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JPEG2000 files will not be processed. See for optional dependencies. Apr 05, 2021 9:07:53 PM org.apache.tika.config.InitializableProblemHandler$3 handleInitializableProblem WARNING: Tesseract OCR is installed and will be automatically applied to image files unless you've excluded the TesseractOCRParser from the default parser. Tesseract may dramatically slow down content extraction (TIKA-2359). As of Tika 1.15 (and prior versions), Tesseract is automatically called. In future versions of Tika, users may need to turn the TesseractOCRParser on via TikaConfig. Apr 05, 2021 9:07:53 PM org.apache.tika.config.InitializableProblemHandler$3 handleInitializableProblem WARNING: org.xerial's sqlite-jdbc is not loaded. Please provide the jar on your classpath to parse sqlite files. See tika-parsers/pom.xml for the correct version. 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Willis citation_journal_title undefined citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 2013 citation_title 'Practice Story Exchanges' and their Creative Invitation to Informal Learning dc:title 'Practice Story Exchanges' and their Creative Invitation to Informal Learning | Semantic Scholar description This is a study of how members of a collaborative group interested in promoting convivial civilisation in human society took up exchanging practice stories-stories of doing something or seeing something done as examples of convivial backyard civilisation-in order tacitly to create an informal learning environment where practices of such a convivial backyard civilisation could seem normal, desirable and do-able. Practice story exchanges were an attempt to 'tell the truth but tell it slant' as Emily Dickenson put it, to work tentatively and collaboratively avoiding too much direct confrontation and rigid debate. This paper talks of the work of creating conviviality to redress an over emphasis on productivity in society; of the nature and importance of informal learning and its links with story exchanges and how this is pursued in the work of the Australian Centre for Convivial Backyard Civilisation ACCBC. msapplication-TileColor #FFFFFF msapplication-TileImage msapplication-square150x150logo msapplication-square310x310logo msapplication-square70x70logo msapplication-wide310x150logo og:description This is a study of how members of a collaborative group interested in promoting convivial civilisation in human society took up exchanging practice stories-stories of doing something or seeing something done as examples of convivial backyard civilisation-in order tacitly to create an informal learning environment where practices of such a convivial backyard civilisation could seem normal, desirable and do-able. Practice story exchanges were an attempt to 'tell the truth but tell it slant' as Emily Dickenson put it, to work tentatively and collaboratively avoiding too much direct confrontation and rigid debate. This paper talks of the work of creating conviviality to redress an over emphasis on productivity in society; of the nature and importance of informal learning and its links with story exchanges and how this is pursued in the work of the Australian Centre for Convivial Backyard Civilisation ACCBC. og:image og:image:height 582 og:image:secure_url ['', ''] og:image:width 1110 og:locale ['en_US', 'en_US'] og:title 'Practice Story Exchanges' and their Creative Invitation to Informal Learning | Semantic Scholar og:type website resourceName b'work_rc7ce7jkhvbv7bauvyry4qevl4.pdf' robots noarchive,noindex s2-ui-version 0a1ee7b640e58bf005fa3cbd97e8cba83bff3dc9 title 'Practice Story Exchanges' and their Creative Invitation to Informal Learning | Semantic Scholar twitter:card summary_large_image twitter:description This is a study of how members of a collaborative group interested in promoting convivial civilisation in human society took up exchanging practice stories-stories of doing something or seeing something done as examples of convivial backyard civilisation-in order tacitly to create an informal learning environment where practices of such a convivial backyard civilisation could seem normal, desirable and do-able. Practice story exchanges were an attempt to 'tell the truth but tell it slant' as Emily Dickenson put it, to work tentatively and collaboratively avoiding too much direct confrontation and rigid debate. This paper talks of the work of creating conviviality to redress an over emphasis on productivity in society; of the nature and importance of informal learning and its links with story exchanges and how this is pursued in the work of the Australian Centre for Convivial Backyard Civilisation ACCBC. twitter:image ['', ''] twitter:site @allenai_org twitter:title 'Practice Story Exchanges' and their Creative Invitation to Informal Learning | Semantic Scholar viewport width=device-width,initial-scale=1 === === id: work_573z3j7fzbcdhju7746q3bwa5q author: Karen Meschia title: Luise Von Flotow (ed.), Translating Women date: 2012 pages: 5 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_573z3j7fzbcdhju7746q3bwa5q.txt cache: ./cache/work_573z3j7fzbcdhju7746q3bwa5q.pdf Author Karen Meschia Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2021-02-16T09:37:09Z Keywords traduction,translation,traductologie,translation studies,feminism,féminisme Last-Modified 2021-02-16T09:37:09Z Last-Save-Date 2021-02-16T09:37:09Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 28 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2021-02-16T09:37:09Z creator Karen Meschia date 2021-02-16T09:37:09Z dc:creator Karen Meschia dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject traduction,translation,traductologie,translation studies,feminism,féminisme dc:title Miranda, 7 | 2012 dcterms:created 2021-02-16T09:37:09Z dcterms:modified 2021-02-16T09:37:09Z meta:author Karen Meschia meta:creation-date 2021-02-16T09:37:09Z meta:keyword traduction,translation,traductologie,translation studies,feminism,féminisme meta:save-date 2021-02-16T09:37:09Z modified 2021-02-16T09:37:09Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['791', '1920', '3821', '3595', '260'] pdf:docinfo:created 2021-02-16T09:37:09Z pdf:docinfo:creator Karen Meschia pdf:docinfo:creator_tool OpenEdition pdf:docinfo:keywords traduction,translation,traductologie,translation studies,feminism,féminisme pdf:docinfo:modified 2021-02-16T09:37:09Z pdf:docinfo:producer OpenEdition PDF Server v2 pdf:docinfo:title Miranda, 7 | 2012 pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP true pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer OpenEdition PDF Server v2 resourceName b'work_573z3j7fzbcdhju7746q3bwa5q.pdf' subject traduction,translation,traductologie,translation studies,feminism,féminisme title Miranda, 7 | 2012 xmp:CreatorTool OpenEdition xmpTPg:NPages 5 work_kxlawefyl5ggpm45a4jgbnu75m txt/../pos/work_kxlawefyl5ggpm45a4jgbnu75m.pos work_rdbxjatig5fevam4loqogcl5sy txt/../wrd/work_rdbxjatig5fevam4loqogcl5sy.wrd work_kxlawefyl5ggpm45a4jgbnu75m txt/../wrd/work_kxlawefyl5ggpm45a4jgbnu75m.wrd work_3rnpb5ei3feuzn2zc5m3rnpra4 txt/../pos/work_3rnpb5ei3feuzn2zc5m3rnpra4.pos work_f2vnr4iplva3zihzjrrgavei4a txt/../wrd/work_f2vnr4iplva3zihzjrrgavei4a.wrd work_3rnpb5ei3feuzn2zc5m3rnpra4 txt/../wrd/work_3rnpb5ei3feuzn2zc5m3rnpra4.wrd === === id: work_h2skrzmbv5clnddvstwk74cfmq author: Sandra L. 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Daniels title: "We Shall Be as a City Upon a Hill": John Winthrop's Vision and the Urban History of New England. Lamphere, Louise. From Working Daughters to Working Mothers: Immigrant Women in a New England Industrial Community. Ithaca, NY and London: Cornell University Press, 1987. Pp. xviii, 391 Appendices, bibliography, index, tables. $45.00 (U.S.) McGaw, Judith. Most Wonderful Machine: Mechanization and Social Change in Berkshire Paper Making, 1801-1885. Princeton, N.J.; Princeton University Press, 1987. Pp. xv, 439. Appendices, bibliography, illustrations, index, tables. $40.00 (U.S.) Blewett, Mary. Men, Women, and Work: Class, Gender, and Protest in the New England Shoe Industry, 1780-1910. Champaign, III.: University of Illinois Press, 1988. Pp. xxii, 444. Appendices, bibliography, index. $29.95 (U.S.) date: 1990 pages: 3 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_uqizyllyafg4fglj3b55ecwti4.txt cache: ./cache/work_uqizyllyafg4fglj3b55ecwti4.pdf Author Bruce C. 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From Working Daughters to Working Mothers: Immigrant Women in a New England Industrial Community. Ithaca, NY and London: Cornell University Press, 1987. Pp. xviii, 391 Appendices, bibliography, index, tables. $45.00 (U.S.) / McGaw, Judith. Most Wonderful Machine: Mechanization and Social Change in Berkshire Paper Making, 1801-1885. Princeton, N.J.; Princeton University Press, 1987. Pp. xv, 439. Appendices, bibliography, illustrations, index, tables. $40.00 (U.S.) / Blewett, Mary. Men, Women, and Work: Class, Gender, and Protest in the New England Shoe Industry, 1780-1910. Champaign, III.: University of Illinois Press, 1988. Pp. xxii, 444. Appendices, bibliography, index. $29.95 (U.S.) dcterms:created 2021-04-05T16:02:19Z dcterms:modified 2021-04-05T16:02:19Z meta:author Bruce C. 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Appendices, bibliography, illustrations, index, tables. $40.00 (U.S.) / Blewett, Mary. Men, Women, and Work: Class, Gender, and Protest in the New England Shoe Industry, 1780-1910. Champaign, III.: University of Illinois Press, 1988. Pp. xxii, 444. Appendices, bibliography, index. $29.95 (U.S.) pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0'] producer ReportLab PDF Library - resourceName b'work_uqizyllyafg4fglj3b55ecwti4.pdf' subject title "We Shall Be as a City Upon a Hill": John Winthrop's Vision and the Urban History of New England / Lamphere, Louise. From Working Daughters to Working Mothers: Immigrant Women in a New England Industrial Community. Ithaca, NY and London: Cornell University Press, 1987. Pp. xviii, 391 Appendices, bibliography, index, tables. $45.00 (U.S.) / McGaw, Judith. Most Wonderful Machine: Mechanization and Social Change in Berkshire Paper Making, 1801-1885. Princeton, N.J.; Princeton University Press, 1987. Pp. xv, 439. Appendices, bibliography, illustrations, index, tables. $40.00 (U.S.) / Blewett, Mary. Men, Women, and Work: Class, Gender, and Protest in the New England Shoe Industry, 1780-1910. Champaign, III.: University of Illinois Press, 1988. Pp. xxii, 444. 