id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-9487 Thomas Dekker (writer) - Wikipedia .html text/html 2788 237 70 Thomas Dekker (writer) Wikipedia In the latter half of the decade, Dekker turned once more to pamphlet-writing, revamping old work and writing a new preface to his most popular tract, The Bellman of London. Dekker His Dreame (1620) is a long poem describing his despairing confinement; he contributed six prison-based sketches to the sixth edition (1616) of Sir Thomas Overbury's Characters; and he revised Lanthorne and Candlelight to reflect what he had learned in prison. – 'The Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker', In 4 Volumes – Cambridge University Press – 1961 – 'The Dragon and the Dove: The Plays of Thomas Dekker' – Oxford: Clarendon – 1990. The Plague Pamphlets of Thomas Dekker. Wikiquote has quotations related to: Thomas Dekker (writer) Works by Thomas Dekker at Project Gutenberg Works by or about Thomas Dekker at Internet Archive Plays by Thomas Dekker Wikipedia articles with LCCN identifiers ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-9487.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-9487.txt