shape our future. cache = ./cache/work_dzpx2hl4kvdblaufhkagfpeu3i.htm txt = ./txt/work_dzpx2hl4kvdblaufhkagfpeu3i.txt === bib === id = work_6fe3wiohwvaknjow5afof3i6gi author = Sharon Webb title = Mining Oral History Collections Using Music Information Retrieval Methods date = 2017 pages = 25 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6962 sentences = 458 flesch = 43 summary = application of audio analysis techniques and methods to spoken word collections. – to treat digital audio files as text.1 We applied Music Information Retrieval (hereafter MIR) techniques to oral history interviews in order to develop new, complementary, approaches to text potential utility of MIR techniques to problems in both oral history and the digital humanities, 2 'Data-Mining the Audio of Oral History: A Workshop in Music Information Retrieval' at London College of Communication (March 2017) collections using audio feature analysis and from delivering workshops on MIR in a digital decided to explore the potential for direct audio analysis of oral history interviews. The first workshop, 'Music Information Retrieval Algorithms for Oral History worked with digital audio files from the 'Archive of Resistance': a growing collection of oral collections).14 For example, digital audio files can be automatically described using high level Content based MIR combines methods of digital signal processing, machine learning and cache = ./cache/work_6fe3wiohwvaknjow5afof3i6gi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6fe3wiohwvaknjow5afof3i6gi.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_5dmtdy72qfah3lh44wo2o44uo4 author = Martin Paul Eve title = ADAM KOEHLER. Composition, Creative Writing Studies and the Digital Humanities date = 2017 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1278 sentences = 77 flesch = 57 summary = Eve, Martin Paul (2017) Review of Composition, Creative Writing Studies and Review of Koehler, Adam, Composition, Creative Writing Studies and the Digital Humanities. These are the sorts of questions that sit behind Adam Koehler's Composition, Creative Writing Studies, and the Digital Humanities. of shifting disciplinarity in the era of the digitally-mediated writing subject, working between the spaces of composition and creative writing, as the book's title might imply. Koehler's approach to composition felt too sudden for me, his discussion of digital creative writing For the new media ecologies that Koehler describes in Composition, Creative Writing Studies, and but what is specifically digital about such a writing practice that was not already somehow questions about these practices and the rise of composition and creative writing alongside one Composition, Creative Writing Studies, and the Digital Humanities, then, attempts that crucial to the spaces of composition and creative writing. cache = ./cache/work_5dmtdy72qfah3lh44wo2o44uo4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_5dmtdy72qfah3lh44wo2o44uo4.txt === bib === id = work_dlega65id5autotq6spq7tcwrq author = Jarah Moesch title = Refracting the Digital Humanities date = 2020 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2154 sentences = 608 flesch = 8 summary = your own theoretical practice that incorporates key themes in critical race, gender and queer 3/3 3/3 3/3 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 cache = ./cache/work_dlega65id5autotq6spq7tcwrq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_dlega65id5autotq6spq7tcwrq.txt === bib === id = work_stq3isqfrvbdvilfzdzdbs3qqm author = Shuaiyin Zhu title = Predicting Realistic and Precise Human Body Models Under Clothing Based on Orthogonal-view Photos date = 2015 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3414 sentences = 316 flesch = 64 summary = Predicting Realistic and Precise Human Body Models Under Clothing Based on Orthogonal-view Photos method to customize 3D digital human body models based on two orthogonal-view photos of the customers. body scan, any customers can create their 3D digital body models only based on their orthogonal-view photos in normal or loosefit clothing. proposed reconstructive methods to capture, from images or size measurements, customer's body features, which In this study, we propose an intelligent two-phase method to customize 3D digital human body model based on Accurate human body models are required in many research areas, such as clothing design, computer vision and In this paper, we proposed a two-phase method to customize human body models from photos in which subjects Our method aims to create accurate body models under clothing based on customer's photos. The second phase of the proposed method on clothed subject body model customization is to reconstruct the cache = ./cache/work_stq3isqfrvbdvilfzdzdbs3qqm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_stq3isqfrvbdvilfzdzdbs3qqm.txt === bib === id = work_zpgxehkmwzbutegbwc4aykzzmi author = Thomas G. Padilla title = Library Collections as Humanities Data: The Facet Effect date = 2014 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5040 sentences = 455 flesch = 53 summary = Many library collections contain digital text, images, and audio. enhance use of their digital collections by considering how thinking of them as Humanities data, and in encouraging an understanding of digital collections as Humanities data, this discussion will necessarily that a Humanities data framing offers by working through a series of digital content types and highlighting facets of those data potentially useful for digital humanities research. Demonstrating the value of a Humanities data framing for digital collections begins with a brief discussion … Humanities data are organized difference presented in a form amenable to computation put into the data are likely to be leveraged in the course of Digital Humanities research. Considering images as grids of color data has enabled new modes of film visualization and analysis. "Library Collections as Humanities Data: The Facet Effect." "Library Collections as Humanities Data: The Facet Effect." cache = ./cache/work_zpgxehkmwzbutegbwc4aykzzmi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_zpgxehkmwzbutegbwc4aykzzmi.txt === bib === id = work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6q author = Langmead Alison title = Digital Humanity date = 2020 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6106 sentences = 523 flesch = 66 summary = major ( and meets three times per week: twice for lecture, once for Each week you will be asked to post a critical response to the ideas and concepts brought up in class and also responsible for responding thoughtfully to one other student's WordPress post each week (100+ ● WordPress Post for Week 2: Tell a story about an algorithm or automata that has impacted your best posts this week will use the words and images together creatively to narrate the day and This week, we explore one of the major uses for computers' ability to process massive amounts of data: ● WordPress Post for Week 6: Choose one of the surveillance systems or devices that you listed ● WordPress Post for Week 7: Using concepts and readings from the course so far, reinvent Week 10: Human Labor in Computing ● WordPress Post for Week 11: Play a game on the Internet Arcade cache = ./cache/work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6q.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6q.txt === bib === id = work_t2ivttbxvjfh5m7xoe5zpzje7i author = Simone Rebora title = Mining Goodreads. A Digital Humanities Project for the Study of Reading Absorption date = 2020 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2276 sentences = 192 flesch = 55 summary = A Digital Humanities Project for the Study of Reading We present our method and interim results of the "Mining Goodreads" project, aimed at developing a computational approach to measure reading absorption in user-generated book reviews in English. empirical literary studies, natural language processing, and digital humanities, with the goal of producing a gold-standard annotated dataset and strengthening the theoretical framework of reading rounds, while machine learning approaches were applied on the annotated corpus, producing reading absorption; social reading; empirical literary studies; machine learning; inter-annotator that matches with the SWAS statement "I felt absorbed in the story"); another reviewer by the fact that Goodreads hosts about 90 million reviews [http2]: a big data repository that Between March 2019 and May 2020, the five annotators have tagged a total of 830 reviews. amounts of annotated reviews gradually diminished at each round (offering the possibility to Number of tags and annotated reviews. "Detection of Reading Absorption in User-Generated Book Reviews: Resources cache = ./cache/work_t2ivttbxvjfh5m7xoe5zpzje7i.pdf txt = ./txt/work_t2ivttbxvjfh5m7xoe5zpzje7i.txt === bib === id = work_usy6a63chfd2femdzmdumjmpby author = Luís Espinha da Silveira title = Geographic Information Systems and Historical Research: An Appraisal date = 2014 pages = 18 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6816 sentences = 452 flesch = 51 summary = Geographic Information Systems and Historical Research: An Appraisal Geographic Information System (GIS) to historical research. in historical research represented an important innovation, GIS did not bring System (GIS) in historical research from an historian's point of view. several years working in spatial history, where GIS has an important role to play, contribution of GIS to historical scholarship, to change the way historians work of HGIS websites.7 The Historical GIS Research Network provides a shorter some possible developments in the application of GIS to historical research. GIS opened new avenues to historical research but its application also involves Knowles, ed., Placing History: how maps, spatial data, and GIS are changing historical Gregory, 'Resources', The Historical GIS Research Network, Gregory, 'Bibliography', The Historical GIS Research Network, fields, Social Science History 35, 4 (2011), special issue on Historical GIS and the study of Knowles, ed., 'Historical GIS: the spatial turn in Social Science History', Social cache = ./cache/work_usy6a63chfd2femdzmdumjmpby.pdf txt = ./txt/work_usy6a63chfd2femdzmdumjmpby.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_zbxq6b3girdfnoicrdb7wbqswe author = Daniel Paul O'Donnell title = Boundary Land: Diversity as a defining feature of the Digital Humanities date = 2019 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4947 sentences = 602 flesch = 37 summary = Title: Boundary Land: Diversity as a defining feature of the Digital Humanities The Digital Humanities is not only a place where different disciplines work together (and at times at odds other words, diversity initiatives in the Digital Humanities are important not only because they let more people and other boundaries before proposing new approaches in Digital Humanities that go beyond lingüistic diversity Perhaps the defining feature of the Digital Humanities as a discipline is its growth (Terras, 2012). 2015; Liberman, 2012; O'Donnell, 2012; Pannapacker, 2013), digitally inflected work on Humanities problems As the Digital Humanities has matured technologically, the question of these Boundary Objects has become an Outlook::Digital Humanities, this paper demonstrates the extent to which this openness to difference is in fact an cultural and economic issues that divide the Spanish-speaking Digital Humanities field, this work means to cache = ./cache/work_zbxq6b3girdfnoicrdb7wbqswe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_zbxq6b3girdfnoicrdb7wbqswe.txt === bib === id = work_hf3rbisgfzaupmouglg6u4tjey author = Berber Hagedoorn title = The Researcher as Storyteller: Using Digital Tools for Search and Storytelling with Audio-Visual Materials date = 2018 pages = 21 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11676 sentences = 876 flesch = 53 summary = digital tool (technically based on linked open data) that supports audio-visual research through exploratory search. Keywords: narratives, narrative creation, storytelling, exploratory search, media research, working with audiovisual sources (AV), user studies, Digital Humanities, archives, affordances of digital search tools, linked open data narrative creation processes, specifically research, writing and story composition by Media Studies and Humanities scholars as well as media professionals, and the pivotal ways in which digital tools inform these processes of search In their work, researchers study and integrate cultural and political meanings connected to media events.6 The collected data provides insights into how researchers search and explore digital audio-visual archives affordances in terms of support for search, retrieval and narrative creation by researchers working with AV materials. search practice and digital tool, and ask the sub question: how does exploratory search support researchers to study We studied how media researchers use digital search technologies in their daily work practices, to discover and cache = ./cache/work_hf3rbisgfzaupmouglg6u4tjey.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hf3rbisgfzaupmouglg6u4tjey.txt === bib === id = work_66pmf7vgszbbxdjkrrmwuowmom author = Pau Catà Marlès title = Towards the post-Digital in the Humanities? NACMM and Platform HARAKAT as case studies date = 2018 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 559 sentences = 115 flesch = 57 summary = ##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.accessible_menu.main_navigation## Editorial Policies Artnodes is an e-journal promoted by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya which analyses the intersections between Art, Science and Technology. No 27 (2021): Node 27 «Arts in the Time of Pandemic» (Guest Editors: Laura Benítez & Erich Berger) Arts in the Time of Pandemic (Guest Editors: L. Laura Benítez Valero, Erich Berger Staying in Touch: case study of artistic research during the COVID-19 lock-down A Case Study of Artistic Research during the COVID-19 Lockdown Imaginations of the evolution of bodies: Notes on the relationships between plants and humans PDF (Castellano) PDF (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) Discourses on artistic research in Flanders: non-scholarly perspectives on re-search in the arts By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. cache = ./cache/work_66pmf7vgszbbxdjkrrmwuowmom.pdf txt = ./txt/work_66pmf7vgszbbxdjkrrmwuowmom.txt === bib === id = work_yyhr45slefdrxdbivgprue6hzq author = Brandon Walsh title = On Co-Teaching and Digital Humanities date = 2018 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1186 sentences = 72 flesch = 64 summary = Microsoft Word On Co-Teaching and Digital Humanities.docx On Co-Teaching and Digital Humanities It's expensive to use two faculty members to teach a single course when one You have a set number of courses that need to be taught, and you need people to teaching digital humanities, sometimes bringing these fields together requires expertise enough to say that interdisciplinary courses need a second instructor. Co-teaching models collaboration for students. Digital humanities work often requires multiple people to work together, but I'd wager that to position my students as equal collaborators with me in the material of the course. This approach to teaching works especially well as a vehicle for digital humanities. Co-teaching transfers skills from one instructor to another. Digital humanities faculty and staff are often brought in to support courses and projects by Of course, all of this requires a lot of buy-in, both from the faculty teaching together and cache = ./cache/work_yyhr45slefdrxdbivgprue6hzq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_yyhr45slefdrxdbivgprue6hzq.txt === bib === id = work_hebtpqw3vffnpfo4wo7n5klapy author = Amy E. Earhart title = Digital Humanities Within a Global Context: Creating Borderlands of Localized Expression date = 2018 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6010 sentences = 421 flesch = 41 summary = the growing body of scholarship that situates the digital humanities in a broad global While open access is appealing in many digital humanities projects, it is not always appropriate, as work with indigenous cultural artifacts has model, we need to imagine a global digital humanities that lives in the borderlands, digital humanists have begun to discuss how we might create academic infrastructures, such as organizations, conferences and journals, that fully account for the building ''global digital humanities networks'' one of the priorities of ADHO. ADHO include Centernet: An International Network of Digital Humanities Centers, structures currently remain resistant to a more globally imagined digital humanities. annual digital humanities conference, the various global organizations that form understanding of global digital humanities is to respect localized practices and to Digital Humanities Within a Global Context: Creating Borderlands of Localized Expression Digital Humanities Within a Global Context: Creating Borderlands of Localized Expression cache = ./cache/work_hebtpqw3vffnpfo4wo7n5klapy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hebtpqw3vffnpfo4wo7n5klapy.txt === bib === id = work_yj27d7cj7rekhct7ychjf6vfam author = Inés Matres title = information source and tool for academic research date = 2016 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 587 sentences = 49 flesch = 48 summary = information source and tool for academic research digitised and digital newspapers, and potential uses in research and education of group of 23 academic researchers among previous research on Digi (Hölttä, Rautiainen) or other digital platforms (Terras), new findings What research questions do academic When comparing researchers to other kind of users of Digi, similarities are found between academics and family researchers. researchers are driven by very specific questions research, to provide a comprehensive answer to information source and tool for academic research 51 Matres: there are similarities in the kind of materials on newspapers, magazines and other material are that comes from historical and academic research digital humanities projects that can serve so called Dialogue between researchers and data In the responses from academic researchers there between (digital) humanities researchers and data Digital Newspaper and Journal Library – What Can UCL Centre for Digital Humanities cache = ./cache/work_yj27d7cj7rekhct7ychjf6vfam.pdf txt = ./txt/work_yj27d7cj7rekhct7ychjf6vfam.txt === bib === id = work_ljqki4bzffh7rpkgwzowusa5hu author = Angel David Nieves title = Review: Immersive Scholar date = 2020 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1432 sentences = 107 flesch = 33 summary = Immersive Scholar addresses the utilization and impact of visualization environments and visualization scholarship by developing extensible models and programs for the creation and sharing of digital scholarship in large-scale and immersive visualization environments. W. Mellon Foundation, this project complicates digitally humanistic scholarship in that it is documents will provide value beyond this project, as models for how addressing structural challenges Through Immersive Scholar, project co-PIs Micah Vandegrift, Shelby Foundation, to assist with "the creation and sharing of digital scholarship in large-scale and immersive 1. assessment framework for reviewing technical aspects of a visualization (; Digital scholarship using large-scale visualization today still requires the support of a North Carolina State University (NCSU) Libraries' implementation of Immersive Scholar demonstrates residency program, the project fosters those communities of practice around visualization spaces to institutions will continue to develop their immersive visualization environments and promote Immersive Scholar's model of providing project cache = ./cache/work_ljqki4bzffh7rpkgwzowusa5hu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ljqki4bzffh7rpkgwzowusa5hu.txt === bib === id = work_2noa3kjwirhltenxswqjd3ghw4 author = ERNST VAN ALPHEN title = VISUAL ARCHIVES AS PREPOSTEROUS HISTORY date = 2007 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2149 sentences = 149 flesch = 52 summary = Picture archives and the emergence of visual history of education. This proposal will discuss the use of digital picture archives and associated tools in historical research from the broader question of what prerequisites should be considered for digital archives more generally; and • what layers of information are currently embedded in digital picture archives for the history of education possibilities and limitations of digital picture archives for the history of education. digital picture archive on educational history? search questions and topics require certain technical possibilities, for example, Let's consider a couple of example of relevant digital picture archives for the history Picture Archives and the Emergence of Visual History of Education | August 28, 2018. Picture Archives and the Emergence of Visual History of Education | August 28, 2018. Picture Archives and the Emergence of Visual History of Education | August 28, 2018. Can existing digital picture archives meet cache = ./cache/work_2noa3kjwirhltenxswqjd3ghw4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2noa3kjwirhltenxswqjd3ghw4.txt === bib === id = work_34vimsyj6bdujafyxm77jfomsi author = Kim Martin title = Hist*4170: Exploration of the Digital Humanities date = 2020 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2622 sentences = 443 flesch = 54 summary = This course will begin with an introduction to Digital Humanities as a practice, a toolset, and a tools you learn in class, as well as those you investigate as part of the assignments, will help you how digital tools can help you to organize, investigate, and interpret sources using a different lens, develop an argument based on your findings, and to create a digital humanities • Learn to collect, manage, and manipulate digital data from various sources • Provide reflection on the digital tools introduced Final assignment (digital project + showcase): 35% (2013) Writing History in the Digital Age. The University = Writing History in reading list below. (2016) Debates in the Digital Humanities 2016. ***This text is available online at *** Humanities and Digital History. Digital Tools and the Practice of History. Writing a Digital History Game. Final class – Showcase of Digital Projects in cache = ./cache/work_34vimsyj6bdujafyxm77jfomsi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_34vimsyj6bdujafyxm77jfomsi.txt === bib === id = work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfm author = S. van Hooland title = Exploring entity recognition and disambiguation for cultural heritage collections date = 2013 pages = 18 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10646 sentences = 764 flesch = 53 summary = limitations of Named-Entity Recognition (NER) and Term Extraction (TE) to mine such unstructured performance of three third-party entity extraction services through a comprehensive case study, based the unstructured narrative offered in descriptive fields for meaningful concepts through the use of namedentity recognition (NER) and term extraction (TE). in what follows we use the well-known acronym NER to cover both named-entity recognition and term the Semantic Web community, consists in disambiguating named entities with data from the Linking Term Extraction, and Zemanta, provide services for named-entity extraction and disambiguation within the precision, recall, and F1 score of the different NER services against the manually annotated data. identified by the services, i.e. terms rather than named-entities, such as epigraphy or gold for example, Linked Data and the Potential of entity extraction for the Digital Humanities Linked Data and the Potential of entity extraction for the Digital Humanities cache = ./cache/work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfm.txt === bib === id = work_yafhkvdaerh5tcwppfpkrbnyni author = J. Berenike Herrmann title = Response by the Special Interest Group on Digital Literary Stylistics to Nan Z. Da's Study date = 2020 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 978 sentences = 49 flesch = 44 summary = Group on Digital Literary Stylistics to methodological and conceptual dimensions of digitally assisted inquiry in literary studies. Da's fundamental critique of what she calls "Computational Literary Studies" Stylistics"(SIG-DLS) of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO). we—the five scholars forming the SIG's current steering committee—would like to make a about the methodological and conceptual dimensions of digitally assisted inquiry "Computational Literary Studies" addresses the work of the international Special Interest Group"DigitalLiterary Stylistics"(SIG-DLS) of the Alliance of Digital SIG's current steering committee—would like to make a short statement. "Computational Literary Studies." Meanwhile, there is a substantial body of nonNorth-American contributions to international journals (such as Digital study of literary texts: within the Humanities there exists a number of scholars "computational" approaches to literary texts. actual range of methods and the various traditions present in DLS. Fourth, digital literary studies, including Cultural Analytics, are an traditional literary studies, digital studies require many hands, with labs as spaces cache = ./cache/work_yafhkvdaerh5tcwppfpkrbnyni.pdf txt = ./txt/work_yafhkvdaerh5tcwppfpkrbnyni.txt === bib === id = work_ebs62kxihzd2fnlqoaouq5ylii author = Thorsten Ries title = Born-digital archives date = 2019 pages = 11 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5718 sentences = 412 flesch = 42 summary = born-digital archives, their preservation and research perspectives involving borndigital primary records in the humanities. addressing fundamental issues of born-digital archiving such as developing workflows resources, tools and infrastructure for born-digital curation available to archives, born-digital publications, research infrastructures, and web archives are mostly hosted (Foss 2017), the workshop on born-digital archives access at Wellcome Collection preservation development and archival science research, on the one hand, and (digital) characteristics of storage media and the bitstream of the historical born-digital record materiality of the born-digital historical record become even more complex for preservation and research tasks, the role of archival custodianand curatorship, digital signing The archival and digital forensic perspective sheds light on the specific historicity of The forensic materiality of the born-digital record, preserved in the form from the digital forensic perspective on individual records (Archival Methodology: international web archives as a data resource for digital scholars in Europe. cache = ./cache/work_ebs62kxihzd2fnlqoaouq5ylii.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ebs62kxihzd2fnlqoaouq5ylii.txt === bib === id = work_m2u4yso2fza5vgyg7gma7ynbme author = John F. Barber title = Radio Nouspace: Sound, Radio, Digital Humanities date = 2017 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5298 sentences = 451 flesch = 55 summary = Background: The author describes curating sound(s) in a radio context and vintage radio dramas before live audiences in order to prompt listeners to Analysis: Curating sound in a radio context provides a unique and Sound; Sound art; Curation; Action research; Creative practice; Narrative; With this essay, I examine curating sound in a radio context as rewarding Digital Given this background, I believe curating sound within a radio context prompts these re-created radio dramas prompt listeners to consider the ability of sounds At first thought, using radio as a context for curating sound may seem odd. and audio drama, radio and sound art, and sound poetry for on demand listening. For all these radio dramas, scripted speech (the sound of human voice) provided Exemplary works of audio drama are curated by Radio Nouspace, including "The For example, curating the sound(s) of a radio drama radio dramas prompt listeners to consider the ability of sound to convey information, cache = ./cache/work_m2u4yso2fza5vgyg7gma7ynbme.pdf txt = ./txt/work_m2u4yso2fza5vgyg7gma7ynbme.txt === bib === id = work_ykadjighvrerxgisawafryswae author = E. Thomas Ewing title = From postcard to book cover: illustrating connections between medical history and digital humanities date = 2019 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2867 sentences = 260 flesch = 55 summary = From postcard to book cover: illustrating connections matters by illuminating past networks that, through humanistic inquiry, continue to connect people, ideas, Training School for Nurses sent a 5⅜ by 3½ postcard Networks: Connecting Digital Humanities and Medical Figures 1 and 2 Recto and verso of the 1914 advertising postcard for the Illinois Post Graduate and Training School for Figure 3 Cover of Viral Networks: Connecting Digital Humanities and Medical History The Illinois Training School for Nurses opened graduates of the Illinois Training School for Nurses Collection of history of nursing postcards, consisting from a born-physical artifact to a twenty-firstcentury digital copy circulating in a social network Illinois Training School for Nurses continued to NLM Digital Collections [cited 18 Jul 2019]. Nursing history in Illinois [Internet]. Illinois Training School for Nurses; 1930. Illinois Training School for Nurses; 1930. networks, reconnected: a digital humanities/history of cache = ./cache/work_ykadjighvrerxgisawafryswae.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ykadjighvrerxgisawafryswae.txt === bib === id = work_kybfmygm6nc2lht7vxfrp55myi author = Nikita Shepard title = Review: Digital Transgender Archive date = 2020 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1082 sentences = 80 flesch = 50 summary = Review: Digital Transgender Archive Digital Transgender Archive Launched in early 2016, the Digital Transgender Archive (DTA) is a freely available online project dedicated to improving access to transgender-related history. a DTA "Starter's Guide," a "Global Terms List," and a "Race & Ethnicity Research "transgender" is a relatively recent and culturally-specific identity, the DTA includes The team behind the DTA includes founder and director K.J. Rawson, software Transgender Archive (DTA) have compiled thousands of digitized and born-digital materials relevant to transgender history from dozens of institutions into an easily Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 1, No. 10 Review: Digital Transgender Archive material populates the site, ranging from university libraries to topical collections to For users new to transgender history, the DTA offers a "Starter's Guide." The The "Race and Ethnicity Research Guide" links to BIPOCrelated materials, search advice, and a description of metadata policies relating to The Digital Transgender Archive models how digital humanities projects can cache = ./cache/work_kybfmygm6nc2lht7vxfrp55myi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kybfmygm6nc2lht7vxfrp55myi.txt === bib === id = work_6ogs3pzc4vbmvors2yk7ya2cie author = Dirk Roorda title = Practical Linguistic Annotation: The Hebrew Bible date = 2017 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4096 sentences = 348 flesch = 64 summary = PRACTICAL LINGUISTIC ANNOTATION: THE HEBREW BIBLE1 the text of the Hebrew Bible in which the pages contain a small square of source : Text and annotations in SHEBANQ. Universiteit Amsterdam that has created a linguistic text database of the Hebrew millions of annotations, online, in a working system: SHEBANQ (see Fig 1). In SHEBANQ, the annotations are not tied to the representation of the text. Now that text and linguistic annotations reside in a database, it becomes possible Seen in an abstract way, a query is an annotation to all its results. SHEBANQ as an annotation tool helps the researcher to collect all data annotated text', Proceedings of COLING 2004, 1190–3,; U. database engine for analyzed or annotated text, 2002–2014, Linguistic Annotation Framework with an application to the Hebrew Bible', Computational Roorda, Hebrew Text Database in Linguistic Annotation Framework, Text-Fabric-Data: Text and Annotations of the Hebrew Bible and the Greek New Testament. cache = ./cache/work_6ogs3pzc4vbmvors2yk7ya2cie.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6ogs3pzc4vbmvors2yk7ya2cie.txt === bib === id = work_hjazlkhc3zfnjfhz6iakdscd7e author = Bill Pascoe title = Mapping Meaning: learnings from indigenous mapping technology for Australia's digital humanities mapping infrastructure date = 2020 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3788 sentences = 369 flesch = 52 summary = projects in TLCMap are focused on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and both as collaborations with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and indigenous Australians are Islander languages and peoples in Australia, but this one illustrates many points well.  Having learned the meaning of a place through a map (painting, sand, words, etc), the to intervene in the 'authoritative' government naming of places, including indigenous people, or There are some indigenous place names with meanings that have become have a specific focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and history. being about the history of violence towards Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander country and culture based quantitative indigenous research, and elsewhere.7 The following TLCMap projects from across This project maps colonial frontier massacres in Australia from 1780 to 1930. This project provides a web interface and map into a research collection of Aboriginal Time Layered Cultural Map cache = ./cache/work_hjazlkhc3zfnjfhz6iakdscd7e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hjazlkhc3zfnjfhz6iakdscd7e.txt === bib === id = work_bhz3tr2jvfesniohrdugc7veda author = Francesca Tomasi title = Modelling in the Digital Humanities: Conceptual Data Models and Knowledge Organization in the Cultural Heritage Domain date = 2019 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4571 sentences = 487 flesch = 55 summary = Modelling in the Digital Humanities: Conceptual Data Models and Knowledge Organization in of data models as a knowledge organization system is the core of this reflection on Digital Humanities domain. in DH in general and in my research on domain ontologies – or better on conceptual data modelling in the cultural heritage – in particular. And a formal language, from a computational point of view, is a question of data structure and abstract data types, i.e. graph (the network), tree (a hierarchy), table (a formal meta-language, we model documents as semi-structured objects. The same approach is adopted by ontologies, i.e. conceptual data models translated through a formal language. A domain ontology is a formal, abstract representation, useful in order to semantically describe, i.e. to model, a collection of Ontologies, Data Modeling, and TEI. Data: formalizing the conceptual model. Modelling in the Digital Humanities: Conceptual Data Models and Knowledge Organization in the Cultural Heritage Domain. cache = ./cache/work_bhz3tr2jvfesniohrdugc7veda.pdf txt = ./txt/work_bhz3tr2jvfesniohrdugc7veda.txt === bib === id = work_thnqyefrcjezfejmze7uwdqueq author = Hiroki Tamura title = A Study on the Lumbar Burden Evaluation of Work using One Smartphone date = 2018 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4248 sentences = 416 flesch = 59 summary = Hiroki Tamura1, Keiko Sakurai1,*, Koichi Tanno2, Yasufumi Fuse3 cannot be measured either in real time or continuously, so estimation of a lumbar burden with JACK is unsuitable in agricultural user's state judgment: stand, walking, crouching, sitting and rotation. can be determined by the state and the estimated lumbar burden In this paper, we propose the human lumbar burden evaluation method and state estimation system using a smartphone and estimating posture (Stand up, Sit down, Crouch, Walk, etc.,) of the subjects, (2) "Lumbar burden estimation" has a function to estimate the angle of the waist from the angle of the subject's upper body and calculate the lumbar burden in combination with From the JACK measurement results, there was an increasing tendency in the transitions of the lumbar burden during rotation, but The state determination is necessary for estimating lumbar burden is performed using the thigh inclination angle cache = ./cache/work_thnqyefrcjezfejmze7uwdqueq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_thnqyefrcjezfejmze7uwdqueq.txt === bib === id = work_ogrwph2apfg3riq533eqpmdwl4 author = Quoc-Tan Tran title = The Emergence Of The Digital Humanities: An Epistemological Cartography Of Thematic Issues In French Academic Journals date = 2017 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1976 sentences = 169 flesch = 51 summary = of thematic issues in French academic journals recent years, French academics working in the SSH have been devoting attention to "Digital emerging approaches and new research methods, editorial practices, and also combinatorial academic journals (electronic and print) (see Table 1), which have thematic issues dedicated issue titled "Digital epistemologies of the SSH"1 appeared in Revue Sciences/Lettres (n°2, such as "humanités numériques," "digital humanities," "social sciences," and associated terms Socio and Revue Sciences/Lettres put more emphasis on "research," while Cahiers du Numérique focuses on "digital culture," Variations on "scientific." In case of Critique, terms Cluster 1 (green) scientific, discipline, digital humanities, epistemology, SSH, dialogue, Based on those term maps, we analyze each cluster by looking back the articles that 2. Researchers' re-consideration of the role played by social media and new sociopolitical relationships, and the practices they make possible (Cluster 2) and new paradigms that characterize social and human sciences research in the digital age, cache = ./cache/work_ogrwph2apfg3riq533eqpmdwl4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ogrwph2apfg3riq533eqpmdwl4.txt === bib === id = work_uixnvd3cjbcdddfpwkg3dr77wq author = Francesca Tomasi title = DIGITAL HUMANITIES AND DIGITAL KNOWLEDGE (DHDK) International second cycle/Master degree date = 2018 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1802 sentences = 154 flesch = 26 summary = designed to foster close connections between humanities and the sciences of modelling, representation and processing of information and knowledge. Keywords: digital humanities, learning areas, professional figures, programme catalogue, The international degree programme in Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge1 offers a – computer science and engineering (computational thinking; database design; web technologies; usability analysis, design and evaluation; knowledge representation and extraction; multimedia applications); 2 Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge (DHDK) Inaugural Opening Events: https:// entrepreneurship; social media; digital communication and writing; web analytics; digital copyright; open access). – Expert in the digital management of cultural resources.The graduate masters the life cycle of the cultural resources: from the design of a project plan to its realization, from – Francesca Tomasi, expertise: Digital cultural heritage 1. Knowledge Organization and Digital Methods in the Cultural Heritage Domain *2 DIGITAL HUMANITIES AND DIGITAL KNOWLEDGE (DHDK) – International second cycle/Master degree cache = ./cache/work_uixnvd3cjbcdddfpwkg3dr77wq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_uixnvd3cjbcdddfpwkg3dr77wq.txt === bib === id = work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgq author = C. Warwick title = If You Build It Will They Come? The LAIRAH Study: Quantifying the Use of Online Resources in the Arts and Humanities through Statistical Analysis of User Log Data date = 2007 pages = 35 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11143 sentences = 955 flesch = 66 summary = LAIRAH study : quantifying the use of online resources in the arts and humanities through statistical analysis online resources in the arts and humanities through statistical analysis of user log data.', Literary and Linguistic the factors which determine long term use and neglect of digital resources in the arts approaches to digital resources in the arts and humanities, the study identifies factors digital resources in the humanities during the LAIRAH project, and provides digital resource in the humanities, and institutions which may fund those projects, to that those humanities scholars who use digital resources tend to be demanding of the use individual logs from the servers of digital humanities projects. of those who use digital resources, since our questionnaire data indicates that only a their work, or they cannot access information without digital resources, they are more optimistic that the users will adopt digital resources for humanities research. cache = ./cache/work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgq.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_hknhv6sruzfkvebqoevkjlbc7a author = Maria E. Burke title = The party's over at the digital society: some thoughts towards the search for serious theoretical frameworks date = 2016 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 196 sentences = 22 flesch = 61 summary = University of Winchester Skip to main navigation Skip to search Skip to main content Welcome to University of Winchester Explore profiles, expertise and research at University of Winchester University of Winchester Research Portal Welcome to the University of Winchester's Institutional Repository which showcases the excellent research undertaken across the University. The Repository enables open access to outputs where permitted, and full citation details where restrictions apply, making our research accessible worldwide through a searchable, browse-able database. For further information about the Repository, please contact Click dots and donuts to bring up details or Select a country from the list Select a country to view shared publications and projects Powered by Pure, Scopus & Elsevier Fingerprint Engine™ © 2021 Elsevier B.V. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies Log in to Pure University of Winchester contact form cache = ./cache/work_hknhv6sruzfkvebqoevkjlbc7a.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hknhv6sruzfkvebqoevkjlbc7a.txt === bib === id = work_sed4ulu2pfhfhbxwallx4lijza author = Keerti Arora title = Review: Louisiana Slave Conspiracies date = 2021 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 857 sentences = 64 flesch = 42 summary = Review: Louisiana Slave Conspiracies Louisiana Slave Conspiracies Patty Frontiera, University of California, Berkeley Louisiana Slave Conspiracies is an interdisciplinary and collaborative research project dedicated to slave conspiracies organized at Pointe Coupée in the Spanish territory of Louisiana in 1791 and 1795. Louisiana Slave Conspiracies (LSC) enables a self-directed, alternative, multimodal way of learning about the events surrounding the 1791 and 1795 Pointe Coupée conspiracies in Louisiana. Small, and Jenelle Thomas, this project adds an invaluable digital Unlike articles that relay information linearly, this interactive digital project presents the events, people, and places associated with the event under tabs that allow users to switch between Users can imagine possibilities through the organization, reception, and interpretation of the events collaborative tab that would allow users to share questions, data, and resources that might contribute Reviews in Digital Humanities Review: Louisiana Slave Conspiracies Reviews in Digital Humanities Review: Louisiana Slave Conspiracies Reviews in Digital Humanities Review: Louisiana Slave Conspiracies cache = ./cache/work_sed4ulu2pfhfhbxwallx4lijza.pdf txt = ./txt/work_sed4ulu2pfhfhbxwallx4lijza.txt === bib === id = work_2xab3fqtfjh7dhk52oxbqchiay author = Roberto Therón Sánchez title = Towards an Uncertainty-Aware Visualization in the Digital Humanities date = 2019 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8523 sentences = 727 flesch = 54 summary = From this review, we select an uncertainty taxonomy related to the humanities that we link to recent Keywords: progressive visual analytics; uncertainty taxonomies; digital humanities applied in DH research are the analysis of large data sets and digitized sources, data visualization, (PROgressive VIsual DEcision Making for Digital Humanities) research project, which aims to enhance and processing of data in DH research and practice is subject to uncertainty. progressive visual analysis proposal that approaches DH projects or experiences in which uncertainty • Uncertainty in visualization: The process of presenting the information to the final user is also DH projects: Uncertainty in GIScience [38], a data set of French medieval texts [39], information related to early holocaust data [40], and an approach to the presence of uncertainties in visual analysis [41]. An uncertainty-aware progressive visualization workflow model for the Digital Humanities Data and Uncertainty in Digital Humanities Data and Uncertainty in Digital Humanities cache = ./cache/work_2xab3fqtfjh7dhk52oxbqchiay.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2xab3fqtfjh7dhk52oxbqchiay.txt === bib === id = work_bp5h7fwmhra6lei67xdw27i6by author = Shunfu Hu title = Web-based Multimedia Mapping for Spatial Analysis and Visualization in the Digital Humanities: a Case Study of Language Documentation in Nepal date = 2018 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7051 sentences = 606 flesch = 56 summary = Web-based Multimedia Mapping for Spatial Analysis and Visualization in the Digital Humanities: a Case Study of Language Documentation in Nepal to collect audio and visual recordings of three types of socio-linguistic data: language attitudes and practices interviews, free-form twenty-six Manang villages; (2) design and develop a Web-based, interactive multimedia atlas that can display data points corresponding to the speakers, links to the three types of data gathered in multimedia format, provides friendly user interface for the manipulation awareness of language structures, language practices, language endangerment, and opportunities for preservation, all through this easyto-use means that enhance the geo-spatial representation in engaging visual and sensory (multimedia) formats. In such projects, mapping is used in the spatial visualization of multimedia information, including digital still images, Fig. 3 Initial launch of the Web-based multimedia atlas, which displays the three tabs, the Google Maps, the locations of all 87 sociolinguistic interviews cache = ./cache/work_bp5h7fwmhra6lei67xdw27i6by.pdf txt = ./txt/work_bp5h7fwmhra6lei67xdw27i6by.txt === bib === id = work_e76ry4ouybginjc554eibya46u author = Isabelle Devos title = STREAM (Spatiotemporal Research Infrastructure for Early Modern Brabant and Flanders): Sources, Data and Methods date = 2018 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6804 sentences = 363 flesch = 50 summary = In Belgium, early modern historians are insufficiently able to profit from these new research opportunities because of the absence of suitable databases and GIS infrastructures that collect and integrate original data from archival and manuscript data on a local level for a sufficiently large territory. range of key data from a diversity of historical sources in order to provide a geographically comprehensive and long-run quantitative and spatial account of early modern society at the level of localities (parishes, villages, towns). processes through the development of a spatiotemporal research infrastructure for early modern Brabant and Flanders that allows for spatial analysis of key historical data. The data collected via STREAM will allow to shed light on the geography of the early modern economy and population in Brabant and Flanders, and to improve our understanding of the timing and articulation of regionally and locally differentiated economic, social and demographic developments in the cache = ./cache/work_e76ry4ouybginjc554eibya46u.pdf txt = ./txt/work_e76ry4ouybginjc554eibya46u.txt === bib === id = work_ro3etpjujndrnbotmnhsjynqn4 author = Jörg Miehling title = Towards Biomechanical Digital Human Modeling of Elderly People for Simulations in Virtual Product Development date = 2013 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3610 sentences = 356 flesch = 52 summary = Towards Biomechanical Digital Human Modeling of Elderly People for Simulations in Virtual Product Development Towards Biomechanical Digital Human Modeling of Elderly People for Simulations in Virtual Product Towards Biomechanical Digital Human Modeling of Elderly People This contribution illustrates a methodology to customize biomechanical digital human models to resemble people of different age and ability groups for the use in simulations to support user-centered design. The most basic methods of considering the capabilities and needs resulting from ageand diseaserelated limitations of elderly people are experts' evaluations and guidelines. Digital human models are in general used in industry, research as well as education. represented to facilitate the generation of biomechanical digital human models of different age and ability body segments which are then used to scale the biomechanical digital human model. In this contribution a methodology for the conception of biomechanical digital human models of people cache = ./cache/work_ro3etpjujndrnbotmnhsjynqn4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ro3etpjujndrnbotmnhsjynqn4.txt === bib === id = work_yjjt2tluvnfi7gmclje6lhampi author = Jennifer Hart title = Introduction: Digital History in African Studies date = 2020 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2701 sentences = 233 flesch = 30 summary = Studies situates three articles on recent digital humanities initiatives among African broader digital humanities community, historians of Africa also draw on their discipline's long history of methodological innovation to raise important questions about trans-Atlantic slave trade.2 Importantly, these archival projects placed Africanists at the center of DH debates about data sourcing, representation, Historical Representations,'" Journal of Digital Humanities 3–2 (2014), http:// "mobile phones are transforming Africa," these digital projects provide a new African Studies and Digital Humanities.5 By engaging in public scholarship, development of digital humanities projects in African contexts. the boundaries between public history, digital humanities, and more traditional forms of historical scholarship. for Digital History in African Studies. Representations,'" Journal of Digital Humanities 3–2 (2014), http:// Introduction: Digital History in African Studies Introduction: Digital History in African Studies Introduction: Digital History in African Studies cache = ./cache/work_yjjt2tluvnfi7gmclje6lhampi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_yjjt2tluvnfi7gmclje6lhampi.txt === bib === id = work_yurxegssyfbaxiqcjpa5sx5qk4 author = Christoph Musik title = Computer Vision and the Digital Humanities: Adapting Image Processing Algorithms and Ground Truth through Active Learning date = 2018 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9513 sentences = 679 flesch = 58 summary = Abstract: Automated computer vision methods and tools offer new ways of analysing audio-visual material Keywords: Digital Humanities, Computer Vision, Image Understanding, Machine Learning, Ground Truth Automated computer vision tools that are based on image processing algorithms In short, we define ground truth as an interpretation template that instructs the automated decision of IPAs and projects where they either worked on or analysed computer vision, IPAs and ground truth construction. processing algorithms (IPAs) implemented in computer vision tools for automated image analysis and understanding grounded in different kinds of empirical analyses, case studies and practical interdisciplinary work in the context of 18 Christoph Musik, Computers and the Ability to See. Understanding the negotiation and implementation of image processing algorithms, PhD 18 Christoph Musik, Computers and the Ability to See. Understanding the negotiation and implementation of image processing algorithms, PhD Similarly, for detecting people in films being killed and hence falling, a specific training dataset and ground truth cache = ./cache/work_yurxegssyfbaxiqcjpa5sx5qk4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_yurxegssyfbaxiqcjpa5sx5qk4.txt === bib === id = work_7r4tgxtkejf7dh3ricgg3ifcsi author = Stefano Morello title = Digital Humanities at CUNY. Building Communities of Practice in the Public University date = 2020 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7027 sentences = 392 flesch = 42 summary = on and engage critically with technology: the CUNY Distance Learning Archive (CDLA), a GC class project, and participants through an open access digital archive, mirroring my commitments to work with and for the community and to produce public-facing scholarship. foundational approach, the institute introduces its participants to technical skills and a conceptual vocabulary that serves as a basis for further learning and engagement in the field.2 As pointed out by Rhody in a forms of support to students and faculty seeking to integrate digital media into traditional academic practice) on supporting and developing faculty projects include the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH) at the critically with technology: the CUNY Distance Learning Archive (CDLA), a GC class projects that outgrew of the program working as professional writers, or using the digital literacy, communication skills, and collaborative approach to writing they developed through cache = ./cache/work_7r4tgxtkejf7dh3ricgg3ifcsi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7r4tgxtkejf7dh3ricgg3ifcsi.txt === bib === id = work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayy author = Maurizio Lana title = Digital humanities e biblioteche date = 2020 pages = 39 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 20306 sentences = 2590 flesch = 60 summary = Investigare la relazione tra campo disciplinare della Library and information science e Digital humanities mette in luce una varietà di temi che aiutano sia a delineare Ciò che Showers prospetta è certamente un esito complesso e di alto livello scientifico dell'integrazione di Digital humanities e Library and information science, ma fornire «concordance services against all of the full text items in [the] collections» cioè Riassumendo, abbiamo visto che c'è un inizio policentrico delle Digital humanities negli anni tra questo secolo e gli ultimi del precedente in cui emerge in evidenza la connessione dei progetti di ricerca con la creazione di risorse di base che oggi del convegno 'rappresentavano ancora una ricerca basata sui testi', a indicare che secondo Svensson chiedevano di 'entrare nella big tent delle Digital humanities' persone i cui cache = ./cache/work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayy.txt === bib === id = work_67cfmbnqgbaoxchoamuceizf3e author = Jean Burgess title = Emerging Methods for Digital Media Research: An Introduction date = 2013 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1149 sentences = 57 flesch = 39 summary = Emerging Methods for Digital Media Research: An Introduction articulations are producing new methods for media and communication research. Digital Media Studies and Deputy Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative methodological trends in digital media research. for digital media research of emerging approaches like Media Archaeology (Frédérick Zamith, and Alfred Hermida), digital media methods (Merja Mahrt and Michael Scharkow) and the large-scale policy research potential of community media archives (Nicole Matthews to critique Big Data (Anderson et al., 2009) and situate digital media as part of the complex In their review article "The Value of Big Data in Digital Media Research," Merja Mahrt Analysis in an Era of Big Data: A Hybrid Approach to Computational and Manual Methods," EMERGING METHODS FOR DIGITAL MEDIA RESEARCH 4 EMERGING METHODS FOR DIGITAL MEDIA RESEARCH 4 EMERGING METHODS FOR DIGITAL MEDIA RESEARCH 4 EMERGING METHODS FOR DIGITAL MEDIA RESEARCH 4 Ethnographic Approaches to Digital Media. cache = ./cache/work_67cfmbnqgbaoxchoamuceizf3e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_67cfmbnqgbaoxchoamuceizf3e.txt === bib === id = work_7oth2g2n3reg3n3uv5elarlqdy author = Jungdae Kim title = Partially Automated Method for Localizing Standardized Acupuncture Points on the Heads of Digital Human Models date = 2015 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6223 sentences = 863 flesch = 73 summary = Partially Automated Method for Localizing Standardized Acupuncture Points on the Heads of Digital Human Models Acupuncture Points on the Heads of Digital Human Models Having modernized imaging tools for precise positioning of acupuncture points over the human body where the traditional Digital Korean human data were obtained to construct threedimensional head-skin and skull surface models of six individuals. All the acupoints on the heads of the six individual were displayed on threedimensional computer graphical image models. The proportional bone (skeletal) measurement method also uses landmarks on the body's surface, Table 3: Descriptions of the locations of the anatomical acupuncture points and landmarks. Figure 6: Various views of the 3D model of an (a) obese, a (b) normal, and an (c) underweight man with positioned acupoints on their heads. morphological acupoints on the head of anormal man; they exactly match the same positionings on our "standard" source model for the cache = ./cache/work_7oth2g2n3reg3n3uv5elarlqdy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7oth2g2n3reg3n3uv5elarlqdy.txt === bib === id = work_dgpqd6codbg2xgxz7q6bcgdncq author = Tuula Pääkkönen title = Exporting Finnish Digitized Historical Newspaper Contents for Offline Use date = 2016 pages = extension = .htm mime = text/html words = 5241 sentences = 317 flesch = 61 summary = Digital collections of the National Library of Finland (NLF) contain over 10 million pages of historical newspapers, journals and some technical ephemera. For this purpose we introduced a new format, which contains three different information sets: the full metadata of a publication page, the actual page content as ALTO XML, and the raw text content. In the recent one the data is provided in the original ALTO XML format, but the directory structure follows the original file system order, where one newspaper title can span different archive files. For the newspaper corpus we decided to create the export with original ALTO XML and raw text plus the metadata. The number of ALTO XML files in the newspaper part of the export is presented in Figure 4 with languages. Should it contain all of the content within one file, or should it be structurally divided so that each data item (metadata, ALTO, page text) is available separately. cache = ./cache/work_dgpqd6codbg2xgxz7q6bcgdncq.htm txt = ./txt/work_dgpqd6codbg2xgxz7q6bcgdncq.txt === bib === id = work_leezbgnixfeulikazokuahgcji author = Miran Hladnik title = Znanstveno vrednotenje slovenistike date = 2015 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2200 sentences = 363 flesch = 63 summary = kar ji je na seznamu 24 slovenskih humanističnih revij z znanstvenim statusom priskrbelo celo prvo mesto, vendar občutka eksistenčne varnosti ni več, saj se že naslednje leto revij po SNIP-u so iz leta v leto drugačni, krivulja SJR pa manj niha in je ustreznejša za Scopus izrecno opozarja, da na podlagi ranga revij, izmerjenega s SNIP, ni dobro vrednotiti teže je, da dobi avtor za članek v reviji letos recimo 40 točk, če pa bi ga objavil naslednje leto, bi zanj lahko način (naravoslovci najbolj cenijo objave v znanstveni reviji, humanisti pa v knjigi), faktorju vplivnosti znanstvenih publikacij s področja humanistike in tako odločajo o njihovi usodi: ARRS-u, Izumu, Svetu Scopus izrecno opozarja, da na podlagi ranga revij, izmerjenega s SNIP, ni dobro vrednotiti teže posameznikovih objav, vendar slovenski ARRS počne prav to. točk prinašajo tudi objave v zbornikih z mednarodnim uredništvom ali v knjigah Meritve odmevnosti objav bi torej morale upoštevati tudi cache = ./cache/work_leezbgnixfeulikazokuahgcji.pdf txt = ./txt/work_leezbgnixfeulikazokuahgcji.txt === bib === id = work_joxqrmexinaa5bjkwkuc5fyiam author = Martin Paul Eve title = Hack and Yack date = 2017 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1378 sentences = 99 flesch = 61 summary = Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Review of Digital Humanities: Knowledge and Review of Berry, David M., and Anders Fagerjord, eds., Digital Humanities: might have heard things – terrible, or otherwise – about the digital humanities and who might want Berry and Anders Fagerjord's Digital Humanities: Knowledge and 1 Matthew Kirschenbaum, 'What Is "Digital Humanities," and Why Are They Saying Such Terrible Things about 'Neoliberal Tools (and Archives): A Political History of Digital Humanities', Los Angeles Review of Books, 2016 book to proselytize, even while it details the exciting possibilities that digital research work could In all, though, Digital Humanities: Knowledge and Critique is a book for our time. Political History of Digital Humanities', Los Angeles Review of Books, 2016 Klein, eds., Debates in the Digital Humanities 2016 Jones, Steven E., The Emergence of the Digital Humanities (New York: Routledge, 2014) Kirschenbaum, Matthew, 'What Is "Digital Humanities," and Why Are They Saying Such Terrible cache = ./cache/work_joxqrmexinaa5bjkwkuc5fyiam.pdf txt = ./txt/work_joxqrmexinaa5bjkwkuc5fyiam.txt === bib === id = work_uboh7ioqubeklgwkvenjn7gphi author = Konstantin Ryabinin title = Graph-Based Visual Analytics Tools for Digital Humanities Research date = 2020 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3622 sentences = 313 flesch = 49 summary = the visual analytics of the interconnected data within digital humanities research The circular graph is proposed as a visual model to depict the interconnected data in a comprehensive way. The graph rendering software is organized according to the model-driven architecture utilizing ontology engineering methods and means, which ensure configuration flexibility and modification an ergonomic and flexible tool for graph-based visualization of interconnected data circular graphs' visualization is presented to tackle data filtering problems and improve problems in a field of DH during the case study of verbal and nonverbal behavior of social network users, we built the graph VA toolset upon the SciVi [12]. The integration with SciVi allowed to utilize advanced visualization features including the rendering of graphs. the data rendering using SciVi::CGraph visualization component. The state scale (drawn below the graph) provides quick navigation between these data sets and makes it possible to visually compare them. Graph-Based Visual Analytics Tools for Digital Humanities Research cache = ./cache/work_uboh7ioqubeklgwkvenjn7gphi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_uboh7ioqubeklgwkvenjn7gphi.txt === bib === id = work_3rdcathodvd3fkmrh367r5nskm author = Susan Schreibman title = Textuality in 3D: three-dimensional (re)constructions as digital scholarly editions date = 2019 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6769 sentences = 530 flesch = 49 summary = 3D (re)constructions of heritage sites and Digital Scholarly Editions face similar needs The nature, functionality, and theories informing Digital Scholarly Editions (DSEs) have flourished over the past three decades, moving beyond how to represent printbased texts in digital forms into new types of knowledge production and dissemination Virtual Worlds as Digital Scholarly Editions Masterclass (Maynooth University, 13–14 June 2017, heritage 3D visualisation and Digital Scholarly Editing, allowing them to explore theoretical and practical Digital scholarly editing: Theories, models and methods. Textuality in 3D: three-dimensional (re)constructions as digital scholarly editions Textuality in 3D: three-dimensional (re)constructions as digital scholarly editions Textuality in 3D: three-dimensional (re)constructions as digital scholarly editions Textuality in 3D: three-dimensional (re)constructions as digital scholarly editions Textuality in 3D: three-dimensional (re)constructions as digital scholarly editions Textuality in 3D: three-dimensional (re)constructions as digital scholarly editions Textuality in 3D: three-dimensional (re)constructions as digital scholarly editions Textuality in 3D: three-dimensional (re)constructions as digital scholarly editions cache = ./cache/work_3rdcathodvd3fkmrh367r5nskm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3rdcathodvd3fkmrh367r5nskm.txt === bib === id = work_ncnfs4bbibepxne76exswbvi7a author = Nitesh Bhatia title = Modeling Visually Guided Hand Reach for Digital Human Models date = 2015 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4514 sentences = 389 flesch = 52 summary = Modeling visually guided hand reach for Digital Human Models demonstrating active vision based feedback for a typical hand reach task without using inverse kinematics. acts similar to human eyes by providing spatial information about hand and object in workspace. workspace object and the model of DHM hand is geometrically projected over the grid and the relative positions are computed in The presented model finally shows vision as a guiding agent for hand reach simulations. In this paper we have presented an "active" vision based scenario to demonstrate visually guided simple hand In section 3 we describe the newly developed active vision based reach framework and datastructure of a variable resolution cube-grid acting as receptor surface for sampling of spatial information in DHM grasping and reach simulations hand model specific approaches have been developed [17,18]. Our primary aim is to use and simulate DHMs, digital hand models, and vision models for natural human cache = ./cache/work_ncnfs4bbibepxne76exswbvi7a.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ncnfs4bbibepxne76exswbvi7a.txt === bib === id = work_modwn7uyprbx7ei5s7imir5xaa author = David Natal Villazala title = Digital Humanities: New Approaches to Research and Teaching of the Medieval Mediterranean (5th to 15th centuries). (Digital Research Session) date = 2020 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 383 sentences = 27 flesch = 41 summary = Digital Humanities: New Approaches to Research and Teaching of the Medieval This webinar was funded by the Society for the Medieval Mediterranean, thanks to the "Simon Barton Postgraduate & ECR Conference Prize 2020" awarded to Nerea Fernández Cadenas ( This webinar has been designed to offer a forum in which scholars can debate and share their experiences about the difficulties and advantages of researching and teaching through Digital Humanities when exploring Medieval Mediterranean History. social history of late antiquity, with special attention to the western, Latin-speaking part of the a 'universal' late antique Church was constructed despite the end of the Western Roman Empire hosted at Royal Holloway, University of London and at the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities She is the principal investigator of a threeyear VENI project Innovating Knowledge dealing with the early medieval manuscripts of the research focused on annotation symbols used in Western manuscripts in Late Antiquity and the cache = ./cache/work_modwn7uyprbx7ei5s7imir5xaa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_modwn7uyprbx7ei5s7imir5xaa.txt === bib === id = work_toed6umk4rhkhdnwdnxyy4jitm author = Arianna Ciula title = Modelling: Thinking in Practice. An Introduction date = 2019 pages = 27 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9967 sentences = 940 flesch = 52 summary = explore possibilities for a new interdisciplinary language of modelling spanning the humanities, cultural studies and the sciences; to analyse modelling in The following was used as working definition of modelling within the project: modelling is the creative process by which researchers create and manipulate external representations ("imaginary concreta", Godfrey-Smith 2009) to Building on complementary expertise in DH research, the PIs aimed at reflecting on modelling around the central concept of textuality. Modelling in the Digital Humanities: a Research Program?, Fotis Jannidis represented and processed on computers." This makes the practice of modelling in a research software engineering context an inherently interdisciplinary Modelling Between Digital and Humanities: Thinking in Practice. of Modelling in Digital Humanities Practices. "Modelling between digital and humanities: Thinking in practice," its aims, Modeling in the Digital Humanities: a Research Program? Modeling in the Digital Humanities: a Research Program? cache = ./cache/work_toed6umk4rhkhdnwdnxyy4jitm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_toed6umk4rhkhdnwdnxyy4jitm.txt === bib === id = work_n2m252d2fvhn5arupn5m5vsy4u author = Arjan van Hessen title = The Case Of Interview Data: A multidisciplinary approach to the use of technology in research using interview methods date = 2019 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 473 sentences = 69 flesch = 62 summary = The Case Of Interview Data: A multidisciplinary The Case Of Interview Data Thank you for joining us here in Utrecht! wonderful local organiser, Arjan van Hessen • tools and data professionals • fields ‐ speech technology, social sciences, human Interested in strengthening the position of interview data in Arjan van Hessen Christoph Draxler Stef Scagliola Louise Corti history (OH) data • Previous 3 workshops ‐ tools specialists, data stewards and scholarly practices across disciplines who use interview data sources in their daily work: digital humanities, linguistics, oral infrastructure /tools for non‐digital humanities social science or humanities scholars in linguistic‐oriented methods and tools; and explore how these can be utilised by scholars using interview data • We will consider features of audiovisual and textual data be applying linguistic tools to oral history data. interview data can historians, linguists and social scientists share tools?' 11.20 12.00 Introducing linguistic analysis of text: free tools cache = ./cache/work_n2m252d2fvhn5arupn5m5vsy4u.pdf txt = ./txt/work_n2m252d2fvhn5arupn5m5vsy4u.txt === bib === id = work_c77a4gghk5b2jly5kuxb4ixufm author = Mark Turin title = Devil in The Digital: Ambivalent Results in an Object-Based Teaching Course date = 2015 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 484 sentences = 90 flesch = 63 summary = [PDF] Devil in The Digital: Ambivalent Results in an Object‐Based Teaching Course | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 51960747Devil in The Digital: Ambivalent Results in an Object‐Based Teaching Course title={Devil in The Digital: Ambivalent Results in an Object‐Based Teaching Course}, In 2013, I piloted a course in which students used Web-based tools to explore underdocumented collections of Himalayan materials at Yale University. View via Publisher Figures from this paper View All 5 Figures & Tables Citation Type Citation Type Cites Results Sort by Most Influenced Papers Sort by Citation Count View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License ACCEPT & CONTINUE cache = ./cache/work_c77a4gghk5b2jly5kuxb4ixufm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_c77a4gghk5b2jly5kuxb4ixufm.txt === bib === id = work_7tqfly2aurcuzfasapzyzdredy author = Scott B. Weingart title = What's Under the Big Tent?: A Study of ADHO Conference Abstracts date = 2017 pages = 18 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4622 sentences = 485 flesch = 46 summary = This is a peer-reviewed article in Digital Studies/Le champ numérique, a journal published by the Open This study identifies how the flagship Digital Humanities conference has The annual Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) conference provides Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) itself hosted more attendees than ADHO's conference), but it is international digital humanities conferences, and as such are the focus of this analysis. that while ADHO's conference is not a synecdoche for the entire digital humanities The number of presentations and unique authors at the annual conference has attendees were also authors of conference presentations. 5 See for a more detailed of 200 participants, and the various other digital humanities communities and conferences. Figure 7: Country of author institutions to DH conferences 2004–2013. if conference location correlates to regional diversity of authors, ADHO might "Representation at Digital Humanities Conferences (2000–2015)." cache = ./cache/work_7tqfly2aurcuzfasapzyzdredy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7tqfly2aurcuzfasapzyzdredy.txt === bib === id = work_ajlebeewlbelvegajsgyamggoq author = Mary Elizabeth Borgo title = Toward Sustainable Growth: Lessons Learned Through the Victorian Women Writers Project date = 2017 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2879 sentences = 214 flesch = 54 summary = Toward Sustainable Growth: Lessons Learned Through the Victorian Women Writers Project Lessons Learned Through the Victorian Women Writers Project." Digital This is a peer-reviewed article in Digital Studies/Le champ numérique, a journal published by the Open Writers Project." Digital Studies/Le champ numérique This case study offers strategies for TEI-based projects with limited Encoding texts for the project as part of course objectives gave As a student in this course, I saw first-hand how digital preservation projects digitization projects as an extension of their research because this kind of work the Women Writers Project (Northeastern University) and the Digital Humanities As we worked on strategies to market encoding tasks to graduate students, VWWP 's texts are too few at IU to sustain the project's continued growth. or The Long Life of the Victorian Women Writers Project." In Digital Humanities Lessons Learned Through the Victorian Women Writers Project." Digital Studies/Le champ cache = ./cache/work_ajlebeewlbelvegajsgyamggoq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ajlebeewlbelvegajsgyamggoq.txt === bib === id = work_o6x5ewrkinhjra2zk55ftkx5jq author = Enrique Álvarez-Casado title = Using ergonomic digital human modeling in evaluation of workplace design and prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders aboard small fishing vessels date = 2011 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4469 sentences = 419 flesch = 62 summary = fishermen and for redesigning the workplace aboard small fishing vessels. Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Keywords: Work-related musculoskeletal disorder (WSMD); Physical risk factors; Vessel ergonomic design; Postures simulation; Work place; Digital human modeling was used to describe the prevalence of awkward postures and other physical risk factors for shoulder symptoms among a purposive sample of 11 small-scale commercial crab pot fishing crews (Kucera & Lipscomb, Spanish fishermen and to evaluate the workplace design aboard in-shore small fishing vessels. to be solved: 1) ergonomics analyses related to workplace layout design; 2) studies of fishermen's working based on acceptable work postures of fishermen simulated by ManneQuin PRO, the modifications of vessel design and construction relevant to preventing low and assess risk factors in working aboard small fishing Figure 4 Examples of occupational risks in the work areas and tasks aboard small fishing vessels. the digital fishermen were placed in a 3D fishing vessel to simulate real-life work conditions on cache = ./cache/work_o6x5ewrkinhjra2zk55ftkx5jq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_o6x5ewrkinhjra2zk55ftkx5jq.txt === bib === id = work_msattweehje2vpvzk2cpmy2mji author = Azka Khan title = Extraction of Semantic Domains Through Corpus Tools date = 2020 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7004 sentences = 610 flesch = 65 summary = Microsoft Word 17 Extraction of Semantic Domains through Corpus Tools Azka.docx Having a clear corpus methodology for extraction of semantic domains is important in a two-fold corpus techniques to establish the dominant semantic domains in any discourse. research include word clouds, frequency lists of both stemmed and synonymous words and KWIC. the potential benefits of using different corpus software for extracting dominant semantic domains in a 1. How can we extract dominant semantic domains from a literary text by using corpus techniques? section also explains the need for a replicable corpus methodology in extracting semantic domains from the These three methods include usability of corpus techniques, namely, frequency lists, word clouds The reliability of some of the corpus techniques for extracting semantic domains available to the researchers Employing Frequency Lists of Stemmed Words and Synonyms for Extracting Semantic linguistic tool used in this research is to establish the dominant semantic fields are frequency lists. cache = ./cache/work_msattweehje2vpvzk2cpmy2mji.pdf txt = ./txt/work_msattweehje2vpvzk2cpmy2mji.txt === bib === id = work_gv7vwol2tvfddmns3xm2mj7aje author = Akihiko Murai title = Can forward dynamics simulation with simple model estimate complex phenomena?: Case study on sprinting using running-specific prosthesis date = 2018 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4719 sentences = 432 flesch = 60 summary = Surpassing the world record in athletic performance requires extensive use of kinematic and dynamic motion analyses to develop novel body usage skills and training methods. motion-representation model has the capacity to generate complex phenomena such as RSP-aided ILEA sprinting RSPs, by developing a multilayered kinodynamics simulation, which uses a detailed digital human model and a of the sprint motion by varying the SLIP model parameters and simulation of its forward dynamics, and (C) realizes the simulation of the detailed whole-body sprinting of the specific subject using different RSP types and This simulation consists of three steps: A simplify the sprinting motion with the SLIP model and identify its parameters using experimentally measured motion, B modify the identified Can forward dynamics simulation with simple model estimate complex phenomena?: Case study on sprinting using running-specific prosthesis Can forward dynamics simulation with simple model estimate complex phenomena?: Case study on sprinting using running-specific prosthesis cache = ./cache/work_gv7vwol2tvfddmns3xm2mj7aje.pdf txt = ./txt/work_gv7vwol2tvfddmns3xm2mj7aje.txt === bib === id = work_4wxdbbpa6rhljnyb3t35fa4xzy author = Heather Roberts title = Telling a History of Australian Women Judges Through Courts' Ceremonial Archives date = 2014 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2760 sentences = 122 flesch = 49 summary = and Local Audiences: Case Studies in Australian Cinema Consumption, 1928–1980. cinema history, that has shifted its focus away from the content of films to consider their circulation and consumption, and to examine the cinema as a site of social and projects have examined the commercial activities of film distribution and exhibition, social and cultural histories of specific cinema audiences. In calling this work cinema history, we are deliberately distinguishing it from a film Oral histories with cinema audience members consistently tell us that the local questions that surround the social history of the experience of cinema rather than the New cinema history uses Australian cinemas as sites of social and economic activity, focusing on the period responsiveness of cinemas and their audiences to social and cultural change. This project uses the Film Weekly data Venue data is linked to a set of markers, which represent Locality Type and Cinema cache = ./cache/work_4wxdbbpa6rhljnyb3t35fa4xzy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4wxdbbpa6rhljnyb3t35fa4xzy.txt === bib === id = work_ftbmk33innhhdebs3n535qcp6a author = Dominic Oldman title = Realizing Lessons of the Last 20 Years: A Manifesto for Data Provisioning and Aggregation Services for the Digital Humanities (A Position Paper) System date = 2014 pages = extension = .htm mime = application/xhtml+xml words = 9848 sentences = 458 flesch = 40 summary = Consequently, this means that issues of sustainable management of integrated resources are more urgent that ever before, and consequently the Group is calling for a collaborative community effort to develop a new Reference Model of Data Provision and Aggregation, which is based on a completely different epistemological paradigm compared to the well-known OAIS (Open Archival Information Service) Reference Model (Consultative Committee for Space data Systems, 2009). Even though industrial and enterprise level information integration has a successful 20 year history (Wiederhold, 1992; Gruber, 1993; Lu et al., 1996.; Bayardo et al., 1997; Calvanese, Giacomo, Lenzerini, et al., 1998), to date very few projects, if any, attempting to deliver such an integrated vision for the cultural heritage sector have been able to preserve both meaning and provide a sustainable infrastructure under which organisations could realistically align their own internal infrastructures and processes. cache = ./cache/work_ftbmk33innhhdebs3n535qcp6a.htm txt = ./txt/work_ftbmk33innhhdebs3n535qcp6a.txt === bib === id = work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euzi author = Cornelius Puschmann title = How Digital Are the Digital Humanities? An Analysis of Two Scholarly Blogging Platforms date = 2015 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7933 sentences = 987 flesch = 51 summary = on both platforms, we apply co-word analysis and topic modeling to show thematic similarities and differences between the two sites, focusing particularly on how they frame DH as the important role of social media for establishing and galvanizing DH as a movement: "Twitter, along with blogs and other online outlets, has inscribed the digital humanities as a network online community and social network that connects researchers, young scholars, and the general public interested in a wide range of subjects associated with DH and peer-to-peer learning. scholarship, storytelling, knowledge) and another identical vector plus the suffix "digital" (digital anthropology, digital archaeology, digital archive, digital art, digital culture, digital ethnography, digital history, digital humanities, digital learning, digital libraries, digital literacy, dependency is also observed in the aggregated data per area, as less than 10% of posts on HASTAC (mean = .09, median = .05) and Hypotheses (mean = .05, median = .02) dedicated to humanities also included references to the related DH area. cache = ./cache/work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euzi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6fu6aiwvubhrlhtso5q7z4euzi.txt === bib === id = work_sr2z2fcg25f2dokho4nyhmjap4 author = Kaylin Land title = Predicting Author Gender Using Machine Learning Algorithms: Looking Beyond the Binary date = 2020 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4452 sentences = 394 flesch = 54 summary = Predicting Author Gender Using Machine Learning Algorithms: Looking Beyond the Binary that utilize computer algorithms to identify author gender and feminist of author gender and to ask larger questions about algorithmic criticism, of algorithms to identify author gender assumes a binary approach that rests upon Naturally, an algorithmic examination of literature written by men and women Author gender studies that find women write differently than men Land: Predicting Author Gender Using Machine Learning Algorithms Art. 8, page 11 of 12 Land: Predicting Author Gender Using Machine Learning Algorithms Art. 8, page 11 of 12 Land: Predicting Author Gender Using Machine Learning Algorithms Art. 8, page 11 of 12 Land: Predicting Author Gender Using Machine Learning Algorithms Art. 8, page 11 of 12 Land: Predicting Author Gender Using Machine Learning Algorithms Art. 8, page 11 of 12 2. Assumptions of algorithm author gender studies 2. Assumptions of algorithm author gender studies cache = ./cache/work_sr2z2fcg25f2dokho4nyhmjap4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_sr2z2fcg25f2dokho4nyhmjap4.txt === bib === id = work_lhh6qtcak5ezrjonn7id6hatfq author = E. Thomas Ewing title = Look Out for 'La Grippe': Using Digital Humanities Tools to Interpret Information Dissemination during the Russian Flu, 1889–90 date = 2015 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1867 sentences = 146 flesch = 43 summary = Look Out for 'La Grippe': Using Digital Humanities Tools to Interpret Information the American journal Medical News published a lengthy article by Dr Roberts Bartholow 1 Roberts Bartholow, 'The Causes and Treatment of Influenza', Medical News, 55, 26 (1889), 710–4. Although close reading of an illustrative text, such as Bartholow's editorial, allows historians to understand how a medical expert explained a disease outbreak, new tools revealing analysis.2 This article explores a digital humanities approach to medical history In terms of a digital humanities approach to medical history, the real significance of appeared on 28 December 1889, the publication date of the Medical News article. interpretation of Bartholow's article appeared in a Missouri newspaper, the Sedalia Weekly a single text for close analysis offers medical historians a tool to explore tensions between requires the skills of close reading, yet it was the digital humanities tools of word searching cache = ./cache/work_lhh6qtcak5ezrjonn7id6hatfq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_lhh6qtcak5ezrjonn7id6hatfq.txt === bib === id = work_xmbsjcmo2bgblfiutbybef7n6m author = Peter Boot title = Editing social media: the case of online book discussion date = 2019 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6584 sentences = 457 flesch = 62 summary = Online book discussion is a popular activity on many social media sites: on weblogs, in of an archive of Dutch online book discussions (Boot 2017), a collection that now holds Supposing that we are going to create a research collection of online book discussion The book discussion sites' properties have consequences for how an edition of these of the edition is the collection of its text fragments: the posts, reviews, comments, and so An edition of a book discussion site would probably consist of several layers. Editing social media: the case of online book discussion Editing social media: the case of online book discussion Editing social media: the case of online book discussion Editing social media: the case of online book discussion Editing social media: the case of online book discussion Editing social media: the case of online book discussion Editing social media: the case of online book discussion cache = ./cache/work_xmbsjcmo2bgblfiutbybef7n6m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xmbsjcmo2bgblfiutbybef7n6m.txt === bib === id = work_kib3vvczfrhgjcndinv5doj4mm author = Ross S. Purves title = From Space to Place: Place-Based Explorations of Text date = 2015 pages = 22 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6638 sentences = 549 flesch = 63 summary = historical text documents, provide us with new opportunities for exploring how place is described. use of vernacular names, ways in which concepts such as mountain are used in different locations and by different groups, approaches to automatically generating macro-maps in space and time and, finally, place in the sense of human geography within the context of Geographic Information Science. Keywords: sense of place; vernacular place names; locale; macro-maps; GIS notions of place using digital sources ranging from user generated content, ideas related to place, primarily in terms of location (e.g. in work with toponyms) toponyms through readings of text and exploring the regions associated with !-maps for four terms associated with locale in Switzerland and Great to explore both location and locale in the context of mountain landscapes in S. Purves, 'Exploring place through user-generated content: Using Flickr Derungs and Purves, 'From text to landscape: Locating, identifying and mapping the use of cache = ./cache/work_kib3vvczfrhgjcndinv5doj4mm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kib3vvczfrhgjcndinv5doj4mm.txt === bib === id = work_kerebhffungwhauffr7nopvmpu author = Enric Senabre title = Personas template date = 2018 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 452 sentences = 436 flesch = 45 summary = INTERESTED IN FAMILY HISTORY, 25 "In relation to Digital Humanities, Reyna wishes to DIGITAL HUMANITIES STUDENT, 20 "In relation to Digital Humanities, Carlos wishes to HISTORY TEACHER, 47 "In relation to Digital Humanities, Paul wishes to "In relation to Digital Humanities, Lis wishes to São Paulo (Brasil) São Paulo Museum of Modern Art "In relation to Digital Humanities, Maria wishes to DIGITAL HUMANITIES RESEARCHER, 38 Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Chicago "In relation to Digital Humanities, Veena wishes to DATA SCIENTIST, 35 "In relation to Digital Humanities, Abasi wishes to Toronto (Canada) University of Toronto, Department of Political Science EXPERIENCE WITH BIOGRAPHICAL DATA EXPERIENCE WITH BIOGRAPHICAL DATA EXPERIENCE WITH BIOGRAPHICAL DATA EXPERIENCE WITH BIOGRAPHICAL DATA EXPERIENCE WITH BIOGRAPHICAL DATA EXPERIENCE WITH BIOGRAPHICAL DATA EXPERIENCE WITH BIOGRAPHICAL DATA EXPERIENCE WITH BIOGRAPHICAL DATA GOALS RELATED TO DH RESEARCH GOALS RELATED TO DH RESEARCH "In relation to Digital Humanities, Steve wishes to cache = ./cache/work_kerebhffungwhauffr7nopvmpu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kerebhffungwhauffr7nopvmpu.txt === bib === id = work_qdotulkyfnaodjb5wo4c7bgnvu author = Erik Malcolm Champion title = Digital humanities is text heavy, visualization light, and simulation poor date = 2016 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5385 sentences = 660 flesch = 40 summary = 1 Digital Humanities is Text? Digital Humanities Too Text-Heavy?' and he observed This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in Digital Scholarship in the Humanities Digital humanities is text heavy, visualization light, and simulation text emphasis in many Digital Humanities research University of Oxford definition of Digital Humanities, Their website ( page says and the experience of digital reconstructions of artefacts and heritage sites over 20 years ago, and computer games for over 30 years, others have been In their book Digital Humanities in Practice (Warwick Stanford University's Digital Humanities workshops Archival organizations now offer tools to help humanities scholars visualize new research questions, 'By Visualization employs research in the traditional humanities, converts Information Digital Humanities Quarterly, 7(1), Science News Service website: Is Digital Humanities Too Text-Heavy? Is Digital Humanities Too Text-Heavy? History and Digital Humanities. digital.humanities@oxford. cache = ./cache/work_qdotulkyfnaodjb5wo4c7bgnvu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_qdotulkyfnaodjb5wo4c7bgnvu.txt === bib === id = work_vlgk4b532jgcbpiyxi5s2b2t6m author = James O'Sullivan title = The New Apparatus of Influence: Material Modernism in the Digital Age date = 2014 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 295 sentences = 42 flesch = 54 summary = [PDF] The New Apparatus of Influence: Material Modernism in the Digital Age | Semantic Scholar Semantic Scholar's Logo Corpus ID: 52303488The New Apparatus of Influence: Material Modernism in the Digital Age title={The New Apparatus of Influence: Material Modernism in the Digital Age}, Throughout this paper, I argue for a reapplication of those theories set out by George Bornstein in Material Modernism. I begin with an account of those elements from Bornstein's argument that I consider to be of most relevance to this particular discourse, giving particular consideration to what he refers to as the 'bibliographic code.' I argue that… Expand Topics from this paper Stay Connected With Semantic Scholar About Semantic Scholar Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License ACCEPT & CONTINUE cache = ./cache/work_vlgk4b532jgcbpiyxi5s2b2t6m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_vlgk4b532jgcbpiyxi5s2b2t6m.txt === bib === id = work_oq2msjlmwfdudblfao4wniir2e author = Su-Ho Kang title = Research on Ontology-based Task Adaptability Improvement for Digital Human Model date = 2012 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4865 sentences = 1482 flesch = 88 summary = case of ergonomics simulation solutions to support digital human modeling, Optimal DHM (Digital Human Model) data needed to develop and perform DHM will collect information In this study, to overcome the limitations of existing solutions, we proposed the ADAGIO(Automated Digital humAn model development for General assembly usIng Ontology) framework. The ADAGIO framework was developed for DHM ontology to support optimal deployment of Key Words: Digital human modeling, Digital virtual manufacturing, Ontology, Virtual simulation, 는 ADAGIO(Automated Digital humAn model Fig. 1 Detailed human dimensions information of DHM 그러나 DHM 모델링을 위해 구축된 온톨로지의 뿐만 아니라 시뮬레이션 개발자의 모델링 노력을 Table 1 Related work on DHM and simulation modeling 시뮬레이션 개발자는 ADAGIO 프레임워크가 CIM은 시뮬레이션 개발자가 ADAGIO 프레임 시뮬레이션에 필요한 기하학적 정보를 온톨로지 Fig. 12는 ADAGIO 프레임워크의 GUI를 통해 Fig. 12 Connected ADAGIO framework into The Jack 시뮬레이션 개발자는 ADAGIO 프레임워크 위한 시뮬레이션 모델링 정보를 TSB에 자동으로 뮬레이션 모델링을 수행할 수 있으며, 시뮬레이션 cache = ./cache/work_oq2msjlmwfdudblfao4wniir2e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_oq2msjlmwfdudblfao4wniir2e.txt === bib === id = work_2fjnabij65dknn6bwzrt2slb3m author = Peter Thorvald title = Applying cognitive science to digital human modelling for user centred design date = 2012 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7291 sentences = 596 flesch = 61 summary = task analysis tools, interface design guidelines and information about general suggests adding design and evaluative guiding in Digital Human Modelling that will help a user with little or no knowledge of cognitive science to design and Keywords: Digital human modelling, cognition, context, situatedness, ecological designers and engineers to consider human-machine interaction related matters in In Digital Human Modelling (DHM), the term ergonomics usually refers to modelling bringing cognition into the equation and provide users of DHM tools with an aid in paper, it shows us how earlier approaches to modelling cognition in DHM are at best known to design for human-related control systems (Bubb, 2002). Ecological Interface Design (EID) is spawned from Cognitive Work Analysis (CWA), integrating cognition into DHM tools and outline potential new design guides and models human-system interface being designed or evaluated. Perception, Cognition and Action for Digital Human Modeling. Human Performance: Evaluating the Cognitive Aspects. cache = ./cache/work_2fjnabij65dknn6bwzrt2slb3m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2fjnabij65dknn6bwzrt2slb3m.txt === bib === id = work_54dwrq365vesphbu5mqkx56u4m author = Paul Spence title = The academic book and its digital dilemmas date = 2018 pages = 26 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10942 sentences = 662 flesch = 45 summary = the digitally mediated long-form academic publication might hold a viable future. humanities research projects, have performed digital publishing roles and reviews possible implications for scholarly book publishing's relationship to the wider research what conditions, the digitally mediated long-form academic publication might hold a future of the academic book in digital form (2011). argue for the ongoing primacy of print in scholarly book publishing – which will "draw How might a digital long-form publication which could truly rival the printed academic digitised content, most commonly published in scholarly editions or archivebased publications, but the article raises important wider questions about what There are many new media, digital arts and electronic literature experiences in relation to publishing the different visions around digitally-mediated long-form publishing in the humanities. whole (and indeed scholarly publishing) as it does for the digital humanities. whole (and indeed scholarly publishing) as it does for the digital humanities. (Accessed 31 August cache = ./cache/work_54dwrq365vesphbu5mqkx56u4m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_54dwrq365vesphbu5mqkx56u4m.txt === bib === id = work_yhcrp5ma7rh4nltoxdzsabrzai author = S. Münster title = DIGITAL CULTURAL HERITAGE MEETS DIGITAL HUMANITIES date = 2019 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8155 sentences = 740 flesch = 46 summary = 3 Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Digital Humanities / Art History, Erlangen, Germany KEY WORDS: Digital Humanities, Digital Cultural Heritage, Topics, Challenges, Essay Digital Cultural Heritage and Digital Humanities are, historically seen, in focus of different communities as well as approaching of digital humanities and cultural heritage research? data foci of digital humanities are texts, images and objects. broad variety of approaches and topics, digital cultural heritage humanities and digital cultural heritage. humanities and digital cultural heritage. obvious communalities, digital humanities and heritage share time, digital humanities foster different systems of data heritage especially provides evidence of new cultural research Main objects of study of both digital heritage and humanities cultural heritage and digital humanities in their treatment of heritage researchers use digital data coming from different Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage expertise must be the Humanities Scholar: Documenting Digital Research Cultures in the Field of Digital Heritage. cache = ./cache/work_yhcrp5ma7rh4nltoxdzsabrzai.pdf txt = ./txt/work_yhcrp5ma7rh4nltoxdzsabrzai.txt === bib === id = work_n3oorrmacvbadk6x4xsojny66y author = Ivan Flis title = Digital Humanities Are a Two-Way Street date = 2016 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xhtml+xml words = 189 sentences = 24 flesch = 56 summary = Digital Humanities Are a Two-Way Street | Scholarly Publications Skip to main content Leiden University Scholarly Publications Home Submit Select Collection Academic speeches Dissertations Faculty of Archaeology Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Science Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences Leiden Journals, Conference Proceedings and Books Leiden Law School Leiden University Press Medicine / Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) Research output UL Search box Persistent URL of this record Documents Download Download Not Applicable (or Unknown) Not Applicable (or Unknown) open access open access In Collections In Collections In Collections This item can be found in the following collections: Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) Digital Humanities Are a Two-Way Street Digital Humanities Are a Two-Way Street Digital Humanities Are a Two-Way Street Flis, I.; Steinova, E.; Wouters, P.F. Journal ©2020-2021 Leiden University A service provided by Leiden University Libraries Digital Collections cache = ./cache/work_n3oorrmacvbadk6x4xsojny66y.pdf txt = ./txt/work_n3oorrmacvbadk6x4xsojny66y.txt === bib === id = work_gio25lsxfnawho3jaoh4w6te54 author = Benedikt Szmrecsanyi title = Corpus-based Dialectometry: Aggregate Morphosyntactic Variability in British English Dialects* date = 2008 pages = 18 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5626 sentences = 502 flesch = 56 summary = variation in non-standard British dialects patterned geographically? studies eight salient accent features to establish a composite map dividing England into 13 traditional dialect areas. In the realm of perceptual dialectology, Inoue (1996) conducted an experiment to study the subjective dialect division in Great Britain. As for the first question, a Perl script was run on the Euclidean distance matrix based on all ptotal = 62 features and on fred's geographic longitude/latitude study on aggregate linguistic distances in Dutch dialects – report R2 values Second, the best curve estimation for the relationship between morphosyntactic and geographic distance in British English dialects is frequencies of multiple negation (feature [34]) (r = .79), greenish colours correlate most strongly with higher frequencies of non-standard weak past tense and Figure 2: Correlating linguistic and geographic distances, county level (N = Figure 2: Correlating linguistic and geographic distances, county level (N = cache = ./cache/work_gio25lsxfnawho3jaoh4w6te54.pdf txt = ./txt/work_gio25lsxfnawho3jaoh4w6te54.txt === bib === id = work_ikoo5ul5azgazapb7c6x7oizd4 author = Naomi Kawasumi title = Digital archiving the space and memory of Kyoto across space and time using GIS date = 2019 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 869 sentences = 67 flesch = 52 summary = Keywords: Digital Humanities, GIS database, Open data, Large-scale Maps of Kyoto City, Modern Kyoto This study aims to consider the archiving of various information concepting Kyoto using GIS. about Kyoto such as literature, art, maps, and photographs for research on the urban history of Kyoto. and construction of a GIS database are useful to preserve and release information about Kyoto. The Digital Archive of the Historical City of Kyoto that we are aiming to produce includes content such as literary works, In 2016, we published the overlaying maps of modern Kyoto, which focus on between the Meiji Period and immediately The digital achieving and release of information are valuable for urban history research about Kyoto. Some administrative documents concerning occupied Kyoto owned by the Kyoto Institute, Library and Archives were documents have positional information, so that previous research mapping these data by hand becomes important in Map of Occupied Kyoto City. cache = ./cache/work_ikoo5ul5azgazapb7c6x7oizd4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ikoo5ul5azgazapb7c6x7oizd4.txt === bib === id = work_xhooob3vmze7bnvtnptbpli4ey author = Greta Franzini title = Towards connecting scholarly editions to corpora in the LiLa (Linking Latin) Knowledge Base of linguistic resources date = 2019 pages = 133 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8431 sentences = 1546 flesch = 53 summary = Towards connecting scholarly editions to corpora in the LiLa (Linking Latin) Knowledge Base of linguistic resources LiLa (Linking Latin) Knowledge Base of linguistic resources Automatic language processing requires linguistic resources and NLP tools Linguistic Resources and NLP Tools for Latin Linguistic Resources and NLP Tools for Latin Linguistic Resources and NLP Tools for Latin Linguistic Resources and NLP Tools for Latin Problems with Linguistic Resources and NLP Tools Problems with Linguistic Resources and NLP Tools Problems with Linguistic Resources and NLP Tools Problems with Linguistic Resources and NLP Tools Problems with Linguistic Resources and NLP Tools Problems with Linguistic Resources and NLP Tools Problems with Linguistic Resources and NLP Tools Problems with Linguistic Resources and NLP Tools Problems with Linguistic Resources and NLP Tools I Objective: Knowledge Base of Linguistic Resources & Natural Language Processing Tools Why so few Linked Data-compatible editions of Latin texts? cache = ./cache/work_xhooob3vmze7bnvtnptbpli4ey.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xhooob3vmze7bnvtnptbpli4ey.txt === bib === id = work_ke5acksbcngi7a5a2homkobk4i author = Neil McCaw title = Victorian Murder and the Digital Humanities date = 2018 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8383 sentences = 524 flesch = 48 summary = 'Victorian murder culture', and in particular, the essentially textual nature of the nineteenth-century Keywords: Victorian; Victorian Studies; digital humanities; nineteenth century; crime; murder; aesthetics; cognitive empathy; reading; periodicals; archives; curation; hypertexts; knowledge; the nineteenth-century reader's experience of murder culture, ultimately fostering greater levels of ways digital resources might mimic the nineteenth-century reading experience in order to enhance the twenty-first century researcher's cognitive empathy with Victorian murder culture. our knowledge and understanding of the Victorian experience of crime at a human level, drawing on of Victorian murder culture especially most of online materials are accessed through conventional coexisted within the pages of the same journal, ensuring that Victorian murder culture at a textual level the reading practice of the past in order to explore Victorian murder culture will clearly entail an century researchers can engage with the textual material in a comparable fashion to Victorian readers cache = ./cache/work_ke5acksbcngi7a5a2homkobk4i.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ke5acksbcngi7a5a2homkobk4i.txt === bib === id = work_q2drsr7d6jhkhhi3tp5gf7iiea author = Juliana E. Raffaghelli title = Different views on Digital Scholarship: separate worlds or cohesive research field? date = 2016 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8463 sentences = 902 flesch = 51 summary = technologies, thus identifying a new field of research, the Digital Humanities (Terras, three strands of research identified, namely Digital Libraries, Networked Scholarship Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2016, 24: 32036 17 Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2016, 24: 32036 17 Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2016, 24: 32036 17 Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2016, 24: 32036 17 Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2016, 24: 32036 17 Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2016, 24: 32036 17 Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2016, 24: 32036 17 Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2016, 24: 32036 17 Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2016, 24: 32036 17 Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2016, 24: 32036 17 Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2016, 24: 32036 17 Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2016, 24: 32036 17 cache = ./cache/work_q2drsr7d6jhkhhi3tp5gf7iiea.pdf txt = ./txt/work_q2drsr7d6jhkhhi3tp5gf7iiea.txt === bib === id = work_6nac5nltkbgqhllijnfzdmtg4i author = C. Warwick title = RAY SIEMENS and SUSAN SCHREIBMAN (eds.). The Blackwell Companion to Digital Literary Studies date = 2008 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1824 sentences = 108 flesch = 58 summary = The version of record Warwick, Claire (2009) 'Ray Siemens and Susan Schreibman (eds.). Blackwell companion to digital literary studies.', Review of English Studies, 60 (244): 335-338 is available online at: The Blackwell Companion to Digital Literary Studies. Review of The Blackwell Companion to Digital Literary Studies. area of digital literary studies, written by an impressive collection of leading scholars. They review the digital resources available and the type of scholarly questions how the availability of a greater range of digital texts may affect the way that researchers handle It is an example of true digital literary study in that it combines a expert a reader might believe herself to be in digital literary studies, so great is the range of subjects and thus of most current concern in the area of digital literary studies. beyond the need for such self justification that digital literary studies is an important, fascinating cache = ./cache/work_6nac5nltkbgqhllijnfzdmtg4i.