id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt www-luminarium-org-745 English Literature: Restoration and 18th-Century (1660-1785) .html text/html 149 22 80 English Literature: Restoration and 18th-Century (1660-1785) Introduction | Samuel Butler | John Dryden | Samuel Pepys | John Bunyan | Aphra Behn John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester | Anne Kingsmill Finch, Countess of Winchilsea | Mary Astell William Congreve | Matthew Prior | Daniel Defoe | John Gay | Lady Mary Wortley Montagu Jonathan Swift | Joseph Addison | Sir Richard Steele | James Thomson | Alexander Pope Dr. Samuel Johnson | Thomas Gray | William Collins | Christopher Smart | Oliver Goldsmith George Crabbe | William Cowper | James Boswell | Essays and Articles | Additional Sources 1996-2011 Anniina Jokinen. All Rights Reserved. Created May 10, 2002. Last updated August 21, 2011. "Introduction" is copyright © 1998, W. W. Norton & Company; it is a link to Norton Topics Online. Art: Caesar van Everdingen: The Four Muses with Pegasus, c. Huis ten Bosch, The Hague. ./cache/www-luminarium-org-745.html ./txt/www-luminarium-org-745.txt