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I analyse Sir James MacMillan’s theology of music, outline some practical and theoretical issues that arose in setting up theologian-composer partnerships, and reflect critically on the six new works of sacred choral music that emerged (these are printed as supplementary materials). The article assesses the implications of such collaboration for future work at the interface between theology and music, and between theology and the arts more generally. created 2018-01-03T03:37:00Z creator George Corbett date 2018-01-03T16:44:04Z dc:creator George Corbett dc:description This article presents the methodology and research underpinning the TheoArtistry Composers’ Scheme, a project based in ITIA (the Institute for Theology, Imagination and the Arts), School of Divinity, University of St Andrews (2016–2017). I analyse Sir James MacMillan’s theology of music, outline some practical and theoretical issues that arose in setting up theologian-composer partnerships, and reflect critically on the six new works of sacred choral music that emerged (these are printed as supplement dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject sacred music; choral music; composition; theology; theoartistry; annunciation; Hebrew Bible; James MacMillan; Michael Symmons Roberts; Jeremy Begbie dc:title TheoArtistry, and a Contemporary Perspective on Composing Sacred Choral Music dcterms:created 2018-01-03T03:37:00Z dcterms:modified 2018-01-03T16:44:04Z description This article presents the methodology and research underpinning the TheoArtistry Composers’ Scheme, a project based in ITIA (the Institute for Theology, Imagination and the Arts), School of Divinity, University of St Andrews (2016–2017). I analyse Sir James MacMillan’s theology of music, outline some practical and theoretical issues that arose in setting up theologian-composer partnerships, and reflect critically on the six new works of sacred choral music that emerged (these are printed as supplement meta:author George Corbett meta:creation-date 2018-01-03T03:37:00Z meta:keyword sacred music; choral music; composition; theology; theoartistry; annunciation; Hebrew Bible; James MacMillan; Michael Symmons Roberts; Jeremy Begbie meta:save-date 2018-01-03T16:44:04Z modified 2018-01-03T16:44:04Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['3389', '4487', '4542', '4314', '4152', '4017', '3744', '4434', '3914', '4062', '4244', '3842', '4165', '8534', '3504', '3794', '3487', '3215'] pdf:docinfo:created 2018-01-03T03:37:00Z pdf:docinfo:creator George Corbett pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.17 (TeX Live 2016/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.2 pdf:docinfo:keywords sacred music; choral music; composition; theology; theoartistry; annunciation; Hebrew Bible; James MacMillan; Michael Symmons Roberts; Jeremy Begbie pdf:docinfo:modified 2018-01-03T16:44:04Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.17 pdf:docinfo:subject This article presents the methodology and research underpinning the TheoArtistry Composers’ Scheme, a project based in ITIA (the Institute for Theology, Imagination and the Arts), School of Divinity, University of St Andrews (2016–2017). I analyse Sir James MacMillan’s theology of music, outline some practical and theoretical issues that arose in setting up theologian-composer partnerships, and reflect critically on the six new works of sacred choral music that emerged (these are printed as supplementary materials). The article assesses the implications of such collaboration for future work at the interface between theology and music, and between theology and the arts more generally. pdf:docinfo:title TheoArtistry, and a Contemporary Perspective on Composing Sacred Choral Music pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP true pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.17 resourceName b'work_54potqslzjgmzdy4jwcddd4epu.pdf' subject This article presents the methodology and research underpinning the TheoArtistry Composers’ Scheme, a project based in ITIA (the Institute for Theology, Imagination and the Arts), School of Divinity, University of St Andrews (2016–2017). I analyse Sir James MacMillan’s theology of music, outline some practical and theoretical issues that arose in setting up theologian-composer partnerships, and reflect critically on the six new works of sacred choral music that emerged (these are printed as supplementary materials). The article assesses the implications of such collaboration for future work at the interface between theology and music, and between theology and the arts more generally. title TheoArtistry, and a Contemporary Perspective on Composing Sacred Choral Music trapped False xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 18 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'CourierNewPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_pvkyj2kxgzggtpsgdkoyvvnyuq.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_acm5o7pzeja35dhuldwdklchcu txt/../wrd/work_acm5o7pzeja35dhuldwdklchcu.wrd INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_yjp3wyiqzzbqvpbiizpgwh3mqq.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_4zbi4dphifgolpme3eaifubdeu.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for 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pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_ke7bphjy5jaxbatz3eywblix3m' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_ke7bphjy5jaxbatz3eywblix3m' work_wqgpuzs56fdrbpww7cdyebhj3q txt/../pos/work_wqgpuzs56fdrbpww7cdyebhj3q.pos work_eon6dhehqjfm3lsadfjxxhy7ty txt/../pos/work_eon6dhehqjfm3lsadfjxxhy7ty.pos work_wqgpuzs56fdrbpww7cdyebhj3q txt/../wrd/work_wqgpuzs56fdrbpww7cdyebhj3q.wrd work_qgegmhurp5aqxb3fra2o7pi5t4 txt/../pos/work_qgegmhurp5aqxb3fra2o7pi5t4.pos work_eon6dhehqjfm3lsadfjxxhy7ty txt/../wrd/work_eon6dhehqjfm3lsadfjxxhy7ty.wrd work_acm5o7pzeja35dhuldwdklchcu txt/../ent/work_acm5o7pzeja35dhuldwdklchcu.ent INFO Detecting media type 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'2010-08-20T15:45:57Z', '2010-08-20T15:46:15Z', '2010-08-20T15:46:46Z', '2010-08-20T15:47:24Z', '2010-08-20T15:47:39Z', '2010-08-20T15:48:17Z', '2010-08-20T15:48:23Z', '2010-08-20T15:48:37Z', '2010-08-20T15:49:14Z', '2010-08-20T15:49:48Z', '2010-08-20T15:50:03Z', '2010-08-20T15:52:35Z', '2010-08-23T14:17:33Z', '2010-08-23T14:30:59Z', '2010-08-23T14:31:30Z', '2010-08-23T14:31:36Z', '2010-08-23T14:33:24Z', '2010-08-23T14:33:45Z', '2010-08-23T14:34:49Z', '2010-08-23T14:35:09Z', '2010-08-27T15:40:38Z', '2010-08-27T15:42:28Z', '2010-08-27T15:42:59Z', '2010-08-27T15:43:16Z', '2010-08-27T16:17:14Z', '2010-08-31T14:19:02Z', '2010-08-31T14:24:33Z', '2010-09-01T15:07:32Z', '2010-09-08T15:33:54Z', '2010-09-08T15:33:54Z', '2010-09-08T15:35:07Z', '2010-09-08T15:57:10Z', '2010-09-08T16:02:21Z', '2010-09-08T16:14:54Z', '2010-09-08T16:15:45Z', '2010-09-08T16:24:25Z', '2010-09-08T16:25:00Z', '2010-09-08T16:37:51Z', '2010-09-08T17:53:13Z', '2010-09-08T18:06:23Z', '2010-09-09T09:06:42Z', '2010-09-09T09:07:24Z', '2010-09-09T10:30:59Z', '2010-09-09T10:44:47Z', '2010-09-09T10:48:25Z', '2010-09-09T11:02:40Z', '2010-09-09T11:20:46Z', '2010-09-09T11:22:45Z', '2010-09-09T11:24:18Z', '2010-09-09T11:26:29Z', '2010-09-09T11:28:20Z', '2010-09-09T11:33:04Z', '2010-09-09T11:34:32Z', '2010-09-09T11:46:24Z', '2010-09-09T11:46:54Z', '2010-09-09T11:50:05Z', '2010-09-09T14:18:09Z', '2010-09-09T14:20:26Z', '2010-09-09T14:27:56Z', '2010-09-09T14:30:53Z', '2010-09-09T15:15:57Z', '2010-09-09T15:18:47Z', '2010-09-09T15:27:50Z', '2010-09-09T15:30:15Z', '2010-09-09T15:40:25Z', '2010-09-09T15:42:56Z', '2010-09-09T15:44:46Z', '2010-09-09T15:48:19Z', '2010-09-09T15:54:22Z', '2010-09-09T16:00:39Z', '2010-09-09T16:09:14Z', '2010-09-09T16:10:50Z', '2010-09-09T16:15:28Z', '2010-09-09T16:18:03Z', '2010-09-10T09:09:57Z', '2010-09-10T09:24:24Z', '2010-09-10T09:28:45Z', '2010-09-10T09:28:45Z', '2010-09-10T10:03:17Z', '2010-09-10T10:10:02Z', '2010-09-10T10:53:52Z', '2010-09-10T11:00:54Z', '2010-09-10T11:03:21Z', '2010-09-10T11:06:04Z', '2010-09-10T11:08:30Z', '2010-09-10T11:08:38Z', '2010-09-10T11:15:55Z', '2010-09-10T11:16:57Z', '2010-09-10T11:18:13Z', '2010-09-10T11:20:01Z', '2010-09-10T11:21:25Z', '2010-09-10T11:21:50Z', '2010-09-10T11:22:55Z', '2010-09-10T11:23:51Z', '2010-09-10T11:24:19Z', '2010-09-10T11:26:21Z', '2010-09-10T11:29:10Z', '2010-09-10T11:31:01Z', '2010-09-10T11:32:33Z', '2010-09-10T11:35:42Z', '2010-09-10T11:37:02Z', '2010-09-10T11:37:56Z', '2010-09-10T11:38:07Z', '2010-09-10T11:38:30Z', '2010-09-10T11:39:47Z', '2010-09-10T11:40:18Z', '2010-09-10T11:43:26Z', '2010-09-10T11:44:23Z', '2010-09-10T11:44:46Z', '2010-09-10T11:46:34Z', '2010-09-10T11:50:30Z', '2010-09-10T11:50:55Z', '2010-09-10T11:51:18Z', '2010-09-10T11:52:31Z', '2010-09-10T11:52:49Z', '2010-09-10T11:54:34Z', '2010-09-10T11:54:36Z', '2010-09-10T11:55:32Z', '2010-09-10T12:13:18Z', '2010-09-10T12:14:07Z', '2010-09-10T12:17:29Z', '2010-09-10T12:18:16Z', '2010-09-10T12:21:07Z', '2010-09-10T12:25:56Z', '2010-09-10T12:26:16Z', '2010-09-10T12:27:28Z', '2010-09-10T12:27:46Z', '2010-09-10T12:27:50Z', '2010-09-10T12:28:53Z', '2010-09-10T12:30:44Z', '2010-09-10T12:30:56Z', '2010-09-10T12:31:23Z', '2010-09-10T12:31:23Z', '2010-09-10T14:49:16Z', '2010-09-10T15:54:48Z', '2010-09-10T16:05:20Z', '2010-09-10T16:11:18Z', '2010-09-10T16:38:03Z', '2010-09-13T11:30:16Z', '2010-09-13T11:45:08Z', '2010-09-13T20:41:29Z', '2010-09-14T16:36:56Z', '2010-09-14T16:50:11Z', '2010-09-14T17:43:02Z', '2010-09-14T17:43:02Z', '2010-09-15T10:56:22Z', '2010-09-15T11:00:27Z', '2010-09-15T13:08:14Z', '2010-09-16T09:09:04Z', '2010-09-17T16:16:25Z', '2010-10-08T13:17:29Z', '2010-10-11T18:00:33Z', '2010-11-04T13:48:31Z', '2010-11-04T13:48:31Z', '2010-11-04T13:59:23Z', '2010-11-04T13:59:33Z', '2010-11-04T14:01:37Z', '2010-11-04T14:04:05Z', '2010-11-04T14:06:35Z', '2010-11-04T14:09:16Z', '2010-11-04T14:09:29Z', '2010-11-04T14:09:56Z', '2010-11-04T14:10:09Z', '2010-11-04T14:10:37Z', '2010-11-04T14:10:54Z', '2010-11-04T14:12:47Z', '2010-11-04T14:13:00Z', '2010-11-04T14:13:16Z', '2010-11-04T14:14:50Z', '2010-11-04T14:14:52Z', '2010-11-04T14:16:30Z', '2010-11-04T14:16:58Z', '2010-11-04T14:18:10Z', '2010-11-04T14:19:08Z', '2010-11-04T14:24:53Z', '2010-11-04T14:25:54Z', '2010-11-04T14:27:00Z', '2010-11-04T14:29:43Z', '2010-11-04T14:31:52Z', '2010-11-04T14:32:11Z', '2010-11-04T14:33:27Z', '2010-11-04T14:48:04Z', '2010-11-04T14:48:28Z', '2010-11-04T14:49:26Z', '2010-11-04T14:54:02Z', '2010-11-04T14:55:19Z', '2010-11-04T15:02:13Z', '2010-11-04T15:02:20Z', '2010-11-04T15:06:21Z', '2010-11-04T15:14:00Z', '2010-11-04T15:14:15Z', '2010-11-04T15:17:43Z', '2010-11-04T15:19:29Z', '2010-11-04T15:19:41Z', '2010-11-04T15:20:55Z', '2010-11-04T15:21:02Z', '2010-11-04T15:21:23Z', '2010-11-04T15:31:31Z', '2010-11-04T15:34:50Z', '2010-11-04T15:35:25Z', '2010-11-04T15:35:38Z', '2010-11-04T15:37:54Z', '2010-11-04T15:39:50Z', '2010-11-04T15:41:29Z', '2010-11-04T15:41:42Z', '2010-11-04T15:41:56Z', '2010-11-04T15:42:02Z', '2010-11-04T15:43:44Z', '2010-11-04T15:45:24Z', '2010-11-04T15:45:36Z', '2010-11-04T15:47:08Z', '2010-11-04T15:47:16Z', '2010-11-04T15:47:22Z', '2010-11-04T15:48:01Z', '2010-11-04T15:49:42Z', '2010-11-04T15:50:29Z', '2010-11-04T15:50:34Z', '2010-11-04T15:51:38Z', '2010-11-04T15:52:18Z', '2010-11-04T15:53:23Z', '2010-11-04T15:53:49Z', '2010-11-04T15:54:24Z', '2010-11-04T15:56:08Z', '2010-11-04T15:56:29Z', '2010-11-04T15:56:46Z', '2010-11-04T16:05:59Z', '2010-11-04T16:06:33Z', '2010-11-04T16:26:01Z', '2010-11-04T16:27:13Z', '2010-11-04T16:30:17Z', '2010-11-04T16:32:24Z', '2010-11-04T16:33:37Z', '2010-11-04T16:34:12Z', '2010-11-04T16:34:18Z', '2010-11-04T16:34:42Z', '2010-11-04T16:38:05Z', '2010-11-04T16:43:21Z', '2010-11-04T16:43:46Z', '2010-11-04T16:45:08Z', '2010-11-04T16:51:10Z', '2010-11-04T16:51:19Z', '2010-11-04T16:51:50Z', '2010-11-04T16:56:06Z', '2010-11-04T16:58:55Z', '2010-11-04T17:01:57Z', '2010-11-04T17:12:48Z', '2010-11-04T17:12:59Z', '2010-11-04T17:13:38Z', '2010-11-04T17:13:49Z', '2010-11-04T17:21:15Z', '2010-11-04T17:24:57Z', '2010-11-04T17:25:08Z', '2010-11-04T17:25:24Z', '2010-11-04T17:26:12Z', '2010-11-04T17:27:36Z', '2010-11-04T17:28:09Z', '2010-11-04T17:29:20Z', '2010-11-04T17:30:06Z', '2010-11-04T17:30:30Z', '2010-11-04T17:32:25Z', '2010-11-04T17:33:03Z', '2010-11-04T17:38:55Z', '2010-11-04T17:39:35Z', '2010-11-04T17:41:27Z', '2010-11-04T17:41:59Z', '2010-11-04T17:56:00Z', '2010-11-04T17:56:18Z', '2010-11-05T09:03:59Z', '2010-11-05T09:06:10Z', '2010-11-05T09:06:25Z', '2010-11-05T09:12:27Z', '2010-11-05T09:12:36Z', '2010-11-05T09:13:33Z', '2010-11-05T09:14:26Z', '2010-11-05T09:15:45Z', '2010-11-05T09:16:02Z', '2010-11-05T09:17:14Z', '2010-11-05T09:18:33Z', '2010-11-05T09:18:59Z', '2010-11-05T09:25:07Z', '2010-11-05T09:25:13Z', '2010-11-05T09:25:16Z', '2010-11-05T09:26:27Z', '2010-11-05T09:26:37Z', '2010-11-05T09:27:00Z', '2010-11-05T09:27:12Z', '2010-11-05T09:30:10Z', '2010-11-05T09:31:52Z', '2010-11-05T09:32:16Z', '2010-11-05T09:32:22Z', '2010-11-05T09:34:20Z', '2010-11-05T09:34:57Z', '2010-11-05T09:35:20Z', '2010-11-05T09:37:20Z', '2010-11-05T09:37:25Z', '2010-11-05T09:37:31Z', '2010-11-05T09:37:52Z', '2010-11-05T09:41:12Z', '2010-11-05T09:41:51Z', '2010-11-05T09:42:25Z', '2010-11-05T09:42:50Z', '2010-11-05T09:44:48Z', '2010-11-05T09:46:09Z', '2010-11-05T09:46:15Z', '2010-11-05T09:46:28Z', '2010-11-05T09:47:28Z', '2010-11-05T09:48:59Z', '2010-11-05T09:49:12Z', '2010-11-05T09:50:14Z', '2010-11-05T09:51:25Z', '2010-11-05T09:51:39Z', '2010-11-05T09:52:06Z', '2010-11-05T09:52:32Z', '2010-11-05T10:03:11Z', '2010-11-05T10:04:53Z', '2010-11-05T10:05:01Z', '2010-11-05T10:05