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6nac5nltkbgqhllijnfzdmtg4i.txt === bib === id = work_hlfsrxlkmngjlbtwngyk2q2qjm author = Maria A. Vélez-Serna title = Remote Locations: Early Scottish Scenic Films and Geo-databases date = 2015 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6693 sentences = 340 flesch = 51 summary = Title: "Remote Locations: Early Scottish Scenic Films and Geo-databases" Velez-Serna is a research assistant with the Early Cinema in Scotland project. Scotland, 1896-1927' research project takes a contextual approach, using geo-database tools to Remote Locations: Early Scottish Scenic Films and Geo-databases studies and cinema history, and increased attention to social and spatial contexts has challenged developed by the Early Cinema in Scotland research team to address questions about textual A study of early non-fiction films from Scotland The first step for the Early Cinema project was to set up a relational MySQL database Like the projects mentioned above, the Early Cinema in Scotland database design The Early Cinema in Scotland research project is funded by a grant from the Arts and Explorations in New Cinema History: Approaches and Case Studies, eds. narratives," in Geocritical Explorations: Space, Place and Mapping in Literary and Cultural Studies, ed. cache = ./cache/work_hlfsrxlkmngjlbtwngyk2q2qjm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hlfsrxlkmngjlbtwngyk2q2qjm.txt === bib === id = work_sm23ntcspzehvlmwokwde3lnxu author = Jennifer Guiliano title = Editors' Note: February 2021 date = 2021 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1482 sentences = 101 flesch = 54 summary = them with other projects that students were interested in reviewing. overviews from project directors so by the time classes started for f all semester, students had access to Three months prior to the start of the course: contact Reviews to propose your student issue. my course and as a later resource for my students — projects are made discoverable by the Reviews Finding digital humanities projects across the web that are good examples for students is Risam on identifying ten projects we thought students would be interested in reviewing. Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 2, No. 2 Editors' Note: February 2021 Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 2, No. 2 Editors' Note: February 2021 Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 2, No. 2 Editors' Note: February 2021 Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 2, No. 2 Editors' Note: February 2021 cache = ./cache/work_sm23ntcspzehvlmwokwde3lnxu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_sm23ntcspzehvlmwokwde3lnxu.txt === bib === id = work_zyb3ucdqorcariifmkkq36uffi author = James O'Sullivan title = We Need to Talk about the Digital Humanities Job date = 2018 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1840 sentences = 95 flesch = 60 summary = We need to talk about the digital humanities job 'supporting research and teaching in digital humanities'. job is to support digital humanities, you're going to spend a Essentially, the digital humanities person is responsible for all Six months into my first digital humanities job, it was clear Most institutions want digital humanities, but only some know How is the person in role supposed to build capacity if the The digital humanities job is a good thing. We need to talk about the digital humanities job about:reader?url= We need to talk about the digital humanities job about:reader?url= We need to talk about the digital humanities job about:reader?url= We need to talk about the digital humanities job about:reader?url= We need to talk about the digital humanities job about:reader?url= We need to talk about the digital humanities job about:reader?url= We need to talk about the digital humanities job about:reader?url= cache = ./cache/work_zyb3ucdqorcariifmkkq36uffi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_zyb3ucdqorcariifmkkq36uffi.txt === bib === id = work_4ojs2dcanfbc7dnknzsvb2hpmi author = Michael A. Fuller title = Digital Humanities and the Discontents of Meaning date = 2020 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10743 sentences = 2373 flesch = 75 summary = thought that have established a basis for exploring the question of how we are to understand the vast, variegated world of historical human experience that is the object of our Thus I turn next to describe the antifoundational approach to language in DH, connect it to Wittgenstein's proposal of linguistic meaning defined through usage, and then trace Wittgenstein's model for "words" in topic-modeling systems rely in some way on the semantic structure of language. This mathematized version of meaning and structure is unfamiliar to most humanists, but grasping it is a key to seeing how the digital humanities synthesize the vast corpora of data into a new world of empirically organized human connections. Topic modeling, however, does construct a new version of meaning for the tokens (words) in the Meaning as Usage and the Hermeneutics of "Forms of Life": Wittgenstein and Dilthey This hermeneutic tradition is of great significance to our understanding of the digital humanities cache = ./cache/work_4ojs2dcanfbc7dnknzsvb2hpmi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4ojs2dcanfbc7dnknzsvb2hpmi.txt === bib === id = work_nx6ifplg5zhapiwvb3u2q6okvi author = Alan Liu title = The Meaning of the Digital Humanities date = 2013 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9737 sentences = 1136 flesch = 64 summary = conferences, grant competitions, institutionalization (centers, programs, and advertised jobs), and general visibility, the ield is vigorously forming an identity.1 Recent debates about whether the digital digital humanities, the latter of which also increasingly use socialnetwork analysis to study overlap, tricksterlike, between the digital humanities and new media studies, the HASTAC he question of the meaning of the digital humanities best opens such an argument to Ryan Heuser and Long LeKhac's A Quantitative Literary History of 2,958 NineteenthCentury British Novels: he Semantic Cohort digital pamphlets issued by the Stanford Literary Lab.8 Heuser and LeKhac report on their With these observations as a guide for relating Heuser and LeKhac's work to other emphases in the digital humanities, we can now Stanford Literary Lab and other digital humanities centers and programs at their word words, is another method for knowing meaning in the digital humanities. meaning problem in the digital humanities meaning problem in the digital humanities cache = ./cache/work_nx6ifplg5zhapiwvb3u2q6okvi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_nx6ifplg5zhapiwvb3u2q6okvi.txt === bib === id = work_lvzb35r5knhk7jelf2kqkesmiu author = Chris Alen Sula title = Digital Humanities and Libraries: A Conceptual Model date = 2013 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6453 sentences = 427 flesch = 40 summary = KEYWORDS digital humanities, academic libraries, research libraries, services, users, cultural informatics and Research Libraries hosts a listserv for digital humanities discussion and FIGURE 1 Digital Humanities Publications in Library and Information Science, 2005–2012. A search for "digital humanities" within library and information science The following sections take up these tasks by surveying the current state of digital humanities work within institutions, presenting a cultural informatics model of libraries and the digital humanities, and situating DH work within the user-centered paradigm of library and information The Association of Research Libraries' 2011 SPEC Kit on Digital Humanities reports on This section presents a conceptual model for digital humanities and libraries that is founded on a cultural informatics framework. the term 'cultural informatics' to the specific way in which cultural heritage institutions (including libraries, museums, and archives) create, manage, and organize information artifacts. FIGURE 3 A Cultural Informatics Model for Digital Humanities and Libraries cache = ./cache/work_lvzb35r5knhk7jelf2kqkesmiu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_lvzb35r5knhk7jelf2kqkesmiu.txt === bib === id = work_4zemnol56vfmjps3drenrec2xu author = Giovanni De Magistris title = Dynamic digital human models for ergonomic analysis based on humanoid robotics techniques date = 2015 pages = 30 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10843 sentences = 1104 flesch = 62 summary = digital human models for ergonomic analysis based on humanoid robotics techniques. human models for ergonomic analysis based on humanoid robotics techniques', DHMs implementing ergonomics methods or industrial standards [for example, RULA simulated work tasks with dynamically consistent motions, behaviours and internal For these reasons, biomechanical risk factor assessment based upon DHM simulations The dynamics model of a robot, which we used to control our DHM, was a second We used the DHMs to simulate an experimental insert fitting tasks in 'Dynamic control of DHM for ergonomic assessments', International Journal of Industrial (2011) 'Digital human manikins for work-task ergonomic assessment: which degree of Dynamic digital human models for ergonomic analysis 29 Dynamic digital human models for ergonomic analysis 29 Dynamic digital human models for ergonomic analysis 29 Dynamic digital human models for ergonomic analysis 29 Dynamic digital human models for ergonomic analysis 29 Dynamic digital human models for ergonomic analysis 29 cache = ./cache/work_4zemnol56vfmjps3drenrec2xu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4zemnol56vfmjps3drenrec2xu.txt === bib === id = work_6bfzseovxvc7xadhsheso6nubm author = Melissa Terras title = Crowdsourcing in the Digital Humanities date = 2017 pages = 36 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9683 sentences = 501 flesch = 45 summary = Microsoft Word MTerras_Crowdsourcing in Digital Humanities_Final.docx institutions is maintained at What is the relationship of these projects to those working in Digital Humanities? "GLAM sector" project and what should be labelled "Digital Humanities" in the area An example of such a project fitting into this Humanities Crowdsourcing definition, created in Digital Humanities crowdsourcing activities, resulting in new Future Issues in Digital Humanities Crowdsourcing although most projects that have used crowdsourcing in the Humanities are leads students on to more sophisticated digital humanities research projects. crowdsourcing within culture, heritage and the humanities, by helping develop the in Digital Humanities can help advise, create, build, and steer crowdsourcing projects crowdsourcing as a methodology for humanities research, and to build up resulting In many ways, crowdsourcing within the cultural and heritage sectors is Digital within Digital Humanities, raising issues which emerge when building projects for "Crowdsourcing, Undergraduates, and Digital Humanities "Crowdsourcing, Undergraduates, and Digital Humanities cache = ./cache/work_6bfzseovxvc7xadhsheso6nubm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6bfzseovxvc7xadhsheso6nubm.txt === bib === id = work_43xudc3jafc3zdkihf3w2jfpca author = Keith Case title = Crowd simulation: a video observation and agent-based modelling approach date = 2016 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 360 sentences = 58 flesch = 27 summary = posted on 03.11.2016, 10:00 by Shahrol Mohamaddan, Keith Case Human movement in a crowd can be considered as complex and unpredictable, and accordingly large scale video observation studies based on a conceptual behaviour framework were used to characterise individual movements and behaviours. Movement in crowds was modelled and simulated using an agent-based method using the gaming software Dark BASIC Professional. Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering Crowd simulation: A video observation and agent-based modelling approach. Crowd simulation: A video observation and agent-based modelling approach. Crowd simulation: A video observation and agent-based modelling approach. Full details of this licence are available at: This paper was accepted for publication in the journal International Journal of the Digital Human and the definitive published version is available at Publisher version Mechanical Engineering not elsewhere classified Mechanical Engineering not elsewhere classified Agent-based modellingCrowd simulationObservational study Agent-based modellingCrowd simulationObservational study cache = ./cache/work_43xudc3jafc3zdkihf3w2jfpca.pdf txt = ./txt/work_43xudc3jafc3zdkihf3w2jfpca.txt === bib === id = work_g2z6gcjdengm7ikpgxd3bxgsqu author = Mark Hedges title = PARTHENOS Foresight - Executive Summary date = 2019 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2958 sentences = 143 flesch = 37 summary = priorities, questions and methods; technological advances and new tool This foresight study investigates how digital research methods, technologies and infrastructures in digital humanities and cultural heritage may develop new technologies, but requiring additional skills and infrastructure if full use humanities and cultural heritage sector, with the development of new data The lack of sufficient funding for the digital humanities and cultural The potential of digital research methods in the humanities and cultural contribute to a wide range of research in the digital humanities, but it New technologies and publication models also offer the potential for greater The digital humanities and cultural heritage sectors form a basis of a research agenda in the digital humanities: public engagement; research infrastructures; development of the digital commons; artificial and cultural heritage sector to ensure research outputs are as widely research infrastructures need to facilitate collaboration and sustainability, needs of the humanities and cultural heritage sector. cache = ./cache/work_g2z6gcjdengm7ikpgxd3bxgsqu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_g2z6gcjdengm7ikpgxd3bxgsqu.txt === bib === id = work_orvmzy7terdozewiaiivbuozfe author = Nerea Fernández Cadenas title = Digital Humanities: New Approaches to Research and Teaching of the Medieval Mediterranean (5th to 15th centuries). (Digital Teaching Session) date = 2020 pages = 89 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 16257 sentences = 1262 flesch = 84 summary = working to create a video game different ways in which students learn through possibly creating kind of games one of the how we kind of teach students encouraging students to engage actively you what it looks like when the students and think about things like how the engage different kinds of students asking questions it's about the students things we've looked at they try to kind different ways in which students I think um by asking students to do a by getting the students to work together student's engagement and work outside of we can use games to engage with history the students played through the game a how students engaged with the game and more complex games with students so this but of people who know how video games our game being each student's score computer games class the student body like different things in games I think cache = ./cache/work_orvmzy7terdozewiaiivbuozfe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_orvmzy7terdozewiaiivbuozfe.txt === bib === id = work_hqbi22efmvf2xpdtmeopsds2hm author = Brandon Walsh title = In, Out, Across, With: Collaborative Education and Digital Humanities (A Job Talk) date = 2018 pages = 19 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5042 sentences = 244 flesch = 63 summary = In, Out, Across, With: Collaborative Education and Digital Humanities (Job Talk for Since my new position will involve helping graduate students through the process of examples or demonstrations of digital research projects, pedagogical approaches, or initiatives This talk is titled "In, Out, Across, With: Collaborative Education and Digital Humanities," and skills that one should have at the end of a program, particularly when talking about people who GitHub before you can work on this project." It's just a short jump from this to a likely student my slides with tons of text, I swear): graduate students need training in "collaborative modes of need to adapt and develop new professional opportunities for our students at the same time that Scholars' Lab to bring UVA graduate students to teach short-form workshops on digital research Funded opportunities like this one can help students professionalize in new program, whose students develop open tutorials on digital tools. cache = ./cache/work_hqbi22efmvf2xpdtmeopsds2hm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hqbi22efmvf2xpdtmeopsds2hm.txt === bib === id = work_fzdifx2eunfa3cwi4ehblrf6ze author = Cesar Gonzalez-Perez title = Editorial for the Special Issue on "Digital Humanities" date = 2020 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 973 sentences = 102 flesch = 38 summary = Editorial for the Special Issue on "Digital Humanities" researchers in the humanities produce large amounts of information that is generated, stored, information visualisation) can help in the humanities; finally, any other aspects of humanistic research The articles in this Special Issue cover a wide range of topics related to information in digital Finally, the article "Ontology-Mediated Historical Data Modeling: Theoretical and Practical cycle, from knowledge modelling to the development of a software tool, to aid in the study of the past. The remaining articles in the Special Issue tackle the very relevant aspect of language and In summary, this Special Issue on information in digital humanities covers aspects of ontological modelling and reasoning, theorising on the past, natural language, geo-spatial information, and software information play in humanistic research and practice. Linking Theories, Past Practices, and Archaeological Remains of Movement through Ontological Reasoning. cache = ./cache/work_fzdifx2eunfa3cwi4ehblrf6ze.pdf txt = ./txt/work_fzdifx2eunfa3cwi4ehblrf6ze.txt === bib === id = work_g2jcebslp5elfmzdsxwrfoxmh4 author = Angelica Lo Duca title = The Use of Blockchain for Digital Archives: a comparison between Ethereum and Hyperledger (AIUCD 2019) date = 2019 pages = 19 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6552 sentences = 565 flesch = 54 summary = Using blockchain to store digital archives of artworks thus constitutes a promising challenges and requirements for storing a digital archive of artworks in a blockchain. comparison between two blockchains, Ethereum1 [24] and Hyperledger Fabric2 [5], used as store digital archives depends mainly on two aspects: firstly, the blockchain should be general, recent blockchain, still not established as Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric. [16], based on which information is stored in the blockchain: a) mirror type, b) digital record Hyperledger Fabric blockchain is a distributed system consisting of many nodes that The use of blockchain for digital archives guarantees a mechanism to access, manage and Regarding consensus, Ethereum bases it on Proof of Work, while Hyperledger Fabric Issue Ethereum Hyperledger Fabric Preferred blockchain Requirement Ethereum Hyperledger Fabric Preferred blockchain blockchains in a framework for storing, protecting and preserving digital archives. "Architecture of the hyperledger blockchain fabric." In cache = ./cache/work_g2jcebslp5elfmzdsxwrfoxmh4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_g2jcebslp5elfmzdsxwrfoxmh4.txt === bib === id = work_zya4s6pigrbrdh5ha66unqp3hu author = Daniel Paul O'Donnell title = Humanities Data and their Research Use date = 2018 pages = 25 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1946 sentences = 175 flesch = 65 summary = Humanities Data and their Research Use Open Science Infrastructures for Big Cultural Data ● Going to be speaking of how data are used in the humanities ● And data as they are used by Humanists in the Humanities Humanities data is different from Humanities data is different from Humanities data is different from How does data work in other fields? How does data work in other fields? How does data work in other fields? How does data work in other fields? ● In traditional humanities, "data" can In Humanities, "Data" is arguably mostly "Finch" In Humanities, "Data" is arguably mostly "Finch" ● Makes method questions more important than when you worked inductively ○ Some fundamental differences between data as we understand them in ● Data-driven DH (big or small) is going to open new vistas for work in our these things once we have both "data" and "capta" cache = ./cache/work_zya4s6pigrbrdh5ha66unqp3hu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_zya4s6pigrbrdh5ha66unqp3hu.txt === bib === id = work_dbicdw24cnfdjclw345f6asqz4 author = Wendy Laura Belcher title = CDH Project Charter – Princeton Ethiopian Miracles of Mary 2019-20 date = 2019 pages = 32 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11416 sentences = 920 flesch = 62 summary = Princeton Ethiopian Miracles of Mary (PEMM) project will collect and collate information about With the guidance of the CDH, the PEMM project team will collect and collate data about hundreds of Marian miracle stories in hundreds of Ethiopian manuscripts. The data are currently in structured text files, pdfs, Google Docs and Sheets, XML, and MS Canonical Story appears in Princeton's RBSC Täˀammərä Maryam manuscripts in Excel (such as matching Princeton manuscripts to Macomber based on data from the We designed a preliminary data structure for Canonical Stories, Project data (namely, Macomber's handlist) currently managed as a ● Import relevant data from Princeton Ethiopian manuscripts to Google Sheets ● Structured text file migrated into Google Sheets with customized data validation and Marian miracles, based on his study of 100+ manuscripts, including each story's title, basis for a Google Sheet titled PEMM Täˀammərä Maryam Manuscripts Dataset . cache = ./cache/work_dbicdw24cnfdjclw345f6asqz4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_dbicdw24cnfdjclw345f6asqz4.txt === bib === id = work_2bo75polmfcszi3xk4pnpihvu4 author = Ian N. Gregory title = Thomas Gray, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and geographical information systems: A literary GIS of two Lake District tours date = 2009 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 732 sentences = 146 flesch = 62 summary = [PDF] Thomas Gray, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and geographical information systems: A literary GIS of two Lake District tours | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 36797812Thomas Gray, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and geographical information systems: A literary GIS of two Lake District tours title={Thomas Gray, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and geographical information systems: A literary GIS of two Lake District tours}, There have been growing calls to develop the use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) across the humanities. For this shift to take place, two things must be demonstrated: first, that it is technically possible to create a useful GIS of textual material, the main medium through which humanities research is conducted; and, secondly that such a database can be used to enhance our understanding of disciplines within the humanities. View 1 excerpt, cites methods Cooper, Andrew Hardie, Patricia Murrieta-Flores, Paul Rayson GIS and Literary History: Advancing Digital Humanities research through the Spatial Analysis of historical travel writing and topographical literature Exploring Literary Landscapes: From Texts to Spatiotemporal Analysis through Collaborative Work and GIS cache = ./cache/work_2bo75polmfcszi3xk4pnpihvu4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2bo75polmfcszi3xk4pnpihvu4.txt === bib === id = work_vfo53ls3ebbqjegkts2752dvjq author = Stephen Peplow title = The 1846 Repeal of the Corn Laws: Insights from a Classification Tree Approach date = 2014 pages = 36 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7033 sentences = 450 flesch = 59 summary = Minister, Sir Robert Peel, in voting for Repeal. Repeal, Conservative MPs became torn between voting with the interests of their to vote in the direction of free trade as a result, but the effect on Conservative MPs bill to repeal the Corn Laws, provoking protectionist Conservative MPs into action. MPs voted with Peel and for Repeal. half of the Conservative MPs voted for the Repeal meant that Peel had lost the Pr (Vote for Repeal = f(wheat balance, party, wheat price, capital intensity, voting on repeal as the dependent variable. The dependent variable is coded as 1 means voted against Repeal (therefore For those Conservative MPs who voted for Maynooth, there is an interesting The 1846 Repeal of the Corn Laws: Insights from a Classification Tree Approach The 1846 Repeal of the Corn Laws: Insights from a Classification Tree Approach The 1846 Repeal of the Corn Laws: Insights from a Classification Tree Approach cache = ./cache/work_vfo53ls3ebbqjegkts2752dvjq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_vfo53ls3ebbqjegkts2752dvjq.txt === bib === id = work_kkuy4fneb5bdbhxlbl37upux4e author = Loretta Kim title = Discovering the past through data: promoting the design and analysis of original data-sets in history undergraduate courses in Hong Kong date = 2015 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5471 sentences = 309 flesch = 52 summary = datasets in history undergraduate courses in Hong Kong interpret original data.1 Performing quantitative and qualitative analysis of datasets the aim of teaching first and second-year students in the Faculty of Social Sciences the authors know of no other undergraduate history course in Hong Kong that has although quantitative analysis is an important method of historical research, dataset Performing quantitative and qualitative analysis of original data as a research method use and data management can be integrated into a history curriculum. teaching first-year students how to create datasets that can be interpreted by to designate a topic for the dataset, to identify sources of raw data, to standardize the about good practices in dataset development, so that the history team could manage history was new to students, the authors found that it was particularly useful to start Finding history: Research methods and resources for students cache = ./cache/work_kkuy4fneb5bdbhxlbl37upux4e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kkuy4fneb5bdbhxlbl37upux4e.txt === bib === id = work_igszpq4aarh3jfnrk7h4q4oaom author = Rob Brierley title = International Liver Cancer Association Annual Conference date = 2009 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1121 sentences = 75 flesch = 50 summary = Review: International Students of History Association Annual Conference – Eric Jeswein is a B.A. student of History and Area Studies at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and elected member of the council of ISHA as well as the editor for the "Carnival" journal. This year's Annual Conference of ISHA, the International Students of History join the debate on "Digital Humanities," a broadly defined field, which encompasses both object and method of historical research, to discuss emerging ways Other workshops took a different approach on "Digital Humanities" by looking at their integration in traditional places of historical representation and asked questions on how new technologies can be applied in, for example, discussion in ISHA about how to raise the academic standards of its events making the organization (the largest of its kind in Europe) still accessible for students Here we debated the role of ISHA as a representative body for students of history in Europe and how we could make the cache = ./cache/work_igszpq4aarh3jfnrk7h4q4oaom.pdf txt = ./txt/work_igszpq4aarh3jfnrk7h4q4oaom.txt === bib === id = work_dkcnnr2bgfg7fay2k2g6cw67lq author = Subhasis Chattopadhyay title = Review of Interdisciplining Digital Humanities: Boundary Work in an Emerging Field date = 2017 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1304 sentences = 116 flesch = 67 summary = studies—the study or reading of literature itself. Like literature, there is nothing certain about Auden. pale in comparison to Auden's assessment of Herbert, being only equal to T S Eliot's understanding The cultural work of Klein is to chronicle and Auden: Prose: It is fascinating to read Auden's opinions on Robert Browning's The Pied Piper of Hame­ Both Browning and Auden have been Edward Mendelson and Princeton University Press have done literature a big service by publishing the prose of Auden in these definitive volumes. Auden, like every great writer, engages with Auden's 'Good and Evil Auden's prose in this essay takes on a universal sheen. Auden's prose is a plea against xenophobia, be swept away by Auden's range of reading and of Philippe Petit with François Laruelle. This book aims to see how the victim and the the victim is Laruelle's vision: 'The non-humanitarian intellectual is not necessarily someone who cache = ./cache/work_dkcnnr2bgfg7fay2k2g6cw67lq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_dkcnnr2bgfg7fay2k2g6cw67lq.txt === bib === id = work_rpn56u2xgjc5dpogrqi5yr7bi4 author = Ernesto Priani Saisó title = Finding support for disruption: developing a digital humanities project in Mexico date = 2012 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3861 sentences = 232 flesch = 47 summary = problems and challenges faced when developing a digital humanities (DH) project in a Mexican public Keywords Digital humanities, Public university, Mexico, Scholarly editing, Institutional support, the UNAM, there are a significant number of digital projects on virtual education and a The most important institutional digital projects involving the humanities are The development of strictly digital projects in humanities has been, in this developing digital humanities projects depends, mainly on individual researchers or publication and digital humanities projects from the science incentive policy or the infrastructure project of peer review digital scholarly editions. digital humanities projects. However, the major problem with working on the BDPN digital library project to create policies to support research digital projects; even so, this could happen only consider that developing a DH project involves not only research work, but also, research on good practice in the construction of digital humanities projects", Literary and cache = ./cache/work_rpn56u2xgjc5dpogrqi5yr7bi4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rpn56u2xgjc5dpogrqi5yr7bi4.txt === bib === id = work_fw6fzegd7bfwfkfhyo4q4vmmlu author = André Kilchenmann title = Unus pro omnibus! Generic research tool for all Humanities disciplines date = 2020 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 671 sentences = 45 flesch = 59 summary = Data and Service Center for the Humanities DaSCH — November 11, 2020 illustration of this situation is research projects with moving image as main (re)source. At the Data and Service Center for the Humanities (hereinafter called DaSCH) in Basel, Switzerland, research infrastructure which provides data handling services like data curation, long-term access, and research and analysis tools to work with qualitative data. To reach this goal and to provide qualitative data handling services, the DaSCH develops and maintains DaSCH Service Platform handles data from database, as well as media files stored on our own IIIF-basedmedia server. DaSCH Service Platform to directly use its powerful data management functionalities. Even scholars with small data sets will have access to long-term PhD studies at the Digital Humanities Lab in Basel and now works for the Data and Service Center for the Since June 2018, she has been working on different user interfaces for the Data and Service Center for cache = ./cache/work_fw6fzegd7bfwfkfhyo4q4vmmlu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_fw6fzegd7bfwfkfhyo4q4vmmlu.txt === bib === id = work_mhenjbm7ifdufgdkpgjchbuche author = Katrina Fenlon title = Modeling Digital Humanities Collections as Research Objects date = 2019 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8446 sentences = 517 flesch = 37 summary = Modeling Digital Humanities Collections as Research Objects Modeling Digital Humanities Collections as Research Objects complex digital objects that interweave data, workflows, and supplementary and contextual information, models for logically bundling Applying the context/context framework to the components identified through content analysis exposes a few important characteristics of DH collections, which any data model intended to represent would readily translate to alternate representations, such as semantic relationships in a linked data or research objects model. components and relationships, with the goal of applying the research objects model to describing and representing them. Modeling Digital Humanities Collections as Research Objects JCDL '19, June 2019, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA Modeling Digital Humanities Collections as Research Objects JCDL '19, June 2019, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA Modeling Digital Humanities Collections as Research Objects JCDL '19, June 2019, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA Modeling Digital Humanities Collections as Research Objects JCDL '19, June 2019, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA cache = ./cache/work_mhenjbm7ifdufgdkpgjchbuche.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mhenjbm7ifdufgdkpgjchbuche.txt === bib === id = work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiru author = Pamela Price Mitchem title = Creating Digital Scholarship Services at Appalachian State University date = 2017 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6726 sentences = 448 flesch = 44 summary = State University Libraries in planning and implementing a digital scholarship program. Appalachian faculty members, students, library colleagues, and the community to support new scholarship in a constantly changing digital landscape. was initiated to determine how we could expand our program to help support and collaborate with faculty on digital scholarly projects. [Coalition for Networked Information]-ARL [Association of Research Libraries] Workshop: Planning a Digital Scholarship Center": Academic libraries have grappled for some time with how to provide digital research services to their faculty and student constituents. Zorich, an information management consultant for the Council on Library Information Resources (CLIR), notes that centers may build digital collections, offer tools, Creating Digital Scholarship Services at Appalachian State University840 Creating Digital Scholarship Services at Appalachian State University840 Creating Digital Scholarship Services at Appalachian State University840 Creating Digital Scholarship Services at Appalachian State University840 Creating Digital Scholarship Services at Appalachian State University840 cache = ./cache/work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiru.pdf txt = ./txt/work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiru.txt === bib === id = work_d2dvfrm6pngktajsnvoi5nawmm author = Armin Hoenen title = A Manual for Web Corpus Crawling of Low Resource Languages date = 2019 pages = 25 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11611 sentences = 783 flesch = 66 summary = resource(d) languages (LRL) dal web introducendo strumenti e un corso gratuito di eLearning LRLs primarily as such languages for which the compilation of text corpora from the internet is usually (business secret) save only characteristic features of a web page with frequent words technical, why searching content of an LRL on the web may become difficult, the needle in the can also be used for the automatic compilation of corpora in all languages, naturally also LRLs. 1 n-grams are sequences of n characters or words which occur in sequence in texts, where n stands for a Before starting to query a search engine, one needs some terms from the target language. Generally, we found search engines to be richer in content for languages querying content in LRLs. We also analyzed the lexical overlap between the languages involved internet and considered ways to search, tools, web and language statistics, well-known linguistic cache = ./cache/work_d2dvfrm6pngktajsnvoi5nawmm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_d2dvfrm6pngktajsnvoi5nawmm.txt === bib === id = work_6tlfkx4zqrff7cr3mziuw6y4ka author = Folkert de Vriend title = The Dutch–German Border: Relating Linguistic, Geographic and Social Distances date = 2008 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 867 sentences = 178 flesch = 68 summary = The Dutch-German Border: Relating Linguistic, Geographic and Social Distances | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 1022968The Dutch-German Border: Relating Linguistic, Geographic and Social Distances title={The Dutch-German Border: Relating Linguistic, Geographic and Social Distances}, Vriend, Charlotte Giesbers, +1 author Louis ten Bosch In this paper we relate linguistic, geographic and social distances to each other in order to get a better understanding of the impact the Dutch-German state border has had on the linguistic characteristics of a sub-area of the Kleverlandish dialect area. Figures, Tables, and Topics from this paper View 1 excerpt, cites background View 1 excerpt, cites background View 1 excerpt, cites background Linguistic Change and Diffusion: Description and Explanation in Sociolinguistic Dialect Geography. View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License cache = ./cache/work_6tlfkx4zqrff7cr3mziuw6y4ka.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6tlfkx4zqrff7cr3mziuw6y4ka.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_fooxxved5zgsddcx7iawm44dhi author = Alexis Lothian title = Can Digital Humanities Mean Transformative Critique? date = 2013 pages = 25 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5382 sentences = 321 flesch = 48 summary = Can Digital Humanities Mean Transformative Critique? DH, whether that be new media studies or critical cultural studies with a focus on the digital; established and funded for digital work: the on-campus centers, the annotated archives. What would digital scholarship and the humanities disciplines be like if they centered around collaborations that suggest the possibilities of a transformative digital humanities: one where All the projects put the questions of decades of feminist, queer, and critical race additions will help us to build a transformative digital humanities together. the project provides training for women's and ethnic studies graduate students in the digital skills Zach Blas's Queer Technologies project invites viewers to rethink the role of critical theory by Technologies' suite of instructional videos takes digital production as both theory and praxis. Fembot Collective: Feminism, New Media, Science and Technology critical cultural studies work in digital humanities projects. cache = ./cache/work_fooxxved5zgsddcx7iawm44dhi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_fooxxved5zgsddcx7iawm44dhi.txt === bib === id = work_i3mw2vvh5zfs3ivojaa7gp3dr4 author = Roy D. Sleator title = Digitizing humanity date = 2013 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 26 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 219155708 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:28:39 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_i3mw2vvh5zfs3ivojaa7gp3dr4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_i3mw2vvh5zfs3ivojaa7gp3dr4.txt === bib === id = work_krchekrcb5a4zezmuzdxahxyq4 author = Ed Fay title = Webbs on the Web: libraries, digital humanities and collaboration date = 2015 pages = 21 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8200 sentences = 513 flesch = 48 summary = Webbs on the Web: Libraries, Digital Humanities and collaboration 'Webbs on the Web' project and its wider context in the LSE Digital Library. LSE Digital Library provides both a portal to the collected works of Beatrice and Sidney Webb ((LSE Digital Library 2013) and a platform that supports the affordances described user interest in and engagement with digital collections within LSE Library. requirements can perhaps be served by short-term projects, the broader questions of recentering online library services around the user, driven by these techniques, and of reDH project such as Webbs on the Web made on the digital library services and the so we are able to acquire, preserve and provide access to digital collections" (Library into broader infrastructural and collection-level approaches to digital library development. this project reflect broader changes in academic communities and digital library development [Accessed Available at: [Accessed [Accessed August 8, 2014]. cache = ./cache/work_krchekrcb5a4zezmuzdxahxyq4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_krchekrcb5a4zezmuzdxahxyq4.txt === bib === id = work_6fuex7f7o5fknbvjrtuvimvsvy author = Klaus Thoden title = User-Centered Design Practices in Digital Humanities date = 2020 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7027 sentences = 616 flesch = 54 summary = User-Centered Design Practices in Digital Humanities – Experiences from DARIAH and CENDARI gleaned from research undertaken in the projects, that influence usability practices in the DH, and provides possible recommendations on how to approach them. not intuitive or difficult to use and thus fail user expectations4, building digital tools with better usability seems find consensus on what good user experience and usability means in the Digital Humanities, what practices this User experience, usability and interface design play a tremendous role for DH tools, services and infrastructures K. Thoden et al., User-Centered Design Practices in Digital Humanities Fachbeitrag 11 K. Thoden et al., User-Centered Design Practices in Digital Humanities Fachbeitrag 11 K. Thoden et al., User-Centered Design Practices in Digital Humanities Fachbeitrag 11 K. Thoden et al., User-Centered Design Practices in Digital Humanities Fachbeitrag 11 K. Thoden et al., User-Centered Design Practices in Digital Humanities Fachbeitrag 11 cache = ./cache/work_6fuex7f7o5fknbvjrtuvimvsvy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6fuex7f7o5fknbvjrtuvimvsvy.txt === bib === id = work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm author = Sigrid Anderson Cordell title = So what are you going to do with that?: The promises and pitfalls of massive data sets date = 2017 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7162 sentences = 437 flesch = 51 summary = humanities research in making a relatively clean data set of texts from the early modern period available, the structure of the data set itself poses considerable challenges usability of massive humanities data sets like the EEBO-TCP project presents an This article takes as its case study the challenge of massive data sets for text mining, sources that have been lauded as offering tremendous promise for DH methodology but present very specific challenges for humanities scholars with minimal programming skills. New digital methodologies and sources for humanistic scholarship raise new questions for training humanities scholars, as well as for the roles that libraries can play By nature, the digital humanities project, big or small, requires a collaborative team approach with roles for scholars, 'technologists,' and librarians" (4). supporting digital scholarship projects with large data sets for research and learning. cache = ./cache/work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm.txt === bib === id = work_dfpsdyuuwbdalmxgrfz26at2bm author = Martin Grandjean title = A social network analysis of Twitter: Mapping the digital humanities community date = 2016 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7243 sentences = 692 flesch = 62 summary = A social network analysis of Twitter: Mapping the digital humanities community. A social network analysis of Twitter: Mapping the digital humanities community. possible to analyse them through Twitter, a social media widely used by this "community of practice". Based on a network analysis of 2,500 users identified as members of this movement, the visualisation of the "who's following who?" graph allows we need to turn to a network whose structure seems more readily analysable in terms of "community": the follow graph (Myers, Sharma, Gupta, & Lin, 2014). At first, the network of digital humanities on Twitter is a form of small world (Milgram, 1967), at least Note that the language distribution within the digital humanities community on Twitter is not Cite this article as: A social network analysis of Twitter: cache = ./cache/work_dfpsdyuuwbdalmxgrfz26at2bm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_dfpsdyuuwbdalmxgrfz26at2bm.txt === bib === id = work_ankxmqrvibhnznbna2irncou5q author = Stuart Dunn title = Crowd-sourcing as a Component of Humanities Research Infrastructures date = 2013 pages = 34 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9368 sentences = 575 flesch = 46 summary = Crowd-sourcing as a Component of Humanities Research Infrastructures. Abstract: Crowd-sourcing, the process of leveraging public participation in or contribution to a project or Keywords: crowd-sourcing, research infrastructures, citizen science, scholarly primitives, the process of leveraging public participation in or contribution to a project or activity, is various forms of crowd-sourcing activity and humanities research infrastructures. • a literature review covering academic humanities research that has incorporated crowd-sourcing, research into crowd-sourcing as a method, and less formal outputs such as blogs and project Moreover, studies of the motivations of the contributors to academic crowd-sourcing projects have crowd-sourcing projects in the humanities by analysing them in terms of four key facets – asset type, Collaborative tagging may be regarded as crowd-sourcing the organisation of information assets by Unlike many humanities crowd-sourcing activities, such as transcribing texts A major example of crowd-sourcing activity in this area is the British Library Georeferencer project, which cache = ./cache/work_ankxmqrvibhnznbna2irncou5q.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ankxmqrvibhnznbna2irncou5q.txt === bib === id = work_432zobppujgrfl5xfphnoyz4p4 author = Pauline Maurice title = Assessing and improving human movements using sensitivity analysis and digital human simulation date = 2019 pages = 25 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9720 sentences = 963 flesch = 56 summary = whole-body controller is used to dynamically replay human movements from motion optimization-based controller which enables to track subjects' motion in operational space, while imposing dynamic and biomechanical constraints. forces are computed from the DHM dynamic model and the joint space trajectories Dariush (John and Dariush 2014) use a task space kinematic control method (closedloop inverse kinematics) and dynamic constraints to track the motion directly in task The dynamic replay method allows easy measurement of operational and biomechanical performances with a DHM. Statistical sensitivity analysis relies on numerical evaluation of the output (indicators of performance) for numerous values of the input parameters (Saltelli, Chan, (1) Define the adjustable parameters characterizing the way the movement is performed (e.g. position/orientation with respect to the environment, initial posture), and select among all the possible combinations the values that should be Motion capture (left) and dynamic replay with the LQP controller (right) of the drilling task. cache = ./cache/work_432zobppujgrfl5xfphnoyz4p4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_432zobppujgrfl5xfphnoyz4p4.txt === bib === id = work_o77rcvhcpferxphducvqkomcua author = Jean-Gabriel Ganascia title = Introduction (EN) date = 2020 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3084 sentences = 169 flesch = 45 summary = unsupervised machine learning, data visualization, semantic analyses such as namedentity recognition, graph theory, etc., in order to better understand and interpret texts. to a resurgence of Artificial Intelligence(3), and one that amplified the ongoing transformation of the human and social sciences by incorporating, for example, advanced new avenues for its integration into the human and social sciences by allowing more social science and humanities researchers to collect data on new media with new means links computer science, particularly artificial intelligence, and the humanities. Artificial Intelligence be able to avoid going entirely off track if faced with hypothesisfree digital data? Digital Humanities: Artificial Intelligence transforms the work of researchers in the scholarly disciplines and the social and human sciences are now contributing to this Scientific works concerning written communication, for example – from the analysis of authors' corpora to new forms of writing – furnish Artificial Intelligence with cache = ./cache/work_o77rcvhcpferxphducvqkomcua.pdf txt = ./txt/work_o77rcvhcpferxphducvqkomcua.txt === bib === id = work_wh3b7ci2frbblf5hcbiitrqbwm author = C. Ross title = Enabled backchannel: conference Twitter use by digital humanists date = 2011 pages = 34 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 12059 sentences = 1415 flesch = 54 summary = Enabled Backchannel: Conference Twitter Use by Digital Humanists This paper considers the use of Twitter as a digital backchannel by the Digital Humanities community, Keywords: Microblogging, Twitter, digital humanities, digital backchannels, conferences, user different types of user intentions in a Twitter enabled conference backchannel. the Digital Humanities community use of Twitter have been undertaken (Fluharty 2010, French 2010) Humanities conference data set were identified and then sent an online survey (16 Twitter users were Fig 1: The use of Twitter in a conference setting, indicating the number of Tweets which included conference community by the high proportion of Tweets addressing other Twitter users. Fig 2: Density of Tweets produced by Twitter users in the Digital Humanities Conferences corpus, Digital Humanities conference Twitter enabled backchannel is encouraging a more participatory resemblance with the Digital Humanities conference twitter communications, helping users function community of practice, and how academics use Twitter in a conference based setting. cache = ./cache/work_wh3b7ci2frbblf5hcbiitrqbwm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wh3b7ci2frbblf5hcbiitrqbwm.txt === bib === id = work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze author = Malina Thiede title = Preservation in Practice: A Survey of New York City Digital Humanities Researchers date = 2017 pages = extension = .htm mime = text/html words = 8347 sentences = 555 flesch = 51 summary = DH is the study, exploration, and preservation of, as well as education about human cultures, events, languages, people, and material production in the past and present in a digital environment through the creation and use of dynamic tools to visualize and analyze data, share and annotate primary sources, discuss and publish findings, collaborate on research and teaching, for scholars, students, and the general public. Due to the range of complexity in this field and the challenges of maintaining certain types of digital content, long-term preservation of DH projects has become a major concern of scholars, institutions, and libraries in recent years. The subjects of our survey and interviews were self-selected faculty members and PhD candidates engaged in digital humanities research and affiliated with an academic institution within the New York City area. cache = ./cache/work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze.htm txt = ./txt/work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze.txt === bib === id = work_ryovfvs4cnadde5omsuozall44 author = Jason A. Heppler title = Green Dreams, Toxic Legacies: Toward a Digital Political Ecology of Silicon Valley date = 2017 pages = 18 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6222 sentences = 474 flesch = 58 summary = Green Dreams, Toxic Legacies: Toward a Digital Political Ecology of Silicon Valley a variety of mapping and GIS projects that seek to understand areas of cities 'clean' industrialization in Silicon Valley masked massive environmental political, social, and environmental data in order to visualize the urban Silicon the making of Silicon Valley's environmentally hazardous landscape has greatly possess the comforts of the city.'21 San José reflected the desires of developers, interactive cartography that I built, I am able to target the most crucial microregions in San José that explain the growth of the city in this era. Parcel data, City of San José. occurred as cities expanded into new areas by using multiple historical maps How Maps, Spatial Data, and GIS Are Changing Historical Scholarship (New York: Esri Stanford Environmental Law Review, San José: Sprawling City: A Report on Land Use Folder 1, Box 11, SVTC, San José State University (SJSU); 'High-Tech: A Stain on a 'Clean' cache = ./cache/work_ryovfvs4cnadde5omsuozall44.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ryovfvs4cnadde5omsuozall44.txt === bib === id = work_bodh2qxngbct3pgyhmg464vjwm author = Kevin Fan title = Multi-Embodiment of Digital Humans in Virtual Reality for Assisting Human-Centered Ergonomics Design date = 2017 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9120 sentences = 677 flesch = 56 summary = superimposed body acts as the target and enables simultaneous anthropometrical ergonomics evaluation for both the multi-embodiment interface aimed at assisting the ergonomics design process by taking different body's anthropometry into account (Fig. 1). augmented with an extra body that would attempt in realtime the same action as the user but in an ergonomically For a universalprone design goal for evaluating against different ergonomic bodies, these researches usually employed diverse users of the population or simulate the perceptual information, so a general user embodies the body of the target We developed a multi-embodiment interface that superimposes extra virtual bodies to the user's own body in VR, accordance with the user's physical body via motion capture, the extra superimposed DHM should take a different Multi-Embodiment of Digital Humans in Virtual Reality for Assisting Human-Centered Ergonomics Design Multi-Embodiment of Digital Humans in Virtual Reality for Assisting Human-Centered Ergonomics Design cache = ./cache/work_bodh2qxngbct3pgyhmg464vjwm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_bodh2qxngbct3pgyhmg464vjwm.txt === bib === id = work_q2bwxqj7izfspgplp7zo5t663u author = Henry P. Chapman title = The Eton Myers collection virtual museum date = 2010 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 917 sentences = 181 flesch = 64 summary = [PDF] The Eton Myers collection virtual museum | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 11751362The Eton Myers collection virtual museum title={The Eton Myers collection virtual museum}, author={Henry Chapman and V. Three-dimensional data capture using laser scanning provides the potential to generate 3D virtual objects that can be used for a much greater interactive experience. Figures and Topics from this paper Sort by Most Influenced Papers View 2 excerpts, cites background and methods Let's Get Virtual: Examination of Best Practices to Provide Public Access to Digital Versions of Three-Dimensional Objects View 1 excerpt, cites background View 1 excerpt, cites background Laser scanning for conservation and research of African cultural heritage sites: the case study of Wonderwerk Cave, South Africa A new approach to recording and monitoring wet-preserved archaeological wood using three-dimensional laser scanning Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. cache = ./cache/work_q2bwxqj7izfspgplp7zo5t663u.pdf txt = ./txt/work_q2bwxqj7izfspgplp7zo5t663u.txt === bib === id = work_m6jtxowewfggld3npw6jm6o2ki author = Margo Bargheer title = Unlocking the Digital Potential of Scholarly Monographs in 21st Century Research date = 2017 pages = 18 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6263 sentences = 428 flesch = 41 summary = regard to the predominant format "journal article." The digital transformation also holds true for those disciplines that continue to rely on the scholarly monograph as a publication format and means for reputation building, We postulate that the publication format of the "monograph" for the digital dissemination of research Similarly, the activities of research funders and institutions (OA publication funds or the European Commission's Open Access guidelines) add to 5. The Publishing Format "Monograph" and Digital Research core research result, they need to reverberate also in the HSS publishing format "monograph." Technical approaches in terms of how to link from the for an Open Access monograph pose a serious barrier to research dissemination, for example, de Gruyter started their model at 15,000 EUR (although Within an appropriate funding policy these publishers could accompany Digital Humanities projects according to the needs of the scholarly community and the public to develop cache = ./cache/work_m6jtxowewfggld3npw6jm6o2ki.pdf txt = ./txt/work_m6jtxowewfggld3npw6jm6o2ki.txt === bib === id = work_i2eulfvrwjaw7oy7fpt5zfmkwi author = Tibor Kálmán title = A landscape of data – working with digital resources within and beyond DARIAH date = 2019 pages = 19 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9405 sentences = 772 flesch = 45 summary = DigitAl Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH) is an open Policy recommendations on research data management are being revised in the context of Open Science (European Commission DARIAH is short for Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities. national repository federation to ensure long-term access to research data hosted by In addition to ACDH-OeAW, two other participating institutions have been providing stable hosting and publishing solutions for research data: the Centre for Information of digital editions based on XML/TEI, offers open source tools and services to collaboratively edit and generate research data. DARIAH-DE creates a network of digital humanities services, expertise and communities to support research and cooperation in the humanities and cultural sciences, aspects of their daily research work, such as software, tools, (born-)digital data that DARIAH aims to address only become apparent in large international infrastructures willing to integrate heterogeneous research practices, data formats, tools and cache = ./cache/work_i2eulfvrwjaw7oy7fpt5zfmkwi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_i2eulfvrwjaw7oy7fpt5zfmkwi.txt === bib === id = work_gheccvgisbbcvplzywm7tjv5be author = Katrina Fenlon title = Interactivity, Distributed Workflows, and Thick Provenance: A Review of Challenges Confronting Digital Humanities Research Objects date = 2019 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3482 sentences = 214 flesch = 31 summary = A Review of Challenges confronting Digital Humanities Research Objects Despite the rapid growth of digital scholarship in the humanities, most existing research application of ROs to humanities digital scholarship. investigated the application of the ROs model to digital humanities collections, and which three main challenges and their implications for future implementations of ROs to support digital limitation of the model for digital humanities collections to be that functional components, documentation of thick, multifaceted provenance of humanities ROs. ResearchSpace is an opensource platform created by the British Museum to facilitate scholarly data sharing, formal Data Model and the Digital Public Library of America Metadata Application Profile, which are both application of the RO model to humanities digital scholarship are significant. 1. Digital humanities scholarship requires specialized interactive use, so realizing the scientific research infrastructures (including data models like the RO model) to support humanities Research Data in the Digital Humanities. Modeling Digital Humanities Collections as Research Objects. cache = ./cache/work_gheccvgisbbcvplzywm7tjv5be.pdf txt = ./txt/work_gheccvgisbbcvplzywm7tjv5be.txt === bib === id = work_c7o5k3xulncj5fmwptihyw54ca author = Klaus Illmayer title = Theadok - Theaterdokumentation. Collecting Metadata Of Performances date = 2018 pages = 36 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1361 sentences = 175 flesch = 45 summary = Dataset on a performance related to the work: (see the fields in the Example of a connection between databases: (look at Materials, "has Connection between databases: related material to a performance in the tfm archive Connection between databases (scrolling down): (see "is ● Theater researchers need to understand (meta)data on performance as ● Theadok as a platform that enables researchers to put their data into digital ● Work-in-progress: Applying FAIR data principles on Theadok, Ongoing effort to enable interoperability, e.g. how to connect data of IbsenStage with Theadok? (see "same as" in group "Relations"). Jonathan Bollen: Data Models for Theatre Research: People, Places, and Performance. ● We need identifier services for performance data (like DOI for documents), to find and connect similar Connect research data infrastructure on different levels Example of connecting research data Performance metadata as research data Performance metadata as research data Performance metadata as research data cache = ./cache/work_c7o5k3xulncj5fmwptihyw54ca.pdf txt = ./txt/work_c7o5k3xulncj5fmwptihyw54ca.txt === bib === id = work_rsdxcdqkxfeh5ntzfvi2o52d74 author = Helen Mair Rawsthorne title = The Development of Tide Prediction Machines date = 2019 pages = 21 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1116 sentences = 147 flesch = 63 summary = Doodson-Légé tide prediction machine, built in London in 1950. to calculate tidal predictions British Tide Predictor No.1, built in London in 1873. Doodson-Légé tide prediction machine, built in Bidston-Kelvin tide prediction machine, built in ● Two tide prediction machines on display humanities and digital technology Tide prediction machines, prosopography and ● Want to study "lives" of tide prediction machines as a collection of artefacts ● Going to adapt prosopography for study of artefacts ● Going to make use of digital humanities tools for data analysis prediction machines worldwide. number of tide prediction Timeline showing life events of all tide prediction machines manufactured in Tide prediction machines Artefact prosopography Shaped by the Sea, Manchester, 27-28 June 2019Helen Mair Rawsthorne @hmrawsthorne Shaped by the Sea, Manchester, 27-28 June 2019Helen Mair Rawsthorne @hmrawsthorne Shaped by the Sea, Manchester, 27-28 June 2019Helen Mair Rawsthorne @hmrawsthorne An inventory of tide prediction machines. cache = ./cache/work_rsdxcdqkxfeh5ntzfvi2o52d74.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rsdxcdqkxfeh5ntzfvi2o52d74.txt === bib === id = work_mlnmubhsxbe3haantprvffezpi author = Sarah Ketchley title = Building Bridges: Pedagogical Strategies for Introducing Digital Humanities in the Undergraduate and Graduate Classroom date = 2020 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1642 sentences = 103 flesch = 40 summary = Developing literacies in the digital humanities classroom include, yet transcend, the 'traditional' passive literacies of digital pedagogy helps faculty identify how to leverage the expertise available through the library and Centers for This poster highlights some of the challenges of teaching introductory-level digital humanities courses in undergraduate and graduate classrooms, and describes pedagogical solutions developed by faculty at UCLA and the University of Washington to address these These solutions include identifying and developing the core skill sets students need to begin work in digital humanities, including best practices for project management, for working with data, and interpreting and presenting analyses. librarianship, technical expertise, digital project development and management, as well as the provision of training, workshop development developing their digital humanities curricula, more often they develop course materials without taking advantage of overlapping expertise A no-prerequisite course to introduce students to concepts and methodologies of using digital humanities tools for dataset creation, cache = ./cache/work_mlnmubhsxbe3haantprvffezpi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mlnmubhsxbe3haantprvffezpi.txt === bib === id = work_dgo3rarr6fgfjldjz472zd62uu author = Shishir Subramanyam title = Comparing the Quality of Highly Realistic Digital Humans in 3DoF and 6DoF: A Volumetric Video Case Study date = 2020 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9821 sentences = 716 flesch = 65 summary = this study, we evaluate how the visual quality of digital humans, represented using point clouds, is affected by compression distortions. We compare the performance of the upcoming point cloud compression standard against an octree-based anchor codec. work performing user quality evaluation of dynamic point clouds between different encoding configurations of digital humans, represented as point clouds. evaluation of the quality of highly realistic digital humans represented as dynamic point clouds in immersive viewing conditions. into account VR viewing conditions; 2) It provides quantitative subjective results about the perceived quality of the contents, along with Figures 4 and 5 shows the results of the subjective quality assessment of the contents comprising test T1 and test T2, respectively, with Holm p-value correction showed statistical significance in differences between contents Manfred and Queen at bit-rates R2 and Point cloud quality evaluation: Towards a definition for test conditions. cache = ./cache/work_dgo3rarr6fgfjldjz472zd62uu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_dgo3rarr6fgfjldjz472zd62uu.txt === bib === id = work_ohnqifx7evd7vjpj67mcnsewwi author = Olaf Berg title = 'Capturing Displaced Persons' Agency by Modelling Their Life Events: A Mixed Method Digital Humanities Approach date = 2020 pages = 30 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 13079 sentences = 1108 flesch = 56 summary = beyond case studies and use the wealth of process-generated documents as serial sources for algorithm-based analysis. However, digital history methodology now offers the possibility to go beyond case studies and use the whole stack of process-generated documents as knowledge generated from serialized life-event data allows us not only to review the relevance of such assumptions but also to point to statistically irrelevant phenomena and groups of DPs – for example, a small group of Buddhist this data via GIS in order to generate a context and questions for each individual source that need to be investigated further via hermeneutic research; and (3) If we define information as data in context, in its representation the source-oriented approach Capturing Displaced Persons' Agency by Modelling Their Life Events: A Mixed Method Digital Humanities Approach. Capturing Displaced Persons' Agency by Modelling Their Life Events: A Mixed Method Digital Humanities Approach. cache = ./cache/work_ohnqifx7evd7vjpj67mcnsewwi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ohnqifx7evd7vjpj67mcnsewwi.txt === bib === === bib === === bib === id = work_hnpz6ksevfbafby5h5rdw6mhdq author = W. H. K. Chun title = Working the Digital Humanities: Uncovering Shadows between the Dark and the Light date = 2014 pages = 26 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10008 sentences = 595 flesch = 54 summary = digital humanities within larger changes to university funding and "bright" and "dark" sides of the digital humanities, I want to begin by Of course, Pannapacker's relationship to digital humanities has changed digital humanities work: collaboration. Reorienting the bright side/dark side debate away from the provocativeness of its media hype and back toward the spirit of creating consensus around long-standing humanities concerns, I would like to suggest to offset "indirect costs." When digital humanities centers and their institutions send out celebratory announcements about how they just received a excited to promote, publicize, and even support digital humanities grant to "reinscribe cultural criticism at the center of digital humanities work" contribution to scholarship: "One way to present digital humanities work ways in which the work done by the union of the digital and the humanities "The mla and the Digital Humanities." Chronicle of Higher Education 28 Dec. cache = ./cache/work_hnpz6ksevfbafby5h5rdw6mhdq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hnpz6ksevfbafby5h5rdw6mhdq.txt === bib === id = work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkq author = Malte Rehbein title = It's our department: On Ethical Issues of Digital Humanities date = 2016 pages = 24 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10313 sentences = 705 flesch = 58 summary = This essay uses Big Data as a vehicle for considerations about ethical issues of the – making veracity of data a very relevant aspect for the Digital Humanities. trends in Digital Humanities: data-driven, quantitative research based on an amount of those who conduct Big Data analysis, perspectives of those who do basic research 5 Charles Duhigg, How Companies Learn Your Secrets, in: New York Times, 16 February 2012, online available at [last accessed: Ethical questions in Big Data have barely been addressed in the research.12 In 2014, 11 Kate Crawford, The Anxieties of Big Data, in: The New Inquiry, 30 May 2014, online available at http: 17 Job offer for a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Ethics of Big Data at the University of Oxford, online digital data relevant to research in the Humanities, b) the possibility of a computerassisted operation upon this data, as well as c) modern communication technology in cache = ./cache/work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkq.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_sezd4csqtrglxjlwsz6dhjpobe author = Jochen Bönig title = Accuracy and Immersion Improvement of Hybrid Motion Capture based Real Time Virtual Validation date = 2014 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4062 sentences = 336 flesch = 53 summary = Accuracy and Immersion Improvement of Hybrid Motion Capture based Real Time Virtual Validation Accuracy and immersion improvement of hybrid motion capture based real connection along with the validation software allows real time modelling respectively tracking and therefore a realistic movement of the human To get good results while applying the motion capturing approach in mixed reality situations, it is necessary to have an exact registration common as a result of the high amount of time spent on generating transient human model simulation [1]. Especially for virtual assembly experiments, it is necessary to display the digital scenario right in front of the actor a high accuracy between the worker's real motions and the resulting action in the virtual environment. Haptic immersion for virtual interaction is generated via collision detection and force Fig. 7 Laser tracking for accuracy improvement of real and virtual environment Fig. 8 Correlation between real und virtual setup supported by laser tracking cache = ./cache/work_sezd4csqtrglxjlwsz6dhjpobe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_sezd4csqtrglxjlwsz6dhjpobe.txt === bib === id = work_bsxvshzuhzg7xiuvucujnkig6m author = Julia Hammond Flanders title = A Journal-Driven Bibliography of Digital Humanities date = 2017 pages = 81 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 29878 sentences = 3176 flesch = 66 summary = specific DHQ article, such as personal communications ("Private email to the author, 31 linkage between DHQ articles and the bibliographic items they cite. process (a working publication in which all bibliographic data would be centralized) The bibliographic data resource developed under this grant represents a new level of the DHQ articles, and the publication process needs to follow the bibliographic pointers team to produce a co-authored article based on this report, to be published in DHQ later complete the final integration of the bibliographic data into DHQ's publication interface, 1. Continue to expand the centralized bibliography as new DHQ articles are its potential to provide a valuable data resource to the public, this project raises DHQ's of DHQ's bibliographic coupling network, we identify several communities of articles published in DHQ, and we analyze their Index Terms—Digital Humanities, Information Visualization, Co-author network, Bibliographic Coupling, big tent the DHQ bibliographic data and created visualizations in order to cache = ./cache/work_bsxvshzuhzg7xiuvucujnkig6m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_bsxvshzuhzg7xiuvucujnkig6m.txt === bib === id = work_ivqtsodmyvh7tdvtimxq75ixxm author = Catherine Porter title = Introduction: The Importance of Place and Openness in Spatial Humanities Research date = 2018 pages = 11 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5123 sentences = 310 flesch = 48 summary = The Importance of Place and Openness in Spatial Humanities Research. sharing and openness of spatial methods, tools and data (SMTD), and education in the Witnessing the continued rise of spatial humanities research, this special issue brings demonstrate the contribution to knowledge that spatial technologies in humanities research associated articles present key research that embodies the growing relevance of the spatial enduring struggles when working in digital and spatial research. Keywords: digital humanities, spatial humanities, SMTD, methods, tools, data, GIS This special issue is composed of articles delivered at the conference Spatial Humanities form of data in spatial research (and a common thread highlighted in the articles of this The creation of a new SMTD for digital and spatial research is futile if we do not have the discussion on access to historic datasets for research, something which this project tackles spatial humanities research: (i) how the encouragement of openness, sharing and cache = ./cache/work_ivqtsodmyvh7tdvtimxq75ixxm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ivqtsodmyvh7tdvtimxq75ixxm.txt === bib === id = work_4ry2oq4ivzdcnnphnfbaamfpia author = Karel Kriz title = Digitizing Patterns of Power – Cartographic Communication for Digital Humanities date = 2018 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3697 sentences = 301 flesch = 53 summary = a University of Vienna, Department of Geography and Regional Research, Vienna, Austria;, new structures of power are central research topics of the project "Digitizing Patterns of Power" (DPP). brings together expertise from historical and archaeological research as well as cartography and geocommunication to Optimal cartographic visualization of base data as well as the historical and archaeological information in an interactive geocommunication characteristics and approaches to interactive mapping in a historical and archaeological context Keywords: Cartographic Communication, Topographic Maps, Cartographic Visualization, Spatial Uncertainty, Digital representation and visualization of the historical landscape and the underlying data. DPP builds on various historical data. of the aims of this project, to use the available data to record the level of uncertainty of the data in the database. use in an interactive application with many different data The map based application serves as a tool for research 4. Spatial Uncertainty of Historical data 4. Spatial Uncertainty of Historical data cache = ./cache/work_4ry2oq4ivzdcnnphnfbaamfpia.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4ry2oq4ivzdcnnphnfbaamfpia.txt === bib === id = work_wqplletz2jaw7afr3nbq3eiyjq author = Melanie Walsh title = Review: Name That Twitter Community! date = 2020 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1069 sentences = 90 flesch = 55 summary = This Python 3.x module bundles a set of useful code functions for humanistic inquiry of social The module was developed to help researchers answer the following main question: What can these Freelon et al., this module can also accept each community's top authors during a period. detected community hubs in a corpus to arrive at more impactful human-centered, yet data-driven, process can help refine the code library, but also broaden its use beyond twitter data to other social network subgraphs, and circulate it among interested research communities across the Digital The Python module Name That Twitter Community! It specifically aims to help researchers "name" user communities in a Twitter dataset and moment for digital humanities social media analysis, as researchers actively build on each other's to social media data developed by and for the DH community. Twitter communities by topic modeling the text of their tweets, ideally picking up on the main cache = ./cache/work_wqplletz2jaw7afr3nbq3eiyjq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wqplletz2jaw7afr3nbq3eiyjq.txt === bib === id = work_5dgfdi4j3vba5b6ingyrf57jda author = Ray Siemens title = The Value of Plurality in 'The Network with a Thousand Entrances' date = 2017 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 712 sentences = 152 flesch = 64 summary = The Value of Plurality in 'The Network with a Thousand Entrances' | Semantic Scholar Arbuckle and Lindsey Seatter and Randa El Khatib and Tracey El Hajj}, This contribution reflects on the value of plurality in the 'network with a thousand entrances' suggested by McCarty (, and others, in association with approaching time-honoured annotative and commentary practices of much-engaged texts. The question is how this approach aligns with tensions, today, surrounding the multiplicity of endeavour associated with modeling practices of annotation by practitioners of the digital humanities. Sort by Most Influenced Papers From Text to Work: Digital Tools and the Emergence of the Social Text Automatic annotation of bibliographical references in digital humanities books, articles and blogs Creating Scholarly Tools and Resources for the Digital Ecosystem: Building Connections in the Zotero Project Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. cache = ./cache/work_5dgfdi4j3vba5b6ingyrf57jda.pdf txt = ./txt/work_5dgfdi4j3vba5b6ingyrf57jda.txt === bib === id = work_cztsfgdu5bcbfdnfrhryslcu6a author = Sylvia Fernández Quintanilla title = Review: Ellas tienen nombre date = 2020 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3760 sentences = 355 flesch = 56 summary = afectan a las personas (en este caso, niñas y mujeres) que viven en lugares Marcela Lagarde de los Ríos en el pref acio de Terrorizing Women, "Feminist Keys to Understand Ramírez inició este proyecto en marzo de 2015 recopilando y visualizando datos de las niñas y mujeres Los aspectos técnicos del proyecto han pasado por varias iteraciones a medida que Ramírez ha proyecto podría incluir datos de niñas y mujeres, víctimas de feminicidios, que han ocurrido en el lado En general, este proyecto feminista cumple su misión al crear recursos digitales para hacer que los (autora del Mapa digital de feminicidios en todo México) le han dado a este tipo de proyectos Ellas Tienen Nombre is a feminist mapping project using information made available in March 2015, tienen nombre is a feminist digital mapping project that records feminicidal violence and feminicide this in mind, this project could include data of girls and women, victims of feminicides, that have cache = ./cache/work_cztsfgdu5bcbfdnfrhryslcu6a.pdf txt = ./txt/work_cztsfgdu5bcbfdnfrhryslcu6a.txt === bib === id = work_ju52ryvefnhpngf2a3vvzbrpfu author = E. Thomas Ewing title = Will It Come Here? Using Digital Humanities Tools to Explore Medical Understanding during the Russian Flu Epidemic, 1889–90 date = 2017 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 416 sentences = 69 flesch = 63 summary = [PDF] Will It Come Here? Using Digital Humanities Tools to Explore Medical Understanding during the Russian Flu Epidemic, 1889–90 | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 9057841Will It Come Here? Using Digital Humanities Tools to Explore Medical Understanding during the Russian Flu Epidemic, 1889–90}, Using Digital Humanities Tools to Explore Medical Understanding during the Russian Flu Epidemic, 1889–90}, View on Cambridge Press Citation Type Citation Type Sort by Most Influenced Papers Sort by Citation Count Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License ACCEPT & CONTINUE cache = ./cache/work_ju52ryvefnhpngf2a3vvzbrpfu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ju52ryvefnhpngf2a3vvzbrpfu.txt === bib === id = work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfe author = Vincent Gray title = Data Management Plan Exemplar #2: Digital Humanities and Secondary Data date = 2020 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2207 sentences = 183 flesch = 52 summary = Text-based data collected from Statistics Canada was used to create a union list of born-digital This project will create a bilingual union list of born-digital products from the Canadian Census The data will be collected in an Inmagic v.15 database from which non-proprietary file-formats, Research Data Management Librarian will help identify other possible repository options for our Identify who will be responsible for managing this project's data routine maintenance on the Inmagic database; extracting ASCII files; creating documentation; project's data, including a change of Principal Investigator? If your research project includes sensitive data, how will you ensure How and where will your data be stored and backed up during your research project? Where will you deposit your data for long-term preservation and access at the end of your research project? If your research project includes sensitive data, how will you ensure that it is securely managed and accessible only to approved members of the project? cache = ./cache/work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfe.txt === bib === id = work_z6nsfwjjnfcbnja6c66ghjrdqa author = John Cox title = Communicating New Library Roles to Enable Digital Scholarship: A Review Article date = 2016 pages = 26 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7093 sentences = 544 flesch = 34 summary = Title Communicating new library roles to enable digital scholarship:a review article Communicating New Library Roles to Enable Digital Scholarship: a review article Academic libraries enable a wide range of digital scholarship activities, increasingly as a partner offer and a focused communications strategy is needed to embed libraries in digital scholarship and new digital scholarship roles and initiatives to library staff as well as external audiences. Libraries have much to offer to digital scholarship and need to communicate these advantages The concept of library as equal partner in digital scholarship is key and should be communicated Managing the library's involvement in digital scholarship is challenging and there needs to be clarity across the campus and promoted engagement with the Library's digital scholarship enablement Communication on campus and beyond about digital scholarship projects, by libraries and others, library's new roles as an enabling partner in digital scholarship. cache = ./cache/work_z6nsfwjjnfcbnja6c66ghjrdqa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_z6nsfwjjnfcbnja6c66ghjrdqa.txt === bib === id = work_yhsu6n2x25bvrkxnrys3cll2oq author = Thomas Padilla title = Humanities Data in the Library: Integrity, Form, Access date = 2016 pages = extension = .htm mime = text/html words = 6483 sentences = 369 flesch = 49 summary = Commitments to Digital Humanities, Digital History, Digital Art History, and Digital Liberal Arts are on the rise.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 These commitments can be witnessed in federal agency and foundation activity, university and college level curriculum development, evolving positions on tenure and promotion, dedicated journals, and the hiring of faculty and staff geared toward enhancing utilization of and critical reflection on computational methods and tools within and across a wide array of disciplinary spaces.6, 7 Librarians have sought to engage these commitments through development of digital scholarship centers, recombination of services, creation of new positions, and implementation of user studies.8 While these engagements bear value, efforts to reshape library collections in light of demand remain nascent, diffuse, and unevenly distributed. In order to inform community steps toward developing Humanities data collections, the following work advances principles derived from practice that are designed to foster the creation of data that better supports digitally inflected Humanities scholarship and pedagogy. cache = ./cache/work_yhsu6n2x25bvrkxnrys3cll2oq.htm txt = ./txt/work_yhsu6n2x25bvrkxnrys3cll2oq.txt === bib === id = work_mev2lvgkyjgmjmzqj6qv2e4ktu author = Jangwoon Park title = A Classification of Sitting Strategies based on Driving Posture Analysis date = 2014 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3397 sentences = 389 flesch = 62 summary = Several studies have been conducted to identify preferred driving postures for ergonomic driver seat design/evaluation. The present study is intended to objectively classify sitting strategies based on drivers' preferred postures and identify factors The sitting strategies based on the driving postures were identified in three steps (selection of proper number of clusters, The sitting strategies for upper-body (see Figure 4) were identified as slouched, erect, and reclined postures. The sitting strategies for lower-body (see Figure 5) were identified as knee bent, knee extended, and upper-leg lifted postures. percentage of lower-body sitting strategies was 42% for knee bent, 32% for knee extended, and 26% for upper-leg lifted posture. Classification of sitting strategy based on the upper-body driving posture Classification of sitting strategies based on the lower-body driving posture The present study statistically identified sitting strategies based on driving posture in order to design a driver workspace. cache = ./cache/work_mev2lvgkyjgmjmzqj6qv2e4ktu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mev2lvgkyjgmjmzqj6qv2e4ktu.txt === bib === id = work_wk4yvwi4e5dxfgx6yq57jf6fj4 author = David J. Birnbaum title = The Digital Middle Ages: An Introduction date = 2017 pages = 38 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 15845 sentences = 1143 flesch = 46 summary = other related texts, an index verborum of all 118 works of Aquinas, totaling approximately 11 million words.3 The project required an administrative and organizational staff that was unprecedented for a humanities research initiative at that 14 The issue of "theory" in DH has been the subject of the first volume of the "Conversations" section in the online Journal of Digital Humanities in winter 2011 ( and modeling practices have long existed in humanities scholarship: the critical apparatus in printed editions of medieval works is but one classic example of a wellknown edition model, which attempts to represent in condensed fashion the complex phenomenon of a medieval text tradition. arena of image-feature analysis, taxonomy building, and clustering methods for medieval manuscripts;37 see also Kestemont, Christlein, and Stuzmann's article on computational approaches to identifying scripts in this supplement. 42 British History Online and the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership," Digital Humanities Quarterly 11 (2017), cache = ./cache/work_wk4yvwi4e5dxfgx6yq57jf6fj4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wk4yvwi4e5dxfgx6yq57jf6fj4.txt === bib === id = work_mxsw5kjumrft7hfohtrsyqdbgm author = Hirofumi Ida title = A study of kinematic cues and anticipatory performance in tennis using computational manipulation and computer graphics date = 2011 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6125 sentences = 668 flesch = 57 summary = be used to display human motions as visual stimuli. modulating the anatomical joint angular velocity calculated digital model of the server's motion derived by modulating digital human model in studies of human motion perception. In other work, the joint motion of a runner was modulated, The upper extremity motion was computationally manipulated by using a forward kinematics (FK) calculation, For motion analysis, the anatomical joint angular velocities calculated from the motion data; then the resultant joint The modulated anatomical joint angular velocity from the forearm segment; joint motions with no degrees of all the anatomical joint angular velocities of the racket-arm Finally, the test stimuli of serve animations consisted of one non-modulated motion (±0%), four forearm pronation/supination modulated motions (-30%, the motion modulation of their opponent's racket-arm. digital human model for studying the anticipatory performance of a tennis serve was discussed, and a CG display motion modulation with FK calculation may have various cache = ./cache/work_mxsw5kjumrft7hfohtrsyqdbgm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mxsw5kjumrft7hfohtrsyqdbgm.txt === bib === id = work_g6nalraddzc7df7eqmjqbnazm4 author = Yu-Lin Chen title = A museum exhibits support system based on history and culture literacy date = 2012 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 182 sentences = 56 flesch = 85 summary = 淡江大學機構典藏:Bitstream Authorization Required English 正體中文 简体中文 Items with full text/Total items : 57915/91485 (63%) Visitors : 13672868 Online Users : 46 RC Version 7.0 © Powered By DSPACE, MIT. Enhanced by NTU Library & TKU Library IR team. Scope All of 機構典藏 文學院 理學院 工學院 商管學院 外國語文學院 國際研究學院 教育學院 創業發展學院 全球化研究與發展學院 社區發展學院 全球發展學院 技術學院 行政單位 體育事務處 淡江出版期刊 67週年校慶研討會 67週年校慶研討會 教育部教學實踐研究計畫 Tips: please add "double quotation mark" for query phrases to get precise results please goto advance search for comprehansive author search Adv. Search Home Login Upload Help Administer Browse all Communities & Collections Title Date Authors Relevant Link 機構典藏網站流量統計 各系所授權人數統計 機構典藏相關使用文件 臺灣機構典藏 TAIR 日本機構典藏 JAIRO Bitstream Authorization Required Sorry, the bitstream file is not authorized now. The constraint is as followed, Access time constraint: 9999/12/31 ~ Access place constraint: 淡江大學機構典藏 Go to the 機構典藏 home page DSpace Software MIT & Enhanced by NTU Library & TKU Library IR teams. cache = ./cache/work_g6nalraddzc7df7eqmjqbnazm4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_g6nalraddzc7df7eqmjqbnazm4.txt === bib === id = work_exnpbfjwuzdrnogl2pkv3q6n7e author = Helen Goulis title = BBT User stories. Benefits from joining the thesaurus federation date = 2020 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 651 sentences = 71 flesch = 44 summary = The Backbone Thesaurus (BBT) is the research outcome of work undertaken by the top-level concepts (facets and hierarchies) for specialist thesauri terms to map to. The BBT [2] is systematically curated by a cross disciplinary team of editors coming from organisations participating in the TMWG (AA, FORTH, DAI, FRANTIQ/CNRS), The controlled vocabularies/thesauri that have been mapped to the BBT to this day Thesaurus [9] with the BBT. DARIAH Backbone Thesaurus (BBT): Definition of a model for sustainable interoperable thesauri maintenance, Version 1.2.2. Greece: May 2019; BBTalk: An Online Service for Collaborative and Transparent Thesaurus Curation, ERCIM News 116, Special theme: Transparency in Algorithmic Decision Making; Daskalaki M., Charami L. Philosophical background assumptions in digitized knowledge representation systems, in Dia-noesis: A Journal of Philosophy, 2017, Issue 3, p 17-28;; Thesaurus Maintenance Working Group (2015). Thesaurus Maintenance Working Group (2015). Greece 2015 [1] [2] [5] cache = ./cache/work_exnpbfjwuzdrnogl2pkv3q6n7e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_exnpbfjwuzdrnogl2pkv3q6n7e.txt === bib === id = work_6vcrgppij5eg5mm2vy2yjuhdee author = Niels C.C.M. Moes title = Multi-dimensional digital human models for ergonomic analysis based on natural data representations date = 2015 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3166 sentences = 230 flesch = 42 summary = 'Multi-dimensional digital human models for ergonomic analysis based Digital human models are often used for ergonomic analysis of product designs, before The knowledge that is needed in specific multi-dimensional digital human models 2 the knowledge that is needed to build the multi-dimensional digital human models 3 the procedures that are needed to build the multi-dimensional digital human models, Figure 2 The procedures that are needed to build the multi-dimensional digital human models multi-dimensional digital human models to optimise product properties based on multi-dimensional digital human models to optimise product properties, and to improve The multi-dimensional digital human model was used to predict the shapes of body Multi-dimensional digital human models for ergonomic analysis 79 Multi-dimensional digital human models for ergonomic analysis 79 Multi-dimensional digital human models for ergonomic analysis 79 Multi-dimensional digital human models for ergonomic analysis 79 the results show that the procedures and the multi-dimensional digital human models cache = ./cache/work_6vcrgppij5eg5mm2vy2yjuhdee.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6vcrgppij5eg5mm2vy2yjuhdee.txt === bib === id = work_72g2q37pzveh7coknmrz2ycs7i author = Gimena del Rio title = Making Visible the Invisible: Metrical Patterns, Contrafacture and Compilation in a Medieval Castilian Songbook date = 2019 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1682 sentences = 112 flesch = 51 summary = This panel presents new primary research results in the formal study of poetry and poetics that have been made possible by the development and use of digital technologies to create humanities knowledge that would not otherwise be possible; (2) the development of innovative methodologies that are able to research results that are made possible by the development of original digital tools and methods. presentations on this panel describe new technologies that were developed in order to (1) facilitate the machine-assisted creation of these types of metrically annotated poetic corpora, and (2) undertake original research about formal metrical practice on the basis of large digital corpora. With the help of our digital tool we will illustrate possible contrafactures, common metrical and rhyming patterns, and cycles of poems in the antiquiores' corpus, 2013; Jockers and Flanders, 2013; Liu, 2014) and data-text (Marche, 2012) debates in the field of literary studies and the concepts of close-distant reading cache = ./cache/work_72g2q37pzveh7coknmrz2ycs7i.pdf txt = ./txt/work_72g2q37pzveh7coknmrz2ycs7i.txt === bib === id = work_l2x522n2pzc47iyney2fjfbhta author = Erhard Hinrichs title = Language technology for digital humanities: introduction to the special issue date = 2019 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2007 sentences = 140 flesch = 46 summary = The use of digital resources and tools across humanities disciplines is steadily humanities extends well beyond language-based research, textual resources and In order to showcase the use of language tools and resources in digital humanities research, the LT4DH (Language Technology for Digital Humanities) workshop was tools in order to be able to address research questions in digital humanities. spoken and written language, showcasing their use in digital humanities language processing tools in digital humanities research. – Showcasing the use of language processing tools in humanities disciplines such The articles can be grouped into three thematic clusters: text analysis, corpus Data-driven analysis of literary text is also the topic of the article contributed by about a spoken-language corpus, followed by two articles presenting text corpora Language technology for digital humanities: introduction to the special issue Language technology for digital humanities: introduction to the special issue cache = ./cache/work_l2x522n2pzc47iyney2fjfbhta.pdf txt = ./txt/work_l2x522n2pzc47iyney2fjfbhta.txt === bib === id = work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy author = Jentery Sayers title = Mapping the Digital Humanities date = 2020 pages = 52 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 19817 sentences = 1940 flesch = 63 summary = What is the role of digital technologies in learning and taking humanities classes at the university? More specifically, the class is structured around two approaches to "mapping" in the digital humanities: computing (specifically in XHTML, CSS, GIS, or data modeling), I will ask you to further the humanities "Mapping the Digital Humanities" will be a quarter-long project on a number of registers—individual and in a digital text, and assess (in 750-1250 words) how that animation affords a novel way for piece, needs assessment, work flow, abstract, data model, and final digital model and Other than the modules, the bulk of out-of-class reading, studying, and research will be project face-to-face about particular aspects of your project (e.g., your thought piece, data model, and final Implications for blogging and digital humanities research projects in this class project for this class has shaped your learning and humanities research differently. cache = ./cache/work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy.txt === bib === id = work_6toa3a2mefhnvm2csn7b7435ca author = Gunther Martens title = Annotating Narrative Levels: Review of Guideline No. 7 date = 2020 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2287 sentences = 171 flesch = 54 summary = Annotating Narrative Levels: Review of Guideline No. 7 Annotating Narrative Levels: Review of Cite: Gunther Martens, "Annotating Narrative Levels: Review of Guideline No. 7," focus on the annotation of text-intrinsic, linguistic aspects of narrative. toolkit of (textual) narrative theory, it is also informed by Digital Humanities. Yet, there is a wide variety in national and historical print cultures to be considered in this regard, so these apparently stable markers of narrative level should be handled with care and flexibility. regard to text genres that involve a lot of referential anchoring (e.g. news articles).4 The current state-of-the-art allows machine learning to predict structure shared task is indeed on identifying levels in a wide range of narrative texts, this annotation of complex aspects of narrative levels. interact with complex narratives.13 This may involve annotating for semantic any reference to narratology or to (at least a customary understanding of) narrative aspects of the texts at hand ( e.g. authorship attribution in the cases of J.K. Rowling and Elena Ferrante). cache = ./cache/work_6toa3a2mefhnvm2csn7b7435ca.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6toa3a2mefhnvm2csn7b7435ca.txt === bib === id = work_522o6sdt2jfpxejcre57oeradm author = Mirjam Cuper title = An Optical Character Recognition Software Benchmark for Old Dutch Texts on the EYRA Platform date = 2020 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 541 sentences = 30 flesch = 55 summary = An Optical Character Recognition Software Benchmark for Old Dutch Texts on However, acquiring high-quality machine readable texts using currently available Optical Character benchmark to enable the evaluation of the performance of OCR software on old Dutch texts. For the pilot version of the benchmark a data set containing 2055 Dutch book pages (16301796) This data set contains both scanned pages (OCR method input data) and machine readable text (ground truth that can be used to assess the quality of the OCR method output). the validation data and therefore provides a fair comparison of the performance of the OCR Also, if new validation data is available and added to the benchmark later on, the OCR Various metrics could be used to assess the performance of the OCR methods in comparison to the visualize algorithm results on the platform, to gain more insight into algorithm performance. cache = ./cache/work_522o6sdt2jfpxejcre57oeradm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_522o6sdt2jfpxejcre57oeradm.txt === bib === id = work_yegxkccw7vgyrmtz4xymwkkl6m author = Mats Dahlström title = Copies and facsimiles date = 2019 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7758 sentences = 480 flesch = 54 summary = The concepts of original and copy, of source and facsimile, always convey particular these concepts, in particular copies and facsimiles, framed within the context of digital scholarly editing and cultural heritage digitization performed by research libraries. scholarly editing and library digitization, and ends by framing the discussion of copies Indeed, the presence of photographic reproductions in scholarly editions, or digital facsimiles, has increased tremendously the last few decades. On the one hand, working with facsimiles in scholarly editions has traditionally been This critical work, elsewhere referred to as critical digitization (Dahlström 2015), is far from always recognized by, or even known to, scholarly A digital document not only carries an implicit and interpretable history of production in the form of its graphical and textual display (as printed objects do), but also an have to say that a digital facsimile of a printed textual document is not a cache = ./cache/work_yegxkccw7vgyrmtz4xymwkkl6m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_yegxkccw7vgyrmtz4xymwkkl6m.txt === bib === id = work_33ebahkoevdwrcgyzyftxrmrmi author = Lucy Jenkins title = Preface date = 2020 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 823 sentences = 53 flesch = 49 summary = ARTICLE – DIGITAL MODERN LANGUAGES from Modern Languages and Digital Humanities, it appeared to me an unmissable and rare Unsurprisingly, the two days involved a number of curious encounters and conversations as we discussed our experiences from differing levels clearly Digital Humanities and Modern Languages in a way that could cascade to all levels of Institutions and the schools sector which made for valuable discussions about 'what matters' where digital technology and Modern Languages was concerned. particularly where language learning is concerned. Secondly, the clear and positive vision for how Modern Languages and Digital Humanities of institutional reluctance to engage in dialogues where Digital Humanities and Modern the language learning classroom, we need to consider how to structure the experience in a Lucy Jenkins achieved First Class honours in English Literature and Italian at Cardiff University a DfE funded digital mentoring project for languages. Lucy is developing her expertise in pedagogical approaches to language cache = ./cache/work_33ebahkoevdwrcgyzyftxrmrmi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_33ebahkoevdwrcgyzyftxrmrmi.txt === bib === id = work_pff32ikkunfjtphff2clwa5sz4 author = Tim Barker title = Experiments with time: the technical image in video art, new media and the digital humanities date = 2017 pages = 34 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8275 sentences = 467 flesch = 52 summary = (2017) Experiments with time: the technical image in media art and the digital Experiments with time: The technical image in video art, new media and the the history of the company and its daily news gathering and generating routines, reassembles and dramatises archival and 'real-time' data based on a set of technical 'real-time' data and trigger it based on linguistic patterns (Hansen and Rubin, 2002). how the technically produced images of video art, new media and the digital likewise conducts an experiment with time by producing new images of movement. organisation of images, as in Hansen and Rubin's work, Naimark's project and the Naimark's and Hansen and Rubin's projects, by creating new processes and technical medium in order to generate new ways to experience and analyse processes in time. likewise uses the technical image to create new experiences of time. technology that produced them and that generate new experiences of time through cache = ./cache/work_pff32ikkunfjtphff2clwa5sz4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_pff32ikkunfjtphff2clwa5sz4.txt === bib === id = work_3dobvgv6hjcjzkwylztzizzpki author = Staffan Björkenstam title = Enhancing Digital Human Motion Planning of Assembly Tasks Through Dynamics and Optimal Control date = 2016 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4367 sentences = 571 flesch = 73 summary = Enhancing digital human motion planning of assembly tasks through dynamics and optimal control investigate the importance of modeling dynamics when planning for manual assembly operations. motion planning problem using the Discrete Mechanics and Optimal Control (DMOC) method, which makes it possible to optimize with respect to First, two industrial cases are simulated using a quasi-static inverse kinematics solver, demonstrating problems where Then, the DMOC-method is used to solve for optimal trajectories of a lifting operation with dynamics. Keywords: Assembly; Digital human modeling; Ergonomy; Dynamics; Optimal control As a consequence, ergonomics studies are time consuming and are mostly done for static poses, not for full assembly The dynamic motion planning problem is stated as an optimal kinematic problems, both quasi-static and with dynamics. discrete equations of motion, the resulting optimization problem discrete optimal control problem: Minimize Here we compute trajectories for the manikin using the optimal control approach described Section 2.4. cache = ./cache/work_3dobvgv6hjcjzkwylztzizzpki.