id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-7866 Mock-heroic - Wikipedia .html text/html 1856 137 67 Mock-heroic, mock-epic or heroi-comic works are typically satires or parodies that mock common Classical stereotypes of heroes and heroic literature. The most likely genesis for the mock-heroic, as distinct from the picaresque, burlesque, and satirical poem is the comic poem Hudibras (1662–1674), by Samuel Butler. This formal indication of satire proved to separate one form of mock-heroic from the others. Poet Laureate John Dryden is responsible for some of the dominance among satirical genres of the mock-heroic in the later Restoration era. After Dryden, the form continued to flourish, and there are countless minor mock-heroic poems from 1680 to 1780. The most significant later mock-heroic poems were by Alexander Pope. Pope's The Rape of the Lock is a noted example of the Mock-Heroic style; indeed, Pope never deviates from mimicking epic poetry such as Homer's Iliad and Virgil's Aeneid . Further discussion of Mock-Heroic style of The Rape of the Lock ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-7866.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-7866.txt