:14Z', '2010-11-05T10:05:48Z', '2010-11-05T10:07:55Z', '2010-11-05T10:08:19Z', '2010-11-05T10:08:39Z', '2010-11-05T10:08:42Z', '2010-11-05T10:09:44Z', '2010-11-05T10:09:57Z', '2010-11-05T10:10:05Z', '2010-11-05T10:10:33Z', '2010-11-05T10:10:55Z', '2010-11-05T10:11:05Z', '2010-11-05T10:11:18Z', '2010-11-05T10:11:25Z', '2010-11-05T10:13:11Z', '2010-11-05T10:17:57Z', '2010-11-05T10:19:22Z', '2010-11-05T10:19:35Z', '2010-11-05T10:20:25Z', '2010-11-05T10:21:00Z', '2010-11-05T10:21:30Z', '2010-11-05T10:27:32Z', '2010-11-05T10:31:07Z', '2010-11-05T10:32:35Z', '2010-11-05T10:33:25Z', '2010-11-05T10:34:25Z', '2010-11-05T10:34:45Z', '2010-11-05T10:36:42Z', '2010-11-05T10:39:31Z', '2010-11-05T10:39:40Z', '2010-11-05T10:41:13Z', '2010-11-05T10:41:18Z', '2010-11-05T10:41:25Z', '2010-11-05T10:42:46Z', '2010-11-05T10:43:17Z', '2010-11-05T10:49:46Z', '2010-11-05T10:59:58Z', '2010-11-05T11:00:25Z', '2010-11-05T11:09:45Z', '2010-11-05T11:36:13Z', '2010-11-05T11:36:57Z', '2010-11-05T13:52:31Z', '2010-11-05T13:54:47Z', '2010-11-05T14:03:12Z', '2010-11-05T14:03:49Z', '2010-11-05T14:07:17Z', '2010-11-05T14:08:04Z', '2010-11-05T14:08:14Z', '2010-11-05T14:08:31Z', '2010-11-05T14:11:21Z', '2010-11-05T14:11:46Z', '2010-11-05T14:12:45Z', '2010-11-05T14:13:22Z', '2010-11-05T14:27:26Z', '2010-11-05T14:28:03Z', '2010-11-05T14:28:24Z', '2010-11-05T14:28:52Z', '2010-11-05T14:29:05Z', '2010-11-05T14:30:12Z', '2010-11-05T14:32:17Z', '2010-11-05T14:32:40Z', '2010-11-05T14:32:43Z', '2010-11-05T14:34:43Z', '2010-11-05T14:35:24Z', '2010-11-05T14:35:35Z', '2010-11-05T14:36:18Z', '2010-11-05T14:36:28Z', '2010-11-05T14:39:07Z', '2010-11-05T14:39:12Z', '2010-11-08T10:14:46Z', '2010-11-08T11:16:02Z', '2010-11-08T13:54:15Z', '2010-11-08T13:54:23Z', '2010-11-08T13:54:30Z', '2010-11-08T15:02:22Z', '2010-11-08T15:03:03Z', '2010-11-08T15:03:32Z', '2010-11-08T15:03:41Z', '2010-11-08T15:22:37Z', '2010-11-08T16:16:58Z', '2010-11-08T16:55:42Z', '2010-11-08T16:56:59Z', '2010-11-08T16:57:55Z', '2010-11-09T09:38:09Z', '2010-11-09T09:38:24Z', '2010-11-09T10:01:11Z', '2010-11-09T10:18:43Z', '2010-11-09T10:54:20Z', '2010-11-09T10:54:33Z', '2010-11-09T11:01:22Z', '2010-11-09T17:20:39Z', '2010-11-09T17:20:43Z', '2010-11-09T17:27:07Z', '2010-11-10T10:04:39Z', '2010-11-10T11:06:53Z', '2010-11-10T11:08:57Z', '2010-11-10T14:18:14Z', '2010-11-10T14:18:26Z', '2010-11-10T15:38:14Z', '2010-11-10T15:54:40Z', '2010-11-10T15:54:45Z', '2010-11-10T15:54:50Z', '2010-11-10T16:07:18Z', '2010-11-10T16:51:36Z', '2010-11-10T16:54:49Z', '2010-11-10T16:55:40Z', '2010-11-10T17:14:02Z', '2010-11-10T17:17:14Z', '2010-11-10T17:18:24Z', '2010-11-10T17:18:35Z', '2010-11-11T09:49:36Z', '2010-11-11T09:49:47Z', '2010-11-19T09:13:39Z', '2010-11-19T09:13:39Z', '2010-11-19T13:16:12Z', '2010-11-19T13:21:48Z', '2010-11-19T13:23:15Z', '2010-11-19T13:23:35Z', '2010-11-19T13:25:19Z', '2010-11-19T13:26:33Z', '2010-11-19T13:30:31Z', '2010-11-19T13:30:40Z', '2010-11-19T13:35:44Z', '2010-11-19T13:35:58Z', '2010-11-19T13:36:53Z', '2010-11-19T13:38:13Z', '2010-11-19T13:38:50Z', '2010-11-19T14:06:43Z', '2010-11-19T14:17:36Z', '2010-11-19T14:24:12Z', '2010-11-19T14:28:03Z', '2010-11-19T14:30:56Z', '2010-11-19T14:31:39Z', '2010-11-19T14:33:00Z', '2010-11-19T14:33:20Z', '2010-11-19T14:35:31Z', '2010-11-19T14:36:18Z', '2010-11-19T14:36:34Z', '2010-11-19T14:38:05Z', '2010-11-19T14:38:29Z', '2010-11-19T14:39:29Z', '2010-11-19T14:41:27Z', '2010-11-19T14:43:44Z', '2010-11-19T14:44:22Z', '2010-11-19T14:44:32Z', '2010-11-19T14:45:58Z', '2010-11-19T14:46:09Z', '2010-11-19T14:46:39Z', '2010-11-19T14:53:40Z', '2010-11-19T14:54:35Z', '2010-11-19T14:55:35Z', '2010-11-19T15:05:52Z', '2010-11-19T15:08:00Z', '2010-11-19T15:09:09Z', '2010-11-19T15:09:27Z', '2010-11-19T15:11:48Z', '2010-11-19T15:13:21Z', '2010-11-19T15:14:27Z', '2010-11-19T15:14:49Z', '2010-11-19T15:16:57Z', '2010-11-19T15:17:34Z', '2010-11-19T15:18:21Z', '2010-11-19T15:20:29Z', '2010-11-19T15:20:45Z', '2010-11-19T15:21:13Z', '2010-11-19T15:22:59Z', '2010-11-19T15:23:14Z', '2010-11-19T15:24:04Z', '2010-11-19T15:24:36Z', '2010-11-19T15:25:19Z', '2010-11-19T15:25:24Z', '2010-11-19T15:30:25Z', '2010-11-19T15:30:39Z', '2010-11-19T15:32:59Z', '2010-11-19T15:33:44Z', '2010-11-19T15:34:35Z', '2010-11-19T15:34:48Z', '2010-11-19T15:46:09Z', '2010-11-19T15:46:25Z', '2010-11-19T15:47:11Z', '2010-11-19T15:48:39Z', '2010-11-19T15:50:22Z', '2010-11-19T15:50:48Z', '2010-11-19T15:50:55Z', '2010-11-19T15:53:41Z', '2010-11-19T15:56:42Z', '2010-11-19T15:57:23Z', '2010-11-19T16:08:11Z', '2010-11-19T16:09:17Z', '2010-11-19T16:09:34Z', '2010-11-19T16:09:53Z', '2010-11-19T16:11:05Z', '2010-11-19T16:11:34Z', '2010-11-19T16:11:56Z', '2010-11-19T16:14:40Z', '2010-11-19T16:15:45Z', '2010-11-19T16:16:10Z', '2010-11-19T16:16:14Z', '2010-11-19T16:16:26Z', '2010-11-19T16:16:40Z', '2010-11-19T16:17:09Z', '2010-11-19T16:17:26Z', '2010-11-19T16:18:46Z', '2010-11-19T16:20:25Z', '2010-11-19T16:21:34Z', '2010-11-19T16:21:43Z', '2010-11-19T16:21:51Z', '2010-11-19T16:22:37Z', '2010-11-19T16:22:44Z', '2010-11-19T16:23:17Z', '2010-11-19T16:23:36Z', '2010-11-19T16:23:58Z', '2010-11-19T16:25:27Z', '2010-11-19T16:26:23Z', '2010-11-19T16:26:58Z', '2010-11-19T16:28:01Z', '2010-11-19T16:28:47Z', '2010-11-19T16:29:01Z', '2010-11-19T16:31:31Z', '2010-11-19T16:32:14Z', '2010-11-19T16:33:09Z', '2010-11-19T16:34:26Z', '2010-11-19T16:34:37Z', '2010-11-19T16:34:45Z', '2010-11-19T16:34:55Z', '2010-11-19T16:35:04Z', '2010-11-19T16:35:27Z', '2010-11-19T16:35:45Z', '2010-11-19T16:36:03Z', '2010-11-19T16:36:23Z', '2010-11-19T16:36:28Z', '2010-11-19T16:37:25Z', '2010-11-19T16:38:00Z', '2010-11-19T16:38:26Z', '2010-11-19T16:38:45Z', '2010-11-19T16:40:27Z', '2010-11-19T16:40:29Z', '2010-11-19T16:40:39Z', '2010-11-19T16:41:08Z', '2010-11-19T16:42:44Z', '2010-11-19T16:42:51Z', '2010-11-19T16:44:14Z', '2010-11-19T16:44:22Z', '2010-11-19T16:44:50Z', '2010-11-19T16:45:41Z', '2010-11-19T16:46:57Z', '2010-11-19T16:48:28Z', '2010-11-19T16:51:26Z', '2010-11-19T16:52:34Z', '2010-11-19T16:52:44Z', '2010-11-19T16:52:51Z', '2010-11-19T16:53:00Z', '2010-11-19T16:53:06Z', '2010-11-19T16:55:41Z', '2010-11-19T16:55:50Z', '2010-11-19T16:56:35Z', '2010-11-19T16:57:28Z', '2010-11-19T16:57:33Z', '2010-11-19T16:58:54Z', '2010-11-19T16:59:19Z', '2010-11-19T16:59:28Z', '2010-11-19T17:00:06Z', '2010-11-19T17:00:13Z', '2010-11-19T17:00:20Z', '2010-11-19T17:00:56Z', '2010-11-19T17:01:11Z', '2010-11-19T17:01:17Z', '2010-11-19T17:02:11Z', '2010-11-19T17:02:45Z', '2010-11-19T17:03:20Z', '2010-11-19T17:03:44Z', '2010-11-19T17:03:56Z', '2010-11-19T17:04:08Z', '2010-11-19T17:04:43Z', '2010-11-19T17:04:47Z', '2010-11-19T17:05:30Z', '2010-11-19T17:07:05Z', '2010-11-19T17:07:23Z', '2010-11-19T17:08:40Z', '2010-11-19T17:09:20Z', '2010-11-19T17:13:03Z', '2010-11-19T17:13:09Z', '2010-11-19T17:16:39Z', '2010-11-19T17:17:38Z', '2010-11-19T17:20:25Z', '2010-11-19T17:22:09Z', '2010-11-19T17:22:57Z', '2010-11-19T17:23:51Z', '2010-11-19T17:25:34Z', '2010-11-19T17:26:39Z', '2010-11-19T17:28:07Z', '2010-11-19T17:29:27Z', '2010-11-19T17:31:20Z', '2010-11-19T17:31:37Z', '2010-11-19T17:35:42Z', '2010-11-19T17:35:58Z', '2010-11-19T17:36:38Z', '2010-11-19T17:37:07Z', '2010-11-19T17:38:15Z', 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FinalDissOct14.docx xmp:CreatorTool Microsoft Word xmpTPg:NPages 333 Done mapping. Reducing emilyDickenson-from-scholar === bib === id = work_3rnpb5ei3feuzn2zc5m3rnpra4 author = E. Roy Weintraub title = MIT's Openness to Jewish Economists date = 2013 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6375 sentences = 437 flesch = 62 summary = some places faster – of the barriers to the hiring of Jewish faculty in American colleges Ivy League universities, MIT welcomed Jewish economists. Keywords: MIT, Jewish faculty, anti-Semitism, Samuelson faster – of the barriers to the hiring of Jewish faculty in American colleges and League universities, MIT welcomed Jewish economists.2 Jew, Simon Kuznets, on its tenured economics faculty (his appointment was shared probably less than 100 Jews among the college and university professors in the liberal As faculties were more open to Jews, Jewish undergraduates began to respectable university that has not welcomed to its faculty Jewish émigré scholars.'" MIT's Unique Openness to Jewish Economics Faculty and university were remarkably open to the hiring of Jewish faculty at a time when such humanities faculty in the elite American universities, the Ivy League (Harvard, Yale, the Economics Department, the issue of Jewish faculty and their lack of "culture" could cache = ./cache/work_3rnpb5ei3feuzn2zc5m3rnpra4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3rnpb5ei3feuzn2zc5m3rnpra4.txt === bib === id = work_uqizyllyafg4fglj3b55ecwti4 author = Bruce C. Daniels title = "We Shall Be as a City Upon a Hill": John Winthrop's Vision and the Urban History of New England. Lamphere, Louise. From Working Daughters to Working Mothers: Immigrant Women in a New England Industrial Community. Ithaca, NY and London: Cornell University Press, 1987. Pp. xviii, 391 Appendices, bibliography, index, tables. $45.00 (U.S.) McGaw, Judith. Most Wonderful Machine: Mechanization and Social Change in Berkshire Paper Making, 1801-1885. Princeton, N.J.; Princeton University Press, 1987. Pp. xv, 439. Appendices, bibliography, illustrations, index, tables. $40.00 (U.S.) Blewett, Mary. Men, Women, and Work: Class, Gender, and Protest in the New England Shoe Industry, 1780-1910. Champaign, III.: University of Illinois Press, 1988. Pp. xxii, 444. Appendices, bibliography, index. $29.95 (U.S.) date = 1990 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2462 sentences = 232 flesch = 71 summary = "We Shall Be as a City Upon a Hill": John Winthrop's Vision and the Urban History of New England / Lamphere, Louise. From Working Daughters to Working Mothers: Immigrant Women in a New England Industrial Community. Men, Women, and Work: Class, Gender, and Protest in the New England Shoe Industry, 1780-1910. All Rights Reserved © Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine, 1990 Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. "We Shall Be as a City Upon a Hill": John Winthrop's Vision and the Urban History of Women in a New England Industrial Community. Men, Women, and Work: Class, Gender, and Protest in the New Urban History Review / Revue d'histoire urbaine Winthrop's Vision and the Urban History of New England / Lamphere, Louise. the American nation, New England has an American past in which New England has Women in a New England Industrial cache = ./cache/work_uqizyllyafg4fglj3b55ecwti4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_uqizyllyafg4fglj3b55ecwti4.txt === bib === id = work_feo66qdrkbhwdilmytrqflejwe author = Timothy B. Powell title = GIBAGADINAMAAGOOM: AN OJIBWE DIGITAL ARCHIVE date = 2017 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4865 sentences = 209 flesch = 44 summary = "Gibagadinamaagoom: An Ojibwe Digital Archive," The project is devoted to studying how digital technology can bring Native American Archive" is a collaboration between four tribal and community colleges: Leech Lake Director of American Indian Studies at Itasca Community College and Tribal Historian of languages, digital images of museum and archival holdings, and videos of Ojibwe elders. • expand the community of "digital humanities scholars" to include Ojibwe • provide new models for collaboration in digital humanities projects. for the Gibagadinamaagoom archive is Ojibwe high school students participating in an Lake Tribal College to allow students to build their own digital exhibits. archive over to the Ojibwe people, the interrelated problems of access, sustainability, and Ojibwe wisdom-keepers who worked at tribal and community colleges (Larry Aitken, The current NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up grant allowed for long-term developing metadata for digital objects in the archive and allowing Ojibwe partners to 4 "Ask the Elders" on Gibagadinamaagoom digital archive. cache = ./cache/work_feo66qdrkbhwdilmytrqflejwe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_feo66qdrkbhwdilmytrqflejwe.txt === bib === id = work_wqgpuzs56fdrbpww7cdyebhj3q author = Caroline Hilda Harder title = The roles of "mothers" in opera as exemplified by Fides (Meyerbeer's Le Prophete); Kostelnicka (Janacek's Jenufa); Mrs. Patrick de Rocher (Heggie's Dead Man Walking) date = 2009 pages = 189 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 47569 sentences = 4997 flesch = 74 summary = stereotyping ofthe role with the mezzo-soprano voice type. opera's context, the dramatic study ofthe mother character, an analysis ofthe musical time, place and musical style among the operas studied, the problems and feelings ofthe tion, Meyerbeer's choice ofa "mother" as a lead character in her maternal, loving role, and this tally), The New Grove Book ofOperas edited by Stanley Sadie lists nine eighteenthcentury operas that include mothers. Fidès, in her role as mother in Meyerbeer's opera Le Prophète, is a tightly knit character opera only the three main characters, Sister Helen, Joseph De Rocher, and his mother, Mrs. Patrick De Rocher, have each been given an aria. designated for a mezzo-soprano voice type who is a prominent character in the opera. connection between the character ofthe mother and the mezzo-soprano voice type, to which and opera genre in order to discern the treatment ofthe "mother" as an operatic character. cache = ./cache/work_wqgpuzs56fdrbpww7cdyebhj3q.