id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-8467 Eadmer - Wikipedia .html text/html 2010 278 64 He is known for being a contemporary biographer of his archbishop and companion, Saint Anselm, in his Vita Anselmi,[2] and for his Historia novorum in Anglia, which presents the public face of Anselm. The fact that the doctrine spread throughout England and France throughout the Twelfth Century may have been largely, and ironically, due to the mis-attribution of Eadmer's De Conceptione Sanctae Mariae to Anselm's authorship.[6][7] It was first edited by John Selden in 1623 and, with Eadmer's Vita Anselmi, was edited by Martin Rule for the Rolls Series (London, 1884).[4] R. W. Southern re-edited Vita Anselmi in 1963 with a facing page translation, and Geoffrey Bosanquet translated the Rolls text of Historia Novorum in 1964. ^ Some older authorities gave earlier dates for his death; at page 291 of "Early Scottish Charters, Prior to 1153", Sir Archibald Campbell Lawrie (editor), Glasgow, 1910, Published by James Maclehose and Sons, Glasgow, 1905, it is stated that Eadmer died on 13 January 1123. ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-8467.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-8467.txt