id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-5791 Church (building) - Wikipedia .html text/html 3881 568 66 Sometimes it is used as an analogy for the buildings of other religions.[1] In traditional Christian architecture the plan view of a church often forms a Christian cross; the center aisle and seating representing the vertical beam with the bema and altar forming the horizontal. In Greek, the adjective kyriak-ós/-ē/-ón (κυριακόν) means "belonging, or pertaining, to a Kyrios" ("Lord"), and the usage was adopted by early Christians of the Eastern Mediterranean with regard to anything pertaining to Jesus Christ: hence "Kyriakós oíkos" (Kυριακός οίκος) ("house of the Lord", church), "Kyriakē" (Κυριακή) ("[the day] of the Lord", i.e. Sunday), or "Kyriakē proseukhē" (Greek: Κυριακή προσευχή) (the "Lord's Prayer").[2] Main article: Architecture of cathedrals and great churches A cathedral is a church, usually Catholic, Anglican, Oriental Orthodox or Eastern Orthodox, housing the seat of a bishop. Architecture of cathedrals and great churches Architecture of cathedrals and great churches Church building (Christians) ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-5791.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-5791.txt