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wqgpuzs56fdrbpww7cdyebhj3q.txt === bib === id = work_pvkyj2kxgzggtpsgdkoyvvnyuq author = Cluny South title = When 'I' belong I don't care about 'you' : the role of self-construal and social inclusion in pro-social behaviour directed at animal out-group recipients date = 2018 pages = 343 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 76178 sentences = 6801 flesch = 58 summary = independent self-construal may be motivated to behave prosocially towards outgroup targets in order to maximise social connection potential, and that feelings of how self-construal orientation may impact the formation of in-groups and outgroups (study 1), and show that a positive relationship exists, between independent of social inclusion, for individuals that are high in independent self-construal. of their social inclusion status, individuals high in independent self-construal should higher independent self-construal will put a lower percentage of animals into a selfformed in-group than normally (control condition). this social inclusion condition, participants showing higher independent selfconstrual were significantly less likely to include animals in their self-designated ingroup than in the control condition. inclusive behaviour for people high in independent self-construal, was as a result of self-construal would behave more like individuals with high interdependent selfconstrual, and donate less than in the control condition. normal conditions (control group), people with high independent self-construal did cache = ./cache/work_pvkyj2kxgzggtpsgdkoyvvnyuq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_pvkyj2kxgzggtpsgdkoyvvnyuq.txt === bib === id = work_qgegmhurp5aqxb3fra2o7pi5t4 author = Glen Cairns title = Danceland: a production record date = 1996 pages = 158 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 80050 sentences = 20987 flesch = 115 summary = Rose comes b u r s t i n g i n from the shadows b e h i n d M u r r a y . The door swings open and Rose comes r u n n i n g i n t o the Murray, D i l l i n g e r ' s dead and you know i t . Murray and Rose plunge through the doors and run down to Murray takes h o l d o f L l o y d ' s head w i t h b o t h hands and L i l y s t a r t s t o leave the c a b i n , Murray pushes Rose Murray has brought Rose p r o d u c t i o n , i s t h a t Rose, o f f s t a g e , i s watching Murray cache = ./cache/work_qgegmhurp5aqxb3fra2o7pi5t4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_qgegmhurp5aqxb3fra2o7pi5t4.txt === bib === id = work_h2skrzmbv5clnddvstwk74cfmq author = Sandra L. Bertman title = Reflections date = 2014 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 959 sentences = 266 flesch = 49 summary = Metaphors do not solve problems as much as uncover them, all the while inviting reflective practice. Annals of Behavioral Science and Medical Education ©2014 by the Association for the Behavioral Sciences and Medical Education I enter, first time wearing my medical school shirt Interview day arrives, my sweat is heavy, bullets falling So many possible questions to be asked, so many answers THE question I am calm now, no more bullets Here come the bullets Disrespect is invisible, comparisons are formless Casual conversation leads to MCAT score discussion My colleague begins to form a thought, a response Surely, it will be in keeping with this casual and harmless "Well, it's a good thing you're Mexican, I'm sure that helped Judgment is well alive, Assumptions are of matter, Comparisons take form /PreserveOPIComments false /PDFX1aCheck false /PDFXCompliantPDFOnly false De gemaakte PDF-documenten kunnen worden geopend met Acrobat en Adobe Reader 6.0 en hoger.) cache = ./cache/work_h2skrzmbv5clnddvstwk74cfmq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_h2skrzmbv5clnddvstwk74cfmq.txt === bib === id = work_573z3j7fzbcdhju7746q3bwa5q author = Karen Meschia title = Luise Von Flotow (ed.), Translating Women date = 2012 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1573 sentences = 106 flesch = 45 summary = Karen Meschia, "Luise Von Flotow (ed.), Translating Women", Miranda [Online], 7 | 2012, Online since 09 Luise Von Flotow (ed.), Translating Luise Von Flotow (ed.), Translating Women (Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2011), write about 'women and translation' again", announces the author's programmatic 2 This idea of translation as a discursive performance enacting gender identity politics 3 Poetry features widely; almost half the essays deal either with poets in translation, such essay titles are concerned with naming; it is the identity of the translator and the 9 Two other essays, one on translations of American "chick" texts into French, the other 10 Von Flotow's own contribution discusses translating Ulrike Meinhof's writings. processing and writing of the feminist translator" (283). Luise Von Flotow (ed.), Translating Women Luise Von Flotow (ed.), Translating Women Luise Von Flotow (ed.), Translating Women Luise Von Flotow (ed.), Translating Women Luise Von Flotow (ed.), Translating Women Luise Von Flotow (ed.), Translating Women cache = ./cache/work_573z3j7fzbcdhju7746q3bwa5q.pdf txt = ./txt/work_573z3j7fzbcdhju7746q3bwa5q.txt === bib === id = work_rdbxjatig5fevam4loqogcl5sy author = Larise du Plessis title = Book Review date = 2011 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4403 sentences = 353 flesch = 68 summary = Alapack's magnum opus on profiles of sorrow is both Alapack's book can be who, according to Alapack, gave Death a life of its own, Alapack demonstrates how Death can be lived. idea, Alapack's challenge is situated in the question: Alapack's book is rich in poetry and prose. knowledge of sorrow's profiles" (Alapack, 2010, p. Alapack starts part one by describing authentic grief Alapack conceptualises the grief process as occurring in the grief-process Alapack's heart-full approach For Alapack, life is lived in the "Moment" and our (Throughout the book Alapack employs "Moments" for life on a Death watch" Alapack reveals his Alapack's book makes it clear that sorrow does not within this book it is possible to accuse Alapack responsibility, then do not read Alapack's book. During the course of the book, Alapack asks many In this case, Alapack provides his own answer: In this book Alapack provides a valuable contribution cache = ./cache/work_rdbxjatig5fevam4loqogcl5sy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rdbxjatig5fevam4loqogcl5sy.txt === bib === id = work_wpv3eviyczdtlg4cs5rc5plxwy author = Thomas A. More title = The Structure of Recreation Behavior date = 2003 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10533 sentences = 932 flesch = 54 summary = Our focus is on the structure of recreation activities-the way the behavior itself is organized and the factors that is that recreation activities are actuaIly behavioral constructionsorganizations of more elemental actions, thoughts, and feelings-that participants create for themselves around goals of varying specificity. Such organization continues, with individual activities forming patterns within a person's life, in service of attaining broad higher order goals such as health and happiness. function(s) does recreation behavior (or activity participation) serve within These biologically based pleasures form one cornerstone of the intrinsic rewards associated with recreation and leisure and provide a link between the organizational structure of the behavior and the nature of the associated experience. Recreation research has explored some of these systems more thoroughly than, others, but all are likely to play a role in explaining particular activities. Social enabling mechanisms are the organizations and related individuals that support specific recreation activities. cache = ./cache/work_wpv3eviyczdtlg4cs5rc5plxwy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wpv3eviyczdtlg4cs5rc5plxwy.txt === bib === id = work_zuge22jlgfhsrjqewqd6mjadwu author = Robyn Groves title = Fictions of the self : studies in female modernism : Jean Rhys, Gertrude Stein and Djuna Barnes date = 1987 pages = 275 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 139716 sentences = 29055 flesch = 104 summary = Modernists: Jean Rhys, Gertrude Stein and Djuna Barnes. female autobiographical writing, I discuss key male writers, Andre Gide and Colette, and to works by women based heart of t h i s t h e s i s , Rhys, Stein and Barnes are also l i n k i n g to consider ways in which gender informs a writer's work. the emphasis i s on the woman writer and the female text. Self-consciousness i n women's autobiographical writing As I plan to show, Rhys, Stein and Barnes were writing To assess properly the work of Rhys, Stein and Barnes, Rhys, Stein and Barnes are such newly empowered women of the These women in Rhys' novels "share a central nervous If Rochester in Rhys' novel i s one world, then Antoinette Rhys, Stein and Barnes are, I suggest, writers of writers as Rhys, Stein and Barnes centres on the idea that, cache = ./cache/work_zuge22jlgfhsrjqewqd6mjadwu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_zuge22jlgfhsrjqewqd6mjadwu.txt === bib === id = work_4zbi4dphifgolpme3eaifubdeu author = (:Unkn) Unknown title = Volunteer Tutors and Adolescent at risk English Language Learners: The nature of interactions among volunteer tutors and at risk ELLs in one-on-one tutoring sessions date = 2020 pages = 278 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 81060 sentences = 5646 flesch = 63 summary = This qualitative case study examined how volunteer tutors are interacting with atrisk adolescent ELL students in one-on-one tutoring sessions. students explained how at-risk secondary ELLs learned in the observed tutoring sessions. from reading comprehension, academic vocabulary knowledge will help ELL students gain study will provide data on what type of words, if any, volunteer tutors are helping at-risk ELLs tutoring sessions, future interventions focused on helping at-risk secondary ELLs attain academic language gaps for ELL students who did not learn many, if any, vocabulary words in their what tier the words were on that the tutor was helping the ELL student learn. ELL students learned academic vocabulary in the study as a result of being able to in the building and her room was used for tutoring sessions with high school ELL students. During every session, the vocabulary words that tutors helped students acquire were cache = ./cache/work_4zbi4dphifgolpme3eaifubdeu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4zbi4dphifgolpme3eaifubdeu.txt === bib === id = work_eon6dhehqjfm3lsadfjxxhy7ty author = Roger Neil Cameron