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3dobvgv6hjcjzkwylztzizzpki.txt === bib === id = work_mf4oeadkdfaurcp2ahf55smmhe author = Martin Holmes title = Static Search: An Archivable and Sustainable Search Engine for the Digital Humanities date = 2020 pages = 42 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 652 sentences = 186 flesch = 62 summary = Static Search: An Archivable and Sustainable Search Engine for (Digital Humanities Innovation Lab at Simon Fraser University) (Humanities Computing and Media Centre at the University of Victoria) ● Researchers require robust searching ● Researchers require robust searching ● Researchers require robust searching ● Researchers require robust searching – Filtered search (by date, by author, +++) ● A collection of HTML files ● An HTML search page support search filters: ● A configuration file (XML) search engine JSON token file {"token": "unprofit", "docUri": "poems/goodwords/1870/pom_2025_ithe_old_man_of_hoy.html", "context": "…whole that day was spent unprofitably<\/mark>.", "docUri": "poems/blackwoods/1820/pom_8733_john_and_joan_canto_ii.html", "form": "unprofitable", "form": "unprofitable", "context": "…too much appropriated unto unprofitable<\/mark> jocularities and facetiousness. Filter JSON "poems/chambers_series/1867/pom_7594_the_husbands_request.html", "poems/alltheyearround/1875/pom_4271_the_hourglass.html", "poems/alltheyearround/1879/pom_4507_in_the_conservatory.html", "poems/blackwoods/1843/pom_9963_jolly_father_joe.html", "poems/blackwoods/1829/pom_10314_the_watchmans_lament.html" JSON files... ● ...the search page JS unprofitunprofit.json Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search unprofitable JS unprofitable JS unprofitable JS unprofitable JS unprofitable JS unprofitable JS unprofitable JS ● Read the documentation: cache = ./cache/work_mf4oeadkdfaurcp2ahf55smmhe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mf4oeadkdfaurcp2ahf55smmhe.txt === bib === id = work_eklg3piwvbdxdlxggels6ggrmm author = Qing Tao title = Digital evaluation of sitting posture comfort in human-vehicle system under industry 4.0 framework date = 2016 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5244 sentences = 556 flesch = 57 summary = Digital Evaluation of Sitting Posture Comfort in Human-Vehicle System Abstract: Most of the previous studies on the vibration ride comfort of the human-vehicle system were focused only on one or two The real experimental environment includes the WBV (whole body vibration) test, questionnaires simplified 5-DOF human body vibration model, the vibration simulation and analysis within ADAMS/ Vibration environment takes full advantages of current available vibration simulation and digital human modelling software, and makes it possible evaluation system for car seat comfort design is fitted in the Industry 4.0 framework is also proposed. Key words: parameter identification, vibration characteristic, sitting posture comfort, human-vehicle system, human body model, digital of freedom human body vertical vibration model different human body vibration models were proposed and sitting posture body comfort of human-vehicle systems. simplified 5-DOF vertical human body vibration model is model the human body vibration response characteristics. simplified 5-DOF human body vibration model, the cache = ./cache/work_eklg3piwvbdxdlxggels6ggrmm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_eklg3piwvbdxdlxggels6ggrmm.txt === bib === id = work_esyo6plndnejhnptsxiuw3tahy author = Giovanni De Magistris title = A human-like learning control for digital human models in a physics-based virtual environment date = 2014 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11567 sentences = 1941 flesch = 75 summary = Abstract This paper presents a new learning control framework for digital human models in a physicsbased virtual environment. A human-like learning control for digital human models in a physics-based virtual environment 19 A human-like learning control for digital human models in a physics-based virtual environment 19 A human-like learning control for digital human models in a physics-based virtual environment 19 A human-like learning control for digital human models in a physics-based virtual environment 19 A human-like learning control for digital human models in a physics-based virtual environment 19 A human-like learning control for digital human models in a physics-based virtual environment 19 A human-like learning control for digital human models in a physics-based virtual environment 19 A human-like learning control for digital human models in a physics-based virtual environment 19 A human-like learning control for digital human models in a physics-based virtual environment 19 cache = ./cache/work_esyo6plndnejhnptsxiuw3tahy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_esyo6plndnejhnptsxiuw3tahy.txt === bib === id = work_y3on6sm2wzbsff3smrvq7pha5e author = Clara Martínez Cantón title = OPEN DIGITAL HUMANITIES JOURNALS: REVISTA DE HUMANIDADES DIGITALES. A framework for the construction of an academic field date = 2020 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 415 sentences = 101 flesch = 39 summary = OPEN DIGITAL HUMANITIES REVISTA DE HUMANIDADES DH, Languages and Open Access Open Access in DH GOLDEN OPEN ACCESS (HYBRID JOURNALS) • DIGITAL PHILOLOGY: A JOURNAL OF MEDIEVAL • DIGITAL SCHOLARSHIP IN THE HUMANITIES • INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND • JOURNAL OF COMPUTING AND CULTURAL (FORMERLY: COMPUTERS AND THE HUMANITIES • DIGITAL HUMANITIES QUARTERLY • JOURNAL OF DATA MINING AND DIGITAL • JOURNAL OF OPEN HUMANITIES DATA DIGITAL HUMANITIES DIGITAL HUMANITIES Languages in DH Journals Humanidades Digitales Defining a new journal A Spanish Journal, a Language Inclusive Journal: Revista de Humanidades Digitales ◉ Gimena del Río Riande (CONICET, Argentina) ◉ Romina De León (CONICET, Argentina) ◉ Romina De León (CONICET, Argentina) ◉ Journal management through Open Access Journals (OJS) ◉ Open Editorial Policees ◉ Authors preserve their copyright ◉ Publications in other experimental formats Open Access, Profesionalization, Continuity, Indexation ◉ Publication process of new issues scientific journals cache = ./cache/work_y3on6sm2wzbsff3smrvq7pha5e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_y3on6sm2wzbsff3smrvq7pha5e.txt === bib === id = work_qw6wjqfctngslgls2qca6fza5e author = Chris Houghton title = From provider to partner: how digital humanities sparked a change in Gale's relationship with universities date = 2019 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4924 sentences = 309 flesch = 48 summary = From provider to partner: how digital humanities sparked a change in Gale's relationship with universities and research groups working on digital scholarship projects in the humanities, arts and social sciences. As a leading global provider of digital archives, Gale is well placed to review the current state of DH research Digital humanities; Gale; digital archives; primary sources; libraries; academic publishing 2 The following year saw Gale publish The Times Digital Archive, and in the 16 years since, archive, which is essentially a static product, the Gale Digital Scholar Lab Gale works to identify research trends, development needs and common Giving users the ability to interact with digital archives in new ways by making OCR on options to make it available in the Gale Digital Scholar Lab. Supporting and working with DH Future developments will see Gale Digital Scholar Lab grow to support teaching through (accessed 20 September 2019). (accessed 20 September 2019). cache = ./cache/work_qw6wjqfctngslgls2qca6fza5e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_qw6wjqfctngslgls2qca6fza5e.txt === bib === id = work_bi44b5urgrcc7bl5s7za7xg5wm author = Keith Case title = Digital human modelling over four decades date = 2016 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 359 sentences = 52 flesch = 23 summary = posted on 21.03.2016, 11:46 by Keith Case, Russell Marshall, Steve Summerskill This paper aims to provide a retrospective of the use of a digital human modelling tool (SAMMIE) that was perhaps the first usable tool and is still active today. Relationships between digital human modelling and inclusive design, engineering design and ergonomics practice are discussed using examples from design studies using SAMMIE and government-funded research. CASE, K., MARSHALL. Digital human modelling over four decades. Digital human modelling over four decades. Digital human modelling over four decades. International Journal of the Digital Human, 1 (2), pp. International Journal of the Digital Human, 1 (2), pp. Full details of this licence are available at: This paper was accepted for publication in the journal International Journal of the Digital Human and the definitive published version is available at Publisher version Digital human modellingSAMMIEInclusive design Digital human modellingSAMMIEInclusive design cache = ./cache/work_bi44b5urgrcc7bl5s7za7xg5wm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_bi44b5urgrcc7bl5s7za7xg5wm.txt === bib === id = work_vcukclz2sjcdbnkuxinl335p7m author = Alexander Badenoch title = Old Stories and New Developments date = 2018 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3242 sentences = 224 flesch = 45 summary = The advent of digital technologies and online platforms has brought new life to audiovisual heritage, traditionally on their websites or collaborate with European initiatives such as or Europe's Digital Platform of Cultural Digitisation and Online Accessibility of Cultural Material and Digital Preservation Across the EU, 2008; European Commission, The New television history, the comparative exploration of Europe's audiovisual heritage, and the development of digital groundbreaking European projects creating access to digitized television heritage such as: Video Active (2006-2009), to European television and broadcasting history, online access to audiovisual heritage and Digital Humanities These include Berber Hagedoorn's research into how televised history contributes to cultural memory,8 doing of comparative and transnational radio history within online spaces of European television heritage. Jasmijn van Gorp is Assistant Professor Television and Digital Heritage at Utrecht University. of the European (Post)Socialist Television History Network and co-chair of the Media Studies Commission of the cache = ./cache/work_vcukclz2sjcdbnkuxinl335p7m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_vcukclz2sjcdbnkuxinl335p7m.txt === bib === id = work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imue author = Knöchelmann title = Open Science in the Humanities, or: Open Humanities? date = 2019 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11287 sentences = 865 flesch = 55 summary = more open research and communication practices in the humanities, one that integrates several review practices, and liberal open licences—in the realm of the humanities to demonstrate why a There is a specific discourse dedicated to open practices for disciplines of the sciences: open could be an element of either open science or digital humanities discourses. fragmentation of discourses about open practices in the humanities requires an integration of these opposed to issues such as peer review, preprints, or licences, open access in the humanities is wellscience and digital humanities as well as in reference to the fundamental changes potential open 3. Discussion of Practices of Open Science and Their Applicability in the Humanities The discourse on opening peer review should not be left to either the sciences or digital But this must not mean that the humanities need not have a discourse on opening their research and cache = ./cache/work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imue.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imue.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4 author = Anne McGrail title = Bringing digital humanities to the community college and vice versa date = 2017 pages = 41 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 14583 sentences = 1176 flesch = 51 summary = access to digital humanities for the nation's community college students. 1. Design and implementation of a National Survey of Digital Humanities at Community Colleges National Survey of Digital Humanities in Community Colleges: a Preliminary Discussion of the Figure 7: Jesse Stommel (l) and Rebecca Frost Davis (r) co-led the session, "In the Open Access, LowerDivision Classroom: Pedagogy and Faculty Development" at the Pre-Conference Workshop. DH@theCC project website and wiki and invited community college humanities faculty to use its Part of the NEH ODH Start-Up project, the National Survey of Digital Humanities in Community Colleges PDF of the results is also available on the project website Figure 4: All comments to Question 26 in the National Survey of Digital Humanities in Community Colleges as a Wordle Community college faculty need a digital humanities (DH) institute of their own. REGIONAL or NATIONAL INSTITUTE about digital humanities for community college faculty? cache = ./cache/work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4.txt === bib === id = work_7jxf7vwbnfhojaz2jodkmyfmpq author = James Cummings title = Opening the book: data models and distractions in digital scholarly editing date = 2019 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8083 sentences = 426 flesch = 49 summary = This article argues that editors of scholarly digital editions should not be distracted by editors of scholarly digital editions should not be distracted from editorial tasks by assumptions, the structures and vocabularies of an encoded edition do help us foreground the theories of text we use when creating scholarly digital editions, and thus it is would, in no way, stop a scholarly digital edition from being a publication of knowledge and commentary on an individual work, but it requires that its underlying The de-facto standard for a data model to be used in creating scholarly digital editions particular scholarly digital edition would be expected to make use of all of them.1 Though, The use of open international standards for the creation of scholarly digital editions is Opening the book: data models and distractions in digital scholarly editing Opening the book: data models and distractions in digital scholarly editing cache = ./cache/work_7jxf7vwbnfhojaz2jodkmyfmpq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7jxf7vwbnfhojaz2jodkmyfmpq.txt === bib === id = work_ctryenwgpfgqnon4dn6z4b2yvq author = Julia Hammond Flanders title = Digital Humanities Data Curation date = 2017 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4836 sentences = 233 flesch = 40 summary = The Digital Humanities Data Curation (DHDC) Institute was awarded an Institutes for guidance in understanding the role of data curation in enriching humanities research projects. introduction to humanities data curation, an interactive exercise in which participants curation activity using data from the New York Public Library's "What's on the Menu" project project team made several revisions to the DHDC curriculum after the first workshop. resources specifically devoted to data curation for the humanities, the Guide site often ranks sessions drew upon DHDC lectures, activities, and exercises related to data management, workshop entitled "Humanities Data: Curation, Analysis Access and Reuse" at the 2015 Digital example, Muñoz led mini workshops on humanities data curation for the Center for Digital The DHDC project conducted an evaluation survey after each of the three institute workshops they gained a greater understanding of data curation in context of digital humanities research cache = ./cache/work_ctryenwgpfgqnon4dn6z4b2yvq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ctryenwgpfgqnon4dn6z4b2yvq.txt === bib === id = work_udykev3jpzes3hc7punmaml3gi author = Trevor Owens title = The invention and dissemination of the spacer gif: implications for the future of access and use of web archives date = 2019 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6997 sentences = 569 flesch = 55 summary = The invention and dissemination of the spacer gif: implications for the future of access and use of web archives I committed the hangable offense of mixing structure with presentation.' In particular, he advocated the use of these single-pixel, clear GIF files as a way Within that section, we briefly introduce computational scholarship and how approaching digital collections as data sets results in new kinds of research. an approach based on tracing tiny files through terabytes of messy web archives data Utilizing the cloud infrastructure and distributed computing provided by the thirdparty service, the contractors generated derivatives of the WARC files: Web Archive 5 See the UK Web Archive Link Analysis visualization Traces of the single-pixel GIF in web archives will offer GIFs from the Geocities data set appeared in the UK Web Archive collections over study of web archives in the ability to compute against the files in these corpora. cache = ./cache/work_udykev3jpzes3hc7punmaml3gi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_udykev3jpzes3hc7punmaml3gi.txt === bib === id = work_wth6lpqkrrha5hlyd7yzd7rtsa author = Andreas Geiger title = Natural Virtual Reality User Interface to Define Assembly Sequences for Digital Human Models date = 2020 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 12099 sentences = 1139 flesch = 69 summary = reality-based interface and allows users to conduct an assembly task in VR and thus to manipulate the The results show that the VATS system enables users to conduct tasks in a significantly faster way. Keywords: virtual reality; leap motion; DHM; user study; VATS; user interaction; grasping in, the line of sight, the interactions (grips) the user is performing, the information about the object Two expert users used the leap motion to grab the objects with the nine different grip types. Two expert users used the leap motion to grab the objects with the nine different grip types. Two expert users used the leap motion to grab the objects with the nine different grip types. workload of defining an assembly sequence for a digital human model with the WIMP and the VATS, workload of defining an assembly sequence for a digital human model with the WIMP and the VATS, cache = ./cache/work_wth6lpqkrrha5hlyd7yzd7rtsa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wth6lpqkrrha5hlyd7yzd7rtsa.txt === bib === id = work_kh4ev75fezgrjkmt6rwf4623um author = Daniel Alves title = Guest Editor's Introduction: Digital Methods and Tools for Historical Research date = 2014 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5634 sentences = 303 flesch = 48 summary = Keywords: history, research methods, digital technology, digital texts, ideas and discussions which arose during a seminar on digital methods and tools to digital technology seemed to be a natural evolution of history as a subject.7 history and digital technology, in what we could call a textual turn in the field what way digital technology could help the historian's work and turn it into better a digital age, ranging from research tools and methods to web archiving, as to digital technology in historical research, based both on the textual nature of D. Alves,DigitalMethodsandTools forHistoricalResearch,, last accessed 30 July 2013. Digital Methods and Tools for Historical Research Digital Methods and Tools for Historical Research Digital Methods and Tools for Historical Research Digital Methods and Tools for Historical Research Digital Methods and Tools for Historical Research Digital Methods and Tools for Historical Research Ayers, 'The Pasts and Futures of Digital History', 1999, http://www.vcdh.virginia. cache = ./cache/work_kh4ev75fezgrjkmt6rwf4623um.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kh4ev75fezgrjkmt6rwf4623um.txt === bib === id = work_4dj4z77x55bbdgfvnbthd7gmdy author = ISPF-LAB title = Questo numero / This Issue date = 2014 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1570 sentences = 161 flesch = 61 summary = nostra rivista, che risponde in questo caso anche ad una lieta occasione esteriore, cioè l'avvio di una nuova collaborazione tra l'ISPF e la «Fondazione Pietro Piovani per gli studi vichiani», nella cui preziosa Collectio viciana è stato selezionato l'esemplare qui riprodotto. «Centro di studi vichiani» da lui fondato, e che adesso vive anche nel progetto digitalizzazione per il Portale Vico dei fondi storici della biblioteca dell'Istituto, presidente, Fulvio Tessitore, in passato anche direttore del «Centro di studi «Quaderni del Lab»2, che ha visto quest'anno la pubblicazione dell'edizione Accanto a queste e ad altre attività nel campo della storia del pensiero, l'ISPF ha dato seguito ai lavori dell'«Osservatorio sui saperi umanistici» con un forma di online first, nel fascicolo del prossimo anno): in particolare due articoli di Andrea Battistini e di Dario Generali, che colgono l'occasione della nuova edizione di A. un'anticipazione del volume The Digital Humanist. The same inspiration animates the ISPF's digital library project. cache = ./cache/work_4dj4z77x55bbdgfvnbthd7gmdy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4dj4z77x55bbdgfvnbthd7gmdy.txt === bib === id = work_4hmgvvbpnzh3zhhnaaqgqbb2m4 author = Jeffrey S. Reznick title = Reflections date = 2016 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 26 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 219162327 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:28:47 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_4hmgvvbpnzh3zhhnaaqgqbb2m4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4hmgvvbpnzh3zhhnaaqgqbb2m4.txt === bib === id = work_3mandpkqi5gtxkwlowj2uubdy4 author = Nancy Maron title = Sustaining the Digital Humanities: Host Institution Support Beyond the Start Up Phase date = 2017 pages = 11 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4051 sentences = 252 flesch = 48 summary = final report, entitled Sustaining the Digital Humanities: Host Institution Support beyond the Ithaka S+R: Sustaining the Digital Humanities: Lessons Learned (NEH white paper) 10 / 10 Ithaka S+R: Sustaining the Digital Humanities: Lessons Learned (NEH white paper) 10 / 10 Ithaka S+R: Sustaining the Digital Humanities: Lessons Learned (NEH white paper) 10 / 10 Ithaka S+R: Sustaining the Digital Humanities: Lessons Learned (NEH white paper) 10 / 10 Ithaka S+R: Sustaining the Digital Humanities: Lessons Learned (NEH white paper) 10 / 10 Ithaka S+R: Sustaining the Digital Humanities: Lessons Learned (NEH white paper) 10 / 10 Ithaka S+R: Sustaining the Digital Humanities: Lessons Learned (NEH white paper) 10 / 10 Ithaka S+R: Sustaining the Digital Humanities: Lessons Learned (NEH white paper) 10 / 10 Ithaka S+R: Sustaining the Digital Humanities: Lessons Learned (NEH white paper) 10 / 10  Sustaining the Digital Humanities: Host Institution Support beyond the Start-Up Phase cache = ./cache/work_3mandpkqi5gtxkwlowj2uubdy4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3mandpkqi5gtxkwlowj2uubdy4.txt === bib === id = work_yy33htla7jbxzmyryg273oizbq author = Trevor Owens title = Digital sources and digital archives: historical evidence in the digital age date = 2020 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 1374 sentences = 231 flesch = 48 summary = Digital sources and digital archives: historical evidence in the digital age | SpringerLink International Journal of Digital Humanities Disrespect des Fonds: Rethinking arrangement and description in born-digital archives archive journal issue 3. Retrieved from Retrieved from Virginia: Arlington Retrieved from Retrieved August 7, 2015, from Dougherty (Eds.), Writing history in the digital age. University of Michigan Press Retrieved from Retrieved August 8, 2015, from Between archive and participation: Public memory in a digital age. Documenting the Now. The Changing Landscape of Digital Access: Public-Private Partnerships in US State and Territorial Archives. Digital copies and a distributed notion of reference in personal archives. Retrieved December 4, 2018, from New York: Oxford University Press. Where material book culture meets digital humanities. Journal of Digital Humanities, 1(3). Retrieved from Digital sources and digital archives: historical evidence in the digital age. Digital history cache = ./cache/work_yy33htla7jbxzmyryg273oizbq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_yy33htla7jbxzmyryg273oizbq.txt === bib === id = work_hfzicxtgw5bjdlonq4stxl2atu author = Veerle Vanden Daelen title = Data Sharing, Holocaust Documentation and the Digital Humanities: Introducing the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) date = 2019 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2926 sentences = 169 flesch = 49 summary = EHRI provides online access to information about dispersed sources relating to the Holocaust researchers, the general public and data managers/archivists ( The EHRI portal offers information on 57 countries, descriptions on 1,939 archival of EHRI's research on the country, to an inventory of institutions which preserve Holocaustrelevant sources within these countries, to top-level collection descriptions (be it record groups, For those who send in sample data that did not provide valid EAD, the EHRI project has equally on the portal or website of the collection-holding institution or on other project's V. Vanden Daelen – Data Sharing, Holocaust Documentation and the Digital Humanities: V. Vanden Daelen – Data Sharing, Holocaust Documentation and the Digital Humanities: V. Vanden Daelen – Data Sharing, Holocaust Documentation and the Digital Humanities: V. Vanden Daelen – Data Sharing, Holocaust Documentation and the Digital Humanities: V. Vanden Daelen – Data Sharing, Holocaust Documentation and the Digital Humanities: cache = ./cache/work_hfzicxtgw5bjdlonq4stxl2atu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hfzicxtgw5bjdlonq4stxl2atu.txt === bib === id = work_kcq2aejpl5dmlaeyqgeehvet4a author = John Bradley title = Exploring a model for the semantics of medieval legal charters date = 2017 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8256 sentences = 406 flesch = 56 summary = which the structured data model thus derived differs from text-oriented approaches such as Keywords: prosopography, structured historical data, medieval legal charters, prosopographies, and prosopography is an activity that by its very nature connects texts to 'objectsin-the-world' outside the charter texts: the historical people. kind of charters, the figure 3 diagram describes aspects of the Charlemagne database structure they connect material in the text to the world entities of people, places, dates, and so on, they have think about the objects-in-the-world that these charter texts claim to represent. would require a more complex structure than the charter-text-plus-markup that CEI provides by itself, since the world entities exist outside of any particular piece of charter text. entities like people or places in these medieval charter texts – definitely a useful venture in entities arising from a historical sense of the medieval world than charter text markup generally cache = ./cache/work_kcq2aejpl5dmlaeyqgeehvet4a.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kcq2aejpl5dmlaeyqgeehvet4a.txt === bib === id = work_uwnh7anupvgenjenhnovfopdiu author = Matthew G. Kirschenbaum title = What Is Digital Humanities and What's It Doing in English Departments? date = 2010 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3847 sentences = 282 flesch = 57 summary = book series), topics in the Digital humanities, from the University of Illinois Press. The University of Victoria hosts the annual Digital humanities Summer Institute to train new scholars. by Stéfan Sinclair to mine the proceedings from the annual Digital humanities conference and develop lists of topic frequencies or collocate key terms or visualize the University of Maryland, where I serve as an associate director at the Maryland Institute for technology in the humanities, we support work from "Shakespeare to Digital humanities was also (you may have heard) big news at the 2009 MLa annual Convention in Philadelphia. devoted to the digital humanities at the MLa convention, and one could (and did) So what is digital humanities and what is it doing in En glish departments? "What's in a Name: NEh and 'Digital humanities.'" Message to the author. "The MLa and the Digital humanities." Chronicle of Higher Education. cache = ./cache/work_uwnh7anupvgenjenhnovfopdiu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_uwnh7anupvgenjenhnovfopdiu.txt === bib === id = work_nukeyhq6rvcihcvyt2lktwaw2m author = Yusuke Nakamura title = Designing Research for Monitoring Humanities-based Interdisciplinary Studies: A Case of Cultural Resources Studies (Bunkashigengaku 文化資源学) in Japan date = 2017 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 489 sentences = 84 flesch = 57 summary = Designing Research for Monitoring Humanities-based Interdisciplinary Studies: A Case of Cultural Resources Studies (Bunkashigengaku 文化資源学) in Japan | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 51990493Designing Research for Monitoring Humanities-based Interdisciplinary Studies: A Case of Cultural Resources Studies (Bunkashigengaku 文化資源学) in Japan title={Designing Research for Monitoring Humanities-based Interdisciplinary Studies: A Case of Cultural Resources Studies (Bunkashigengaku 文化資源学) in Japan}, Suzuki and Katsuya Masuda and Hideki Mima}, The present paper aims at designing a monitoring framework for a yet new interdisciplinary research and education program in Japan, "Cultural Resources Studies.", "Bunkashigengaku" in Japanese. Fast search of art culture resources based on big data and cuckoo algorithm View 1 excerpt, references methods View 1 excerpt, references background Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License cache = ./cache/work_nukeyhq6rvcihcvyt2lktwaw2m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_nukeyhq6rvcihcvyt2lktwaw2m.txt === bib === id = work_ogmd4khudnaf3lv6cszd243bvm author = Sinem Kuz title = Mirror Neuronsand Human-robot Interaction in Assembly Cells date = 2015 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3242 sentences = 283 flesch = 51 summary = virtual gantry robot and a digital human model during placing movements were designed to use in the functional magnetic anthropomorphism, in particular in motion behavior of a gantry robot in comparison to a digital human model, on To measure the brain activity, videos of a virtual gantry robot and a digital human model human mirror neuron activation during observation of robotic actions and had controversial discussions about the anthropomorphic movement control of a virtual gantry robot relates to increased brain activations in MNS in different videos of the human model and eight of the virtual gantry robot. Fig. 3.The digital human model (left) and the virtual gantry robot (right). In summary, the imaging data show that observation of both anthropomorphic and robotic movements is process Fig. 5.Brain activation during observation of anthropomorphic (A) and of robotic movements (B). The anthropomorphic brain: The mirror neuron system responds to human and robotic actions. cache = ./cache/work_ogmd4khudnaf3lv6cszd243bvm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ogmd4khudnaf3lv6cszd243bvm.txt === bib === id = work_2shljhr72nftlgqf5gozy53zfi author = Ted Sicker title = Digital Humanities for Lifelong Learners date = 2017 pages = 41 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7429 sentences = 804 flesch = 58 summary = best to use public media's archive of humanities programming to create a robust library proposed new initiative targeting lifelong learning by older populations. Online Courses, Videos University of the Third Age Self, in England/free Library, Hebrew Senior Life, and Osher Lifelong Learning Institute for an initial about existing lifelong learning programs and, specifically, media-based approaches to facilities, lifelong learning organizations, public media archives, and academia, as well as project, offering curated access to public media archives, and that individuals beyond the existing educational programs for seniors, particularly those in lifelong learning centers, Reading Room, providing online access to nearly 12,000 of the digitized content for This extraordinary material includes national and local news and public affairs programs, public media organizations (e.g., uploading the content directly from archives); The content for the Lifelong Learning platform is expected to come from public media and/or from other humanities libraries that have video or audio content. humanities!libraries!to!deliver!online,!media@based!experiences!to!seniors!throughout!the! cache = ./cache/work_2shljhr72nftlgqf5gozy53zfi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2shljhr72nftlgqf5gozy53zfi.txt === bib === id = work_ayykq6wo5vh35eywdqi5mb77fm author = Daniel Alves title = Exploring Literary Landscapes: From Texts to Spatiotemporal Analysis through Collaborative Work and GIS date = 2015 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6537 sentences = 468 flesch = 50 summary = Portugal, an on-going project that aims to study literary representations with collaborative work, relational databases, and geographic information the LITESCAPE.PT project: a case study documenting the evolving literary Keywords: Portuguese literature, interdisciplinary research, collaborative work, in a social medium'.3 Given the wide-ranging implications of such meaningmaking activities, it comes as little surprise that studying literary representations For cultural geographers, the interdisciplinary study of literary texts is useful examine how literary representations of Portugal's landscapes have changed Quantitative digital methods are useful for working with large amounts of data. similarities with other digital literary mapping project around the globe.25 But In this case study, the researchers created a lupine corpus containing literary In order to study the literary representation of wolves, these timestamps were then compared with other three time periods extrapolated from the Academia would benefit from more research projects working from texts to I. Queiroz, 'Studying Urban Space and Literary Representations Using cache = ./cache/work_ayykq6wo5vh35eywdqi5mb77fm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ayykq6wo5vh35eywdqi5mb77fm.txt === bib === id = work_zavmfv6apjdblhnspmsujd2uxq author = Stephen Brier title = History, Interactive Technology and Pedagogy: Past Successes and Future Directions date = 2012 pages = 21 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7880 sentences = 472 flesch = 49 summary = and formats, including open-access, online peer reviewing, use of databases and visualization techniques in humanities work, online journal the CUNY Graduate Center, the author discusses a range of digital projects and approaches designed to improve the quality of teaching and to re-imagine and enhance traditional academic work and publishing, as such technologies already have in the quantitative social JSTOR project, founded in 1995, which made more than one thousand traditional print academic journals available online, was but the lead-times that typically define the entire academic journal submission-peer review-editing-publication process, Cohen noted that he The journal grows out of the work of the doctoral certificate program in Interactive Technology and Pedagogy7 that I questions — How might technology affect the ways historians conduct our research work, teach history to our students, and, finally, skills in digital technology and pedagogy into both traditional academic positions in universities and colleges around the country, as cache = ./cache/work_zavmfv6apjdblhnspmsujd2uxq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_zavmfv6apjdblhnspmsujd2uxq.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_ge4v2fbe3naqpivqnw56pl3h4m author = Penesta Dika title = Review of Oliver Grau, Janina Hoth, & Eveline Wandl-Vogt (Eds.) (2019). Digital Art through the Looking Glass: New strategies for archiving, collecting and preserving in digital humanities date = 2020 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 611 sentences = 109 flesch = 55 summary = Digital Art through the Looking Glass: New strategies for archiving, collecting and preserving in digital humanities | SpringerLink This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. 2.See art, museums and digital archives. Postdigital Science and Education, 1(1), 163–189. Postdigital Science and Education, 1(1), 163–189. Postdigital Science and Education, 1(1), 163–189. Wired, (12 January) Review of Oliver Grau, Janina Hoth, & Eveline Wandl-Vogt (Eds.) (2019). Review of Oliver Grau, Janina Hoth, & Eveline Wandl-Vogt (Eds.) (2019). Review of Oliver Grau, Janina Hoth, & Eveline Wandl-Vogt (Eds.) (2019). Digital Art through the Looking Glass: New strategies for archiving, collecting and preserving in digital humanities. Digital Art through the Looking Glass: New strategies for archiving, collecting and preserving in digital humanities. Digital Art through the Looking Glass: New strategies for archiving, collecting and preserving in digital humanities. Instant access to the full article PDF. Instant access to the full article PDF. cache = ./cache/work_ge4v2fbe3naqpivqnw56pl3h4m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ge4v2fbe3naqpivqnw56pl3h4m.txt === bib === id = work_trhxmq4idfhevgzqxra6glbq4i author = Amy E. Earhart title = The Digital Edition and the Digital Humanities date = 2012 pages = 11 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4621 sentences = 308 flesch = 54 summary = The legacy of early digital editions and their related scholarship reveals the textual foundation of digital literary studies, a foundation that emphasized form and materiality, in effect textual materials, often in print book form, rather than an expansive and fragmented representation of text, as is increasingly the case with data-based practices. Even the most traditional textual scholars recognized the need to confront the digital, whether to embrace, to alter, or to reject the new technology. related scholarship reveals the textual foundation of digital literary studies, a foundation that emphasized form and materiality. one of the editors of the Blake Archive, similarly sees the digital environment as a way to resolve problems found in a traditional print edition. textual studies are central to digital humanities work. textual studies a central pillar of digital humanities work. editing and digital humanities reminiscent of the textual studies wars of cache = ./cache/work_trhxmq4idfhevgzqxra6glbq4i.pdf txt = ./txt/work_trhxmq4idfhevgzqxra6glbq4i.txt === bib === id = work_uglloq4xjbfhvcvy47osjaixvi author = Patricia Pui Yue Lee title = Challenges Of Scientific Communication And Dilemmas Of An Information-Communicational Consumer Society: Regimes Of Visibility In The Communication Domain, Technical Objects And Control Devices date = 2018 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 996 sentences = 160 flesch = 56 summary = It can be inferred that an informationcommunicational production, in this capital form of expression and control. information-communicational consumer society: regimes of visibility in the communication domain, technical objects and control devices University of Rio de Janeiro / Faculty of Information Science Timeline with authors who discuss society and its control devices, the process of "individuation" and technical objects . control devices, the process (4) Technical Objects/Control Devices The study consists of qualitative of control and its devices, such as: (1) challenges of information science from act as part of one power and knowledge informational capital through its control devices, artifacts and technical objects to support the society of control. Therefore, as a research objective, us to think about digital humanities role (com Michel Foucault) In _________. Understanding media: the Association Française pour L'Avancement des sur le livre – théorie et pratique, 1 vol. Paul Otlet (1868-1944) Vannevar Bush (1890-1974) Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980) cache = ./cache/work_uglloq4xjbfhvcvy47osjaixvi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_uglloq4xjbfhvcvy47osjaixvi.txt === bib === id = work_rakqdcyqxvdnzp7tgt5x4z36ka author = Caroline T. Schroeder title = The Digital Humanities as Cultural Capital: Implications for Biblical and Religious Studies date = 2016 pages = 29 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9247 sentences = 779 flesch = 52 summary = Keywords: Digital Humanities, cultural capital, Biblical Studies, encoding, manuscripts, text, marginalia, markup, Religious Studies, canon, annotation, theory Biblical Studies to be marginal to the Digital Humanities when DH is increasingly seen Studies to be marginal to the Digital Humanities when DH is a field positioning itself as In the Digital Humanities, this marginalization of Coptic and other rare languages is even In the world of Digital Humanities, one of the major standards for annotation and So, what does this have to do with Digital Humanities and Biblical Studies? The most visible cultural capital in the Digital Humanities are the standards, One example of the digital symbolic capital is the Text Encoding Initiative institutions with Digital Humanities Centers thus have cultural capital in academia. The Digital Humanities as Cultural Capital: Implications for Biblical and Religious Studies Part 4: Digital Humanities as Cultural Capital Part 4: Digital Humanities as Cultural Capital cache = ./cache/work_rakqdcyqxvdnzp7tgt5x4z36ka.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rakqdcyqxvdnzp7tgt5x4z36ka.txt === bib === id = work_ghhuhx2om5grtncgc72zosmaz4 author = Gimena Rio Riande title = EVI-LINHD. A Virtual Research Environment for the Spanish-speaking Community date = 2019 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1274 sentences = 135 flesch = 44 summary = del Rio Riande, G., González-Blanco García, E., Martínez Cantón, C., Escribano, J. Virtual Research Environment for the Spanish-speaking Community. Virtual Research Environment for the Spanish-speaking Community. field is looking for a global outreach and aims to open spaces of shared virtual work. Virtual Research Environments (VREs) have become central objects for digital humanist community, as they This poster presents the structure and design of the VRE of LINHD, the Digital Innovation Lab at UNED ( the possibilities of a collaborative environment for (profane or advanced) Spanish-speakers scholarly digital profile and training in digital humanities differ from the typical users of DH tools and environment. data, tools and projects, work and publish them and share the results with the research community. studied the structure and components of other digital virtual environment, our VRE has been designed on a Virtual research environments in scholarly work and communications, Library Hi Tech, 27(2): cache = ./cache/work_ghhuhx2om5grtncgc72zosmaz4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ghhuhx2om5grtncgc72zosmaz4.txt === bib === id = work_r3gqn7chvzcndpaql2ttvdhwza author = Dong-Joon Kim title = Application of Digital Human Modeling for Design of Yacht date = 2013 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2996 sentences = 756 flesch = 93 summary = ergonomic principles for improving working conditions and environments in Digital Human Model. Keywords: Digital Human Modeling, Sailing yacht, Ergonomic design, Posture analysis, Workload 요트의 Digital Human Modeling을 위해서 먼저 Rhino 3D 크루의 작업 자세를 Task analysis toolkit의 인간공학적 Human Modeling of working posture of crews (OWAS, RULA, Lower Back Analysis) (OWAS, RULA, Lower Back Analysis) (OWAS, RULA, Lower Back Analysis) (OWAS, RULA, Lower Back Analysis) 31 Application of Digital Human Modeling for Design of Yacht 479 31 Application of Digital Human Modeling for Design of Yacht 479 480 Dong‐Joon Kim · Chan Gil Ko · Yujeong Lee · Seong Rok Chang J Ergon Soc Korea 480 Dong‐Joon Kim · Chan Gil Ko · Yujeong Lee · Seong Rok Chang J Ergon Soc Korea 480 Dong‐Joon Kim · Chan Gil Ko · Yujeong Lee · Seong Rok Chang J Ergon Soc Korea of Work using Digital Human Modeling", Journal of the Korean cache = ./cache/work_r3gqn7chvzcndpaql2ttvdhwza.pdf txt = ./txt/work_r3gqn7chvzcndpaql2ttvdhwza.txt === bib === id = work_tztwl73tizfdzgq7flel2uw2gm author = Michelle Chesner title = JS/DH: An Introduction to Jewish Studies/ Digital Humanities Resources date = 2017 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1685 sentences = 133 flesch = 47 summary = "JS/DH: An Introduction to Jewish Studies/ Digital Humanities Resources." Judaica Librarianship 20: resources, Judaica Librarianship will be premiering this new column to evaluate digital projects. 1 A new column reviewing digital humanities projects in the field of Jewish Studies. populated by a form (hosted at that still receives submissions. digital technology to allow new kinds of research in Jewish Studies. The European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) is an aggregation project as well, gathering and providing access to resources on the Holocaust, but it also sponsors workshops, symposia, and other events to build a community of scholars around the study of the Holocaust. Other kinds of digital humanities projects include text-based initiatives, like Poetrans, the index JS/DH: An Introduction to Jewish Studies/ Digital Humanities Resources JS/DH: An Introduction to Jewish Studies/ Digital Humanities Resources JS/DH: An Introduction to Jewish Studies/ Digital Humanities Resources cache = ./cache/work_tztwl73tizfdzgq7flel2uw2gm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_tztwl73tizfdzgq7flel2uw2gm.txt === bib === id = work_vk3og5ptq5fphod6kgz6rnkfce author = Corinne Rogers title = From time theft to time stamps: mapping the development of digital forensics from law enforcement to archival authority date = 2019 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7852 sentences = 600 flesch = 40 summary = science and digital forensics evolved out of practice and grew into established professional disciplines by developing theoretical foundations, which then returned to inform the development of digital forensics from practice to theory and presents the parallels The following review of predominantly nontechnical literature endeavors to understand the genesis and evolution of digital forensics as law enforcement practice and academic discipline in order to explore parallels Digital forensics and archival science both have roots in law. Digital forensics developed in response to the needs of law enforcement to investigate computer crime. from an integration of archival diplomatics,1 digital forensics, and the law of evidence records (archival focus) and evidence (digital forensics focus) in digital systems, Digital forensic evidence examination. From time theft to time stamps: mapping the development of digital forensics from law enforcement to archival authority From time theft to time stamps: mapping the development of digital forensics from law enforcement to archival authority cache = ./cache/work_vk3og5ptq5fphod6kgz6rnkfce.pdf txt = ./txt/work_vk3og5ptq5fphod6kgz6rnkfce.txt === bib === id = work_otqnwzi5knbwhcepwmq56wy6ry author = Valentina Rossi title = Digital Humanities e moda date = 2020 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9254 sentences = 1465 flesch = 51 summary = nuove tecnologie attraverso appunto l'analisi di alcuni casi studio dai quali emerge un differente approccio alla sfera digitale, caratterizzato dalla struttura della piattaforma, dall'elaborazione di contenuti fruibili e condivisibili per differenti tipi di utenti, dalla selezione del materiale archivistico, ai collegamenti di digitalizzazione di archivi aziendali come quello di Gianfranco Ferrè, il secondo capitolo è interamente dedicato a CSAC, l'archivio-museo dell'Università di Parma fondato da Arturo Carlo Quintavalle modello collaborativo tra diverse discipline emerge in modo chiaro nella prima parte del volume di Numerico, Fiormonte e Tomasi, ed è evidente anche nei pensieri di Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider che nel Oltre al vasto progetto di digitalizzazione dell'archivio, negli ultimi anni CSAC ha svolto importanti attività di promozione, valorizzazione e conservazione attraverso ricerche in ambito di Digital Humanities. Nel2021siconcluderàilmioprogettodiricerca"Mostrevirtualievalorizzazionedelpatrimonioculturale: il design italiano" che parte da una riflessione teorica sul ruolo dell'archivio, del museo e delle Digital cache = ./cache/work_otqnwzi5knbwhcepwmq56wy6ry.pdf txt = ./txt/work_otqnwzi5knbwhcepwmq56wy6ry.txt === bib === id = work_dplcocllrbdozp4rl4pm7p4ssu author = M. Kirschenbaum title = What Is "Digital Humanities," and Why Are They Saying Such Terrible Things about It? date = 2014 pages = 18 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7975 sentences = 507 flesch = 54 summary = digital humanities has emerged as 'the next big thing' at the same moment "terrible" things about digital humanities at this particular moment, a particulars to place two sets of facts before us: one, that digital humanities, history of academic disciplines think digital humanities is in any way deployments of the "digital humanities" construct. between critiques of "digital humanities" as such and those addressed to around "digital humanities," much as Morozov insists on "the Internet") Moreover, critiques of "digital humanities" can Alan Liu's essay "The Meaning of the Digital Humanities" in the March 2013 reading (if you will) of one particular digital humanities project, specifically, a Comment on "Digital Humanities: Two Definitions." "Digital Humanities as/Is a Tactical Term." Gold 415–28. Comment on "Digital Humanities: Two Definitions." Uncomputing. "Where Is Cultural Criticism in the Digital Humanities?" Gold, 2011. "The Dark Side of Digital Humanities--Part 4." Center for 21st Century Studies. Defining Digital Humanities: cache = ./cache/work_dplcocllrbdozp4rl4pm7p4ssu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_dplcocllrbdozp4rl4pm7p4ssu.txt === bib === id = work_2sfmwbbrdfflznayz2scykzqqq author = Charles H. Pence title = How to do digital philosophy of science date = 2018 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5940 sentences = 506 flesch = 60 summary = Philosophy of science is beginning to be expanded via the introduction of new digital growth in available data is matched by the extensive development of automated analysis tools. we survey the state of digital work in the philosophy of science, showing what kinds of questions distant reading-based digital philosophy of science are not in competition. conjunction with digital analysis, performing close reading of key texts will be invaluable. dealt with in order to develop a digital philosophy of science research program. section 4) sets of data are thus likely to be a fruitful use of digital tools. The ability of digital tools to increase the breadth of a research question is also important. consider the currently available tools and corpora of data relevant to the philosophy of science. 5. Integrating digital results into philosophy of science. availability of digital data that might assist us in our research. cache = ./cache/work_2sfmwbbrdfflznayz2scykzqqq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2sfmwbbrdfflznayz2scykzqqq.txt === bib === id = work_efsupyn3jrhhzlgdtqytilaiqq author = Jiri Navratil title = Performing Arts Across the Continents: Our Way to Digital Humanities and Arts date = 2015 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3451 sentences = 296 flesch = 60 summary = Suggested Citation: Navratil, Jiri; Ubik, Sven; Melinkov, Jiri (2015) : Performing Arts Across the Continents: Our Way to Digital Humanities and Arts, In: Proceedings of the ENTRENOVA Arts science using digital technologies and create special infrastructure across audio-visual technologies can enable collaborative work of performing artists when DARIAH-EU (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities). how we were able to use them for different performing art sessions and also for transferring their audio and video as well as the Avatars into a remote site (Korea) in Langweil model of Prague as a spatial representation of the city is a unique work of The first is networking, the second devices for video transmissions and the third visualizations for collaboration in performing arts, and involving other kinds of artistic (accessed May 30th 2015). IIM (2015), "Projects", available at: (accessed MVTP4K (2015), "About us", available at: (accessed May 30th 2015). cache = ./cache/work_efsupyn3jrhhzlgdtqytilaiqq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_efsupyn3jrhhzlgdtqytilaiqq.txt === bib === id = work_cdtzjkypkrhwvm65hjrapmg7ki author = Liang Ma title = Fatigue evaluation in maintenance and assembly operations by digital human simulation in virtual environment date = 2010 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8252 sentences = 1267 flesch = 70 summary = simulated in a theoretical approach on the basis of a fatigue model in which fatigue resistances of different muscle groups were regressed from 24 existing maximum endurance time (MET) models. Keywords Virtual human simulation · muscle fatigue and posture analysis techniques can be integrated into virtual human simulation systems to assess the work efficiency virtual human tools to predict the variable physical strength. First, a virtual human model is introduced into the framework for posture analysis based on kinematic, dynamic, biomechanical, model and fatigue resistance for different muscle groups are Fig. 2 Elbow static strength depending on the human elbow and shoulder joint position, αs, αe [deg] of joint moment strength, a specific aspect of human physical status, has been simulated based on a general fatigue approach to generalize the virtual human simulation and evaluate the physical aspect in continuous static manual handling operations. cache = ./cache/work_cdtzjkypkrhwvm65hjrapmg7ki.pdf txt = ./txt/work_cdtzjkypkrhwvm65hjrapmg7ki.txt === bib === id = work_lew3voushncc3ctvr4wgv5jagq author = Jo Robinson title = Mapping the Moment: a spatio-temporal interface for studying performance culture, Nottingham, 1857–1867 date = 2011 pages = 24 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7897 sentences = 349 flesch = 50 summary = Mapping the Moment: a spatio-temporal interface for studying performance culture, Nottingham, 18571867 Abstract The Mapping the Moment: Performance Culture in Nottingham, 1857–67 project ( is an interdisciplinary collaboration between performance history and geography, which has organised information about the town and its performance culture in ways Keywords: drama, theatre history, performance culture, spatio-temporal The Mapping the Moment: Performance Culture in Nottingham, 1857–67 project This project, while focused closely on Nottingham's performance culture, was of theatre and performance history in other locations, or of cultural and social performance within the town of Nottingham and of enabling the user to identify the 1861 map base, or to see the locations of performances on particular dates, in Given the focus of the project on mapping performance culture across the map in highlighting connections and patterns in Nottingham's performance map-based spatial enquiry to access information about performance, an activity cache = ./cache/work_lew3voushncc3ctvr4wgv5jagq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_lew3voushncc3ctvr4wgv5jagq.txt === bib === id = work_g47ybedbfbcc3hyaxkzfxtrngi author = Pirita Ihamäki title = Digital human experience models for augmented reality mobile wellness devices date = 2015 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 6871 sentences = 234 flesch = 0 summary = Research published in the International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics considers the data retrieval problems for investigators faced with a hard drive that has been submerged in water. cache = ./cache/work_g47ybedbfbcc3hyaxkzfxtrngi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_g47ybedbfbcc3hyaxkzfxtrngi.txt === bib === id = work_bma2bp7brfhebklg5fbvhutz7m author = Kostovicova title = Post-socialist identity, territoriality and European integration: Serbia's return to Europe after Milošević date = 2005 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 269 sentences = 33 flesch = 28 summary = ▶ ▶ Spatially Integrated Social Sciences and Humanities ▶ An interdisciplinary journal devoted to all branches of spatially integrated social sciences and humanities geographical information science, medical and health geography, ▶ Presents research notes, commentaries, reports, and reviews GeoJournal is an international journal devoted to all branches of spatially integrated social sciences and humanities. cutting-edge, innovative, original and timely research from around the world and across the whole spectrum of social sciences and humanities that have an explicit geographical/ Economic and Development Geography Social and Political Geography Health and Medical Geography Environmental Geography and Sustainable Development In addition to research papers GeoJournal publishes reviews as well as shorter articles in the form of research notes, commentaries, and reports. original and substantive contributions to social science and humanities from a On the homepage of GeoJournal at you can ▶ Find submission information cache = ./cache/work_bma2bp7brfhebklg5fbvhutz7m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_bma2bp7brfhebklg5fbvhutz7m.txt === bib === id = work_j673cn2byvd6tkb4hn5if5plky author = Tanya Clement title = Review: The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project date = 2021 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1983 sentences = 132 flesch = 46 summary = The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project (AEMP) is a data visualization, critical cartography, digital and media work in collaboration with a number of tenant organizations, arts collectives, students, In addition to creating tools such as Evictorbook, the AEMP engages in oral history and media work. As a social justice and public interest technology project, the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project (AEMP) project, which the AEMP has developed as a lookup tool that associates eviction data, parcel ownership Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 2, No. 2 Review: The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 2, No. 2 Review: The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 2, No. 2 Review: The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 2, No. 2 Review: The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 2, No. 2 Review: The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project cache = ./cache/work_j673cn2byvd6tkb4hn5if5plky.pdf txt = ./txt/work_j673cn2byvd6tkb4hn5if5plky.txt === bib === id = work_szekl26svfhqlpsd4ynaotamm4 author = Kihyo Jung title = An Estimation Method of Representative Humanoids for Digital Human Simulation date = 2013 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3150 sentences = 699 flesch = 83 summary = Objective: The present study developed an estimation method of boundary zone representative humanoids(hereafter, EBZ method) generates representative humanoids at a boundary zone that statistically accommodates a designated percent of the the first step, the boundary zone of accommodating a designated percent(e.g., 90%) is formed under the assumption of Evaluation results showed that mean accommodation percent of the EBZ method was 90.9%(range: 90.8~91.1%) which is Conclusion: The EBZ method can generate representative humanoids which accommodate a designated percent of the Keywords: Representative humanoid, Digital human simulation, Estimated boundary zone method, Multivariate 는 기법(estimated boundary zone method; 이하, EBZ 기 n: number of anthropometric dimensions; small dot: design target population, large dot: representative humanoids) 6. 30 An Estimation Method of Representative Humanoids for Digital Human Simulation 243 6. 30 An Estimation Method of Representative Humanoids for Digital Human Simulation 243 6. 30 An Estimation Method of Representative Humanoids for Digital Human Simulation 243 cache = ./cache/work_szekl26svfhqlpsd4ynaotamm4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_szekl26svfhqlpsd4ynaotamm4.txt === bib === id = work_lkm3y3osqjhtrhvfpc2cmr6g7m author = Gregory C. Smith title = Digital human designers date = 2015 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 6871 sentences = 234 flesch = 0 summary = Research published in the International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics considers the data retrieval problems for investigators faced with a hard drive that has been submerged in water. cache = ./cache/work_lkm3y3osqjhtrhvfpc2cmr6g7m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_lkm3y3osqjhtrhvfpc2cmr6g7m.txt === bib === id = work_kicxn2icvzh6fowok6ocyfv3b4 author = Yingwei Yan title = Chinese Temple Networks in Southeast Asia: A WebGIS Digital Humanities Platform for the Collaborative Study of the Chinese Diaspora in Southeast Asia date = 2020 pages = 23 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 13816 sentences = 1110 flesch = 60 summary = in Southeast Asia, focusing on networks of Chinese temples and associations extending from WebGIS platforms gathering and linking data on cultural and religious networks across Southeast inscriptions, extensive surveys of Chinese temples and associations, as well as archival and historical Keywords: Chinese temples; clan and regional associations; network relations; WebGIS; collaborative members of Chinese temples in Southeast Asia back on the "home" culture in Putian, China. features of the Chinese temple and trust networks, based on both extensive historical documentation // in order to introduce Southeast Asian data into the field of digital humanities. up a historical GIS of Singapore by developing an ArcGIS website with contemporary base maps, temples and associations in Singapore is linked to the point data in PDF format for users to acquire feature layers about Chinese Temples and clan associations in Singapore are turned on as an example. cache = ./cache/work_kicxn2icvzh6fowok6ocyfv3b4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kicxn2icvzh6fowok6ocyfv3b4.txt === bib === id = work_h372vnzqpjh7zdvdjbzcwakgja author = Tsubasa Maruyama title = Simulation-Based Evaluation of Ease of Wayfinding Using Digital Human and As-Is Environment Models date = 2017 pages = 22 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 13426 sentences = 1303 flesch = 57 summary = Simulation-Based Evaluation of Ease of Wayfinding Using Digital Human and As-Is Environment Models while estimating signage visibility, noticeability, and legibility based on imitated visual perception. Based on the estimated signage visibility, noticeability, and legibility, the wayfinding state of Based on the estimated signage visibility, noticeability, and legibility, the wayfinding state of As shown in the figure, when the simulation is performed, the DHM is set to start walking in the As shown in the figure, when the simulation is performed, the DHM is set to start walking in the DHM walk toward a location indicated by the recognized signage information , . walking trajectory of DHM): (a) Wayfinding simulation on first floor; (b) detection of disorientation walking trajectory of DHM): (a) Wayfinding simulation on first floor; (b) detection of disorientation spot that the proposed ease of wayfinding simulation could detect disorientation spot, where the subjects cache = ./cache/work_h372vnzqpjh7zdvdjbzcwakgja.pdf txt = ./txt/work_h372vnzqpjh7zdvdjbzcwakgja.txt === bib === id = work_rvjijsckzzgdbc53336q2qbzge author = Andreas Fickers title = Editorial Special Issue Audiovisual Data in Digital Humanities date = 2018 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2644 sentences = 163 flesch = 45 summary = This issue of VIEW provides a critical survey of new digital humanities (DH) methods and tools directed toward 1 We define "digital hermeneutics" as the critical and self-reflexive use of digital tools and technologies for the development of new research The ten articles presented in this issue provide a snapshot of current research on audiovisual data within a broad learning in their article, Computer Vision and the Digital Humanities: Adapting Image Processing Algorithms and their article, Maps, Distant Reading and the Internet Movie Database: New Approaches for the Analysis of LargeScale Datasets in Television Studies, Giulia Taurino and Marta Boni explore what digital approaches based on big Researcher as Storyteller: Using Digital Tools for Search and Storytelling with Audio-Visual Materials. Scholarly experiences from working with digital tools also appear in the article, Speech Analytics in Research Based studies, media history and the digital humanities, and recent publications include the co-authored book, Spotify cache = ./cache/work_rvjijsckzzgdbc53336q2qbzge.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rvjijsckzzgdbc53336q2qbzge.txt === bib === id = work_xga75oisv5d2fnzsh6arqwo6wu author = Eric Biagiotti title = Predicting respirator size and fit from 2D images date = 2019 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 365 sentences = 51 flesch = 45 summary = Visit Visit for details of over 420 titles The field of human factors focuses on the human, the interactive systems of people, machines and environments to Special Issues devoted to related human factors modelling and simulation Visit the journal homepage at where you can: • Sign up for our free table of contents new issue alerts via e-mail or RSS • Find out about subscription options, in print, online or as part of a journals collection You can order online at or download an order form from (see ). online trial, please contact • Human factors theory as related to computational models of human • Simulator-based evaluations of human factors • Computer simulation of human • Digital human modelling and simulation • Developments in simulation and virtual environments to address human factors/ergonomics issues • Human performance modelling Human Factors Modelling Human Factors Modelling cache = ./cache/work_xga75oisv5d2fnzsh6arqwo6wu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xga75oisv5d2fnzsh6arqwo6wu.txt === bib === id = work_asoxottesnejraao7uisnuotsy author = Laura Estill title = Digital Humanities' Shakespeare Problem date = 2019 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10275 sentences = 962 flesch = 56 summary = Keywords: digital humanities; Shakespeare; early modern drama; literary canon; English literature; then turn to digital editions to demonstrate how Shakespeare's texts are treated differently from his then turn to digital editions to demonstrate how Shakespeare's texts are treated differently from his Digital humanities projects provide the resources we use to study and teach the early modern digital projects available for teaching and researching the early modern period in order to understand from Shakespeare's world."3 Despite offering a digital humanities project that recognizes and "early English drama." By excluding Shakespeare, Digital Renaissance Editions follows the tradition Even as they undertake important work on early modern drama beyond Shakespeare, the Digital both examples of "deep" digital humanities projects with a focus on Shakespeare. "resources" section of the Internet Shakespeare Edition and the Digital Anthology of Early Modern centrality continues into the digital: online projects about Shakespeare beget new research questions cache = ./cache/work_asoxottesnejraao7uisnuotsy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_asoxottesnejraao7uisnuotsy.txt === bib === id = work_tpoijndkebb6pn3xvtpj534e2e author = Dagmar Schäfer title = What is Local Knowledge? Digital Humanities and Yuan Dynasty Disasters in Imperial China's Local Gazetteers date = 2020 pages = 39 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 28581 sentences = 5772 flesch = 80 summary = Keywords: local gazetteers; historical disasters; mulberry crop failures; digital humanities; Big Data trees as well as grain seedlings.1 One of thousands of reports in China's historical literature, the disasters listed in Dongming's local gazetteer have contributed to narratives of imperial-disaster politics and produce the thick descriptions that Clifford Geertz introduced to anthropology to "gain access to the conceptual world in which [the participants] live."9 In the study of Chinese history, local gazetteers offered an alternative 12While there was no known top-down fanli issued in Song and Yuan, many local gazetteer editors oriented their compilations based on earlier templates or followed up on orders by the central government to In the History of the Yuan and local gazetteers, most disaster reports refer to regions Yuan Dynasty Disasters in Imperial China's Local Gazetteers. Disasters in Dongming: Yuan Bureaucracy in Ming Local Gazetteers Disasters in Dongming: Yuan Bureaucracy in Ming Local Gazetteers cache = ./cache/work_tpoijndkebb6pn3xvtpj534e2e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_tpoijndkebb6pn3xvtpj534e2e.txt === bib === id = work_ai7mlk2lq5htzcv2pmbhjhhgiu author = Dan Gläser title = Ergonomic Assessment for DHM Simulations Facilitated by Sensor Data date = 2016 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2077 sentences = 178 flesch = 59 summary = Ergonomic Assessment for DHM Simulations Facilitated by Sensor Data Up to now, ergonomic assessment within DHM simulations have been mostly limited to static evaluations of reachability INTERACT is a running R&D project, working on the main weak points of DHM software tools. ergonomic assessments, including process oriented standards like EAWS, OCRA and NIOSH lifting index. ergonomic assessment within digital human models. Keywords: Ergonomic assessment for DHM simulations facilitated by sensor data environment of process planning for manual work tasks, of ergonomic assessment methods into DHM software assessment methods EAWS, NIOSH lifting index and The Ergonomic Assessment Work Sheet (EAWS) [1] three ergonomic assessment tools, which are part of the The result of the assessment – the lifting indexdisplays the quotient between the handled load and a modules posture, action forces, load handling and extra lifting index will be available as automatic assessment With the automatic assessment with the three process oriented ergonomic assessment tools EAWS, NIOSH cache = ./cache/work_ai7mlk2lq5htzcv2pmbhjhhgiu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ai7mlk2lq5htzcv2pmbhjhhgiu.txt === bib === id = work_x4hecjvktja2dl6nd3ao26vc6e author = Ana Rodriguez Granell title = Editorial: The impact of technology on certain historiographic issues date = 2019 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 559 sentences = 115 flesch = 57 summary = ##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.accessible_menu.main_navigation## Editorial Policies Artnodes is an e-journal promoted by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya which analyses the intersections between Art, Science and Technology. No 27 (2021): Node 27 «Arts in the Time of Pandemic» (Guest Editors: Laura Benítez & Erich Berger) Arts in the Time of Pandemic (Guest Editors: L. Laura Benítez Valero, Erich Berger Staying in Touch: case study of artistic research during the COVID-19 lock-down A Case Study of Artistic Research during the COVID-19 Lockdown Imaginations of the evolution of bodies: Notes on the relationships between plants and humans PDF (Castellano) PDF (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) Discourses on artistic research in Flanders: non-scholarly perspectives on re-search in the arts By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. cache = ./cache/work_x4hecjvktja2dl6nd3ao26vc6e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_x4hecjvktja2dl6nd3ao26vc6e.txt === bib === id = work_knszd744brbb3ki6jscn5plmka author = Leonor Álvarez Francés title = Digital humanities: als een fraai essay date = 2017 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xhtml+xml words = 170 sentences = 35 flesch = 52 summary = Digital humanities: als een fraai essay | Scholarly Publications Skip to main content Leiden University Scholarly Publications Home Submit Select Collection Academic speeches Dissertations Faculty of Archaeology Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Science Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences Leiden Journals, Conference Proceedings and Books Leiden Law School Leiden University Press Medicine / Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) Research output UL Search box Persistent URL of this record Documents Download Als een fraai essay Not Applicable (or Unknown) open access Full text at publishers site In Collections In Collections In Collections This item can be found in the following collections: Institute for History Digital humanities: als een fraai essay Article / Letter to editor All authors Alvarez Francés, L. Alvarez Francés, L. Date Journal Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis Volume DOI doi:10.5117/TVGESCH2017.2.FRAN ©2020-2021 Leiden University A service provided by Leiden University Libraries Digital Collections cache = ./cache/work_knszd744brbb3ki6jscn5plmka.pdf txt = ./txt/work_knszd744brbb3ki6jscn5plmka.txt === bib === id = work_kk3p6xficzbppks7gmpirllie4 author = Antoine Doucet title = NewsEye: A digital investigator for historical newspapers date = 2020 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 682 sentences = 43 flesch = 38 summary = NewsEye: A digital investigator undertaking that involves 3 European national libraries, 4 humanities and social science capability to access, analyze and use the content in the digital libraries of historical consisting of two main layers, as well as novel research results on several topics and in In details, the first layer of the NewsEye toolbox focuses on tools to improve and enrich dynamic text analysis tools interacting with respect to user activities: contextualized topic Within the project, several digital humanities case studies are led, with the aim to guide the of novel research in digital humanities. impact in the fields of historical research and digital humanities by combining knowledge It is essential to understand that the NewsEye research topics and datasets are showcases, In fact, NewsEye is both open to further research cases to be [1] NewsEye project Website in 4 languages: [de] [en] [fi] [fr] [4] NewsEye project publications and data sets: cache = ./cache/work_kk3p6xficzbppks7gmpirllie4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kk3p6xficzbppks7gmpirllie4.txt === bib === id = work_kivs52cuyvej5grydw5clsbgoi author = Jeffrey C Alexander title = Measuring, counting, interpreting: Our debate on methods continues date = 2015 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 491 sentences = 33 flesch = 38 summary = Measuring, counting, interpreting: American Journal of Cultural Sociology (2015) 3, 309–310. Why can't cultural sociology be a science? Cultural Sociology, which reaches an unprecedented level of theoretical papers Isaac Reed and I edited from the conference, Meaning and Method Biernacki subsequently published Reinventing Evidence in Social Inquiry (2012), which, along with Reed's Interpretation and Social Knowledge (2011), launched a new Methodenstreit in American interpretive sociology, discussions of cultural method in decades, building upon and going well Biernacki defended subjectivity in cultural interpretation. aim in their opening salvo, 'Coding, Counting, and Cultural Cartography,' argument for quantitative method in cultural analysis was Lee and Martin's themselves theorists and practitioners of cultural-sociological methods at the 310 © 2015 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 2049-7113 American Journal of Cultural Sociology Vol. 3, 3, 309–310 310 © 2015 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 2049-7113 American Journal of Cultural Sociology Vol. 3, 3, 309–310 Measuring, counting, interpreting: Our debate on methods continues cache = ./cache/work_kivs52cuyvej5grydw5clsbgoi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kivs52cuyvej5grydw5clsbgoi.txt === bib === id = work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oq author = P. Juola title = Killer Applications in Digital Humanities date = 2007 pages = 18 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7806 sentences = 433 flesch = 55 summary = this research, by focusing on the identification and development of "killer" applications (apps), computer applications that solve significant problems in the [P]ersonal experience shows that it was extremely hard to convince traditional scholars in Oxford of the value of humanities computing research. should be in a unique position both to identify the needs of mainstream humanities scholars and to suggest computational solutions that the mainstream treated in some respects like the computational quest for the "killer application" – a need of the user group that can be filled, and by filling it, create an Every humanities scholar needs such a tool. • develop standards and best practices for digital humanities (Research and • work with a colleague on a digital humanities project (Collaborative Research Grants) "Why?" Why should scholars in the digital humanities try to develop this digital scholars will be able to speak to the developers about what is needed, cache = ./cache/work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oq.txt === bib === id = work_wot2faeuujed5fkullft7wyewa author = Amelie Dorn title = Uncertain Spaces, Uncertain Places. Dealing with Geographic Information in Digital Humanities: The Example of a Language Legacy Dataset date = 2020 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5092 sentences = 563 flesch = 54 summary = discusses various known and unknown uncertainties of spatial aspects contained in a nonstandard German language legacy dataset (DBÖ) that has undergone several stages of of uncertainties, exemplified by applying it to the spatial information contained in the DBÖ, Digital Humanities, spatial uncertainty, taxonomy, historic collections Temporal uncertainties are often associated with spatial data, as pointed Uncertainty in data pertaining to Geographic Information language collection that contains other aspects of information, such as geographical and spatial include novel aspects found in our data, developing our own taxonomy of uncertainties (Rocha Common to long data transformation and conversion processes, uncertainties have been both As commonly occurs in long data transformation and conversion processes, uncertainties have context, the dbo@ema project (Wandl-Vogt et al., 2008), for the first time, enabled the georeferencing of all data and its immediate publication in a map, making available interlinked Models of uncertainty in spatial data. Approaches to Uncertainty in Spatial Data. cache = ./cache/work_wot2faeuujed5fkullft7wyewa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wot2faeuujed5fkullft7wyewa.txt === bib === id = work_wgoxcs463jdqfiya2dkxsgcik4 author = Von Elena Agazzi title = Zwischen Transdisziplinarität und Transkulturalität. Ein Versuch, Herder im Zeitalter der ,Digital Humanities' zu interpretieren date = 2020 pages = 19 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7033 sentences = 1354 flesch = 66 summary = zum Begriff der „Humanität", der als der Leitgedanke seiner Schriften anzusehen ist, der – aus Herders Sicht – nicht von der Möglichkeit des Menschen 1 Johann Gottfried Herder: Haben wir noch jetzt das Publikum und Vaterland der Alten? 2 Johann Gottfried Herder, Wie die Philosophie zum Besten des Volks allgemeiner und Dem bisher Gesagten sei noch eine abschließende Bemerkung zu den Gründen für die Befürwortung einer Neubewertung zu Herders Aus diesem Grund stellt sich hier die Frage nach der Notwendigkeit und Die Rezension Kants zu den Ideen von Herder war in der Jenaer „Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung", die „Menschheit" und die „Humanität"20 den Kern seiner Ausführungen darstellen, sondern auch, weil seine Vorstellung, mit der er die Rolle des Menschen eine, der den Imperialismus, Kolonialismus und die Diskriminierung zwischen dass die Interpolation literarischer Erzählung und Historie, von der Herder Modernität eines Autors, der immer auf die Effekte von „Verjüngung" und cache = ./cache/work_wgoxcs463jdqfiya2dkxsgcik4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wgoxcs463jdqfiya2dkxsgcik4.txt === bib === id = work_xe7nfcf7krednl3rd2iu55jkqa author = Roopika Risam title = Diasporizing the Digital Humanities date = 2016 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1599 sentences = 134 flesch = 45 summary = Roopika Risam, Salem State University access to financial resources, data, and labor (Prescott 2016; Hockey 2016; Evans and Rees 2012). In response, how can digital humanities scholars find value in work undertaken at a small scale? small-scale digital humanities projects while working digital humanities praxis (Minimal Computing Working Group 2015). does not require digital humanities centers, big data, At Salem State, we have embraced micro digital for claiming the legitimacy of small-scale digital humanities. university resources and existing institutional structures to build a digital humanities community. the primacy of local resources in micro digital humanities. a small-scale digital humanities project over the These micro digital humanities practices have been the foundation of the digital humanities community at the university. Beyond the Digital Humanities Center: Micro DH: Digital Humanities at the Small Scale Micro DH: Digital Humanities at the Small Scale Micro DH: Digital Humanities at the Small Scale cache = ./cache/work_xe7nfcf7krednl3rd2iu55jkqa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xe7nfcf7krednl3rd2iu55jkqa.txt === bib === id = work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asym author = Andrew Lopez title = On Scholarly Communication and the Digital Humanities: An Interview with Kathleen Fitzpatrick date = 2015 pages = extension = .htm mime = text/html words = 11395 sentences = 775 flesch = 70 summary = The following interview between Rowland and Fitzpatrick took place on March 7, 2013, at Temple University, before Fitzpatrick gave a lecture at the Center for the Humanities entitled "The Humanities in and for the Digital Age." It provides an introduction to her work, her two books The Anxiety of Obsolescence: the American Novel in the Age of Television and Planned Obsolescence: Publishing, Technology, and the Future of the Academy, as well as a discussion about the meaning of the digital humanities, the crisis in publishing, the history of peer review, and what's in store for the future of scholarly communication. She suggests that the mode of the Internet's distribution of attention – rather than having the sort of deep focus that long form print has long had, the ability to think in nonlinear, connected, more distributed ways – is highlighting different kinds of skills that students and workers today really need to develop in order to cope with multiple information streams at multiple times. cache = ./cache/work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asym.htm txt = ./txt/work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asym.txt === bib === id = work_xdgh7okmdzeu5boqryugpmuaxu author = Katerina Sekulova title = Ergonomic Analysis of a Firearm According to the Anthropometric Dimension date = 2015 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2946 sentences = 336 flesch = 61 summary = Ergonomic Analysis of a Firearm According to the Anthropometric Dimension The paper summarizes the results of an ergonomic analysis of firearms with regard to anthropometric dimensions of selected The grip of the firearm according to the position of shooters wrist is also a subject to critical analysis. Keywords: firearms; ergonomic analyses; anthropometric dimensions; digital human models; ranges For analysis and development of new weapons within Czech Republic we used the ergonomic software Tecnomatix Jack (Tx Jack) contains several anthropometric databases and it is possible to compare weapon models Comparison of hand anthropometry according to DIN 33402-2 [3] anf GERMAN Population Tx Jack. Comparison of hand anthropometry according to Anthropometric Survey of The Armed Forces of The Republic of Korea [4] and For the individual percentiles of each population there were evaluated ranges on trigger, selector level and bolt Population Percentile Trigger Selector level Bolt catch Collision cache = ./cache/work_xdgh7okmdzeu5boqryugpmuaxu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xdgh7okmdzeu5boqryugpmuaxu.txt === bib === id = work_ez62sq6rm5bixbwx6qakugt6f4 author = Jeremy Huggett title = Core or Periphery? Digital Humanities from an Archaeological Perspective date = 2012 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8053 sentences = 592 flesch = 50 summary = coverage within Digital Humanities journals narrows the range but at the same time emphasises of convenience, even for those disciplines most closely associated with Digital Humanities. for this situation are discussed, and the spatial expertise of Digital Archaeology is reviewed in relation to Digital Humanities concerns regarding the use of GIS. double that of the next highest ranked for archaeology (Digital Humanities Quarterly). reference to other humanities disciplines represent a lack of interest in or relevance of digital computing in the humanities is matched by the rise in use their 'digital' equivalents (the very early highlights the way in which digital archaeologists participate in the discipline of archaeology more Examples of the successful use of humanities GIS cited by Bodenhamer 2012 CAA1 The Digital Humanities and Archaeology Venn Diagram. (accessed April 13, 2012). Journal of Digital Humanities 1: 77-81. Journal of Digital Humanities 1: 77-81. cache = ./cache/work_ez62sq6rm5bixbwx6qakugt6f4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ez62sq6rm5bixbwx6qakugt6f4.txt === bib === id = work_afxycoctbrbcpkbkn7gub2qnpa author = Julien A. Raemy title = Assigning persistent identifiers to art and design entities date = 2019 pages = 27 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1301 sentences = 323 flesch = 51 summary = 1. Introduction to Persistent identifiers (PIDs) Persistent identifiers (PID) PIDs are essential and indispensable to create fair data. § Cool URIs don't change: (Tim Berners-Lee, 1998) § Cool URIs for the Semantic Web: (W3C Interest Group PIDs and cool URIs (Bazzanella, Bortoli, Bouquet 2013) § Identités de confiance pour les données de l'art et du design (ICOPAD) – June 2017 to ICOPAD Project o PIDs are a key element in the research data management process and should be Can persistent identifiers be cool? Des identifiants pérennes pour les ressources numériques : l'expérience de la BnF [online]. Available from: Available from: Available from: Revue de la littérature : identifiants pérennes (PID), Linked Data, Données de la recherche [online]. Available from: Available from: Available from: cache = ./cache/work_afxycoctbrbcpkbkn7gub2qnpa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_afxycoctbrbcpkbkn7gub2qnpa.txt === bib === id = work_ihvf655cczajxnaz3rt6tel2la author = Emma K Wilson title = Successfully transitioning the world's largest chemistry subscription journal to a gold open access publication date = 2017 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2565 sentences = 187 flesch = 48 summary = Why we need to find time for digital humanities: presenting a new partnership model at the University of Sussex Harvell, Jane and Ball, Joanna (2017) Why we need to find time for digital humanities: presenting with researchers in digital humanities, the authors believe it is strategically important to invest time and involvement in research bids, informing the development of new services, and addressing library questions engagement of Library staff with the work and research of digital humanities, and would Digital humanities: a new partnership model at Sussex | Jane Harvell and Joanna Ball fellow based in the Lab who uses digital humanities techniques to work on the MOA. Working with digital humanities presents opportunities for new perspectives on longstanding Library problems. Libraries have traditionally focused on opening up digital collections to their researchers, (accessed 11 September 2017). (accessed 24 July 2017). cache = ./cache/work_ihvf655cczajxnaz3rt6tel2la.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ihvf655cczajxnaz3rt6tel2la.txt === bib === id = work_ysd6ifgec5annemdfm2rfbu3uq author = George Pintzos title = Motion Parameters Identification for the Authoring of Manual Tasks in Digital Human Simulations: An Approach Using Semantic Modelling date = 2016 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4305 sentences = 348 flesch = 57 summary = Motion Parameters Identification for the Authoring of Manual Tasks in Digital Human Simulations: An Approach Using Semantic Modelling digital human simulations: an approach using semantic modelling The use of digital simulation tools for the planning and verification of manufacturing processes has been identified as a key enabler methodology for the recognition and reuse of motions and motion parameters during a manual assembly execution. methodology is based on a motion recognition algorithm using low cost sensors. order to identify motions that are translated into semantic individuals. relevant semantic rules for the organization and reuse of recorded motion parameters, during the production planning and more an example, a carrying motion performed for different identified motion parameters, a semantic model is In order to record human motions similar to the ones (MEs) and are recognized by the Motions Recognition Joint distances calculated for recognition of specific motions. 4. Human motions semantic model and application cache = ./cache/work_ysd6ifgec5annemdfm2rfbu3uq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ysd6ifgec5annemdfm2rfbu3uq.txt === bib === id = work_3hhqhd4a4fbvvj3rqix3qqobdi author = P. Gooding title = Mass digitization and the garbage dump: The conflicting needs of quantitative and qualitative methods date = 2012 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7494 sentences = 1082 flesch = 51 summary = Legal Deposit Web Archives and the Digital Humanities Gooding, P, Terras, M & Berube, L 2018, 'Legal Deposit Web Archives and the Digital Humanities: A have traditionally been the chief beneficiaries of legal deposit collections: in the case of web archives, the potential for research extends to contemporary materials, and to Digital Humanities text and data mining approaches. Digital Humanities & Colonial Latin American Studies Roundtable DH in 3D: Multidimensional Research and Education in the Digital Humanities Visualising The Digital Humanities Community: A Comparison Study Between Citation Network And Social Network Seinfeld at The Nexus of the Universe: Using IMDb Data and Social Network Theory to Create a Digital Humanities Project The Latin American Comics Archive: An Online Platform For The Research And Teaching Of Digitized And Encoded Spanish-Language Comic Books Through Scholar/Student Collaboration Digital 3D modelling in the humanities Expanding Communities of Practice: The Digital Humanities Research Institute Model cache = ./cache/work_3hhqhd4a4fbvvj3rqix3qqobdi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3hhqhd4a4fbvvj3rqix3qqobdi.txt === bib === id = work_tubak3jjmfhsxnhuwjt55itnzy author = Niels Brügger title = The Web and Digital Humanities: Theoretical and Methodological Concerns date = 2013 pages = 18 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8093 sentences = 842 flesch = 63 summary = The Web and Digital Humanities: Theoretical and Methodological Concerns for studies of the recent history of society and culture, and a number of national and international Web archiving institutions have been established. article discusses the different characteristics of Web materials and archived Web archiving, and digital humanities. Archiving Web materials is not only of relevance to the study of particular forms Web materials differ from most former digital collections, as they are born digital, and archived Web materials differ from both, as they are ''reborn.'' so because, in contrast to many digitized data collections, the Web archive does Brügger and Finnemann/THE WEB AND DIGITAL HUMANITIES 79 Brügger and Finnemann/THE WEB AND DIGITAL HUMANITIES 79 Brügger and Finnemann/THE WEB AND DIGITAL HUMANITIES 79 Brügger and Finnemann/THE WEB AND DIGITAL HUMANITIES 79 Brügger and Finnemann/THE WEB AND DIGITAL HUMANITIES 79 Brügger and Finnemann/THE WEB AND DIGITAL HUMANITIES 79 Brügger and Finnemann/THE WEB AND DIGITAL HUMANITIES 79 cache = ./cache/work_tubak3jjmfhsxnhuwjt55itnzy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_tubak3jjmfhsxnhuwjt55itnzy.txt === bib === id = work_ci4peodnbbf4lgydwra4jxwwua author = Françoise Nicolas title = Chinese ODI in France: Challenges and Opportunities date = 2010 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8944 sentences = 609 flesch = 49 summary = member and Italy finally joined CLARIN ERIC with the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities This paper aims at providing a clear overview of the Italian national CLARIN consortium as it currently stands two years after its creation. As regards the CLARIN centres and resources made available, the ILC currently hosts the ILC4CLARIN, A contribution called "Language Resources and Infrastructures for Digital Humanities" was presented at the Curso de Verano 2016 "New trends in quantitative and computational linguistics", organized Subsequently, a lecture on "Digital Humanities and Research Infrastructures: CLARIN" was given resources and research infrastructures applied to the study of ancient Greek" organized at the Università technologies and new investigations: CLARIN-IT and some examples of application to the study of ancient Greek" whereas the second one was entitled "Infrastructures of Research and Classical Studies. funded projects (and thus already available) into the CLARIN federated services Language Resource cache = ./cache/work_ci4peodnbbf4lgydwra4jxwwua.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ci4peodnbbf4lgydwra4jxwwua.txt === bib === id = work_yuoolwn7svdxljk77bhmn37hni author = Akihiro Tsukamoto title = Unfolding the landscape drawing method ofRakuchū Rakugai Zuscreen paintings in a GIS environment date = 2009 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 401 sentences = 70 flesch = 61 summary = [PDF] Unfolding the landscape drawing method of Rakuchū Rakugai Zu screen paintings in a GIS environment | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 207753897Unfolding the landscape drawing method of Rakuchū Rakugai Zu screen paintings in a GIS environment title={Unfolding the landscape drawing method of Rakuchū Rakugai Zu screen paintings in a GIS environment}, author={Akihiro Tsukamoto}, In this paper, I propose a new methodology for analysing landscape drawing methods using a GIS. The subject of my analysis is the genre of Japanese screen paintings known as rakuchū rakugai zu, created between the 16th and 18th centuries. Figures and Topics from this paper Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License cache = ./cache/work_yuoolwn7svdxljk77bhmn37hni.pdf txt = ./txt/work_yuoolwn7svdxljk77bhmn37hni.txt === bib === id = work_xnrwiw3z55b67e4anzwsgop35a author = Fabio Ciotti title = Digital Humanities in Italy: the tradition of innovation date = 2018 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1652 sentences = 229 flesch = 56 summary = preferisce la formulazione anglosassone, si è affermata come una delle più importanti innovazioni scientifiche e didattiche nel mondo della ricerca umanistica. Se è vero che le 'storie di successo' più importanti si collocano nei paesi anglosassoni e in Germania, anche la situazione italiana, nonostante ritardi, ritrosie culturali e crisi dell'università in generale, è molto soddisfacente. In terzo luogo, si deve osservare come la tradizione italiana della ricerca informatica nelle scienze umane ha avuto una stretta e proficua interazione con l'attività Le prime, di solito, sono state orientate alla ricerca accademica, ma come è tipico di questo mondo, specialmente in Italia, hanno sofferto di una maggiore dispersione e mancanza di coordinamento (con il risultato di ridurre il loro impatto e la forte critica che in alcuni casi, soprattutto in ambito statunitense, hanno accomunato l'espansione delle Digital humanities alla trasformazione in senso ultraliberista cache = ./cache/work_xnrwiw3z55b67e4anzwsgop35a.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xnrwiw3z55b67e4anzwsgop35a.txt === bib === === bib === === bib === id = work_kwkwckoi2ncjfnyhngveqhiwsa author = Longhi title = Proposals for a Discourse Analysis Practice Integrated into Digital Humanities: Theoretical Issues, Practical Applications, and Methodological Consequences date = 2020 pages = 18 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11439 sentences = 821 flesch = 49 summary = Keywords: discourse analysis; corpus linguistics; digital humanities; semantics; textometry especially French digital/numerical humanities in that they are linked to disciplinary demarcations necessary link between four types of models: conceptual, formal, computational, and computer Meunier explains that "in a 'numerical humanities' project the role of the formal model is the context of research in numerical humanities, which aim, in particular, to make complex results perspective various ways of conceptualizing or practicing the digital humanities, this article will seek We therefore need to think of the digital humanities as a co-construction of objects, knowledge, and tools just the humanities use computing for its digital needs. with researchers from disciplines other than computing, in particular the human and social sciences stating that "there are no so-called numerical humanities if there is no formal modelling containing modelling processes that the links between the humanities and computing are played out via numerical numériques" presents the Humanities and Numerical Technology/Computing. cache = ./cache/work_kwkwckoi2ncjfnyhngveqhiwsa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kwkwckoi2ncjfnyhngveqhiwsa.txt === bib === id = work_vogyigkauvf2nbsuix6d53krpe author = Silvio Peroni title = Atari Go date = 2018 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 376 sentences = 71 flesch = 76 summary = 1. Two teams, Black and White, take turns placing a stone 2. Once placed, stones do not move 3. A vacant point adjacent to a stone is called a liberty for that 4. Connected stones formed a group and share their liberties 5. A stone or group with no liberties is captured The White stone has white) already positioned on the board, and returns the x, y coordinate (a tuple) of a free intersection where to place a new colour stone. def place_stone(colour, black, white): # best place where to position the stone return x, y # the coordinates of the new stone Atari Go, a.k.a. Capture Go, is a simplified version of Go, usually proposed to beginners so as to learn the basic rules of Go. Improve the Wikipedia page about it: (For help in editing Wikipedia: DHDK degree at the University of Bologna (Twitter: @UniboDHDK). cache = ./cache/work_vogyigkauvf2nbsuix6d53krpe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_vogyigkauvf2nbsuix6d53krpe.txt Building ./etc/reader.txt work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayy work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgva work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgva work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayy work_nldu26lmund67mxznm4o6uiw5y number of items: 483 sum of words: 2,759,227 average size in words: 5,736 average readability score: 53 nouns: data; research; humanities; project; work; information; text; time; analysis; web; model; history; tools; projects; example; use; media; system; %; students; process; methods; part; way; knowledge; content; models; results; texts; access; study; development; case; figure; number; language; field; level; approach; scholars; studies; researchers; resources; users; words; order; user; design; community; world verbs: is; are; be; have; was; has; were; been; based; used; using; do; see; had; use; accessed; make; being; does; published; made; including; provide; given; working; developed; need; related; found; include; create; come; •; making; find; take; following; did; according; presented; become; ’s; created; work; considered; die; described; provided; think; provides adjectives: digital; other; such; new; different; human; -; available; more; many; social; first; historical; cultural; specific; same; important; literary; open; possible; scholarly; own; virtual; particular; large; academic; online; early; non; original; critical; most; various; textual; general; technical; current; local; several; individual; high; second; last; real; able; complex; computational; main; visual; public adverbs: not; also; more; only; as; well; however; so; even; up; most; then; out; very; often; rather; e.g.; thus; now; here; just; therefore; still; especially; together; much; already; first; n’t; currently; on; far; yet; always; online; too; back; instead; further; less; indeed; particularly; finally; perhaps; simply; above; all; highly; usually; directly pronouns: it; we; their; i; they; our; its; you; them; his; he; us; your; my; her; she; itself; me; one; themselves; him; himself; ourselves; ’s; myself; yourself; em; herself; mine; eds; oneself; i”/self; hg; ours; ''s; ein; 는; 경우; yours; au; ya; 설계; theirs; 후; u; s; 휠; 師承; na; je proper nouns: digital; humanities; university; journal; e; di; al; dh; _; la; de; j.; press; research; m.; new; et; data; s.; library; international; pp; studies; science; del; project; .; il; c.; s; un; information; y; ed; r.; •; d.; che; le; e.; technology; k.; york; figure; human; london; conference; vol; a.; o keywords: digital; humanities; university; human; humanity; research; history; data; datum; library; text; studies; project; journal; dhm; press; model; web; gis; science; feed; english; che; work; media; figure; student; new; information; technology; scholarly; scholar; motion; medium; language; international; heritage; del; big; archive; xml; user; und; twitter; tool; time; tei; task; management; january one topic; one dimension: digital file(s): ./cache/work_dkcnnr2bgfg7fay2k2g6cw67lq.pdf titles(s): Review of Interdisciplining Digital Humanities: Boundary Work in an Emerging Field three topics; one dimension: digital; digital; di file(s): ./cache/work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgva.pdf, ./cache/work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y.pdf, ./cache/work_zob4nj6hdvdoda5bxtnuaf2e6e.pdf titles(s): The Taming of the Shrew - non-standard text processing in the Digital Humanities | Summary Findings of NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants (2007-2010) | Who Was the Key Figure? A Social Network Analysis of Suzhou Book Collector Groups in Ming Dynasty through a Digital Humanities Approach five topics; three dimensions: digital humanities data; human digital model; project narrative translation; di web la; journal und la file(s): ./cache/work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgva.pdf, ./cache/work_3y22ufoqi5euja4cnjqg52t4aa.pdf, ./cache/work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4.pdf, ./cache/work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayy.pdf, ./cache/work_zob4nj6hdvdoda5bxtnuaf2e6e.pdf titles(s): The Taming of the Shrew - non-standard text processing in the Digital Humanities | Preventing Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders in Manufacturing by Digital Human Modeling | Translation and Chaos: Poetry Translators'' Agency in a Non-Hegemonic Network. A Digital Humanities Approach | Digital humanities e biblioteche | Who Was the Key Figure? A Social Network Analysis of Suzhou Book Collector Groups in Ming Dynasty through a Digital Humanities Approach Type: zip2carrel title: digitalHumanities-from-scholar date: 2021-04-05 time: 21:30 username: emorgan patron: Eric Morgan email: input: ==== htm files ==== complex files ==== named enities ==== making bibliographics id: work_2ojqsvuzizdklmgcf5o7knkreu author: #EWA Conference Organisers title: Book of Abstracts: #EWAVirtual 2020 date: 2020 words: 24354.0 sentences: 1735.0 pages: 82 flesch: 53.0 cache: ./cache/work_2ojqsvuzizdklmgcf5o7knkreu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2ojqsvuzizdklmgcf5o7knkreu.txt summary: The variety of European web archives — potential effects for future humanities research University): Platform and app histories: Assessing source availability in web archives Keywords: Collection development, national domains, web archives, research, datasets in research on web archiving and born digital sources since 2012. The Public record of Northern Ireland web archive has been building its collection of websites for presentation is to discuss how the PROMISE team approached piloting access to the Belgian webarchive for scientific research, including: a) reviewing how existing web-archives provide access Keywords: GDELT Project; realtime; research-first web archive; news homepages Keywords: Digital Humanities; Media Events; Web Archives; Discourse Analysis to ethically research young people''s historical web content in digital archives that accounts for the Keywords: national web archives, researcher engagement, infrastructure studies Her research focus is on web archiving, including approaches and methods for working with web archives data and research collections, and capturing diverse perspectives of the internet id: work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxm author: (:Unkn) Unknown title: A shared task for the digital humanities: annotating narrative levels date: 2020 words: 59338.0 sentences: 4961.0 pages: 186 flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_vtcr2tv4izgmdmhg2pqqmytcxm.txt summary: The second shared task aims at automatizing the detection of narrative levels and will employ the annotated corpus in of the project, describe basic assumptions on (this kind of) annotation, give background on narratological theory and on the role of narrative levels in text analysis and introduce our shared task procedure. Please note that this shared task (called SANTA, for "Systematic Analysis of Narrative levels Through Annotation") will be followed by a second one, with the This project addresses two issues prevalent in digital humanities and computational literary studies: The distribution of labor, competences, and tasks in the interdisciplinary research field of digital humanities and the inter-subjective manual and reliable automatic recognition of narrative levels in narrative texts. For example, it would be appropriate to use the narrator tag to annotate Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, for the first-level narrative is told id: work_5yc2ryccx5dzjaoq5clgzpa6x4 author: Abhinav Sharma title: Towards Implementing a Real-time Deformable Human Muscle Model in Digital Human Environments date: 2015 words: 4074.0 sentences: 311.0 pages: 8 flesch: 59.0 cache: ./cache/work_5yc2ryccx5dzjaoq5clgzpa6x4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_5yc2ryccx5dzjaoq5clgzpa6x4.txt summary: Towards Implementing a Real-time Deformable Human Muscle Model in Digital Human Environments Towards implementing a real-time deformable human muscle model assessment of the effect of muscles on human task performance, leading to a complete model that deforms in real time. Keywords: Digital humans; Muscle model; Anatomy; Real time graphics; Musculoskeletal system position, but wraps around an obstacle, usually a sphere or a cylinder, placed such that the muscle line runs through muscle models are imported in the rendering environment and scaled to fit within the skin-based digital human, as it action line that would wrap around the obstacles will be at the centroid of the volumetric models. On the Santos® joint based kinematic skeleton, this would translate into the origin position being obtained A neutral posture is the body position at which muscle activation levels are at a minimum. Once that is done and the Santos® digital human is set to those neutral postures, muscle action line ''rest'' id: work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgty author: Adelheid Heftberger title: Materiality and Montage: Film Studies, Digital Humanities and the Visualization of Moving Images date: 2018 words: 11000.0 sentences: 683.0 pages: 24 flesch: 56.0 cache: ./cache/work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgty.