id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-8168 Pastoral - Wikipedia .html text/html 6854 564 64 Pastoral literature continued after Hesiod with the poetry of the Hellenistic Greek Theocritus, several of whose Idylls are set in the countryside (probably reflecting the landscape of the island of Cos where the poet lived) and involve dialogues between herdsmen.[6] Theocritus may have drawn on authentic folk traditions of Sicilian shepherds. In Spain, Garcilaso de la Vega was an important pioneer and his motifs find themselves renewed in the 20th-century Spanish-language poet Giannina Braschi (Empire of Dreams (poetry collection)).[9][10] In Braschi's Pastoral; or the Inquisition of Memories,[11] shepherds from the Spanish Golden Age invade modern day New York City.[12] There are philosophical and comedic vignettes in Braschi's pastoral poems, including traffic jams caused by flocks of sheep, pigs, and cows grazing on 5th Avenue, while their shepherds take over the Empire State Building to sing and dance.[13] Braschi's work references the pastoral poetry of Miguel de Cervantes,[10] who in the prologue to his work The Galatea mentions his displeasure in unrealistic portrayals of shepherds in bucolic literature.[14] ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-8168.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-8168.txt