title = New Alignments in Ritual, Ceremony and Celebration date = 2018 pages = 152 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 52661 sentences = 2873 flesch = 58 summary = designing new kinds of rituals, ceremonies and celebrations – I have sought ways of the community interface needed to create new and effective rituals that can work in the faced by serious designers of new ritual, ceremony and celebration is to understand that The new language and ideas for structuring ritual, ceremony and celebration that I understand new rituals and celebrations and be able to design meaningful ceremonies others might use to design new ritual which will transform and protect the participants Before designing new rituals and events that include participants who are operating in in new ritual and celebrations, and that the structures and symbols drawn upon will Life in a community context of new ritual design? community participating in rituals or celebrations involving transcendence must be fully This being the case, designers of new ritual and celebration need to concentrate process examples that should help designers of new ritual and celebration to produce events that cache = ./cache/work_eon6dhehqjfm3lsadfjxxhy7ty.pdf txt = ./txt/work_eon6dhehqjfm3lsadfjxxhy7ty.txt === bib === id = work_f2vnr4iplva3zihzjrrgavei4a author = Geon-Ho Bahn title = ADHD, New Developed or Newly Found : Historical Review date = 2011 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4391 sentences = 1072 flesch = 87 summary = ADHD 치료와 연구에 가장 획기적인 내용은 1937년 Charles Bradley라는 정신과의사가 쓴 'The behavior of children receiving benzedrine'이라는 논문에서 찾을 수 있 ADHD의 기질적 원인 분석 시도, Minimal brain 으로 가는 방안과 기존의 주의력 결핍형 대신 attention deficit disorder(ADD) 진단을 채택하는 것을 고려하고 있다. Emerson, Robert Frost, George Bernard Shaw, Henry David Thoreau, Leo Tolstoy, Tennessee Williams, The conceptual history of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: idiocy, imbecility, encephalitis and the child deviant, 1877-1929. IV ADHD and ICD 10 Hyperkinetic disorder in Croatian sample. The history of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The history of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Refining the diagnoses of inattention and overactivity syndromes: A reanalysis of the Multimodal Treatment study of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) based on ICD-10 criteria for hyperkinetic disorder. attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and the behavior of "Che" and treatment of attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder. cache = ./cache/work_f2vnr4iplva3zihzjrrgavei4a.pdf txt = ./txt/work_f2vnr4iplva3zihzjrrgavei4a.txt === bib === id = work_65ylzwafnza5npxzfszqsnfl64 author = Cynthia Lee Starnes title = Applications of a Contemporary Partnership Model for Divorce date = 2021 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5888 sentences = 470 flesch = 66 summary = ideal to which marriage aspires [is] that of equal partnerships between spouses Determining this buyout price requires two steps: (1) estimating the value of the marital enterprise and (2) fixing a dissociated spouse's share of that value. The Uniform Probate Code (UPC) offers a reasonable model for establishing such a sliding-scale buyout share. In ordinary cases, however, presumptively attributing enhancement in earnings during marriage to marital investment will not unreasonably distort the When this wife dissociates from the marriage, she takes with her a part of the marital enterprise, measured by her own enhanced earnings attributable to marital investment. If these spouses leave the marriage with disparate enhanced earnings, however, a buyout may be appropriate despite This contemporary partnership model will not always require the higher wage-earner to buyout the other spouse, and that exceed the other spouse's earnings at the time of marriage cache = ./cache/work_65ylzwafnza5npxzfszqsnfl64.pdf txt = ./txt/work_65ylzwafnza5npxzfszqsnfl64.txt === bib === id = work_o57bywdeq5htpe3qnefv5cxlya author = Vijay Rajput title = Ek yatra, anupreksha aur Karuna ki [A journey of care and compassion] date = 2020 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 216 sentences = 40 flesch = 73 summary = Pandemic Virtuosity Vijay Rajput, MD, FACP, SFHM Ek yatra, anupreksha aur Karuna ki [A journey of care and compassion] Chair, Department of Medical Education, Professor, Medical Education, NSU, Florida Corresponding Author: Dr Vijay Rajput Department of Medical Education, Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine, Nova Southeastern University, Florida, USA email: vrajput @ Cite this article as: Rajput V. Ek yatra, anupreksha aur Karuna ki [A journey of care and compassion]. RHiME. Received: 20­APR­2020 Accepted: 21­APR­2020 Published Online: 24­APR­2020 This artwork was created as a tribute to all healthcare workers on frontlines For your selfless helping of patients and the community of global villages during the pandemic, I offer my gratitude and Or help one fainting robin I shall not live in vain." I shall not live in vain." by Emily Dickenson; Not in Vain Figure 2: Healthcare Worker Healthcare Worker Pandemic Pandemic 63 63 cache = ./cache/work_o57bywdeq5htpe3qnefv5cxlya.pdf txt = ./txt/work_o57bywdeq5htpe3qnefv5cxlya.txt === bib === id = work_rc7ce7jkhvbv7bauvyry4qevl4 author = Peter Willis title = 'Practice Story Exchanges' and their Creative Invitation to Informal Learning date = 2013 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 776 sentences = 187 flesch = 63 summary = 'Practice Story Exchanges' and their Creative Invitation to Informal Learning | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 38092143'Practice Story Exchanges' and their Creative Invitation to Informal Learning title={'Practice Story Exchanges' and their Creative Invitation to Informal Learning}, Sort by Most Influenced Papers Adult Education and Sustainable Learning Outcome of Rural Widows of Central Northern Nigeria Teaching Computers to Adults: The Case Study of the State Institutes of Further Education in Cyprus Transformative Learning and Technology in Adult and Vocational Education Inviting Learning: An Exhibition of Risk and Enrichment in Adult Education Practice. Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License cache = ./cache/work_rc7ce7jkhvbv7bauvyry4qevl4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rc7ce7jkhvbv7bauvyry4qevl4.txt === bib === id = work_kxlawefyl5ggpm45a4jgbnu75m author = Kenneth Kolson title = NEH Projects Dealing with Women and Politics Themes date = 1990 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3922 sentences = 273 flesch = 49 summary = The Political Science Oral History Program Education Programs, National Endowment for the Humanities Humanities as an independent grantmaking agency of the federal government to support research, education, Generally, each application submitted to Endowment programs is Carey McWilliams of Rutgers University in support of various projects through which many political scientists (e.g., Joel Grossman of the University of Wisconsin, Walter Murphy Bernard Brown of the City University of New York offered a summer University has offered summer institutes designed for elementary and offered a summer seminar on "Political Cultures." The Endowment is Applicants whose projects have direct implications for public policy need to Sometimes political science applications are reviewed with history that a political scientist's proposal to Women and Politics Research review or a generalist review, a proposal on women and politics will be support for college and university Public Humanities Projects exemplary public programs and promotes model humanities projects of cache = ./cache/work_kxlawefyl5ggpm45a4jgbnu75m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kxlawefyl5ggpm45a4jgbnu75m.txt === bib === id = work_nfhh36u7dnhhff6llecbd5waie author = Nancy J. Adler title = The Arts & Leadership: Now That We Can Do Anything, What Will We Do? date = 2006 pages = 27 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10909 sentences = 1003 flesch = 65 summary = coach managers and executives to maintain unreasonable expectations (their translation of hope into business parlance), reminding them that no company or society • Why else would a Harvard Business School professor have chosen to collaborate with a theatre director in 2003 to author the book Artful Making: What Managers Need to Know About How Artists Work (Austin & Devin, Forty-nine of the 100 largest economies in the world are now multinational companies, not countries.15 With the shifting balance of power, the old assumption that government would take care of society's welfare is no longer valid either for business or Examples of business leaders using arts-based approaches are only now As we enter the 21st century, leaders recognize that we cannot create financially successful companies and an equitable, peaceful, sustainable world by simply current century, Harvard Business School Press published The Art of Possibility, coauthored by Benjamin Zander, the conductor of the Boston Philharmonic (Zander & cache = ./cache/work_nfhh36u7dnhhff6llecbd5waie.pdf txt = ./txt/work_nfhh36u7dnhhff6llecbd5waie.txt === bib === id = work_54potqslzjgmzdy4jwcddd4epu author = George Corbett title = TheoArtistry, and a Contemporary Perspective on Composing Sacred Choral Music date = 2017 pages = 18 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 14302 sentences = 873 flesch = 59 summary = TheoArtistry, and a Contemporary Perspective on Composing Sacred Choral Music partnerships, and reflect critically on the six new works of sacred choral music that emerged (these are 5 MacMillan has also been a vocal public advocate for the important place of sacred choral music in Roman Catholic Liturgy, 151): 'I [MacMillan] believe it is God's divine spark which kindles the musical imagination now, itself, MacMillan believes that one can come to intimacy with God: 'there's an analogy between music 22 In this way, MacMillan distances his own theology of music and compositional language from those of his contemporary, For the innovative project Theology Through the Arts, Jeremy Begbie invited MacMillan and In the theologian-composer collaborations, the relationship between theology and music was, In The Extravagance of Music: An Art Open to God. Edited by of Music: An Art Open to God. Edited by David Brown and Gavin Hopps. God, Theology and Music. cache = ./cache/work_54potqslzjgmzdy4jwcddd4epu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_54potqslzjgmzdy4jwcddd4epu.txt === bib === id = work_acm5o7pzeja35dhuldwdklchcu author = Laura Allred Hurtado title = Motherhood and representation at the Sackler Center for Feminist Art: Judy Chicago, Catherine Opie, Canan Senol date = 2012 pages = 86 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 24779 sentences = 2284 flesch = 63 summary = Motherhood and representation at the Sackler Center for Feminist Art: Judy Chicago, Catherine Opie, Canan Senol regarding motherhood, and the flat equation of Judy Chicago representing all secondwave feminist art is certainly problematic. and Representations of Motherhood at the Sackler Center for Feminist Art," investigates dominance The Dinner Party held in the Sackler Center for Feminist Art, Chicago's work Opie and Senol collide at the Sackler Center for Feminist Art in a way that questions 13 Judy Chicago, "The Dinner Party," Brooklyn Museum of Art Sackler Center for Histories," Sexual Politics: Judy Chicago's Dinner Party in Feminist Art History (Los Poltics: Judy Chicago's Dinner Party in Feminist Art History (Los Angeles: Armand Dinner Party and "Global Feminisms" at the Sackler Center for Feminist Art? Ultimately, like Opie's Self-PortraitlNursing, Senol's Fountain recontextualizes the maternal breast through lactation, fragmentation, and appropriation of Sexual Politics: Judy Chicago's Dinner Party in Feminist Art History. cache = ./cache/work_acm5o7pzeja35dhuldwdklchcu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_acm5o7pzeja35dhuldwdklchcu.txt === bib === id = work_yjp3wyiqzzbqvpbiizpgwh3mqq author = Mark G. Bilby title = Luke-Acts: Literature date = 2019 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5800 sentences = 362 flesch = 64 summary = general style and theological outlook, have convinced most readers that Luke's Gospel and the Acts read Luke and Acts as one unified work. Making of Luke-Acts (1927), who also inaugurated the now-common reference "Luke-Acts" ("lukanisches Both Luke and Acts are anonymous the discussion, whether the author of Luke and Acts The view that the author of Luke and Acts was a connects the Luke of Paul's letters to the author of Luke-Acts, every early Christian writer who (1:1–4), which is immediately followed by the parallel birth narratives of Jesus and John the Baptist ■ Dibelius, M., Studies in the Acts of the Apostles (London 1965; German original 1951). Another morality play, the 15th century Everyman, relies on Luke's Prodigal Son both for its overall structure of an exitus-reditus journey, as well as Narratives from the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of Beside the fact that Luke-Acts make up over a cache = ./cache/work_yjp3wyiqzzbqvpbiizpgwh3mqq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_yjp3wyiqzzbqvpbiizpgwh3mqq.