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xw43qdulzrbshobmjrs3rfkgty.txt summary: Materiality and Montage: Film Studies, Digital Humanities and the In this paper, I will highlight some recent initiatives in the study of film within the digital humanities, in wide degree compensated by a human viewer are highly disturbing in automatic film analysis (e.g. shaking and flicker)." Lev Manovich (2012, 473) describes the typical model in place as a dependence Two of the pioneers when it comes to combining film studies and digital humanities are Lev 4 Some scholars try to provide information on film studies and digital humanities, such as Catherine Grant in her and a collection of film-related projects in the digital humanities available on the website of the Transformations about applying methods from text analysis like topic modeling to film historical research, he by which to monitor the trajectories of visual images throughout film history and analyze their different Figure 1: One frame per shot from "The Eleventh Year" (Dziga Vertov, 1928) (Lev Manovich/Software Studies id: work_vhn4is6dfjghdawi3f3ib64waq author: Adeline Koh title: Wendy Hui Kyong Chun in Conversation with Adeline Koh date: 2013 words: 2133.0 sentences: 152.0 pages: 10 flesch: 65.0 cache: ./cache/work_vhn4is6dfjghdawi3f3ib64waq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_vhn4is6dfjghdawi3f3ib64waq.txt summary: Wendy Hui Kyong Chun in Conversation with Adeline Koh I didn''t actually start my English literature courses until the Montreal Massacre—where a Koh: Why did the Montreal Massacre prompt you to start taking English literature think that the humanities needs to seriously rethink its commitment to interdisciplinarity, I think the most important thing is to develop theories and practices that can engage many Koh: How do you think the two fields that you''re immersed in—English literature and Chun: I''d say that I''m no longer fully immersed in English literature and engineering. Koh: The issue of critical thinking is interesting. who is an engineer, and who has learned a different type of critical thinking in his Chun: Yes. There are definitely different types of critical thinking involved in both fields. seems to think that the sciences are as "useless" as the humanities. language lies." At the level of digital humanities, this means examining what needs to be id: work_6rnmxllsrjeuxlm4ytewedpzoi author: Agathe Nérot title: An assessment of the realism of digital human manikins used for simulation in ergonomics date: 2015 words: 894.0 sentences: 147.0 pages: flesch: 59.0 cache: ./cache/work_6rnmxllsrjeuxlm4ytewedpzoi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6rnmxllsrjeuxlm4ytewedpzoi.txt summary: [PDF] An assessment of the realism of digital human manikins used for simulation in ergonomics | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 21973707An assessment of the realism of digital human manikins used for simulation in ergonomics title={An assessment of the realism of digital human manikins used for simulation in ergonomics}, In this study, the accuracy of the joint centres of the manikins generated by RAMSIS and Human Builder (HB), two digital human modelling (DHM) systems widely used in industry for virtual ergonomics simulation, was investigated. Sort by Most Influenced Papers A Markerless Method for Personalizing a Digital Human Model from a 3D Body Surface Scan In-Vehicle Driving Posture Reconstruction from 3D Scanning Data Using a 3D Digital Human Modeling Tool View 5 excerpts, references methods and background View 5 excerpts, references methods and background View 1 excerpt, references methods View 1 excerpt, references methods View 1 excerpt, references methods View 1 excerpt, references methods id: work_gv7vwol2tvfddmns3xm2mj7aje author: Akihiko Murai title: Can forward dynamics simulation with simple model estimate complex phenomena?: Case study on sprinting using running-specific prosthesis date: 2018 words: 4719.0 sentences: 432.0 pages: 8 flesch: 60.0 cache: ./cache/work_gv7vwol2tvfddmns3xm2mj7aje.pdf txt: ./txt/work_gv7vwol2tvfddmns3xm2mj7aje.txt summary: Surpassing the world record in athletic performance requires extensive use of kinematic and dynamic motion analyses to develop novel body usage skills and training methods. motion-representation model has the capacity to generate complex phenomena such as RSP-aided ILEA sprinting RSPs, by developing a multilayered kinodynamics simulation, which uses a detailed digital human model and a of the sprint motion by varying the SLIP model parameters and simulation of its forward dynamics, and (C) realizes the simulation of the detailed whole-body sprinting of the specific subject using different RSP types and This simulation consists of three steps: A simplify the sprinting motion with the SLIP model and identify its parameters using experimentally measured motion, B modify the identified Can forward dynamics simulation with simple model estimate complex phenomena?: Case study on sprinting using running-specific prosthesis Can forward dynamics simulation with simple model estimate complex phenomena?: Case study on sprinting using running-specific prosthesis id: work_yuoolwn7svdxljk77bhmn37hni author: Akihiro Tsukamoto title: Unfolding the landscape drawing method ofRakuchū Rakugai Zuscreen paintings in a GIS environment date: 2009 words: 401.0 sentences: 70.0 pages: flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/work_yuoolwn7svdxljk77bhmn37hni.pdf txt: ./txt/work_yuoolwn7svdxljk77bhmn37hni.txt summary: [PDF] Unfolding the landscape drawing method of Rakuchū Rakugai Zu screen paintings in a GIS environment | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 207753897Unfolding the landscape drawing method of Rakuchū Rakugai Zu screen paintings in a GIS environment title={Unfolding the landscape drawing method of Rakuchū Rakugai Zu screen paintings in a GIS environment}, author={Akihiro Tsukamoto}, In this paper, I propose a new methodology for analysing landscape drawing methods using a GIS. The subject of my analysis is the genre of Japanese screen paintings known as rakuchū rakugai zu, created between the 16th and 18th centuries. Figures and Topics from this paper Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License id: work_nx6ifplg5zhapiwvb3u2q6okvi author: Alan Liu title: The Meaning of the Digital Humanities date: 2013 words: 9737.0 sentences: 1136.0 pages: 16 flesch: 64.0 cache: ./cache/work_nx6ifplg5zhapiwvb3u2q6okvi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_nx6ifplg5zhapiwvb3u2q6okvi.txt summary: conferences, grant competitions, institutionalization (centers, programs, and advertised jobs), and general visibility, the ield is vigorously forming an identity.1 Recent debates about whether the digital digital humanities, the latter of which also increasingly use socialnetwork analysis to study overlap, tricksterlike, between the digital humanities and new media studies, the HASTAC he question of the meaning of the digital humanities best opens such an argument to Ryan Heuser and Long LeKhac''s A Quantitative Literary History of 2,958 NineteenthCentury British Novels: he Semantic Cohort digital pamphlets issued by the Stanford Literary Lab.8 Heuser and LeKhac report on their With these observations as a guide for relating Heuser and LeKhac''s work to other emphases in the digital humanities, we can now Stanford Literary Lab and other digital humanities centers and programs at their word words, is another method for knowing meaning in the digital humanities. meaning problem in the digital humanities meaning problem in the digital humanities id: work_nldu26lmund67mxznm4o6uiw5y author: Alan Liu title: The state of the digital humanities date: 2012 words: 15396.0 sentences: 1136.0 pages: 50 flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_nldu26lmund67mxznm4o6uiw5y.pdf txt: ./txt/work_nldu26lmund67mxznm4o6uiw5y.txt summary: distinction) and new media studies (normally excluded from discussions of the digital humanities for context) include both those in the digital humanities narrowly defined and in new media other phenomena that the digital humanities treat best understood as technology, media, or tactical media approaches (emerging from the new media studies side of digital humanities) also Raley (2002), and others on the new media studies side of the digital humanities call codework. The new media studies side of the digital humanities has similarly scaled up. In general, the future of the digital humanities (including new media studies) is likely to It may be added that the tendency on the new media studies side of the digital humanities Something else missing in the digital humanities--more on its text-oriented than new up to text-oriented digital humanists working in league with new media artists to exceed cool by (accessed id: work_jyhd4cxm5bafbmx2e44rjg4lqy author: Alejandro Benito title: Exposing cultural heritage through computer screens: The role of user centered design in the DH date: 2017 words: 856.0 sentences: 145.0 pages: 22 flesch: 58.0 cache: ./cache/work_jyhd4cxm5bafbmx2e44rjg4lqy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_jyhd4cxm5bafbmx2e44rjg4lqy.txt summary: The role of user-centered design in the DH Digital Humanities is a dialogue ▪ Hosts: Centre for Digital Humanities (Austrian Academy of ▪ Based on lexicographic data. (User-centered design) ▪ Visualization is the communication channel! ▪ Visual prototypes have been of major Visualization and prototyping Software Design Methodology Information Costs on Dictionary Making ▪ User-centered design fits well in the Digital Humanities and e▪ In the Digital Humanities, close collaboration may be more important "VisInfo: a digital library system for time series research data based on exploratory search—a usercentered design approach." International Journal on Digital Libraries 16.1 (2015): 37-59. "The digital humanities: A primer for students and scholars." (2015). & Wandl-Vogt, E (2016) A spatio-temporal visual analysis tool ● Dorn, A.,Wandl-Vogt, E., Bowers, J., Piringer, B., Seltmann, M (2016) exploreAT! "User-centered design." Bainbridge, W. "The effect of lexicographical information costs on dictionary making and use." Lexikos 18.1 (2008): 170- id: work_ofey4ugl35gn7p34zxhrb75evm author: Alessandra Caggiano title: Sustainability Enhancement of a Turbine Vane Manufacturing Cell through Digital Simulation-Based Design date: 2016 words: 11810.0 sentences: 838.0 pages: 17 flesch: 44.0 cache: ./cache/work_ofey4ugl35gn7p34zxhrb75evm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ofey4ugl35gn7p34zxhrb75evm.txt summary: Sustainability Enhancement of a Turbine Vane Manufacturing Cell through Digital Simulation-Based Design digital simulation approach is proposed to deal with sustainable manufacturing systems design the 3D digital human modelling simulation, such as the cycle times of the manual operations after the the 3D digital human modelling simulation, such as the cycle times of the manual operations after the aspects relevant for the sustainability of the manufacturing cell, such as power load, energy relevant for the sustainability of the manufacturing cell, such as power load, energy efficiency, safety approaches in order to achieve the ergonomic optimization of the manufacturing cell work place. With the aim to improve the overall ergonomics of the manufacturing cell, these manual operations operators, time analysis was performed on the optimized manufacturing cell by means of 3D digital operators, time analysis was performed on the optimized manufacturing cell by means of 3D digital Simulation of energy consumption in the manufacture of a product. id: work_vcukclz2sjcdbnkuxinl335p7m author: Alexander Badenoch title: Old Stories and New Developments date: 2018 words: 3242.0 sentences: 224.0 pages: 5 flesch: 45.0 cache: ./cache/work_vcukclz2sjcdbnkuxinl335p7m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_vcukclz2sjcdbnkuxinl335p7m.txt summary: The advent of digital technologies and online platforms has brought new life to audiovisual heritage, traditionally on their websites or collaborate with European initiatives such as or Europe''s Digital Platform of Cultural Digitisation and Online Accessibility of Cultural Material and Digital Preservation Across the EU, 2008; European Commission, The New television history, the comparative exploration of Europe''s audiovisual heritage, and the development of digital groundbreaking European projects creating access to digitized television heritage such as: Video Active (2006-2009), to European television and broadcasting history, online access to audiovisual heritage and Digital Humanities These include Berber Hagedoorn''s research into how televised history contributes to cultural memory,8 doing of comparative and transnational radio history within online spaces of European television heritage. Jasmijn van Gorp is Assistant Professor Television and Digital Heritage at Utrecht University. of the European (Post)Socialist Television History Network and co-chair of the Media Studies Commission of the id: work_uj5qqewkfjeu5e2djsbhkiqzra author: Alexandra Ortolja-Baird title: Digital Humanities in the Memory Institution: The Challenges of Encoding Sir Hans Sloane''s Early Modern Catalogues of His Collections date: 2019 words: 13241.0 sentences: 1307.0 pages: 41 flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_uj5qqewkfjeu5e2djsbhkiqzra.pdf txt: ./txt/work_uj5qqewkfjeu5e2djsbhkiqzra.txt summary: Digital Humanities in the Memory Institution: The Challenges of Encoding Sir Hans Sloane''s Early Modern Catalogues of His Collections highlight the approaches to encoding Sloane''s catalogues in TEI that Sir Hans Sloane''s (1660–1753) manuscript catalogues of his collection were written, encoding, or marking up, Sloane''s catalogues in line with the Guidelines of the Text modelling the catalogues and encoding them in TEI in order to study this. This article discusses the specific example of Sloane''s early modern catalogues the benefits and complexities of applying TEI to early modern catalogues like that use TEI to encode the catalogues of Sir Hans Sloane, along with our current working objects that are printed books means that these catalogue entries only rarely include encoding the objects that are described in Sloane''s catalogues. challenge of encoding object names in Sloane''s catalogues to be a question of how to Sloane''s Early Modern Catalogues of His Collections. id: work_fooxxved5zgsddcx7iawm44dhi author: Alexis Lothian title: Can Digital Humanities Mean Transformative Critique? date: 2013 words: 5382.0 sentences: 321.0 pages: 25 flesch: 48.0 cache: ./cache/work_fooxxved5zgsddcx7iawm44dhi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_fooxxved5zgsddcx7iawm44dhi.txt summary: Can Digital Humanities Mean Transformative Critique? DH, whether that be new media studies or critical cultural studies with a focus on the digital; established and funded for digital work: the on-campus centers, the annotated archives. What would digital scholarship and the humanities disciplines be like if they centered around collaborations that suggest the possibilities of a transformative digital humanities: one where All the projects put the questions of decades of feminist, queer, and critical race additions will help us to build a transformative digital humanities together. the project provides training for women''s and ethnic studies graduate students in the digital skills Zach Blas''s Queer Technologies project invites viewers to rethink the role of critical theory by Technologies'' suite of instructional videos takes digital production as both theory and praxis. Fembot Collective: Feminism, New Media, Science and Technology critical cultural studies work in digital humanities projects. id: work_y53s6vp2bzgldkjaflzv3gn5r4 author: Alison Langmead title: Towards Interoperable Network Ontologies for the Digital Humanities date: 2016 words: 6046.0 sentences: 382.0 pages: 14 flesch: 45.0 cache: ./cache/work_y53s6vp2bzgldkjaflzv3gn5r4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_y53s6vp2bzgldkjaflzv3gn5r4.txt summary: At the heart of these digital projects are ''network ontologies'' — ontologies necessarily focus on different types of content, if these networks are ontological standard for all possible digital humanities projects; flexibility is shared practices to structure these network ontologies on an ongoing basis in Keywords: networks; ontologies; data modeling; historical studies; early humanists have turned to network data to analyze complex historical processes Digital networks projects have yet to reach shared standards at any of that different scholars have modeled similar data within their projects, creating an open, shared data structure standard for historical networks will effectively types of data-in-common (in addition to an URI for the overall network project). complete solution, for the mapping of data from one network ontology to data values used by digital historical networks. Actually performing the work of creating a network of early modern projects Ontologies lie at the heart of digital network projects id: work_rp4ngzluyjaxtpazacjngvlura author: Allison Carruth title: Ecological Media Studies and the Matter of Digital Technologies date: 2016 words: 5018.0 sentences: 581.0 pages: 10 flesch: 51.0 cache: ./cache/work_rp4ngzluyjaxtpazacjngvlura.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rp4ngzluyjaxtpazacjngvlura.txt summary: grantfunded projects (like the Saw yer Seminar on the Environmental Humanities at the University of California, Los Angeles, by ofering a supplemental framework for connecting the environmental and digital humanities, which this essay terms ecological media studies. to the material ecologies of new media and digital computing with environmental humanities and media studies, a number of projects have recently begun 372 Ecological Media Studies and the Matter of Digital Technologies [ P M L A 372 Ecological Media Studies and the Matter of Digital Technologies [ P M L A 372 Ecological Media Studies and the Matter of Digital Technologies [ P M L A 372 Ecological Media Studies and the Matter of Digital Technologies [ P M L A 372 Ecological Media Studies and the Matter of Digital Technologies [ P M L A 372 Ecological Media Studies and the Matter of Digital Technologies [ P M L A id: work_2r4jqloa6zg6jescqvapjpgamu author: Amanda Starling Gould title: Evaluating Digital Humanities Projects: Collaborative Course Assessment date: 2020 words: 587.0 sentences: 125.0 pages: 4 flesch: 20.0 cache: ./cache/work_2r4jqloa6zg6jescqvapjpgamu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2r4jqloa6zg6jescqvapjpgamu.txt summary: Shannon Mattern''s criteria for evaluating Multimodal Student Work and the peer evaluate selected digital humanities projects. grading) criteria for our own final transmedia projects. Here I''ve posted my annotated copy of her list. These criteria are now posted to add at least four annotations to that Rap Genius page expressing your ideas Evaluating Digital Humanities Projects: The criteria I feel most important to our project are highlighted and A consideration of Digital Preservation: Let''s think about how we might best become compromised, you''ll want to have a backup copy of your hard work. Technoscience / Ecomateriality / Literature is powered by WordPress at Duke WordPress Sites. Please read the Duke Wordpress Policies. id: work_rpx2ykzfkbcglbaofawoh5irua author: Amelie Dorn title: Citizen Science in the context of recent Digital Humanities projects – an overview and outlook date: 2016 words: 1144.0 sentences: 173.0 pages: 20 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_rpx2ykzfkbcglbaofawoh5irua.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rpx2ykzfkbcglbaofawoh5irua.txt summary: Digital Humanities projects – Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities (ACDH), Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) • SWAP project Scots Words And Place Names • SWAP project Scots Words And Place Names • citizen science as a means of integrating the language community in linguistic • social media to engage different users in schools , I. interactive use of social media (facebook, twitter,flickr) [2] I. interactive use of social media (facebook, twitter,flickr) [2] • current digital humanities project and the Austrian Academy Citizen Science in Digital Humanities Citizen Science in Digital Humanities Citizen Science in Digital Humanities Citizen Science in Digital Humanities Citizen Science in Digital Humanities Citizen Science in Digital Humanities Citizen Science in Digital Humanities Citizen Science in Digital Humanities Nichesourcing The Uralic Languages For The Benefit Of Linguistic Research And (2011) Scots Words and Place-names: JISC Final report. Knowledge Communities: Creating Meaningful Scholarship Through Digital Collaboration. id: work_wot2faeuujed5fkullft7wyewa author: Amelie Dorn title: Uncertain Spaces, Uncertain Places. Dealing with Geographic Information in Digital Humanities: The Example of a Language Legacy Dataset date: 2020 words: 5092.0 sentences: 563.0 pages: 15 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_wot2faeuujed5fkullft7wyewa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wot2faeuujed5fkullft7wyewa.txt summary: discusses various known and unknown uncertainties of spatial aspects contained in a nonstandard German language legacy dataset (DBÖ) that has undergone several stages of of uncertainties, exemplified by applying it to the spatial information contained in the DBÖ, Digital Humanities, spatial uncertainty, taxonomy, historic collections Temporal uncertainties are often associated with spatial data, as pointed Uncertainty in data pertaining to Geographic Information language collection that contains other aspects of information, such as geographical and spatial include novel aspects found in our data, developing our own taxonomy of uncertainties (Rocha Common to long data transformation and conversion processes, uncertainties have been both As commonly occurs in long data transformation and conversion processes, uncertainties have context, the dbo@ema project (Wandl-Vogt et al., 2008), for the first time, enabled the georeferencing of all data and its immediate publication in a map, making available interlinked Models of uncertainty in spatial data. Approaches to Uncertainty in Spatial Data. id: work_64vyo2k6avex7pwhrhwwluc6gy author: Amir Moghaddass title: No text – no mining. And what about dirty OCR? date: 2019 words: 409.0 sentences: 160.0 pages: 9 flesch: 91.0 cache: ./cache/work_64vyo2k6avex7pwhrhwwluc6gy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_64vyo2k6avex7pwhrhwwluc6gy.txt summary: Failures And Good Practices In DH Projects With Non-latin non-latin script And what about dirty OCR? And what about dirty OCR? And what about dirty OCR? And what about dirty OCR? And what about dirty OCR? And what about dirty OCR? And what about dirty OCR? And what about dirty OCR? And what about dirty OCR? And what about dirty OCR? ADHO 08.07.2019 Amir Moghaddass Esfehani ADHO 08.07.2019 Amir Moghaddass Esfehani ADHO 08.07.2019 Amir Moghaddass Esfehani ADHO 08.07.2019 Amir Moghaddass Esfehani ADHO 08.07.2019 Amir Moghaddass Esfehani ADHO 08.07.2019 Amir Moghaddass Esfehani ADHO 08.07.2019 Amir Moghaddass Esfehani ADHO 08.07.2019 Amir Moghaddass Esfehani AMIR MOGHADDASS ESFEHANI AMIR MOGHADDASS ESFEHANI �And what about dirty OCR? �And what about dirty OCR? Dirty OCR: Layout & Text Dirty OCR: Layout & Text Chinese Text Project: OCR Chinese Text Project: OCR Chinese Text Project / MARKUS: Tools & APIs Chinese Text Project / MARKUS: Tools & APIs id: work_hebtpqw3vffnpfo4wo7n5klapy author: Amy E. Earhart title: Digital Humanities Within a Global Context: Creating Borderlands of Localized Expression date: 2018 words: 6010.0 sentences: 421.0 pages: 15 flesch: 41.0 cache: ./cache/work_hebtpqw3vffnpfo4wo7n5klapy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hebtpqw3vffnpfo4wo7n5klapy.txt summary: the growing body of scholarship that situates the digital humanities in a broad global While open access is appealing in many digital humanities projects, it is not always appropriate, as work with indigenous cultural artifacts has model, we need to imagine a global digital humanities that lives in the borderlands, digital humanists have begun to discuss how we might create academic infrastructures, such as organizations, conferences and journals, that fully account for the building ''''global digital humanities networks'''' one of the priorities of ADHO. ADHO include Centernet: An International Network of Digital Humanities Centers, structures currently remain resistant to a more globally imagined digital humanities. annual digital humanities conference, the various global organizations that form understanding of global digital humanities is to respect localized practices and to Digital Humanities Within a Global Context: Creating Borderlands of Localized Expression Digital Humanities Within a Global Context: Creating Borderlands of Localized Expression id: work_trhxmq4idfhevgzqxra6glbq4i author: Amy E. Earhart title: The Digital Edition and the Digital Humanities date: 2012 words: 4621.0 sentences: 308.0 pages: 11 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_trhxmq4idfhevgzqxra6glbq4i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_trhxmq4idfhevgzqxra6glbq4i.txt summary: The legacy of early digital editions and their related scholarship reveals the textual foundation of digital literary studies, a foundation that emphasized form and materiality, in effect textual materials, often in print book form, rather than an expansive and fragmented representation of text, as is increasingly the case with data-based practices. Even the most traditional textual scholars recognized the need to confront the digital, whether to embrace, to alter, or to reject the new technology. related scholarship reveals the textual foundation of digital literary studies, a foundation that emphasized form and materiality. one of the editors of the Blake Archive, similarly sees the digital environment as a way to resolve problems found in a traditional print edition. textual studies are central to digital humanities work. textual studies a central pillar of digital humanities work. editing and digital humanities reminiscent of the textual studies wars of id: work_66ihjngvive2dkurrqjf562gg4 author: AnAn Li title: Construction and visualization of high-resolution three-dimensional anatomical structure datasets for Chinese digital human date: 2008 words: 4628.0 sentences: 599.0 pages: 7 flesch: 60.0 cache: ./cache/work_66ihjngvive2dkurrqjf562gg4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_66ihjngvive2dkurrqjf562gg4.txt summary: The objective of the China Digital Human Project (CDH) is to digitize and visualize the anatomical organs and tissues of human beings, and reconstructed into three-dimensional (3D) models in parallel Some visualization software for 2D atlas and 3D models are developed based on the new dataset with high resolution (0.1 mm × 0.1 mm × 0.2 mm). Chinese Digital Human, anatomical atlas, extremely large data processing, three-dimensional modeling, visualization achievements in image processing, 3D modeling, visualization software development, physical simulation, and Image processing and organ modeling based on the 2D datasets have been carried out in some research institutions[7―9]. visualization techniques of using CDH dataset were studied, and a high-resolution 3D anatomy dataset of the goal is to improve the performance of the image processing and parallel computation, to construct more models, and to develop more practical visual software. Establish high resolution image dataset of Chinese digital human male. id: work_x4hecjvktja2dl6nd3ao26vc6e author: Ana Rodriguez Granell title: Editorial: The impact of technology on certain historiographic issues date: 2019 words: 559.0 sentences: 115.0 pages: flesch: 57.0 cache: ./cache/work_x4hecjvktja2dl6nd3ao26vc6e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_x4hecjvktja2dl6nd3ao26vc6e.txt summary: ##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.accessible_menu.main_navigation## Editorial Policies Artnodes is an e-journal promoted by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya which analyses the intersections between Art, Science and Technology. No 27 (2021): Node 27 «Arts in the Time of Pandemic» (Guest Editors: Laura Benítez & Erich Berger) Arts in the Time of Pandemic (Guest Editors: L. Laura Benítez Valero, Erich Berger Staying in Touch: case study of artistic research during the COVID-19 lock-down A Case Study of Artistic Research during the COVID-19 Lockdown Imaginations of the evolution of bodies: Notes on the relationships between plants and humans PDF (Castellano) PDF (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) Discourses on artistic research in Flanders: non-scholarly perspectives on re-search in the arts By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. Learn more about Mailchimp''s privacy practices here. id: work_rvjijsckzzgdbc53336q2qbzge author: Andreas Fickers title: Editorial Special Issue Audiovisual Data in Digital Humanities date: 2018 words: 2644.0 sentences: 163.0 pages: 4 flesch: 45.0 cache: ./cache/work_rvjijsckzzgdbc53336q2qbzge.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rvjijsckzzgdbc53336q2qbzge.txt summary: This issue of VIEW provides a critical survey of new digital humanities (DH) methods and tools directed toward 1 We define "digital hermeneutics" as the critical and self-reflexive use of digital tools and technologies for the development of new research The ten articles presented in this issue provide a snapshot of current research on audiovisual data within a broad learning in their article, Computer Vision and the Digital Humanities: Adapting Image Processing Algorithms and their article, Maps, Distant Reading and the Internet Movie Database: New Approaches for the Analysis of LargeScale Datasets in Television Studies, Giulia Taurino and Marta Boni explore what digital approaches based on big Researcher as Storyteller: Using Digital Tools for Search and Storytelling with Audio-Visual Materials. Scholarly experiences from working with digital tools also appear in the article, Speech Analytics in Research Based studies, media history and the digital humanities, and recent publications include the co-authored book, Spotify id: work_wth6lpqkrrha5hlyd7yzd7rtsa author: Andreas Geiger title: Natural Virtual Reality User Interface to Define Assembly Sequences for Digital Human Models date: 2020 words: 12099.0 sentences: 1139.0 pages: 16 flesch: 69.0 cache: ./cache/work_wth6lpqkrrha5hlyd7yzd7rtsa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wth6lpqkrrha5hlyd7yzd7rtsa.txt summary: reality-based interface and allows users to conduct an assembly task in VR and thus to manipulate the The results show that the VATS system enables users to conduct tasks in a significantly faster way. Keywords: virtual reality; leap motion; DHM; user study; VATS; user interaction; grasping in, the line of sight, the interactions (grips) the user is performing, the information about the object Two expert users used the leap motion to grab the objects with the nine different grip types. Two expert users used the leap motion to grab the objects with the nine different grip types. Two expert users used the leap motion to grab the objects with the nine different grip types. workload of defining an assembly sequence for a digital human model with the WIMP and the VATS, workload of defining an assembly sequence for a digital human model with the WIMP and the VATS, id: work_xhcs6cscpbhipdegxjv7u3jpmq author: Andreas Henrich title: Editorial date: 2015 words: 3812.0 sentences: 806.0 pages: 6 flesch: 43.0 cache: ./cache/work_xhcs6cscpbhipdegxjv7u3jpmq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xhcs6cscpbhipdegxjv7u3jpmq.txt summary: Mit dem vorliegenden Themenheft wollen wir ein Feld beleuchten, dessen Wurzeln bis in die Anfänge der Informatik haben sich die sogenannten Digital Humanities in den letzten Jahren durch verschiedene Entwicklungen (Leistungssteigerungen bei Hardund Software, Fortschritte in Methoden und Algorithmen und nicht zuletzt der Aufbau von Aus der Sicht der Datenbanktechnologie und des Information Retrieval stellt sich nun die Frage, welche neuen Hieraus ergibt sich für die Digital Humanities ein Methodenrepertoire, das von digitalen Texteditionen in der Mediävistik über soziale Netzwerkanalysen in informatische Lösungsansätze eröffnet, von denen zwei stellvertretend erwähnt werden sollen, weil sie auch für Tendenzen der Erweiterung des Betätigungsfelds der Digital Humanities stehen: die semantische Integration von verschieden Das Papier führt damit in ein zentrales Anwendungsfeld aus dem Bereich der Digital Humanities ein und zeigt Die Digital Humanities als wichtiges und herausforderndes Abb. 1 DH an der Schnittfläche von Geisteswissenschaften und Informatik id: work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asym author: Andrew Lopez title: On Scholarly Communication and the Digital Humanities: An Interview with Kathleen Fitzpatrick date: 2015 words: 11395.0 sentences: 775.0 pages: flesch: 70.0 cache: ./cache/work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asym.htm txt: ./txt/work_yi7kjgqycfbf7nsbtjsyo6asym.txt summary: The following interview between Rowland and Fitzpatrick took place on March 7, 2013, at Temple University, before Fitzpatrick gave a lecture at the Center for the Humanities entitled "The Humanities in and for the Digital Age." It provides an introduction to her work, her two books The Anxiety of Obsolescence: the American Novel in the Age of Television and Planned Obsolescence: Publishing, Technology, and the Future of the Academy, as well as a discussion about the meaning of the digital humanities, the crisis in publishing, the history of peer review, and what''s in store for the future of scholarly communication. She suggests that the mode of the Internet''s distribution of attention – rather than having the sort of deep focus that long form print has long had, the ability to think in nonlinear, connected, more distributed ways – is highlighting different kinds of skills that students and workers today really need to develop in order to cope with multiple information streams at multiple times. id: work_fw6fzegd7bfwfkfhyo4q4vmmlu author: André Kilchenmann title: Unus pro omnibus! Generic research tool for all Humanities disciplines date: 2020 words: 671.0 sentences: 45.0 pages: 2 flesch: 59.0 cache: ./cache/work_fw6fzegd7bfwfkfhyo4q4vmmlu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_fw6fzegd7bfwfkfhyo4q4vmmlu.txt summary: Data and Service Center for the Humanities DaSCH — November 11, 2020 illustration of this situation is research projects with moving image as main (re)source. At the Data and Service Center for the Humanities (hereinafter called DaSCH) in Basel, Switzerland, research infrastructure which provides data handling services like data curation, long-term access, and research and analysis tools to work with qualitative data. To reach this goal and to provide qualitative data handling services, the DaSCH develops and maintains DaSCH Service Platform handles data from database, as well as media files stored on our own IIIF-basedmedia server. DaSCH Service Platform to directly use its powerful data management functionalities. Even scholars with small data sets will have access to long-term PhD studies at the Digital Humanities Lab in Basel and now works for the Data and Service Center for the Since June 2018, she has been working on different user interfaces for the Data and Service Center for id: work_ljqki4bzffh7rpkgwzowusa5hu author: Angel David Nieves title: Review: Immersive Scholar date: 2020 words: 1432.0 sentences: 107.0 pages: 5 flesch: 33.0 cache: ./cache/work_ljqki4bzffh7rpkgwzowusa5hu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ljqki4bzffh7rpkgwzowusa5hu.txt summary: Immersive Scholar addresses the utilization and impact of visualization environments and visualization scholarship by developing extensible models and programs for the creation and sharing of digital scholarship in large-scale and immersive visualization environments. W. Mellon Foundation, this project complicates digitally humanistic scholarship in that it is documents will provide value beyond this project, as models for how addressing structural challenges Through Immersive Scholar, project co-PIs Micah Vandegrift, Shelby Foundation, to assist with "the creation and sharing of digital scholarship in large-scale and immersive 1. assessment framework for reviewing technical aspects of a visualization (; Digital scholarship using large-scale visualization today still requires the support of a North Carolina State University (NCSU) Libraries'' implementation of Immersive Scholar demonstrates residency program, the project fosters those communities of practice around visualization spaces to institutions will continue to develop their immersive visualization environments and promote Immersive Scholar''s model of providing project id: work_ljeygzj53jbuvdbid7tnt6y2ie author: Angela Zottola title: Corpus Linguistics and Digital Humanities. Intersecting Paths. A Case Study from Twitter date: 2020 words: 7915.0 sentences: 606.0 pages: 11 flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/work_ljeygzj53jbuvdbid7tnt6y2ie.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ljeygzj53jbuvdbid7tnt6y2ie.txt summary: Abstract—In this paper I aim at critically discussing the role of Corpus Linguistics within the field of Digital Humanities. — Digital Humanities, linguistica dei corpora, American Studies, Twitter, WMatrix. I n this paper I aim to discuss the existing and possi-ble developments in the intersection between Digital Humanities (DH) and Corpus Linguistics (CL), arguing that the type of tools offered by CL, which combine quantitative and qualitative analyses, can be a valuContact data: Angela Zottola, out as one of the aims of the text to "test the use of resources and techniques from two different research communities: corpus linguistics and literary digital humanities, complementarily instead of alternatively" (103). a theory, a theoretical approach, a paradigm (theoretical or methodological), or a combination of these." (Taylor 2008: 180) In this work, as suggested earlier, I consider CL as methodological approach useful in the collection and analysis of digital data. id: work_g2jcebslp5elfmzdsxwrfoxmh4 author: Angelica Lo Duca title: The Use of Blockchain for Digital Archives: a comparison between Ethereum and Hyperledger (AIUCD 2019) date: 2019 words: 6552.0 sentences: 565.0 pages: 19 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_g2jcebslp5elfmzdsxwrfoxmh4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_g2jcebslp5elfmzdsxwrfoxmh4.txt summary: Using blockchain to store digital archives of artworks thus constitutes a promising challenges and requirements for storing a digital archive of artworks in a blockchain. comparison between two blockchains, Ethereum1 [24] and Hyperledger Fabric2 [5], used as store digital archives depends mainly on two aspects: firstly, the blockchain should be general, recent blockchain, still not established as Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric. [16], based on which information is stored in the blockchain: a) mirror type, b) digital record Hyperledger Fabric blockchain is a distributed system consisting of many nodes that The use of blockchain for digital archives guarantees a mechanism to access, manage and Regarding consensus, Ethereum bases it on Proof of Work, while Hyperledger Fabric Issue Ethereum Hyperledger Fabric Preferred blockchain Requirement Ethereum Hyperledger Fabric Preferred blockchain blockchains in a framework for storing, protecting and preserving digital archives. "Architecture of the hyperledger blockchain fabric." In id: work_twttk6mrojc3heixwgwr32fdmu author: Ann Marie Blackmon title: Review: On the Books: Jim Crow and Algorithms of Resistance date: 2021 words: 1200.0 sentences: 78.0 pages: 4 flesch: 44.0 cache: ./cache/work_twttk6mrojc3heixwgwr32fdmu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_twttk6mrojc3heixwgwr32fdmu.txt summary: Review: On the Books: Jim Crow and Algorithms of Resistance On the Books: Jim Crow and Algorithms of Resistance On the Books: Jim Crow and Algorithms of Resistance is a Collections as Data and machine learning The project created text corpora of North Carolina session laws and used machine learning techniques On the Books: Jim Crow and Algorithms of Resistance identifies and offers access to Jim Crow era laws learning technologies used to analyze the Jim Crow law corpus express bias and racism in their On the Books uses Python and open source software to identify and transform digitized images of laws Reviews in Digital Humanities Review: On the Books: Jim Crow and Algorithms of Resistance Reviews in Digital Humanities Review: On the Books: Jim Crow and Algorithms of Resistance Reviews in Digital Humanities Review: On the Books: Jim Crow and Algorithms of Resistance others interested in exploring Jim Crow laws passed in North Carolina. id: work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4 author: Anne McGrail title: Bringing digital humanities to the community college and vice versa date: 2017 words: 14583.0 sentences: 1176.0 pages: 41 flesch: 51.0 cache: ./cache/work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_tjq6lpsljja7jb32x4wad3w5q4.txt summary: access to digital humanities for the nation''s community college students. 1. Design and implementation of a National Survey of Digital Humanities at Community Colleges National Survey of Digital Humanities in Community Colleges: a Preliminary Discussion of the Figure 7: Jesse Stommel (l) and Rebecca Frost Davis (r) co-led the session, "In the Open Access, LowerDivision Classroom: Pedagogy and Faculty Development" at the Pre-Conference Workshop. DH@theCC project website and wiki and invited community college humanities faculty to use its Part of the NEH ODH Start-Up project, the National Survey of Digital Humanities in Community Colleges PDF of the results is also available on the project website Figure 4: All comments to Question 26 in the National Survey of Digital Humanities in Community Colleges as a Wordle Community college faculty need a digital humanities (DH) institute of their own. REGIONAL or NATIONAL INSTITUTE about digital humanities for community college faculty? id: work_rp6edoblbzflvnbyuqhs3uwcoq author: Anthony Mandal title: 15Digital Humanities date: 2016 words: 10589.0 sentences: 550.0 pages: 34 flesch: 42.0 cache: ./cache/work_rp6edoblbzflvnbyuqhs3uwcoq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rp6edoblbzflvnbyuqhs3uwcoq.txt summary: humanitatis; in the form of a new ''digital rhetoric'' that brings production and usage ever term ''digital humanities'', suggesting a wider cultural relevance beyond tools development Digital Humanities is not a unified field but an array of convergent practices that and Katherine Bode''s Advancing the Digital Humanities: Research, Methods, Theories Todd Presner''s ''Critical Theory and the Mangle of Digital Humanities'' notes that traditional and digital approaches turn back to ''the core function of the humanities, which has ''The connotation of a new paradigm appears in Digital Humanities in arguments that "the relationship between digital media/technologies and human actors) and it focuses the which requires closer imbrications between digital practice and theory in a new collaborative Margins of the Digital Humanities'' suggests an alternative approach to new media artefacts: whose examination of race, digital practice and social media argues that ''the other of the Digital Rhetoric: Theory, Method, Practice. id: work_kk3p6xficzbppks7gmpirllie4 author: Antoine Doucet title: NewsEye: A digital investigator for historical newspapers date: 2020 words: 682.0 sentences: 43.0 pages: 3 flesch: 38.0 cache: ./cache/work_kk3p6xficzbppks7gmpirllie4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kk3p6xficzbppks7gmpirllie4.txt summary: NewsEye: A digital investigator undertaking that involves 3 European national libraries, 4 humanities and social science capability to access, analyze and use the content in the digital libraries of historical consisting of two main layers, as well as novel research results on several topics and in In details, the first layer of the NewsEye toolbox focuses on tools to improve and enrich dynamic text analysis tools interacting with respect to user activities: contextualized topic Within the project, several digital humanities case studies are led, with the aim to guide the of novel research in digital humanities. impact in the fields of historical research and digital humanities by combining knowledge It is essential to understand that the NewsEye research topics and datasets are showcases, In fact, NewsEye is both open to further research cases to be [1] NewsEye project Website in 4 languages: [de] [en] [fi] [fr] [4] NewsEye project publications and data sets: id: work_gsarfotn5zdibdrpi2gq3nhpoq author: Antonella Fresa title: A Data Infrastructure for Digital Cultural Heritage: Characteristics, Requirements and Priority Services date: 2013 words: 1600.0 sentences: 265.0 pages: 32 flesch: 45.0 cache: ./cache/work_gsarfotn5zdibdrpi2gq3nhpoq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_gsarfotn5zdibdrpi2gq3nhpoq.txt summary: A data infrastructure for digital cultural heritage: • The Digital Cultural Heritage sector: characteristics and • The vision towards a DCH data infrastructure • National, regional and European programmes support • Digital cultural heritage content are complex and will search into the DCH e-Infrastructure for their research repositories and of cultural heritage data with research The adoption of the e-Infrastructures by the digital cultural heritage community infrastructures can offer to their work: storage, preservation, access services A better integration of the cultural sector with the e-Infrastructures will enable channel for digital cultural heritage data among two sectors (the research and the cultural heritage) 1. DC-NET: joint activities plan for DCH e-infrastructure 2. INDICATE: international cooperation, use case studies, Priorities for the Digital Cultural Heritage sector have been 4. Digital Cultural Heritage: the need for a research e-Infrastructure 5. Research and innovation in the digital cultural heritage: an Infrastructure for Digital Cultural Heritage in 2020 id: work_qh2zkmobpjgqzilpxnxazt4uku author: Antonio Barbeito title: Beyond Digital Human Body Atlases date: 2017 words: 801.0 sentences: 158.0 pages: flesch: 59.0 cache: ./cache/work_qh2zkmobpjgqzilpxnxazt4uku.pdf txt: ./txt/work_qh2zkmobpjgqzilpxnxazt4uku.txt summary: Beyond Digital Human Body Atlases: Segmenting an Integrated 3D Topological Model of the Human Body | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 3619293Beyond Digital Human Body Atlases: Segmenting an Integrated 3D Topological Model of the Human Body title={Beyond Digital Human Body Atlases: Segmenting an Integrated 3D Topological Model of the Human Body}, The use of integrated models of the human body in three-dimensional environments enables the study of the anatomic structures with a high degree of interactivity and detail. The geographical information systems approach in building topological models allows overcoming certain limitations found in anatomical atlases. In this study, an integrated vector-raster 3D model, which defines the external surface of the human body, is expanded by adding the corresponding anatomical structures. Sort by Most Influenced Papers View 1 excerpt, cites methods An Integrated Model of the Human Body 3D Interactive Topological Modeling using Visible Human Dataset View 1 excerpt, references methods id: work_xte6bkd55jb7nn5jvoiynglfi4 author: Antonio Rojas Castro title: Big Data in the Digital Humanities. New Conversations in the Global Academic Context date: 2017 words: 5095.0 sentences: 569.0 pages: 10 flesch: 53.0 cache: ./cache/work_xte6bkd55jb7nn5jvoiynglfi4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xte6bkd55jb7nn5jvoiynglfi4.txt summary: BIG DATA IN THE DIGITAL in charge of communicatiosn at the European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH) humanities is usually texts and analogue images access to European Digital Humanities projects access to European Digital Humanities projects projects for making digital texts available online projects for making digital texts available online with Big Data and the social sciences. "Big Data", this article highlights the cultural 70 BIG DATA IN THE DIGITAL HUMANITIES · ANTONIO ROJAS 70 BIG DATA IN THE DIGITAL HUMANITIES · ANTONIO ROJAS 70 BIG DATA IN THE DIGITAL HUMANITIES · ANTONIO ROJAS 70 BIG DATA IN THE DIGITAL HUMANITIES · ANTONIO ROJAS 70 BIG DATA IN THE DIGITAL HUMANITIES · ANTONIO ROJAS 1. Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations: 3. European Association for Digital Humanities: "Visual Text Analysis in Digital Humanities". Big Data in the Digital Humanities. id: work_wcns7ioekrcpdfr7fn3vrt6yka author: Arianna Ciula title: Modelling in digital humanities: Signs in context date: 2016 words: 7523.0 sentences: 550.0 pages: 27 flesch: 47.0 cache: ./cache/work_wcns7ioekrcpdfr7fn3vrt6yka.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wcns7ioekrcpdfr7fn3vrt6yka.txt summary: In this paper we focus on modelling as a creative process to gain new knowledge Fig. 1: The model relation includes the following components: a set of objects Oi=1,...,n icons act as signs based on how the relation of similarity is enacted: via simple Different shades of iconic similarity between sign and object as theorised by ● image-like models, for example real life sketches where single qualities such externally determined (it relies on the similarity between the model and the object) The use of models as external representations to reason with has important points the object is the apple and the models (icons) are the three different examples. object changes when the model changes; the meaning of the apple in the metaphorical icons to examples of digital modelling in DH research dealing with historical nature of the representational relation between objects and models through practical Dynamic Relation Models/Objects/Interpretations Dynamic Relation Models/Objects/Interpretations id: work_toed6umk4rhkhdnwdnxyy4jitm author: Arianna Ciula title: Modelling: Thinking in Practice. An Introduction date: 2019 words: 9967.0 sentences: 940.0 pages: 27 flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_toed6umk4rhkhdnwdnxyy4jitm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_toed6umk4rhkhdnwdnxyy4jitm.txt summary: explore possibilities for a new interdisciplinary language of modelling spanning the humanities, cultural studies and the sciences; to analyse modelling in The following was used as working definition of modelling within the project: modelling is the creative process by which researchers create and manipulate external representations ("imaginary concreta", Godfrey-Smith 2009) to Building on complementary expertise in DH research, the PIs aimed at reflecting on modelling around the central concept of textuality. Modelling in the Digital Humanities: a Research Program?, Fotis Jannidis represented and processed on computers." This makes the practice of modelling in a research software engineering context an inherently interdisciplinary Modelling Between Digital and Humanities: Thinking in Practice. of Modelling in Digital Humanities Practices. "Modelling between digital and humanities: Thinking in practice," its aims, Modeling in the Digital Humanities: a Research Program? Modeling in the Digital Humanities: a Research Program? id: work_n2m252d2fvhn5arupn5m5vsy4u author: Arjan van Hessen title: The Case Of Interview Data: A multidisciplinary approach to the use of technology in research using interview methods date: 2019 words: 473.0 sentences: 69.0 pages: 9 flesch: 62.0 cache: ./cache/work_n2m252d2fvhn5arupn5m5vsy4u.pdf txt: ./txt/work_n2m252d2fvhn5arupn5m5vsy4u.txt summary: The Case Of Interview Data: A multidisciplinary The Case Of Interview Data Thank you for joining us here in Utrecht! wonderful local organiser, Arjan van Hessen • tools and data professionals • fields ‐ speech technology, social sciences, human Interested in strengthening the position of interview data in Arjan van Hessen Christoph Draxler Stef Scagliola Louise Corti history (OH) data • Previous 3 workshops ‐ tools specialists, data stewards and scholarly practices across disciplines who use interview data sources in their daily work: digital humanities, linguistics, oral infrastructure /tools for non‐digital humanities social science or humanities scholars in linguistic‐oriented methods and tools; and explore how these can be utilised by scholars using interview data • We will consider features of audiovisual and textual data be applying linguistic tools to oral history data. interview data can historians, linguists and social scientists share tools?'' 11.20 12.00 Introducing linguistic analysis of text: free tools id: work_d2dvfrm6pngktajsnvoi5nawmm author: Armin Hoenen title: A Manual for Web Corpus Crawling of Low Resource Languages date: 2019 words: 11611.0 sentences: 783.0 pages: 25 flesch: 66.0 cache: ./cache/work_d2dvfrm6pngktajsnvoi5nawmm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_d2dvfrm6pngktajsnvoi5nawmm.txt summary: resource(d) languages (LRL) dal web introducendo strumenti e un corso gratuito di eLearning LRLs primarily as such languages for which the compilation of text corpora from the internet is usually (business secret) save only characteristic features of a web page with frequent words technical, why searching content of an LRL on the web may become difficult, the needle in the can also be used for the automatic compilation of corpora in all languages, naturally also LRLs. 1 n-grams are sequences of n characters or words which occur in sequence in texts, where n stands for a Before starting to query a search engine, one needs some terms from the target language. Generally, we found search engines to be richer in content for languages querying content in LRLs. We also analyzed the lexical overlap between the languages involved internet and considered ways to search, tools, web and language statistics, well-known linguistic id: work_iiyhyhj2kzeqzkoqjoe6ubxncq author: Ashley Palmer title: Review: Marianne Moore Digital Archive date: 2020 words: 1384.0 sentences: 114.0 pages: 5 flesch: 53.0 cache: ./cache/work_iiyhyhj2kzeqzkoqjoe6ubxncq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_iiyhyhj2kzeqzkoqjoe6ubxncq.txt summary: Review: Marianne Moore Digital Archive Review: Marianne Moore Digital Archive The Marianne Moore Digital Archive (MMDA) aims to publish all 120 of Moore''s working notebooks, in linked dual-page facsimile and textual editions, to its free public The meticulous and visually appealing Marianne Moore Digital Archive (MMDA) has a lot to offer scholars of Moore''s work, teachers of modernism and American literature, the MMDA presents digital editions of Moore''s working notebooks, annotated and more forthcoming, and they aim to eventually feature all 120 of Moore''s notebooks. transcriptions and annotations across the notebooks would support even more Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 1, No. 10 Review: Marianne Moore Digital Archive Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 1, No. 10 Review: Marianne Moore Digital Archive Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 1, No. 10 Review: Marianne Moore Digital Archive Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 1, No. 10 Review: Marianne Moore Digital Archive id: work_2m3ubeq33ncujnaa7gcfv62hwy author: Augustine Farinola title: Digital Humanities Scholarship in Africa: Prospects and Challenges date: 2020 words: 5499.0 sentences: 346.0 pages: 16 flesch: 48.0 cache: ./cache/work_2m3ubeq33ncujnaa7gcfv62hwy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2m3ubeq33ncujnaa7gcfv62hwy.txt summary: this paper argues for a review of the digital technological tools being used for research in presenting research through the use of Digital Humanities ''tools of translation and digital communication, and technological tools used in research in the humanities. this theory to address the identified limitations of digital technological tools developed to Digital Humanities and Its Technological Tools Beyond the positive side is the limitation of Digital humanities to researchers in African Studies, because Digital Humanities does not fully represent the context and meanings develop Digital Humanities in the context of Africans. The contribution of Africans to Digital Humanities in order to process and present ideas Digital Humanities is still, but the reality of African Studies is beyond material for appropriate digital technological tools for Research in Africa. advocate for minimum digital literacy for African researchers and scholars in humanities. phenomenological analysis of Digital Humanities (DH) Technological tools used for id: work_msattweehje2vpvzk2cpmy2mji author: Azka Khan title: Extraction of Semantic Domains Through Corpus Tools date: 2020 words: 7004.0 sentences: 610.0 pages: 16 flesch: 65.0 cache: ./cache/work_msattweehje2vpvzk2cpmy2mji.pdf txt: ./txt/work_msattweehje2vpvzk2cpmy2mji.txt summary: Microsoft Word 17 Extraction of Semantic Domains through Corpus Tools Azka.docx Having a clear corpus methodology for extraction of semantic domains is important in a two-fold corpus techniques to establish the dominant semantic domains in any discourse. research include word clouds, frequency lists of both stemmed and synonymous words and KWIC. the potential benefits of using different corpus software for extracting dominant semantic domains in a 1. How can we extract dominant semantic domains from a literary text by using corpus techniques? section also explains the need for a replicable corpus methodology in extracting semantic domains from the These three methods include usability of corpus techniques, namely, frequency lists, word clouds The reliability of some of the corpus techniques for extracting semantic domains available to the researchers Employing Frequency Lists of Stemmed Words and Synonyms for Extracting Semantic linguistic tool used in this research is to establish the dominant semantic fields are frequency lists. id: work_2seveqjymjgtpf7bowr6kyyiaa author: Baek-Hee Lee title: Ergonomic Evaluation of a Control Room Design of Radioactive Waste Facility using Digital Human Simulation date: 2010 words: 3806.0 sentences: 1115.0 pages: 9 flesch: 99.0 cache: ./cache/work_2seveqjymjgtpf7bowr6kyyiaa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2seveqjymjgtpf7bowr6kyyiaa.txt summary: the last to reflect the secular trend of stature for next 20 years in South Korea. Keyword: Digital human simulation, Control room, Radioactive waste facility 평가되며, 방폐장 관련 정보를 제공하는 LDP(large display 방폐장 주제어실의 설계 적합성 판단은 인간공학적 평가 컴퓨터 작업 자세와 방폐장 주제어실 평가 기준 자세 가지 설계요소(console, LDP, LCD)에 대한 인간공학적 LCD 수직 시야 범위는 NUREG-0700의 설계 기준을 LDP의 수평 시야 범위는 NUREG-0700에 명시된 LDP Digital Human Simulation을 통한 인간공학적 헬리콥터 조종실 Digital human model simulation for ergonomic design of tangible (Ed.), Digital Human Modeling for Vehicle and Workplace Design. (Ed.), Digital Human Modeling for Vehicle and Workplace Design. 6. 30 Digital Human Simulation을 활용한 방사성 폐기물 처리장 주제어실의 인체공학적 평가 391 6. 30 Digital Human Simulation을 활용한 방사성 폐기물 처리장 주제어실의 인체공학적 평가 391 6. 30 Digital Human Simulation을 활용한 방사성 폐기물 처리장 주제어실의 인체공학적 평가 391 6. 30 Digital Human Simulation을 활용한 방사성 폐기물 처리장 주제어실의 인체공학적 평가 391 id: work_y6dr6tev4fhjppoqc2a7hfahzm author: Baekhee Lee title: Development of a Distributed Representative Human Model Generation and Analysis System for Multiple-Size Product Design date: 2013 words: 2069.0 sentences: 441.0 pages: 6 flesch: 74.0 cache: ./cache/work_y6dr6tev4fhjppoqc2a7hfahzm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_y6dr6tev4fhjppoqc2a7hfahzm.txt summary: Objective: The aim of this study is to develop a distributed representative human model(DRHM) generation and analysis for a product designer to explore an optimal sizing system by applying various distributed methods because of their complexity Method: Studies related to DRHM generation were reviewed and the RHM generation interfaces of three digital human model simulation systems(Jack®, RAMSIS®, and CATIA Human®) were reviewed. DRHM generation and analysis system can be of great use to determine an optimal sizing system for a multiple-size product Keywords: Multiple-size product design, Sizing system, Distributed representative human model distributed method 결정, 그리고 DRHM 인체크기 결정)로 Distributed representative human model(DRHM) Ergonomic product design using a digital human 31 Distributed Representative Human Model Generation and Analysis System 687 31 Distributed Representative Human Model Generation and Analysis System 687 Jung, K., Development of a Multivariate Representative Human Model Areas of interest: Ergonomic Product Design, Digital Human Modeling id: work_aeyo6w7szva7lgp53sg2u7jkma author: Baekhee Lee title: Ergonomic Design of a Main Control Room of Radioactive Waste Facility Using Digital Human Simulation date: 2012 words: 3328.0 sentences: 332.0 pages: 5 flesch: 62.0 cache: ./cache/work_aeyo6w7szva7lgp53sg2u7jkma.pdf txt: ./txt/work_aeyo6w7szva7lgp53sg2u7jkma.txt summary: Ergonomic Design of a Main Control Room of Radioactive Waste Facility Using Digital Human Simulation Ergonomic Design of a Main Control Room of Radioactive Waste Facility The present study evaluated a preliminary main control room (MCR) design of radioactive waste facility using the in-depth ergonomic analysis with a digital prototype of the MCR design and the digital humanoids in terms of postural A revised MCR design suggested in the present study would contribute to effective and evaluations using DHS and analyzed design improvements of Ergonomic evaluation using digital human simulation The present study evaluated preliminary designs of the MCR of the RWF and analyzed design improvements. body sizes of generated representative human models as shown workstation postures for DHS evaluation as shown in Figure 4. three major design components (console, LDP, and LCD) of MCR of the RWF through ergonomic evaluation considered Ergonomic Design and Evaluation Technology for id: work_dyvz74kqyjb6hnzcol4jrnqr6y author: Barbara Bordalejo title: Diversity and Collaboration in Digital Humanities: a Workshop date: 2018 words: 593.0 sentences: 95.0 pages: 69 flesch: 48.0 cache: ./cache/work_dyvz74kqyjb6hnzcol4jrnqr6y.pdf txt: ./txt/work_dyvz74kqyjb6hnzcol4jrnqr6y.txt summary: method across lots of examples ● The important thing is not "What can we edit Series celebrate diversity of problem Variety of new problems Variety of new problems ● McCarty and Short''s This is a Special Interest Group for Latin 1. It is possible to do digital work in the ● Use computation to advance historical work rather than use historical examples to advance Digital Humanities Digital Humanities Digital Humanities 2. Diversity (of problem) is more important than "Quality" (of work) if you are doing Digital ● New subjects (text, images, 3D) ● New people (Scholars, Crowd, Journalists, Citizen and Short''s diagram ● How do (groups of) ● How do (groups of) people differ in their humanities differently in diversity (of problem) diversity (of problem) diversity (of problem) diversity (of problem) ● Because it exists at the intersection of fields and id: work_vkxbjbmoyfa55i6h53jlvsibzm author: Barbara Bordalejo title: Walking Alone Online: Intersectional Violence on the Internet date: 2019 words: 7435.0 sentences: 479.0 pages: 23 flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/work_vkxbjbmoyfa55i6h53jlvsibzm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_vkxbjbmoyfa55i6h53jlvsibzm.txt summary: This article discusses the targeting of women and minorities on the internet, specifically focusing on connection between Milo Yiannopoulos''s key role in GamerGate, the online harassment of female journalists, and the targeted attacks against female academics working in the Digital Humanities.; "Why the Trolls Will Always Win," Culture,; Nick Wingfield, "Feminist Critics of Video Games; Chandra Steele, "Everything You Never Wanted to Know About GamerGate," 21 UK, 8 February 2018,; Guardian, 10 January 2018,; "Russian Twitter Trolls Meddled in the Brexit Vote. It?," 23 November 2017, U.S.,; Canadian Press, "Russian Trolls That Meddled In U.S. For different reasons, these two professors have been identified by online alt-right trolls who have issue of online harassment of women in an article, authored by Milo Yiannopoulus, entitled "The Of the individuals harassing Gailey in social media, id: work_v2e2rurnzncldp2ftmabytyxjy author: Beatrice Alex title: Adapting the Edinburgh Geoparser for Historical Georeferencing date: 2015 words: 8176.0 sentences: 587.0 pages: 25 flesch: 60.0 cache: ./cache/work_v2e2rurnzncldp2ftmabytyxjy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_v2e2rurnzncldp2ftmabytyxjy.txt summary: developed the Edinburgh Geoparser, a system that can automatically recognise place name mentions in text and disambiguate them with respect to a gazetteer. The latter looks up the location names in a gazetteer and resolves ambiguities to suggest the most likely interpretation (i.e. latitude/longitude, country and type) for each location given its context in the text being processed. In this section, we report on adjustments made to the Edinburgh Geoparser for Trading Consequences, GAP and DEEP, three research projects all processing historical text of different kinds. In the experiments presented next we evaluate the georesolution step of the Edinburgh Geoparser for adjustments we made to its feature set specifically gold standard dataset containing manually annotated location mentions georeferenced to GeoNames. (3) The DEEP Project: Georeferencing Historical English Place-names use we have made of the Edinburgh Geoparser to assign georeferences to DEEP place-names A version of the Geoparser adapted to use DEEP is accessible in Unlock Text. id: work_gio25lsxfnawho3jaoh4w6te54 author: Benedikt Szmrecsanyi title: Corpus-based Dialectometry: Aggregate Morphosyntactic Variability in British English Dialects* date: 2008 words: 5626.0 sentences: 502.0 pages: 18 flesch: 56.0 cache: ./cache/work_gio25lsxfnawho3jaoh4w6te54.pdf txt: ./txt/work_gio25lsxfnawho3jaoh4w6te54.txt summary: variation in non-standard British dialects patterned geographically? studies eight salient accent features to establish a composite map dividing England into 13 traditional dialect areas. In the realm of perceptual dialectology, Inoue (1996) conducted an experiment to study the subjective dialect division in Great Britain. As for the first question, a Perl script was run on the Euclidean distance matrix based on all ptotal = 62 features and on fred''s geographic longitude/latitude study on aggregate linguistic distances in Dutch dialects – report R2 values Second, the best curve estimation for the relationship between morphosyntactic and geographic distance in British English dialects is frequencies of multiple negation (feature [34]) (r = .79), greenish colours correlate most strongly with higher frequencies of non-standard weak past tense and Figure 2: Correlating linguistic and geographic distances, county level (N = Figure 2: Correlating linguistic and geographic distances, county level (N = id: work_hf3rbisgfzaupmouglg6u4tjey author: Berber Hagedoorn title: The Researcher as Storyteller: Using Digital Tools for Search and Storytelling with Audio-Visual Materials date: 2018 words: 11676.0 sentences: 876.0 pages: 21 flesch: 53.0 cache: ./cache/work_hf3rbisgfzaupmouglg6u4tjey.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hf3rbisgfzaupmouglg6u4tjey.txt summary: digital tool (technically based on linked open data) that supports audio-visual research through exploratory search. Keywords: narratives, narrative creation, storytelling, exploratory search, media research, working with audiovisual sources (AV), user studies, Digital Humanities, archives, affordances of digital search tools, linked open data narrative creation processes, specifically research, writing and story composition by Media Studies and Humanities scholars as well as media professionals, and the pivotal ways in which digital tools inform these processes of search In their work, researchers study and integrate cultural and political meanings connected to media events.6 The collected data provides insights into how researchers search and explore digital audio-visual archives affordances in terms of support for search, retrieval and narrative creation by researchers working with AV materials. search practice and digital tool, and ask the sub question: how does exploratory search support researchers to study We studied how media researchers use digital search technologies in their daily work practices, to discover and id: work_hjazlkhc3zfnjfhz6iakdscd7e author: Bill Pascoe title: Mapping Meaning: learnings from indigenous mapping technology for Australia''s digital humanities mapping infrastructure date: 2020 words: 3788.0 sentences: 369.0 pages: 9 flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_hjazlkhc3zfnjfhz6iakdscd7e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hjazlkhc3zfnjfhz6iakdscd7e.txt summary: projects in TLCMap are focused on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and both as collaborations with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and indigenous Australians are Islander languages and peoples in Australia, but this one illustrates many points well.  Having learned the meaning of a place through a map (painting, sand, words, etc), the to intervene in the ''authoritative'' government naming of places, including indigenous people, or There are some indigenous place names with meanings that have become have a specific focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and history. being about the history of violence towards Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander country and culture based quantitative indigenous research, and elsewhere.7 The following TLCMap projects from across This project maps colonial frontier massacres in Australia from 1780 to 1930. This project provides a web interface and map into a research collection of Aboriginal Time Layered Cultural Map id: work_lp6alomtw5datbylffudwmbvzu author: Bin Li title: From History Book to Digital Humanities Database: The Basic Annals of the Shiji - ERRATUM date: 2020 words: 328.0 sentences: 150.0 pages: 1 flesch: 89.0 cache: ./cache/work_lp6alomtw5datbylffudwmbvzu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_lp6alomtw5datbylffudwmbvzu.txt summary: Doi:, Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 August 2020 Bin Li, Yaxin Li, Qian Yang, Yaqi Wang and Rui Chen Bin Li, Yaxin Li, Qian Yang, Yaqi Wang and Rui Chen (1) Li, B., Li, Y., Yang, Q., Wang, Y., & Chen, R. Database: The Basic Annals of the Shiji. Database: The Basic Annals of the Shiji. Cambridge University Press. J. Kim, V. Kim (n.d.) MRS Advances, 1-8, doi: 10.1557/adv.2020.24 (2020). © Cambridge University Press 2020 Cite this article: Li B, Li Y, Yang Q, Wang Y, Chen R (2021). From History Book to Digital Humanities From History Book to Digital Humanities From History Book to Digital Humanities Database: The Basic Annals of the Shiji ERRATUM. 10.1017/jch.2020.44 Journal of Chinese History (2021), 5, 169 doi:10.1017/jch.2020.44 From History Book to Digital Humanities Database: The Basic Annals of the Shiji ERRATUM id: work_npij5ivj4ve6vjaqogstyfs7fa author: Brandon Walsh title: Collaborative Writing to Build Digital Humanities Praxis date: 2018 words: 2040.0 sentences: 127.0 pages: 14 flesch: 51.0 cache: ./cache/work_npij5ivj4ve6vjaqogstyfs7fa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_npij5ivj4ve6vjaqogstyfs7fa.txt summary: Collaborative Writing to Build Digital Humanities Praxis Collaborative Writing to Build Digital Humanities Praxis be talking a bit today about "Collaborative Writing to Build Digital Humanities particular, I want to explore the potential for collaborative writing projects to course on digital text analysis (Walsh and Horowitz, 2016). Humanities Fellow working in the University Library, I was asked to support building the capacity of the University''s digital humanities resources. the collaboration is that, after co-writing the materials and teaching the course Writing collaborations such as these can fit the professional needs of people new courses, skills, and students into the major as a result of Professor Horowitz''s Writing projects like this one provide spaces for shared learning experiences Collaborative writing projects can thus serve as training in digital humanities people into the rewards of public digital work is by sharing the burdens and risks and the materials with which we work." By framing digital humanities praxis first id: work_hqbi22efmvf2xpdtmeopsds2hm author: Brandon Walsh title: In, Out, Across, With: Collaborative Education and Digital Humanities (A Job Talk) date: 2018 words: 5042.0 sentences: 244.0 pages: 19 flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_hqbi22efmvf2xpdtmeopsds2hm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hqbi22efmvf2xpdtmeopsds2hm.txt summary: In, Out, Across, With: Collaborative Education and Digital Humanities (Job Talk for Since my new position will involve helping graduate students through the process of examples or demonstrations of digital research projects, pedagogical approaches, or initiatives This talk is titled "In, Out, Across, With: Collaborative Education and Digital Humanities," and skills that one should have at the end of a program, particularly when talking about people who GitHub before you can work on this project." It''s just a short jump from this to a likely student my slides with tons of text, I swear): graduate students need training in "collaborative modes of need to adapt and develop new professional opportunities for our students at the same time that Scholars'' Lab to bring UVA graduate students to teach short-form workshops on digital research Funded opportunities like this one can help students professionalize in new program, whose students develop open tutorials on digital tools. id: work_yyhr45slefdrxdbivgprue6hzq author: Brandon Walsh title: On Co-Teaching and Digital Humanities date: 2018 words: 1186.0 sentences: 72.0 pages: 3 flesch: 64.0 cache: ./cache/work_yyhr45slefdrxdbivgprue6hzq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_yyhr45slefdrxdbivgprue6hzq.txt summary: Microsoft Word On Co-Teaching and Digital Humanities.docx On Co-Teaching and Digital Humanities It''s expensive to use two faculty members to teach a single course when one You have a set number of courses that need to be taught, and you need people to teaching digital humanities, sometimes bringing these fields together requires expertise enough to say that interdisciplinary courses need a second instructor. Co-teaching models collaboration for students. Digital humanities work often requires multiple people to work together, but I''d wager that to position my students as equal collaborators with me in the material of the course. This approach to teaching works especially well as a vehicle for digital humanities. Co-teaching transfers skills from one instructor to another. Digital humanities faculty and staff are often brought in to support courses and projects by Of course, all of this requires a lot of buy-in, both from the faculty teaching together and id: work_ebmpwo5ymjb2jnp6d7kgtlbkna author: Bridget Almas title: Perseids: Experimenting with Infrastructure for Creating and Sharing Research Data in the Digital Humanities date: 2017 words: 5917.0 sentences: 540.0 pages: 17 flesch: 51.0 cache: ./cache/work_ebmpwo5ymjb2jnp6d7kgtlbkna.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ebmpwo5ymjb2jnp6d7kgtlbkna.txt summary: Perseids: Experimenting with Infrastructure for Creating and Sharing Research Data in the Digital Humanities The Perseids project provides a platform for creating, publishing, and sharing research data, The Perseids project provides a platform for creating, publishing, and sharing research data, in the form of (PDL), Perseids is also an experiment in reusing and extending existing infrastructure, tools, and services. linked data providers, general purpose and domain-specific platforms, content management systems external projects also connect to Perseids''s tools and review workflow via its API. workflow on Perseids the user creates a publication containing one or more of the supported data types. Perseids also uses external APIs to pull data from other infrastructures. metadata and data from that resource into new translation publications on Perseids (Figures 17 and 18). Journey of the Hero [WWW Document] n.d. Available at: (accessed Research Data Collections WG [WWW Document] n.d. Available at: (accessed 9.29.16). id: work_4eqp73och5hudeerggco4uknfy author: Bénédicte Vauthier title: The .txtual condition, .txtual criticism and .txtual scholarly editing in Spanish philology date: 2019 words: 10102.0 sentences: 726.0 pages: 18 flesch: 58.0 cache: ./cache/work_4eqp73och5hudeerggco4uknfy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4eqp73och5hudeerggco4uknfy.txt summary: writing process, scholarly editions (of born-digital material) and (born-digital) archives.5 In this area, the landscape of European research, especially for Spanish studies, In textual criticism and scholarly editing of modern English literature texts––the theory and practice of modern scholarly editing, textual criticism and analytical History, Nutt-Kofoth 2006)––the simplicity of the title should be noted as meaningful––a German literary scholar and specialist for scholarly editions invites his colleagues to stop focusing solely on the "linguistic" dimension of the text and instead turn is what the Anglo-Americans question with the idea of "versioning" (Reiman 1987), "fluid text" (Bryant work (2013) on the typology of digital scholarly editions and on the definition of the textual criticism and scholarly editing of modern texts both in European traditions and donate the digital working documents of my books to a library or to any other type of id: work_wh3b7ci2frbblf5hcbiitrqbwm author: C. Ross title: Enabled backchannel: conference Twitter use by digital humanists date: 2011 words: 12059.0 sentences: 1415.0 pages: 34 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_wh3b7ci2frbblf5hcbiitrqbwm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wh3b7ci2frbblf5hcbiitrqbwm.txt summary: Enabled Backchannel: Conference Twitter Use by Digital Humanists This paper considers the use of Twitter as a digital backchannel by the Digital Humanities community, Keywords: Microblogging, Twitter, digital humanities, digital backchannels, conferences, user different types of user intentions in a Twitter enabled conference backchannel. the Digital Humanities community use of Twitter have been undertaken (Fluharty 2010, French 2010) Humanities conference data set were identified and then sent an online survey (16 Twitter users were Fig 1: The use of Twitter in a conference setting, indicating the number of Tweets which included conference community by the high proportion of Tweets addressing other Twitter users. Fig 2: Density of Tweets produced by Twitter users in the Digital Humanities Conferences corpus, Digital Humanities conference Twitter enabled backchannel is encouraging a more participatory resemblance with the Digital Humanities conference twitter communications, helping users function community of practice, and how academics use Twitter in a conference based setting. id: work_uxxl47cvw5h5ffwgo4ee5vxic4 author: C. Thomas title: Intuitive Work Assistance by Reciprocal Human-robot Interaction in the Subject Area of Direct Human-robot Collaboration date: 2016 words: 5297.0 sentences: 349.0 pages: 6 flesch: 46.0 cache: ./cache/work_uxxl47cvw5h5ffwgo4ee5vxic4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_uxxl47cvw5h5ffwgo4ee5vxic4.txt summary: Intuitive work assistance by reciprocal human-robot interaction in the considered by being recorded individually via motion capturing before the workplace is built in a virtual and real environment. task specific movements of the employee are simulated using digital human models for the virtual representation of the employee, combined with The impact of the employee on the assistance robot system is provided by the design of research project are presented as well as two reference processes from the field of assembly technologies as application examples. Keywords: Human-Robot Collaboration, Digital Human Models, Individual Assistance Systems, Human-Centred Design of Workplaces planning of joint workplaces of humans and robots and its individual and virtual planning and design of human-robotcollaborations and the realisation of reference processes The realization of a human-robot collaboration in assembly execution of the employee''s work tasks by the robot. 5. Individualized Human-Robot Collaboration in the Human Hybrid Robot for Supporting Manual Assembly Tasks. id: work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgq author: C. Warwick title: If You Build It Will They Come? The LAIRAH Study: Quantifying the Use of Online Resources in the Arts and Humanities through Statistical Analysis of User Log Data date: 2007 words: 11143.0 sentences: 955.0 pages: 35 flesch: 66.0 cache: ./cache/work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_m6qmuqa67rhnxnyvzcsztatrgq.txt summary: LAIRAH study : quantifying the use of online resources in the arts and humanities through statistical analysis online resources in the arts and humanities through statistical analysis of user log data.'', Literary and Linguistic the factors which determine long term use and neglect of digital resources in the arts approaches to digital resources in the arts and humanities, the study identifies factors digital resources in the humanities during the LAIRAH project, and provides digital resource in the humanities, and institutions which may fund those projects, to that those humanities scholars who use digital resources tend to be demanding of the use individual logs from the servers of digital humanities projects. of those who use digital resources, since our questionnaire data indicates that only a their work, or they cannot access information without digital resources, they are more optimistic that the users will adopt digital resources for humanities research. id: work_6nac5nltkbgqhllijnfzdmtg4i author: C. Warwick title: RAY SIEMENS and SUSAN SCHREIBMAN (eds.). The Blackwell Companion to Digital Literary Studies date: 2008 words: 1824.0 sentences: 108.0 pages: 6 flesch: 58.0 cache: ./cache/work_6nac5nltkbgqhllijnfzdmtg4i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6nac5nltkbgqhllijnfzdmtg4i.txt summary: The version of record Warwick, Claire (2009) ''Ray Siemens and Susan Schreibman (eds.). Blackwell companion to digital literary studies.'', Review of English Studies, 60 (244): 335-338 is available online at: The Blackwell Companion to Digital Literary Studies. Review of The Blackwell Companion to Digital Literary Studies. area of digital literary studies, written by an impressive collection of leading scholars. They review the digital resources available and the type of scholarly questions how the availability of a greater range of digital texts may affect the way that researchers handle It is an example of true digital literary study in that it combines a expert a reader might believe herself to be in digital literary studies, so great is the range of subjects and thus of most current concern in the area of digital literary studies. beyond the need for such self justification that digital literary studies is an important, fascinating id: work_aw467ogqnvajnifcoh3uaqtjyy author: C. Warwick title: The master builders: LAIRAH research on good practice in the construction of digital humanities projects date: 2008 words: 1822.0 sentences: 137.0 pages: 3 flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_aw467ogqnvajnifcoh3uaqtjyy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_aw467ogqnvajnifcoh3uaqtjyy.txt summary: T his paper describes the results of research carried outduring the LAIRAH (Log analysis of Internet Resources in the Arts and Humanities) project ( elements which, in this file, represent alphabemes. proposed encoding of graphemes, alphabemes and inflected words: id: work_53isusw3bzhjpk7xlatqqjuqy4 author: Federico Meschini title: Documenti, medialità e racconto. Di cosa parliamo quando parliamo di Digital Scholarship date: 2019 words: 10888.0 sentences: 1496.0 pages: 19 flesch: 55.0 cache: ./cache/work_53isusw3bzhjpk7xlatqqjuqy4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_53isusw3bzhjpk7xlatqqjuqy4.txt summary: sugli elementi costitutivi della digital scholarship e le loro possibili combinazioni e sul rapporto tra nel mondo classico e medievale, come non esisteva parimenti una netta separazione tra ricerca Digital Scholarship è perciò, come frequentemente accade nella ridefinizione digitale delle cui i centri di ricerca nelle humanities o i visual studies9, delle nove relazioni prodotte dallo SCI, ultime possono essere perciò una preziosa risorsa per ciò che riguarda sia i rapporti tra i diversi aspetto qualitativo da un lato, come la codifica dei testi, e quello quantitativo dall''altro, tra cui scienze umane e digital humanities a causa di una mancata integrazione tra di loro (Hayles 2012). Companion to Media Studies and Digital Humanities (Sayers 2018), anche in questo caso a scholarship e digital humanities, da cui eravamo partiti, acquista ora una maggiore nitidezza: se motivo la riflessione conclusiva è come, ancora più che nelle digital humanities a causa del id: work_a536k3ux6zfina57hcqvb3wgge author: Federico Nanni title: Semi-supervised Textual Analysis and Historical Research Helping Each Other: Some Thoughts and Observations date: 2016 words: 6591.0 sentences: 368.0 pages: 15 flesch: 49.0 cache: ./cache/work_a536k3ux6zfina57hcqvb3wgge.pdf txt: ./txt/work_a536k3ux6zfina57hcqvb3wgge.txt summary: Keywords: semi-supervised methods; historical studies; data analysis; borndigital archives practice of historical research and the use of computational methods: researchers in digital humanities need to bear in mind their long-term computational methods for studying historical corpora, namely for dataexploration and general hypothesis-confirmation analyses, we believe that a diachronic description of the use of computational methods in historical research humanities scholars, researchers can study the resulting clusters in order to historical research and computational approaches have been presented.22 In (i.e. literary studies researchers and digital archivists), the words ''text mining'' textual analysis techniques most widely used in historical research (e.g., topic Topic modeling is arguably the most popular text mining technique in digital methods in the humanities, this is data-driven research.30 More specifically, we language processing, could also become established research methods in digital of digital humanities scholars employing text mining methods. Weingart, ''The digital humanities contribution to topic modeling'', Journal of id: work_scsuwb43sbgxdk7pbuddywep3m author: Floriana Sciumbata title: Students of humanities and digital skills: a survey on Italian university students date: 2019 words: 5979.0 sentences: 514.0 pages: 21 flesch: 58.0 cache: ./cache/work_scsuwb43sbgxdk7pbuddywep3m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_scsuwb43sbgxdk7pbuddywep3m.txt summary: This paper presents a study carried out to survey the digital skills of Italian students belonging Italian humanities students, this study points out digital skills that should be strengthened, • outlining the digital skills profile of Italian university students of humanities; F. Sciumbata – Students of humanities and digital skills: a survey on Italian university students F. Sciumbata – Students of humanities and digital skills: a survey on Italian university students F. Sciumbata – Students of humanities and digital skills: a survey on Italian university students F. Sciumbata – Students of humanities and digital skills: a survey on Italian university students F. Sciumbata – Students of humanities and digital skills: a survey on Italian university students F. Sciumbata – Students of humanities and digital skills: a survey on Italian university students F. Sciumbata – Students of humanities and digital skills: a survey on Italian university students id: work_6tlfkx4zqrff7cr3mziuw6y4ka author: Folkert de Vriend title: The Dutch–German Border: Relating Linguistic, Geographic and Social Distances date: 2008 words: 867.0 sentences: 178.0 pages: flesch: 68.0 cache: ./cache/work_6tlfkx4zqrff7cr3mziuw6y4ka.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6tlfkx4zqrff7cr3mziuw6y4ka.txt summary: The Dutch-German Border: Relating Linguistic, Geographic and Social Distances | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 1022968The Dutch-German Border: Relating Linguistic, Geographic and Social Distances title={The Dutch-German Border: Relating Linguistic, Geographic and Social Distances}, Vriend, Charlotte Giesbers, +1 author Louis ten Bosch In this paper we relate linguistic, geographic and social distances to each other in order to get a better understanding of the impact the Dutch-German state border has had on the linguistic characteristics of a sub-area of the Kleverlandish dialect area. Figures, Tables, and Topics from this paper View 1 excerpt, cites background View 1 excerpt, cites background View 1 excerpt, cites background Linguistic Change and Diffusion: Description and Explanation in Sociolinguistic Dialect Geography. View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License id: work_uixnvd3cjbcdddfpwkg3dr77wq author: Francesca Tomasi title: DIGITAL HUMANITIES AND DIGITAL KNOWLEDGE (DHDK) International second cycle/Master degree date: 2018 words: 1802.0 sentences: 154.0 pages: 7 flesch: 26.0 cache: ./cache/work_uixnvd3cjbcdddfpwkg3dr77wq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_uixnvd3cjbcdddfpwkg3dr77wq.txt summary: designed to foster close connections between humanities and the sciences of modelling, representation and processing of information and knowledge. Keywords: digital humanities, learning areas, professional figures, programme catalogue, The international degree programme in Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge1 offers a – computer science and engineering (computational thinking; database design; web technologies; usability analysis, design and evaluation; knowledge representation and extraction; multimedia applications); 2 Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge (DHDK) Inaugural Opening Events: https:// entrepreneurship; social media; digital communication and writing; web analytics; digital copyright; open access). – Expert in the digital management of cultural resources.The graduate masters the life cycle of the cultural resources: from the design of a project plan to its realization, from – Francesca Tomasi, expertise: Digital cultural heritage 1. Knowledge Organization and Digital Methods in the Cultural Heritage Domain *2 DIGITAL HUMANITIES AND DIGITAL KNOWLEDGE (DHDK) – International second cycle/Master degree id: work_bhz3tr2jvfesniohrdugc7veda author: Francesca Tomasi title: Modelling in the Digital Humanities: Conceptual Data Models and Knowledge Organization in the Cultural Heritage Domain date: 2019 words: 4571.0 sentences: 487.0 pages: 13 flesch: 55.0 cache: ./cache/work_bhz3tr2jvfesniohrdugc7veda.pdf txt: ./txt/work_bhz3tr2jvfesniohrdugc7veda.txt summary: Modelling in the Digital Humanities: Conceptual Data Models and Knowledge Organization in of data models as a knowledge organization system is the core of this reflection on Digital Humanities domain. in DH in general and in my research on domain ontologies – or better on conceptual data modelling in the cultural heritage – in particular. And a formal language, from a computational point of view, is a question of data structure and abstract data types, i.e. graph (the network), tree (a hierarchy), table (a formal meta-language, we model documents as semi-structured objects. The same approach is adopted by ontologies, i.e. conceptual data models translated through a formal language. A domain ontology is a formal, abstract representation, useful in order to semantically describe, i.e. to model, a collection of Ontologies, Data Modeling, and TEI. Data: formalizing the conceptual model. Modelling in the Digital Humanities: Conceptual Data Models and Knowledge Organization in the Cultural Heritage Domain. id: work_nvoyc3t4u5hr5eqz6qk5zcfdj4 author: Francis Rousseaux title: Exploring informed virtual sites through Michel Foucault''s heterotopias date: 2009 words: 884.0 sentences: 179.0 pages: flesch: 59.0 cache: ./cache/work_nvoyc3t4u5hr5eqz6qk5zcfdj4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_nvoyc3t4u5hr5eqz6qk5zcfdj4.txt summary: [PDF] Exploring informed virtual sites through Michel Foucault''s heterotopias | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 26284328Exploring informed virtual sites through Michel Foucault''s heterotopias title={Exploring informed virtual sites through Michel Foucault''s heterotopias}, This papers starts with some mysterious contribution by Michel Foucault (1967) about heterotopias as special epistemological sites. With a recent case-study – an immersive virtual reality art project dealing with some ancient abbey reconstruction and managed by a French engineering school – we analyse the successive attempts to satisfy the system users by extending Foucault''s heterotopology, which appears to be useful and creative for the Virtual Reality research communities. Archaeology of the voice : exploring oral history, locative media, audio walks, and sound art as site-specific displacement activities View 1 excerpt, cites background View 1 excerpt, cites background View 1 excerpt, cites background View 1 excerpt, cites background Introduction to Virtual Reality id: work_ci4peodnbbf4lgydwra4jxwwua author: Françoise Nicolas title: Chinese ODI in France: Challenges and Opportunities date: 2010 words: 8944.0 sentences: 609.0 pages: 14 flesch: 49.0 cache: ./cache/work_ci4peodnbbf4lgydwra4jxwwua.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ci4peodnbbf4lgydwra4jxwwua.txt summary: member and Italy finally joined CLARIN ERIC with the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities This paper aims at providing a clear overview of the Italian national CLARIN consortium as it currently stands two years after its creation. As regards the CLARIN centres and resources made available, the ILC currently hosts the ILC4CLARIN, A contribution called "Language Resources and Infrastructures for Digital Humanities" was presented at the Curso de Verano 2016 "New trends in quantitative and computational linguistics", organized Subsequently, a lecture on "Digital Humanities and Research Infrastructures: CLARIN" was given resources and research infrastructures applied to the study of ancient Greek" organized at the Università technologies and new investigations: CLARIN-IT and some examples of application to the study of ancient Greek" whereas the second one was entitled "Infrastructures of Research and Classical Studies. funded projects (and thus already available) into the CLARIN federated services Language Resource id: work_m2ftkvfxyjcepitnjnmzhnjt7y author: Frederick W. Gibbs title: Teaching and Researching the History of Medicine in the Era of (Big) Data: Introduction date: 2016 words: 594.0 sentences: 40.0 pages: 1 flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_m2ftkvfxyjcepitnjnmzhnjt7y.pdf txt: ./txt/work_m2ftkvfxyjcepitnjnmzhnjt7y.txt summary: Teaching and Researching the History of Medicine in the Era of (Big) Data: Despite ample rhetoric about the utility of new digital methods that have emerged from methods can be applied to research and teaching. digital methods? Especially in the case of medical history, real-world the History of Medicine, scholars gathered to address these timely issues and questions, history of medicine field as it faces an ever-greater digital world and intersects increasingly The reviews in this volume of Medical History, and those American newspapers, as well as new ways in which digital methods can and should be methodological questions about how best to bridge traditional and digital methods in the history of medicine. application and execution of digital methods in the history of medicine. Downloaded from Teaching and Researching the History of Medicine in the Era of (Big) Data: Introduction*-2.5pc id: work_oa3s6uzp65fmpduwvwupqnseni author: Frederick W. Gibbs title: Teaching and Researching the History of Medicine in the Era of (Big) Data: Reflections date: 2017 words: 243.0 sentences: 34.0 pages: flesch: 65.0 cache: ./cache/work_oa3s6uzp65fmpduwvwupqnseni.pdf txt: ./txt/work_oa3s6uzp65fmpduwvwupqnseni.txt summary: [PDF] Teaching and Researching the History of Medicine in the Era of (Big) Data: Reflections | Semantic Scholar Skip to search formSkip to main content> Semantic Scholar''s Logo Search Corpus ID: 37530796Teaching and Researching the History of Medicine in the Era of (Big) Data: Reflections title={Teaching and Researching the History of Medicine in the Era of (Big) Data: Reflections}, author={Frederick W. Frederick W. Medicine, History View on Cambridge Press Share This Paper NNLM SEA Digest News – October 27, 2017 SEA Currents Paper Mentions Paper Mentions Related Papers Related Papers About Semantic Scholar Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. Blog posts, news articles and tweet counts and IDs sourced by By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License ACCEPT & CONTINUE id: work_g267nfgkpjesdnlkfvfg4yqfwa author: Gang Zhang title: Scheduling algorithm for the picture configuration for secondary tasks of a digital human–computer interface in a nuclear power plant date: 2020 words: 7285.0 sentences: 1029.0 pages: 11 flesch: 60.0 cache: ./cache/work_g267nfgkpjesdnlkfvfg4yqfwa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_g267nfgkpjesdnlkfvfg4yqfwa.txt summary: Scheduling algorithm for the picture configuration for secondary tasks of a digital human–computer interface in a nuclear power plant Secondary tasks of a digital human–computer interface in a nuclear power plant increase the mental workloads of picture configuration scheduling algorithm of secondary tasks is proposed. Digital human–computer interface, a picture configuration scheduling algorithm, buffer pool, constraint conditions scheduling algorithm that can be used for picture configuration for secondary tasks. scheduling algorithm that can be used for picture configuration for secondary tasks. algorithm for picture configuration of secondary tasks of Figure 1 illustrates the process of picture configuration of secondary tasks. size(task_sij): the size of the jth picture that is associated with the implemented object of the ith primary task; k_w_fi: extracted keyword vector space of the implemented objects of the ith primary task; Ð Successively search for the current jth picture keywords from the ith primary task id: work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nu author: Georg Vogeler title: The ''assertive edition'' date: 2019 words: 6983.0 sentences: 777.0 pages: 14 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ovxmjzm77zgxdcyjruozwrc4nu.txt summary: is to create formal representations of the information conveyed by the text in structured 2013:III,45-49), the assertive edition is the editorial practice dedicated to the ''text as type of documents edited: rich prosopographical information like in correspondence Using OCR to create a digital representation of the text, scholars then apply distant reading methods like topic modelling or Semantic Web technologies in scholarly editions is the Teutsche Academie der Bau-, publication of humanities data sources, in particular digital scholarly editions.7 In the 6 further and to include time in the relationship between data and information, i.e. between edited text and the facts the historian considers to be represented by the text. favour of stand-off annotation, as the semantic value of an edited text is an interpretations by the editor. representations of historical documents in which the information on facts asserted by the The project and TEI: encoding structured historical data in XML texts. id: work_ysd6ifgec5annemdfm2rfbu3uq author: George Pintzos title: Motion Parameters Identification for the Authoring of Manual Tasks in Digital Human Simulations: An Approach Using Semantic Modelling date: 2016 words: 4305.0 sentences: 348.0 pages: 7 flesch: 57.0 cache: ./cache/work_ysd6ifgec5annemdfm2rfbu3uq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ysd6ifgec5annemdfm2rfbu3uq.txt summary: Motion Parameters Identification for the Authoring of Manual Tasks in Digital Human Simulations: An Approach Using Semantic Modelling digital human simulations: an approach using semantic modelling The use of digital simulation tools for the planning and verification of manufacturing processes has been identified as a key enabler methodology for the recognition and reuse of motions and motion parameters during a manual assembly execution. methodology is based on a motion recognition algorithm using low cost sensors. order to identify motions that are translated into semantic individuals. relevant semantic rules for the organization and reuse of recorded motion parameters, during the production planning and more an example, a carrying motion performed for different identified motion parameters, a semantic model is In order to record human motions similar to the ones (MEs) and are recognized by the Motions Recognition Joint distances calculated for recognition of specific motions. 4. Human motions semantic model and application id: work_757zcxixengdtjcvhbr7rxqoai author: Giambattista Vico title: Le "Carte Villarosa". Sei fascicoli di carte vichiane non rilegate(Ms XIX, 42). Fascicoli I-VI date: 2016 words: 542.0 sentences: 144.0 pages: 4 flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/work_757zcxixengdtjcvhbr7rxqoai.pdf txt: ./txt/work_757zcxixengdtjcvhbr7rxqoai.txt summary: Laboratorio dell''Ispf. Laboratorio dell''Ispf. Rivista elettronica di testi, saggi e strumenti Rivista elettronica di testi, saggi e strumenti email: Gli articoli della rivista, accettati dopo un processo di peer review, si conformano agli tutti i diritti d''uso del proprio lavoro, col solo vincolo alla menzione della prima Gli articoli approvati prima della chiusura di ciascun numero sono pubblicati con Sei fascicoli di carte vichiane non rilegate (Ms. XIX, 42) Atti del Convegno "Giambattista Vicos De universi juris uno principio, et fine uno im Kontext der europäischen Naturrechtstradition und Vicos Bedeutung GIAMBATTISTA VICOS UMGANG MIT DEM BEGRIFF DES VICO, DAS NATURRECHT, UND DER BEGRIFF OBLIGATIO "GENESE" UND "KOMPOSITION" IN VICOS DE UNO VICO E IL PROBLEMA DEL METODO TRA SPERIMENTALISMO E IL DE UNO ALLA LUCE DELL''EXEMPLUM TRACTATUS DE OSSERVAZIONE SULLA "LETTERATURA" SECONDO VICO TRA MANIFESTAZIONE DEL NESSO TRA UNIVERSALITÀ DELLA • David Armando ISTITUTO DI RICERCA DEL CNR id: work_ghhuhx2om5grtncgc72zosmaz4 author: Gimena Rio Riande title: EVI-LINHD. A Virtual Research Environment for the Spanish-speaking Community date: 2019 words: 1274.0 sentences: 135.0 pages: 3 flesch: 44.0 cache: ./cache/work_ghhuhx2om5grtncgc72zosmaz4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ghhuhx2om5grtncgc72zosmaz4.txt summary: del Rio Riande, G., González-Blanco García, E., Martínez Cantón, C., Escribano, J. Virtual Research Environment for the Spanish-speaking Community. Virtual Research Environment for the Spanish-speaking Community. field is looking for a global outreach and aims to open spaces of shared virtual work. Virtual Research Environments (VREs) have become central objects for digital humanist community, as they This poster presents the structure and design of the VRE of LINHD, the Digital Innovation Lab at UNED ( the possibilities of a collaborative environment for (profane or advanced) Spanish-speakers scholarly digital profile and training in digital humanities differ from the typical users of DH tools and environment. data, tools and projects, work and publish them and share the results with the research community. studied the structure and components of other digital virtual environment, our VRE has been designed on a Virtual research environments in scholarly work and communications, Library Hi Tech, 27(2): id: work_72g2q37pzveh7coknmrz2ycs7i author: Gimena del Rio title: Making Visible the Invisible: Metrical Patterns, Contrafacture and Compilation in a Medieval Castilian Songbook date: 2019 words: 1682.0 sentences: 112.0 pages: 2 flesch: 51.0 cache: ./cache/work_72g2q37pzveh7coknmrz2ycs7i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_72g2q37pzveh7coknmrz2ycs7i.txt summary: This panel presents new primary research results in the formal study of poetry and poetics that have been made possible by the development and use of digital technologies to create humanities knowledge that would not otherwise be possible; (2) the development of innovative methodologies that are able to research results that are made possible by the development of original digital tools and methods. presentations on this panel describe new technologies that were developed in order to (1) facilitate the machine-assisted creation of these types of metrically annotated poetic corpora, and (2) undertake original research about formal metrical practice on the basis of large digital corpora. With the help of our digital tool we will illustrate possible contrafactures, common metrical and rhyming patterns, and cycles of poems in the antiquiores'' corpus, 2013; Jockers and Flanders, 2013; Liu, 2014) and data-text (Marche, 2012) debates in the field of literary studies and the concepts of close-distant reading id: work_r2xqygg7wvamtpr6da22cpnmsm author: Gioele Barabucci title: Tracking the evolution of translated documents: revisions, languages and contaminations date: 2019 words: 815.0 sentences: 130.0 pages: flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_r2xqygg7wvamtpr6da22cpnmsm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_r2xqygg7wvamtpr6da22cpnmsm.txt summary: Tracking the evolution of translated documents: revisions, languages and contaminations | SpringerLink Even more complicate is keeping track of the parallel evolution of a document and its translations. This solution is then distilled in terms of formal concepts (e.g., translation, abstraction levels, comparability, division in parts, addressability) and abstract data structures (e.g., derivation graphs, revisions-alignment tables, source-document tables, source-part tables). The proposed data structures can be seen as a generalization of the classical evolutionary trees (e.g., stemma codicum), extended to take into account the concepts of translation and contamination (i.e., multiple sources). The presented abstract data structures can easily be implemented in any programming language and customized to fit the specific needs of a research project. Tracking the evolution of translated documents: revisions, languages and contaminations. Tracking the evolution of translated documents: revisions, languages and contaminations. Revision control for translated documents Independent evolution of translated documents Special Issue on Digital Scholarly Editing id: work_esyo6plndnejhnptsxiuw3tahy author: Giovanni De Magistris title: A human-like learning control for digital human models in a physics-based virtual environment date: 2014 words: 11567.0 sentences: 1941.0 pages: 20 flesch: 75.0 cache: ./cache/work_esyo6plndnejhnptsxiuw3tahy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_esyo6plndnejhnptsxiuw3tahy.txt summary: Abstract This paper presents a new learning control framework for digital human models in a physicsbased virtual environment. A human-like learning control for digital human models in a physics-based virtual environment 19 A human-like learning control for digital human models in a physics-based virtual environment 19 A human-like learning control for digital human models in a physics-based virtual environment 19 A human-like learning control for digital human models in a physics-based virtual environment 19 A human-like learning control for digital human models in a physics-based virtual environment 19 A human-like learning control for digital human models in a physics-based virtual environment 19 A human-like learning control for digital human models in a physics-based virtual environment 19 A human-like learning control for digital human models in a physics-based virtual environment 19 A human-like learning control for digital human models in a physics-based virtual environment 19 id: work_4zemnol56vfmjps3drenrec2xu author: Giovanni De Magistris title: Dynamic digital human models for ergonomic analysis based on humanoid robotics techniques date: 2015 words: 10843.0 sentences: 1104.0 pages: 30 flesch: 62.0 cache: ./cache/work_4zemnol56vfmjps3drenrec2xu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4zemnol56vfmjps3drenrec2xu.txt summary: digital human models for ergonomic analysis based on humanoid robotics techniques. human models for ergonomic analysis based on humanoid robotics techniques'', DHMs implementing ergonomics methods or industrial standards [for example, RULA simulated work tasks with dynamically consistent motions, behaviours and internal For these reasons, biomechanical risk factor assessment based upon DHM simulations The dynamics model of a robot, which we used to control our DHM, was a second We used the DHMs to simulate an experimental insert fitting tasks in ''Dynamic control of DHM for ergonomic assessments'', International Journal of Industrial (2011) ''Digital human manikins for work-task ergonomic assessment: which degree of Dynamic digital human models for ergonomic analysis 29 Dynamic digital human models for ergonomic analysis 29 Dynamic digital human models for ergonomic analysis 29 Dynamic digital human models for ergonomic analysis 29 Dynamic digital human models for ergonomic analysis 29 Dynamic digital human models for ergonomic analysis 29 id: work_lkm3y3osqjhtrhvfpc2cmr6g7m author: Gregory C. Smith title: Digital human designers date: 2015 words: 6871.0 sentences: 234.0 pages: flesch: cache: ./cache/work_lkm3y3osqjhtrhvfpc2cmr6g7m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_lkm3y3osqjhtrhvfpc2cmr6g7m.txt summary: Research published in the International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics considers the data retrieval problems for investigators faced with a hard drive that has been submerged in water. id: work_lchhe4hfbzgbvdj4pwmfw4riuq author: Gregory C. Smith title: Digital human models date: 2015 words: 6871.0 sentences: 234.0 pages: flesch: cache: ./cache/work_lchhe4hfbzgbvdj4pwmfw4riuq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_lchhe4hfbzgbvdj4pwmfw4riuq.txt summary: Research published in the International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics considers the data retrieval problems for investigators faced with a hard drive that has been submerged in water. id: work_n2arvyytuvbbbhixsqc2xkk5mi author: Greta Franzini title: Digital Editions of Text date: 2019 words: 13416.0 sentences: 950.0 pages: 26 flesch: 51.0 cache: ./cache/work_n2arvyytuvbbbhixsqc2xkk5mi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_n2arvyytuvbbbhixsqc2xkk5mi.txt summary: Franzini, G, Terras, M & Mahony, S 2019, ''Digital editions of text: Surveying user requirements in the Digital Digital Editions of Text: Surveying User Requirements in community who builds online digital editions of texts provides, and what the user-base wants. users will want to research the materials the DSE [Digital Scholarly Edition] has therein will help us better evaluate user needs against the digital (scholarly) editions being built The decision to collect data about the users of digital editions through a web survey was dictated for the consultation and use of digital editions,23 whether users are accessing the web from their In order to compare the results of the survey against the 242 digital editions in the Catalogue to understand users'' views on accessing digital editions from handheld devices.35 The survey 88% of the projects in the Catalogue, showing that digital editions are adequately meeting user id: work_xhooob3vmze7bnvtnptbpli4ey author: Greta Franzini title: Towards connecting scholarly editions to corpora in the LiLa (Linking Latin) Knowledge Base of linguistic resources date: 2019 words: 8431.0 sentences: 1546.0 pages: 133 flesch: 53.0 cache: ./cache/work_xhooob3vmze7bnvtnptbpli4ey.