id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-4398 Edwardian era - Wikipedia .html text/html 9144 988 65 This perception was created in the 1920s and later by those who remembered the Edwardian age with nostalgia, looking back to their childhoods across the abyss of the Great War.[3] The Edwardian age was also seen as a mediocre period of pleasure between the great achievements of the preceding Victorian age and the catastrophe of the following war.[4] Recent assessments emphasise the great differences between the wealthy and the poor during this period and describe the age as heralding great changes in political and social life.[2][5] Historian Lawrence James has argued that the leaders felt increasingly threatened by rival powers such as Germany, Russia, and the United States.[6] Nevertheless, the sudden arrival of world war in summer 1914 was largely unexpected, except for the Royal Navy, because it had been prepared and ready for war. ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-4398.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-4398.txt