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_hv6yspvsnfhdrocjxbxtybtcfq author = Tiffany T.E. Johnstone title = Frontiers of philosophy and flesh : mapping conceptual metaphor in women's frontier revival literature, 1880-1930 date = 2012 pages = 333 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 100290 sentences = 5342 flesch = 53 summary = Canadian and American female frontier revival authors that epitomize the way that women writers join on conceptual metaphor and frame theory to study the travelling body in frontier revival literature. frontier revival literature by men (Garland; Murray; Ralph) represents ideas of cultural progress and location are important in travel literature because authors convey ideas of cultural progress according to conceptual metaphor by female frontier revival authors helps to explain how women re-negotiate description of the individual body of a typical American male traveller as gaining Bodily/SelfControl over a new Location/State of American progress through a struggle in the wilderness. eastern female travelling body in the frontier revival represents entry into ideas of cultural important to restore and study the work of women frontier revival authors whose physical travels frontier revival literature and discuss how women authors use representations of the eastern female cache = ./cache/work_hv6yspvsnfhdrocjxbxtybtcfq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hv6yspvsnfhdrocjxbxtybtcfq.txt Building ./etc/reader.txt work_pvkyj2kxgzggtpsgdkoyvvnyuq work_ke7bphjy5jaxbatz3eywblix3m Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in 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"/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 0 ==== htm files ==== complex files ==== named enities ==== making bibliographics Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 33, in df = pd.read_csv( tsv, sep='\t' ) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 686, in read_csv return _read(filepath_or_buffer, kwds) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 452, in _read parser = TextFileReader(fp_or_buf, **kwds) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 946, in __init__ self._make_engine(self.engine) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 1178, in _make_engine self._engine = CParserWrapper(self.f, **self.options) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 2008, in __init__ self._reader = parsers.TextReader(src, **kwds) File "pandas/_libs/parsers.pyx", line 382, in pandas._libs.parsers.TextReader.__cinit__ File "pandas/_libs/parsers.pyx", line 674, in pandas._libs.parsers.TextReader._setup_parser_source FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './tsv/bigrams.tsv' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 33, in df = pd.read_csv( tsv, sep='\t' ) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 686, in read_csv return _read(filepath_or_buffer, kwds) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 452, in _read parser = TextFileReader(fp_or_buf, **kwds) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 946, in __init__ self._make_engine(self.engine) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 1178, in _make_engine self._engine = CParserWrapper(self.f, **self.options) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 2008, in __init__ self._reader = parsers.TextReader(src, **kwds) File "pandas/_libs/parsers.pyx", line 382, in pandas._libs.parsers.TextReader.__cinit__ File "pandas/_libs/parsers.pyx", line 674, in pandas._libs.parsers.TextReader._setup_parser_source FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './tsv/trigrams.tsv' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 33, in df = pd.read_csv( tsv, sep='\t' ) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 686, in read_csv return _read(filepath_or_buffer, kwds) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 452, in _read parser = TextFileReader(fp_or_buf, **kwds) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 946, in __init__ self._make_engine(self.engine) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 1178, in _make_engine self._engine = CParserWrapper(self.f, **self.options) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 2008, in __init__ self._reader = parsers.TextReader(src, **kwds) File "pandas/_libs/parsers.pyx", line 382, in pandas._libs.parsers.TextReader.__cinit__ File "pandas/_libs/parsers.pyx", line 674, in pandas._libs.parsers.TextReader._setup_parser_source FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './tsv/quadgrams.tsv' id: work_4zbi4dphifgolpme3eaifubdeu author: (:Unkn) Unknown title: Volunteer Tutors and Adolescent at risk English Language Learners: The nature of interactions among volunteer tutors and at risk ELLs in one-on-one tutoring sessions date: 2020 words: 81060 sentences: 5646 pages: 278 flesch: 63 cache: ./cache/work_4zbi4dphifgolpme3eaifubdeu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4zbi4dphifgolpme3eaifubdeu.txt summary: This qualitative case study examined how volunteer tutors are interacting with atrisk adolescent ELL students in one-on-one tutoring sessions. students explained how at-risk secondary ELLs learned in the observed tutoring sessions. from reading comprehension, academic vocabulary knowledge will help ELL students gain study will provide data on what type of words, if any, volunteer tutors are helping at-risk ELLs tutoring sessions, future interventions focused on helping at-risk secondary ELLs attain academic language gaps for ELL students who did not learn many, if any, vocabulary words in their what tier the words were on that the tutor was helping the ELL student learn. ELL students learned academic vocabulary in the study as a result of being able to in the building and her room was used for tutoring sessions with high school ELL students. During every session, the vocabulary words that tutors helped students acquire were id: work_uqizyllyafg4fglj3b55ecwti4 author: Bruce C. Daniels title: "We Shall Be as a City Upon a Hill": John Winthrop''s Vision and the Urban History of New England. Lamphere, Louise. From Working Daughters to Working Mothers: Immigrant Women in a New England Industrial Community. Ithaca, NY and London: Cornell University Press, 1987. Pp. xviii, 391 Appendices, bibliography, index, tables. $45.00 (U.S.) McGaw, Judith. Most Wonderful Machine: Mechanization and Social Change in Berkshire Paper Making, 1801-1885. Princeton, N.J.; Princeton University Press, 1987. Pp. xv, 439. Appendices, bibliography, illustrations, index, tables. $40.00 (U.S.) Blewett, Mary. Men, Women, and Work: Class, Gender, and Protest in the New England Shoe Industry, 1780-1910. Champaign, III.: University of Illinois Press, 1988. Pp. xxii, 444. Appendices, bibliography, index. $29.95 (U.S.) date: 1990 words: 2462 sentences: 232 pages: 3 flesch: 71 cache: ./cache/work_uqizyllyafg4fglj3b55ecwti4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_uqizyllyafg4fglj3b55ecwti4.txt summary: "We Shall Be as a City Upon a Hill": John Winthrop''s Vision and the Urban History of New England / Lamphere, Louise. From Working Daughters to Working Mothers: Immigrant Women in a New England Industrial Community. Men, Women, and Work: Class, Gender, and Protest in the New England Shoe Industry, 1780-1910. All Rights Reserved © Urban History Review / Revue d''histoire urbaine, 1990 Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d''auteur. "We Shall Be as a City Upon a Hill": John Winthrop''s Vision and the Urban History of Women in a New England Industrial Community. Men, Women, and Work: Class, Gender, and Protest in the New Urban History Review / Revue d''histoire urbaine Winthrop''s Vision and the Urban History of New England / Lamphere, Louise. the American nation, New England has an American past in which New England has Women in a New England Industrial id: work_wqgpuzs56fdrbpww7cdyebhj3q author: Caroline Hilda Harder title: The roles of "mothers" in opera as exemplified by Fides (Meyerbeer''s Le Prophete); Kostelnicka (Janacek''s Jenufa); Mrs. Patrick de Rocher (Heggie''s Dead Man Walking) date: 2009 words: 47569 sentences: 4997 pages: 189 flesch: 74 cache: ./cache/work_wqgpuzs56fdrbpww7cdyebhj3q.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wqgpuzs56fdrbpww7cdyebhj3q.txt summary: stereotyping ofthe role with the mezzo-soprano voice type. opera''s context, the dramatic study ofthe mother character, an analysis ofthe musical time, place and musical style among the operas studied, the problems and feelings ofthe tion, Meyerbeer''s choice ofa "mother" as a lead character in her maternal, loving role, and this tally), The New Grove Book ofOperas edited by Stanley Sadie lists nine eighteenthcentury operas that include mothers. Fidès, in her role as mother in Meyerbeer''s opera Le Prophète, is a tightly knit character opera only the three main characters, Sister Helen, Joseph De Rocher, and his mother, Mrs. Patrick De Rocher, have each been given an aria. designated for a mezzo-soprano voice type who is a prominent character in the opera. connection between the character ofthe mother and the mezzo-soprano voice type, to which and opera genre in order to discern the treatment ofthe "mother" as an operatic character. id: work_pvkyj2kxgzggtpsgdkoyvvnyuq author: Cluny South title: When ''I'' belong I don''t care about ''you'' : the role of self-construal and social inclusion in pro-social behaviour directed at animal out-group recipients date: 2018 words: 76178 sentences: 6801 pages: 343 flesch: 58 cache: ./cache/work_pvkyj2kxgzggtpsgdkoyvvnyuq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_pvkyj2kxgzggtpsgdkoyvvnyuq.txt summary: independent self-construal may be motivated to behave prosocially towards outgroup targets in order to maximise social connection potential, and that feelings of how self-construal orientation may impact the formation of in-groups and outgroups (study 1), and show that a positive relationship exists, between independent of social inclusion, for individuals that are high in independent self-construal. of their social inclusion status, individuals high in independent self-construal should higher independent self-construal will put a lower percentage of animals into a selfformed in-group than normally (control condition). this social inclusion condition, participants showing higher independent selfconstrual were significantly less likely to include animals in their self-designated ingroup than in the control condition. inclusive behaviour for people high in independent self-construal, was as a result of self-construal would behave more like individuals with high interdependent selfconstrual, and donate less than in the control condition. normal conditions (control group), people with high