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xhooob3vmze7bnvtnptbpli4ey.txt summary: Towards connecting scholarly editions to corpora in the LiLa (Linking Latin) Knowledge Base of linguistic resources LiLa (Linking Latin) Knowledge Base of linguistic resources Automatic language processing requires linguistic resources and NLP tools Linguistic Resources and NLP Tools for Latin Linguistic Resources and NLP Tools for Latin Linguistic Resources and NLP Tools for Latin Linguistic Resources and NLP Tools for Latin Problems with Linguistic Resources and NLP Tools Problems with Linguistic Resources and NLP Tools Problems with Linguistic Resources and NLP Tools Problems with Linguistic Resources and NLP Tools Problems with Linguistic Resources and NLP Tools Problems with Linguistic Resources and NLP Tools Problems with Linguistic Resources and NLP Tools Problems with Linguistic Resources and NLP Tools Problems with Linguistic Resources and NLP Tools I Objective: Knowledge Base of Linguistic Resources & Natural Language Processing Tools Why so few Linked Data-compatible editions of Latin texts? id: work_6toa3a2mefhnvm2csn7b7435ca author: Gunther Martens title: Annotating Narrative Levels: Review of Guideline No. 7 date: 2020 words: 2287.0 sentences: 171.0 pages: 6 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_6toa3a2mefhnvm2csn7b7435ca.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6toa3a2mefhnvm2csn7b7435ca.txt summary: Annotating Narrative Levels: Review of Guideline No. 7 Annotating Narrative Levels: Review of Cite: Gunther Martens, "Annotating Narrative Levels: Review of Guideline No. 7," focus on the annotation of text-intrinsic, linguistic aspects of narrative. toolkit of (textual) narrative theory, it is also informed by Digital Humanities. Yet, there is a wide variety in national and historical print cultures to be considered in this regard, so these apparently stable markers of narrative level should be handled with care and flexibility. regard to text genres that involve a lot of referential anchoring (e.g. news articles).4 The current state-of-the-art allows machine learning to predict structure shared task is indeed on identifying levels in a wide range of narrative texts, this annotation of complex aspects of narrative levels. interact with complex narratives.13 This may involve annotating for semantic any reference to narratology or to (at least a customary understanding of) narrative aspects of the texts at hand ( e.g. authorship attribution in the cases of J.K. Rowling and Elena Ferrante). id: work_2pvrb5nxdjgufi5waihbgv3fmy author: Gunther Paul title: Standardisation of digital human models date: 2012 words: 2675.0 sentences: 215.0 pages: 12 flesch: 45.0 cache: ./cache/work_2pvrb5nxdjgufi5waihbgv3fmy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2pvrb5nxdjgufi5waihbgv3fmy.txt summary: Standardization of Digital Human Models Standardization of Digital Human Models Digital human models (DHM) have evolved as useful tools for ergonomic user need and lack of model data related standards, users are confined to one specific Keywords: Digital Human Model, standardization, computer manikin, body for digital human models, which has been addressed at the International Ergonomics practice digital human models help to improve design and usability of products and work sys‐ sium on Digital Human Modeling of the International Ergonomics Association, held in Lyon July framework for standardizing digital human models is necessary to overcome current obstruc‐ ous work, existing standards and guidelines, further requirements towards DHM standardiza‐ committee had difficulty defining standards for digital human models, as they concluded that model of linking anthropometric databases (ISO 15535) to a defined DHM human structure, in A DHM standard data model should encompass an input section, containing International Organization for Standardization, ISO 7250: Basic human body measurements id: work_wzwni26n65dz3plppcpwfk4lne author: Guy De Pauw title: Introduction to the special issue on African Language Technology date: 2011 words: 2007.0 sentences: 140.0 pages: 5 flesch: 46.0 cache: ./cache/work_wzwni26n65dz3plppcpwfk4lne.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wzwni26n65dz3plppcpwfk4lne.txt summary: The use of digital resources and tools across humanities disciplines is steadily humanities extends well beyond language-based research, textual resources and In order to showcase the use of language tools and resources in digital humanities research, the LT4DH (Language Technology for Digital Humanities) workshop was tools in order to be able to address research questions in digital humanities. spoken and written language, showcasing their use in digital humanities language processing tools in digital humanities research. – Showcasing the use of language processing tools in humanities disciplines such The articles can be grouped into three thematic clusters: text analysis, corpus Data-driven analysis of literary text is also the topic of the article contributed by about a spoken-language corpus, followed by two articles presenting text corpora Language technology for digital humanities: introduction to the special issue Language technology for digital humanities: introduction to the special issue id: work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y author: HC User title: Summary Findings of NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants (2007-2010) date: 2020 words: 13078.0 sentences: 1426.0 pages: 42 flesch: 46.0 cache: ./cache/work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xbczhjtli5bdfl6ab6j734oa2y.txt summary: collaborators on digital humanities start-up projects and produce exemplary work. NEH Digital Humanities Start-up Grants program. Summary Findings of NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants (2007 2010) 42 Summary Findings of NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants (2007 2010) 42 Summary Findings of NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants (2007 2010) 42 Summary Findings of NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants (2007 2010) 42 Summary Findings of NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants (2007 2010) 42 Summary Findings of NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants (2007 2010) 42 Summary Findings of NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants (2007 2010) 42 Summary Findings of NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants (2007 2010) 42 Summary Findings of NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants (2007 2010) 42 Summary Findings of NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants (2007 2010) 42 Summary Findings of NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants (2007 2010) 42 id: work_4ubshnppnvhytfurhaxn6g3f3e author: Harriett Green title: Expanding the Librarian''s Tech Toolbox: The "Digging Deeper, Reaching Further: Librarians Empowering Users to Mine the HathiTrust Digital Library" Project date: 2017 words: 3629.0 sentences: 216.0 pages: flesch: 45.0 cache: ./cache/work_4ubshnppnvhytfurhaxn6g3f3e.htm txt: ./txt/work_4ubshnppnvhytfurhaxn6g3f3e.txt summary: This paper provides an overview of the IMLS-funded project "Digging Deeper, Reaching Further: Librarians Empowering Users to Mine the HathiTrust Digital Library," and explains how the project team developed a curriculum and workshop series to train librarians on text mining approaches and tools, in order to address the recognized skills gap between the needs of researchers pursuing digital scholarship and the services that librarians are traditionally trained to provide. The Digging Deeper, Reaching Further: Libraries Empowering Users to Mine the HathiTrust Digital Library Resources (DDRF) project aims to develop and disseminate a curriculum for librarians to build competence in skills and tools for digital scholarship that they then can incorporate into research services at their home institutions. Librarians and specialists from the partner institutions have been collaborating to develop a curriculum and training mechanism focused on preparing library and information professionals to engage in text analysis and core skills in supporting data-driven research. id: work_4wxdbbpa6rhljnyb3t35fa4xzy author: Heather Roberts title: Telling a History of Australian Women Judges Through Courts'' Ceremonial Archives date: 2014 words: 2760.0 sentences: 122.0 pages: 12 flesch: 49.0 cache: ./cache/work_4wxdbbpa6rhljnyb3t35fa4xzy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4wxdbbpa6rhljnyb3t35fa4xzy.txt summary: and Local Audiences: Case Studies in Australian Cinema Consumption, 1928–1980. cinema history, that has shifted its focus away from the content of films to consider their circulation and consumption, and to examine the cinema as a site of social and projects have examined the commercial activities of film distribution and exhibition, social and cultural histories of specific cinema audiences. In calling this work cinema history, we are deliberately distinguishing it from a film Oral histories with cinema audience members consistently tell us that the local questions that surround the social history of the experience of cinema rather than the New cinema history uses Australian cinemas as sites of social and economic activity, focusing on the period responsiveness of cinemas and their audiences to social and cultural change. This project uses the Film Weekly data Venue data is linked to a set of markers, which represent Locality Type and Cinema id: work_exnpbfjwuzdrnogl2pkv3q6n7e author: Helen Goulis title: BBT User stories. Benefits from joining the thesaurus federation date: 2020 words: 651.0 sentences: 71.0 pages: 1 flesch: 44.0 cache: ./cache/work_exnpbfjwuzdrnogl2pkv3q6n7e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_exnpbfjwuzdrnogl2pkv3q6n7e.txt summary: The Backbone Thesaurus (BBT) is the research outcome of work undertaken by the top-level concepts (facets and hierarchies) for specialist thesauri terms to map to. The BBT [2] is systematically curated by a cross disciplinary team of editors coming from organisations participating in the TMWG (AA, FORTH, DAI, FRANTIQ/CNRS), The controlled vocabularies/thesauri that have been mapped to the BBT to this day Thesaurus [9] with the BBT. DARIAH Backbone Thesaurus (BBT): Definition of a model for sustainable interoperable thesauri maintenance, Version 1.2.2. Greece: May 2019; BBTalk: An Online Service for Collaborative and Transparent Thesaurus Curation, ERCIM News 116, Special theme: Transparency in Algorithmic Decision Making; Daskalaki M., Charami L. Philosophical background assumptions in digitized knowledge representation systems, in Dia-noesis: A Journal of Philosophy, 2017, Issue 3, p 17-28;; Thesaurus Maintenance Working Group (2015). Thesaurus Maintenance Working Group (2015). Greece 2015 [1] [2] [5] id: work_tqrmsflourgttbhjwamhgiv25i author: Helen Mair Rawsthorne title: A New Wave of Prosopography: an Application to Tide Prediction Machines date: 2019 words: 1083.0 sentences: 150.0 pages: 22 flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/work_tqrmsflourgttbhjwamhgiv25i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_tqrmsflourgttbhjwamhgiv25i.txt summary: Doodson-Légé tide prediction machine, built in London in 1950. ● Tidal analysis and prediction: Lubbock, ● Mid-19th century: commercial shipping to calculate tidal predictions British Tide Predictor No.1, built in London in 1873. Doodson-Légé tide prediction machine, built in prediction machines prediction machines prediction machines Bidston-Kelvin tide prediction machine, built in historians to study the lives of groups of humanities and digital technology Tide prediction machines, prosopography and ● Want to study "lives" of tide prediction machines as a collection of artefacts ● Going to adapt prosopography for study of artefacts ● Going to make use of digital humanities tools for data analysis Construct hypotheses and Construct hypotheses and prediction machines worldwide. number of tide prediction tide prediction tide prediction tide prediction machines ever built. Timeline showing life events of all tide prediction machines manufactured in ● Digital humanities tools essential Tide prediction machines Artefact prosopography An inventory of tide prediction machines. id: work_rsdxcdqkxfeh5ntzfvi2o52d74 author: Helen Mair Rawsthorne title: The Development of Tide Prediction Machines date: 2019 words: 1116.0 sentences: 147.0 pages: 21 flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_rsdxcdqkxfeh5ntzfvi2o52d74.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rsdxcdqkxfeh5ntzfvi2o52d74.txt summary: Doodson-Légé tide prediction machine, built in London in 1950. to calculate tidal predictions British Tide Predictor No.1, built in London in 1873. Doodson-Légé tide prediction machine, built in Bidston-Kelvin tide prediction machine, built in ● Two tide prediction machines on display humanities and digital technology Tide prediction machines, prosopography and ● Want to study "lives" of tide prediction machines as a collection of artefacts ● Going to adapt prosopography for study of artefacts ● Going to make use of digital humanities tools for data analysis prediction machines worldwide. number of tide prediction Timeline showing life events of all tide prediction machines manufactured in Tide prediction machines Artefact prosopography Shaped by the Sea, Manchester, 27-28 June 2019Helen Mair Rawsthorne @hmrawsthorne Shaped by the Sea, Manchester, 27-28 June 2019Helen Mair Rawsthorne @hmrawsthorne Shaped by the Sea, Manchester, 27-28 June 2019Helen Mair Rawsthorne @hmrawsthorne An inventory of tide prediction machines. id: work_woma4xa2yzaetbtidcbfgrjhdi author: Henkjan Honing title: THE ROLE OF ICT IN MUSIC RESEARCH: A BRIDGE TOO FAR? date: 2007 words: 3207.0 sentences: 245.0 pages: 10 flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_woma4xa2yzaetbtidcbfgrjhdi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_woma4xa2yzaetbtidcbfgrjhdi.txt summary: The role of ICT in music research: a bridge too far? The role of ICT in music research: a bridge too far? archeology, linguistics, media studies and music, ICT has allowed new research role of ICT in music research, especially the influence it had on the development the 1980s, giving a new boost to music performance studies. An example of this line of research is a study on the use of timing and tempo methods from experimental and cognitive psychology aiming to answer questions on the commonalities and diversities as found in music performance: what predicts that a tempo-transformed performance will sound equally musical or inspired music research in which the role of ICT, measurement, and experiment Honing, ''Evidence for tempo-specific timing in music using a ''Is expressive timing relational invariant under tempo transformation?'' Psychology of Music in music performance: An exploratory study.'' Psychological Research 56 (1994) pp. id: work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia author: Henry M. Gladney title: Long-Term Digital Preservation: A Digital Humanities Topic? date: 2012 words: 6507.0 sentences: 530.0 pages: 20 flesch: 48.0 cache: ./cache/work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xdr2smax3zgcje4gwqweytehia.txt summary: The increasing number of digital humanities articles suggests … "Digital Humanities" (DH)3 is the name chosen by an interest group that is promoting their activities for funding and for inclusion in university faculties. 2 Excerpted from; emphasis added. academic discipline by discussing research into long-term digital preservation 6 these data … The Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities program seeks to world-wide digital preservation practice to be judged socially satisfactory? The current article, therefore, limits ''digital preservation'' to extensions beyond digital document management suggested by Gladney (1993). preservation of digital data is arguably a "grand challenge" of the information age. preserving digital content by extending the role of repository institutions, and An LDP solution will not be a prescription for repository management, but instead a method for making digital objects durably useful, readily "Long-term Preservation of Digital Records: Trustworthy "Principles for Digital Preservation." Communications of the id: work_q2bwxqj7izfspgplp7zo5t663u author: Henry P. Chapman title: The Eton Myers collection virtual museum date: 2010 words: 917.0 sentences: 181.0 pages: flesch: 64.0 cache: ./cache/work_q2bwxqj7izfspgplp7zo5t663u.pdf txt: ./txt/work_q2bwxqj7izfspgplp7zo5t663u.txt summary: [PDF] The Eton Myers collection virtual museum | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 11751362The Eton Myers collection virtual museum title={The Eton Myers collection virtual museum}, author={Henry Chapman and V. Three-dimensional data capture using laser scanning provides the potential to generate 3D virtual objects that can be used for a much greater interactive experience. Figures and Topics from this paper Sort by Most Influenced Papers View 2 excerpts, cites background and methods Let''s Get Virtual: Examination of Best Practices to Provide Public Access to Digital Versions of Three-Dimensional Objects View 1 excerpt, cites background View 1 excerpt, cites background Laser scanning for conservation and research of African cultural heritage sites: the case study of Wonderwerk Cave, South Africa A new approach to recording and monitoring wet-preserved archaeological wood using three-dimensional laser scanning Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. id: work_mxsw5kjumrft7hfohtrsyqdbgm author: Hirofumi Ida title: A study of kinematic cues and anticipatory performance in tennis using computational manipulation and computer graphics date: 2011 words: 6125.0 sentences: 668.0 pages: 10 flesch: 57.0 cache: ./cache/work_mxsw5kjumrft7hfohtrsyqdbgm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mxsw5kjumrft7hfohtrsyqdbgm.txt summary: be used to display human motions as visual stimuli. modulating the anatomical joint angular velocity calculated digital model of the server''s motion derived by modulating digital human model in studies of human motion perception. In other work, the joint motion of a runner was modulated, The upper extremity motion was computationally manipulated by using a forward kinematics (FK) calculation, For motion analysis, the anatomical joint angular velocities calculated from the motion data; then the resultant joint The modulated anatomical joint angular velocity from the forearm segment; joint motions with no degrees of all the anatomical joint angular velocities of the racket-arm Finally, the test stimuli of serve animations consisted of one non-modulated motion (±0%), four forearm pronation/supination modulated motions (-30%, the motion modulation of their opponent''s racket-arm. digital human model for studying the anticipatory performance of a tennis serve was discussed, and a CG display motion modulation with FK calculation may have various id: work_thnqyefrcjezfejmze7uwdqueq author: Hiroki Tamura title: A Study on the Lumbar Burden Evaluation of Work using One Smartphone date: 2018 words: 4248.0 sentences: 416.0 pages: 7 flesch: 59.0 cache: ./cache/work_thnqyefrcjezfejmze7uwdqueq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_thnqyefrcjezfejmze7uwdqueq.txt summary: Hiroki Tamura1, Keiko Sakurai1,*, Koichi Tanno2, Yasufumi Fuse3 cannot be measured either in real time or continuously, so estimation of a lumbar burden with JACK is unsuitable in agricultural user''s state judgment: stand, walking, crouching, sitting and rotation. can be determined by the state and the estimated lumbar burden In this paper, we propose the human lumbar burden evaluation method and state estimation system using a smartphone and estimating posture (Stand up, Sit down, Crouch, Walk, etc.,) of the subjects, (2) "Lumbar burden estimation" has a function to estimate the angle of the waist from the angle of the subject''s upper body and calculate the lumbar burden in combination with From the JACK measurement results, there was an increasing tendency in the transitions of the lumbar burden during rotation, but The state determination is necessary for estimating lumbar burden is performed using the thigh inclination angle id: work_6yqixqlsprc6rlhte7z2c3duy4 author: Huub Wijfjes title: Digital Humanities and Media History date: 2017 words: 11284.0 sentences: 800.0 pages: 22 flesch: 47.0 cache: ./cache/work_6yqixqlsprc6rlhte7z2c3duy4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6yqixqlsprc6rlhte7z2c3duy4.txt summary: Digital Humanities and Media History: A Challenge for Historical Newspaper Research. This article makes use of extensive digital collections of historical newspapers itself within previous approaches to historical research, but the digitization of sources presents Using digital newspaper collections in historical research is quite new, but some of the closer look is dedicated to a specific example of digital newspaper research in historical context. Digital newspaper research raises new types of questions and offers new ways to digital newspaper research, the lack of digital historical sources can be a real problem, that history.'' This concept is researched in a set of digital historical sources like newspapers, creating a of digital media historical research) practical problems call for solutions. Before starting such a historical research in digital newspapers some consideration context knowledge needed when performing this kind of digital historical newspaper research. Historical research in digital newspapers needs well-equipped heritage institutions that id: work_fqxsysypnfaf7cgja5pr7o75lu author: ISPF-CNR Center for Digital Humanities title: Le "Carte Villarosa". Sei fascicoli di carte vichiane non rilegate (Ms XIX, 42). Nota editoriale e indici date: 2016 words: 2119.0 sentences: 389.0 pages: 8 flesch: 70.0 cache: ./cache/work_fqxsysypnfaf7cgja5pr7o75lu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_fqxsysypnfaf7cgja5pr7o75lu.txt summary: marchese di Villarosa, Carlantonio (1638-1712), uomo di toga come da tradizione della famiglia, reggente del Collaterale a Napoli e amico di Antonio Vico, Ma fu un altro Carlantonio (1762-1847), quinto marchese di Villarosa, a raccogliere e pubblicare per la prima volta gli Opuscoli vichiani; bibliofilo appassionato, ricevette dalle mani di Gennaro Vico, ormai anziano, quel poco che del Mostra bibliografico-documentaria in occasione delle Onoranze a Vico nel II centenario della nascita, a cura di I contenuti delle "Carte Villarosa" (Ms. XIX, 42 della Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli) in occasione delle "Onoranze a Vico nel II centenario della nascita", a cura di G. e pubblicati da Carlantonio de Rosa marchese di Villarosa, Napoli, presso Porcelli, 1819; Opuscoli di Giambattista Vico, nuovamente pubblicati con alcuni scritti inediti da Giuseppe Ferrari, Vico, Versi d''occasione e scritti di scuola, con appendice e bibliografia generale delle opere a cura di Fausto Nicolini, Bari, Laterza, 1941; G. Carte varie della scuola del Vico id: work_4dj4z77x55bbdgfvnbthd7gmdy author: ISPF-LAB title: Questo numero / This Issue date: 2014 words: 1570.0 sentences: 161.0 pages: 4 flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/work_4dj4z77x55bbdgfvnbthd7gmdy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4dj4z77x55bbdgfvnbthd7gmdy.txt summary: nostra rivista, che risponde in questo caso anche ad una lieta occasione esteriore, cioè l''avvio di una nuova collaborazione tra l''ISPF e la «Fondazione Pietro Piovani per gli studi vichiani», nella cui preziosa Collectio viciana è stato selezionato l''esemplare qui riprodotto. «Centro di studi vichiani» da lui fondato, e che adesso vive anche nel progetto digitalizzazione per il Portale Vico dei fondi storici della biblioteca dell''Istituto, presidente, Fulvio Tessitore, in passato anche direttore del «Centro di studi «Quaderni del Lab»2, che ha visto quest''anno la pubblicazione dell''edizione Accanto a queste e ad altre attività nel campo della storia del pensiero, l''ISPF ha dato seguito ai lavori dell''«Osservatorio sui saperi umanistici» con un forma di online first, nel fascicolo del prossimo anno): in particolare due articoli di Andrea Battistini e di Dario Generali, che colgono l''occasione della nuova edizione di A. un''anticipazione del volume The Digital Humanist. The same inspiration animates the ISPF''s digital library project. id: work_juxsfkiulzgpll2kvvh7x73zw4 author: Ian Goodale title: The Prague Spring Archive at the University of Texas at Austin date: 2017 words: 4613.0 sentences: 277.0 pages: 12 flesch: 49.0 cache: ./cache/work_juxsfkiulzgpll2kvvh7x73zw4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_juxsfkiulzgpll2kvvh7x73zw4.txt summary: To cite this article: Ian Goodale (2017) The Prague Spring Archive at the University of Texas at The metadata allows researchers working with the materials within Texas ScholarWorks to easily search the documents, and can be downloaded by anyone through the repository. digitize relevant archival materials for the project team as a way to supplement the Prague Spring Archive''s online collection of documents. Furthermore, the team hopes to develop its own educational materials for use by public school educators in the future, which will be made available freely on the project''s online portal and similarly increase its reach. students contribute text for incorporation into the online portal, visiting multiple class sessions to teach about the project and serve as a contact for digital Students will use the archive''s materials for assignments in future classes, working with professors and librarians to contribute content to the site and identify id: work_gnmc5jq4yvbsjj7l2xxzqpev2e author: Ian Gregory title: Geoparsing, GIS, and Textual Analysis: Current Developments in Spatial Humanities Research date: 2015 words: 6106.0 sentences: 335.0 pages: 15 flesch: 46.0 cache: ./cache/work_gnmc5jq4yvbsjj7l2xxzqpev2e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_gnmc5jq4yvbsjj7l2xxzqpev2e.txt summary: The spatial humanities constitute a rapidly developing research field that has the potential to technologies to develop new knowledge about the geographies of human cultures past and challenges in implementing GIS and other geospatial technologies in humanities research.9 spatial technologies to investigate text corpora relevant to archaeological research. potential of GIS, and related technologies, for the discipline of literary studies. digital-text collections'' available on the World Wide Web and, in the process, to launch literary the spatial humanities researcher to link their distant reading back to close analysis of the Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant ''Spatial Humanities: Texts, GIS, Places'' (agreement Geddes, ''Introduction: From Historical GIS to Spatial Humanities: Deeping Humanities: Historical GIS and Spatial History (Bloomington, IN, 2014), ix-xix. 13 I.N. Gregory, ''Further reading: From historical GIS to spatial humanities: An evolving literature'' in Hillier, eds., Placing history: how maps, spatial data, and GIS are changing 1 (2011), 89-108; see also Spatial Humanities: Texts, GIS, id: work_2bo75polmfcszi3xk4pnpihvu4 author: Ian N. Gregory title: Thomas Gray, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and geographical information systems: A literary GIS of two Lake District tours date: 2009 words: 732.0 sentences: 146.0 pages: flesch: 62.0 cache: ./cache/work_2bo75polmfcszi3xk4pnpihvu4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2bo75polmfcszi3xk4pnpihvu4.txt summary: [PDF] Thomas Gray, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and geographical information systems: A literary GIS of two Lake District tours | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 36797812Thomas Gray, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and geographical information systems: A literary GIS of two Lake District tours title={Thomas Gray, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and geographical information systems: A literary GIS of two Lake District tours}, There have been growing calls to develop the use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) across the humanities. For this shift to take place, two things must be demonstrated: first, that it is technically possible to create a useful GIS of textual material, the main medium through which humanities research is conducted; and, secondly that such a database can be used to enhance our understanding of disciplines within the humanities. View 1 excerpt, cites methods Cooper, Andrew Hardie, Patricia Murrieta-Flores, Paul Rayson GIS and Literary History: Advancing Digital Humanities research through the Spatial Analysis of historical travel writing and topographical literature Exploring Literary Landscapes: From Texts to Spatiotemporal Analysis through Collaborative Work and GIS id: work_yj27d7cj7rekhct7ychjf6vfam author: Inés Matres title: information source and tool for academic research date: 2016 words: 587.0 sentences: 49.0 pages: 2 flesch: 48.0 cache: ./cache/work_yj27d7cj7rekhct7ychjf6vfam.pdf txt: ./txt/work_yj27d7cj7rekhct7ychjf6vfam.txt summary: information source and tool for academic research digitised and digital newspapers, and potential uses in research and education of group of 23 academic researchers among previous research on Digi (Hölttä, Rautiainen) or other digital platforms (Terras), new findings What research questions do academic When comparing researchers to other kind of users of Digi, similarities are found between academics and family researchers. researchers are driven by very specific questions research, to provide a comprehensive answer to information source and tool for academic research 51 Matres: there are similarities in the kind of materials on newspapers, magazines and other material are that comes from historical and academic research digital humanities projects that can serve so called Dialogue between researchers and data In the responses from academic researchers there between (digital) humanities researchers and data Digital Newspaper and Journal Library – What Can UCL Centre for Digital Humanities id: work_tu3ct2olcndznii4yncd3yve5y author: Irene Mamprin title: Scholarly digital editions: an (un)known land date: 2020 words: 1515.0 sentences: 120.0 pages: 5 flesch: 47.0 cache: ./cache/work_tu3ct2olcndznii4yncd3yve5y.pdf txt: ./txt/work_tu3ct2olcndznii4yncd3yve5y.txt summary: URL: URL (Humanities for Change Hypotheses): The concept of "scholarly digital edition" is investigated and the reader is provided with a series of tools to understand its limits and potential, also in Che cos''è un''edizione scientifica digitale is the new book by Tiziana Mancinelli, a spe-cialist in the modeling and production of digital editions, and Elena Pierazzo, Pro-fessor at the University of Tours and expert in theory and methodology of digital in stages, until the scientific community understood the importance of digital technology in providing standardized methods and principles that overcome any national and Subsequently, a series of examples of critical digital editions is proposed, such as the Electronic Beowulf ( and the various projects Elena Pierazzo, Tiziana Mancinelli, Che cos''è un''edizione scientifica digitale, Roma, Carocci, Shillingsburg, by publishing the General Principles for Electronic Scholarly Editions ( in Toronto during the MLA congress (Modern id: work_e76ry4ouybginjc554eibya46u author: Isabelle Devos title: STREAM (Spatiotemporal Research Infrastructure for Early Modern Brabant and Flanders): Sources, Data and Methods date: 2018 words: 6804.0 sentences: 363.0 pages: 15 flesch: 50.0 cache: ./cache/work_e76ry4ouybginjc554eibya46u.pdf txt: ./txt/work_e76ry4ouybginjc554eibya46u.txt summary: In Belgium, early modern historians are insufficiently able to profit from these new research opportunities because of the absence of suitable databases and GIS infrastructures that collect and integrate original data from archival and manuscript data on a local level for a sufficiently large territory. range of key data from a diversity of historical sources in order to provide a geographically comprehensive and long-run quantitative and spatial account of early modern society at the level of localities (parishes, villages, towns). processes through the development of a spatiotemporal research infrastructure for early modern Brabant and Flanders that allows for spatial analysis of key historical data. The data collected via STREAM will allow to shed light on the geography of the early modern economy and population in Brabant and Flanders, and to improve our understanding of the timing and articulation of regionally and locally differentiated economic, social and demographic developments in the id: work_n3oorrmacvbadk6x4xsojny66y author: Ivan Flis title: Digital Humanities Are a Two-Way Street date: 2016 words: 189.0 sentences: 24.0 pages: flesch: 56.0 cache: ./cache/work_n3oorrmacvbadk6x4xsojny66y.pdf txt: ./txt/work_n3oorrmacvbadk6x4xsojny66y.txt summary: Digital Humanities Are a Two-Way Street | Scholarly Publications Skip to main content Leiden University Scholarly Publications Home Submit Select Collection Academic speeches Dissertations Faculty of Archaeology Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Science Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences Leiden Journals, Conference Proceedings and Books Leiden Law School Leiden University Press Medicine / Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) Research output UL Search box Persistent URL of this record Documents Download Download Not Applicable (or Unknown) Not Applicable (or Unknown) open access open access In Collections In Collections In Collections This item can be found in the following collections: Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) Digital Humanities Are a Two-Way Street Digital Humanities Are a Two-Way Street Digital Humanities Are a Two-Way Street Flis, I.; Steinova, E.; Wouters, P.F. Journal ©2020-2021 Leiden University A service provided by Leiden University Libraries Digital Collections id: work_yafhkvdaerh5tcwppfpkrbnyni author: J. Berenike Herrmann title: Response by the Special Interest Group on Digital Literary Stylistics to Nan Z. Da''s Study date: 2020 words: 978.0 sentences: 49.0 pages: 3 flesch: 44.0 cache: ./cache/work_yafhkvdaerh5tcwppfpkrbnyni.pdf txt: ./txt/work_yafhkvdaerh5tcwppfpkrbnyni.txt summary: Group on Digital Literary Stylistics to methodological and conceptual dimensions of digitally assisted inquiry in literary studies. Da''s fundamental critique of what she calls "Computational Literary Studies" Stylistics"(SIG-DLS) of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO). we—the five scholars forming the SIG''s current steering committee—would like to make a about the methodological and conceptual dimensions of digitally assisted inquiry "Computational Literary Studies" addresses the work of the international Special Interest Group"DigitalLiterary Stylistics"(SIG-DLS) of the Alliance of Digital SIG''s current steering committee—would like to make a short statement. "Computational Literary Studies." Meanwhile, there is a substantial body of nonNorth-American contributions to international journals (such as Digital study of literary texts: within the Humanities there exists a number of scholars "computational" approaches to literary texts. actual range of methods and the various traditions present in DLS. Fourth, digital literary studies, including Cultural Analytics, are an traditional literary studies, digital studies require many hands, with labs as spaces id: work_csszuck3crfqdloyyuxdux4dei author: J.R. Hotchkiss title: The Language of Caring: Digital Human Modeling, Practice Patterns, and Performance Assessment date: 2015 words: 3657.0 sentences: 357.0 pages: 8 flesch: 45.0 cache: ./cache/work_csszuck3crfqdloyyuxdux4dei.pdf txt: ./txt/work_csszuck3crfqdloyyuxdux4dei.txt summary: The Language of Caring: Digital Human Modeling, Practice Patterns, and Performance Assessment Digital human modeling offers unique potential in educating providers to apply complex, titratable forms of medical care and We constructed a comprehensive digital model of patients undergoing mechanical ventilation that was populated Keywords: Mechanical ventilation; Virtual patients; Practice patterns; Performance assessment practice patterns or competence in the context of a potentially harmful intervention for which any patient problem provider subset comparing performance on standardized patients 1-5 and 96-100 the corresponding corrected p Providers adopt more sophisticated practice patterns following simulation-based training. Simulation based training leads to providers adopting higher performance practice languages. Following simulation based training, the practice patterns of the remaining subjects converged toward those of comparing practice patterns on standardized patients 1-5 vs 96-100 and 6-27 vs 73-95 the corresponding corrected Users of this micro-simulation based training tool for mechanical ventilation increased their solution efficiency, id: work_mwkkyiu4vreejde5dar475xdmy author: JOHANN PETER MURMANN title: Automatic Coding of Printed Materials date: 2007 words: 310.0 sentences: 41.0 pages: flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_mwkkyiu4vreejde5dar475xdmy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mwkkyiu4vreejde5dar475xdmy.txt summary: [PDF] Automatic Coding of Printed Materials | Semantic Scholar Semantic Scholar''s Logo Corpus ID: 43375270Automatic Coding of Printed Materials title={Automatic Coding of Printed Materials}, journal={Int. J. J. Murmann, E. J. Murmann, E. Homburg, +2 authors A. Int. J. The paper presents a complete method for using automatic techniques to code printed text pages. We discovered that present-day consumer digital cameras are much better than high-end scanners to obtain pictures of printed pages quickly and without the wear and tear associated with scanners. Figures, Tables, and Topics from this paper Printing Figures, Tables, and Topics Stay Connected With Semantic Scholar About Semantic Scholar Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License ACCEPT & CONTINUE id: work_7jxf7vwbnfhojaz2jodkmyfmpq author: James Cummings title: Opening the book: data models and distractions in digital scholarly editing date: 2019 words: 8083.0 sentences: 426.0 pages: 15 flesch: 49.0 cache: ./cache/work_7jxf7vwbnfhojaz2jodkmyfmpq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7jxf7vwbnfhojaz2jodkmyfmpq.txt summary: This article argues that editors of scholarly digital editions should not be distracted by editors of scholarly digital editions should not be distracted from editorial tasks by assumptions, the structures and vocabularies of an encoded edition do help us foreground the theories of text we use when creating scholarly digital editions, and thus it is would, in no way, stop a scholarly digital edition from being a publication of knowledge and commentary on an individual work, but it requires that its underlying The de-facto standard for a data model to be used in creating scholarly digital editions particular scholarly digital edition would be expected to make use of all of them.1 Though, The use of open international standards for the creation of scholarly digital editions is Opening the book: data models and distractions in digital scholarly editing Opening the book: data models and distractions in digital scholarly editing id: work_gzap5knjfzfb5lzgkyw43rmece author: James O''Sullivan title: Introduction: Digital Humanities as Dissonant date: 2018 words: 2599.0 sentences: 199.0 pages: 8 flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_gzap5knjfzfb5lzgkyw43rmece.pdf txt: ./txt/work_gzap5knjfzfb5lzgkyw43rmece.txt summary: This is a peer-reviewed article in Digital Studies/Le champ numérique, a journal published by the Open Digital Studies/Le champ numérique is a peer-reviewed open access journal. The Open Library of Humanities and all its journals are digitally preserved in the CLOCKSS scholarly The Digital Humanities Summer Institute gives students and scholars Keywords: DHSI; Digital Humanities Summer Institute; colloquium; colloque Le Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) offre une chance aux the burgeoning community of Digital Humanities scholars. Community-driven learning opportunities like the Digital Humanities 2014 were transformed into the Colloquium''s first special issue, published in Digital DHSI Colloquium 2014 Special Issue, in submissions to our field''s flagship Digital Humanities conference, Weingart and as Dissonant." Digital Studies/Le champ numérique 8(1): 3, pp. as Dissonant." Digital Studies/Le champ numérique 8(1): 3, pp. as Dissonant." Digital Studies/Le champ numérique 8(1): 3, pp. OPEN ACCESS Digital Studies/Le champ numérique is a peer-reviewed open id: work_vlgk4b532jgcbpiyxi5s2b2t6m author: James O''Sullivan title: The New Apparatus of Influence: Material Modernism in the Digital Age date: 2014 words: 295.0 sentences: 42.0 pages: flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_vlgk4b532jgcbpiyxi5s2b2t6m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_vlgk4b532jgcbpiyxi5s2b2t6m.txt summary: [PDF] The New Apparatus of Influence: Material Modernism in the Digital Age | Semantic Scholar Semantic Scholar''s Logo Corpus ID: 52303488The New Apparatus of Influence: Material Modernism in the Digital Age title={The New Apparatus of Influence: Material Modernism in the Digital Age}, Throughout this paper, I argue for a reapplication of those theories set out by George Bornstein in Material Modernism. I begin with an account of those elements from Bornstein''s argument that I consider to be of most relevance to this particular discourse, giving particular consideration to what he refers to as the ''bibliographic code.'' I argue that… Expand Topics from this paper Stay Connected With Semantic Scholar About Semantic Scholar Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License ACCEPT & CONTINUE id: work_te3eqqv545c7lkat7mdpnpa22m author: James O''Sullivan title: The emergence of the Digital Humanities in Ireland date: 2015 words: 5918.0 sentences: 441.0 pages: 9 flesch: 39.0 cache: ./cache/work_te3eqqv545c7lkat7mdpnpa22m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_te3eqqv545c7lkat7mdpnpa22m.txt summary: Communication Technology (ICT) researchers in Ireland was Donnchadh Ó Corráin''s Corpus of Electronic Texts [link:]] —that is, the Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities, a European-wide project seeking to assist development of three strands of focused Digital Humanities scholarship: Texts, Contexts, Cultures [link:] (TCC), Central to this consortium was the creation of the Digital Humanities Observatory [link:] (DHO) under the out of the DHO include Digital Research and Projects in Ireland [link:] (DRAPier), and DHO: Discovery [link: Institute [link:] at the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG), and An Foras Feasa at Maynooth directly to initiatives in the Digital Repository of Ireland [link:] (DRI) and that also looks to the European aggregation of Irish 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 id: work_zyb3ucdqorcariifmkkq36uffi author: James O''Sullivan title: We Need to Talk about the Digital Humanities Job date: 2018 words: 1840.0 sentences: 95.0 pages: 7 flesch: 60.0 cache: ./cache/work_zyb3ucdqorcariifmkkq36uffi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_zyb3ucdqorcariifmkkq36uffi.txt summary: We need to talk about the digital humanities job ''supporting research and teaching in digital humanities''. job is to support digital humanities, you''re going to spend a Essentially, the digital humanities person is responsible for all Six months into my first digital humanities job, it was clear Most institutions want digital humanities, but only some know How is the person in role supposed to build capacity if the The digital humanities job is a good thing. We need to talk about the digital humanities job about:reader?url= We need to talk about the digital humanities job about:reader?url= We need to talk about the digital humanities job about:reader?url= We need to talk about the digital humanities job about:reader?url= We need to talk about the digital humanities job about:reader?url= We need to talk about the digital humanities job about:reader?url= We need to talk about the digital humanities job about:reader?url= id: work_v44lnrpmhbaidcugomvsfvurcm author: James Smithies title: Open Principles, Open Data: The Design Principles and Architecture of the UC CEISMIC Canterbury Earthquakes Digital Archive date: 2015 words: 9650.0 sentences: 593.0 pages: 32 flesch: 51.0 cache: ./cache/work_v44lnrpmhbaidcugomvsfvurcm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_v44lnrpmhbaidcugomvsfvurcm.txt summary: Digital Humanists are developing a tradition of disaster archiving. taken by digital humanists at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, to the series of CEISMIC Canterbury Earthquakes Digital Archive in an attempt to record an approach to DH One issue with the development of a generic cultural-­‐heritage disaster archive system would The new University of Canterbury Digital Humanities Programme led the development of the federated archive (and additional University of Canterbury research federated archive: repositories, and contributing content to a federated archive via metadata aggregation. of the National Library of New Zealand, the service uses SOLR to aggregate metadata from threefold: rely on New Zealand''s National Digital Heritage Archive (NDHA) domain developing a flexible national system capable of archiving a significant snapshot of the digital archived, the UC CEISMIC system holds great promise as a model for post-­‐disaster digital CEISMIC Canterbury Earthquakes Digital Archive''. CEISMIC Canterbury Earthquakes Digital Archive''. id: work_6le2npbvkveupkv3od5vq5edau author: James Yékú title: Deference to Paper: Textuality, Materiality, and Literary Digital Humanities in Africa date: 2020 words: 9666.0 sentences: 663.0 pages: 28 flesch: 51.0 cache: ./cache/work_6le2npbvkveupkv3od5vq5edau.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6le2npbvkveupkv3od5vq5edau.txt summary: Deference to Paper: Textuality, Materiality, and Literary Digital Humanities in Africa in new African narratives, there is a lingering print imaginary in the digital digital forms shapes textual meanings, it signals new directions in African Keywords: Materiality; African literature; digital media; textuality; print beneficial to studies of the African digital literary spaces that produce multiple textual expressions in Web 2.0 spaces like literary blogs and social media, we need to explore situation may be found in digital literary studies in Africa, print culture lingers as of African literature, evident in several literary blogs devoted to publishing new digital culture and African writing on the Internet, another study uses social media platforms of African online writing both shape reading of literature and provoke new to paper," the editors at Saraba suggest that literary meaning in digital texts may be meanings in literary texts both in print and digital realms. id: work_mev2lvgkyjgmjmzqj6qv2e4ktu author: Jangwoon Park title: A Classification of Sitting Strategies based on Driving Posture Analysis date: 2014 words: 3397.0 sentences: 389.0 pages: 10 flesch: 62.0 cache: ./cache/work_mev2lvgkyjgmjmzqj6qv2e4ktu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mev2lvgkyjgmjmzqj6qv2e4ktu.txt summary: Several studies have been conducted to identify preferred driving postures for ergonomic driver seat design/evaluation. The present study is intended to objectively classify sitting strategies based on drivers'' preferred postures and identify factors The sitting strategies based on the driving postures were identified in three steps (selection of proper number of clusters, The sitting strategies for upper-body (see Figure 4) were identified as slouched, erect, and reclined postures. The sitting strategies for lower-body (see Figure 5) were identified as knee bent, knee extended, and upper-leg lifted postures. percentage of lower-body sitting strategies was 42% for knee bent, 32% for knee extended, and 26% for upper-leg lifted posture. Classification of sitting strategy based on the upper-body driving posture Classification of sitting strategies based on the lower-body driving posture The present study statistically identified sitting strategies based on driving posture in order to design a driver workspace. id: work_wzkix64tdneo5lh5p255trksia author: Janneke Adema title: Posthumanities: The Dark Side of "The Dark Side of the Digital" date: 2016 words: 14470.0 sentences: 786.0 pages: 36 flesch: 43.0 cache: ./cache/work_wzkix64tdneo5lh5p255trksia.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wzkix64tdneo5lh5p255trksia.txt summary: creating, performing and circulating humanities research and scholarship, its methodologies, published intermittently in codex book and journal form, to the Zuckerberg galaxy of fastpaced, high-volume, networked flows of digital writing, photography, film, video, sound, to say more about this political critique of digital humanities as symptomatic of the neoliberal far as we are concerned, digital humanities tend not to be nearly challenging or new enough promotion by certain areas of digital humanities of collaborative, openly shared, "projectbased learning and lab-based research" over the kind of critical reading and writing that is provide just a new way of storing, analyzing or presenting the human record but are involvedMany digital humanists are studying how such developments relate to the humanities in Review of Books, May 1, 2016, differences in which Kirschenbaum''s "What Is ''Digital Humanities''" was also published, id: work_dlega65id5autotq6spq7tcwrq author: Jarah Moesch title: Refracting the Digital Humanities date: 2020 words: 2154.0 sentences: 608.0 pages: 12 flesch: 8.0 cache: ./cache/work_dlega65id5autotq6spq7tcwrq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_dlega65id5autotq6spq7tcwrq.txt summary: your own theoretical practice that incorporates key themes in critical race, gender and queer 3/3 3/3 3/3 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 5/5 id: work_ryovfvs4cnadde5omsuozall44 author: Jason A. Heppler title: Green Dreams, Toxic Legacies: Toward a Digital Political Ecology of Silicon Valley date: 2017 words: 6222.0 sentences: 474.0 pages: 18 flesch: 58.0 cache: ./cache/work_ryovfvs4cnadde5omsuozall44.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ryovfvs4cnadde5omsuozall44.txt summary: Green Dreams, Toxic Legacies: Toward a Digital Political Ecology of Silicon Valley a variety of mapping and GIS projects that seek to understand areas of cities ''clean'' industrialization in Silicon Valley masked massive environmental political, social, and environmental data in order to visualize the urban Silicon the making of Silicon Valley''s environmentally hazardous landscape has greatly possess the comforts of the city.''21 San José reflected the desires of developers, interactive cartography that I built, I am able to target the most crucial microregions in San José that explain the growth of the city in this era. Parcel data, City of San José. occurred as cities expanded into new areas by using multiple historical maps How Maps, Spatial Data, and GIS Are Changing Historical Scholarship (New York: Esri Stanford Environmental Law Review, San José: Sprawling City: A Report on Land Use Folder 1, Box 11, SVTC, San José State University (SJSU); ''High-Tech: A Stain on a ''Clean'' id: work_67cfmbnqgbaoxchoamuceizf3e author: Jean Burgess title: Emerging Methods for Digital Media Research: An Introduction date: 2013 words: 1149.0 sentences: 57.0 pages: 4 flesch: 39.0 cache: ./cache/work_67cfmbnqgbaoxchoamuceizf3e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_67cfmbnqgbaoxchoamuceizf3e.txt summary: Emerging Methods for Digital Media Research: An Introduction articulations are producing new methods for media and communication research. Digital Media Studies and Deputy Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative methodological trends in digital media research. for digital media research of emerging approaches like Media Archaeology (Frédérick Zamith, and Alfred Hermida), digital media methods (Merja Mahrt and Michael Scharkow) and the large-scale policy research potential of community media archives (Nicole Matthews to critique Big Data (Anderson et al., 2009) and situate digital media as part of the complex In their review article "The Value of Big Data in Digital Media Research," Merja Mahrt Analysis in an Era of Big Data: A Hybrid Approach to Computational and Manual Methods," EMERGING METHODS FOR DIGITAL MEDIA RESEARCH 4 EMERGING METHODS FOR DIGITAL MEDIA RESEARCH 4 EMERGING METHODS FOR DIGITAL MEDIA RESEARCH 4 EMERGING METHODS FOR DIGITAL MEDIA RESEARCH 4 Ethnographic Approaches to Digital Media. id: work_o77rcvhcpferxphducvqkomcua author: Jean-Gabriel Ganascia title: Introduction (EN) date: 2020 words: 3084.0 sentences: 169.0 pages: 7 flesch: 45.0 cache: ./cache/work_o77rcvhcpferxphducvqkomcua.pdf txt: ./txt/work_o77rcvhcpferxphducvqkomcua.txt summary: unsupervised machine learning, data visualization, semantic analyses such as namedentity recognition, graph theory, etc., in order to better understand and interpret texts. to a resurgence of Artificial Intelligence(3), and one that amplified the ongoing transformation of the human and social sciences by incorporating, for example, advanced new avenues for its integration into the human and social sciences by allowing more social science and humanities researchers to collect data on new media with new means links computer science, particularly artificial intelligence, and the humanities. Artificial Intelligence be able to avoid going entirely off track if faced with hypothesisfree digital data? Digital Humanities: Artificial Intelligence transforms the work of researchers in the scholarly disciplines and the social and human sciences are now contributing to this Scientific works concerning written communication, for example – from the analysis of authors'' corpora to new forms of writing – furnish Artificial Intelligence with id: work_kivs52cuyvej5grydw5clsbgoi author: Jeffrey C Alexander title: Measuring, counting, interpreting: Our debate on methods continues date: 2015 words: 491.0 sentences: 33.0 pages: 2 flesch: 38.0 cache: ./cache/work_kivs52cuyvej5grydw5clsbgoi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kivs52cuyvej5grydw5clsbgoi.txt summary: Measuring, counting, interpreting: American Journal of Cultural Sociology (2015) 3, 309–310. Why can''t cultural sociology be a science? Cultural Sociology, which reaches an unprecedented level of theoretical papers Isaac Reed and I edited from the conference, Meaning and Method Biernacki subsequently published Reinventing Evidence in Social Inquiry (2012), which, along with Reed''s Interpretation and Social Knowledge (2011), launched a new Methodenstreit in American interpretive sociology, discussions of cultural method in decades, building upon and going well Biernacki defended subjectivity in cultural interpretation. aim in their opening salvo, ''Coding, Counting, and Cultural Cartography,'' argument for quantitative method in cultural analysis was Lee and Martin''s themselves theorists and practitioners of cultural-sociological methods at the 310 © 2015 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 2049-7113 American Journal of Cultural Sociology Vol. 3, 3, 309–310 310 © 2015 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 2049-7113 American Journal of Cultural Sociology Vol. 3, 3, 309–310 Measuring, counting, interpreting: Our debate on methods continues id: work_4hmgvvbpnzh3zhhnaaqgqbb2m4 author: Jeffrey S. Reznick title: Reflections date: 2016 words: 144.0 sentences: 26.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_4hmgvvbpnzh3zhhnaaqgqbb2m4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4hmgvvbpnzh3zhhnaaqgqbb2m4.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 219162327 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:28:47 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_7tepdpob3nh2jch3vrij5th4n4 author: Jeffrey T. Schnapp title: Guest Column—On Disciplinary Finitude date: 2017 words: 4841.0 sentences: 325.0 pages: 8 flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_7tepdpob3nh2jch3vrij5th4n4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7tepdpob3nh2jch3vrij5th4n4.txt summary: of manual labor (Digital Humanities Manifesto 2.0). merge and assume the sorts of secular institutional forms that proliferated in nineteenthand twentiethcentury universities, knowledge forms pulsating with learned reference works that could be marshaled to defend this or that position, a universe made up design and development of experimental history museums like the Trento Tunnels, or an professional language, altered research protocols, new models of teaching and training, Design and the Literary Lab, at Stanford University; McGill''s .txtLAB; Maryland Institute disciplines in question and the cultural and and humanities; between the academy, industry, and the cultural sphere."9 his copy, composed in 2000 for the lab''s home page with the ashes of the Stanford Humanities Laboratory but as a second cross-, inter-, or transdisciplinarity chapter. Stanford Humanities Laboratory, metaLAB Unlike the Stanford Humanities Laboratory, metaLAB does PDF (Digital Humanities Manifesto 2.0). he Digital Humanities Manifesto 2.0. Digital Humanities. Digital Humanities. Digital Humanities. Digital Humanities. id: work_6g5fvv6mtnfuvogiz3otmgdzum author: Jelena Prokić title: Recognising Groups among Dialects date: 2008 words: 6532.0 sentences: 514.0 pages: 24 flesch: 67.0 cache: ./cache/work_6g5fvv6mtnfuvogiz3otmgdzum.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6g5fvv6mtnfuvogiz3otmgdzum.txt summary: such as hierarchical clustering algorithms used to detect groups within certain dialect Without proper evaluation, it is very hard to determine if the results of the applied clustering technique are an artifact of the algorithm or the detection of real groups The aim of this paper is to evaluate algorithms used to detect groups among language dialect varieties measured at the aggregate level. In order to evaluate the performance of different clustering algorithms, all sites present in our data set were manually put by an expert in one of the two, Noisy clustering, that was applied with the seven hierarchical algorithms, has confirmed that there are two relatively stable groups in the data: Eastern and Western. Different clustering validation methods have shown that three algorithms are not suitable at all for the data we are working with, namely single link, UPGMC and WPGMC. id: work_qcabkc2qcfhmhfduo6uoc6xs2i author: Jenell Johnson title: How We Think: Digital Media and Contemporary Technogenesis by N. Katherine Hayles date: 2014 words: 1816.0 sentences: 93.0 pages: 4 flesch: 51.0 cache: ./cache/work_qcabkc2qcfhmhfduo6uoc6xs2i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_qcabkc2qcfhmhfduo6uoc6xs2i.txt summary: How We Think: Digital Media and Contemporary Technogenesis N. Katherine Hayles, How We Think: Digital Media and Contemporary Technogenesis. to traditional, print-based scholarship, and a demonstration of how its analytical affordances can help us to think differently about texts, as well as the scholars who say, human—cognition, but exited convinced that the titular "we" really means "humanities scholars." Hayles opens the book with a call for a field of comparative media digital humanities scholars can come together to explore synergies between print the relationship between print and digital approaches to the humanities more generally. and changing nature of writing on the web, they do so through particularly traditionally organized texts and print books. Alan Sondheim''s Writing Under: Selections from the Internet Text, while still published in a traditional print format, better approximates these theories of the nature of digital writing and text in its exploration of both the process and the products id: work_sm23ntcspzehvlmwokwde3lnxu author: Jennifer Guiliano title: Editors'' Note: February 2021 date: 2021 words: 1482.0 sentences: 101.0 pages: 5 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_sm23ntcspzehvlmwokwde3lnxu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_sm23ntcspzehvlmwokwde3lnxu.txt summary: them with other projects that students were interested in reviewing. overviews from project directors so by the time classes started for f all semester, students had access to Three months prior to the start of the course: contact Reviews to propose your student issue. my course and as a later resource for my students — projects are made discoverable by the Reviews Finding digital humanities projects across the web that are good examples for students is Risam on identifying ten projects we thought students would be interested in reviewing. Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 2, No. 2 Editors'' Note: February 2021 Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 2, No. 2 Editors'' Note: February 2021 Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 2, No. 2 Editors'' Note: February 2021 Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 2, No. 2 Editors'' Note: February 2021 id: work_yjjt2tluvnfi7gmclje6lhampi author: Jennifer Hart title: Introduction: Digital History in African Studies date: 2020 words: 2701.0 sentences: 233.0 pages: 6 flesch: 30.0 cache: ./cache/work_yjjt2tluvnfi7gmclje6lhampi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_yjjt2tluvnfi7gmclje6lhampi.txt summary: Studies situates three articles on recent digital humanities initiatives among African broader digital humanities community, historians of Africa also draw on their discipline''s long history of methodological innovation to raise important questions about trans-Atlantic slave trade.2 Importantly, these archival projects placed Africanists at the center of DH debates about data sourcing, representation, Historical Representations,''" Journal of Digital Humanities 3–2 (2014), http:// "mobile phones are transforming Africa," these digital projects provide a new African Studies and Digital Humanities.5 By engaging in public scholarship, development of digital humanities projects in African contexts. the boundaries between public history, digital humanities, and more traditional forms of historical scholarship. for Digital History in African Studies. Representations,''" Journal of Digital Humanities 3–2 (2014), http:// Introduction: Digital History in African Studies Introduction: Digital History in African Studies Introduction: Digital History in African Studies id: work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy author: Jentery Sayers title: Mapping the Digital Humanities date: 2020 words: 19817.0 sentences: 1940.0 pages: 52 flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_a6ekywpsd5ahlk57zn2bhownzy.txt summary: What is the role of digital technologies in learning and taking humanities classes at the university? More specifically, the class is structured around two approaches to "mapping" in the digital humanities: computing (specifically in XHTML, CSS, GIS, or data modeling), I will ask you to further the humanities "Mapping the Digital Humanities" will be a quarter-long project on a number of registers—individual and in a digital text, and assess (in 750-1250 words) how that animation affords a novel way for piece, needs assessment, work flow, abstract, data model, and final digital model and Other than the modules, the bulk of out-of-class reading, studying, and research will be project face-to-face about particular aspects of your project (e.g., your thought piece, data model, and final Implications for blogging and digital humanities research projects in this class project for this class has shaped your learning and humanities research differently. id: work_ez62sq6rm5bixbwx6qakugt6f4 author: Jeremy Huggett title: Core or Periphery? Digital Humanities from an Archaeological Perspective date: 2012 words: 8053.0 sentences: 592.0 pages: 17 flesch: 50.0 cache: ./cache/work_ez62sq6rm5bixbwx6qakugt6f4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ez62sq6rm5bixbwx6qakugt6f4.txt summary: coverage within Digital Humanities journals narrows the range but at the same time emphasises of convenience, even for those disciplines most closely associated with Digital Humanities. for this situation are discussed, and the spatial expertise of Digital Archaeology is reviewed in relation to Digital Humanities concerns regarding the use of GIS. double that of the next highest ranked for archaeology (Digital Humanities Quarterly). reference to other humanities disciplines represent a lack of interest in or relevance of digital computing in the humanities is matched by the rise in use their ''digital'' equivalents (the very early highlights the way in which digital archaeologists participate in the discipline of archaeology more Examples of the successful use of humanities GIS cited by Bodenhamer 2012 CAA1 The Digital Humanities and Archaeology Venn Diagram. (accessed April 13, 2012). Journal of Digital Humanities 1: 77-81. Journal of Digital Humanities 1: 77-81. id: work_3y22ufoqi5euja4cnjqg52t4aa author: Jerzy Grobelny title: Preventing Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders in Manufacturing by Digital Human Modeling date: 2020 words: 13184.0 sentences: 1453.0 pages: 19 flesch: 60.0 cache: ./cache/work_3y22ufoqi5euja4cnjqg52t4aa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3y22ufoqi5euja4cnjqg52t4aa.txt summary: Preventing Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders in Manufacturing by Digital Human Modeling The use of any DHM system for the ergonomic analysis of tools, workstations, or human work Various types of digital human models were applied for the ergonomic assessment and design REBA WMSD risk assessment results for extreme human models on the modified REBA WMSD risk assessment results for extreme human models on the modified workstation REBA WMSD risk assessment results for extreme human models on the modified workstation Body posture simulation of the 95th percentile male on workstation (a) designed to be Body posture simulation of the 95th percentile male on workstation (a) designed to be Body posture simulation of the 95th percentile male on workstation (a) designed to be Body posture simulation of the 95th percentile male on workstation (a) designed to be Body posture simulation of the 95th percentile male on workstation (a) designed to be id: work_yuipfyaomja5fovtnshg476hgi author: Jessica Marroquín title: Review: Cartas a la familia/Family Letters date: 2020 words: 3374.0 sentences: 380.0 pages: 10 flesch: 50.0 cache: ./cache/work_yuipfyaomja5fovtnshg476hgi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_yuipfyaomja5fovtnshg476hgi.txt summary: f amilia, al igual que importantes pistas sobre la variación del idioma y la experiencia general Cartas a la f amilia: de la migración de Jesusita a Jane es un proyecto digital de archivo bilingüe sobre la At least three research assistants in this project completed a Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities Family Letters: On the Migration from Jesusita to Jane is a bilingual digital archive project focused on Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol 1, No. 12 Review: Cartas a la familia / Family Letters Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol 1, No. 12 Review: Cartas a la familia / Family Letters Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol 1, No. 12 Review: Cartas a la familia / Family Letters Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol 1, No. 12 Review: Cartas a la familia / Family Letters Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol 1, No. 12 Review: Cartas a la familia / Family Letters id: work_fnntlamvnnhzfm53c6ydj4oeoa author: Jieh Hsiang title: Discovering relationships from imperial court documents of Qing China date: 2012 words: 617.0 sentences: 123.0 pages: flesch: 65.0 cache: ./cache/work_fnntlamvnnhzfm53c6ydj4oeoa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_fnntlamvnnhzfm53c6ydj4oeoa.txt summary: [PDF] Discovering relationships from imperial court documents of Qing China | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 9673344Discovering relationships from imperial court documents of Qing China title={Discovering relationships from imperial court documents of Qing China}, Hsiang and Shih-Pei Chen and Hou Ieong Ho and H. J. Hsiang, Shih-Pei Chen, +1 author H. In this paper, we describe some information technology that we have developed to discover two important and useful relations among these… Expand Figures, Tables, and Topics from this paper View All 18 Figures & Tables Citation Type Citation Type View 2 excerpts, cites background Sociology, Computer Science View 2 excerpts, cites methods Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License id: work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25gra author: Jim Thatcher title: Revisiting critical GIS date: 2015 words: 4832.0 sentences: 454.0 pages: 21 flesch: 51.0 cache: ./cache/work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25gra.pdf txt: ./txt/work_qxkr6vstzzgzjljw6ozfp25gra.txt summary: we suggest that both ''critical'' and ''GIS'' evolve in unresolved tension, as geospatial technology and while retaining a focus on the spatial organization of the world define critical GIS (Sheppard and However, critical GIS must also ask whether social and environmental justice is only our internal conversations, but also the social roles of critical GIS?'' By posing such questions, Whereas the digital humanities are even more openended in their remit than critical GIS, and also involve many researchers who see less relevance in the theoretical humanities for their work than most critical GIS scholars find in social-theoretic and Of particular interest to critical GIS, the digital humanities have grappled directly with the critical GIS and the digital humanities into conversation around the efforts of both in ''speculative these concerns extend well beyond ''big data.'' A critical spatial history of GIS must also pay heed to "Geographical Information Science: Critical GIS." Progress in Human id: work_efsupyn3jrhhzlgdtqytilaiqq author: Jiri Navratil title: Performing Arts Across the Continents: Our Way to Digital Humanities and Arts date: 2015 words: 3451.0 sentences: 296.0 pages: 9 flesch: 60.0 cache: ./cache/work_efsupyn3jrhhzlgdtqytilaiqq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_efsupyn3jrhhzlgdtqytilaiqq.txt summary: Suggested Citation: Navratil, Jiri; Ubik, Sven; Melinkov, Jiri (2015) : Performing Arts Across the Continents: Our Way to Digital Humanities and Arts, In: Proceedings of the ENTRENOVA Arts science using digital technologies and create special infrastructure across audio-visual technologies can enable collaborative work of performing artists when DARIAH-EU (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities). how we were able to use them for different performing art sessions and also for transferring their audio and video as well as the Avatars into a remote site (Korea) in Langweil model of Prague as a spatial representation of the city is a unique work of The first is networking, the second devices for video transmissions and the third visualizations for collaboration in performing arts, and involving other kinds of artistic (accessed May 30th 2015). IIM (2015), "Projects", available at: (accessed MVTP4K (2015), "About us", available at: (accessed May 30th 2015). id: work_6wd6eklalvevlfkfrjx63ouh3a author: Jiří Kocián title: Konference k 10. výročí Centra vizuální historie Malach: Prague Visual History and Digital Humanities Conference 2020 date: 2020 words: 1393.0 sentences: 277.0 pages: 3 flesch: 75.0 cache: ./cache/work_6wd6eklalvevlfkfrjx63ouh3a.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6wd6eklalvevlfkfrjx63ouh3a.txt summary: ní Centra vizuální historie Malach při Ústavu první dekády své existence se CVH Malach kamenem činnosti CVH Malach je zpřístup­ CVH Malach původně vzniklo jako Malach k dispozici též Fortunoffův videoarchiv konaly vzdělávací semináře pro učitele z ČR i ze zahraničí, letní školy pro mezinárodní studenty aspekty činnosti CVH Malach. výročí existence CVH Malach byl tak Visual History and Digital Humanities Confe­ První den konference (27. History Archive of USC Shoah Foundation, val příspěvky Adama Hradilka z Ústavu pro z Centra pro urbánní historii v Lvově, Micha­ archivů nahrávek orálněhistorických rozhovorů Research and Visual History Archival Collecti­ První sekce této části konference s cílem rozplést mocenské vztahy a jejich vliv Vergara následně ve svém příspěvku popsal, jak vić Bajić ze srbské Univerzity v Niši pak přiblíži­ Universität Berlin a Jakub Mlynář z Univerzity Ukázal, že pro Hofmeisterové z Univerzity Karlovy, která se s nimiž přišlo CVH Malach do styku během id: work_lew3voushncc3ctvr4wgv5jagq author: Jo Robinson title: Mapping the Moment: a spatio-temporal interface for studying performance culture, Nottingham, 1857–1867 date: 2011 words: 7897.0 sentences: 349.0 pages: 24 flesch: 50.0 cache: ./cache/work_lew3voushncc3ctvr4wgv5jagq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_lew3voushncc3ctvr4wgv5jagq.txt summary: Mapping the Moment: a spatio-temporal interface for studying performance culture, Nottingham, 18571867 Abstract The Mapping the Moment: Performance Culture in Nottingham, 1857–67 project ( is an interdisciplinary collaboration between performance history and geography, which has organised information about the town and its performance culture in ways Keywords: drama, theatre history, performance culture, spatio-temporal The Mapping the Moment: Performance Culture in Nottingham, 1857–67 project This project, while focused closely on Nottingham''s performance culture, was of theatre and performance history in other locations, or of cultural and social performance within the town of Nottingham and of enabling the user to identify the 1861 map base, or to see the locations of performances on particular dates, in Given the focus of the project on mapping performance culture across the map in highlighting connections and patterns in Nottingham''s performance map-based spatial enquiry to access information about performance, an activity id: work_sezd4csqtrglxjlwsz6dhjpobe author: Jochen Bönig title: Accuracy and Immersion Improvement of Hybrid Motion Capture based Real Time Virtual Validation date: 2014 words: 4062.0 sentences: 336.0 pages: 6 flesch: 53.0 cache: ./cache/work_sezd4csqtrglxjlwsz6dhjpobe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_sezd4csqtrglxjlwsz6dhjpobe.txt summary: Accuracy and Immersion Improvement of Hybrid Motion Capture based Real Time Virtual Validation Accuracy and immersion improvement of hybrid motion capture based real connection along with the validation software allows real time modelling respectively tracking and therefore a realistic movement of the human To get good results while applying the motion capturing approach in mixed reality situations, it is necessary to have an exact registration common as a result of the high amount of time spent on generating transient human model simulation [1]. Especially for virtual assembly experiments, it is necessary to display the digital scenario right in front of the actor a high accuracy between the worker''s real motions and the resulting action in the virtual environment. Haptic immersion for virtual interaction is generated via collision detection and force Fig. 7 Laser tracking for accuracy improvement of real and virtual environment Fig. 8 Correlation between real und virtual setup supported by laser tracking id: work_hqonytq3nbg6xcia22yu7ggkzy author: Jochen Tiepmar title: Big Data and Digital Humanities date: 2018 words: 4592.0 sentences: 349.0 pages: 13 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_hqonytq3nbg6xcia22yu7ggkzy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hqonytq3nbg6xcia22yu7ggkzy.txt summary: Data in the context of text oriented digital humanities and in the process shows interoperability is one of the most prominent Big Data issues in text oriented and use case specific circumstances – like a real time requirement – may result Big Data Volume problems deal with memory and not disk space. qualify as a Big Data problem are usually lower than disk-space requirements. As Table 1 shows, the required disk space for text data is quite small even for text data sets that include optical scans of the document pages, which shall not context of this work is text-oriented digital humanities, the types of data are Specific tasks in the text-oriented digital humanities – for example, or reuse tools and data sets between different (research) projects. their project-specific data sets, including the use of publicly available tools Access to data sets in the text-oriented digital humanities is generally provided id: work_kcq2aejpl5dmlaeyqgeehvet4a author: John Bradley title: Exploring a model for the semantics of medieval legal charters date: 2017 words: 8256.0 sentences: 406.0 pages: 16 flesch: 56.0 cache: ./cache/work_kcq2aejpl5dmlaeyqgeehvet4a.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kcq2aejpl5dmlaeyqgeehvet4a.txt summary: which the structured data model thus derived differs from text-oriented approaches such as Keywords: prosopography, structured historical data, medieval legal charters, prosopographies, and prosopography is an activity that by its very nature connects texts to ''objectsin-the-world'' outside the charter texts: the historical people. kind of charters, the figure 3 diagram describes aspects of the Charlemagne database structure they connect material in the text to the world entities of people, places, dates, and so on, they have think about the objects-in-the-world that these charter texts claim to represent. would require a more complex structure than the charter-text-plus-markup that CEI provides by itself, since the world entities exist outside of any particular piece of charter text. entities like people or places in these medieval charter texts – definitely a useful venture in entities arising from a historical sense of the medieval world than charter text markup generally id: work_z6nsfwjjnfcbnja6c66ghjrdqa author: John Cox title: Communicating New Library Roles to Enable Digital Scholarship: A Review Article date: 2016 words: 7093.0 sentences: 544.0 pages: 26 flesch: 34.0 cache: ./cache/work_z6nsfwjjnfcbnja6c66ghjrdqa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_z6nsfwjjnfcbnja6c66ghjrdqa.txt summary: Title Communicating new library roles to enable digital scholarship:a review article Communicating New Library Roles to Enable Digital Scholarship: a review article Academic libraries enable a wide range of digital scholarship activities, increasingly as a partner offer and a focused communications strategy is needed to embed libraries in digital scholarship and new digital scholarship roles and initiatives to library staff as well as external audiences. Libraries have much to offer to digital scholarship and need to communicate these advantages The concept of library as equal partner in digital scholarship is key and should be communicated Managing the library''s involvement in digital scholarship is challenging and there needs to be clarity across the campus and promoted engagement with the Library''s digital scholarship enablement Communication on campus and beyond about digital scholarship projects, by libraries and others, library''s new roles as an enabling partner in digital scholarship. id: work_m2u4yso2fza5vgyg7gma7ynbme author: John F. Barber title: Radio Nouspace: Sound, Radio, Digital Humanities date: 2017 words: 5298.0 sentences: 451.0 pages: 16 flesch: 55.0 cache: ./cache/work_m2u4yso2fza5vgyg7gma7ynbme.pdf txt: ./txt/work_m2u4yso2fza5vgyg7gma7ynbme.txt summary: Background: The author describes curating sound(s) in a radio context and vintage radio dramas before live audiences in order to prompt listeners to Analysis: Curating sound in a radio context provides a unique and Sound; Sound art; Curation; Action research; Creative practice; Narrative; With this essay, I examine curating sound in a radio context as rewarding Digital Given this background, I believe curating sound within a radio context prompts these re-created radio dramas prompt listeners to consider the ability of sounds At first thought, using radio as a context for curating sound may seem odd. and audio drama, radio and sound art, and sound poetry for on demand listening. For all these radio dramas, scripted speech (the sound of human voice) provided Exemplary works of audio drama are curated by Radio Nouspace, including "The For example, curating the sound(s) of a radio drama radio dramas prompt listeners to consider the ability of sound to convey information, id: work_cckcc7ya6vg4hgd2g6fej3lr6y author: John Fawsitt title: Reading in the Humanities in the Mobile Digital Age date: 2018 words: 3853.0 sentences: 282.0 pages: 5 flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/work_cckcc7ya6vg4hgd2g6fej3lr6y.pdf txt: ./txt/work_cckcc7ya6vg4hgd2g6fej3lr6y.txt summary: Voyant, Digital Humanities, General Chemistry, Scientific Papers, Undergraduate whether Voyant, a digital humanities text analysis tool, might help students become more proficient and independent read, analyzed, and summarized a scientific paper without the use of Voyant to establish a baseline measure of their skills. They then read, analyzed, and summarized a second scientific paper with the aid of Voyant, and a third one without Voyant In conclusion, Voyant was found to be a helpful temporary aid for reading scientific papers. Keywords Voyant, Digital Humanities, General Chemistry, Scientific Papers, Undergraduate levels of the articles that I asked my students to read for this Reading Scientific Articles in the Science Classroom papers offer help in reading and summarizing journal articles for students to refer to while reading the article. the classroom, students must read scientific papers as part of Next, the students read an article reading the second article, but a majority of students also id: work_h7kgytdtjfbkbbljthnxgrln4q author: John Muthyala title: Drones and Surveillance Cultures in a Global World date: 2019 words: 17414.0 sentences: 1417.0 pages: 52 flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_h7kgytdtjfbkbbljthnxgrln4q.pdf txt: ./txt/work_h7kgytdtjfbkbbljthnxgrln4q.txt summary: Keywords: Drones; Surveillance; Digital Humanities; Postcolonial studies; Muthyala: Drones and Surveillance Cultures in a Global World Art. 18, page 51 of 51 Muthyala: Drones and Surveillance Cultures in a Global World Art. 18, page 51 of 51 Muthyala: Drones and Surveillance Cultures in a Global World Art. 18, page 51 of 51 Muthyala: Drones and Surveillance Cultures in a Global World Art. 18, page 51 of 51 Muthyala: Drones and Surveillance Cultures in a Global World Art. 18, page 51 of 51 Muthyala: Drones and Surveillance Cultures in a Global World Art. 18, page 51 of 51 Muthyala: Drones and Surveillance Cultures in a Global World Art. 18, page 51 of 51 Muthyala: Drones and Surveillance Cultures in a Global World Art. 18, page 51 of 51 Muthyala: Drones and Surveillance Cultures in a Global World Art. 18, page 51 of 51 id: work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4 author: John Taormina title: A Digital Humanities Bibliography date: 2020 words: 40351.0 sentences: 8952.0 pages: 149 flesch: 51.0 cache: ./cache/work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_cq4wurwbijfg3k7nubx3lkx5g4.txt summary: "Peer Review and Evaluation of Digital Resources for the Arts and Humanities." Institute of Historical Research – Digital Resources, n.d. Bodenhamer, David J., John Corrigan, and Trevor Harris, eds. Eds. by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth. Eds. by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth. Eds. by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth. Eds. by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth. Eds. by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth. Eds. by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth. Eds. by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth. Eds. by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth. Eds. by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth. Eds. by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth. Eds. by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth. Eds. by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth. Eds. by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth. id: work_z65tykardfdz5jbwifz5ykiigq author: John Unsworth title: Documenting the Reinvention of Text: The Importance of Failure date: 1997 words: 2223.0 sentences: 525.0 pages: 7 flesch: 48.0 cache: ./cache/work_z65tykardfdz5jbwifz5ykiigq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_z65tykardfdz5jbwifz5ykiigq.txt summary: My mantra, during my early work, was taken from John Unsworth: "If an electronic scholarly project can''t fail and doesn''t produce new ignorance, then it isn''t The work of digital scholarship is not only about production of ;:)SOl[ll[l!.M.P;:)PllJ;:)lU!pUllpJOJU0;JU~P;:)P!S;:)JUOJNUOSUOJS:pUll''ll1l;:)Jol[l, snsu;:)J''Sl[dllJgolOl[d''SdllW''Slu;:)wnJ0PIIlJ!JOlS!l[''SlX;:)lAJllJ;:)ln;:)pnpu!;:)A!l[JJll effectively retrained myself to work with digital scholarship, something that found little infrastructure to support digital work on my campus, so I went to the but dedicated group of scholars working on digital archives. Universities are putting support for digital work into place, new organizations, such But, a scholar interested in digital work needs to be realistic about how current digital work is valued by the academy . ;:)U!gIlW!;:)JOlS!vaJ;:)l[lJOslllog;:)l[lJO;:)uO'';:)Jll]J;:)lU!J;:)snOllX;:)lJOUO!llllU;:)S;:)Jd Another important issue that the Concord Digital Archive seeks to explore through its interface structure is the way that transnationalism plays out ''lS;:)~SIl;:);:)l[lJO;:)uo;:)qprnO.M.,?A!l[JJll"STE!J;:)lIlWJOl;:)S;:)l[lgunl!lll[gnol[lI''VaJ advantage of work that is already completed in digital humanities? id: work_g2vkzz5wvzfmreplmjszn7vqo4 author: Joseph Scheinfeldt title: Another Week | Another Tool - A Digital Humanities Barnraising date: 2017 words: 2775.0 sentences: 425.0 pages: 11 flesch: 44.0 cache: ./cache/work_g2vkzz5wvzfmreplmjszn7vqo4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_g2vkzz5wvzfmreplmjszn7vqo4.txt summary: development work about Serendip-o-matic and the experience of One Week | One Tool. "Mia Ridge Leads Developement at One Week|One Tool." Digital "One Week | One Tool: Introducing Serendip-O-Matic." The Chronicle of Higher "Metaphorical Learning Moments at One Week One Tool, Day 3," August 1, 2013. "Europeana API Used in One Week | One Tool''s Serendip-O-Matic!" Europeana, August 5, "One Week, One Tool, Many Lessons." ACRL TechConnect Blog, August 7, Serendip-O-Matic." One Week One Tool, August 2, 2013. "One Week | One Tool Team Launches Serendip-O-Matic." Roy Rosenzweig Center for "Professor Kleinman Helps Develop Search Tool Serendip-O-Matic." Department of English, "RECOMMENDED: Serendip-O-Matic, From the One Week | One Tool Team." Dh+lib, August Announcing Serendip-O-Matic at One Week, One Tool." Open "Serendip-O-Matic Results Using 2012 SPU Library Annual Report." Keeping Time, August 3, "#OWOT a Week: Introducing Serendip-O-Matic, a Tool for Digital Humanities id: work_etoxniuo4nbctp6l3xefoqkff4 author: Jouni Tuominen title: Bio Crm: A Data Model For Representing Biographical Data For Prosopographical Research date: 2017 words: 419.0 sentences: 38.0 pages: 1 flesch: 41.0 cache: ./cache/work_etoxniuo4nbctp6l3xefoqkff4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_etoxniuo4nbctp6l3xefoqkff4.txt summary: Bio CRM: A Data Model for Representing 1 Semantic Computing Research Group (SeCo), Aalto University, Finland, and Biographies make a promising application case of Linked Data: they can be used, e.g., as a basis for Digital Humanities research in prosopography and as a key data and linking In both use cases, a semantic data model for present such a data model, Bio CRM [1], with the following key ideas: 1) The model is a domain specific extension of CIDOC CRM, making it applicable to not only biographical data enriched data conforming to Bio CRM is targeted to be used by SPARQL queries in flexible Bio CRM provides the general data model for biographical datasets. Use cases for data represented using Bio CRM include prosopographical information printed register of over 10 000 alumni of the Finnish Norssi high school as Linked Data [3]. id: work_bsxvshzuhzg7xiuvucujnkig6m author: Julia Hammond Flanders title: A Journal-Driven Bibliography of Digital Humanities date: 2017 words: 29878.0 sentences: 3176.0 pages: 81 flesch: 66.0 cache: ./cache/work_bsxvshzuhzg7xiuvucujnkig6m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_bsxvshzuhzg7xiuvucujnkig6m.txt summary: specific DHQ article, such as personal communications ("Private email to the author, 31 linkage between DHQ articles and the bibliographic items they cite. process (a working publication in which all bibliographic data would be centralized) The bibliographic data resource developed under this grant represents a new level of the DHQ articles, and the publication process needs to follow the bibliographic pointers team to produce a co-authored article based on this report, to be published in DHQ later complete the final integration of the bibliographic data into DHQ''s publication interface, 1. Continue to expand the centralized bibliography as new DHQ articles are its potential to provide a valuable data resource to the public, this project raises DHQ''s of DHQ''s bibliographic coupling network, we identify several communities of articles published in DHQ, and we analyze their Index Terms—Digital Humanities, Information Visualization, Co-author network, Bibliographic Coupling, big tent the DHQ bibliographic data and created visualizations in order to id: work_ctryenwgpfgqnon4dn6z4b2yvq author: Julia Hammond Flanders title: Digital Humanities Data Curation date: 2017 words: 4836.0 sentences: 233.0 pages: 13 flesch: 40.0 cache: ./cache/work_ctryenwgpfgqnon4dn6z4b2yvq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ctryenwgpfgqnon4dn6z4b2yvq.txt summary: The Digital Humanities Data Curation (DHDC) Institute was awarded an Institutes for guidance in understanding the role of data curation in enriching humanities research projects. introduction to humanities data curation, an interactive exercise in which participants curation activity using data from the New York Public Library''s "What''s on the Menu" project project team made several revisions to the DHDC curriculum after the first workshop. resources specifically devoted to data curation for the humanities, the Guide site often ranks sessions drew upon DHDC lectures, activities, and exercises related to data management, workshop entitled "Humanities Data: Curation, Analysis Access and Reuse" at the 2015 Digital example, Muñoz led mini workshops on humanities data curation for the Center for Digital The DHDC project conducted an evaluation survey after each of the three institute workshops they gained a greater understanding of data curation in context of digital humanities research id: work_spoj7ejsojgznin7fgij5obsci author: Julian Faraway title: Statistics for Digital Human Motion Modeling in Ergonomics date: 2007 words: 11572.0 sentences: 906.0 pages: 27 flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/work_spoj7ejsojgznin7fgij5obsci.pdf txt: ./txt/work_spoj7ejsojgznin7fgij5obsci.txt summary: issues and statistical methods for human motion modeling. KEY WORDS: Functional data analysis, trajectories, orientation, quaternions, digital human Our overall aim is to present a suite of statistical methods for human motion modeling. collect human motion data and discuss how its characteristics affect the choice of analysis. motion must be developed and validated with reference to data from real, task-oriented human We have developed methods for modeling motion that use recent statistical advances in functional 2. Use the trajectory modeling method to predict the motion of the right wrist. 3. Use the orientation modeling method to describe the rotation of the hand during the motion. the components of the Framework use empirical models based on the analysis of human motion Human motion simulation models based on statistical analysis of laboratory data are becoming Modeling hand trajectories during reaching motions. id: work_q2drsr7d6jhkhhi3tp5gf7iiea author: Juliana E. Raffaghelli title: Different views on Digital Scholarship: separate worlds or cohesive research field? date: 2016 words: 8463.0 sentences: 902.0 pages: 17 flesch: 51.0 cache: ./cache/work_q2drsr7d6jhkhhi3tp5gf7iiea.pdf txt: ./txt/work_q2drsr7d6jhkhhi3tp5gf7iiea.txt summary: technologies, thus identifying a new field of research, the Digital Humanities (Terras, three strands of research identified, namely Digital Libraries, Networked Scholarship Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2016, 24: 32036 17 Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2016, 24: 32036 17 Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2016, 24: 32036 17 Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2016, 24: 32036 17 Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2016, 24: 32036 17 Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2016, 24: 32036 17 Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2016, 24: 32036 17 Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2016, 24: 32036 17 Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2016, 24: 32036 17 Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2016, 24: 32036 17 Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2016, 24: 32036 17 Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2016, 24: 32036 17 id: work_afxycoctbrbcpkbkn7gub2qnpa author: Julien A. Raemy title: Assigning persistent identifiers to art and design entities date: 2019 words: 1301.0 sentences: 323.0 pages: 27 flesch: 51.0 cache: ./cache/work_afxycoctbrbcpkbkn7gub2qnpa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_afxycoctbrbcpkbkn7gub2qnpa.txt summary: 1. Introduction to Persistent identifiers (PIDs) Persistent identifiers (PID) PIDs are essential and indispensable to create fair data. § Cool URIs don''t change: (Tim Berners-Lee, 1998) § Cool URIs for the Semantic Web: (W3C Interest Group PIDs and cool URIs (Bazzanella, Bortoli, Bouquet 2013) § Identités de confiance pour les données de l''art et du design (ICOPAD) – June 2017 to ICOPAD Project o PIDs are a key element in the research data management process and should be Can persistent identifiers be cool? Des identifiants pérennes pour les ressources numériques : l''expérience de la BnF [online]. Available from: Available from: Available from: Revue de la littérature : identifiants pérennes (PID), Linked Data, Données de la recherche [online]. Available from: Available from: Available from: id: work_7oth2g2n3reg3n3uv5elarlqdy author: Jungdae Kim title: Partially Automated Method for Localizing Standardized Acupuncture Points on the Heads of Digital Human Models date: 2015 words: 6223.0 sentences: 863.0 pages: 12 flesch: 73.0 cache: ./cache/work_7oth2g2n3reg3n3uv5elarlqdy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7oth2g2n3reg3n3uv5elarlqdy.txt summary: Partially Automated Method for Localizing Standardized Acupuncture Points on the Heads of Digital Human Models Acupuncture Points on the Heads of Digital Human Models Having modernized imaging tools for precise positioning of acupuncture points over the human body where the traditional Digital Korean human data were obtained to construct threedimensional head-skin and skull surface models of six individuals. All the acupoints on the heads of the six individual were displayed on threedimensional computer graphical image models. The proportional bone (skeletal) measurement method also uses landmarks on the body''s surface, Table 3: Descriptions of the locations of the anatomical acupuncture points and landmarks. Figure 6: Various views of the 3D model of an (a) obese, a (b) normal, and an (c) underweight man with positioned acupoints on their heads. morphological acupoints on the head of anormal man; they exactly match the same positionings on our "standard" source model for the id: work_x6vi2hupuzfgdkptjwyulzo5zm author: Justin Parrott title: Indianapolis Imam Warith Deen Muhammad Community Collection date: 2020 words: 1561.0 sentences: 113.0 pages: 5 flesch: 60.0 cache: ./cache/work_x6vi2hupuzfgdkptjwyulzo5zm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_x6vi2hupuzfgdkptjwyulzo5zm.txt summary: Indianapolis Imam Warith Deen Muhammad Community Collection Indianapolis Imam Warith Deen Muhammad Community Collection The Indianapolis Imam Warith Deen Muhammad Community collection documents the life of an The project is the result of a partnership between IUPUI and the Nur Allah Islamic Center. IUPUI''s digital librarians made clear from the beginning that this was the community''s project, not The newly digitized Indianapolis Imam Warith Deen Muhammad Community collection is a significant Digital Scholarship f acilitated collecting, scanning, labeling, and providing access for 1,334 items (at Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 1, No. 3 Indianapolis Imam Warith Deen Muhammad Community Collection Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 1, No. 3 Indianapolis Imam Warith Deen Muhammad Community Collection Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 1, No. 3 Indianapolis Imam Warith Deen Muhammad Community Collection Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 1, No. 3 Indianapolis Imam Warith Deen Muhammad Community Collection id: work_ro3etpjujndrnbotmnhsjynqn4 author: Jörg Miehling title: Towards Biomechanical Digital Human Modeling of Elderly People for Simulations in Virtual Product Development date: 2013 words: 3610.0 sentences: 356.0 pages: 6 flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_ro3etpjujndrnbotmnhsjynqn4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ro3etpjujndrnbotmnhsjynqn4.txt summary: Towards Biomechanical Digital Human Modeling of Elderly People for Simulations in Virtual Product Development Towards Biomechanical Digital Human Modeling of Elderly People for Simulations in Virtual Product Towards Biomechanical Digital Human Modeling of Elderly People This contribution illustrates a methodology to customize biomechanical digital human models to resemble people of different age and ability groups for the use in simulations to support user-centered design. The most basic methods of considering the capabilities and needs resulting from ageand diseaserelated limitations of elderly people are experts'' evaluations and guidelines. Digital human models are in general used in industry, research as well as education. represented to facilitate the generation of biomechanical digital human models of different age and ability body segments which are then used to scale the biomechanical digital human model. In this contribution a methodology for the conception of biomechanical digital human models of people id: work_6miiym4nhbgt3pqu6fdqsbicxq author: Kaitlyn Grant title: Absorbing DiRT: Tool Directories in the Digital Age date: 2020 words: 6196.0 sentences: 607.0 pages: 19 flesch: 55.0 cache: ./cache/work_6miiym4nhbgt3pqu6fdqsbicxq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6miiym4nhbgt3pqu6fdqsbicxq.txt summary: Absorbing DiRT: Tool Directories in the Digital Age possibility of merging the DiRT Directory with TAPoR, both popular tool and subsequent merging of two tool directories, TAPoR 3.0 (Text Analysis Portal for the Digital Humanities because it means that the tools or new media works that we TAPoR 3.0 and the DiRT (2019) Directory are tool discovery portals for the digital as tool directories have a long history of supporting and providing recognition for set of problems in the field of Digital Humanities around treating tool directories Directories for finding tools are not new to the Digital Humanities. "guides, tools, and other resources for practical work in the Digital Humanities by as TAPoR 3.0 and DiRT but use different methods to provide access to tools. of one form, directories of Digital Humanities tools, but there are other types tool directory like TAPoR 3.0. DiRT (Digital Research Tools). id: work_4ry2oq4ivzdcnnphnfbaamfpia author: Karel Kriz title: Digitizing Patterns of Power – Cartographic Communication for Digital Humanities date: 2018 words: 3697.0 sentences: 301.0 pages: 5 flesch: 53.0 cache: ./cache/work_4ry2oq4ivzdcnnphnfbaamfpia.