id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-4509 Mystery play - Wikipedia .html text/html 3157 337 69 Miracle plays, or Saint's plays, are now distinguished from mystery plays as they specifically re-enacted miraculous interventions by the saints, particularly St. Nicholas or St. Mary, into the lives of ordinary people, rather than biblical events;[16] however both of these terms are more commonly used by modern scholars than they were by medieval people, who used a wide variety of terminology to refer to their dramatic performances. The local cycles were revived in both York and Chester in 1951 as part of the Festival of Britain, and are still performed by the local guilds.[19] The N-Town cycle was revived in 1978 as the Lincoln mystery plays, In 2001, the Isango Ensemble produced an African version of the Chester Cycle at the Garrick Theatre in London as The Mysteries – Yiimimangaliso, performing in a combination of the Xhosa language, the Zulu language, English, Latin and Afrikaans. Modern mysteries: contemporary productions of medieval English cycle dramas. ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-4509.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-4509.txt