id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-7881 Nobel Prize in Literature - Wikipedia .html text/html 10371 1105 71 By April, the Academy narrows the field to around twenty candidates.[21] By May, a short list of five names is approved by the Committee.[21] The next four months are spent in reading and reviewing the works of the five candidates.[21] In October, members of the Academy vote and the candidate who receives more than half of the votes is named the Nobel laureate in Literature. From 1986 the Academy acknowledged the international horizon in Nobel's will, which rejected any consideration for the nationality of the candidates, and awarded authors from all over the world such as Wole Soyinka from Nigeria, Naguib Mahfouz from Egypt, Octavio Paz from Mexico, Nadine Gordimer from South Africa, Derek Walcott from St. Lucia, Toni Morrison, the first African-American on the list, Kenzaburo Oe from Japan, and Gao Xingjian, the first laureate to write in Chinese.[19] In the 2000s V. ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-7881.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-7881.txt