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4ry2oq4ivzdcnnphnfbaamfpia.txt summary: a University of Vienna, Department of Geography and Regional Research, Vienna, Austria;, new structures of power are central research topics of the project "Digitizing Patterns of Power" (DPP). brings together expertise from historical and archaeological research as well as cartography and geocommunication to Optimal cartographic visualization of base data as well as the historical and archaeological information in an interactive geocommunication characteristics and approaches to interactive mapping in a historical and archaeological context Keywords: Cartographic Communication, Topographic Maps, Cartographic Visualization, Spatial Uncertainty, Digital representation and visualization of the historical landscape and the underlying data. DPP builds on various historical data. of the aims of this project, to use the available data to record the level of uncertainty of the data in the database. use in an interactive application with many different data The map based application serves as a tool for research 4. Spatial Uncertainty of Historical data 4. Spatial Uncertainty of Historical data id: work_jjqj3df6wjaejlzmo3ar7wcdl4 author: Karlheinz G. Schaub title: Ergonomic assessment of automotive assembly tasks with digital human modelling and the ''ergonomics assessment worksheet'' (EAWS) date: 2012 words: 12111.0 sentences: 878.0 pages: 29 flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_jjqj3df6wjaejlzmo3ar7wcdl4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_jjqj3df6wjaejlzmo3ar7wcdl4.txt summary: MTMergonomics is an ergonomic risk assessment tool for industrial engineers for manual work activities; EMA; ergonomics assessment worksheet; EAWS; automotive assembly tasks with digital human modelling and the ''ergonomics preventive ergonomic work design, particularly during pre-production planning (Duffy, for manual work activities (EMA) that helps to speed up and optimise human movement 2012) and planning tools like EMA and MTMergonomics (Schaub et al., 2009a) EAWS include task analysis toolkit for ergonomic work place design and motion capture toolkit automotive which integrates production ergonomics and process planning based on MTM EMA utilises a modular approach for simulating human work activities that is based on EMA has therefore included a standard tool for ergonomic risk assessment called EMA is a new tool for simulating and editing manual work activities in digital production and work task design'', Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual (2010) ''Ergonomics risk assessment with digital human models in car assembly: id: work_xdgh7okmdzeu5boqryugpmuaxu author: Katerina Sekulova title: Ergonomic Analysis of a Firearm According to the Anthropometric Dimension date: 2015 words: 2946.0 sentences: 336.0 pages: 8 flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/work_xdgh7okmdzeu5boqryugpmuaxu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xdgh7okmdzeu5boqryugpmuaxu.txt summary: Ergonomic Analysis of a Firearm According to the Anthropometric Dimension The paper summarizes the results of an ergonomic analysis of firearms with regard to anthropometric dimensions of selected The grip of the firearm according to the position of shooters wrist is also a subject to critical analysis. Keywords: firearms; ergonomic analyses; anthropometric dimensions; digital human models; ranges For analysis and development of new weapons within Czech Republic we used the ergonomic software Tecnomatix Jack (Tx Jack) contains several anthropometric databases and it is possible to compare weapon models Comparison of hand anthropometry according to DIN 33402-2 [3] anf GERMAN Population Tx Jack. Comparison of hand anthropometry according to Anthropometric Survey of The Armed Forces of The Republic of Korea [4] and For the individual percentiles of each population there were evaluated ranges on trigger, selector level and bolt Population Percentile Trigger Selector level Bolt catch Collision id: work_i7bsjqds7nflvlnt37inqxludy author: Katherine L. Walter title: centerNet: Cyberinfrastructure for the Digital Humanities date: 2017 words: 762.0 sentences: 50.0 pages: 3 flesch: 39.0 cache: ./cache/work_i7bsjqds7nflvlnt37inqxludy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_i7bsjqds7nflvlnt37inqxludy.txt summary: centerNet: cyberinfrastructure for the digital humanities white paper expand the idea of centerNet worldwide, to create a formal structure, and to develop a business plan Activity: Through the 2009 funding provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities, centerNet has developed into an international network of digital humanities centers. serve on an international executive council. membership and business plans, to form partnerships with other organizations, and to plan for As of 2012, centerNet is a constituent organization of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations organization, centerNet is unlike any of the others in ADHO. While developing centerNet''s governance structure and financial planning has taken a long time, the programs and membership benefits of centerNet. In addition to the work of the regional affiliates and the international executive council, centerNet has an annual general membership meeting at the ADHO Digital Humanities conferences. being developed for graduate education in digital humanities. id: work_gheccvgisbbcvplzywm7tjv5be author: Katrina Fenlon title: Interactivity, Distributed Workflows, and Thick Provenance: A Review of Challenges Confronting Digital Humanities Research Objects date: 2019 words: 3482.0 sentences: 214.0 pages: 7 flesch: 31.0 cache: ./cache/work_gheccvgisbbcvplzywm7tjv5be.pdf txt: ./txt/work_gheccvgisbbcvplzywm7tjv5be.txt summary: A Review of Challenges confronting Digital Humanities Research Objects Despite the rapid growth of digital scholarship in the humanities, most existing research application of ROs to humanities digital scholarship. investigated the application of the ROs model to digital humanities collections, and which three main challenges and their implications for future implementations of ROs to support digital limitation of the model for digital humanities collections to be that functional components, documentation of thick, multifaceted provenance of humanities ROs. ResearchSpace is an opensource platform created by the British Museum to facilitate scholarly data sharing, formal Data Model and the Digital Public Library of America Metadata Application Profile, which are both application of the RO model to humanities digital scholarship are significant. 1. Digital humanities scholarship requires specialized interactive use, so realizing the scientific research infrastructures (including data models like the RO model) to support humanities Research Data in the Digital Humanities. Modeling Digital Humanities Collections as Research Objects. id: work_mhenjbm7ifdufgdkpgjchbuche author: Katrina Fenlon title: Modeling Digital Humanities Collections as Research Objects date: 2019 words: 8446.0 sentences: 517.0 pages: 10 flesch: 37.0 cache: ./cache/work_mhenjbm7ifdufgdkpgjchbuche.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mhenjbm7ifdufgdkpgjchbuche.txt summary: Modeling Digital Humanities Collections as Research Objects Modeling Digital Humanities Collections as Research Objects complex digital objects that interweave data, workflows, and supplementary and contextual information, models for logically bundling Applying the context/context framework to the components identified through content analysis exposes a few important characteristics of DH collections, which any data model intended to represent would readily translate to alternate representations, such as semantic relationships in a linked data or research objects model. components and relationships, with the goal of applying the research objects model to describing and representing them. Modeling Digital Humanities Collections as Research Objects JCDL ''19, June 2019, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA Modeling Digital Humanities Collections as Research Objects JCDL ''19, June 2019, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA Modeling Digital Humanities Collections as Research Objects JCDL ''19, June 2019, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA Modeling Digital Humanities Collections as Research Objects JCDL ''19, June 2019, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA id: work_rtr7j5vngrfnfk3d3pznkgw3hy author: Katsuya Masuda title: Revealing the Modern History of Japanese Philosophy Using Digitization, Natural Language Processing, and Visualization date: 2015 words: 6478.0 sentences: 860.0 pages: 15 flesch: 74.0 cache: ./cache/work_rtr7j5vngrfnfk3d3pznkgw3hy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rtr7j5vngrfnfk3d3pznkgw3hy.txt summary: But since digitization will lower the variable production cost, it will strictly increase the profit to Facing deterministic demand, the physical goods vendor must have prepared the exact quantity of the product to sell, and thus all products are sold out. Keywords Strategic customers · Digital goods pricing · Exponentiality Our work contributes to the literature by comparing profitability of physical and digital goods from such an angle. This result is used to compare the profits of the physical and digital goods. we study the multi-period sales of digital goods and compare the two models. • (Selling Periods) Physical and digital goods operate in different manners. Consider a physical goods vendor who has one period to sell his product. limit, the digital goods vendor is trapped in the zero-revenue paradox Coase conjectured in his 1972 paper. digital goods vendor will lower the price to zero "in the twinkle of an eye,"2 and face id: work_sr2z2fcg25f2dokho4nyhmjap4 author: Kaylin Land title: Predicting Author Gender Using Machine Learning Algorithms: Looking Beyond the Binary date: 2020 words: 4452.0 sentences: 394.0 pages: 13 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_sr2z2fcg25f2dokho4nyhmjap4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_sr2z2fcg25f2dokho4nyhmjap4.txt summary: Predicting Author Gender Using Machine Learning Algorithms: Looking Beyond the Binary that utilize computer algorithms to identify author gender and feminist of author gender and to ask larger questions about algorithmic criticism, of algorithms to identify author gender assumes a binary approach that rests upon Naturally, an algorithmic examination of literature written by men and women Author gender studies that find women write differently than men Land: Predicting Author Gender Using Machine Learning Algorithms Art. 8, page 11 of 12 Land: Predicting Author Gender Using Machine Learning Algorithms Art. 8, page 11 of 12 Land: Predicting Author Gender Using Machine Learning Algorithms Art. 8, page 11 of 12 Land: Predicting Author Gender Using Machine Learning Algorithms Art. 8, page 11 of 12 Land: Predicting Author Gender Using Machine Learning Algorithms Art. 8, page 11 of 12 2. Assumptions of algorithm author gender studies 2. Assumptions of algorithm author gender studies id: work_sed4ulu2pfhfhbxwallx4lijza author: Keerti Arora title: Review: Louisiana Slave Conspiracies date: 2021 words: 857.0 sentences: 64.0 pages: 4 flesch: 42.0 cache: ./cache/work_sed4ulu2pfhfhbxwallx4lijza.pdf txt: ./txt/work_sed4ulu2pfhfhbxwallx4lijza.txt summary: Review: Louisiana Slave Conspiracies Louisiana Slave Conspiracies Patty Frontiera, University of California, Berkeley Louisiana Slave Conspiracies is an interdisciplinary and collaborative research project dedicated to slave conspiracies organized at Pointe Coupée in the Spanish territory of Louisiana in 1791 and 1795. Louisiana Slave Conspiracies (LSC) enables a self-directed, alternative, multimodal way of learning about the events surrounding the 1791 and 1795 Pointe Coupée conspiracies in Louisiana. Small, and Jenelle Thomas, this project adds an invaluable digital Unlike articles that relay information linearly, this interactive digital project presents the events, people, and places associated with the event under tabs that allow users to switch between Users can imagine possibilities through the organization, reception, and interpretation of the events collaborative tab that would allow users to share questions, data, and resources that might contribute Reviews in Digital Humanities Review: Louisiana Slave Conspiracies Reviews in Digital Humanities Review: Louisiana Slave Conspiracies Reviews in Digital Humanities Review: Louisiana Slave Conspiracies id: work_ldzbvcgj6nfu3ovhxskzlpfqcy author: Keiji Yano title: Japanese Map Warper for Spatial Humanities: The Japanese old maps portal site date: 2019 words: 1225.0 sentences: 83.0 pages: 2 flesch: 50.0 cache: ./cache/work_ldzbvcgj6nfu3ovhxskzlpfqcy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ldzbvcgj6nfu3ovhxskzlpfqcy.txt summary: Keywords: Japanese old maps, Rectify, Portal site, World Map, Libraries Since the middle of the 2000s, digital humanities (DH) involving the collaboration and uniting of research fields from Historical geographers have been making use of GIS as a research developed by Mr Tim Waters in 2009, and to construct a portal site of Japanese old maps which can be embedded into The functions of Japanese Map Warper include, 1) uploading image files (JPEG, PNGand TIFF formats), 2) browsing At the moment, we have gathered digital images of Japanese old maps exported Stanford University Libraries hold a large collection of gaihozu, Japanese military and imperial maps. V. Star East Asian Library, UCB, holds about 1,800 Japanese old maps, the Japanese Historical Map Collection 4) Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures (SISJAC) ( georeferenceing of about 1,200 old topographic map images which cover entire Japan islands through the Japanese Map id: work_43xudc3jafc3zdkihf3w2jfpca author: Keith Case title: Crowd simulation: a video observation and agent-based modelling approach date: 2016 words: 360.0 sentences: 58.0 pages: flesch: 27.0 cache: ./cache/work_43xudc3jafc3zdkihf3w2jfpca.pdf txt: ./txt/work_43xudc3jafc3zdkihf3w2jfpca.txt summary: posted on 03.11.2016, 10:00 by Shahrol Mohamaddan, Keith Case Human movement in a crowd can be considered as complex and unpredictable, and accordingly large scale video observation studies based on a conceptual behaviour framework were used to characterise individual movements and behaviours. Movement in crowds was modelled and simulated using an agent-based method using the gaming software Dark BASIC Professional. Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering Crowd simulation: A video observation and agent-based modelling approach. Crowd simulation: A video observation and agent-based modelling approach. Crowd simulation: A video observation and agent-based modelling approach. Full details of this licence are available at: This paper was accepted for publication in the journal International Journal of the Digital Human and the definitive published version is available at Publisher version Mechanical Engineering not elsewhere classified Mechanical Engineering not elsewhere classified Agent-based modellingCrowd simulationObservational study Agent-based modellingCrowd simulationObservational study id: work_m5tumtiecnd2xfgkvjflp4k63q author: Keith Case title: Digital Human Modelling and the Ageing Workforce date: 2015 words: 5010.0 sentences: 340.0 pages: 8 flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_m5tumtiecnd2xfgkvjflp4k63q.pdf txt: ./txt/work_m5tumtiecnd2xfgkvjflp4k63q.txt summary: validation of this concept, older workers'' capabilities (joint mobility) data are used to assess assembly related tasks. in the real assembly working environment have been replicated virtually by these 31 older workers where their joint Digital human modelling tools are capable of predicting risk involved during work, with an acceptable level of differences in joint mobility capabilities means it is unlikely that all older workers can adopt all these working human model) and older workers (with limited and varying levels of joint mobility). the assembly activity for three different methods have been replicated by a SAMMIE human model, and joint utilized to assess the acceptability of any working strategy for older workers at the individual level. joint constraints of an older worker of HADRIAN database) was tested against the three different working methods proposed method has been validated through SAMMIE, where older worker''s joint mobility data has been used id: work_bi44b5urgrcc7bl5s7za7xg5wm author: Keith Case title: Digital human modelling over four decades date: 2016 words: 359.0 sentences: 52.0 pages: flesch: 23.0 cache: ./cache/work_bi44b5urgrcc7bl5s7za7xg5wm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_bi44b5urgrcc7bl5s7za7xg5wm.txt summary: posted on 21.03.2016, 11:46 by Keith Case, Russell Marshall, Steve Summerskill This paper aims to provide a retrospective of the use of a digital human modelling tool (SAMMIE) that was perhaps the first usable tool and is still active today. Relationships between digital human modelling and inclusive design, engineering design and ergonomics practice are discussed using examples from design studies using SAMMIE and government-funded research. CASE, K., MARSHALL. Digital human modelling over four decades. Digital human modelling over four decades. Digital human modelling over four decades. International Journal of the Digital Human, 1 (2), pp. International Journal of the Digital Human, 1 (2), pp. Full details of this licence are available at: This paper was accepted for publication in the journal International Journal of the Digital Human and the definitive published version is available at Publisher version Digital human modellingSAMMIEInclusive design Digital human modellingSAMMIEInclusive design id: work_bodh2qxngbct3pgyhmg464vjwm author: Kevin Fan title: Multi-Embodiment of Digital Humans in Virtual Reality for Assisting Human-Centered Ergonomics Design date: 2017 words: 9120.0 sentences: 677.0 pages: 14 flesch: 56.0 cache: ./cache/work_bodh2qxngbct3pgyhmg464vjwm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_bodh2qxngbct3pgyhmg464vjwm.txt summary: superimposed body acts as the target and enables simultaneous anthropometrical ergonomics evaluation for both the multi-embodiment interface aimed at assisting the ergonomics design process by taking different body''s anthropometry into account (Fig. 1). augmented with an extra body that would attempt in realtime the same action as the user but in an ergonomically For a universalprone design goal for evaluating against different ergonomic bodies, these researches usually employed diverse users of the population or simulate the perceptual information, so a general user embodies the body of the target We developed a multi-embodiment interface that superimposes extra virtual bodies to the user''s own body in VR, accordance with the user''s physical body via motion capture, the extra superimposed DHM should take a different Multi-Embodiment of Digital Humans in Virtual Reality for Assisting Human-Centered Ergonomics Design Multi-Embodiment of Digital Humans in Virtual Reality for Assisting Human-Centered Ergonomics Design id: work_rckknat5mnd3xil77ajj5sgl54 author: Khalid Shakir Hussein title: Authorship Verification in Arabic Using Function Words: A Controversial Case Study of Imam Ali''s Book Peak of Eloquence date: 2017 words: 7010.0 sentences: 903.0 pages: 14 flesch: 78.0 cache: ./cache/work_rckknat5mnd3xil77ajj5sgl54.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rckknat5mnd3xil77ajj5sgl54.txt summary: Analysis) in verifying the disputed authorship of a famous Arabic religious book called (Nahjul-Balagha/ Peak of with a set of textual samples attributed to a single author and he has to figure out whether a given disputed text 4. Analyzing samples with their master corpus via WordSmith Tools (5.0) for frequency and word count, besides Determining function words hierarchical lists in Nahjul-Balagha, however, is not an easy process. It seems that TTR values are perhaps highly sensitive to genre: the samples (9, 10) constitute the letterblocks, and (11) the saying-block in Nahjul-Balagha, whereas the remaining ones represent the sermon-blocks. The Top-40 Distinct Function Words of Nahjul-Balagha-Corpus function words throughout the eleven samples of Nahjul-Balagha. Plotting the statistical behavior of the 40 function words, the researcher needs to verify how much of function words in Nahjul-Balagha corpus is significantly affected by the text genre? id: work_szekl26svfhqlpsd4ynaotamm4 author: Kihyo Jung title: An Estimation Method of Representative Humanoids for Digital Human Simulation date: 2013 words: 3150.0 sentences: 699.0 pages: 7 flesch: 83.0 cache: ./cache/work_szekl26svfhqlpsd4ynaotamm4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_szekl26svfhqlpsd4ynaotamm4.txt summary: Objective: The present study developed an estimation method of boundary zone representative humanoids(hereafter, EBZ method) generates representative humanoids at a boundary zone that statistically accommodates a designated percent of the the first step, the boundary zone of accommodating a designated percent(e.g., 90%) is formed under the assumption of Evaluation results showed that mean accommodation percent of the EBZ method was 90.9%(range: 90.8~91.1%) which is Conclusion: The EBZ method can generate representative humanoids which accommodate a designated percent of the Keywords: Representative humanoid, Digital human simulation, Estimated boundary zone method, Multivariate 는 기법(estimated boundary zone method; 이하, EBZ 기 n: number of anthropometric dimensions; small dot: design target population, large dot: representative humanoids) 6. 30 An Estimation Method of Representative Humanoids for Digital Human Simulation 243 6. 30 An Estimation Method of Representative Humanoids for Digital Human Simulation 243 6. 30 An Estimation Method of Representative Humanoids for Digital Human Simulation 243 id: work_tc3b5q2lbrdb7bxcujcvkjbl44 author: Kim Holmberg title: Disciplinary differences in Twitter scholarly communication date: 2014 words: 8144.0 sentences: 705.0 pages: 15 flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/work_tc3b5q2lbrdb7bxcujcvkjbl44.pdf txt: ./txt/work_tc3b5q2lbrdb7bxcujcvkjbl44.txt summary: This paper investigates disciplinary differences in how researchers use the microblogging site Twitter. from selected researchers in ten disciplines (astrophysics, biochemistry, digital humanities, economics, history of retweet more than the average Twitter users in earlier research and there were clear disciplinary differences in researchers in different disciplines use Twitter. 2. How are researchers in different disciplines using Twitter for scholarly established Twitter-using researchers and an analysis of their tweets should give an indication Twitter users, while researchers in cognitive science (964 tweets), biochemistry (892 tweets), of science 27% of the tweets were shared links, but in digital humanities only 15.5% of the only 5% of the tweets were for scholarly communication or discipline-relevant, while the An informal content analysis of the tweets from the Scholarly communication category why researchers are using social media sites like Twitter in scholarly communication. unclear tweets in every discipline suggest that Twitter is found more useful by the researchers id: work_34vimsyj6bdujafyxm77jfomsi author: Kim Martin title: Hist*4170: Exploration of the Digital Humanities date: 2020 words: 2622.0 sentences: 443.0 pages: 10 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_34vimsyj6bdujafyxm77jfomsi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_34vimsyj6bdujafyxm77jfomsi.txt summary: This course will begin with an introduction to Digital Humanities as a practice, a toolset, and a tools you learn in class, as well as those you investigate as part of the assignments, will help you how digital tools can help you to organize, investigate, and interpret sources using a different lens, develop an argument based on your findings, and to create a digital humanities • Learn to collect, manage, and manipulate digital data from various sources • Provide reflection on the digital tools introduced Final assignment (digital project + showcase): 35% (2013) Writing History in the Digital Age. The University = Writing History in reading list below. (2016) Debates in the Digital Humanities 2016. ***This text is available online at *** Humanities and Digital History. Digital Tools and the Practice of History. Writing a Digital History Game. Final class – Showcase of Digital Projects in id: work_c7o5k3xulncj5fmwptihyw54ca author: Klaus Illmayer title: Theadok - Theaterdokumentation. Collecting Metadata Of Performances date: 2018 words: 1361.0 sentences: 175.0 pages: 36 flesch: 45.0 cache: ./cache/work_c7o5k3xulncj5fmwptihyw54ca.pdf txt: ./txt/work_c7o5k3xulncj5fmwptihyw54ca.txt summary: Dataset on a performance related to the work: (see the fields in the Example of a connection between databases: (look at Materials, "has Connection between databases: related material to a performance in the tfm archive Connection between databases (scrolling down): (see "is ● Theater researchers need to understand (meta)data on performance as ● Theadok as a platform that enables researchers to put their data into digital ● Work-in-progress: Applying FAIR data principles on Theadok, Ongoing effort to enable interoperability, e.g. how to connect data of IbsenStage with Theadok? (see "same as" in group "Relations"). Jonathan Bollen: Data Models for Theatre Research: People, Places, and Performance. ● We need identifier services for performance data (like DOI for documents), to find and connect similar Connect research data infrastructure on different levels Example of connecting research data Performance metadata as research data Performance metadata as research data Performance metadata as research data id: work_6fuex7f7o5fknbvjrtuvimvsvy author: Klaus Thoden title: User-Centered Design Practices in Digital Humanities date: 2020 words: 7027.0 sentences: 616.0 pages: 10 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_6fuex7f7o5fknbvjrtuvimvsvy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6fuex7f7o5fknbvjrtuvimvsvy.txt summary: User-Centered Design Practices in Digital Humanities – Experiences from DARIAH and CENDARI gleaned from research undertaken in the projects, that influence usability practices in the DH, and provides possible recommendations on how to approach them. not intuitive or difficult to use and thus fail user expectations4, building digital tools with better usability seems find consensus on what good user experience and usability means in the Digital Humanities, what practices this User experience, usability and interface design play a tremendous role for DH tools, services and infrastructures K. Thoden et al., User-Centered Design Practices in Digital Humanities Fachbeitrag 11 K. Thoden et al., User-Centered Design Practices in Digital Humanities Fachbeitrag 11 K. Thoden et al., User-Centered Design Practices in Digital Humanities Fachbeitrag 11 K. Thoden et al., User-Centered Design Practices in Digital Humanities Fachbeitrag 11 K. Thoden et al., User-Centered Design Practices in Digital Humanities Fachbeitrag 11 id: work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imue author: Knöchelmann title: Open Science in the Humanities, or: Open Humanities? date: 2019 words: 11287.0 sentences: 865.0 pages: 17 flesch: 55.0 cache: ./cache/work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imue.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2unm4tvuyzbnbjzhy4o532imue.txt summary: more open research and communication practices in the humanities, one that integrates several review practices, and liberal open licences—in the realm of the humanities to demonstrate why a There is a specific discourse dedicated to open practices for disciplines of the sciences: open could be an element of either open science or digital humanities discourses. fragmentation of discourses about open practices in the humanities requires an integration of these opposed to issues such as peer review, preprints, or licences, open access in the humanities is wellscience and digital humanities as well as in reference to the fundamental changes potential open 3. Discussion of Practices of Open Science and Their Applicability in the Humanities The discourse on opening peer review should not be left to either the sciences or digital But this must not mean that the humanities need not have a discourse on opening their research and id: work_uboh7ioqubeklgwkvenjn7gphi author: Konstantin Ryabinin title: Graph-Based Visual Analytics Tools for Digital Humanities Research date: 2020 words: 3622.0 sentences: 313.0 pages: 10 flesch: 49.0 cache: ./cache/work_uboh7ioqubeklgwkvenjn7gphi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_uboh7ioqubeklgwkvenjn7gphi.txt summary: the visual analytics of the interconnected data within digital humanities research The circular graph is proposed as a visual model to depict the interconnected data in a comprehensive way. The graph rendering software is organized according to the model-driven architecture utilizing ontology engineering methods and means, which ensure configuration flexibility and modification an ergonomic and flexible tool for graph-based visualization of interconnected data circular graphs'' visualization is presented to tackle data filtering problems and improve problems in a field of DH during the case study of verbal and nonverbal behavior of social network users, we built the graph VA toolset upon the SciVi [12]. The integration with SciVi allowed to utilize advanced visualization features including the rendering of graphs. the data rendering using SciVi::CGraph visualization component. The state scale (drawn below the graph) provides quick navigation between these data sets and makes it possible to visually compare them. Graph-Based Visual Analytics Tools for Digital Humanities Research id: work_bma2bp7brfhebklg5fbvhutz7m author: Kostovicova title: Post-socialist identity, territoriality and European integration: Serbia''s return to Europe after Milošević date: 2005 words: 269.0 sentences: 33.0 pages: 1 flesch: 28.0 cache: ./cache/work_bma2bp7brfhebklg5fbvhutz7m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_bma2bp7brfhebklg5fbvhutz7m.txt summary: ▶ ▶ Spatially Integrated Social Sciences and Humanities ▶ An interdisciplinary journal devoted to all branches of spatially integrated social sciences and humanities geographical information science, medical and health geography, ▶ Presents research notes, commentaries, reports, and reviews GeoJournal is an international journal devoted to all branches of spatially integrated social sciences and humanities. cutting-edge, innovative, original and timely research from around the world and across the whole spectrum of social sciences and humanities that have an explicit geographical/ Economic and Development Geography Social and Political Geography Health and Medical Geography Environmental Geography and Sustainable Development In addition to research papers GeoJournal publishes reviews as well as shorter articles in the form of research notes, commentaries, and reports. original and substantive contributions to social science and humanities from a On the homepage of GeoJournal at you can ▶ Find submission information id: work_5lgvhggzxnhfvkvyq7hd263ofu author: Kris P. Shaffer title: A Proposal for Open Peer Review date: 2014 words: 2904.0 sentences: 160.0 pages: 5 flesch: 58.0 cache: ./cache/work_5lgvhggzxnhfvkvyq7hd263ofu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_5lgvhggzxnhfvkvyq7hd263ofu.txt summary: [2] Music theorists would benefit from having an open peer-review journal, and MTO is best situated to be that journal. [3] One of the first articles to appear in the Journal of Digital Humanities is Trevor Owens''s "Defining Data for Humanists: KEYWORDS: MTO, open access, open peer review, publishing, curation, blogs Owens''s and Gibbs''s chapter did not end with the publication of Writing History in the Digital Age. [5] In December 2011, the middle of the open peer-review process for this chapter, Owens wrote on his blog: process.) Open peer review can benefit music theorists, as well, and MTO is well positioned to incorporate it into a viable [13] However, just as DHNow is not the final stage in a peer-review process, this music theory curation site need not be the [16] Open peer review would also produce a mind-shift among music theory scholars: scholarship would be less about id: work_zob4nj6hdvdoda5bxtnuaf2e6e author: Kuan-Chih Chen title: Who Was the Key Figure? A Social Network Analysis of Suzhou Book Collector Groups in Ming Dynasty through a Digital Humanities Approach date: 2018 words: 9107.0 sentences: 3621.0 pages: 53 flesch: 95.0 cache: ./cache/work_zob4nj6hdvdoda5bxtnuaf2e6e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_zob4nj6hdvdoda5bxtnuaf2e6e.txt summary: Network Relationships of Suzhou Book Collectors in Ming Dynasty. Suzhou book collectors in Ming Dynasty, aims to depict the four major social the core social groups among the Suzhou book collector communities in Ming Keywords: Ming Dynasty, Suzhou, Book collector communities, Digital characteristics of Suzhou book collectors in Ming Dynasty, and identified the developments of Suzhou book collectors during the whole Ming Dynasty, and In terms of network density, among the four periods in Ming Dynasty of Suzhou the book collector groups of the Tianqi-early Qing Dynasty period. of Suzhou book collector groups in Ming Dynasty can be quantified, for comparison development of Suzhou book collector groups in Ming Dynasty. the whole Ming Dynasty, there were 79 Suzhou book collector groups, among which the whole Ming Dynasty, there were 79 Suzhou book collector groups, among which book collector groups during different periods in Ming Dynasty has been revealed. id: work_cnna6vnve5gspbow2jzuisxyni author: L. Siemens title: A tale of two cities: implications of the similarities and differences in collaborative approaches within the digital libraries and digital humanities communities date: 2011 words: 1748.0 sentences: 173.0 pages: 4 flesch: 50.0 cache: ./cache/work_cnna6vnve5gspbow2jzuisxyni.pdf txt: ./txt/work_cnna6vnve5gspbow2jzuisxyni.txt summary: Department of Information Studies, University and others, many emerging digital projects also Libraries (DL) and Digital Humanities (DH) nature of collaboration in these teams. and larger models of research collaboration that which may limit digital project teams'' efforts. who work in such teams to recognise factors that by academics involving little direct collaboration Given that the nature of digital projects digital projects explore issues of long term academic research teams when the members to team work (Birnbaum 1979; Fennel and which may exist with digital projects involving DL communities, led by a team based in two surveys of the communities exploring the individuals'' experiences in digital project communities'' work patterns and relationships (as per Marshall and Rossman 1999; McCracken a digital project team''s effectiveness. team work is more the norm for librarians Teams: A Research Note''. International Collaborative Projects''. Large Digital Humanities Projects''. Teams in Digital Humanities Environments''. id: work_l5mbh4nylfgx7mlgixbycxdolm author: LIBER Digital Humanities Working Group title: A Digital Humanities Reading List: Part 2, Cooperation Between Libraries and Research Communities date: 2018 words: 1334.0 sentences: 118.0 pages: 5 flesch: 30.0 cache: ./cache/work_l5mbh4nylfgx7mlgixbycxdolm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_l5mbh4nylfgx7mlgixbycxdolm.txt summary: gathering literature for libraries with an interest in digital humanities. Relationship Between Libraries and Research Communities, led by Liam As Digital Humanities (DH) evolves, the role of libraries and librarians working and nature of cooperation between libraries and their research communities. 2. Communicating New Library Roles to Enable Digital communications strategy to embed libraries in digital scholarship "that focuses on inserting the library into digital scholarship Digital Humanities in the Library, Miriam Posner and Digital Relationships Between Libraries and the Digital Humanities, 6. Research Libraries & Digital Humanities Tools, RLUK RLUK''s report on The role of Research Libraries in the creation, ACRL''s 2016 special issue Digital Humanities In the Library / Of 9. Digital Humanities: What Can Libraries Offer? Special Report: Digital Humanities in Libraries, Stewart and particularly how libraries and researchers collaborate. ● Miriam Posner''s Digital Humanities and the Library id: work_xfl63gzwyver7no3exeunxmubi author: LIBER Digital Humanities Working Group title: A Digital Humanities Reading List: Part 3, Skill Building date: 2018 words: 795.0 sentences: 55.0 pages: 3 flesch: 45.0 cache: ./cache/work_xfl63gzwyver7no3exeunxmubi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xfl63gzwyver7no3exeunxmubi.txt summary: A Digital Humanities Reading List: Part 3, Skill Building skills are needed for providing DH services in libraries and how library staff we''ve highlighted a few skills tutorials that provide practical instruction in specifically related to skill building within libraries, offers a surfeit of additional This issue of Library Technology Reports examines the contexts librarian in the creation of the digital library. Many of us working in DH or digital library projects that involve any This blog post from the British Library''s Digital Library Technology Reports issue noted above. Historian provides 68 lessons in a wide range of open skills, The tools detailed in Library Carpentry''s lessons 6. British Library Digital Scholarship Training Programme This collection of courses provided by the British Library is aimed at librarians to provide them with an understanding of Digital The Skill-building team of the Working Group will be providing additional posts id: work_ygmpjkhitradbhrqvzfntyegay author: LIBER Digital Humanities Working Group title: Forming Relationships in Digital Humanities date: 2021 words: 442.0 sentences: 68.0 pages: 1 flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_ygmpjkhitradbhrqvzfntyegay.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ygmpjkhitradbhrqvzfntyegay.txt summary: Building blocks for libraries Digital Humanities (DH) is a collaborative discipline. Libraries engaging in this field must build 10 ways in which libraries can build such relationships and points to various useful readings on this topic. Language is key in articulating the library''s role. documents also help position library offerings. your library is at. strengths and gaps can inform library strategy. Librarians'' work with digital collections requires ''translators'' between research and technical partners. expertise as an enabler of digital scholarship and a go-to for digital research projects. Use any existing links with DH researchers as demonstrator as DH fellows in the library or ''embedded'' librarians working on faculty projects – can enable Is the library a partner library collaboration itself is digital projects. Read: Posner Working or technical groups (e.g. LIBER WGs, Carpentries) can offer shared expertise and augment Read: RSE sub-team of the LIBER Digital Humanities Working Group. id: work_5udx6sbgkrgo7o3xbnmwclfid4 author: Lai-Tze Fan title: On the Value of Narratives in a Reflexive Digital Humanities date: 2018 words: 10019.0 sentences: 623.0 pages: 30 flesch: 45.0 cache: ./cache/work_5udx6sbgkrgo7o3xbnmwclfid4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_5udx6sbgkrgo7o3xbnmwclfid4.txt summary: On the Value of Narratives in a Reflexive Digital Humanities digital humanities: the difficulty of representing the figurative meaning Keywords: Narrative; database; reflexive; figurative meaning; paradigmatic; projects can utilize NoSQL or non-relational database models—an approach to content databases in addition to its ability to edit content, the question of narrative versus databases encourage us to interpret data is not how human language works, how The limits of the relational database for representing paradigmatic meaning in interest, digital humanists and literary scholars have expanded methods of database digital tools (a narrative of quantified text analysis). and represent on-screen: literary weight, figurative meaning, narrative forms, and digital tools that can represent the indeterminate in figurative meaning. A digital text analysis project on House of Leaves through a non-relational digital, the narrative and the database? Representing Paradigmatic Meaning in Non-Relational Databases Applying Non-Relational Databases to Narratives: Towards Representing Figurative Meaning id: work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6q author: Langmead Alison title: Digital Humanity date: 2020 words: 6106.0 sentences: 523.0 pages: 13 flesch: 66.0 cache: ./cache/work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6q.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2m65gksq2rbwvovm24iljmys6q.txt summary: major ( and meets three times per week: twice for lecture, once for Each week you will be asked to post a critical response to the ideas and concepts brought up in class and also responsible for responding thoughtfully to one other student''s WordPress post each week (100+ ● WordPress Post for Week 2: Tell a story about an algorithm or automata that has impacted your best posts this week will use the words and images together creatively to narrate the day and This week, we explore one of the major uses for computers'' ability to process massive amounts of data: ● WordPress Post for Week 6: Choose one of the surveillance systems or devices that you listed ● WordPress Post for Week 7: Using concepts and readings from the course so far, reinvent Week 10: Human Labor in Computing ● WordPress Post for Week 11: Play a game on the Internet Arcade id: work_2zsoxi6hfjby7gdvtrp4rtwf5y author: Laura Brazzo title: Data Sharing, Holocaust Documentation and the Digital Humanities: Best Practices, Case Studies and Benefits date: 2019 words: 1875.0 sentences: 201.0 pages: 6 flesch: 53.0 cache: ./cache/work_2zsoxi6hfjby7gdvtrp4rtwf5y.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2zsoxi6hfjby7gdvtrp4rtwf5y.txt summary: Holocaust Documentation and the Digital Humanities: Best Practices, Case Studies and between the EHRI project and other research infrastructures and digital humanities Il presente numero prende il titolo dal workshop "Data Sharing Holocaust The workshop "Data Sharing, Holocaust Documentation and the Digital Humanities: Best The aim of the workshop was to present the state of the art of data sharing practices and EHRI Project (Veerle Vanden Daelen) as well as a presentation of the recent State Archive of The four sessions progressed from presentations of projects based on data integration (with In Session IV the scheduled presentations showed five advanced cases of data sharing and use of Data Sharing, Holocaust Documentation and the Digital Humanities: Introducing the European Digital Testimonies and Research Access: USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive Discussion: Holocaust Research Questions and Use Cases Enabled by Data Sharing 12.45 Light Veerle Vanden Daelen, Data Sharing, Holocaust Documentation and the Digital Humanities: id: work_asoxottesnejraao7uisnuotsy author: Laura Estill title: Digital Humanities'' Shakespeare Problem date: 2019 words: 10275.0 sentences: 962.0 pages: 16 flesch: 56.0 cache: ./cache/work_asoxottesnejraao7uisnuotsy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_asoxottesnejraao7uisnuotsy.txt summary: Keywords: digital humanities; Shakespeare; early modern drama; literary canon; English literature; then turn to digital editions to demonstrate how Shakespeare''s texts are treated differently from his then turn to digital editions to demonstrate how Shakespeare''s texts are treated differently from his Digital humanities projects provide the resources we use to study and teach the early modern digital projects available for teaching and researching the early modern period in order to understand from Shakespeare''s world."3 Despite offering a digital humanities project that recognizes and "early English drama." By excluding Shakespeare, Digital Renaissance Editions follows the tradition Even as they undertake important work on early modern drama beyond Shakespeare, the Digital both examples of "deep" digital humanities projects with a focus on Shakespeare. "resources" section of the Internet Shakespeare Edition and the Digital Anthology of Early Modern centrality continues into the digital: online projects about Shakespeare beget new research questions id: work_xv3bcc6z7ncyhfmhzfmi2viuui author: Leon van Wissen title: Unlocking the archives: A pipeline for scanning, transcribing, and modelling entities of archival documents into Linked Open Data date: 2020 words: 976.0 sentences: 176.0 pages: 6 flesch: 36.0 cache: ./cache/work_xv3bcc6z7ncyhfmhzfmi2viuui.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xv3bcc6z7ncyhfmhzfmi2viuui.txt summary: Unlocking the Archives: A pipeline for scanning, indexing, transcribing, and modelling entities of archival documents into Linked Open Data A pipeline for scanning, indexing, transcribing, and modelling entities of archival Huygens Institute / Amsterdam City Archives Entity Extraction from Archival Documents, GLAM, Linked Open Data, Dutch collection of the notarial deeds in the Amsterdam City Archives will provide data on Amsterdam during the Dutch Golden Age. This archive currently plays a pioneering In the Golden Agents project, novel ways are explored to extract all entities of objects get insight into the cultural goods of Amsterdamers in the Dutch Golden Age. aggregating, and modelling the entities of archival documents into RDF as Linked These two examples show how references to objects in archival documents can be within the Amsterdam City Archives dataset can also be a next step. van den Heuvel, (2018) "Amsterdamers from the Golden Age to the Information Age id: work_knszd744brbb3ki6jscn5plmka author: Leonor Álvarez Francés title: Digital humanities: als een fraai essay date: 2017 words: 170.0 sentences: 35.0 pages: flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_knszd744brbb3ki6jscn5plmka.pdf txt: ./txt/work_knszd744brbb3ki6jscn5plmka.txt summary: Digital humanities: als een fraai essay | Scholarly Publications Skip to main content Leiden University Scholarly Publications Home Submit Select Collection Academic speeches Dissertations Faculty of Archaeology Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Science Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences Leiden Journals, Conference Proceedings and Books Leiden Law School Leiden University Press Medicine / Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) Research output UL Search box Persistent URL of this record Documents Download Als een fraai essay Not Applicable (or Unknown) open access Full text at publishers site In Collections In Collections In Collections This item can be found in the following collections: Institute for History Digital humanities: als een fraai essay Article / Letter to editor All authors Alvarez Francés, L. Alvarez Francés, L. Date Journal Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis Volume DOI doi:10.5117/TVGESCH2017.2.FRAN ©2020-2021 Leiden University A service provided by Leiden University Libraries Digital Collections id: work_icpchogjgzg2zget3pb56mglhm author: Liang Ma title: A new muscle fatigue and recovery model and its ergonomics application in human simulation date: 2010 words: 7656.0 sentences: 830.0 pages: 28 flesch: 65.0 cache: ./cache/work_icpchogjgzg2zget3pb56mglhm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_icpchogjgzg2zget3pb56mglhm.txt summary: A new muscle fatigue and recovery model and its ergonomics application in human simulation A new muscle fatigue and recovery model and its ergonomics extended to evaluate joint fatigue level in manual handling jobs. Key words: digital human modelling, human simulation, muscle fatigue and recovery model, physical fatigue evaluation, objective work evaluation, ergonomics analysis modelling and simulation tools to predict human motion with consideration of muscle then integrate it into the virtual human software to evaluate muscle fatigue and during a manual handling operation, a new muscle fatigue and recovery model was Table 1: Parameters in muscle fatigue and recovery model then with the new fatigue model, the reduction of the joint strength can be evaluated. With the new fatigue model, a continuous work procedure is evaluated under a Evaluation of Muscle Fatigue in Manual Handling Work. M. Modeling Muscle fatigue in digital humans. id: work_cdtzjkypkrhwvm65hjrapmg7ki author: Liang Ma title: Fatigue evaluation in maintenance and assembly operations by digital human simulation in virtual environment date: 2010 words: 8252.0 sentences: 1267.0 pages: 13 flesch: 70.0 cache: ./cache/work_cdtzjkypkrhwvm65hjrapmg7ki.pdf txt: ./txt/work_cdtzjkypkrhwvm65hjrapmg7ki.txt summary: simulated in a theoretical approach on the basis of a fatigue model in which fatigue resistances of different muscle groups were regressed from 24 existing maximum endurance time (MET) models. Keywords Virtual human simulation · muscle fatigue and posture analysis techniques can be integrated into virtual human simulation systems to assess the work efficiency virtual human tools to predict the variable physical strength. First, a virtual human model is introduced into the framework for posture analysis based on kinematic, dynamic, biomechanical, model and fatigue resistance for different muscle groups are Fig. 2 Elbow static strength depending on the human elbow and shoulder joint position, αs, αe [deg] of joint moment strength, a specific aspect of human physical status, has been simulated based on a general fatigue approach to generalize the virtual human simulation and evaluate the physical aspect in continuous static manual handling operations. id: work_3mifxysn6jb35np3ddn5iatkue author: Lidia Bocanegra Barbecho title: Ten years recovering the memory of republican exile with citizen collaboration. The results of E-xiliad@s Project: a perspective from Digital Humanities and Digital Public History date: 2020 words: 914.0 sentences: 143.0 pages: 1 flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_3mifxysn6jb35np3ddn5iatkue.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3mifxysn6jb35np3ddn5iatkue.txt summary: TEN YEARS RECOVERING THE MEMORY OF REPUBLICAN EXILE WITH project about the Spanish republican exile, Spanish Republican exile, mainly for the period from 1939 to 1959 Franco regime, related to social, public and contemporary history and a strong focus on gender, hence the Lidia Bocanegra Barbecho Digital Humanities specialist and DH responsible at Medialab UGR (Universidad de GranadaSpain). * PROJECT AIM E-xiliad@s collaborates to recover the memory of the republican exile through Open dissemination of information through project social media; creation of informative sections about exile: biographies, geolocated map, biblio/webography, travelogues. Since 2010, e-xiliad@s has published approximately 200 records of anonymous exiles and compiled about 500 files among images, scanned official documents, old EXILE RECORDS TOTAL: 200 PUBLISHED: 81% UNPUBLISHED: 19% través del proyecto e-xiliad@s (2015) DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1182456 * Memoria, exilio republicano e historia digital: El Proyecto e-xiliad@s (2014) DOI 10.5281/zenodo. id: work_noa7tyklx5dwblb7w6ge7y444a author: Linda M. Rodriquez title: Collaborating with Aponte: Digital Humanities, Art, and the Archive date: 2019 words: 7878.0 sentences: 541.0 pages: 16 flesch: 64.0 cache: ./cache/work_noa7tyklx5dwblb7w6ge7y444a.pdf txt: ./txt/work_noa7tyklx5dwblb7w6ge7y444a.txt summary: that Aponte had shown the book to his coconspirators, explaining some of its images 56–85; Jorge Pavez Ojeda, "Painting of Black History: The Afro-Cuban Codex of José Antonio Aponte (Havana, Cuba, transcript of the part of Aponte''s trial devoted to his book of paintings. of the judicial officials questioning Aponte as to the contents of his book of paintings. Thus the glorious black history pictured in Aponte''s book and so visible to the eyes of all who saw its production before presenting Aponte''s actual descriptions of his book ("Láminas"). archival record in conversation with Aponte as an intellectual and artist. Aponte''s book of paintings was a visual artifact, one we cannot see. In the absence of Aponte''s book, fifteen artists have used the Collaborating with Aponte: Digital Humanities, Art, and the Archive Collaborating with Aponte: Digital Humanities, Art, and the Archive Collaborating with Aponte: Digital Humanities, Art, and the Archive id: work_slf56v6zgnezzi3cayi4weg36y author: Linnea Frangen title: Digital Humanities Project: Comparing Language Complexity in Fact-Checked Fake and Real News date: 2020 words: 1799.0 sentences: 149.0 pages: 6 flesch: 72.0 cache: ./cache/work_slf56v6zgnezzi3cayi4weg36y.pdf txt: ./txt/work_slf56v6zgnezzi3cayi4weg36y.txt summary: My research question is how language complexity differs between fact-checked fake although the result may be less distinct since both the real and fake news come from fact-checking The fact-checked news data come from a MisInfoText GitHub repository that contains Fake news dataset contains 33,712 total words and 6,526 unique word forms. Real news dataset contains 54,997 total words and 8,987 unique word forms. Average Words Per Sentence: fake news 21.8, real news 19.5. The normed rate of the 14 conjunctions in total is 5.76 per 100 words for real news The same code is repeated twice on different datasets (first for the real news data and then The analysis shows that the differences in language complexity between the real news dataset and of articles included in the data, the fake news dataset included, for example, an article from id: work_trry5x3umjczhmzrgbqtmf5fti author: Loet Leydesdorff title: Maps on the basis of theArts & Humanities Citation Index: The journalsLeonardoandArt Journalversus "digital humanities" as a topic date: 2010 words: 9611.0 sentences: 762.0 pages: 42 flesch: 57.0 cache: ./cache/work_trry5x3umjczhmzrgbqtmf5fti.pdf txt: ./txt/work_trry5x3umjczhmzrgbqtmf5fti.txt summary: Maps on the basis of the Arts & Humanities Citation Index: the journals Leonardo and Art Journal versus "Digital Humanities" as a topic The possibilities of using the Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) for journal Keywords: humanities, journal, citation, topic, map, animation. Leonardo, the Journal of the Society for the Arts, Sciences, and Technology, published refer to a citation pattern of a journal in the arts and humanities. Figure 1: 53 journals cited by 157 articles in Leonardo in 2008; no citation threshold Figure 1 shows the results of the co-citations of 53 journals cited in 924 references of the Leonardo cite the sciences and the social sciences in addition to its citations to journals and books in the humanities, the journal is mainly cited in domains other than the arts and Figure 4: 36 journals in the citation impact environment of Leonardo in the A&HCI id: work_kwkwckoi2ncjfnyhngveqhiwsa author: Longhi title: Proposals for a Discourse Analysis Practice Integrated into Digital Humanities: Theoretical Issues, Practical Applications, and Methodological Consequences date: 2020 words: 11439.0 sentences: 821.0 pages: 18 flesch: 49.0 cache: ./cache/work_kwkwckoi2ncjfnyhngveqhiwsa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kwkwckoi2ncjfnyhngveqhiwsa.txt summary: Keywords: discourse analysis; corpus linguistics; digital humanities; semantics; textometry especially French digital/numerical humanities in that they are linked to disciplinary demarcations necessary link between four types of models: conceptual, formal, computational, and computer Meunier explains that "in a ''numerical humanities'' project the role of the formal model is the context of research in numerical humanities, which aim, in particular, to make complex results perspective various ways of conceptualizing or practicing the digital humanities, this article will seek We therefore need to think of the digital humanities as a co-construction of objects, knowledge, and tools just the humanities use computing for its digital needs. with researchers from disciplines other than computing, in particular the human and social sciences stating that "there are no so-called numerical humanities if there is no formal modelling containing modelling processes that the links between the humanities and computing are played out via numerical numériques" presents the Humanities and Numerical Technology/Computing. id: work_7ce4zfpya5fz3hcextxq2pwwke author: Lorenza Mondada title: Understanding as an embodied, situated and sequential achievement in interaction date: 2011 words: 884.0 sentences: 157.0 pages: 4 flesch: 35.0 cache: ./cache/work_7ce4zfpya5fz3hcextxq2pwwke.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7ce4zfpya5fz3hcextxq2pwwke.txt summary: Baskurs inom forskarutbildningen vid Forskarskolan Språk och kultur i Europa och begreppsbildningar inom det vetenskapsteoretiska området syftar kursen till att humaniora samt kritiskt granska den vetenskapshistoriska uppdelningen av litterärt och 1. – visa brett kunnande inom och en systematisk förståelse av forskningsområdet samt 3. – visa förmåga till vetenskaplig analys och syntes samt till självständig kritisk 4. – visa förmåga att kritiskt, självständigt, kreativt och med vetenskaplig noggrannhet identifiera och formulera frågeställningar samt att planera och med adekvata metoder 9. – visa intellektuell självständighet och vetenskaplig redlighet samt förmåga att göra vetenskapsteoretisk frågeställning diskuteras och problematiseras i förhållande till det Var placerar sig lingvistik och litteraturvetenskap i förhållande till övriga vetenskaper? Benveniste, Émile, "Subjectivity in Language", Critical Theory since 1965, red. Humanities (New York 2012), Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge, (New York id: work_kkuy4fneb5bdbhxlbl37upux4e author: Loretta Kim title: Discovering the past through data: promoting the design and analysis of original data-sets in history undergraduate courses in Hong Kong date: 2015 words: 5471.0 sentences: 309.0 pages: 17 flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_kkuy4fneb5bdbhxlbl37upux4e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kkuy4fneb5bdbhxlbl37upux4e.txt summary: datasets in history undergraduate courses in Hong Kong interpret original data.1 Performing quantitative and qualitative analysis of datasets the aim of teaching first and second-year students in the Faculty of Social Sciences the authors know of no other undergraduate history course in Hong Kong that has although quantitative analysis is an important method of historical research, dataset Performing quantitative and qualitative analysis of original data as a research method use and data management can be integrated into a history curriculum. teaching first-year students how to create datasets that can be interpreted by to designate a topic for the dataset, to identify sources of raw data, to standardize the about good practices in dataset development, so that the history team could manage history was new to students, the authors found that it was particularly useful to start Finding history: Research methods and resources for students id: work_33ebahkoevdwrcgyzyftxrmrmi author: Lucy Jenkins title: Preface date: 2020 words: 823.0 sentences: 53.0 pages: 2 flesch: 49.0 cache: ./cache/work_33ebahkoevdwrcgyzyftxrmrmi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_33ebahkoevdwrcgyzyftxrmrmi.txt summary: ARTICLE – DIGITAL MODERN LANGUAGES from Modern Languages and Digital Humanities, it appeared to me an unmissable and rare Unsurprisingly, the two days involved a number of curious encounters and conversations as we discussed our experiences from differing levels clearly Digital Humanities and Modern Languages in a way that could cascade to all levels of Institutions and the schools sector which made for valuable discussions about ''what matters'' where digital technology and Modern Languages was concerned. particularly where language learning is concerned. Secondly, the clear and positive vision for how Modern Languages and Digital Humanities of institutional reluctance to engage in dialogues where Digital Humanities and Modern the language learning classroom, we need to consider how to structure the experience in a Lucy Jenkins achieved First Class honours in English Literature and Italian at Cardiff University a DfE funded digital mentoring project for languages. Lucy is developing her expertise in pedagogical approaches to language id: work_usy6a63chfd2femdzmdumjmpby author: Luís Espinha da Silveira title: Geographic Information Systems and Historical Research: An Appraisal date: 2014 words: 6816.0 sentences: 452.0 pages: 18 flesch: 51.0 cache: ./cache/work_usy6a63chfd2femdzmdumjmpby.pdf txt: ./txt/work_usy6a63chfd2femdzmdumjmpby.txt summary: Geographic Information Systems and Historical Research: An Appraisal Geographic Information System (GIS) to historical research. in historical research represented an important innovation, GIS did not bring System (GIS) in historical research from an historian''s point of view. several years working in spatial history, where GIS has an important role to play, contribution of GIS to historical scholarship, to change the way historians work of HGIS websites.7 The Historical GIS Research Network provides a shorter some possible developments in the application of GIS to historical research. GIS opened new avenues to historical research but its application also involves Knowles, ed., Placing History: how maps, spatial data, and GIS are changing historical Gregory, ''Resources'', The Historical GIS Research Network, Gregory, ''Bibliography'', The Historical GIS Research Network, fields, Social Science History 35, 4 (2011), special issue on Historical GIS and the study of Knowles, ed., ''Historical GIS: the spatial turn in Social Science History'', Social id: work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknqu author: Lynne Siemens title: Digital Humanities Summer Institute: Large-Project Planning, Funding, and Management date: 2020 words: 9065.0 sentences: 1352.0 pages: 84 flesch: 58.0 cache: ./cache/work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknqu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_nqdyy7xwkza4bhw35vsadgknqu.txt summary: • A carelessly planned project will take three times longer to complete than you expected; a carefully • what is needed given the project and team members'' deliverables, milestone dates, and specific roles and responsibilities of the project team.  Project faculty leads are responsible for ensuring that work performed conforms to standards within E. Project Team Roles and Responsibilities All team members are credited as authors of all project products. Project members may use any of our work as examples in • As the project progresses to new phases, each team member • As the project progresses to new phases, each team member 1) Has the project scope of work changed? • The project has been planned to a manageable level of detail. project control, reporting and managing change.pdf Large Project Planning, Funding and Management Large Project Planning, Funding and Management Large Project Planning, Funding and Management id: work_ktncv3gvp5a4bp4olwv4y6lh3q author: M. J. Griffin title: Handbook of Human Vibration date: 1991 words: 741.0 sentences: 99.0 pages: 2 flesch: 56.0 cache: ./cache/work_ktncv3gvp5a4bp4olwv4y6lh3q.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ktncv3gvp5a4bp4olwv4y6lh3q.txt summary: that is 1 g-force Griffin JJ 2001 Handbook of human vibration. London: Aca. Ebook Download Handbook of Human Vibration. more public because 101, Handbook of Human Vibrations Griffin 1990 (Show Context). handbook on whole-body vibration exposure in mining. carried out in many Griffin M.J., 1990, Handbook of Human Vibration, Academic Press, London. Handbook of Human Vibration, London : Elsevier Academic Press. involving human exposure to whole-body vibration motion sickness under vibrations at various (1) Griffin, M.J., "Handbook of Human Vibration". Griffin, M.J., 1990,Handbook of Human Vibration, London: Academic Press. Handbook of Human Factors. Ebook Download Handbook of Human Vibration. 2015 Handbook of Human Vibration. 2015 Handbook of Human Vibration. 2015 Handbook of Human Vibration. 2015 Handbook of Human Vibration. 2015 Handbook of Human Vibration. 2015 Handbook of Human Vibration. 2015 Handbook of Human Vibration. 2015 Handbook of Human Vibration. 2015 Handbook of Human Vibration. 2015 Handbook of Human Vibration. id: work_dplcocllrbdozp4rl4pm7p4ssu author: M. Kirschenbaum title: What Is "Digital Humanities," and Why Are They Saying Such Terrible Things about It? date: 2014 words: 7975.0 sentences: 507.0 pages: 18 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_dplcocllrbdozp4rl4pm7p4ssu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_dplcocllrbdozp4rl4pm7p4ssu.txt summary: digital humanities has emerged as ''the next big thing'' at the same moment "terrible" things about digital humanities at this particular moment, a particulars to place two sets of facts before us: one, that digital humanities, history of academic disciplines think digital humanities is in any way deployments of the "digital humanities" construct. between critiques of "digital humanities" as such and those addressed to around "digital humanities," much as Morozov insists on "the Internet") Moreover, critiques of "digital humanities" can Alan Liu''s essay "The Meaning of the Digital Humanities" in the March 2013 reading (if you will) of one particular digital humanities project, specifically, a Comment on "Digital Humanities: Two Definitions." "Digital Humanities as/Is a Tactical Term." Gold 415–28. Comment on "Digital Humanities: Two Definitions." Uncomputing. "Where Is Cultural Criticism in the Digital Humanities?" Gold, 2011. "The Dark Side of Digital Humanities--Part 4." Center for 21st Century Studies. Defining Digital Humanities: id: work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbm author: M. Terras title: Present, not voting: Digital Humanities in the Panopticon: closing plenary speech, Digital Humanities 2010 date: 2011 words: 8682.0 sentences: 573.0 pages: 18 flesch: 66.0 cache: ./cache/work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mdin75yeyfeanhwhlzt4yqmrbm.txt summary: Digital Humanities faces many issues in the current financial and educational climate. plenary from the Digital Humanities conference 2010 at King''s College London, major concerns theoretical aspects of Digital Humanities research in regard to an individual project at University Humanities, ensuring the field''s relevance and impact in today''s academic culture. The video of the speech can be viewed at Transcribe Bentham is a one-year, Arts and Humanities Research Council funded project, housed project that you work on you learn new things about the field, and over the past year various aspects Humanities project before where the digital presence mattered so much, and I''ve come to realise that whip both UCL Centre for Digital Humanities, and Transcribe Bentham, into online shape, whilst Should those hired in Digital Humanities projects to do technical work have a to you about my thoughts about Transcribe Bentham, and the Digital Humanities in general. id: work_atos2ytygjdmbgkfeebe3jejr4 author: M. Terras title: Teaching TEI: The Need for TEI by Example date: 2009 words: 5719.0 sentences: 395.0 pages: 12 flesch: 56.0 cache: ./cache/work_atos2ytygjdmbgkfeebe3jejr4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_atos2ytygjdmbgkfeebe3jejr4.txt summary: expand the user base of TEI, it is important that tutorial materials are made available teaching materials available which support beginner''s level learning of TEI. freely available software provided to allow users to undertake TEI based markup online tutorials in the TEI, and why it is important to incorporate example material of Writers Project "offers periodic hands-on workshops on text encoding and the TEI learning a computing language, where is TEI by Example? course by example which will introduce novice users to text encoding within the TEI The "TEI by Example" project is currently developing a range of freely available The deliverables of the project are: online "TEI by example" tutorials, a printable PDF version of the "TEI by example" tutorials, an online software toolkit for text Example project aims to expand the user community of TEI by providing teaching Text Encoding and Interchange" Text Encoding and Interchange" id: work_ssdsysupwjgrhhl4fiplxfxdju author: Mackenzie Brooks title: Literacies in a Digital Humanities Context: A dh+lib Special Issue date: 2020 words: nan sentences: nan pages: flesch: nan cache: txt: summary: id: work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze author: Malina Thiede title: Preservation in Practice: A Survey of New York City Digital Humanities Researchers date: 2017 words: 8347.0 sentences: 555.0 pages: flesch: 51.0 cache: ./cache/work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze.htm txt: ./txt/work_w6tw6azjxjf6bin62o2nzuyqze.txt summary: DH is the study, exploration, and preservation of, as well as education about human cultures, events, languages, people, and material production in the past and present in a digital environment through the creation and use of dynamic tools to visualize and analyze data, share and annotate primary sources, discuss and publish findings, collaborate on research and teaching, for scholars, students, and the general public. Due to the range of complexity in this field and the challenges of maintaining certain types of digital content, long-term preservation of DH projects has become a major concern of scholars, institutions, and libraries in recent years. The subjects of our survey and interviews were self-selected faculty members and PhD candidates engaged in digital humanities research and affiliated with an academic institution within the New York City area. id: work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkq author: Malte Rehbein title: It''s our department: On Ethical Issues of Digital Humanities date: 2016 words: 10313.0 sentences: 705.0 pages: 24 flesch: 58.0 cache: ./cache/work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6wrtlxrn4vegnltwentr5irmkq.txt summary: This essay uses Big Data as a vehicle for considerations about ethical issues of the – making veracity of data a very relevant aspect for the Digital Humanities. trends in Digital Humanities: data-driven, quantitative research based on an amount of those who conduct Big Data analysis, perspectives of those who do basic research 5 Charles Duhigg, How Companies Learn Your Secrets, in: New York Times, 16 February 2012, online available at [last accessed: Ethical questions in Big Data have barely been addressed in the research.12 In 2014, 11 Kate Crawford, The Anxieties of Big Data, in: The New Inquiry, 30 May 2014, online available at http: 17 Job offer for a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Ethics of Big Data at the University of Oxford, online digital data relevant to research in the Humanities, b) the possibility of a computerassisted operation upon this data, as well as c) modern communication technology in id: work_56benodsq5auzdmyqtvffdu3i4 author: Marcus Bingenheimer title: Modelling East Asian Calendars in an Open Source Authority Database date: 2016 words: 512.0 sentences: 99.0 pages: flesch: 60.0 cache: ./cache/work_56benodsq5auzdmyqtvffdu3i4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_56benodsq5auzdmyqtvffdu3i4.txt summary: Modelling East Asian Calendars in an Open Source Authority Database | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 52294922Modelling East Asian Calendars in an Open Source Authority Database title={Modelling East Asian Calendars in an Open Source Authority Database}, author={Marcus Bingenheimer and Jen-Jou Hung and Simon Wiles and Boyong Zhang}, Arts Comput. Arts Comput. This paper discusses issues concerning the creation of conversion tables for East Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) and European calendars and describes the development of an open source calendar database as part of the history of converting East Asian calendars. Figures and Topics from this paper Computer Science, Sociology The histories of computing(s) Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License ACCEPT & CONTINUE id: work_m6jtxowewfggld3npw6jm6o2ki author: Margo Bargheer title: Unlocking the Digital Potential of Scholarly Monographs in 21st Century Research date: 2017 words: 6263.0 sentences: 428.0 pages: 18 flesch: 41.0 cache: ./cache/work_m6jtxowewfggld3npw6jm6o2ki.pdf txt: ./txt/work_m6jtxowewfggld3npw6jm6o2ki.txt summary: regard to the predominant format "journal article." The digital transformation also holds true for those disciplines that continue to rely on the scholarly monograph as a publication format and means for reputation building, We postulate that the publication format of the "monograph" for the digital dissemination of research Similarly, the activities of research funders and institutions (OA publication funds or the European Commission''s Open Access guidelines) add to 5. The Publishing Format "Monograph" and Digital Research core research result, they need to reverberate also in the HSS publishing format "monograph." Technical approaches in terms of how to link from the for an Open Access monograph pose a serious barrier to research dissemination, for example, de Gruyter started their model at 15,000 EUR (although Within an appropriate funding policy these publishers could accompany Digital Humanities projects according to the needs of the scholarly community and the public to develop id: work_hlfsrxlkmngjlbtwngyk2q2qjm author: Maria A. Vélez-Serna title: Remote Locations: Early Scottish Scenic Films and Geo-databases date: 2015 words: 6693.0 sentences: 340.0 pages: 12 flesch: 51.0 cache: ./cache/work_hlfsrxlkmngjlbtwngyk2q2qjm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hlfsrxlkmngjlbtwngyk2q2qjm.txt summary: Title: "Remote Locations: Early Scottish Scenic Films and Geo-databases" Velez-Serna is a research assistant with the Early Cinema in Scotland project. Scotland, 1896-1927'' research project takes a contextual approach, using geo-database tools to Remote Locations: Early Scottish Scenic Films and Geo-databases studies and cinema history, and increased attention to social and spatial contexts has challenged developed by the Early Cinema in Scotland research team to address questions about textual A study of early non-fiction films from Scotland The first step for the Early Cinema project was to set up a relational MySQL database Like the projects mentioned above, the Early Cinema in Scotland database design The Early Cinema in Scotland research project is funded by a grant from the Arts and Explorations in New Cinema History: Approaches and Case Studies, eds. narratives," in Geocritical Explorations: Space, Place and Mapping in Literary and Cultural Studies, ed. id: work_hknhv6sruzfkvebqoevkjlbc7a author: Maria E. Burke title: The party''s over at the digital society: some thoughts towards the search for serious theoretical frameworks date: 2016 words: 196.0 sentences: 22.0 pages: flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/work_hknhv6sruzfkvebqoevkjlbc7a.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hknhv6sruzfkvebqoevkjlbc7a.txt summary: University of Winchester Skip to main navigation Skip to search Skip to main content Welcome to University of Winchester Explore profiles, expertise and research at University of Winchester University of Winchester Research Portal Welcome to the University of Winchester''s Institutional Repository which showcases the excellent research undertaken across the University. The Repository enables open access to outputs where permitted, and full citation details where restrictions apply, making our research accessible worldwide through a searchable, browse-able database. For further information about the Repository, please contact Click dots and donuts to bring up details or Select a country from the list Select a country to view shared publications and projects Powered by Pure, Scopus & Elsevier Fingerprint Engine™ © 2021 Elsevier B.V. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies Log in to Pure University of Winchester contact form id: work_x5e6ols5uza6hlmag4v7qa2jxy author: Maria Papadopoulou title: Digital Humanities Doctoral Seminar (online): 3-4 August / 3-4 September, 2020 date: 2020 words: 1004.0 sentences: 91.0 pages: 3 flesch: 44.0 cache: ./cache/work_x5e6ols5uza6hlmag4v7qa2jxy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_x5e6ols5uza6hlmag4v7qa2jxy.txt summary: This doctoral seminar is an introduction to Digital Humanities defined as the application of Digital Humanities in the era of Linked Open Data. 1. Understand the relationship between Ontology and Digital Humanities 2. Understand and use ontologies in the context of Digital Humanities of research at the intersections of Ontology and Digital Humanities. 5. Explain the possibilities of digital tools for ontological modelling in the areas of the all interested in digital tools for Humanities and Cultural Heritage, A very easy to use open source tool developed at the For RDFS and OWL ontologies, we will use Protégé 5.5.0, an open source tool 1st day: Digital Humanities & Knowledge Graphs The first half-day is an introduction to Digital Humanities, Linked and Open Data, and the basic notions of Linked Open Data and the Semantic Web. We will end this first half-day with for the construction of knowledge graphs within the framework of Digital Humanities. id: work_af7sa3spenctfit5v264bdayny author: Mariana Strassacapa Ou title: Publishing as Sharing: observations from Oral History practices in the Digital Humanities date: 2017 words: 4083.0 sentences: 246.0 pages: 11 flesch: 45.0 cache: ./cache/work_af7sa3spenctfit5v264bdayny.pdf txt: ./txt/work_af7sa3spenctfit5v264bdayny.txt summary: This ''publishing as sharing'' new notion is in accordance with the new paradigm of openness in digital scholarship. and to the pervasive digital ''sharing''; when it comes to academic publishing and research practices, that means and ''open dissemination'', as the idea behind institutional websites like Oxford University Research Archive (two In this essay, I use the debates on Oral History in the Digital Humanities to support the presentation of some of digital humanities: voice, access, and engagement (Boyd & Larson, 2014), the authors provide an overview of the we can identify from oral history''s new practices in research and dissemination: University at Albany, a website that used to publish oral history collections: freely share the recording and transcript on our open-access public history website and library repository, where Furthermore, as a oral history collection is published online and becomes a website, new roles which can D. and Larson, M., eds., Oral history and digital humanities: id: work_bdivlozw6fa7fnzin3ntuelr5m author: Marie-Claire Beaulieu title: Digital Humanities in the Classroom: Bridging the Gap between Teaching and Research date: 2017 words: 5908.0 sentences: 519.0 pages: 17 flesch: 50.0 cache: ./cache/work_bdivlozw6fa7fnzin3ntuelr5m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_bdivlozw6fa7fnzin3ntuelr5m.txt summary: students are currently editing and translating Greek funerary inscriptions which will be published along on publishing the students'' work online as annotations to the texts at the end of the semester. To see all images of this manuscript currently available, visit: which we use to document workflows available on the Perseids platform, news and updates concerning our work, as well as recent presentations and papers related to the Perseids project. "Developing Perseids: Enhancements to a Collaborative Editing Platform for Source Documents in Classics" commentaries produced by students in Marie-Claire Beaulieu''s Fall 2013 Classical Mythology class have publishing student work produced in 2014 in Marie-Claire Beaulieu''s Medieval Latin, Intermediary See project announcement: Working demo available: Marie-Claire Beaulieu, "The Perseids Platform", Institute for Advanced Topics in Digital Humanities, Marie-Claire Beaulieu, "Teaching with the Perseids Platform: Tools and Methods", Digital Classicist id: work_5pp37f763jaxdfpobju6nolski author: Mark D. LeBlanc title: DNA and 普通話 (Mandarin): Bringing introductory programming to the Life Sciences and Digital Humanities date: 2015 words: 4850.0 sentences: 331.0 pages: 10 flesch: 53.0 cache: ./cache/work_5pp37f763jaxdfpobju6nolski.pdf txt: ./txt/work_5pp37f763jaxdfpobju6nolski.txt summary: DNA and 普通話 (Mandarin): Bringing introductory programming to the Life Sciences and Digital Humanities While programming is not computational thinking, introductory courses that teach problem solving via scripting are important course offerings that "teach programming to enhance computational students in the life sciences and a course called "Computing for Poets" (hereafter Poets) for Intro programming for Life Sciences and Digital Humanities Mark LeBlanc and Michael Drout Intro programming for Life Sciences and Digital Humanities Mark LeBlanc and Michael Drout Intro programming for Life Sciences and Digital Humanities Mark LeBlanc and Michael Drout Intro programming for Life Sciences and Digital Humanities Mark LeBlanc and Michael Drout Intro programming for Life Sciences and Digital Humanities Mark LeBlanc and Michael Drout Intro programming for Life Sciences and Digital Humanities Mark LeBlanc and Michael Drout Intro programming for Life Sciences and Digital Humanities Mark LeBlanc and Michael Drout id: work_g2z6gcjdengm7ikpgxd3bxgsqu author: Mark Hedges title: PARTHENOS Foresight - Executive Summary date: 2019 words: 2958.0 sentences: 143.0 pages: 12 flesch: 37.0 cache: ./cache/work_g2z6gcjdengm7ikpgxd3bxgsqu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_g2z6gcjdengm7ikpgxd3bxgsqu.txt summary: priorities, questions and methods; technological advances and new tool This foresight study investigates how digital research methods, technologies and infrastructures in digital humanities and cultural heritage may develop new technologies, but requiring additional skills and infrastructure if full use humanities and cultural heritage sector, with the development of new data The lack of sufficient funding for the digital humanities and cultural The potential of digital research methods in the humanities and cultural contribute to a wide range of research in the digital humanities, but it New technologies and publication models also offer the potential for greater The digital humanities and cultural heritage sectors form a basis of a research agenda in the digital humanities: public engagement; research infrastructures; development of the digital commons; artificial and cultural heritage sector to ensure research outputs are as widely research infrastructures need to facilitate collaboration and sustainability, needs of the humanities and cultural heritage sector. id: work_c77a4gghk5b2jly5kuxb4ixufm author: Mark Turin title: Devil in The Digital: Ambivalent Results in an Object-Based Teaching Course date: 2015 words: 484.0 sentences: 90.0 pages: flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_c77a4gghk5b2jly5kuxb4ixufm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_c77a4gghk5b2jly5kuxb4ixufm.txt summary: [PDF] Devil in The Digital: Ambivalent Results in an Object‐Based Teaching Course | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 51960747Devil in The Digital: Ambivalent Results in an Object‐Based Teaching Course title={Devil in The Digital: Ambivalent Results in an Object‐Based Teaching Course}, In 2013, I piloted a course in which students used Web-based tools to explore underdocumented collections of Himalayan materials at Yale University. View via Publisher Figures from this paper View All 5 Figures & Tables Citation Type Citation Type Cites Results Sort by Most Influenced Papers Sort by Citation Count View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License ACCEPT & CONTINUE id: work_dfpsdyuuwbdalmxgrfz26at2bm author: Martin Grandjean title: A social network analysis of Twitter: Mapping the digital humanities community date: 2016 words: 7243.0 sentences: 692.0 pages: 15 flesch: 62.0 cache: ./cache/work_dfpsdyuuwbdalmxgrfz26at2bm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_dfpsdyuuwbdalmxgrfz26at2bm.txt summary: A social network analysis of Twitter: Mapping the digital humanities community. A social network analysis of Twitter: Mapping the digital humanities community. possible to analyse them through Twitter, a social media widely used by this "community of practice". Based on a network analysis of 2,500 users identified as members of this movement, the visualisation of the "who''s following who?" graph allows we need to turn to a network whose structure seems more readily analysable in terms of "community": the follow graph (Myers, Sharma, Gupta, & Lin, 2014). At first, the network of digital humanities on Twitter is a form of small world (Milgram, 1967), at least Note that the language distribution within the digital humanities community on Twitter is not Cite this article as: A social network analysis of Twitter: id: work_mf4oeadkdfaurcp2ahf55smmhe author: Martin Holmes title: Static Search: An Archivable and Sustainable Search Engine for the Digital Humanities date: 2020 words: 652.0 sentences: 186.0 pages: 42 flesch: 62.0 cache: ./cache/work_mf4oeadkdfaurcp2ahf55smmhe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mf4oeadkdfaurcp2ahf55smmhe.txt summary: Static Search: An Archivable and Sustainable Search Engine for (Digital Humanities Innovation Lab at Simon Fraser University) (Humanities Computing and Media Centre at the University of Victoria) ● Researchers require robust searching ● Researchers require robust searching ● Researchers require robust searching ● Researchers require robust searching – Filtered search (by date, by author, +++) ● A collection of HTML files ● An HTML search page support search filters: ● A configuration file (XML) search engine JSON token file {"token": "unprofit", "docUri": "poems/goodwords/1870/pom_2025_ithe_old_man_of_hoy.html", "context": "…whole that day was spent unprofitably<\/mark>.", "docUri": "poems/blackwoods/1820/pom_8733_john_and_joan_canto_ii.html", "form": "unprofitable", "form": "unprofitable", "context": "…too much appropriated unto unprofitable<\/mark> jocularities and facetiousness. Filter JSON "poems/chambers_series/1867/pom_7594_the_husbands_request.html", "poems/alltheyearround/1875/pom_4271_the_hourglass.html", "poems/alltheyearround/1879/pom_4507_in_the_conservatory.html", "poems/blackwoods/1843/pom_9963_jolly_father_joe.html", "poems/blackwoods/1829/pom_10314_the_watchmans_lament.html" JSON files... ● ...the search page JS unprofitunprofit.json Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search Search unprofitable JS unprofitable JS unprofitable JS unprofitable JS unprofitable JS unprofitable JS unprofitable JS ● Read the documentation: id: work_5dmtdy72qfah3lh44wo2o44uo4 author: Martin Paul Eve title: ADAM KOEHLER. Composition, Creative Writing Studies and the Digital Humanities date: 2017 words: 1278.0 sentences: 77.0 pages: 6 flesch: 57.0 cache: ./cache/work_5dmtdy72qfah3lh44wo2o44uo4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_5dmtdy72qfah3lh44wo2o44uo4.txt summary: Eve, Martin Paul (2017) Review of Composition, Creative Writing Studies and Review of Koehler, Adam, Composition, Creative Writing Studies and the Digital Humanities. These are the sorts of questions that sit behind Adam Koehler''s Composition, Creative Writing Studies, and the Digital Humanities. of shifting disciplinarity in the era of the digitally-mediated writing subject, working between the spaces of composition and creative writing, as the book''s title might imply. Koehler''s approach to composition felt too sudden for me, his discussion of digital creative writing For the new media ecologies that Koehler describes in Composition, Creative Writing Studies, and but what is specifically digital about such a writing practice that was not already somehow questions about these practices and the rise of composition and creative writing alongside one Composition, Creative Writing Studies, and the Digital Humanities, then, attempts that crucial to the spaces of composition and creative writing. id: work_joxqrmexinaa5bjkwkuc5fyiam author: Martin Paul Eve title: Hack and Yack date: 2017 words: 1378.0 sentences: 99.0 pages: 4 flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/work_joxqrmexinaa5bjkwkuc5fyiam.pdf txt: ./txt/work_joxqrmexinaa5bjkwkuc5fyiam.txt summary: Eve, Martin Paul (2018) Review of Digital Humanities: Knowledge and Review of Berry, David M., and Anders Fagerjord, eds., Digital Humanities: might have heard things – terrible, or otherwise – about the digital humanities and who might want Berry and Anders Fagerjord''s Digital Humanities: Knowledge and 1 Matthew Kirschenbaum, ''What Is "Digital Humanities," and Why Are They Saying Such Terrible Things about ''Neoliberal Tools (and Archives): A Political History of Digital Humanities'', Los Angeles Review of Books, 2016 book to proselytize, even while it details the exciting possibilities that digital research work could In all, though, Digital Humanities: Knowledge and Critique is a book for our time. Political History of Digital Humanities'', Los Angeles Review of Books, 2016 Klein, eds., Debates in the Digital Humanities 2016 Jones, Steven E., The Emergence of the Digital Humanities (New York: Routledge, 2014) Kirschenbaum, Matthew, ''What Is "Digital Humanities," and Why Are They Saying Such Terrible id: work_ajlebeewlbelvegajsgyamggoq author: Mary Elizabeth Borgo title: Toward Sustainable Growth: Lessons Learned Through the Victorian Women Writers Project date: 2017 words: 2879.0 sentences: 214.0 pages: 9 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_ajlebeewlbelvegajsgyamggoq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ajlebeewlbelvegajsgyamggoq.txt summary: Toward Sustainable Growth: Lessons Learned Through the Victorian Women Writers Project Lessons Learned Through the Victorian Women Writers Project." Digital This is a peer-reviewed article in Digital Studies/Le champ numérique, a journal published by the Open Writers Project." Digital Studies/Le champ numérique This case study offers strategies for TEI-based projects with limited Encoding texts for the project as part of course objectives gave As a student in this course, I saw first-hand how digital preservation projects digitization projects as an extension of their research because this kind of work the Women Writers Project (Northeastern University) and the Digital Humanities As we worked on strategies to market encoding tasks to graduate students, VWWP ''s texts are too few at IU to sustain the project''s continued growth. or The Long Life of the Victorian Women Writers Project." In Digital Humanities Lessons Learned Through the Victorian Women Writers Project." Digital Studies/Le champ id: work_idpb7pln4vdcvh4hhqifqmszea author: Masaki Kimura title: Digitalized Human Organoid for Wireless Phenotyping date: 2018 words: 144.0 sentences: 25.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_idpb7pln4vdcvh4hhqifqmszea.pdf txt: ./txt/work_idpb7pln4vdcvh4hhqifqmszea.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 219163293 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:28:48 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_wtjmtkr4ybbnhl7qzutpww6c5e author: Massimo Lollini title: Pierre Lévy and the Future of Internet date: 2019 words: 1889.0 sentences: 81.0 pages: 4 flesch: 38.0 cache: ./cache/work_wtjmtkr4ybbnhl7qzutpww6c5e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wtjmtkr4ybbnhl7qzutpww6c5e.txt summary: Semantic Metadata, Humanist Computing and Digital Humanities, opens with an important interview collective categorization power and developing new symbolic systems suitable for the digital medium. reconstructs accurately the history of this idea starting from the seminal works of scholars like JeanClaude Gardin, who underlined the need for an awareness that computation applied to the humanities Buzzetti argues that this awareness has been lost with the advent of Digital Humanities that have In this perspective, the Digital Humanities, with proposals like the Textual Encoding cognitive value of Humanities Computing and the new design dimension of culture within the socalled Semantic Web. Common to the two scholars, albeit from different perspectives, is also the Digital Humanities and only partially to that of Humanist Computing. "Dialogues" of Pope Gregory I, this digital humanities project explores continuities and and Digital Humanities, I would like to invite the authors of this issue and the other authors who over id: work_yegxkccw7vgyrmtz4xymwkkl6m author: Mats Dahlström title: Copies and facsimiles date: 2019 words: 7758.0 sentences: 480.0 pages: 14 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_yegxkccw7vgyrmtz4xymwkkl6m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_yegxkccw7vgyrmtz4xymwkkl6m.txt summary: The concepts of original and copy, of source and facsimile, always convey particular these concepts, in particular copies and facsimiles, framed within the context of digital scholarly editing and cultural heritage digitization performed by research libraries. scholarly editing and library digitization, and ends by framing the discussion of copies Indeed, the presence of photographic reproductions in scholarly editions, or digital facsimiles, has increased tremendously the last few decades. On the one hand, working with facsimiles in scholarly editions has traditionally been This critical work, elsewhere referred to as critical digitization (Dahlström 2015), is far from always recognized by, or even known to, scholarly A digital document not only carries an implicit and interpretable history of production in the form of its graphical and textual display (as printed objects do), but also an have to say that a digital facsimile of a printed textual document is not a id: work_si56a7q3cbavvnjo5mf4vrq3ya author: Matthew Flisfeder title: Ideology Critique and Film Criticism in the New Media Ecology date: 2015 words: 942.0 sentences: 48.0 pages: 2 flesch: 50.0 cache: ./cache/work_si56a7q3cbavvnjo5mf4vrq3ya.pdf txt: ./txt/work_si56a7q3cbavvnjo5mf4vrq3ya.txt summary: Ideology Critique and Film Criticism in the Cultural criticism in neoliberal times has shifted away from the critical investigation of the arts (including cinema), and has geared the with the critical distinctions between different media in the digital age, since it is all too film criticism must all the more forcefully be tied to the critique of ideology.*?rgn=main;view=fulltext*?rgn=main;view=fulltext 1/21/2016 Ideology Critique and Film Criticism in the New Media Ecology 1/21/2016 Ideology Critique and Film Criticism in the New Media Ecology;rgn=main;rgn=main symptoms, and the aim is to deconstruct the film text to locate the ideology present The cinematic critique of ideology, a practice engaged by critics like "Cinema/Ideology/Criticism." The films in this category, they point out, are those which If film criticism is going to have any relevance for the twenty-first century, it''s going to criticism can be part of the congealing of the "digital humanities" and contemporary id: work_uwnh7anupvgenjenhnovfopdiu author: Matthew G. Kirschenbaum title: What Is Digital Humanities and What''s It Doing in English Departments? date: 2010 words: 3847.0 sentences: 282.0 pages: 7 flesch: 57.0 cache: ./cache/work_uwnh7anupvgenjenhnovfopdiu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_uwnh7anupvgenjenhnovfopdiu.txt summary: book series), topics in the Digital humanities, from the University of Illinois Press. The University of Victoria hosts the annual Digital humanities Summer Institute to train new scholars. by Stéfan Sinclair to mine the proceedings from the annual Digital humanities conference and develop lists of topic frequencies or collocate key terms or visualize the University of Maryland, where I serve as an associate director at the Maryland Institute for technology in the humanities, we support work from "Shakespeare to Digital humanities was also (you may have heard) big news at the 2009 MLa annual Convention in Philadelphia. devoted to the digital humanities at the MLa convention, and one could (and did) So what is digital humanities and what is it doing in En glish departments? "What''s in a Name: NEh and ''Digital humanities.''" Message to the author. "The MLa and the Digital humanities." Chronicle of Higher Education. id: work_srxrpv2yfnepzb4vkhjq26o4wq author: Matthew K. Gold title: Introduction to Digital Humanities Syllabus date: 2020 words: 2444.0 sentences: 350.0 pages: 10 flesch: 39.0 cache: ./cache/work_srxrpv2yfnepzb4vkhjq26o4wq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_srxrpv2yfnepzb4vkhjq26o4wq.txt summary: Course Blog: Course Group: In this introduction to the digital humanities (DH), we will approach the field emphasis on collaborative, student-centered and digital learning environments • Students will create a proposal for a digital project for possible development Center to support work on digital teaching and research projects. Students in the course should complete the following work during the semester: • Students are responsible for writing five blog posts on our shared course • Create a map related to issues of sovereignty as discussed in the "Visualizing proposal for a digital project that might be executed with a team of students Field" Debates in the Digital Humanities 2016 "A Genealogy of Distant Reading" Digital Humanities 9/4 Approaching the Digital Humanities, Thinking the Caribbean id: work_2jrybysfevbopiecnsyp6jokoe author: Matthew Taunton title: Book reviews date: 2010 words: 1401.0 sentences: 57.0 pages: 4 flesch: 41.0 cache: ./cache/work_2jrybysfevbopiecnsyp6jokoe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2jrybysfevbopiecnsyp6jokoe.txt summary: Review of Alan Liu, Local Transcendence: Essays on Postmodern Historicism and the Database (Chicago: University of Alan Liu, Local Transcendence: Essays on Postmodern Historicism and the Database Liu''s latest collection is a volume that offers an insightful and much needed digital-era revision of overview of Liu''s work from 1989 to present – from the New Historicism to the Spruce Goose – Local In contrast to many essay collections amalgamating such spans of work, Liu''s volume amounts,,%20Local%20Transcendence:%20Essays%20on%20Postmodern%20Historicism%20and%20the%20Database%20(Chicago:%20University%20of%20Chicago%20Press)%20-%20PrePrint.pdf in the final essay, ''Escaping History'', in which Liu combines historiography with the database. the early works in the collection – offering critique of, among others, the New Historicism''s angst structure and content Liu explores the bounds of knowledge that so pervaded this era, this collection is Alan Liu, Local Transcendence: Essays on Postmodern Historicism and the Database (Chicago: University of Chicago Press), 392 pp., £14.50 (paper), £37.00 (cloth) id: work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayy author: Maurizio Lana title: Digital humanities e biblioteche date: 2020 words: 20306.0 sentences: 2590.0 pages: 39 flesch: 60.0 cache: ./cache/work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_x2nphkwocfbiphrwvjcaywqayy.txt summary: Investigare la relazione tra campo disciplinare della Library and information science e Digital humanities mette in luce una varietà di temi che aiutano sia a delineare Ciò che Showers prospetta è certamente un esito complesso e di alto livello scientifico dell''integrazione di Digital humanities e Library and information science, ma fornire «concordance services against all of the full text items in [the] collections» cioè Riassumendo, abbiamo visto che c''è un inizio policentrico delle Digital humanities negli anni tra questo secolo e gli ultimi del precedente in cui emerge in evidenza la connessione dei progetti di ricerca con la creazione di risorse di base che oggi del convegno ''rappresentavano ancora una ricerca basata sui testi'', a indicare che secondo Svensson chiedevano di ''entrare nella big tent delle Digital humanities'' persone i cui id: work_rhaskpauvnakllsosmp6jwcboy author: Maurizio Toscano title: Digital Humanities in Spain: evolution and current scenario date: 2020 words: 567.0 sentences: 27.0 pages: 2 flesch: 44.0 cache: ./cache/work_rhaskpauvnakllsosmp6jwcboy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rhaskpauvnakllsosmp6jwcboy.txt summary: Digital Humanities in Spain: evolution and current scenario become a leading trend in research, either as a field of study and as a preferential financing topic. in this field with a greater understanding of the current Spanish scenario, LINHD (Laboratorio de Innovación de Humanidades Digitales UNED) promoted a research on the of the study was to identify researchers in the field of DH and to explore their financing, institutional affiliations, research topics and developed resources. approach, focused on identifying the most relevant steps in the evolution and consolidation of this research topic in the Iberian country2, still largely in place. This contribution describes the results of the findings after mapping and analyzing five main entities, specifically: researchers, projects, was 1,347, distributed as follow: 576 researchers, 367 projects, 309 bibliographical records, 80 resources, 8 post-graduate courses and 7 journals. Interesting results come from the analyses of research fields evolution over time, id: work_vigbahkcwzg4bhu6jn5i7qmfye author: Maurizio Toscano title: Insights on scholarly primitives from Digital Humanities research in Spain date: 2020 words: 588.0 sentences: 22.0 pages: 2 flesch: 36.0 cache: ./cache/work_vigbahkcwzg4bhu6jn5i7qmfye.pdf txt: ./txt/work_vigbahkcwzg4bhu6jn5i7qmfye.txt summary: Insights on scholarly primitives from Digital Humanities research in Digital Humanities are experiencing a growing interest in Spain, especially in the last In order to provide the global community of scholars working in this field with a research on the evolution of Digital Humanities in Spain in the last 25 years, a timeframe of the study were to identify researchers in the field of Digital Humanities and to explore their financing, institutional affiliations, research projects and developed resources. research has been very much data oriented and quantitative at its core, in order to quantify and describe initiatives, researchers, projects, digital resources, educational courses and literature produced by researchers affiliated with Spanish institutions and a quantifiable measure of the impact and interest in DH within the Spanish research community in the improve the basic of day-to-day research in the Humanities. Among the types of records collected, we believe that digital resources in id: work_l2lv5d6cdzbqnhpv3walinmbwu author: Mauro Guerrini title: ACOLIT: Un Progetto in Corso date: 1997 words: 5052.0 sentences: 729.0 pages: 7 flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/work_l2lv5d6cdzbqnhpv3walinmbwu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_l2lv5d6cdzbqnhpv3walinmbwu.txt summary: Università di Trento, 2000; gian FranCo gianotti, Amedeo Peyron, in I Maestri dell''ateneo torinese dal Settecento al Novecento cit., p. stato individuato sulla base del coinvolgimento nel progetto dei dipartimenti di Studi umanistici e di Filosofia e scienze dell''educazione, mentre della filosofia (così come, del resto, alla storia del pensiero scientifico) sia destinata nei prossimi anni ad accrescere la sua influenza13: questo tipo di innovazione più sofisticate, che in futuro potranno essere impiegate anche nella storia della cultura: si pensi ad esempio alla sentiment analysis (l''analisi automatica delle storia della filosofia e degli studi classici che difficilmente emergono con i metodi più tradizionali18: grazie agli strumenti computazionali delle digital humanities si potrebbe considerare la storia della ricezione ad esempio, il caso di Amedeo Peyron (uno dei Maestri dell''ateneo torinese) il quale, convinto che «rien Abbiamo descritto il progetto torinese I Maestri dell''Università degli Studi di Torino: l''opera e il id: work_wqplletz2jaw7afr3nbq3eiyjq author: Melanie Walsh title: Review: Name That Twitter Community! date: 2020 words: 1069.0 sentences: 90.0 pages: 4 flesch: 55.0 cache: ./cache/work_wqplletz2jaw7afr3nbq3eiyjq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wqplletz2jaw7afr3nbq3eiyjq.txt summary: This Python 3.x module bundles a set of useful code functions for humanistic inquiry of social The module was developed to help researchers answer the following main question: What can these Freelon et al., this module can also accept each community''s top authors during a period. detected community hubs in a corpus to arrive at more impactful human-centered, yet data-driven, process can help refine the code library, but also broaden its use beyond twitter data to other social network subgraphs, and circulate it among interested research communities across the Digital The Python module Name That Twitter Community! It specifically aims to help researchers "name" user communities in a Twitter dataset and moment for digital humanities social media analysis, as researchers actively build on each other''s to social media data developed by and for the DH community. Twitter communities by topic modeling the text of their tweets, ideally picking up on the main id: work_6bfzseovxvc7xadhsheso6nubm author: Melissa Terras title: Crowdsourcing in the Digital Humanities date: 2017 words: 9683.0 sentences: 501.0 pages: 36 flesch: 45.0 cache: ./cache/work_6bfzseovxvc7xadhsheso6nubm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6bfzseovxvc7xadhsheso6nubm.txt summary: Microsoft Word MTerras_Crowdsourcing in Digital Humanities_Final.docx institutions is maintained at What is the relationship of these projects to those working in Digital Humanities? "GLAM sector" project and what should be labelled "Digital Humanities" in the area An example of such a project fitting into this Humanities Crowdsourcing definition, created in Digital Humanities crowdsourcing activities, resulting in new Future Issues in Digital Humanities Crowdsourcing although most projects that have used crowdsourcing in the Humanities are leads students on to more sophisticated digital humanities research projects. crowdsourcing within culture, heritage and the humanities, by helping develop the in Digital Humanities can help advise, create, build, and steer crowdsourcing projects crowdsourcing as a methodology for humanities research, and to build up resulting In many ways, crowdsourcing within the cultural and heritage sectors is Digital within Digital Humanities, raising issues which emerge when building projects for "Crowdsourcing, Undergraduates, and Digital Humanities "Crowdsourcing, Undergraduates, and Digital Humanities id: work_kgyvp4ldrjhd5krpgezilgl2yi author: Meredith J. C. Warren title: Teaching with Technology: Using Digital Humanities to Engage Student Learning date: 2016 words: 5748.0 sentences: 319.0 pages: 20 flesch: 55.0 cache: ./cache/work_kgyvp4ldrjhd5krpgezilgl2yi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kgyvp4ldrjhd5krpgezilgl2yi.txt summary: with Technology: Using Digital Humanities to Engage Student Learning. Teaching with Technology: Using Digital Humanities to Engage Student Learning Teaching with Technology: Using Digital Humanities to Engage Student Learning Keywords: technology, digital humanities, early Christianity, church history, student encourage student engagement with ancient and modern sources, which also promoted active See also, for example, Johnson, Johnson & Smith 1991; Thousand, Villa & Nevin 1994; Mazur 1997; King 1993; Crouch & Mazur 2001; Lage & Platt 2000; Bergmann & Sams 2012; Rosenberg 2013; Bonwell & Eison My goals for the class were that students would gain skills in engaging with ancient sources in a exercises to draw students into the ancient world through the texts they studied, using digital designed to provide students with the tools to interrogate ancient texts critically and to think In my experience promoting student engagement with the material in The Ancient Christian id: work_4ojs2dcanfbc7dnknzsvb2hpmi author: Michael A. Fuller title: Digital Humanities and the Discontents of Meaning date: 2020 words: 10743.0 sentences: 2373.0 pages: 17 flesch: 75.0 cache: ./cache/work_4ojs2dcanfbc7dnknzsvb2hpmi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4ojs2dcanfbc7dnknzsvb2hpmi.txt summary: thought that have established a basis for exploring the question of how we are to understand the vast, variegated world of historical human experience that is the object of our Thus I turn next to describe the antifoundational approach to language in DH, connect it to Wittgenstein''s proposal of linguistic meaning defined through usage, and then trace Wittgenstein''s model for "words" in topic-modeling systems rely in some way on the semantic structure of language. This mathematized version of meaning and structure is unfamiliar to most humanists, but grasping it is a key to seeing how the digital humanities synthesize the vast corpora of data into a new world of empirically organized human connections. Topic modeling, however, does construct a new version of meaning for the tokens (words) in the Meaning as Usage and the Hermeneutics of "Forms of Life": Wittgenstein and Dilthey This hermeneutic tradition is of great significance to our understanding of the digital humanities id: work_2x7eubduorbqbdrhgmyblfqr4y author: Michael Iantorno title: GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the Digital Humanities date: 2020 words: 5239.0 sentences: 380.0 pages: 19 flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_2x7eubduorbqbdrhgmyblfqr4y.