independent self-construal did id: work_65ylzwafnza5npxzfszqsnfl64 author: Cynthia Lee Starnes title: Applications of a Contemporary Partnership Model for Divorce date: 2021 words: 5888 sentences: 470 pages: 16 flesch: 66 cache: ./cache/work_65ylzwafnza5npxzfszqsnfl64.pdf txt: ./txt/work_65ylzwafnza5npxzfszqsnfl64.txt summary: ideal to which marriage aspires [is] that of equal partnerships between spouses Determining this buyout price requires two steps: (1) estimating the value of the marital enterprise and (2) fixing a dissociated spouse''s share of that value. The Uniform Probate Code (UPC) offers a reasonable model for establishing such a sliding-scale buyout share. In ordinary cases, however, presumptively attributing enhancement in earnings during marriage to marital investment will not unreasonably distort the When this wife dissociates from the marriage, she takes with her a part of the marital enterprise, measured by her own enhanced earnings attributable to marital investment. If these spouses leave the marriage with disparate enhanced earnings, however, a buyout may be appropriate despite This contemporary partnership model will not always require the higher wage-earner to buyout the other spouse, and that exceed the other spouse''s earnings at the time of marriage id: work_3rnpb5ei3feuzn2zc5m3rnpra4 author: E. Roy Weintraub title: MIT''s Openness to Jewish Economists date: 2013 words: 6375 sentences: 437 pages: 17 flesch: 62 cache: ./cache/work_3rnpb5ei3feuzn2zc5m3rnpra4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3rnpb5ei3feuzn2zc5m3rnpra4.txt summary: some places faster – of the barriers to the hiring of Jewish faculty in American colleges Ivy League universities, MIT welcomed Jewish economists. Keywords: MIT, Jewish faculty, anti-Semitism, Samuelson faster – of the barriers to the hiring of Jewish faculty in American colleges and League universities, MIT welcomed Jewish economists.2 Jew, Simon Kuznets, on its tenured economics faculty (his appointment was shared probably less than 100 Jews among the college and university professors in the liberal As faculties were more open to Jews, Jewish undergraduates began to respectable university that has not welcomed to its faculty Jewish émigré scholars.''" MIT''s Unique Openness to Jewish Economics Faculty and university were remarkably open to the hiring of Jewish faculty at a time when such humanities faculty in the elite American universities, the Ivy League (Harvard, Yale, the Economics Department, the issue of Jewish faculty and their lack of "culture" could id: work_f2vnr4iplva3zihzjrrgavei4a author: Geon-Ho Bahn title: ADHD, New Developed or Newly Found : Historical Review date: 2011 words: 4391 sentences: 1072 pages: 10 flesch: 87 cache: ./cache/work_f2vnr4iplva3zihzjrrgavei4a.pdf txt: ./txt/work_f2vnr4iplva3zihzjrrgavei4a.txt summary: ADHD 치료와 연구에 가장 획기적인 내용은 1937년 Charles Bradley라는 정신과의사가 쓴 ''The behavior of children receiving benzedrine''이라는 논문에서 찾을 수 있 ADHD의 기질적 원인 분석 시도, Minimal brain 으로 가는 방안과 기존의 주의력 결핍형 대신 attention deficit disorder(ADD) 진단을 채택하는 것을 고려하고 있다. Emerson, Robert Frost, George Bernard Shaw, Henry David Thoreau, Leo Tolstoy, Tennessee Williams, The conceptual history of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: idiocy, imbecility, encephalitis and the child deviant, 1877-1929. IV ADHD and ICD 10 Hyperkinetic disorder in Croatian sample. The history of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The history of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Refining the diagnoses of inattention and overactivity syndromes: A reanalysis of the Multimodal Treatment study of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) based on ICD-10 criteria for hyperkinetic disorder. attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and the behavior of "Che" and treatment of attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder. id: work_54potqslzjgmzdy4jwcddd4epu author: George Corbett title: TheoArtistry, and a Contemporary Perspective on Composing Sacred Choral Music date: 2017 words: 14302 sentences: 873 pages: 18 flesch: 59 cache: ./cache/work_54potqslzjgmzdy4jwcddd4epu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_54potqslzjgmzdy4jwcddd4epu.txt summary: TheoArtistry, and a Contemporary Perspective on Composing Sacred Choral Music partnerships, and reflect critically on the six new works of sacred choral music that emerged (these are 5 MacMillan has also been a vocal public advocate for the important place of sacred choral music in Roman Catholic Liturgy, 151): ''I [MacMillan] believe it is God''s divine spark which kindles the musical imagination now, itself, MacMillan believes that one can come to intimacy with God: ''there''s an analogy between music 22 In this way, MacMillan distances his own theology of music and compositional language from those of his contemporary, For the innovative project Theology Through the Arts, Jeremy Begbie invited MacMillan and In the theologian-composer collaborations, the relationship between theology and music was, In The Extravagance of Music: An Art Open to God. Edited by of Music: An Art Open to God. Edited by David Brown and Gavin Hopps. God, Theology and Music. id: work_qgegmhurp5aqxb3fra2o7pi5t4 author: Glen Cairns title: Danceland: a production record date: 1996 words: 80050 sentences: 20987 pages: 158 flesch: 115 cache: ./cache/work_qgegmhurp5aqxb3fra2o7pi5t4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_qgegmhurp5aqxb3fra2o7pi5t4.txt summary: Rose comes b u r s t i n g i n from the shadows b e h i n d M u r r a y . The door swings open and Rose comes r u n n i n g i n t o the Murray, D i l l i n g e r '' s dead and you know i t . Murray and Rose plunge through the doors and run down to Murray takes h o l d o f L l o y d '' s head w i t h b o t h hands and L i l y s t a r t s t o leave the c a b i n , Murray pushes Rose Murray has brought Rose p r o d u c t i o n , i s t h a t Rose, o f f s t a g e , i s watching Murray id: work_573z3j7fzbcdhju7746q3bwa5q author: Karen Meschia title: Luise Von Flotow (ed.), Translating Women date: 2012 words: 1573 sentences: 106 pages: 5 flesch: 45 cache: ./cache/work_573z3j7fzbcdhju7746q3bwa5q.pdf txt: ./txt/work_573z3j7fzbcdhju7746q3bwa5q.txt summary: Karen Meschia, "Luise Von Flotow (ed.), Translating Women", Miranda [Online], 7 | 2012, Online since 09 Luise Von Flotow (ed.), Translating Luise Von Flotow (ed.), Translating Women (Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2011), write about ''women and translation'' again", announces the author''s programmatic 2 This idea of translation as a discursive performance enacting gender identity politics 3 Poetry features widely; almost half the essays deal either with poets in translation, such essay titles are concerned with naming; it is the identity of the translator and the 9 Two other essays, one on translations of American "chick" texts into French, the other 10 Von Flotow''s own contribution discusses translating Ulrike Meinhof''s writings. processing and writing of the feminist translator" (283). Luise Von Flotow (ed.), Translating Women Luise Von Flotow (ed.), Translating Women Luise Von Flotow (ed.), Translating Women Luise Von Flotow (ed.), Translating Women Luise Von Flotow (ed.), Translating Women Luise Von Flotow (ed.), Translating Women id: work_kxlawefyl5ggpm45a4jgbnu75m author: Kenneth Kolson title: NEH Projects Dealing with Women and Politics Themes date: 1990 words: 3922 sentences: 273 pages: 5 flesch: 49 cache: ./cache/work_kxlawefyl5ggpm45a4jgbnu75m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kxlawefyl5ggpm45a4jgbnu75m.txt summary: The Political Science Oral History Program Education Programs, National Endowment for the Humanities Humanities as an independent grantmaking agency of the federal government to support research, education, Generally, each application submitted to Endowment programs is Carey McWilliams of Rutgers University in support of various projects through which many political scientists (e.g., Joel Grossman of the University of Wisconsin, Walter Murphy Bernard Brown of the City University of New York offered a summer University has offered summer institutes designed for elementary and offered a summer seminar on "Political Cultures." The Endowment is Applicants whose projects have direct implications for public policy need to Sometimes political science applications are reviewed with history that a political scientist''s proposal to Women and Politics Research review or a generalist review, a proposal on women and politics will be support for college and university Public Humanities Projects exemplary public programs and promotes model humanities projects of id: work_rdbxjatig5fevam4loqogcl5sy author: Larise du Plessis title: Book Review date: 2011 words: 4403 sentences: 353 pages: 6 flesch: 68 cache: ./cache/work_rdbxjatig5fevam4loqogcl5sy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rdbxjatig5fevam4loqogcl5sy.txt summary: Alapack''s magnum opus on profiles of sorrow is both Alapack''s book can be who, according to Alapack, gave Death a life of its own, Alapack demonstrates how Death can be lived. idea, Alapack''s challenge is situated in the question: Alapack''s book is rich in poetry and prose. knowledge of sorrow''s profiles" (Alapack, 2010, p. Alapack starts part one by describing authentic grief Alapack conceptualises the grief process as occurring in the grief-process Alapack''s heart-full approach For Alapack, life is lived in the "Moment" and our (Throughout the book Alapack employs "Moments" for life on a Death watch" Alapack reveals his Alapack''s book makes it clear that sorrow does not within this book it is possible to accuse Alapack responsibility, then do not read Alapack''s book. During the course of the book, Alapack asks many In this case, Alapack provides his own answer: In this book Alapack provides a valuable contribution id: work_acm5o7pzeja35dhuldwdklchcu author: Laura Allred Hurtado title: Motherhood and representation at the Sackler Center for Feminist Art: Judy Chicago, Catherine Opie, Canan Senol date: 2012 words: 24779 sentences: 2284 pages: 86 flesch: 63 cache: ./cache/work_acm5o7pzeja35dhuldwdklchcu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_acm5o7pzeja35dhuldwdklchcu.txt summary: Motherhood and representation at the Sackler Center for Feminist Art: Judy Chicago, Catherine Opie, Canan Senol regarding motherhood, and the flat equation of Judy Chicago representing all secondwave feminist art is certainly problematic. and Representations of Motherhood at the Sackler Center for Feminist Art," investigates dominance The Dinner Party held in the Sackler Center for Feminist Art, Chicago''s work Opie and Senol collide at the Sackler Center for Feminist Art in a way that questions 13 Judy Chicago, "The Dinner Party," Brooklyn Museum of Art Sackler Center for Histories," Sexual Politics: Judy Chicago''s Dinner Party in Feminist Art History (Los Poltics: Judy Chicago''s Dinner Party in Feminist Art History (Los Angeles: Armand Dinner Party and "Global Feminisms" at the Sackler Center for Feminist Art? Ultimately, like Opie''s Self-PortraitlNursing, Senol''s Fountain recontextualizes the maternal breast through lactation, fragmentation, and appropriation of Sexual Politics: Judy Chicago''s Dinner Party in Feminist Art History. id: work_yjp3wyiqzzbqvpbiizpgwh3mqq author: Mark G. Bilby title: Luke-Acts: Literature date: 2019 words: 5800 sentences: 362 pages: 6 flesch: 64 cache: ./cache/work_yjp3wyiqzzbqvpbiizpgwh3mqq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_yjp3wyiqzzbqvpbiizpgwh3mqq.txt summary: general style and theological outlook, have convinced most readers that Luke''s Gospel and the Acts read Luke and Acts as one unified work. Making of Luke-Acts (1927), who also inaugurated the now-common reference "Luke-Acts" ("lukanisches Both Luke and Acts are anonymous the discussion, whether the author of Luke and Acts The view that the author of Luke and Acts was a connects the Luke of Paul''s letters to the author of Luke-Acts, every