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2x7eubduorbqbdrhgmyblfqr4y.txt summary: GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the Digital Humanities Keywords: game studies; ludomusicology; digital humanities; quantitative We describe GameSound as a tool for enabling new types of quantitative videogame of Digital Audio, could use GameSound to analyze how both data compression and audio compression have been applied to videogame sound. will also provide scholars from all across the game studies and digital humanities Iantorno: GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the Iantorno: GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the Iantorno: GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the Iantorno: GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the Iantorno: GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the Iantorno: GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the Iantorno: GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the Iantorno: GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the Iantorno: GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the Iantorno: GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the Iantorno: GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the Iantorno: GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the Iantorno: GameSound, Quantitative Games Analysis, and the id: work_uc3y3xkdbzeinlmww2l63yqx5u author: Michele Barbera title: Linked (open) data at web scale: research, social and engineering challenges in the digital humanities date: 2013 words: 3214.0 sentences: 247.0 pages: 11 flesch: 60.0 cache: ./cache/work_uc3y3xkdbzeinlmww2l63yqx5u.pdf txt: ./txt/work_uc3y3xkdbzeinlmww2l63yqx5u.txt summary: Linked (open) data at web scale: the semantic web and linked open data visions. and the role of public and open data published by GLAM1 organizations is the main condition enabling the linked data vision to synonym for semantic web and linked data – and the prominent role which are the intrinsic cultural implications of the vision of the semantic web and linked data, the next section introduces another full exploitation of the linked open data web, this paper has argued M. Barbera, Linked (open) data at web scale M. Barbera, Linked (open) data at web scale M. Barbera, Linked (open) data at web scale M. Barbera, Linked (open) data at web scale M. Barbera, Linked (open) data at web scale Proceedings of the Linked Data on the Web "Linked (open) data at web scale: research, social and engineering KEYWORDS: Library linked data; Semantic web id: work_tztwl73tizfdzgq7flel2uw2gm author: Michelle Chesner title: JS/DH: An Introduction to Jewish Studies/ Digital Humanities Resources date: 2017 words: 1685.0 sentences: 133.0 pages: 4 flesch: 47.0 cache: ./cache/work_tztwl73tizfdzgq7flel2uw2gm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_tztwl73tizfdzgq7flel2uw2gm.txt summary: "JS/DH: An Introduction to Jewish Studies/ Digital Humanities Resources." Judaica Librarianship 20: resources, Judaica Librarianship will be premiering this new column to evaluate digital projects. 1 A new column reviewing digital humanities projects in the field of Jewish Studies. populated by a form (hosted at that still receives submissions. digital technology to allow new kinds of research in Jewish Studies. The European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) is an aggregation project as well, gathering and providing access to resources on the Holocaust, but it also sponsors workshops, symposia, and other events to build a community of scholars around the study of the Holocaust. Other kinds of digital humanities projects include text-based initiatives, like Poetrans, the index JS/DH: An Introduction to Jewish Studies/ Digital Humanities Resources JS/DH: An Introduction to Jewish Studies/ Digital Humanities Resources JS/DH: An Introduction to Jewish Studies/ Digital Humanities Resources id: work_vegwecfidbfijjjj2atkld2acm author: Mike Crang title: The promises and perils of a digital geohumanities date: 2015 words: 5555.0 sentences: 417.0 pages: 23 flesch: 58.0 cache: ./cache/work_vegwecfidbfijjjj2atkld2acm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_vegwecfidbfijjjj2atkld2acm.txt summary: (2015) ''The promises and perils of a digital geohumanities.'', Cultural geographies., 22 (2). (2015) ''The promises and perils of a digital geohumanities.'', Cultural geographies., 22 (2). This intervention asks to what extent to developments of digital media offer new might be applied to older cultural fields creating a digital humanities. digital cultures, such as gaming and new converging media, and new methods, be they analysing the data exhaust of digitally mediated social lives, or using new software in permutations where new digital techniques may form affective technologies conveying Keywords: Methods, Digital Humanities, New media, literary geography There are new cultural forms and practices created through digital media that would Fourth, digital media affect all our research not just by creating Mays, Literary Digital Humanities and the Politics of the Infinite, New journal of media geography 3 (2008), 84-96; Spatial Regimes of the Digital Playground: Cultural id: work_w7pqlmbmyvhlxmkklvkuousvhu author: Mikko Ojanen title: Tutkimusdatan määrittelyn ja aineistonhallinnan ongelmat ihmistieteissä date: 2016 words: 585.0 sentences: 115.0 pages: 2 flesch: 19.0 cache: ./cache/work_w7pqlmbmyvhlxmkklvkuousvhu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_w7pqlmbmyvhlxmkklvkuousvhu.txt summary: Tutkimusdatan määrittelyn ja aineistonhallinnan ongelmat ihmistieteissä tulee esiin usein toistuvina kysymyksinä esimerkiksi Helsingin yliopiston kirjaston järjestämissä aineistojen käsittelyyn liittyvissä tutkijatyöpajoissa. seuraavat yksityiskohdat: mitä data on, onko minun tutkimusprojektissani dataa, miten data eroaa tutkimusaineistosta, mitä tarkoittaa metadata, entä sen standardit. Esimerkkinä käytän Helsingin yliopiston elektroakustisen musiikin studion äänitearkiston Konkretisoin käytännön työhön liittyviä ongelmia käyttäen hyväksi Mikko Ojanen,, Helsingin yliopiston kirjasto, 58 Ojanen: Tutkimusdatan määrittelyn... epistemologisia ongelmia. Alan käsitteistöä ja erityisesti oman aineistokokonaisuuteni ymmärtämistä kehitän suunnitteluasteella olevassa FinEARS (Finnish Ojanen 2016) verkkoliite, jota päivitän Helsingin yliopiston ylläpitämässä blogipalvelussa1. kuin erityisesti ihmistieteiden aineistonhallinnassa tai esimerkiksi Digital Humanities -projektissa on kohdattu. -projekteissa painotetaan digitaalisten menetelmien soveltamista erityisesti laajoihin tietoaineistokokonaisuuksiin, voivat ihmistieteiden Sinnemäki & Tolonen 2015; Haverinen & Suominen 2015; Tolonen & Lahti 2015.) lopulta tarjota mahdollisimman avoin tietoarkisto elektroakustisen musiikin tutkimuksen (10.10.2016) (11.9.2016) Ojanen, M. Ojanen, M. (11.9.2016) Aatehistoria ja digitaalisten aineistojen mahdollisuudet. 1. 2. id: work_leezbgnixfeulikazokuahgcji author: Miran Hladnik title: Znanstveno vrednotenje slovenistike date: 2015 words: 2200.0 sentences: 363.0 pages: 5 flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_leezbgnixfeulikazokuahgcji.pdf txt: ./txt/work_leezbgnixfeulikazokuahgcji.txt summary: kar ji je na seznamu 24 slovenskih humanističnih revij z znanstvenim statusom priskrbelo celo prvo mesto, vendar občutka eksistenčne varnosti ni več, saj se že naslednje leto revij po SNIP-u so iz leta v leto drugačni, krivulja SJR pa manj niha in je ustreznejša za Scopus izrecno opozarja, da na podlagi ranga revij, izmerjenega s SNIP, ni dobro vrednotiti teže je, da dobi avtor za članek v reviji letos recimo 40 točk, če pa bi ga objavil naslednje leto, bi zanj lahko način (naravoslovci najbolj cenijo objave v znanstveni reviji, humanisti pa v knjigi), faktorju vplivnosti znanstvenih publikacij s področja humanistike in tako odločajo o njihovi usodi: ARRS-u, Izumu, Svetu Scopus izrecno opozarja, da na podlagi ranga revij, izmerjenega s SNIP, ni dobro vrednotiti teže posameznikovih objav, vendar slovenski ARRS počne prav to. točk prinašajo tudi objave v zbornikih z mednarodnim uredništvom ali v knjigah Meritve odmevnosti objav bi torej morale upoštevati tudi id: work_522o6sdt2jfpxejcre57oeradm author: Mirjam Cuper title: An Optical Character Recognition Software Benchmark for Old Dutch Texts on the EYRA Platform date: 2020 words: 541.0 sentences: 30.0 pages: 1 flesch: 55.0 cache: ./cache/work_522o6sdt2jfpxejcre57oeradm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_522o6sdt2jfpxejcre57oeradm.txt summary: An Optical Character Recognition Software Benchmark for Old Dutch Texts on However, acquiring high-quality machine readable texts using currently available Optical Character benchmark to enable the evaluation of the performance of OCR software on old Dutch texts. For the pilot version of the benchmark a data set containing 2055 Dutch book pages (16301796) This data set contains both scanned pages (OCR method input data) and machine readable text (ground truth that can be used to assess the quality of the OCR method output). the validation data and therefore provides a fair comparison of the performance of the OCR Also, if new validation data is available and added to the benchmark later on, the OCR Various metrics could be used to assess the performance of the OCR methods in comparison to the visualize algorithm results on the platform, to gain more insight into algorithm performance. id: work_cxgrjqjaergz3gbuaypp2wyhea author: Monica Berti title: Gli studi classici e i Linked Ancient World Data date: 2021 words: 629.0 sentences: 306.0 pages: 38 flesch: -47.0 cache: ./cache/work_cxgrjqjaergz3gbuaypp2wyhea.pdf txt: ./txt/work_cxgrjqjaergz3gbuaypp2wyhea.txt summary: Open Data of Ancient Greek and Latin Sources Open Data of Ancient Greek and Latin Sources The Linked Open Data Cloud Linked Open Data Linked Ancient World Data Linked Ancient World Data Digital Classical Philology Sustaining Linked Ancient World Data Open Data? Open Data? {{cite web |url= |title=Places: 727070 * urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0032.tlg001.perseus-grc2:1.1.1@Ἀγησανδρίδου[1] Data Entry and Analysis for Classical Philology Data Entry and Analysis for Classical Philology Semantic Annotations id: work_ru2cqjn52zhkbngvj2oggosmli author: Monika Bincsik title: Digital archive project to catalogue exported Japanese decorative arts date: 2012 words: 425.0 sentences: 76.0 pages: flesch: 59.0 cache: ./cache/work_ru2cqjn52zhkbngvj2oggosmli.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ru2cqjn52zhkbngvj2oggosmli.txt summary: Digital archive project to catalogue exported Japanese decorative arts | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 27790806Digital archive project to catalogue exported Japanese decorative arts title={Digital archive project to catalogue exported Japanese decorative arts}, author={Monika Bincsik and Shinya Maezaki and K. Consequently, museums and private collections all over the world have rich holdings of Japanese decorative arts. Despite their popularity and profound influence on Western applied arts, the systematic research of Japanese decorative… Expand View via Publisher Topics from this paper Citation Type Citation Type Cites Background Sort by Most Influenced Papers Sort by Citation Count View 1 excerpt, cites background Computer Science About Semantic Scholar Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License ACCEPT & CONTINUE id: work_x7i3ruspibhlvbaiifhqtmrpnq author: Nada Ammagui title: Using Google Sheets to Create, Organize & Explore Your Humanities Data Workshop - Winter Institute in Digital Humanities @ NYCDH2021 date: 2021 words: 1121.0 sentences: 164.0 pages: 28 flesch: 81.0 cache: ./cache/work_x7i3ruspibhlvbaiifhqtmrpnq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_x7i3ruspibhlvbaiifhqtmrpnq.txt summary: ➢ Create column/row headers to distinguish categories of information. ○ Use option/alt + enter to create a new line in a cell. ○ Hide columns by highlighting them, right-clicking, and selecting "Hide ➢ Create a table of codes to pull from (with recurring data) to be used for ➢ Using the Data Validation tool will create a dropdown selection list in 1. Highlight the column or cells to which you''d like to apply this tool. 1. Highlight the columns or cells you''d like to format. ➢ Use a VLookup formula to automatically populate your table with ○ Highlight your desired column and click on "Data" in the menu 1. Highlight the data (rows and columns) that you''d like to analyze. 2. In the menu, select Data → Pivot table to create one in a new sheet. 3. Select the data category to analyze and format it into rows or columns. id: work_3mandpkqi5gtxkwlowj2uubdy4 author: Nancy Maron title: Sustaining the Digital Humanities: Host Institution Support Beyond the Start Up Phase date: 2017 words: 4051.0 sentences: 252.0 pages: 11 flesch: 48.0 cache: ./cache/work_3mandpkqi5gtxkwlowj2uubdy4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3mandpkqi5gtxkwlowj2uubdy4.txt summary: final report, entitled Sustaining the Digital Humanities: Host Institution Support beyond the Ithaka S+R: Sustaining the Digital Humanities: Lessons Learned (NEH white paper) 10 / 10 Ithaka S+R: Sustaining the Digital Humanities: Lessons Learned (NEH white paper) 10 / 10 Ithaka S+R: Sustaining the Digital Humanities: Lessons Learned (NEH white paper) 10 / 10 Ithaka S+R: Sustaining the Digital Humanities: Lessons Learned (NEH white paper) 10 / 10 Ithaka S+R: Sustaining the Digital Humanities: Lessons Learned (NEH white paper) 10 / 10 Ithaka S+R: Sustaining the Digital Humanities: Lessons Learned (NEH white paper) 10 / 10 Ithaka S+R: Sustaining the Digital Humanities: Lessons Learned (NEH white paper) 10 / 10 Ithaka S+R: Sustaining the Digital Humanities: Lessons Learned (NEH white paper) 10 / 10 Ithaka S+R: Sustaining the Digital Humanities: Lessons Learned (NEH white paper) 10 / 10  Sustaining the Digital Humanities: Host Institution Support beyond the Start-Up Phase id: work_ikoo5ul5azgazapb7c6x7oizd4 author: Naomi Kawasumi title: Digital archiving the space and memory of Kyoto across space and time using GIS date: 2019 words: 869.0 sentences: 67.0 pages: 2 flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_ikoo5ul5azgazapb7c6x7oizd4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ikoo5ul5azgazapb7c6x7oizd4.txt summary: Keywords: Digital Humanities, GIS database, Open data, Large-scale Maps of Kyoto City, Modern Kyoto This study aims to consider the archiving of various information concepting Kyoto using GIS. about Kyoto such as literature, art, maps, and photographs for research on the urban history of Kyoto. and construction of a GIS database are useful to preserve and release information about Kyoto. The Digital Archive of the Historical City of Kyoto that we are aiming to produce includes content such as literary works, In 2016, we published the overlaying maps of modern Kyoto, which focus on between the Meiji Period and immediately The digital achieving and release of information are valuable for urban history research about Kyoto. Some administrative documents concerning occupied Kyoto owned by the Kyoto Institute, Library and Archives were documents have positional information, so that previous research mapping these data by hand becomes important in Map of Occupied Kyoto City. id: work_g7k5s3mvk5bnvnyj6ygtd6gv4y author: Neil Dodgson title: What''s Up Prof? Current Issues in the Visual Effects & Post-Production Industry date: 2010 words: 2341.0 sentences: 243.0 pages: 3 flesch: 65.0 cache: ./cache/work_g7k5s3mvk5bnvnyj6ygtd6gv4y.pdf txt: ./txt/work_g7k5s3mvk5bnvnyj6ygtd6gv4y.txt summary: issues in the visual effects & post-production industry. VISUAL EFFECTS & POSTPRODUCTION INDUSTRY of London visual effects and post-production interviews: desirable new technologies, infrastructure challenges, personnel and process management. Visual effects companies began to establish themselves, in the film industry, in A. A large visual effects company, post-production and visual effects. good university research on fullyautomatic methods for image processing Movie effects need to be visually There has been considerable research on producing physically realistic The industry needs physically plausible simulation that can be A postproduction or visual effects house produces gigabytes of new data each day. methods for visual effects and postproduction follow a production line: Over the last decade, several of the companies have become too large to work in this way. non-effects movies employ a lot of digital post-production. effect in some other movie, then it must companies need solutions to their current id: work_ke5acksbcngi7a5a2homkobk4i author: Neil McCaw title: Victorian Murder and the Digital Humanities date: 2018 words: 8383.0 sentences: 524.0 pages: 12 flesch: 48.0 cache: ./cache/work_ke5acksbcngi7a5a2homkobk4i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ke5acksbcngi7a5a2homkobk4i.txt summary: ''Victorian murder culture'', and in particular, the essentially textual nature of the nineteenth-century Keywords: Victorian; Victorian Studies; digital humanities; nineteenth century; crime; murder; aesthetics; cognitive empathy; reading; periodicals; archives; curation; hypertexts; knowledge; the nineteenth-century reader''s experience of murder culture, ultimately fostering greater levels of ways digital resources might mimic the nineteenth-century reading experience in order to enhance the twenty-first century researcher''s cognitive empathy with Victorian murder culture. our knowledge and understanding of the Victorian experience of crime at a human level, drawing on of Victorian murder culture especially most of online materials are accessed through conventional coexisted within the pages of the same journal, ensuring that Victorian murder culture at a textual level the reading practice of the past in order to explore Victorian murder culture will clearly entail an century researchers can engage with the textual material in a comparable fashion to Victorian readers id: work_orvmzy7terdozewiaiivbuozfe author: Nerea Fernández Cadenas title: Digital Humanities: New Approaches to Research and Teaching of the Medieval Mediterranean (5th to 15th centuries). (Digital Teaching Session) date: 2020 words: 16257.0 sentences: 1262.0 pages: 89 flesch: 84.0 cache: ./cache/work_orvmzy7terdozewiaiivbuozfe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_orvmzy7terdozewiaiivbuozfe.txt summary: working to create a video game different ways in which students learn through possibly creating kind of games one of the how we kind of teach students encouraging students to engage actively you what it looks like when the students and think about things like how the engage different kinds of students asking questions it''s about the students things we''ve looked at they try to kind different ways in which students I think um by asking students to do a by getting the students to work together student''s engagement and work outside of we can use games to engage with history the students played through the game a how students engaged with the game and more complex games with students so this but of people who know how video games our game being each student''s score computer games class the student body like different things in games I think id: work_r7ij5gcchvgxlpfzjuha2dvd7m author: Nicholas Schiller title: Born digital preservation of e-lit: a live internet traversal of Sarah Smith''s King of Space date: 2019 words: 5885.0 sentences: 366.0 pages: 11 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_r7ij5gcchvgxlpfzjuha2dvd7m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_r7ij5gcchvgxlpfzjuha2dvd7m.txt summary: Sarah Smith''s King of Space, published in 1991, is the first work of science fiction Electronic Literature Lab at Washington State University, Vancouver––used the Pathfinders methodology developed by Grigar and Stuart Moulthrop, adding to it Live Pre-web works like Smith''s exist only in physical media, such as floppy disks and established to facilitate advanced study of born-digital literature, is equipped to undertake documentation of these challenging early works of electronic literature. removable media in the ELL''s legacy computing lab and making the works available In addition to capturing a single Traversal of a hypertext story or a work of e-lit, the preserving, and the production of born digital literary works and other media. be/kXJIcWctuDM, and the social media streams are preserved here: Born digital preservation of e-lit: a live internet traversal of Sarah Smith''s King of Space Born digital preservation of e-lit: a live internet traversal of Sarah Smith''s King of Space id: work_tubak3jjmfhsxnhuwjt55itnzy author: Niels Brügger title: The Web and Digital Humanities: Theoretical and Methodological Concerns date: 2013 words: 8093.0 sentences: 842.0 pages: 18 flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_tubak3jjmfhsxnhuwjt55itnzy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_tubak3jjmfhsxnhuwjt55itnzy.txt summary: The Web and Digital Humanities: Theoretical and Methodological Concerns for studies of the recent history of society and culture, and a number of national and international Web archiving institutions have been established. article discusses the different characteristics of Web materials and archived Web archiving, and digital humanities. Archiving Web materials is not only of relevance to the study of particular forms Web materials differ from most former digital collections, as they are born digital, and archived Web materials differ from both, as they are ''''reborn.'''' so because, in contrast to many digitized data collections, the Web archive does Brügger and Finnemann/THE WEB AND DIGITAL HUMANITIES 79 Brügger and Finnemann/THE WEB AND DIGITAL HUMANITIES 79 Brügger and Finnemann/THE WEB AND DIGITAL HUMANITIES 79 Brügger and Finnemann/THE WEB AND DIGITAL HUMANITIES 79 Brügger and Finnemann/THE WEB AND DIGITAL HUMANITIES 79 Brügger and Finnemann/THE WEB AND DIGITAL HUMANITIES 79 Brügger and Finnemann/THE WEB AND DIGITAL HUMANITIES 79 id: work_6vcrgppij5eg5mm2vy2yjuhdee author: Niels C.C.M. Moes title: Multi-dimensional digital human models for ergonomic analysis based on natural data representations date: 2015 words: 3166.0 sentences: 230.0 pages: 9 flesch: 42.0 cache: ./cache/work_6vcrgppij5eg5mm2vy2yjuhdee.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6vcrgppij5eg5mm2vy2yjuhdee.txt summary: ''Multi-dimensional digital human models for ergonomic analysis based Digital human models are often used for ergonomic analysis of product designs, before The knowledge that is needed in specific multi-dimensional digital human models 2 the knowledge that is needed to build the multi-dimensional digital human models 3 the procedures that are needed to build the multi-dimensional digital human models, Figure 2 The procedures that are needed to build the multi-dimensional digital human models multi-dimensional digital human models to optimise product properties based on multi-dimensional digital human models to optimise product properties, and to improve The multi-dimensional digital human model was used to predict the shapes of body Multi-dimensional digital human models for ergonomic analysis 79 Multi-dimensional digital human models for ergonomic analysis 79 Multi-dimensional digital human models for ergonomic analysis 79 Multi-dimensional digital human models for ergonomic analysis 79 the results show that the procedures and the multi-dimensional digital human models id: work_kybfmygm6nc2lht7vxfrp55myi author: Nikita Shepard title: Review: Digital Transgender Archive date: 2020 words: 1082.0 sentences: 80.0 pages: 4 flesch: 50.0 cache: ./cache/work_kybfmygm6nc2lht7vxfrp55myi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kybfmygm6nc2lht7vxfrp55myi.txt summary: Review: Digital Transgender Archive Digital Transgender Archive Launched in early 2016, the Digital Transgender Archive (DTA) is a freely available online project dedicated to improving access to transgender-related history. a DTA "Starter''s Guide," a "Global Terms List," and a "Race & Ethnicity Research "transgender" is a relatively recent and culturally-specific identity, the DTA includes The team behind the DTA includes founder and director K.J. Rawson, software Transgender Archive (DTA) have compiled thousands of digitized and born-digital materials relevant to transgender history from dozens of institutions into an easily Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 1, No. 10 Review: Digital Transgender Archive material populates the site, ranging from university libraries to topical collections to For users new to transgender history, the DTA offers a "Starter''s Guide." The The "Race and Ethnicity Research Guide" links to BIPOCrelated materials, search advice, and a description of metadata policies relating to The Digital Transgender Archive models how digital humanities projects can id: work_ncnfs4bbibepxne76exswbvi7a author: Nitesh Bhatia title: Modeling Visually Guided Hand Reach for Digital Human Models date: 2015 words: 4514.0 sentences: 389.0 pages: 8 flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_ncnfs4bbibepxne76exswbvi7a.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ncnfs4bbibepxne76exswbvi7a.txt summary: Modeling visually guided hand reach for Digital Human Models demonstrating active vision based feedback for a typical hand reach task without using inverse kinematics. acts similar to human eyes by providing spatial information about hand and object in workspace. workspace object and the model of DHM hand is geometrically projected over the grid and the relative positions are computed in The presented model finally shows vision as a guiding agent for hand reach simulations. In this paper we have presented an "active" vision based scenario to demonstrate visually guided simple hand In section 3 we describe the newly developed active vision based reach framework and datastructure of a variable resolution cube-grid acting as receptor surface for sampling of spatial information in DHM grasping and reach simulations hand model specific approaches have been developed [17,18]. Our primary aim is to use and simulate DHMs, digital hand models, and vision models for natural human id: work_3ge2uucuafeonlhyw5hgv4p6ra author: Noh,Sung-Hwan title: A Study on Taiwan''s Chung Yuan Festival date: 2013 words: 5610.0 sentences: 579.0 pages: 4 flesch: 58.0 cache: ./cache/work_3ge2uucuafeonlhyw5hgv4p6ra.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3ge2uucuafeonlhyw5hgv4p6ra.txt summary: Study on the Digitalization of Festival Culture in Taiwan''s Aboriginal Literature The rituals that are part of Taiwan''s Atayal and Thao culture in Taiwan''s aboriginal literature. incorporated the Atayal ritual culture into the aboriginal The Diversified Festival Culture of Taiwan Aboriginal aboriginal culture reflects a dialogue between the ethnic groups Taiwan''s aboriginal culture, with each group having its own cultural significance of the rituals of all the ethnic groups. The Atayal Festival Culture in Taiwan''s Aboriginal The Atayal Festival Culture in Taiwan''s Aboriginal Hualien Sugar Factory, Taiwan through interviews with elders, Historical and Cultural Stories of Hualien Sugar Factory, KJ culture in Taiwan''s aboriginal literature comprise eight narratives and literature on the culture of the aboriginal rituals, ritual culture, and analyzing the digital information collected aboriginal culture of the actual text teaching, the digital information collected by the tribal ritual field research practice teaching research results, such as the aboriginal festival id: work_igdlnq3j3jf35khvy7uxdpydvi author: Nuria Rodríguez-Ortega title: Cinco ejes para pensar las humanidades digitales como proyecto de un nuevo humanismo digital date: 2018 words: 559.0 sentences: 115.0 pages: flesch: 57.0 cache: ./cache/work_igdlnq3j3jf35khvy7uxdpydvi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_igdlnq3j3jf35khvy7uxdpydvi.txt summary: ##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.accessible_menu.main_navigation## Editorial Policies Artnodes is an e-journal promoted by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya which analyses the intersections between Art, Science and Technology. No 27 (2021): Node 27 «Arts in the Time of Pandemic» (Guest Editors: Laura Benítez & Erich Berger) Arts in the Time of Pandemic (Guest Editors: L. Laura Benítez Valero, Erich Berger Staying in Touch: case study of artistic research during the COVID-19 lock-down A Case Study of Artistic Research during the COVID-19 Lockdown Imaginations of the evolution of bodies: Notes on the relationships between plants and humans PDF (Castellano) PDF (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) Discourses on artistic research in Flanders: non-scholarly perspectives on re-search in the arts By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. Learn more about Mailchimp''s privacy practices here. id: work_ohnqifx7evd7vjpj67mcnsewwi author: Olaf Berg title: ''Capturing Displaced Persons'' Agency by Modelling Their Life Events: A Mixed Method Digital Humanities Approach date: 2020 words: 13079.0 sentences: 1108.0 pages: 30 flesch: 56.0 cache: ./cache/work_ohnqifx7evd7vjpj67mcnsewwi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ohnqifx7evd7vjpj67mcnsewwi.txt summary: beyond case studies and use the wealth of process-generated documents as serial sources for algorithm-based analysis. However, digital history methodology now offers the possibility to go beyond case studies and use the whole stack of process-generated documents as knowledge generated from serialized life-event data allows us not only to review the relevance of such assumptions but also to point to statistically irrelevant phenomena and groups of DPs – for example, a small group of Buddhist this data via GIS in order to generate a context and questions for each individual source that need to be investigated further via hermeneutic research; and (3) If we define information as data in context, in its representation the source-oriented approach Capturing Displaced Persons'' Agency by Modelling Their Life Events: A Mixed Method Digital Humanities Approach. Capturing Displaced Persons'' Agency by Modelling Their Life Events: A Mixed Method Digital Humanities Approach. id: work_2vlgw55jzrhj3dzmd4n4ngf7ui author: Ossi Naukkarinen title: Aesthetics in the age of digital humanities date: 2016 words: 10769.0 sentences: 848.0 pages: 20 flesch: 64.0 cache: ./cache/work_2vlgw55jzrhj3dzmd4n4ngf7ui.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2vlgw55jzrhj3dzmd4n4ngf7ui.txt summary: To cite this article: Ossi Naukkarinen & Johanna Bragge (2016) Aesthetics in the age of digital humanities, Journal of Aesthetics & Culture, 8:1, 30072, DOI: 10.3402/jac.v8.30072 Keywords: aesthetics; bibliometrics; computing; digital humanities; text-mining; Web of Science the arts actually belong to the field of aesthetics, Citation: Journal of Aesthetics & Culture, Vol. 8, 2016 different languages and traditions in which aesthetic issues are addressed, and a single scholar can VantagePoint is a professional textmining tool for discovering and organizing information in search results from literature or patent Aesthetics publications by scientific domain (in capital letters; A&H �Arts & Humanities) and research area in In addition, we included all publications from journals that are specific to aesthetics. Top 50 most cited authors in the 11,814 aesthetics articles, by decade Co-occurrence map of terms in titles and abstracts (all publication types included). within various data fields, such as authors'' keywords, title words/phrases, or abstract words/ id: work_3hhqhd4a4fbvvj3rqix3qqobdi author: P. Gooding title: Mass digitization and the garbage dump: The conflicting needs of quantitative and qualitative methods date: 2012 words: 7494.0 sentences: 1082.0 pages: 4 flesch: 51.0 cache: ./cache/work_3hhqhd4a4fbvvj3rqix3qqobdi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3hhqhd4a4fbvvj3rqix3qqobdi.txt summary: Legal Deposit Web Archives and the Digital Humanities Gooding, P, Terras, M & Berube, L 2018, ''Legal Deposit Web Archives and the Digital Humanities: A have traditionally been the chief beneficiaries of legal deposit collections: in the case of web archives, the potential for research extends to contemporary materials, and to Digital Humanities text and data mining approaches. Digital Humanities & Colonial Latin American Studies Roundtable DH in 3D: Multidimensional Research and Education in the Digital Humanities Visualising The Digital Humanities Community: A Comparison Study Between Citation Network And Social Network Seinfeld at The Nexus of the Universe: Using IMDb Data and Social Network Theory to Create a Digital Humanities Project The Latin American Comics Archive: An Online Platform For The Research And Teaching Of Digitized And Encoded Spanish-Language Comic Books Through Scholar/Student Collaboration Digital 3D modelling in the humanities Expanding Communities of Practice: The Digital Humanities Research Institute Model id: work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oq author: P. Juola title: Killer Applications in Digital Humanities date: 2007 words: 7806.0 sentences: 433.0 pages: 18 flesch: 55.0 cache: ./cache/work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_am4amy5buvcwplbvdzknmmb4oq.txt summary: this research, by focusing on the identification and development of "killer" applications (apps), computer applications that solve significant problems in the [P]ersonal experience shows that it was extremely hard to convince traditional scholars in Oxford of the value of humanities computing research. should be in a unique position both to identify the needs of mainstream humanities scholars and to suggest computational solutions that the mainstream treated in some respects like the computational quest for the "killer application" – a need of the user group that can be filled, and by filling it, create an Every humanities scholar needs such a tool. • develop standards and best practices for digital humanities (Research and • work with a colleague on a digital humanities project (Collaborative Research Grants) "Why?" Why should scholars in the digital humanities try to develop this digital scholars will be able to speak to the developers about what is needed, id: work_icd5limvtjawjpkryokhjf6rbm author: P.K. Paul title: MCA (Information Science and Management) The Next Generation Interdisciplinary specialization for Social, Business, Health and Mathematical SciencesA Step for promoting Digital Humanities date: 2017 words: 3629.0 sentences: 614.0 pages: 6 flesch: 44.0 cache: ./cache/work_icd5limvtjawjpkryokhjf6rbm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_icd5limvtjawjpkryokhjf6rbm.txt summary: MCA (Information Science and Management): The Next Generation Abstract— Information Science is an important domain for building healthy information infrastructure for almost all kind of interdisciplinary domain combines with so many subjects related to information and processing of data and similar facet. This paper talks about MCA in respect of possibilities of Information Science specialization in Information Science including its need and characteristics, educational situation in India and globally in brief manner and way MCA [Information Science] programme. Science, Information Studies, Knowledge Management, achievable to build Information Science/IST focused MCA Table: 4/ASpecialization-1 of MCA with Medical Information Science Table: 4/B-Specialization-2 of MCA with Geo Information Science Table: 4/C-Specialization-3 of MCA with Chemo Information Science Building MCA [Information Science] may come with so  MCA [Information Science] needs the core of  Still, Information Science programmes are very Information Science then it may be offered as MCA development of Information Science and the related domain id: work_t6gam6jtgjeftjltju24geat7i author: Paige C. Morgan title: The consequences of framing digital humanities tools as easy to use date: 2018 words: nan sentences: nan pages: flesch: nan cache: txt: summary: id: work_xx32ydtleje55gcw5eri5yasgm author: Paige Morgan title: Cover letter for a Digital Humanities Librarian position date: 2020 words: 855.0 sentences: 41.0 pages: 2 flesch: 40.0 cache: ./cache/work_xx32ydtleje55gcw5eri5yasgm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xx32ydtleje55gcw5eri5yasgm.txt summary: Re: Digital Humanities Librarian staff position I am writing to apply for the position of Digital Humanities Librarian at Richter Library. community building led to my current library-based position supporting digital scholarship at McMaster participants have included undergraduates and graduate students, faculty, and staff from twenty-one In my current role in the Sherman Centre for Digital Scholarship in McMaster''s Mills Library, I developed digital humanities learning and research. the role that libraries play in supporting digital scholarship) has been one of my main goals as a A robust digital humanities community supports multiple levels of engagement with digital scholarship: I envision working in a role that helps members of the University of Miami This will help to ensure the sustainability of University of Miami digital humanities tremendously excited about the possibility of helping to develop digital humanities at the University of Miami from within Richter Library, and look forward to discussing the Digital Humanities Librarian id: work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiru author: Pamela Price Mitchem title: Creating Digital Scholarship Services at Appalachian State University date: 2017 words: 6726.0 sentences: 448.0 pages: 16 flesch: 44.0 cache: ./cache/work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiru.pdf txt: ./txt/work_r2eq5uvhprdkxl35v52kiigiru.txt summary: State University Libraries in planning and implementing a digital scholarship program. Appalachian faculty members, students, library colleagues, and the community to support new scholarship in a constantly changing digital landscape. was initiated to determine how we could expand our program to help support and collaborate with faculty on digital scholarly projects. [Coalition for Networked Information]-ARL [Association of Research Libraries] Workshop: Planning a Digital Scholarship Center": Academic libraries have grappled for some time with how to provide digital research services to their faculty and student constituents. Zorich, an information management consultant for the Council on Library Information Resources (CLIR), notes that centers may build digital collections, offer tools, Creating Digital Scholarship Services at Appalachian State University840 Creating Digital Scholarship Services at Appalachian State University840 Creating Digital Scholarship Services at Appalachian State University840 Creating Digital Scholarship Services at Appalachian State University840 Creating Digital Scholarship Services at Appalachian State University840 id: work_4fy445hx5rggbah7jix4adiqyq author: Paolo Clini title: Umanesimo Digitale e Bene Comune? Linee guida e riflessioni per una salvezza possibile / Digital humanities and Commons: guidelines and recflections for a possible salvation date: 2020 words: 6115.0 sentences: 971.0 pages: 22 flesch: 59.0 cache: ./cache/work_4fy445hx5rggbah7jix4adiqyq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4fy445hx5rggbah7jix4adiqyq.txt summary: forme di interazione virtuale, misurazione del gradimento dei pubblici, formazione di nuove Oggi la chiamiamo digitale: sicuramente una delle chiavi che ci possono aiutare uno spettacolo che non si esaurisce nel breve spazio della sua espressione. la cultura virtuale o digitale, come la vogliamo chiamare, non è una pezza che che non sappiamo usare i mezzi più attuali per la fruizione del patrimonio luoghi della cultura e di ingaggio digitale reale del nostro patrimonio. del Palazzo Ducale di Urbino e della Galleria Nazionale delle Marche13, che conoscenza e valorizzazione del Patrimonio Culturale, che non vanno viste come delle università e dei laboratori di ricerca in DH si concretizza come una azione di ponte, utile allo sviluppo di una digital literacy più che mai necessaria, come una cesura nelle modalità di accesso e fruizione del Cultural Heritage (CH), da che, a partire da una corretta digitalizzazione del patrimonio quale nuova forma id: work_ffhzfogh2vc6bpes4zeewwyv4m author: Patricia Martin-Rodilla title: Conceptualization and Non-Relational Implementation of Ontological and Epistemic Vagueness of Information in Digital Humanities date: 2019 words: 14362.0 sentences: 1024.0 pages: 23 flesch: 50.0 cache: ./cache/work_ffhzfogh2vc6bpes4zeewwyv4m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ffhzfogh2vc6bpes4zeewwyv4m.txt summary: implemented using non-relational approaches) to handle the vague aspects of information. Keywords: vagueness; non-relational databases; conceptual modelling; imprecision; uncertainty; an implementation of a non-relational environment and some examples of data queries involving Figure 3 shows the non-relational node and the key-value structures defined for null and unknown information about a specific value of an attribute defined in the conceptual model (i.e., in information about a specific value of an attribute defined in the conceptual model (i.e., in information about a specific value of an attribute defined in the conceptual model (i.e., in applicable as possible for non-relational contexts with expression of informational vagueness needs, applicable as possible for non-relational contexts with expression of informational vagueness needs, conceptual model and the vagueness mechanisms created represent both the research needs of the model and the vagueness mechanisms created represent both the research needs of the project and the id: work_uglloq4xjbfhvcvy47osjaixvi author: Patricia Pui Yue Lee title: Challenges Of Scientific Communication And Dilemmas Of An Information-Communicational Consumer Society: Regimes Of Visibility In The Communication Domain, Technical Objects And Control Devices date: 2018 words: 996.0 sentences: 160.0 pages: 1 flesch: 56.0 cache: ./cache/work_uglloq4xjbfhvcvy47osjaixvi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_uglloq4xjbfhvcvy47osjaixvi.txt summary: It can be inferred that an informationcommunicational production, in this capital form of expression and control. information-communicational consumer society: regimes of visibility in the communication domain, technical objects and control devices University of Rio de Janeiro / Faculty of Information Science Timeline with authors who discuss society and its control devices, the process of "individuation" and technical objects . control devices, the process (4) Technical Objects/Control Devices The study consists of qualitative of control and its devices, such as: (1) challenges of information science from act as part of one power and knowledge informational capital through its control devices, artifacts and technical objects to support the society of control. Therefore, as a research objective, us to think about digital humanities role (com Michel Foucault) In _________. Understanding media: the Association Française pour L''Avancement des sur le livre – théorie et pratique, 1 vol. Paul Otlet (1868-1944) Vannevar Bush (1890-1974) Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980) id: work_ys7xnjpbzvayhhpgxecmjrelba author: Patrik Polášek title: Comparison of Digital Tools for Ergonomics in Practice date: 2015 words: 3653.0 sentences: 341.0 pages: 9 flesch: 60.0 cache: ./cache/work_ys7xnjpbzvayhhpgxecmjrelba.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ys7xnjpbzvayhhpgxecmjrelba.txt summary: The results of these trends are software tools, which include sophisticated digital human models and the Keywords: Ergonomic analyses; Digital human models;Tecnomatix Jack; Delmia; Digital factory; Simulation Male and female digital human models in Delmia and Tecnomatix Jack. The selected digital human models are fully customizable, so that results of studies carried out are perhaps the In order to obtain objective results the workplace was modelled in both Delmia V5 Human and in Tecnomatix Jack and Delmia V5 Human workplace models. analyzed by ergonomic analysis Carry (Manual Handling Limit in Tecnomatix Jack). Comparison of the results was also performed for the following posture with Lower Back analysis in Tecnomatix The results of the Lower Back analysis (Tecnomatix Jack software) are a bit lower than from Biomechanical Handling Limit) analysis in Delmia the height of carrying is deducted from actual height of digital human model id: work_66pmf7vgszbbxdjkrrmwuowmom author: Pau Catà Marlès title: Towards the post-Digital in the Humanities? NACMM and Platform HARAKAT as case studies date: 2018 words: 559.0 sentences: 115.0 pages: flesch: 57.0 cache: ./cache/work_66pmf7vgszbbxdjkrrmwuowmom.pdf txt: ./txt/work_66pmf7vgszbbxdjkrrmwuowmom.txt summary: ##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.accessible_menu.main_navigation## Editorial Policies Artnodes is an e-journal promoted by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya which analyses the intersections between Art, Science and Technology. No 27 (2021): Node 27 «Arts in the Time of Pandemic» (Guest Editors: Laura Benítez & Erich Berger) Arts in the Time of Pandemic (Guest Editors: L. Laura Benítez Valero, Erich Berger Staying in Touch: case study of artistic research during the COVID-19 lock-down A Case Study of Artistic Research during the COVID-19 Lockdown Imaginations of the evolution of bodies: Notes on the relationships between plants and humans PDF (Castellano) PDF (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) ePUB (Castellano) Discourses on artistic research in Flanders: non-scholarly perspectives on re-search in the arts By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. Learn more about Mailchimp''s privacy practices here. id: work_up7ooykdqfan7js35v3ewsylja author: Paul Longley Arthur title: Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage date: 2018 words: 5599.0 sentences: 457.0 pages: 16 flesch: 51.0 cache: ./cache/work_up7ooykdqfan7js35v3ewsylja.pdf txt: ./txt/work_up7ooykdqfan7js35v3ewsylja.txt summary: Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage Migrating People, Migrating Data: Digital Approaches to Migrant Heritage id: work_54dwrq365vesphbu5mqkx56u4m author: Paul Spence title: The academic book and its digital dilemmas date: 2018 words: 10942.0 sentences: 662.0 pages: 26 flesch: 45.0 cache: ./cache/work_54dwrq365vesphbu5mqkx56u4m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_54dwrq365vesphbu5mqkx56u4m.txt summary: the digitally mediated long-form academic publication might hold a viable future. humanities research projects, have performed digital publishing roles and reviews possible implications for scholarly book publishing''s relationship to the wider research what conditions, the digitally mediated long-form academic publication might hold a future of the academic book in digital form (2011). argue for the ongoing primacy of print in scholarly book publishing – which will "draw How might a digital long-form publication which could truly rival the printed academic digitised content, most commonly published in scholarly editions or archivebased publications, but the article raises important wider questions about what There are many new media, digital arts and electronic literature experiences in relation to publishing the different visions around digitally-mediated long-form publishing in the humanities. whole (and indeed scholarly publishing) as it does for the digital humanities. whole (and indeed scholarly publishing) as it does for the digital humanities. (Accessed 31 August id: work_jfiqroorqfcc5nr45smesapquy author: Paula Aucott title: Locating Past Places in Britain: Creating and Evaluating the GB1900 Gazetteer date: 2019 words: 8260.0 sentences: 635.0 pages: 45 flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_jfiqroorqfcc5nr45smesapquy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_jfiqroorqfcc5nr45smesapquy.txt summary: gazetteer, the Ordnance Survey''s 50k and Open Names datasets, and the English Keywords: GB1900, locations, local history, gazetteer, place names turning place names into locations which can be found on maps, and we often need set, focused on place names, with the other gazetteers of Britain. The Digital Exposure of English Place-Names (DEEP) project was funded by Jisc in ''Historical Gazetteer of England''s Place-Names'''' (, Each entry includes a place ID such as ''epns-deep-86-a-parish-000077'', and these and sub-parish settlements generally have coordinates but most ''mapped names'' Perhaps the best known global gazetteer of modern place names is Geonames parishes are named on the six inch maps, and of DEEP. In contrast the OS Open Names data include 5,503 entries for the study area, but 2 shows that the majority of DEEP ''Mapped Names" and ''Sub-Parish'' entries are Table 2: Frequency of different place types in the DEEP gazetteer id: work_432zobppujgrfl5xfphnoyz4p4 author: Pauline Maurice title: Assessing and improving human movements using sensitivity analysis and digital human simulation date: 2019 words: 9720.0 sentences: 963.0 pages: 25 flesch: 56.0 cache: ./cache/work_432zobppujgrfl5xfphnoyz4p4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_432zobppujgrfl5xfphnoyz4p4.txt summary: whole-body controller is used to dynamically replay human movements from motion optimization-based controller which enables to track subjects'' motion in operational space, while imposing dynamic and biomechanical constraints. forces are computed from the DHM dynamic model and the joint space trajectories Dariush (John and Dariush 2014) use a task space kinematic control method (closedloop inverse kinematics) and dynamic constraints to track the motion directly in task The dynamic replay method allows easy measurement of operational and biomechanical performances with a DHM. Statistical sensitivity analysis relies on numerical evaluation of the output (indicators of performance) for numerous values of the input parameters (Saltelli, Chan, (1) Define the adjustable parameters characterizing the way the movement is performed (e.g. position/orientation with respect to the environment, initial posture), and select among all the possible combinations the values that should be Motion capture (left) and dynamic replay with the LQP controller (right) of the drilling task. id: work_bvl2s7smknapjip66quntvdmo4 author: Pauline Maurice title: Experimental assessment of the quality of ergonomic indicators for dynamic systems computed using a digital human model date: 2016 words: 8181.0 sentences: 907.0 pages: 11 flesch: 64.0 cache: ./cache/work_bvl2s7smknapjip66quntvdmo4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_bvl2s7smknapjip66quntvdmo4.txt summary: Experimental assessment of the quality of ergonomic indicators for dynamic systems computed using a digital human model quality of ergonomic indicators for dynamic systems computed using a digital human model. performances of dynamic systems, it is proposed to use a dynamic digital human model (DHM) for the evaluation, Human subjects perform a manual task in various conditions while their movements and external forces subject''s seat and the work plane orientation (neutral task). the subject''s seat and the kind of task: neutral, force or Comparison within a same task: The torque indicator is highly affected by the position of the subject relative to the work area, because of the effect of gravity the torque indicator of the force task is significantly for all three tasks velocity, neutral and force (vertical work • Speed of motion: The torque indicator of the artificial velocity task is significantly higher (p=0.019) id: work_ge4v2fbe3naqpivqnw56pl3h4m author: Penesta Dika title: Review of Oliver Grau, Janina Hoth, & Eveline Wandl-Vogt (Eds.) (2019). Digital Art through the Looking Glass: New strategies for archiving, collecting and preserving in digital humanities date: 2020 words: 611.0 sentences: 109.0 pages: flesch: 55.0 cache: ./cache/work_ge4v2fbe3naqpivqnw56pl3h4m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ge4v2fbe3naqpivqnw56pl3h4m.txt summary: Digital Art through the Looking Glass: New strategies for archiving, collecting and preserving in digital humanities | SpringerLink This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. 2.See art, museums and digital archives. Postdigital Science and Education, 1(1), 163–189. Postdigital Science and Education, 1(1), 163–189. Postdigital Science and Education, 1(1), 163–189. Wired, (12 January) Review of Oliver Grau, Janina Hoth, & Eveline Wandl-Vogt (Eds.) (2019). Review of Oliver Grau, Janina Hoth, & Eveline Wandl-Vogt (Eds.) (2019). Review of Oliver Grau, Janina Hoth, & Eveline Wandl-Vogt (Eds.) (2019). Digital Art through the Looking Glass: New strategies for archiving, collecting and preserving in digital humanities. Digital Art through the Looking Glass: New strategies for archiving, collecting and preserving in digital humanities. Digital Art through the Looking Glass: New strategies for archiving, collecting and preserving in digital humanities. Instant access to the full article PDF. Instant access to the full article PDF. id: work_4cq3f23fdfhdzpyexkis4bms2a author: Peter Bibby title: Reconstructing Urbanization of a Pennine Fringe Township Through Computational Chaining of Land Tax Records: Mottram in Longdendale 1784–1830 date: 2014 words: 26386.0 sentences: 1881.0 pages: 63 flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_4cq3f23fdfhdzpyexkis4bms2a.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4cq3f23fdfhdzpyexkis4bms2a.txt summary: Reconstructing Urbanization of a Pennine Fringe Township through Computational Chaining of Land Tax Records: Mottram in Longdendale 1784-1830 repopulation, but also the character of new property development, of subdivision and amalgamation of holdings and the changing control of housing. to chain together individual Land Tax records for successive years to identify to chain together individual Land Tax records for successive years to identify reconstructing the entire Land Tax graph for the township as a set of chains, each cottage rentals for the Tollemache estate in 1785 with Land Tax entries for the Land Tax liability as another set of bundles the following year. Mottram-in-Longdendale Land Tax Graph 1784–1829; Tollemache Estate; larger properties extant in 1784. Mottram in Longdendale Land Tax Graph 1784-1829; Tollemache Estate; smaller properties and holdings created after 1784. Warrington; 61 Church; 1863 Shaw Chains 11 (Shaw 1784) and 26 (Hill 1784) are included in Figure 2a (as in some years Land Tax liability for a id: work_xmbsjcmo2bgblfiutbybef7n6m author: Peter Boot title: Editing social media: the case of online book discussion date: 2019 words: 6584.0 sentences: 457.0 pages: 12 flesch: 62.0 cache: ./cache/work_xmbsjcmo2bgblfiutbybef7n6m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xmbsjcmo2bgblfiutbybef7n6m.txt summary: Online book discussion is a popular activity on many social media sites: on weblogs, in of an archive of Dutch online book discussions (Boot 2017), a collection that now holds Supposing that we are going to create a research collection of online book discussion The book discussion sites'' properties have consequences for how an edition of these of the edition is the collection of its text fragments: the posts, reviews, comments, and so An edition of a book discussion site would probably consist of several layers. Editing social media: the case of online book discussion Editing social media: the case of online book discussion Editing social media: the case of online book discussion Editing social media: the case of online book discussion Editing social media: the case of online book discussion Editing social media: the case of online book discussion Editing social media: the case of online book discussion id: work_6oploxdahfdunbtpt5dn4xsorm author: Peter Mechant title: Web 25. Histories from the first 25 years of the world wide web date: 2019 words: 1953.0 sentences: 105.0 pages: 4 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_6oploxdahfdunbtpt5dn4xsorm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6oploxdahfdunbtpt5dn4xsorm.txt summary: Histories from the first 25 years of the world wide web, edited by Niels The volume seeks to foster those working in web archiving, internet studies The first section of the book, aptly entitled ''The early web'', includes four chapters that focus on the history leading up to the emergence of the World Wide Web, including The book''s fourth and final section discusses ''Web archives as [a] historical source'' closer look at the cultural history of the web archiving movement, investigating why, sources, and of the institutions that provide them'' (176) as web archiving constitutes an Australia''s PANDORA archive, reflecting upon research issues related to early web Thirdly, by providing methodological reflections on web archiving, the book archiving and for a wider audience with an interest in Web history. Histories from the first 25 years of the world wide web Histories from the first 25 years of the world wide web id: work_nrw3zefwznf7vitp6wboakr5am author: Peter Phillips title: The pixelated text: Reading the Bible within digital culture date: 2018 words: 4925.0 sentences: 466.0 pages: 10 flesch: 69.0 cache: ./cache/work_nrw3zefwznf7vitp6wboakr5am.pdf txt: ./txt/work_nrw3zefwznf7vitp6wboakr5am.txt summary: Phillips, Peter (2018) ''The pixelated text : reading the Bible within digital culture.'', Theology., 121 (6). The Pixelated Text: Reading the Bible within Digital Culture1 The Pixelated Text: Reading the Bible within Digital Culture1 This paper looks at Bible engagement in a digital age, focussing both on multimedia Bible, biblical literacy, digital, digital humanities, media biblical literacy.2 He focuses not so much on reading the bible, but rather on the explore more embedded, material, creative ways to engage in both Bible research pixelated) Bible has its place at the very heart of the Digital Humanities project. Bible in digital culture, a world-first MA in Digital Theology, as well as engagement as fitting that there are panels exploring the Bible and Digital Humanities at the But how might we study the Bible within the Digital Humanities?  Wave 2: Born-Digital Tools/Data Analysis/Distant-Close Reading read more of the Bible, but also to engage actively in highlighting texts and sharing id: work_2fjnabij65dknn6bwzrt2slb3m author: Peter Thorvald title: Applying cognitive science to digital human modelling for user centred design date: 2012 words: 7291.0 sentences: 596.0 pages: 17 flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/work_2fjnabij65dknn6bwzrt2slb3m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2fjnabij65dknn6bwzrt2slb3m.txt summary: task analysis tools, interface design guidelines and information about general suggests adding design and evaluative guiding in Digital Human Modelling that will help a user with little or no knowledge of cognitive science to design and Keywords: Digital human modelling, cognition, context, situatedness, ecological designers and engineers to consider human-machine interaction related matters in In Digital Human Modelling (DHM), the term ergonomics usually refers to modelling bringing cognition into the equation and provide users of DHM tools with an aid in paper, it shows us how earlier approaches to modelling cognition in DHM are at best known to design for human-related control systems (Bubb, 2002). Ecological Interface Design (EID) is spawned from Cognitive Work Analysis (CWA), integrating cognition into DHM tools and outline potential new design guides and models human-system interface being designed or evaluated. Perception, Cognition and Action for Digital Human Modeling. Human Performance: Evaluating the Cognitive Aspects. id: work_3horm3ctfzfelcnmozatqdozsa author: Philip J. Ethington title: Broadening the Digital Humanities: The Vectors-CTS Summer Institute on Digital Approaches to American Studies date: 2017 words: 6002.0 sentences: 461.0 pages: 27 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_3horm3ctfzfelcnmozatqdozsa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3horm3ctfzfelcnmozatqdozsa.txt summary: The Vectors-CTS Summer Institute on Digital Approaches to American Studies," 18 Grant Title: "Broadening the Digital Humanities: The Vectors-CTS Summer Institute on I used Scalar to create working on a digital project companion to my book. digital project, producers to author projects, or "books," that combine text and media, without Project title: Digital Media and Social Movements volume, presented about the project on a plenary for the US Cultural Studies Association''s I worked on a digital version of the book, Keywords for American Cultural Studies, edited by My digital project is a research repository focused on the history of the Filipino American digital project since the end of the institute. Her new book project, Designing Culture: The Technological project on technology and education in affiliation with the American Studies Association, with conjunction with the American Social History Project/Center for Media and Learning (at the id: work_g47ybedbfbcc3hyaxkzfxtrngi author: Pirita Ihamäki title: Digital human experience models for augmented reality mobile wellness devices date: 2015 words: 6871.0 sentences: 234.0 pages: flesch: cache: ./cache/work_g47ybedbfbcc3hyaxkzfxtrngi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_g47ybedbfbcc3hyaxkzfxtrngi.txt summary: Research published in the International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics considers the data retrieval problems for investigators faced with a hard drive that has been submerged in water. id: work_oeau7vrtqzeq7na53uavipyxou author: Priscila Carvalho title: The Lusophony Digital Humanities and what they (we) are doing from the South: textual corpus analysis and FAIR principles to tackle hegemony date: 2020 words: 759.0 sentences: 65.0 pages: 2 flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_oeau7vrtqzeq7na53uavipyxou.pdf txt: ./txt/work_oeau7vrtqzeq7na53uavipyxou.txt summary: The Lusophony Digital Humanities and what they (we) are doing from the South: GOMES, IBICT-UFRJ, Brazil, orcid: Digital Humanities in Brazil, however, without producing for this international community. the Digital Humanities are beginning to gain greater public interest in Brazil and other countries in South Digital Humanities in South America. Humanities academic papers, thesis, and books written in the Portuguese language from Google Scholar. The result of the similitude analysis, based on the graph theory, unveiled possible thematic convergences of the Portuguese language production in the Digital Humanities. On the top right, the cluster novo has two subclusters, social and nao. shows that scraping Google Scholar data could bring a broader result if you want to analyse Portuguese In addition, the use of Zenodo allowed the research result to have a visibility to the public outside Brazil allowing that South America production could integrate Lusophone Digital "Digital Humanities of the South and GAFAM. id: work_alynjplhunbqnmppz32wm5fojm author: Q. Dombrowski title: What Ever Happened to Project Bamboo? date: 2014 words: 9329.0 sentences: 745.0 pages: 15 flesch: 48.0 cache: ./cache/work_alynjplhunbqnmppz32wm5fojm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_alynjplhunbqnmppz32wm5fojm.txt summary: of Project Bamboo, a humanities cyberinfrastructure initiative funded by the Bamboo aimed to enhance arts and humanities research through the development of infrastructure insight into the scholarly practices Bamboo would support, and to build a community of future developers and users for Bamboo''s technical deliverables. The early emphasis on a serviceoriented architecture approach to supporting humanities research failed to connect with scholars, and the scope of Bamboo''s ambitions expanded to include Project Bamboo was a humanities cyberinfrastructure initiative funded by the Andrew W. Foundation between 2008 and 2012, in order to enhance arts and humanities research through the development of infrastructure and support for shared developing the themes of scholarly practice, program staff had created accounts for over 400 workshop 1 participants on the project wiki, anticipating initial grouping of scholarly practices, and prioritization as to the order in which services should be developed'' (Project Bamboo, 2008, p. id: work_eklg3piwvbdxdlxggels6ggrmm author: Qing Tao title: Digital evaluation of sitting posture comfort in human-vehicle system under industry 4.0 framework date: 2016 words: 5244.0 sentences: 556.0 pages: 8 flesch: 57.0 cache: ./cache/work_eklg3piwvbdxdlxggels6ggrmm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_eklg3piwvbdxdlxggels6ggrmm.txt summary: Digital Evaluation of Sitting Posture Comfort in Human-Vehicle System Abstract: Most of the previous studies on the vibration ride comfort of the human-vehicle system were focused only on one or two The real experimental environment includes the WBV (whole body vibration) test, questionnaires simplified 5-DOF human body vibration model, the vibration simulation and analysis within ADAMS/ Vibration environment takes full advantages of current available vibration simulation and digital human modelling software, and makes it possible evaluation system for car seat comfort design is fitted in the Industry 4.0 framework is also proposed. Key words: parameter identification, vibration characteristic, sitting posture comfort, human-vehicle system, human body model, digital of freedom human body vertical vibration model different human body vibration models were proposed and sitting posture body comfort of human-vehicle systems. simplified 5-DOF vertical human body vibration model is model the human body vibration response characteristics. simplified 5-DOF human body vibration model, the id: work_tnsui5sufzhc5bbyykz27o5ptu author: Qinping ZHAO title: Data modeling and interactive virtual surgery of digital human organs date: 2016 words: 1320.0 sentences: 205.0 pages: 5 flesch: 81.0 cache: ./cache/work_tnsui5sufzhc5bbyykz27o5ptu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_tnsui5sufzhc5bbyykz27o5ptu.txt summary: 中国科学: 信息科学, 2016, 46: 1769–1773, doi: Coupling time-varying modal analysis and FEM for real-time cutting simulation of objects Haptics-equiped interactive PCI simulation for patient-specific surgery training and Robust multi-modal medical image fusion via anisotropic heat diffusion guided low-rank Multi-scale local features based on anisotropic heat diffusion and global eigen-structure. In: Proceedings of the 19th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, Real-time physical deformation and cutting of heterogeneous objects via hybrid coupling In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, Melbourne, 2013. Novel, robust, and efficient guidewire modeling for pci surgery simulator based In: Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, Beijing, 2015. 16 Hou F, Qin H, Hao A M. Metaballs-based physical modeling and deformation of organs for virtual surgery. Real-time and robust object tracking in video via low-rank coherency analysis in feature Multi-scale mesh saliency based on low-rank and sparse analysis in shape feature space. id: work_msbqd74rwnfwxbnj735qxjhqeq author: Qiuling Zou title: MOTION SYNTHESIS FOR A DIGITAL PREGNANT WOMAN MULTIBODY SYSTEM date: 2013 words: 2985.0 sentences: 396.0 pages: 10 flesch: 31.0 cache: ./cache/work_msbqd74rwnfwxbnj735qxjhqeq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_msbqd74rwnfwxbnj735qxjhqeq.txt summary: Optimization-based posture reconstruction for digital human models Hybrid method for driver accommodation using optimization-based digital human models Optimization-based seated posture prediction considering contact with environment Effect of Obesity on Seated Posture Inside a Vehicle Based on Digital Human Models Multi-objective optimization-based method for kinematic posture prediction: Development and validation Xiang, Y., Chung, H.-J., Kim, J.H., Bhatt, R., Rahmatalla, S., Yang, J., Marler, T., Arora, J.S., Abdel-Malek, K. Predictive dynamics: An optimization-based novel approach for human motion simulation Kim, J.H., Xiang, Y., Bhatt, R.M., Yang, J., Chung, H.-J., Arora, J.S., Abdel-Malek, K. Use of multi-objective optimization for digital human posture prediction Optimization-based posture prediction for human upper body Kim, J.H., Xiang, Y., Bhatt, R., Yang, J., Chung, H.-J., Patrick, A., Arora, J.S., Abdel-Malek, K. Kim, J.H., Xiang, Y., Bhatt, R., Yang, J., Chung, H.-J., Patrick, A., Arora, J.S., Abdel-Malek, K. Kim, J.H., Xiang, Y., Bhatt, R., Yang, J., Arora, J.S., Abdel-Malek, K. id: work_a734rm3mxbf4pn5ghgxadmhjja author: Quinn Dombrowski title: Preparing Non-English Texts for Computational Analysis date: 2020 words: 4883.0 sentences: 351.0 pages: 9 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_a734rm3mxbf4pn5ghgxadmhjja.pdf txt: ./txt/work_a734rm3mxbf4pn5ghgxadmhjja.txt summary: Most methods for computational text analysis involve doing things with "words": Most methods for computational text analysis involve doing things with ''words'': counting Depending on the text analysis method, a sufficiently large corpus (on the scale of multiple millions of words) may sufficiently minimize issues caused by inflection, for instance at a different kind of understanding of a text using some form of word frequency analysis. application of these text analysis methods may not be as straightforward for students working in other languages. For languages with a non-Latin alphabet, text encoding problems will render Unicode (UTF-8) encoding is the best option when working with text in any language, but between ''words'', before you can use it for computational text analysis. Fortunately, there is a growing community of scholars working on computational text analysis, and other digital humanities methods, as applied to languages other than English. id: work_ogrwph2apfg3riq533eqpmdwl4 author: Quoc-Tan Tran title: The Emergence Of The Digital Humanities: An Epistemological Cartography Of Thematic Issues In French Academic Journals date: 2017 words: 1976.0 sentences: 169.0 pages: 6 flesch: 51.0 cache: ./cache/work_ogrwph2apfg3riq533eqpmdwl4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ogrwph2apfg3riq533eqpmdwl4.txt summary: of thematic issues in French academic journals recent years, French academics working in the SSH have been devoting attention to "Digital emerging approaches and new research methods, editorial practices, and also combinatorial academic journals (electronic and print) (see Table 1), which have thematic issues dedicated issue titled "Digital epistemologies of the SSH"1 appeared in Revue Sciences/Lettres (n°2, such as "humanités numériques," "digital humanities," "social sciences," and associated terms Socio and Revue Sciences/Lettres put more emphasis on "research," while Cahiers du Numérique focuses on "digital culture," Variations on "scientific." In case of Critique, terms Cluster 1 (green) scientific, discipline, digital humanities, epistemology, SSH, dialogue, Based on those term maps, we analyze each cluster by looking back the articles that 2. Researchers'' re-consideration of the role played by social media and new sociopolitical relationships, and the practices they make possible (Cluster 2) and new paradigms that characterize social and human sciences research in the digital age, id: work_z6uxqphb3fhl3o5m7slidcln3q author: R. Picone title: THE SUBURBAN BATHS IN POMPEII: INNOVATIVE STRATEGIES OF CONSERVATION AND DIGITAL HUMANITIES FOR AN IMPROVED USE AND PERCEPTION date: 2020 words: 4990.0 sentences: 446.0 pages: 8 flesch: 59.0 cache: ./cache/work_z6uxqphb3fhl3o5m7slidcln3q.pdf txt: ./txt/work_z6uxqphb3fhl3o5m7slidcln3q.txt summary: KEY WORDS: Pompeii, Conservation, Suburban Baths, Archaeological heritage, Digital humanities, Improvement of fruition The paper aims to examine the results of an experimental research on the enlarged fruition and "communication" of Pompeii archeological The main focus of the research were the Suburban Thermal baths in Pompeii, the ancient Roman city buried during the Vesiuvus volcano eruption in 79 a.C. The Suburban Thermal baths are located within the Insula Occidentalis, a wide area at West of the old city of technologies and storytelling may be the key to understand the material and immaterial traces of the Suburban Thermal baths. important, archeological evidence like Suburban Thermal Baths. The Suburban Thermal Baths in Pompeii. The Suburban Thermal Baths are located within the Insula Internal sections of the project for an improved fruition of the Suburban Thermal Baths in Pompeii, with the study of the accessibility to Pompeii archeological site through the entrance of the suburban Thermal Baths and the connection id: work_l6rfzrauqjf2lnca7dkyrznolq author: R. Raley title: Digital Humanities for the Next Five Minutes date: 2014 words: 8007.0 sentences: 584.0 pages: 21 flesch: 46.0 cache: ./cache/work_l6rfzrauqjf2lnca7dkyrznolq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_l6rfzrauqjf2lnca7dkyrznolq.txt summary: was humanities computing" (Rockwell) and given a new title, the digital The "Dark Side of the Digital Humanities" roundtable organized by Richard Grusin at the ml a convention in 2013 when the place of coding and cultural criticism in the digital humanities from the digital humanities as an institutional entity, administrative idea, projects, collectives, and games that we took to be affirmative and inspiring, the "digital humanities" under analysis was a discursive construction rapprochement between the digital humanities and new media studies: Kirschenbaum''s account of the digital humanities as a tactical term and A tactical media-informed approach to the digital humanities Digital Humanities Summer Institute in 2010, Unsworth politely "The Computational Turn: Thinking about the Digital Humanities." Culture "Digital Humanities as/Is a Tactical Term." Gold 415–28. . "Where Is Cultural Criticism in the Digital Humanities?" Gold 490–509. "Disability, Universal Design, and the Digital Humanities." Gold 202–12. id: work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3bu author: Rachel A. Mandell title: Researchers'' Attitudes towards Data Discovery: Implications for a UCLA Data Registry date: 2012 words: 15108.0 sentences: 909.0 pages: 59 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3bu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_zscq7xqedfaq5b2cpnl54zv3bu.txt summary: and digital research output being produced in all fields, information professionals and scholars and research output, as well as the methods and tools they use and need to disseminate, manage, Given the amount of data and digital research output being produced across all academic research (science, social science and humanities) define, disseminate, and use data in their Data collected by researchers in the social sciences include qualitative interview or ethnographic campus researcher, faculty member or graduate student whom generates data or collects any as other kinds of tools that UCLA researchers need to support their data and their current of data or digital research output in each of the three areas of research—science, social science, Data Registry to provide service for the many different kinds of research being conducted on The output of digital humanities research can include data in addition to disseminating their work, the UCLA Data Registry might be a useful method of providing access id: work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpm author: Rachel Arteaga title: Introductory Digital Humanities Curriculum for the High School English Classroom date: 2015 words: 3619.0 sentences: 357.0 pages: 8 flesch: 76.0 cache: ./cache/work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_di3hwira4zelpeo7ekcfsj5kpm.txt summary:  Use the story maps as new objects for reading and discussion The digital humanities tool used in this lesson plan is a demo page on the Stanford Natural Language  Use the sentiment analysis charts as new objects for reading and discussion Digital Humanities Tool: Sentiment Analysis by Stanford Natural Language Processing (NLP) Group Sentiment analysis is a tool that asks the computer to read words and tell us Digital Humanities Tool: Ngrams: Originally designed for: 9th Grade · Chromebooks · Short Stories · Wordle Word Clouds  Introduce students to the term "digital humanities," and to word clouds  Use the word clouds as new objects for analysis and discussion  Learn the term "digital humanities" and understand word clouds as part of the field To make a word cloud for a different story, copy and paste it into another Wordle "create" page. id: work_bohtu2wrvzf3dg6g7k4mpjdh6m author: Rachel Di Cresce title: Developing collaborative best practices for digital humanities data collection: A case study date: 2017 words: 6170.0 sentences: 405.0 pages: 23 flesch: 50.0 cache: ./cache/work_bohtu2wrvzf3dg6g7k4mpjdh6m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_bohtu2wrvzf3dg6g7k4mpjdh6m.txt summary: This case study explores the data management practices of medieval manuscript scholars Keywords: Data Management, Digital Humanities, Manuscripts, Scholarly Needs, Best humanities research is only part of the complex puzzle of how to organize data management. here, we are better placed to understand the data management needs of digital humanist scholars. Managing data created during the course of (digital) humanities research requires that the Humanities research data management is, as Awre et al. Best Practices for Digital Humanities Data Collection 23 Best Practices for Digital Humanities Data Collection 23 Best Practices for Digital Humanities Data Collection 23 Best Practices for Digital Humanities Data Collection 23 Best Practices for Digital Humanities Data Collection 23 Best Practices for Digital Humanities Data Collection 23 Best Practices for Digital Humanities Data Collection 23 Best Practices for Digital Humanities Data Collection 23 Best Practices for Digital Humanities Data Collection 23 Best Practices for Digital Humanities Data Collection 23 id: work_2tcncpfqmfcrrcx33e6z4msogi author: Ralf Schneider title: Looking for Textual Evidence : Digital Humanities, Middling-Class Morality, and the Eighteenth-Century English Novel date: 2021 words: 10340.0 sentences: 703.0 pages: 30 flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_2tcncpfqmfcrrcx33e6z4msogi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2tcncpfqmfcrrcx33e6z4msogi.txt summary: 2 Watt, Ian, The Rise of the Novel: Studies in Defoe, Richardson, and Fielding, Berkeley: Universit y of California Press, 1957. virtues and vices in the eighteenth-century English novel than available in P., Customs in Common: Studies in Traditional Popular Culture, New York: New Press, 1993, 71) and the persistent traditional belief in a providentially ordained, universal and hierarchical order of social layers (e. cal power in Britain throughout the eighteenth centur y and beyond (French, Henry, Gentlemen: Remaking the English Ruling Class, in: Keith Wrightson (ed.), A Social History of for the negotiation of social identity in eighteenth-century English novels. acters in late eighteenth-century novels may use all variations of the words could mean that this text, being a parody of one of the most inf luential of the early sentimental novels, wanted to avoid the term by way of taking a critical stance on the genre the analysis of a corpus of eighteenth-century English novels could be sum­ id: work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4 author: Raluca Andreia Tanasescu title: Translation and Chaos: Poetry Translators'' Agency in a Non-Hegemonic Network. A Digital Humanities Approach date: 2018 words: 121448.0 sentences: 9430.0 pages: 371 flesch: 60.0 cache: ./cache/work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_k4d4ag7i2jbivlshvr2m552ut4.txt summary: framing English-language poetry translation in contemporary Romania as a complex human activity translations: selections published in online literary journals and in printed press, reviews, interviews on sociology of translation from a global, network science and digital humanities perspective is RoigSanz, who maps transnational processes of cultural transformation in Hispanic modernity by dint of following subchapter, a chaotic network like poetry translation into Romanian is positively animated Micro-Charting Poetry Translation Networks in Romanian Print Literary Journals Micro-Charting Poetry Translation Networks in Romanian Print Literary Journals the amount of contemporary U.S. and Canadian poetry translated in Romanian literary journals Dr. Iacob translated just shy of 70 American contemporary poets into Romanian, totalling one Michael Waters223 is published in a local literary journal and a poetry reading featuring translations Literary and cultural journals presented such translators with the possibility of publishing words, the translation of American and Canadian poetries into Romanian is a complex network (or id: work_cdtp5ymcijchdod7rq66hueqvq author: Randa El Khatib title: Prototyping Across the Disciplines date: 2019 words: 7256.0 sentences: 487.0 pages: 21 flesch: 46.0 cache: ./cache/work_cdtp5ymcijchdod7rq66hueqvq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_cdtp5ymcijchdod7rq66hueqvq.txt summary: Keywords: software prototyping; interdisciplinary collaboration; standards; specific case of software development within digital humanities. Research on building in digital humanities has framed prototyping as an intertwined Data creation is central to many of our research projects in digital humanities, Creating a software prototype involves different skill sets in code, interface design, use to describe software prototyping within research teams, and the ways we can experiments in digital humanities software prototyping and the abovementioned As we mentioned above, our first foray into collaborative software prototyping, set out in the design process phase are met by the software prototype. about product quality, in as much as functional completeness of a software prototype, lessons learned from critical digital humanities into a software development model. Collaboration within Digital Humanities Research Teams." Digital Studies/Le Humanities and Computer Science Collaborations: Towards a Product or Prototype? Affinities Between Software Prototyping and Digital Humanities id: work_5dgfdi4j3vba5b6ingyrf57jda author: Ray Siemens title: The Value of Plurality in ''The Network with a Thousand Entrances'' date: 2017 words: 712.0 sentences: 152.0 pages: flesch: 64.0 cache: ./cache/work_5dgfdi4j3vba5b6ingyrf57jda.pdf txt: ./txt/work_5dgfdi4j3vba5b6ingyrf57jda.txt summary: The Value of Plurality in ''The Network with a Thousand Entrances'' | Semantic Scholar Arbuckle and Lindsey Seatter and Randa El Khatib and Tracey El Hajj}, This contribution reflects on the value of plurality in the ''network with a thousand entrances'' suggested by McCarty (, and others, in association with approaching time-honoured annotative and commentary practices of much-engaged texts. The question is how this approach aligns with tensions, today, surrounding the multiplicity of endeavour associated with modeling practices of annotation by practitioners of the digital humanities. Sort by Most Influenced Papers From Text to Work: Digital Tools and the Emergence of the Social Text Automatic annotation of bibliographical references in digital humanities books, articles and blogs Creating Scholarly Tools and Resources for the Digital Ecosystem: Building Connections in the Zotero Project Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. id: work_zomqelblfnhhfo5ely527dp6cm author: Renato Rocha Souza title: Uncertain spaces, uncertain places dealing with geographic information in Digital Humanities on the example of a language legacy data set date: 2020 words: 793.0 sentences: 155.0 pages: 20 flesch: 50.0 cache: ./cache/work_zomqelblfnhhfo5ely527dp6cm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_zomqelblfnhhfo5ely527dp6cm.txt summary: Renato Rocha Souza, Barbara Piringer & Eveline Wandl-Vogt the example of a language legacy data set the example of a language legacy data set 1Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities (ACDH-OeAW) Uncertainty and complex/post normal science Uncertainty and complex/post normal science ● Nowotny et al (2013; 2015) science and uncertainty ○ "science thrives on the cusp of uncertainty" time and space when to engage with uncertainty" based on "Uncertainty." New World Encyclopedia, 6 Jan 2016, 21:11 UTC. Taxonomy of (spatial) uncertainties Uncertainty in Digital Humanities Uncertainty in Digital Humanities element of data transformation & analysis source: Benito et al, 2016; Prototypical LOD modelling of DBÖ spatial data Geospatial uncertainties in the DBÖ collection Geospatial uncertainties in the DBÖ collection of data sources Geospatial uncertainties in the DBÖ Examples of spatial uncertainties on the ● Future explorations of uncertainties & geolocation amelie.dorn I renato.souza I barbara.piringer I id: work_ski3uzabpff47pewvxocuo27de author: Richard Hetherington title: Make-Believing Animated Films Featuring Digital Humans: A Qualitative Inquiry Using Online Sources date: 2017 words: 10767.0 sentences: 798.0 pages: 29 flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_ski3uzabpff47pewvxocuo27de.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ski3uzabpff47pewvxocuo27de.txt summary: Richard Hetherington and Rachel McRae. Make-Believing Animated Films A qualitative inquiry of reviews of films featuring digital humanlike characters was distinguish between real and CGI-Human actors, observations of characters transiently the CGI-Human character, with some reviewers describing difficulties in categorising the application to our understanding of the viewing experience of animated films featuring Make-believe, digital humanlike characters, CGI, Rotoshop, uncanny valley, viewer humans in animated movies: In the first, characters were created using 3D computergenerated imagery (CGI) and animation techniques including motion or performance actor connected with the animated character''s performance (Hetherington, 2015). article we use openly available online film review aggregator sites as a source of relation to the characters'' believability a recognised objective of many animated films Fantasy: The Spirits Within, The Polar Express and Beowulf) and a film animated by were viewed, reviewer expectations, individual differences, character perceptions and Scanner Darkly, the presence of recognisable actors playing CGI-Human characters in id: work_dz6hv2rzkbhrvefe5gfu4v3yvu author: Rita Marquilhas title: Manuscripts and Machines: The Automatic Replacement of Spelling Variants in a Portuguese Historical Corpus date: 2014 words: 6783.0 sentences: 645.0 pages: 16 flesch: 69.0 cache: ./cache/work_dz6hv2rzkbhrvefe5gfu4v3yvu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_dz6hv2rzkbhrvefe5gfu4v3yvu.txt summary: Keywords: historical linguistics, spelling variation, automatic normalization, The VARiant Detector (VARD) tools aimed to detect spelling variation in For the corpus of Early Modern German, a spelling variation detection tool is a rule-based method to automatically cluster spelling variants together. These letters were manually normalised to the modern spelling by a linguist. tool that creates a list of edit rules on the basis of a corpus labelled with To rewrite a spelling variant to its modern form may need multiple different modern Portuguese orthography, tells us that a total of 718 edit rules were needed DICER to further improve the VARD2 tool for automatic spelling normalisation VARD2 uses a set of rewrite rules to generate the modern word form to build a Brazilian Portuguese spelling variants dictionary'', in Proceedings of the corpus Rayson, ''VARD 2: A tool for dealing with spelling variation in historical Giusti, et al., ''Automatic detection of spelling variation in historical corpus'', sec 9. id: work_igszpq4aarh3jfnrk7h4q4oaom author: Rob Brierley title: International Liver Cancer Association Annual Conference date: 2009 words: 1121.0 sentences: 75.0 pages: 4 flesch: 50.0 cache: ./cache/work_igszpq4aarh3jfnrk7h4q4oaom.pdf txt: ./txt/work_igszpq4aarh3jfnrk7h4q4oaom.txt summary: Review: International Students of History Association Annual Conference – Eric Jeswein is a B.A. student of History and Area Studies at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and elected member of the council of ISHA as well as the editor for the "Carnival" journal. This year''s Annual Conference of ISHA, the International Students of History join the debate on "Digital Humanities," a broadly defined field, which encompasses both object and method of historical research, to discuss emerging ways Other workshops took a different approach on "Digital Humanities" by looking at their integration in traditional places of historical representation and asked questions on how new technologies can be applied in, for example, discussion in ISHA about how to raise the academic standards of its events making the organization (the largest of its kind in Europe) still accessible for students Here we debated the role of ISHA as a representative body for students of history in Europe and how we could make the id: work_epd3m3kblbgdnohw24udk3giay author: Roberto MAZZOLA title: Il futuro degli studi umanistici al tempo dei Big Data date: 2018 words: 4860.0 sentences: 722.0 pages: 12 flesch: 64.0 cache: ./cache/work_epd3m3kblbgdnohw24udk3giay.pdf txt: ./txt/work_epd3m3kblbgdnohw24udk3giay.txt summary: In particolare, il dilagare dell''acritica accettazione sociale della presunta asetticità euristica dei dati, che in realtà non sono neutri perché estratti da modelli nel suo sviluppo storico, la collaborazione tra linguisti computazionali e umanisti in molti casi non ha superato il livello dell''analisi automatica dei dati linguistici, nella sostanziale autoreferenzialità delle rispettive competenze; chiusura Per quanti operano nel nuovo ambiente digitale non è difficile riconoscere il collegamento esistente tra gli attuali metadati, che utilizzano non solo abbiamo assistito alla costante migrazione in rete delle forme tradizionali della circolazione del sapere umanistico, ma anche all''emergenza di una i cosiddetti contenuti spendibili sul mercato delle applicazioni degli ultimi ritrovati tecnologici di realtà aumentata o virtuale, dove cultura e svago si fondono e si confondono o che, nel peggiore dei casi, sono miseramente destinati Nel prossimo futuro, possiamo esserne certi, le possibilità di finanziamento aumenteranno ulteriormente se alla parola chiave Digital si aggiungerà quella di Big Data, indispensabile alle Big Humanities, che come id: work_2xab3fqtfjh7dhk52oxbqchiay author: Roberto Therón Sánchez title: Towards an Uncertainty-Aware Visualization in the Digital Humanities date: 2019 words: 8523.0 sentences: 727.0 pages: 14 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_2xab3fqtfjh7dhk52oxbqchiay.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2xab3fqtfjh7dhk52oxbqchiay.txt summary: From this review, we select an uncertainty taxonomy related to the humanities that we link to recent Keywords: progressive visual analytics; uncertainty taxonomies; digital humanities applied in DH research are the analysis of large data sets and digitized sources, data visualization, (PROgressive VIsual DEcision Making for Digital Humanities) research project, which aims to enhance and processing of data in DH research and practice is subject to uncertainty. progressive visual analysis proposal that approaches DH projects or experiences in which uncertainty • Uncertainty in visualization: The process of presenting the information to the final user is also DH projects: Uncertainty in GIScience [38], a data set of French medieval texts [39], information related to early holocaust data [40], and an approach to the presence of uncertainties in visual analysis [41]. An uncertainty-aware progressive visualization workflow model for the Digital Humanities Data and Uncertainty in Digital Humanities Data and Uncertainty in Digital Humanities id: work_y3latjeqz5adxdtpqzaema4akm author: Rocío Ortuño title: Introduction to Digital Humanities date: 2019 words: 2939.0 sentences: 222.0 pages: 19 flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_y3latjeqz5adxdtpqzaema4akm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_y3latjeqz5adxdtpqzaema4akm.txt summary: 100 books or more, you may want to use digital tools, as doing it without them would be the use of digital tools for their quantitative research in the late 20th century. natural language processing – with digital tools are being used in Literary studies nowadays Computational Linguistics, quite an old discipline actually, and Digital Humanities. Therefore, any of the answers is alright, if using digital tools, except for just writing a Distant Reading is one of the main theoretical frameworks for the use of digital tools. involve different disciplines, address larger research questions and need more complex book series called Debates in the Digital Humanities. This tricky question just aims to show you a few projects related to Digital Humanities in What kind of questions you can answer using digital tools and the kind of And how Digital Humanities being created and developed and id: work_xe7nfcf7krednl3rd2iu55jkqa author: Roopika Risam title: Diasporizing the Digital Humanities date: 2016 words: 1599.0 sentences: 134.0 pages: 4 flesch: 45.0 cache: ./cache/work_xe7nfcf7krednl3rd2iu55jkqa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xe7nfcf7krednl3rd2iu55jkqa.txt summary: Roopika Risam, Salem State University access to financial resources, data, and labor (Prescott 2016; Hockey 2016; Evans and Rees 2012). In response, how can digital humanities scholars find value in work undertaken at a small scale? small-scale digital humanities projects while working digital humanities praxis (Minimal Computing Working Group 2015). does not require digital humanities centers, big data, At Salem State, we have embraced micro digital for claiming the legitimacy of small-scale digital humanities. university resources and existing institutional structures to build a digital humanities community. the primacy of local resources in micro digital humanities. a small-scale digital humanities project over the These micro digital humanities practices have been the foundation of the digital humanities community at the university. Beyond the Digital Humanities Center: Micro DH: Digital Humanities at the Small Scale Micro DH: Digital Humanities at the Small Scale Micro DH: Digital Humanities at the Small Scale id: work_kib3vvczfrhgjcndinv5doj4mm author: Ross S. Purves title: From Space to Place: Place-Based Explorations of Text date: 2015 words: 6638.0 sentences: 549.0 pages: 22 flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_kib3vvczfrhgjcndinv5doj4mm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kib3vvczfrhgjcndinv5doj4mm.txt summary: historical text documents, provide us with new opportunities for exploring how place is described. use of vernacular names, ways in which concepts such as mountain are used in different locations and by different groups, approaches to automatically generating macro-maps in space and time and, finally, place in the sense of human geography within the context of Geographic Information Science. Keywords: sense of place; vernacular place names; locale; macro-maps; GIS notions of place using digital sources ranging from user generated content, ideas related to place, primarily in terms of location (e.g. in work with toponyms) toponyms through readings of text and exploring the regions associated with !-maps for four terms associated with locale in Switzerland and Great to explore both location and locale in the context of mountain landscapes in S. Purves, ''Exploring place through user-generated content: Using Flickr Derungs and Purves, ''From text to landscape: Locating, identifying and mapping the use of id: work_i3mw2vvh5zfs3ivojaa7gp3dr4 author: Roy D. Sleator title: Digitizing humanity date: 2013 words: 144.0 sentences: 26.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_i3mw2vvh5zfs3ivojaa7gp3dr4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_i3mw2vvh5zfs3ivojaa7gp3dr4.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 219155708 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:28:39 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_7ebterjnvnahxgdvqdngzjp3de author: Rui Hu title: Analyzing and visualizing ancient Maya hieroglyphics using shape: From computer vision to Digital Humanities date: 2017 words: 769.0 sentences: 161.0 pages: flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_7ebterjnvnahxgdvqdngzjp3de.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7ebterjnvnahxgdvqdngzjp3de.txt summary: [PDF] Analyzing and visualizing ancient Maya hieroglyphics using shape: From computer vision to Digital Humanities | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 3141626Analyzing and visualizing ancient Maya hieroglyphics using shape: From computer vision to Digital Humanities title={Analyzing and visualizing ancient Maya hieroglyphics using shape: From computer vision to Digital Humanities}, Figures and Topics from this paper Sort by Most Influenced Papers View 1 excerpt, cites background Analyzing Ancient Maya Glyph Collections with Contextual Shape Descriptors Assessing a Shape Descriptor for Analysis of Mesoamerican Hieroglyphics: A View Towards Practice in Digital Humanities Statistical Shape Descriptors for Ancient Maya Hieroglyphs Analysis View 6 excerpts, references background and methods View 2 excerpts, references methods View 2 excerpts, references methods View 2 excerpts, references methods View 2 excerpts, references methods By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License id: work_z3tmknt3lvavrfpx3ne66ftc24 author: S. Münster title: A SURVEY ON TOPICS, RESEARCHERS AND CULTURES IN THE FIELD OF DIGITAL HERITAGE date: 2017 words: 3952.0 sentences: 412.0 pages: 6 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_z3tmknt3lvavrfpx3ne66ftc24.pdf txt: ./txt/work_z3tmknt3lvavrfpx3ne66ftc24.txt summary: KEY WORDS: Digital heritage, Survey, Topics, Scholarly Area Digital heritage comprises a broad variety of approaches and topics and involves researchers from multiple disciplines. of digital methods in the text-oriented disciplines dealing with cultural heritage is widely discussed and canonized, an up-to-date on standards, publications, disciplinary cultures as well as scholars in the field of digital heritage, carried out in 2016 and 2017. includes results of a workshop-based survey involving 44 researchers, 15 qualitative interviews as well as an online survey with series are most relevant for a scientific discourse, and especially EU projects set pace as most important research endeavours. • What are research areas and topics in the field of digital of both studies, researchers in the fields of digital heritage are methods in cultural heritage and digital humanities, Drucker research community on digital cultural heritage. a community on topics of digital cultural heritage. id: work_yhcrp5ma7rh4nltoxdzsabrzai author: S. Münster title: DIGITAL CULTURAL HERITAGE MEETS DIGITAL HUMANITIES date: 2019 words: 8155.0 sentences: 740.0 pages: 8 flesch: 46.0 cache: ./cache/work_yhcrp5ma7rh4nltoxdzsabrzai.pdf txt: ./txt/work_yhcrp5ma7rh4nltoxdzsabrzai.txt summary: 3 Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Digital Humanities / Art History, Erlangen, Germany KEY WORDS: Digital Humanities, Digital Cultural Heritage, Topics, Challenges, Essay Digital Cultural Heritage and Digital Humanities are, historically seen, in focus of different communities as well as approaching of digital humanities and cultural heritage research? data foci of digital humanities are texts, images and objects. broad variety of approaches and topics, digital cultural heritage humanities and digital cultural heritage. humanities and digital cultural heritage. obvious communalities, digital humanities and heritage share time, digital humanities foster different systems of data heritage especially provides evidence of new cultural research Main objects of study of both digital heritage and humanities cultural heritage and digital humanities in their treatment of heritage researchers use digital data coming from different Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage expertise must be the Humanities Scholar: Documenting Digital Research Cultures in the Field of Digital Heritage. id: work_6xk5ftfpgfdoviacjhoxalslhq author: S. Münster title: Future Research Challenges for a Computer-Based Interpretative 3D Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage - A German Community''s View date: 2015 words: 5709.0 sentences: 582.0 pages: 7 flesch: 48.0 cache: ./cache/work_6xk5ftfpgfdoviacjhoxalslhq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6xk5ftfpgfdoviacjhoxalslhq.txt summary: 3D RECONSTRUCTION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE A GERMAN COMMUNITY''S KEY WORDS: Virtual 3D reconstruction, Perspectives, Survey, Research agenda reconstruction of cultural heritage and currently involves more than 40 German researchers. contribution to the so-called agenda development process initiated by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in 2014 and has been amended during a joint meeting of the digital reconstruction workgroup in November 2014. In practice, concerning establishment, digital reconstructions A German research environment on digital humanities to which also belongs digital reconstruction of cultural heritage is work and research focus on the field of digital reconstructions, Digital reconstructions do not just use technologies available in 2.2 Digital reconstruction between research and practical digital reconstruction (Münster et al., in print). 2.8 Establishing digital reconstruction in the German of digital reconstruction technologies have to be established and Digital Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage – Questions of id: work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfm author: S. van Hooland title: Exploring entity recognition and disambiguation for cultural heritage collections date: 2013 words: 10646.0 sentences: 764.0 pages: 18 flesch: 53.0 cache: ./cache/work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_peutawgvezbthoqdwyuujshbfm.txt summary: limitations of Named-Entity Recognition (NER) and Term Extraction (TE) to mine such unstructured performance of three third-party entity extraction services through a comprehensive case study, based the unstructured narrative offered in descriptive fields for meaningful concepts through the use of namedentity recognition (NER) and term extraction (TE). in what follows we use the well-known acronym NER to cover both named-entity recognition and term the Semantic Web community, consists in disambiguating named entities with data from the Linking Term Extraction, and Zemanta, provide services for named-entity extraction and disambiguation within the precision, recall, and F1 score of the different NER services against the manually annotated data. identified by the services, i.e. terms rather than named-entities, such as epigraphy or gold for example, Linked Data and the Potential of entity extraction for the Digital Humanities Linked Data and the Potential of entity extraction for the Digital Humanities id: work_d7dssdffpfd35gxifapptm2qvi author: Samuel Nowakowski title: From Digital Humanities to a Renewed Approach to Digital Learning and Teaching date: 2019 words: 4862.0 sentences: 354.0 pages: 12 flesch: 66.0 cache: ./cache/work_d7dssdffpfd35gxifapptm2qvi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_d7dssdffpfd35gxifapptm2qvi.txt summary: How would this affect our understanding of the human, since in this world beyond the KOALA is a new online learning platform that comes back to internet sources. and acentric, KOALA combines analyzes from the digital humanities and answers to the Keywords: computer environments, LMS, human values, digital support, teaching and learning. "It''s our dreams that turn us from machines into full-fledged human beings." machines our capacity to decide, to think, … our humanity … and without possible Human beings obviously have genius to design, manufacture and use tools. What is the human in a world increasingly machinized? masses of data, to act intelligences cannot replace this ability of human thought to go To universe-city is to consider that the learning and the construction of the personal Our answer is called KOALA, for "Knowledge Aware Learning Assistant". a learning society, we have developed a new platform that allows us to return to the id: work_mlnmubhsxbe3haantprvffezpi author: Sarah Ketchley title: Building Bridges: Pedagogical Strategies for Introducing Digital Humanities in the Undergraduate and Graduate Classroom date: 2020 words: 1642.0 sentences: 103.0 pages: 1 flesch: 40.0 cache: ./cache/work_mlnmubhsxbe3haantprvffezpi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mlnmubhsxbe3haantprvffezpi.txt summary: Developing literacies in the digital humanities classroom include, yet transcend, the ''traditional'' passive literacies of digital pedagogy helps faculty identify how to leverage the expertise available through the library and Centers for This poster highlights some of the challenges of teaching introductory-level digital humanities courses in undergraduate and graduate classrooms, and describes pedagogical solutions developed by faculty at UCLA and the University of Washington to address these These solutions include identifying and developing the core skill sets students need to begin work in digital humanities, including best practices for project management, for working with data, and interpreting and presenting analyses. librarianship, technical expertise, digital project development and management, as well as the provision of training, workshop development developing their digital humanities curricula, more often they develop course materials without taking advantage of overlapping expertise A no-prerequisite course to introduce students to concepts and methodologies of using digital humanities tools for dataset creation, id: work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgva author: Sarah Schulz title: The Taming of the Shrew - non-standard text processing in the Digital Humanities date: 2018 words: 75016.0 sentences: 6726.0 pages: 196 flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgva.pdf txt: ./txt/work_z3gfyd2aqfdwvgzfxshqo6mgva.txt summary: which offers an ideal environment for the development of new methods and combined workflows, but also by the nature of texts found in the context of these research questions. prospects of different approaches towards the processing of text in a low resource setting, investigating the influence of data quality and quantity as well as the significance of algorithms and a number of important preprocessing tools which influences the possibilities of deeper syntactic and semantic processing, I provide a POS tagger for Middle High German to improve this In this chapter, I introduce concepts that are relevant to understand natural language processing (NLP) in a Digital Humanities (DH) context. Even though specific problem solving and generic modular approaches seemingly build natural contrasts, easily adaptable architectures that can, with little effort, be customized to different text types and research questions, are the key to keeping a balance between time-saving id: work_7tqfly2aurcuzfasapzyzdredy author: Scott B. Weingart title: What''s Under the Big Tent?: A Study of ADHO Conference Abstracts date: 2017 words: 4622.0 sentences: 485.0 pages: 18 flesch: 46.0 cache: ./cache/work_7tqfly2aurcuzfasapzyzdredy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7tqfly2aurcuzfasapzyzdredy.txt summary: This is a peer-reviewed article in Digital Studies/Le champ numérique, a journal published by the Open This study identifies how the flagship Digital Humanities conference has The annual Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) conference provides Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) itself hosted more attendees than ADHO''s conference), but it is international digital humanities conferences, and as such are the focus of this analysis. that while ADHO''s conference is not a synecdoche for the entire digital humanities The number of presentations and unique authors at the annual conference has attendees were also authors of conference presentations. 5 See for a more detailed of 200 participants, and the various other digital humanities communities and conferences. Figure 7: Country of author institutions to DH conferences 2004–2013. if conference location correlates to regional diversity of authors, ADHO might "Representation at Digital Humanities Conferences (2000–2015)." id: work_rdemphivhzfxjk2g3v3pzokjei author: Serena Ferrando title: Noisemakers! Putting the Analog in Digital Humanities date: 2019 words: 4074.0 sentences: 248.0 pages: 10 flesch: 60.0 cache: ./cache/work_rdemphivhzfxjk2g3v3pzokjei.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rdemphivhzfxjk2g3v3pzokjei.txt summary: laser cut geographical map with Arduino controllers, and a Futuristic noise intoner.1 Collaborative, introduction to the field of sound and noise studies, and this theoretical knowledge was manifested in section of the lab where students built hybrid analog/digital sound/noise artifacts with the intention to their laptops, students tested how users would be able to play and manipulate loops of the sounds their Launchpad controllers to play their found sounds.6 This patch was mapped to the MIDI outputs the patch worked, we showed them how to geo-locate their sounds in Max/MSP by adding an image The embedding of analog features in a digital artifact such as a Max sound map, like the one in Interactive map combining digital and analog media. button and a resistor to a digital input and two pots to analog inputs on the Arduino Uno board (fig. The skills required to develop noise-based artifacts such as the laser-cut Arduino-controlled map id: work_c5efogsiqvfwdjdkqde277cqvi author: Shao-Xiang Zhang title: The Chinese Visible Human (CVH) datasets incorporate technical and imaging advances on earlier digital humans date: 2004 words: 3848.0 sentences: 337.0 pages: 10 flesch: 66.0 cache: ./cache/work_c5efogsiqvfwdjdkqde277cqvi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_c5efogsiqvfwdjdkqde277cqvi.txt summary: The Chinese Visible Human (CVH) datasets incorporate Department of Imaging Diagnosis, Research Institute of Field Surgery, Daping Hospital, Third Military Medical University, Embalmed cadavers were embedded in gelatin and cryosectioned whole so as to avoid section loss male and female datasets are available at http:// Fig. 1 CT and MR images of the CVH male (a) and female 90.65 Gb. The axial anatomical images of the CVH Fig. 4 Transverse section image of head Fig. 4 Transverse section image of head After data acquisition of the CVH male and female the image data of the volume cross-sectional plane The CVH male and female datasets are held at http:// volume rendering of the Chinese Visible Human datasets All digital images of milled surfaces had Project'', in which intervals between adjacent sections of the visible male and female are 1.0 mm and sectioned images ( Visible Korean Human). id: work_6fe3wiohwvaknjow5afof3i6gi author: Sharon Webb title: Mining Oral History Collections Using Music Information Retrieval Methods date: 2017 words: 6962.0 sentences: 458.0 pages: 25 flesch: 43.0 cache: ./cache/work_6fe3wiohwvaknjow5afof3i6gi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6fe3wiohwvaknjow5afof3i6gi.txt summary: application of audio analysis techniques and methods to spoken word collections. – to treat digital audio files as text.1 We applied Music Information Retrieval (hereafter MIR) techniques to oral history interviews in order to develop new, complementary, approaches to text potential utility of MIR techniques to problems in both oral history and the digital humanities, 2 ''Data-Mining the Audio of Oral History: A Workshop in Music Information Retrieval'' at London College of Communication (March 2017) collections using audio feature analysis and from delivering workshops on MIR in a digital decided to explore the potential for direct audio analysis of oral history interviews. The first workshop, ''Music Information Retrieval Algorithms for Oral History worked with digital audio files from the ''Archive of Resistance'': a growing collection of oral collections).14 For example, digital audio files can be automatically described using high level Content based MIR combines methods of digital signal processing, machine learning and id: work_dgo3rarr6fgfjldjz472zd62uu author: Shishir Subramanyam title: Comparing the Quality of Highly Realistic Digital Humans in 3DoF and 6DoF: A Volumetric Video Case Study date: 2020 words: 9821.0 sentences: 716.0 pages: 10 flesch: 65.0 cache: ./cache/work_dgo3rarr6fgfjldjz472zd62uu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_dgo3rarr6fgfjldjz472zd62uu.txt summary: this study, we evaluate how the visual quality of digital humans, represented using point clouds, is affected by compression distortions. We compare the performance of the upcoming point cloud compression standard against an octree-based anchor codec. work performing user quality evaluation of dynamic point clouds between different encoding configurations of digital humans, represented as point clouds. evaluation of the quality of highly realistic digital humans represented as dynamic point clouds in immersive viewing conditions. into account VR viewing conditions; 2) It provides quantitative subjective results about the perceived quality of the contents, along with Figures 4 and 5 shows the results of the subjective quality assessment of the contents comprising test T1 and test T2, respectively, with Holm p-value correction showed statistical significance in differences between contents Manfred and Queen at bit-rates R2 and Point cloud quality evaluation: Towards a definition for test conditions. id: work_stq3isqfrvbdvilfzdzdbs3qqm author: Shuaiyin Zhu title: Predicting Realistic and Precise Human Body Models Under Clothing Based on Orthogonal-view Photos date: 2015 words: 3414.0 sentences: 316.0 pages: 8 flesch: 64.0 cache: ./cache/work_stq3isqfrvbdvilfzdzdbs3qqm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_stq3isqfrvbdvilfzdzdbs3qqm.txt summary: Predicting Realistic and Precise Human Body Models Under Clothing Based on Orthogonal-view Photos method to customize 3D digital human body models based on two orthogonal-view photos of the customers. body scan, any customers can create their 3D digital body models only based on their orthogonal-view photos in normal or loosefit clothing. proposed reconstructive methods to capture, from images or size measurements, customer''s body features, which In this study, we propose an intelligent two-phase method to customize 3D digital human body model based on Accurate human body models are required in many research areas, such as clothing design, computer vision and In this paper, we proposed a two-phase method to customize human body models from photos in which subjects Our method aims to create accurate body models under clothing based on customer''s photos. The second phase of the proposed method on clothed subject body model customization is to reconstruct the id: work_bp5h7fwmhra6lei67xdw27i6by author: Shunfu Hu title: Web-based Multimedia Mapping for Spatial Analysis and Visualization in the Digital Humanities: a Case Study of Language Documentation in Nepal date: 2018 words: 7051.0 sentences: 606.0 pages: 14 flesch: 56.0 cache: ./cache/work_bp5h7fwmhra6lei67xdw27i6by.pdf txt: ./txt/work_bp5h7fwmhra6lei67xdw27i6by.txt summary: Web-based Multimedia Mapping for Spatial Analysis and Visualization in the Digital Humanities: a Case Study of Language Documentation in Nepal to collect audio and visual recordings of three types of socio-linguistic data: language attitudes and practices interviews, free-form twenty-six Manang villages; (2) design and develop a Web-based, interactive multimedia atlas that can display data points corresponding to the speakers, links to the three types of data gathered in multimedia format, provides friendly user interface for the manipulation awareness of language structures, language practices, language endangerment, and opportunities for preservation, all through this easyto-use means that enhance the geo-spatial representation in engaging visual and sensory (multimedia) formats. In such projects, mapping is used in the spatial visualization of multimedia information, including digital still images, Fig. 3 Initial launch of the Web-based multimedia atlas, which displays the three tabs, the Google Maps, the locations of all 87 sociolinguistic interviews id: work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm author: Sigrid Anderson Cordell title: So what are you going to do with that?: The promises and pitfalls of massive data sets date: 2017 words: 7162.0 sentences: 437.0 pages: 15 flesch: 51.0 cache: ./cache/work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2mmfgozb35ghnkw55ivtgdsuqm.txt summary: humanities research in making a relatively clean data set of texts from the early modern period available, the structure of the data set itself poses considerable challenges usability of massive humanities data sets like the EEBO-TCP project presents an This article takes as its case study the challenge of massive data sets for text mining, sources that have been lauded as offering tremendous promise for DH methodology but present very specific challenges for humanities scholars with minimal programming skills. New digital methodologies and sources for humanistic scholarship raise new questions for training humanities scholars, as well as for the roles that libraries can play By nature, the digital humanities project, big or small, requires a collaborative team approach with roles for scholars, ''technologists,'' and librarians" (4). supporting digital scholarship projects with large data sets for research and learning. id: work_vogyigkauvf2nbsuix6d53krpe author: Silvio Peroni title: Atari Go date: 2018 words: 376.0 sentences: 71.0 pages: 1 flesch: 76.0 cache: ./cache/work_vogyigkauvf2nbsuix6d53krpe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_vogyigkauvf2nbsuix6d53krpe.txt summary: 1. Two teams, Black and White, take turns placing a stone 2. Once placed, stones do not move 3. A vacant point adjacent to a stone is called a liberty for that 4. Connected stones formed a group and share their liberties 5. A stone or group with no liberties is captured The White stone has white) already positioned on the board, and returns the x, y coordinate (a tuple) of a free intersection where to place a new colour stone. def place_stone(colour, black, white): # best place where to position the stone return x, y # the coordinates of the new stone Atari Go, a.k.a. Capture Go, is a simplified version of Go, usually proposed to beginners so as to learn the basic rules of Go. Improve the Wikipedia page about it: (For help in editing Wikipedia: DHDK degree at the University of Bologna (Twitter: @UniboDHDK). id: work_wmvkb7pnbngx3onvlzvyzpyiam author: Simon Mahony title: Cultural Diversity and the Digital Humanities date: 2018 words: 7609.0 sentences: 625.0 pages: 18 flesch: 49.0 cache: ./cache/work_wmvkb7pnbngx3onvlzvyzpyiam.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wmvkb7pnbngx3onvlzvyzpyiam.txt summary: Keywords Digital humanities · Cultural diversity · Multi-lingualism · Community · Department of Information Studies, UCL Centre for Digital Humanities, University College Colleagues at the UCL Centre for Digital Humanities (UCLDH), Julianne see the new journal of the Italian Association of Digital Humanities, Umanistica Fig. 2 Languages of the primary sources presented in the Catalogue of Digital Editions. Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) Chinese Text Project new publication in the journal Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, examining text Building a global Digital Humanities community'', Galina raises many of the leading centre of linguistic expertise, teaching and researching more than 80 languages'' http://www.ucl. The field of digital humanities has arguably been built on openness and a sense of among researchers and students of the Digital Arts, Humanities, and Cultural ''Crowdsourcing a digital library of pre-modern Chinese'' http://www. Digital Humanities at the Department of Information Studies, University College London (UCL). id: work_t2ivttbxvjfh5m7xoe5zpzje7i author: Simone Rebora title: Mining Goodreads. A Digital Humanities Project for the Study of Reading Absorption date: 2020 words: 2276.0 sentences: 192.0 pages: 6 flesch: 55.0 cache: ./cache/work_t2ivttbxvjfh5m7xoe5zpzje7i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_t2ivttbxvjfh5m7xoe5zpzje7i.txt summary: A Digital Humanities Project for the Study of Reading We present our method and interim results of the "Mining Goodreads" project, aimed at developing a computational approach to measure reading absorption in user-generated book reviews in English. empirical literary studies, natural language processing, and digital humanities, with the goal of producing a gold-standard annotated dataset and strengthening the theoretical framework of reading rounds, while machine learning approaches were applied on the annotated corpus, producing reading absorption; social reading; empirical literary studies; machine learning; inter-annotator that matches with the SWAS statement "I felt absorbed in the story"); another reviewer by the fact that Goodreads hosts about 90 million reviews [http2]: a big data repository that Between March 2019 and May 2020, the five annotators have tagged a total of 830 reviews. amounts of annotated reviews gradually diminished at each round (offering the possibility to Number of tags and annotated reviews. "Detection of Reading Absorption in User-Generated Book Reviews: Resources id: work_r3py5ojsirb6pjnvglevsz22p4 author: Simonetta Montemagni title: The Space of Tuscan Dialectal Variation: A Correlation Study date: 2008 words: 6669.0 sentences: 366.0 pages: 14 flesch: 47.0 cache: ./cache/work_r3py5ojsirb6pjnvglevsz22p4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_r3py5ojsirb6pjnvglevsz22p4.txt summary: multi-level representation scheme of dialectal data, the study analyses attested patterns of phonetic and morpho-lexical variation with Achieved results demonstrate that phonetic and morpho-lexical variations in Tuscany seem to follow a different pattern than Yet, the correlation between different feature types in defining patterns of dialectal variation represents an area of dialectometric studies, where it is possible to measure dialectal distances with respect to distinct linguistic levels and to a) patterns of dialectal variation computed with respect to different linguistic levels correlate in the language varieties spoken First, patterns of phonetic and lexical variation could be studied with respect to different representation levels, providing study of lexical variation words are to be considered as the linguistic units with respect to which the distance computation is By focussing on Tuscan dialects only, the global correlation between phonetic and morpho-lexical distances turns out to be id: work_ogmd4khudnaf3lv6cszd243bvm author: Sinem Kuz title: Mirror Neuronsand Human-robot Interaction in Assembly Cells date: 2015 words: 3242.0 sentences: 283.0 pages: 7 flesch: 51.0 cache: ./cache/work_ogmd4khudnaf3lv6cszd243bvm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ogmd4khudnaf3lv6cszd243bvm.txt summary: virtual gantry robot and a digital human model during placing movements were designed to use in the functional magnetic anthropomorphism, in particular in motion behavior of a gantry robot in comparison to a digital human model, on To measure the brain activity, videos of a virtual gantry robot and a digital human model human mirror neuron activation during observation of robotic actions and had controversial discussions about the anthropomorphic movement control of a virtual gantry robot relates to increased brain activations in MNS in different videos of the human model and eight of the virtual gantry robot. Fig. 3.The digital human model (left) and the virtual gantry robot (right). In summary, the imaging data show that observation of both anthropomorphic and robotic movements is process Fig. 5.Brain activation during observation of anthropomorphic (A) and of robotic movements (B). The anthropomorphic brain: The mirror neuron system responds to human and robotic actions. id: work_ytz52hnlyzhjfjj4q6fcppsxla author: Sinn-Cheng Lin title: Applying Public History to Co-build the Digital Humanities Collaboration System of Tamsui''s Memory date: 2016 words: 4317.0 sentences: 1165.0 pages: 32 flesch: 65.0 cache: ./cache/work_ytz52hnlyzhjfjj4q6fcppsxla.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ytz52hnlyzhjfjj4q6fcppsxla.txt summary: 索於2015年10月25日,;Mozilla Taiwan, "Mozilla Taiwan Community," MozTW Wiki, last modified December 25, 2013, accessed October 25, 2015, http:// Keywords: Digital Humanities, Public History, Tamsui Study, Wiki collaboration study is based on concepts of Public History and features of digital archives and This study is based on the Wiki collaborative system to develop participative 1. Vincent Shen, Confucianism, Taoism and Constructive Realism (Wien: WUVUniversitätsverlag, 1994), accessed October 21, 2015, Vincent Shen, Confucianism, Taoism and Constructive Realism (Wien: WUVUniversitätsverlag, 1994), accessed October 21, 2015, accessed October 20, 2015,; The Library accessed October 20, 2015,; The Library 133Lin and Chen: Applying Public History to Co-build the Digital Humanities Collaboration System of Tamsui''s Memory 133Lin and Chen: Applying Public History to Co-build the Digital Humanities Collaboration System of Tamsui''s Memory 133Lin and Chen: Applying Public History to Co-build the Digital Humanities Collaboration System of Tamsui''s Memory id: work_waw5cdqmxbe5vdfn2k3ddmdqfq author: Sophie Marcotte title: Introduction: « Humanités numériques: identités, pratiques et théories » date: 2019 words: 1549.0 sentences: 155.0 pages: 5 flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_waw5cdqmxbe5vdfn2k3ddmdqfq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_waw5cdqmxbe5vdfn2k3ddmdqfq.txt summary: "Introduction: « Humanités numériques: identités, pratiques et théories »." "Introduction: « Humanités numériques: identités, pratiques et théories »." This is a peer-reviewed article in Digital Studies/Le champ numérique, a journal published by the Open Digital Studies/Le champ numérique is a peer-reviewed open access journal. Les technologies numériques ont profondément modifié nos pratiques observées actuellement dans le domaine des humanités numériques en savoir dans les sciences humaines et sociales. Keyword: Digital Humanities; Research Tools; Theoretical and Practical Les technologies numériques ont profondément modifié nos pratiques de recherche, en sciences humaines et sociales demeurent isolés les uns des autres. humanités numériques en français, plus précisément dans la sphère de production et de diffusion du savoir dans les sciences humaines et sociales. Quarterly entièrement consacré à des articles sur les humanités numériques en "Introduction: « Humanités numériques: identités, pratiques et théories »." Digital Studies/ OPEN ACCESS Digital Studies/Le champ numérique is a peer-reviewed open id: work_3dobvgv6hjcjzkwylztzizzpki author: Staffan Björkenstam title: Enhancing Digital Human Motion Planning of Assembly Tasks Through Dynamics and Optimal Control date: 2016 words: 4367.0 sentences: 571.0 pages: 6 flesch: 73.0 cache: ./cache/work_3dobvgv6hjcjzkwylztzizzpki.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3dobvgv6hjcjzkwylztzizzpki.txt summary: Enhancing digital human motion planning of assembly tasks through dynamics and optimal control investigate the importance of modeling dynamics when planning for manual assembly operations. motion planning problem using the Discrete Mechanics and Optimal Control (DMOC) method, which makes it possible to optimize with respect to First, two industrial cases are simulated using a quasi-static inverse kinematics solver, demonstrating problems where Then, the DMOC-method is used to solve for optimal trajectories of a lifting operation with dynamics. Keywords: Assembly; Digital human modeling; Ergonomy; Dynamics; Optimal control As a consequence, ergonomics studies are time consuming and are mostly done for static poses, not for full assembly The dynamic motion planning problem is stated as an optimal kinematic problems, both quasi-static and with dynamics. discrete equations of motion, the resulting optimization problem discrete optimal control problem: Minimize Here we compute trajectories for the manikin using the optimal control approach described Section 2.4. id: work_3pih7g5g3jalpf6ckdlifzsitu author: Stefan Bornhofen title: Exploring dynamic multilayer graphs for digital humanities date: 2020 words: 6649.0 sentences: 557.0 pages: 13 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_3pih7g5g3jalpf6ckdlifzsitu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3pih7g5g3jalpf6ckdlifzsitu.txt summary: The paper presents Intergraph, a graph-based visual analytics technical demonstrator one of the first interactive tools to visualize dynamic multilayer graphs for collections of specifically, it helps to answer the following questions: How is a given named entity (person, institution or location) represented in a collection? project, a French-Luxembourgish research project dedicated to develop novel visualizations of dynamic multilayer graphs ( the nature of links between entities, the data was not considered usable for the reconstruction and quantitative analysis of a historical social network without significant manual Interactive network visualizations have been used in and around the digital humanities sphere to make datasets accessible for exploration and research (Jänicke et al. a matter of fact, recent research suggests that multilayer graphs allow for more complexity in the exploration of historical data (McGee et al. designed to demonstrate concepts and to illustrate universal approaches to dynamic multilayer graph visualizations. id: work_3hxrsoea2bdiln2bg76j552qdi author: Stefano Calzati title: Digital Autoethnography & Connected Intelligence: Two Qualitative Practice-Based Teaching Methods for the Digital Humanities date: 2019 words: 8627.0 sentences: 559.0 pages: 17 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_3hxrsoea2bdiln2bg76j552qdi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3hxrsoea2bdiln2bg76j552qdi.txt summary: our daily use of digital technologies, as well as in today''s techno-society as a whole. digital technologies are having on today''s teachers and students. be useful to promote a debate intersecting teaching, learning and digital technologies which technologies the subject of attention, highlighting the importance of developing new digital need, at all levels of education, to foster collaboratively shaped (teacher-students) new digital experiences was to enhance students and teachers awareness about the impact that digital The first experience was a course in new digital literacies – titled "Facebook and techno-society and provide students with new critical insights and tools for consciously course was to make students conceive and design a technologically sustainable village, intended design/use of technology (as it was the case with the ethics macro-group, whose work remained discussed in light of the debate on the use of digital technologies in/for today''s techno-society, id: work_7r4tgxtkejf7dh3ricgg3ifcsi author: Stefano Morello title: Digital Humanities at CUNY. Building Communities of Practice in the Public University date: 2020 words: 7027.0 sentences: 392.0 pages: 10 flesch: 42.0 cache: ./cache/work_7r4tgxtkejf7dh3ricgg3ifcsi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7r4tgxtkejf7dh3ricgg3ifcsi.txt summary: on and engage critically with technology: the CUNY Distance Learning Archive (CDLA), a GC class project, and participants through an open access digital archive, mirroring my commitments to work with and for the community and to produce public-facing scholarship. foundational approach, the institute introduces its participants to technical skills and a conceptual vocabulary that serves as a basis for further learning and engagement in the field.2 As pointed out by Rhody in a forms of support to students and faculty seeking to integrate digital media into traditional academic practice) on supporting and developing faculty projects include the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH) at the critically with technology: the CUNY Distance Learning Archive (CDLA), a GC class projects that outgrew of the program working as professional writers, or using the digital literacy, communication skills, and collaborative approach to writing they developed through id: work_fs52igq465cbtkoirnfkiz766e author: Stephan Konz title: Forces and Torques in Lifting date: 1973 words: 2717.0 sentences: 388.0 pages: 6 flesch: 69.0 cache: ./cache/work_fs52igq465cbtkoirnfkiz766e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_fs52igq465cbtkoirnfkiz766e.txt summary: Analysis of Weight Distribution in Terms of Forces and Torques during Lifting In view of this Digital Human Modelling (DHM) technology offers human ergonomics experts the of this paper is to analyse and calculate the forces and torques on the different body parts during lifting weights in four different postures using Digital Human Modelling software. design methodology relying on digital human models makes the Citation: Ullah Z, Maqsood S (2019) Analysis of Weight Distribution in Term of Forces and Torques during Lifting Weight using Digital Human. mannequins in lifting task to calculate the forces and torques. digital human models for ergonomic analysis based on humanoid Applications of digital human modeling Analysis of Weight Distribution in Term of Forces and Torques during Lifting Weight using Digital Human Modelling Analysis of Weight Distribution in Term of Forces and Torques during Lifting Weight using Digital Human Modelling RESULTS OF DIGITAL HUMAN MODELLING RESULTS OF DIGITAL HUMAN MODELLING id: work_k4o3765kcze5ng3csakwkh2i2q author: Stephanie Meece title: Editor''s Note date: 2015 words: 269.0 sentences: 13.0 pages: 1 flesch: 49.0 cache: ./cache/work_k4o3765kcze5ng3csakwkh2i2q.pdf txt: ./txt/work_k4o3765kcze5ng3csakwkh2i2q.txt summary: This special issue of Art Libraries Journal is about Open Access to research in arts and design, and how arts librarians can and do contribute to Open Access As Open Access becomes part of the landscape of research and scholarly communications, librarians involved supporting researchers and in providing access to primary research in arts (whether text or this important change in scholarly communications. to arts research and arts librarians supporting The issue is opened with Watkins'' article, an introduction to the principles of Open Access, and why arts librarians should participate, from a licensing for open access resources from Tate; other articles provide specifi c instances of arts librarians contribution from a digital humanities researcher attempting to access open arts resources. Working for Open Access within a paradigm of scholarly communications devised by and for the of us working in this area, and support future Guest Editor, Art Libraries Journal id: work_zavmfv6apjdblhnspmsujd2uxq author: Stephen Brier title: History, Interactive Technology and Pedagogy: Past Successes and Future Directions date: 2012 words: 7880.0 sentences: 472.0 pages: 21 flesch: 49.0 cache: ./cache/work_zavmfv6apjdblhnspmsujd2uxq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_zavmfv6apjdblhnspmsujd2uxq.txt summary: and formats, including open-access, online peer reviewing, use of databases and visualization techniques in humanities work, online journal the CUNY Graduate Center, the author discusses a range of digital projects and approaches designed to improve the quality of teaching and to re-imagine and enhance traditional academic work and publishing, as such technologies already have in the quantitative social JSTOR project, founded in 1995, which made more than one thousand traditional print academic journals available online, was but the lead-times that typically define the entire academic journal submission-peer review-editing-publication process, Cohen noted that he The journal grows out of the work of the doctoral certificate program in Interactive Technology and Pedagogy7 that I questions — How might technology affect the ways historians conduct our research work, teach history to our students, and, finally, skills in digital technology and pedagogy into both traditional academic positions in universities and colleges around the country, as id: work_vfo53ls3ebbqjegkts2752dvjq author: Stephen Peplow title: The 1846 Repeal of the Corn Laws: Insights from a Classification Tree Approach date: 2014 words: 7033.0 sentences: 450.0 pages: 36 flesch: 59.0 cache: ./cache/work_vfo53ls3ebbqjegkts2752dvjq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_vfo53ls3ebbqjegkts2752dvjq.txt summary: Minister, Sir Robert Peel, in voting for Repeal. Repeal, Conservative MPs became torn between voting with the interests of their to vote in the direction of free trade as a result, but the effect on Conservative MPs bill to repeal the Corn Laws, provoking protectionist Conservative MPs into action. MPs voted with Peel and for Repeal. half of the Conservative MPs voted for the Repeal meant that Peel had lost the Pr (Vote for Repeal = f(wheat balance, party, wheat price, capital intensity, voting on repeal as the dependent variable. The dependent variable is coded as 1 means voted against Repeal (therefore For those Conservative MPs who voted for Maynooth, there is an interesting The 1846 Repeal of the Corn Laws: Insights from a Classification Tree Approach The 1846 Repeal of the Corn Laws: Insights from a Classification Tree Approach The 1846 Repeal of the Corn Laws: Insights from a Classification Tree Approach id: work_mrj66svz25cqhnlecuw2eaeyzy author: Stephen Summerskill title: The use of volumetric projections in Digital Human Modelling software for the identification of Large Goods Vehicle blind spots date: 2016 words: 552.0 sentences: 64.0 pages: flesch: 45.0 cache: ./cache/work_mrj66svz25cqhnlecuw2eaeyzy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mrj66svz25cqhnlecuw2eaeyzy.txt summary: The use of volumetric projections in Digital Human Modelling software for the identification of large goods vehicle blind spots IR_version.pdf (2.05 MB) Full details of this licence are available at: This paper was accepted for publication in the journal Applied Ergonomics and the definitive published version is available at Publisher version The use of volumetric projections in Digital Human Modelling software for the identification of large goods vehicle blind spots The use of volumetric projections in Digital Human Modelling software for the identification of large goods vehicle blind spots The use of volumetric projections in Digital Human Modelling software for the identification of large goods vehicle blind spots The use of volumetric projections in Digital Human Modelling software for the identification of large goods vehicle blind spots The use of volumetric projections in Digital Human Modelling software for the identification of large goods vehicle blind spots id: work_o2z7gldvknanpao5ofzcvdeptm author: Stewart Arneil title: Sustainability Strategies for Digital Humanities Systems date: 2020 words: 3039.0 sentences: 211.0 pages: 9 flesch: 43.0 cache: ./cache/work_o2z7gldvknanpao5ofzcvdeptm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_o2z7gldvknanpao5ofzcvdeptm.txt summary: Sustainability Strategies for Digital Humanities Systems for long-term archiving (LTA), when it comes to primary research data, the fact that the DH is needed to successfully sustain and archive DH projects and the software they use. the DFG-funded project "SustainLife Sustaining Living Digital Systems in the Humanities" Recognizing the problems inherent in conducting digital humanities research based on maintained, and enriched GAMS--a modular, standards-based, community-used software- available for other projects, thus enriching GAMS as well as the digital research King''s Digital Lab''s (KDL) (King''s College London) contribution to archiving and sustainability practices in Digital Humanities (DH) will be presented along the following From Our Recent Survey On Project Longevity In DH." Digital Humanities 2019 Digitales A.C. ''Archiving and Sustainability | King''s Digital Lab''. Systems in Digital Humanities''. Application Preservation in the Digital Humanities. ''Managing 100 Digital Humanities Projects: Digital Scholarship & Archiving in id: work_x4lhpka62jgj7l3bsavt7ii6yu author: Stewart Varner title: Library Instruction for Digital Humanities Pedagogy in Undergraduate Classes date: 2017 words: 6049.0 sentences: 341.0 pages: 15 flesch: 51.0 cache: ./cache/work_x4lhpka62jgj7l3bsavt7ii6yu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_x4lhpka62jgj7l3bsavt7ii6yu.txt summary: Library Instruction for Digital Humanities Pedagogy in Undergraduate Classes have worked with researchers to create digital corpora for use in text mining and data interested in digital humanities pedagogy; not just because librarians excel at instruction Additionally, libraries may find that getting involved with digital humanities pedagogy What are some examples of digital humanities pedagogy projects? indexes hundreds of tools that can be used for digital humanities projects and continues to use those resources in digital humanities projects. digital humanities projects, especially those that are part of class assignments. This free tool allows users to digitally "pin" images onto Once a class adopts a tool, librarians can be valuable partners in instructing students Digital humanities pedagogy projects which are entirely or in part public may require digital tools resulted in underwhelming work and student frustration. course, digital humanities pedagogy projects usually require less investment from the id: work_ankxmqrvibhnznbna2irncou5q author: Stuart Dunn title: Crowd-sourcing as a Component of Humanities Research Infrastructures date: 2013 words: 9368.0 sentences: 575.0 pages: 34 flesch: 46.0 cache: ./cache/work_ankxmqrvibhnznbna2irncou5q.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ankxmqrvibhnznbna2irncou5q.txt summary: Crowd-sourcing as a Component of Humanities Research Infrastructures. Abstract: Crowd-sourcing, the process of leveraging public participation in or contribution to a project or Keywords: crowd-sourcing, research infrastructures, citizen science, scholarly primitives, the process of leveraging public participation in or contribution to a project or activity, is various forms of crowd-sourcing activity and humanities research infrastructures. • a literature review covering academic humanities research that has incorporated crowd-sourcing, research into crowd-sourcing as a method, and less formal outputs such as blogs and project Moreover, studies of the motivations of the contributors to academic crowd-sourcing projects have crowd-sourcing projects in the humanities by analysing them in terms of four key facets – asset type, Collaborative tagging may be regarded as crowd-sourcing the organisation of information assets by Unlike many humanities crowd-sourcing activities, such as transcribing texts A major example of crowd-sourcing activity in this area is the British Library Georeferencer project, which id: work_oq2msjlmwfdudblfao4wniir2e author: Su-Ho Kang title: Research on Ontology-based Task Adaptability Improvement for Digital Human Model date: 2012 words: 4865.0 sentences: 1482.0 pages: 12 flesch: 88.0 cache: ./cache/work_oq2msjlmwfdudblfao4wniir2e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_oq2msjlmwfdudblfao4wniir2e.txt summary: case of ergonomics simulation solutions to support digital human modeling, Optimal DHM (Digital Human Model) data needed to develop and perform DHM will collect information In this study, to overcome the limitations of existing solutions, we proposed the ADAGIO(Automated Digital humAn model development for General assembly usIng Ontology) framework. The ADAGIO framework was developed for DHM ontology to support optimal deployment of Key Words: Digital human modeling, Digital virtual manufacturing, Ontology, Virtual simulation, 는 ADAGIO(Automated Digital humAn model Fig. 1 Detailed human dimensions information of DHM 그러나 DHM 모델링을 위해 구축된 온톨로지의 뿐만 아니라 시뮬레이션 개발자의 모델링 노력을 Table 1 Related work on DHM and simulation modeling 시뮬레이션 개발자는 ADAGIO 프레임워크가 CIM은 시뮬레이션 개발자가 ADAGIO 프레임 시뮬레이션에 필요한 기하학적 정보를 온톨로지 Fig. 12는 ADAGIO 프레임워크의 GUI를 통해 Fig. 12 Connected ADAGIO framework into The Jack 시뮬레이션 개발자는 ADAGIO 프레임워크 위한 시뮬레이션 모델링 정보를 TSB에 자동으로 뮬레이션 모델링을 수행할 수 있으며, 시뮬레이션 id: work_dkcnnr2bgfg7fay2k2g6cw67lq author: Subhasis Chattopadhyay title: Review of Interdisciplining Digital Humanities: Boundary Work in an Emerging Field date: 2017 words: 1304.0 sentences: 116.0 pages: 2 flesch: 67.0 cache: ./cache/work_dkcnnr2bgfg7fay2k2g6cw67lq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_dkcnnr2bgfg7fay2k2g6cw67lq.txt summary: studies—the study or reading of literature itself. Like literature, there is nothing certain about Auden. pale in comparison to Auden''s assessment of Herbert, being only equal to T S Eliot''s understanding The cultural work of Klein is to chronicle and Auden: Prose: It is fascinating to read Auden''s opinions on Robert Browning''s The Pied Piper of Hame­ Both Browning and Auden have been Edward Mendelson and Princeton University Press have done literature a big service by publishing the prose of Auden in these definitive volumes. Auden, like every great writer, engages with Auden''s ''Good and Evil Auden''s prose in this essay takes on a universal sheen. Auden''s prose is a plea against xenophobia, be swept away by Auden''s range of reading and of Philippe Petit with François Laruelle. This book aims to see how the victim and the the victim is Laruelle''s vision: ''The non-humanitarian intellectual is not necessarily someone who id: work_7hx5xm4t6fh5vdizdql4poiudy author: Sugimoto Go title: Open Data Empowerment of Digital Humanities by Wikipedia/DBpedia Gamification and Crowd Curation –WiQiZi''s Challenges with APIs and SPARQL date: 2019 words: 6541.0 sentences: 606.0 pages: 11 flesch: 39.0 cache: ./cache/work_7hx5xm4t6fh5vdizdql4poiudy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7hx5xm4t6fh5vdizdql4poiudy.txt summary: Open Data Empowerment of Digital Humanities by Wikipedia/DBpedia Gamification and Crowd Curation –WiQiZi''s Challenges This is an extended version of the article found at Digital Humanities (DH) enjoys a wealth of Open Data published by cultural heritage institutions and academic researchers. WiQiZi project employs a gamification technique to develop a simple quiz application to guess the age of a randomly selected image from Wikipedia/DBpedia. Keywords: Digital Humanities, Application Programming Interfaces, Linked Open Data, SPARQL, gamification, crowd sourcing, data curation LOD, including the tripod of supporting technology: HTTP, URIs, and RDF1 (For example, Simou et al., 2017; Marden et al., 2013; Boer et al., large volume of RDF graph datasets, so that semantically rich data fragments can be trans Contrary to most of DH and cultural heritage targeted projects, Wikipedia/DBpedia provides a much broader scope for data-driven research, meaning there would be more familiarity id: work_ip2zk72tajb2tfejdhmoys6pqq author: Susan Aasman title: Tales of a Tool Encounter: Exploring Video Annotation for Doing Media History date: 2018 words: 9497.0 sentences: 650.0 pages: 15 flesch: 50.0 cache: ./cache/work_ip2zk72tajb2tfejdhmoys6pqq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ip2zk72tajb2tfejdhmoys6pqq.txt summary: infrastructure – and the integrated video annotation tool – for doing media historical research with digitised research infrastructures for the humanities (in the Netherlands), and the use of video annotation in media Keywords: digital humanities, research infrastructures, digital tool criticism, video annotation, documentary 2 Huub Wijfjes, ''Digital Humanities and Media History: A Challenge for Historical Newspaper Research,'' Tijdschrift voor Mediageschiedenis, 20, 1, annotation tool in connection to its use in a research project that addresses a more or less traditional media historical Media historians who use digital humanities research methods should be aware that tools – like texts – make In the Digital Formalism project (2007-2010), headed by film historian Adelheid Heftberger, the video annotation tool doctoral thesis, University of Amsterdam, 2017; Rob Wegter, ''Exploring Digital Methods for Media History: A Tool Criticism of Video Annotation,'' MAthesis, University of Groningen, 2018. The Media Suite annotation tool offers a combination of functionalities, and was originally developed for other projects id: work_3rdcathodvd3fkmrh367r5nskm author: Susan Schreibman title: Textuality in 3D: three-dimensional (re)constructions as digital scholarly editions date: 2019 words: 6769.0 sentences: 530.0 pages: 13 flesch: 49.0 cache: ./cache/work_3rdcathodvd3fkmrh367r5nskm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3rdcathodvd3fkmrh367r5nskm.txt summary: 3D (re)constructions of heritage sites and Digital Scholarly Editions face similar needs The nature, functionality, and theories informing Digital Scholarly Editions (DSEs) have flourished over the past three decades, moving beyond how to represent printbased texts in digital forms into new types of knowledge production and dissemination Virtual Worlds as Digital Scholarly Editions Masterclass (Maynooth University, 13–14 June 2017, heritage 3D visualisation and Digital Scholarly Editing, allowing them to explore theoretical and practical Digital scholarly editing: Theories, models and methods. Textuality in 3D: three-dimensional (re)constructions as digital scholarly editions Textuality in 3D: three-dimensional (re)constructions as digital scholarly editions Textuality in 3D: three-dimensional (re)constructions as digital scholarly editions Textuality in 3D: three-dimensional (re)constructions as digital scholarly editions Textuality in 3D: three-dimensional (re)constructions as digital scholarly editions Textuality in 3D: three-dimensional (re)constructions as digital scholarly editions Textuality in 3D: three-dimensional (re)constructions as digital scholarly editions Textuality in 3D: three-dimensional (re)constructions as digital scholarly editions id: work_cztsfgdu5bcbfdnfrhryslcu6a author: Sylvia Fernández Quintanilla title: Review: Ellas tienen nombre date: 2020 words: 3760.0 sentences: 355.0 pages: 10 flesch: 56.0 cache: ./cache/work_cztsfgdu5bcbfdnfrhryslcu6a.pdf txt: ./txt/work_cztsfgdu5bcbfdnfrhryslcu6a.txt summary: afectan a las personas (en este caso, niñas y mujeres) que viven en lugares Marcela Lagarde de los Ríos en el pref acio de Terrorizing Women, "Feminist Keys to Understand Ramírez inició este proyecto en marzo de 2015 recopilando y visualizando datos de las niñas y mujeres Los aspectos técnicos del proyecto han pasado por varias iteraciones a medida que Ramírez ha proyecto podría incluir datos de niñas y mujeres, víctimas de feminicidios, que han ocurrido en el lado En general, este proyecto feminista cumple su misión al crear recursos digitales para hacer que los (autora del Mapa digital de feminicidios en todo México) le han dado a este tipo de proyectos Ellas Tienen Nombre is a feminist mapping project using information made available in March 2015, tienen nombre is a feminist digital mapping project that records feminicidal violence and feminicide this in mind, this project could include data of girls and women, victims of feminicides, that have id: work_xqj6bitz2rh7ffgsjx4no34mxu author: Sümeyye Akça title: Dijital İnsanî Bilimler: Yeni Bir Yaklaşım (Digital Humanities: A New Approach) date: 2018 words: 7063.0 sentences: 1161.0 pages: 15 flesch: 45.0 cache: ./cache/work_xqj6bitz2rh7ffgsjx4no34mxu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xqj6bitz2rh7ffgsjx4no34mxu.txt summary: Tüm bu gelişmeler dijital insanî bilimler adıyla yeni bir alanın, yaklaşımın oluşmasına Anahtar Sözcükler: Dijital insanî bilimler; kültürel miras; kütüphanecilik; bilgi ve belge yönetimi. Kısaca dijital insanî bilimler alanında yapılan çalışmalar beşeri ve sosyal bilimlere ve bu alanların veri ile yapılan insanî bilimler çalışmalarının araştırma ve metot kısmında uygulanan dijital Dijital insanî bilimlerin zaman içerisindeki gelişimi sosyal bilimler ve bilgisayar bilimleri 3 Avrupa Dijital İnsanî Bilimler Birliği (The European Association for Digital Humanities EADH), Bilgisayar Derneği (Canadian Society for Digital Humanities CSDH), Avustralya Dijital İnsanî Bilimler Derneği Geniş ve disiplinlerarası bir uygulama alanı sunan dijital insanî bilimler alanında dünyada College and Research Librarires ACRL) dijital insanî bilimler çalışmaları tartışmaları için bir mail kurumlarda bulunması sebebiyle bir nevi dijital insanî bilimler yaklaşımıyla yapılan çalışmalar Dijital insanî bilimler kütüphaneciler için kolayca uygulanacak bir paradigma Bu noktada dijital insanî bilimler alanında yapılan çalışmalarla dijitalleştirilmiş kültürel Erişim adresi: id: work_dgqqsodngzbe3pkxr3s4zt73ty author: Sümeyye Akça title: The Report of Digital Humanities 2016 Conference date: 2016 words: 962.0 sentences: 168.0 pages: 3 flesch: 51.0 cache: ./cache/work_dgqqsodngzbe3pkxr3s4zt73ty.pdf txt: ./txt/work_dgqqsodngzbe3pkxr3s4zt73ty.txt summary: Anahtar Sözcükler: Dijital İnsanî Bilimler Konferansı; DH2016; Polonya. In this paper, impressions from Digital Humanities 2016 held in Krakow, Poland in July (McCarty, 1998), dijital teknolojilerin yaratılması, uygulanması ve yorumlanması için geniş bir Dijital insanî bilimler alanında çalışmalar yapan kurumları bir çatı altında toplayan Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) ana sponsorluğunda her yıl bu alanda konferans Konferans Polonya''nın Krakow şehrinde Jagiellonian (Jagiellonian University in eXist db ( uygulaması üzerinden dijital ortamda arşiv geliştirme ve hikaye anlatma (storytelling) uygulamalı olarak gösterildi. dijital insanî bilimler için bir model olabileceğini belirtti. 13 Temmuzda aynı anda on bir salonda yapılan paralel oturumlara geçildi. Aynı gün olan poster sunumları ise iki farklı veri tabanları gibi konular varken, dijital insanî bilimler alanının gelişmesiyle birlikte daha çok projelerden örnekler verdi (TEI, Unicode gibi). Unsolved Problems in (digital) Information Design başlıklı konuşmasında Warwick, dijital Digital Humanities 2016 (DH2016), Krakow, Poland, 12-16 July, 2016. http://www.steiner id: work_mzjpgmigpbhwpol2vpbqogdtdi author: Talia Schaffer title: Introduction date: 2018 words: 704.0 sentences: 54.0 pages: 2 flesch: 56.0 cache: ./cache/work_mzjpgmigpbhwpol2vpbqogdtdi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mzjpgmigpbhwpol2vpbqogdtdi.txt summary: IN May 2017, the annual City University of New York (CUNY) VictorianConference addressed the history of Victorian feminist criticism. their struggles to establish and maintain Victorian feminist work in the issues in twenty-first-century Victorian feminist practice: Alison Booth spoke about digital-humanities codification of Victorian women''s lives, to canonize Victorian women writers spoke to the continuous work required to make Victorian women''s writing familiar to the field. When VLC offered us a chance to publish some of this work in a feminist cluster, three pieces stood out as already connected. critical protocols we already use, too often assumed rather than examined, and help the practitioners of a new generation of feminist criticism. The future of feminist criticism, as we see it, will have to cope with vast Victorian feminist criticism, and we claimed the present, asserting our own participation in the robust continuing tradition of feminist work. guide us toward the feminist criticism of the future. id: work_j673cn2byvd6tkb4hn5if5plky author: Tanya Clement title: Review: The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project date: 2021 words: 1983.0 sentences: 132.0 pages: 6 flesch: 46.0 cache: ./cache/work_j673cn2byvd6tkb4hn5if5plky.pdf txt: ./txt/work_j673cn2byvd6tkb4hn5if5plky.txt summary: The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project (AEMP) is a data visualization, critical cartography, digital and media work in collaboration with a number of tenant organizations, arts collectives, students, In addition to creating tools such as Evictorbook, the AEMP engages in oral history and media work. As a social justice and public interest technology project, the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project (AEMP) project, which the AEMP has developed as a lookup tool that associates eviction data, parcel ownership Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 2, No. 2 Review: The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 2, No. 2 Review: The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 2, No. 2 Review: The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 2, No. 2 Review: The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project Reviews in Digital Humanities • Vol. 2, No. 2 Review: The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project id: work_fanwgwngu5d65lyl2rdbpkfbze author: Taofeek Dalamu title: Illuminating Systemic Functional Grammatics (Theory) as a Viable Tool of Digital Humanities date: 2019 words: 14961.0 sentences: 1737.0 pages: 51 flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/work_fanwgwngu5d65lyl2rdbpkfbze.pdf txt: ./txt/work_fanwgwngu5d65lyl2rdbpkfbze.txt summary: Illuminating Systemic Functional Grammatics (Theory) as a Viable Tool of Digital Humanities Boy'' operates in declarative clauses with heavy utilization of Subject and Keywords: ''Area Boy''; Digital Humanities; Mood System; Systemic Functional approach "Area Boy" in order to generate systemic meaning, SFL (identified as B) Its application processes "Area Boy" structures into countable the application turn the whole exercises on "Area Boy" to semiotic slots of SFL, structural organs of the clauses of "Area Boy." The system networks in Figures 3, 4, technology (Laurence Anthony''s Software), to account for the processes in "Area Boy." transitivity systems to the poem, "Area Boy." of "Area Boy", based on SFL''s applications in Figures 8, 9, and 10, below, in tables Figure 8: "Area Boy" mood analysis. Figure 9: "Area Boy" thematic analysis. Figure 10: "Area Boy" transitivity analysis. of the "Area Boy." Besides, Theme 1 recurs in almost all the clauses. id: work_2shljhr72nftlgqf5gozy53zfi author: Ted Sicker title: Digital Humanities for Lifelong Learners date: 2017 words: 7429.0 sentences: 804.0 pages: 41 flesch: 58.0 cache: ./cache/work_2shljhr72nftlgqf5gozy53zfi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2shljhr72nftlgqf5gozy53zfi.txt summary: best to use public media''s archive of humanities programming to create a robust library proposed new initiative targeting lifelong learning by older populations. Online Courses, Videos University of the Third Age Self, in England/free Library, Hebrew Senior Life, and Osher Lifelong Learning Institute for an initial about existing lifelong learning programs and, specifically, media-based approaches to facilities, lifelong learning organizations, public media archives, and academia, as well as project, offering curated access to public media archives, and that individuals beyond the existing educational programs for seniors, particularly those in lifelong learning centers, Reading Room, providing online access to nearly 12,000 of the digitized content for This extraordinary material includes national and local news and public affairs programs, public media organizations (e.g., uploading the content directly from archives); The content for the Lifelong Learning platform is expected to come from public media and/or from other humanities libraries that have video or audio content. humanities!libraries!to!deliver!online,!media@based!experiences!to!seniors!throughout!the! id: work_zpgxehkmwzbutegbwc4aykzzmi author: Thomas G. Padilla title: Library Collections as Humanities Data: The Facet Effect date: 2014 words: 5040.0 sentences: 455.0 pages: 8 flesch: 53.0 cache: ./cache/work_zpgxehkmwzbutegbwc4aykzzmi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_zpgxehkmwzbutegbwc4aykzzmi.txt summary: Many library collections contain digital text, images, and audio. enhance use of their digital collections by considering how thinking of them as Humanities data, and in encouraging an understanding of digital collections as Humanities data, this discussion will necessarily that a Humanities data framing offers by working through a series of digital content types and highlighting facets of those data potentially useful for digital humanities research. Demonstrating the value of a Humanities data framing for digital collections begins with a brief discussion … Humanities data are organized difference presented in a form amenable to computation put into the data are likely to be leveraged in the course of Digital Humanities research. Considering images as grids of color data has enabled new modes of film visualization and analysis. "Library Collections as Humanities Data: The Facet Effect." "Library Collections as Humanities Data: The Facet Effect." id: work_awm7ys2jurdglkgnbzs4sxlfgq author: Thomas Haigh title: We have never been digital date: 2014 words: 4735.0 sentences: 322.0 pages: 5 flesch: 62.0 cache: ./cache/work_awm7ys2jurdglkgnbzs4sxlfgq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_awm7ys2jurdglkgnbzs4sxlfgq.txt summary: Eventually the increasing power and reliability of digital computers and their of the social process by which an unfamiliar new technology became a central its central promise: that a new technology is so powerful and far-reaching it will might try to use historical parallels to argue that the impact of the technology in digital." Negroponte was the entrepreneurial founder and head of MIT''s Media Lab, a prominent figure in the world book Being Digital, suggested, the defining characteristic of a new way of life. Likewise, the workability of modern computers depended on advances in digital of the future do feel the need to communicate they seem more likely to chat different uses of information technology into a single metaphor and distance code to be digital, or if writing and thinking about technology would be enough. about the role of technology in the modern world. like "information" and "digital" have Debates in the Digital Humanities, University id: work_yhsu6n2x25bvrkxnrys3cll2oq author: Thomas Padilla title: Humanities Data in the Library: Integrity, Form, Access date: 2016 words: 6483.0 sentences: 369.0 pages: flesch: 49.0 cache: ./cache/work_yhsu6n2x25bvrkxnrys3cll2oq.htm txt: ./txt/work_yhsu6n2x25bvrkxnrys3cll2oq.txt summary: Commitments to Digital Humanities, Digital History, Digital Art History, and Digital Liberal Arts are on the rise.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 These commitments can be witnessed in federal agency and foundation activity, university and college level curriculum development, evolving positions on tenure and promotion, dedicated journals, and the hiring of faculty and staff geared toward enhancing utilization of and critical reflection on computational methods and tools within and across a wide array of disciplinary spaces.6, 7 Librarians have sought to engage these commitments through development of digital scholarship centers, recombination of services, creation of new positions, and implementation of user studies.8 While these engagements bear value, efforts to reshape library collections in light of demand remain nascent, diffuse, and unevenly distributed. In order to inform community steps toward developing Humanities data collections, the following work advances principles derived from practice that are designed to foster the creation of data that better supports digitally inflected Humanities scholarship and pedagogy. id: work_satvggs5ura2jp7fyu2dphbxx4 author: Thomas Palfinger title: Food cultures: co-creation and evaluation of a thesaurus as a cultural infrastructure date: 2018 words: 255.0 sentences: 20.0 pages: 1 flesch: 46.0 cache: ./cache/work_satvggs5ura2jp7fyu2dphbxx4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_satvggs5ura2jp7fyu2dphbxx4.txt summary: Food cultures: co-creation and evaluation of a thesaurus as a cultural infrastructure Close collaboration with societal actors is a central part of the Digital Humanities project exploreAT! Digital tools have increasingly enabled the cooperates with the Topothek, a citizen driven digital infrastructure which collects local historical multimedia items from private sources. as it contains a variety of cultural and local historical information, which can only be To initiate such collaboration, both scientists and citizens need to learn how to interact with each other We introduce the community group "Topothek", a citizen driven archival platform to archive, We present our first co-created result, a food cultures thesaurus, interlinking food terms with cultural The added value for Topothek is increased discoverability, while for exploreAT! is the scientific exploitation for cultural lexicography of the multimedia archive. The processes along The co-created thesaurus is co-funded by the DARIAH-theme 2017 "public humanities" in collaboration id: work_ebs62kxihzd2fnlqoaouq5ylii author: Thorsten Ries title: Born-digital archives date: 2019 words: 5718.0 sentences: 412.0 pages: 11 flesch: 42.0 cache: ./cache/work_ebs62kxihzd2fnlqoaouq5ylii.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ebs62kxihzd2fnlqoaouq5ylii.txt summary: born-digital archives, their preservation and research perspectives involving borndigital primary records in the humanities. addressing fundamental issues of born-digital archiving such as developing workflows resources, tools and infrastructure for born-digital curation available to archives, born-digital publications, research infrastructures, and web archives are mostly hosted (Foss 2017), the workshop on born-digital archives access at Wellcome Collection preservation development and archival science research, on the one hand, and (digital) characteristics of storage media and the bitstream of the historical born-digital record materiality of the born-digital historical record become even more complex for preservation and research tasks, the role of archival custodianand curatorship, digital signing The archival and digital forensic perspective sheds light on the specific historicity of The forensic materiality of the born-digital record, preserved in the form from the digital forensic perspective on individual records (Archival Methodology: international web archives as a data resource for digital scholars in Europe. id: work_i2eulfvrwjaw7oy7fpt5zfmkwi author: Tibor Kálmán title: A landscape of data – working with digital resources within and beyond DARIAH date: 2019 words: 9405.0 sentences: 772.0 pages: 19 flesch: 45.0 cache: ./cache/work_i2eulfvrwjaw7oy7fpt5zfmkwi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_i2eulfvrwjaw7oy7fpt5zfmkwi.txt summary: DigitAl Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH) is an open Policy recommendations on research data management are being revised in the context of Open Science (European Commission DARIAH is short for Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities. national repository federation to ensure long-term access to research data hosted by In addition to ACDH-OeAW, two other participating institutions have been providing stable hosting and publishing solutions for research data: the Centre for Information of digital editions based on XML/TEI, offers open source tools and services to collaboratively edit and generate research data. DARIAH-DE creates a network of digital humanities services, expertise and communities to support research and cooperation in the humanities and cultural sciences, aspects of their daily research work, such as software, tools, (born-)digital data that DARIAH aims to address only become apparent in large international infrastructures willing to integrate heterogeneous research practices, data formats, tools and id: work_pff32ikkunfjtphff2clwa5sz4 author: Tim Barker title: Experiments with time: the technical image in video art, new media and the digital humanities date: 2017 words: 8275.0 sentences: 467.0 pages: 34 flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_pff32ikkunfjtphff2clwa5sz4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_pff32ikkunfjtphff2clwa5sz4.txt summary: (2017) Experiments with time: the technical image in media art and the digital Experiments with time: The technical image in video art, new media and the the history of the company and its daily news gathering and generating routines, reassembles and dramatises archival and ''real-time'' data based on a set of technical ''real-time'' data and trigger it based on linguistic patterns (Hansen and Rubin, 2002). how the technically produced images of video art, new media and the digital likewise conducts an experiment with time by producing new images of movement. organisation of images, as in Hansen and Rubin''s work, Naimark''s project and the Naimark''s and Hansen and Rubin''s projects, by creating new processes and technical medium in order to generate new ways to experience and analyse processes in time. likewise uses the technical image to create new experiences of time. technology that produced them and that generate new experiences of time through id: work_m2qjv7g355erzibki5imfqaaxy author: Tim Causer title: Crowdsourcing Bentham: Beyond the Traditional Boundaries of Academic History date: 2014 words: 6650.0 sentences: 453.0 pages: 23 flesch: 57.0 cache: ./cache/work_m2qjv7g355erzibki5imfqaaxy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_m2qjv7g355erzibki5imfqaaxy.txt summary: Keywords: collaborative transcription; crowdsourcing; TEI; Jeremy Bentham; animal material, and encoded transcripts allows the Bentham Project to electronically publish materials across a volunteer pool: Transcribe Bentham is only one of a range of projects such Bentham, the Panopticon prison, convict transportation, and early New South We are grateful to those who have worked on Transcribe Bentham for their contribution to the project upon, last accessed 24 May 2012. For a discussion of the development of Transcribe Bentham, see Causer, Tonra and Wallace, ''Transcription See, last accessed 7 May 2013. make merry work": Transcribe Bentham and crowdsourcing manuscript transcription'', in Mia Ridge, ed., UCL Bentham Papers collection (hereafter UC), JB/027/026/004,, transcribed by Diane Folan, revision of 8 September 2011. Box 116,, last accessed 24 May 2012. Box 116,, last accessed 24 May 2012. id: work_smhtqcialzdjxczmtge7epkb7m author: Timothy Lutz title: Determining Underground Mining Work Postures Using Motion Capture and Digital Human Modeling date: 2016 words: 4141.0 sentences: 381.0 pages: 6 flesch: 60.0 cache: ./cache/work_smhtqcialzdjxczmtge7epkb7m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_smhtqcialzdjxczmtge7epkb7m.txt summary: and according to MSHA (Mine Safety and Health Administration) data, during 2008 2012 in the U.S., there were, on average, 65 lost-time accidents per year during routine mining and and calculated joint angles of the back, hips, and knees from various postures on 12 Underground Mining Work Postures Using Motion Capture and Digital Human The Jack® software enabled analysis of the data for determining accurate body joint angles of interest on each subject The subjects were asked to assume eight different postures: walking, standing, sitting with bent knees, sitting with legs A set of data for each subject in each posture was constructed by merging the static portions from the 24 tests of the given Hip joint angles for standing posture (right-173°, leftvalues to knee joints in the standing posture and their interquartile range (IQR) is high, sitting with legs extended (29.6, 25.9) The hip and knee joint values for kneeling on the left id: work_ntu3w4a2rjhldcswld5cwjtjki author: Tobias Blanke title: Big Humanities Data Workshop at IEEE Big Data 2013 date: 2014 words: 2798.0 sentences: 147.0 pages: flesch: 49.0 cache: ./cache/work_ntu3w4a2rjhldcswld5cwjtjki.htm txt: ./txt/work_ntu3w4a2rjhldcswld5cwjtjki.txt summary: A diverse community of humanists and technologists, spanning academia, research centers, supercomputer centers, corporations, citizen groups, and cultural institutes gathered around the theme of "big data" in the humanities, arts and culture, and the challenges and possibilities that such increased scale brings for scholarship in these areas. The conference included sessions on theoretical and foundational issues, standards, infrastructure and software environments, big data management and curation, methods for search, analysis and visualisation, security and privacy issues, as well as applications in a variety of fields both academic and industrial. Bibliographic records generated by libraries as humanities big data, presented by Andrew Prescott, from King''s College London, UK. Richard Marciano is a professor at the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) and directs the Sustainable Archives & Leveraging Technologies (SALT) Lab. He is collaborating on a number of "big data" and digital humanities projects. id: work_73gs7go455hizgbutvr325fr4e author: Tommaso Spinelli title: Creating the First Digital Handbook of Latin Phonetics: Between Linguistics, Digital Humanities and Language Teaching date: 2020 words: 9683.0 sentences: 744.0 pages: 20 flesch: 37.0 cache: ./cache/work_73gs7go455hizgbutvr325fr4e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_73gs7go455hizgbutvr325fr4e.txt summary: com/latineloquamur?tab=repositories; last access 17.10.2020) and can be found in the folder titled Latineloquamur-toolkit-IPA-transcriber-and-App. In the same repository users can find also the Dictionary of Latin Synonyms, which is not This toolkit, which is available as both a RUST program (referred to as Latineloquamur-toolkit-IPA-transcriber-and-App in GitHub) and an Android mobile app (titled Handbook of Latin Phonetics), faced significant methodological and practical issues during its creation and development, such as the choice of The online program is available at (last access 02.09.2020). 29 The online Python transcriber can be accessed at (last access 33 The original source code is available at (last access 02.09.2020). 41 (last access 02.09.2020). is available at 54 To run the lemmatizer use (last access 02.09.2020). 64 (last access 02.09.2020). 65 (last access 02.09.2020). 65 (last access 02.09.2020). id: work_yy33htla7jbxzmyryg273oizbq author: Trevor Owens title: Digital sources and digital archives: historical evidence in the digital age date: 2020 words: 1374.0 sentences: 231.0 pages: flesch: 48.0 cache: ./cache/work_yy33htla7jbxzmyryg273oizbq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_yy33htla7jbxzmyryg273oizbq.txt summary: Digital sources and digital archives: historical evidence in the digital age | SpringerLink International Journal of Digital Humanities Disrespect des Fonds: Rethinking arrangement and description in born-digital archives archive journal issue 3. Retrieved from Retrieved from Virginia: Arlington Retrieved from Retrieved August 7, 2015, from Dougherty (Eds.), Writing history in the digital age. University of Michigan Press Retrieved from Retrieved August 8, 2015, from Between archive and participation: Public memory in a digital age. Documenting the Now. The Changing Landscape of Digital Access: Public-Private Partnerships in US State and Territorial Archives. Digital copies and a distributed notion of reference in personal archives. Retrieved December 4, 2018, from New York: Oxford University Press. Where material book culture meets digital humanities. Journal of Digital Humanities, 1(3). Retrieved from Digital sources and digital archives: historical evidence in the digital age. Digital history id: work_udykev3jpzes3hc7punmaml3gi author: Trevor Owens title: The invention and dissemination of the spacer gif: implications for the future of access and use of web archives date: 2019 words: 6997.0 sentences: 569.0 pages: 14 flesch: 55.0 cache: ./cache/work_udykev3jpzes3hc7punmaml3gi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_udykev3jpzes3hc7punmaml3gi.txt summary: The invention and dissemination of the spacer gif: implications for the future of access and use of web archives I committed the hangable offense of mixing structure with presentation.'' In particular, he advocated the use of these single-pixel, clear GIF files as a way Within that section, we briefly introduce computational scholarship and how approaching digital collections as data sets results in new kinds of research. an approach based on tracing tiny files through terabytes of messy web archives data Utilizing the cloud infrastructure and distributed computing provided by the thirdparty service, the contractors generated derivatives of the WARC files: Web Archive 5 See the UK Web Archive Link Analysis visualization Traces of the single-pixel GIF in web archives will offer GIFs from the Geocities data set appeared in the UK Web Archive collections over study of web archives in the ability to compute against the files in these corpora. id: work_q4lfffmr5zcpxefhb7us2zg2j4 author: Tsubasa Maruyama title: Motion-capture-based walking simulation of digital human adapted to laser-scanned 3D as-is environments for accessibility evaluation date: 2016 words: 10488.0 sentences: 1266.0 pages: 16 flesch: 64.0 cache: ./cache/work_q4lfffmr5zcpxefhb7us2zg2j4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_q4lfffmr5zcpxefhb7us2zg2j4.txt summary: Motion-capture-based walking simulation of digital human adapted to laser-scanned 3D as-is environments for accessibility evaluation developed an algorithm for generating human-like DHM walking motions, adapting its strides, turning angles, and footprints to laser-scanned 3D The DHM motion was generated based only on a motion-capture (MoCap) data for flat walking. Our implementation constructed as-is 3D environment models from laser-scanned point clouds of real environments and enabled a DHM to walk of our environment modeling and walking simulation in indoor and outdoor environments including corridors, slopes, and stairs are illustrated in Keywords: Digital human model; Walking simulation; Laser-scanning; Accessibility evaluation; Motion-capture; Human behavior simulation simulation algorithm used only single reference motioncapture (MoCap) data for flat walking and enabled a DHM behavior simulation, 3D environment modeling from laserscanned point clouds, and digital human modeling for walking enables kinematics-based walking simulation in a 3D environment model was proposed by Kakizaki et al. id: work_h372vnzqpjh7zdvdjbzcwakgja author: Tsubasa Maruyama title: Simulation-Based Evaluation of Ease of Wayfinding Using Digital Human and As-Is Environment Models date: 2017 words: 13426.0 sentences: 1303.0 pages: 22 flesch: 57.0 cache: ./cache/work_h372vnzqpjh7zdvdjbzcwakgja.pdf txt: ./txt/work_h372vnzqpjh7zdvdjbzcwakgja.txt summary: Simulation-Based Evaluation of Ease of Wayfinding Using Digital Human and As-Is Environment Models while estimating signage visibility, noticeability, and legibility based on imitated visual perception. Based on the estimated signage visibility, noticeability, and legibility, the wayfinding state of Based on the estimated signage visibility, noticeability, and legibility, the wayfinding state of As shown in the figure, when the simulation is performed, the DHM is set to start walking in the As shown in the figure, when the simulation is performed, the DHM is set to start walking in the DHM walk toward a location indicated by the recognized signage information , . walking trajectory of DHM): (a) Wayfinding simulation on first floor; (b) detection of disorientation walking trajectory of DHM): (a) Wayfinding simulation on first floor; (b) detection of disorientation spot that the proposed ease of wayfinding simulation could detect disorientation spot, where the subjects id: work_dgpqd6codbg2xgxz7q6bcgdncq author: Tuula Pääkkönen title: Exporting Finnish Digitized Historical Newspaper Contents for Offline Use date: 2016 words: 5241.0 sentences: 317.0 pages: flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/work_dgpqd6codbg2xgxz7q6bcgdncq.htm txt: ./txt/work_dgpqd6codbg2xgxz7q6bcgdncq.txt summary: Digital collections of the National Library of Finland (NLF) contain over 10 million pages of historical newspapers, journals and some technical ephemera. For this purpose we introduced a new format, which contains three different information sets: the full metadata of a publication page, the actual page content as ALTO XML, and the raw text content. In the recent one the data is provided in the original ALTO XML format, but the directory structure follows the original file system order, where one newspaper title can span different archive files. For the newspaper corpus we decided to create the export with original ALTO XML and raw text plus the metadata. The number of ALTO XML files in the newspaper part of the export is presented in Figure 4 with languages. Should it contain all of the content within one file, or should it be structurally divided so that each data item (metadata, ALTO, page text) is available separately. id: work_u3g2khk4wrfebdnwdea4wned5y author: Ulrike Henny title: The life cycle of the Book of the Dead as a Digital Humanities resource date: 2017 words: 9399.0 sentences: 797.0 pages: 20 flesch: 58.0 cache: ./cache/work_u3g2khk4wrfebdnwdea4wned5y.pdf txt: ./txt/work_u3g2khk4wrfebdnwdea4wned5y.txt summary: Data about the BoD had already been gathered in digital form within the long-term research update of the database underlying the digital archive which is hosted at The following figure gives a basic, non-comprehensive overview of the data model for a BoD object: data is organised into different collections that are interrelated: objects, knowledge, bibliography and project information. included in eXist, the Google Chart API16 and the Pelagios API17 were used to support visualisations, linkage to project-external data and the use of third-party widgets in the web presentation. in particular object descriptions, bibliography entries, user registration and administration data. example of such a stable URI for a BoD object description is At the time of initial development, BetterFORM was a solid choice as a user interface framework that tightly integrates with XML technologies and eXist in particular. As regards the application and user interface, a digital resource for the BoD, and id: work_df5kwu25qfgu5gapgitc4odrwu author: Ulrike Wuttke title: Here be dragons: Open Access to Research Data in the Humanities date: 2019 words: 327.0 sentences: 66.0 pages: 1 flesch: 53.0 cache: ./cache/work_df5kwu25qfgu5gapgitc4odrwu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_df5kwu25qfgu5gapgitc4odrwu.txt summary: Wuttke_2019_PosterDARIAH2019_Zenodo Here be Dragons: Open Access to Research Data in the Humanities Based on the winning blogpost of the Open Humanities Tools and Methods Blog Competition Kiepenheuerallee 5, 14469 Potsdam | @UWuttke Open Access to Research Data in the Humanities FAIR data sharing in the • Look what we can learn from the Digital Humanities Picture: open by velkr0 CC BY 2.0, • Key concepts and recommendations, e.g. FAIR • Publication of research data only as afterthought structures for humanities research data support Vision for Humanities Data • Support system for the quest for FAIR humanities • Incentives for FAIR data publications, e.g. DORA • Training & Education of (digital) humanities • "Data infrastructure literacy" • Added value of Research Data Management • Active research data management (e.g. RDMO = Research Data Management Organiser) When it comes to Open and FAIR research data in the Humani?es, id: work_otqnwzi5knbwhcepwmq56wy6ry author: Valentina Rossi title: Digital Humanities e moda date: 2020 words: 9254.0 sentences: 1465.0 pages: 17 flesch: 51.0 cache: ./cache/work_otqnwzi5knbwhcepwmq56wy6ry.pdf txt: ./txt/work_otqnwzi5knbwhcepwmq56wy6ry.txt summary: nuove tecnologie attraverso appunto l''analisi di alcuni casi studio dai quali emerge un differente approccio alla sfera digitale, caratterizzato dalla struttura della piattaforma, dall''elaborazione di contenuti fruibili e condivisibili per differenti tipi di utenti, dalla selezione del materiale archivistico, ai collegamenti di digitalizzazione di archivi aziendali come quello di Gianfranco Ferrè, il secondo capitolo è interamente dedicato a CSAC, l''archivio-museo dell''Università di Parma fondato da Arturo Carlo Quintavalle modello collaborativo tra diverse discipline emerge in modo chiaro nella prima parte del volume di Numerico, Fiormonte e Tomasi, ed è evidente anche nei pensieri di Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider che nel Oltre al vasto progetto di digitalizzazione dell''archivio, negli ultimi anni CSAC ha svolto importanti attività di promozione, valorizzazione e conservazione attraverso ricerche in ambito di Digital Humanities. Nel2021siconcluderàilmioprogettodiricerca"Mostrevirtualievalorizzazionedelpatrimonioculturale: il design italiano" che parte da una riflessione teorica sul ruolo dell''archivio, del museo e delle Digital id: work_wig62yolerg4dluyewtciwpyhe author: Valerie Rumbold title: Interpretation, Agency, Entropy: Annotating Pope''s Dunciads date: 2017 words: 9165.0 sentences: 580.0 pages: 25 flesch: 66.0 cache: ./cache/work_wig62yolerg4dluyewtciwpyhe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wig62yolerg4dluyewtciwpyhe.txt summary: Rumbold, V 2017, ''Interpretation, agency, entropy: annotating Pope''s Dunciads'', International Journal of Interpretation, agency, entropy: annotating Pope''s Dunciads In 1743 Pope published The Dunciad in Four Books, a revised version of the three-book poem after Pope''s death, his own specific claim to particular notes in the 1743 Dunciad, adding ''P'' Warburton made a particular contribution to the apparatus and annotation of the fourbook Dunciad that related to a major bugbear whom Pope had long held in reserve, namely mask of Scriblerus (Figure 10; Pope, Dunciad in Four Books, ed. Alexander Pope: The Dunciad in Four Books, Longman Annotated Texts, edited by Valerie Dunciad Variorum (1729), in The Poems of Alexander Pope (Harlow 2007), Vol. III, Longman Pope, The Dunciad in Four Books, Longman Annotated Texts, ed. For ''Index of the Author''s of the Notes'', see Pope, Dunciad and Dunciad Variorum, 316. Rumbold, "''The Meaning of this Preference;''" Pope, Dunciad in Four Books, 10-11. id: work_gtrr6eekknan3eo7i2anh4hjya author: Valiur Rahaman title: Neurocognitive Literary Studies and Digital Humanities date: 2020 words: 2947.0 sentences: 319.0 pages: 11 flesch: 42.0 cache: ./cache/work_gtrr6eekknan3eo7i2anh4hjya.pdf txt: ./txt/work_gtrr6eekknan3eo7i2anh4hjya.txt summary: Neurocognitive Literary Studies and Digital Humanities Neurocognitive Literary Studies and Digital Humanities The paper demonstrates how neurocognitive social psychology can be applied to study human studies in terms of neurocognitive psychology may help develop new models for technology sub-branch of Digital Humanities and its application to the two major research studies: to Neurocriticism, Autism, Literary Studies, Literary data Modeling, Digital Narrative, Social Neurocriticism, Autism, Literary Studies, Literary data Modeling, Digital Narrative, Social Digital Humanities strengthens literary studies when its scholarship paper establishes a networked rapport of literary arts with neurocognitive science and digital 2. HITS as Sub-branch of DH: A Study in Digital Humanities to Technological developing models based on digital studies in philosophy of language and literary studies in terms studies the behavior patterns of such personalities in Literature in terms of neuro-cognitive psychology and social psychology and may develop behavior semiotic model based on the studies id: work_hfzicxtgw5bjdlonq4stxl2atu author: Veerle Vanden Daelen title: Data Sharing, Holocaust Documentation and the Digital Humanities: Introducing the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) date: 2019 words: 2926.0 sentences: 169.0 pages: 9 flesch: 49.0 cache: ./cache/work_hfzicxtgw5bjdlonq4stxl2atu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hfzicxtgw5bjdlonq4stxl2atu.txt summary: EHRI provides online access to information about dispersed sources relating to the Holocaust researchers, the general public and data managers/archivists ( The EHRI portal offers information on 57 countries, descriptions on 1,939 archival of EHRI''s research on the country, to an inventory of institutions which preserve Holocaustrelevant sources within these countries, to top-level collection descriptions (be it record groups, For those who send in sample data that did not provide valid EAD, the EHRI project has equally on the portal or website of the collection-holding institution or on other project''s V. Vanden Daelen – Data Sharing, Holocaust Documentation and the Digital Humanities: V. Vanden Daelen – Data Sharing, Holocaust Documentation and the Digital Humanities: V. Vanden Daelen – Data Sharing, Holocaust Documentation and the Digital Humanities: V. Vanden Daelen – Data Sharing, Holocaust Documentation and the Digital Humanities: V. Vanden Daelen – Data Sharing, Holocaust Documentation and the Digital Humanities: id: work_3zytjanwqfhq7mfbrf6vdrtdxi author: Vierros, Marja title: Preprocessing Greek Papyri for Linguistic Annotation date: 2017 words: 8387.0 sentences: 665.0 pages: 16 flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_3zytjanwqfhq7mfbrf6vdrtdxi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3zytjanwqfhq7mfbrf6vdrtdxi.txt summary: syntactically annotated (treebanked), and where the user can add new metadata concerning the text Greek; papyri; linguistic annotation; treebank; dependency grammar; TEI EpiDoc XML; MySQL; research project of author 1 ("SEMATIA: Linguistic Annotation of the Greek Documentary project it is highly important that the edited text contains the assumed standard forms, too. treebanks for historical linguistic research as well as dependency grammar for Ancient Greek abbreviated words, for example, only the part that was written is taken into the original layer decided to add a third layer, where a new variation mark-up is added to the treebank XML. In this case, we take the whole word in expanded form into the standard layer (στερεοῦ) and The whole word in expanded form, ἔτους, is chosen for the standard layer and for the original creating, managing and querying the original and standard layers of Epidoc XML texts. The treebank XML of the original layer would be id: work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfe author: Vincent Gray title: Data Management Plan Exemplar #2: Digital Humanities and Secondary Data date: 2020 words: 2207.0 sentences: 183.0 pages: 7 flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_v4wbt4xugzhktlgjrrv7fs6mfe.txt summary: Text-based data collected from Statistics Canada was used to create a union list of born-digital This project will create a bilingual union list of born-digital products from the Canadian Census The data will be collected in an Inmagic v.15 database from which non-proprietary file-formats, Research Data Management Librarian will help identify other possible repository options for our Identify who will be responsible for managing this project''s data routine maintenance on the Inmagic database; extracting ASCII files; creating documentation; project''s data, including a change of Principal Investigator? If your research project includes sensitive data, how will you ensure How and where will your data be stored and backed up during your research project? Where will you deposit your data for long-term preservation and access at the end of your research project? If your research project includes sensitive data, how will you ensure that it is securely managed and accessible only to approved members of the project? id: work_yy4w5jl7yfcwjjwru4dfwbsfze author: Vincent J. van Heuven title: Making Sense of Strange Sounds: (Mutual) Intelligibility of Related Language Varieties. A Review date: 2008 words: 175.0 sentences: 27.0 pages: flesch: 48.0 cache: ./cache/work_yy4w5jl7yfcwjjwru4dfwbsfze.pdf txt: ./txt/work_yy4w5jl7yfcwjjwru4dfwbsfze.txt summary: | Scholarly Publications Skip to main content Leiden University Scholarly Publications Home Submit Select Collection Academic speeches Dissertations Faculty of Archaeology Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Science Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences Leiden Journals, Conference Proceedings and Books Leiden Law School Leiden University Press Medicine / Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) Research output UL Search box Persistent URL of this record Documents Download HeuvenIJHAC2008 Not Applicable (or Unknown) open access In Collections In Collections In Collections This item can be found in the following collections: Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) Making sense of strange sounds: (Mutual) intelligibility of related language varieties. Making sense of strange sounds: (Mutual) intelligibility of related language varieties. A review. A review. Article / Letter to editor Heuven, V.J. van Journal International Journal Of Humanities and Arts Computing ©2020-2021 Leiden University A service provided by Leiden University Libraries Digital Collections id: work_wgoxcs463jdqfiya2dkxsgcik4 author: Von Elena Agazzi title: Zwischen Transdisziplinarität und Transkulturalität. Ein Versuch, Herder im Zeitalter der ,Digital Humanities'' zu interpretieren date: 2020 words: 7033.0 sentences: 1354.0 pages: 19 flesch: 66.0 cache: ./cache/work_wgoxcs463jdqfiya2dkxsgcik4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wgoxcs463jdqfiya2dkxsgcik4.txt summary: zum Begriff der „Humanität", der als der Leitgedanke seiner Schriften anzusehen ist, der – aus Herders Sicht – nicht von der Möglichkeit des Menschen 1 Johann Gottfried Herder: Haben wir noch jetzt das Publikum und Vaterland der Alten? 2 Johann Gottfried Herder, Wie die Philosophie zum Besten des Volks allgemeiner und Dem bisher Gesagten sei noch eine abschließende Bemerkung zu den Gründen für die Befürwortung einer Neubewertung zu Herders Aus diesem Grund stellt sich hier die Frage nach der Notwendigkeit und Die Rezension Kants zu den Ideen von Herder war in der Jenaer „Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung", die „Menschheit" und die „Humanität"20 den Kern seiner Ausführungen darstellen, sondern auch, weil seine Vorstellung, mit der er die Rolle des Menschen eine, der den Imperialismus, Kolonialismus und die Diskriminierung zwischen dass die Interpolation literarischer Erzählung und Historie, von der Herder Modernität eines Autors, der immer auf die Effekte von „Verjüngung" und id: work_hnpz6ksevfbafby5h5rdw6mhdq author: W. H. K. Chun title: Working the Digital Humanities: Uncovering Shadows between the Dark and the Light date: 2014 words: 10008.0 sentences: 595.0 pages: 26 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_hnpz6ksevfbafby5h5rdw6mhdq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hnpz6ksevfbafby5h5rdw6mhdq.txt summary: digital humanities within larger changes to university funding and "bright" and "dark" sides of the digital humanities, I want to begin by Of course, Pannapacker''s relationship to digital humanities has changed digital humanities work: collaboration. Reorienting the bright side/dark side debate away from the provocativeness of its media hype and back toward the spirit of creating consensus around long-standing humanities concerns, I would like to suggest to offset "indirect costs." When digital humanities centers and their institutions send out celebratory announcements about how they just received a excited to promote, publicize, and even support digital humanities grant to "reinscribe cultural criticism at the center of digital humanities work" contribution to scholarship: "One way to present digital humanities work ways in which the work done by the union of the digital and the humanities "The mla and the Digital Humanities." Chronicle of Higher Education 28 Dec. id: work_becbdobjdjamjgxuo64hj77n7i author: W.-W. Chen title: BODY AS ECHOES: CYBER ARCHIVING OF DAZU ROCK CARVINGS date: 2017 words: 2416.0 sentences: 279.0 pages: 4 flesch: 55.0 cache: ./cache/work_becbdobjdjamjgxuo64hj77n7i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_becbdobjdjamjgxuo64hj77n7i.txt summary: Keywords: Digital Heritage, Digital Sculpting, STEM Education, Interactive Info-Motion Design, Dazu Rock Carvings "Body As Echoes: Cyber Archiving of Dazu Rock Carvings (BAE project in short)" strives to explore the tangible/intangible aspects Aiming at Dazu Rock Carvings World Heritage Site of Sichuan Province, BAE project utilizes photogrammetry and digital sculpting technique to investigate digital narrative of cultural heritage conservation. and making sustainable of the tangible cultural heritage at Dazu Rock Carvings, BAE project cyber-archives the selected niches and making the digital resources available to broader audiences, BAE project will further develop interactive info-motion interface and apply the knowledge of digital heritage from BAE project to STEM education. Figure 2/2.1: Photogrammetry documentation of Gandhārastyle carved grey schist Shakyamuni, Bodhisattva (gilt), Figure 3: Digital documentations of the Esoteric deities at Dazu Rock Carving in Sichuan Province, China. 3. Digital humanity in cultural heritage conservation selects digital heritage as the form to study Dazu Rock Carvings id: work_dbicdw24cnfdjclw345f6asqz4 author: Wendy Laura Belcher title: CDH Project Charter – Princeton Ethiopian Miracles of Mary 2019-20 date: 2019 words: 11416.0 sentences: 920.0 pages: 32 flesch: 62.0 cache: ./cache/work_dbicdw24cnfdjclw345f6asqz4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_dbicdw24cnfdjclw345f6asqz4.txt summary: Princeton Ethiopian Miracles of Mary (PEMM) project will collect and collate information about With the guidance of the CDH, the PEMM project team will collect and collate data about hundreds of Marian miracle stories in hundreds of Ethiopian manuscripts. The data are currently in structured text files, pdfs, Google Docs and Sheets, XML, and MS Canonical Story appears in Princeton''s RBSC Täˀammərä Maryam manuscripts in Excel (such as matching Princeton manuscripts to Macomber based on data from the We designed a preliminary data structure for Canonical Stories, Project data (namely, Macomber''s handlist) currently managed as a ● Import relevant data from Princeton Ethiopian manuscripts to Google Sheets ● Structured text file migrated into Google Sheets with customized data validation and Marian miracles, based on his study of 100+ manuscripts, including each story''s title, basis for a Google Sheet titled PEMM Täˀammərä Maryam Manuscripts Dataset . id: work_sqqogcuqhjgfljok3caq7ovts4 author: Wilbert Heeringa title: What Role does Dialect Knowledge Play in the Perception of Linguistic Distances? date: 2008 words: 6808.0 sentences: 490.0 pages: 17 flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_sqqogcuqhjgfljok3caq7ovts4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_sqqogcuqhjgfljok3caq7ovts4.txt summary: judgments of linguistic distances on actual dialect data presented in a listening phonetic distances measured on the basis of the transcriptions of the recordings dialect speakers in order to measure perceptual linguistic distances between perceived distances correlate with objective distances based on other data sets listeners who identified the dialects correctly; and b) distances as perceived by on the basis of the NOS, ALE, ALENOR and NOR data are correlated with second data set contains transcriptions of the Norwegian dialect atlas (NOR). In order to investigate the linguistic distances between 15 Norwegian dialects as dialect of Trondheim (mean 7.8) is different from the distance as perceived makes it possible to correlate the objective and the perceptual linguistic distances objective linguistic distances based on the other data sets form another cluster. correlation with distances as perceived by listeners who recognised the dialects W. Heeringa (2004), ''Measuring dialect pronunciation differences using Levenshtein distance'' id: work_wk5gdkhmunbxtgjjfiwymt5fmu author: Wilfried Porth title: Setting sail — Opportunity in course changes date: 2018 words: 492.0 sentences: 34.0 pages: 1 flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_wk5gdkhmunbxtgjjfiwymt5fmu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wk5gdkhmunbxtgjjfiwymt5fmu.txt summary: Setting Sail – Opportunity in Course Changes before you leave, measure the wind speed and direction, It is precisely this ability to respond quickly and independently to changing conditions that is known in a business Agile working speeds up the pace of strategy, which has the four key themes of "Connected, Autonomous, Shared & Service, and Electric Drive" (Case), we are The characteristic features of agile working include significant freedom to design your own work and considerable This type of cooperation requires a new form managers in agile teams are increasingly taking on the role of In this type of environment, employees Managers at Daimler are learning to hand over control and transfer more responsibility for decision-making to the members of their teams. Sailors know that it makes no sense to sail directly blowing from the side or changing direction. Management of Daimler AG, Human Resources and id: work_wan4znz7q5eytdh2qj2g7hjd7u author: Wolfgang Reisig title: The 10th advanced summer school on service-oriented computing date: 2017 words: 326.0 sentences: 27.0 pages: 1 flesch: 43.0 cache: ./cache/work_wan4znz7q5eytdh2qj2g7hjd7u.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wan4znz7q5eytdh2qj2g7hjd7u.txt summary: DOI 10.1007/s00450-017-0341-z The 10th Advanced Summer School on Service Oriented of summer schools that started in 2007, regularly attracting state-of-the-art research during a week-long program organized in several thematic tracks: patterns, formal methods for SOC, computing in the clouds, data science, e-health and The advanced summer school is regularly to presentations of original research contributions in these 1 Institut für Informatik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter been extensively discussed during a poster session. The first set of articles discuss issues from cloud computing and service development like detecting patterns for technologies to discover (costume) patterns, and an overall method to discover patterns in musicology. of articles discuss how to use situation models, how to use utility functions in transportation systems, and to properly select NoSQL database systems. The 10th advanced summer school on service-oriented computing The 10th advanced summer school on service-oriented computing The 10th advanced summer school on service-oriented computing id: work_gbwegerwnngtpd5va6ifmrlnnu author: Wout Dillen title: On edited archives and archived editions date: 2019 words: 1445.0 sentences: 221.0 pages: flesch: 59.0 cache: ./cache/work_gbwegerwnngtpd5va6ifmrlnnu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_gbwegerwnngtpd5va6ifmrlnnu.txt summary: Building on a longstanding terminological discussion in the field of textual scholarship, this essay explores the archival and editorial potential of the digital scholarly edition. 2.In ''Edition, Project, Database, Archive, Thematic Research Collection: What''s in a Name?'' Price weighed a series of alternatives against one another and makes a case for switching to the concept of ''arsenal'' instead (2009). 4.Gerrit Brünning, one of the collaborators on the Faust Edition explained as much at a talk that he gave at the University of Antwerp as part of the Platform Digital Humanities Lecture Series (26 March 2018). Cappellotto, A., Dillen, W., Fischer, F., Kelly, A., Mertgens, A., Sichani, A., Spadini, E., and Van Hulle, D., (Eds.), Advances in digital scholarly editing. Van Hulle (Eds.), Advances in digital scholarly editing. Paper presented at Digital Scholarly Editing: Theory, Practice, Methods. Digital scholarly editing id: work_vgs2bzh7q5dotcjtpixxb4oode author: Yalemisew Abgaz title: Towards a Comprehensive Assessment of the Quality and Richness of the Europeana Metadata of food-related Images date: 2020 words: 552.0 sentences: 89.0 pages: 13 flesch: 44.0 cache: ./cache/work_vgs2bzh7q5dotcjtpixxb4oode.pdf txt: ./txt/work_vgs2bzh7q5dotcjtpixxb4oode.txt summary: Europeana Metadata of food-related Images 1Adapt Centre DCU, 2ACDH-CH OeAW, 3Europeana Local AT Cultural Image aggregation (Europeana Local Österreich, AT) access and analysis possibilities of cultural (food) images 42.969 images (available with Free Access licenses) were selected metadata and images Europeana enrich semantic connections with vocabularies Thus,the current metadata needs analysis on the basis of The quality of the current metadata The use of multiple domain-specific vocabularies The gap between what the image depicts and the metadata Semantic Richness Analysis Semantic Richness: The availability of multiple descriptors of a More semantics for this image however, lacks semantic richness use of selected vocabularies to quantify semantic richness Analysis of the images with computer vision has a potential It is important to provide quality metadata to improve both semantic richness and quality. Check out our website → id: work_whyybejvljh5ddbzfuxffuvyai author: Yang Cai title: Visual Analysis of Human Dynamics: An Introduction to the Special Issue date: 2006 words: 1431.0 sentences: 122.0 pages: 2 flesch: 48.0 cache: ./cache/work_whyybejvljh5ddbzfuxffuvyai.pdf txt: ./txt/work_whyybejvljh5ddbzfuxffuvyai.txt summary: Visual analysis of human dynamics: an For thousands of years, visual expression of human dynamics has been a Unfortunately, our understanding of the natural or social human systems Computational visualization of human dynamics has been rapidly Stochastic process-based geographical profiling models have been developed to investigate serial killer''s spatio-temporal patterns from the collected field data.5 Furthermore, the cellular automata-based panic model networks has been lifted from merely visual data rendering to model-based At the physiological level, computational visualization of human Functional MRI (fMRI) systems visualize human This special issue ''Visual Analysis of Human Dynamics'' ICCS workshop on Digital Human Modeling (DHM-06), gesture recognition to multi-scale human modeling. in the growing area with focus on visual analysis of human dynamics, including models, tools and applications visual analysis of social networks with the context of humans and multi-scale physiological models within context of visible soldier project for counterterrorism.16 id: work_kicxn2icvzh6fowok6ocyfv3b4 author: Yingwei Yan title: Chinese Temple Networks in Southeast Asia: A WebGIS Digital Humanities Platform for the Collaborative Study of the Chinese Diaspora in Southeast Asia date: 2020 words: 13816.0 sentences: 1110.0 pages: 23 flesch: 60.0 cache: ./cache/work_kicxn2icvzh6fowok6ocyfv3b4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kicxn2icvzh6fowok6ocyfv3b4.txt summary: in Southeast Asia, focusing on networks of Chinese temples and associations extending from WebGIS platforms gathering and linking data on cultural and religious networks across Southeast inscriptions, extensive surveys of Chinese temples and associations, as well as archival and historical Keywords: Chinese temples; clan and regional associations; network relations; WebGIS; collaborative members of Chinese temples in Southeast Asia back on the "home" culture in Putian, China. features of the Chinese temple and trust networks, based on both extensive historical documentation // in order to introduce Southeast Asian data into the field of digital humanities. up a historical GIS of Singapore by developing an ArcGIS website with contemporary base maps, temples and associations in Singapore is linked to the point data in PDF format for users to acquire feature layers about Chinese Temples and clan associations in Singapore are turned on as an example. id: work_uolzcec3xff3ra45tohoqbp2yu author: Yongbao Zhang title: Simulation and Ergonomic Evaluation of Welders'' Standing Posture Using Jack Software date: 2019 words: 9534.0 sentences: 890.0 pages: 14 flesch: 68.0 cache: ./cache/work_uolzcec3xff3ra45tohoqbp2yu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_uolzcec3xff3ra45tohoqbp2yu.txt summary: Simulation and Ergonomic Evaluation of Welders'' Standing Posture Using Jack Software Lower Back Analysis, Ovako Working Posture Analysis, Comfort Assessment, and Rapid Upper Limb and upper limbs in order to study the comfortable operation space of the digital human with different lower back, comfort value, and Ovako Working Posture Analysis of different percentiles of the lower back, comfort value, and Ovako Working Posture Analysis of different percentiles of the figure. Right body comfort value results (hand-held 6kg welding torch). Right body comfort value results (hand-held 6kg welding torch). calculation results in the above table, in the right hand-held welding torch posture, some joints have an calculation results in the above table, in the right hand-held welding torch posture, some joints have an Lower back pressure at different operating distances for the standing raising arm action. Lower back pressure at different operating distances for the standing raising arm action. id: work_g6nalraddzc7df7eqmjqbnazm4 author: Yu-Lin Chen title: A museum exhibits support system based on history and culture literacy date: 2012 words: 182.0 sentences: 56.0 pages: flesch: 85.0 cache: ./cache/work_g6nalraddzc7df7eqmjqbnazm4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_g6nalraddzc7df7eqmjqbnazm4.txt summary: 淡江大學機構典藏:Bitstream Authorization Required English 正體中文 简体中文 Items with full text/Total items : 57915/91485 (63%) Visitors : 13672868 Online Users : 46 RC Version 7.0 © Powered By DSPACE, MIT. Enhanced by NTU Library & TKU Library IR team. Scope All of 機構典藏 文學院 理學院 工學院 商管學院 外國語文學院 國際研究學院 教育學院 創業發展學院 全球化研究與發展學院 社區發展學院 全球發展學院 技術學院 行政單位 體育事務處 淡江出版期刊 67週年校慶研討會 67週年校慶研討會 教育部教學實踐研究計畫 Tips: please add "double quotation mark" for query phrases to get precise results please goto advance search for comprehansive author search Adv. Search Home Login Upload Help Administer Browse all Communities & Collections Title Date Authors Relevant Link 機構典藏網站流量統計 各系所授權人數統計 機構典藏相關使用文件 臺灣機構典藏 TAIR 日本機構典藏 JAIRO Bitstream Authorization Required Sorry, the bitstream file is not authorized now. The constraint is as followed, Access time constraint: 9999/12/31 ~ Access place constraint: 淡江大學機構典藏 Go to the 機構典藏 home page DSpace Software MIT & Enhanced by NTU Library & TKU Library IR teams. id: work_nukeyhq6rvcihcvyt2lktwaw2m author: Yusuke Nakamura title: Designing Research for Monitoring Humanities-based Interdisciplinary Studies: A Case of Cultural Resources Studies (Bunkashigengaku 文化資源学) in Japan date: 2017 words: 489.0 sentences: 84.0 pages: flesch: 57.0 cache: ./cache/work_nukeyhq6rvcihcvyt2lktwaw2m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_nukeyhq6rvcihcvyt2lktwaw2m.txt summary: Designing Research for Monitoring Humanities-based Interdisciplinary Studies: A Case of Cultural Resources Studies (Bunkashigengaku 文化資源学) in Japan | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 51990493Designing Research for Monitoring Humanities-based Interdisciplinary Studies: A Case of Cultural Resources Studies (Bunkashigengaku 文化資源学) in Japan title={Designing Research for Monitoring Humanities-based Interdisciplinary Studies: A Case of Cultural Resources Studies (Bunkashigengaku 文化資源学) in Japan}, Suzuki and Katsuya Masuda and Hideki Mima}, The present paper aims at designing a monitoring framework for a yet new interdisciplinary research and education program in Japan, "Cultural Resources Studies.", "Bunkashigengaku" in Japanese. Fast search of art culture resources based on big data and cuckoo algorithm View 1 excerpt, references methods View 1 excerpt, references background Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License id: work_3hxzu73yiva45pzyuwqvvxu5ki author: libi striegl title: Anarchive as technique in the Media Archaeology Lab | building a one Laptop Per Child mesh network date: 2019 words: 5771.0 sentences: 357.0 pages: 12 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_3hxzu73yiva45pzyuwqvvxu5ki.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3hxzu73yiva45pzyuwqvvxu5ki.txt summary: Media Archaeology Lab (MAL), based at the University of Colorado at Boulder our One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) XO Mesh Network Project and the four-part set collection anarchivally, we suggest a novel approach to assessment and to knowledge creation related to this specific technology, while also suggesting how these an avenue for hands-on research into and critical consideration of the history, implementation, and outcomes of the OLPC project. of our OLPC Mesh Network project, the event or active process is the individual Retrieved from Retrieved from Retrieved from Retrieved from Anarchive as technique in the Media Archaeology Lab | building a one Laptop Per Child mesh network Anarchive as technique in the Media Archaeology Lab | building a one Laptop Per Child mesh network The Media Archaeology Lab as archive and anarchive The Media Archaeology Lab as archive and anarchive Archiving and anarchiving the MAL''s collection of OLPCs Archiving and anarchiving the MAL''s collection of OLPCs id: work_xcjcrtz5ureidciyij4l4uvepq author: 肖瓏 Long Xiao title: 數位人文的跨領域和基礎性研究:以文物數位化保護元數據標準規範為例 date: 2017 words: 2177.0 sentences: 508.0 pages: 20 flesch: 62.0 cache: ./cache/work_xcjcrtz5ureidciyij4l4uvepq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xcjcrtz5ureidciyij4l4uvepq.txt summary: Metadata for Digital Cultural Heritage as an example to introduce the general framework and professional development of Metadata Standards for Digital Cultural Heritage. the background to explain the research on standards of overall structure of cultural heritage digitization Fundamental study of Metadata Standards for Digital Cultural Heritage The standard system for cultural heritage digital preservation and metadata is used to support the Metadata Standards for Digital Cultural Heritage The lifecycle of cultural objects'' digitization is the foundation of standard for metadata. Information framework of Metadata Standards for Digital Cultural Heritage The information framework of Metadata Standards for Digital Cultural Heritage include (1) Structural framework of Metadata Standards for Digital Cultural Heritage The basic content structure of cultural heritage metadata is the common core elements used for Study on application of Metadata Standards for Digital Cultural Heritage Table 1 Core Element Sets of Cultural Heritage Digitization Protection and Metadata ==== questions ==== search ==== topic modeling corpus Zipping study carrel