early Christian writer who (1:1–4), which is immediately followed by the parallel birth narratives of Jesus and John the Baptist ■ Dibelius, M., Studies in the Acts of the Apostles (London 1965; German original 1951). Another morality play, the 15th century Everyman, relies on Luke''s Prodigal Son both for its overall structure of an exitus-reditus journey, as well as Narratives from the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of Beside the fact that Luke-Acts make up over a id: work_nfhh36u7dnhhff6llecbd5waie author: Nancy J. Adler title: The Arts & Leadership: Now That We Can Do Anything, What Will We Do? date: 2006 words: 10909 sentences: 1003 pages: 27 flesch: 65 cache: ./cache/work_nfhh36u7dnhhff6llecbd5waie.pdf txt: ./txt/work_nfhh36u7dnhhff6llecbd5waie.txt summary: coach managers and executives to maintain unreasonable expectations (their translation of hope into business parlance), reminding them that no company or society • Why else would a Harvard Business School professor have chosen to collaborate with a theatre director in 2003 to author the book Artful Making: What Managers Need to Know About How Artists Work (Austin & Devin, Forty-nine of the 100 largest economies in the world are now multinational companies, not countries.15 With the shifting balance of power, the old assumption that government would take care of society''s welfare is no longer valid either for business or Examples of business leaders using arts-based approaches are only now As we enter the 21st century, leaders recognize that we cannot create financially successful companies and an equitable, peaceful, sustainable world by simply current century, Harvard Business School Press published The Art of Possibility, coauthored by Benjamin Zander, the conductor of the Boston Philharmonic (Zander & id: work_rc7ce7jkhvbv7bauvyry4qevl4 author: Peter Willis title: ''Practice Story Exchanges'' and their Creative Invitation to Informal Learning date: 2013 words: 776 sentences: 187 pages: flesch: 63 cache: ./cache/work_rc7ce7jkhvbv7bauvyry4qevl4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rc7ce7jkhvbv7bauvyry4qevl4.txt summary: ''Practice Story Exchanges'' and their Creative Invitation to Informal Learning | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 38092143''Practice Story Exchanges'' and their Creative Invitation to Informal Learning title={''Practice Story Exchanges'' and their Creative Invitation to Informal Learning}, Sort by Most Influenced Papers Adult Education and Sustainable Learning Outcome of Rural Widows of Central Northern Nigeria Teaching Computers to Adults: The Case Study of the State Institutes of Further Education in Cyprus Transformative Learning and Technology in Adult and Vocational Education Inviting Learning: An Exhibition of Risk and Enrichment in Adult Education Practice. Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License id: work_zuge22jlgfhsrjqewqd6mjadwu author: Robyn Groves title: Fictions of the self : studies in female modernism : Jean Rhys, Gertrude Stein and Djuna Barnes date: 1987 words: 139716 sentences: 29055 pages: 275 flesch: 104 cache: ./cache/work_zuge22jlgfhsrjqewqd6mjadwu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_zuge22jlgfhsrjqewqd6mjadwu.txt summary: Modernists: Jean Rhys, Gertrude Stein and Djuna Barnes. female autobiographical writing, I discuss key male writers, Andre Gide and Colette, and to works by women based heart of t h i s t h e s i s , Rhys, Stein and Barnes are also l i n k i n g to consider ways in which gender informs a writer''s work. the emphasis i s on the woman writer and the female text. Self-consciousness i n women''s autobiographical writing As I plan to show, Rhys, Stein and Barnes were writing To assess properly the work of Rhys, Stein and Barnes, Rhys, Stein and Barnes are such newly empowered women of the These women in Rhys'' novels "share a central nervous If Rochester in Rhys'' novel i s one world, then Antoinette Rhys, Stein and Barnes are, I suggest, writers of writers as Rhys, Stein and Barnes centres on the idea that, id: work_eon6dhehqjfm3lsadfjxxhy7ty author: Roger Neil Cameron title: New Alignments in Ritual, Ceremony and Celebration date: 2018 words: 52661 sentences: 2873 pages: 152 flesch: 58 cache: ./cache/work_eon6dhehqjfm3lsadfjxxhy7ty.pdf txt: ./txt/work_eon6dhehqjfm3lsadfjxxhy7ty.txt summary: designing new kinds of rituals, ceremonies and celebrations – I have sought ways of the community interface needed to create new and effective rituals that can work in the faced by serious designers of new ritual, ceremony and celebration is to understand that The new language and ideas for structuring ritual, ceremony and celebration that I understand new rituals and celebrations and be able to design meaningful ceremonies others might use to design new ritual which will transform and protect the participants Before designing new rituals and events that include participants who are operating in in new ritual and celebrations, and that the structures and symbols drawn upon will Life in a community context of new ritual design? community participating in rituals or celebrations involving transcendence must be fully This being the case, designers of new ritual and celebration need to concentrate process examples that should help designers of new ritual and celebration to produce events that id: work_h2skrzmbv5clnddvstwk74cfmq author: Sandra L. Bertman title: Reflections date: 2014 words: 959 sentences: 266 pages: 1 flesch: 49 cache: ./cache/work_h2skrzmbv5clnddvstwk74cfmq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_h2skrzmbv5clnddvstwk74cfmq.txt summary: Metaphors do not solve problems as much as uncover them, all the while inviting reflective practice. Annals of Behavioral Science and Medical Education ©2014 by the Association for the Behavioral Sciences and Medical Education I enter, first time wearing my medical school shirt Interview day arrives, my sweat is heavy, bullets falling So many possible questions to be asked, so many answers THE question I am calm now, no more bullets Here come the bullets Disrespect is invisible, comparisons are formless Casual conversation leads to MCAT score discussion My colleague begins to form a thought, a response Surely, it will be in keeping with this casual and harmless "Well, it''s a good thing you''re Mexican, I''m sure that helped Judgment is well alive, Assumptions are of matter, Comparisons take form /PreserveOPIComments false /PDFX1aCheck false /PDFXCompliantPDFOnly false De gemaakte PDF-documenten kunnen worden geopend met Acrobat en Adobe Reader 6.0 en hoger.) id: work_wpv3eviyczdtlg4cs5rc5plxwy author: Thomas A. More title: The Structure of Recreation Behavior date: 2003 words: 10533 sentences: 932 pages: 12 flesch: 54 cache: ./cache/work_wpv3eviyczdtlg4cs5rc5plxwy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wpv3eviyczdtlg4cs5rc5plxwy.txt summary: Our focus is on the structure of recreation activities-the way the behavior itself is organized and the factors that is that recreation activities are actuaIly behavioral constructionsorganizations of more elemental actions, thoughts, and feelings-that participants create for themselves around goals of varying specificity. Such organization continues, with individual activities forming patterns within a person''s life, in service of attaining broad higher order goals such as health and happiness. function(s) does recreation behavior (or activity participation) serve within These biologically based pleasures form one cornerstone of the intrinsic rewards associated with recreation and leisure and provide a link between the organizational structure of the behavior and the nature of the associated experience. Recreation research has explored some of these systems more thoroughly than, others, but all are likely to play a role in explaining particular activities. Social enabling mechanisms are the organizations and related individuals that support specific recreation activities. id: work_hv6yspvsnfhdrocjxbxtybtcfq author: Tiffany T.E. Johnstone title: Frontiers of philosophy and flesh : mapping conceptual metaphor in women''s frontier revival literature, 1880-1930 date: 2012 words: 100290 sentences: 5342 pages: 333 flesch: 53 cache: ./cache/work_hv6yspvsnfhdrocjxbxtybtcfq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hv6yspvsnfhdrocjxbxtybtcfq.txt summary: Canadian and American female frontier revival authors that epitomize the way that women writers join on conceptual metaphor and frame theory to study the travelling body in frontier revival literature. frontier revival literature by men (Garland; Murray; Ralph) represents ideas of cultural progress and location are important in travel literature because authors convey ideas of cultural progress according to conceptual metaphor by female frontier revival authors helps to explain how women re-negotiate description of the individual body of a typical American male traveller as gaining Bodily/SelfControl over a new Location/State of American progress through a struggle in the wilderness. eastern female travelling body in the frontier revival represents entry into ideas of cultural important to restore and study the work of women frontier revival authors whose physical travels frontier revival literature and discuss how women authors use representations of the eastern female id: work_feo66qdrkbhwdilmytrqflejwe author: Timothy B. Powell title: GIBAGADINAMAAGOOM: AN OJIBWE DIGITAL ARCHIVE date: 2017 words: 4865 sentences: 209 pages: 13 flesch: 44 cache: ./cache/work_feo66qdrkbhwdilmytrqflejwe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_feo66qdrkbhwdilmytrqflejwe.txt summary: "Gibagadinamaagoom: An Ojibwe Digital Archive," The project is devoted to studying how digital technology can bring Native American Archive" is a collaboration between four tribal and community colleges: Leech Lake Director of American Indian Studies at Itasca Community College and Tribal Historian of languages, digital images of museum and archival holdings, and videos of Ojibwe elders. • expand the community of "digital humanities scholars" to include Ojibwe • provide new models for collaboration in digital humanities projects. for the Gibagadinamaagoom archive is Ojibwe high school students participating in an Lake Tribal College to allow students to build their own digital exhibits. archive over to the Ojibwe people, the interrelated problems of access, sustainability, and Ojibwe wisdom-keepers who worked at tribal and community colleges (Larry Aitken, The current NEH Digital Humanities Start-Up grant allowed for long-term developing metadata for digital objects in the archive and allowing Ojibwe partners to 4 "Ask the Elders" on Gibagadinamaagoom digital archive. id: work_o57bywdeq5htpe3qnefv5cxlya author: Vijay Rajput title: Ek yatra, anupreksha aur Karuna ki [A journey of care and compassion] date: 2020 words: 216 sentences: 40 pages: 2 flesch: 73 cache: ./cache/work_o57bywdeq5htpe3qnefv5cxlya.pdf txt: ./txt/work_o57bywdeq5htpe3qnefv5cxlya.txt summary: Pandemic Virtuosity Vijay Rajput, MD, FACP, SFHM Ek yatra, anupreksha aur Karuna ki [A journey of care and compassion] Chair, Department of Medical Education, Professor, Medical Education, NSU, Florida Corresponding Author: Dr Vijay Rajput Department of Medical Education, Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine, Nova Southeastern University, Florida, USA email: vrajput @ Cite this article as: Rajput V. Ek yatra, anupreksha aur Karuna ki [A journey of care and compassion]. RHiME. Received: 20­APR­2020 Accepted: 21­APR­2020 Published Online: 24­APR­2020 This artwork was created as a tribute to all healthcare workers on frontlines For your selfless helping of patients and the community of global villages during the pandemic, I offer my gratitude and Or help one fainting robin I shall not live in vain." I shall not live in vain." by Emily Dickenson; Not in Vain Figure 2: Healthcare Worker Healthcare Worker Pandemic Pandemic 63 63 ==== questions ==== search ==== topic modeling corpus Zipping study carrel